10:15pm MST
Musical Interlude: Michael Bolton, “When I'm Back On My Feet Again”
Michael Bolton, “When I'm Back On My Feet Again” -http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=114QK3SVqyk *Don’t give up!* Don’t you dare give up... a better day *is* coming... - CP
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The dust sculptures of the Eagle Nebula are evaporating. As powerful starlight whittles away these cool cosmic mountains, the statuesque pillars that remain might be imagined as mythical beasts. Pictured above is one of several striking dust pillars of the Eagle Nebula that might be described as a gigantic alien fairy. This fairy, however, is ten light years tall and spews radiation much hotter than common fire. * Click image for larger size.* The greater Eagle Nebula, M16, is actually a giant evaporating shell of gas and dust inside of which is a growing cavity filled with a spec... more »
HATE = Highly Ambitious Terrorism Enterprise
The recent hate campaign of the Neo Republicans threatens the citizens of planet Earth in so many ways that it is difficult to see the big picture. It appears that the stars on the Republican Elephant appeared around year 2000, and became noticeable around 2006. Seems odd to me, in the light, that they remained upright for 5000 years. This symbol was found in the potsherds in the Urok period of Babylon. from 3500 BC, It also appears in ancient Egyption hieroglyphics, as well as in Rome and Greece. The Pythagoreans called this pentagram Hygieia, representing health, welness, an... more »
Understanding Trump
This passage from Ross Douthat caught my eye: Writing for Slate last week, Jamelle Bouie argued that Trumpism, however ideologically inchoate, manifests at least seven of the hallmarks of fascism identified by the Italian polymath Umberto Eco. They include: a cult of action, a celebration of aggressive masculinity, an intolerance of criticism, a fear of difference and outsiders, a pitch to the frustrations of the lower middle class, an intense nationalism and resentment at national humiliation, and a “popular elitism” that promises every citizen that they’re part of “the best people... more »
Photos Rights of Nature Tribunal Paris
Photos by Pennie Opal Plant Dec. 4 -- 5, 2015 Schedule and more: http://therightsofnature.org/rights-of-nature-tribunal-paris/
"All The Days..."
"Whenever, in the course of a daily hunt, the hunter comes upon a scene that is strikingly beautiful, or sublime; a black thundercloud with the rainbow's glowing arch above the mountain, a white waterfall in the heart of a green gorge, a vast prairie tinged with the bood-red of the sunset; he pauses for an instant in the attitude of worship. He sees no need for setting apart one day in seven as a holy day, because to him all the days are God's days." - Ohiyesa, a/k/a Charles Alexander Eastman, Santee Sioux
The Islamic State Consolidates Its Territory In Libya
*Voice Herald:* *Up to 3000 Islamic State fighters in Libya — UN experts* The Libyan city of Sirte is the first to fall to IS outside Iraq and Syria with the armed Islamist group profiting from the chaos that has followed the fall of Moamer Kadhafi. The group has also stopped insisting Muslims travel to Syria to join its caliphate and is instead suggesting recruits go to Libya instead. The European Union is concerned that the southern islands are only a couple hundred miles from Libya. Over the past year, ISIS has been deepening its presence in Sirte, a city along Libya's north... more »
Did The NRA Order Paul Ryan To Grow His New Beard?
*Ryan's beard is different from Lindsey Graham's beard or Patrick McHenry's beard* The *New Republic* has commented on the fact Ryan hasn't shaved in a few days and has a scruffy look. They didn't mention that he has blood on his hands for facilitating the NRA's murderous agenda but wondered if "Ryan’s beard is a result of his relentless, sleep-in-the-office work ethic, or if it’s just an effort to reach out to younger voters with a newer, hipper image. If it’s the former, that’s bleak but respectable. If it’s the latter, perhaps Ryan should next consider adding some gingham and a m... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Sadist Next Door”
* “The Sadist Next Door”* by Chet Raymo “The current TLS (“Times Literary Supplement”) has an absorbing review of American Historian Joel Harrington's book on the manuscript diary of a 16th-century German executioner, Franz Schmidt of Nuremberg. Remarkably, Schmidt kept a full record of the criminals he executed, the crimes they perpetrated, and the gruesome ways they met their fate. It is a tale that would chill most 21st-century readers. Hangings, beheadings, burnings at the stake, and breakings with the wheel. In the latter custom, a heavy cartwheel is dropped onto the person to... more »
South Sudan Rebel Group Does Not Have Enough Money To Transport Their Soldiers As Per Their Peace Agreement
*Bloomberg:* *South Sudan Rebels' Peace Trip Stalls on Air-Ticket Costs* * Insurgents' return part of process to end two-year civil war * Rebel says they've asked international mediators to cover cost South Sudan’s rebels say they’d love to return to the capital after months of talks at high-end hotels in foreign countries and join a government to end a bloody civil war. They just can’t afford the 550 plane tickets. Transporting such a large pack of insurgents back to government-controlled Juba to enact a transition plan is expensive and they’re asking East African mediators as wel... more »
Dec. 4: Liar, liar, pants on fire....
Yesterday, the Irving press carried the story that the province's chief medical officer, Dr. Cleary, had been put on leave against her will, had been forbidden to say anything about it. The digging Irving reporters let it go at that. The same day, and before press time, CBC news announced the possibility that the reason may have been because Dr. Cleary was doing research on the possible dangers of a herbicide called glyphosate. Experts commonly regard it as a potent force in spreading cancer and other severe ailments. You can well imagine what effect it has on the birds and animals ... more »
Tonight's Movie Is 'The Desert Fox: The Story of Rommel' (1951)
From *Wikipedia:* The Desert Fox is a 1951 biographical film about Field Marshal Erwin Rommel in the later stages of the Second World War. It stars James Mason in the title role, was directed by Henry Hathaway, and was based on the book Rommel by Brigadier Desmond Young, who served in the Indian Army in North Africa.
Environmental Terrorists Meet In Paris? (Story of the 1% - You Better Sit Down, Kids) The Buying of Paul Ryan (Call Them Nazis or Rabid Dogs and Be Praised?) No Price Exacted for Touting Iraq War (Ted Cruz A Pretender - Not Crazy) Tricky Dick Stoned
Killer Drone News Blackout Continues - Mainstream Media Ignore Four Whistleblowers Environmental Terrorists Meet in Paris - World “Leaders” Hold World Hostage, No Release Seen Soon COP21 stands for the 21st session of the Conference of Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), an international treaty established in 1992 (at the Rio Earth Summit) “to
Explanation Of ISIS In One Sentence By Mid East Architect
Lebanese writer, political commentator and architect Karl Sharro, provides a concise explanation of the rise of ISIS in a sentence contained within a tweet. Vox Media reports: Sharro’s tweet is, first and foremost, a brutal satire of simple explanations of ISIS’s rise — like Thomas Piketty‘s somewhat silly claim that ISIS is the result of economic inequality. ISIS is a multifaceted problem that arose from a number of deeply ingrained issues in the Arab world. It defies the simple one-line explanations that pundits like to gravitate toward. Yet it’s also a really cogent, concise expl... more »
Ashton Carter Betrays Military Women and Combat Effectiveness
[image: 100806-M-0301S-111 U.S. Marine Cpl. Mary E. Walls (right), an ammunition technician, and linguist Sahar, both with a female engagement team, patrol with 1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment in Musa Qa'leh, Afghanistan, on Aug. 6, 2010. Walls and other female engagement team members patrolled local compounds around the district center to establish relationships with local people and talk with the women of the area in support of the International Security Assistance Force. DoD photo by Cpl. Lindsay L. Sayres, U.S. Marine Corps. (Released)] Yesterday Secretary of Defense Ashton Ca... more »
Meet The Female Jihadist Who Pledged ‘Allegiance to ISIS Leader’ and Helped Kill 14 Human Beings in San Bernardino
[image: tashfeen_malik_900 float_jc_151204_12x5_1600-640x480 copy__1449274376_173.71.16.53] We didn’t know where the picture of Tashfeen Malik was. Now we do. Late on Friday, ABC News revealed this photo of the female jihadist who, along with her husband Syed Farook, murdered 14 people in San Bernardino, California. We... Continue reading *“Meet The Female Jihadist Who Pledged ‘Allegiance to ISIS Leader’ and Helped Kill 14 Human Beings in San Bernardino”* at *dailywire.com*.
Why the Planned Parenthood and San Bernardino Shootings are Not Alike
[image: terrorism - 400] It's never a good idea to jump to conclusions. That seems like a rather silly thing to say in the days of instantaneous reaction. But a government official did tell CNN that the San Bernardino shooters had "overseas communications and associations"... Continue reading *“Why the Planned Parenthood and San Bernardino Shootings are Not Alike”* at *thefederalist.com*.
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 3, 2015
Mario Anzuoni / Reuters *David A. Graham, The Atlantic*:* ISIS in America* *News that Tashfeen Malik pledged allegiance to ISIS likely explains what motivated the San Bernardino attackers—but it raises other questions.* Authorities say ISIS has made it to America. Multiple news organizations reported Friday morning that Tashfeen Malik, one of the two shooters in Wednesday’s massacre in San Bernardino, California, pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, on Facebook in the midst of the attack. Assuming the report holds true, it likely answers one central ques... more »
You Need A Drone To See The Bigger Picture
Drone technology has evolved in recent years leading to a multitude of applications for the remote control aircraft. Drones can be purchased easily online and with a little practice and training can give advantages to their users that are dimensionally different. 4daysin reports: Current Consumer Uses for Drones The current consumer use of drones have been very eye opening to say the least in terms of advantages they can provide to the public. Although the public has been informed in regards to the Amazon delivery service with drones or the capabilities drones can provide for filmin... more »
South Korea Completely Subordinated to U.S.
Our Veterans For Peace (VFP) delegation had a busy day in Gangjeong village on Jeju Island, South Korea yesterday as we helped blocked the Navy base gate for a couple hours throughout the day and had two briefings from activist and village leaders. In the photo above our delegation (minus Col. Ann Wright who arrives today) is joined by Brother Song (front row left) and village international team members Sung-Hee Cho and MiYoung (center). Brother Song is a leader of the international peace group called The Frontiers and has been working in the village for several years. When the ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Thanks for stopping by.
The Poet: W. B. Yeats, “These Are The Clouds”
*“These Are The Clouds”* “These are the clouds about the fallen sun, The majesty that shuts his burning eye: The weak lay hand on what the strong has done, Till that be tumbled that was lifted high And discord follow upon unison, And all things at one common level lie. And therefore, friend, if your great race were run And these things came, so much the more thereby Have you made greatness your companion, Although it be for children that you sigh: These are the clouds about the fallen sun, The majesty that shuts his burning eye.” - W. B. Yeats
World News Briefs -- December 4, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*Reuters:* *FBI investigating California massacre as 'act of terrorism'* The FBI is investigating this week's massacre of 14 people by a married couple in California as an "act of terrorism," officials said on Friday, noting that the female shooter had pledged allegiance to a leader of the militant group Islamic State. Tashfeen Malik, 27, a native of Pakistan who lived in Saudi Arabia for more than 20 years, and her U.S.-born husband, Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, were killed in a shootout with police hours after the Wednesday attack during a holiday party at the Inland Regional Center ... more »
South Sudan Rebel Group Does Not Have Enough Money To Transport Their Soldiers As Per Their Peace Agreement
*Bloomberg:* *South Sudan Rebels' Peace Trip Stalls on Air-Ticket Costs* * Insurgents' return part of process to end two-year civil war * Rebel says they've asked international mediators to cover cost South Sudan’s rebels say they’d love to return to the capital after months of talks at high-end hotels in foreign countries and join a government to end a bloody civil war. They just can’t afford the 550 plane tickets. Transporting such a large pack of insurgents back to government-controlled Juba to enact a transition plan is expensive and they’re asking East African mediators as wel... more »
"Let Us Prepare..."
"The world is a thing of utter inordinate complexity and richness and strangeness that is absolutely awesome. I mean the idea that such complexity can arise not only out of such simplicity, but probably absolutely out of nothing, is the most fabulous extraordinary idea. And once you get some kind of inkling of how that might have happened, it's just wonderful. And… the opportunity to spend 70 or 80 years of your life in such a universe is time well spent as far as I am concerned.” "Let us think the unthinkable, let us do the undoable, let us prepare to grapple with the ineffable it... more »
The Economy: "Are ALL Men Really Created Equal?"
*"Are ALL Men Really Created Equal?"* by Bill Bonner WATERFORD – "We are sitting at a restaurant next to Waterford harbor. This is where thousands of desperate emigrants assembled for the trip to America. But during the famine in Ireland and the Highland Clearances in Scotland, passage across the Atlantic was as likely to be a ticket to a watery grave as to a better life. Death rates were as high as 30% – earning the vessels the name “coffin ships.” If the emigrants made it to the U.S. or Canada, their prospects improved. Their children or grandchildren might grow up to be presiden... more »
OPEC Deeply Divided On Oil Production Cuts. Today's Meeting Ends In Acrimony
*OilPrice.com:* *Crude Tanks As OPEC Refrains From Cutting Production* Given it is ‘National Dice Day’, it is apt that OPEC has left it to chance how the market will react to an adjustment to its production quota. The cartel appears to be setting an output ceiling of 31.5 million barrels per day, as opposed to the prior arbitrary quota of 30 million. This does not mean the cartel is raising production; it is instead putting its production target more in line with reality. Nonetheless, the market wonders whether this includes new member Indonesia, or whether it is to account for im... more »
CAIR Director: U.S. ‘Partially to Blame’ for San Bernardino Jihad
[image: Hussam - 400] The United States is "partially" responsible for a jihadi massacre on Wednesday in San Bernardino, California, carried out by Islamic State loyalists who killed 14 and wounding dozens more, Hussam Ayloush, the Los Angeles Director of the Council on American-Islamic... Continue reading *“CAIR Director: U.S. ‘Partially to Blame’ for San Bernardino Jihad”* at *breitbart.com*.
CSOs and State 24, Mark Zuckerberg and Charity
Another civil society and volunteerism in action. Giving away one's own money, not other people's money collected by force. *"Mark Zuckerberg and his wife pledged to give away virtually all of their $46 billion in Facebook Inc. shares, setting a new philanthropic benchmark by committing their massive fortune to charitable causes while still in their early 30s.... promising to donate 99 percent of their stock in the social-networking company "during our lives."* *"Mark Zuckerberg announced Tuesday that he's giving away 99% of his Facebook shares — valued at $45 billion today —during... more »
Porche’s Mission E May Be A Challenge To Tesla’s Electric Sports Car
Porsche is to launch a high-performance electric car based on the Mission E concept car, by 2019. Business Insider UK reports: When it reaches market, the Mission E is slated to challenge Tesla’s award-winning Model S for top honors in the electric car arena. “With Mission E, we are making a clear statement about the future of the brand,” Porsche supervisory board chairman Dr. Wolfgang Porsche said in a statement. “Even in a greatly changing motoring world, Porsche will maintain its front-row position with this fascinating sports car.” The company says it is investing more than $76... more »
Obama: US Has ‘Never Been More Protected’ from ISIS
[image: Obama] President Obama expressed confidence in an interview that aired Thursday that the U.S. is on guard against a Paris-style attack by the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). “What I try to do is to make sure that people... Continue reading *“Obama: US Has ‘Never Been More Protected’ from ISIS”* at *thehill.com*.
Conservative Christians, It’s Hail Mary Time in American Politics
[image: Long football pass compressed] There is very little "decent middle" left in American life. The store of shared values between faithful Christians and everyone else is shrinking by the day, as the cultural left escalates its demands and dares more degrading and ruthless tactics. As... more »
How 49ers, Giants Started Postgame Prayer Tradition 25 Years Ago
[image: Giants praying] Against that acrimonious backdrop, 49ers chaplain Pat Richie and Giants chaplain Dave Bratton arranged for the first joint postgame prayer in NFL history. They didn’t know it at the time, but the act would become ingrained into the fiber of... Continue reading *“How 49ers, Giants Started Postgame Prayer Tradition 25 Years Ago”* at *espn.go.com*.
Fred Upton Delivered Big Time For Big Energy Special Interests
There aren't worst Big Energy whores in Congress than Fred Upton and Joe "Oily Joe" Barton Our old nemesis-- and by "our" I mean planet Earth's, the *L.A. Times* explaining that his "disdain for green regulation, he represents one of the biggest threats to planet Earth on planet Earth"-- got his energy bill passed yesterday. Upton's H.R. 8, the North American Energy Security and Infrastructure Act, passed the House 249-174, only 3 Republicans (libertarian leaning GOPers Justin Amash, Walter Jones and Thomas Massie) voting against it... although 9 worthless DINOs crossed the aisle in ... more »
Jan Aldrich, Barry Greenwood and the Ramey Memo
Jan Aldrich seemed to be upset that we are attempting to read the Ramey memo and has likened the effort to that of the promoters of the Not Roswell Slides. I fear that he has misunderstood our mission or maybe he assigned his own beliefs to what he thinks we are doing as opposed to what we are actually doing, but the point is that this is nothing like the fiasco that is the Not Roswell Slides. We have not expressed a point of view about what the message says… Oh, sure, David Rudiak believes that it is a classified document that might hold important information, but that is not the d... more »
What to Do in an Active Shooter Situation
[image: shooter and victim] It's a sad fact of life in the 21st century that active shootings have become a regular occurrence in the United States. In other parts of the world, terrorist groups are using active shootings to, well, terrorize. While the media... Continue reading *“What to Do in an Active Shooter Situation”* at *artofmanliness.com*.
FBI: California Shooting Investigated as Act of Terrorism
[image: Two women comfort each other near the scene of a shooting outside a Southern California social services center in San Bernardino, Calif., where one or more gunmen opened fire, shooting multiple people on Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2015. Authorities are trying to determine a motive for Wednesday's deadly shootings at a social services center for the disabled, which could include workplace violence or terrorism. (KNBC via AP) TV OUT] SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. (AP) -- The FBI announced Friday that it is investigating the mass shooting in Southern California as an act of terrorism, while ... more »
Donald Trump On ISIS: ‘Take Out Their Families’
Billionaire Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump said on Wednesday that he would ‘take out’ the families of terrorists in order to win the fight against ISIS. Trump told Fox News: “When you get these terrorists, you have to take out their families.” Doubling down on his earlier claims that he would “bomb the sh*t out” of the terrorist group, the real estate mogul insisted he “would knock the hell out ISIS.” NBC News reports: Asked during a Fox News interview about civilian casualties in the fight against the terror group, Trump replied that terrorists are “using them as sh... more »
Extinction Goes Glam
Following is the transcript for the 18th Dispatch from the Endocene, which will air on Extinction Radio. Thanks so much for producing Extinction Radio, Gene - and welcome listeners, to the 18th Dispatch from the Endocene. In conjunction with the Paris Climate talks, the Discovery Channel has broadcast a film called *Racing Extinction*. It is no doubt a well-intentioned effort, and a cinematic dazzle - but for all that, it unwittingly embodies the very human blindness that imminently condemns our species - and most others - to the dustbin of evolution. According to a review in ... more »
Can I Bring You Back to Life?
In many ways, Scott Weiland, former front man for the Stone Temple Pilots, was a rock and roll cliche. Even before the band's breakthrough CD, *Core*, came out, it was as if he was checking off a list drawn up by so many of his predecessors: Write and sing some hits, check. Get millions of fans to adore me, check. Die of drug overdose way too young... In a way, he was his generation's answer to Keith Richards, After countless trips to rehab, it wasn't a question of if he'd OD but when and who would find his body. Perhaps related to his heavy drug usage, Weiland died yester... more »
A Report From The Syrian Frontlines
Members of the Kurdish peshmerga forces gather in the town of Sinjar, Iraq November 13, 2015. REUTERS/ARI JALAL *Mike Giglio, BuzzFeed*: *Inside The War Against Isis* *In the wake of the Paris terror attacks, Western leaders ramped up airstrikes against ISIS. But the real fight is happening on the ground. Mike Giglio reports from the Syrian front for BuzzFeed News.* AL-HAWL, Syria — Khalil Darwish, a sheikh in northeastern Syria, stood in the center of his small desert village and recalled the moment the war arrived. Earlier this month, U.S.-backed fighters took cover in some house... more »
Sergei Lavrov: U.K. Must Coordinate With Damascus on Airstrikes Meets with Turkey's FM
*WSJ* Moscow—Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Thursday that Great Britain was obliged to coordinate with Damascus on its airstrikes on Islamic State targets within Syria. Mr. Lavrov said that a U.N. Security Council resolution on the fight against terrorism called on the international community to respect Syria’s sovereignty. Significant divisions remain between Russia and Western nations about the future of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his regime’s role in the fight against Islamic State. *“I heard that David Cameron said that resolution 2249, which was acce... more »
US Air Force Is Running Out Of Bombs To Drop On ISIS
According to the US Air Force, their bombing campaign against ISIS in the last 15 months has taken its toll on munitions stocks. Arms manufacturers need to replenish the 20,000 or so missiles and bombs that have been fired. They and the military need urgent funding to ramp up supplies for the long haul needs of the war on terror, which is currently focused on the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. CNN reports: As the U.S. ramps up its campaign against the Islamist terror group in Iraq and Syria, the Air Force is now “expending munitions faster than we can replenish them,” Air Force chi... more »
Video: War Votes – Tony Benn v Hilary Benn
Like Father, like son? Definitely NOT in this instance! In the clip below you can listen to Tony Benn and then his son Hilary as they present their cases on whether to vote for military action. From the BBC: Father and son, Tony and Hilary Benn have given two of the most impassioned speeches on the issue of whether to vote for military action. In 1998 Tony Benn argued against the bombing of Iraq, while this week his son Hilary Benn argued in favour bombing Syria. Both speeches were widely praised – and both men, coincidentally, had current Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn sitting by them ... more »
BOMBSHELL! US Airforce Planes Guided Turkish F-16 that shot down Russian Jet
*US is taking out the trash* BOMBSHELL! US Airforce Planes Guided Turkish F-16 that shot down Russian Jet *Russia Insider** reports that the ambush on the Russian U-24 bomber was guided by the US Airforce. In an interview with the Russian news agency Regnum, a Russian military expert said that “**A US Air Force Boeing E-3 Sentry AWACS plane took off on 24 November from the Preveza airbase in Greece. A second E-3A of the Saudi Arabian air force took off from the Riyadh airbase. Both planes were executing a common task—determining the precise location of Russian aircraft. It is th... more »
Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton & America's Endless War
*Hillary Clinton's National Security Address (C-SPAN)* *by Gaius Publius* I mentioned near the end of a piece called "Blowback, Money & the Washington War Party" that I would compare Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton with respect to its main subject, America and its wars. For context, I'd like to repeat the start of that piece: In a provocative piece called, "Blowback -- the Washington War Party's Folly Comes Home to Roost," David Stockman asks, in effect — "Does America have the wars it seeks and deserves?" Whatever your answer might be, or mine, I think *Stockman's* answer is Y... more »
FBI Now Investigating The San Bernardino Shooting As An Act Of Terrorism
*New York Times*: *F.B.I. Treating Attack in San Bernardino as Terrorism* WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. is now treating the San Bernardino shooting by a husband and wife that killed 14 and wounded 21 as an act of terrorism, an agency official said Friday. “As of today, based on the information and facts as we know them,” the agency is investigating this “as an act of terrorism,” David Bowdich, the assistant F.B.I. director in charge of the Los Angeles office, said at a news conference. The agency will be taking over the investigation from local officials. Mr. Bowdich did not offer any ... more »
The First Amendment Needs Your Prayers
[image: First Amendment - 400] What gets you about what happened in San Bernardino is the shattering sameness of it. Once and not so long ago such atrocities, whatever their cause, whether the work of schizophrenics or jihadists, constituted a signal and exceptional moment. Now... Continue reading *“The First Amendment Needs Your Prayers”* at *wsj.com*.
Cartoon: ‘White House Accused of Manipulating Intelligence Reports’
[image: Ramirez - 120315 - WH accused of manipulating]
Hillary Clinton’s National Debt Evasion
[image: PITTSBURGH - APRIL 14: Presidential candidate U.S. Senator Hillary Clinton (D-NY)speaks at a forum of the Alliance for American Manufacturing at the David L Lawrence Convention Center April 14, 2008 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Clinton is campaigning ahead of the April 22, Pennsylvania primary. (Photo by Jeff Swensen)] At a political event in New Hampshire, someone asked Hillary Clinton to state with specificity what she would do as president to bring down the national debt. Instead of answering, Clinton offered a self-serving history lesson, praising her husband's record... ... more »
Supplemental: Concerning homicides in Chi-raq!
*FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2015Where does narrative come from:* Just this once, we'll admit it! We were surprised by a factoid we heard this week. (We can't remember where.) We heard that Chicago had fewer homicides last year than in any year since the 1960s. Don't get us wrong! We knew that homicides were down in Chicago as compared to the city's worst old years. But we were surprised when we looked up the numbers dating to 1965. In 2014, there were 432 homicides in Chicago. But according to the leading authority, that was the lowest number since 1965: *Homicides in Chicago, selected...more »
Paper claiming extra CO2 doesn’t always lower plant nutrients pulled for errors
Authors have retracted a large meta-analysis claiming that rising levels of carbon dioxide don’t always reduce nutrients in plants. After commenters on PubPeer raised concerns, the authors say they found several unintentional errors in their data that could “significantly change conclusions” of the paper in Plant Ecology, according to the retraction note. The paper found that the impact […] The post Paper claiming extra CO2 doesn’t always lower plant nutrients pulled for errors appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Pentagon Brings ‘Lean In’ Feminism to the Marine Corps
[image: Sheryl Sandberg - 900] Members of the military will have a chance to attend "Lean In" gender equality classes put on by Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg. These groups function as safe spaces to discuss gender issues for service members. This Pentagon effort aims to... more »
Joint Afghan - US Special Forces Operation Frees Dozens Of Taliban Prisoners In Afghanistan
*FOX News:* *US Special Forces help free dozens of Taliban prisoners in Afghanistan* A joint Afghan-U.S. special forces operation freed at least 40 Afghan prisoners from a Taliban prison in the southern Helmand province, authorities said Friday. The troops carried out a helicopter assault on the prison in Nawzad district Thursday night, according to a statement from U.S. forces in Afghanistan. The operation freed 40 prisoners, who were captured Afghan police, army and border police. No U.S. ground forces were involved in the raid, Fox News confirmed. *WNU Editor:* The U.S. is go... more »
Turkey Not Keen On U.S. Proposal To Close Its Border With Syria
As the US put pressure on Turkey to close its border with Syria, the Turkish Prime Minister Ahmed Davutoglu has said that closing the country’s border would be extremely difficult despite most of it being “under Islamic State control.” The borderline is currently used by the terrorist group for transportation of fighters and supplies into the Syrian war zone. According to the Wall Street Journal, Pentagon officials have estimated that the Turkey would need to deploy around 30,000 soldiers to seal off a 100-kilometer stretch of its border with Syria in order to block the movement of... more »
The Rise and Fall of Richard Helms : Survival and sudden death in theCIA BY THOMAS POWERS | December 16, 1976
Richard McGarrah Helms believed in secrets. Of course, everyone in the American intelligence community believes in secrets in theory, but Helms really believed in secrets the way Lyman Kirkpatrick believed in secrets. At one point years ago they were rivals in the Central Intelligence Agency. But they had certain things in common and one of them was a belief in secrets. They did not like covert action operations—subsidizing politicians in Brazil, parachuting into Burma, preparing poisoned handkerchiefs for inconvenient Arab colonels, all that sleight of hand and derring-do of Wo... more »
President Obama is Predicting A Gradual 'Shift' In Russia's Syria Strategy
U.S. President Barack Obama. The Official White House Photostream / Wikicommons *Moscow Times*: *Obama Expects Gradual 'Shift' in Russia's Syria Strategy* U.S. President Barack Obama said Tuesday that he expected a “shift” in Russia's strategy in Syria, referring to “fresh memories” in Moscow of the drawn-out Afghan war in the 1980s, Agence France-Presse reported Tuesday. “I think it is possible over the next several months that we see … a recognition [in Moscow] that it's time to bring the civil war in Syria to a close,” he was reported as saying on the sidelines of a conference o... more »
Tensions Continue To Increase Between Turkey And Russia Over Syria
*VOA:* *Tension Increases Between Turkey-Russia Over Syria* Tensions continue to rise between Turkey and Russia as both sides increase their military power at the Turkish-Syrian border. Accusations between the two countries grew after Turkey shot down a Russian military jet last week. Turkey said Russia invaded Turkish airspace illegally after being warned to fly out. Since then, the two world leaders have thrown complaints and charges at each other. Russian President Vladimir Putin accused Turkey of aiding Islamic State oil smuggling. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan chal... more »
Emissions From Units 1, 2 and 3 Still Seem Elevated on TEPCO CAM 1
Lighting still low at Daiichi from Futaba cam view. Flashing light operating. I believe the moon is the light under the 5 in the time-stamp while the bright light on the left is the one flashing. I do not know the significance of the flashing light. Flashing light off below:
Russia's War In A Syria -- News Updates December 4, 2015
*Daily Mail:* *Russian jet 'kills family in their car' as its bombs obliterate Syrian tankers heading towards Turkey days after Putin accused Erdogan of being involved in ISIS oil trade * * Video footage shows firefighters struggling to control the blaze as plumes of black smoke engulf the lorry * It emerged after Vladimir Putin accused Turkey of shooting a Russian fighter to protect its supply of oil from ISIS * After his claims Turkey's president said he had proof Russia was involved in illegal oil trade with the Islamic State A Russian jet is believed to have killed a family in... more »
The NPE/Fairtest Machine: Culpability High, Credibility Low, Part 2
*The Flip-Flop* In Part 1, I pointed out that Ravitch and NPE has been pushing for passage of the updated NCLB. It wasn't until last week, however, when Congressional action to pass this awful bill was imminent, that NPE took to Hillary's tactic to produce a statement of opposition to two elements of the new bill that Ravitch been supporting since April. Both of the concerns with the updated NCLB, which were expressed in an NPE fund-raising ad, were with specific elements, one having to do with siphoning Title II money for "social impact bonds" to benefit corporations, and the... more »
Landlord Invites Media Into Apartment Of San Bernardino Mass Shooters (Video)
*WNU Editor:* Unbelievable. And the reporters .... like a herd of stampeding buffaloes .... they just could not help themselves.
Jeremy’s Right On The Black Stuff, But Wrong On The Green!
By Paul Homewood http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/oilprices/12032020/Dont-write-off-the-future-of-oil-and-gas-just-yet.html A welcome bit of common sense from Jeremy Warner in the Telegraph today, in stark contrast to some of nonsense we keep getting from Ambrose Evans Pritchard: Remember “Peak Oil”, the theory popularised by Marion King Hubbert – a geologist at Shell – to the effect that […]
Brown Students Say $100 Million Diversity Plan is NOT ENOUGH
[image: Brown protest - 900] Students at Brown University occupied the president's office Thursday afternoon to protest a proposed $100 million diversity action plan, arguing it doesn't go far enough. Two weeks ago, in response nationwide Black Lives Matter protests, Brown president Christina Paxson announced a $100 million plan... more »
Hillary Clinton: ‘Nothing to Do With Islam’
[image: RETRANSMISSION FOR ALTERNATIVE CROP - Victims lay on the pavement outside a Paris restaurant, Friday, Nov. 13, 2015. Police officials in France on Friday report multiple terror incidents, leaving many dead. It was unclear at this stage if the events are linked. (AP Photo/Thibault Camus)] In the aftermath of Paris and before San Bernardino, Hillary Clinton articulated the forced catechism of the left: “Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.”... more »
Cartoon: ‘You May Not Believe in Radical Islam’
[image: Ramirez - 120415 - 900]
U.S. Attorney General: Will Prosecute Those Who 'Criticize' Muslims
Daily Wire: *Loretta Lynch Vows to Prosecute Those Who Use 'Anti-Muslim' Speech That 'Edges Toward Violence'* The day after a horrific shooting spree by a "radicalized" Muslim man and his partner in San Bernardino, California, Attorney General Loretta Lynch pledged to a group of Muslim activists that she would take aggressive action against anyone who used "anti-Muslim rhetoric" that "edges toward violence." Speaking to the audience at the Muslim Advocate's 10th anniversary dinner Thursday, Lynch said her "greatest fear" is the "incredibly disturbing rise of anti-Muslim rhetoric"... more »
WECAN: Women on the Ground at Paris COP21
Special Update: WECAN on the Ground in Paris During COP21 Climate Negotiations December 4, 2015 Dear Friends and Allies, The Women's Earth and Climate Action Network delegation is on the ground in Paris, France standing for climate justice and systemic change during United Nations COP21 climate negotiations. Government emission reduction commitments to date are
U.S. Officials: Wife In San Bernardino Attack Pledged Islamic State Allegiance On Facebook
*Daily Mail:* *Party massacre wife pledged allegiance to ISIS: Pakistani new mother Facebooked her support for terror group AND its fanatical leader before she and her husband slaughtered 14 people* * Investigators say Tashfeen Malik, 27, left a post on a Facebook page using an alias pledging allegiance to ISIS and its leader al-Baghdadi * Malik moved to Saudi Arabia from Pakistan about 25 years ago but returned home to attend Bahauddin Zakariya University where she studied to become a pharmacist * Malik and her husband, 28-year-old Syed Farook, were killed in a gun battle with po... more »
UN: 16 Mass Graves Found after Iraq’s Sinjar Freed from ISIS
[image: FILE -- In this Sunday, Nov. 22, 2015 file image made from video, skulls remain at the site of a purported mass grave in the city of Sinjar, northern Iraq after it was retaken from Islamic State militants. Iraqi officials said Sunday, Nov. 29, 2015, that three more mass graves have been found in the northern town of Sinjar, where Kurdish forces backed by U.S.-led airstrikes drove out Islamic State militants earlier this month. Two graves have been found east of the town and one has been found within the town itself, bringing the total number of mass graves uncovered to five.... more »
Illinois School District Settles with Feds to Let Cross-Dressing Boy Shower in Girl’s Locker Room
[image: woman screaming in shower - 400] Facings federal threats of lost millions in funding for the children of taxpaying parents, a school district in the suburbs of Chicago voted on Thursday to allow a male high school student who dresses like a girl and otherwise identifies as... Continue reading *“Illinois School District Settles with Feds to Let Cross-Dressing Boy Shower in Girl’s Locker Room”* at *dailycaller.com*.
World News Briefs -- December 4, 2015
*CNN*: *San Bernardino shooting: Attacker pledged allegiance to ISIS, officials say* (CNN)Investigators think that as the San Bernardino, California, attack was happening, female shooter Tashfeen Malik posted a pledge of allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi on Facebook, three U.S. officials familiar with the investigation told CNN. Malik's post was made on an account with a different name, one U.S. official said. The officials did not explain how they knew Malik made the post. A law enforcement official said it appeared that Wednesday's attack -- which left 14 people d... more »
Germany Approves Military Action In Syria Against The Islamic State
German Parliament voted on Friday to take a more direct role in the battle against the so called Islamic State terror group in Syria. German lawmakers approved overwhelmingly to deploy a military mission of Tornado reconnaissance planes, a frigate and up to 1,200 troops to help the international coalition against ISIS, following the Paris terror attacks three weeks ago. NDTV reports: Parliament agreed to the mandate for the deployment of Tornado reconnaissance jets, a frigate and up to 1,200 troops by an overwhelming majority of 445 votes in favour and 146 against. The green light f... more »
Russia Brings In Heavy Artillery Pieces To Syria’s Front Lines
The Kremlin is taking an interest in planning and executing Syria’s battle strategy by introducing heavy artillery pieces to the front lines. It is seen as a move to influence the outcome of Syrian battles in favor of Assad using Russian tactics and modern weaponry, and away from Iranian tactics of using militias. It could also be a sign that Russia is dedicated to a conventional ground war and not just air strikes. Modern artillery or howitzer could clear the ground for advancing troops, while not discriminating against collateral damage. The National Interest reports: The Russian ... more »
STOPPED MAKING SENSE: Sympathy for the (various) devils!
*FRIDAY, DECEMBER 4, 2015Part 4—Noisily pitching our tales:* In this morning's New York Times, Paul Krugman rejects a mandated journalistic claim—the claim that Both Sides Do It. Krugman focuses on climate denial, which is widespread on the right. Do both sides engage in science denial? It just isn't like that, he says: KRUGMAN (12/4/15): *I often hear from people claiming that the American left is just as bad as the right on scientific issues, citing, say, hysteria over genetically modified food or nuclear power.* But even if you think such views are really comparable to climate ... more »
"How It Really Is"
*What's happened to us? We were once this...* *God... help us...*
"Here’s A Map Of All The Mass Shootings In 2015... So Far"
*"Here’s A Map Of All The Mass Shootings In 2015... So Far"* by Megan Hickey, Joshua Barajas and Laura Santhanam As details surrounding the San Bernardino, California, shooting gradually emerged Wednesday evening, President Barack Obama told CBS News that the U.S. has “a pattern now of mass shooting in this country that has no parallel anywhere else in the world.” The mass shooting at a social services agency in San Bernardino left at least 14 dead and 17 others wounded. It is also the deadliest mass shooting in the U.S. since Adam Lanza opened fire at Sandy Hook Elementary in Newto... more »
China's Bond Leverage Tops $1.2 Trillion in Replay of Stock Boom
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-12-03/china-s-bond-leverage-tops-1-2-trillion-in-replay-of-stock-boom *China's Bond Leverage Tops $1.2 Trillion in Replay of Stock Boom* Bloomberg News December 3, 2015 — 5:00 PM CET Updated on December 4, 2015 — 2:53 AM CET *Sinking bond yields boost appeal of using borrowed funds Authorities seen using incremental curbs to cool the market* Five months after a debt-fueled rally in Chinese stocks turned into a $5 trillion rout, *the bond market is testing authorities’ ability to contain leverage without sparking a crash.* Outstanding r... more »
Monsanto In The Dock: Rolling Back The Destructive Influence Of The Global Agribusiness Cartel
RINF, Countercurrents, CounterPunch, Global Research Support Request - Click Here And now for the good news. As the rest of the world eats denutrified, poisoned 'food' and capitulates to the criminal cartel of US agribusiness, as India destroys its soils with petrochemical-monocrop agriculture and looks to GMOs, as corrupt governments and regulatory bodies do the bidding of Monsanto, Russia is committed to not selling out the health of millions, the fertility of the land or the food security of the nation to a handful of criminals in the West who have destroyed indigenous agricult... more »
Tony Blair Gives Speech On Islam, Extremism & Sensibility
Tony Blair has delivered a speech outlining his ideology on Islam, specifically radical Islam which is prevalent today, and warns of the potential of terrorist attacks ‘worse than those in Paris’ He also warned Muslims with retaliation not just from Daesh, but from non-Muslims turning on them in the future, should another 7/7 or Paris type attack occur in Britain. The former labour prime minister responsible for starting the war in Iraq also welcomed Parliament’s decision to extend the war from Iraq into Syria. Blair calls for an even wider engagement in the Middle East. ITV reports... more »
Voinnet retracts highly cited paper, bringing his total to 7
Olivier Voinnet, a well-known plant scientist at the ETH in Zurich, has notched his 7th retraction for a highly cited paper. The 2003 paper was pulled when “additional image manipulations” came to light after The Plant Journal issued a correction earlier this year. The retraction follows an investigation into — and then retraction of — several other papers co-authored by Voinnet. The […] The post Voinnet retracts highly cited paper, bringing his total to 7 appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Investigators: Tashfeen Malik Pledged Allegiance to ISIS Leader in Facebook Posting During San Bernardino Attack
[image: ISIS Flag Wikimedia] As the San Bernardino attack was happening, investigators believe the female shooter, Tashfeen Malik, posted on Facebook, pledging allegiance to ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, three U.S. officials familiar with the investigation told CNN. Malik’s post was made on an... Continue reading *“Investigators: Tashfeen Malik Pledged Allegiance to ISIS Leader in Facebook Posting During San Bernardino Attack”* at *cnn.com*.
Trump Picked Stock Fraud Felon as Senior Adviser
[image: Donald Trump2 - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Donald Trump tapped a man to be a senior business adviser to his real-estate empire even after the man’s past involvement in a major Mafia-linked stock fraud scheme had become publicly known, according to Associated Press interviews... more »
Chipotle Tightening Food Safety after E. Coli Cases
[image: Chipotle - 900] NEW YORK (AP) -- Chipotle says it is tightening its food safety standards after its restaurants were linked to dozens of cases of E. coli. The Mexican food chain said it hired IEH Laboratories in Seattle to help improve its... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 4, 2015
STAFF SGT. STEPHENIE WADE/U.S. AIR FORCE *USA Today*:* Air Force burning through bomb stockpiles striking ISIL* WASHINGTON — The Air Force has fired more than 20,000 missiles and bombs in the air war against the Islamic State, depleting its stocks of munitions and prompting the service to scour depots around the world for more weapons and to find money to buy them, according to records obtained by USA TODAY. The Air Force efforts come as the Pentagon has stepped up airstrikes on Islamic State, or ISIL, targets in Iraq and Syria. That bombing campaign began in August 2014 in Iraq, s... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Holistic flights appear to all
*Holistic flights appear to all* by ÉirePort Holistic flights appear to all. Caressing energies flow through Gaia portals. Sunscreens no longer necessary. Storms of Pacific encompass. ÉirePort | December 4, 2015 at 09:09 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-wv
Treason, Cowardice, and the Islamic Invasion: Why States Must Revitalize The Militia...
by Publius Huldah. Publius Huldah is a retired litigation attorney who now lives in Tennessee. Before getting a law degree, she got a degree in philosophy where she specialized in political philosophy and epistemology (theories of knowledge). She now writes extensively on the U.S. Constitution, using the Federalist Papers to prove its original meaning and intent. She shows how federal judges and politicians have ignored Our Constitution and replaced it with their personal opinions and beliefs. She also shows how The People can, by learning our Founding Principles themselves, restor... more »
CHINA: Foreigners drawn in as fear and loathing grip China's finance industry
http://www.reuters.com/article/us-china-markets-fear-idUSKBN0TN0MU20151204 *Foreigners drawn in as fear and loathing grip China's finance industry* Markets | Fri Dec 4, 2015 5:56am EST Related: CHINA SHANGHAI/HONG KONG | BY ENGEN THAM AND MICHELLE PRICE A man walks past an entrance to an exchange office of China Haitong Securities, in Changzhou, Jiangsu province, China, October 26, 2013. REUTERS/STRINGER A widening regulatory probe into some of China's biggest brokerages has set nerves jangling in a financial industry still recovering from a summer of turmoil, with fear of becomi... more »
A Bit of Religion Can be Bad for Marriage
[image: couple-at-altar - 400] It's a well-worn lament heard from many American pulpits: there is just as much divorce inside the church as there is outside. But if pastors and their flocks are embarrassed by divorce equality, then recent findings published in American Journal... Continue reading *“A Bit of Religion Can be Bad for Marriage”* at *thefederalist.com*.
Nicaragua’s Momotombo Volcano Erupts For 1st Time In Over A Century
Nicaragua’s Momotobo volcano has erupted for the first time in 110 years, spitting lava and sending plumes of smoke high into the sky. The 1,297 metre peak in northwest Nicaragua also emitted some glowing rock on Wednesday, after gas and ash emissions began Tuesday. #Momotombo volcano spews plume of gas, ash & glowing rock, as seen from Papalonal, in Leon, Nicaragua. Jo pic.twitter.com/zYKZXLkDb0 — BBC Weather (@bbcweather) December 2, 2015 The Government spokeswoman said that schools in the region had been evacuated, but fortunately, for now, the hot rock and ash were heading towar... more »
Miss Manners' Guide to Massacre Debate Etiquette
Mrs. Alan Greenspan (Andrea Mitchell) is all upset that Donald Trump is using the San Bernardino shooting to boost his candidacy. "Incredibly, his response is poll-driven," she groused to MTP Daily host Chuck Todd on MSNBC last night. "He said, twice, that 'every time there's a tragedy, my poll numbers go up!'" Of course, she couldn't leave it at that, because whenever Beltway insiders get together for a chat, etiquette dictates that for every right-wing idiot, there has to be a left-wing counter-idiot.Therefore Mitchell went on to complain, "It's just that there's a creepiness goin... more »
Fate Of Afghan Taliban Leader Remains Unclear After Reports Of Him Being Injured In A Gunbattle
Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansoor, Taliban militants' new leader, is seen in this undated handout photograph by the Taliban. Unconfirmed reports suggest the leader was killed in a shootout in Quetta. *VOA*: *Unconfirmed Reports of Afghan Taliban Leader’s Death* ISLAMABAD—The fate of Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour remained unclear Friday, two days after Afghan authorities alleged he was wounded in a gunfight during a meeting of militant commanders in neighboring Pakistan. “Taliban leader Mullah Akhtar Mansour died of injuries,” Sultan Faizy, a spokesman for the first vice preside... more »
KMT continues to push bogus "reforms" of the government
*Exploring.* Realizing that it can't win, the KMT is talking about Constitutional "reform". FocusTaiwan has the list of KMT Presidential candidate and Party Chairman Eric Chu's suggestions: ....he would push for an amendment to the Constitution that would require legislative approval to confirm the appointment of the country's premier. ....will also include lowering the voting age from 20 to 18 and allowing absentee voting, ...He also proposed a change that would allow the president to report to and take questions from the Legislature and he suggested that the opposition Democra... more »
BREAKING NEWS: According To U.S. Officials Wife Of San Bernardino Shooter, Tashfeen Malik, Pledged Allegiance To ISIS Leader On Facebook During The Attack
*WNU Editor: *According to CNN .... *San Bernardino shooting: Attacker pledged allegiance to ISIS, officials say.* This is a breaking news story. It will be updated as more news becomes available.
Social engineers' dangerous delusions about peer review, management of science
I was stunned by the arrogance and dangerous proposals displayed in a talk by Sabine Hossenfelder Peer Review and its Discontents [slide show]. That blog post contains a YouTube video with slides from a 1-hour-long talk she gave at a conference and her audio that was compressed to 23 minutes. She could have chosen a computer voice generator to make the audio sound more human and less like a computer-generated Orwellian EU bureaucratic speech but this is the smallest problem with the talk. The bigger problem is the content. First of all, I can't understand where she finds so much ar... more »
Motion to extend time to serve and file appeal
Nguyen v. Economical Mutual Insurance Company, 2015 ONCA 828: [12] With that factual background in mind, I turn to the test for an extension of time for the service and filing of a notice of appeal. Pursuant to r. 3.02(1), the court may order an extension or abridgment of time on such terms as are just. The following five factors are relevant: (1) whether the appellant formed an intention to appeal within the relevant period; (2) the length of, and explanation for delay; (3) the prejudice to respondent; (4) the merits of the appeal; and (5) whether the "justice of the case" ... more »
A Lodestar of Religious Liberty
[image: Second Vatican - 400] Dec. 7 marks the 50th anniversary of one of the most pivotal documents in the Catholic Church's 2,000-year history: Dignitatis Humanae, or "On the Dignity of the Human Person." Issued at the close of the Second Vatican Council in 1965, the... Continue reading *“A Lodestar of Religious Liberty”* at *google.com*.
No, Donald Trump Won’t Win
[image: FILE - In this Aug. 27, 2015 file photo, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump greets supporters after speaking at a rally at the TD Convention Center in Greenville, S.C. NBC announced Tuesday, Sept. 1, that Trump will sit down with host Jimmy Fallon to discuss his campaign and other issues on "The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon," on Sept. 11. (AP Photo/Richard Shiro, File)] A little while ago I went rug shopping. Four rugs were laid out on the floor and among them was one with a pink motif that was dazzlingly beautiful. It was complex and sophisticated. If you h... more »
Germany To Assist In Military Operations Against The Islamic State
*New York Times*: *German Parliament Votes to Send Military Assistance to Fight ISIS* BERLIN — The German Parliament voted overwhelmingly on Friday to send reconnaissance planes, a frigate and midair fueling capacity to the Middle East to aid the campaign against the Islamic State in Syria, although German forces will not be involved in direct combat like airstrikes. The vote — with 445 in favor, 146 against and seven abstentions — was expected, given the large parliamentary majority commanded by Chancellor Angela Merkel’s “grand coalition” government of center-right and center-l... more »
Russia And China Are Eyeing The U.S. Base At Guam
*Washington Free Beacon*: *Russian Bombers Again Circle Guam* Moscow’s latest nuclear saber rattling follows buzzing of USS Reagan. Russian bombers circled the U.S. military hub on the Pacific island of Guam last week in the latest case of Moscow’s nuclear saber rattling. “On Nov. 25th, two Russian bomber aircraft circumvented Guam, transiting international airspace,” said Army Maj. Dave Eastburn, a Pacific Command spokesman. The latest bomber flights around the island were the fourth time in the past three years that Russian bombers circumnavigated Guam. Earlier incursions took p... more »
Fukushima Radiation Spreading Off US Shores
Scientists monitoring the spread of radiation in the ocean from the Fukushima nuclear accident report finding an increased number of sites off the US West Coast showing signs of contamination. Trace amounts of cesium-134 have been detected within several hundred miles (km) of the Oregon, Washington and California coasts in recent months, as well as offshore from Canada’s Vancouver Island. One sample collected west about 1,600 miles west of San Francisco displayed the highest level to date. Scientists said on Thursday that the levels are still too low to threaten human or ocean life ... more »
Paul Ryan Calls for ‘Complete Alternative to The Left’s Agenda’ in First Major Address
[image: Paul Ryan (1)] Speaker of the House Paul Ryan calls for a "complete alternative to the left's agenda" while laying out his plan for 2016 in his first major address at the Library of Congress Tuesday. The Wisconsin Republican, who took the gavel just... more »
Women In All Combat Roles Necessarily Means a Weaker Military
[image: young woman soldier member of ranger squad] Reality suffered another defeat Thursday, routed by the forces of Political Correctness. The army with a rainbow flag led in yesterday's battle by Defense Secretary Ash Carter, who has ordered the military to open all combat positions to females. According... more »
Saudi Arabia to Host Syrian Opposition Ahead of Peace Talks
[image: Syria Civil War] BEIRUT (AP) -- Saudi Arabia is hosting Syrian opposition groups and many of the main rebel factions next week in an effort to come up with a unified front ahead of peace talks with representatives of the government in Damascus,... more »
The NPE/Fairtest Machine: Culpability High, Credibility Low, Part 1
The last minute flip-flop is a tactic favored by politicians whose allegiances and/or debts cannot be shared among supporters who have been led to believe a narrative that is anything but true. When Hillary Clinton, for instance, was Secretary of State and even months after, she remained ostensibly on the fence about the TPP, which will likely to become this generation's equivalent to the toxic NAFTA. When TPP negotiations were completed and passage was inevitable, Clinton came out strongly against it, thus satisfying her multinational corporate donors while pretending to side with... more »
Hung Tz-yung Ad.
Advertizement for Hung Tz-yung, running for the legislature in Taichung. She was galvanized by the death of her brother, Hung Chung-chiu, at the hands of military. Hung is running for the New Power Party (NPP) -- she is interviewed at New Bloom. This ad emphasizes the troubles faced by the young in Taiwan's stagnant economy. Tracy Chapman sings Bob Dylan's *The Times They are a-Changing* in the background. A deeply moving ad. _______________________ [Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, a... more »
Did a clinical trial proceed as planned? New project finds out
A new project does the relatively straightforward task of comparing reported outcomes from clinical trials to what the researchers said they planned to measure before the trial began. And what they’ve found is a bit sad, albeit not entirely surprising. As part of The Compare Project, author and medical doctor Ben Goldacre and his team […] The post Did a clinical trial proceed as planned? New project finds out appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Cruz vs. Rubio — A Better GOP Race
[image: SIMI VALLEY, CA - SEPTEMBER 16: Republican presidential candidate Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz take part in the presidential debates at the Reagan Library on September 16, 2015 in Simi Valley, California. Fifteen Republican presidential candidates are participating in the second set of Republican presidential debates.] A funny thing is happening on the way to the GOP meltdown. According to the latest Quinnipiac poll, the two most popular and broadly acceptable candidates in the field are perhaps the most talented and most reliably conservative. Oh, and... more »
Hillary Questioned about Bill Clinton Rape Accusers
[image: Bill Clinton] Hooksett, New Hampshire (CNN) Hillary Clinton answered a question about Bill Clinton’s alleged sexual impropriety on Thursday, saying that victims of sexual abuse “should be believed” until evidence disproves their allegations. At a campaign stop in Hooksett, New Hampshire, a woman... Continue reading *“Hillary Questioned about Bill Clinton Rape Accusers”* at *cnn.com*.
European High Court Affirms Free Speech for Pro-life Advocates
[image: The European Convention on Human Rights, first established in 1953, represented as a legal document, with a judge’s gavel and folded EEC flag to represent the European Court of Human Rights, based at Strasbourg, France. The European Convention on Human Rights, sometimes abbreviated to ECHR, is an international treaty to protect human rights and fundamental freedoms in Europe. All Council of Europe member states are party to the Convention and new members are expected to ratify the convention at the earliest opportunity. The Convention established the European Court of Human ... more »
We’ve Had a Massive Decline in Gun Violence in the United States. Here’s Why.
[image: San Bernardino shooting (1)] Premeditated mass shootings in public places are happening more often,some researchers say, plunging towns and cities into grief and riveting the attention of a horrified nation. In general, though, fewer Americans are dying as a result of gun violence --... Continue reading *“We’ve Had a Massive Decline in Gun Violence in the United States. Here’s Why.”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
German Lawmakers OK Mission Against ISIS
[image: French President François Hollande (R) and German Chancellor Angela Merkel (L)] BERLIN (AP) -- German lawmakers on Friday overwhelmingly approved a broad noncombat mission to aid the fight against Islamic State militants, including sending reconnaissance jets and a frigate following a call from France for support following last month’s deadly attacks...more »
Can A Cabal Of Kingmakers From The Far Right Fringe Win The Nomination For Ted Cruz?
Yesterday, writing in *The Hill*, Texas GOP operative Matt Mackowiak speculated that if Trumpf is the Republican nominee, as the Clinton's pray he is, some awful things could ensue for the GOP... although all would be absolutely spectacular for ordinary working families in this country: *•* He could lose 45 states and elect potential Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton in a landslide. *•* He could lose the GOP majority in the U.S. Senate, and cost us dozens of House seats and governorships. *•* He would badly hurt the GOP brand. Mackowiak, presumedly speaking for all establishment ... more »
To Pee Or Not To Pee!
By Paul Homewood http://www.edp24.co.uk/news/environment/to_pee_or_not_to_pee_uea_students_call_for_people_to_wee_while_showering_to_help_save_water_1_3800303 You can always rely on the UEA!
UK Championship Snooker - Liang Wenbo - cracking day at the office
*like a rocket*brief update on the virtually unknown (in this country) Liang Wenbo who's having what you might call a cracking day at the office against Marco Fu in this year's UK Championship Snooker tournament from York. *First three frames:* consecutive 100+ breaks.
Here Comes the Excuses For Wednesday's Massacre In San Bernardino
An officer looks over the evidence near the remains of a SUV involved in the police shootout in San Bernardino, California *Daily Mail*: *Radicalized US Muslim was teased by colleagues about his Islamic beard and had clashed with Jewish co-worker over religion before he and Pakistani wife killed 14 at San Bernardino holiday party* * Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, and Tashfeen Malik, 27, were killed in a gun battle with police after a mass shooting * Police said 14 died and 21 were injured after suspects opened fire at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino * Suspects left explosive ... more »
DC KIPP School Suspension Rate for Special Education Children: 48.2%
Did a 50 percent suspension rate for special ed kids affect KIPP's application for a charter renewal? Not in the least. . . . .According to new data from the Office of the State Superintendent of Education, only about 10 percent of all district students received an out-of-school suspension for one day or more during the 2014-2015 school year – a decrease from 11 percent in the prior year. Yet, the data shows, at several KIPP schools, the suspension rates are higher than the D.C. Public Schools (DCPS) average. At KIPP DC AIM Academy – a middle school in Ward 8 – special education ... more »
President Obama: 'U.S. Safe Against ISIS Attack'
*CNN:* *Obama: U.S. safe against ISIS attack* Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama said in an interview that aired Thursday that he is confident the U.S. is safe from a Paris-style attack from ISIS and that American law enforcement is well equipped to protect the nation during the holidays. "ISIL will not pose an existential threat to us. They are a dangerous organization like al Qaeda was, but we have hardened our defenses," Obama told CBS. "The American people should feel confident that, you know, we are going to be able to defend ourselves and make sure that, you know, we hav... more »
University of East Anglia’s Biomess
By Paul Homewood h/t Dave Ward http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/norfolk/8016402.stm The University of East Anglia’s involvement in the Norwich straw burning biomass project, which is on the verge of going bust, is not their first foray into such projects. In 2009, they launched their own wood chip plant on campus. This has not exactly been […]
Kicking The Harper Habit
The Conservatives, under Stephen Harper, were addicted to power. Michael Harris writes: The Conservative Party of Canada is still deep in the throes of withdrawal — and the addiction to absolute power is the hardest habit of all to kick. Their thrashing on October 19 came about because of what they did with that power — that, and the fact that they allowed their party to become a cult led by a man who diminished them all. The lesson clearly hasn’t sunk in. That's clear every time Rona Ambrose opens her mouth. But Ambrose isn't the only one to not have taken the election to heart.... more »
RAF Airstrikes Deal A ‘Real Blow’ To Syrian Oil Field Already ‘Obliterated’
After MPs voted overwhelmingly for war on Wednesday night, the British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said that the first RAF airstrikes which struck oilfields in Syria had dealt “a real blow” to the financing of ISIS. However, a number of reports published in October suggest that the routes to those oilfields were already destroyed in airstrikes earlier in the year, suggesting the oilfields may not have actually been in use. Some media reports even said that the oilfields had been completely obliterated. Tom Pride reports: On the 23rd of October, the UK press reported that Russi... more »
U.S. Special Forces Free Dozens in Joint Afghan Taliban Prison Raid
[image: An Afghan National Policeman stands guard over Lashkar Gah Central Prison in Helmand Province, Afghanistan.] KABUL, Afghanistan -- U.S. Special Forces successfully freed dozens of Afghan security personnel from a Taliban prison during a joint operation with local forces, American military officials said Friday. Ground troops from the Afghan Special Security Forces and the U.S.... Continue reading *“U.S. Special Forces Free Dozens in Joint Afghan Taliban Prison Raid”* at *nbcnews.com*.
Why Won’t the Obama Administration Label the Massacre of Christians in Iraq, Syria Genocide?
[image: Iraq Christians] The intent of the Islamic State (ISIS) is to eradicate all Christians from their self-declared "caliphate." This past May, ISIS Leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi released a video that made very clear their intent to destroy individuals who self-identify as Christians...more »
Russia Plans Manned Base on Moon
[image: Russia moon base] Russia's space agency is planning to build a manned moon base, launching modules into space on six separate rockets. Russia plans to launch a lunar probe in 2024 which will scout possible locations, before landing a man on the moon... Continue reading *“Russia Plans Manned Base on Moon”* at *uk.news.yahoo.com* .
European High Court Upholds Church Autonomy
[image: The Basilica is the only Classicist building in Eger and the second largest church in Hungary.] STRASBOURG, France - The European Court of Human Rights Tuesday strengthened the right of churches to operate freely without government interference. ADF International filed an expert brief in the case Nagy v. Hungary, arguing that, according to international law, churches... Continue reading *“European High Court Upholds Church Autonomy”* at *adfmedia.org*.
Congress Revives The Export-Import Bank; Establishment Win
[image: online bank - iStock_000018868021_Large] WASHINGTON (AP) -- With little fanfare, Congress has revived the federal Export-Import Bank five months after allowing it to expire, handing a victory to business groups and a defeat to Tea Party conservatives and the billionaire GOP donor Koch Brothers.... more »
Democratic Insiders: Fear Rubio and Cruz, Not Trump and Carson
[image: static2.politico] Democrats think Donald Trump would be the easiest Republican to beat next November but they fear Marco Rubio. That's according to a majority of the Democratic insiders in this week's POLITICO Caucus, our survey of the top strategists, operatives and... Continue reading *“Democratic Insiders: Fear Rubio and Cruz, Not Trump and Carson”* at *politico.com*.
Shining a Light in the Dark Corners of Climate Science
[image: Sunsets started to tease the Arctic horizon as scientists on board the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy headed south in the Chukchi Sea during the final days collecting ocean data for the 2011 ICESCAPE mission. The ICESCAPE mission, or "Impacts of Climate on Ecosystems and Chemistry of the Arctic Pacific Environment," is a NASA shipborne investigation to study how changing conditions in the Arctic affect the ocean's chemistry and ecosystems. The bulk of the research took place in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas in summer 2010 and 2011. Credit: NASA/Kathryn Hansen NASA image use p... more »
San Bernardino Killer a Pious Muslim Who Showed No Outward Signs of Violence
[image: Black SUV San B shooting__1449232013_173.71.16.53] SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. (AP) -- With a young wife, infant daughter and government job, Syed Farook appeared to have arrived at a sweet-spot in life. Friends knew the 28-year-old by his quick smile, his devotion to his Muslim religion and... more »
NY Sheriff Urges Licensed Gun Owners to Carry Firearms After San Bernardino Shooting
[image: Cop with Gun - 400] A New York County sheriff is urging residents who can legally carry a firearm to "PLEASE DO SO" in light of the San Bernardino mass shooting Wednesday that killed 14 people. Continue reading *“NY Sheriff Urges Licensed Gun Owners to Carry Firearms After San Bernardino Shooting”* at *washingtontimes.com*.
Blade Runner Convicted Of Murder In South Africa, Faces Over 15 Yrs Jail
Blade Runner Oscar Pistorius has been found guilty of murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp on Valentine’s Day 2013. A South African appeals court has found the former Paralympic sprint champion guilty of murder. Oscar Pistorius’s previous conviction of “culpable homicide” gave him a five-year jail sentence. It was overturned by South Africa’s Supreme Court of Appeal on Thursday. The judge said in summary: “It is inconceivable that a rational person thought he was entitled to fire at this person with a heavy-duty firearm.” ABC News reports: Last year a judge gave Pistorius a five... more »
Providence & American Air Power
[image: USAF air power - 900] Evan Thomas’s excellent new Richard Nixon biography recounts the 1973 Yom Kippur War when Egypt and Syria launched surprise attacks on Israel during the Jewish holiday. Amid stark battlefield losses, Israel pleaded for emergency assistance. The Pentagon, fearing adverse reaction... more »
Suspected head of £7m people-smuggling ring arrested in UK per The Guardian
'A man suspected of heading a multimillion-pound operation that smuggled thousands of people into western Europe is facing extradition after being arrested at an asylum shelter in Liverpool. Jamal Owda, 26, a Palestinian national, was apprehended on a European arrest warrant after "moving from country to country". The National Crime Agency (NCA) believes him to have been the alleged ringleader of a group responsible for more than 100 migrants – most of them Syrians – entering western Europe every day for at least 16 months, at a charge of about £1,000 per person.' £1,000 each, no...more »
The Cathedral That Defeated Stalin
[image: Cathedral of Christ the Saviour Original - 900] DANTE WITT -- On December 5, 1931 the Soviet Union demolished the largest Eastern Orthodox church in the world: the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The cathedral, in Moscow, was originally built at the wish of Tsar Alexander I, out... more »
Oldham named as 'election fraud' hotspot per Manchester Evening News
From 2014, don't say we weren't warned. 'Oldham was today named by voting watchdogs as one of 16 council areas 'at risk' of election fraud. The Electoral Commission called for all voters to be required to show photographic proof of their identity at polling stations. In a new report to combat 'ballot and vote-rigging', the influential commission called for rules and security to be tightened at polling stations and surrounding postal voting to restore trust in the electoral system.' More here http://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/oldham-named-electio... more »
Economic News , Data & Views ( December 4 , 2015 ) - Europe In Focus ( Data Splash for Friday from around the EZ - Retail Sales in focus , Thursday's brutal selloffs in equities , bonds and sharp euro rise put down to " Post ECB Rate / QE Decisions & Draghi Press-Conference " disappointments - today market activity will be highlighted by OPEC and US Employment Data - Non Farm Payrolls & Employment Situation Report ) ...... Asia and Emerging Nations Update ( Opec in focus - data and news from China and Japan drive news flow ! )
Europe...... *FRANCE 24 English* @France24_en 58s 59 seconds ago #Germany :Lower House of Parliament approves joining military campaign against IS in #Syria http://f24.my/YTliveEN [image: Embedded image permalink] *FRANCE 24 English* @France24_en 6m 6 minutes ago VIDEO - Europe migrant crisis: Thousands try to push their way on the Greek border with… http://f24.my/21B5MI2 [image: Embedded image permalink] *Ioan Smith* @moved_average 1h 1 hour ago #Eurozone | Nov Retail PMI: 48.5 v 51.3 Germany: 49.6 France: 47.8 Italy: 47.7 [image: Embedde... more »
U.S. Propaganda Efforts Against The Islamic State Is A Complete Failure
*Washington Post*: *Panel casts doubt on U.S. propaganda efforts against ISIS* The State Department is considering scaling back its direct involvement in online campaigns to discredit the Islamic State after a review by outside experts cast new doubt on the U.S. government’s ability to serve as a credible voice against the terrorist group’s propaganda, current and former U.S. officials said. The findings by the six-member panel, which included marketing experts from Silicon Valley and New York, have added to the uncertainty surrounding a State Department program that also faces a... more »
Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up 12/4/2015"
*"Weekly News Wrap-Up 12/4/2015"* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com "As terrible as the terror attack in San Bernardino, California, is it’s not really the big story. I know you have been seeing wall to wall coverage of this attack. I am sure some Democrats and the President would like this to be workplace violence, but let’s face it, it was a terror attack carried out by violent Islamic extremists. I am equally sure the President and some Democrats would like to use this as a way to have anti-gun legislation. Both of these views are delusional and out of touch with most Americans. L... more »
UK Families Speak Video: HPV Vaccines Changed Our Lives
UK Families Speak: HPV Vaccines Changed Our Lives As part of ongoing efforts to raise awareness of the risks potentially associated with Gardasil and Cervarix, members of the UK Association of HPV Vaccine Injured Daughters (AHVID) prepared this video for presentation at an HPV vaccine symposium sponsored by MedWatch Japan. The SaneVax Team would like to extend a special thanks to these families for having the courage and strength to warn others despite their personal trauma. Source: *Sane Vax, Inc*
U.K. Air-Strikes Target ISIS oil Assets in Syria
*Wall Street Journal:* *U.K. Airstrikes Target Islamic State Oil Assets in Syria* Prime Minister David Cameron says campaign against militants will take time. LONDON—Britain’s military began airstrikes in Syria against Islamic State targets to bolster a growing effort to cut off the extremist group’s revenue from oil sales. The first raids, which took place only hours after British lawmakers authorized such strikes, targeted oil infrastructure about 35 miles inside Syria’s eastern border with Iraq, the Ministry of Defense said Thursday. “The terrorists depend for their revenue on... more »
U.S. Claims To Kill A Mid-To-High-Level ISIS Figure Every 2 Days
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* *Washington Post:* *U.S. eliminates a mid- to high-level ISIS figure every 2 days, official says* The United States has been eliminating a mid- to high-level Islamic State figure every two days, on average, contributing to President Obama’s decision to send a new Special Operations force to Iraq to intensify efforts to locate and kill militant leaders there and in Syria, a senior administration official said Thursday. The official described the mission of the force as self-expanding — more raids on Islamic State sites will garner more intelligence lea... more »
First Night at Jeju Navy Base Gate
Fr. Mun encircled by police at Navy base gate Tarak Kauff being carried away from blocking gate VFP member and Iraq war vet Mike Hanes Photos by Ellen Davidson(See her first article *here*)
Ultimate Dog Bundle Giveaway!
We swore up and down we would never get a dog and now we have a little ball of fluff that has won us over! I am so excited to be sharing this giveaway for your ball of fluff! It's the holiday season and for many it's the most joyful time of the year. Pet lovers can add a little extra joy to their holiday season by bringing a new pet home. Whether it’s a puppy or kitten, adult dog or cat, becoming a pet parent is an experience everyone should enjoy, and the holiday season is the perfect time for pet lovers to open their hearts and homes to a new family member. The Bramton Company i... more »
What a strange comment in the BBC's reporting on the Oldham West by election.
' UKIP blames the postal vote and the number of Asian voters who use it. But that's the system the party is up against.' Can you imagine the BBC's horror if a party other than their Labour Party benefitted from an electoral system 'quirk'? The BBC went almost apoplectic during the last parliament when boundary changes to make voting fairer were proposed and were triumphant when the Lib Dems broke an agreement and voted them down. The failure to move to newer fairer constituency boundaries was meant to be the key factor in Britain electing a majority Labour government and the BB... more »
Military Photo of the Day: December 4, 2015
[image: Shooting Drill-900] U.S. Marines and Sailors conduct close-quarter firing drills on Nov. 7, 2015, in the Gulf of Aden aboard the USS Oak Hill. Thank you to these brave Sailors and Marines for serving our great country!
Guide to the EU
What i have come to understand is that dark matter consists of a nearly neutral particle scaled at the same level as the electron. From my Cosmic Cosmology work on the nature of gravity this leads to another conclusion. The gravitational effect of such a particle is between ten to one hundred times greater that expected from the measured mass involved. This conforms nicely to what we are actually observing. This media is also non compressible, at least in terms anything other than an event horizon. Thus the physical universe we take for granted consisting of neutrons passes ea... more »
Bioelectric Exploration of Acupoints
Technology is catching up to accupuncture and determining what is actually happening. All this can lead to superior clinical protocols to add to those discovered so far by empirical methods. More satisfying this is nicely confirming all the speculation produced by the empirical practice and refining it all as well. Yet this is first steps and as usual funding is sporadic. *Bioelectric Exploration of Acupoints* *Posted on November 14, 2015 by sschirott * * By Alexander Fournier* * https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/2015/11/14/bioelectric-exploration-of-acupoints/* *In 1976,... more »
The DNA of a Boy Sacrificed by the Inca Suggests a Lost, Ancient Lineage
The population suffered a ninety percent contraction and it is just possible that one key subgroup was particularly vulnerable as well. Either way that contraction knocked out populations and particularly those settled with a pretty common gene profile. These are also likely the settlements that march up mountains to sacrifice a child. It also informs just how much DNA can be lost. Actually i would like to understand just how DNA diversity expands as a population expands without any serious intermarriage if at all. I do not think it can but we see ample diversity from small... more »
Ten Things the Ancients Did Better than Us
I do not agree that these technologies are not understood. They often relied on a generous application of a labor tax to make things happen. For instance, that three thousand mile highway was surely built by the communities along it up to the imperial standard. Thus in any given year tens of thousands would work on the road for a set period. If your village was responsible for a twenty mile strip, a month's work by fifty men will groom all the easy parts quickly. After that it is bank building with stones which is much slower but not so much so either. Then we have step bu... more »
WikiLeaks Releases Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) Secret Documents (CIA Runs Shadow War With Afghan Militia Implicated in Civilian Killings)
Not really a surprise. After all that's why it needed to be passed before any of the representatives in Congress voting on it read it in full. But it is rather startling. Boy, do the owners think we're dumb. WikiLeaks Releases Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) Secret DocumentsPress Release | "WikiLeaks"03 December 15oday, Thursday, December 3, 10am EST, WikiLeaks releases new secret
Huge: Monsanto Going to Trial for Crimes Against Humanity
*Christina Sarich* - The International Criminal Court will try Monsanto for crimes against humanity. The post Huge: Monsanto Going to Trial for Crimes Against Humanity appeared first on Waking Times.
Dijet carnage: CMS shoots 20% more resonances
Today, a group of 3,000 gunmen known as the Carnage Master Sect (CMS) simultaneously entered the Large Hadron Collider and the arXiv of preprints and completed their Search for narrow resonances decaying to dijets in proton-proton collisions at \(\sqrt{s} = 13\TeV\) Tiziano Camporesi, the spokesman of the group (who met his predecessor Joe Incandela in the Italian Mafia), began with the scream "Standard Model Akbar". The men and some women were equipped with 2.4 inverse femtobarns of ammunition produced in 2015; this translates to some 200 or 300 trillion pairs of protonic bullets...more »
Fukushima Emissions Appear Higher Today
Emissions appeared a bit heavier today on the TEPCO 1 cam, although it was not raining: Very few lights were visible at the Daiichi site from the Futaba cam. I think that light in the sky may be the moon but I'm' not sure: It is unusual for the site to be this dark. Here are more screenshots from today: https://www.dropbox.com/s/we7xkv7efqm0a2b/Dec%204%202015.pdf?dl=0
Why Were 5th Graders with Vinegar and Cinnamon Suspended from School?
[image: 5th graders] The students were all aged 10 and 11 years. They were too young, fortunately, to have the chemistry background to make a bomb that could actually explode, but old enough, it seemed, to want to try it. The students were suspended during... Continue reading *“Why Were 5th Graders with Vinegar and Cinnamon Suspended from School?”* at *csmonitor.com*.
Hillary’s Laughable Gender Wars
[image: Hillary Clinton ad - 900] This week, White House aspirant Hillary Clinton released a new campaign ad featuring a bevy of cute little girls. The title of the ad refers to the presidency, and it was supposed to come across as innocent and endearing. Alas,... more »
No "Proof" Rubio's As Filthy As Everyone Who Follows Him Knows He Is
Looks like today's theme was GOP infighting. It seems hardly worth talking about who's fighting with the Jebster any longer-- last I looked his poll numbers were barely above the margin of error anywhere-- but this just published new book by Buzzfeed politics editor McKay Coppins, *The Wilderness: Deep Inside the Republican Party's Combative, Contentious, Chaotic Quest to Take Back the White House*, isn't noteworthy because of Jeb, but despite him. The bits meant to encourage some marketing interest for it was that Jeb's campaign is sitting on a lot of salacious stuff, much of it ... more »
Sorry, ET. Scientists May Have Found Explanation for Mysterious Radio Bursts
[image: Radio bursts] Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs) are a big fat mystery. The pulses -- first discovered about a decade ago -- come from billions of light years away and last for just milliseconds. Only 16 pulses have been recorded since the first... Continue reading *“Sorry, ET. Scientists May Have Found Explanation for Mysterious Radio Bursts”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Being the Church Militant for the World
[image: St. Malo Church Colorado - 900] After the bloody events in Paris and now in San Bernardino, California, many people are afraid. There are tears in the fabric of our civil order. A quiet co-worker leaves a Christmas party after an argument and then comes back... more »
Mike Huckabee: ‘I Trust Turkey Probably Less Than I Trust Russia’
[image: Mike Huckabee - 400] GOP presidential candidate former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee says that if Russian President Vladimir Putin is willing to fight the Islamic State (ISIS), America should welcome Russia's assistance in the fight. Huckabee also commented on Putin's allegation that Turkey is helping... Continue reading *“Mike Huckabee: ‘I Trust Turkey Probably Less Than I Trust Russia’”* at *breitbart.com*.
Sentence for Oscar Pistorius to triple in length? Many more years in prison?
I had no idea this was even possible: the conviction of Oscar Pistorius, who had been found guilty of manslaughter by a criminal court in the killing of his girlfriend, was overturned by South Africa’s Supreme Court of Appeal, which instead decided the famous disabled athlete was guilt of murder. So his five-year sentence, where he had to serve just one in prison and the rest in home confinement, will now been increased substantially and Pistorius will be sent back to prison. “The minimum sentence for murder in South Africa is 15 years,” according to the Associated Press, “but ... more »
Senate Passes Obamacare Repeal, Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill, Putting Republicans on the Record
[image: Obamacare] Congress approved on Thursday night an Obamacare repeal package that serves as a double-edged sword for Republicans: while a boon to conservative senators running for president, it could jeopardize some of their GOP colleagues running for reelection in swing states in 2016.... Continue reading *“Senate Passes Obamacare Repeal, Planned Parenthood Defunding Bill, Putting Republicans on the Record”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Foreign Policy Contrasts between Cruz, Rubio Sharpen at Jewish Gathering
[image: Foreign policy contrasts] New foreign policy contrasts between top-tier Republican presidential candidates Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio came into focus on Thursday when the two delivered speeches to the Republican Jewish Coalition meeting in Washington. And voters at the gathering took note. The... Continue reading *“Foreign Policy Contrasts between Cruz, Rubio Sharpen at Jewish Gathering”* at *bloomberg.com*.
Musical Interlude: Deuter, “Sea and Silence”
Deuter, “Sea and Silence” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cstQWrW4fw8
President Obama Asserted America Was Safe from Islamic State Right Before California Attack
[image: California attack] Right before the attack in California happened, President Obama explained to CBS's Norah O'Donnell that America was safe from the Islamic State and urged Americans to feel safe. "ISIL is not going to pose an existential threat to us," he... Continue reading *“President Obama Asserted America Was Safe from Islamic State Right Before California Attack”* at *breitbart.com*.
Bridgeport Officer Who Reported Racist Letter Wrote It
[image: Bridgeport officer] A former Bridgeport police officer who claimed someone left a racist memo on police letterhead in his mailbox at headquarters in February admitted to writing the letter himself and has been charged with filing a false report, according to police.... Continue reading *“Bridgeport Officer Who Reported Racist Letter Wrote It”* at *nbcconnecticut.com*.
Tim Tebow’s 5 Reasons For Not Having Sex before Marriage
[image: Tim Tebow - 400] This week social media was buzzing with the trending story of another celebrity breakup, but this breakup looked drastically different from most the rest. Former NFL player and outspoken Christian, Tim Tebow, was reportedly dumped by Supermodel and Former Miss... Continue reading *“Tim Tebow’s 5 Reasons For Not Having Sex before Marriage”* at *patheos.com*.
Stories of Those Who Died in the Mass Shooting in San Bernardino
[image: San Bernardino shooting victims, mourners] Most of the 14 people killed at a holiday banquet in San Bernardino County, California, worked in the same county public health department as the man who showed up with his wife and sprayed the hall with gunfire. An official... more »
Musical Interlude: Hong Kong Festival Orchestra Flash Mob: Beethoven's “Ninth Symphony, ’Ode to Joy’"
Hong Kong Festival Orchestra Flash Mob: Beethoven's “Ninth Symphony, ’Ode to Joy’" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QuzKk7upkdE#t=211
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Bright clusters and nebulae abound in the ancient northern constellation of Auriga. The region includes the open star cluster M38, emission nebula IC 410 with Tadpoles, Auriga's own Flaming Star Nebula IC 405, and this interesting pair IC 417 (lower left) and NGC 1931. An imaginative eye toward the expansive IC 417 and diminutive NGC 1931 suggests a cosmic spider and fly. *Click image for larger size.* About 10,000 light-years distant, both represent young, open star clusters formed in interstellar clouds and still embedded in glowing hydrogen gas. For scale, the more compact NGC 1... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Sound And Fury”
*“The Sound And Fury”* by Chet Raymo “Not so long ago, I mentioned here Himmler and Heydrich, two of Hitler's most terrible henchmen. A friend said to me: "If there's no afterlife, no heaven or hell, then those two diabolical creatures got away with it. Their fate was no different than that of any one of their victims, an innocent child perhaps." And, yes, if there is no God who dispenses final justice, then we are left with an aching feeling of irresolution, of virtue unrewarded, of vice unpunished. Heydrich was gunned down by partisan assassins, and Himmler committed suicide a fe... more »
“Sooner or later, fate puts us together with all the people, one by one, who show us what we could, and shouldn’t, let ourselves become. Sooner or later we meet the drunkard, the waster, the betrayer, the ruthless mind, and the hate-filled heart. But fate loads the dice, of course, because we usually find ourselves loving or pitying almost all of those people. And it’s impossible to despise someone you honestly pity, and to shun someone you truly love.” - Gregory David Roberts, “Shantaram”
GOP's Ugly Food Fight-- Rand Paul And Chris Christie Dueling Off On A Side Stage While Kasich Tries Taking The Fight To Trumpf
We really are in the silly season. Why can't the Republicans stop Trumpf? Why can't the Republicans do *anything* right? Truth be told, everything about the people drawn to that political party is premised, primarily, on greed and selfishness. The Republican Party can't save the country from an existential threat like Trumpf because each one of their Deep Bench candidates is looking out for himself (or in one case, herself). Whether you believe Glenn Beck's assertion that Trumpf's campaign is the brainchild of Bill Clinton or not, the Republicans are finding themselves absolutely ... more »
How a Shaman’s Medicine is Curing Combat Veterans of PTSD
*Dylan Charles* - Many desperate veterans are seeking treatment for PTSD from an unusual source. The post How a Shaman’s Medicine is Curing Combat Veterans of PTSD appeared first on Waking Times.
The Daily "Near You?"
Zabbar, Malta. Thanks for stopping by!
“One Day at a Time: Stepping Stones”
*“One Day at a Time: Stepping Stones”* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM “Taking one step at a time makes life much easier to navigate rather than always looking at the big picture. The years of our life do not arrive all at once; they greet us day by day. With the descent of each setting sun, we are able to rest our heads and let the world take care of itself for a while. We may rest assured throughout the night, knowing that the dawn will bring with it a chance to meet our lives anew, donning fresh perspectives and dream-inspired hopes. The hours that follow, before we return to slee... more »
"When We Have Time..."
“How small a portion of our life it is that we really enjoy. In youth we are looking forward to things that are to come; in old age, we are looking backwards to things that are gone past; in manhood, although we appear indeed to be more occupied in things that are present, yet even that is too often absorbed in vague determinations to be vastly happy on some future day, when we have time...” - Charles Caleb Colton, “Lacon”
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "The Journey"
*"The Journey"* "One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began, though the voices around you kept shouting their bad advice- though the whole house began to tremble and you felt the old tug at your ankles. "Mend my life!" each voice cried. But you didn't stop. You knew what you had to do, though the wind pried with its stiff fingers at the very foundations, though their melancholy was terrible. It was already late enough, and a wild night, and the road full of fallen branches and stones. But little by little, as you left their voices behind, the stars began to burn through the sh... more »
Atlantis going belly up....soon?
*Former US Defense Secretary warns of Nuclear Precipice* Folks, I had a hard time writing today. Yesterday, I became as discouraged as I ever have been over the lemming-like race of the "Atlanticists" as the Russians call us in the West...towards nuclear Armageddon. Apparently Paul Craig Roberts feels the same way: Former US Secretary of Defense Joins PCR In Warning Of Nuclear Armageddon Risk i have been warning that the crazed neocons and their two-bit puppet, president obama, are leading, with the assistance of the presstitute media, the world back to the prospect of nuclear arm... more »
5 Lost Ancient Cities Uncovered from the Past
I think that we are only beginning. Cities are abandoned because the economics that supported them and also protected them simply changed. Climate happened also as well as failed farming. The Americas had a prospective population of around 100,000,000 at the time of conquest. That is deliberately on the high side, but well within cultural and economic capability. I think though that it was easily a fair fraction of this number. By the same token, the Bronze Age Sahara could carry huge populations and the 100,000,000 now living in the Sahel likely lived well throughout the ... more »
You Can't Understand ISIS
There is concievably a gentle benign spiritual movement in Islam that must be nurtured and protected. However it is also obvious that the doctrines of fascism which is a rationalization of organized barbarism have the power to bully the whole society into compliance and silence. They then root out those gentler doctrines. This gives us the history of that modern evolution. We are visibly brewing up to global confrontation with Islam. This means that we must have a plan that ends the problem short of genocide. It must convert all or at least force acquiescence to a non ... more »
Bilbo Mound in Savannah with Richard Thornton
This is important because we lock in earliest mound building to a thousand years before the European Bronze Age and copper mining at Lake superior around 2400 BC. What had been bothering me is that pottery making had to follow the miners from Europe. However it di9d not need to become a universally used technology that fast, particularly among hunters who would hardly want to haul a terribly vulnerable artifact around. Pottery demands settlement and really well developed settlement at that, I suspect. The evidence described here conforms well to an indigenous development ... more »
Pluto Revisited: The Case for Reinstating Its Planetary Status
[image: The best shot yet of Pluto. (NASA/JHUAPL/SwRI)] Considering the active atmosphere and moons, calling Pluto a planet appears appropriate. It also is the largest object in the Kuiper belt as well and is a natural standing for all of them. The Kuiper belt needs to be recognized the same way as the Asteroid belt as a broken up Gas planet. Perhaps we designate such objects as Belt Planets. That neatly takes in Ceres as well. There is a lot of debris in this universe and we are really a long way from sampling such systems let alone classifying them. If anything... more »
Farewell to Jasper
Sadly, we had to put down our cat. She was 19 years and 4 months old- making her about 94 human years old. Yes, we've had her for a very, very long time. I realize with all the horrors in this world, the loss of our pet isn't the biggest issue for readers here. However, it hurts. A lot. Pets have a way of stealing one's heart without you knowing it's being done. Jasper in January/2015
Editor's Note
Feeling "under the weather" this evening. World News Briefs and Military and Intelligence News Briefs will be posted tomorrow. Blogging will return tomorrow morning.
The United States destroyed seven countries in the twenty-first century. How many times have they provided a public forum explaining what they were doing and why all the killing was good for America? Aside from a few faked stories to cover their atrocities, I would say the answer was never. Here the Russians, which our government has demonized, has just carried out a public briefing explaining what they have discovered in Syria. You can read it here.
------------------------------ Bombshell: Russian Military Reveals Details of ISIS-Daesh Funding, Turkey’s Role in Supporting the Terrorists, Complete Transcript, Videos, Documents by SyrianFreePress Global Research, December 03, 2015 Syrian Free Press *Russian Defense Ministry held a major briefing:* *“A whole team of bandits and Turkish leadership [Erdogan’s family as well] stealing oil from their neighbors and are involved in illegal oil trade with ISIS” ~ * [Full Video and Transcript of the Briefing by the Russian Ministry of Defense, 2 Dec. 2015] . *FULL VIDEO REPORTS* *... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Is Onondaga a Banana Republic?'
IS ONONDAGA A BANANA REPUBLIC? Posted on December 3, 2015 Please post & distribute. MNN. DEC. 3, 2015. Is Onondaga a banana republic, where a corrupt violent strongman is put in by foreign corporate interests? The people live in poverty, rampant uninvestigated murders, while the dictator lives in splendor. Lyons: “Mr. Erdogan, I can give you refuge at Onondaga for a little while!”
Is North Korea Preparing For A Nuclear Test?
*DW:* *Satellite photos show new nuclear test tunnel in North Korea* South Korean media and a US think tank have said Pyongyang is extending its nuclear testing facilities. The move comes on the heels of North Korea restarting an atomic reactor. A US think tank revealed late on Wednesday that recent satellite images suggest that North Korea is building a new nuclear test tunnel. The statement by the US-Korea Institute at Johns Hopkins University confirmed earlier reports by South Korean media that Pyongyang was building a fourth tunnel at its principal nuclear testing site. "Whil... more »
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry: 'Peace 'Within Reach' On Cyprus
(L-R) Turkish Cypriot Leader Mustafa Akinci, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Cyprus President Nicos Anastasiades shake hands before a dinner at the UNFICYP Residence in Nicosia, Cyprus, December 3, 2015. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst *Reuters*: *Kerry says peace 'within reach' on Cyprus* Peace is within reach in Cyprus, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Thursday as he watched children from both sides of the divided island play basketball together. Kerry is the latest foreign official to voice optimism that a deal may finally be at hand to reunite the east Mediterranean is... more »
First Family Lights National Christmas Tree
[image: US President Barack Obama waves after lighting the National Christmas Tree on the Ellipse of the National Mall December 3, 2015 in Washington, DC. The First Family was joined by celebrities and guests to light the National Christmas tree during an evening of performances. AFP PHOTO/BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI / AFP / BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI (Photo credit should read BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP/Getty Images)] The National Christmas tree was lit up for the holiday season Thursday. The tree was lit just after 5 p.m. Actress Reese Witherspoon hosted the ceremony, featuring the First Family and cele... more »
Why Santa’s Lying on the Floor for Christmas Photos
[image: santa] A mall Santa was so determined to connect with a little boy, he got down on the floor to make it happen. His mother estimates it took about 20 minutes, but eventually, Erin Deely said her son Brayden, who is... Continue reading *“Why Santa’s Lying on the Floor for Christmas Photos”* at *abcnews.go.com*.
Government Report: Feds Have Failed Every Goal Set in the War on Drugs
[image: Heroin - 900] The government is failing to make any progress in the majority of its objectives to combat illegal drug use and drug related deaths, according to a new report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO). In 2010, the Office of National Drug... more »
Clashes as Thousands of Migrants Are Stuck Outside Macedonia
[image: Macedonia, Greece, migrants, refugees, European immigration crisis] IDOMENI, Greece (AP) -- Greek riot police struggled to maintain order Thursday after chaotic clashes between asylum-seekers at the country’s border with Macedonia, where thousands seeking a new life in the European Union have seen their long trek north brought... more »
Car Turns Driver In After Hit And Run Accident
The latest technology in cars is not only convenient for the driver but also for law enforcement officials. Watch out for ‘smart’ cars that can park, reverse, cruise and change lanes for you. They can also grass on you if you get involved in an accident. Dog driving a car illegaly Slate reports: On Monday, a Florida woman was arrested in a hit-and-run incident, according to local media. The woman, Cathy Burnstein, fled the scene after she allegedly rear-ended Anna Preston, who was taken to the hospital with back injuries. Shortly after Preston reported the accident to the police, a ... more »
Deteriorating Russian - Turkish Relations Is Raising tensions In The Caucasus
*John Dyer, VICE News:* *The Bad Blood Between Russia and Turkey Is Spreading to Armenia and Azerbaijan* Escalating tensions between Russia and Turkey have spread to the Caucasus, a volatile region where both powers have long contested each other's influence. After Turkish jets shot down a Russian warplane that allegedly flew into Turkish airspace last week, a Cold War-style war of words erupted between Ankara and Moscow. Turkey has refused to apologize for the incident, while Russia has blocked sales of tourism packages to Turkey, imposed sanctions on Turkish fruits and vegetabl... more »
Foreign Ministers Of Turkey And Russia Hold Their First High-Level Talks Since The Russian Military Plane Downing
This combination of pictures shows a file photo of Turkish foreign minister Mevlut Cavusoglu and Russian foreign minister Sergei Lavrov. (AFP photo) *VOA: **Turkey, Russia Hold First High-Level Talks Since Plane Downing* A Turkish official says the foreign ministers of Turkey and Russia met Thursday on the sidelines of a Europe security meeting, their first high-level bilateral talks since Turkey downed a Russian fighter jet late last month. The official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, said Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov met in the Serbian capital of Belgrade with ... more »
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry: 'I Have A Plan To Defeat The Islamic State in A Matter Of Months'
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (C) takes his seat to participate in the OSCE Ministerial Council meeting in Belgrade, Serbia December 3, 2015. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst *CSM*:* John Kerry says he has a plan to defeat ISIS in 'a matter of months'* As western powers expand military interventions against the Islamic State, US Secretary of State John Kerry said that under the right conditions the militant group's defeat would be swift. The United States and Britain this week said they would escalate military interventions against the Islamic State militant group, adding to a round o... more »
A Strange Thing Happened Yesterday on Social Media. Prayer Became a Microaggression
[image: Two men pray at Saint Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church near Sandy Hook Elementary School, where a gunman opened fire on school children and staff in Newtown, Connecticut December 14, 2012. Twenty schoolchildren were slaughtered by a heavily armed gunman who opened fire at a suburban elementary school in Connecticut on Friday, ultimately killing at least 27 people including himself in the one of the worst mass shootings in U.S. history. REUTERS/Joshua Lott (UNITED STATES - Tags: CRIME LAW EDUCATION)] A strange thing happened yesterday on social media. Prayer became a microag... more »
France in Process of Closing Up to 160 Mosques
[image: Paris attacks, mosques, Islam, muslims] French authorities have closed down three mosques since the Nov. 13 terrorist attacks in Paris, and there are many more to come. Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve will show no mercy toward radical mosques as long as France is in a state... more »
Senate Nears OK of GOP Bill Unraveling Health Care Law
[image: Barack Obama] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republicans drove legislation toward Senate approval Thursday that would demolish President Barack Obama’s signature health care law and block Planned Parenthood’s federal money, edging toward a veto fight the GOP knows it will lose but believes will... more »
Poll: Christie Surges to Top Tier in N.H.
[image: Chris Christie-400] Donald Trump continues to lead the Republican presidential field by wide margins in New Hampshire, but two of his opponents, Chris Christie and Ted Cruz, are rising rapidly in Granite State polls. Christie, New Jersey’s brusque two-term governor, has jumped... Continue reading *“Poll: Christie Surges to Top Tier in N.H.”* at *washingtonexaminer.com*.
Cameron Warns Of Lengthy Syria Campaign As MP’s Receive Online Threats
David Cameron got his way on Wednesday when MP’s voted in favour of bombing Syria. Today he warned that Britain’s military action was going to take time and would require “patience and persistence” The defence secretary, Michael Fallon also said that the battle against ISIS would be long and protracted, but he was pleased that MPs voted to carry out the strikes against Islamic State. Not everyone is happy about British airstrikes in Syria though…the Telegraph reports that Police are looking into multiple threats made on social media against MP’s following the Commons vote on Syria... more »
France’s Answer To Global Warming Is A $7,000 Electric Car
France is set to challenge the likes of Tesla with an ambitious electric car project. The Ecology minister Segolene Royal said France will build an electric car for under $7,000. It comes during the Paris COP21 environmental talks where all countries are trying to limit carbon dioxide emissions to save the planet from its present phase of ‘global warming’. Some blame human activity and pollution for the climate change while others say it’s a natural alteration of temperature in the earth’s biosphere whose causes are galactic rather than man made. Polluting the air and cutting down f... more »
Taxes up. Debt up. We need another plan. Let's hope it's not Syria
SOURCE GUARDIAN: Osborne reliant on rising immigration levels to achieve budget surplus During last week’s autumn statement, Osborne boasted: “The OBR’s (Office for Budget Responsibility)... forecast today is that the economy will grow robustly every year, living standards will rise every year, and more than a million extra jobs will be created over the next five years.” The chancellor
Jim Garrison Response - Kennedy Assassination
Zapruder film stabilized The Zapruder film mystery
Friday Morning Ramble–4.12.15
*“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.” *~ Abraham Lincoln “If only more folks had realised this 5 years ago.” ~ Eric Crampton *Central Christchurch risks becoming 'vacuous money pit'* – Johnny Moore, THE PRESS Governing body confirm third umpire made an error but “followed the correct procedure.” So that’s okay then. *Llong got DRS decision wrong: ICC* – CRICKET.COM.AU Good. Get a hobby. *Despairing obesity battler quits fight* – RADIO NZ “Noah Smith argues that increasing the minimum wage to $15 an hour in the USA w... more »
Russia & Syria Prepare For Idlib Battle With Joint Military Exercises
Russia and Syria are getting ready to fight Syrian opposition groups. A security source told AFP that for the past fortnight Russian and Syrian forces have been holding joint military exercises in Syria’s Latakia province in preparation for a battle in the neighbouring rebel held Idlib. Yahoo News reports: The exercises were being conducted in an area of Latakia with similar terrain to Idlib province, which is held by a coalition of rebels known as the Army of Conquest. “In the next stage, Idlib will become the major destination and most important target of joint Russian-Syrian mil... more »
CNN: Suspect Radicalized, Had Contact with Known Terror Suspect
[image: terror suspect] CNN) Syed Rizwan Farook -- who along with his wife, Tashfeen Malik, carried out the San Bernardino shooting massacre -- was apparently radicalized and in touch with people being investigated by the FBI for international terrorism, law enforcement officials said Thursday. Farook’s... Continue reading *“CNN: Suspect Radicalized, Had Contact with Known Terror Suspect”* at *cnn.com*.
Pro-Amnesty Christian Groups Receiving $1 Billion from Feds Double-Down for Syrian Refugees
[image: refugees2 - 400] The Evangelical Immigration Table, a George Soros-financed group of far left activists and Evangelical leaders, released a six-point appeal today calling on Congress to bring even more Syrian and other refugees to the U.S. The letter was introduced to journalists at... Continue reading *“Pro-Amnesty Christian Groups Receiving $1 Billion from Feds Double-Down for Syrian Refugees”* at *breitbart.com*.
Russia Restores Crimea's Power Supplies
*Moscow Times*: *Russia Restores Crimea Power Supplies* Russia restored power supplies to Crimea via undersea cable on Wednesday, ending an 11-day blackout, the RIA Novosti news agency reported Thursday. The new power line was inaugurated by Russian President Vladimir Putin in Simferopol. Current power supply capacity to the peninsula does not exceed 200 megawatts. A further 200 megawatts will be supplied by Dec. 20. This will cover up to 90 percent of the peninsula's power needs, Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak said Wednesday, RIA Novosti reported. *WNU Editor:* This sti... more »
Hilary Benn's Appalling Speech
It doesn't take much to be Labour's leader-in-waiting these days. There's David Miliband, failed leadership candidate and proud former owner of a 0.5% contact rate. Dan Jarvis is another - distinguished military service makes him a front runner regardless of what he says and does. And there is Hilary Benn, the man who electrified the political establishment and their media hangers ons with a simple 15 minute speech. This speech: Having odd-jobbed his way around the front bench for years, before taking up shadow foreign secretary under Harriet Harman's ill-fated tenure as caretaker... more »
Allah Stripped Turkish Leaders Of Their Sanity Says Putin
President Vladimir Putin has attacked the Turkish ruling elite by saying that “Allah has deprived them of their sanity.” The Russian President’s remarks come after the downing of a Russian SU-24 fighter jet, followed by further revelations that the Turkish government are connected with oil smuggling in Syria and Iraq. President Putin spoke at the annual state of the union address on Thursday saying that Turkey “supported terrorists.” He said that Allah has punished those have who transgressed against Russia, “Only Allah knows why” the Turkish ruling clique have conspired with Islami... more »
Rubio Is 5'10" And Cruz Is 5'8"-- Can You Picture A Cage Match?
It's a big if, but *if* the Republican Party can somehow put on its Big Boy shoes and get rid of Trumpf, the race for their presidential nomination would boil down to a battle we're seeing play out recently between the two right-wing Cuban-Americans, a Texas neo-fascist and an overrated young fogey from Miami. Relative to Trumpf's overt viciousness, it's been a relatively genteel affair, at least superficially, with the 2 camps sticking to battles over immigration, national security and taxes and staying away from childish Trumpf-style personal attacks, bullying and narcissistic-in... more »
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