Polchinski and string theory to the rescue
Joe Polchinski was invited to the Munich conference about the "falsifiability under the light of string theory". He was the only participant who attended the meeting through a wormhole at arXiv.org where he posted String theory to the rescue, a wonderful philosophical essay with a story, an essay of the kind that should be winning all the "quantum gravity essay contests" except that the organizers almost never manage to receive contestants that would be this good. Polchinski's basic point is that quantum gravity seems hard at first sight, and for two reasons: 1. the Planck le... more »
Dec. 8: I have so much material today that....
...I can't possibly get it all in. So, first let's deal with the Irving press because that won't take long. On B1 we find the story that the New Brunswick government lied to us. It didn't put Dr. Cleary on leave; it fired her. And, despite the high level of trust and respect she enjoys among the population of this province, the government won't tell us why it fired her. And if they told us, I wouldn't believe them because the Gallant government - like Conservative government that preceded it and the Graham government that preceded the Conservatives - is now a pack of proven liars. ... more »
BWorld 30, Tourism and airport transfer at NAIA
* This is my article in BusinessWorld last December 03, 2015. Tourism provides income and creates jobs for many economies in the world. Singapore, for instance, attracts foreign visitors two times its population size while Hong Kong gets visitors four times the number of its residents. The Philippines, being detached from the Asian mainland and an archipelago, does not get enough foreign visitors compared to its neighbors in the region. Thus, while one can take land transportation from Thailand to Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam, or from Malaysia to Singapore, it cannot be done in the ... more »
Election 18, On Duterte's killing field of 1,700 murders
Of the 5 declared and serious Presidential candidates for the PH elections in May 2016, Davao City Mayor Rodrigo Duterte is the most controversial, most drama-filled, most sensational. Why? These headlines today in major newspapers in Manila are self-explanatory. From a city government-sponsored murders to state-sponsored murders if he becomes President. The PDP-Laban party's standard bearer is a self-confessed murderer of 1,700 people. Even if it's a joke, it's a shameless joke. The man is laughing at the claimed 700 murders, *small time daw*. He publicly, explicitly, categori... more »
China Has A Plan To Absorb North Korea
*Strategy Page*: *Peacekeeping: Chinese Plans For Absorbing North Korea* China and South Korea are both quite uneasy about the prospect of the North Korean government collapsing. This is by both as a question of when not if as the economy and public support for the hereditary dictatorship in North Korea continues to decline. Unless the North Korean leadership makes some fundamental, and long opposed, changes the government control of the country will collapse. Both China and South Korea say they should take over but neither is enthusiastic about actually doing so. According to opini... more »
Picture Of The Day
*Wreath Dedication* Wreaths adorn the USS Arizona Memorial on Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam, Hawaii, Dec. 7, 2015, where a remembrance ceremony was held to honor survivors and those who lost their lives in the attacks on Pearl Harbor 74 years ago. U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Jeff Troutman
North Korean Sub Damaged During Missile test
*Washington Free Beacon: **North Korean Submarine Damaged in Missile Test* Setback for Pyongyang’s missile sub program. North Korea’s first submarine capable of firing missiles underwater suffered serious damage during a failed test launch last month, according to defense officials. The Sinpo-class submarine attempted to launch North Korea’s KN-11 submarine-launched ballistic missile during a test Nov. 28 in the Sea of Japan, but officials said the missile failed to properly eject from its firing tube, causing damage to the submarine and its sail. Details of the damage were not d... more »
Chicago Police Scandal Highlights Problems with One-Party Rule
[image: Rahm Emanuel - 900] For a moment at least, the biggest political beneficiary of the shootings in San Bernardino wasn’t a presidential candidate or terrorist group. It was Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel. The killing spree in Southern California distracted the national press at precisely... more »
A Must Read Report On China's Military
Chinese Military Parade (YouTube) *Harry J. Kazianis, National Interest:* *The Chinese Military Report You Missed (But Need to Read, Now)* Okay, so coming in at a beefy 631 pages,* the U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission’s (USCC) annual report* might not exactly be a light read. However, for those of us on the hunt for the latest non-classified, open-source material on China’s military there appear to be several important data points worth seeking out. Truth be told, the entire report is not about Beijing’s mighty military, with the bulk of the report detailing U.S.... more »
Trump--just another pressure release valve in the US (s)election process...OR????
*Trump calls for "total and complete shut down of Muslims entering the United States until our country's representatives can figure out what's going on. We have no choice."* Trump, with his recent incendiary statements about Muslims and 9/11...could be doing what *Ron Paul did before him...taking himself out of the Presidential race.* Why is he doing this? I've thunk and thunk and came up with the following possibilities: 1. Donald is doing a political *hari kari, *destroying his political career (budding as it is) on purpose---so that his friends, the globalist neocon ziofasc... more »
Dueling Rightwing & Muslim FALSE FLAGS: Rightwingers & Muslims Need To Band Together Against FALSE FLAGS
Who will tell the emperor he has no clothes? More and more people around the world are waking up to the fact that there is overwhelming evidence that these "mass shootings" are staged government FALSE FLAGS. The mainstream media will NEVER question the "official story" of a mass shooting, even when the first question should always be: WAS IT A FALSE FLAG BY THE GOVERNMENT? No matter how many questions there are about the "official story" that people have, they will NEVER ask or explore them. In fact, they will go out of the way to push the "official story" and ignore or ridicule ... more »
Ex-wife and Kids of Stone Temple Pilots Singer Brutally Honest About his Drug Addiction
[image: Scott Weiland - 400] December 3rd, 2015 is not the day Scott Weiland died. It is the official day the public will use to mourn him, and it was the last day he could be propped up in front of a microphone for the financial... Continue reading *“Ex-wife and Kids of Stone Temple Pilots Singer Brutally Honest About his Drug Addiction”* at *rockfeed.net*.
Venezuela Opposition Wins Supermajority in National Assembly
[image: Venezuela] CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) -- Venezuela’s opposition won a key two-thirds majority in the National Assembly in legislative voting, according to final results released Tuesday, dramatically strengthening its hand in any bid to wrest power from President Nicolas Maduro after 17... more »
Does Rand Paul’s Immigration Policy Go Beyond Donald Trump’s?
[image: Rand Paul - 900] In a teleconference with pastors Tuesday, Sen. Rand Paul expressed a position on immigration Tuesday that may go beyond even the controversial stand of Donald Trump. Where Trump is pushing for a temporary halt on Muslim immigration, Paul told a group of pastors he... more »
What Do You Do When ISIS Steals Your Antiwar Art to Recruit Members?
[image: antiwar art] Toy photographer Brian McCarty was recently poking around a site aimed at tracking unauthorized commercial usage of his art when he found something unsettling: The Islamic State appeared to have ripped off his work, Photoshopped it a bit and turned it into recruiting propaganda.... Continue reading *“What Do You Do When ISIS Steals Your Antiwar Art to Recruit Members?”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
5-Year-Old Autistic Child has Extraordinary Mental Powers and Psychic Abilities
*Phillip Schneider* - The extraordinary mental capacities of this child serve as a reminder of how little we actually know about the human mind. The post 5-Year-Old Autistic Child has Extraordinary Mental Powers and Psychic Abilities appeared first on Waking Times.
Turkey's Role In Europe's Migration Crisis
*Gregg Roman and Gary C. Gambill, The Hill: **Turkey’s human wave assault on the West* For months, Western policymakers have agonized over what to do with the masses of Sunni Muslim migrants flooding Europe by the boatload, particularly Syrians. Largely missing from this discussion is the question of why this flood is happening. For starters, it doesn’t have much to do directly with the civil war in Syria or the rise of ISIS. The vast majority of the 886,662 migrants who illegally entered Europe this year embarked from Turkey, a little over half of them Syrians who took shelter ... more »
Iraq's 48 Hour Ultimatum To Turkey To Pull Back It's Troops Has Expired
*Reuters*: *Iraq at U.N. plays down dispute with Turkey over troop deployment* Iraq asked NATO on Tuesday to put pressure on alliance member Turkey to withdraw its troops immediately from northern Iraq after Ankara said it would not deploy any more but refused to pull out those already there. The arrival of a heavily armed Turkish contingent near the frontline close to Mosul has added yet another controversial deployment to a war against Islamic State that has drawn in most of the world's major powers. "NATO must use its authority to urge Turkey to withdraw immediately from Iraqi... more »
Poll: 68% of Trump’s Supporters Would Vote for Him if He Bolts the GOP
[image: Trump's supporters] WASHINGTON -- Donald Trump not only continues to lead the Republican presidential field in a new USA TODAY/Suffolk University Poll. The overwhelming majority of his supporters also say they would vote for him if he bolted the GOP and ran... Continue reading *“Poll: 68% of Trump’s Supporters Would Vote for Him if He Bolts the GOP”* at *usatoday.com*.
Two Christian Schools Denied Request to Pray Over PA System at State Football Championship
[image: Football huddle] Representatives of two Christian high schools in Florida were not allowed to say a prayer over a loudspeaker before a state championship game. Cambridge Christian School in Tampa and University Christian School in Jacksonville agreed to have a public prayer said... more »
Rubio-Backer Funding Major Effort to Revoke Support for Marriage in GOP Platform
[image: marriage] A powerfully funded pro-gay marriage movement is organizing within the Republican Party to take support for our classic understanding of marriage out of the Republican Party platform, reports the Washington Blade, a leading gay newspaper. The group Platform Reform is a... Continue reading *“Rubio-Backer Funding Major Effort to Revoke Support for Marriage in GOP Platform”* at *thepulse2016.com*.
Tory flood defence cuts is a long way from “fixing the roof while the sun is shining”
SOURCE TELEGRAPH: Storm Desmond Floods 'made worse after hundreds of flood defence schemes shelved' Flooding which brought chaos to Britain and saw thousands of people evacuated from their homes may have been avoided if the Government had not cancelled hundreds of defence schemes. Hundreds of families are spending the night in Red Cross Shelters after Storm Desmond brought record levels of
Study: Opening Federal Lands to Drilling is Worth $663 Billion, 2.7 Million Jobs Annually
[image: Money, Hundreds, Currency, Giving, Men, Benjamin Franklin,] Opening federal lands for natural gas, oil and other drilling would create 2.7 million jobs and add $663 billion to the economy each year for the next 30 years, according to a new study by Louisiana State University and the Institute for... more »
new post
whutevah i wuz thinking about it has passet. but i feel i live the history v vr ee stab o' mi pen
Musical Interlude: Adiemus, “In Caelum Fero”
Adiemus, “In Caelum Fero” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dc-tRfKjuQ
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Big, beautiful spiral galaxy NGC 1055 is a dominant member of a small galaxy group a mere 60 million light-years away toward the intimidating constellation Cetus. Seen edge-on, the island universe spans about 100,000 light-years, similar in size to our own Milky Way. * Click image for larger size.* Colorful, spiky stars in this cosmic portrait of NGC 1055 are in the foreground, well within the Milky Way. But along with a smattering of more distant background galaxies, the deep image also reveals a curious box-shaped inner halo extending far above and below this galaxy's dusty plane... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Meaning of Life?”
*“The Meaning of Life?”* by Chet Raymo “I had heard from a high-school student in the midwest who had read my book “Skeptics and True Believers”, in which, as you may know, I take to task all forms of faith that lack an empirical basis, including astrology and supernaturalist religion. He writes: "Are we just meaningless beasts roaming a meaningless Earth with the sole purpose of popping out babies so we can raise them to live longer, more meaningless lives? A good question, the best question. What we have learned about our place on Earth does indeed suggest that we are beasts, r... more »
The Poet: Galway Kinnell, "Another Night in the Ruins"
"*Another Night in the Ruins"* "In the evening haze darkening on the hills, purple of the eternal, a last bird crosses over, ‘flop flop,’ adoring only the instant. Nine years ago, in a plane that rumbled all night above the Atlantic, I could see, lit up by lightning bolts jumping out of it, a thunderhead formed like the face of my brother, looking down on blue, lightning-flashed moments of the Atlantic. He used to tell me, “What good is the day? On some hill of despair the bonfire you kindle can light the great sky— though it’s true, of course, to make it burn you have... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Los Alamitos, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
What A Hateful Bunch These "Pull Up The Ladder" Republican Candidates Are-- Especially Trumpf, Cruz And Rubio
Trump hates when he's exposed as a loser-- as he often has been-- and the release yesterday on a new Monmouth poll showing his campaign taking a backseat to the other fascist candidate in the race. Trump slipped from 23% in August down to 19% in December. Meanwhile, Cruz's support has grown in the same period from 9% to 24%. Trump was on twitter, of course, hootin' and hollerin' about some CNN poll that shows him still ahead of Cruz. The Iowa contenders, according to Monmouth: *•* Cruz- 24% *•* Trumpf- 19% *•* Rubio- 17% *•* Dr. Ben- 13% *•* Jeb- 6% *•* Rand Paul- 4% The rest of... more »
“How to Stop the Negative Voices in Your Head from Ruling Your Life”
*“How to Stop the Negative Voices in Your Head from Ruling Your Life”* By Melanie Greenberg “’Loser! You messed this up again! You should have known better!’ Sound familiar? It’s that know-it-all, bullying, mean-spirited committee in your head. Don’t you wish they would just shut up already? We all have voices inside our heads commenting on our moment-to-moment experiences, the quality of our past decisions, mistakes we could have avoided, and what we should have done differently. For some people, these voices are really mean and make a bad situation infinitely worse. Rather than e... more »
"Tell Me Yourself, I Challenge You..."
"Tell me yourself, I challenge you— answer. Imagine that you are creating a fabric of human destiny with the object of making men happy in the end, giving them peace and rest at last, but that it was essential and inevitable to torture to death only one tiny creature... and to found that edifice on its unavenged tears: would you consent to be the architect on those conditions? Tell me, and tell the truth.” - Dostoevsky, "The Brothers Karamazov"
"Something You Already Know..."
"Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward. That's how winning is done. Now, if you know what you're worth, then go out and get what you're worth. But you gotta be willing to take the hit, and not pointing fingers saying you ain't where yo... more »
Victory in councils’ backtracking
Auckland’s planners are backtracking somewhat from their imposition on the city of 3,600 so-called sites of cultural significance—each representing a “site” (said the council) that they had deemed “important” to Mana Whenua, with whom property-owners would be required to “consult” before doing anything more aggressive than mowing their lawn. These are are the “purple blobs” that in slowing or even stopping work on projects anywhere near them saw them dubbed a taniwha tax—and Lee Short from Democracy Action Lee Short sees a small victory in the council’s backtracking. “Our campaign ...more »
Government Headed To Another Shutdown?
[image: government shutdown] 1. Is it true that Congress has given up on its Dec. 11 deadline for funding the U.S. government? Yes. Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., said Tuesday that Congress will miss the Friday deadline because they don’t have enough time to finish the... Continue reading *“Government Headed To Another Shutdown?”* at *usatoday.com*.
Russian Sub In The Mediterranean Fires Cruise Missiles At The Islamic State In Syria
*RT:* *Russia strikes ISIS targets in Syria from sub in Mediterranean for first time (VIDEO)* Russia has, for the first time, targeted Islamic State targets in Syria with Kalibr land-attack cruise missiles launched from a submarine in the Mediterranean Sea, according to Russia’s Defense Minister. The 3M-54 Kalibr missiles were launched from the Kilo-class diesel-electric submarine “Rostov-on-Don”, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu told President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday. Russia’s warships based in the Caspian and Mediterranean seas launched similar missiles targeting Islamic State ... more »
AP Poll: Republicans Wary of Immigration from Middle East
[image: Syrian Refugees] WASHINGTON (AP) -- With his call for blocking Muslims from entering the United States, Donald Trump may be tapping into deep concern among Republican voters about allowing Middle Eastern immigrants into the country, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll.... more »
Railroad Conductor Surprises, and Then Conducts, Yale Glee Club in Christmas Carols
[image: Conductor Yale Glee Club] (AP) A Metro-North Railroad conductor became a choral conductor last week when he found his commuter train was carrying the Yale Glee Club. Dan Rubins, the Glee Club president, says they were on their way back to New Haven from...more »
*It’s been a struggle to arrange mediation talks in Texas lawsuit pitting Tom Benson against daughter ~Ramon Antonio Vargas *
US Navy Reveals Futuristic New Zumwalt Stealth Destroyer
The U.S. Navy has revealed footage of its new Zumwalt stealth destroyer. The futuristic destroyer is the largest ever built for the U.S. Navy. Zumwalt (DDG-1000) made her debut when she was launched from the Bath Iron Works in Maine on Monday. The ship is capable of one day supporting a ‘Star Wars’ rail-gun. The 600-foot long destroyer weighs 15,000 tons and took four years to build, at an estimated cost of $4.3 billion. She began her sea trials yesterday by cruising along the Kennebec River to the Atlantic on her first voyage. The Daily Mail reports: Future version of the radical ... more »
Jay Dyer/Catherine Austin Fitts: Systemic Corruption
Former Asst. Secretary Catherine Austin Fitts joined me to discuss the systemic corruption that plagues the U.S. economic sphere. From the black budget to Enron to BCCI and the bailout, Fitts deconstructs how exactly we got into the mess we're in, including the tie-ins of black markets. In an unparalleled way, Fitts' breakdown is easy to grasp and demonstrates a coordinated plan to extract wealth on a mass scale for secret technology. * This is a must-hear interview.* http://www.jaysanalysis.com http://www.solari.com Loved this interview! Listened twice. Much food for thought.
The Anti-Imperialism of Fools
Ever since IS became the next big bogey to fill the USSR-sized gap in the perceived threats-to-our-existence market, I knew it would be a matter of time before an empty-headed comparison was made between Islamists scuttling into Syria and the volunteers who flocked to Spain to fight fascism in the 1930s. It was no surprise that such a facile observation would come from the Stop the War Coalition, nor that the media would be interested in their sayings and doings thanks to Jeremy's long-standing links with them. One of the things I find irritating *about a section* of the socialist l... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 8, 2015
*Stephen Collinson, Kevin Liptak and Deirdre Walsh, CNN*: *Will any of Obama's ISIS proposals succeed?* Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama's televised address on ISIS on Sunday night was meant to calm the public's escalating fears of terrorism, to chide 2016 candidates about explosive rhetoric over waging war and the place of Muslims in society and to defend his own efforts to combat the extremist group. Whether it succeeded on any of those counts may depend where observers sit on the polarized U.S. political spectrum. But while it was largely a stay-the-course speech rather ... more »
No Boots from NATO, Ground Forces Ruled out Against ISIS
[image: Norges statsminister Jens Stoltenberg vid Nordiska Rådets session i Reykjavik på Island. 2010-11-02. Foto: Magnus Fröderberg] NATO will not use ground forces in operations against Islamic State in Syria, says NATO General Secretary Jens Stoltenberg. The NATO chief official ruled out sending NATO ground forces to fight ISIS, instead focusing on the need for greater utilization of... more »
US Conducting ‘Serious Review’ of Alleged Iran Missile Test
[image: ballistic missile] The United States is reviewing and seeking to confirm reports that Iran launched a ballistic missile last month in violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions, U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power said on Tuesday. “The U.S. is conducting... Continue reading *“US Conducting ‘Serious Review’ of Alleged Iran Missile Test”* at *reuters.com*.
Email Shows Pentagon Offered ‘Forces that Could Move to Benghazi’ Immediately Early in Attack
[image: Benghazi] Newly released emails show that a senior Defense Department official offered the State Department "forces that could move to Benghazi" immediately during the deadly 2012 attack there on the American consulate. Jeremy Bash, the former Pentagon chief of staff, offered... Continue reading *“Email Shows Pentagon Offered ‘Forces that Could Move to Benghazi’ Immediately Early in Attack”* at *freebeacon.com*.
World News Briefs -- December 8, 2015 (Evening Edition)
A picture taken on December 7, 2015 shows a Rocket Propelled Grenade fired by Iraqi security forces in the town of Husayba that lies east of Ramadi. © Ahmad Al-Rubaye, AFP *France 24*: *Iraq forces retake large part of Ramadi city from IS group* Iraqi security forces recaptured a large part of the city of Ramadi from the Islamic State group Tuesday, officials said, scoring a significant breakthrough in their fightback against the jihadists. Baghdad's forces have been fighting for months to secure territory around Ramadi, the capital of the vast Anbar province, and retaking the Al-T... more »
"The Great Conversation: Battle/Debate Strategy–Misdirection"
*"The Great Conversation: * *Battle/Debate Strategy–Misdirection"* by Associate’s Mind "Two events spurred the idea for a series of posts about strategy. The first was when I was talking with my wife about ways to win arguments with people. My favorite tactic is to lead my adversaries down a string of seemingly logical statements which are building to their position (with them agreeing with me all the time) until they agree to an illogical or absurd conclusion which I have set up. Then, on the basis of their logical folly, I discredit their entire argument. That’s fun. The second wa... more »
“Islamist extremism: the menace many dare not speak by name”
Murder in Paris and San Bernadino and revelations of so-called “jihadi brides” has made many finally realise Islam’s war on the west is not going away. A very good opinion piece by Chris Kenny in *The Australian* on Islam’s continuing war with the modern world and our lacklustre response to it: *Late at night (in this country) on September 11, 2001, we were shocked by the horror unfolding in New York and sensed our civilisation was under attack. It was, and still is. For all the terror attacks that have followed — and the conflicts in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and... more »
Bonus Quote of the Day: On deporting all Muslims
*“I've earned decades of animosity towards Muslims, having been raised by them, threatened by them, and nearly murdered by them, yet I would Never call to ‘deport them all!’ and to ‘kill them all!,’ as some are actually openly saying on the internet. (Where would Muslims born in the West be deported to?) “I focus on the enemy's ideology, Islam, and its most consistent practitioners who wage Jihad. And I came to this position after I studied Islam and Jihad as if my life depended on it after 9/11. I can understand Americans and Europeans being suspicious of Muslims and choosin... more »
White House: Donald Trump Has Disqualified Himself From Presidency
The White House has just rejected Donald Trump’s bid to become the president of the United States. The oval office is warning Republicans not to watch their own demise into the dustbin of history, because they think they hold a Trump. The decision comes after the latest islamophobic remarks by the apprentice politician running for the highest office. Trump had said earlier that United States should ban all Muslims from entering the country. Donald Trump also entertains phobias of Muslims lurking in the dark ghettos of London and Paris, ready to pounce on the petrified police who ar... more »
What Are We Going To Do About Democrats In Name Only?
When Collin Peterson voted against raising the minimum wage, along with 5 other far right Blue Dogs, the DCCC was screaming about Republicans voting against increasing the minimum wage. That was in March of 2013. Steve Israel and Nancy Pelosi were already raising massive amounts of money to help reelect the massively unpopular-- unpopular with Democrats at least-- Peterson and Georgia Blue Dog John Barrow. In the next election Barrow finally went down to an ignominious defeat, Democrats in his district just refusing to show up and vote for him again-- despite $2,382,846 in spending... more »
Surround the Navy Base with Culture
*Getting some help holding my banner at news conference in front of Navy base gate* Yesterday was our last day in the Gangjeong village. We began the morning with a well-covered news conference at the Navy base gate. Several media outlets covered the event. I'm told the best coverage can be seen *here* After lunch we met with Professor Yang Yoon-Mo who has been jailed four times (the longest was 18 months) for blocking construction vehicles at the base. In his former life he was a leading film critic in South Korea but returned to his native Jeju Island to join the resistance ag... more »
New York City Officials to Hold Anti-Trump Rally
[image: City Council of New York - 400] City Council Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito along with religious and community leaders plan to hold a rally Wednesday against Donald J. Trump at City Hall, according to city officials and people who plan to attend. The anti-Trump rally comes after the leading Republican presidential candidate... Continue reading *“New York City Officials to Hold Anti-Trump Rally”* at *google.com*.
Suspected Burglar Eaten By Alligator While Hiding From Police
A suspected burglar was killed and partially eaten by an 11ft alligator after he waded into Barefoot Bay lake while trying to hide from police. Sheriff’s deputies were chasing chased two suspects with dogs and a helicopter on November 13th, after residents in the Barefoot Bay area reported two men walking behind houses, authorities said. Sputnik news reports: Local investigators reported that 22-year-old Matthew Riggins had told his girlfriend on November 13 that he would be in Barefoot Bay to commit burglaries. This report coincides with witness statements that they had called poli... more »
◆ *"Misdirection"* "Misdirection is a form of deception in which the attention of an audience is focused on one thing in order to distract its attention from another. Managing the audience's attention is the aim of all theater, it is the foremost requirement of theatrical magic. Whether the magic is of a "pocket trick" variety, or, a large stage production in Las Vegas, misdirection is the central secret of all Magic.The term is used to describe either the effect (the victim's focus on an unimportant object) or the sleight of hand or patter (the magician's speech) that creates it. ... more »
Politics: "Trump Could Be One of Our Greatest Presidents"
*"Trump Could Be One of Our Greatest Presidents"* by Bill Bonner PARIS – "Poor Donald Trump. Everybody’s against him. Jeb Bush says he’s “unhinged”… Chris Christie says he has “no idea what [he’s] talking about”… John Kasich accuses him of “outrageous divisiveness”… and Marco Rubio describes him as “offensive and outlandish.” And those are just his fellow Republicans! “Reprehensible… prejudiced…” adds Hillary Clinton. Piling on, Martin O’Malley says Trump is a “fascist demagogue.” Can a man with enemies like these really be bad? *Looney Leanings: *Donald Trump brought the wrath, ...more »
Satire: “Trump Supporters Disappointed He Only Wants to Ban One Religion”
*“Trump Supporters Disappointed He Only Wants to Ban One Religion”* by Andy Borowitz NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)— "The billionaire Donald Trump’s proposal to ban Muslims from entering the United States has sparked deep disappointment among his supporters, many of whom had hoped he was planning to ban a sizable number of other religions. In conversations with likely Trump voters across the country, reactions ranged from disenchantment to a sharp sense of betrayal as supporters tried to make sense of his decision to ban members of only one faith. “I heard him on TV talking about b... more »
Foreign Fighters To Iraq And Syria Have Doubled In 16 Months
*Newsweek: Report*: *Number of Foreign Fighters in Iraq and Syria Double to 31,000* The number of foreign fighters who have entered Syria and Iraq to fight for militant groups, such as the Islamic State (ISIS), has more than doubled in 18 months, according to a new report. There are now between 27,000 and 31,000 foreign fighters from 86 countries who have traveled to Syria and Iraq to join armed groups, more than double the 12,000 identified in June 2014, according to the Soufan Group, a New York–based international consultancy firm. The number of recruits from Western Europe has... more »
Two Witnesses Describe San Bernardino Shooters As Three White Men
Witnesses to the San Bernardino shooting that killed 14 people and injured 21 last week say that they saw three “white” men carry out the massacre. Two witnesses, one outside and one inside the building where the shooting took place, describe three tall white men, dressed in black military fatigues, carrying assault rifles, spray bullets into the building and drive away in a black black Impala or SUV afterwards. Similarly a “white” man was also witnessed driving a black car, dressed in black and spraying bullets at restaurant goers in the Paris terrorist attacks over three weeks ago... more »
Putin: Su-24 Jet Black Box Will Prove Turkey Committed Act Of War
Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued a stark warning to Turkey that the data from the recovered black box of the downed Russian Su-24 jet will prove that the aircraft was in Syrian airspace when attacked by Turkish forces. Russian Defense Minister, Sergei Shoigu, showed Putin the black box on Tuesday which had been recovered by Russian and Syrian forces. “As I understand, the flight data recorder will give us the opportunity to understand the Su-24’s trajectory from the moment of its take-off to the moment of the crash,” Putin explained. “This means we will be able to underst... more »
Abby Martin: The U.S. School Of Assassins And Death Squads
On November 22, thousands gathered at the gates of Fort Benning, GA at the 25th annual protest of the School of the Americas to memorialize the tens of thousands of people who lost their lives at the hands of the U.S. Empire’s brutally repressive juntas it used to rule Latin America by force. The dictators and death squad leaders, who committed acts of genocide, were trained within the gates of Fort Benning, at the School of the Americas – otherwise known as the “School Of Assassins.” Abby Martin investigates this notorious school that is largely hidden from the American public; it’s... more »
An Anti-Trump Call to Arms
Building on Josh’s excellent post calling out Donald Trump as a vile racist, the popularity of Trump has been troubling me for some time. As a professor who takes seriously the job of educating students how to think as opposed to what to think, I strive in class not to be partisan or allow my […]
New Clinton Emails Reveal That The Pentagon Had Troops Ready To Respond To The Siege Of The U.S. Consulate In Benghazi
A protester reacts as the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi is seen in flames during a protest by an armed group said to have been protesting a film being produced in the United States September 11, 2012. Esam Omran Al-Fetori/Reuters *FOX News: **'Spinning up as we speak': Email shows Pentagon was ready to roll as Benghazi attack occurred* As the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was unfolding, a high-ranking Pentagon official urgently messaged Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s top deputies to offer military help, according to an email obtained by Judicial Watch. The revelatio... more »
Quote of the Day: On Donald Trump
*“I can only assume that Donald Trump is an elaborate plot **to remind Americans of the real reason for the Second Amendment.”* ~ Bernard Darnton Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Beijing Air Pollution Reaches ‘Red Alert’ for First Time Ever
[image: Beijing poor air quality - 900] The first ever 'red alert’ for poor air quality was issued for Beijing, China, by the city government due to heavy smog, multiple sources report. This alert began on Tuesday morning and will be in effect until Thursday Reuters said.... Continue reading *“Beijing Air Pollution Reaches ‘Red Alert’ for First Time Ever”* at *foxnews.com*.
US Steps Up South China Sea Surveillance With Deployment Of Spy Plane
A U.S. Navy Poseidon P8 maritime surveillance aircraft taxis before taking off at Perth International Airport, in this March 28, 2014 file photo. REUTERS/Jason Reed *Reuters*: *U.S. to deploy spy plane in Singapore amid China tensions* The United States has agreed with Singapore on a first deployment of the U.S. P8 Poseidon spy plane in Singapore this month, in a fresh response to China over its pursuit of territorial claims in the South China Sea. China, which is at odds with Washington over the South China Sea, said on Tuesday the move was aimed at militarizing the region. In a ... more »
Islamic State Tries To Recruit Afghan - Taliban Fighters
Sheikh Abu Omar Maqbool, a former spokesman for the Pakistani Taliban, pledges allegiance to the Islamic State group in this still from a video released by an ISIS media wing Monday, Jan. 26, 2015. Khurasan Media/The Islamic State *The Independent:* *Isis is stealing fighters from the Taliban in Afghanistan* *Jihadists lure recruits in villages with money and unified message* Isis is steadily growing in strength even in the heartland of the Taliban, according to an investigation into the state of the Afghan army in the south of the country that is to be delivered to President Ashr... more »
Speaker Paul Ryan to House GOP: Trump Comments ‘Not Who We Are’
[image: WASHINGTON, DC - DECEMBER 08: Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI) and members of the House GOP leadership hold a news briefing following the weekly Republican Conference meeting at the U.S. Capitol December 8, 2015 in Washington, DC. The House is preparing to vote on legislation that would deny visa-free travel to anyone who has been in Iraq, Syria or any country with significant terror activity in the past five years and changes to the visa waiver program, which allows citizens from 38 countries to travel to the U.S. without a visa.] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Speaker Paul Ryan on... more »
Uncle Sam Owns This Much of America [Interactive Map]
[image: Government-Owned America - 900] Uncle Sam owns nearly one out of every three acres in the United States -- 640 million acres of the entire country's 2.27 billion acres. But "a picture is worth a thousand words," according to Texas Republican Rep. Louie Gohmert,... Continue reading *“Uncle Sam Owns This Much of America [Interactive Map]”* at *dailycallernewsfoundation.org*.
Are More Christian Colleges Receiving Exemptions from Gay and Transgender Rules?
[image: college grad - 400] In an evolving story on exemptions from the Department of Education’s Title IX mandate, more Christian schools are receiving exemptions for religious liberty reasons. According to the LGBT media outlet the Column, 27 Christian schools are asking the U.S. Department... Continue reading *“Are More Christian Colleges Receiving Exemptions from Gay and Transgender Rules?”* at *christianpost.com*.
John Zmirak Joins Eric Metaxas to Discuss Yale University
[image: Metaxas] Stream Senior Editor John Zmirak joined Eric Metaxas to discuss ‘How Yale University Became a Savage, Bigoted Tribe.’
Yale Faculty Couple Flees Classroom Amid Free Speech Chill
[image: Christakis - 400] Anti-free speech demonstrators at one of America's most vaunted universities have claimed a pair of scalps -- a husband-wife duo who say teaching is too much trouble in a campus climate "not conducive to civil dialogue." Yale University professors Nicholas... Continue reading *“Yale Faculty Couple Flees Classroom Amid Free Speech Chill”* at *foxnews.com*.
Amazon Canoe of Life now at COP21 Indigenous Pavilion
. From the Committee of Solidarity with American Indians in France Censored News The Canoe of Life, from the Ecuadorian Amazon, has arrived at the COP21. Please see the photos below. This morning representatives of the Kichwa community of Sarayaku, along with the Lummi indigenous youth delegation and allies, officially welcomed the canoe to the waters of Paris at the
Big Pharma Admits Cancer Treatments Create More Profitable Cancer
According to a new study, not only have secondary cancers and new cancers increased by a staggering 300% since the 1970’s, but the traditional Big Pharma treatments such as radiotherapy and chemotherapy may be to blame. A document released by the American Cancer Society, entitled “Second Cancers in Adults”, admits that the profitable cancer industry’s treatments may actually be creating more patients than it cures. Naturalnews.com reports: “Radiation therapy was recognized as a potential cause of cancer many years ago,” according to the ACS, which also admits that most types of leuk... more »
Fifth Graders Arrested For ‘Bomb’ Plot Involving Cinnamon
Fifth-graders aged between 10-11 years old from New Jersey were arrested for putting cooking ingredients together in a classroom that teachers and police thought could be part of a “bomb plot”. The “device” according to Clifton Police was filled with cinnamon, vinegar and salad dressing. Cleanherald.com reports: Police say the ill-conceived plot was foiled when written plans were discovered by teachers and administrators. The school then told police. They have all been suspended, but the school continues to be on tightened security as of Thursday afternoon. CBS New York says police ... more »
Iran To Stage Anti-ISIS Terror Drills
Iranian military forces are conducting anti-ISIS terror drills in the nations Capital, Tehran, in an attempt to prepare themselves against any potential future attacks from the terror group. Iranian Ground Force Commander, Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan, told reporters on Tuesday, “The Ground Force will conduct counterterrorism drills on (combat against) the threat of ISIL near the city of Tehran in the coming days“. Farsnews.com reports: He pointed to the importance of boosting the country’s defense capabilities, and said, “We will use any weapon except nuclear, chemical,... more »
Oil Prices Plunge To $38 A Barrel, Sparking Huge Recession Fears
The price of U.S. oil dropped below $38 dollars on Monday for the first in six years, sparking fears amongst economists that a huge recession is on its way. The last time the price of oil was as low as this, the world’s financial system was in meltdown with the U.S. economy in its worst recession since the Depression of the 1930’s. Theeconomiccollapseblog.com reports: The global head of oil research at Societe Generale, Mike Wittner, says that his “head is spinning” after the stunning drop in the price of oil on Monday. Just like during the last financial crisis, we have broken the... more »
Russia Strikes ISIS Targets In Syria From Submarine In Mediterranean
Russia has, for the first time, targeted ISIS in Syria using Kalibr land-attack cruise missiles launched from a submarine in the Mediterranean Sea. Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said that 3M-54 Kalibr missiles were launched from the Kilo-class diesel-electric submarine “Rostov-on-Don” A source within the Russian Ministry of Defense revealed earlier on Tuesday that the Rostov-on-Don, equipped with modern Russian Kalibr cruise missiles, had entered the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea near the coast of Syria. RT reports: Russia’s warships based in the Caspian and Mediterranean ... more »
Google Looking At Introducing New ‘Hate Speech’ Rules Online
The executive chairman of Google, Eric Schmidt, has controversially called for more internet censorship in a bid to fight terrorism. Speaking to The New York Times, Schmidt suggested new restrictions could be introduced at Google that would see “hate speech” being censored online. “It’s our responsibility to demonstrate that stability and free expression go hand in hand,” he said. “We should build tools to help de-escalate tensions on social media—sort of like spell-checkers, but for hate and harassment,”. Qz.com reports: His words came just after Hillary Clinton, the frontrunner f... more »
Russia Demolishes Over 600 ISIS Targets In Just 3 Days
Russia have confirmed that as part of their campaign against ISIS in Syria, Russian warplanes have hit over 600 targets in Syria over the last three days. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu told President Putin, “We carried out more than 300 combat missions in Syria in the past three days, hitting over 600 various targets“. Sputniknews.com reports: Shoigu also said that the air force is strictly implementing Supreme Command’s order to carry out combat missions in Syria alongside fighter jets, according to RIA Novosti. The missions were carried out by Tu-22 long-range bombers an... more »
Who’s Burning Down the Homes of Bukharian Jews in Queens?
[image: Bukharian] Another arson attack on Sunday at the home of Rabbi Zalman Zvulonov of the Bukharian Jewish Center has left the close-knit Bukharian Jewish community of Forest Hills, Queens reeling. The attack, which took place at 12:20 a.m. at 112-35 69th... Continue reading *“Who’s Burning Down the Homes of Bukharian Jews in Queens?”* at *thejewishweek.com*.
The San Bernardino California Shooting Is A Fraud: Absolute BOMBSHELL! The Two "Shooters" Were Driving A SUV That Is Not Slated For Public Release Until 2016!
I have continued to pour over the material over the alternative media and of course from comments sent my way about the San Berdardino California shooting hoax, and today I came across some interesting material that absolutely blows this fraud wide open, and shows that the perpetrators behind this fraud definitely blew it big time... The following very important report comes courtesy of Jim Stone, who writes the blog: "Jim Stone Freelance" at www. jimstone.is.... It is an absolute must read by everyone and shows clearly that the criminals in the US Government and those who staged th... more »
Taliban Suicide Bombers Attack Kandahar Airport
An aerial view of the Kandahar Airport in Kandahar, Afghanistan © U.S. Department of Defense / Wikipedia *NYT*: *At Least 9 Killed as Taliban Suicide Bombers Attack Kandahar Base* KABUL, Afghanistan — Taliban insurgents on Tuesday attacked Kandahar Airfield, a major base for American military and intelligence forces as well as the Afghan Army, leaving at least nine dead, according to Afghan officials. Several suicide bombers penetrated the base’s security around 6:20 p.m., barricading themselves into an old school building that now contains shops and battling with Afghan soldiers,... more »
Asian Countries Gather To Discuss Afghanistan
*VOA:* *Asian Countries Gather to Discuss Solutions to Afghanistan Problems* ISLAMABAD—Representatives of Asian and other countries have gathered in Pakistan before a regional ministerial conference on Afghainistan. Pakistan is hosting Wednesday's annual meeting of the so-called “Heart of Asia Process,” which will be jointly inaugurated by Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif and Afghan President Ashraf Ghani. Members and supporting countries as well as organizations at the meeting will discuss ways to shore up regional counterterrorism and economic cooperation in war-torn Afghanistan. *U... more »
Iraq Begins Its Long-Awaited Offensive To Retake Ramadi
*CNN*: *Iraqi military: Iraqi forces retake 60% of Ramadi from ISIS* (CNN) — More than half of Ramadi – the Iraqi city whose sudden fall to ISIS raised questions about Baghdad's ability to combat the terror group – is now back in Iraqi control after a big push early this week, the country's military said. The inroads came after Iraqi troops, counterterrorism unit members and federal police officers targeted ISIS militants from three sides in a 24-hour period, aided by U.S.-led airstrikes. Iraq's Joint Military Command reported 60 percent of the Anbar province city had been retake... more »
Suspected US-Led Coalition Airstrikes Killed 34 Syrian Civilians
According to local sources, the death toll from a suspected US-led coalition airstrike on a Syrian village could be as high as 34. The alleged attack by coalition forces on the Syrian village of Al-Khan was carried out on Monday. The US military have said they are investigating the allegations. RT reports: Western sources have put the death toll at 26, but Syrian political commentator Alaa Ebrahim said the figure is likely to be even higher. “The number of casualties are likely to be larger than 27. We have a source in a hospital in Al-Malikiyah suggesting that the number is 30 dead... more »
Social Media is Making Some Regulators Obsolete
[image: social media - 400] The main justification behind local, state, and federal regulation is consumer protection. A few decades ago, before ubiquitous Internet access, this reasoning may have made some sense. But in today's economy, information is in the hands of consumers due to... Continue reading *“Social Media is Making Some Regulators Obsolete”* at *economics21.org*.
Islamic Extremist Attacks Displace Thousands from Chad Islands
[image: Lake Chad, refugees] DAKAR, Senegal (AP) -- Attacks by Nigeria’s Islamic extremist group on islands of Lake Chad are displacing thousands forced to give up their livelihoods and flee the insecurity, said the Chad director of the United Nations food agency. In November,... more »
Paul Craig Roberts feels that "...the Russian government’s low key response to the [Turkish shootdown] provocation was used by Washington to reassure Europe that there is no risk in continuing to pressure Russia in the Middle East, Ukraine, Georgia, Montenegro, and elsewhere." He notes further that "...the American, French, and British aircraft that have been deployed are jet fighters whose purpose is air-to-air combat, not ground attack." What he does not mention is that Russian aircraft of all types are superior to their US counterparts and Russia has developed a system to block all inter-aircraft communication, all radar, and possibly even all overhead satellite returns. So like the Minutemen at Lexington and Concord, the Russians may hold their fire until they see "the whites of their eyes". Of course, it would be for better if the pilots of England, Germany, and France will block the insane (and illegal) attacks on Syria demanded by Washington (see accompanying blog post).
------------------------------ *War Is On The Horizon: Is It Too Late To Stop It? — Paul Craig Roberts * ------------------------------ December 7, 2015 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter War Is On The Horizon: Is It Too Late To Stop It? Paul Craig Roberts One lesson from military history is that once mobilization for war begins, it takes on a momentum of its own and is uncontrollable. This might be what is occurring unrecognized before our eyes. In his September 28 speech at the 70th Anniversary ... more »
Massive Charter Giveaways in ESEA Re-Write, Part 1
The NCLB rewrite that was passed last week by the House is a corporate states rights version of ESEA that, as Gary Orfield has noted, will set back education policy by more than a half century if it becomes law. If not halted in the Senate, this corporate welfare bill will send billions in federal grants to segregated “no excuses” charter school companies, venture philanthropists, and real estate developers over the next six years. With a continuing federal mandate to fix the bottom five percent of schools, the ESEA rewrite will provide at least a billion dollars each year to ... more »
Syrian Oppostion Groups Meet In Saudi Arabia
*BBC*: *Syrian opposition seeks unified front at Riyadh conference* Syria's disparate political and armed opposition factions are coming together in Saudi Arabia for a conference aimed at pursuing peace talks. Representatives will attempt to agree a common position from which to negotiate with the government of Bashar al-Assad. It is the first time most of the main rebel groups have been involved in peace moves since the conflict began. World powers want peace talks between a unified opposition delegation and the government to start next month. *WNU Editor*: The groups that are n... more »
The U.S. Air Force Cannot Defend Turkey
Image: U.S. Air Force *Dave Majumdar, National Interest:* *Revealed: Why U.S. Air Force F-15s Can't Defend Turkey from Russia* U.S. Air Force F-15C Eagles operating out of Turkey’s Incirlik air force base are not cleared to defend Ankara’s airspace even if confronted by Russian or Syrian warplanes. The Boeing-built air superiority fighters were originally deployed to the NATO base—which is relatively close to the Syrian border in Adana—because of increased Russian air activity near the border. As one senior U.S. Air Force official explained, the service deployed six F-15C Eagle a... more »
Pentagon Leaders And Government Terrorism Advisers Leery Of Escalating The War Against The Islamic State
*Bryan Bender, Politico:* *Reckless onslaught could aid ISIL, military warns* *The cries for more robust military action against the Islamic State are growing louder. But Pentagon leaders and government terrorism advisers worry that escalation could also bolster terrorist ranks.* Presidential candidates and hawkish members of Congress are stepping up their cries for more robust military action against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant — but Pentagon leaders and government terrorism advisers caution that a reckless escalation of the war could help the group recruit disaffect... more »
BOTH San Bernardino Attackers Pledged Allegiance to ISIS, Officials Say
[image: Inland Regional Center with ribbons and flags - 400] SAN BERNARDINO, Calif . -- Federal authorities believe the Facebook posting from one of the attackers who killed 14 people here last week was made on behalf of both shooters, according to several senior U.S. law enforcement officials. The Facebook posting said, "We pledge... Continue reading *“BOTH San Bernardino Attackers Pledged Allegiance to ISIS, Officials Say”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Big Mountain: Youth Honoring Dineh (Navajo) Resistance
By NaBahii Keediniihii Censored News Dineh (Navajo) youths and other indigenous youth will be coming together to discuss today's era of decolonizing of thyself and the future outlook for indigenous futures. Youths will gather at Mosquito Springs, one of Big Mountain communities in resistance to the federal relocation laws and coal mining. Local Dineh elders will give
Anti-Choice's Desperation to Avoid Responsibility
Nah, fetus freaks aren't desperate to avoid the stink of pro-life terrorism atall atall. In the Fetal Gore Porn Guy's *second* kick at the no-connection-between-violent-anti-choice-imagery-and-language-and-Colorado-Planned-Parenthood-murders can, there is this jaw-dropper. The pro-abortion worldview is one based on the very simple premise that violence—the physical destruction of a human being developing in the womb—is the answer to virtually every imaginable situation. Ah, yeah. It's pro-choice who thinks violence* is the answer to everything. After all, it's us pro-choicers who m... more »
Breaking: Russia strikes ISIS targets in Syria from Sub in Mediterranean, First Time.
*RT* Russia has, for the first time, targeted Islamic State targets in Syria with Kalibr land-attack cruise missiles launched from a submarine in the Mediterranean Sea, according to Russia’s Defense Minister. The 3M-54 Kalibr missiles were launched from the Kilo-class diesel-electric submarine “Rostov-on-Don”, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu told President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday. Russia’s warships based in the Caspian and Mediterranean seas launched similar missiles targeting Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) positions in late November. This is the first time that Russia ... more »
Supplemental: Saletan lets the B-bombs fly!
*TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2015Plays Dimmesdale role at Slate:* We're going to make a confession today concerning something we'd say. What would you say if someone walked up to you on the street and asked you the following question: *When it comes to the Islamic faith, which of the following is closer to your view?* “Islam is an inherently violent religion, which leads its followers to violent acts.” “Islam is an inherently peaceful religion, but there are some who twist its teachings to justify violence." When Bloomberg asked that question in a recent survey, 64 percent of American... more »
Will Christians in the Middle East Be Officially Recognized as Victims of Genocide?
[image: Baghdad, Christians in the Middle East, Church] Any day now, the U.S. government will designate ISIS's attempts to exterminate minority religious groups in Iraq and Syria to be genocide. Yezidis -- a minority religious group receiving the wrath of ISIS -- will be (properly) included in the... more »
British Special Forces veteran Ben Griffin and his colleagues decry British Parliament's vote to (illegally) bomb terrorists in Syira. He states that “Our attack on Syria will make things worse. You only need to look at the outcome of our attacks on Iraq and Libya to see that” and added that “We have no confidence in the government of this country to do the right thing, so we call on the public to resist participation in the ongoing slaughter.”
------------------------------ British veterans urge military disobedience and will throw down medals in Downing Street Syria protest From RT December 7, 2015 Special Forces veteran Ben Griffin has called on military personnel and munitions workers to disobey and block the bombing of Syria ahead of a Downing Street protest in which ex-services personnel will throw down their medals in disgust at the war. “*If you work in a bomb factory, walk out. If you fill up bombers with fuel, stop it. If you fly missions over Syria, don’t release your bombs,*” Griffin, who served with the ... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Who got the Gold Mine'
Hundreds of researchers are using the wrong cells. That’s a major problem.
What if we told you that approximately 1 in 6 researchers working with human cells are using the wrong cell line? In other words, they believe they are studying the effects of a drug on breast cancer cells, for instance, but what they really have are cells from the bladder. That is the unfortunate reality […] The post Hundreds of researchers are using the wrong cells. That’s a major problem. appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Donald Trump Spews More Divisive Nonsense On His Way To The White House
The tweetosphere exploded last night after Donald Trump threatened to shut it down. The US business tycoon and Republican front-runner has pissed off even more people after his latest remarks about shutting out all Muslims from the U.S. This time he wants to shut down the internet. In the same islamophobic speech, the Donald declared his plans to consult with nerds and geeks who command the cyberspace, with a view to shutting it down. Trump has sparked fresh controversy, adding to a long list of divisive remarks. This time he is concentrating on the online community. If someone can ... more »
Some Persecuted Minorities are Funny
[image: Colbert - 406] Take a look at this clip from a recent episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. In the clip, Colbert mocks Republican presidential candidates who argue for admitting Syrian Christians as religious refugees. At least I think that's what... Continue reading *“Some Persecuted Minorities are Funny”* at *firstthings.com*.
Farook was Obsessed with Israel — What Else Do We Need to Know?
[image: Palestinian Hamas militants take part in an anti-Israeli protest after the weekly Friday prayers in the southern Gaza Strip town of Khan Yunis on September 18, 2015, after Hamas called for a 'day of rage' following three days of clashes around Jerusalem's Al-Aqsa mosque compound Islam's third holiest site, which is also considered the holiest site in Judaism and known to Jews as Temple Mount. Palestinians fear Israel will seek to change rules governing the holy site, with far-right Jewish groups pushing for more access and even efforts by fringe organisations to erect a new ... more »
World News Briefs -- December 8, 2015
*Newsweek*: *Syrian Rebels to Meet in Saudi Capital Riyadh Ahead of Possible Peace Talks* Representatives of Syria’s various rebel factions are to meet in the Saudi Arabian capital of Riyadh in an attempt to create a unified position from which to discuss terms with Bashar al-Assad’s regime. Both armed and political groups will be present, including the powerful militant organization Jaish al-Islam and the moderate Free Syrian Army. The factions will meet from December 8-10 ahead of formal talks in Vienna on January with Assad’s government. *MIDDLE EAST* Syrian opposition groups... more »
Record Rainfall In The Lake District In 1897 And 1898
By Paul Homewood I have already looked at the exceptional Lake District flooding of 1898, but a year earlier there had been an arguably even bigger storm. The following is an excerpt from the Symons British Rainfall publication for 1897: http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/learning/library/archive-hidden-treasures/british-rainfall Claims that last weekend’s rainfall in the Lakes was […]
5 Reasons We Need Empowering Leaders & Fewer Disempowered Followers
*Gary ‘Z’ McGee* - In order for leadership to be authentic, empowering others is primary and competition with others secondary. The post 5 Reasons We Need Empowering Leaders & Fewer Disempowered Followers appeared first on Waking Times.
Does Clinton Really Oppose TPP? A Test
*On several occasions during Barack Obama's 2008 campaign, he promised to renegotiate free trade agreements including NAFTA and CAFTA (source). Obama later sent adviser Austan Goolsbee to Canada to privately reassure them he meant something other than what he said publicly (pdf)* *by Gaius Publius* Dave Johnson at Seeing the Forest and Campaign for America's Future has been asking an important question — *How do we know we won't be betrayed (again) by the promises of progressive-sounding candidates?* He means that literally, not rhetorically ... is there really a way we can know? ... more »
Will The Battle Between The 2 Right-of-Center Establishment Democrats In NY-24 Make It Easier For Progressive Eric Kingson?
Steve Israel was trying to sell his own toxic brand of snake oil in Syracuse last night As we've been explaining-- basically, since 2005 or '06-- that the DCCC's governing strategies about recruitment and support are fatally flawed. Picking Republican-lite candidates who, if they manage to win in a presidential year, and then vote with the GOP on core issues ,is *not* a good idea. This is the primary reason that while the DCCC has been run by congenital losers Chris Van Hollen and Steve Israel the number of Democrats in Congress has shrunken from 257 in 2006 to 188 today. As we ment... more »
Now Donald Trump Wants To Ban The Internet
Not content with ‘banning Muslims’, Donald Trump wants to ban the internet too. As he called for a ‘complete shutdown’ on Muslims entering the US, Trump dismissed claims that ‘closing up the internet’ would be a freedom of speech issue. He said that he would “see Bill Gates” so that he could look into “closing it up”. The presidential wannabe said “We’ve got to maybe do something with the internet,” because it was being used to radicalise people. The Independent reports: Children in America are “watching the internet and they want to be masterminds”, Trump said in a speech. “We’re l... more »
The common core: Does it work?
The common core: Does it work? Sent to the Washington Post, Dec. 8, 2015. Missing from the discussion of the adoption of common core standards and tests in Catholic schools is whether the common core does students any good ("Backlash over Common Core extends to US Catholic Schools," Dec. 7.) At this time, there is no convincing evidence that the use of the common core standards or tests are related to better school performance, nor is there evidence of any positive long-term effect. The common core is an experiment done on millions of students, without any plan to see if it works. ... more »
Stop Terrorists from Killing Americans, Not Americans from Owning Guns
[image: gun on hip - 900] Another terrorist attack, another refusal by President Barack Obama to tell the truth. Instead of admitting that Islamic terrorists had staged another murderous assault on innocent people, he turned the victims into a political prop. Instead of explaining how he... more »
Russia Says It’s Concerned about Bombing of Syrian Army Camp
[image: Syrian Foreign Minister Walid Muallem (L) shakes hands with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov (R) after a press conference in Moscow on November 27, 2015. Lavrov said that Ankara has crossed the line by shooting down a Russian warplane this week and warned the incident could severely undermine Turkey's interests. AFP PHOTO / VASILY MAXIMOV / AFP / VASILY MAXIMOV (Photo credit should read VASILY MAXIMOV/AFP/Getty Images)] MOSCOW (AP) -- Russia’s Foreign Ministry on Tuesday voiced concern about the reported bombing of a Syrian army camp, without addressing a U.S. claim that... more »
Resistance to Loop 202 through Akimel O'odham Gila River Territory
. RESISTANCES TO EXTENSION OF LOOP 202 THROUGH GILA RIVER INDIAN COMMUNITY TERRITORY By Christine Prat Censored News For several years, members of the Gila River Indian Community, particularly the Akimel O'odham Youth Collective, have opposed the projected extension of Loop 202 through their territory and through Moadak Do'ag, South Mountain, sacred for the O'odham. The
ASD Crosses Halfway Mark to Certain Failure
* "The effects in the ASD schools were mainly statistically insignificant . . ."* --> Vanderbilt Peabody has just released a research paper that examines the awful performance of ASD schools in Memphis, Nashville, and Chattanooga. Tennessee's Achievement School District was modeled after the Recovery School District of New Orleans, which was part of the disaster capitalist response to Katrina. The ASD's stated goal from 2010 was "to move the academic performance of schools taken over from the bottom five percent of schools to the top quartile of schools in Tennessee within five ye... more »
Ken Wachsberger : Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the ’60s underground press. Part II: The Fifth Estate
The paper, which quickly became Detroit’s cutting-edge news source, is the longest-running underground newspaper from the Vietnam era. By Ken Wachsberger | The Rag Blog | December 8, 2015 [This is the second of a three-part series written for The … finish reading Ken Wachsberger : Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the ’60s underground press. *Part II: The Fifth Estate*
Man Shot Dead In Waltham Abbey Hotel Car Park
A huge manhunt is on the way in Essex after a man in his 20’s was shot to death at close range outside the four-star Marriott Hotel in Waltham Abbey. Police have launched a murder inquiry and are not treating the killing as a terrorist act. Guardian Series reports: Officers were alerted just before 9.50am that a man had been seen with a gun and shots were being fired in the car park of the Marriott Hotel on Old Shire Lane. Police attended and a man, believed to be in his 20s was found injured. The road remains closed at the junction of Honey Lane. Ambulance paramedics treated the vic... more »
Is Alternative Media Also Falling for Islamophobia Propaganda?
*Makia Freeman* - The propaganda of Islamophobia and the agenda of painting all Muslims as crazy and evil is in full swing. The post Is Alternative Media Also Falling for Islamophobia Propaganda? appeared first on Waking Times.
Bienvenue le website d'Owe Aku francais.
Lakotas' Owe Aku International Justice Project Launches Website in French
Thoughts on DA-RT
For background on DA-RT, see Jarod Hayes’ post at the Duck of Minerva, as well as John Patty’s response to the petition to delay implementation (as well as its related website) and Jeffrey Isaac’s response to Patty and Isaac’s latest post. Roundups and responses abound. I drafted a longer piece on DA-RT, but now realize that I will probably […]
MASHABLE finally finds the photo it was looking for....
*In this Thursday, Feb. 23, 2012 file photo, Russian President Vladimir Putin gesture while speaking as he attends a massive rally in his support at Luzhniki stadium in Moscow, Russia.* Mashable is that mind control website that's supposed to control your emotions from the moment you go online to browse the Internet. It's sitting at the opening page...beckoning to make you feel good (furry little animals acting cute) or bad (bad guys *du jour *ready to scare you) Today, after a long search...Mashable finally found and posted a pic of Putin....that you will now see used over and ov... more »
Farewell to the Man Who Invented ‘Climate Change’
[image: Greenpeace - 400] A very odd thing happened last weekend. The death was announced of the man who, in the past 40 years, has arguably been more influential on global politics than any other single individual. Yet the world scarcely noticed. Had it... Continue reading *“Farewell to the Man Who Invented ‘Climate Change’”* at *telegraph.co.uk*.
Plagiarized figure hurts arthritis paper
A paper on a way to inhibit arthritis has been retracted following an investigation confirming that it plagiarizes a figure from another paper on the same topic. The paper, “Blockade of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 enzyme inhibits experimental collagenase-induced osteoarthritis,” was published in Molecular Medicine Reports. A figure claims to show cartilage treated with a specific inhibitor: The retraction […] The post Plagiarized figure hurts arthritis paper appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Flesh Eating Disease Leishmaniasis On The Rise In Syria
Leishmaniasis, a disfiguring flesh eating disease is rapidly spreading in ISIS controlled areas in Syria. The disease is transmitted by parasites feeding off corpses that have been dumped in the streets by the terrorists. There is no immediate cure available for Leishmaniasis and the Syrian health system is practically non existent. As the fighting moves from one area to another so does the disease which is carried by sandflies. ISIS fighters have a habit of dumping human remains on the streets with the rest of the rubbish. This creates the perfect breeding ground for a crop of new ... more »
Native Americans Protest Auction of Sacred in Paris During COP21
Photos by Catherine Jeyakumar Video by Indigenous Rising https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=do-JHBpZ3rQ&feature=youtu.be
Are Evangelicals Addicted to Pseudo-Events and Media Outrage?
[image: Twitter - 402] Did you hear about the outrageous comment by a prominent Christian? A well-known (infamous?) pastor, media figure, and former politician called for the assassination of the president of a foreign nation. Within hours the comment was on every newscast and the main topic on social... Continue reading *“Are Evangelicals Addicted to Pseudo-Events and Media Outrage?”* at *thegospelcoalition.org*.
Two Things for Tuesday: Trump and Vatican Light Shows...
*both of which is causing heads to explode.* How dare Trump suggest that we place a moratorium on admitting Muslims into the country until they can be properly vetted. Personally, I wouldn't admit any - ever, so you may feel free to pull out "you're being un-Christian guns" and shoot me. I do realize that the possibility of this happening are zero to none since it violates law. Except, in my opinion, those who do not qualify under the law as either immigrants or "refugees", which is most of them. This morning I wasted minutes of my life reading John Podhoretz, over at Commentar... more »
The San Bernardino California Shooting Is A Fraud: A Summary Of What We Have So Far
Yes, this site was definitely under attack the last few days and I spent much of yesterday, besides trying to get some much needed rest and relaxation, on my computers cleaning up my systems....... It does appear that I have finally been put under the bulls eye of the Hasbara/JIDF group (what I usually call my favorite fan club...) and some others... The truth about the very fraudulent recent shootings around the world, and the truth that the entire war on terror is a sham, must be told to everyone.. .And obviously the criminals behind these shams do not want the message to get out.... more »
THREE-CARD MONTE, TRIBAL SCRIPT: Why do (non) fools fall in love?
*TUESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2015Part 2—The stories we long to hear:* In one way, Maria Konnikova's essay in the New York Times conforms to a sad pattern. On its face, its topic isn't hugely important. Despite this fact, it was the featured piece this weekend in the Times' high-profile Sunday Review. The high-profile weekly section tends to serve plenty of piddle. On the average Sunday, these pieces will be tricked out with pointless academic pieces designed to drive the New York Times brand as our smartest newspaper. Across the country, consumers seem to buy this con. In one major way, ... more »
Bank Records Show $28,500 Deposit to Syed Farook’s Account Two Weeks Before the Shooting, Source Says
[image: This undated combination of photos provided by the FBI, left, and the California Department of Motor Vehicles shows Tashfeen Malik, left, and Syed Farook. The husband and wife died in a fierce gunbattle with authorities several hours after their commando-style assault on a gathering of Farook's colleagues from San Bernardino, Calif., County's health department Wednesday, Dec. 2, 2015. (FBI, left, and California Department of Motor Vehicles via AP)] A $28,500 deposit was made to Syed Farook's bank account from WebBank.com on or about Nov.18, some two weeks before he and his wi... more »
David Cameron Reported To Police For War Crimes
A Scottish campaign group have reported David Cameron as a war criminal to the police after he authorised air strikes in Syria. Three members of the Scottish Resistance group walked into Rutherglen police station, near Glasgow, and handed an official complaint to an officer claiming that he had breached an obscure international agreement signed after the First World War. Scottish resistance First reported by Buzzfeed News, the complaint states that “by authorising the bombing of Syria, David Cameron, the prime minister, has breached international law”. The Independent reports: Jame... more »
Location of Pixilation Source on TEPCO Cam 1
Locating the source of visible emissions and/or pixilation distortion on the TEPCO cams is a challenging task. On TEPCO cam 1, emissions can often be seen emanating from the roofs of units 1 and 2 but the major source of visible emissions or distortion comes from a location that appears to be located near unit 3, perhaps behind it. Below are two screenshots of this amorphous source of pixilation taken over the last 24 hours: It looks to me from these comparative screenshots that there is a pixilation cloud deriving from the cranes. Here are the full screenshots and time stamps: ... more »
Italy Will Not Join Aistrikes In Syria Says PM
Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi said that Italy would not be joining its EU counterparts in air strikes against Isis militants in Syria. The Premier who warned that the air campaign would only add to chaos in the region, has come under pressure from centre-right opponents to follow in the footsteps of the UK, Germany and France to join the US-led coalition. The Local.It reports that on Sunday, he told Corriere: “If leadership means playing at chasing others’ bombardments, then I say ‘no thanks’.” His comments came after both Germany and the UK voted last week to join the air st... more »
Russian Submarine With Cruise Missiles Arrives Off Syrian Coast
According to reports, an advanced Kilo-class Russian submarine equipped with Kalibr cruise missiles has entered the eastern part of the Mediterranean Sea near the coast of Syria. The reports, coming from a source in the Russian Ministry of Defence cited by Interfax, are as yet unconfirmed by the Russian MoD. RT reports: In mid-November, there were reports of the same submarine striking targets in the Islamic State stronghold of Raqqa. These were neither confirmed nor denied by the MoD. Russian warships in the Caspian Sea hit Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) targets in Syria wi... more »
Iraq Sets New High For Exports As Stored Oil Released To The Market
In November 2015 Iraq reached a new high for its oil exports. Unfortunately that was due to the release of petroleum that was in storage rather than a new surge in production or regular exports. Otherwise the country is facing the lowest oil prices in seven years fueling a budgetary crisis. In November Iraq exported an average of 3.365 million barrels a day, the most since 2003. The previous high was 3.187 million set in June. The reasonfor the surge was bad weather the previous month, which blocked loading shipments onto tankers. That oil was placed into storage and then released ... more »
AP Fact Check: Bush, Rubio, Christie, Graham Overstate in Criticisms of New NSA Surveillance Rules
[image: NSA] WASHINGTON (AP) -- In the wake of the California shootings, Republican presidential candidates Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Chris Christie and Lindsey Graham are complaining that U.S. intelligence agencies have lost their authority to collect phone records on Americans under a... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 8, 2015
*Washington Post*:* Pentagon says Russian — not American — warplanes hit a Syrian army base* BEIRUT — The U.S. military alleged Monday that Russian warplanes were responsible for an attack on a Syrian army position in eastern Syria, an airstrike that Syria blamed on the U.S.-led coalition battling the Islamic State militant group in the country. The Syrian government issued a statement earlier in the day accusing coalition aircraft of carrying out the overnight attack in the eastern province of Deir al-Zour. The government said three Syrian soldiers were killed and 13 injured in ... more »
Pictures For Today -- The Faces Of Evil
Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik (San Bernardino shooters) Mohammed Atta (9/11 Hijacker) *WNU Editor*: This is creepy .... they have the same look in their eyes.
U.S. Strategy Is To Avoid A Ground War Against The Islamic State
*New York Times:* *U.S. Strategy Seeks to Avoid ISIS Prophecy* As the debate on how best to contain the Islamic State continues to rage in Western capitals, the militants themselves have made one point patently clear: They want the United States and its allies to be dragged into a ground war. In fact, when the United States first invaded Iraq, one of the most enthusiastic proponents of the move was the man who founded the terrorist cell that would one day become the Islamic State, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi. He excitedly called the Americans’ 2003 intervention “the Blessed Invasion.” H... more »
Donald Trump’s bizarre image must be a liberating thing. If your hair has its own webpage dedicated to its history 1976 -2015, your dignity will realise it has nothing left to lose. This absence of self-doubt, freedom from inhibition, or whatever psychological condition Trump enjoys enables him to exult in that ‘anything goes’ abandon that people find so intriguing. At least it has enabled Trump to say what many people are thinking, but couldn’t possibly take the risk of saying out loud. So when they quoted ”Donald J Trump is calling for a total and complete shutdown of Muslims en... more »
Severed Pig’s Head Thrown at Philadelphia Mosque Door
[image: Pig Head Mosque] Local and federal authorities are investigating a possible hate crime in Philadelphia after early-morning prayers at the Al-Aqsa Islamic Society were disrupted by the discovery of a severed pig's head on the mosque's doorsteps. A mosque spokesman said surveillance cameras... Continue reading *“Severed Pig’s Head Thrown at Philadelphia Mosque Door”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Diederik Stapel now has 58 retractions
Social psychologist Diederik Stapel has notched his 58th retraction, after admitting he fabricated data in yet another article. He’s holding onto his 4th place spot on our leaderboard. This latest retraction is for “Correction or comparison? The effects of prime awareness on social judgments,” published in the European Journal of Social Psychology. As usual for Stapel, this paper has […] The post Diederik Stapel now has 58 retractions appeared first on Retraction Watch.
The New York Times Has Noticed
http://www.theblaze.com/ Canada is back. If you have any doubts, Richard Gwyn writes, consult the *New York Times*: The New York Times was the first outsider to spot that something most unusual was happening here. Canadians, declared this august newspaper, had somehow gained “a renewed sense of national identity rooted in diversity, in humane and inclusive social policies at home and in humanitarian services overseas.” “The thrill of the moment may be fleeting,” continued the Times, but it could “awaken new generations to public servic... more »
Hillary Clinton Wants Tech Companies To 'Disrupt' ISIS. ISIS Responds By Mocking These Attempts
*New York Times: **Hillary Clinton Urges Silicon Valley to ‘Disrupt’ ISIS* WASHINGTON — Hillary Clinton said on Sunday that the Islamic State had become “the most effective recruiter in the world” and that the only solution was to engage American technology companies in blocking or taking down militant websites, videos and encrypted communications. “You are going to hear all the familiar complaints: ‘freedom of speech,’ ” Mrs. Clinton said in an hourlong speech and question-and-answer session at the Saban Forum, an annual gathering at the Brookings Institution that focuses mostly o... more »
Cruz Blasts Obama, Responds to Republican Rivals
[image: 2016_GOP_CRUZ_47681829] GREENVILLE, S.C. -- Sen. Ted Cruz, buoyed by the first poll showing that he's taken the lead in Iowa, blasted President Barack Obama on Monday for using a terrorism-linked rampage last week to renew demands for gun control. He also... Continue reading *“Cruz Blasts Obama, Responds to Republican Rivals”* at *dallasnews.com*.
Two American Islamists Defect from al-Shabab, Highlighting a Growing Conflict Between ISIS and al-Qaida
[image: Somalia security forces] MOGADISHU, Somalia (AP) -- The defections of two American Islamic extremist fighters in Somalia highlight tensions within the insurgent group al-Shabab over whether it should remain affiliated to al-Qaida or switch allegiance to the Islamic State group, according to an... more »
Hillary Youth
Since Hillary Clinton is so invested (that hideous market-based word she uses to express her love) in children, who better to shill for her identity brand of politics than a group of little girls, laboriously reading letters to her that they supposedly wrote all by themselves. Since when does a child barely able to pronounce the words on "her" letter commiserate with a multimillionaire over how hard it is to juggle grandma duties with commander in chief duties? As the kids say, I can't even. American fascism is finally fully out of the closet thanks to Donald Trump, and Hillary is... more »
Public Relations Stunt: Syrian 'rebels' let 'ISIS' fighters live
Public Relations stunt Mirroring the slick production values of ISIS propaganda video, the footage opens with captives being led along a dusty road in orange jumpsuits by men in balaclavas *Suddenly a message flashed up on the screen: “Muslims are not criminals.”* *Astonishingly, the masked men holster their weapons and walk away.* This video is, as usual, for the gullible western masses and has much to do with the resistance of European, American & Canadian populaces to the mass of refugees being pushed into their respective nations.... Syrian rebels and ISIS, same/same. So it... more »
The IPCC & Floods
By Paul Homewood While Julia Slingo would like us all to believe that the Cumbrian floods were caused by global warming, perhaps we should take a look at what the IPCC said in AR5 two years ago: http://ipcc.ch/report/ar5/wg1/ So either floods are getting worse, getting better, or staying […]
The GOP Establishment May Need Religious Voters to Stop Donald Trump
[image: Donald Trump (1)] That's what I imagine Reince Priebus, head of the Republican National Committee, repeating to himself as he tries to fall asleep every night. Because here's the problem for a Republican establishment hoping to avoid nominating Donald Trump: Trump continues to lead... Continue reading *“The GOP Establishment May Need Religious Voters to Stop Donald Trump”* at *fivethirtyeight.com*.
Experts Urge John Kerry to Include Christians in State Department Middle East Genocide Finding
[image: John Kerry] A silent persecution of Christians tantamount to genocide is ongoing in the Middle East, according to experts in Washington. Last week, at a panel organized by The Heritage Foundation to discuss modern Christian martyrs, academic, religious, and media leaders discussed... Continue reading *“Experts Urge John Kerry to Include Christians in State Department Middle East Genocide Finding”* at *dailysignal.com*.
Trump Calls for Complete Ban on Muslims Entering U.S., Compares It to FDR’s Japanese Internment Camps
[image: Donald Trump drawing as Hitler] MOUNT PLEASANT, S.C. (AP) -- Donald Trump is rejecting criticism that his proposal to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. is un-American and has critics comparing him to Adolf Hitler. Trump said Tuesday that what he’s proposing is “no different”... more »
Carson Defends Record on Abortion as His Poll Numbers Fall in Iowa
[image: Ben Carson] Ben Carson has suddenly found himself in an unlikely position -- defending himself against claims made by supporters of presidential rival Senator Ted Cruz that his pro-abortion rhetoric is too soft. “Of all the people running, I think I can safely... Continue reading *“Carson Defends Record on Abortion as His Poll Numbers Fall in Iowa”* at *bloomberg.com*.
David Hatcher Childress - snakes carved in relief - giant polygonal carved stone walls
INTRO: pyramids exist all over the world - in Egypt, South America, Cambodia, China and Japan. CONTENTION: at the foot of many ancient stone temples and buildings of antiquity (Baalbek in Lebanon, Cuzco in Peru, Etruria in Italy to name but three...) you'll find a much earlier level of stonework that is astonishing for its complexity of construction and seeming defiance of gravity. Polygonal Stone-masonry, where multi-tonne irregular-sized blocks of granite and other hard stones are lined up using a mortarless technique resembling a jigsaw or stone puzzle, seems to hark back t... more »
Noodles & Co. Copycat Recipe: Wisconsin Mac & Cheese
If I had to pick one food to live on for the rest of my life, it would be Mac and Cheese. There is something so comforting and happy about a big bowl of Mac N' Cheese. I have tried this dish in just about every restaurant around us that serves it and Noodles & Co has one of my favorite versions. I just had to keep tweaking my homemade version until it was just right. I think the best part of this recipe is stirring in the cheese! You will need: - 1 lb of macaroni noodles - 2 Tablespoons flour - 2 Tablespoons butter - 1 and a half cups whole milk - salt and pepper to... more »
The aboriginal struggle continues
*Glorious day out there today on the bike....* In the Qing Dynasty the aborigines were divided into two groups, the "cooked" who had been assimilated to Han culture to some degree, and the "raw", who remained free of Qing rule. This marvelous piece entitled *The Tribe That Disappeared from Songshan Airport* on a woman's discovery of her Ketagalan roots, reproduces a poem about the way the assimilated aborigines were abused and subjected to theft of land. There was a poem during Qing rule called An Ode to the Cooked Tribes: The Raw Tribes are feared as tigers, but the Cooked Tribes ... more »
The Gratitude Revealed Video
Published on September 30, 2015 Brother David Steindl-Rast, a Benedictine monk, shares simple ways to let go of worry and expand your gratitude to include the extraordinary nuances in our day to day. Music by Gary Malkin
*All I Want for Christmas Is Christmas* The cancer of political correctness eating away at the foundation of the American university system has reached a new low. At the University of Tennessee, the Office for Diversity and Inclusion has released a list of “suggestions” emphasizing the need to avoid Christmas parties, because those expressing cultural and/or religious preferences run afoul of UT’s commitment to inclusion and diversity. They advise, “Ensure your holiday party is not a Christmas party in disguise.” “The university does not have an official policy regarding religious... more »
Chicago Mayor: Shooting Brought City to ‘Inflection Point’
[image: Chicago protests] CHICAGO (AP) -- With federal agents preparing to scrutinize Chicago’s police practices in a wide-ranging civil rights investigation, Mayor Rahm Emanuel is defending measures the city has already taken in the wake of protests over the fatal shooting of a... more »
Eagles of Death Metal Join U2 Onstage for Triumphant Return after Paris Attacks
[image: From Twitter] Less than a month after Islamic militants stormed their concert in Paris as part of coordinated attacks that killed 130 on Nov. 13, the Eagles of Death Metal were back onstage in the City of Light -- courtesy of the... Continue reading *“Eagles of Death Metal Join U2 Onstage for Triumphant Return after Paris Attacks”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Prosecution Nears Finish in Baltimore Officer’s Trial over the Death of Freddie Gray
[image: Freddie Gray-900] BALTIMORE (AP) -- After four days of testimony, the state is preparing to rest its case against Officer William Porter, one of six Baltimore police officers charged in the death of Freddie Gray. Prosecutors have painted Williams as an indifferent...more »
Cartoon: ‘Obama’s Oval Office Address’
[image: Ramirez - 120815 - Obama's Oval Office Address]
Jeb Bush Super PAC Ad Attacks Cruz and Rubio, Warns of ‘Impulsive and Reckless’ Trump
[image: Jeb Bush (1)] (CNN) The Super PAC backing Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush released a new ad early Tuesday ripping his GOP rivals and accusing front-runner Donald Trump of being “reckless” and “impulsive.” The 30-second spot from Right to Rise Super PAC, titled “Desk,” hits... Continue reading *“Jeb Bush Super PAC Ad Attacks Cruz and Rubio, Warns of ‘Impulsive and Reckless’ Trump”* at *cnn.com*.
Japan Launches Anti-Terrorism Unit Ahead of Summit, Olympics
[image: Japan Map-900] TOKYO (AP) -- Japan launched a new counterterrorism unit in an air of secrecy Tuesday, with journalists only allowed to photograph its 24 members from behind. The country is expanding its international espionage work after being shocked by the deaths... more »
When is a Door Not Just a Door? When It’s a ‘Holy Door’
[image: Holy Door] What is a Holy Door? A Porta Sancta (Holy Door) is a special door in a cathedral or basilica that is only opened during Jubilee Years. Traditionally, the Holy Door is the one in St. Peter's Basilica. Following a Jubilee... Continue reading *“When is a Door Not Just a Door? When It’s a ‘Holy Door’”* at *aleteia.org*.
Slingo Fails To Answer The Real Questions
By Paul Homewood http://blog.metoffice.gov.uk/2015/12/07/did-climate-change-have-an-impact-on-storm-desmond/ A predictably lame response from the Met Office about Storm Desmond. There is the usual arm waving about climate change, but it fails to address several more relevant issues: 1) How reliable are the supposed “records”? We already know that Honister only has a short period of record. […]
GAIA PORTAL: Ramps of ascension are constructed
*Ramps of ascension are constructed* by ÉirePort Ramps of ascension are constructed. Gaia movements portend planetary changes. Linears are dropped as exponentials merge. Fortifications of all Gaia energetics completes. ÉirePort | December 7, 2015 at 09:01 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-ws
*‘Complete Transformation’ of US Energy System Will Stop four hundredths of one Degree of Global Warming, Congress Told* The projected increase in global temperature averted by President Obama’s pledge to reduce U.S. carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions 28 percent over the next decade comes out to an “environmentally inconsequential” 0.04 degrees Celsius by the end of the century, the assistant director of the Cato Institute’s Center for the Study of Science testified before the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology last month. “I basically told the committee that U.S. actio... more »
Couple Practiced at Shooting Ranges before California Attack
[image: gun range] SAN BERNARDINO, Calif. (AP) -- Just days before he carried out an attack that killed 14 people, Syed Farook practiced with a rifle during one of several recent visits to a local shooting range, authorities said. Sometimes he was joined... more »
Economic News , Data and Views ( December 8 , 2015 ) ...... Overview ( 1. Gordon Brown to PIMCO. 2. $39 iron ore -> miners brace. 3. China's exports drop for a 5th month 4. Asian markets take hit from weak data from China and plunging commodity prices , even as Japan escapes technical recession ) ....... Europe ( 1. Refugee Crisis in focus - German / French see need to reduce flows 2. FTT Talks - German thoughts on same 3. ECB / EZ News & Data for the day 4. Ukraine & Russia Items of note ) ..... Asia & Emerging Markets ( 1.China News & Data 2. Japan avoids technical recession , additional news of note 3. Saudi Arabia , Commodity rout news 4. If oil hits 30 , does OPEC call an Emergency Summit ? )
Overview........ Evening wrap..... *zerohedge* @zerohedge 34m 34 minutes ago Gundlach: "The breadth of the equity market may be the worst ever" *zerohedge* @zerohedge 53m 53 minutes ago Gundlach: "If the Fed hikes it will be a different world" *Jesse Felder* @jessefelder 1h 1 hour ago GUNDLACH: 'High-yield spreads have never been this high prior to a Fed rate hike.' [image: Embedded image permalink] Morning look..... *Jonathan Ferro* @FerroTV 3h 3 hours ago Morning Note: 1. Gordon Brown to PIMCO. 2. $39 iron ore -> miners brace. ... more »
Kalashnikov bullets found in police raid 'linked' to radical Paris mosque closure per Telegraph
The Telegraph reports http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/europe/france/12037546/Kalashnikov-bullets-found-in-police-raid-linked-to-radical-Paris-mosque-closure.html 'Police discover "bullets, Islamist propaganda and unauthorised madrassa" in raid after closure of mosque in Lagny-sur-Seine, outside Paris, in wake of Paris terror attacks Kalashnikov ammunition and Islamist propaganda videos were seized by French police in raids on Sunday after shutting down a mosque in the Paris suburbs, according to French authorities. Linked to the traditionalist Salafist branch of Islam, t... more »
Klaus: On the absurdity of the Paris climate conference
*By Václav Klaus, Czech ex-president, published in "The Week" (Týden) in CZ* For a long enough time, the environmental activists have been searching for a sufficiently strong and empirically unfalsifiable theme that could help them to seriously influence the world's events. Their first efforts were backed by the Malthusian doctrine about the unsustainable population growth that was supposed to exceed our planet's ability to feed the mankind. Paul Ehrlich's 1968 book "The Population Bomb" has predicted mass famines in Europe and America to occur within 20 years. As all of us know, not... more »
China's Military Is Getting More Lethal
Soldiers stand at attention during the training for the military parade of the 60th National Day celebration, Beijing, September 7, 2009. [Xinhua] *Dingding Chen, The Diplomat:* *Take Notice, Asia: China's Military Is Getting Leaner and More Lethal* Reforms to the People’s Liberation Army will help the Chinese military emerge as a more potent war-fighting force. After a long delay, China’s military, the People’s Liberation Army, is finally beginning to reform itself in a big way (see here, here, and here for details). These reform measures are the most significant changes to the P... more »
Russia's Next 5 Big Moves In Syria
A Su-24 tactical bomber of the Russian air forces © Dmitriy Vinogradov / Sputnik *Robert Farley, National Interest:* *Russia's 5 Next Big Moves in Syria* *As Russia's commitment escalates, expect to see these additions to the battlefield in the coming days and weeks.* Russia formally intervened in the Syrian Civil War a little more than a month ago. Since then, the Russians have established a reputation for high sortie rates and inaccurate bombing, and a penchant for attacking anyone but the Islamic State. Russian and Syrian forces have made some progress in coordinated offensives... more »
The Lord Mighty in Battle
[image: Bible and Sword - 900] CHARLES H. SPURGEON -- “The Lord mighty in battle.” (Psalm 24:8) God is glorious in the eyes of his people, for he has wrought such wonders for them, in them, and by them. For them, the Lord Jesus upon Calvary routed every... more »
Paris: sane people more threatened by ecoterrorists than Islamists now
When Marc Morano, the man behind the climate realist website ClimateDepot.com, was informing me that he was going to travel to COP-21 in Paris, I urged him to watch out. A terror attack had just occurred in Paris (Friday 13th November) and the climate negotiations could have been a good opportunity for the terrorists to kill lots of people. Now I feel that I have overreacted to recent events. It's actually the climate alarmists who are a much greater threat for the lives of the climatically sane people located in Paris these days. *Many more pictures about the funny interactions ... more »
Iran Willing To Provide Evidence Of Turkeys Involvement In The Islamic State's Oil Trade
The routes of alleged oil smuggling from Syria and Iraq to Turkey © Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation / Facebook *RT:** Iran ready to present proof of Turkey’s oil trade with ISIS – Tehran official* Iran has evidence of illegal oil trade between Turkey and Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) – and is ready to deliver the information to Ankara and the public, a state official said. Tehran has gathered photos and video footage of oil trucks entering Turkey. “If the government of Turkey is not informed of Daesh [derogatory term for IS] oil trade in the country, we are ... more »
The Collapse In The Price of Oil Continues
*Reuters*: *Oil prices remain near seven-year lows as OPEC glut bites* Crude prices remained near 7-year lows on Tuesday as OPEC continues to pump near record oil to defend market share, compounding a glut that has seen hundreds of thousands of barrels produced every day in excess of demand. Benchmark Brent and WTI futures both fell over 6 percent the previous session to reach 2015 lows, and they are closing in on levels last seen during the credit crunch of 2008/2009. Should they break through 2008/2009 lows, the next downward target would be levels not seen since the early 2000s...more »
Bernie Trumps Trumpf In Time Person Of The Year Poll-- Also Poll Shows Bernie Is More Electable Than Hillary
This morning, *TIME* announced that Bernie had won their Man of the Year poll-- and by an extremely large margin. By the time voting ended on Sunday night, he was at 10%, almost double his closest contender, Pakistani girls' education activist Malala Yousafzai (5.2%), and ahead of both Pope Francis (3.7%), who won Person of the Year in 2013, and President Obama (3.5%). Hillary Clinton was way down at 1.4%. Even though Donald Trump fans mounted an effort to vote him up the list, he was just another loser-- Trumpf (at 1.8%) between fellow entertainers Jennifer Lawrence (1.9%) and Se... more »
There Are Still 75 B-52s Flying
*New York Times*:* After 60 Years, B-52s Still Dominate U.S. Fleet* *The bombers were scheduled for retirement years ago, but they are expected to keep flying until at least 2040.* OVER THE GREAT PLAINS — Glance down from the ageless expanse of blue sky into the cockpit of the Air Force’s largest bomber, and the panorama is decidedly more dated — banks of steam gauges quiver above aluminum levers built during the Eisenhower administration, obsolete knobs and dials unused in decades gather dust. And much of the rest of the mammoth B-52 bomber is just as antiquated. Vacuum tubes ha... more »
U.S. Navy's Zumwalt Destroyer Begins Sea Trials
*USNI News:* *Zumwalt Destroyer Leaves Yard for First Set of Sea Trials* On Monday morning, the first-in-class Zumwalt-class destroyer left its pier at General Dynamics Bath Iron Work, headed down Maine’s Kennebec River bound for the Atlantic Ocean and its first taste of saltwater. The 16,000-ton Zumwalt (DDG-1000) departed the yard for its first set of open ocean trials — years after the ship began construction in 2008 and after several production delays. The trials follows a four day “fast cruise” in October in which the ship did everything from rolling the shafts, bringing up ... more »
Climate Circus, Climate Clowns at #COP21
[image: World Bank - 900] It’s clear that the Paris global warming -- excuse, me: climate change -- conference is a circus in the best tradition of circuses. There are parades, concessions, a Big Top, even boat shows, and a general spirit of fun. And, of... more »
California Shooting Witness: “Three Military White Men Did It”
New explosive details have emerged since Wednesday’s California shooting that bring the official narrative of what happened into massive disrepute. We know that ATF investigators recovered police issued firearms from the scene, and just days before active shooter drills had taken place near the scene of the massacre. Now details are emerging from eyewitnesses who say that “three [tall] white shooters” dressed in black military gear were seen firing assault weapons at the incident. Intellihub.com reports: The witness, Sally Abdelmageed, worked at Inland Medical Center where the atta... more »
Picture Of The Day
*Paying Tribute to Pearl Harbor* U.S. Marines render honors alongside Romanian soldiers to mark the 74th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor during a ceremony on Mihail Kogalniceanu Air Base, Romania, Dec. 7, 2015. The Marines are assigned to Black Sea Rotational Force. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Kaitlyn V. Klein
Pamela Anderson Visits Kremlin, Meeting Putin’s Chief Of Staff
Pamela Anderson visited the Kremlin on Monday to discuss animal rights with President Putin’s chief of staff, Sergei Ivanov. During the meeting animal rights activist Anderson expressed her concern over the fate of Russian seals and the popularity of sea aquariums that house belugas, orcas and dolphins in captivity. Ctvnews.ca reports: In his opening remarks, Ivanov praised the former “Baywatch” star for an opportunity to discuss issues of conservation “in the company of beautiful women.” This is not the first time the pair has met. Ivanov said the two discussed Russian biodiversity... more »
Islamic State Is Now Inspiring And Coordinating Attacks Against The West
*New York Times*: *Recent Attacks Demonstrate Islamic State’s Ability to Both Inspire and Coordinate Terror* *Ability to Both Inspire and Coordinate Terror.* In San Bernardino, Calif., a woman posted her “bayat,” or oath of allegiance to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, on a Facebook page moments before she and her husband opened fire in a conference room, killing 14 people. The couple does not appear to have been directed by the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, but seems to have been inspired by the group, following instructions issued this year for supporters to a... more »
The Gun Debate, Continued
[image: Weapon, Rifle, M4, Gun, Ammunition, Military] There is something I forgot to mention in my Sunday column about California’s gun laws and their failure to stop the San Bernardino terrorist attack last week: I supported California’s 1989 assault weapon ban. The bill passed after a vicious... more »
President Obama’s Umpteenth Tired, Dishonest Speech on Terrorism
[image: Obama, San Bernardino, The President's speech] Once again, President Obama emerged from his permanent sabbatical on the war on terror to inform us, in a bizarre address from the Oval Office, that he has things firmly under control and there’s no need for us Americans to... more »
Terrorism Speech Confirms: Obama Often Wrong But Never in Doubt
[image: Obama, San Bernardino, The President's speech] When the President of the United States asks the television networks to set aside time for him to broadcast a speech from the Oval Office, we can usually expect that he has something new to say. But President Obama’s speech... more »
Donald Trump Is a Racist (Part 100)
In the wake of the San Bernardino shooting and President Obama’s address to the nation, Donald Trump has called for banning Muslims from entering the United States. This is counterproductive racist and awful. We need a credible candidate from the Republicans in 2016, not a reality television star who is a disgrace to the nation […]
Islamic State Inspired Attacks: Six Countries, Six Attacks, At Least 525 Killed This Fall
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* *NBC*: *The ISIS Trail of Death* Since October 10, ISIS and its sympathizers around the world have killed at least 525 people in six attacks in six countries outside its so-called caliphate. American counterterrorism officials say that of the six attacks, three were directed by ISIS from its territory in Syria and Iraq and another two were so-called "announcement" attacks -- local ISIS elements revealing their existence in dramatic fashion. Though one of the two people who carried out the final attack, the massacre in San Bernandino, swore allegiance ... more »
Our Sacred Maiz is our Mother poster now available
Our Sacred Maiz is our Mother poster: http://peacesupplies.org/products/our-sacred-maiz-is-our-mother-poster/ The message of the book and poster resonates because it comes from somewhere profound… from a place of ancestors. Its message:”We are people of maíz. This is where we come from. This is what we are made of. This is who we are.” Most Indigenous peoples from maíz–based cultures instinctively understand this message. Also, for the poster, is a special trilingual message that peoples from this continent understand all too well: They tried to bury us but they didn’t know we were ... more »
Dispelling the ‘Few Extremists’ Myth — The Muslim World is Overcome with Hate
[image: few extremists] It is simply false to declare that jihadists represent the “tiny few extremists” who sully the reputation of an otherwise peace-loving and tolerant Muslim faith. In reality, the truth is far more troubling -- that jihadists represent the natural and... Continue reading *“Dispelling the ‘Few Extremists’ Myth — The Muslim World is Overcome with Hate”* at *nationalreview.com*.
Paradox for Alarmists: High CO2, freezing temperatures
John Cook and his crook cronies over at *UN*Skeptical* UN*Science (SS), as had been shown before on this blog, has posted many flawed *UN*scientific explanations of "Myths." See Global Warming & Climate Change Myths (Link) Anthony Cox, Jo Nova and others have debunked SS's "myths. See (link) An interesting side note is that Cook has little regard for his native Australia, as his SS banner shows the flags of many countries, but no Australian flag to be seen. We have depicted this turning the back on the Australian Flag. SS turning away from the Australian Flag. In this post *Antho... more »
The U.S. Air Force Is Running Out Of Bombs And Missiles To Bomb The Islamic State
*CNN:* *The U.S. is running out of bombs to drop on ISIS* Washington (CNN)The U.S. Air Force has fired off more than 20,000 missiles and bombs since the U.S. bombing campaign against ISIS began 15 months ago, according to the Air Force, leading to depleted munitions stockpiles and calls to ramp up funding and weapons production. As the U.S. ramps up its campaign against the Islamist terror group in Iraq and Syria, the Air Force is now "expending munitions faster than we can replenish them," Air Force chief of staff Gen. Mark Welsh said in a statement. "B-1s have dropped bombs in ... more »
Iran Tests Another Mid-Range Ballistic Missile Defying UN Security Council Resolutions
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com *FOX News:* *Iran tests another mid-range ballistic missile in breach of UN resolutions* EXCLUSIVE: Iran has carried out a new medium range ballistic missile test in breach of two United Nations Security Council resolutions, a senior U.S. official told Fox News on Monday. Western intelligence says the test was held Nov. 21 near Chabahar, a port city in southeast Iran’s Balochistan province near the border with Pakistan. The launch took place from a known missile test site along the Gulf of Oman. The missile, known as a Ghadr-110, has a r... more »
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, "Fields of Coral"
Vangelis, "Fields of Coral" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ad1wFWdmZUs
Russian Spy Admits Russia Behind London, Paris Attacks, And ISIS
A former Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) spy has claimed that he has proof that Russia have not only infiltrated ISIS, but they are also behind the Paris attacks, the London riots, and other atrocities carried out on US soil. The explosive claims from the former FSB agent who calls himself “Yevgeniy” have allegedly been polygraphed twice, and according to the results he is telling the truth. Unian.info reports: Yevgeniy claims that radical Islamist groups are staffed with Russian agents and Moscow has a real impact on their activity. “Being guided by good intentions, human r... more »
Journalist: California Shooting Was Another US False Flag Op
A US journalist has told Iranian state media that he believes the California shooting to be a US government false flag event, much like the 9/11 attacks. Kevin Barrett, editor of Veterans Today, discusses the inconsistencies in the San Bernardino story with Press TV: Barrett: I’m afraid that we may be seeing yet another false flag massacre like September 11, 2001, like July 7th, 2005 and like the two recent shooting attacks in Paris. It appears that all of these events and many many others are part of a program that’s called “Gladio B.” It’s a continuation of the NATO false flag ter... more »
California: Children Must Be Injected With Double Dose Of Mercury
A health and safety law designed to protect children form harmful levels of mercury in vaccines has been scrapped in California. An exemption has been added to the California Health and Safety Code that will force parents to have their children injected with double doses of poisonous mercury in the form of flu shots. California Health and Human Services Agency Secretary Diana S. Dooley is urging all children to receive the new mercury-enhanced vaccines: “I am granting a temporary exemption from California Health and Safety Code Section 124172 for seasonal influenza vaccine with trace...more »
236 of 237 Syrian Refugees Admitted Since Paris Attacks Are Muslims (Plus 1 Christian)
[image: Syrian refugees] (CNSNews.com) -- Since the Paris terror attacks on November 13, the State Department has admitted 237 Syrian refugees into the United States -- 236 Sunni Muslims and one Christian (0.4 percent), according to data from the State Department Refugee Processing Center.... Continue reading *“236 of 237 Syrian Refugees Admitted Since Paris Attacks Are Muslims (Plus 1 Christian)”* at *cnsnews.com*.
IRS Proposes Churches, Other Nonprofits Get Social Security Numbers from Donors
[image: social security numbers] An Obama administration proposal to have some nonprofit charities report the Social Security numbers of donors giving at least $250 in one year is raising concerns about security, government overreach and another episode of IRS targeting. "There’s a big caution here. There’s a big... Continue reading *“IRS Proposes Churches, Other Nonprofits Get Social Security Numbers from Donors”* at *foxnews.com*.
New Orleans, Dec. 12: Art for Rights / Write for Rights, Amnesty Intl. event with Robert King and BMike
Join Amnesty International USA in New Orleans on December 12, from 10am to 6pm, to celebrate art, human rights and international solidarity. As part of the organization’s annual “Write for Rights” campaign, Amnesty International USA is partnering with New Orleans native, Brandan “BMike” Odums to host an “Art for Rights” pop-up exhibition at Studio Be, 2925-2999 Royal Street in New Orleans. Attendees will not only have the opportunity to write letters on behalf of prisoners and human rights defenders from around the world, they will witness the creation of 12 different murals honor... more »
What Really Matters?
*Zen Gardener* - It’s amazing how the big questions in life are pushed to the end of the line. The post What Really Matters? appeared first on Waking Times.
The New Age Infiltration Of Alternative Media (Video)
Is it possible that alternative media has been infiltrated with New Age agents whose aim is to help usher in a New World Order? This film by Keith Thompson looks at the agents that have been put in place to infiltrate the “Anti-NWO” truth movement in alternative media. [SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO] The Founding of the New Age Movement (Age of Aquarius) can be traced back to the 19th Century to a group known as the Theosophical Society. This group had a huge influence on the beliefs behind the Thule Society in the 1920’s, who’s members believes they were on their fifth stage of spiritual r... more »
If A Republican Wins, Can He Move Backwards On Climate? Mike Bloomberg Isn't Worried
As far as I can tell, billionaire and former New York City mayor Mike Bloomberg contributes to mainstream Republicans and right-of-center Democrats. Sometimes he writes checks directly to the candidates-- as he did for conservaDem and Steve Israel squeeze Anna Throne-Holst ($5,400) June 30, who's running as a Democrat-- though she isn't one-- against Republican Lee Zeldin out in Suffolk County. And, as he's done for Joe Crowley, until recently the head of the pro-Wall Street New Dems (also $5,400) and for Republican-turned Blue Dog Brad Ashford, but most of his campaign contributi... more »
Oval Office Address, RIP?
[image: Oval Office address] By speaking from a podium, President Barack Obama may have made his last stand for the Oval Office speech on Sunday night. It's never been the president's best stage as a communicator, White House aides acknowledge, which may be why... Continue reading *“Oval Office Address, RIP?”* at *politico.com*.
Conservative Titans Meet to Discuss 2016 Endorsement
[image: conservative] National Review has learned that Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council and an influential evangelical activist, has convened a core group of prominent conservative leaders to discuss -- and possibly vote on -- whether to endorse a Republican presidential... Continue reading *“Conservative Titans Meet to Discuss 2016 Endorsement”* at *nationalreview.com*.
Rubio Rises in New Hampshire
[image: New Hampshire] Marco Rubio is on the move in New Hampshire, edging up to second place in almost all recent polls of the crucial primary state. Of the five significant surveys undertaken in New Hampshire since the middle of last month --... Continue reading *“Rubio Rises in New Hampshire”* at *thehill.com*.
5 Practices to Expand Your Awareness and Harmonize Your Brain
*Justin Faerman *- All of the exercises outlined here have been proven to shift brainwave patterns and improve trans-hemispheric communication in the brain. The post 5 Practices to Expand Your Awareness and Harmonize Your Brain appeared first on Waking Times.
The Battle In The Air Over Syria
*From james@wpc* *You really need to read the entire piece- I am posting excerpts * *Excerpt 1: * It has been a week since I predicted that the Russian and Syrian governments would formally declare a 'No-Fly Zone' over all of Syrian territory and thus making it crystal clear that any flight that does not have the permission of the Syrian government will be declared an act of war against the Syrian people. It didn't happen. At least not in the form I predicted (and hoped for). True, al-Assad has said in interviews that over flights without consent of the Syrian government are a bre... more »
California: Children Must Be Injected With Double Dose Of Mercury
A health and safety law designed to protect children form harmful levels of mercury in vaccines has been scrapped in California. An exemption has been added to the California Health and Safety Code that will force parents to have their children injected with double doses of poisonous mercury in the form of flu shots. California Health and Human Services Agency Secretary Diana S. Dooley is urging all children to receive the new mercury-enhanced vaccines: “I am granting a temporary exemption from California Health and Safety Code Section 124172 for seasonal influenza vaccine with trace...more »
PKK Burns 16th Century Fatih Pasa Mosque in Diyarbakir.
DS The PKK terrorist organization* torched a centuries-old mosque in southeastern Turkey on Monday* in the latest instance of deadly violence in the region, which is now *targeting cultural heritage sites.* *Targeting cultural heritage sites? Where have I read & heard of that previously? Why yes KurdIShIS in Syria has done just that- Erasing Shia, Christian and Assyrian history in particularyu.....* *The 16th century mosque in the Sur district was the target of an attack in the early hours on Monday by terrorists armed with homemade explosives*. *As flames engulfed the building, ... more »
DS The PKK terrorist organization* torched a centuries-old mosque in southeastern Turkey on Monday* in the latest instance of deadly violence in the region, which is now *targeting cultural heritage sites.* *Targeting cultural heritage sites? Where have I read & heard of that previously? Why yes KurdIShIS in Syria has done just that- Erasing Shia, Christian and Assyrian history in particularyu.....* *The 16th century mosque in the Sur district was the target of an attack in the early hours on Monday by terrorists armed with homemade explosives*. *As flames engulfed the building, ... more »
Amnesty International: How Decades Of Selling Arms To Iraq Helped To Arm The Islamic State Of Today
*Amnesty International: **Iraq: ‘Islamic State’ atrocities fuelled by decades of reckless arms trading* Decades of poorly regulated arms flows into Iraq as well lax controls on the ground have provided the armed group calling itself Islamic State (IS) with a large and lethal arsenal that is being used to commit war crimes and crimes against humanity on a massive scale in Iraq and Syria, Amnesty International said in a new report today. Drawing on expert analysis of thousands of verified videos and images, Taking Stock: The arming of Islamic State catalog
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