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It's not just Scientologists that don't like Psychiatry and the big-pharma connection. Thousands joined my wife and I and people from all up and down the east coast for a big anti-psychiatry demonstration in D.C.. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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Portion of the dock area at Fagatogo, Pago Pago Harbor, American Samoa with Rainmaker Mt. (Pioa Mtn.) in the background. Photographed by Eric Guinther. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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The Chumby running a widget that is displaying a Google News story, with human hand for size comparison. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
Latest news and stories from BleepingComputer.com
New KEYHolder ransomware brought to you by the same developers of
A new ransomware has been released called KEYHolder that is from the same developers of CryptorBit . LikeDecember 11, 2014 -
Google News to go dark in Spain
Google News to go dark in Spain over copyright fees  Google said it plans to close its news-linkingDecember 11, 2014 -
OphionLocker ransomware encrypts your files with Elliptical Curve
A new ransomware named OphionLocker has been released that encrypts your data using Elliptical CurveDecember 10, 2014
USA Partisan
SAVAGE: Is Burning Whites The NEW ‘Knock Out’ Game for Blacks?
Is burning whites the new knock-out game? Scroll down to see the stories of 16 WHITE people that wereDecember 12, 2014 -
Surprise: The Congressman Who Just Destroyed DC’s Marijuana Plans Is Bought
Rep. Andy Harris (R-MD) is comprehensively outed as a Big Pharma shill by attn: Earlier today, weDecember 12, 2014 -
Blackwater: the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army
Blackwater: The Rise of the World’s Most Powerful Mercenary Army by Jeremy Scahill (2008 withDecember 12, 2014
SGTreport - The Corporate Propaganda Antidote - Silver, Gold, Truth, Liberty, & Freedom
U.S. & NATO Skip Merrily Toward WW3: Russia Warns May Send Troops To
from ZeroHedge : While the market, and America’s media, was focusing over the passage of the1 min ago -
Syrian No-Fly-Zone a Bid to Save Al Qaeda
by Tony Cartalucci, Activist Post : Recent strikes on Syria by Israel have been alleged to be part of a12 mins ago -
The Worlds Best UFOs 2014 — Please Post Your Favorite UFO Video Links Below
[ Ed. Note : This one remains one of my all-time favorite UFO sightings: The STS-75 Tether Incident42 mins ago
Black Agenda Report
"Teach For America" Trojan Horse Among Ferguson Activists?
by BAR managing editor Bruce A. Dixon Teach For America has done vast and indisputable harm to blackDecember 10, 2014 -
It’s Not the Law, But Prosecutors, That Give Immunity to Killer Cops
by BAR executive editor Glen Ford Attorney General Eric Holder, like his local counterparts, claimsDecember 10, 2014 -
Freedom Rider: Don’t March with Sharpton
by BAR editor and senior columnist Margaret Kimberley Al Sharpton is proud to serve as the U.SDecember 10, 2014
Azzaman English
Training underway to retake Mosul from Islamic State militants
By Samer Ilyas Azzaman, December 12, 2014 Prime Minister Haider Abadi has revealed that military plansDecember 12, 2014 -
Iraqi security forces reported to have “300,000 ghost personnel” on payroll
By Abbas Baghdadi Azzaman, December 10, 2014 Prime Minister Haider Abadi is fighting a two-pronged warDecember 10, 2014 -
More than 1 million Iranians flock to religious city in south
By Husain Madhloum Azzaman, December 9, 2014 More than one million Iranian pilgrims are taking part inDecember 9, 2014
RSS Feed
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The Global Bankers’ Coup Coming to US with Bail-In Bill
Ellen Brown Activist Post On December 11, 2014, the US House passed a bill repealing the Dodd-Frank -
How To Renounce Your US Citizenship And Become Stateless
Jeff Berwick Activist Post I recently had the pleasure to speak with Glen Roberts, a self-described -
USAID Exposed in Cuba - What it Tells Us About US Subversion Worldwide
Tony Cartalucci Activist Post Revealed in an Associated Press (AP) investigation, the United States Agency
RSS Feed
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Climate Resistance
2071 and Counting
I have a review of Chris Rapley’s “play”, 2071, over at Breitbart London . The latestNovember 14, 2014 -
Lewandowsky’s Logic
It’s Lewandowsky time, again. ‘ Are you a poor logician? Logically, you might never know ‘November 9, 2014 -
Why Environmental Correspondents Trip Over Themselves
One of the things I’ve tried to point out here is the emptiness of the categories and concepts thatNovember 3, 2014
The Daily Bell RSS News Feed
Central Banking Dysfunction in an Era of Stock Market Volatility
A recent article in The Market Oracle caught my eye: "Largest Financial Bubble in History – 1022 hrs ago -
Transparency Will Not Cure the Multinational Problem
The idea behind this article is that openness is good and more openness is even better. The article makes aDecember 11, 2014 -
Shock Spain Shuts Down Google Confronts the Internet
Richard Gingras, Head of Google News, posted this update on Thursday, explaining that Google News wouldDecember 11, 2014
AboveTopSecret.com Top Topics
The JFK Rabbit Hole Deepens... (29 flags)
Ive found yet another twist in the story of John F. Kennedy. was an odd, religion-twisting nutterDecember 12, 2014 -
Crew unearths Boston time capsule from Paul Revere era (28 flags)
A crew is at work in Boston unearthing a time capsule believed buried by patriots Samuel Adams and PaulDecember 11, 2014 -
The Place of Origin (20 flags)
The belief that mankind had been visited and taught by Celestial Beings was widespread in ancient timesDecember 12, 2014
Accuracy In Academia
The Real Millionaire’s Club: College Presidents
If you’re still looking for the one-percenters, you might try checking out college campuses rather thanDecember 12, 2014 -
Common Core Curtailed in Colorado
For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Thus, no matter how full-throated theDecember 11, 2014 -
Charter School Success Story
In my youth, cheerleaders had a chant that went, “S-u-c-c-e-s-s, that’s the way you spell success.” I don’tDecember 10, 2014
Thousands march against US police killings
Demonstrators gather in Washington and New York to rally against the killings of unarmed black men by49 mins ago -
Japan votes with Abe set for 'super majority'
Millions head to the polls in general election seen as referendum on Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's4 hrs ago -
Haiti rocked by anti-government protests
One person killed as security forces fire tear gas at protesters trying to storm the presidential palace.1 hr ago
AllThingsD » Walt Mossberg
Top Products in Two Decades of Tech Reviews
This is my last column for The Wall Street Journal, after 22 years of reviewing consumer technologyDecember 17, 2013 -
Diabetes Data Beamed to Your Phone
Home medical devices, as opposed to fitness products like activity-measuring wrist bands, have too oftenDecember 10, 2013 -
Two Houses, One Cable TV Bill
Q: I have a vacation home and I am paying for cable service at two houses. Is there a practical way toDecember 10, 2013
altahrir, news of Islam, Muslims, Arab Spring and special Palestine
Warschawski: Boycot ons!
By Engelbert Luitsz Michael Warschawski tijdens een demonstratie tegen de oorlog in Libanon in 2006.4 hrs ago -
Hamas TV displays footage ‘from Israeli army computers’
Hamas-run Al-Aqsa TV said the “behind-enemy-lines” operation was conducted on July 19 and5 hrs ago -
Taliban Bombings and Attacks Kill Dozens During Bloody 24 Hours in
A roadside bombing killed two American soldiers late Friday night near Kabul, part of a violent 24-hour5 hrs ago
Animal Emotions
A Most Unlucky Rare Spider Meets and is Killed by Researcher
Harvard researcher Piotr Naskrecki had the great fortune of meeting a large harmless spider and, most3 hrs ago -
Smarty Plants: Research Shows they Think, Feel, and Learn
An essay in New Scientist called "Root Intelligence" is a fascinating read. Research shows thatDecember 9, 2014 -
Do Animals Play for the Hell of It? Watch This Fox
Watch this video of two red foxes discovering a trampoline. One chooses to play on the trampoline while theDecember 5, 2014
RSS Feed
Iran’s Inflexibility on Enrichment a Barrier to Progress on Nuclear Deal
By Daryl G. Kimball Officials involved in the high-stakes negotiations aimed at reaching a comprehensiveSeptember 27, 2014 -
The P5+1 and Iran Nuclear Talks Alert, September 25
By the research staff of the Arms Control Association. To get this P5+1 and Iran Nuclear Talks AlertSeptember 25, 2014 -
The P5+1 and Iran Talks Are Complicated Enough Without Partisan Senate
By Kelsey Davenport U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry meets with Iranian Foreign Minister Javad ZarifSeptember 22, 2014
Australian Climate Madness
Lima talks teetering on brink of ignominious collapse
Cue the environmentalist alarm-mongers: Frustrated climate campaigners have claimed that the world was on4 hrs ago -
Quote of the Day from Lima
No surprise that the latest climate talks are heading exactly the same way as all the rest: “TheDecember 12, 2014 -
Aussie councils reject sea level hysteria
Fort Denison, an old penal colony in the middle of Sydney Harbour, has one of the oldest tide gauges aroundDecember 11, 2014
BBC News - Home
Civil rights protest in US capital
Thousands of people march through the US capital to protest against recent killings of unarmed black people6 hrs ago -
Climate talks 'facing breakdown'
The head of the US delegation at UN climate talks warns of a "major breakdown" in the process if3 hrs ago -
Japan votes in Abe's snap election
Millions of Japanese voters are heading to the polls in a snap election called by Shinzo Abe to boost6 hrs ago
BBC News - England
Air traffic bosses 'were warned'
The Civil Aviation Authority warned air traffic control body NATS four months ago its plans for dealing1 hr ago -
Man charged with father's murder
A man is charged with stabbing to death his 70-year-old father at his home in London's West End.1 hr ago -
Christmas pictures of prince released
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge release three official Christmas photographs of Prince George, Kensington6 hrs ago
Radley Balko
These 13 People Were Killed By The War On Drugs. Their Lives Were The Cost
This story was first published in April 2013. America's long drug war has produced countlessApril 18, 2014 -
An Interview With Sam Dalton, Now In His Seventh Decade Of Criminal Defense
The year 2013 marked the 50th anniversary of two landmark Supreme Court cases in criminal defense law. InDecember 30, 2013 -
Militarizing Santa Claus
A couple years ago, I wrote a story about efforts by citizens in the town of Keane, New Hampshire, to blockDecember 27, 2013
Bartholomew's Notes on Religion
Anti-Gay “Sinister Monk” Arrested in Cambridge
From the Pink News : Monk arrested for distributing homophobic leaflets is head of Catholic charity ADecember 12, 2014 -
Emails Reveal Link Between World Congress of Families’ Russian
From J. Lester Feder and Susie Armitage at Buzzfeed : Russian nationalists and social conservativesDecember 11, 2014 -
Exaro News Makes Troubling New Accusations on Twitter
December 2, 2014
Beyond Meds
What do you believe?
People find it quite easy to have beliefs and to hold on to them and to let their whole world be a product16 hrs ago -
Feeling broken?
Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won't either, for solitude willDecember 11, 2014
Biased BBC
John Simpson…Liberator Of Kabul
John Simpson, no doubt grateful to be handed an extended employment contract with the Beeb , doesDecember 12, 2014 -
The Brand Experiment Continues
The BBC’s flirtation with radical politics and ideologies continues…whilst stillDecember 12, 2014 -
The BBC is having a ball with the Senate committee’s report on interrogation……December 12, 2014
‘Millions March’ against police brutality
Demonstrators sit during a protest march at Times Square against the verdict announced in the shooting22 hrs ago -
Poland: 60,000 plus protest in Warsaw over alleged election rigging
Tens of thousands of Polish opposition supporters marched in the capital Warsaw on Saturday to denounce22 hrs ago -
Ukraine's Economy and the Technocrat Elite
Ten years ago, it was received wisdom in western academic, business and policy circles that Ukraine was an22 hrs ago
Brave The World
Response to “25 Invisible Benefits of Gaming While Male”
In my many years of gaming online I never felt harassed or discriminated. For context, this is whatDecember 2, 2014 -
Libertarian® Utopia™
Original article is called L.P.D.: Libertarian Police Department BY TOM O’DONNELL.December 2, 2014 -
The State is God
The State is a collection of ideas propagated and implemented not by force, but as a result of ourOctober 21, 2014
Blog: Posts
Military Study Criticizes Direction of U.S. National Security Policy
Body: By Sandra I. Erwin The United States does not have a credible strategy to combat enemies like Islamic6 hrs ago -
Italy, Turkey Big Winners of Future F-35 Logistics Work
Body: By Sandra I. Erwin The Pentagon has begun to assign potentially lucrative logistics support work toDecember 11, 2014 -
Navy's Drone-Zapping Laser Declared a Success
Body: By Valerie Insinna Over the first few months of its deployment in the Persian Gulf, the Navy’s newDecember 10, 2014
Business News Headlines - Yahoo! News
Apollo nearing deal to buy PetSmart for about $8 billion: Bloomberg
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Apollo Global Management is nearing a buyout of PetSmart Inc for about $8 billion in4 hrs ago -
Oil plunges 3 percent to new five-year lows after bearish IEA outlook
By Barani Krishnan NEW YORK (Reuters) - Crude oil markets fell 3 percent or more to plumb new five-yearDecember 12, 2014 -
After years of doubts, Americans turn more bullish on economy
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Pessimism and doubt have dominated how Americans see the economy for many years. NowDecember 12, 2014
COTO Report
We Need to Talk about Sandy Hook
Originally posted on COALITION OF THE OBVIOUS : This is the definitive and most informative documentary onDecember 5, 2014 -
Mowing the Lawn in Gaza
By Volaar “When thy intelligence shall cross beyond the whirl of delusion, then shalt thou becomeAugust 11, 2014
CP Feed
Guardian: Moazzam Begg among four arrested in Birmingham terror raids
Former Guantánamo detainee is held along with two men and a woman on suspicion of Syria-relatedFebruary 25, 2014 -
Andy Worthington: A love letter from Guantánamo
Younus Chekhouri (also identified as Younous Chekkouri), who will be 46 in May, is one of the last twoFebruary 25, 2014 -
Dissenter: More charges of forced drugging at Guantanamo
On February 21, attorneys for six former Guantanamo prisoners took their civil case against DonaldFebruary 25, 2014
Caring for Survivors of Torture
“We want them back alive!”
Vivos se los llevantaron…vivos los queremos! “They were taken from us alive! We want them back aliveDecember 9, 2014 -
On the Side of the Road
Documentary Explores Contested History of Israeli-Palestinian Relations Readers in Princeton, New York,November 26, 2014 -
Black, Brown…and Targeted by Police
Resources on Police-Community Conflict Communities United for Police Reform Communities United forNovember 6, 2014
RSS Feed
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Center on Budget: Comprehensive News Feed
Why Budget and Tax Plans Shouldn't Use Dynamic Scoring
Congress should reject calls to use “dynamic scoring,” which includes estimates of how proposedDecember 8, 2014 -
Statement by Chad Stone, Chief Economist, on the November Employment Report
Today’s solid jobs report highlights a continuing labor market recovery, but one in whichDecember 5, 2014 -
Policymakers Often Overstate Marginal Tax Rates for Lower-Income Workers
“Our plan would … ensure that our tax code works together with the federal welfare system, soDecember 3, 2014
Cleantech Blog
Forward Osmosis – Solving Tomorrow’s Water Challenges Using Nature’s Remedy
Nature has an ingenious way of extracting water, but does it have the potential to solve many of todaySeptember 10, 2014 -
Healthy Planet Partners Closes Distributed Generation and Energy Efficiency
Healthy Planet Partners Energy & Infrastructure Fund, LP announces a final close at $26 MM, limitedSeptember 7, 2014 -
Green & Grow Inc. Secures $6M Series B Funding From Otter Capital
Texas, 26 August 2014: Green & Grow Inc. (GGI) has raised an additional $6 million in Series B fundingAugust 28, 2014
Zapping ERTV Novembre 2014 – 2ème quinzaine
December 2, 2014 -
Zapping ERTV Novembre 2014 – 1ère quinzaine
December 2, 2014 -
51 YEARS AGO : JFK ASSASSINATION : JFK – Jim Marrs & Jeff Rense on the
November 21, 2014
Coyote Blog
Why Do Climate Change Claims Consistently Get a Fact-Checker Pass?
It is almost impossible to read a media story any more about severe weather events without seeing someDecember 12, 2014 -
If You Like Your Health Plan...
We received a letter from Blue Cross / Blue Shield of AZ saying we could keep our plan, but the cost goesDecember 11, 2014 -
Trend That is Not A Trend: Sexual Assaults on Campus
In response to the twin notions that sexual assaults are a) increasing and b) particularly prevalent onDecember 11, 2014
Crikey » COLUMNS
Check the text, comrade
Crikey readers have their say about John Faulkner and who might support the GP co-payment.December 11, 2014 -
Media briefs: hasta la vista … Ten plugs leaks … Maj’s magic mushrooms …
Spain has introduced new copyright laws that would cost Google a mint. Instead of paying up, Google'sDecember 11, 2014 -
Glenn Dyer’s TV ratings: nothing but the cricket
Thankfully we had a full day of Test cricket, absorbing, skilful and good TV in the traditional summerDecember 11, 2014
RSS Feed
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Dandelion Salad
The Global Bankers’ Coup by Ellen Brown
by Ellen Brown Writer, Dandelion Salad The Web of Debt Blog December 12, 2014 On December 11, 2014, the US23 hrs ago -
Backfired! by Michael Hudson + Hudson: China and Russia Trade Deals Due To
by Michael Hudson Writer, Dandelion Salad michael-hudson.com December 12, 2014 U.S. New Cold War policy hasDecember 12, 2014 -
The Koch Brothers’ Governors by Jeffery Sommers and Michael Hudson
by Jeffery Sommers and Michael Hudson Writer, Dandelion Salad michael-hudson.com December 12, 2014 ButlersDecember 12, 2014
Diary of a Heartland Radical
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEDecember 1, 2014 -
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONENovember 17, 2014 -
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONENovember 10, 2014
What the Torture Report Isn’t Telling You | Weapons of Mass Distraction
Why is the corporate media turning torture into a debate? Abby Martin discusses the media’s reaction to2 hrs ago -
Researchers use real data rather than theory to measure the cosmos
Incase (CC BY 2.0) via Phys.org : For the first time researchers have measured large distances in the4 hrs ago -
Bill Cosby and the Ballad of the Somnophiliac
george chamoun (CC BY 2.0) Remember Andrew Luster? About 12 years ago he was convicted of drugging and6 hrs ago
The Doctor's Report
Ghana: a Shining Democracy Without Accountability
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJuly 4, 2013 -
How Could Japan Offer $32billion In Aid To Africa?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 14, 2013 -
Why Are African Professors Becoming Politicians?
Normal 0 false false false EN-US X-NONE X-NONEJune 5, 2013
Drone Wars UK
The dirty consequences of our clean wars
Air strike on Iraq Five years ago the suggestion that within a decade drone strikes would be taking placeDecember 5, 2014 -
Book Review: Precision strike warfare and international intervention
Precision strike warfare and International Intervention: Strategic, ethico-legal, and decisionalNovember 26, 2014 -
UK drone exports – a peek behind the curtain
Drones, or as the industry prefers to call them unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), are the latest ‘must have’November 19, 2014
(e) Science News - Biology & Nature
MBL imaging technique reveals that bacterial biofilms are associated with
Since the first "catalog" of the normal bacterial makeup of the human body was published in 2012,December 12, 2014 -
A new trout species described from the Alakır Stream in Antalya
A group of researchers from Recep Tayyip Erdoğan University, Faculty of Fisheries in Turkey discoveredDecember 12, 2014 -
New insights into the origins of agriculture could help shape the future of
Agricultural decisions made by our ancestors more than 10,000 years ago could hold the key to food securityDecember 12, 2014
RSS Feed
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Fabius Maximus
Requiem for fear. Let’s learn from past failed predictions and have
Summary: If journalists find it difficult to fill the spaces between ads, they might run articles debunking5 hrs ago -
The news as a series of hysteric fits by America. Why? How can we get a
Summary: Modern American news is best seen as a helix of semi-serious hysteric fits. That’s why ourDecember 12, 2014 -
Close this chapter of America’s use of torture (it’s over). Look ahead to
Summary: Here’s the last thing you need read about America’s WOT use of torture, unless youDecember 12, 2014
Whistleblower Protection Blog
“Retaliation against Whistleblowers at All-Time High”
The Chamber of Commerce has commenced a well-financed and aggressive lobbying campaign to undermine AmericaDecember 10, 2014 -
Foreign Nationals File Whistleblower Rewards Claims in United States
Major Breakthrough in Worldwide Protection for Whistleblowers Washington, D.C. December 9, 2014. TodayDecember 9, 2014 -
NYT: Tattletales Embraced as Whistle-Blower Programs Gain Support
Bradley Birkenfeld, a former UBS banker, was awarded $104 million for bringing information to the IRS aboutDecember 2, 2014
Friends of Syria
Syria News 9/12/2014, President Rouhani renews support of Syria against
Filed under: news Tagged: Syrian News9 hrs ago -
Ex-CIA Pilot Gives Sworn Testimony That No Planes Hit The Twin Towers
A former CIA and civilian pilot has sworn an affidavit, stating that no planes flew into the Twin Towers asDecember 12, 2014 -
10 Causes to List AIPAC as a Threat to the United States
AIPAC (or The American Israel Public Affairs Committee) is considered as one of the most powerful lobbyDecember 12, 2014
Class-Cutting Teen Allegedly Kills Dad with Crossbow to Avoid Argument
Authorities in Delaware have charged a 17-year-old boy with first degree murder after they say he fatally6 hrs ago -
Fraudster's Suicide/Confession Attempt Goes Even Worse Than Expected
The U.S. Attorney's Office and FBI announced yesterday that they had arrested one Charles A. Bennett on6 hrs ago -
Hollywood Executives Think Jaden and Willow Smith Are Crazy, Too
Jaden and Willow Smith don't seem like they want to be movie stars right now, which is just as well7 hrs ago
The Green Life
Hiking Guru Shares Perfect Paths
Robert Manning is a hiking guru. At the University of Vermont, he researches and teaches park managment ,&#May 30, 2014 -
Defending The F-Word
The oil and gas industry dislikes the noun fracking , shorthand for hydraulic fracturing . ItMay 28, 2014 -
Not Your Grandparents’ Road Trip: 5 Green Reasons to Visit National Parks
Wailing children, crotchety parents, sand and sunscreen in uncomfortable places… you get the idea. IfMay 28, 2014
Green Prophet » Green Prophet
Hilarious Arab American (and dancing mom) explains why paste is NOT hummous
Arabs eat hummous with religious fervour. And it’s true: mamma usually doesDecember 4, 2014 -
Morocco heats up with 16 new solar energy plants worth 25 gigawatts
You might meet snake charmers in the square of Marrakech and also storytellersDecember 1, 2014 -
Save energy, stress and greenhouse gas by backing up
You know you should have done it. The DropBox folder is there, the extra hardNovember 27, 2014
HealthLeadersMedia.com - Daily News & Analysis
HL20: Steve Simonin—Turning It Around
Weekend barista Steve Simonin might not seem like your average high-ranking executive, but his other job isDecember 12, 2014 -
Christmas Tree Syndrome Season Underway
Pine scent and mold spores that grow on Christmas trees are among a host of potential reaction triggersDecember 12, 2014 -
Physician Groups' ICD-10 Delay Push Stalls
There is no mention of postponing the implementation of the ICD-10 diagnostic coding set in spending billsDecember 11, 2014
RSS Feed
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The Intercept
The Inside Story of How British Spies Hacked Belgium’s Largest Telco
When the incoming emails stopped arriving, it seemed innocuous at first. But it would eventually become22 hrs ago -
Dick Cheney Will Eat Chuck Todd For Breakfast Unless Todd Does Exactly What
Dick Cheney has always loved going on “Meet the Press.” It gives him the appearance ofDecember 12, 2014 -
Gitmo Lawyer: “The Torture Pervades Everything”
Abd al Rahim al Nashiri is on trial at Guantanamo Bay as the alleged mastermind of the bombing of the U.S.SDecember 12, 2014
In These Times
Charter Schools May Be Re-Segregating America’s Education System
Charter schools are often promoted as a tool to address educational inequities, but a potential precedentDecember 12, 2014 -
The Recipe For A Successful Protest Movement
First posted at Waging Nonviolence . Why are some protests ignored and forgotten while othersDecember 11, 2014 -
U.S. Youth Take Police Violence Charges to the UN Committee Against Torture
Stan Willis has no doubt that international pressure helped jail former Chicago police commander Jon Burge,December 11, 2014
Indigenous Action Media
Support Indigenous Youth Media Justice! OYBM’s $5,000 Goal
From OYBM.org: Hey folks, We really really need to raise $5,000 by the end of the year! (the sooner theDecember 12, 2014 -
Protests as Arizona Snowbowl Opens with 100% Treated Sewage Snow on Sacred
FLAGSTAFF, AZ — On Friday, November 28, 2014, more than 50 people rallied and marched as ArizonaNovember 30, 2014 -
Black Mesa Residents & Supporters March in Window Rock, Navajo Nation
Window Rock, Diné Bikeyah — On October 30, 2014 dozens of Diné Black Mesa residents and supportersOctober 31, 2014
Inter Press Service
Dirty Energy Reliance Undercuts U.S., Canada Rhetoric at Climate Talks
Young protesters at the U.N. climate talks in Lima, Peru highlight out-of-touch North American energy13 hrs ago -
OPINION: How Shifting to the Cloud Can Unlock Innovation for Food and
Climate change and variability demands new varieties of beans. A Massive Participatory Assessment in Yojoa15 hrs ago -
OPINION: Europe Has Lost Its Compass
In this column, Roberto Savio, founder and president emeritus of the Inter Press Service (IPS) news agency18 hrs ago
The Invisible Opportunity: Hidden Truths Revealed
LIKE CLOCKWORK: Pension plans to be looted nationwide as Congress okays
by Mike Adams (NaturalNews) On April 2, 2013, in an article entitled Economics 101: Production, coercionDecember 12, 2014 -
Visible Origami | The High Value Potential of each Living Moment.
Dog Poet Transmitting……. May your noses always be cold and wet IDecember 12, 2014 -
Reflections in a Petri Dish | Having Skin in the Game of Unfortunate Trends
Dog Poet Transmitting……. May your noses always be noses. Unreliable sensory perceptionsDecember 11, 2014
Latest headlines
Cold Revenge
"Meretz is a loyal old party, saying all the right things, unblemished by corruption. Unfortunately it -
Military voyeurism or invasion of Syria?
"The ‘chemical weapons’ scenario seems to be the best cue for Washington and their western allies in -
Men and Women: Their Contributions to the World
"Even in the area of warfare, for which men had been paying price in terms of loss of life and limbs
Libya 360°
Europe’s “Nouvelle Droite” Co-opting the Counter Culture
Editorial Comment: “Co-opting the Counter Culture” was written several years ago, but it is23 hrs ago -
#MillionsMarchNYC : Thousands March On NYPD Headquarters To Protest Police
A plain-clothes Highway Patrol detective, who had been marching with anti-police demonstrators, aims hisDecember 12, 2014 -
“We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to build a socialist state in
Preamble: Of the two texts published below, the first is a translation of an article written some weeks agoDecember 12, 2014
Lifeboat News
Solution to end of Moore's Law
Read "Proof that The End of Moore's Law is Not The End of The Singularity".December 5, 2014
Same Sky for the Holidays
Same Sky and Global Goods Partners held a Holiday ethical shopping experience last evening in NYC. Both areDecember 11, 2014 -
‘The Fire Factory’
The FDNY responded to a fire in Woodside, Queens today, amid reports that FDNY physical standards, inDecember 10, 2014 -
Light of South Asia
Consul General of India in New York, Shri Dnyaneshwar M. Mulay, holds a coffee table book (ROSHNI–December 8, 2014
Master Resource
Dead Eagle Data: Buffet/Berkshire/PacifiCorp Don’t Want You to Know (Part 2
“Wind turbines installed in and close to eagle habitats will always kill eagles, and there are noDecember 12, 2014 -
Dead Eagle Data: Buffet/Berkshire/PacifiCorp Don’t Want You to Know (Part 1
“The courts must reject the PacifiCorp request that eagle mortality data be kept confidential and hiddenDecember 11, 2014 -
“Contradictions, Bias Undermine Credibility of the Health Canada Wind
“We are dismayed that the recently released Health Canada Wind Turbine Noise and Health Study hasDecember 10, 2014
Media Matters for America - Research Items
Spending Bill Coverage Ignores Hundreds Of Millions Invested By Financial
Media coverage of an omnibus spending bill that rolled back key financial services regulations ignored theDecember 12, 2014 -
The Five Worst Examples Of Fox News Hosts Trivializing Torture
Fox News hosts rushed to minimize the severity of interrogation methods usedDecember 11, 2014 -
What The Media Needs To Know About Anti-Background Checks Rally Organizer
Conservative activist Gavin Seim, the organizer of a December 13 protest against Washington state's newDecember 11, 2014
New Content on CO2 Science
Crop Breeding for High Production, Water Use Efficiency & Albedo
It's a good way to confront mankind's growing need for food and the water needed to produce itSeptember 2, 2014 -
Biospheric Productivity (Global: The Recent Past) -- Summary
Since 1980 the Earth has weathered three of the warmest decades in the instrumental temperature record, aSeptember 2, 2014 -
Catastrophic Floods of Dartmoor, South West England
Are they few and far-between? ... or are they growing ever more frequent ... and ferocious?September 2, 2014
BBC airs advance of Top Gear Patagonia program to be shown December 27/28
The controversial two-part episode of BBC's Top Gear filmed in Argentina will be9 hrs ago -
Brazil confident since pre-salt oil is profitable 'even at 60 dollars a
The head of Brazil's National Petroleum Agency, Magda Chambriard said that theDecember 12, 2014 -
Argentina purchases four Russian multipurpose polar Supply-class tugs
Argentina's ministry of Defense has signed an agreement for the purchase of fourDecember 12, 2014
NME News
Thurston Moore streams new album 'The Best Day' – listen
The album will be released on October 20October 13, 2014 -
More tickets released for Damon Albarn at the Royal Albert Hall – on sale
The shows will take place on November 15 and 16October 13, 2014 -
Foo Fighters to premiere new track 'Something From Nothing' on
The track is the first from forthcoming album 'Sonic Highways'October 13, 2014
Nature News Blog - Posts
Gates Foundation announces world’s strongest policy on open access research
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has announced the world’s strongest policy in support of openNovember 21, 2014 -
Energy outlook sees continuing dominance of fossil fuels
Just as the United States and China agreed on a landmark deal to curb greenhouse-gas emissions , theNovember 14, 2014 -
Private rocket explodes on launch to space station
Flames engulfed the rocket moments after lift-off. NASA-TV An Orbital Sciences Antares rocketOctober 28, 2014
National Wind Watch: Wind Energy News
Bourne residents speak out against Plymouth turbines
Several dozen people filled the lower conference room at Bourne Town Hall during the Bourne Board of HealthDecember 12, 2014 -
Sheffield: Therriens moving away from wind farm
The Therrien family, who live near the First Wind industrial wind development in Sheffield, are moving toDecember 12, 2014 -
Legislator to offer bill for regulating wind farms
OKLAHOMA CITY — Rep. Earl Sears says he will sponsor legislation that would put regulations on the windDecember 12, 2014
Juncker's Plan Sets High Hopes for Investment
To the untrained eye, the new “Investment Plan for Europe” revealed by European Union President Jean-ClaudeDecember 10, 2014 -
Interview on Sport with Commissioner Tibor Navracsics
In this Interview with the think-tank Sport and Citizenship, Commissioner for Sport Tibor NavracsicsDecember 7, 2014 -
Christophe Rouillon : Reconnecting Europe with its citizens
In the occasion of discussing Communication Plan 2015-2019 , Christophe Rouillon, Mayor of Coulaines andDecember 2, 2014
New Web Order
Securing Blockchain.info Users with Tor and SSL
Over the past couple of weeks there has been a marked increase in the number of man-in-the-middle (MITMDecember 3, 2014 -
FBI seizes fake Tor hosted Jihad funding website as part of Operation
As part of Operation Onymous the FBI seized some 276 Tor hidden services , many of which were clone or scamNovember 17, 2014 -
Large Number of Tor Hidden Sites Seized by the FBI in Operation Onymous
This post is the first in a series dealing with the takedown of Silk Road 2.0 and Operation Onymous . TheNovember 17, 2014
News For You
Hundreds at funeral for woman burned alive
Associated Press 19 mins ago -
Google slams Russia engineering office doors shut
ZDNet 50 mins ago -
Why An Oil Crash Is Exactly What Obama Needs
Business Insider
Greenpeace: We Spit on Your Sacred Spaces
Desecrating cultural and religious monuments is normal Greenpeace behaviour.December 11, 2014 -
When Emissions Disappear, So Do Jobs
Jobs are good. A decent standard of living is good. Both generate emissions. Let's get over it.December 4, 2014 -
Chris Rapley: When Bureaucrats Pose as Climate Scientists
Described as a "professor of climate science," Chris Rapley has no teaching duties. Described asNovember 26, 2014
Online Cancer Blog
Know all about Kidney Cancer Survival Rate
The kidneys are a set of prime organs in the body that is responsible for filtering the blood and removingDecember 2, 2014 -
Brussels Sprouts: A Superfood with Cancer Fighting Potential
Brussels sprouts are extremely nutrition rich foods which are not only very tasty but also very easy toOctober 27, 2014 -
The Importance of Vitamin D for Breast Cancer Treatment
Vitamin D is an important vitamin for the body and is important for good bone health and helps the muscles,October 22, 2014
December 12, 2014 -
"Our opponents are old fat bastard whore sell-outs. They’re mostly
“Our opponents are old fat bastard whore sell-outs. They’re mostly rich men from the United States ofDecember 11, 2014
The PPJ Gazette
Vaccination is Not Immunization
Submitted by Dr. Gary Kohls An Excerpt From Dr Tim O’Shea’s December 2014 newsletter3 hrs ago -
Torture is Not the Will of the People
Marti Oakley __________________________________________ Mr. Hayden: Torture was NOT the will of the people.December 11, 2014 -
The CIA Report: The Shaming of America
Marti Oakley ____________________________________________ Regardless of who released the report on the CIA,December 9, 2014
Politics News Headlines - Yahoo News
Senate passes spending bill, ends government shutdown threat
By David Lawder and Amanda Becker WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. Senate on Saturday passed a $1.1 trillion21 mins ago -
In U.S. spending bill, a tall tale for fishermen
By Richard Cowan WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The fine print of a massive $1.1 trillion spending bill before the2 hrs ago -
NYC police union launches campaign to keep mayor away from funerals
By Frank McGurty NEW YORK (Reuters) - New York's police union is showing its displeasure with Mayor11 hrs ago
The Pump Handle
San Francisco passes nation’s first Retail Workers Bill of Rights
The week of midterm exams is stressful for any college student. For San Francisco State student MichelleDecember 12, 2014 -
Study: Americans trading more work for less sleep, putting their health and
Feeling tired? You’re not alone. A new study finds that many U.S. workers aren’t getting enough sleepDecember 11, 2014 -
OSHA announces new effort to protect oil & gas workers: Industry
“Too many oil and gas industry workers are being hurt or killed on the job,” said Assistant Secretary ofDecember 10, 2014
Jon Rappoport's Blog
Reality is not immortal: Exit From The Matrix
Exit From The Matrix: reality is not immortal by Jon Rappoport December 13, 2014 NoMoreFakeNews.com8 hrs ago -
GMO wars: the right of the people to nullify fascism
GMO wars: the right of people to nullify fascism by Jon Rappoport December 13, 201410 hrs ago -
Breaking: Vote fraud in Oregon sinks GMO labeling measure
Breaking: vote fraud in Oregon sinks GMO labeling by Jon Rappoport December 12, 2014December 12, 2014
Signs of the Times
CIA report: It's not just my body that America has tortured, but the
But at least the world now knows what happened to me and so many others at the hands of the US The world1 hr ago -
Defense bill passes, giving sacred Native American sites to mining company
Washington-- The U.S. Senate passed a measure authorizing the nation's defense programs Friday, and1 hr ago -
In the grips of psychopaths: Ferguson Is Baghdad Is New York Is Kabul
There is a pattern emerging in my Facebook feed this week. One group of friends has been posting stories of6 hrs ago
Stuff.co.nz - Dominion Post
Two charged over Stevens killing
Police have charged two people in connection with the killing of Matthew Stevens.December 12, 2014 -
Santa Parade a hit with kids
Instead of elves and reindeer, Santa was accompanied by storm troopers, Harry Potter and Transformers1 hr ago -
Lorde, Bret McKenzie eye up Oscars
Flight of the Conchords' Bret McKenzie and Lorde are both in the running for an Academy Award, it has8 hrs ago
SYRIA 360°
Turkey: Security Bill Undermines Rights
Parliament Should Rethink Hasty Measures to Increase Police Powers (Istanbul) – The TurkishDecember 12, 2014 -
Erdogan’s Government turned Turkey into a police state
13/12/2014 Ankara, SANA Deputy chairman of Republican People’s Party in Turkey Sezgin Tanrikulu affirmedDecember 12, 2014 -
Evidence of US creation of ISIS can’t be any clearer
13/12/2014 London, SANA The US involvement in creating the terrorist organization of the Islamic State ofDecember 12, 2014
130226 – Australia’s horrific incarceration rates of Aboriginal peoples
* The Stringer: International Prisoners Justice Day highlights Australia’s horrific incarcerationFebruary 26, 2013 -
130225 – Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel – Marcia Langton’s Boyer
* arena: Opportunity Lost by Boris Frankel: Marcia Langton’s Boyer Lectures * Andrew Crook, CrikeyFebruary 26, 2013 -
130224 – Upcoming Aboriginal rights events around Australia – 40 events
Click on the links for details of the events … Event: Sun 24 February 2013: Fremantle, Perth, WAFebruary 24, 2013
Freethought Blogs
Age of Kali – Uber, Rape and Indian Corruption
For many people who have been paying attention, Uber got into India and was revolutionising the Taxi14 hrs ago -
Such a pretty tincture
I’ve been remembering the tinctures – the tiny little tinctures that Prince Charles used to2 hrs ago -
Ghomeshi was the way he was
In the CBC’s Fifth Estate show on Jian Ghomeshi, there was discussion of the fact that he once told a3 hrs ago
my yahoo - Yahoo News Search Results
Kerry Diamond Is a Farmers' Market Nerd
Diamond at Wilma Jean, one of the three restaurants she co-owns with Rob Newton. #don-logo { border-leftDecember 12, 2014 -
AM's Week 16 Player Picks
Nik Argiropoulos runs you through the players you should be considering for your Yahoo Fantasy PremierDecember 11, 2014 -
Top-Searched Toys for Kids on Yahoo
Santa may be the list master when it comes to what kids will get this year, but Yahoo can help give youDecember 12, 2014
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