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The logo of Project Censored Media Democracy in Action. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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Per capita anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions by country for the year 2000 including land-use change. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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Schematic showing both terrestrial and geological sequestration of carbon dioxide emissions from a coal-fired plant. Rendering by LeJean Hardin and Jamie Payne. Source: http://www.ornl.gov/info/ornlreview/v33_2_00/research.htm (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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English: Carbon-Scout Logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
English: A chart of the carbon capture and sequestration process from the IPCC (Photo credit: Wikipedia) | ( Scientism is self defeating Is science communication just wishful thinking ? It sure can't be restricted to narrow specialization and retain useful social perspective ! ) |
Top News - MIT Technology Review
Forget Hydrogen Cars, and Buy a Hybrid
Hybrids are a much more cost-effective way to reduce carbon emissions than newly released hydrogen fuelDecember 12, 2014 -
Innovative Technologies for Increasing Efficiency
December 11, 2014 -
A Coal Plant That Buries Its Greenhouse Gases
The first commercial power plant to use carbon capture and sequestration shows the potential of a crucialDecember 10, 2014
Omnologos » English
The Mysterious Light Changing Motel One in Aldgate, London
Does it do it? Doesn’t it? Does it too? The mysterious Motel One in Aldgate, London (still unopened)November 19, 2014 -
Veteran’s Day: Story of Charles (and Anthony and Frank)
Since it’s Veteran’s Day in the USA, I am posting a recap of the story of Charles J MorabitoMay 26, 2014 -
Luttwak on Italy and the Euro
From the LRB‘s “Opportunity Costs” by Edward Luttwak, Vol. 35 No. 22 · 21 November 2013 [February 4, 2014
U-S Petro Dollar Hegemony and Global Imperialism
Mickey Huff and Peter Phillips discuss “U-S Petro Dollar Hegemony and Global Imperialism.” TheDecember 6, 2014 -
Mickey Huff & Peter Phillips at Book Passage in Corte Madera
Mickey Huff & Peter Phillips – Censored 2015 Commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the FreeDecember 5, 2014 -
U.S. Children Suffer From Federal Healthcare Policy
16.1 million children in the United States are currently living in poverty. Nearly one in four US childrenDecember 5, 2014
Pando’s caption contest! We have a winner!
Thanks to everyone who took part in Pando’s caption contest , in which we invited you to add some4 hrs ago -
Uber dragged into sexual assault row in Nigeria (But this one might not be
Just days after an Uber driver in Delhi was accused a raping a passenger, the company has been dragged intoDecember 12, 2014 -
Despite wildly different pre-IPO expectations, both New Relic and
It used to be that December was no man’s land on Wall Street, with most institutional investors looking toDecember 12, 2014
Greenpeace: We Spit on Your Sacred Spaces
Originally posted on NoFrakkingConsensus : Desecrating cultural and religious monuments is normal4 hrs ago -
Gruberization … how low have university courses become
Yes, that low, ‘because stupid’. Gruber unleashed a storm when he called voters too stupid toDecember 12, 2014 -
stormy beaches …
Town Beach Beautiful stormy looking skies last evening brought just 2 mm of rain. Looked impressiveDecember 12, 2014
National Review Online - Planet Gore
While Homeless in Detroit Freeze, White House Spends on Global Warming
Detroit - Area shelters are bursting at the seams thanks to record-low November temperatures. MeanwhileNovember 18, 2014 -
The Green Church Has Taken the Fun out of Formula One
Europe has a history of religious intolerance. Today’s Green Church fits the mold. In theirNovember 2, 2014 -
Planet-savior Ford F-150 Debuts (without a Peep about the Planet)
San Antonio – President Obama says we have a “moral obligation” to tackle global warming. It’s why theOctober 9, 2014
Project Syndicate RSS-Feed
It’s All Over Now, Baby Boom
When Carlos Barientos III, possibly the last US baby boomer, turns 50 this New Year's Eve, theDecember 12, 2014 -
Faster Growth Through Stronger Regulation
Cutting bureaucratic red tape can help foster a culture of entrepreneurship and dynamism in developingDecember 12, 2014 -
Putin’s Rules of Attraction
Russian President Vladimir Putin’s covert aggression in Ukraine continues – and so do Western sanctionsDecember 12, 2014
Science and technology
A history of birds in 48 genomes
ONE reason children are so fond of dinosaurs is that the giant reptiles are reassuringly extinct. TheyDecember 10, 2014 -
Into the great wide open
IN 1990 John Latham, a cloud physicist, published a short article in Nature under the headline “Control ofDecember 11, 2014 -
Charting the plastic waters
THE “Great Pacific Garbage Patch” lies off the coast of California. But it is not the only place where aDecember 11, 2014
Raw Story
UN climate talks stall as rich and poor countries haggle over
UN climate talks entered a second day of extra time amid deadlock and bitterness as the United States56 mins ago -
New Jersey college to convert shuttered Atlantic City casino into dorms
PHILADELPHIA (Reuters) – A New Jersey college said on Saturday it has completed its $18 million1 hr ago -
BREAKING: Senate passes $1.1 trillion ‘Cromnibus’ bill
The Senate passed a $1.1 trillion spending bill Saturday night that drew opposition from both Democrats and1 hr ago
The Science of Doom
Natural Variability and Chaos – Four – The Thirty Year Myth
In Part Three we looked at attribution in the early work on this topic by Hegerl et al 1996. I started toNovember 29, 2014 -
Natural Variability and Chaos – Three – Attribution & Fingerprints
I’ve been somewhat sidetracked on this series, mostly by starting up a company and having no timeNovember 1, 2014 -
Turbulence, Closure and Parameterization
In Latent heat and Parameterization I showed a formula for calculating latent heat transfer from theAugust 23, 2014
RSS Feed
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The Infernal Island of Trash Amid the Paradise of the Maldives
Spotless beaches and beautiful blue seas make the Maldives an in-demand tourist destination. But withinDecember 12, 2014 -
20 Incredible Campsites Illuminated by the Glow of the Aurora Borealis
Tents glow like beacons and camping spots are turned into surreal outposts on alien worlds in these jawDecember 11, 2014 -
Giant Soviet-Era UFO Looms in the Sky Above Bulgaria
In a remote part of Bulgaria, something unusual looms in the sky. This saucer-shaped object draws theDecember 10, 2014
New Russian-Abkhaz Treaty Sets Georgia on Collision Course
On 24 November 2014, Russia and Abkhazia, a small self-declared republic on the Black Sea, signed a new15 hrs ago -
One year in Ukraine
Exactly one year after the beginning of EuroMaidan, Ukraine is more than ever at a crossroads and theNovember 28, 2014 -
Xinjiang’s fractured harmonious society
In Urumqi, the capital of China’s far western province Xinjiang, I often walk past a propagandaNovember 20, 2014
8 lessons men raised on porn need to learn
Pro tip: If you're looking to please a woman in bed, don't try to re-create scenes from your4 hrs ago -
Guilt, race, and our block of petty crime
Sick of drugs and gunfire, my wife and I called the cops for every minor infraction. Now I wonder: Were we4 hrs ago -
We need to talk about death: Why ignoring our darkest fears only makes them
It's a universal human experience. So why do we act like we need to confront it alone?5 hrs ago
Science Blog
Interstellar Mystery Solved by Supercomputer Simulations
An interstellar mystery of why stars form has been solved thanks to the most realistic supercomputer12 hrs ago -
New way to turn genes on
Technique allows rapid, large-scale studies of gene function. Using a gene-editing system originally12 hrs ago -
40 million year war between primates and pathogens
Examination of DNA from 21 primate species – from squirrel monkeys to humans – exposes an13 hrs ago
Scoop NZ - Sci-tech
NIWA's Hotspot Watch 12/12/14
For the North Island, soils continue to be much drier than normal (refer to figure below) for this time ofDecember 11, 2014 -
UC part of worldwide project on big bang of bird evolution
Two University of Canterbury biological scientists are part of a massive international effort thatDecember 11, 2014 -
Exploring the Sub-Antarctic Islands
Dunedin (12 December 2014) – Dunedin Botanic Garden Collection Curator, Kate Caldwell is off to explore theDecember 11, 2014
Seeing the Forest
The Thing In The Budget Bill That No One Supports But Won’t Be Taken Out
The budget bill called the “Cromnibus” (for Continuing Resolution and OMNIBUS budget bill9 hrs ago -
Prosecute Or Pardon Bush, Bankers And Cops Who Kill
Are we a nation of laws or not? No one is held accountable for invading Iraq, bank fraud, shooting unarmedDecember 10, 2014 -
Trans-Pacific Trade Talks Resume With Almost No Media Coverage
Shouldn’t it be a trade violation to threaten to move someone’s job to another country? ShouldnDecember 9, 2014
The Slog.
OPINION: The peculiar world in which Kiruna Stamell becomes a heroine
Eastenders soap porg Kiruna Stamell sued the Post Office because the chip and pin machines are too high for10 hrs ago -
Tis the season for Charts & Farts parties
When I was younger and much more stupid, there used to be frightfully exciting things called Tarts &19 hrs ago -
ANALYSIS: Why Nigel Farage is not so much a breath of fresh air as a bloke
The talk of the town yesterday was Farage v Brand -This is The Big One. I really do not know why anyoneDecember 12, 2014
The Virtual Pub Is Open
[Explanations: lol your fat . pathetic anger bread . hey your gay .] TFIF, Shakers! Belly up to the barDecember 12, 2014 -
On Silencing Survivors with "Get Over It"
[Content Note: Rape culture; bullying.] "Get over it." That's what survivors of sexualDecember 12, 2014
Socio-Economics History Blog
Sandy Hook Film Censorship Efforts Backfire!
Published on Dec 12, 2014 Rob Dew is joined by two of the filmmakers behind the “We Need To Talk20 hrs ago -
U.S. Torture Practices Right Out of Nazi Playbook!
Published on Dec 12, 2014 David Knight takes the studio for Alex Jones and talks with Infowars reporterDecember 12, 2014 -
Big Banks Preparing To Loot Pensions And 401K’s!
Published on Dec 12, 2014 Alex Jones breaks down the plan of the mega banks and how they are going to lootDecember 12, 2014
Sunwarrior News
Quick and Easy Fried Bananas with Honey
Quick, simple, and elegant. You can stare at this fantastic masterpiece for hours, but we recommend eatingDecember 12, 2014 -
How to Introduce Your Kids to Raw Food
Making your kids eat healthy can be quite challenging. Here are a few guidelines to help you introduce themDecember 12, 2014 -
Have A Low Sugar Christmas with These Recipes!
We’re surrounded by sugary, delicious sweets during the holidays, but just because we can't eat many ofDecember 12, 2014
Technology - Google News
Will Facebook Get A 'Dislike' Button? Sort Of, But Not Really, Says
International Business Times Will Facebook Get A 'Dislike' Button? Sort Of, But Not Really, Says42 mins ago -
T-Mobile announces first LTE Google Nexus 9 - Delhi Daily News
Delhi Daily News T-Mobile announces first LTE Google Nexus 9 Delhi Daily News The WiFi-only model of Google8 mins ago -
Google moves engineers out of Russia - BBC News
BBC News Google moves engineers out of Russia BBC News Tech giant Google has confirmed reports that it35 mins ago
Things I grab, motley collection
How did Nick Hanauer get onto TED’s home page?!
Originally posted on TED Blog : Nick Hanauer and I are both really bad at holding grudges. Here, we talk16 hrs ago -
One of Instagram’s Most Popular Users is Deleting All of His Photos
plerudulier : «When you have a large following, you begin to feel a particular sense of responsibility,» heDecember 8, 2014 -
Platform Cooperativism vs. the Sharing Economy — ©[medium.com] & @TreborS
T he backlash against unethical labor practices in the “collaborative sharing economy” has beenDecember 7, 2014
This Can't Be Happening!
Justice Antonin Scalia is a Publicity-Seeking Intellectual Midget
Making a joke of the Supreme Court11 hrs ago -
The US Must Prosecute Torturers and their Enablers or Forever be Labeled a
A White House infested with torturers and their abettorsDecember 11, 2014

More evidence released in Ferguson shooting
The transcript of an interview with Dorian Johnson, who was with Brown when he was shot, is made public.
Inadvertently held »
Top Documentary Films
Tito's Murder Squads
Robert Zagajski stands in a barren field on the outskirts of MunichDecember 11, 2014 -
The Digital Love Industry
Technology has altered the way we experience the world and each otherDecember 9, 2014
The Total Collapse
Terrified France Warns Russia Of Obama “Terror Spectacular”
An ominous report prepared by the General Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRUDecember 8, 2014 -
Israel air strikes wiped out Russian hardware for thwarting US no-fly zone
High-ranking American military sources revealed Monday, Dec. 8, that Israel’s air strikes near Damascus theDecember 8, 2014 -
Putin Orders Troops To Wartime Bunker; Warns “Global War Is Near”
A truly grim Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President PutinDecember 3, 2014
RSS Feed
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The Truth is Where?
Greenpeace apologises to people of Peru over Nazca lines stunt.
By Dan Collyns 11th December 2014. Find Article Here:-December 11, 2014 -
Rosetta discovers water on comet 67p like nothing on Earth.
By Ian Sample 11th December 2014. Find Article Here:-December 11, 2014 -
The coming nuclear crisis: All but one of Britain’s ageing reactors ‘will
By Steve Connor 1st December 2014. Find Article Here:- Nearly allDecember 11, 2014
More Accountable To The British People
Yesterday the Bank of England announced its plans for future transparency and accountablity over theDecember 12, 2014 -
Whatever Happened To Grand Juries?
During the First World War, in 1917, a decision was made by the Government to “suspend&rdquoDecember 10, 2014 -
Two Presidents Stress “Transatlantic Bond" to Seize Economic Power
Poland’s former Prime Minister has replaced Herman Van Rompuy as European Council President. However,December 5, 2014
Universe Today
Amazing Up Close Videos Capture Orion’s Final Descent, Splashdown and Ocean
Video Caption: Last moments of Orion descent as viewed from the recovery ship USS Anchorage. Credit:9 hrs ago -
New Map Shows ‘Marsquakes’ Shook Wet Valles Marineris Sand, NASA Says
A color mosaic of Candor Chasma (part of Mars’ Valles Marineris) based on data from Viking 1 andDecember 12, 2014 -
Freak Fast Winds Created Titan’s Massive, Mysterious Dunes
Titan’s surface is almost completely hidden from view by its thick orange “smog” (NASADecember 12, 2014
RSS Feed
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Veterans Today
6 Lessons the Military Can Teach Corporations about Leadership
Our country is suffering from an enormous deficit that’s growing exponentially every year. I’m not speaking8 hrs ago -
5 Lessons the Special Forces taught me about Business
Last month I had the pleasure of speaking at a Wounded Warrior Project workshop on business and8 hrs ago -
Custom Weapons By VT
VT is continually coming up with ways to deal with intruders on your roof, a common problem in the holiday9 hrs ago
Washington's Blog
War Drums Beat Louder & Faster Between U.S. & Russia
Eric Zuesse On Saturday, December 13th, Russian media reported that U.S. President Obama evidently can’t1 hr ago -
Amazing Prohibition Era Colorized Photos of Washington
To celebrate the 81 st anniversary of Repeal Day, the Doyle Hotels have colorized a selection of stunning4 hrs ago -
The Global Bankers’ Coup: Bail-In and the Shadowy Financial Stability Board
By Ellen Brown . On December 11, 2014, the US House passed a bill repealing the Dodd-Frank requirement9 hrs ago
Viral History
A new Crimean War? Really?
0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style DefinitionsMarch 3, 2014 -
Yiddish Theater: Don't Forget Molly Picon
Yiddish is not beautiful. Harsh and gutteral, it makes you twist your face to get the sounds outFebruary 1, 2014 -
Guest Post: David Taylor on Anzia Yezierska, Part II
0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style DefinitionsJanuary 23, 2014
Andy Worthington
Video: We Stand With Shaker – Andy Worthington on RT, and the Islam Channel
What a busy two weeks it has been — first with the launch of the We Stand With Shaker campaign8 hrs ago -
Quarterly Fundraiser Day 5: Still Seeking $1500 (£900) to Support My Work
Please support my work! Dear friends and supporters, What a busy week it’s been —December 12, 2014 -
Come and See Andy Worthington and the Four Fathers Play the Campaign Song
If you’re in London on Saturday and can get to Brockley (SE4, two stops from London Bridge, threeDecember 11, 2014
RSS Feed
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World Science
Birds diversified in "big bang" after dinosaurs died out
A major new study looks at how and when birds evolved and gained features such as feathers, flight and songDecember 11, 2014 -
Hummingbird's hover surprisingly easy to "hack"
Hummingbirds' remarkable ability to hover in place depends on a motionless field of view, a study findsDecember 10, 2014 -
Punishing kids for lying doesn't work, study suggests
In an experiment, positive encouragements led many fewer children to lie than the threat of being "inDecember 9, 2014
Fuel Fix
Q&A: BP America CEO talks oil prices, opportunities
Minge is a former driller who has been with BP for more than three decades, including his most recent stint16 hrs ago -
Enterprise abandons Bakken pipeline
The proposed line would have run 1,200 miles from the prolific oilfields of North Dakota to the oilDecember 12, 2014 -
Enbridge lays off some Houston-area workers
The Houston-based pipeline company last week cut positions in its under-performing domestic gas pipelinesDecember 12, 2014
IEA.org.uk - Blog feed
Zelo Street
Fraser Nelson’s Gove Grovel
Michael “ Oiky ” Gove may have been shunted off to the Whips’ Office to continue the theme of crashing11 hrs ago -
Amanda Platell Says It Should Have Been Me
As we enter the last five months before next May’s General Election, the obedient hackery of the15 hrs ago -
UKIP And Dirty Des’ £300K Donation
On the face of it, the news that Richard “ Dirty ” Desmond was to donate £300,000 to Nigel “ Thirsty18 hrs ago
Tesla seeks to expand in China by offering battery solutions
The headquarters of US electric car company Tesla Motors, recently held a telephone conference with -
Talks stall on VW's bid to raise stake in Chinese JV
German automobile manufacturer Volkswagen's bid to raise its stake in a joint venture with Chinese -
US S China Sea report rejects China's nine-dash line claim
A report published by the US Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs on Dec
Politics News Headlines - Yahoo News
Senate passes spending bill, ends government shutdown threat
By David Lawder and Amanda Becker WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Saturday passed a $1.1 trillion28 mins ago -
In U.S. spending bill, a tall tale for fishermen
By Richard Cowan WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The fine print of a massive $1.1 trillion spending bill before the2 hrs ago -
NYC police union launches campaign to keep mayor away from funerals
By Frank McGurty NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York's police union is showing its displeasure with Mayor11 hrs ago
Senate Passes $1.1 Trillion Spending Bill
Senators meeting in a rare Saturday session had earlier voted to extend their deadline until midnight10 hrs ago -
Government Funding Bill Rolls Back Trucker Rest Requirements
One of the many policy riders tucked inside the trillion-dollar spending bill reverses a rule that long13 hrs ago -
Levin, Harkin, Coburn Among Senators Bidding Adieu
The end of the 113th Congress means a lot of goodbyes for retiring members and for those who lost in15 hrs ago
Business News Headlines - Yahoo! News
Apollo nearing deal to buy PetSmart for about $8 billion: Bloomberg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Apollo Global Management is nearing a buyout of PetSmart Inc for about $8 billion in4 hrs ago -
Oil plunges 3 percent to new five-year lows after bearish IEA outlook
By Barani Krishnan NEW YORK (Reuters) - Crude oil markets fell 3 percent or more to plumb new five-yearDecember 12, 2014 -
After years of doubts, Americans turn more bullish on economy
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Pessimism and doubt have dominated how Americans see the economy for many years. NowDecember 12, 2014
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