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J.J. Abrams Awakens the Force
Okay we saw it. Star Wars: The Force Awakens (SW:TFA), on Christmas Eve. And although I am lead author — and “prosecuting attorney” — of the book Star Wars on Trial, and hence a leading critic of the series, I must admit that: (1) The newest installment of the franchise — directed by J.J. Abrams under Disney management — has none of the deeply objectionable traits of Episodes I, II, III and VI t
This graphic shows the massive growth of space junk orbiting Earth since 1957
There's a lot of space junk orbiting the Earth these days. Right now, NASA is tracking about 20,000 pieces of spent rocket parts, defunct satellites and bits of debris larger than a softball that are hurtling around the planet at more than 17,000 mph. There are also about 500,000 objects the size of a marble or larger being tracked as they orbit Earth and millions more that are too small to tr
Live giant squid filmed off coast of Japan
An underwater camera has picked up rare footage of a large squid in the waters of Japan's Toyama Bay. An enigma of the ocean's depths, the giant squid...
Where is the due diligence on 600 billion dollars invested in “decarbonisation”?
According to Nicholas Stern, the climate industry is set to rival the Industrial Revolution. Graham Lloyd of The Australian asked the obvious question that nobody at the COP 21 Flop thought to ask in Paris: “if [the] $650 billion a year being promised by US banking institutions will ever be expected to make a profit and, if so, will it need public support to do so.” “US Secretary of State John Ker
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Interview 1120 – Sibel Edmonds Explains The Erdogan Takedown
[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2015-12-22%20Sibel%20Edmonds.mp3"][/audio]Sibel Edmonds of BoilingFrogsPost.com joins us once again to discuss the ongoing "reverse engineering" of Erdogan by the NATO/CIA/Kurdish/Israeli/Russian forces that oppose him. We talk about the hypocritical and nearly-unanimous coverage of Erdogan's abuses and how and why this narrative is
West Prepares to Replace Their Puppet in Turkey
[audio mp3="http://www.corbettreport.com/mp3/2015-12-22%20Sibel%20Edmonds.mp3"][/audio]Sibel Edmonds of BoilingFrogsPost.com joins us once again to discuss the ongoing "reverse engineering" of Erdogan by the NATO/CIA/Kurdish/Israeli/Russian forces that oppose him. We talk about the hypocritical and nearly-unanimous coverage of Erdogan's abuses and how and why this narrative is
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Man Who Identified Cecil the Lion’s Killer Vows Death Will Not Be in Vain
Zimbabwean activist Johnny Rodrigues says he now has an unprecedented platform to promote conservation
Seeding an Agrarian Revolution in Rural India
Aided by a local nonprofit, marginalized women farmers are growing a rich harvest of crops using age-old farming traditions
Paris Climate Deal: Nearly 200 Nations Sign In End of Fossil Fuel Era
Two decades of talks have come to this: an ambitious agreement to hold states to emissions targets – but already low-lying countries are worried
New Draft of Paris Climate Change Deal Cuts Through Many Sticking Points
Talks are ‘extremely close’ to the finish line, says French foreign minister. Leading non-government observers agree headway is finally being made
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IS THE BBC BIASED? // actions
More on Yolande Knell's shepherds
Further to yesterday's post about Yolande Knell's latest Christmas card from Bethlehem...Please read the ever-excellent Daphne Anson's take on it - The BBC & the ABC's Sophie McNeill Have Themselves A Merry Little Christmas:The Christmas story, with its cast of supporting characters, has again given the BBC (step forward Yolande Knell and Co.) the chance to spin some anti-Israel propaganda lit
A Candle in the Dark
As flood waters engulf swathes of Lancashire, Yorkshire and Cumbria (again) and certain places lose power as a result, there was a timely edition of Something Understood on Radio 4 early this morning. Its subject was 'The Candle'. (Last week's edition had a similarly timely subject - darkness!)Something Understood has been uniformly excellent in recent weeks and, in the midst of all my complaining
A jeremiad from Andrew Marr
Andrew Marr has an interesting piece in The Sunday Times, headlined 'We were once the fierce and terrible zealots but now have only shallow gods'. His point is that we in the Christian used to be exactly like Islamic State & Co. back in the day. In the name of our religion, in the medieval and early modern period especially, we did many of the insanely brutal things that IS is doing now, from
"Yes, you can stay in this stable because Islam welcomes all faiths"
A proud momentGiven the recent Eastenders plot line involving Nancy and her nice Muslim boyfriend Tamwar storyline - where (so far) Tam has got to deliver a nice-if-somewhat-truncated verse from the Koran on one episode and Nancy has praised Islam for giving Tam "simplicity, peace and answers" on another episode - let's engage in a little Boxing Day fun and imagine a Christmas Eve Easten
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Casita Copan: The home of Mami Zoila
Casita Copan Home for Abandoned ChildrenBackground and Project OutlineDecember 2015The goal: Raise $15,000 to cover 12 months of maintenance costs (approx $1,200 per month) at one of the three family-style homes that Casita Copan operates for abandoned children in Copan Ruinas, Honduras. This particular project will focus on the home of Zoila, who has made a commitment to be the permanent foster m
Then and now: The children of Angelitos find their dreams at Casita Copan
It will soon be four years since we first met the kids living in squalor, smell and deprivation at what was then the Angelitos Felices home for abandoned children in Copan Ruinas, Honduras. We were on our first Cuso International placement and needed a side project for our weekend hours. Once we made our first visit to Angelitos, we knew we'd found it. Friends and family back home did so much to h
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The Roswell Nuns - Again
It has come up again, that is, the case of the Roswell nuns seeing something in the sky late on July 4, 1947, and recording it in their diaries. I have reported on this several times on this blog as I attempted to clarify the problem. This all came about in a footnote I had provided in The Truth about the UFO Crash at Roswell. Lance Moody has suggested that if you “googled” Roswell nuns you would
Anne Robbins and Roswell
In the course of investigating many UFO cases, there are witnesses who come forward to tell their stories. Depending on the nature of the story or the investigator who hears it, that story might be added to the case file or might be rejected. Anne Robbins, widow of T/SGT Ernest Robbins, told her story, or rather her husband’s story after he died in January 2000. It related to Roswell and had all t
This and That
As many of you know, I have been reviewing a large number of UFO files and have found some things that don’t warrant a complete blog post but that are interesting. For example, Ramey Air Force Base in Puerto Rico was not named for Roger Ramey but for Brigadier General Howard Knox Ramey. This Ramey learned to fly in 1918 and by the time the Second World War broke out he had moved up the ranks. In B
June Kaba and Roswell
I see that June Kaba’s tale is making the rounds again and although I hate to mention it because it will probably result in more hate email; I find her story to be unbelievable. She seemed to me to be a very nice woman who might have been lonely in her old age but the stories she told simply do not hang together and her observations of military life and organization are in error.June Kaba at a wed
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The Scandal of Cadbury's Heroes
Ravi has captured the imagination of all progressive humanity and rendered a huge service with his Fair Celebrations campaign, an exposure of the shifty practices of the Mars Corporation. Well, below is irrefutable proof of shared shiftiness across corporate lines. Cadbury, the diminishing subsidiary of Kraft Foods, are also at it. Terrible. As it happens, I'm a fan of Eclairs and glad to see the
An Essay in Self-Criticism
Quoting Mao is in thanks to John McDonnell's invocation at the dispatch box. With Stalinist revivalism in the air, I'm going to indulge another practice associated with China's unlamented Red Guard movement: the self-criticism. Confession time. I've found getting my bearing in the new politics extremely difficult. That's inevitable I suppose as previous self-evident truths were upended in little
Quarter Four Local By-Election Results 2015
PartyNumber of CandidatesTotal Vote%+/- Q3Average/contest+/- Q3+/-SeatsConservative68 32,135 26.9% +4.8% 473 +25 +4Labour62 27,580 23.1% -7.8% 445 -214 0LibDem50 16,104 13.5% +3.9% 322 +61 -2UKIP44 6,981 5.8% -0.5% 159 +1 -2Green40 4,970 4.2% -1.1% 124 -37 +1SNP*12 16,463 13.8% -6.8% 1,372 -524 0PC** 8 2,222 1.9% +0.5% 278 -45 +1
Local Council By-Election Results 2015
PartyNumber of candidatesTotal vote%+/- 2014Average/contest+/- 2014+/- SeatsConservative 236202,496 31.0% +1.9% 838 +358 +19Labour 225197,453 30.2% +1.1% 878 +308 -6LibDem 165 63,550 9.7% -1.7% 385 +75 +1UKIP 164 53,067 8.1% -6.9% 324 -64 -11Green 134 31,936 4.9% +0.2% 238 +37 -2SNP* 32 59,095 9.0% +
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A WAY TO LIVE // actions
Work for one another
I'm a bit of a Murray Bookchin bunny, as may be divined by perusing the link at the bottom of this rant. Please bear with me.In the 1970s and 1980s I was a member of a forestry services cooperative, The Hoedads, Inc., as recounted in my book, Iron Buddhas. While our initial contract bid bonding was put up by the founders by attaching liens on their real estate, we capitalized our bonds and other c
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A.E.BRAIN // actions
Limits on Neuroplasticity - and the infamous BSTc layer
I found a wonderfully informative site I wasn't aware of, by an author whose talents at conveying complex concepts to a lay audience exceed my own. Even though I'm the one who's supposed to have a Grad Cert in Science Communication from the ANU.It's Liz - Day by Day, a blog that apparently started as a record of Transition, but has since become an excellent resource on the science of Sex and Gende
Serious Stuff
Some quotes from a person of questionable sanity: " I don’t want to reach the evil fuckers and give them more information, to teach them how to con more Lesbians. I want them gone permanently. " Pseudo, you’re right — they’re the ones who kept taking about violence and murder. But really, they should be careful about giving some angry women those ideas. I can’t imagine that every one of
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The lie in Canada's Syrian refugee show
REGARDING CANADA'S SYRIAN REFUGEE POLICY, an aspect which is egregiously avoided and covered up is the geopolitical dimension and motives for receiving refugees preferentially from Syria (and other specific conflict areas). The government is not doing this primarily to satisfy its international humanitarian obligations. Syria under Assad is a target of vicious US-Canada-NATO-Israel
What is Cancer? -- My article published in four parts on Dissident Voice
Cancer Arises from Stress-induced Breakdown of Tissue Homeostasis Part 1: Context of Cancer Research December 4th, 2015 by Denis Rancourt Review of Randomized Trials Cancer Arises From Stress-induced Breakdown of Tissue Homeostasis: Part 2 December 6th, 2015 by Denis Rancourt What is Cancer? Cancer arises from stress-induced breakdown of tissue
Archived news articles about Denis Rancourt
News coverage and interviews with media TVO - The Agenda, April 10, 2009. [see more videos on the VIDEOS page.] [Other media include Commentary, Magazine Features, Videos, Blogs (see main menu options)] Spencer Van Dyk, "U of O urged not to sue", The Fulcrum, 4 September 2013. Karen Birchard and Jennifer Lewington, "A Self-Proclaimed Dissident Riles Up Canadian Academe", The Ch
Archived magazine features about Denis Rancourt
Magazine Features about Denis Rancourt 2010.January-February, This Magazine (Toronto) : Re-making the grade 2009.March, Le Deliberant (french, Ottawa) : Le cas Rancourt 2009.February, Centre Town News (Ottawa) : Portrait - Fighting for academic freedom 2008.spring, Glue Magazine (Ottawa) : Ottawa Anarchists 2007.September, Ottawa Magazine : This City - Freethinking professor 2006.Nov-Dec
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Gospel December 27, 2015...
the third day of Christmas.Christmas is not over, it's just starting.The twelve days of Christmas start on December 25.For many Christians, Christmas ends when the gift wrap paper is loaded in the recycle bin. For others it is the beginning of The Twelve Days of Christmas culminating on the feast of the Epiphany on January 6th. Gospel Lk 2:41-52Each year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem for the
Hillary's endless supply of ugly fuzzy jackets...
seriously.They make me itch. This is a lesson for what not to wear when you're short and dumpy. At the last debate:Hillary at rally in Keota, Iowa, hugging a little girl who claims she's been bullied. Poor little snowflake.:
Protomartyr St. Stephen and Boxing Day...
two very different observations. And that's all I have to say about that.If you celebrate Boxing Day, have a happy.If you observe St. Stephen, set aside some special prayers for the millions of Christians being persecuted across the world. They are legion.Question: Do people really spend today returning gifts and shopping for after Christmas bargains? How odd.
by the news today.I'll just leave you with this opinion of Trump by 89 year old Jerry Lewis during a recent interview with Raymond Arroyo of EWTN. Irondale, AL (EWTN) – The reviews are in! "Inspirational!" "Best interview ever!" Viewers loved Raymond Arroyo's interview on EWTN's “The World Over” with Jerry Lewis. If you missed it or want to see it again, tune in to EWTN for en
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Searching for Steele
An investigation into the role played by a retired US colonel in Iraq's US-funded sectarian interrogation units.
Analysis: The Taliban's resurgence in Afghanistan
The Taliban have been making strategic gains, as Afghan government forces face new threats, writes Dawood Azami.
Saudi Arabia 'intercepts' scud missile fired from Yemen
Saudi-led coalition battling rebels in Yemen says the missile was fired towards the kingdom's southern city of Najran.
India's slum kid reporters tell stories of street life
Newspaper run by thousands of homeless kids tackles hard-hitting issues such as child labour and sexual abuse.
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Walking Into My Precognitive Vision Of The Golden Gate Bridge
Fort Mason Park , San Francisco and the grassy knoll in the background that overlooks the Golden Gate Bridge.It was 1987 and it was a day similar to the day, which you see pictured here, when I walked into this park and directly into a precognitive vision that I had from a place of deep loss at six years old in Boston, Massachusetts. In that deliriously joyful moment I realized that my Unifi
My Living Will And Living Narrative
Allen L Roland with still much to do at 82 years old. As I draw closer to 82 years old, I realize I'm living on borrowed time and since I've already published my Living Will ~ I think I'm ready to publish my living Narrative complete with my many triumphs and failures but still in the same spirit of good humor and gratitude. I wouldn't have missed this lifetime for anything ~ for I most
Connecting The Dots / A Christmas Self Healing Gift
Time after time, in my self-healing heart centered consultations with my clients, both civilian and veterans, I take great pride in my ability to identify and connect the soul dots of their lives ~ identifying the people who have touched their hearts and souls and setting the stage to acknowledge and thank them for being gifts in their lives. That is the Christmas gift I share with you this yea
Trump Represents Ugly Face Of American Politics
When you fully open the window of the American Political scene ~ you will see the true face of democracy as revealed in our Imperialistic wars, interventions, the suppression of human rights, the demands of the corporate state and it's all apparent in the face and words of Donald Trump much like it was when Hitler became the angry fascist face of Germany in the 1930's ~ reflecting the same right
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"We are diamonds taking shape...."
turn your magic onUmi she’d sayeverything you want’s a dream awayand we are legends every daythat’s what she told me turn your magic on,to me she’d sayeverything you want’s a dream awayunder this pressure under this weightwe are diamonds now I feel my heart beatingI feel my heart underneath my skinand I feel my heart beatingoh you make me feellike I’m alive againalive againoh you make me feellike
The US has refused to respond to French inquiries regarding terrorist funding sources, according to sources in the French Finance Ministry.
US Refuses to Tell France Who Financed Paris Terror Attacks© AFP 2015/ MIGUEL MEDINASWIFT is wholly owned by HSBC (Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation), which is owned by the Chinese Dragon Family. Follow the financial trail and you find the links to all the multitude of partners currently financing the organized chaos of carnage in Syria, and that includes Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel, Tur
GAIA PORTAL: Pathways of abundance are now inlaid to Gaia energetics
Pathways of abundance are now inlaid to Gaia energeticsby ÉirePortPathways of abundance are now inlaid to Gaia energetics.Mental pathways for hu-manity are cleared and prepared for higher discoveries.Somatics are eliminated in due process.Flairs of possibilities present to all.Combinings are approved.ÉirePort | December 26, 2015 at 09:09 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-wM
We Were Made For These Times
FROM: http://prepareforchange.net/2015/12/13/we-were-made-for-these-times/We Were Made For These TimesDecember 13, 2015 by Danell GladeWe Were Made For These TimesClarissa Pinkola EstesMy friends, do not lose heart. We were made for these times. I have heard from so many recently who are deeply and properly bewildered. They are concerned about the state of affairs in our world now. Ours is a time
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ANGOLA 3 NEWS // actions
Photos and Reportback from Dec. 12 Amnesty USA Art for Rights event in New Orleans for Albert Woodfox and other political prisoners
Read the Amnesty USA press release here.Read a report from the day by the Times-Picayune here.All photos are by Nat Williams.
Never Silenced, Herman Wallace's Spirit is Smiling --An interview with filmmaker Angad Singh Bhalla
Canadian filmmaker Angad Singh Bhalla has never shied away from examining politically controversial topics. Nor does he play down his own artistic goal of using media to foster political change. Bhalla's first independent work, entitled U.A.I.L. Go Back amplified the voices of Indian villagers resisting an alumina project backed by the Canadian company Alcan. The film became an important organizin
New Orleans, Dec. 12: Art for Rights / Write for Rights, Amnesty Intl. event with Robert King and BMike
Join Amnesty International USA in New Orleans on December 12, from 10am to 6pm, to celebrate art, human rights and international solidarity. As part of the organization’s annual “Write for Rights” campaign, Amnesty International USA is partnering with New Orleans native, Brandan “BMike” Odums to host an “Art for Rights” pop-up exhibition at Studio Be, 2925-2999 Royal Street in New Orleans. Attend
A3 Newsletter: From the Louvre to Louisiana
While the National and International community rally to the support of Albert Woodfox, time seems to have stood still in Louisiana where the long struggle to achieve freedom for Albert Woodfox after four decades in solitary confinement for a crime he did not commit drags on nearly three years after a federal judge once again overturned Albert's conviction.In France, the newly released " Cruel
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Year’s End Kudos, 2015 Edition
A year of mostly bad headlines is almost behind us. ‘Tis the season not to dwell on sorrows, but to remember reasons for gratitude and good cheer. So let us pause to acknowledge those who took steps to reduce nuclear dangers – steps that could yield greater benefits in the years to come. The Arms …
Global Warming Up; Arms Control Down
Climate change has displaced nuclear risk reduction as an intense focus of national leaders and activists across the globe. This sense of commitment was reflected in the Paris pact that sets targets to reduce harmful emissions to slow the pace of man-made climate change and the rise of sea levels. Arms control activists, an increasingly …
The JCPOA and the Broader Conclusion
On 2 December 2015, the International Atomic Energy Agency released its final assessment on past and present outstanding issues regarding Iran’s nuclear program. Here in the United Kingdom, the report did not hit the front pages, as the parliament was debating whether the country should extend its military engagement in the Middle East to Syria. …
Revisiting South Africa’s Bomb
There is a new book on South Africa’s Apartheid-era nuclear weapons program by Nic von Wielligh, who participated in the program. Originally published in Afrikaans as Die Bom: Suid-Afrika se Kernwapenprogram, the book is now available in English. (The title is translated literally as The Bomb: South Africa’s Nuclear Weapons Programme.) The CNS office in …
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BIG DAN'S BIG BLOG // actions
Dueling Rightwing & Muslim FALSE FLAGS: Rightwingers & Muslims Need To Band Together Against FALSE FLAGS
Who will tell the emperor he has no clothes? More and more people around the world are waking up to the fact that there is overwhelming evidence that these "mass shootings" are staged government FALSE FLAGS. The mainstream media will NEVER question the "official story" of a mass shooting, even when the first question should always be: WAS IT A FALSE FLAG BY THE GOVERNMENT? No m
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Economic News , Data & views ( December 27 , 2015 ) Europe In focus ( Refugee Items Of Note - French Isle Of Corsica Has Days Of Anti -Arab Protests / Germany & Greece Dispute Greece Efforts In Securing Exterior Border / UK Pressed To do More / Greece Still Overwhelmed By Flood Of Refugees / Bavaria Overwhelmed By Flood Of Refugees , UK Flooding Continues , Spain Political Dramas On Front Burner , Odds& Ends ) Asia / Emerging Nations ( Cascade Of China Related News Items , Turkey In Focus - Irony Of Course With Turkish Posture On Syria / Assad Is Ongoing Internal & External Battles With Kurds , Dubai Stocks rebound , Saudi Arabia Considering Options For Economic Growth Apart From Oil , Missing Dubai Gold Deepens , Ukraine In Focus )
Europe......The Daily Star @DailyStarLeb 5m5 minutes agoCorsica demos banned after two days of anti-Arab protests http://bit.ly/1YKcJlU The Telegraph @Telegraph 9m9 minutes ago"Urgent action" needed to prevent further flooding on the A55 in north Wales, Plaid Cymru says http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/weather/12070443/UK-weather-floods-hit-north-as-rivers-burst-banks-live.html …Al Ar
MENA Report ( December 26 - 27 ) Iraq / Syria Regional War ( ISIS losing ground in both Iraq and Syria even as ISIS Leader al- Baghdadi releases audiotape lashing out at Israel / Russia / Syria / Iraq / The West and anyone else he could think of , battlefield and political updates of note ) Libya Updates ( Battlefield , political and ISIS updates of note )
Links ......Key Syrian Islamist Leader Killed in AirstrikeIraq PM: Mosul Is Next Target After RamadiCorruption Fuels Afghan Losses in Helmand2,000 Islamist Fighters to Be Relocated From Metro DamascusISIS Claims Counterattacks, Ambushes in RamadiISIS Claims Counterattacks, Ambushes in RamadiGerman FM Defends ISIS War, Insists 'No Boots on the Ground'Ramadi Battles Continue: 240 Killed Across IraqU
Economic News , Data & Views ( December 26 , 2015 ) Boxing Days Items To consider ( Refugee and European Border Control Items Of Note , Data Splash For the Day , Essay From French Journalist Expelled By China , Turkish Sarin Transfer Items , Daimler Threatens Group Regarding Emissions Tests , Spain In Focus - Election Aftermath / Wave Of Forest Fires / El Corte Ingles Takes On Amazon , G8 's Changing Face - The Future Portends Interesting Changes for G8 , Odds & Ends )
Europe......dwnews @dwnews 4m4 minutes agoGermans pessimistic about economic upside of refugee influx http://bit.ly/1YDURyu FRANCE 24 English @France24_en 9m9 minutes agoDrowning deaths as hundreds of migrants try to swim into Spanish enclave http://f24.my/1Ppdro2 Haidi Lun 伦海迪 @HaidiLun 21m21 minutes agoEnglish version of essay by @ugauthier that's getting her expelled, called "flagra
Economic News , & Views ( December 25 , 2015 ) XMAS Greetings , Thoughts & Music to move Your Spirit today . As we enjoy this wonderful day , keep those less fortunate in your hearts / minds and in your prayers ....... Around the horn with news for today !
XMAS ......FRANCE 24 English @France24_en 10m10 minutes agoPope Francis backs UN peace efforts in Christmas Day blessing http://f24.my/1VfWZXH 台灣蘋果日報 Taiwan News @TW_nextmedia 31m31 minutes ago#聖誕老人 遇上 #歌仔戲,創意活動機場快閃 http://bit.ly/1m8PBBN #xmas #christmas #MerryChristmas #Flashmob #TaiwaneseOpera British Army @BritishArmy 1h1 hour agoSpecial wishes to those spending Christmas away from home
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