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C-130J Hercules with six-bladed props (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Don't Ever Accuse Ted Cruz Of Being Worthless-- He Upended The Whole NRA Strategy To Prevent Vivek Murthy's Confirmation

Roy Blunt voted against confirming Vivek Murthy today. There was never any
chance whatsoever that he would vote for confirmation. Obama nominated
Murthy to be surgeon general just over a year and a month ago. The NRA ,
who have made the nomination into a cause célèbre-- flipped out and the
senators they control decided to obstruct the confirmation process--
although after he had made it through the Senate Health Committee hearings
last February. The absence of a Surgeon General was felt most acutely in
the context of the battle to protect the country from Ebola. Republicans ,
tho... more »
2014 Has Been A Deadly Year For Reporters Covering War Zones And Conflicts

Most dangerous countries in 2014: Gaza (16 killed), Syria (13), Pakistan
(12), Iraq (10), Ukraine (9), Mexico (8), Afghanistan (6), Honduras (5),
Somalia (5), Brazil (4), Central African Republic (4), Cambodia (3), Guinea
(3), Paraguay (3), and Philippines (3).
*2014 Terrible Year for Journalists With 128 Killed in 32 Countries: Report
-- Sputnik*
According to the report the year 2014 has been "terrible" for journalists
around the world, with 128 killed.
GENEVA, December 15 (Sputnik) – The year 2014 has been "terrible" for
journalists around the world, with 128 killed in 32 countr... more »
Koch Group On The EPA: 'At Least The CIA Isn't Torturing Americans' | ThinkProgress

The American Energy Alliance is testing out a new tactic for fighting the
Environmental Protection Agency: comparing the agency’s proposed
regulations to torture tactics committed against terror suspects at
Guantanamo Bay.
In a short blog post and comic posted Friday, the pro-fossil fuel
non-profit said the EPA’s proposed limits on smog-forming pollutants and
carbon dioxide were comparable to tactics outlined in the Senate
Intelligence Committee’s recently released report investigating the CIA’s
use of “enhanced interrogation techniques” in the aftermath of the 9/11
terrorist a... more »
Germany Gambles on Alternative Energy

*Video - *What are some of the ways that Germany is investing in
alternative energy?
The post Germany Gambles on Alternative Energy appeared first on Waking
Picture Of The Day

Twenty-four Air Force C-130 Hercules aircraft prepare to take off on Dyess
Air Force Base, Texas, in support of exercise Joint Forcible Entry 14B,
Dec. 6, 2014. Eleven of the aircraft are model C-130H Hercules and 13 are
C-130J Super Hercules. U.S. Air Force photo by Airman 1st Class Alexander
Why Do You Think Dick Cheney Is In The "news" So Much Speaking FOR Torture? Because He Directed 911 From A Bunker Under The White House And Needed FALSE CONFESSIONS By Muslims Via Torture

Dick Cheney, neo-cons, and the Mossad did 911, and then the CIA tortured
Muslims into false confessions (that's all that torture is for: *FALSE
CONFESSIONS*) knowing they didn't do 911. False Flags like 911 blaming the
Muslims persist to this day. See: ISIS.
When you talk about torture, you must keep in mind the CIA tortured Muslims
and fully knew Muslims didn't do 911.
*Timeline Of Dick Cheney's Actions On 911*
Norm Mineta was in the bunker with Cheney:
And here is the DEVIL HIMSELF about the recent torture report released.
Think about how he was in on 911 while you watch his L... more »
Russian Subs In Scottish And Swedish Waters. What Does It Mean?

*What The Russian Sub In Scottish Waters Really Says About Putin's View Of
The West -- Trevor Royle, Herald Scotland*
*A feather of disturbed water was all it took to reveal the presence of a
Russian submarine off the west coast of Scotland.*
Betrayed by its high-powered periscope, the vessel then disappeared,
triggering a fruitless search that sent all manner of unwelcome messages to
the Westminster Government.
Firstly, it is a reminder that the UK's armed forces lack a suitable
maritime patrol aircraft after scrapping the Nimrod equivalent in 2011 and,
secondly, the uncompromisi... more »
"Exodus" Story Reveals Bible's Dishonesty
Although some might be loath to admit it, many educated adults (even
non-fundamentalist Christians) are aware that the Bible is perhaps not the
best source of history.
I mean, how many people still take the story of Adam and Eve seriously any
more? But I suspect that most people are still unaware of just how totally
wrong the Bible is as far as anything remotely approaching real history.
This wouldn't be that big a deal, except for the fact that so many people
take the Bible very seriously as a profound book of wisdom. The massive and
growing population of Fundam... more »
To torture or . . . um, what was the other option again? Oh, right, NOT to torture (ha-ha-ha!)
*"I’d do it again in a minute."*
*-- "Big Dick" Cheney ("The Biggest Dick of Them All"),Sunday on Meet the
*by Ken*
Let's table for a moment the question of what exactly the "it" in question
is in this pithy quote. After all, I imagine it applies equally well to
every dastardly deed done and every monstrous policy advocated and
implemented in the entire squalid, life-denying and -destroying career and
life of "Big Dick" Cheney, aka "The Biggest Dick of Them All." This is a
creature who would leave no stone unturned, no decent person unscrewed in
pursuit of his life's goal... more »
Poll: Majority Of Americans Say Torture Was Justified

*Poll: More Americans Think CIA Program Was Justified Than Not -- Wall
Street Journal*
*Pew Research Survey Finds 51% Think CIA Practices Were Warranted*
WASHINGTON—Americans who believe the Central Intelligence Agency’s
post-Sept. 11 interrogation and detention program was justified
significantly outnumber those who don’t think it was warranted, according
to a poll released Monday.
A survey conducted by Pew Research Center found 51% of Americans think the
CIA practices were warranted, compared with 29% who said the techniques
were not, and 20% who didn’t express an opinion. A ma... more »
Bank of Russia hikes unexpectedly interest rates 650 BPS in unscheduled meeting - December 16 , 2014 - Ruble crashing along with oil causes desperation move ?

*zerohedge* @zerohedge · 4m4 minutes ago
The First Sellside Reactions Trickle In: "17% Rate Hike Not Enough"
According To Citi, JPM http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-12-1
The First Sellside Reactions Trickle In: "17% Rate Hike Not Enough"...
Two short hours ago Russia shocked everyone with an unprecedented rate hike
sending the nation's various interest rates some 650 bps higher. Well,
according to the initial sellside responses, as...
View on web
Okay , this time the Kraken really ... more »
Navajo Nation buys ceremonial masks at Paris auction, rescues masks
delegation calls repatriation efforts a success
“These masks are spiritual beings and the Navajo people have strong
connections with them. We need to regard them as such,” Vice President
Rex Lee Jim said.
By Navajo Nation
Censored News
PARIS—The Navajo delegation on a mission to Paris, led by Navajo Nation
Vice President Rex Lee Jim was successful in their repatriation efforts
of sacred
Waging War Against The Islamic Satte From An Aircraft Carrier
An F/A-18E Super Hornet from the Strike Fighter Squadron 81 launches from
the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson as the ship
conducts flight operations in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations
supporting Operation Inherent Resolve, Dec. 4, 2014. U.S. Navy photo by
Petty Officer 2nd Class John Philip Wagner Jr.
*A Desert War On ISIS, Fought From A Floating City -- New York Times*
ABOARD THE U.S.S. CARL VINSON, in the Persian Gulf — More than a dozen Navy
F/A-18 warplanes roar off this aircraft carrier every day to attack Islamic
State targets in support of Iraqi tro... more »
Santa's Drunk and Rudolph Just Shit on My Roof

It looks as if Santa's driving drunk and the only indication I've
gotten that he's flown over Casa de Pottersville is reindeer shit on my
roof. Ole St. Nick's so far off course even fucking NORAD can't find him
and the only yule logs I've seen are the ones Popeye leaves in his cat
litter box.
So, in light of Santa's empty sack, yours truly had to break down and
buy a brand new battery from AAA when I found myself needing to use my
booster pack literally every time I wanted to start the nearly 17 year-old
Ford Taurus. Triple A was nickle and diming me to death, insisting my... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 15, 2014
*Sydney Siege: How The Siege Came To A Bloody End -- Anthony Klan, The
THE hostage crisis at Sydney’s Lindt cafe ended at 2.10am when three
gunshots rang out in quick succession, followed by a volley of gunfire.
Armed police stormed the premises and a number of injured hostages were
immediately rushed to hospital.
The 16-hour siege ended following a day of frenzy, when more recently an
eerie calm had fallen over Sydney’s business heart; throngs of onlookers
and gawkers had mostly vacated, and police officers and rescue workers
milled silently about the city’s cordoned... more »
Syria: EU Jet Fuel Ban & Syrian Army takes back territory north of Aleppo
*EU jet fuel ban for Syria*
The EU led by the UK is doing what it can to make the defence of Syrian
territory from NATO’s terrorist mercs more difficult then it already has
been! - Possibly readying for when NATO bombs kill Syrian civilians
"Minister for the Middle East Tobias Ellwood welcomes the EU’s agreement to
a UK-proposed ban on jet fuel exports to the Syrian regime.
The UK has campaigned to take this step as jet fuel enables the Syrian
regime’s air force to kill its own people, including with barrel bombs.
*Minister for the Middle East Tobias Ellwood said:*
Tobia... more »
Innkeeping with the Times
*This week Bernard Darnton accidentally offends an indigenous homosexual
[image: image]On Sunday I took my angel and my shepherd to church for their
annual booster shot of Christianity. I like to go to the nativity play and
give them a small dose of Mary and Joseph to go alongside Diwali’s Rama and
Sita, Pegasus and the Chimaera (from one of the less likely chapters in *The
Iliad*), and a rather saucy graphic novel featuring Rhinemaidens. It’s
absurdity, sex, and violence -- that is, culture -- all the way in our
At one point, the somewhat non-traditional nativity... more »
World News Briefs -- December 15, 2014 (Evening Edition)
Extremist Gunned Down As Police Storm Martin Place Café With Assault Rifles
And Stun Grenades Moments After People Fled -- Daily Mail*
* Police stormed the cafe in central Sydney where a gunman held hostages
for more than 16 hours
* Police moved in firing automatic weapons and throwing grenades as
hostages were seen fleeing in terror from cafe
* Live TV footage showed hostages running frantically from the cafe at
shortly after 2am in small groups
* It came hours after Man Haron Monis was named as the gunman hold... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“What connects the Sun to the Moon? Many answers have been given throughout
history, but in the case of today's featured image, it appears to be the
plane of our Milky Way Galaxy. The 16-image panorama was taken in Capitol
Reef National Park, Utah, USA where two sandstone monoliths- the Temple of
the Moon on the right and the Temple of the Sun on the left- rise
dramatically from the desert.
*Click image for larger size.*
Each natural monument stands about 100 meters tall and survives from the
Jurassic period 160 million years ago. Even older are many of the stars and
nebulas that do... more »
Electric Driving the Hypermarkt

Not only are electric cars increasingly mainstream, by 2016 likely all the
flagship vehicles in the world will be at least a mild hybrid. Joining the
bleeding edge hypercars that are already electric. Look how far we have
come since the Honda Insight pioneered the technology in 1999.
The 2014 Ferrari LaFerrari retails for $1.3 million US before HST. It
totals only 960 HP with 160 of that eclectically charged.
The 2015 Porsche 918 is only about $900,000. The big deal is that it is a
plug in hybrid, a true electric car. IMHO it was hit like many Porsche
models with a bit of an ugly stic... more »
Wall Street Loves Cheap Labor
John R. MacArthur of *Harper’s Magazine* says that Republicans and
Democrats alike are abandoning the republic in pursuit of big bucks.
Al Qaeda's Faction Shows Off U.S. Supplied Anti-Tank Weapon
*Al-Qaeda Faction In Syria Claims To Have U.S.-Supplied Anti-Tank Weapon --
Washington Post*
As extremist rebels in Syria lay claim to fresh weapons, a new video
circulating online purports to show an al-Qaeda-linked group fielding
U.S.-supplied anti-tank weapons that may have been intended for more
moderate factions in the conflict.
In early November, the al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra ousted two
U.S.-supplied moderate factions, Harak Hazam and the Syrian Revolutionary
Front, from their strongholds in northern Idlib province. Although al-Nusra
was thought to have seized signifi... more »
Encounters With Nature
Paul Shepard was a pioneer in human ecology, a young field that studies the
relationship between humans and their habitats. The decades of his career
were an exciting time. New research was challenging myths about low impact
(“primitive”) cultures, and scholars were starting to contemplate
environmental ethics. He hoped that growing awareness might end
humankind’s war on the planet, but as his hair got grayer, his
disillusionment grew. Enlightenment takes time.
*Encounters With Nature* is a collection of Shepard’s essays, some of which
reveal his thinking near the end of his da... more »
Should Anyone Be Punished For That Whole Torture Thing? Or No?
Apparently Dick Cheney thinks he caught bin Laden by torturing some people
down in Guantánamo. He seemed out of his mind in his *Meet The Press*
appearance yesterday. "I'd do it again in a minute," is as good a reason
for indicting him and trying him as any I've ever heard. And he has "no
regrets." If the justice system was working properly, he would.
Interestingly, Members of Parliament, from both side of their aisle, are
pressuring-- to no avail of course-- David Cameron for an official judicial
inquiry into the U.K.'s role into the Cheney torture program. Unlike
Cheney, U.K. C... more »
The Beautiful Milky Way

*Video -* Amazing footage of the stars from Spain's highest mountain, El
The post The Beautiful Milky Way appeared first on Waking Times.
First, do no harm...
Upon successfully completing their basic training, and before they take on
the years of residency that will allow them to practice their science,
skills and craft in a medical specialty of their choice, medical students pledge
to the principals of the Hippocratic Oath*.
In Ontario, the specific application of that pledge came under scrutiny in
the last year with regard to women's reproductive health rights. In its
modern form, the Oath is centred upon patient care. "*... Above all, I must
not play at God.*"
DJ! has been covering this issue from the outset, here, and here.
*Ontario... more »
Chet Raymo, “Being Human”
*“Being Human”*
by Chet Raymo
“I've been thinking a lot about hands lately. Or, rather, a hand.
Specifically my right hand, which has developed an annoying tremor. I never
paid much attention to my hands before. Hands pretty much operate on
automatic pilot. It doesn't take a lot of conscious decision-making to
scratch your nose. Or button your shirt. Hands follow the brain rather like
an obedient dog trots alongside its master. But now my right hand clamors
for attention like an unruly pup. So I find myself looking at my hand with
more awareness than before, and realizing more than ... more »
"We Work In The Dark..."
"We work in the dark. We do what we can to battle with the evil that would
otherwise destroy us. But, a man's fate is defined as not a choice but a
calling. Yet sometimes the weight of this burden causes us to falter,
breaching the fragile fortress of our mind, allowing the monsters without
to turn within and we are left alone, staring into the abyss... into the
laughing face of madness."
- David Duchovny as "Fox Mulder"
Oriah Mountain Dreamer, "The Invitation"
*"The Invitation"*
"It doesn't interest me what you do for a living. I want to know what you
ache for,
and if you dare to dream of meeting your heart's longing.
It doesn't interest me how old you are. I want to know if you will risk
like a fool for love, for your dream, for the adventure of being alive.
It doesn't interest me what planets are squaring your moon. I want to know
if you have touched the center of your own sorrow, if you have been opened
life's betrayals or have become shriveled and closed from fear of further
I want to know if you can sit with pain, mi... more »
"What Mark Will You Leave On The World?"
*"What Mark Will You Leave On The World?" *
by Maria Rodale
"As some of you know, this time of year is my favorite time to truly
reflect on the past and the future. Things seem to slow down enough that
there's finally time to ponder and think and plan and dream. The questions
and thoughts change as I get older. When I was younger, it was more about
what I wanted to accomplish (although I still have a VERY ambitious list
for that). Now, it's a little bit more of what do I want to leave behind?
The thing about life and reality is that it is so fleeting. Things that
seem huge and vast... more »
Man Haron Monis: It's Not About Islam
What a sad end to the Sydney cafe siege. The gunman, one Man Haron Monis
lies dead, but not before he murdered two others. Thankfully, incidents
like this are quite rare in Western societies and when hostage taking does
happen, it tends to either be a spur of the moment thing in the commission
of a crime or an awful episode in a pattern of dysfunctional family
relationships. When people are held to highlight a cause or make political
points then it tends to get written off - as this is already being - as the
work of a lone oddball. To explain the motives of someone like Monis, one
... more »
“The Christmas Truce of 1914”
*“The Christmas Truce of 1914”*
by Simon Rees
“You are standing up to your knees in the slime of a waterlogged trench. It
is the evening of 24 December 1914 and you are on the dreaded Western
Front. Stooped over, you wade across to the firing step and take over the
watch. Having exchanged pleasantries, your bleary-eyed and mud-spattered
colleague shuffles off towards his dug out. Despite the horrors and the
hardships, your morale is high and you believe that in the New Year the
nation's army march towards a glorious victory.
But for now you stamp your feet in a vain attempt to keep... more »
Top 25 Ways to Detox from Pesticides, Heavy Metals and Enviro-Toxins
*Christina Sarich* - If you are endlessly tired, irritable, have trouble
losing weight, or feel depressed, you might be suffering from the
environmental onslaught of toxins...
The post Top 25 Ways to Detox from Pesticides, Heavy Metals and
Enviro-Toxins appeared first on Waking Times.
Are You a Karma Yogi?
*Brendan D. Murphy* - Peace, contentment and abiding happiness are within
you right now. It is not what you do that will eventually bring you these
things; no, these things are what you are...
The post Are You a Karma Yogi? appeared first on Waking Times.
The Daily "Near You?"
Bayville, New Jersey, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
The Poet: Robert Frost, “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”
*“Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening”*
by Robert Frost
“Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.
My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.
He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.
The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before... more »
"People Who Shut Their Eyes..."
"People who shut their eyes to reality simply invite their own
and anyone who insists on remaining in a state of innocence long after
that innocence is dead turns himself into a monster."
- James Baldwin
In A Major Blow To The Syrian Regime, Al Qaeda Backed Rebels Seize Two Bases
*Al Qaeda-Linked Fighters Seize Two Syrian Army Bases -- L.A. Times*
Fighters with the Al Qaeda-affiliated Nusra Front and other Islamist groups
have seized two major army bases in Syria's northwestern province of Idlib,
rebel activists said.
After two days of heavy fighting, the groups - including Jund Al-Aqsa and
Ahrar Al-Sham - took control of the bases Monday in Wadi Deif and
Al-Hamidiyeh, about 22 miles south of Idlib near the town of Maaret
Al-Numan, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a
pro-opposition monitoring group with a network of observers in Syria.
... more »
Great Film
Mary Beth and I went to see the new film about Edward Snowden this past
weekend and it was fantastic. Filmmaker Laura Poitras did a great job of
telling the story about the incredible bravery of Snowden (who is a very
humble guy and did his act of NSA whistleblowing for all the right reasons).
The behind the scenes media scrambling to deal with the story that was
dumped into their laps makes the film even more valuable and interesting,
The role that Glenn Greenwald played in the whole release of information
was instrumental and moving as well.
Sydney Hostage Crisis: A Failure of Law [updated]
AS DRAMATIC AND TERRIFYING as it was, the Sydney hostage crisis was more
widely reported worldwide than it might have been, even than other similar
incidents occurring at the same time, because the hostage-taker was a
self-identified Muslim barbarian.
It’s unarguably true many Muslims see themselves at war with the west. But
his being free to inflict terror on three-dozen 17 Australians points to a
serious flaw in Australasian justice more than it does to the spread of
Muslim barbarism.
MANY HAVE WONDERED WHY, if the Sydney cafe gunman just wanted an ISIL flag
brought in, he had... more »
“CIA, Democracy, Quo Vadis, America?”
*“CIA, Democracy, Quo Vadis, America?”*
by Raul I. Meijer
“Where are you going, America?
I don’t like to discuss politics too much. There are not enough smart, kind
and honest people in politics wherever I look in the world for me to want
to have anything to do with that game. I’d just spend all my time wondering
what kind of mindset it takes to want to tell other people what to do, and
be in control of the millions, billions and trillions of dollars that are
taken from these people on a daily, yearly, basis.
Not that all of those politicians are bad, but those who have genuinely ... more »
The Link Between Mushrooms, Bees, and Mass Extinction
*Alex Pietrowski* - Deforestation is the biggest threat facing humanity,
and a respected mushroom researcher has discovered how deforestation
damages bees...
The post The Link Between Mushrooms, Bees, and Mass Extinction appeared
first on Waking Times.
Just to let you know...
It was about this time last year that I posted a piece beginning...
Lest you think the title of that last post followed by an ominous silence
meant anything well, no, it didn't...only that the pre-Christmas rush has
left little time for blogging and, despite there being so much of
importance going on in the news and in the world of BBC reporting, this
post is just to say that things will be very slow here in the coming couple
of weeks (well on my part anyway), bursting out anew in 2014...
Well, the pre-Christmas rush is proving even more of a rush this year and
it's only going to g... more »
Iran P5+1 To Resume Nuclear Talks On December 17
*Iran's Rouhani Says Will Try To Clinch Nuclear Deal As Talks With US
Resume -- Reuters*
* Iranian president upbeat as talks with U.S. begin
* Wider talks with six world powers set for Wednesday
* Landmark deal still within reach, think tank says
GENEVA/DUBAI, Dec 15 (Reuters) - President Hassan Rouhani said on Monday
that he would try to clinch a nuclear deal with world powers despite
opposition from some quarters in Iran.
Rouhani was speaking as Iran resumed talks with the United States in Geneva
on its nuclear programme. An eventual deal would remove sanctions imposed
on Tehran... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'ONO’WARE:GEH'
on December 15, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post & distribute. Ni:wen.
MNN. Dec. 15, 2014. Ono’waregeh is Mohawk for Great Turtle Island. New
Victoria Mayor, Lisa Helps, swore an oath to the Ongwe’hon:we of the
area. When all mayors refuse to take an oath to the Queen, the Privy
Council will be removed and colonization will end.
Privy Council: “Brother, can
Sandy Hook Fraud Shooting Anniversary: A Few Interesting Videos That Have Been Sent My Way That I Want To Share With Everyone......
Yes, yesterday was the 2nd anniversary of the very fraudulent and well
planned operation in "Newtown" Connecticut called the Sandy Hook Elementary
School Shooting..... It is so disgusting that two full years after this
event where NOBODY died, the Jew spew media and disinformation agents that
have infiltrated this "truth movement" are still at it trying to sell that
operation as the real thing....
For this article, I want to present a few very interesting videos that have
come my way over the last while that expose the truth about Sandy Hook and
especially the facts that the crimina... more »
THE EMPATHY FILES: Helping us care!
*MONDAY, DECEMBER 15, 2014Part 1—Kristof’s latest story:* Ma Joad, Tom Joad
and Preacher Casey? These were *fictional* characters.
The events of their lives were described in The Grapes of Wrath, a
prize-winning book which everyone knew was a novel.
Those events were meant to capture the experiences of a great many people.
But no one thought the Joads’ experiences had happened to actual people
bearing those names out in the actual world.
No one tried to find Rose of Sharon so they could help her with her baby.
No one tried to find Tom Joad to give him a place to hide.
You can le... more »
Sydney Hostage Situation Comes to a Theatric End

Australia Terror: Sydney Hostage Situation Comes to a Theatric End
December 15, 2014 · by cut2thetruth · in alternative media, alternative news,
america, american news, australia, canada, canadian news, conspiracy, corporate
media, current events, educational, new world order, news, world news · Leave
a comment
[image: australian false flag sheikh haron man hoax lindt chocolate cafe]
According to Sydney’s New South Wales Police Force’s Twitter account: The
“Sydney siege is ... more »
Chevron Pulls Out Of $10 Bln Ukraine Shale Gas Deal

From left, Chevron's General Manager for Europe Derek Magness,
then-Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine Eduard Stavytsky
and Viktor Ponomarenko, Chairman of the National Joint Stock Company "Nadra
Of Ukraine" sign documents as Geoffrey Pyatt, US ambassador to Ukraine, and
then-President Viktor Yanukovych (C) attend during a ceremony in Kyiv on
Nov. 5 2013. Ukraine and US energy giant Chevron signed a $10-billion shale
gas deal with much fanfare, but now the energy giant is cancelling the
agreement, citing Ukraine's failure to make necessary tax changes. Chevron
say... more »
Poll: Ukraine Support For The Russian Government Is At An All Time Low

*Ukrainian Approval of Russia's Leadership Dives Almost 90% -- Gallop*
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Any kinship Ukrainians used to feel with Moscow's
leadership is gone after Russia's annexation of Ukraine's Crimea region in
March. Just 5% of Ukrainians interviewed this fall say they approve of
Russia's leadership, down almost 90% from the approval rating of 43% the
year before.
Gallup's interviews in Ukraine this year took place in September and
October following a ceasefire between the Ukrainian government and
pro-Russian separatists in the country's East. Gallup's polls in 2014
exclude... more »
One People's Round Table Radio Show LIVE
Please join us tonight LIVE, as Lisa, Brian and I re-launch The One
People's Round Table Discussions Radio show. I don't know if we'll be
doing a full video show tonight yet, but the audio of the show will be
going out LIVE at 9pm Morocco time, 4pm EST.
There has been so much going on in the past 2 weeks alone.... so much to
One People Round Table
08 December 2014
December 16, 2014 @ 8:00 am – 10:00 am
One People ONE TV
http://the-one-network.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/... more »
United Nations Calls for an End to Industrialized Farming

I am astonished to see the UN pile onto this issue so soon. Yes the
science has come on side as recently as a couple of years ago. And yes,
any economic analysis discovers that powering up the individual makes
natural agriculture highly productive and profitable. It really works and
is now the true way of the future.
The good news is that the bottom third of economic humanity has access now
to agricultural knowhow through his cell phone. Thus everyone is learning
how to improve his production for modest capital investment.
This all means that the agricultural revolution into... more »
Zapatistas Moises: De Ayotzinapa, del Festival y de la histeria como método de análisis y guía para la acción
De Ayotzinapa, del Festival y de la histeria como método de análisis y guía para la acción. Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés
Diciembre del 2014.
A l@s compas de la Sexta nacional e internacional:
Al Congreso Nacional Indígena:
A los familiares y compañeros de los asesinados y desaparecidos de Ayotzinapa:
Hermanas y hermanos:
Zapatistas Festival of Resistance as Genocide of Indigenous Peoples Continues
in Sonora, Mexico, with O'odhamPhoto by Brenda Norrell
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
The Eve Auction in Paris continued its cultural genocide with an auction
of ceremonial items of Hopi, Pueblo, Navajo, Lakota and other Native
Americans today.
The auction in Paris follows the theft of sacred Apache land for copper
mining in the US Congress, led by Arizona Sen. John
Russian Prime Minister: Moscow 'Will No Longer Support The Ukraine Economy'

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev speaks during a televised interview
with Russian media in Moscow, December 10, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Dmitry
Astakhov/RIA Novosti/Pool
*Moscow Shifts to Tougher Economic Relationship With Ukraine: PM -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Moving closer to the European Union offers no panacea for
Ukraine's financial problems and will mean big losses in economic ties with
Moscow, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said in an article published
on Monday.
He said Moscow had for many years provided generous terms in deals with
Kiev which had helped build up U... more »
A Bleak Christmas For Millions In Eastern Ukraine

A refugee sits in a shelter in the north part of Donetsk, near the airport
Nov. 20, 2014.
*Hardships Grow for Millions in Eastern Ukraine, U.N. Report Says -- New
York Times*
GENEVA — Fighting between government forces and pro-Russian armed groups is
claiming an average of 13 lives a day, and after nine months of conflict,
the approach of winter has created life-threatening conditions for many
civilians in eastern Ukraine, the United Nations reported on Monday.
The fighting has killed 1,357 people since a Sept. 5 peace accord reached
by all parties to the conflict, the United Nati... more »
"On the Brink of War and Economic Collapse"
*"On the Brink of War and Economic Collapse"*
by Paul Craig Roberts
"On occasion a reader will ask if I can give readers some good news. The
answer is: not unless I lie to you like “your” government and the
mainstream media do. If you want faked “good news,” you need to retreat
into The Matrix. In exchange for less stress and worry, you will be led
unknowingly into financial ruin and nuclear armageddon. If you want to be
forewarned, and possibly prepared, for what “your” government is bringing
you, and have some small chance of redirecting the course of events, read
and support thi... more »
United Nations: Ukraine Conflict Has Claimed Over 4,700 Lives

A pro-Russian-separatist patrols the street in front of Russian
humanitarian trucks in Makiivka (Makeyevka) in Donetsk region, December 12,
2014. Credit: Reuters/Maxim Shemetov
*Around 1,300 Killed In Ukraine Since Ceasefire: U.N. -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Around 1,300 people have been killed in Ukraine's separatist
conflict since a September ceasefire, according to a U.N. report that said
many living in the country's rebel-held east were struggling to survive.
As of Dec. 12, 4,707 combatants and civilians had been killed since
pro-Russian rebels seized eastern regions near the borde... more »
The Economy: “Psst: How Much Systemic Debt Is In Oil?”
*“Psst: How Much Systemic Debt Is In Oil?”*
by Karl Denninger
“Note that I have seen numbers as high as $3 trillion- but even the
lamestream media claims hundreds of billions, which strongly implies that
most if not all of this debt was issued and predicated on $100ish oil. How
much leverage is behind that $3 trillion. What you're seeing right now is
an effective global margin call on all the debt taken on in the last few
years. Next, the global economy is slowing down. This is reflected in
decreased demand forecasts for oil. Oil price declines should lead to
increased demand, rig... more »
The Economy: “A Crash Course in Money (Part III)”
*“A Crash Course in Money (Part III)”*
by Bill Bonner
“The Dow lost 315 points on Friday – a nearly 2% plunge. It is bound to
happen sooner or later: US stocks will enter a bear market. Nothing can
stop it. Nature and the gods command it. The Dow will fall as much as 1,000
points in a day. Then we'll see if our analysis is correct...
We believe the Fed will be unwilling to stand back and let markets be
markets. We believe it will step in with more stimulus... and probably
bring on the wildest, craziest stock market extravaganza we've ever seen.
Whether that happens sooner or later... more »
New Research On Rate Of West Antarctic Ice Collapse

*by Gaius Publius*
We learned recently that the West Antarctic ice sheet is collapsing
irreversibly. The Guardian in May:
The collapse of the Western Antarctica ice sheet is already under way and
is unstoppable, two separate teams of scientists said on Monday. The
glaciers’ retreat is being driven by climate change and is already causing
sea-level rise at a much faster rate than scientists had anticipated.
"Irreversible ice sheet collapse" is cause for much concern. Thanks to the
always valuable Greg Laden, we find this handy USGS table of how much water
is stored as ice around ... more »
Sydney cafe hostage: They called the army?
gunman holding hostages in cafe. This is the exactly the sort of
civilian problem that police tactical unites train for the world over
and partly what's behind the rise of the warrior cop. In Australia,
however, early reports indicate the cafe hostage situation was resolved
by an army tactical unit (BBC is reporting RAR, which has a commando
battalion but who knows, it could be SASR). If
Afghanistan war costs exceed $1 trillion
*...15-year spending matches 30 years of GDP...*
After 9/11, the U.S. had a self-evident moral capital to organize a
revenge. The terrorist attacks that took place half an hour before my PhD
defense were brutal, shocking, saddening, and spectacular.
*This picture of Kabul makes the place look richer than it is.*
The immediate damages to the infrastructure exceeded $10 billion but just
by a little. On the other hand, the war in Afghanistan that was justified
by the attacks has already surpassed $1 trillion (ten to the twelfth
power), see CNBC, which beats the immediate damages cau... more »
Ed Milliband repeats himself, over and over again
An oldie but a goodie. If this had been a Conservative leader the BBC would
show parts of this again and again, as they still do occasionally with John
Redwood. But as it's the Labour leader, shhhhhh
Stephen Harper`s Walk In the Snow, No, Stephen Harper Being Thrown Face First Into a Snowbank
Been saying it for the last 18 months.....Justin Trudeau will be Prime
Minister of Canada..
The only question left to be decided is whether it will be a majority
Government or minority..
If one believes Forum`s latest poll it would be a majority Government.
2 other Federal polls were recently released....A Leger poll and an Ekos
In each poll Justin Trudeau leads...
Stephen Harper has been at... more »
Australian Sydney Cafe Hostage Crisis Has Ended. Two Are Reported Dead
*BREAKING NEWS: Two Reportedly Dead, 'Including Gunman', As Police Open
Fire And Storm Sydney Cafe With Stun Grenades As Hostages Flee In Terror --
Daily Mail*
* Police stormed the cafe in central Sydney where a gunman held hostages
for more than 16 hours
* Police moved in firing automatic weapons and throwing grenades as
hostages were seen fleeing in terror from cafe
* Live TV footage showed hostages running frantically from the cafe at
shortly after 2am in small groups
* It came hours after Man Haron Monis was named as the gunman holding
people hostage in a Sydney café
* Iranian... more »
The HipHopIsRead Document

*From Daisy-age...*
*...Via Thug Life...*
*...to this. *
*This took less than 7 Years.*
*"The Secret Meeting that Changed Rap Music and Destroyed a Generation"*
After more than 20 years, I've finally decided to tell the world what I
witnessed in 1991, which I believe was one of the biggest turning point in
popular music, and ultimately American society. I have struggled for a long
time weighing the pros and cons of making this story public as I was
reluctant to implicate the individuals who were present that day. So I've
simply decided... more »
The Bipartisan War on Workers

There was a brutal double-whammy of an assault on American labor last week.
And what with the torture report and Wall Street once again putting
taxpayers on the hook for its greedy bets, hardly anyone noticed.
Whammy Number One: a bill allowing multi-employer pension funds to
unilaterally cut the benefits of 1.5 million retirees was sneakily tucked
into the Cromnibus Bill. This legislation, co-sponsored by a "liberal"
Democrat and a Republican, paves the way for the immediate evisceration, at
employer will, of the benefits of 1.5 million current retirees and tens of
millions of futu... more »
Book TV: Ted Rall, "After We Kill You, We Will Welcome You Back as Honor...
Book TV: Ted Rall, "After We Kill You, We Will Welcome You Back as Honor...
World News Briefs -- December 15, 2014
*Police Storm Cafe to End Sydney Hostage Siege -- New York Times*
SYDNEY, Australia — Heavily armed police officers ended a hostage siege in
Sydney early Tuesday, storming a downtown cafe where an armed man said to
be a self-proclaimed sheikh had held employees and customers for more than
16 hours.
Live television images of the scene showed intense flashes of gunfire and
the explosive sound of loud ammunition rounds. Police officers raced into
the building with weapons drawn, followed by medics with stretchers.
*Read more* ....
Jihadis capture army base* in northwe... more »
Ohio Charter Schools Go from Worse to Worser Since 2009

A new CREDO study of Ohio charters just came out. Study available here in
pdf. Chart below is from page 18.
Here is a quote from policy analyst, Stephen Dyer, who has commentary on
the CREDO study, with some good links there:
. . .at Know Your Charter, we found that less than 10% of Ohio's charter
school kids are in schools that score above the state average on the
Performance Index Score or have an A or B in overall value added.
Ferguson Activists Speak
Broadcast live streaming video on Ustream
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 15, 2014
*Ex-CIA Officer: Lone Wolf Attacks Coming To US Within 'Next Year' -- The
The United States should be prepared for a “lone wolf” terrorist attack
within the next year, a former top Central Intelligence Agency official
warned Monday.
“What concerns me the most is that we’re going to see this kind of
terrorism around the world, and we are going to see it here ... we’re going
to see this kind of attack here,” former CIA deputy director Michael Morell
said on “CBS This Morning.”
*Read more* ....
*Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 15, 2014*
Cost of Afghanistan ... more »
Wolfgang Pauli: an anniversary

Wolfgang Pauli was born in Vienna, here in Austria-Hungary, in 1900, and he
died on December 15th, 1958, in Zurich.
His 1945 Nobel prize was given for the exclusion principle but he has
contributed many other things and he had the potential to discover all of
quantum mechanics by himself, his friends Bohr and Heisenberg would agree.
His father was a chemist. Pauli's middle name was Ernst because his
Godfather was philosopher Ernst Mach. Not a bad beginning. His paternal
grandparents were prominent Jews in Prague. Pauli's father abandoned the
Jewish baggage and became a Roman Cath... more »
Who Created Cartoon Character "Man Haron Monis" Behind "Sydney Siege" Circus?

Previously an outspoken critic of Iranian government, was interviewed by
Australian media in 2001, loved Western society...
*December 15, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) As predicted, the suspect amid
the "Sydney Siege," has long been on the radar of Australian law
enforcement, as well as a frequent visitor to Australia's court system.
Before that, however, he came to Australia as a political refugee, an
opponent of what he called the "Iranian regime," and was even interviewed
by Australia's ABC network in 2001 as part of an ongoing anti-Iranian
propaganda campaign.
It has been re... more »
Police Have Stormed The Cafe In Sydney, Australia (Live Coverage)
RT has a live feed. *It is here.*
DARPA Is Developing A Self Guiding .50 Caliber Bullet
*DOD Wants Bullet That Can Change Direction After Being Fired -- Stars and
*New .50-caliber bullets that can change direction after they have been
fired could make soon make U.S. military snipers more deadly.*
The EXACTO program — or Extreme Accuracy Tasked Ordnance — is being
developed by California’s Teledyne Scientific & Imaging, LLC at the behest
of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, according to a DARPA
video posted on Youtube.
“The objective of the EXACTO program is to revolutionize rifle accuracy and
range by developing the first ever guided small-cali... more »
Iraq Premier Abadi Attempts To Tackle Judicial Reform
At the beginning of December 2014 Iraq’s Prime Minister Haider Abadi
announced that he would be tackling judicial reform. Specifically he wanted
to clean up the process of how people were arrested, processed, held, and
taken to trial. Iraq has never been known for its justice system, and
post-03 various human rights groups and governments have all said that the
country lacks due process and its jails and prisons are overcrowded and
full of abuse. Premier Abadi appears to be serious about tackling with some
of these institutional problems within the country. Dealing with arrests
an... more »
Here We Go With More ISIS Bullshit.... Fraud "Terrorist" Attack In Australia Conducted By America's Terrorist Mercenaries!
By this time I had hoped that everyone would have gotten the hint and
realized that this "ISIS" group is a complete fraud and totally bullshit...
It is nothing more than the re-branding of the former "Al Qaeda" laughable
terrorist group that was formed and has been operated by both the American
CIA and Israeli Mossad for the last decade at least.....This fraud "ISIS"
group was created as a propaganda stunt to try to scare the world's people
into supporting more wars and invasions of innocent nations in the Middle
East that will only be of benefit to the criminal and psychotic state o... more »
7 GMO Myths Debunked
*Video* - In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth debunks 7 claims made
by the food authorities...
The post 7 GMO Myths Debunked appeared first on Waking Times.
*Lewis: After scary on-air mini-stroke, WWL Radio’s Deke Bellavia thrilled
to be back ~New Orleans Advocate *
The First People
*Zakaria Bziker* - These mysterious first people are remembered by ancients
as ‘gods’; the people that first engineered societies leaving baffling
traces on earth...
The post The First People appeared first on Waking Times.
Business opportunity: Jihadi chocolate shops!

Since I founded Torture Renditions Ltd. on Saturday, people have been
lining up outside my door asking for more business ideas. So how
about…jihadi chocolate shops?
This concept is tailor-made for maximum publicity. All you have to do is
hang a black jihadi flag over a chocolate shop, take a couple of hostages,
and SHAZZAM! The whole world knows about you.
Looks like Lindt was absorbed in a "hostile takeover"The black flags with
white writing are perfect for dark-chocolate-based confectionary
delicacies. Every time I see one of those flags I think of ultra-dark
90%-cocoa chocolate.... more »
Guardians of the Galaxy Party

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its
advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #OwnTheGalaxy #CollectiveBias
We get really into super hero movies in our house. We love to dress up and
hold fun DVD release parties, Guardians of the Galaxy was no exception.
With the movie coming to DVD and Blu-ray, we wanted to throw a party to
watch the movie and enjoy some great food.
The day the movie came out, we headed to Walmart to pick up the Blu-ray
combo pack and to find Guardians of the Galaxy merchandise to be the
centerpiece for the snack table at the party. I was... more »
OPEC Facing $40 For A Barrel Of Oil?

A customer uses a petrol nozzle to fill up his tank in a gas station at a
supermarket in Truchtersheim near Strasbourg August 26, 2012. Credit:
Reuters/Vincent Kessler
*U.A.E. Sees OPEC Output Unchanged Even If Oil Drops To $40 -- Bloomberg*
OPEC will stand by its decision not to cut output even if oil prices fall
as low as $40 a barrel and will wait at least three months before
considering an emergency meeting, the United Arab Emirates’ energy minister
OPEC won’t immediately change its Nov. 27 decision to keep the group’s
collective output target unchanged at 30 million bar... more »
Black Power - JFK and the Liberation of Africa
Pandora's Box - 05 - Black Power
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*"Mr. President, the most powerful single force in the world today is
neither communism nor capitalism, neither the H-bomb nor the guided missile
it is man's eternal desire to be free and independent. The great enemy of
that tremendous force of freedom is called, for want of a more precise
term, imperialism - and today that means Soviet imperialism and, whether we
like it or not, and though they are not to be equated, Western imperialism.
* Thus the single most important test of American foreign policy today is
how we me... more »
A Conundrum Many Corporate Democrats Have Solved: How To Appear Progressive While Backing The Banksters

Senate votes are a tricky thing. They don't always mean what they look like
they mean-- and, at times, they are meant to be deceptive for the casual
viewer. The final vote on the CRomnibus-- which funds the government and
regulates derivatives trading for the Wall Street banks and allows
millionaires to take further control of the political parties (and, among
other things, further reduces Pell Grants)-- shows it was agreed to 56-40.
Democratic senators who wanted to both please their Wall Street financiers
and to still appear to be taking the side of their own constituents were ... more »
How is Your Personality Is Linked To Your Health?
*April McCarthy* - Researchers have found new evidence that explains how
some aspects of our personality may affect our health and wellbeing...
The post How is Your Personality Is Linked To Your Health? appeared first
on Waking Times.
Sidney Crosby & Numerous NHL players have the mumps- Vaccine connected ?
*This post is not about the NHL. Or Hockey. I can't decide if it's about
the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of vaccines? All depending on what the
desired outcome really is? *
Sidney Crosby
*Keep in Mind!: * *These guys are vaccinated as much as possible. And then
some- These guys are money making machines gliding along on skates. No
money grubbin’ owner or league, depending on the star power of some
players, would take a chance on lettin’ their wealth generators sit out.*
*CBC news *
*Sidney Crosby, was according to his doctor “well protected against this
disease". Which means ... more »
Stephen Harper's Word

Newfoundland Premier Paul Davis was not happy after his meeting last week
with Stephen Harper. "It really solidifies that you can’t trust the federal
government, you can’t trust Stephen Harper’s government," he said. "We
bargained in good faith. We believed that we had an agreement in place,
that we had a deal set."
Davis sounded eerily like another premier from Newfoundland, Danny
Williams. Michael Harris writes:
Former premier of Newfoundland and Labrador, Danny Williams, once believed
he had a deal tha... more »
Why You Should Never Kill A Slow Roach

* by Len Hart, The Existentialist Cowboy*
I wanted to post a status that says: "Never kill a slow roach, you just
improve the breed!" But --I can't find the origin of it. All my google
searches take me to my own blog : ). So --if Google says I said it, then I
risk their ire if I should deny it. Google has spoken!!
I cannot believe that at a time when the right wing and many throughout the
ranks of the GOP have most vociferously attacked 'Darwinism' no one but me
would have summoned up the wisdom of cowboys with respect to the
propagation of cockroaches in order to refute them. Cock... more »
America's Terrorist Mercenaries Wreck Havoc in Sydney

*Image: Serving no purpose besides giving the West increased justification
forexecuting total war against Syria and then Iran as it has desperately
sought foryears, the latest "terror attack" in Australia unfolds amid a
community withinfiltrated mosques filled with eager supporters of America's
proxy war onDamascus. **December 15, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - Reports
indicate that a gunman dressed in Al Qaeda or "Islamic State" (ISIS) attire
has taken hostages in a cafe in the Australian city of Sydney. Demands made
by the gunman include being allowed to contact Australian Prim... more »
Harvard Professor's Jihad Against Chinese Restaurant Over $4 Backfires

One reason why America is going to hell in a bucket is that the political
establishment is jam-packed with Ivy League snobs who look down on ordinary
citizens. The two centers of power in the USA, Wall Street and Washington
D.C. are filled with graduates of elitist asshole factories like Harvard,
Princeton and Yale who revel in their superiority. Big egos with pedigrees
always know better than the unwashed rabble and *never* refrain from
shouting it from the mountaintops and even worse – implementing policy.
Such people are responsible for the squandering of America’s credibility,... more »
*The Lima junket: Do as I say, not as I do*
John Kerry, the US Secretary of State delivered an impassioned plea to the
summit on Thursday. “It was in Rio, as far back as 1992, when I heard the
secretary-general declare, 'Every bit of evidence I’ve seen persuades me
that we are on a course leading to tragedy,’ he said. 'This is 2014, 22
years later, and we’re still on a course leading to tragedy’.”
Ironically, the conference has remained overtly reliant on fossil fuels, in
the form of diesel generators. The talks are taking place in a vast
temporary village constructed on the site ... more »
*Parents Fight Back Against Teachers Union Suing Nation’s Largest School
Choice Program*
Teachers’ unions in Florida continue to threaten the educational
opportunity of thousands of the state’s most vulnerable children.
But there is some good news: Last week, Leon County Circuit Court Judge
George S. Reynolds III granted parents of these children the right to
intervene on behalf of their children’s scholarships, which are awarded
through the corporate tuition tax credit scholarship program.
“All three [of my] children are excelling academically and socially in
their respective sc... more »

We started Babes Against Biotech in response to the blatant financial ties
between elected officials and the agrochemical biotech companies poisoning
the Hawaiian islands. Monsanto, Dow, BASF, Syngenta and DuPont/Pioneer use
Hawai’i as an open air laboratory to test genetically engineered crop seeds
for export. In developing pesticide resistant Genetically Modified
Organisms (GMOs,) these multi-national companies create zero local food
sending profits off island, while exposing our communities to obscene
a... more »
LHC to restart in March 2015: \(13\TeV\)
Now it's the last month of 2014. So far the last proton-proton collisions –
at \(8\TeV\) – occurred in late 2012. The gadget went to Two Years' Vacation
and as you have known since your school days, vacations are over very
quickly. It takes about two years for Two Years' Vacation to be over.
*Iveta Bartošová, Two Years' Vacations (1988). Lyrics: "You [the beam] used
to say: I will be back right away. It's just two years' vacation, nothing
more." Well, OK, it was originally two years of military service but I
found the pop song relevant, anyway.*
The collider is designed for the ce... more »
ThalesRaytheonSystems’ Ground Master radars will boost France’s airspace surveillance capability

[image: Ground Master 400 radar]ThalesRaytheonSystems has been awarded a
contract by the DGA, the French defense procurement agency, to supply the
French armed forces with 12 fixed Ground Master 400 radars and 4 mobile
tactical Ground Master 200 radars.
In addition to delivery and through-life support of the radars, the
contract awarded on 8 December includes installation and civil engineering
work for the 12 Ground Master 400 radars.
This contract is part of the SCCOA* air command and control program for
which ThalesRaytheonSystems is the main supplier. France has already
acquire... more »
Torture vs. Drone Strikes

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
Eric Chu in the limelight

*From the most recent TISR poll, the old Global Views survey. Note that
satisfaction with Ma is just 12.7%, dissatisfaction at 78%. The DPP
approval rating is 43.7% to the KMT's 21.4%*
Some good commentary out there on Eric Chu, who is set to become the new
KMT chairman next month since no one is running against him.
One thing that has really excited everyone watching is Chu's call for
constitutional reform and his support of a national meeting on the matter.
Of the two great pieces out today, first read Ben on the Constitutional
Reform issue, arguing that the key issue is the Bird... more »
The Afghan War Has Already Cost The U.S. $1 Trillion, And It Will Cost A Few Hundred Billion More After It Officially Ends
U.S. Marines prepare to return fire during a security patrol in Nawa
district in Helmand province, Afghanistan, Aug. 14, 2009. The Marines,
assigned to Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment, are deployed
with Regimental Combat Team 3 to conduct counterinsurgency operations with
Afghan forces in southern Afghanistan. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl.
Artur Shvartsberg
*$1tn Cost Of Longest US War Hastens Retreat From Military Intervention --
Financial Times*
The Afghanistan war, the longest overseas conflict in American history, has
cost the US taxpayer nearly $1tn and wil... more »
Chinese army helicopter shot down drone that sparked security alert over Beijing

[image: WZ-10 helicopter]A Chinese military helicopter shot down a drone
that sparked a major security alert and delayed commercial flights over
Beijing after flying in restricted airspace, Chinese media has reported.
The emergency caused by the unmanned 2.3-metre long drone last December 29
led rapid-response forces and military aircraft from 10 different People’s
Liberation Army regiments and surface-to-air missiles to go into battle
mode, The People’s Liberation Army Daily reported.
Three people who flew the drone went on trial in Pinggu, in the far east of
Beijing Municipality, ... more »
Japan looks to obtain AIM-120C7 air-to-air missiles

[image: AIM-120 AMRAAM]The US Defense Security Cooperation agency has
notified congress about a possible sale of 17 Raytheon AIM-120C7 AMRAAM
missiles to Japan.
The deal, which will be conducted under the Foreign Military Sales (FMS)
mechanism, is valued at $33 million, says the DSCA.
In addition to the 17 missiles, the package includes two captive air
training missiles, test and support equipment, spare parts, documentation,
and other elements.
Read more
UK Warship Fires Supersonic Surface To Air Missile
The United Kingdom's Royal Navy warship HMS Richmond displayed its military
prowess as it pulverised targets during test fires of two Seawolf missiles.
The live firing exercise was conducted on Dec 12 off the South coast.
HMS Richmond is UK's Type 23 frigate with the Seawolf Missile System giving
the warship its anti-air warfare capability. The warship is an agile,
adaptable, multi-purpose frigate that may be deployed at short notice in a
wide variety of scenarios, Weapon Engineer Officer Lieutenant Commander Jim
Sampson said in a statement.
To put Seawolf missiles power in perspec... more »
Turkey aspires to produce local fighter jet by 2023

[image: Turkey's future fighter jet]Turkey wants to locally produce a
fighter jet by 2023 to fulfill its objective of meeting all defense
equipments domestically, Defense Minister Ismet Yilmaz said Sunday.
Yilmaz said in an interview that Turkey produced warships, advanced gunship
attack helicopters, training aircraft and high precision cruise missiles
completely or largely by its own domestic means.
He said that currently, 55 percent of Turkish Armed Forces’ needs were met
domestically and plans were being made to increase this to a near hundred
percent by 2023, the year the countr... more »
The fifth multipurpose frigate launched - the "Alpino"
Today Riva Trigoso (Genoa) shipyard celebrated the launch of the frigate
“Alpino”, the fifth of a series of 10 FREMM vessels - Multi Mission
European Frigates, ordered from Fincantieri by the Italian Navy within the
framework of an Italo-French program of cooperation.
Godmother to the ship was Ms. Maria Rosa Solimano, cousin of Francesco
Solimano awarded with the Gold Medal of Military Valor.
Present at the ceremony were, among others, Claudio Burlando, Governor of
Liguria, Senator Nicola Latorre, Chairman of the 4^ Senate's Defence
Committee, Admiral Luigi Binelli Mantelli, Ital... more »
Australia Fires Mk 46 MOD 5 Torpedo Warshots With Unmanned Aircraft

[image: MH-60R Seahawk 'Romeo']Australia's 816 Squadron demonstrated their
core war capabilities as they test fire two Mk 46 MOD 5 torpedo warshots
and 50 calibre machine gun aboard the Seahawk Romeo helicopter.
The test fire was conducted with the Navy Unmanned Aerial System
Development Unit or NUASDU Scan Eagle Unmanned Aircraft.
The test firing was conducted in support of the development of a new
anti-submarine warfare tactics for Australia.
Read more
AU’s Guided Missile Submarine Receives Upgrade From Thales Group

[image: Collins class SSK]Australian Navy's guided missile submarine, the
Collins Class submarine, received significant upgrade from the Thales
Thales Australia enhanced its Platform Training Simulator or PTS -- an
upgrade similar to the enhancement done by the Thales Group for the United
Kingdom's Vanguard class and Norway's Ula submarine simulators.
The upgrade to the Collins Class submarine included enhancements to the
computing and input/Output system, instructor facilities, Integrated Ship
Control management and Monitoring System or ISCMMS and audio systems.
Read more
This Year's Super Bowl May Be Cancelled ?!?!?!?!

*The Unexpected Threat To Super Bowl XLIX -- Bloomberg Businessweek*
If you’ve already bought tickets for Super Bowl XLIX or are looking forward
to watching it with your friends and family, you may be surprised to learn
that there is a chance it might not be played. Congress first needs to make
a decision on renewing a piece of legislation that you possibly never have
heard of: TRIA—the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act.
TRIA was signed into law in 2002 in the aftermath of the 9/11 terrorist
attacks, establishing a risk-sharing partnership between the federal
government and the insuranc... more »
Pineal Gland Activation and Integrating With our Normal Vision
[image: Pineal Gland Activation! Man Opens 3rd Eye With A Magnet |
I have two items here on activation that are self explanatory. However
the reason for this now is to disclose my present understanding.
We have successfully identified 'Dark Matter' which is also the substance
of consciousness and of the 'Spirit World' as well. We set up a ten inch
ribbon inside a thousand watt bulb and this showed us a coherent light that
was deep blue. At the same time an invisible large 'body' twenty feet
across was produced which could be felt when one passed through it. We
can... more »
The Truth About Alkalizing Your Blood

This serves to pin down the science much better than has been available in
the literature. The blood will work to maintain the correct levels but the
wrong inputs will stress this balancing act severely. That was not clear
enough and it worried me as well.
The take home is still to use the soda maple syrup mix if you are fighting
cancer in order to counter the rapid take down of sugars and poison the
cancer dells. Otherwise do eat your veggies and we already know all that.
The disturbance caused by cancer drives blood acidity and must be countered
in order to control th... more »
New Analysis of Antikythera Mechanism Reveals Babylonian Math and date of 205BC

It is always welcome to see another date locked down because it helps
correct Carbon 14 Dating. Usually we are relying on tree rings.
The level of metal working skill is impressive and predates modern
capability in the seventeenth century by around eighteen hundred years.
Yet that is also an indicator of need and demand. I have no reason to
think that the skills ever went away even as mere jewelers.
This is all about simple metal cutting and shaping with fine filing which
are all Bronze Age skills. The challenge is in the calculations and those
go back into the deep bronze a... more »
Bruce Grobbelaar misses the better joke!
The BBC report http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/30207831 the
ex-Liverpool goalkeeper Bruce Grobbelaar as saying about the dropped
Liverpool goalkeeper Simon Mignolet:
'He doesn't command his area," the 57-year-old Grobbelaar told BBC World
Service Sport."I've likened Mignolet to worse than Dracula because at least
Dracula comes out of his coffin now and then.
He seems to stay on his line and that's it. That whole area, not just the
six-yard area, is the goalkeeper's.'
Surely the Dracular reference relates to someone's inability to deal with
Tony Abbott to surface with plan for submarines

[image: Soryu class SSK]Tony Abbott is expected to announce within days the
start of the process for selecting the navy’s new submarines from a range
of international options and for building and maintaining them.
The Australian has been told the Prime Minister’s announcement is likely to
include the creation of a new defence industry entity to work with an
experienced international submarine designer and builder.
The expected re-election of Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s government with a
substantial majority will remove a significant hurdle to Japan providing
new submarines for Aust... more »
A Look At How Russian President Putin Crushed The Oligarchs

*Photo:* Russian President Putin. Forbes
*The Myth of the Russian Oligarchs -- Masha Gessen, New York Times*
Moscow’s most popular joke today is unfunny: “Next year Putin, the ruble,
and a barrel of oil will converge at just over 63.” Allow me to translate:
The ruble will soon be trading at 63 to the dollar, or nearly double what
the dollar was worth in Russia a year ago (meaning most Russians will be
roughly 50 percent poorer); a barrel of oil will fall to $63 a barrel,
roughly 2005-level prices, devastating the Russian economy; and President
Vladimir Putin will turn 63. All three... more »
A Look At The Relationship Between President Obama And CIA Director Brennan

President Obama with John O. Brennan in 2012. At the White House, Mr.
Brennan managed the “kill lists” for drone strikes. Credit Pete Souza/The
White House
*Brennan Draws On Bond With Obama In Backing C.I.A. -- New York Times*
WASHINGTON — Just hours before he publicly responded last week to the
Senate Intelligence Committee report accusing the Central Intelligence
Agency of torture and deceit, John O. Brennan, the C.I.A.’s director,
stopped by the White House to meet with President Obama.
Ostensibly, he was there for an intelligence briefing. But the messages
delivered later that... more »
"Solar System Scope"
*"Solar System Scope"*
An astronomy site that you will enjoy very much, solar system and night
- http://www.solarsystemscope.com/scope.swf
Hostage Crisis Unfolding In Sydney, Australia. Islamist Flag Unfurled By Hostages
*Hostages Held In Sydney Cafe, Forced To Hold Islamic Flag In Window --
(Reuters) - An armed assailant was holding an unknown number of hostages in
a central Sydney cafe on Monday, shutting down Australia's largest city and
raising fears it could be an attack by Islamist militant sympathizers.
Six hours after the mid-morning siege began, television showed three
hostages running out of the Lindt chocolate cafe and sheltering behind a
heavily armed, black-clad SWAT team.
Police said it was not known exactly how many more hostages remained in the
cafe but it was not as hig... more »
Why Did Club For Growth Fire Chris Chocola?

In the last cycle Club for Growth Action spent $8,949,420. Their biggest
investments were $2,417,659 against Senator Thad Cochran (R) in
Mississippi, $815,420 against Senator Mark Pryor (D) in Arkansas, $758,501
against Rep. Ann Kuster (D) in New Hampshire, and $478,802 against Rep.
Mike Simpson (R) in Idaho. Its questionable whether they had much role in
defeating Pryor-- outside money that poured into that race against the
doomed Pryor amounted to nearly $25,000,000-- and Club for Growth Action's
other big investments were all busts. Their candidates lost. And on top of
the top ... more »
The Next President of the United States
Runs less than 10 minutes--watch it:
Michael Hudson is believed by many to be the wisests of the U.S. economists who have not "gone over to the dark side of the force," i.e., the government in Washington. Washington has eradicated journalism in the U.S. as we used to know it, replacing the news with 100% government lies-cum-propaganda. So if you get your news from the "mainstream media", you are likely to believe that Russia attacked Ukraine and is suddenly threatening the western world, whereas the truth is the reverse of that. As Professor Hudson explains, the sanctions imposed upon Russia are (1) undeserved because Russia has attacked no one, (2) gravely damaging the economies of Washington's vassals in Europe, (3) driving Russia to make economic alliances with China, India, Iran, and Turkey and (4) not a problem because the ruble, though devalued against the dollar, is accepted without discount by the countries listed in (3).

*Russia Rejects South Steam Pipeline Through Europe*
Hudson Report: Europe effort to join the US in isolating Russia has
backfired, it makes no sense build an oil and gas pipeline for Russian
exports that would be owned and leased to them by US and Europe - *December
14, 14*
Original Here
Michael Hudson is a Distinguished Research Professo... more »
Bruno Ghibaudi

Around mid-day on April 27, 1961, Bruno Ghibaudi, a scientific journalist,
was driving the highway paralleling the beach at Montesilvano (Pescara),
felt a flat tire and pulled his car over and stopped. As he began changing
the bad tire, and as he was working at that task, he noticed an unusual
metallic-looking disc- shaped flying objectcoming in at a low level over
the ocean. It passed overhead, slowed, made a sharp turn towards the north
and flew away. (Case 16, Project Blue Book)
Above is the only known photo of the strange, almost organic multi-winged
craft Bruno photographe... more »
How NOT to Talk to the Police

*Video - *How do you talk to the police?
The post How NOT to Talk to the Police appeared first on Waking Times.
Giving Depth to the Astrology of the Four Elements

*Video -* An introduction to the astrology of the four elements and the
types of energies they emit.
The post Giving Depth to the Astrology of the Four Elements appeared first
on Waking Times.
Dog Day Afternoon Scenario ? Jihadists engage in siege in Sydney Australia - December 15 , 2014 -- Up to 40 hostages held in Cafe in Martins Place - Specific Perps / Actual alleged Jihadist Group , motivations , demands presently unknown.....

Just one hostage taker ?
NBC News and 1 other follow
*Shimon Prokupecz* @ShimonPro 51s52 seconds ago
Police negotiators have now had contact with gunman. We will take our time
police say. #*sydneysiege*
VICE News and 20 others follow
*Agence France-Presse* @AFP 10m
10 minutes ago
#BREAKING Three hostages run out of *Sydney* *siege* cafe: report
*Suzanne Geiger* @slvrfnx 3m
3 minutes ago
"@australian: This is the exclusion zone currently in place in *Sydney*'s
CBD. http://bit.ly/1zTmrJp #*SydneySiege* "
[image: Embedded image permalink]
... more »
Charter Closes: Two Louisiana Teachers Granted Back Pay
On December 10, 2014, two Lafayette, Louisiana, teachers won a lawsuit for
back pay due to their being reassigned from higher-paying teaching
positions to lower-paying positions beginning in the 2012-13 school year.
The two teachers, Jan Aillet and Marilyn Doucet, taught at Lafayette’s
Charter High School, which was closed in 2012. At that time, the […]
Best Sign of the Weekend

This sign from a protest this weekend in Boston is the best one I've seen
yet from the various events that were held across the nation.
See a good news round-up about the police militarization protests *here*
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, “Alpha”
Vangelis, “Alpha”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKFh6VgnwFY
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The Milky Way was not created by an evaporating lake. The colorful pool of
water, about 10 meters across, is known as Silex Spring and is located in
Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, USA. Illuminated artificially, the
colors are caused by layers of bacteria that grow in the hot spring. Steam
rises off the spring, heated by a magma chamber deep underneath known as
the Yellowstone hotspot. Unrelated and far in the distance, the central
band of our Milky Way Galaxy arches high overhead, a band lit by billions
of stars.
*Click image for larger size.*
The above picture is a 16-image... more »
Chet Raymo, “On Winged Imagination”
*“On Winged Imagination”*
by Chet Raymo
“A sure test of dark skies is the ability to see with the naked eye the
nucleus of the Andromeda Galaxy, the nearest large spiral galaxy to our own
and the most distant thing - 2 million light-years - you are likely to see
without optical aid. On literally hundreds of nights I have stood with a
group of companions (of all ages) and unfolded the story illustrated by
constellations in that part of the sky. Cassiopeia. Cepheus. Andromeda.
Cetus. Perseus. Pegasus. The star Algol. It's a grand story that you can
find here, one that has been a theme... more »
"Native American Traditional Code of Ethics"
*"Native American Traditional Code of Ethics"*
Author Unknown
*1.* Each morning upon rising, and each evening before sleeping, give
thanks for the life within you and for all life, for the good things the
Creator has given you and for the opportunity to grow a little more each
day. Consider your thoughts and actions of the past day and seek for the
courage and strength to be a better person. Seek for the things that will
benefit others (everyone).
*2.* Respect. Respect means "To feel or show honor or esteem for someone or
something; to consider the well being of, or to treat someone... more »
The Victory to the Light Radio Show Robert Potter Interviews American Kabuki

*The Victory to the Light Radio Show *
*Robert Potter Interviews American Kabuki*
Robert Potter interviews guest American Kabuki on the The Victory of the
Light Radio Show on the Pyramid One Radio Network.
Robert Potter asks probing questions about American Kabuki's investigative
journey into the arcane world of international trade and finance banking,
how he came to meet Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, what she and the other
trustees of the One People's Public Trust accomplished and the current
status of the banking systems. The show was recorded November 18, 2014.
Tune in at *7PM ES... more »
Canadian Politics: A Brief Overview - The Liberal Party

*Pierre Trudeau and son Justin canoeing*
I don’t think there is much hope from the American people. The American
people cannot tell genuine from fake leadership, and the ruling private
elites will not permit real leaders to emerge. Moreover, there is no
organized movement in opposition to the neoconservatives. Paul Craig
In today's world, ever since Canada became a vassal state to the US, so
much of what is happening politically in the United States also applies to
us. The above quote could just as easily apply to Canada. I want to
continue my three part (or maybe fou... more »
Thoughts, Not Environmental Conditions, Cause Criminal Behaviour
*Criminals are neither bon that way nor made that way – they chose to be
that way, say Kerry Kirkpatrick in this guest post.*
For over forty years, clinical psychologist Stanton Samenow has been
interviewing criminal offenders for the courts (1, 2, 3). His conclusion is
that criminals are not criminals because of their upbringing or
environment, or because of what they see on television or in movies.
Criminals are who they are because of the thoughts they hold, and have
held, in their minds from an early age.
When many people walk into a crowded room, they think about who they wou... more »

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