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I was looking at my emails...and shaking my head. Which of us is 'feeding the trolls' ? Top entries are most recent.
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Comment on: Stephen Harper and Tony Abbott � Axis of Carbon
jf Nope. Evidence that consists of Appeal to Authority rather than data does not satisfy the essence of science - skepticism of arguments based on supposition not buttressed by experimentation, etc. If you can find evidence for measurement of future conditions you are dealing with science I for one have never heard of - and I read lots of speculative fiction in my youth. One cannot deny that which is not in evidence in the first place - despite testimonials by the thousands that such exists.
Original Message:
Original Message:
The Church of Global Warming? Really. So are you saying that skeptics are in fact being "scientific" when they bury their head in the sand and deny the evidence of climate change?
Original Message:
jf Oxymoron means contradiction interms. It is ridiculous to talk of scientifically predicting the future, whether from rolling bones or computer gaming unprovable algorythms. Science is based on skepticism. 'Denial' posits revealed truth rather than demonstrates it. That is why you see caustic comments about the Church of Global Warming. Trying to prove a predetermined outcome is not an impartial experimentation trechnique.
Original Message:
Original Message:
Thank you for your comment.
I prefer to believe the climate science than talk about the "absence of belief in unproven proposition". What kind of double talk is that?
There is oxymoron, only morons who deny climate change because of their ties to the fossil fuel industry or their right wing ideology.
Original Message:
Hi BoomerWarrior,
John F. left a comment on the following article:
Original Message:
Hi BoomerWarrior,
John F. left a comment on the following article:
Stephen Harper and Tony Abbott � Axis of Carbon
Because of an entrenched government denial, the climate policies of Australia and Canada now rank last in the developed world according to Climate Action Network Europe's 2014 Climate Change Performance Index.
Because of an entrenched government denial, the climate policies of Australia and Canada now rank last in the developed world according to Climate Action Network Europe's 2014 Climate Change Performance Index.
jf You wouldn't have 'entrenched climate denial' if you weren't really saying that there is no belief that climate change is a result of the burning of fossil fuels. Absence of belief in an unproven proposition is not yet heresy or unscientific, no matter how mercilessly an unprovable hypothesis is flogged. This is the merest sample of the outrage about prophecy propositioned as scientific fact...an oxymoron itself. http://theendofthemystery.blogspot.com/2014/11/there-is-still-no-global-warming.html
BoomerWarrior's News
After a 20-year standoff, diplomats and
longtime observers of the talks say there is rising optimism that
negotiators will be able to secure a deal that will commit all countries
to take action against climate change.
What to you think?
Mr. Harper, your climate charade is over. What will be the next move for the world's worst climate villain?
In our obscurity, in all this vastness,
there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from
ourselves. It's up to us. Carl Sagan
Society & Culture
If people can be convinced to pickup dog shit, who knows what social change is possible?
Because of an entrenched government
denial, the climate policies of Australia and Canada now rank last in
the developed world according to Climate Action Network Europe's 2014
Climate Change Performance Index.
We're the first generation to feel the
impact of climate change and the last generation that can do something
about it." Jay Inslee
I belong to the Boomer Generation. I was
born in 1947. I'm embarrassed to admit that my generation has been at
the political and economic wheel during the worst decades of human-made
environmental degradation ever witnessed on planet Earth.
Green Lifestyle
All around the world, more and more
homes and companies are turning to renewables to power their lives and
businesses. Why? The drive to cut carbon pollution is one factor, but
market forces are another.
The sensitivity of the climate system to
increased levels of GHGs appears to be much higher than previously
expected due to many powerful reinforcing feedbacks. We need Climate
Action NOW!
With carbon fee and dividend, every
household receives the same amount of money in their dividend cheque,
regardless of their emissions or income.
Other recent notes
The recent news on the front page of the New York Times was stark. As thousands of diplomats were gathering in Lima, Peru, to work on an agreement to limit greenhouse gas emissions, scientists and climate policy experts were warning
that it now may be impossible to prevent the temperature of the planet's atmosphere from rising by 3.6 degrees Fahrenheit. According to a large body of scientific research, that is the tipping point at which the world will be locked into a near-term future of drought, food and water shortages, melting ice sheets, shrinking glaciers, rising sea levels and widespread flooding—events that could harm the world's population and economy.But with an effort under way in Lima to protect the difference, as the newspaper put it, "between a newly unpleasant world and an uninhabitable one," one fellow in Washington is readying himself to prevent any progress toward a climate accord: Sen. James Inhofe. The 80-year-old Republican from Oklahoma is one of the most notorious deniers of human-induced climate change.
Inhofe, thanks to the recent elections, is in line to chair the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee when the Republicans assume control of the Senate next month. He has vowed to do all he can to block regulations aimed at cutting emissions.
Inhofe, thanks to the recent elections, is in line to chair the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee when the Republicans assume control of the Senate next month. He has vowed to do all he can to block regulations aimed at cutting emissions.
At this point straight reporting ends and questionable allegations commence.
World Bank and UN Carbon Offset Scheme ‘Complicit’ in Genocidal Land Grabs – NGOs
Between 2000 and 2010, a total of 500 million acres of land in Asia, Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean was acquired or negotiated under deals brokered on behalf of foreign governments or transnational corporations.Many such deals are geared toward growing crops or biofuels for export to richer, developed countries – with the consequence that small-holder farmers are displaced from their land and lose their livelihood while local communities go hungry.
The concentration of ownership of the world’s farmland in the hands of powerful investors and corporations is rapidly accelerating, driven by resource scarcity and, thus, rising prices. According to a new report by the US land rights organisation Grain:
The powerful demands of food and energy industries are shifting farmland and water away from direct local food production to the production of commodities for industrial processing.Less known factors, however, include ‘conservation’ and ‘carbon offsetting.’
In west Kenya, as the UK NGO Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) reported, over a thousand homes had been torched by the government’s Kenya Forest Service (KFS) to forcibly evict the 15,000 strong Sengwer indigenous people from their ancestral homes in the Embobut forest and the Cherangany Hills.
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