1:08am MST
24 naval submarines involved in mishaps since 2011

[image: TRV-72]There have been 24 mishaps involving Indian naval submarines
since 2011, claiming the lives of 22 personnel besides four others going
missing, Rajya Sabha was informed today.
While Boards of Inquiry (BoIs) have been instituted in all these cases, the
findings of the completed BoIs indicate "human error and technical issues
as the reasons behind the mishaps", Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said
in reply to a written question.
While three accidents each occured in 2011 and 2012, seven happened in 2013
and 11 till November 6, this year. The accidents in 2013 include... more »
Prop Rep vote in the House tomorrow

Here's what the last federal election results would have looked like under
Prop Rep
as compared to what we got with First Past the Post :
Although the Cons increased their vote percentage by less than two points,
this was enough to give them 24 more seats than in 2008, when they were
already over-represented anyway.
From Fair Vote Canada via email :
Fair Vote Canada has just learned that NDP Democratic Reform Critic Craig
Scott will introduce the following motion for PR to the House of Commons
tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday December 3).
*That, in the opinion of the House: *
*... more »
Russia All Out In Preparation For War - New Tactical Submarines Shooting Under Arctic Ice; Mimics Pentagon’s Control Site

[image: Vladimir Monomakh SSBN]Russia has a new strategic nuclear submarine
that can shoot lighter Bulava missiles even when moving and even when under
the Arctic Ice, according to a Russian political news portal, PRAVDA.ru.
This new submarine is named Vladimir Monomakh and will be in the hands of
the Navy of Russia by mid-December. Vladimir Monomakh is just the first
round of the many nuclear submarines of its type under the Russia's Project
955 Borei.
Submarines under the Project 955 will all be equipped with "ascending
rescue chambers." The next in the project is a submarine to ... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Will our Sun look like this one day? The Helix Nebula is one of brightest
and closest examples of a planetary nebula, a gas cloud created at the end
of the life of a Sun-like star. The outer gasses of the star expelled into
space appear from our vantage point as if we are looking down a helix. The
remnant central stellar core, destined to become a white dwarf star, glows
in light so energetic it causes the previously expelled gas to fluoresce.
*Click image for larger size.*
The Helix Nebula, given a technical designation of NGC 7293, lies about 700
light-years away towards the const... more »
Chet Raymo, "Starlight"
by Chet Raymo
"Poor Calvin is overwhelmed with the vastness of the cosmos and no small
dose of existential angst. He is not the first, of course. Most famously
the 17th-century French philosopher Blaise Pascal wailed his own despair:
"I feel engulfed in the infinite immensity of spaces whereof I know nothing
and which know nothing of me. I am terrified...The eternal silence of these
infinite spaces alarms me."
And he didn't know the half of it. Not so long ago we imagined ourselves to
be the be-all and end-all of creation, at the center of a cosmos made
expressly for... more »
“Life don't owe you nothing.”
- August Wilson, “Fences”
"Perhaps It Is Better..."
"Perhaps it is better to be un-sane and happy, than sane and un-happy. But
it is the best of all to be sane and happy. Whether our descendants can
achieve that goal will be the greatest challenge of the future. Indeed, it
may well decide whether we have any future."
- Arthur C. Clarke
Graphic: "La Marcha de la Humanidad"/ "The March of Humanity”
By David Alfaro Siqueiros
"I Often Dream About Falling..."
"I often dream about falling.
Such dreams are commonplace to the ambitious or those who climb mountains.
Lately I dreamed I was clutching at the face of a rock, but it would not
Gravel gave way, I grasped for a shrub, but it pulled loose,
and in cold terror I fell into the abyss.
Suddenly I realized that my fall was relative;
there was no bottom and no end.
A feeling of pleasure overcame me.
I realized that what I embody, the principle of life,
cannot be destroyed.
It is written into the cosmic code,
the order of the universe.
As I continued to fall in the dark void,
embraced by ... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, “The Leaf and the Cloud: A Poem”
* "Flare, Part 12"*
"When loneliness comes stalking, go into the fields, consider
the orderliness of the world. Notice
something you have never noticed before,
like the tambourine sound of the snow-cricket
whose pale green body is no longer than your thumb.
Stare hard at the hummingbird, in the summer rain,
shaking the water-sparks from its wings.
Let grief be your sister, she will whether or no.
Rise up from the stump of sorrow, and be green also,
like the diligent leaves.
A lifetime isn't long enough for the beauty of this world
and the responsibilities of your life.
Scatter you... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Wellington, New Zealand. Thanks for stopping by.
"Hearing the Whisper Underneath the Noise"
*"Hearing the Whisper Underneath the Noise"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"There is beauty and power when we listen to the whisper. You may have
noticed that if you want to speak to someone in a noisy, crowded room, the
best thing to do is lean close and whisper. Yelling in an attempt to be
louder than the room’s noise generally only hurts your throat and adds to
the chaos. Similarly, that still, small voice within each of us does not
try to compete with the mental chatter on the surface of our minds, nor
does it attempt to overpower the volume of the raucous world outside. If we ... more »
“The Tragic Password Mistake Hackers Are Hoping You'll Make”
*“The Tragic Password Mistake Hackers Are Hoping You'll Make”*
By Jeff Fox
“You’re smart. You don’t use passwords like the perennial 123456 and
qwerty. Or even slightly better ones, like Cassie86 or Cubs1908. Because
you put some thought into them, your passwords are better than those,
right? Maybe. But unless you avoid a little-known mistake recently
uncovered by password researchers, there’s a good chance your passwords
will still be far easier for hackers to crack than you think. Can you tell
how strong a password is? To see, try to figure out which of the four
passwords below a... more »
Labour bare faced cheek faithfully reported by the propaganda arm of the Labour Party aka BBC News
The Labour Party's propaganda arm aka the BBC faithfully and with a
straight face report in this article
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-30291460 that:
'... shadow chancellor Ed Balls criticised Mr Osborne for failing to
"balance the books".
"Unless growth is strong and wages are rising for working people the
deficit doesn't come down," he said. "Without a plan for jobs and work,
it's not going to work."'
Shameless is one word that comes to mind...
Yale/Oxford/MIT/Rockefeller theoretical physicist to lead Pentagon

Chuck Hagel resigned as the U.S. Secretary of Defense last week and no one
wants to succeed him. Well, it seems that it's just "almost no one".
After quite some time, I am impressed by the credentials of the likely pick
(the credentials don't guarantee great outcomes, of course, but I still
care about them). So far, Ashton Carter (*1954 Pennsylvania) has been the
Deputy Secretary of Defense, a CEO of a sort, overseeing $0.6 trillion in
expenses and supervising 0.0024 billion people.
He's an expert in Star Wars, cyber warfare, and all real-world high-tech
systems that America possess... more »
Airstrikes, Artillery & Advisers: Four Decades of Recycled U.S. Foreign Policy
Barack Obama announces expansion of U.S. military action against ISIS
in Iraq and Syria, 9/10/2014
(Photo Credit: Saul Loeb)
"Those whose lives have been ruined don't care about the geopolitics
behind bomb attacks; they tend to blame the attackers. The failure of
the American campaign in Cambodia lay not only in the civilian death
toll during the unprecedented bombing, but also in
In the Name of the King III (2014)
Watch Movie In the Name of the King III High QualityDownload In the Name of
the King III HD with duration 85 Min and released on 2014-02-05 and MPAA
rating is 4.
- *Original Title :* In the Name of the King III
- *Movie title in your country :* In the Name of the King III
- *Year of movie :* 2014
- *Genres of movie :* Action, Adventure, Drama, Fantasy,
- *Status of movie :* Released
- *Release date of movie :* 2014-02-05
- *Companies of movie :*
- *Countries of movie :*
- *Language of movie :* English,
- *Durationof movie :* 85 Min
- *Average... more »
Bruce Springsteen Isn't Going To Back Chris Christie's Presidential Run-- And Neither Will Wall Street

I was in the music business much of my life and I can tell you, everyone
loves the fans-- the ones waiting on line to buy the records and tickets
even before they're on sale, the ones who know more about the artists than
the artists do, the ones who make the press realize that there's something
going on out there they haven't tuned in to yet. But sometimes it gets a
little too much and the difference between a fan and a stalker starts to
blur... sometimes ominously. No one likes that. In the late 70s some
friends and I had a small indie label in San Francisco, 415 Records. The
ba... more »
Advanced Technology in Ancient Civilizations

*Video - *Ancient civilizations had advanced technology and this video will
show you a demonstration on the Egyptians' science.
The post Advanced Technology in Ancient Civilizations appeared first on Waking
Scraping Off the Hedge Fund Scum
Anticorruption activist Zephyr Teachout in a protest on the the steps of
the Tweed Courthouse in New York City. Molly Hensley-Clancy for BuzzFeed
From BuzzFeed:
A small group of parents and activists targeted hedge fund billionaires Dan
Loeb, Paul Singer, and Paul Tudor Jones in a protest today over New York
state education funding.
Led by Zephyr Teachout, an anti-corruption activist who ran against Andrew
Cuomo in the recent New York governor’s race, the protestors decried the
political influence of New York’s wealthiest financiers on public education
— namely through t... more »
Understanding The Science of Water
*Brendan D. Murphy* - "Water is central and absolutely essential to the
process of every cell in our body...."
The post Understanding The Science of Water appeared first on Waking Times.
Never Make The Game Harder Than It Has To Be (K.I.S.S.- Keep It Simple St—d)
Never Make The Game Harder Than It Has To Be (K.I.S.S.- Keep It Simple
St—d). via Never Make The Game Harder Than It Has To Be (K.I.S.S.- Keep It
Simple St—d).Filed under: SHAUN JOHNSON, PHD: Musings from the Chalk Face
Let's look at two problems built into ACA-based health-care coverage, one of which we have a shot at doing something about

*by Ken*
This evening I want to think about two major problems with the way
Obamacare works -- one having to do with the way it's set up, which could
probably be fixed fairly straightforwardly but won't be because it would
require Congress to do the fixing, and one that requires only a change in
the way health-care consumers shop for coverage which probably won't be
solved because, well, it's just too difficult for shoppers.
This morning on the radio I heard a report that persuasively called
attention to what indeed struck me as a serious pro... more »
U.S. Stealth Fighters Cannot Hide From Chinese Missiles And Radar

F-35 and F-22. Photo from Military Photos And Photoshops
*How China Will Track—and Kill—America’s Newest Stealth Jets -- Bill
Sweetman, Daily Beast*
*A gang of advanced missiles and a bleeding-edge radar unveiled at a
Chinese air show could mean big trouble for the Pentagon’s best fighters.*
Once, no magic act was complete without the magician’s revealingly dressed
assistant. Her job was not merely to be sawn in half but to dominate the
mostly male audience’s attention at moments when a focus on the whereabouts
of the rabbit might blow the gaff.
That was a useful lesson to bear in... more »
Satire: "Obama's Boldest Executive Order Yet"
*“Obama Signs Order Converting Little-Used Government*
* Building into Housing for Amnestied Immigrants”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report) – "In what some are calling his boldest
executive order to date, President Obama signed an order on Tuesday that
would convert a little-used government building in the nation’s capital
into housing for amnestied immigrants.
Signing the order in an Oval Office ceremony, the President said that
American taxpayers would finally receive some value for a building that
remains empty and unused for much of the year. “It will be a cause ... more »
Greece Updates ( December 2 , 2014 ) - New Democracy submits proposals for constitutional reforms ( including reducing Parliament from 300 to 200 ) ..... Greece and Troika still wrangling over the most recent program review - Greece already has tabled a sharp increast for its VAT on Hotel Services and phasing out early pensions ( Troika seeks more of course ) .... Will we see early elections next Spring ?
*Conservative MPs submit proposals for constitutional review*
A committee of New Democracy MPs asked by Prime Minister Antonis Samaras to
propose changes to the Greek Constitution suggested Tuesday that the number
of lawmakers in Parliament should be reduced from 300 to 200 and that the
president of the republic should be given greater powers.
The proposals submitted by the panel Tuesday also included changes to the
law providing ministers and MPs with immunity from prosecution and for the
president to be ele... more »
Is Crumbling Oil Prices Making Russian President Putin Weaker And More Dangerous?
*Crumbling Oil Makes Putin More Dangerous: Expert -- Matthew J. Belvedere,
Russian President Vladimir Putin is being pushed "further into a corner" by
falling oil prices, leaving him little option but to continue his
aggression toward Ukraine and confrontation with the West, Eurasia Group
President Ian Bremmer told CNBC on Tuesday.
Putin has "gone all-in on an anti-U.S., must-keep-Ukraine nationalist
engagement," Bremmer said on "Squawk Box." He said it's "completely
inconceivable" for Putin to back down.
"This is what is behind all his approval ratings. It's behind who he ... more »
Terror at 24 hours notice
Thank *goodness* for Andrew Little’s timely intervention, so that 48 hours
of “emergency” warrantless surveillance by spy agencies was reduced from 48
hours to only 24 in National’s new rushed-through anti-terrorism bill – and
the bill’s “sunset clause” for when its powers expire was brought forward
to 2017.
Because those 24 hours make *so* much difference.
Yes, that is sarcasm you’re hearing there.
In his explanation for agreeing to vote for the bill, Little appeared more
concerned about its timetable than its content.
"People should always be sceptical when there are demands... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 2, 2014
*Ashton Carter, the Wonk Who Would Lead the Pentagon -- Shane Harris & Tim
Mak, Daily Beast *
Obama is widely believed to tap an ex-physicist who cuts military waste
like a laser to become the next secretary of defense.
Call it the revenge of the wonk. After being passed over for Defense
Secretary last year while serving as the Pentagon’s No. 2, Ashton Carter, a
widely admired manager noted for his knack for wrangling budgets and
weapons contracts, left government. It seemed as if he’d never serve in the
top slot.
But now, with Carter’s former boss, Chuck Hagel, having crashed an... more »
The Art of Rock Balancing

Gravity Glue
Balancing The Stones
World News Briefs -- December 2, 2014 (Evening Edition)

Ukraine's President Petro Poroshenko (C) holds up the hands of newly
appointed Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk (R) and newly appointed
Parliament Speaker Volodymyr Groysman during a parliament session in Kiev,
November 27, 2014. REUTERS/Gleb Garanich
*Ukraine Parliament Votes In New Government, Fresh Ceasefire Hopes Fade --
(Reuters) - Ukraine's parliament voted in a new government on Tuesday,
putting foreign technocrats in key financial roles and renewing terms for
the foreign and defense ministers in a signal that no major change in
policy is likely on the rebellious e... more »
The Economy: “5 Complete Lies About America's New $18 Trillion Debt Level”
*“5 Complete Lies About America's New $18 Trillion Debt Level”*
by Simon Black
“On October 22, 1981, the government of the United States of America
accumulated an astounding $1 TRILLION in debt. At that point, it had taken
the country 74,984 days (more than 205 years) to accumulate its first
trillion in debt. It would take less than five years to accumulate its
second trillion. And as the US government just hit $18 trillion in debt on
Friday afternoon, it has taken a measly 403 days to accumulate its most
recent trillion. There’s so much misinformation and propaganda about this;
le... more »
Another Bermuda triangle we can do without
Grant Dalton is about to go the taxpayer government to talk turkey about
getting “support” for a sum from the government taxpayer to help prop up
his budget -- projected to be “north of $100 million” -- for Team Dalton
to contest the next America’s Cup, announced yesterday to be held in
Dalton didn’t make the argument in his round of interviews this morning,
presumably because he thought he wouldn’t need to, that New Zealand
involvement would be good for New Zealand business. He was only concerned
it would be good for Team Dalton.
But since others will be making that ca... more »
How Not to Start a Trending Topic
We're practically in perpetual motion territory. It's swollen to the size
of a Jovian red spot that preys on lesser Twitter squalls, and rips the
energy from them to power its own storm engine. We're talking #CameronMustGo
again, the unstoppable, irrepressible social media phenomenon of the last
week and a bit. Sure thing it got a bit of a push yesterday after snarky
attacks on it in the press which were sooo predictable that Mystic Meg here
pointed out their foolishness a week ago. Embarrassing. But perhaps even
more cringeworthy than professional journos pontificating from platfor... more »
Did 2014 Create A More Moderate Version Of Congressional Republicans?

Monday there was a big buzz over Alex Isenstadt's Obama Republicans? post
in *Politico*. The premise is that the new Congress will include 26 Members
from districts that Obama won in 2012 and another 47 from districts Obama
*nearly* won, many of which are absolutely Hillary Clinton territory.
Isenstadt makes the point that the Republicans in these seats-- *if* they
behave rationally (and, of course, there is no reason whatsoever to assume
they all will)-- may be less likely to go the way of the crackpot
teabaggers and neo-fascists and stick to a more moderate mainstream
conservati... more »
As Oil Prices Continue To Plunge, A Look At Its Impact On Geopolitics And The Global Economy
*As Oil Prices Plunge, Wide-Ranging Effects For Consumers And The Global
Economy -- Steven Mufson, Washington Post*
Tumbling oil prices are draining hundreds of billions of dollars from the
coffers of oil-rich exporters and oil companies and injecting a much-needed
boost for ailing economies in Europe and Japan — and for American consumers
at the start of the peak shopping season.
The result could be one of the biggest transfers of wealth in history,
potentially reshaping everything from talks over Iran’s nuclear program to
the Federal Reserve’s policies to further rejuvenate the ... more »
ISIS. Dirty Bomb/Nuclear Weapon. Obama's justification for war expansion
*Today's news:*
Does ISIS Have A Nuclear Weapon? Islamic State Supporter Claims Militants
Have Dirty Bomb
*Islamic State group has reportedly developed a nuclear weapon made from
radioactive material stolen* from an Iraqi university, according to a
militant who claims insider knowledge. Hamayun Tariq, a British ISIS member
now based in Syria, claimed on social media that the group obtained the
uranium from Mosul University and now *possesses a “dirty bomb”* that it is
now *considering detonating in a public area.*
If true, this would confirm fears voiced by Iraq’s United Nations
a... more »
La Revolte d'Atlas
[image: image]
If you’re a student of French political protest, you’ll realise that every
single French class, interest group and pressure group has been in protests
or on strike but one: French students hurl rocks when fees increase, French
farmers burn crops when tariffs decrease, and French truck drivers block
roads for every other perceived wrong.
But there is one kind of men and women in France who rarely protest. Every
other kind and class have stopped, when they so wished, and have presented
demands, claiming to be indispensable.
This week however it was the turn, long o... more »
Free Speech in Germany?
Abby Martin speaks with author and journalist Max Blumenthal about his
recent trip to Germany and how he why he was treated like an anti-Semite
for his criticism of the state of Israel.
Body Image, Eating Disorders & Marketing – Is This the Real Barbie?
*April McCarthy* - An entire generation of young girls is being
psychologically damaged by the onslaught of 'sexy' marketing tactics...
The post Body Image, Eating Disorders & Marketing – Is This the Real Barbie?
appeared first on Waking Times.
Brain science without the brain
There’s an old story about a lawyer questioning a doctor about an autopsy.
*Lawyer: "Doctor, before you performed the autopsy, did you check for a
pulse?" Witness: "No." Lawyer: "Did you check for blood pressure?" Witness:
"No." Lawyer: "Did you check for breathing?" Witness: "No." Lawyer: "So,
then it is possible that the patient was alive when you began the autopsy?"
Witness: "No." Lawyer: "How can you be so sure, Doctor?" Witness: "Because
his brain was sitting on my desk in a jar." Lawyer: "But could the patient
have still been alive nevertheless?" Witness: "Yes, it ... more »
The Mind-Boggling Stupidity of Our "Mission" in Iraq
Sometimes it just sort of creeps up on you, gradually, inexorably. The
complete and utter insanity that's going on in the Middle East right now.
Let's review:
Saddam Hussein murders his former leader and takes over Iraq and the CIA
gives him a list of Iraqi communists to kill.
Saddam is happy with the benevolence of the CIA but he's more enamoured
with the Stalinist mode of national industrial development, so he opts for
the Soviets to be his protector.
In 1979, the Shah of Iran is overthrown in a revolution led by pretty much
the entire country (angered at his corruption and viole... more »
Einstein Never Would Have Passed a Standardized Test
Albert Einstein might or might not have had dyslexia but he didn't do well
with the standardized curriculum in Germany primarily because of its
authoritarianism . That's a fact and his parents left Germany because they
didn't like the rote memorization and mindlessness inherent in the German
schools. It's all in his biography.
Mindlessness and blind obedience is not a recipe for a healthy society.
From the American Museum of Natural History:
He loathed Germany's rigid education system, which was based upon rote
learning. "It's a true miracle," he commented years later, "that modern... more »
Is The U.S. About To Create A 'Safe Zone' In Syria And A New Front Against The Islamic State?

*U.S. Considers Opening New Front Against Islamic State To Create A Safe
Zone In Syria -- Washington Post*
The Obama administration is weighing the opening of a new front in the air
war against the Islamic State in Syria, part of an offensive to push back
militants along the western part of Syria’s border with Turkey and create a
relatively safe zone for U.S.-backed Syrian rebel forces to move in.
Under the plan, U.S. aircraft flying from Turkey’s Incirlik air base would
target positions the militants currently hold along the border north of
Aleppo, eastward toward the besieged tow... more »
While America Faces Economic Collapse - US Jewish Controlled Government To Give (For Free Of Course) To Israel Some Of Its "Top" F35 Fighter Jets!
I have long shown in previous articles where the newest US "fighter"
aircraft, known as the F35 "Lightning II" is an absolute LEMON.... It is a
horrible aircraft that is much too slow, much too heavy, cannot fly in the
rain or at night, can only carry a very limited amount of armaments, does
not have "stealth" no matter what the proponents claim, guzzles fuel at a
stupidly alarming rate, is useless in any dogfight, and is
hyper-overpriced... It is disgusting that the sucker American taxpayers are
continuing to pay for and support such a ghastly ridiculous aircraft that
will leave Am... more »
Know Your Rights This Holiday Season – Police Checkpoints

*Video* - Knowing your rights when dealing with police and law enforcement
officers is essential these days as police become more aggressive with
The post Know Your Rights This Holiday Season – Police Checkpoints appeared
first on Waking Times.
Taking a Stand
BuzzFeed's Jazmin Michole writes:
On Saturday, November 29, 2014, days after the Grand Jury Decision, Knox
College Women’s Basketball Player Ariyana Smith bravely held a one woman
demonstration at the Knox College v. Fontbonne University game held in
Clayton, MO.
During the singing of the national anthem, Ariyana walked with her hands up
towards the American flag and fell to the ground for a full 4.5 minutes to
bring awareness to the inhumane killing of Micheal Brown in which his body
was left to lay on a neighborhood street for 4.5 hours.
While Ariyana lay on the ground in hon... more »
U.S. Confirms Reports That Iran Is Now Bombing Islamic State Targets In Iraq
*Iranian Jet Struck Islamic State Targets In Iraq, U.S. Official Says --
Washington Post*
Iranian aircraft conducted strikes against Islamic State positions in Iraq
last weekend, expanding Tehran’s presence as a close ally of Iraq’s
Shiite-led government.
“We do think they did do some airstrikes at targets in Iraq,” a senior U.S.
defense official said, adding that “we have no reason to doubt those
“We’ve long said they have a presence in Iraq, contributing to helping the
Iraqis against ISIL,” the official said. The official, speaking on
condition of anonymity given th... more »
Can the West co exist with Islam?

If Turkish leader and general all all round religions nut is any indication
the answer is no. There is just way to much wacky thought even by so called
moderates. I think the solution is to go right back to the separation of
Church and State. No exceptions for religion. One law fits all. Also a zero
tolerance forigren policy. That means if you are lead by a nutter, we do
not do business with you. Join the nutter alliance.
Dec. 2: Bad journalism - a classic example....
"What are N.B.'s protocols for law enforcement gun use?" is on A1 of the
Dec. 1 edition of the Moncton TandT. It's also one of the longest stories I
have seen in the Irving press and, for all its length, it says nothing
whatever. The blame for this does not lie with the reporter. It lies with
the assignment editor and the page editor.
For a start, this is obviously piggy-backing on the police shooting of a
black teenager in Ferguson, Missouri. What's wrong with that? Well, this
isn't Ferguson, Missouri. I don't know of any fear that is terrifying the
people of Moncton as they wait f... more »
Islamic State Militant Tweets That They Have Built A "Dirty Bomb'
*Islamic State Has A 'Dirty Bomb' Says British Jihadi, Amid Claims 40kg Of
URANIUM Was Taken From Iraqi University -- Daily Mail*
* Chemical was stolen from Mosul University, northern Iraq, in July
* UN ambassador wrote letter at time of theft fearing 'mass destruction'
* Hamayun Tariq among jihadis to boast of explosives on Twitter
* Hinted at the potential destruction of such a bomb if detonated in London
* British 37-year-old had social media account suspended afterwards
Islamic State fanatics claim to have constructed a dirty bomb after
stealing 40kg of uranium from an Iraqi u... more »
Former Pentagon Second-in-Command Ashton Carter To Be Nominated As U.S. Defense Secretary
*Obama Settles on Ashton Carter as Defense Secretary, Officials Say -- New
York Times*
WASHINGTON — President Obama has settled on Ashton B. Carter to be the next
defense secretary, senior administration officials said on Tuesday, but is
not prepared to announce the move because the White House has not completed
its vetting of him.
A former deputy defense secretary with a long history at the Pentagon —
though no uniformed military service — Mr. Carter was on a short list of
prospective defense secretaries from the moment that Chuck Hagel announced
his resignation, under pressure,... more »
The Economy: "Don't Bet on $70 Oil Lasting Long"
*"Don't Bet on $70 Oil Lasting Long"*
by Bill Bonner
"You puttin' the hurtin' on ‘em now."
– Tommy Wilkerson
"Again, we quote our old friend. Mr. Market has been puttin' the hurtin' on
gold bulls. Yesterday, he went after the gold shorts. Gold rose $42.60 – or
3.6%. That's proportionally equal to a move of 640 points on the Dow. But
today our sympathies go to poor Vladimir Putin and Nicolás Maduro. In
Russia, the ruble is falling and growth is grinding to a halt. In
Venezuela, the whole economy is falling apart. The proximate cause of this
hurtin' is a fall in the price of oil. Ye... more »
Transpicuous New ep 4: Kissing bugs, Belly dancing, and the Chinese Circus comes to town
Good Day everyone and Welcome to Transpicuous News, episode 4. This week
we are going to talk about the "New Aids", Christine Lagard's belly dancing
offer, where to stuff your money, what happens when someone decides to
mint their own solid gold coins, and watching the Chinese circus come to
town- coming soon to a country near you!!
A Disease Doctors Call A 'Silent Kil... more »
Gordon Brown is retiring at the end of this Parliament
Gordon Brown is retiring at the end of this Parliament.
Whilst the BBC eulogise over his greatness, I prefer to remember him
somewhat differently. This selection has been sitting on a page of this
website called Gordon Brown's greatest hits, here it is in all its glory.
Gordon Brown picks his nose
If this had been a senior Conservative politician the BBC topical news
programmes would never tire of this footage but as it was a Labour
Chancellor and then Prime Minister I don't believe I've ever seen it
Gordon Brown just about keeping his temper
Fraser Nelson nails Gor... more »
Breaking: International Luxury Conference now underway in Miami!
*TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2014Also, the latest from T:* We rarely see the
hard-copy version of the Sunday New York Times. Too expensive!
Two weekends ago, we saw it. We also saw the November 16 edition of T: The
New York Times Style Magazine, which the paper publishes fifteen Sundays
per year.
We’ll have to admit it—we were surprised by the utter foppishness of the
magazine's offerings. Among a wide array of entries, we perused these:
A profile of “England’s most revered interior designer;” a report on the
comeback of the adult tricycle; nine wallpaper studies, in which “the
artist L... more »
UAH AMSU: 2014 probably 3rd or 4th warmest year
*RSS AMSU rank: 6th-9th*
Even in the heretical Czech nation, the media recently published articles
such as
This year will be the warmest one in the history, U.S. climatologists have
I don't know what they smoke, whether the difference is due to the general
satellite-surface deviations, or due to the satellites' inability to see
the very vicinity of the poles but the article above won't correspond to
the reality as determined by UAH AMSU, a satellite dataset.
*A new weather building at UAH*
We should be using the lower troposphere (near-surface) UAH dataset v5.6
and s... more »
The Music Industry Exposed – Misuse and Abuse of Esoteric Symbols
*David Gardner* - Does the increasing use of the all-seeing eye in the
music industry reflect an increasing control that the elite members of
society have over performers?
The post The Music Industry Exposed – Misuse and Abuse of Esoteric Symbols
appeared first on Waking Times.

Also, consider this paragraph in a book by Dorothy Thompson (*Let the
Record Speak*, 1938, p. 135):
*"In 1933, to please another despot, Mussolini, Dollfuss himself dissolved
the Social Democratic Party and shot workmen in their home. Not to please
Austria. To please Mussolini. And the little daughter of Dollfuss said to
the child of a friend of mine: "Does your father cry all the time. Mine
*An excerpt from the book The Mind of Adolf Hitler The Secret Wartime
Report by Walter C. Langer*
*Basic Books Inc. - 1972, hard cover*
from pages 111 - 113
*The Hitler Family*
FATH... more »
Time For Student Debt Forgiveness?

Elizabeth Warren's position on intolerable student debt isn't bad; it's a reasonable,
moderate compromise. Cutting accruing interest from exorbitant rates meant
to bolster banksters-- and government-- bottom lines, to market rates
banksters pay to borrow is a good first step. But it isn't enough, not by a
longshot. Sunday I had dinner with a senior congressional staffer who is
very worried that the focus on interest rates will leave the real problem--
wealth creation-- to fester and choke economic development. There was a *New
York Times* editorial over the weekend that explains t... more »
Tensions Continue To Rise Between NATO And Russia
*NATO Slams Russia Over Ukraine -- Washington Post*
BRUSSELS — NATO accused Russia on Tuesday of destabilizing Ukraine, amid
rising concern of a broader confrontation after Moscow announced it would
hold more military exercises next year.
In a display of anger from the alliance, which is providing advisers and
nonlethal aid to the government in Kiev, foreign ministers from the 28
countries that make up NATO chastised Moscow for its troop build-up in and
around eastern Ukraine.
“We strongly condemn Russia’s continued and deliberate destabilization of
eastern Ukraine in breach of i... more »
“Motivated by greed with a complete disregard for food safety and biodiversity.” Why Food Sovereignty Should Not Be Handed To GMO Biotech Corporations

RINF, Global Research, Countercurrents 2/12/2014
After a four*-*year legislative battle, the European parliament has granted
member states the ability to decide for themselves whether or not they want
to allow crops of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) on their soil. Writing
in The Parliament Magazine, Member of the European Parliament Marc
Tarabella notes that the wishes of several pro-GMO lobbies, led by several
multinationals and Britain, did not prevail [1].
A legal basis was obtained for allowing member states to ban the
implementation of GMO crops and an extension of the ... more »
Kenya Replaces Security Chiefs After Latest al-Shabaab Massacre
*Kenya al-Shabab Massacre: Kenyatta Replaces Security Chiefs -- BBC*
Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta has replaced his interior minister and
police chief following a massacre by Islamist group al-Shabab.
The president asked Kenyans to unite, and said: "We will not flinch in war
against terrorists."
Kenya's police chief David Kimaiyo stood down, while Interior Minister
Joseph Ole Lenku was dismissed.
Earlier, al-Shabab killed 36 quarry workers in the north-eastern Mandera
region near the Somali border.
The group attacked the workers around midnight on Monday while they were
asleep... more »
The Beatings Will Continue
Barack Obama's answer to racial and economic injustice in America is not to
withhold domestic weapons of mass destruction from local police
departments. To the contrary -- the police simply need more intensive
training in how to assault people with accuracy and professionalism. They
must learn to lob tear gas canisters responsibly, and to use proper
steering techniques when deploying tanks in mall parking lots.
As the Kill List president knows all too well, state violence is both an
art and a science:
*Obama plans to issue an executive order before the end of February 2015,
direct... more »
Kate Pullinger Releases a New Episode of 'Inanimate Alice'

In March 2008 we interviewed Kate Pullinger, who was then creating stories
that were innovative and which exploited multimedia and technology. She had
embarked on a digital fiction project, ‘Inanimate Alice.’ and after a break
of six years has just published a new episode. The project hasn’t stood
still, has been taken up by many children around the world and has been
translated into Spanish, French, Italian, German, Indonesian, and Japanese.
It also remains a multimedia story which is free for all to experience.
We obviously had to remind ourselves of the early episodes before we... more »
KRISTOF VILLAGE: Gene Robinson traffics in facts!
*TUESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2014Part 2—We didn’t know that was allowed:*
Increasingly, our journalism is characterized by overreaction.
Also, by single vision—by the refusal to see an event from more than one
point of view.
In this morning’s Washington Post, sports columnist Sally Jenkins provides
a strong example. Then too, there’s the new slop at Salon.
Jenkins writes *about* an overreaction—the overreaction of a St. Louis
police association to a gesture by five members of the St. Louis Rams.
Whatever you think of the players’ gesture, the police association
overreacted in its offic... more »
New Capabilities & New Customer for Rheinmetall MASS Ship Protection System
[image: MASS Ship Protection System]Rheinmetall continues to expand its
range of ship protection products. The Düsseldorf-based system supplier has
added to the capabilities of its tried-and-tested Multi Ammunition Softkill
System, or MASS.
Since space and weight always present a limiting factor on any platform,
Rheinmetall has integrated an anti-torpedo capability into MASS. The
current concept offers the possibility of launching up to four anti-torpedo
decoys from a single MASS launcher. Existing launchers can be easily
equipped with the new anti-torpedo upgrade kit without modif... more »
Islamic State Leader's Wife And Son Detained In Lebanon
*Islamic State Leader’s Wife Said To Be Held In Lebanon -- Bloomberg*
Lebanon has detained a wife and son of Islamic State leader Abu Bakr
al-Baghdadi, a senior military official said, a development that may give
intelligence officials new information on the shadowy militant commander.
The woman, an Iraqi national who said she was Baghdadi’s second wife, was
detained more than 10 days ago, the official said on condition of anonymity
in line with standing regulations. The boy is younger than 10, he added.
*Read more* .....
*More News On The Islamic State Leader's Wife And Son Bein... more »
It's Tuesday...

*and I have a busy day ahead.*
The events of the past few days have left me speechless.
That is all.
World News Briefs -- December 2, 2014
*1.7m Syrian Refugees Face Food Crisis As UN Funds Dry Up -- The Guardian*
World Food Programme forced to suspend food voucher scheme to refugees in
Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and Egypt
More than 1.7 million Syrian refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and
Egypt are facing a disastrous and hungry winter after a funding crisis
forced the UN’s World Food Programme to suspend food vouchers to hundreds
of thousands forced into exile by the conflict.
Since the war began in March 2011, the WFP has brought food to millions of
Syrians inside the country, and has used the voucher pr... more »
Sinatra and the Reagans

*"So, the Kitty Kelley bitch comes forward, and she writes that Nancy
Reagan - and sometimes her husband, but mostly Nancy Reagan - was having
secret meetings, in the back of the White House, with no record being kept.*
*Don't buy into the Sex Theory - those meetings were not about sex.*
*Those meetings were about her husband, the President, having no-one left
that he trusted to keep him safe, and protct his Presidency other than the
damn Mafia..."*
*- Bro. Steve Cokely, 1991*
*Sinatra, Governor Pat Brown and Dean Martin, 1966*
'Sinatra's antipathy towards Reagan in 1966 was intens... more »
Hard Times in a Boom Town: Pennsylvanians Describe Costs of Fracking
*Sharon Kelly* - "If you're looking for the shale gas boom, northeastern
Pennsylvania is the place to start."
The post Hard Times in a Boom Town: Pennsylvanians Describe Costs of
Fracking appeared first on Waking Times.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 2, 2014

Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers take part in a training exercise at a
military base in Kabul November 23, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Omar Sobhani
*Insight - Afghan Forces Ill Equipped To Fight Taliban Without NATO -- Kay
Johnson and Mirwais Harooni, Reuters*
(Reuters) - Afghan district police chief Ahmadullah Anwari only has enough
grenades to hand out three to each checkpoint in an area of Helmand
province swarming with Taliban insurgents who launch almost daily attacks
on security forces.
"Sometimes up to 200 Taliban attack our checkpoints and if there are no
army reinforcements,... more »
2015 OAIS Blogging Awards: Call for Nominations!
It’s that time of year folks. We are now receiving nominations for the
third annual Online Achievement in International Studies (OAIS) Blogging
Awards — aka the Duckie Awards. We are asking Duck readers to reflect back
over the past year to consider the best blogging contributions to the field
of International Studies and to submit
Continue reading
Aisha North: A short update on the energiesDecember 2, 2014

*A short update on the energies*
December 2, 2014
by Aisha North
Once more the time seems to have speeded up, and rightly so, for now things
have indeed been set into motion that will have an effect far and wide. Let
us explain. As we have already mentioned, the last week’s events did indeed
put into place a whole new set of coordinates into this gargantuan
“machine”, and as such, we have been able to proceed at a much higher
speed, and so, these events will continue to unfold in ways and in numbers
that may take more than a few of you by surprise. You see, now there is no
longer ... more »
Green Enchilada Chicken Soup for Your Soul, Not Your Waistline

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas... if only inside my house.
Normally there's a foot of snow on the ground where I live, but nothing
this year. But there have definitely been cold days and on those chilly
days nothing sounds better than a nice warm bowl of soup.
I love soup, but my husband is rather picky about soup so it takes awhile
to find something he will willingly eat. His soups usually need to have
some substance to them, or have a unique take. But I know his weakness:
Mexican food. He loves it, even enough to try a Mexican food inspired soup.
So this Green Ench... more »
Must Read
I’ve been “away from the office” recently, but I have to mention two
outstanding ‘must-reads’.
The first has already been highlighted by Elder and BBC Watch, and has, no
doubt, already been devoured by anyone who is concerned about the BBC’s
damaging portrayal of Israel. It’s another media related tour de force by
Matti Friedman, who pleased many frustrated BBC watchers with his earlier
piece “An Insider’s Guide to the Most Important Story on Earth” August
2014, Tablet magazine. We wrote about it here.
In Friedman’s latest article, published in The Atlantic is titled “What the
Med... more »
Dropping Oil Prices And Iraq’s Budget Woes
The sudden decline in world petroleum prices is proving a daunting
challenge for Iraq. The country was never able to pass the 2014 budget due
to the political maneuverings of Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki before the
national elections and then due to all the time it took to put together
Premier Haider Abadi’s new government. Now with oil prices collapsing
Baghdad has decided to draw up a new draft budget leading to another delay.
Iraq is one of the most oil dependent countries in the world, so when
prices recently collapsed the country was put into a bind. In October for
example... more »
BREAKING NEWS: Ashton Carter To Be Named As The New U.S. Secretary Of Defense
*Meet Chuck Hagel's Expected Replacement As Defense Secretary -- CNN*
Washington (CNN) -- Ashton Carter, the former second-in-command at the
Pentagon appears to be the top choice to replace outgoing Secretary Chuck
Barring any last minute complications, Ash Carter will be President Barack
Obama's choice as the new Secretary of Defense, several U.S. administration
officials told CNN.
An administration official had said that Homeland Security Secretary Jeh
Johnson, a former General Counsel at the Pentagon, was also still on the
list of possibilities, but on Tuesday morning, ... more »
U.S. Congress Acts To Block President Obama From Closing Guantanamo
*Congress Deals Blow To Plan To Shut Guantanamo Prison -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Lawmakers dealt a blow to President Barack Obama's
five-year-long effort to close the prison camp at the Guantanamo Bay Naval
Base in Cuba by omitting a plan to shut the facility from an annual defense
authorization bill.
U.S. Senator Carl Levin, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee,
told reporters on Monday that the final version of the massive bill will
not allow the president to transfer inmates to the United States.
"Our language (on Guantanamo) ... will not be in," Levin said.
The defen... more »
Skin-cell spray gun drastically cuts healing time for burns

*Skin-cell spray gun drastically cuts healing time for burns*
Feb 08, 2011
by Lin Edwards
(PhysOrg.com) -- Scientists in the US have developed a new technique that
sprays a burn patient's own cells on the burn to help regenerate the skin
and drastically reduce recovery time. The gun has been under development
since 2008 and has now been used to successfully treat more than a dozen
The Skin-cell Gun works essentially like a sophisticated paint spray gun.
It was developed by Professor Joerg C. Gerlach and colleagues of the
Department of Surgery at the University of Pittsbu... more »
How Tommy Chong Beat Cancer with Homegrown Cannabis Medicine
*Alex Pietrowski* - In a recent interview, Tommy Chong talks in greater
detail about how he beat cancer with homegrown CBD oil...
The post How Tommy Chong Beat Cancer with Homegrown Cannabis Medicine
appeared first on Waking Times.
Mohawk Nation News 'Stir the Mind'
Posted on December 1, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Dec. 2, 2014. The Mohawk Council of Kahnawake is calling for a
one-day community consultation on the supposed loss of the Seigneury of
Sault St. Louis SSSL by the Mohawks of Kahnawake. It was not lost. We
always knew where it was! We are not the intruders. Yet we are being
asked if we
Syrian Death Toll Now Over 200,000 As U.N. Suspends Food Aid
*Syria Death Toll Now Exceeds 200,000: Monitor -- Al-Monitor*
The death toll from Syria’s 4-year-old civil war has risen to more than
200,000, announced Britain-based rights monitoring group on Tuesday.
"We have documented the killing of 202,354 people since March 2011," Agence
France Presse reported Rami Abdel Rahman, director of Syrian Observatory
for Human Rights, as saying.
More than 130,000 of them were combatants, he added.
*Read more* ....
*More News On Syria's Death Toll And The UN Suspending Food Aid*
Syria war death toll now ‘more than 200,000’ -- Global Post/AFP
UN foo... more »
Colombian General Released By FARC Guerrillas Has Resigned
*Colombian General Resigns Day After Being Released By FARC Guerrillas --
FOX News*
Bogotá, Colombia (AP) – An army general whose surprise capture by leftist
rebels nearly derailed two years of peace talks has resigned after coming
under pressure for venturing into guerrilla territory dressed as a civilian
and without bodyguards.
Gen. Rubén Alzate, in his first remarks since being freed Sunday by the
Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, said he regretted that his decision
not to follow military protocol had tarnished the institution he's served
proudly for more than 33 years.
... more »
The Nazi Titanic

*From the Till report of June 1945: *
*"The Intelligence Officer with 83 Group RAF has admitted on two occasions;
first to Lt H. F. Ansell of this Team (when it was confirmed by a Wing
Commander present), and on a second occasion to the Investigating Officer
when he was accompanied by Lt. H. F. Ansell, that a message was received on
2 May 1945 that these ships were loaded with KZ prisoners but that,
although there was ample time to warn the pilots of the planes who attacked
these ships on the following day, by some oversight the message was never
passed on... From the facts and fr... more »
Birmingham's first Islamic school 'spent £1m of public money on school in Pakistan' per Education News in The Independent
'Council officials in Birmingham are investigating claims that a trust
running the city's first-ever Islamic school spent £1 million of public
money funding a new school in Pakistan.
The allegations concern the Al-Hijrah school, a voluntary-aided state
funded school for four to 18-year-olds which was set up in 1999 and run by
a trust.
The school was at the centre of controversy earlier this year when it was
placed in special measures after an inspection by education standards
watchdog Ofsted declared it to be "inadequate".
An interim board was appointed by Birmingham City Council... more »
Like Mitch McConnell, Rickie Lee Jones Isn't A Scientist-- But Her Perspective On Energy Isn't Based On Bribes From Big Oil

Yesterday we looked at two perspectives of the issues around Climate
Change, one regarding a planet hurtling towards uninhabitability and
another, by Jack Hannold, about how current price fluctuations in the oil
market will impact supply. *Rickie Lee Jones' turn: *
The unfortunate thing about states whose economies depend on destroying the
land to harvest a natural resource is that the residents will serve the
interests of the company with the fury of religion. They don't have to hire
anyone, the $15 an hour employee will fight the environmentalist trying to
save the local pelican... more »
A Pig In A Poke

Stephen Harper hopes to be re-elected on his boast that he knows -- better
than anyone else -- how to manage the Canadian economy. But the evidence
keeps suggesting that he doesn't know what he's doing. Murray Dobbin writes:
However you see it -- as separate from society or integral to it --
Canada's "economy" is increasingly at the mercy of a risk-averse, inept
corporate elite addicted to government tax breaks, and an ideologically
addled government which more than anything else is simply incompetent. It
... more »
*A Better Reason to Ditch E-rate Subsidies*
It seems even Republicans on the Federal Communications Commission can’t
think of good reasons why the agency shouldn’t hike everyone’s phone taxes
to expand a wasteful federal program that lines the pockets of business
cronies in the name of getting poor kids broadband access and laptops at
The E-Rate program tax hike, which the commissioners can impose with no act
of Congress, has been pending for years as an integral part of President
Barack Obama’s push for further embedding technophilia within education.
The current proposa... more »
*NOAA is trying to tell Americans that 2014 is shaping up as hottest year
on record*
*Steve Goddard comments: "It was obvious to me since about April that NOAA
had decided that 2014 was going to be the hottest year ever. The White
House needed this for their political objectives"It's going to be a tough
sell considering the unusual cold weather Americans have been experiencing
-- but the main point never mentioned is that this year is projected to be
hotter than other 21st century years only by hundredths of a degree
Celsius. It will indeed be hotter by some tenths of a d... more »
Black ice kills electric transportation across Czechia
Up to the end of November, Czechia managed to avoid any snow and ice in
2014. I haven't recorded the weather in any detail but I think that for
several years, we didn't have such a late arrival of the winter.
In Fall 2014, it wasn't really "warm" but the temperatures managed to stay
above the freezing point all the time.
Well, it's dangerous to extrapolate.
From the last night on, i.e. since December 1st, Czechia's transportation
system has been crippled by black ice. It's the first time in the history
of electric trams in Prague (which began in 1891; not counting horse-driven ... more »
Cryptid Encounter - State Game Lands 331 - Clearfield Co., PA

Once again we have a clear eyeballed to consider. Importantly we do have
the snout and this eliminates any confusion regarding the possibility of a
Again this does fit the developing pattern of the Giant Sloth. The problem
there is that the female is most human like but should also sport a tail.
None is noted here at all. The hair is also short and it been November, it
should be growing out. All this makes it likely that it is a completely
different creature or an outright hoax. The hoax conjecture cannot hold up
if the height and foot prints are correct. The... more »
Has Sugar Lost its Sweet Spot?
[image: A crop of Stevia is seen in Asuncion, Paraguary, in this file
photo taken July 24, 2007. Stevia, the increasingly popular no-calorie
"natural" sweetener extracted from a Paraguayan plant, has stolen a big
portion of the $1.3 billion global market for artificial sweeteners.
REUTERS/Jorge Adorno]
Stevia is the clearest and best answer to the sweetening problem. I have
been posting on it since 2007 when i started this blog. Better than that
it has a century of industrial usage in Japan and Europe. Thus using it is
no serious trick at all.
Yet in its most mature market... more »
U of Surrey events TODAY and TOMORROW on PRC united front strategy

[image: DSC03450]
*On the Miaoli 49.*
U of Surrey sent this around. Today Tues Dec 2 and Tomorrow
TODAY (Tuesday 2 December 2014) at 16:00 in 02AC01 at the University of
We have a similar event TOMORROW at the LSE:
China’s United Front Strategies: Lessons from Taiwan, Hong Kong and its
Wednesday 3 December 2014 18:30-20:00 in NAB.2.14 (LSE)
The speakers are:
Dr Wu Jieh-min – Associate Res... more »
Estonia buys 44 combat vehicles from the Netherlands

[image: CV90 infantry vehicle]The Estonian government has decided to buy 44
CV90 infantry vehicles for the Estonian Defence Forces from the
Netherlands, in what is the largest defence procurement project ever for
the country.
Previously, the largest Estonian defence procurement projects were the
purchase of MBDA-made Mistral missiles for about USD84.5 million in 2009,
and three Sandown-class minehunter vessels from the UK’s Royal Navy for
about USD64 million in 2007.
“The infantry vehicles will take the Estonian defence ability to a new
level,” Defence Minister Sven Mikser said. Th... more »
The Last Days of Michael Hutchence

*"That night Hutchence spoke of how proud he was that his step-daughters
called him 'Daddy'..."*
The Last Days of Michael Hutchence from Spike EP on Vimeo.
Medical conspiracy theories from the "experts" - a forensic pathologist who
has worked on the Bloody Sunday Inquiry, 9/11 and the Diana Inquiry; this
man is a Spook Pathologist.
Rampant, baseless speculation - none of which addresses the fact that his
face and body were covered in bruises and "bore signs of a heavy beating".
He mentions (of course) that cocaine increases the libido, but fails to
mention (of course) that Proz... more »
Diana : Dodi Lives.

Dispatches : "The Accident" - Princess Diana "Documentary" (1998)
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
Starring Jeff Steinberg of Executive Intelligence Review and Adnan
Kohshoggi of Iran-Contra, "The World's Richest Man", and Mohammad
al-Fayedd's Brother-in-law.
Ostensibly a hit-piece deconstructing the Fayedd side of the Diana
assassination myth (they were engaged, they were in love, she was pregnant,
Fayedd is "an outsider" to the British Establishment because he is a Muslim
(he is anything but), and that the security detail at the Ritz were
unconnected to British Military or Secuity Servi... more »
Boeing to Continue Providing ICBM Guidance Systems to the U.S. Air Force

[image: LGM-30 Minuteman III ICBM]Boeing will continue to repair and supply
the guidance systems of the Minuteman III Intercontinental Ballistic
Missile (ICBM) to the U.S. Air Force through September 2015, keeping the
weapon system adequately stocked with spare missile guidance sets and on
constant alert.
Under a $46.8 million contract, Boeing will serve as sole provider of
maintenance and sustainment services on the NS50 guidance system, the
navigational heart of the ICBM.
Since 1998, Boeing has maintained the guidance systems in Heath, Ohio,
ensuring spares are available for fli... more »
Balotelli 'Super Mario' post and the BBC
The BBC's coverage of Mario Balotelli's anti Semitic tweet is striking
different from its recent coverage of racist, homophobic and sexist remarks
by other football related people.
The BBC's article about Mario Balotelli's tweet
http://www.bbc.co.uk/sport/football/30287413 is short and lacking in the
sort of detail and prominence that they gave the comments of Malky Mackay.
Nowhere in the BBC article does the text of the offending tweet appear
although it is in the equivalent article in The Telegraph - "Liverpool
striker Mario Balotelli posts image about gaming character Super Mario... more »
Agni-IV launch successful

[image: Agni-IV strategic missile]India on Tuesday successfully test-fired
Agni-IV strategic missile for its full strike range of 4,000 km from the
Wheeler Island, off the Odisha Coast.
The nuclear weapons capable long range missile in deliverable version was
launched for the first time by the Army’s Strategic Forces Command (SFC)
around 10.15 am.
Carrying a one-tonne dummy warhead, the missile splashed down near its
pre-designated target point in the waters of Indian Ocean with high degree
of accuracy as two naval ships located nearby recorded the terminal event.
Read more
Germany proposes 'shared' multinational NH90 helicopter fleet

[image: NH90 TTH]Germany is proposing that 22 NH Industries (NHI) NH90
troop transport helicopters it currently has on option could be acquired
and used to form a pool of rotorcraft to be shared by NATO partners.
The concept, which it calls the “multinational helicopter unit”, is part of
a broader framework agreement the nation’s defence ministry hammered out
with Airbus Helicopters as it looks to formalise planned cuts to its
overall NH90 order.
Berlin initially committed to 120 NH90 TTHs, but in 2013 it concluded a
memorandum of understanding with the airframer – which is the majo... more »
See Russian Jet Fighter Nearly Collide With NATO F-16 In Skies Over Norway In Startling Video
A Russian jet fighter came within a mere 60 feet of a NATO F-16 in an
incident that could have ended with a disastrous mid-air collision in the
skies over Norway — and the Norwegian military caught the whole frightening
encounter on video.
Norway made the incredible video public on Sunday, to add visual proof of
Russia’s increasing military brinksmanship.
The video is viewable above. According to the Norwegian military, the plane
that appears directly in front of the Norwegian NATO F-16 in the video is a
Russian Mig-31, during an incident in which Norway scrambled two of its own
... more »
What caused the mysterious 'loud bangs' heard in Surrey?
Mystery still surrounds a series of loud bangs heard across Surrey and the
rest of the country on Saturday night (November 29), with chins wagging and
conspiracy theories doing the rounds over what might have caused the
strange sounds.
Speculation has suggested the loud noises, heard the length and breadth of
Britain between 10pm and 10.30pm, could have been caused by a secret spy
One scientist claimed the sound was like a "pulse detonation engine" - the
technology which he and a team of experts are working on developing - which
has been linked to the so-called Aurora spy j... more »
"A Precious Moment..."
"For, finally, what is man in nature? He is nothing in comparison with the
infinite, and everything in comparison with nothingness, a middle term
between all and nothing. He is infinitely severed from comprehending the
extremes; the end of things and their principle are for him invincibly
hidden in an impenetrable secret; he is equally incapable of seeing the
nothingness from which he arises and the infinity into which he is
engulfed." - Blaise Pascal
"In this galaxy there’s a mathematical probability of three hundred million
Earth-type planets. And in the universe, 100 bi... more »
New Warships, Frigates Join Iran Navy’s Fleet
Two warships equipped with missile systems and 4 frigates for maritime
patrol joined the Iranian Navy’s fleet on Monday.
Speaking to reporters in Iran’s southern port city of Bandar Abbas on
Monday, Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari said the two
warships, a Sirik-class and a Kalat-class, have been equipped with
surface-to-surface missile systems.
He also noted that the four frigates, dubbed Fajr, Shams, Fath and Nour,
are employed for maritime patrol operations, adding that they are armed
with “sensitive and indigenous missiles.”
Read more
France pushes for Rafale deal, but talks still stuck

[image: Dassault Rafale]India and France have decided to step-up bilateral
cooperation in counter-terrorism and maritime security as well as hold a
major aero-naval exercise in the Indian Ocean early next year, signaling
their intent to further bolster their "strategic partnership".
But what could be the biggest project between the two, the almost $20
billion MMRCA (medium multi-role combat aircraft) project for 126 Rafale
fighters, remains stuck in the final stretch of negotiations.
The two sides, however, resolved to sort out the 'differences' in a
'fast-track' manner, sources s... more »
China dispatches escort fleet to Somali waters

[image: Type 054A frigate (Weifang)]The 19th Chinese naval squad left
Qingdao, a coastal city in east China's Shandong Province, on Tuesday to
conduct escort missions in the Gulf of Aden and Somali waters.
The fleet, sent by the Chinese People's Liberation Army Navy, comprises of
missile frigates Linyi and Weifang, as well as supply ship Weishanhu, with
two helicopters and more than 700 troops.
It will replace the 18th escort fleet currently conducting similar missions
in the area. It is the first time the two frigates will undertake the job.
Read more
BREAKING: MA resigns KMT chairmanship

Ma has officially quit, a day early.
So much damage to Taiwan and to his own party... Break out the hot dogs and
popcorn! It's carnival time for KMT watchers.
[Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its
sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores
of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!
Defence Secretary announces new warships will be built in Scotland

[image: Type-26 FFG]Britain’s new fleet of Royal Navy frigates will be
built in Scotland it has been announced.
There were fears that the Type 26 warships – some of which are likely to be
based at Devonport – could be built overseas.
But Defence Secretary Michael Fallon yesterday said there should be “no
confusion” over where the new generation of frigates will be constructed.
Read more
Russia’s Cold War nuclear missile train back on track in new arms race

[image: RT-23 Molodets (SS-24 Scalpel) ICBM]Russian scientists are reviving
Soviet-era nuclear missile trains as part of the Kremlin’s $530 billion
overhaul of its armed forces.
Disguised military trains loaded with nuclear missiles first rumbled across
Russia’s railways in the 1980s.
They could travel more than 1000km a day without being detected and could
launch missiles from any part of their route, making them a key part of the
Soviet Union’s Cold War arsenal.
Read more
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov explains facts of life on US global ambitions vs US real potential - Is there a persuasive argument presented ?

*zerohedge* @zerohedge · 4h4 hours ago
Tensions Between US & Russia Are Worse Than You Realize – Foreign Minister
Sergey Lavrov http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-12-0
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Tensions Between US & Russia Are Worse Than You Realize – Foreign Minister
Sergey LavrovSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 12/01/2014 - 22:30
"*Many reasonable analysts understand that there is a widening gap between
the global ambitions of the US Administration and the country’... more »
Russia's Black Sea Fleet to Develop Bases in Crimea in 2015

[image: Varshavyanka-class SSK]Russia's Black Sea Fleet is planning to
focus on the combat training of its new units, reconstructing ranges and
building infrastructure in Crimea, the fleet's press service said Monday.
"The main efforts will be focused on the organization of combat training of
newly formed units, reconstruction of ranges, construction of
infrastructure of military camps in Crimea and along the coast of Caucasus
and preparing for the reception of new ships, submarines and auxiliary
vessels by the fleet," the statement said.
Earlier in October, Navy commander-in-chief ... more »
Arihant’s maiden sea sortie shortly; stringent safety audits to curb accidents, says Admiral Dhowan

[image: INS Arihant]The Indian Navy's future cruise will be guided by a
perspective plan mapped to perfection after taking into account factors
like threat perception, technological needs, likely environment in the
Indian Ocean Region (IOR) and India's state as a maritime nation.
In an exclusive interview to OneIndia, ahead of the Navy Day on December 4,
the Chief of Naval Staff Admiral R K Dhowan said that the Indian Navy's
structured phase of transformation has received a boost with the launch of
the dedicated satellite -- Rukmini -- last year.
The country's maiden dedicated mil... more »
North Korea Is In The Process Of Developing A Fleet Of Nuclear Missile-Capable Submarines

[image: Kim Jong Un poses on a North Korean submarine]North Korea is
attempting to develop submarines capable of launching nuclear armed
ballistic missiles, Debalina Ghoshal writes for USNI News.
North Korea is developing a new class of submarines based on the designs of
the Soviet-era Golf-II class submarine.
Although these vessels have been surpassed by later US and European models
and are basically obsolete by modern standards, North Korea is gaining
technological insight from the submarines that could lead to a functioning
ballistic missile vessel.
Read more
Australia rules out open tender for new submarines, Japan in box seat

[image: Soryu class SSK]Australia will not hold an open tender to replace
its ageing Collins-class submarines, government officials said on Tuesday,
a decision that bolsters Japan's position as the likely builder of the new
multibillion-dollar fleet.
Reuters reported in September that Australia was leaning towards buying as
many as 12 off-the-shelf stealth submarines from Japan despite domestic
pressure to build them at home.
Since then, several European defence contractors have said they would be
price competitive with Japan and do the work in Australia in a bid to win a
piece of ... more »
China Changes Narrative on Organ Harvesting

The sad truth is that the weight of evidence is overwhelming in terms of
numbers alone. This was the only way in which demand could have been met
and yes it was met. Those who benefited are apparently been punished while
the innocent are left to pick up the loose ends. That includes those in
charge now and they are trying to sweep it all under the carpet.
This identifies a shift in general intensity driven by constant foreign
coverage. This has finally put the government itself on the defensive. Add
in the production of military provocations and we see a pretty clear
linkage b... more »
The Viral Infection that makes nearly HALF of us more Stupid (and it lasts for YEARS)
[image: The virus - called chlorovirus ATCV-1 - was previously only known
to appear in green algae in freshwater lakes]
Obviously this is not good news. We have discovered a problem that
appears to have been with us a long time and it affect brain function
significantly. We really do not know what the vector happens to be but it
will be there. The fact that it affects almost half of the population is
suggestive of an occasional contact that is not actually pervasive. This
will make it hard to define.
We do want to reverse this problem. At least we have identified the... more »
Harper's Perps with Perks #13

Michael Sona, fall guy robocall perp sentenced to nine months in jail for
his role in the 2011 election robocall scandal, has served 12 days of that
sentence and would like to go home now while he waits for the appeal of
both his conviction and sentence.
OK, said Judge Harry Laforme today, releasing Sona til May 29, 2015.
As Sona's trial progressed from his being an unlikely criminal mastermind
whose friend and fellow Guelph campaign co-worker received immunity to give
evidence against him that turned out to be so self-serving that even the
prosecution said it should "be approache... more »
New York Charter Approval Process an Object Lesson Against Common Core?
In November 2014, the New York State Education Department (NYSED) and New
York State Regents approved a charter to open September 2015 in Rochester,
New York: Greater Works Charter School (GWCS). The lead applicant of GWCS,
Ted J. Morris, Jr., lied about his credentials. Still NYSED and Regents
approved GWCS. As his fraudulent credentials and […]
Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms: Journeys Into the Disappearing Religions of the Middle East
*"Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms: Journeys Into the Disappearing Religions of
the Middle East" by Gerard Russell (2014).*
Gerard Russell is a career diplomat in the British foreign service and the
former head of the Islamic Media Unit.
Gerard Russell, is the former Head and Spokesman for the Islamic Media
Unit; In this country, few would know the name of Gerard Russell, but to
millions of Arabs he is the voice of Britain.
*Video Title: Heirs to Forgotten Kingdoms: The disappearing religions of
the Middle East. Source: New America. Date Published: November 14, 2014.
Des... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“A lovely starfield in the heroic northern constellation Perseus holds this
famous pair of open or galactic star clusters, h and Chi Perseii. Also
cataloged as NGC 869 (right) and NGC 884, both clusters are about 7,000
light-years away and contain stars much younger and hotter than the Sun.
*Click image for larger size.*
Separated by only a few hundred light-years, the clusters' ages based on
their individual stars are similar - evidence that they were likely a
product of the same star-forming region. Always a rewarding sight in
binoculars, the Double Cluster is even visible to the u... more »
The Poet: Manuel Bandeira, "Be Like A River"
*"Be Like A River"*
“Be like a river that flows
Silent in the middle of the night
Not fearing the dark of the night,
Reflecting any star that is in the sky.
And if the sky fills with clouds,
Clouds are water, like the river, so
Reflect them too with no regret In the silent depth.”
- Manuel Bandeira, Brazilian poet
“Imagination is the outreaching of mind, the bombardment of the conscious
mind with ideas, impulses, images and every sort of psychic phenomena
welling up from the preconscious. It is the capacity to "dream dreams and
see visions...”
- Rollo May
Paulo Coelho, "Walking the Path"
"Walking the Path"
by Paulo Coelho
"I reckon that it takes about three minutes to read my text. Well,
according to statistics, in that same short period of time 300 people will
die and another 620 will be born. It takes me perhaps half an hour to write
a text: here I sit, concentrating on my computer, books piled up beside me,
ideas in my head, the scenery passing by outside my window. Everything
seems perfectly normal all around me; and yet, during these thirty minutes,
3,000 people have died and 6,200 have just seen the light of the world for
the first time.
Where are all those t... more »
Chet Raymo, “Supernatural and Metanatural”
*“Supernatural and Metanatural”*
by Chet Raymo
"I first wrote about Jan Vermeer's "The Milkmaid" back in the late-summer
of 2009, when the painting was the star of a show at New York's Met. I was
so enchanted with the painting that I made it the desktop on one of my
laptops, where it has remained ever since. (Click image to enlarge.)
What I like about the painting is the way it celebrates the commonplace,
especially the way it illuminates simple material things - bread, milk,
wicker, brass, cloth, ceramic, wood, plaster, skin. We see these things as
they are, but also - though the ... more »
Ukraine Announces A Temporary Ceasefire With Pro-Russian Rebels

A scene from mid-October of the devastation at Donetsk airport as Ukrainian
troops searched for the remains of a fellow soldier. (Photo Sergei Loiko)
*Kiev Says Limited Truce With Pro-Russian Separatists Reached -- Wall
Street Journal*
Fighting Around Donetsk Airport Stops as Russian, Ukrainian Officials
Negotiate Cease-Fire
KIEV, Ukraine—The Ukranian government said Monday that it had reached a
truce with pro-Russian separatists in one of the hottest spots of the
monthslong conflict in eastern Ukraine, potentially signaling progress in
the implementation of frequently violated p... more »
In A Major Diplomatic Defeat, Russia Announces That It Will Not Build The South Stream Gas Pipeline To Europe
*In Diplomatic Defeat, Putin Diverts Pipeline to Turkey -- New York Times*
MOSCOW — President Vladimir V. Putin said Monday that he would scrap
Russia’s South Stream gas pipeline, a grandiose project that was once
intended to establish the country’s dominance in southeastern Europe but
instead fell victim to Russia’s increasingly toxic relationship with the
It was a rare diplomatic defeat for Mr. Putin, who said Russia would
redirect the pipeline to Turkey. He painted the failure to build the
pipeline as a loss for Europe and blamed Brussels for its intransigence.
The decis... more »
Britain's Foreign Secretary Raises Concerns On Russian Planes 'Probing' U.K. Air Space

Britain's Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond addresses the media after a
meeting with Austrian Foreign Minister Sebastian Kurz in Vienna October 29,
2014. Credit: Reuters/Leonhard Foeger
*Philip Hammond: Russian Planes 'Probing UK' -- BBC*
Britain is concerned about the "extremely aggressive probing" of its
airspace by Russian aircraft, Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond has said.
He made the remark while being questioned by a Commons committee about arms
export licences to Russia.
He told MPs the UK was responding to Russia's role in the Ukraine crisis
via EU-wide sanctions.
But the... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Rock Springs, Wyoming, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Mourn Not..."
“Mourn not the dead. But rather mourn the apathetic throng - the cowed and
meek who see the world's great anguish and its wrong, and dare not speak.”
-Ralph Chaplin
Fracking Isn't Going To Save The World
*-by Jack Hannold*
The price of gasoline has been falling lately because U. S. oil production
has soared to its highest level in decades, producing a worldwide surplus.
OPEC’s Thanksgiving Day announcement that its members won’t soon cut oil
production means prices will remain low for now.
One Russian oil executive thinks OPEC wants to crash the U.S. shale oil
boom, which he compares to the dot-com boom of the 1990’s. He predicts
prices will rise again in 2016, after OPEC finishes “cleaning up the
American marginal market.”
Fracking for shale oil costs more than conventional dri... more »
World AIDS Day 2014: Five Data Points, Four News Items, and Three Films
Today is World AIDS Day, an annual day of remembrance and reflection on the
global AIDS crisis held since 1988. Overshadowed this year by the Ebola
outbreak in West Africa, we should keep in mind that this problem is not
over even if it has receded from news coverage in recent years. Here are 5
Continue reading
"Leaving the Earth a Better Place: A Legacy of Love"
*"Leaving the Earth a Better Place: A Legacy of Love"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"It is a great act of love to leave the earth a better place when we leave
than which we found her. We inherit this great planet from our parents and
from the generations that came before. Then, in concert with the
surrounding culture, our elders teach us how to care for the land and the
sea, ourselves and each other. They model ways of being in relationship
with every other expression of life on earth. But whether they act with
care or carelessness, compassion or cruelty, generosity or greed, we h... more »
And So It Goes (2014)
Download And So It Goes For FreeWatch Movie And So It Goes HD with duration
94 Min and broadcast on 2014-07-18 and MPAA rating is 15.
*Original Title :* And So It Goes
*Movie title in your country :* And So It Goes
*Year of movie :* 2014
*Genres of movie :* Comedy, Drama, Romance,
*Status of movie :* Released
*Release date of movie :* 2014-07-18
*Companies of movie :* Envision Entertainment, ASIG Productions, Castle
Rock Entertainment,
*Countries of movie :* United States of America,
*Language of movie :* English,
*Durationof movie :* 94 Min
*Averag... more »
Legal bills based on hourly rates not always appropriate; value not hours matters
Bank of Nova Scotia v. Diemer, 2014 ONCA 851:
[35] Having said that, it is evident that the fairness and
reasonableness of the fees of a receiver and its counsel are the stated
lynchpins in the *Bakemates *analysis. However, in actual practice, time
spent, that is, hours spent times hourly rate, has tended to be the
predominant factor in determining the quantum of legal fees.
[36] There is a certain irony associated with this dichotomy. A
person requiring legal advice does not set out to buy time. Rather, the
object of the exercise is to buy services. Moreover, th... more »
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