PLA's JH-7 fighter bomber modified for S China Sea conflict

[image: JH-7A Flying Leopard]Facing a potential conflict with Vietnam in
the South China Sea, China is continuing the modification of Xian Aircraft
Industry Corporation's two-seat JH-7 fighter bomber for the PLA Navy,
according to the Sina Military Network based in Beijing.
Photos released on the website indicate that a new version of the JH-7
attacker is under development, constructed with composite materials.
Internet users believe that the avionics and engine of the aircraft,
referred to as the JH-7B, have been upgraded as well, while the Communist
Party paper Global Times said t... more »
No C-17 delivered to Algeria, Boeing confirms

[image: C-17 Globemaster III]Algeria has not received into service a Boeing
C-17 Globemaster III strategic airlifter, the manufacturer confirmed to IHS
Jane's on 17 December.
A C-17 in Algerian Air Force (al Quwwat al Jawwiya al Jaza'eriya) markings
was reported to have landed at Algiers Houari Boumediene Airport on 10
December, the Secret Difa3 blog reported eyewitnesses as saying.
However, it has since emerged that this may have in fact been an aircraft
belonging to the Qatar Emiri Air Force, though it is unclear how the
roundels could have been confused.
Read more
AFM receives second twin-engine helicopter

[image: AFM AW139]The Armed Forces of Malta’s second AW139 twin-engine
helicopter landed at Luqa a few minutes ago.
The helicopter, which is to be registered AS1429, will be used to perform
border control tasks and SAR missions.
Together with the AFM’s first twin-engine helicopter, it will help
strengthen the AFM’s capabilities through the External Borders Fund
Read more
If the Public Prosecution Service of Canada is so concerned that Michael
Sona's nine month sentence for election fraud is "demonstrably unfit and
fails to reflect the gravity of the offence” - so concerned in fact that
they are appealing to have his sentence increased - why don't they direct
that same concern towards investigating the Pierre Poutine perps behind
Especially given both the judge and prosecutor in the case stated that Sona
didn't act alone.
So reasons the Council of Canadians in their new formal complaint to the
“PPSC is not an investigative agency,” respo... more »
Europe to begin testing of UAV-based maritime surveillance system

[image: Tekever AR5 Evolution]Tekever’s AR5 Life Ray Evolution unmanned air
vehicle has been selected to participate in the testing of Europe’s first
UAV maritime surveillance system, following a contract award from the
European Space Agency and European Maritime Safety Agency.
Through the Rapsody programme, the UAV will be involved in two years of
testing in two different scenarios – search and rescue and pollution and
oil spill monitoring – over the Atlantic and the North and Mediterranean
This is the first time UAVs will be introduced into maritime surveillance
missions in... more »
Alternative teaching of mathematics: three problems
*Mathematics is not just the mechanical elimination of a finite number of
Two days ago, I spent hours, literally, by discussions at about
the Hejný alternative method to teach mathematics to the kids.
*Off-topic: A group of 100+ engineers is actually building Hyperloop, Elon
Musk's mach-one train that gets from San Francisco to L.A. in 30 minutes.*
If I try to summarize some key points really concisely (some exchanges
helped me to crystallize some of the points): mathematics is not just about
the lessons that a human derives from the experience, but about the ... more »
China Test Launches Deadly DF-41 Multi War Head Super Ballistic Missile: Threat Perceptions Up For USA

[image: DF-41 road mobile ICBM]Showing its missile prowess, China on
Saturday carried out a long-range missile flight test at a secret locaton.
The missile is significant for its use of advanced multiple, independently
targetable reentry, according to the U.S. defence officials.
The new DF-41 missile of China will use multiple warhead capabilities as
the longest-range intercontinental ballistic missile, reported Free Beacon.
The report also claimed that the multiple-warhead technology, originated
from the U.S and passed into the hands of China illegally, in the 1990s,
when the Cli... more »
China's Military Is On The Verge Of Having A Global Presence

Militia take part in a parade during an anti-terrorism drill in Taiyuan,
Shanxi province August 1, 2009. The drill was held to mark the 82nd
anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA). (
*China's Military Is About To Go Global -- Oriana Skylar Mastro, National
The burgeoning need to protect commercial assets and Chinese nationals
abroad will inevitably lead Beijing to develop new military capabilities
and take on missions further afield.
THE CHINESE armed forces are on the move—but to where? For over a decade,
academics, policy wo... more »
Taiwan publicize Hsiung Feng III supersonic anti-ship missile tests
Taiwan has recently released photos and videos of the latest generation
surface launched anti-ship and surface-to-air missiles.
The two include the supersonic surface launched Hsiung Feng III anti-ship
missile and Tien Kung III surface-to-air missiles.
Both were developed at the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and
Read more
Five Navy helicopters sold to Peru

[image: SH-2G Super Seasprite]Five Royal New Zealand Navy Seasprite
helicopters have been sold to Peru, Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee
announced today.
"Our recent purchase of eight new, more sophisticated Seasprite helicopters
meant the older model Seasprites were available for sale and a deal has
been struck with the Peruvian Government for them to buy them for their
Navy," Mr Brownlee says.
As well as the helicopters, Peru is buying spares and the Maverick missiles
which are used with the helicopters.
Read more
India bids for building frigates for Manila
[image: CGS Barracuda]Even as India is now all set to export its first
warship to Mauritius, it is also bidding for an Rs 2,000 crore project to
build two frigates for Philippines amid stiff competition from European and
South Korean shipyards.
Kolkata-based defence shipyard Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers
Limited (GRSE) is also gearing up to build four offshore patrol vessels
(OPVs) for Vietnam under the $100 million credit line extended to it.
India is helping Vietnam with submarine and fighter training as well as
military equipment, with both being wary of an assertive ... more »
Railguns: The Next Big Pentagon Boondoggle?

[image: Railgun test shot]For years now, Navy officials have been boosting
a new technology, the railgun, as an ideal next-generation piece of
artillery for America’s ships.
But there’s good reason to believe it won’t live up to the hype — and that
it may be the U.S. military’s next billion-dollar blunder that never pans
Conventional guns, like those fitted on Navy ships today, use explosive
propellants such as gunpowder to fire projectiles.
Read more
FIDO May Offer Smarter People Identification

Imagine an ATM system and internet services with no passwords that you have
to remember and sweat over when you get wrong. Imagine a simple biometric
device that authenticates who you are and lets you get straight to the
service you require. This reality took another step forward last week with
a group of some 150 companies releasing version 1.0 of its open
specifications for authentication on the Internet securely without the use
of usernames and passwords.
The FIDO Alliance is impressive and includes the likes of Microsoft,
PayPal, Google, Bank of America, Visa and MasterCard, ... more »
Putin Row Leaves France Holding Two Carriers It Doesn’t Need
[image: Vladivostok LHD]Two cranes loom over France’s Atlantic port of
Saint-Nazaire as workers build the “Sevastopol,” the second of two
helicopter carriers destined for Russia, unperturbed by the diplomatic row
that’s blocked their delivery.
Nearby, the first ship, the “Vladivostok” remains moored, way past its
October delivery date after President Vladimir Putin’s incursions in
Ukraine led to the contract’s suspension in line with U.S. and European
Union sanctions against Russia.
“A cease-fire won’t be enough, a more sustainable and solid solution will
be needed,” said Jean-Pier... more »
Russia and US Fight For Underwater Drone Supremacy; Moscow Builds More Warplanes Than US

[image: GhostSwimmer UUV]Russia's constant military expansion has led it to
surpass the United States in terms of manufacturining new war planes. News
of Russia's increased military activity to protect its interests has added
to the tension in Europe on top of the sanctions imposed by the West over
its meddling in Ukraine.
According to the Russian United Aircraft Corporation, Russia has built more
combat aircraft than the U.S. in 2014. Vladislav Goncharenko, deputy head
of the military aviation programme department of UAC, said in an interview
with radio station Ekho Moskvy, confirm... more »
UK female soldiers: Hurdles remain for combat action

[image: UK female soldiers]Women have already broken down barriers in the
British armed forces.
They're currently flying combat missions over Iraq with the RAF. Last year
the Royal Navy lifted its ban on women in submarines.
In Afghanistan they've already served on the front line too, albeit in
support roles as medics, bomb disposal experts and intelligence officers.
Read more
Comet Data Clears Up Debate on Earth’s Water

This is good news as it puts aside decades of speculation. Of course it
opens up other questions..Importantly all the data, scant as it is conforms
to the out of Jupiter conjecture. In that case. In that scenario, Jupiter
passed though its dynamic stability point a number of times to produce our
planets as the solar system shaped up. We also strongly suspect that
Venus is the late comer and may have been triggered deliberately as well.
Jupiter is a natural planet incubator and only needs a little additional
mass to pump out an earth sized planet.
At the same time water is inte... more »
9 Mind-Bending Epiphanies That Turned My World Upside-Down

This is a worthy review of human perception and orders one's approach to
living. It is fair to say that all can reach similar positions over enough
time and with enough experience. It is better though to have a list such
as this acting as a road map to guide one's thinking and general
It is one thing to study theory, but quite another to experience theory.
Thus if any of this gives you pause, set it aside but make sure you soon
revisit it to understand what you are missing. .
*9 Mind-Bending Epiphanies That Turned My World Upside-Down*
* http://www.rapti... more »
AIDS Pandemic Has Reached Tipping Point

This is great news. It has taken thirty five years to get here, but the
down slope should become much quicker. Most should have been eradicated
inside of twenty years or much sooner. Then we have a long decline caused
by waiting for stable victims to simply die of other causes.
There is still plenty of work to do, but one day the disease will actually
be extinct. That could take a very long time though because of specific
vulnerable populations who act as a reservoir.
Over 70,000,000 have been infected and half are still with us. It could
have been far far worse. Education ... more »
Precognition: How Our Body Reacts Up To 10 Seconds Before Events Happen

This works shows us that the body and surely the automatic response system
centered on our gut can react to upcoming events within a one through ten
second time window. that is enough time to dump adrenaline into ones
system and to then explode into activity. Thus we have an even better
understanding of instinctive threat avoidance.
The open problem there was that rational actions take place without
interrferance from the conscious mind. This is most dramatic regarding
bear avoidance in which the person shoots up a tree. For that to happen
properly, one must evaluate availa... more »
Defence secretary: Now is not the time to get rid of Trident

[image: Vanguard class SSBN]The defence secretary said "now is not the time
to start rethinking" the UK's nuclear deterrent, on his first visit to the
Clyde naval base where it is stationed.
The Trident system was a key issue in the Scottish referendum debate and
looks set to play a part in next year's general election.
The deterrent is up for renewal in 2016 and the SNP, which polls suggest
could win a majority of Scottish seats, has said it will not lend its
support to any party that favours renewal if there is a hung parliament.
Read more
FMS of MK 41 Vertical Launch Systems May Indicate Purchase of LCS or DDG by Saudi Arabia

[image: Mk 41 Missile Canisters]The recent (and very low profile)
announcement by the U.S. Department of Defense of a Foreign Military Sale
(FMS) of MK 41 Vertical Launching Systems (VLS) to Saudi Arabia could
possibly be an indication of the procurement of Littoral Combat Ships or
DDG-51 type (Burke class) Destroyers by the Royal Saudi Navy.
Here is Navy Recognition's take on it.
On December 12, 2014, the U.S. Department of Defense announced the
following contract award:
*Lockheed Martin Corp., Mission Systems and Training, Baltimore, Maryland,
is being awarded a $235,329,189 firm... more »
China Is Developing And Testing Multi-Warhead Nuclear Missiles

A Chinese media depiction of the potential destructive effect of a
MIRV-capable ICBM on Los Angeles. Defense News
*China Tests ICBM With Multiple Warheads -- Washington Free Beacon*
Clinton-era tech transfer aided multi-warhead program
China carried out a long-range missile flight test on Saturday using
multiple, independently targetable reentry vehicles, or MIRVs, according to
U.S. defense officials.
The flight test Saturday of a new DF-41 missile, China’s longest-range
intercontinental ballistic missile, marks the first test of multiple
warhead capabilities for China, officials ... more »
Are Fears Of Russia Losing Control Of It's Nuclear Arsenal In The Event Of An Economic Collapse Realistic?

*Photo: *Soviet/Russian tactical nuclear warhead being loaded in the field. Nuclear
Weapon Archive
*Could Russia's Economic Meltdown Lead To Loose Nukes? -- The Hill*
Senior lawmakers alarmed by Russia's collapsing economy fear some of the
nuclear power's atomic arsenal could fall into the wrong hands.
While officials say there's no immediate reason to think Russia's weapons
could be sold off to the highest bidder or stolen, Sen. John McCain
(R-Ariz.) intends to hold hearings next year on what Moscow is doing to
keep its nukes safe.
“We’re going to be taking on that whole issue in... more »
Putin Reveals He Is In A Relationship A Year After His Divorce

Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, wouldn’t say if he’s dating Russian
gymnast Alina Kabayeva, right, during his annual three-hour press
conference. ITAR-TASS/Reuters
*From Russia With Love: Putin Reveals He Is In A Relationship A Year After
His Divorce... But Refuses To Confirm Whether Former Olympic Gymnast Is
Lucky Lady -- Daily Mail*
* Putin was asked by journalist whether he 'had time for the opposite sex'
* Replied 'I tell you I do', before going on to say that he 'loves' and 'is
* Putin is rumoured to have a secret family with athlete Alina Kabayeva
Vladimir Put... more »
As The Russian Economic Meltdown Continues, Wealthy Russians Are Fleeing With Their Money

The home of Roman Ambrovich in Kensington Palace Gardens, London. Source: Neil
Hall / Rex Features
*Russian Economic Meltdown Sparks Wave Of Panic Buying London Homes -- The
Russians protect their wealth from currency crisis by sinking it into
London property
Wealthy Russians, desperate to get their money out of Moscow in the wake of
the Russian economic crisis, are panic-buying in London this week,
according to high-end estate agents.
Russia has lost control of its economy in the last few days after an
interest rate hike by the central bank failed to stem the collap... more »
Do Voters Across The Spectrum Really Hate Their Elected Officials? Keith Ellison Threatens Primaries Against Democrats Allied With Banks Against Working Families

A new poll from Marist for McClatchy indicates that conservative mistrust
for the Republican Party is very high-- as is progressive mistrust in the
Democratic Party. Both party bases are fed up with their representatives in
Congress. That's hardly newsworthy, since the two Party Establishments have
been relatively successful in painting themselves as the essential lesser
of two evils in a simplistic equation for voters.
By a 66-28% margin, U.S. voters disapprove of the job congressional
Republicans are doing-- and when you take Democrats and independents out of
the sample, approva... more »
Any American who has his or her money in the stock market should read – several times if necessary – Paul Craig Roberts’ seminal essay below. In short, the U.S. government and the too-big-to jail banks are playing games with our nest eggs such that when their house of cards finally falls – as it must – they will walk away with much of our savings …unless we (1) understand their casino games and (2) take advantage of the places where we can safely place our money. For the past 9 months I have been subscribing to various investment advisors, most of whom I’ve found to actually believe the government lie that the unemployment rate is 5.8% – a number that is largely due to not counting people who have tried to find a job for more than a year and finally gave up. In fact, when this and other factors were considered by John Williams (of Shadow Government Statistics) he found that the true unemployment rate is currently about 23% …and that most new jobs pay little more than Walmart. So those advisors who believe the big lie are doomed to lose their shirts together with their clients. Many of these same advisors are now making a big deal about Russia’s extreme devaluation of the ruble, whereas PCR points out below that “Unlike the US, which has a massive trade deficit, Russia has a trade surplus”! (emphasis added). According to the advisors who know the crash is coming, the best advice for American investors comes from a 40-year advisor to large corporations, Wall Street, and the CIA and author of the book The Death of Money, Jim Rickards (some of whose picks can be found in my immediately preceding post).

*Financial Market Manipulation Is The New Trend: Can It Continue?*
December 18, 2014 | Original Here
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*Financial Market Manipulation Is The New Trend: Can It Continue?*
*Financial Imperialists Attack Russia*
Paul Craig Roberts
A dangerous new trend is the successful manipulation of the financial
markets by the Federal Reserve, other central banks, private banks, and the
US Treasury. The Federal Reserve reduced real int... more »
NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo: Repulsive, But Not Stupid
Prior to his reelection as governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo promised to
“break” the public school “monopoly.” He stated that he “likes charter
schools” because he believes they introduce competition. Cuomo also
promised what he terms “a more rigorous [teacher] evaluation system.” Of
course, his real goal is to replace public schools with charter […]
After $28 Billion In Aid, The U.S. Is Still Unable To Get Pakistan To Confront Its Radical Militants

*Despite Billions In Aid, U.S. Unable To Get Pakistan To Confront Militants
-- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Since 2001 the United States has tried virtually every strategy
available to persuade Pakistan's army to take the threat of militancy more
seriously, but 12 years and $28 billion in aid later, all the American
approaches are widely viewed as having failed.
First, the Bush administration heaped praise on former Pakistani President
Pervez Musharraf, agreed to reimburse the Pakistani army for anti-Taliban
military operations and launched drone strikes that killed al Qaeda leaders
and m... more »
FFWN: Sydney, Pakistan, Sony false flags & much more!

This week's FFWN almost got pre-empted when Frontier internet service
collapsed in south central Wisconsin just minutes before the show. So I had
to broadcast from a local café, with the show beginning 45 minutes late.
(Then when I got home an unmarked black helicopter flew back and forth
overhead about a quarter-mile to the west.) Just another exciting day at
False Flag Weekly News!
Just to spite the bastards, we did a full hour show and reported on 40
stories, including 15 in the False Flag category..
Links to all the stories:
Was North Korea Planning To Attack U.S. Nuclear Plants In The 1990s?

This photo of Kim Jong Un and his military advisors was released last week
as North Korea announced it was preparing strikes against mainland U.S.
*DIA: North Korea Planned Attacks on US Nuclear Plants -- Washington Free
Five commando units trained for strikes, sabotage
North Korea dispatched covert commando teams to the United States in the
1990s to attack nuclear power plants and major cities in a conflict,
according to a declassified Defense Intelligence Agency report.
The DIA report, dated Sept. 13, 2004, reveals that five units of covert
commandos were trained for the... more »
Ball Lighening with Louis Proud
*This is not about the continuum or other language gymnastics. It is about
ball lightening. We have posted on this before and there the author
proposed that we were dealing with a stripped ball of nuclei. In the end
it is a good maybe. With our fresh understanding of dark matter we have
more flexibility. Dark Matter has the dimensionality of the electron and
may be a pairing that is naturally neutral. I am hesitant naming them yet
because options do exist that needs to be tested out in simulation.
However it is clear ... more »
Gold and Silver Report - December 18 , 2014 ...... Items of note touching upon the precious metals ( correlations are everywhere ) , manipulations by Central Banks , Ponzi scheme and related frauds , oncoming financial wreckage .....
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Russia Busts "Gold-Selling" Rumors, Reports It Bought Another 600,000
Ounces Taking Gold Holdings To New Record HighSubmitted by Tyler Durden on
12/19/2014 - 07:10
Yesterday, when we reported the latest rumor of Russian gold selling, this
time out of SocGen, we said that "it should be noted that SocGen and its
"sources" have a conflict: in an indirect way, none other than SocGen is
suddenly very interested in Russia stabilizing its economy because as we
wrote before,* "Russia Contagion Spreads To European Banks : French SocGen,
Austrian Raiffeisen Pl... more »
Science Watch: "Creatures That Have Sex in Your Coffee" -- and we've got the pix!

*Plus: Coming tomorrow -- Part 1 of "CrackpotUtopia," Noah's 2014 "Year in
Republican Crazy"*
*"Females sometimes don't even wait around for males. In addition to their
incestuous sex, they can also reproduce all on their own."*
*-- An image for the day (just try to forget it!)*
*by Ken*
Anyone who thinks I could pass up a story pitched as above, as it was in a
Discovery News e-mail today, clearly doesn't know who they're dealing with.
Come on, creatures having sex in our coffee? You want to know all about it,
don't you?
*Creatures That Have Sex in Your Coffee: Photos... more »
Has Hollywood Compromised The Tactics Used By U.S. Special Forces To Islamic Extremists?

U.S. Special Forces soldiers and Afghan commandos move through an open
field toward a compound while clearing Bahlozi village in the Maiwand
district of Afghanistan's Kandahar province, Jan. 1, 2014. U.S. Army photo
by Staff Sgt. Bertha A. Flores
*Hollywood Endangers U.S. Special Forces By Revealing Tactics To Islamic
Extremists -- Washington Times*
Tweaks needed for hostage rescue, terrorist targeting missions with element
of surprise lost
In the secretive special operations community, officials are debating
whether to tweak tactics for daring and risky missions involving hostag... more »
Senior Iranian Cleric: Iran Has Attained The Knowledge To Build A Nuclear Bomb

Tehran interim Friday Prayers leader Ayatollah Seyyed Ahmad Khatami. Press
*Senior Cleric: Iran Has Knowledge To Build A Nuclear Bomb -- The Guardian*
The Islamic republic has reached the expertise to enrich uranium not just
to the 5% and 20% levels required for civilian uses but to higher levels
required for a bomb, says Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami
An official site belonging to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)
has quoted a senior conservative cleric as saying that Iran has attained
the knowledge to build a nuclear bomb but doesn’t want to use it.
The IRGC site of Kurdi... more »
Blast from the Past: 1971 letter in Chicago Sun-Times

From a longtime reader and net-friend, who wrote it in 1971. Closing
sentence..."We have the responsibility to inform ourselves of the political
realities inside Formosa and not to be blinded by those who would have us
believe that Formosa is an economic paradise while justifying the political
hell which reigns there."
[Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its
sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores
of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!
Haven't Written About the USA's "Torture Report"
Other people are doing it, but I haven't been able to see the point really.
Because we've known for a long time how the bush II regime openly practiced
torture (and that this disgraceful practice has been adopted by Canadian
institutions as well). We've known for a long time that Dick Cheney is a
repulsively evil man. We also know that Barack (Wall Street
shill/imperialist puppet) Obama is steadfast about "looking forwards, not
backwards" and that there will be no accountability. This report was only
released because the retiring US Senate has a Democratic majority that
will be gon... more »
Holiday Hiatus
*Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year to all.*
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 18, 2014

*U.S. Should Make North Korea Pay for Sony Hack -- Gordon G. Chang, Daily
Pyongyang has given the Obama administration no choice but to retaliate now
by imposing sanctions or even an embargo.
The New York Times today reported that the American intelligence community
has determined that the regime of Kim Jong Un was “centrally involved” in
the unprecedented hacking campaign against Sony Pictures Entertainment. CNN
reports that the Justice Department will announce, perhaps as early as
tomorrow, that hackers working for North Korea were behind the attacks,
appare... more »
Friday Morning Ramble: The Christmas Edition
An old favourite every year here at NOT PC Towers:
*The reason for the season?* – NOT PC
Christmas Myth #1: Introduction, and The Miraculous Birth
Christmas Myth#2: The Star of Bethlehem
Christmas Myth #3: The Song of the Heavenly Host
Christmas Myth #4: The Birthplace and Surroundings of the Little Baby Jesus
Christmas Myth #5: So, What’s With All That Frankincense?
Christmas Myth #6: The Slaughter of the Innocents
Christmas Myth #7: Why December 25?
“In answer to the question of whether it is appropriate for an atheist to
celebrate Christmas…”
*Christmas* – AYN R... more »
Musical Interlude: Enya, "Watermark", "A Day Without Rain"
Enya, "Watermark"
Enya, "A Day Without Rain"
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The bright clusters and nebulae of planet Earth's night sky are often
named for flowers or insects, and NGC 6302 is no exception. With an
estimated surface temperature of about 250,000 degrees C, the central star
of this particular planetary nebula is exceptionally hot though- shining
brightly in ultraviolet light but hidden from direct view by a dense torus
of dust.
*Click image for larger size.*
This dramatically detailed close-up of the dying star's nebula was recorded
by the upgraded Hubble Space Telescope. Cutting across a bright cavity of
ionized gas, the dust torus surround... more »
Brian Kelly's Story: A Journey to Discovering Purpose -- Part I

*My Story: A Journey to Discovering Purpose -- Part I*
December 9, 2014
Believe it or not, this is a short version of a very long story. It tells
in two parts, which ultimately build up to the main inspiration of what I,
and many others like me all around the world, are now focusing our energy
on. If nothing else, I hope that this story inspires all those to read it
to play a more active role in creating tangible and lasting world change.
Just remember, the real work always starts and finishes within you. ~BK
*"The riskiest thing we can do is maintain the status quo." *
For as lo... more »
OMG! "ISIS" brand rebel approaches Israel's (illegal occupation) Golan border!!!
*From Haaretz-* Don't worry, I have the article for you all to read!
Keeping in mind *the FACT *that Israel has been in cahoots with the
NATO/Israeli mercenaries since they were first being marketed under the
brand FSA. Then when brand FSA allegedly fell apart or simply regrouped
under it's new brand Al Nusra or whatever other brand name these fighters
are going by Israel kept right on supporting them. Nothing changed but the
name. The agenda stayed exactly the same
*BUT NOW.*..... I shudder *(not really, more a chuckle at the nonsense
spewed*) and apparently so does Israel as the... more »
World News Briefs -- December 18, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*Backed by U.S. Airstrikes, Kurds Regain Ground From ISIS -- New York Times*
BAGHDAD — Kurdish forces, backed by a surge of American airstrikes in
recent days, recaptured a large swath of territory from Islamic State
militants on Thursday, opening a path from the autonomous Kurdish region to
Mount Sinjar in the west near the Syrian border.
The two-day offensive, which involved 8,000 fighters, known as pesh merga,
was the largest one to date in the war against the Islamic State, also
known as ISIS and ISIL, according to Kurdish officials. It was also a
successful demonstration of P... more »
Ten Books That Changed Your Life
A while back a friend on Facebook1 challenged me to list for her the Ten
Books That Changed Your Life. So I thought long and I thought hard, and
then I wrote this instead2. Not necessarily my ten favourite books as we
speak. In fact not even just ten. Because I cheated…
Ten books that changed my life:
1= *Atlas Shrugged* – Ayn Rand
1= *Frank Lloyd Wright on Architecture* – Selected writings 1894-1940, ed.
By Frederick Gutheim
1 = *Economic Sophisms* – Frederic Bastiat
2 = *Ninety-Three* – Victor Hugo
2 = *Time Enough For Love* – Robert Heinlein
2 = *Introduction to Objectivist ... more »
The good thing about traditions is that you can always remake them
Christmas Eve 2012, Utila, Honduras Today is my birthday, my third one
in a row celebrated outside Canada. I wouldn't dream of whining about the
lack of good birthday cake in Central America when I'm sitting here on a
balmy 32-degree day with a fan blowing on me to keep me cool, but I do want
to note that living away does require the reinvention of how you celebrate.
Christmas, for instance. We've been gone from Canada and our families
for the last three Christmases as well, and I admit to being piney
sometimes for things like the family breakfast where I'd make cinnamon buns... more »
This Man’s Outlook Might Change Your Life

*Video -* You will be surprised by how this homeless man views life that it
might just change yours.
The post This Man’s Outlook Might Change Your Life appeared first on Waking
State Innovation Exchange-- New Hope For Grassroots Progressives?

A new progressive organization that aims to counter big-money conservative
groups and move forward a proactive progressive agenda at state and local
levels has just held its inaugural conference in Washington. There were
more than 200 state legislators in attendance. The inaugural meeting of the
State Innovation Exchange (SiX), featured addresses by Senior
Administration officials, members of Congress and prominent progressive
leaders including Sen. Bernie Sanders, Howard Dean, Secretary of Labor Tom
Perez, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, activist Saru Jayaraman and
former Whi... more »
Russian President Putin Discusses Ukraine In Today's News Conference
*Putin Says He Is Seeking Resolution of Conflict in Ukraine -- Bloomberg*
Russian President Vladimir Putin signaled no change in his approach to the
conflict in Ukraine while saying that he is seeking a negotiated resolution
to the crisis.
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko is “of course” attempting to restore
peace and Russia is ready to be an intermediary in talks with separatist
rebels, Putin said at his annual media conference in Moscow today.
Poroshenko “wants to resolve the situation but he is not alone,” and others
in Ukraine are more militaristic, Putin said. The country... more »
Bourdieu and Social Integration
This from an extract of a longer conversation between Les Back and Bev
Skeggs about what the sociological imagination looks like today is a
curious piece. See for yourself:
Les: It [the sociological imagination] can be about discomfort. I think
sometimes often people come to sociology with an incredible sense of
discomfort or dislocation. I have something within myself, you know, a
discomfort, a disquiet sense of not quite fitting in place or being out of
place, or even being confined or suffocated by the place in the world that
one occupies, you know.
Bev: So it’s about a complet... more »
Airplane Graveyard: Donetsk International Airport In Ruins (Video)
*Apocalyptic Donetsk Airport Video Reveals Aftermath Of E. Ukraine Standoff
-- RT*
Footage has emerged of Donetsk International Airport resembling an airplane
graveyard. Strewn everywhere are torn parts, fuselages split in half and
other debris – a remnant of months of fighting between the Kiev government
and the Donetsk opposition.
The airport witnessed some of the heaviest fighting during the uprising in
East Ukraine.
When RT visited the scene in October, it witnessed what correspondent Roman
Kosarev described as “complete devastation.” The entire infrastructure of
the airpor... more »
"I Soon Found Out..."
"I soon found out you can't change the world.
The best you can do is to learn to live with it."
- Henry Miller
Paulo Coelho, “Change and Renewal”
*“Change and Renewal”*
by Paulo Coelho
“When winter arrives, the trees must sigh in sadness as they see their
leaves falling. They say: ‘We will never be like we were before.’ Of
course. Or still, what is the meaning of renewing oneself? The next leaves
will have their own nature, they pertain to a new summer that approaches
and which will never be like the one that passed.
Living means changing– and the seasons repeat these lessons to us every
year. Changing means going through a period of depression: we still don’t
know the new and we have to forget everything we used to know. Bu... more »
"Always Been Sane..."
"As long as you have mystery you have health; when you destroy mystery you
create morbidity.
Indigenous humans have always been sane because they have always been
They permit the twilight."
- G. K. Chesterton
“6 Steps to Release Your Fear and Feel Peaceful”
*“6 Steps to Release Your Fear and Feel Peaceful”*
by Nicolas Perrin
“We are not what we know but what we are willing to learn.”
~ Mary Catherine Bateson
“It was a balmy spring morning and I started my day as per usual, but I
soon realized that my mind was entertaining fearful thoughts about my
financial insecurity. With many new ventures within the seedling stage, my
income flow was erratic and unpredictable, while my financial
responsibilities were consistent and guaranteed. At the time I ignored
these thoughts as “petty,” like a parent dismissing a crying child after a
mild fal... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Jonquière, Quebec, Canada. Thanks for stopping by.
"Human Destiny- the Grace of the Present Moment"
*"Human Destiny- the Grace of the Present Moment"*
by Michael Dowd
"Our present situation, I think, can be summarized by the following three
sentences: 1. The glory of the human has become the desolation of the
Earth. 2. The desolation of the Earth is becoming the destiny of the human.
3. Therefore, all human activities, professions, programs and institutions
must henceforth be judged primarily by the extent to which they inhibit,
ignore or foster a mutually enhancing human/Earth relationship." — Thomas
"A thing is right when it tends to preserve the diversity, stability, and... more »
The Poet: Fernando Pessoa, "Follow Your Destiny"
*"Follow Your Destiny"*
"Follow your destiny,
Water your plants,
Love your roses.
The rest is shadow
Of unknown trees.
Reality is always
More or less
Than what we want.
Only we are always
Equal to ourselves.
It’s good to live alone,
And noble and great
Always to live simply.
Leave pain on the altar
As an offering to the gods.
See life from a distance.
Never question it.
There’s nothing it can
Tell you. The answer
Lies beyond the Gods.
But quietly imitate
Olympus in your heart.
The gods are gods
Because they don’t think
About what they are."
- Fernando Pessoa
Are Islamic State Fighters Now At The Borders Of Israel?

A black flag belonging to the Islamic State is seen near the Syrian town of
Kobani, as pictured from the Turkish-Syrian border near the southeastern
town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province, October 6, 2014. REUTERS/Umit Bektas
*Israeli Lookouts Scanning Syrian Landscape For Islamic State Flag --
Washington Free Beacon*
*Three groups close to border pledged fealty to IS*
JERUSALEM—Israeli lookouts on the Golan Heights are scanning the Syrian
landscape for the black flag of the Islamic State after three small jihadi
groups close to the border this week pledged fealty to the radical group... more »
Chet Raymo, "Tenderness and Silence"
*"Tenderness and Silence"*
by Chet Raymo
“It's been a long, long time since I read “Justine”, the first volume in
Lawrence Durrell's “Alexandrian Quartet”, but one phrase sticks in my mind.
As I recall, Justine, the woman with whom the narrator is having an affair,
is questioning him as to why he doesn't take seriously their friends'
philosophical conversations. You always sit there smiling, she chides, or
something to that effect. He tells her that anyone who takes really
seriously the inextricable tangle of human thought can only respond with
"ironic tenderness and silence." Wh... more »
"What Will Your Verse Be?"
“We don’t read and write poetry because it’s cute. We read and write poetry
because we are members of the human race. And the human race is filled with
passion. And medicine, law, business, engineering, these are noble pursuits
and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are
what we stay alive for. To quote from Whitman, "O me! O life! of the
questions of these recurring; of the endless trains of the faithless- of
cities filled with the foolish; what good amid these, O me, O life? Answer.
That you are here - that life exists, and identity; that the powerf... more »
Report: Islamic State Executed 150 Girls And Women In Iraq Who Refused To Be Sex Slaves

Yazidi women have been persecuted by the brutal ISIS militants. (Reuters)
*One ISIS Thug Suspected Of Killing 150 Girls, Women -- FOX News*
One Islamic State militant is alone responsible for killing 150 women,
including pregnant women and young teenagers, because they refused to marry
members of the barbaric militant army, according to Iraqi officials.
Abu Anas Al-Libi is suspected of mercilessly gunning down the women,most of
whom were Yazidi, because they refused to enter into sham temporary
marriages with Islamic State fighters simply to have sex in what the
terrorists believe ... more »
"Eyes blinded by the fog of Things
cannot see Truth.
Ears deafened by the din of Things
cannot hear Truth.
Brains bewildered by the whirl of Things
cannot think Truth.
Hearts deadened by the weight of Things
cannot feel Truth.
Throats choked by the dust of Things
cannot speak Truth."
- Harald Bell Wright, “The Uncrowned King”
And so it goes...
Stephen Harper and C.D. Howe`s Ominous Warning
*Written by Grant G*
Sometimes articles appear out of nowhere and all one can do is shake your
head in disbelief.
British Columbians should make health care contributions now to avoid $384
billion shortfall: report
BC`s LNG fantasy is a complete and total bust but even IF Christy Clark`s
preposterous claims came true, even if her LNG revenue claims were correct
who knew that those grandiose predictions of a $100 billion dollar
prosperity fund, elimination of BC`s debt($80 billion not counting
contractual obligations) monies for infrastructure, northern communities,
money for... more »
From the Department of Unintended Humor
This time, the Hillary Clinton campaign will be different. She's learned
from her past mistakes, and by golly, she's proving it. Just this week
alone, she's bravely jumped headlong into declaring that #BlackLivesMatter
and #CubaLibre without first wading through polls and focus groups and then
posting a YouTube video of her opulent self reading from a script.
One of her operatives has even secretly met with the Progressive Change
Campaign Committee to discuss the re-spinning and messaging we can all look
forward to! (Because even "progressives" must be allowed to meet-and-leak
to *... more »
Dec. 18: "As a father, your heart just breaks to hear this kind of thing"
On P. B4 of the Dec. 18 TandT, these are the worlds of Stephen Harper in
reaction to a Taliban attack on a school in Pakistan that killed 131
children. He is quoted - "It's hard enough to understand the motives that
underlie a terrorist attack. but even more so when the targets are innocent the name of some political cause to hurt, kill innocent
people.....As a father, your heart just breaks when you hear this kind of
Very moving words from a self-righteous liar.
The attack was certainly terrible. But all of us, including Harper, have
been killing mostly inn... more »
Chairman of Joint Chiefs: U.S. Airstrikes Have Killed Three Key Islamic State Figures In Recent Weeks

Smoke and flames rise over a hill near the Syrian town of Kobani after an
airstrike, as seen from the Mursitpinar crossing on the Turkish-Syrian
border in the southeastern town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province, October 23,
2014. Credit: Reuters/Kai Pfaffenbach
*Several Top ISIS Leaders Have Been Killed in Iraq, U.S. Says -- Wall
Street Journal*
*Three Key Islamic State Figures Killed in Recent Weeks, Chairman of Joint
Chiefs Says*
WASHINGTON—U.S. airstrikes have killed several very senior military leaders
of Islamic State forces in Iraq, the Pentagon’s top uniformed officer
disclos... more »
A Look At North Korea's Cyberwarfare Capabilities
*Watch Out World: North Korea Deep Into Cyber Warfare, Defector Says --
Kyung Lah and Greg Botelho, CNN*
Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- North Korea is one of the world's poorest
countries, seen as well behind most everyone when it comes to most
technologies and much more.
Hacking may not be one of them.
Scant resources or not, a defector who once worked as a computer expert for
the North Korean government says that it has a vast network of hackers
devoted to cyberwarfare against perceived enemies of the Stalinist state.
Jang Se-yul, who defected from North Korea seven years ago, tol... more »
Moving on
Following on from the previous post...
Though there's doubtless a general tendency in this direction among the
mainstream media as a whole, it surely says something significant about BBC
reporting in particular that this morning's *Today *programme *didn't* follow
up on one of its main stories from yesterday.
After trailing the ruling of the Al-Sweady Inquiry on Wednesday morning's
*Today* - featuring a discussion with BBC reporter Caroline Hawley at 6.35
and interviews with John Wilkinson of Public Interest Lawyers and General
Sir Mike Jackson at 8.35 - this morning's *Today *opt... more »
Quote of the Day: On Low Oil Prices…
"The chorus of theories on how a low oil price is bad for the West are
a sign of the times. We are collectively unable to accept good news."
- Marc Andreessen, via Alex Epstein
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at
Intellectual capital: Professor Cooper and Rosa Parks!
*THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2014Our tribe’s self-defeating dumbness:* For many
years, we liberals laughed at the dumbness of the ditto-heads.
They’d call Rush Limbaugh and echo reams of pseudo-conservative cant. No
claim was too dumb for them to swallow, too tortured for them to repeat.
At the time, our tribe was asleep in the woods. But for liberals who wanted
to feel superior, it was a wonderful time.
In the past ten years, our liberal world has roused itself from its
slumber. As corporate liberal news orgs have formed, an unfortunate fact
has emerged:
As a group, we liberals are ... more »
(Criminal Vanguard of Nation Destroyers) Like Republicans In Charge? (In Addition To Loss of Morality, Social Security/Medicare/All Civilization's Benefits, You'll Love the Driven Unending Women-Bashing)
I've always found Chris Floyd's commentary edifying (especially in quiet
moments of life reflection during the holiday season). Something for
everyone. Or at least every national concern. (He speaks pretty clearly
about the genesis of the current mass movement for BSHillary, doesn't he?)
The Woman-Bashing Beat Goes On Written by Chris Floyd Thursday, 18
Top U.S. General In The War Against The Islamic State: It Will Take A Minimum Of 3 Years To Defeat The IS

*Photo:* Lieutenant General James L. Terry
*Islamic State Fight To Take At Least Three Years: U.S. General -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - The general in command of U.S. forces involved in the fight
against Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria said on Thursday he
thought it would take a minimum of three years to achieve a turning point
against the group.
Asked at a Pentagon briefing about progress on the ground, Army Lieutenant
General James Terry said that the first U.S. air strikes had taken place
only four months ago and counseled patience, estimating it would "at least
take a min... more »
Don't Feel Sorry For Blake Farenthold

Yep, the one on the right is a Republican congressman (from Texas)
To many Americans who have ever heard of him, it looks like tubby freshman
Blake Farenthold, an ex-Hate Talk Radio host, is on a very downward spiral
career wise. Although his East Texas district-- TX-27: Corpus Christie,
Victoria, Port Lavaca, Bay City-- was redrawn to make it safe Republican
territory (it's now has an R+13 PVI and only gave Obama 38% in 2012 and
reelected Farenthold with 63.6% in November) he barely beat out Solomon
Ortiz in 2010-- 50,954 (47.85%) to 50,155 (47.10%)-- and could be
vulnerable if the ... more »
Free Fall of the Ruble – A brilliant ploy of Russian economic Wizards? Who’s chess game?

*UPDATE: December 19, 2014 *Checkmate: Is Russia Selling Oil For Gold?
*UPDATE: December 18, 2014 Here's another good analysis of Putin's press
conference by Pepe Escobar*
*St George's Ribbon*
*Free Fall of the Ruble – A brilliant ploy of Russian economic Wizards?
Who’s chess game?*
by Peter Koenig
Putin gave a ... more »
American Troops Battle Islamic State Forces For The First Time In Iraq

Ein al-Asad military airbase is located north-west of Baghdad (illustrated)
and is a strategically important site for the Iraqi Army
*American Troops Battle ISIS For First Time As They See Off Attempted
Attack By Militants On Iraqi Base*
* Islamic State militants attempted to overrun Ein al-Asad base on Sunday
* US support troops and advisers killed an unknown number of the militants
* The troops were supported during the battle by F18 fighter jets
* ISIS forced to retreat after suffering casualties during two hour
A number of militants have been killed in Islamic State's v... more »
The Economy: "A Crash Course in Money (Part IV)"
*"A Crash Course in Money (Part IV)"*
by Bill Bonner
"The Dow rose 288 points yesterday, or 1.7%. Gold was flat, despite further
dithering from the Fed on when it will raise interest rates. Last night, we
dined with the head of the SEC. Actually, Ms. White dined at the table next
to us. But it made us feel as though we were among the movers and shakers
in the zombie capital. The Occidental Grill & Seafood is a landmark
restaurant in D.C. For about $120, you can eat reasonably well and spot the
powers that be in the room.
*Off the Record: *The following morning, we joined a meeting... more »
Days After School Massacre Pakistan Grants Bail To Militant Commander Accused Of Orchestrating The 2008 Mumbai Terrorist Attacks
*Pakistan Grants Bail to Key Suspect in 2008 Mumbai Attacks -- New York
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A Pakistani court on Thursday granted bail to a
militant commander accused of orchestrating the 2008 Mumbai terrorist
attacks, drawing loud protests from India.
The suspect, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, is a senior commander with
Lashkar-e-Taiba, the group behind the blitz of attacks in the Indian city
of Mumbai that left 166 people dead and gravely worsened the relationship
between Pakistan and India. He has been on trial since 2009.
The slow pace of the trial, which is closed to the n... more »
Another Mass Kidnapping By Boko Haram Reported In Nigeria
*New Mass Kidnap By Boko Haram At Remote Nigerian Village As 185 Women And
Children Are Abducted And 32 Residents Slaughtered -- Daily Mail*
* Women and children are among those taken from Gumsuri in the northeast
* Locals are still counting those abducted from but the figure could pass
* Nigeria has sentenced 54 soldiers to death for refusing to fight
* Boko Haram abducted more than 200 girls from a school in Chibok in April
* Nigerians are currently preparing for presidential elections on February
Boko Haram militants are reported to have kidnapped 185 women and... more »
Musical Interlude: Native American, "Power Drums - Spirit Pride"
Native American, "Power Drums - Spirit Pride"
28 postales navideñas con nombres para felicitar

Si el nombre que usted necesita no se encuentra en esta lista, puede
revisar todas nuestras colecciones haciendo click aquí. Felices Fiestas
para toda nuestra gente bonita. Gracias por ser parte de nuestros proyectos.
World News Briefs -- December 18, 2014
*Boko Haram ‘Kidnaps Nearly 200 Villagers, Kills Dozens’ in Nigeria -- Wall
Street Journal*
*Gumsuri Raided by Insurgents Two Days Ago Firing Machine Guns, Says Local
Vigilante Group*
Boko Haram kidnapped nearly 200 villagers and killed dozens more, said a
witness and a local vigilante group on Thursday, in what appeared to be the
latest dose of collective punishment exacted on a community that opposed
the Islamist group.
Residents fleeing the village of Gumsuri walked into the city of Maiduguri
on Thursday, saying their hometown had been raided two days earlier by
insurgents dr... more »
Netanyahu: Europe has not learned lessons of "Holocaust"

Arch war criminal and international terrorist Benjamin Netanyahu, the
current Prime Minister of the rogue Zionist regime occupying Palestine,
recently lectured and chastised Europeans, claiming they have not learned
the lessons of the alleged Jewish "Holocaust" of WWII. *Haaretz* reports:
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used the Holocaust to sharply attack
Europe following the decision by the European court in Luxembourg to have
Hamas removed from the EU's list of terrorist organizations, and against
the backdrop of Wednesday's Conference of High Contracting Parties to the
Fourth ... more »
Nick McKenny & The Crystal Battery: The Next Step
Since the launch of Hope's interview with Nick on The One Network, he has
received many emails with questions about the Crystal Battery. We've
filmed this update video to answer these questions and to give more
information about creating a crystal battery.
Within the next month, Nick will film a complete instruction video for
turning an old car battery into a crystal battery- including how to
neutralize the old battery acids and clean out the car battery safely. We
will launch this instructional video along with our Crowd Funding Campaign
to move forward with the next level an... more »
"Sea Pirates...
"Teachers of children in the United States of America wrote this date on
blackboards again and again, and asked the children to memorize it with
pride and joy: 1492. The teachers told the children that this was when
their continent was discovered by human beings. Actually, millions of human
beings were already living full and imaginative lives on the continent in
1492. That was simply the year in which sea pirates began to cheat and rob
and kill them. The chief weapon of sea pirates, however, was their capacity
to astonish. Nobody else could believe, until it was too late, how
hear... more »
Ellis', Silk's falsifiability babbling in Nature
Scientific American joined the community of low-brow, ideologically driven,
anti-science tabloids some decade ago. Nature was keeping its traditional
quality (well, almost) for much longer but recently, it is turning into
another venue for mediocre pseudointellectuals to attack science – and
especially quality science.
Two days ago, Nature published a rant by an average physicist and a
physicist who really sucks titled
Scientific method: Defend the integrity of physics (by George Ellis, Joe
Similar offensive, intimidating rants love to use the word "defend". It
reminded me o... more »
Creating the Life You Desire

*Video - *We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws that aid us in
creating the life we desire.
The post Creating the Life You Desire appeared first on Waking Times.
“1491: In 1491 More People Lived in the Americas than in Europe”
*“1491: *
*In 1491 More People Lived in the Americas than in Europe”*
bu Charles C. Mann
“The plane took off in weather that was surprisingly cool for north-central
Bolivia and flew east, toward the Brazilian border. In a few minutes the
roads and houses disappeared, and the only evidence of human settlement was
the cattle scattered over the savannah like jimmies on ice cream. Then
they, too, disappeared. By that time the archaeologists had their cameras
out and were clicking away in delight.
Below us was the Beni, a Bolivian province about the size of Illinois and
Indiana put toge... more »
5 Steps to Overcoming the Greatest Obstacle to Spiritual Awareness
*Charles Bynum* - Rather than looking at the things we are clinging to or
attempting to avoid, why not turn that perception around and look at the
thing that is clinging or avoiding?
The post 5 Steps to Overcoming the Greatest Obstacle to Spiritual Awareness
appeared first on Waking Times.
Putin's Press Conference: Transcript
Good afternoon, colleagues.
From here
At a news conference of Vladimir Putin.] I am very happy to see you in high spirits. As we did last time, I will begin by briefing you on the work done during the year and then I will try to answer your questions. First the most important thing: the economic performance. In the first 10 months of this year, the gross domestic product grew by 0.7 percent, and the final figure may be around 0.6 percent. My colleagues and I met yesterday to finalise the figures. The trade surplus grew by $... more »
At a news conference of Vladimir Putin.] I am very happy to see you in high spirits. As we did last time, I will begin by briefing you on the work done during the year and then I will try to answer your questions. First the most important thing: the economic performance. In the first 10 months of this year, the gross domestic product grew by 0.7 percent, and the final figure may be around 0.6 percent. My colleagues and I met yesterday to finalise the figures. The trade surplus grew by $... more »
A Proposed Professional Masters in Science & Technology Policy at University of Colorado
As I've occasionally mentioned on Twitter, we here at the University of
Colorado's Center for Science and Technology Policy Research are proposing
to turn our graduate certificate program into a full-fledged professional
master's program.
We'd welcome your input and comments.
Here are some details of the draft proposal:
- 30 hours of total coursework, 9-12 months
- 3 required courses (9 hours of coursework)
- Science and Technology Policy
- Science and Society
- Quantitative Methods of Policy Analysis
- 18 hours of electives chosen from 6 focal areas:
... more »
Going full Mental
That is the disease we all want to prevent.
So tell me one time
one leader
that did not
cement therre
legacy in this decent
Glock mastery
and no dissent '
can not be our
way forward
The Chinses stalled human
for 6000 years
are you even open
to competatt that/
U of M President David Rudd Tries Cutting Social Security Payments to Part-Time Workers

As David Rudd continues his assault on the University of Memphis's
reputation, legitimacy, and good name, it is clear why the oligarchs used
extortionist methods to make sure that more qualified candidates were not
selected in favor of Rudd. Rudd's latest assault on decency in the name of
efficiency: a plan to end Social Security payments for temporary workers.
How much could it save for the University's $365 million budget? To
deprive the most economically vulnerable of its workers a few crumbs toward
retirement, it would save, in total, $500,000.
And how much has Rudd promise... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 18, 2014

Smoke rises after an U.S.-led air strike in the Syrian town of Kobani
Ocotber 10, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Umit Bektas
*Exclusive: As Easy Targets Thin, Syria Air Strikes By U.S. Allies Plunge
-- Reuters*
(Reuters) - As U.S. fighter jets pound Islamic State targets in Syria,
Washington's coalition allies appear increasingly absent from the air war.
Although President Barack Obama's administration announced the Syrian air
strikes three months ago as a joint campaign by Washington and its Arab
allies, nearly 97 percent of the strikes in December have been carried out
by the United Stat... more »
Putin: 'The Bear Never Asks Permission'
*Russian State Media Promo For Putin Speech: 'The Bear Never Asks
Permission' -- CNN*
(CNN) -- Have no fear, Vladimir Putin is here. That seems to be the message
in an epic promo released ahead of the Russian president's annual news
conference as the country's economy plummets.
The promotion, released by a state-owned Russian channel, has the feel of a
movie trailer, showing scenes of tanks, crying children and plenty of Putin.
He declares in a particularly memorable sound bite: "The bear never asks
That seems to be a problem these days in Russia -- it's a bear, not ... more »
One People
The people we fear are
certianly fearworthy
but we must
ask as a polite
society why do
they exist
and do not
reality move
into the solution]
where the mob
is part of the screen grap
Move along nothing to see
here. The coruption is ozzing
and we have not a hazmat team
we do not even have
a specification
for that oze.
Some peeple had to carry a heavy load
The people of Cuba deserve that accolade
Was comm
on the island perfect
or even in any way justifiedd
In my economic measure compared
to thier compatriarts totally.
It does not matter if the cat is
black or white
as long as it catches mice
its a good cat.
One can not even begin to compare
Cuba to El Slavador, Guatemals or
even Mexico.
I just got to wonder about all the car
guys who have invested their fortune
in a greater Mexico.
Have they never listed to the music
or seen Machete.
Have they never wondered
people di... more »
Poll: 81 Percent Of Russians Back Putin Despite Economic Turmoil

A customer stands near TV sets during the annual end-of-year news
conference of Russian President Vladimir Putin at an electronic store in
Siberia. Ilya Naymushin / Reuters
*Over 80% of Russians Back Putin Despite Economic Turmoil: Poll -- Sputnik*
*Despite the volatile economy and sanctions, Russians' support of President
Putin has considerably surged since 2012. Two-thirds believe Russia is
moving “in the right direction” in international relations.*
MOSCOW, December 18 (Sputnik) — Despite the economic downturn in the
country, the approval rating of Russian President Vladimir Pu... more »
Of Space-Time and Clock Towers

*by Len Hart, the Existentialist Cowboy*
Brian Greene is an American theoretical physicist and string theorist. A
professor at Columbia University since 1996, Greene has worked on mirror
symmetry. As a result, he believes that in “infinite” universes, the number
of ways in which matter can arrange itself is infinite. Eventually, a
“universe” is repeated. Such a parallel universe would look very much like
the one we live in. Therefore, Greene says: if the universe is infinitely
large, it is also home to infinite parallel universes.
As a string theorist, he believes that apparent conf... more »
The Mental Universe
*Linda George* - We are living in a mental universe. Everything we see and
experience in the world, as well as everything that passes through our
awareness – is mental...
The post The Mental Universe appeared first on Waking Times.
Battles of Corporate Empire

- The Mayor De Blasio in New York City is asking the federal Circuit
Court for the authority to engage in the mass arrest of protesters when
they take to the streets peacefully, just as they have been doing recently
against police brutality. This request for the legal authority to engage in
wholesale mass sweeps of demonstrators would allow the police to do so
without any notice or warning to them that they are even allegedly in
violation of any law. In the Occupy Wall Street case at issue the NYPD
trapped and mass arrested 700 people after police commander... more »
Russian President Putin Holds His Annual Press Conference In Moscow (News Roundup)

© Sputnik/ Ilya Pitalev
*Putin Says Economy To Rebound, Wants End To Ukraine Crisis -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin held his annual end-of-year
news conference on Thursday. Below are some of his comments.
"We think the crisis should be solved, the sooner the better."
"It should be solved through political measures, not with the pressure ...
of an economic blockade or the use of armed forces."
"We assume a general political space will be re-established. It's hard to
say now what it would be. But it seems this is what we should aim at. Both
sides ... more »
Discarded Shoes

Lets look at ourselves from a distant place. Advertising indicates the place
we should want to occupy. I for one have no idea which pod I should choose
if the earth gave the order to evacuate.
I can see that comming, really I can
humans can not destroy the planet
unless they the put all the nuclear'
weapons and those on future order
in a daisy chain
down deep near
the molten core
and exploxed it like
us hitting Mars
and dieing thinking
at least I am not red
the world today is
a very wonderful
and a very fucked up
Good ole boys
now control the US Congress
which on this earth tod... more »
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