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A Growing Morale Crisis In The U.S. Military

A U.S. soldier takes a break during a mission to clear Route 1 of
improvised explosives in Wardak province, Afghanistan, Aug. 13, 2013. The
soldier, assigned to the 87th Sapper Company, conducted the clearing
mission to maintain freedom of movement for military and commercial
traffic. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Chenee' Brooks
*AMERICA'S MILITARY: A Force Adrift -- Hope Hodge Seck, Military Times*
*How the nation is failing today's troops and veterans.*
After 13 years of war, troops feel burned out and without a sense of
mission. More doubt their leaders and their job security.
For ma... more »
Syria Reports Israeli Airstrikes Near Damascus Airport
*Syria Says Israeli Jets Hit Damascus -- Al Jazeera*
Israel yet to react to state TV's claim its jets struck two places, one
near Damascus airport, but caused no casualties.
Syria has accused Israel of carrying out air strikes against two
government-held areas in Damascus province, one of them near the Damascus
international airport.
There was no immediate reaction to Sunday's report from the Israeli
"The Israeli enemy attacked Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus
province, namely the Dimas area and the area of Damascus International
Airport," state TV said... more »
"Where else in our weak economy are there so many good job opportunities as in racketeering?" (Charles Simic)

*Relax, Mr. Crook! If you're big and powerfulenough, there's no need to
hide your face!*
*"It ought to be obvious by now that if we ever become a genuine police
state, it will not arise from an authoritarian ideology necessarily, but as
the end result of that insatiable greed for profit that has already
affected every aspect of American life from health care to the way college
students are forced into debt."*
*-- Charles Simic, in a NYRB blogpost,* "A Thieves' Thanksiving"
*by Ken*
Earlier tonight Howie pointed out ("Corruption At The Top -- In China They
Punish It . . . For Real... more »
“Ash Carter Predicted 9/11″: ESP or foreknowledge? and other stories

The new Secretary of Defense a 9/11 criminal?!
This week's output in case you missed it:
“Ash Carter Predicted 9/11″: ESP or foreknowledge? (outraged exposé)
Why the Ferguson grand jury was wrong (op-ed, with Dr. Bob Reuschlein)
I Almost Blew Up the SFPD ("reality fiction")
9/11-Warren Commission on Race in America?! (dark humor & satire)
Harry Targ : Contradictions in this political moment
It’s unclear what the contradiction between reaction and resistance will
bring in the months ahead. By Harry Targ | The Rag Blog | December 7, 2014
On contradictions Political philosophers influenced by the writings of
Marx and Engels emphasize … finish reading Harry Targ :
Contradictions in this political moment
Nadim Shehadi Breaks Down ISIS To Its Many Different And Contradictory Parts
*An excerpt from, "What is hiding behind Islamic State" by Nadim Shehadi,
Chatham House, December 2014: *
One element is the General Military Council for Iraqi Revolutionaries,
former Ba’ath Party officers from Saddam Hussein’s disbanded army with over
thirty years of experience ruling the land. Many have been in hiding or in
exile, given sanctuary and support by the Syrian regime.
Another important element is the Army of the Men of the Naqshbandi Order, a
Sufi order which is powerful in the region and with connections that are
not well understood. They include senior members of ... more »
No Wright in your backyard, say planners
No, the problem isn’t just New Zealand’s: innovative building is
increasingly difficult worldwide. And it’s almost always been all but
impossible in Britain. ( When I was there twenty years ago I was told by a
former Wright apprentice to whom I was introduced that he had discovered
early on after emigrating from Iraq to Britain that the UK was not the
place for innovative organic architecture to flourish.)
No surprise then that would have been Frank Lloyd Wright’s first home on a
property in Britain has been knocked by by arseholes philistines planners,
who have told the owner he... more »
Corruption At The Top-- In China They Punish It... For Real

Things likely to end badly for corrupt power mongers Xander Feng and Zhou
Early last summer we looked at a guest post by Qiao Li, a friend of mine
from the neighborhood, China's Naked Officials. "Naked officials (裸体官员),"
she explained, "are Chinese bureaucrats who send their family members
overseas with the illegal assets they amassed through corruption and graft.
These officials are 'naked' as they are the only ones left behind, working
hard to accumulate and funnel capital overseas under the names of their
relatives to popular destinations like the U.S., Canada and the U.... more »
Kiev Are The Terrorists
Ukrainian Major and military expert Oleksandr Taran who's been on the
"enemy" territory and drove about 300 km in current conflict zones says
that he did see Cossacks and volunteers that came from Russia fighting on
the militia's side but didn't see any regular Russian military units. He
also says that the Kiev government and security services act like
H'ostess With the Mo$test

For that special One Percent someone who has everything but still wants
more, more, more: a complete set of gold-embossed cocktail napkins with a
selection of original Hillary quotes (including one borrowed from Teddy
Roosevelt). Only the best will do for the blotting of sensitive Dom
Perignon-stained chops and the prevention of stains on antique mahogany
coffee tables.
And if you order now, you will also receive a free Hillary magnet,
reminding you not to forget to put on your movie star shades in the dead of
night while texting before getting behind the wheel of your Mercede... more »

"In the aftermath of the rash of fires at black churches, and with the
strong support of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, Congress
passed and President Clinton signed into law the Church Arsons Prevention
Act of 1996. With bipartisan sponsorship by Reps. Henry Hyde and John
Conyers and Sens. Edward Kennedy and Lauch Faircloth, it enhances federal jurisdiction
over and increases the federal penalties for the destruction of houses of
worship. And Congress and the Administration provided $12 million for a
federal investigation of the church fires. In addition, the Act gives ... more »
Some Perspective on the Headlining Antarctic Ice Loss Trends
*Guest post by Chip Knappenberger*
The mainstream media has lit up the past few days with headlines of “
alarming” news coming out of Antarctica highlighting new research on a more
rapid than expected loss of ice from glaciers there.
But, as typical with blame-it-on-humans climate change stories, the
coverage lacks detail, depth, and implication as well as being curiously
We explain.
The research, by a team led by University of Cal-Irvine doctoral candidate
Tyler Sutterley, first appeared online at the journal *Geophysical Research
Letters* on November 15th, about two week... more »
Two from Youtube
Time Mapping Taiwan: Brilliant map of Taiwan over the centuries (Youtube).
Hitler discovers the KMT lost the election (Youtube).
[Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its
sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores
of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!
MEMRI TV: Iraqi Shiite Imam and Former MP Jalal Al-Din Al-Saghir: The Shiites Control the Entire Region
*Video Title: Iraqi Shiite Imam and Former MP Jalal Al-Din Al-Saghir: The
Shiites Control the Entire Region. Source: MEMRI TV. Date Published:
December 7, 2014. Description:*
Iraqi Shiite Imam and former MP Jalal Al-Din Al-Saghir said that even
though the Shiites are the minority in the numerical sense, "we are the
majority, strategically speaking." The Shiites control the oil reserves in
the region, as well as the straits controlling international maritime
traffic, he said. The address was posted on the Internet on April 28.
"Do you think that the Syrian army is behind the improved... more »
Garner, Brown and Rodney King
*By Jenna Orkin*
*December 5, 2014* As a friend and I were sitting in a coffee shop this
evening, a crowd of protesters passed outside, shouting their outrage on
the Eric Garner and Michael Brown verdicts. It took a moment to make
out the words of the spondaic chant but then all at once, the
meaning hit with the force of three punches: "I can't breathe! I can't
The police response to this: "If he was talking, then it means he *could
*breathe," is reminiscent of Elizabethan witch trials. They'd tie you up
and throw you in the river. If you drowned, you were innoc... more »
Perv hunting on the metro

Many people have noticed and commented on these signs in the Taipei metro
which assure riders that the restrooms are checked for hidden cameras
placed by pervs. h/t for the pic goes to John E.
[Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its
sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores
of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!
"Claiming Our Feelings: Passive Aggressive Behavior"
* "Claiming Our Feelings: Passive Aggressive Behavior"*
by The DailyOm
"The way to end passive aggressive behavior on your part or others’ is with
complete honesty and truth in any situation. If you’ve ever found yourself
repressing your anger and behaving in other ways to get your point across,
you may be someone who is adept at engaging in passive-aggressive behavior.
Although passive-aggressive behavior is recognized as a psychological
disorder, it also describes the behavior that many people use to cope with
confrontational situations. Such behavior has the outward appearance of... more »
Chet Raymo, "The Dark Cloths of Night"
*"The Dark Cloths of Night"*
by Chet Raymo
"For years I taught a general studies astronomy course for liberal arts
students. And often, when we reached the home galaxy, I asked, "How many of
you have seen the Milky Way?" The answer was usually one or two at most out
of a class of thirty. Which is no surprise. I can't see the Milky Way from
my neighborhood, which is about half-way between Boston, Massachusetts, and
Providence, Rhode Island. You'd have to live somewhere pretty far out in
the country to see the Milky Way from the eastern United States.
We first came to this little isl... more »
"Only One Catch..."
“There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a
concern for one's own safety in the face of dangers that were real and
immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be
grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no
longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to
fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane he had to fly
them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't
want to he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the
absolute ... more »
Paulo Coelho, “Each to His/Her Own Destiny”
*“Each to His/Her Own Destiny”*
by Paulo Coelho
“A Samurai who was known for his nobility and honesty, went to visit a Zen
monk to ask him for his advice. When the monk had finished his prayers, the
Samurai asked, "Why do I feel so inferior? – I have faced death many times,
have defended those who are weak. Nevertheless, upon seeing you meditating,
I felt that my life had absolutely no importance whatsoever."
"Wait. Once I have attended to all those who come to see me today, I shall
answer you."
The samurai spent the whole day sitting in the temple gardens, watching the
people go ... more »
"If It Were Not So..."
"We are all liars, because
The truth of yesterday
becomes a lie tomorrow,
Whereas letters are fixed,
and we live by the letter of truth.
The love I feel for my friend, this year,
is different from the love I felt last year.
If it were not so, it would be a lie.
Yet we reiterate love! love! love!
as if it were a coin with fixed value
instead of a flower that dies, and opens a different bud."
- D. H. Lawrence
Vince Foster
Vince Foster from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*by James R. Norman [Resigned from Forbes because this story was spiked.]*
*"Was White House Deputy Counsel Vince Foster selling US secrets to Israel?
The CIA suspects he was." *
TWO weeks before his death on July 20, 1993, White House Deputy Counsel
Vincent W. Foster went into a deep funk. The official cause of death, given
by former Independent Counsel Robert Fiske Jr. (who was later replaced
by Kenneth Starr), was suicide driven by depression over, among other
things, several newspaper editorials. But Vince Foster had a much b... more »
For newspapers now, “the search for profit [is] probably more important than it has ever been.”
Since the future of newspapers in the internet age is on ever the minds of
media mavens – not least how to get them making money in the new cyber age
– it struck me on reading some history recently that making money hasn’t
historically been the record of some the world’s great papers, and neither
have they always been the papers they’re now thought to have been.
Basically, newspapers haven’t always haven’t always provided news (so
nothing new there then) and have only in some periods been reliably
profitable. Many have always needed the backing of a wealthy enthusiast
either for ... more »
Israel attacks Syria aiding their takfiri (Kurds and others) Netanyahu hints in advance
*Lots of reading including, best for last, UNDOF confirming Israel
supporting terrorists in Syria*
Israel’s air force launched two raids inside Syria including the area of
Damascus airport, the Assad government claimed on Sunday.
“The Israeli enemy attacked Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus
province, namely the Dimas area and the area of Damascus International
Airport,” state television announced.
There was no confirmation from Israel.
[image: IDF attack on Dimas in Syria]Israel attack on Dimas
*Israel struck two areas*
-Damascus International Airport a... more »
Noah's Annual List Of Great Holiday Gift Ideas Is Here!

*By Noah*
(Bite me, O’Reilly. I said *holiday*, not Christmas)
It’s that most wonderful time of the year again, and that means you just
might be desperate for ideas on what to get for those special someones in
your life. So, every year, I take on the role of would be *Down With
Tyranny* personal shopper and try to come up with those perfect items that
really say just how you feel: gifts that will make sure that *you* are
always remembered.
*1. The White Castle Candle*
To me, nothin’ says Christmas Love better than a whole bag of White Castle
Burgers! Vegans be damned. They can... more »
Who cares about Len’s hidden room?
No, I don’t care about what’s going on behind Len Brown’s closed doors, or
hidden doors.
I care about how much ratepayers’ money he’s (over)spending, and what he’s
going to Auckland right out in public.
His grandomania and how much we’re forced to pay for it – in which he’s far
from unique in this country, just the most indebted -- is far more
important than what goes on behind locked or hidden doors in the mayoral
Monument building does not an affordable city make.
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ih... more »
athletes in solidarity against unpunished police abuse crimes murder
Derrick Rose
Reggie Bush
Davin Joseph
Eric Garner
10 reasons you should participate in write for rights on wednesday, december 10
This Wednesday, December 10, is Human Rights Day. The date was chosen to
commemorate the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on
December 10, 1948, the first document of its kind.
Every year on December 10, Amnesty International holds a global
letter-writing event: Write For Rights (in Canada). Thousands of people
around the world write letters calling for action for victims of human
rights abuses, and offering comfort and support to political prisoners.
Here are 10 reasons you should participate in Write For Rights 2014.
*1. It's easy.* Amnesty makes it really easy... more »
The U.S. Air Force Promotes The A-10 While Calling For Its Demise
*Watch the A-10 Movie the U.S. Air Force Doesn’t Want You to See -- David
Axe, War Is Boring*
*Official film praises the same jet the flying branch wants to retire.*
The U.S. Air Force has practically begged Congress to allow it to retire
its roughly 300 A-10 Warthogs, those venerable twin-jet attackers that
saved countless soldiers’ lives in Iraq and Afghanistan—and which recently
returned to Iraq to help battle Islamic State.
The flying branch argues that the new F-35 stealth fighter is an adequate
replacement for the low- and slow-flying Warthog—and the Air Force should
spend ... more »
Jeremy Thorpe, The Silent Conspiracy

Former *Panorama *reporter [now freelance] Tom Mangold has presented the
most extraordinary documentary on Radio 4 this week: *Jeremy Thorpe, The
Silent Conspiracy*.
If you've not already heard it I would urge you to listen. It's quite
The phrase "The Jeremy Thorpe Affair" is one I've heard, on and off,
throughout most of my life but, strangely, I've never thought to find out
what it was all about. I knew it was a famous political scandal, had
something to do with homosexuality and that there were allegations of
murder attempts involved (somehow), and that Mr Thorpe g... more »
“Do you think I'll live to be 85?”
Health advice from a recent email:
I recently picked a new G.P.
After two visits and exhaustive lab tests, he said I was doing 'fairly
well' for my age. (I've just reached 65).
A little concerned about that comment, I couldn't resist asking him, “Do
you think I'll live to be 85?”
He asked, “Do you smoke tobacco, drink beer, wine or hard liquor?”
“Oh not much grog these days and don't smoke” I replied. “I'm not doing
drugs either!”
Then he asked, “Do you eat rib-eye steaks, fatty roasts and barbecued
I said, “Not much.... my former doctor said that all red meat is very
u... more »
Getting Out From The Matrix

*Video - *We become part of a designed society, a program, that we all
created and that is not unline the famous program from the film, The
The post Getting Out From The Matrix appeared first on Waking Times.
Kurd/ISIS Symbiosis: Maliki has evidence of Kurdish collusion when Mosul fell
For some unknown reason when I make posts about the Kurds and all the
machinations that surround that *situation. Kurdistan*. *Cooperation with
Israel*. Collusion with NATO. Reads and visits drop way, way down. To about
25 percent of what they usually are. It's as if the blog disappears?
So, I expect this post to do the same. It's almost as if certain search
engines are trying to steer people away from reading about this topic. *Too
bad.* I am just going to keep writing on the topic.* It's also a topic that
earned me some detractors. *Shrugs shoulders. Can't make everyone happy all
t... more »
Does Anyone Still Remember the Influx of Bible-Spouting NeoCons Who Descended On Iraq in 2003? (They Never Stopped Fluxxing) Chuck Hagel's Firing (Elizabeth Drew) John Brockman Tribute
I am a proud leftist and believe we can hold opinions on matters both
national and international without missing a neuronal impulse; however,
Scott Creighton (who writes under the moniker of Willy Loman from "Death of
a Salesman") thinks we haven't focused enough on the neoliberal reason for
our overseas continuing murder-of-innocents catastrophe. I agree in this
instance. Yemen: Hostage
14 Truths About Being An Introvert (That Mainly Introverts Will Understand)
*Sofia - *What does it mean to be an introvert? It’s not the stereotypical
notion of the shut-in, that is for sure.
The post 14 Truths About Being An Introvert (That Mainly Introverts Will
Understand) appeared first on Waking Times.
Ten Surprising Twists in the History of Hallucinogens
*Keri Blakinger - *LSD lore may have peaked in the '60s, but hallucinogenic
compounds have taken humans—from our prehistoric ancestors to Cary Grant—on
a far longer trip.
The post Ten Surprising Twists in the History of Hallucinogens appeared
first on Waking Times.
Energy Econ 31: Coal, Renewables and Possible Blackouts in Germany

In my continuing debate with some members of the "Amend the Electric Power
Industry Reform Act (EPIRA)" fb group, I posted these 14 news stories
there. Still very civil debate, something that I like.
1. From WSJ, March 27, 2014:
*Shale gas, not windmills, can free the continent from reliance on Russia.*
*Moscow's invasion of Crimea has now forced European governments to finally
admit, among other inconvenient truths, that taxpayer-funded windmills will
not deliver energy security, much less improved geopolitical leverage
against Moscow. There are few silver linings to Russia's re... more »
Nook: The Bride Stuck on the Shelf?

It must be the season when dreamers and some journalists cast their
thoughts to opening their presents, sitting around open fires, drinking egg
nog, watching sentimental films and potentially losing sight of reality.
Last week the long overdue divorce between Barnes & Noble and Microsoft was
made absolute and the ill matched pair were finally put out of their
misery. As we looked back over the couple’s short history, it is clear that
the marriage was somewhat ill-conceived, and one more of convenience and
hope than business logic. On one hand it was reliant on Barnes & Noble
stre... more »
A Look At Some Of The Weapons Behind The U.S. Army 'Muscle'

Image: Flickr/The 621st Contingency Response Wing/CC by 2.0
*The U.S. Army's 5 Most Lethal Weapons of War --Michael Peck, National
*The weapons behind the muscle.*
When it comes to lethal weapons, the U.S. Army has no shortage. Some may be
too expensive, some too complex and others may be desired by politicians
and defense contractors, but not the troops on the field.
Nonetheless, today's U.S. Army can generate an astonishing amount of
firepower and deliver it in a variety of settings from small-war
counterinsurgency to big-war mechanized combat. With that in mind, here ... more »
The House of Saud

*"I will take no action which might prove hostile to the Arab people." *
*- President Franklin D. Roosevelt,*
*Letter to King Ibn Saud, April 1945*
PBS Frontline : The House Of Saud from Spike EP on Vimeo.
FDR meets with King Ibn Saud, of Saudi Arabia, on board USS Quincy (CA-71)
in the Great Bitter Lake, Egypt, on 14 February 1945. The King is speaking
to the interpreter, Colonel William A. Eddy, USMC. Fleet Admiral William D.
Leahy, USN, the President's Aide and Chief of Staff, is at left.
Note ornate carpet on the ship's deck, and life raft mounted on the side of
the 5"/38 twi... more »
"Holocaust" museum receives $25 million donation

A Jewish family living in Arizona is set to donate $25 million to the *U.S.
Holocaust Memorial Museum* - the largest donation in the museum's history.
The *Jewish Telegraph Agency* reports:
An Arizona family is donating $25 million to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial
Museum — the largest gift in the Washington museum’s history — to increase
its educational programming.
The gift from the William Levine family of Phoenix will be used to expand
and diversify its reach, *especially to young people*, according to the
museum. The museum’s National Institute for Holocaust Education now will be ... more »
Fracking Chemicals May Harm Reproduction and Developmental Health
*Waking Times - *Researchers determined that exposure to chemicals released
in fracking may be harmful to human health in men, women and children.
The post Fracking Chemicals May Harm Reproduction and Developmental Health
appeared first on Waking Times.
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 7th, 2014
[image: rant-jpeg-b]
Yes, it is December 7th, and time again for my weekly rant..
Today is of course the 73rd anniversary of the Japanese "surprise" attack
on the American naval base at Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii…. But by now
anyone with even a bit of intelligence knows that attack was absolutely not
a "surprise" at all, but was a deliberate provocation by one of the most
criminal Presidents of the United States, Franklin Delano Roosevelt…. As
true historians have been discovering, Roosevelt was a true criminal and a
mass murderer responsible for some of the most heinous genocides ... more »
A 'Glimpse' At China's Future Aircraft Carriers

*Have We Just Glimpsed China’s Vision of Future Aircraft Carrier Designs?
-- Andrew S. Erickson*
Andrew S. Erickson, “Have We Just Glimpsed China’s Vision of Future
Aircraft Carrier Designs?” China Analysis from Original Sources 以第一手资料研究中国
(6 December 2014).
A high-caliber model manufacturer may just have provided a unique glimpse
into the Chinese vision of aircraft carriers to come. To stimulate
discussion in China-watching circles, it is useful to assess the commercial
enterprise’s three new indigenous carrier models critically and consider
their possible significance before wa... more »
The Rise Of The Islamic State In Libya

Islamist supporters in Libya Photograph: Reuters
*US Expresses Fears As Isis Takes Control Of Northern Libyan Town -- The
* Isis supporters declare Derna the first town in Libya to join Isis
* US believes Isis is running training camps across Libya
It is a warm October evening in Derna, a small town on Libya’s north east
coast, 450 miles from the capital, Tripoli.
The main square is packed with young men, brought by a summons from the
town’s self-proclaimed emir to swear allegiance to a newly formed Islamic
The emir, on a stage just visible through the jumpin... more »
CNN Loses Nearly 300 Pounds of Ugly Fat

CNN, America’s self-proclaimed “most trusted” name in news has just lost
approximately 300 pounds of ugly fat now that Candy Crowley is departing.
In a Friday announcement, network boss Jeff Zucker confirmed via an
internal memo that the hostess with the mostest is moving on. Crowley has
been a fixture at CNN for years and was the network’s go to girl for all
things political. The departure of Ms. Crowley leaves a gigantic hole in
the Sunday morning masturbatory festival of the official government
propaganda shows. Her finale will be today when she interviews former
President Geor... more »
"Mad Man" or just a "Man"?
I think I can answer my own questions. Was the murderer of Geneviève
Bergeron, Hélène Colgan, Nathalie Croteau, Barbara Daigneault, Anne-Marie
Edward, Maud Haviernick, Maryse Laganière, Maryse Leclair, Anne-Marie
Lemay, Sonia Pelletier, Michèle Richard, Annie St-Arneault, Annie Turcotte,
Barbara Klucznik-Widajewicz, a symptom of a wider malaise of misogyny in
society, or was he just the archetypal crazy loner?
Because it's important to know when someone is representative of a serious
social problem and when someone is an isolated example and not
representative of general traits of a... more »
Eat To Beat Inflamation And Boost Your Immune System

*For more information, visit:*
*Living With Common Sense*

Get your white hats ready folks it's a duel coming up Black v white.
By Dawn Johnson
*I do not know what fate awaits me. I only know I must be brave. For I must
face a man who hates me Or lie a coward, a craven coward; Or lie a coward
in my grave. lyrics from High Noon*
*Imagine the scene*. Two cowboys one wearing a black hat the other wearing
a white hat in the middle of a typical Wild West Street, each with their
hands trembling close to their holsters waiting for that right moment to
draw fire with their guns... This is the situation between N... more »
Indigenous leader enroute to UN climate summit murdered
Guardian reports, "The body of an indigenous leader who was opposed to a
major mining project in Ecuador has been found bound and buried, days
before he planned to take his campaign to climate talks in Lima.
"The killing highlights the violence and harassment facing environmental
activists in Ecuador, following the confiscation earlier this week of a
bus carrying climate campaigners who
U.S. Defends Failed Yemen Rescue Attempt (Update)
*U.S. Saw Little to Lose in Yemen Rescue Attempt as Execution Neared --
Bloomberg Businessweek*
The death of two hostages during a rescue attempt in Yemen shows how little
room there is for bad intelligence or bad luck when U.S. forces go into
action on such high-risk missions.
Faulty intelligence doomed a raid in Syria earlier this year to rescue
American journalist James Foley, who wasn’t where he was thought to be and
was subsequently beheaded in August by Islamic State militants. British aid
worker Linda Norgrove was accidentally killed by U.S. soldiers in
Afghanistan in Octo... more »
Both Parties Support War
The U.S. House of Representatives has overwhelmingly passed a resolution
denouncing Russia's foreign policies.
See who voted in House of Reps for picking a fight with Russia..... click
Journalists First

Except for the occasional episode of *The Nature of Things*, I don't watch
CBC Television. But I do listen to Radio 1. The Gomeshi Affair has revealed
deep seated problems at CBC Radio. So I read Noah Richler's piece in
today's *Toronto Star* with interest. Richler writes:
There are many bright lights at the CBC and some very accomplished
journalists and perhaps even good managers, without question, but these are
up against the obdurate culture of an institution under siege. Fighting to
remain the same i... more »
U.S. Releases 6 Guantánamo Detainees To Uruguay
*U.S. Transfers 6 Guantánamo Detainees to Uruguay -- New York Times*
WASHINGTON– The United States transferred six detainees from the Guantánamo
Bay prison to Uruguay this weekend, the Defense Department announced early
Sunday. It was the largest single group of inmates to depart the wartime
prison in Cuba since 2009, and the first detainees to be resettled in South
The transfer included a Syrian man who has been on a prolonged hunger
strike to protest his indefinite detention without trial, and who has
brought a high-profile lawsuit to challenge the military’s procedures... more »
Fountains of New Life Abound as Nova Gaia Arises
*Fountains of New Life Abound as Nova Gaia Arises*
by ÉirePort
Proteus mechanisms conflagrate unawakened energetics of lower Gaia.
Transmission of malaprops abates.
Star flashes make themselves known in highly apparent manner.
Participations increase with the Gaia arising.
Fountains of New Life abound as Nova Gaia arises.
ÉirePort | December 7, 2014 at 09:51 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
Gold Report ( December 7 , 2014 ) - Gold repatriation ( Netherlands , Germany - also Belgium investigating the return of their gold held overseas ) ..... Global news touching on gold , manipulation of the price of gold , CME watch ( gold being removed at a nice clip ! )

*fred walton* @fredwalton216 45s
46 seconds ago
The Unavoidable Peril of Financial Sphere Bubbles http://www.
avoidable-peril-of-financial.html#.VISxnowa6XY.twitter … Excellent Report
from Doug Noland in his Weekly Missive
Currency ties key to dollar reserve hegemony, BIS study says
Submitted by cpowell on Sun, 2014-12-07 12:20. Section: Daily Dispatches
By Patrick Graham
Sunday, December 7, 2014
LONDON -- Changes in the size of a loosely defined global "dollar zone"
could lead to faster than expected shifts in... more »
Qatari anti Semitism

When an Israeli wins a swimming race in Qatar then the Qatari TV company
show their true colours. The Israeli flag in their graphic has had its Star
of David expunged. Thankfully they haven't managed to remove the one on Guy
Barnea's swimming cap and I hope its presence really pisses them off.
Of course this incident won't get a mention on the institutionally anti
Israel BBC.
Rocket power
The launch of NASA's Orion Spacecraft has had idiots saying how this was
launched by the most powerful ever rocket.
This Delta IV is configured with three massive liquid-fuel rocket engines
in a row. Each of the three rocket engines produces 702,000 pounds of
thrust, which means this vehicle has 51 million horsepower to get the craft
into space.
The first stage of the Saturn 5 that powered the Apollo Spacecraft had five
bell-shaped F-1 engines which each weighed over nine tons and generated 1.5
million pounds of thrust.
So each Delta IV engine produces less than half ... more »
I wish I could at least get a post out of my miscommunications with the Customer Care folks at The New Yorker

*This cartoon (click on it to enlarge) from the current New Yorker doesn't
strike me as all that funny, but it does represent a sort of royal take on
the idea of making lemonade when life gives you lemons, which is a subject
of the post that follows.*
*by Ken*
I like that old saying about how when life gives you lemons, you should
make lemonade. I don't mean to say that it has often served as practical
advice for me. It's just that I like lemonade (provided it's not too
sweet), and thinking of this old saying gets me to thinking about lemonade
(i'm *extremely* suggestible where fo... more »
Israel is built on Arab land

Israel is built on Arab land, Palestine was an Arab country. That's the
line that ignorant anti Semitic bigots use all the time. That it's not true
doesn't bother them, so what I'm about to show here will have no effect on
them. However facts are important, so here's a photo of a page from a
French encyclopedia from between the two World Wars. Can you find
Palestine? What's on its flag?
How Will Wasserman Schultz's Post Mortem Committee Explain Mary Landrieu, Al Muratsuchi And Ileana Ros-Lehtinen?

It isn't difficult to do a post mortem on Mary Landrieu's
idiotically-doomed Senate race. Saturday's runoff saw the 3-term Louisiana
Senator struggle to reach beyond 40%. In 2008 she beat Republican John
Kennedy 988,298 (52%) to 867,177 (46%), the same percentage she got in her
2002 reelection. Saturday's results were Cassidy 712,330 (55.94%), Landieu
561,099 (44.06%). She won 15 of the state's 64 parishes.
She never had a chance. Although she raised $18,570,680 to Bill Cassidy's
$13,165,150 (as of Nov. 16), outside spending was heavily weighted against
her, with conservative grou... more »
Immigration debate will get 'very nasty', Labour MP warns
Labour MP and immigration expert, Frank Field, has told a few home truths
to the BBC.
' Frank Field, a labour MP, said that immigrants are contributing 'a lot
less' than people think to the economy
The immigration debate will get "very nasty" if politicians continue to
ignore the pressure the foreigners are placing on Britain's public
services, a Labour MP has warned.
Frank Field, a former employment minister, said that immigration is causing
Britain's population to increase by the size of the city of Birmingham
every two years.
He said that while immigrants make a positive con... more »
Understanding the Sacred Self

*Wes Annac* - The Self isn’t limited by the qualities that inhibit us here
on earth, it’s free to move around as it pleases...
The post Understanding the Sacred Self appeared first on Waking Times.
Warning From Australia: Gardasil Injuries Can Have A Permanent Impact by Annette
[image: vaccine science?]
Warning: Gardasil injuries can have a permanent impact
by Annette
Melbourne, Australia
Sane Vax, Inc., 4 December 2014
I write our daughter’s story to give you an idea of the permanent impact
Gardasil injuries can have on a young girl’s life. My daughter has battled
her injuries for over 5.5 years. Thank you for taking the time to read her
Before our girl got sick she was a high achieving student, an active member
of the Student Leadership Council, a Scouts girl and a fantastic field
hockey player. She got sick after receiving 2 Gardasil vacci... more »
Lawless Lands: Those Guilty of Execution Without Trial Range From Iranian Ayatollahs To American Cops
Every human being in a free, open, and enlightened society is entitled to a
free and fair trial. That is a basic human right.
And when we look around the world, from East to West and North to South,
that right is not being respected by the arrogant authorities in power.
If Osama bin Laden had been granted a free and fair trial in an American
courtroom, that would've been something rare, special, and extraordinary.
But that didn't happen for a very good reason, because the U.S. government
was not interested in getting at the truth of the 9/11 crime. Its mind was
already made up on 9/... more »
10 Movies That Can Transform Your Understanding Of Life
*Jeff Roberts* - These 10 powerful films are essential viewing to expand
your perception of our world...
The post 10 Movies That Can Transform Your Understanding Of Life appeared
first on Waking Times.
Your Information is in the Mail
I see a Con MP is proposing to increase the $5 fee for an Access to
Information Request which given what *Information
Commissioner Suzanne Legault says*may at first seem like a reasonable idea.
*"We need more investigators, and it is not my office that is in a crisis,
it is the fact that Canadians' right to access government information is in
jeopardy, that is the real issue," Legault said. "Because my office is
underfunded to such an extent that we can't investigate their complaint in
a timely manner, their rights are being thwarted." *
However as a number of observers have said ... more »
*The new segregation*
Organizers of a recent Ferguson protest at the University of Missouri
requested “only people of color” take part in the event’s “die-in,” one
element of a larger demonstration that prompted at least two classes to be
shelved so students could participate.
“During the demonstration we will hold a ‘die-in’ in the student center. We
are asking that only people of color be the ones to do so,” event
organizers stated in an email obtained by The College Fix. “We are asking
non-people of color to stand holding hands in solidarity.”
“The ‘die-in’ is meant to represen... more »
New Blogs September/December 2014
It's about time I did another one of these.
1. Durham University Labour Club (Labour) (Twitter)
2. fluteandnut (Labour) (Twitter)
3. Janine Booth (AWL) (Twitter)
4. Labour in Tooting Bec and Balham (Labour)
5. Murder of Goths (Unaligned) (Twitter)
6. National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts (Unaligned/education) (Twitter)
7. New Approach (Unaligned/disabled rights) (Twitter)
8. New Era Estate For All (Unaligned) (Twitter)
9. Ninety Nine Club (Unaligned) (Twitter)
10. Occupy Milton Keynes (Unaligned/Occupy) (Twitter)
11. Outspoken Redhead (Unaligned/feminist)
12. Politics ad Infinitum (Unali... more »
The BBC's Gobby becomes UKIP's Director of Communications

Crikey, this is going to send the *#bbcbias* lefties on Twitter into
UKIP has just announced its new Director of Communications:
Paul Lambert one of the best known figures in Westminster and a veteran of
many years standing in the BBC's political coverage has accepted the role
of Director of Communications working with the UKIP media team. He will be
an important addition to an expanding and professional team as UKIP gears
up for next years' general election.
Mr Lambert said: "Over the past few years I have been following the work of
UKIP and Nigel Farage and I feel th... more »
*Fall snow cover in Northern Hemisphere was most extensive on record, all
due to warming, of course*
*You can explain anything if you want to. In science it is called an "ad
hoc" explanation -- known to the layman as being wise after the event. And
the Warmist writer below does that. He offers various explanations for why
the observed cold is actually due to warming somewhere.But he actually has
nothing to explain. He has drunk the NOAA Kool-Aid about current record
high temperatures. He hasn't noticed the carefully unpublicized fact that
temperatures in the 21st century... more »
Olive Wars

BBC Watch reminds us that Jeremy Bowen's heavily-trailed Radio 4
documentary *Olive Wars* is to be broadcast this afternoon.
Having read the accompany BBC News website article by Jeremy Bowen, I think
I'll give it a miss. The article is staggeringly one-sided, even by the
BBC's standards, and comes so close to reading like pro-Palestinian
propaganda that it probably *is* pro-Palestinian propaganda.
It begins with Jeremy Bowen recalling his first taste of "delicious" West
Bank olive oil at the hands of a generous Palestinian farmer. That farmer
was "unlucky enough" to live near a ... more »
Danny, the Champion of the BBC

And talking of Rod Liddle's piece in today's *Sunday Times...*
He has lots of other sharp and funny things to say on other matters too,
all of which you can find behind the paywall there...
...but I'm going to recommend the rest of his section on the BBC above all,
as it's very good indeed. It begins:
It is with enormous pleasure and, indeed, humility that I bring to you the
latest utterings of Mr Danny Cohen, the BBC’s director of television. Danny
last made an appearance in this column back in March, with his considered
opinion that he could earn at least twice his £320,000 BB... more »
Hold the front pages!: The BBC's James Harding thinks the BBC is getting it about right

Sunday radio and TV programmes usually contain a newspaper review, so why
shouldn't we?
Opening up this morning's *Sunday Telegraph *(on the computer) and there's
a prominent piece by James Harding, the BBC's Director of News and Current
Affairs. It's a response to Wiganpiergate.
He argues that rows between governments and the BBC are nothing new and
that the relationship between them should never be cozy (indeed). He
insists that the BBC has been covering the economy in a balanced way and
that the BBC wouldn't have been failing in its job this week if it didn't
focus on the big... more »
Lockheed missile deal with Poland worth $250 million: defense ministry

[image: JASSM long-range air-to-surface missile]A contract won by Lockheed
Martin Corp to supply Poland's air force with JASSM long-range
air-to-surface missiles is worth about $250 million, the Polish defense
ministry said.
"The contract signing is planned for December 11. At this stage we only
confirm the value ... around $250 million," the ministry said in an emailed
answer to Reuters questions.
Polish officials had previously said the deal had been concluded, but did
not say how much it was worth.
Read more
Killer in the Sky: Russia's Deadly Su-35 Fighter

[image: Su-35S Flanker-E]The Sukhoi Su-35S Flanker-E is the most potent
fighter currently in operation with the Russian Air Force.
The powerful twin-engine fighter, which is an advanced derivative of the
original Soviet-era Su-27, is high flying, fast and carries an enormous
That, combined with its advanced suite of avionics, makes the Su-35 an
extremely dangerous foe to any U.S. fighter, with the exception of the
stealthy Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor.
Read more
India and Russia signed Inter-Governmental Agreement for developing Multi Role Fighter Aircraft

[image: Tejas LCA]India and Russia signed an Inter-Governmental Agreement
for designing, developing and producing the Multi Role Fighter Aircraft.
The announcement was made by Union Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar on 5
December 2014 during the parliamentary session.
Moreover, Indian Fighter aircraft MIG 21 is being phased out and aircrafts
MIG 29 are being procured from Russia.
Read more
British military base in Bahrain is a 'reward' for UK's silence on human rights, say campaigners

[image: HMS Duncan]The Royal Navy will set up a permanent base in Bahrain,
to the dismay of human rights campaigners who say the base is a “reward”
for the British’s government silence over torture, attacks on peaceful
protesters and arbitrary detention in the tiny kingdom.
British minesweeper vessels have operated from temporary structures at Mina
Salmon port for several years, but speaking in Bahrain the Foreign
Secretary Philip Hammond announced a new deal with kingdom for a £15m naval
It will be able to host destroyers and the Royal Navy's powerful new Queen
Elizabeth ai... more »
HMCS Chicoutimi completes sea trials

[image: HMCS Chicoutimi]A Defence Watch reader has informed me that HMCS
Chicoutimi was handed over to the Royal Canadian Navy on Wednesday after
completing sea trials and a four-year long Docking Work Period.
The reader wanted to know why there was no announcement by the RCN on what
should have been a major milestone in Canada’s submarine program….
then suggested that as far as the federal government was concerned “when it
comes to submarines there is no such thing as good publicity.”
Read more
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Through My Eyes (Nebulae)”
Liquid Mind, “Through My Eyes (Nebulae)”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1HTgHuUuDQg
"A Look to the Heavens"
"NGC 6888, also known as the Crescent Nebula, is a cosmic bubble about 25
light-years across, blown by winds from its central, bright, massive star.
This colorful portrait of the nebula uses narrow band image data combined
in the Hubble palatte. It shows emission from sulfur, hydrogen, and oxygen
atoms in the wind-blown nebula in red, green and blue hues. NGC 6888's
central star is classified as a Wolf-Rayet star (WR 136).
* Click image for larger size.*
The star is shedding its outer envelope in a strong stellar wind, ejecting
the equivalent of the Sun's mass every 10,000 years. The... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Meaning Of Life?”
*“The Meaning Of Life?”*
by Chet Raymo
"There is only one meaning of life, the act of living itself."
– Erich Fromm
"I had heard from a high-school student in the midwest who had read my book
'Skeptics and True Believers,' in which, as you may know, I take to task
all forms of faith that lack an empirical basis, including astrology and
supernaturalist religion. He writes: "Are we just meaningless beasts
roaming a meaningless Earth with the sole purpose of popping out babies so
we can raise them to live longer, more meaningless lives?"
A good question, the best question. What we hav... more »
The Poet: Wendell Berry, "The Peace of Wild Things"
*"The Peace of Wild Things"*
"When despair for the world grows in me
and I wake in the night at the least sound
in fear of what my life and my children's lives may be,
I go and lie down where the wood drake
rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds.
I come into the peace of wild things
who do not tax their lives with forethought of grief.
I come into the presence of still water.
And I feel above me the day-blind stars
waiting with their light.
For a time I rest in the grace of the world,
and am free..."
- Wendell Berry
"The Predator of Man"
*"The Predator of Man"*
by Carlos Castaneda
“’Predators Mind.’ This is the Castaneda term for that which aligns man
with the thought center of service to self. In “Active Side of Infinity,”
Don Juan tells Castaneda of the Earth being invaded in the mists of time by
creatures of condensed darkness, the so-called Flyers which use man as
food. The key idea as that these cosmic predators gave man their own mind.
This is reasonable in light of much other material. At the human level, a
system based on exploitation and consuming and control is seen to shape
people in its own image: The ... more »
“The Fermi Paradox: Are We Alone In The Universe?"
*“The Fermi Paradox: Are We Alone In The Universe?"*
by Rebecca Sato and Casey Kazan
"Are we the lone sentient life in the universe? So far, we have no evidence
to the contrary, and yet the odds that not one single other planet has
evolved intelligent life would appear, from a statistical standpoint, to be
quite small. There are an estimated 250 billion (2.5 x 10?? ) stars in the
Milky Way alone, and over 70 sextillion (7 x 10?? ) in the visible
universe, and many of them are surrounded by multiple planets. The shear
size of the known universe is staggeringly and inconceivably vast.... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Butterworth, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia. Thanks for stopping by.
Gurnee District 56 buys lots of Apple stuff. Apple gives Gurnee an award. US DOE is proud of Gurnee.
more details, see See "Home Room: The official blog of the US
Department of Education":
The DOE blog claims Gurnee 56 had excellent test score gains. I was
unable to confirm this from the Gurnee 56 district website.
The years of Obama-bashing have helped bring racism, sexism, and all the other "-isms" of hate out of the shadows

*"The United States has never been "post-racial" as some would claim
. . . . That said, prior to the emergence of Obama, outward expressions of
virulent racism had been increasingly muted and forced underground by
decades of hard work. . . . What has happened in the intervening years of
the Obama presidency has been nothing less than a great unleashing -- the
legitimization of racism and racist expression."*
*-- Bob Johnson, in "Conservative demonization of Obamaallowed racists to
crawl out from under their rocks" (Daily Kos)*
*by Ken*
Last night I indicated that I meant to come ... more »
The most essential story of our time (an absolute must read) is related here by reporter John Pilger. Among his quotes is that by distinguished American investigative journalist Charles Lewis: "...if we journalists had done our job 'there is a very, very good chance we would have not gone to war in Iraq'.” Pilger notes that Dan Rather of CBS and David Rose of the Observer gave the same answer: "...had journalists done their job, had they questioned and investigated the propaganda instead of amplifying it, hundreds of thousands of men, women and children might be alive today; and millions might not have fled their homes; and the infamous Islamic State might not now exist." "The most effective propaganda is found not in the Sun or on Fox News – but beneath a liberal halo. When the New York Times published claims that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction, its fake evidence was believed, because it wasn’t Fox News; it was the New York Times." "The same is true of the Washington Post and the Guardian, both of which have played a critical role in conditioning their readers to accept a new and dangerous cold war. All three liberal newspapers have misrepresented events in Ukraine as a malign act by Russia – when, in fact, the fascist led coup in Ukraine was the work of the United States, aided by Germany and Nato." "The suppression of the truth about Ukraine is one of the most complete news blackouts I can remember." "As I write this, the US Congress votes on Resolution 758 which, in a nutshell, says: 'Let’s get ready for war with Russia'.” Blogger's remark: A nuclear war with Russia could kill us all ...thanks to our despicable mainstream media.

AlterNet / By John Pilger
Original Here
Propaganda Has Triumphed over Journalism, and the Consequences Are
*We need a press that teaches the young to be agents of people, not
*December 5, 2014* | Why has so much journalism succumbed to
Why are censorship and distortion standard practice? Why is the BBC so
often a mouthpiece of rapacious power? Why do the New York Times and the
Washin... more »
British Mind War Networks

British Networks from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*Pritchard: J'Accuse!*
by Carol A. Valentine
Curator, Waco Holocaust Electronic Museum
"Your Majesty, the people are crying out for truth."
"Let them have half-truths . . ."
March 15, 1997 -- On March 9, 1997 Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of the London
Sunday Telegraph wrote a piece Did FBI shoot in cold blood at Waco? In the
piece, Ambrose promotes the new Waco flick, "Waco: The Rules of
Engagement." No one would argue that some Branch Davidians were murdered on
April 19, 1993. But let's look at Mr. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard (just plain
"Ambr... more »
Whole Lot of Whistling Going On

December 6, 2014 After reading, this week, about how falling oil prices
– and, thus, falling gasoline prices – will be such a boon to the global
economy (and lord knows it could use a little boon, right now,) I’m … Continue
reading →
Churchill's First World War

*With Kaiser Wilhelm at a military review*
Churchill's First World War from Spike EP on Vimeo.
"Everything tends towards catastrophe and collapse.
I am interested, geared up and happy.
Is it not horrible to be made like this?"
- Winston Churchill, 1914
BBC Disinformation : Edward VII - Prince of Pleasure
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*"For long years, King Edward wove, with masterly skill, the Nessus robe
that was to destroy the German Hercules."*
*- Leipziger Neuste Nachrichten, after the death of Edward VII, May 1910*
*"What neither Azincourt nor Poitiers could do, the genius of E... more »
A Date Which Will Live in Infamy
Paul Wolfowitz - West Point Graduation Commencement, June 2001
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
"Extensive scientific research has demonstrated that on an average day in
June, the average human brain is capable of remembering at most one thought
from a commencement speech. But since today is cooler than average, and
West Pointers are definitely above average, I will challenge you to think
this morning about two words: "surprise" and "courage."
This year marks the sixtieth anniversary of a military disaster whose name
has become synonymous with surprise—the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Interest... more »
Bail pending appeal
In order to get bail pending appeal an accused must show, among other
things, that the appeal is not hopeless. The Court recently described what
must be show as follows in R v Charles, 2014 SKCA 121:
[7] The threshold that Mr. Charles must meet is not high. He does
not have to show that he will be successful on the appeal, he need only
show that the appeal is not frivolous: see *R v Switucka*, 2009 SKCA 115
(CanLII), 337 Sask R 218[*Switucka*].
Paid Shills Earn Their Money By... Writing Comments On Letters To The Editors? Seems Like Easy Money

*- by Jack Hannold*
My recent contribution to DWT (Fracking Isn't Going To Save The World)
wasn’t only posted here; it was also sent to a local newspaper, the *South
Jersey Times*, as a letter to the editor. Although it wasn’t printed until
Wednesday morning (Dec. 3), it had been posted on the nj.com web site
(shared by all the Newhouse-owned papers in the state) on Monday afternoon,
and also posted on *DWT* at Midnight Monday (9 PST).
Then Wednesday afternoon, the *SJT* posted this letter from a paid shill
who works for Joe Bast’s Heartland Institute:
To the Editor:
The letter ... more »
Owen Barfield - Man and Meaning
*Video Title: Owen Barfield - Man and Meaning. Source: ObjectiveBob. Date
Published: July 12, 2013. Description:*
A documentary on Owen Barfield (1898-1997). Owen Barfield was a Christian
philosopher educated at Oxford, where he met his good friend C.S. Lewis in
1919. Barfield was instrumental in converting C.S. Lewis to theism during
the early period of their friendship.
A member of the Inklings, Barfield's thinking informed the writings of C.S.
Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, among others. His abiding interest was in the
history of language, through which he investigated the evolution... more »
A Catastrophic and Catalysing Event

*"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary
change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing
event––like a new Pearl Harbor"*
*- Rebuilding America's Defenses*
*Project for a New American Century (PNAC)*
*October 2000*
Paul Wolfowitz - West Point Graduation Commencement, June 2001
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
"This year marks the sixtieth anniversary of a military disaster whose name
has become synonymous with surprise—the attack on Pearl Harbor.
Interestingly, that "*surprise attack*" was preceded by an astonishing
number of unh... more »
Tonight's Movie Is Conspiracy (2001)
*From YouTube:* Conspiracy is a television film which dramatizes the 1942
Wannsee Conference. The film delves into the psychology of Nazi officials
involved in the "Final Solution of the Jewish Question" during World War
II. It is an English-language adaptation of the German film The Wannsee
Conference (1984) which is a must see for anyone who appreciates WW2,
Holocaust historical films.
The movie was written by Loring Mandel (inspired after viewing a 1984
documentary on the subject), directed by Frank Pierson, and starred an
ensemble cast, including Kenneth Branagh as Reinhard He... more »
Is The Pentagon Out Of Control?

*Can Ashton Carter Rein In A Pentagon Out Of Control? -- Fareed Zakaria,
Washington Post*
Chuck Hagel may not have been able to work with the ever more powerful
National Security Council staff, but this discussion of personalities
misses the point. The key to success for a defense secretary today is the
ability to manage not White House aides but rather the Pentagon, which is
the world’s most complicated and most dysfunctional bureaucracy. Ashton
Carter, the president’s presumed choice as the next secretary, is a
brilliant man and perhaps has made some friends at 1600 Pennsylvania ... more »
Few things say family entertainment more than "I've sunk your battleship!".
Plenty of times during the course of the 80s my brother and I would
disinter our *Battleship* set. It wouldn't be long before each of us were
plugging red hit pegs into our beloved aircraft carriers. But could we ever
hunt down each other's two-hit destroyers? If the devil was an ocean-going
vessel ... Yet not in my wildest imaginings, being as it was encumbered by
*Transformers* and dreams of a computer of one's own, did I entertain the
possibility *Battleship* would warrant a movie based on the game. Besid... more »
Congress Spends Millions to Strip Social Security Benefits from Dying Nazis
Living in America in these corrupt and sordid times means that we are
represented by the largest collection of clowns, liars, cheats, charlatans
and government gravy train riders in history. I speak of the United States
Congress which outside of the Obama White House is the most dismal excuse
for what passes as a functional democracy in memory. Never ones to rest on
their tainted laurels for playing a crucial role in destroying America, the
legislative body continues to plumb the depths of decency with theirslimy
showboating and pandering.
The nadir may have been reached yesterday... more »
The Nauseating Hillary Clinton 2016 Country Western Video

Give one thing to the Hillary Clinton political machine, it is not about to
make the mistake that Barack Obama did back in 2008 when he spoke of the
“bitter” people who cling to their guns and religion. With that one
statement, then candidate Obama immediately managed to piss off a critical
demographic and he would never be forgiven by them for it. Mrs. Clinton, a
woman who would sell her newborn grandchild’s soul to Satan for the chance
sit upon the throne in the Oval Office is not about to make the same
mistake. One of the many arms of the Clinton octopus, a super PAC called “Sta... more »
Film: "We Need To Talk About Sandy Hook" Exposes The United States As A Deeply Subverted Nation!
I am a troubled truth seeker these days… At the beginning of last week, I
put up here the most important video yet produced by independent
researchers that exposes the truth about the Sandy Hook operation of
December 14th, 2012 for everyone to see for themselves… My article about
that film is here….. Since the release of that video via both Youtube and
Vimeo, some dastardly trolls and conmen have been doing their worse at
trying to suppress this video and to have it removed… Obviously, the truth
about Sandy Hook cannot be seen by the American public to these criminals,
and they have... more »
"But that's just my view"

As we may have said before here (yes, I'm sure we have), Jon Donnison uses
Twitter as a key part of his reporting.
This week he used the medium for a BBC-backed Q & A session with Twitter,
Facebook and email users.
For those who want to read a transcription of the whole thing (and who
wouldn't?), here it is.
Who knows whether the chosen questions were representative, given how they
came in, though I did spot a few decent-looking questions on Twitter (such
as those asking what Australia's Muslim community could do to tackle
Islamic extremism) which weren't asked, and the questio... more »
Biggest Scientific Fraud: Water Fluoridation

*Film - *How tap water fluoridation is an imprecise, unhealthy and
fraudulent way of distributing this toxin.
The post Biggest Scientific Fraud: Water Fluoridation appeared first on Waking
Pearl Harbor: Roosevelt's 9/11
Tomorrow marks the 73rd anniversary of that fateful day in 1941 when the
Japanese fast carrier task force known as Kido Butai launched some 351
airplanes in two waves towards the US Pacific Fleet anchored at Pearl
Harbor, Oahu Island, Hawaii….. The result was at the time almost
catastrophic for the United States navy in the Pacific with some 18 ships
sunk or heavily damaged…. Some 2400 sailors and civilians on Oahu also lost
their lives in the attack, and it catapulted the United States into the
second World War…
For the first 20+ years of my own life, I actually believed the report... more »
Knowing the Matthew Price of everything and the value of nothing

For those paying attention at the back, a post earlier this week presented
evidence of strong pro-immigration bias from *Today*'s newly-appointed
'chief correspondent' Matthew Price. Doing my duty as a conscientious
blogger, it's only right to follow it up as another report was broadcast
later in the week which slightly qualifies my earlier criticism.
The earlier reports focused on heart-tugging personal stories from
immigrants, on the downsides of the government's moves to cap benefits for
immigrants, and on the pro-immigration views of various influential parties
and experts. Fr... more »

*"Gerald Ford actually **won** the 1976 Presidential Election..." *
*- Tarpley*
*First Lady Betty Ford Reads President Gerald Ford's Concession Speech to
members of the Press with (l-r) Steve, President Ford, Susan, Mike, and
Gayle watching behind her.*
*"Above all, look at the guy's wife - this tells much!"* - Tarpley
*"In the close 1976 election, Carter prevailed by vote fraud in New York,
Ohio, and other states, but Ford was convinced by Nelson and Happy
Rockefeller, as well as by his own distraught wife Betty, that he must
concede in order to preserve the work of “healing” that... more »
The Map of Twitter

Found this funny. Thought I'd share. Using short sentences.
Courtesy of @pandamoanimum, @davidlbereseford and @davidschneider.
The Anti-Populist Wall Street Democrats Want A Little Populist Cover-- Just A Little

Last week we took a quick glance at Schumer's anti-Obamacare re-positioning,
not because he's Chuckie Schumer, the consummate asshole from Brooklyn, but
because he's in charge of DSCC massaging. In the last couple of days, the *NY
Times* has run columns by both Thomas Edsall and then Paul Krugman on
Schumer's pronouncements, each very much worth reading through.
Edsall went first and he was more sympathetic to Schumer's divisive
position, almost calling it "populist." He wrote that "According to
Schumer, President Obama and his party suffered defeat last month in large
part becaus... more »
Schools Matter Welcomes David Greene
David Greene has spent 57 of his 65 years in Public Schools. He taught high
school social studies and coached football for 38 years. He was an adjunct
and field supervisor for Fordham University mentoring new teachers in the
Bronx. He is presently a program consultant for WISE Services and treasurer
of Save Our Schools .
His essays have appeared in Diane Ravitch's website, Education Week, US
News and World Report, and the Washington Post. He wrote the most
responded-to Sunday Dialogue letter in the New York Times entitled, “A
Talent For Teaching”. He has appeared on radio, local TV,... more »
The Disposable World

*The Disposable World*
I was thinking the other day about why the United States and the "West"
keeps pushing the idea of human interplanetary travel. There are a whole
bunch of new movies being released for the holidays with the theme of
"Interstellar" travel. Not coincidentally, the CBC had a couple of reports
about how science is studying the idea of humans going beyond earth's orbit
into outer space and even beyond our solar system. These so-called
"scientific" reports invariably neglect to factor in the Van Allen
radiation belts. The inconvenient truth about the Van Alle... more »
China's Economy Is Now The World's Largest

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