Odin Goovaerts, Wim Jennes, Marguerite Massinga-Loembé, Ann Ceulemans,
William Worodria, Harriet Mayanja-Kizza, Robert Colebunders, Luc
Kestens, for the TB-IRIS Study Group
Tuberculosis-associated immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome
(TB-IRIS) remains a poorly understood complication in HIV-TB patients
receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART). TB-IRIS could be associated with
an exa
Grace Halmshaw is a 5-year-old girl who was diagnosed with autism in
December of 2011. A large part of her condition is that her speaking
abilities are dramatically underdeveloped for her age.
As a way to counteract this, her parents have encouraged painting to
help express her feelings. But what ...
11:23pm MST

11:23pm MST
Musical Interlude: 2002, “Where The Stars And Moon Play”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 28 minutes ago
“Pamela and Randy Copus are the duo known as 2002. Randy Copus plays piano,
electric cello, guitar, bass and keyboards. Pamela Copus plays flutes,
harp, keyboards and a wind instrument called a WX5. Both musicians also
provide all of the vocals on their albums, recording their voices many,
many times and layering them to create a "virtual choir" with a celestial,
angelic quality.”
2002, “Where The Stars And Moon Play”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMqLFemZOOg&feature=related
"A Look to the Heavens"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 39 minutes ago
"These clouds of interstellar dust and gas have blossomed 1,300 light-years
away in the fertile star fields of the constellation Cepheus. Sometimes
called the Iris Nebula and dutifully cataloged as NGC 7023, this is not the
only nebula in the sky to evoke the imagery of flowers. Surrounding it,
obscuring clouds of dust and cold molecular gas are also present and can
suggest other convoluted and fantastic shapes. Within the Iris, dusty
nebular material surrounds a hot, young star.
*Click image for larger size*.
The dominant color of the brighter reflection nebula is blue,
characteris... more »
"What's the Significance of Life? Who Are We?"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 43 minutes ago
"When I consider the short duration of my life, swallowed up in the
eternity before and after, the little space which I fill and even can see,
engulfed in the infinite immensity of spaces of which I am ignorant and
which know me not, I am frightened and am astonished at being here rather
than there; for there is no reason why here rather than there, why now
rather than then. Who has put me here? By whose order and direction have
this place and time been allotted to me? 'The remembrance of a guest that
tarries but a day.'”
- Blaise Pascal
"All day I think about it, then at night I sa... more »
"Black Elk's Vision"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 48 minutes ago
"I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about
beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw
more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in
a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of
all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the
sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide
as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering
tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father. And I saw that
it ... more »
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 48 minutes ago
* "16 Harsh Truths that Make Us Stronger"*
by Marc
“*1. Life is not easy.* Hard work makes people lucky – it’s the stuff that
brings dreams to reality. So start every morning ready to run farther than
you did yesterday and fight harder than you ever have before.
*2. You will fail sometimes.* The faster you accept this, the faster you
can get on with being brilliant. You’ll never be 100% sure it will work,
but you can always be 100% sure doing nothing won’t work. So get out there
and do something! Either you succeed or you learn a vital lesson. Win –
*3. Right now, t... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 48 minutes ago
Calcutta, West Bengal, India. Thanks for stopping by.
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago
"Everything has been figured out, except how to live."
- Jean-Paul Sartre
"Where the Soul Is: Finding the Place You Belong"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago
*"Where the Soul Is: Finding the Place You Belong"*
by The DailyOm
"There will likely be times in your life when your soul evolves more
quickly than your circumstances. There will likely be times in your life
when your soul evolves more quickly than your circumstances. Your
subconscious mind may be ready to move forward long before you recognize
that you are destined to embrace a new way of life. Your soul intuitively
understands that changing habitats can be a vital part of the growth
process and that there may be one part of you that is eager to move to
another home, another stat... more »
“12 Universal Truths That Will Change Your Life for the Better”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago
*“12 Universal Truths That Will Change Your Life for the Better”*
by Lamisha Serf-Walls
“I'm no Oprah and I certainly haven't learned all there is to learn about
life, but there are a few things that I know for sure. These universal
truths apply to you no matter where you are in life or what mistakes you've
made in the past. So read them, apply them, and watch the magic happen in
your life.
*1. Everything and I mean everything you want to achieve begins with a
thought...so allow yourself the time and space to daydream, visualize, and
use your imagination to craft the most amazing s... more »
An Homage... To Coco Chanel
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 hour ago

What would you do if you saw someone flaunting this Camélia Ruban bow watch
by Chanel? The price, undercounted, is $233,000 at the Chanel store in
Beverly Hills. This is how it was described by *Modern Luxury*:
*The Bowed and Beautiful*
So mesmerizing, Chanel's dazzling Camélia Ruban bow watch is enough to stop
time. Feuturing more than 1,500 black and white diamonds set in 18K white
gold, this stunning sparkler dazzles. Bit don't let the silvery siren fool
you-- it is far more than just a pretty face, as was Coco Chanel herself.
As a symbol mademoiselle held most dear, the piece... more »
Chet Raymo, “Lessons”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 hour ago
by Chet Raymo
“There is a four-line poem by Yeats, called "Gratitude to the Unknown
"What they undertook to do
They brought to pass;
All things hang like a drop of dew
Upon a blade of grass."
Like so many of the short poems of Yeats, it is hard to know what the poet
had in mind, who exactly were the unknown instructors, and if unknown how
could they instruct. But as I opened my volume of The Poems this morning,
at random, as in the old days people opened the Bible and pointed a finger
at a random passage seeking advice or instruction, this ... more »
Israel Has Guts
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 2 hours ago
"Israeli warplanes hit two separate areas near Syria’s capital of Damascus
yesterday, including a facility at the city’s international airport, and
reveals Tel Aviv’s role in the destabilzation of Syria and aiding Islamic
insurgents inside Syria." - *"Aiding ISIS: Israel bombs Syria for fifth
time in 18 months, gives arms, medical aid to militants"* 21st Century
Wire, December 8, 2014.
Israel's periodic attacks on Syria's military facilities, research centers,
high-tech weapons, is proof of its courage and military brazenness. And
this has to be respected.
Israel can attack Syria... more »
The Poet: Antonio Machado, "Wayfarer"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 2 hours ago
"Wayfarer, the only way
is your footsteps, there is no other.
Wayfarer, there is no way,
you make the way by walking.
As you go, you make the way
and stopping to look behind,
you see the path that your feet
will never travel again.
Wayfarer, there is no way -
Only foam trails to the sea."
~ Antonio Machado
Big Energy threatens climate talks in Peru
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 3 hours ago
Please find the briefing paper published by Attac France and Aitec
in the framework of the Lima UNFCCC conference to highlight how
TTIP and CETA are jeopardizing climate and energy transformation
processes :
Here in English :
Climate or TTIP, make your choice!
Here in French :
Climat ou
Pineal Gland Activation – The Mechanics of Ascension
Waking Times at Waking Times - 4 hours ago

*Video -* It has been understood by ancient cultures for centuries that the
Pineal Gland is the seat of great power and potential.
The post Pineal Gland Activation – The Mechanics of Ascension appeared
first on Waking Times.
Absolutely no selfies to be taken with the rock-star-like Duke of Cambridge -- er, you know, Prince William, the bald guy
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 4 hours ago

*"Sorry for the delay -- the royal couple are stayinghere because they
couldn't afford Brooklyn."*
*by Ken*
So Joe Dator has slid into newyorker.com's "Daily Cartoon" chair --
replacing David Sipress, who seemed to be doing it, like, forever -- just
in time to memorialize the great occasion of the royal visit of the Duke of
Cambridge. (I know, "Duke of Cambridge" still sounds like a made-up title
to me, but I assume it's what he's got printed on his business cards.) And
it turns out that there is great controversy surrounding the visit to the
White House of the man who stands sec... more »
Welcome Back Alberta
Grant G at The Straight Goods - 4 hours ago
The Straight Goods
Cheers Eyes Wide Open
Cannabis Oil Unveiled
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 5 hours ago
*Raluca Schachter* - "Over the last 20 years Cannabis has been at the
center of one of the most exciting and underreported developments in recent
modern science..."
The post Cannabis Oil Unveiled appeared first on Waking Times.
Controlled Opposition – The Hidden Hand of Misdirection
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 5 hours ago
*Zen Gardner - *It’s all misdirection, controlled opposition for the mind.
This game of ruthless deception is endemic to the fabric of the entire
The post Controlled Opposition – The Hidden Hand of Misdirection appeared
first on Waking Times.
U.S. Empire Picking Up Speed, On Skids Or Just Going Off to War Again, Johnny? (Another Fabricated Jobs Report) Incurious/Vapid NeoLiberals
Cirze at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!) - 5 hours ago
WHEN DO THE ANTI-OLIGARCHY RIOTS START? From Zero Hedge: “Riddles” Surround
36th Dead Banker Of The Year So reminiscent of the movie "Munich." No, not
the politics; the belief in assassinations being the answer: revenge. (Or
providing a vast evidentiary basis for what happens to the "bad"
examples.)* But I digress. One of my favorite scientists/thinkers echoes my
thoughts on what feminism
Tom Geoghegan's New Book: Only One Thing Can Save Us: Why America Needs A New Kind Of Labor Movement
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 5 hours ago

In 2009 when Rahm Emanuel resigned from Congress, many of us who aren't
from Chicago got to know union activist Tom Geoghegan for the first time.
When he decided to run for Emanuel's seat, we did a series of posts about
him and his accomplishments here. The special election primary had 26
candidates, including 13 Democrats and 5 Greens-- a real clusterfuck. The
ultimate winner-- of both the primary and the general-- was Michael Quigley
who took 12,100 votes (22%). Tom was down in the middle of the pack with
3,336 votes (6%). Before and after that one foray into electoral politics, ... more »
the creator's glory
Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 6 hours ago
Should guilty seek asylum here,
Like one pardoned, he becomes free from sin.
Should a sinner make his way to this mansion,
All his past sins are to be washed away.
The sight of this mansion creates sorrowing sighs;
And the sun and the moon shed tears from their eyes.
In this world this edifice has been made;
To display thereby the creator's glory.
Canada offering Ukraine military aid outside of NATO?
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 6 hours ago
Well that's what "Defence" Minister Rob Nicholson is claiming, from Kiev?
I don't believe the outside of NATO part- Ukraine has made no secret of
their intention to join NATO.
And Canada? Over the moon (happy/delighted/pleased) with NATO deceit, lies,
treachery and more!
In fact fully participating!
Defence Minister Rob Nicholson was in Kiev Monday for Canada’s
announcement, which will include sending Canadian soldiers to Ukraine to
train that country’s military police. It could also include training in
battlefield medicine and security measures
A group of Canadian military p... more »
Schools Matter Welcomes Kuhio Kane
Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 6 hours ago
I began my college education at the University of Hawaii. I had a rather
unique view of education. That is, I never considered a need for any
diplomas or any special recognition for what I did in college. Actually, I
chose UH over several other choices because I was and continue to be an
avid surfer. I eventually settled in as a dual major in pre-med and English
literature, Aldous Huxley being my hero at the time. I have also attended
several other universities: Simon Fraser University in British Columbia,
Canada; University of California, Santa Barbara; CSU San Luis Obispo; and
l... more »
Satire: “Fox: Obama Seeks Advice on Establishing Monarchy”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago
*“Fox: Obama Seeks Advice on Establishing Monarchy”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— "President Barack Obama spent several
hours on Monday in a closed-door Oval Office meeting seeking advice on how
to establish a monarchy, Fox News reports. According to Fox, the President
peppered his Oval Office guest with detailed questions about the mechanics
of setting up a monarchy and was curious about the perks and powers that go
along with it. Obama’s guest advised him that establishing a monarchy would
probably require rewriting or even replacing the Constitution, an opti... more »
Editor's Note
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 7 hours ago
I have a personal emergency to attend to. Blogging will return tomorrow.
*Update:* Someone just emailed me if everything is OK with my family ....
yes .... everything is A-OK. It is just that one of my business partners
.... (yes I have other projects) .... called me that he needed to see me
because there is a crisis/emergency in his family .... and being loyal to
my friends and partners .... I just cannot say no.
U.S. Senate Torture Report To Be Released Tuesday. U.S. Beefs Up Security Abroad
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 7 hours ago
*Impending CIA Interrogation Report Creates Fear of Violence -- ABC News*
U.S. embassies around the world are bracing for a potentially explosive
report about to be released that details what the CIA did to terror
suspects in the days after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, and the fear is
that its release could threaten American lives.
The report, due to be released Tuesday by the Senate, is described as
shocking in its very graphic descriptions of secret interrogations,
including some details that have never been heard before.
All U.S. facilities around the world are being urged to r... more »
New Earth Matrix – Why you feel the way you do – Arcturians
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 7 hours ago

*I've just included the channeling here, the full commentary that preceded
it is quite long and can be seen at the link above... I find the channeling
itself self explanatory. But that's just me... the commentary may be
helpful to many... -AK *
*New Earth Matrix – Why you feel the way you do – Arcturians*
DECEMBER 8, 2014
“The creation of the new matrix earth has indeed been instituted into the
new reality structure of your being. For the new matrix of t... more »
The Economy: “What Do Central Banking and ‘Twerking’ Have in Common?”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago
*“What Do Central Banking and ‘Twerking’ Have in Common?”*
by Bill Bonner
“New York is filling up with holiday shoppers and tourists. On Saturday, we
went to the Broadway show 'Jersey Boys.' It was not an especially complex
or subtle storyline. But the music, of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons,
was lively and agreeable. It took us back to the early 1960s. Those were
the days! Back then people had jobs... prices were fairly stable... and the
GDP was growing at twice or three times today's rates (and so were personal
How was it possible? Back then, under chairman Willia... more »
'Deep State' in Charge
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 7 hours ago

Here are some interesting words from an activist I recently made contact
with after seeing him interviewed on RT:
These people [US ruling corporate oligarchy] are always looking to get
their mitts on resources (oil and gas in the Middle East, for instance) –
even less to use them ourselves than to control (or deny) others’ access.
(Likewise, as you point out, the militarization of everything from space,
to the Antarctic, to IT.) For example, Washington worries far less about
the canard “our dependence on Middle Eastern energy” (on which, relatively
we don’t much depend, getting m... more »
Market Socialism: Basic Ideas
Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 7 hours ago
Market socialism: oxymoronic or just plain moronic? These days the '99%'
and 'Another World is Possible' are slogans fluttering atop many a radical
social movement. Yet on those occasions activists' deliberations turn to
what a post-capitalist future might look like, there will be a lot of talk
about participatory democracy, community networks, the decentralisation of
power and so on. The state might (might!) occasionally get a look in as
something that can facilitate the building of the new society, but what
definitely *will not* are markets and market-type mechanisms. And it's
en... more »
We Hear from Hinton
noreply@blogger.com (fern hill) at DAMMIT JANET! - 8 hours ago
Kathy Dawson got a response to her open letter to the Mayor of Hinton,
Alberta. Kathy wanted to know why the town gave $10K of its photo radar
bonanza (total available: $100K) to a fake pregnancy clinic.
[via email from:] Lil Wallace, Executive Assistant - Office of the Mayor;
Office of the Town Manager
Dear Ms. Dawson:
Thank you for your enquiry respecting the Quality of Life grant program
that Hinton offers. Hinton is a diverse community that works and builds
together. This includes improving several aspects of the quality of life
for our citizens through grants such as the Qu... more »
AISHA NORTH: A short update on the Gathering December 8, 2014
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 8 hours ago

*A short update on the Gathering*
By Aisha North
December 8, 2014
And so it is with the greatest of pleasure that we can welcome you all to
the New, in every sense of the word. For as you once again came together to
pool your resources in the way that only you can, you once again managed to
establish yourselves on a very new level of existence, one that has been
unattainable for mankind up until now. But now, you have arrived, and
alongside you a whole new world has come into being. We know that thes... more »
Meet the The Mushroom Of Immortality & The King of All Herbs
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 8 hours ago
*Alanna Ketler* - Chaga is extremely powerful because it contains within
it, the actual life force of trees - the most powerful living beings on
this Earth.
The post Meet the The Mushroom Of Immortality & The King of All Herbs
appeared first on Waking Times.
Top U.S. General Has Misgivings As The U.S. - NATO Afghanistan Mission Ends
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago

*Photo: *Lieutenant General Joseph Anderson. ISAF
*U.S. General Has Misgivings as Afghanistan Mission Ends -- New York Times*
KABUL, Afghanistan — Shortly after the speeches concluded, the flags were
folded and the band silenced, the last American general to lead combat
operations in Afghanistan offered his candid assessment of the war.
“I don’t know if I’m pessimistic or optimistic,” said Lt. Gen. Joseph
Anderson, the departing commander, considering the United States military’s
reduced role next year. “The fact that we are in less places, the fact that
there are less of us as a c... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Binding the Arrows'
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 9 hours ago
Posted on December 8, 2014
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Dec. 8, 2014. A copy of this Objection was sent by registered mail to the Governor General of the Corporation of Canada:
Never ending Longhouse uniting all Ongwehonwe on Onowaregeh.
“To: Every Ongwehonwe in the Rotinoshonni Confederacy and to all our Friends and Allies on Onowaregeh:
The Law of Flaw
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 9 hours ago

*Updated 12:25 GMT.. fixed a missing part of a sentence... don't cha just
love cut and paste when you leave out an entire sentence???? Should make a
bit more sense now.... -AK*
*AK Note: *
*I got a call from KP the other day. It was a long chat, hadn't really
spoke to him in over a year. I love that guy! He let me know of a few
other groups having a bit of drama, groups in Hawaii and Peru, the
situation here in Morocco is not at all unique. There seems to be general
letting go of illusions and judgements around the world as the energies
continue to rise while earth rejoins 5th ... more »
Coffee: It’s All Good
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 9 hours ago
Ongoing research into the world’s favourite recreational drug continues to
suggest that coffee is nothing but god for us.
Not only have most of coffee's purported ill effects been disproven -- the
most recent review fails to link it the development of hypertension -- but
we have so, so much information about its benefits. We believe they extend
from preventing Alzheimer's disease to protecting the liver. What we know
goes beyond small-scale studies or limited observations. The past couple of
years have seen findings, that, taken together, suggest that we should
embrace coffee for ... more »
Today: Indigenous Women at UN Climate Summit Peru
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 9 hours ago
Top photo by Robin Milam
Posted at Censored News
WECAN International is headed to Lima, Peru this December for the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP20
negotiations. Join WECAN and our allies for a series of events and
mobilizations in pursuit of climate justice, systemic change, and
equitable solutions that
Bishop Hill gets it right after all
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 10 hours ago
Another strange one tonight relates to a piece today at *Bishop Hill*.
The tactics of the less reputable members of the environmental fraternity
has long been to prevent any sort of industrial activity by making the cost
of policing their protests so high as to wear public opinion into
submission. One has to say that this approach has not been entirely
It was interesting then to see the comments of Mr Justice Gilbart in
rejecting FrackFree Balcombe's application for judicial review of West
Sussex Council's decision to allow planning permission to the Cuadrilla
proje... more »
Neo-Nazi hoaxes on Twitter
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 10 hours ago

Commenters at *Biased BBC* have picked up on a piece at *Jihad Watch *by
Robert Spencer with the disturbing headline *UK Labour Party: “UKIP has
evil money grabbing jews in their party”*, based on an earlier post by at
the same blog by Pamela Geller.
It highlighted a grossly antisemitic tweet by North London Labour,
"official branch of the North London Labour presence" attacking a member of
Robert Spencer wrote:
Labour is backpedaling furiously now, of course, and denying (in the teeth
of abundant evidence to the contrary), that this appeared on an official
Labour site... more »
Kenya's Counterterrorism Police Admit To Running Death Squads Targeting Militants That Have Been Identified By Western Intelligence
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
*Exclusive: Kenyan Counterterrorism Police Admit To Extrajudicial Killings
-- Al Jazeera*
Kenyan officers suggest program in which terrorism suspects were killed
without trial on basis of Western intelligence
Kenyan police have assassinated nearly 500 terrorism suspects as part of an
extrajudicial killing program supported by intelligence provided by Israel
and the United Kingdom, an Al Jazeera investigation has revealed.
Officers from four units of Kenya’s Anti-Terrorism Police Unit (ATPU) said
that police assassinated terrorist suspects on government orders.
The police killings... more »
U.N. Needs $16.4 Billion To Finance Humanitarian Assistance Programs In 2015
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago

*U.N. Seeks $16.4 Billion to Address Crises in 2015 -- New York Times*
GENEVA — Struggling to cope with record numbers of victims of conflict, the
United Nations appealed on Monday for $16.4 billion to finance humanitarian
assistance programs in 2015, warning that the gap between needs and
available resources is widening.
The appeal, a barometer of the global impact of wars and disasters, calls
for 27 percent more funding in 2015 than the amount requested a year ago
for 2014 and is intended to aid more than 57 million people in 22 countries.
The number of people aff... more »
Ashton Carter - Warmonger
Spike EP at News Spike - 10 hours ago

*Just sketch for me what the situation was in June 1994.*
In June 1994, North Korea was preparing to remove some fuel rods from a
research reactor which they'd been operating at Yongbyon. [The] fuel rods
contained five or six bombs' worth of weapons-grade plutonium. They were
going to take those fuel rods and extract the plutonium from them.
*That's reprocessing?*
So-called "reprocessing." We felt that that would bring a potentially
hostile nation to the United States across the nuclear finish line, and
that that wasn't acceptable to us. We were not, by any means, confident
tha... more »
Supplemental: Do you belong to a race?
bob somerby at the daily howler - 10 hours ago
*MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2014Letter writer makes good point:* On November 30,
Michael Eric Dyson wrote a piece in the Sunday New York Times about the
Ferguson grand jury.
Dyson started like this:
DYSON (11/29/14): When Ferguson flared up this week after a grand jury
failed to indict the white police officer Darren Wilson for killing the
unarmed black youth Michael Brown, two realities were illuminated: *Black
and white people rarely view race in the same way or agree about how to
resolve racial conflicts,* and black people have furious moral debates
among ourselves out of white earsh... more »
PERU Tribunal Denounces Violations to Rights of Nature
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 11 hours ago
Camp, Ponca, speaks on fracking at Peru Tribunal
Tribunal Denounces Violations to Rights of Nature
By Global Alliance
Monday, December 8th, 2014
Censored News
Yasunidos caravan arrived at Rights of Nature Tribunal in LimaINSPITE of
Ecuador's customs to release the bus tocontinue their Caravan from
International Rights of Nature Tribunal Day 1
Lima, December 6th,
'Greater Israel' in Motion
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 11 hours ago
Israel, with full US backing, wants to expand their control in the region.
A take down of Syria would give Israel a new base of operations as they
work with the Pentagon to make long-range plans for 'regime change' in
Iran. Watch this one as it develops. Very provocative program.
New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 11 hours ago
*BREAKING: The Supreme Court Just Refused BP’s Attempt To Skirt Settlement
Costs ~Ari Phillips, Think Progress*
Why most minority rights NGOs oppose net neutrality
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 11 hours ago
*Zero rating: unlimited Facebook data for cell phones*
Yesterday, The New York Times wrote an insightful text about the minority
activists' opinions about the net neutrality meme.
Obama’s Net Neutrality Bid Divides Civil Rights Groups
The Grey Lady says that it is usually expected that net neutrality is
favored by the far left-wing fringe of the Democratic Party. However, the
real-world data suggest something else.
The conservative judge Antonin Scalia has supported this egalitarian
concept for a decade. But most of the "civil rights groups" that The New
York Times enumerates actua... more »
PERU TRIBUNAL: Verdicts on Violation of Rights of People and Nature
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 11 hours ago
of the 4 river basin of Peru present their case for violations to
Rights if Nature and the peoples impacted by oil development in the
northern Amazon of Peru. Photo by Robin Milam
Tribunal verdicts on violation of rights of people and nature
By Global Alliance
Monday, December 8th, 2014
Censored News
International Rights of Nature Tribunal Day 2
Delegation of Saweto with
PERU Tribunal Denounces Violations to Rights of Nature
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 11 hours ago
Casey Camp, Ponca, speaks on fracking at Peru Tribunal
Photo Robin Milam
Tribunal Denounces Violations to Rights of Nature
By Global Alliance
Monday, December 8th, 2014
Please go to updated link: http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2014/12/peru-tribunal-denounces-violations-to.html
UNICEF: 2014 'A Devastating Year For Millions Of Children'
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
*Unicef Calls 2014 One Of Worst Years On Record for World’s Children -- New
York Times*
The year 2014 has been one of the worst on record for the world’s children,
the United Nations said on Monday in a report that chronicled a litany of
war, violence, atrocities and disease, mostly in the Middle East and Africa.
Up to 15 million children are directly entangled in violent conflicts in
the Central African Republic, Iraq, the Palestinian territories, South
Sudan, Syria and Ukraine, said the report by the United Nations Children’s
Fund, or Unicef.
Globally, the report said, an estim... more »
CDC admits that the Flu Vaccine Does NOT work.
D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 11 hours ago
The CDC actually admits that the Flu vaccine doesn't work.... then tries to
sell you another drug to cure you when you actually get the Flu after all.
Seriously.... I can't make this crap up!!!
Profitship! Cashing In On Public Schools: NO laughing matter.
David Greene at Schools Matter - 11 hours ago
Contractual interpretation and headings
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 11 hours ago
Neely v. MacDonald, 2014 ONCA 874:
The headings contained in a contract are part of the language chosen by the
parties and can properly be considered in interpreting the provisions that
follow, provided the wording of the contract is not inconsistent with such
an interpretation: Cathcart Inspection Services Ltd. v. Purolator Courier
Ltd. (1981), 34 O.R. (2d) 187 (S.C.), at para. 29, aff'd 39 O.R. (2d) 656
(C.A.); Toronto (City) v. Toronto Railway, [1907] A.C. 315 (P.C.). Failure
to read an agreement in accordance with its headings may lead a court to
misconstrue the contractual pr... more »
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 11 hours ago
Posted on December 8, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Dec. 8, 2014. The Mohawks called the Jesuits “Ratisti’hen’sta:tsi,
which means “burnt to a crisp”. The people carry out the punishment for
three capital offences, treason, espionage and conspiracy, by burning
the criminal[s] at the stake. These crimes could lead to the
annihilation of
Right Wing Strategy: "Making Themselves Look Good To The Heritage Action/Purity-For-Profit Crowd"
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago
Ted Cruz has a vision: President Ted Cruz, the first U.S. President born in
another country. From a family of Cuban fascists who found Texas compatible
with their authoritarian ideology, Cruz is eager to implement a plan to
force Obama to rescind his executive action delaying the deportation of
Hispanic and Asian immigrants whose children are U.S. citizens. Right wing
propaganda writer Byron York, writing for the *Washington Examiner*, a
Republican weekly owned by fascist Denver billionaire Philip Anschutz,
explained Cruz's seemly demented strategy in his column Friday.
York delve... more »
Russia Displays Air Defense Systems In The Middle Of Moscow
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago

People walk past a launcher truck which is used as a part of the S-400 air
defence mobile missile launching systems in front of Russian Army Theatre
in Moscow, December 8, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Sergei Karpukhin
*Russia Displays Air Defense Systems Amid Ukraine Tensions -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Russia displayed its mobile air defense missile systems in
central Moscow on Monday, underlining its military might amid tensions with
the West over Ukraine.
President Vladimir Putin said last week that Russia would have enough
resources and resolve to protect it from what he described as enem... more »
The Roswell Slides and the Aztec UFO Crash
KRandle at A Different Perspective - 12 hours ago
For a couple of decades I have been chasing stories of pictures of the
Roswell crash. I have been given the names of some of those who supposedly
had pictures, talked to others who thought they might have seen pictures,
and tried to find those who might have taken pictures as part of the
official investigation. In this I have failed, other than finding lots of
pictures of alien bodies, all of which seem to be traced to hoaxes, frauds
and science fiction movies.
I have not seen the Roswell slides but have heard descriptions of what they
show as many of us have. I know a little about... more »
Russian Foreign Ministry: US Seeks To Overthrow The Russian Government
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov looks on at the start of two
days of closed-door nuclear talks at the United Nations offices in Geneva
October 15, 2013. Credit: Reuters/Fabrice Coffrini/Pool
*US Seeks To Overthrow Political Leadership In Russia - Foreign Ministry --
By imposing sanctions on Moscow, the US aims to change the political
leadership, says the Russian Foreign Ministry, adding that Washington is
“twisting the arms” of its allies so that they can continue an
“anti-Russian front.”
“Behind the formally-declared aim to make us alter our position towards
U... more »
The Afghanistan War Is Officially Over For The U.S. And NATO (Kind Of)
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel addresses service members on Forward
Operating Base Gamberi, Afghanistan, Dec. 7, 2014. DoD photo by U.S. Air
Force Master Sgt. Adrian Cadiz
*My Comment:* So .... combat operations for U.S. and NATO soldiers in
Afghanistan are now officially over .... *US, NATO end Afghan combat
command after 13 years* (AP).
But the war continues .... *Afghan war rages as foreign forces go out the
door* (Reuters).
As for the future .... the problems continue to build .... *In Kabul’s
Valley of Death, hints of Afghanistan’s security woes* (Washington Post).
In an... more »
Obama disses the future King of England...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 13 hours ago

*by managing to allocate about 20 minutes to meet with him today. *
No, really.
Obama Schedule || Monday, December 8, 2014
by Keith Koffler on December 7, 2014, 11:03 pm
*10:45 am || *Meets with Britain’s Prince William, the Duke of Cambridge
*11:20 am || *Meets with middle-school students who are participating in an
“Hour of Code” event to honor Computer Science Education Week
*3:45 pm || * Tapes an interview for The Colbert Report with Stephen
Colbert; George Washington University
With his narcissistic propensity for being late, his schedule leaves about
20 minutes to spend with th... more »
Easy "Floating" Phrase or Photo Charm Ornaments
Lorene Nance at Housewife Eclectic - 13 hours ago

Hi again, Lorene here from just Lu with some more fun Doctor Who (or
whatever you're into) easy crafts.
Last Christmas, I made my favorite Whovian (that's Debra) a whole Doctor
Who tree, complete with a Weeping Angel tree topper, character tree skirt,
police box lighted sign, Doctors and companions garland, and oodles of
Doctor-inspired ornaments.
The ornaments I'm showing you today are so easy and use acrylic plastic
sheets to create a "floating" feel, similar to floating frames. They look
great on a Christmas tree, but you could also hang them from a rear-view
mirror in your ... more »
White Lives Matter...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 13 hours ago
*or do they?*
Why You Should Question Everything
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 14 hours ago
*Mike Sygula* - When it comes to the mainstream media, we should always
question everything we are told...
The post Why You Should Question Everything appeared first on Waking Times.
World News Briefs -- December 8, 2014
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
*Syria, Iran Accuse Israel Of Air Strike; Arms For Hezbollah Are Likely
Target -- CSM*
Israel did not confirm the strikes, reportedly near the Damascus airport
and Lebanon's border, but analysts noted Prime Minister Netanyahu spoke
earlier of dealing with regional threats.
Israeli warplanes bombed two areas near Damascus on Sunday, the Syrian
military said, drawing harsh criticism from the Syrian and Iranian foreign
The warplanes struck near the city’s international airport and outside
Dimas, a town close to the Lebanese border. The Syrian government said via
state ne... more »
Wynne vs harper & his prostitution law
thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 14 hours ago
I'm not a fan of Kathleen Wynne. She was a willing team member of the
corrupt and anti-democratic McGuinty gang. She passed a "progressive"
budget that's chock-full of privatizations and revenue-busting tax-cuts.
But the fact of the matter is that I hate harper even more. His regime is
vastly more corrupt and anti-democratic.
So I'm finding it interesting that Wynne and harper are in conflict over
his recent anti-prostitution law. I don't like this law because it
uselessly re-criminalizes sex-work in ways that the Supreme Court already
found unconstitutional. I'm willing to see how ... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 8, 2014
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
A pair of U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagles fly over northern Iraq after
conducting airstrikes against ISIL targets in Syria, Sept. 23, 2014. U.S.
Air Force photo by Senior Airman Matthew Bruch
*America's Reserved Air War: Fewer Missions, More Hits Against IS --
Spiegel Online*
The United States has conducted far fewer sorties in its battle against the
terrorist group Islamic State in Syria and Iraq than in previous wars.
Military officials claim one reason is a much higher air-strike hit ratio.
Despite United States President Barack Obama's stated vow to "degrade and
destroy" th... more »
Can Iraq’s Militias Be Successfully Integrated Into The Security Forces?
Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 15 hours ago

Today the Iraqi government has become dependent upon militias to defend the
country against the insurgency. These armed groups might be up to half of
Baghdad’s forces. The question is what will happen to these militias after
the insurgency is defeated? Can they be integrated into the security forces
and whom will their loyalties lie with? Some are connected to political
parties and many were created by Iran to either fight the Americans or
defend the Assad government against the Syrian rebels. Iraq faced a similar
dilemma in 2005 when the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq’s Badr Bri... more »
THE AGE OF BELIEF: Truly believing at Rolling Stone!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 15 hours ago
*MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2014Part 1—Our miraculous brain in action:* As Rolling
Stone’s folly kept unfolding, we were struck by something we read in the
Outlook section of Sunday’s Washington Post.
We refer to a standard description of the greatness of our human brain. The
description appeared at the start of a book review by Professor Trefil.
What you see below is a thoroughly standard account of our human greatness.
At least in the west, we humans have glorified ourselves in this way since
the dawn of time:
TREFIL (12/7/14): *The human brain, that marvelous instrument we all carry
... more »
YouGov's latest BBC polls
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 15 hours ago

The latest YouGov poll about public perceptions of BBC bias is out:
And also on the other big BBC question...:
The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party Claims It Still Doesn't Have A Silver Stake Through It's Heart
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago

Even House progressives tell me it's Hoyer's turn to be leader next-- doom!
Adam Green of the PCCC pointed out when Landrieu was handily defeated by
some hack GOP nonentity Saturday that the last of the Democrats from the
Republican wing of the Democratic Party who prevented the public option in
the Affordable Care Act-- the others being Joe Lieberman, Ben Nelson and
Blanche Lincoln-- had all been driven from office within 4 years; I think
he left out Mark Pryor-- but he also lost his Senate seat last month. Good
riddance to all of them. Take a look at the ProgressivePunch lifetime
c... more »
Vienna Conference On The Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons Opens Today
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago

*Risks Of Nuclear War Rising Because Of Global Tensions And Insecure
Stockpiles, Warn Experts -- The Independent*
'Too many nuclear weapons in the world remain ready to launch on short
notice,' the military, political and diplomatic figures say
Urgent action is needed to minimise the risk of a nuclear war, more than
120 senior military, political and diplomatic figures from across the world
have warned.
Ahead of the Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear
Weapons, which starts today, the experts wrote in a letter that the danger
of such a conflict was “underestimat... more »
"60 Minutes" Presents: Honoring Our Soldiers
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
*My Comment:* This 60 Minutes report was done a few years ago .... but it
is only now that I am watching/posting it. Better late than never.
Putin Pipeline Moves and EU Stupidity
Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 16 hours ago

*December 8, 2014* (F. William Engdahl - NEO) - South Stream, the $45
billion project to deliver Russian natural gas via underwater pipeline
through the Black Sea to Bulgaria and on to other Balkan and southern
European markets, is dead. Russian President Vladimir Putin made the death
pronouncement on December 1, during a trip to Turkey to meet Turkish
President, Recep Tayyip Erdogan. It has major geopolitical and economic
consequences for the EU.
As Putin explained, “If Europe doesn’t want to realize this, then it means
it won’t be realized. We will redirect the flow of our energy... more »
Firing Up The Base
Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 16 hours ago

It's interesting to consider the titles of bills that the Harper government
steamrolls through parliament. Consider a few: The "Zero Tolerance for
Barbaric Cultural Practices Act.” Or the "“Protection of Communities and
Exploited Persons Act.” That's the new prostitution law. Or "The Black
April Day Act." If you missed that one, Michael Harris reminds you that it:
created April 30 as the day to commemorate the diaspora of Vietnamese
citizens after Saigon fell to the Viet Cong in 1975. Thousands of those
re... more »
A Look At Chris Kyle, The Deadliest Sniper In US Military History
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago

*Meet The Navy SEAL Who Became The Real Life Jason Bourne -- New York Post*
*With 160 confirmed kills, Chris Kyle was the deadliest sniper in US
military history — and is the subject of a buzzed-about new film, “American
Sniper,” starring Bradley Cooper as Kyle and directed by Clint Eastwood. In
his new book, “Modern American Snipers,” author Chris Martin tells the
history of these special warriors and how technology and skill produced a
soldier who could shoot someone from a mile away. In this excerpt, he
explains Kyle’s success — and reveals the one person who got the best of
him... more »
Marine Medal of Honor Recipient: ‘I’m Just Tired Of Us As Americans Living In Fear’
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago

Image: Twitter, Dakota Meyer
*Marine Medal of Honor Recipient Invites Islamic State To His Home — To Die
-- Washington Times*
‘I’m just tired of us as Americans living in fear’
The Islamic State group has encouraged its members to target military
personnel in their homes, but for Marine Medal of Honor recipient Dakota
Meyer, having a few terrorists show up at his door would be a “dream come
Mr. Meyer posted a photo Tuesday on Twitter of himself in a chair with a
pipe in his mouth, the Handbook for Marine NCOs in one hand and a sword in
the other.
The photo was posted with... more »
Doubling of native women in prison is a blight: Editorial
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 17 hours ago
Justice department study shows 97 per cent increase in jailed aboriginal
women over the past decade
Correctional Investigator of Canada Howard Sapers has repeatedly
highlighted the stark overerepresentation of native women in the prison
Published on Mon Dec 08 2014
The crisis was hidden in plain sight.
For years, Corrections Canada has reported that the number of aboriginal
women behind bars was swelling. Correctional Investigator Howard Sapers has
repeatedly highlighted the stark overepresentation of native women in the
prison popul... more »
5 Tips For Being An Ally
Barbara Ann Levy at WPB/NYC and Anything Else; A Curated Green Rights Collection - 17 hours ago
NATO Intelligence: 'Don’t Get Russia Wrong'
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 17 hours ago

A US serviceman (front), accompanied by Ukrainian soldiers, takes part in
military exercises outside the town of Yavoriv near Lviv, September 19,
2014 (Reuters / Roman Baluk)
*'Don’t Get Russia Wrong': NATO Intel Warns Against Misjudging Moscow On
Ukraine -- RT*
Russia doesn’t want Ukraine to be split up, NATO intelligence officials
say, warning their colleagues against wrongly assessing Moscow’s policy on
the crisis in eastern Ukraine.
That’s according to a report in German magazine Der Spiegel written by
intelligence officers from several NATO countries. They argue that Moscow
... more »
Help Stop (or at least embarrass) CPC Cheaters
noreply@blogger.com (fern hill) at DAMMIT JANET! - 17 hours ago
Remember the 2010 Canadians Against Proroguing Parliament movement? Then,
before Twitter was as omnipresent as it is now, the CAPP Facebook group
built more than 200,000 followers.
Now that the CONs have their majority and have had 4+ years to fuck the
country -- and doing an excellent job at it -- we have a chance next year
to get rid of the bastards.
But. They're going to do everything they can to stop us.
Including of course cheating. In each of the past three elections,
CONservatives have been caught cheating.
With the absolute minimum cost or penalty.
You think they won't do... more »
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 17 hours ago
Of the Law Societies of Upper Canada and Nunavut
Iraq / Syria Regional War Updates ( December 8 , 2014 ) - Israel strikes targets within Syria on Sunday ..... following ISIS within Syria and Iraq - and the efforts to confront ISIS ......... Turkey policy not to change in near term ( until West gives Turkey what it wants regarding Syria ) .....
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 17 hours ago

Links ....
*Defying US, Iraq Plans Winter Offensive in Mosul*
*Rivalries Resurface in Iraqi Town Recaptured From ISIS*
*Officials: ISIS Executes 19 Tribesmen Near Kirkuk*
*Israel Attacks Syria, Bombs Damascus Airport*
*UN Details Israeli Military Ties With Syrian Rebels*
*Syria Repels ISIS Attack on Eastern Air Base*
*ISIS Executes 12 Shi'ite Militiamen North of Baghdad*
Militiamen Among 103 Killed Across Iraq
Here's One Place Where Gasoline Prices Are Rising: Islamic State
*Joyce Karam* @Joyce_Karam 2m
2 minutes ago
#Erdogan extends lifeline to #Putin. #Russi... more »
A Look At The U.S. Exit Strategy From Afghanistan
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 17 hours ago

U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel speaks to American troops during a visit
to Forward Operating Base Gamberi on Dec. 7, 2014. (Mark Wilson/Reuters)
*Hagel Visits Afghan Outpost Seen as U.S. Way Out of Longest War -- David
Lerman, Bloomberg*
*The outgoing Secretary of Defense called the base "a model" that the U.S.
can use in its exit strategy from the war torn country. *
Dec. 8 (Bloomberg) -- The Pentagon is counting on a remote outpost in
eastern Afghanistan to help lead the way out of America’s longest war.
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel took a 30-minute helicopter ride from the ... more »
jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 17 hours ago
*Student Privacy Concerns Add to Common Core Resistance*
There are many things to hate about Common Core standards. From convoluted,
unsolvable math problems, to an increased reliance on soulless standardized
testing, to a lack of local control and adaptation to individual
circumstances, just about everyone can find something to object to. One of
the most concerning aspects of the program, however, is the invasive
collection of personal data from students, an area that has received far
too little attention in media discussions of education.
All states opting into Common Core have... more »
The Taliban In Pakistan Are Getting Hit From Both Sides
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 17 hours ago

*Pakistani Taliban Hit By Surge Of Counter-Terror Operations -- The
Nine fighters killed by drone missiles in Afghanistan, as US hands over
Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan leader to Islamabad
All summer Pakistan has missed no opportunity to complain that the leaders
of one of the country’s deadliest militant groups have found safe haven
across the border in the wilds of eastern Afghanistan. But with the
election of a more amenable president in Kabul and a dramatic improvement
in relations between Islamabad and Washington, the Pakistani Taliban
fighters hiding inside Afghanist... more »
JR at GREENIE WATCH - 17 hours ago
*Billions won’t satisfy Warmists*
By Christopher Booker in Britain
Led by the BBC, the usual media suspects were quick to trumpet last week’s
claims by the Met Office and the World Meteorological Organisation that
2014 is set to be “the hottest year ever”. It’s funny that the rest of us
hadn’t noticed; least of all those citizens of North America and Russia
whose lives were lately disrupted by record snowfalls.
It is true that the temperature records compiled by the avid warmists of
the Met Office and the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (the one
formerly run by climate activis... more »
Thanksgiving and Puritan Geopolitics in the Americas
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 18 hours ago

This is an excellent essay on the early history that brought English
settler to New England. Central to this was the serious population
expansion taking place in this part of Europe that had not been so
explicitly identified. A lot of it was surely the recovery from the Black
Death. Perhaps also this drove improving wages and this meant better
infant survival.
All this made colonization possible. As posted, it also meant enslaving
the surplus poor and shipping them overseas to staff plantations. This was
Ireland's lot most noticeably, but also throughout England. Scotland had... more »
Vegan Diet And Its Benefits
Waking Times at Waking Times - 18 hours ago

*Video - *Here are some of the arguments promoting a vegan diet and its
health benefits.
The post Vegan Diet And Its Benefits appeared first on Waking Times.
Satellite Separation
Zoe Brain at A.E.Brain - 18 hours ago
12 years ago... Australia had a Space Programme.
The video shows booster separation of the Japanese H2A at 12:15:40, the
Japanese ADEOS-2 at 12:16:20, the Australian FedSat at 12:16:40, the
Japanese MicroLabSat at 12:17:00 and WEOS at 12:17:20
That was 35 years since the previous Australian Space Programme, and the
previous Australian Spacecraft, WRESAT in 1967. We were world leaders then,
just as FedSat is still the most complex and capable MicroSat ever
launched. And just as with FedSat, the powers that be decided that our
future was in digging holes in the ground, not out in s... more »
MOSH - shape capture AND motion capture - jiggle deforms or soft tissue simulation
Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 19 hours ago
*Researchers at the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems unveil new
technology for motion and shape capture (MoSh) that helps animators jump
the "Uncanny Valley" by turning a few moving dots into detailed body shapes
that jiggle and deform like real humans.*
Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2014-12-tiny-motions-digital-life.html
Atlas V Rocket to Launch from Vandenberg Air Force Base on Thursday — Weather Permitting
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 20 hours ago

[image: Atlas V payload fairing]The most powerful Atlas V rocket is
scheduled to fly for the first time from Vandenberg Air Force Base on
Thursday evening, carrying clandestine cargo into orbit, some 55 years
after a very different version of the venerable booster made its debut on
the West Coast.
Liftoff of the United Launch Alliance Atlas V booster from Space Launch
Complex-3 East on South Base is expected to occur between 6 and 8 p.m.
The actual launch window for the 200-foot-tall rocket remains classified
due to the hush-hush spacecraft on board for the National Recon... more »
White Solutreans From Stone-Age Europe the True and First Native Americans.
Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 20 hours ago
*The Clovis person's genome is as far from Western Europe as it is possible
to go*.
this title is a 'bit deceptive' in that, "There is no trace of the
Solutreans (S.W. French) having survived or evolved in USA," so they can't
technically be termed 'the first Native Americans' in the same sense that I
can't be called Japanese just because I took a flight there once and ate
some of their rice/fish/meat.
The Solutreans were travellers, like the Vikings who visited The Americas
after them, and then the Spanish/Portuguese/British Empires... who came to
rape riches and kill aboriginals w... more »
Laser defense system under test at White Sands
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: HEL-MD system]A possible future of Army laser weapons is undergoing
testing on White Sands Missile Range.
The High Energy Laser Mobile Demonstrator, or HEL-MD, is a proof of concept
weapon system designed to demonstrate how a laser system can be developed
into a tactical, mobile platform that can be deployed and used in the
Not an adopted Army weapon system, the HEL-MD is a test bed that is being
used in various test environments and scenarios to evaluate the
capabilities and determine what a system like it can do, and how it can be
further developed.
Read more
Russia Deploys Tactical Ballistic Missile System, Pounding Ukraine 33 Times In 24 Hours
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: Iskander-E tactical missile]Russia sent in its Iskander missiles to
Crimea, according to a representative of the Ukrainian Armed Forces'
General Staff who had spoken with the Ukraine Today.
These short-range missiles are capable of carrying nuclear warheads,
according to the report.
The missiles have a range of about 500 kilometres and each missile unit is
manned by 108 personnel, according to the analysis of the Ukraine Crisis
Media Centre.
Read more
Syria Asks UN for Sanctions Against Israel
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: F-16 Netz]Syria has appealed to the United Nations in outrage over
alleged attacks by the Israel Defense Forces against targets near Damascus
on Sunday afternoon.
The Syrian Foreign Ministry issued a statement saying it “requires
sanctions to deter Israel,” according to a report broadcast on Israel’s
Channel 2 television news. Israel has neither confirmed nor denied reports
of the attacks.
Syria alleged the Israeli Air Force bombed targets in and around the Dimas
air base and the Damascus international airport, including a warehouse in
which advanced Russian-made S-300 miss... more »
Iran Detects, Shoos Away U-2 Spy Plane: Commander
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: U-2 Dragon Lady]Commander of Iran’s Khatam al-Anbia Air Defense
Base said his forces identified a U-2 reconnaissance plane and forced it to
leave the country’s airspace after warning.
Brigadier General Farzad Esmaili said on Sunday that the intruding
aircraft, only in possession of the US, was forced to leave the country
when the Air Defense systems were prepared to hit the plane.
“Last week, a warning was given to the plane (U-2) somewhere in the
country, and the missile system also prepared to hit it, but the plane
returned immediately after receiving the warning,” the com... more »
Dimensionful universal constants are unphysical cultural artifacts
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 21 hours ago
Michael Duff has released a hep-th preprint
How fundamental are fundamental constants?
about a topic I consider elementary and I understood it when I was a high
school student. The realization is that the numerical values of
dimensionful (having units) universal constants of Nature depend on
arbitrary and physically unimportant human decisions and don't really
affect the character of the physical laws.
By a more economic parameterization of the physical observables, e.g. the
choice of \(1=c=\hbar=\epsilon_0=k=G=\dots \) units, one may completely
eliminate the symbols of these const... more »
LCA Navy all set for ski-jump trials at SBTF Goa
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: LCA NP-1]Scripting a new chapter in India's naval aviation history,
the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Naval Prototype-1 (NP-1) is all set to
undertake critical trials at INS Hansa in Goa for the first time.
Sources confirm to OneIndia that the NP-1 undertook ‘extensive
pre-requisite flying' at HAL Airport in Bengaluru ahead of its expected
ferry to Goa soon.
"The aircraft is in a good shape now. In the last two weeks alone, we did
five flights. Specified speed, Mach No, altitude, Angle of Attack,
undercarriage operations and ground accelerations all have been tested and
fou... more »
New Dry Dock Likely to be Completed by Mid-2016
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: INS Vikramaditya]The construction of the new dry dock inside the
Mumbai's Naval Dockyard is in advanced stage and is likely to be completed
by mid-2016, a senior Naval officer said on Sunday.
"The work (going on for last few years) is in advanced state and there are
plans to test the strength of retaining walls constructed by dewatering the
dry dock area, which will be carried out in February 2015," a senior Naval
officer said, adding, if the result is favourable then further construction
work would be carried out.
Once the Mumbai dry dock is ready, it can even refit country... more »
Ultra Electronics' Sonar Systems Wins GBP27 Million Royal Navy Deal
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 22 hours ago
[image: HMS Kent]Ultra Electronics PLC on Monday said its Sonar Systems
subsidiary has won a GBP27 million contract from the Royal Navy to work on
its Sonar 2050 Technology Refresh Programme.
Ultra said the ten-year deal will see it deliver and support new
hull-mounted sonars for the Royal Navy's eight Type-23 frigates.
"I am very pleased that Ultra has been awarded the Sonar 2050 Technology
Refresh contract. This is a significant opportunity and it demonstrates
Ultra's continuing ability to supply and support cutting edge sonar systems
to the Royal Navy. We look forward to working ... more »
U.S. Presence at Spanish Base Continues to Grow
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 22 hours ago
Rota Naval base
The American strategy calling for increased attention to the Asia-Pacific
region does not mean other areas of the world are less important to U.S.
interests and the growth of the naval base here is a case in point.
In 2010, the NATO allies agreed to increase ballistic missile protection
for Europe. Two American Aegis-equipped frigates now call Rota home and two
more are scheduled to join them next year.
These are the first American ships home-ported here since Polaris-missile
submarines left in the 1970s, U.S. base officials said.
Read more
Widows oppose selection of CO cited for role in fatal helo mishap
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 22 hours ago
[image: Cmdr. Jana Vavasseur]Last year, two pilots were killed when high
seas swept a chained helicopter off the flight deck of the destroyer
William P. Lawrence.
The ship's commanding officer, Cmdr. Jana Vavasseur, who ordered the ship
to top speed in dangerous conditions on the Red Sea, has now been selected
for major command, according to the Navy's recent screening board results.
Vavasseur's selection has prompted outrage in the aviation community,
particularly among the wives of the deceased pilots and the spouses of
aircrew still serving.
Read more
High Court rejects appeal in frigate kickbacks case
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 22 hours ago

[image: Lafayette class FFG]The Taiwan High Court on Saturday rejected an
appeal by jailed Navy Captain Kuo Li-heng (郭力恆), upholding an earlier
decision for a 15-year prison term with a NT$200 million (US$64,290) fine.
Kuo was convicted in connection with the Lafayette frigate procurement
scandal for receiving NT$1.1 billion in kickbacks for brokering the deal to
purchase six Lafayette-class frigates from France in 1991.
After the court sentencing this April, Kuo lodged a motion to object — as
the High Court imposed an additional six months of jail time in lieu of
paying the NT$200 ... more »
Remembering Pearl Harbor
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 22 hours ago

USS Arizona
*Unforgettable Photos From The Attack On Pearl Harbor, 73 Years Ago Today
-- Business Insider*
December 7, 1941 began as a perfect Sunday morning for the troops serving
the US fleet at Pearl Harbor.
Under a early morning South Pacific sun, softball teams were lining up on
the beach. Pitchers warmed up their arms, while batting rosters were
finalized and the wives and kids came over from seaside church services.
They did not know that for hours the Japanese naval fleet and air forces
had been speeding across the ocean toward America's Pacific base. There,
like a string... more »
Mysterious Objects at the Edge of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 22 hours ago
The struggle to sample the whole spectrum continues. Super high energetic
photons beg explanation and i would like to know if any are produced
locally at all. If not then we are thrown back on the likes of black
holes. I would like to see if they correlate to Quasars.
I also need to see if we can make these types of photons ourselves. That
usually leads to a clearer understanding.
Otherwise a neat advance that continues to fill in our spectrum.
*Mysterious Objects at the Edge of the Electromagnetic Spectrum*
*http://www.wakingtimes.com/2012/03/20/mysterious-objects-at-the-edg... more »
Don’t Forget Why Marijuana Legalization Is Winning
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 22 hours ago

I personally grew up with a perceived truth drilled into me. It was simply
that prohibition did not work and the side effects are awful. Thus while
personally rejecting recreational drugs generally, I certainly have seen no
reason to ever promote prohibition ever. Yet we then engaged in a fifty
years repeat of prohibition with global consequences rather than National
It is now coming apart because the American taxpayer simply cannot continue
to underwrite both the enforcement and the criminal community. Nor can all
our allies and every other participant.
In the ... more »
Monsanto Is Using Big Data to Take Over the World
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 22 hours ago
I am glad that they are taking this on. It will not preserve their other
protocols at all but will assist all farmers in optimization of production.
This needs to be done and it will change the face of agriculture.
Everyone needs to understand just how much has already been done with new
information. It is the core reason organic farming is now leaping ahead of
industrial methods. That expansion alone will eliminate industrial farming
How to make it a paying proposition is the likely challenge.
*Monsanto Is Using Big Data to Take Over the World*
* The GMO gian... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 23 hours ago
“NGC 660 lies near the center of this intriguing skyscape, swimming in the
boundaries of the constellation Pisces. Over 20 million light-years away,
its peculiar appearance marks it as a polar ring galaxy. A rare galaxy
type, polar ring galaxies have a substantial population of stars, gas, and
dust orbiting in rings nearly perpendicular to the plane of the galactic
*Click image for larger size.*
The bizarre configuration could have been caused by the chance capture of
material from a passing galaxy by the disk galaxy, with the captured debris
strung out in a rotating ring. Th... more »
Is The CIA Being 'Thrown Under The Bus' Over The 'Torture Report'
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
*CIA Won’t Defend Its One-Time Torturers -- Shane Harris & Tim Mak, Daily
Beast *
*When the long-awaited ‘Torture Report’ finally drops, don’t expect the CIA
to stand up for its interrogation programs—or disavow those controversial
There may have been bourbon punch and festive lights at the CIA’s holiday
party Friday night, but a frosty gloom hung in the air.
As everyone in the agency’s Langley, Va., headquarters knew, the
long-awaited “torture report” from the Senate Intelligence Committee’s
Democrats was set to drop early the next week, perhaps as soon as Monday
morn... more »
Grant G at The Straight Goods - 23 hours ago
*Written by Robin Mathews*
*FIGHTING THE FASCISTS. Canadians At Home. *
From the start … let’s say it clearly. And face it.
The Hard Right, The Dirty Harper Fighters, The One Per Cent, The
Bilderbergers, Big Oil, (Give the name you use for the
government-swallowing corporate mafia taking over). They want a fascist
That means those forces want a world in which “representative government”
is representative of big wealth, of big corporations only … where
legislators are hand-picked. That means those wealthy forces always want
huge private corporations to swallow gove... more »
Emissions Down at Daiichi Compared to Last Few Days Dec 1 23:50
Majia's Blog - 23 hours ago
alt="" height="257"
src="... more »
JR at GREENIE WATCH - 1 day ago
*Fall snow cover in Northern Hemisphere was most extensive on record, all
due to warming, of course*
*You can explain anything if you want to. In science it is called an "ad
hoc" explanation -- known to the layman as being wise after the event. And
the Warmist writer below does that. He offers various explanations for why
the observed cold is actually due to warming somewhere.But he actually has
nothing to explain. He has drunk the NOAA Kool-Aid about current record
high temperatures. He hasn't noticed the carefully unpublicized fact that
temperatures in the 21st century... more »
The Cokely Affair
Spike EP at News Spike - 1 day ago

Bro. Steve Cokely Vs Irv Rubin of the Jewish Defense League (JDL), Military
Wing of the ADL
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*"But Mr. Cokely, you can blame him from reacting when you get up before an
audience and read a statement, I don't care where it comes from, to the
effect that Jewish Doctors were innoculationg Black kids with AIDS..!"*
*Bro. Cokely :* "Well, what I think you outta do is look into the New York
Times, which talks about the Doctors in Zaire who got into an agreement
with Mobutu to shoot up Black people - this Ethnic Weapons Program is being
used all over the world - un... more »
Libertarian Nonsense
Spike EP at News Spike - 1 day ago

Completely untrue.
Jesus broke no laws and he wasn't a Roman citizen.
The Pharisees demanded that Pilate crucify him for breaking Jewish law by
impersonating the messiah.
Jesus wasn't an enemy of the state, he was an enemy of the Church.
Or the Temple.
So, this is completely backwards.
Jesus wasn't crucified because the Roman State in Judea was too strong, he
was crucified because it wasn't strong enough.
The Roman State was too weak to defy the clergy. And they were bonkers.
U.S. Intelligence Fears Blowback If The CIA Torture Report Is Released
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Impending CIA Interrogation Report Creates Fear of Violence -- ABC News*
U.S. embassies around the world are bracing for a potentially explosive
report about to be released that details what the CIA did to terror
suspects in the days after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, and the fear is
that its release could threaten American lives.
The report, due to be released Tuesday by the Senate, is described as
shocking in its very graphic descriptions of secret interrogations,
including some details that have never been heard before.
All U.S. facilities around the world are being urged to r... more »
"A Path..."
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"A path is only a path, and there is no affront, to oneself or to others,
in dropping it if that is what your heart tells you. Look at every path
closely and deliberately. Try it as many times as you think necessary. Then
ask yourself alone, one question. Does this path have a heart? If it does,
the path is good; if it doesn’t it is of no use.”
- Carlos Castaneda
"Essential Books For Surviving In A Post-Disaster World"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"Essential Books For Surviving In A Post-Disaster World"*
by George Ure and Gaye Levy
"We are not suggesting it will happen, but suppose in March something goes
terribly wrong and there is a major terrorist attack in a big city. If
this happened, there would be a tremendous ripple effect going forward in
time for the entire country. Perhaps because of a recent death (Whitney)
but one such city comes to mind: Houston.
*The Nightmare Scenario:* Let us imagine a national nightmare moment. One
of our nuclear weapons is missing from the national inventory. (And don’t
kid yourself: t... more »
METRO | Elaine J. Cohen : To weave the future
Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 1 day ago
The Zapatista’s struggle to reclaim dignity and autonomy is similar to the
struggle of the Lakota and other First Nation peoples. By Elaine J. Cohen |
The Rag Blog | December 7, 2014 AUSTIN — In mid-November, here in Austin, …
finish reading *METRO* | Elaine J. Cohen : To weave the future
The Poet: Jane Hirshfield, “Come, Thief”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"There is a moment before a shape hardens, a color sets.
Before the fixative or heat of kiln.
The letter might still be taken from the mailbox.
The hand held back by the elbow,
the word kept between the larynx pulse
and the amplifying drum-skin of the room's air.
The thorax of an ant is not as narrow.
The green coat on old copper weighs more.
Yet something slips through it -
looks around,
sets out in the new direction, for other lands.
Not into exile, not into hope. Simply changed.
As a sandy track-rut changes when called a Silk Road:
it cannot be after turned back from."
~ Jane Hirshfield... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Linesville, Pennsylvania, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
A Growing Morale Crisis In The U.S. Military
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

A U.S. soldier takes a break during a mission to clear Route 1 of
improvised explosives in Wardak province, Afghanistan, Aug. 13, 2013. The
soldier, assigned to the 87th Sapper Company, conducted the clearing
mission to maintain freedom of movement for military and commercial
traffic. U.S. Army photo by Spc. Chenee' Brooks
*AMERICA'S MILITARY: A Force Adrift -- Hope Hodge Seck, Military Times*
*How the nation is failing today's troops and veterans.*
After 13 years of war, troops feel burned out and without a sense of
mission. More doubt their leaders and their job security.
For ma... more »
Syria Reports Israeli Airstrikes Near Damascus Airport
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Syria Says Israeli Jets Hit Damascus -- Al Jazeera*
Israel yet to react to state TV's claim its jets struck two places, one
near Damascus airport, but caused no casualties.
Syria has accused Israel of carrying out air strikes against two
government-held areas in Damascus province, one of them near the Damascus
international airport.
There was no immediate reaction to Sunday's report from the Israeli
"The Israeli enemy attacked Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus
province, namely the Dimas area and the area of Damascus International
Airport," state TV said... more »
"Where else in our weak economy are there so many good job opportunities as in racketeering?" (Charles Simic)
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

*Relax, Mr. Crook! If you're big and powerfulenough, there's no need to
hide your face!*
*"It ought to be obvious by now that if we ever become a genuine police
state, it will not arise from an authoritarian ideology necessarily, but as
the end result of that insatiable greed for profit that has already
affected every aspect of American life from health care to the way college
students are forced into debt."*
*-- Charles Simic, in a NYRB blogpost,* "A Thieves' Thanksiving"
*by Ken*
Earlier tonight Howie pointed out ("Corruption At The Top -- In China They
Punish It . . . For Real... more »
“Ash Carter Predicted 9/11″: ESP or foreknowledge? and other stories
Kevin Barrett at truthjihad.com blog - 1 day ago

The new Secretary of Defense a 9/11 criminal?!
This week's output in case you missed it:
“Ash Carter Predicted 9/11″: ESP or foreknowledge? (outraged exposé)
Why the Ferguson grand jury was wrong (op-ed, with Dr. Bob Reuschlein)
I Almost Blew Up the SFPD ("reality fiction")
9/11-Warren Commission on Race in America?! (dark humor & satire)
Harry Targ : Contradictions in this political moment
Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 1 day ago
It’s unclear what the contradiction between reaction and resistance will
bring in the months ahead. By Harry Targ | The Rag Blog | December 7, 2014
On contradictions Political philosophers influenced by the writings of
Marx and Engels emphasize … finish reading Harry Targ :
Contradictions in this political moment
Nadim Shehadi Breaks Down ISIS To Its Many Different And Contradictory Parts
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
*An excerpt from, "What is hiding behind Islamic State" by Nadim Shehadi,
Chatham House, December 2014: *
One element is the General Military Council for Iraqi Revolutionaries,
former Ba’ath Party officers from Saddam Hussein’s disbanded army with over
thirty years of experience ruling the land. Many have been in hiding or in
exile, given sanctuary and support by the Syrian regime.
Another important element is the Army of the Men of the Naqshbandi Order, a
Sufi order which is powerful in the region and with connections that are
not well understood. They include senior members of ... more »
No Wright in your backyard, say planners
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
No, the problem isn’t just New Zealand’s: innovative building is
increasingly difficult worldwide. And it’s almost always been all but
impossible in Britain. ( When I was there twenty years ago I was told by a
former Wright apprentice to whom I was introduced that he had discovered
early on after emigrating from Iraq to Britain that the UK was not the
place for innovative organic architecture to flourish.)
No surprise then that would have been Frank Lloyd Wright’s first home on a
property in Britain has been knocked by by arseholes philistines planners,
who have told the owner he... more »
Corruption At The Top-- In China They Punish It... For Real
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

Things likely to end badly for corrupt power mongers Xander Feng and Zhou
Early last summer we looked at a guest post by Qiao Li, a friend of mine
from the neighborhood, China's Naked Officials. "Naked officials (裸体官员),"
she explained, "are Chinese bureaucrats who send their family members
overseas with the illegal assets they amassed through corruption and graft.
These officials are 'naked' as they are the only ones left behind, working
hard to accumulate and funnel capital overseas under the names of their
relatives to popular destinations like the U.S., Canada and the U.... more »
Kiev Are The Terrorists
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago
Ukrainian Major and military expert Oleksandr Taran who's been on the
"enemy" territory and drove about 300 km in current conflict zones says
that he did see Cossacks and volunteers that came from Russia fighting on
the militia's side but didn't see any regular Russian military units. He
also says that the Kiev government and security services act like
H'ostess With the Mo$test
Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 1 day ago

For that special One Percent someone who has everything but still wants
more, more, more: a complete set of gold-embossed cocktail napkins with a
selection of original Hillary quotes (including one borrowed from Teddy
Roosevelt). Only the best will do for the blotting of sensitive Dom
Perignon-stained chops and the prevention of stains on antique mahogany
coffee tables.
And if you order now, you will also receive a free Hillary magnet,
reminding you not to forget to put on your movie star shades in the dead of
night while texting before getting behind the wheel of your Mercede... more »
Spike EP at News Spike - 1 day ago

"In the aftermath of the rash of fires at black churches, and with the
strong support of the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights, Congress
passed and President Clinton signed into law the Church Arsons Prevention
Act of 1996. With bipartisan sponsorship by Reps. Henry Hyde and John
Conyers and Sens. Edward Kennedy and Lauch Faircloth, it enhances federal jurisdiction
over and increases the federal penalties for the destruction of houses of
worship. And Congress and the Administration provided $12 million for a
federal investigation of the church fires. In addition, the Act gives ... more »
Some Perspective on the Headlining Antarctic Ice Loss Trends
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
*Guest post by Chip Knappenberger*
The mainstream media has lit up the past few days with headlines of “
alarming” news coming out of Antarctica highlighting new research on a more
rapid than expected loss of ice from glaciers there.
But, as typical with blame-it-on-humans climate change stories, the
coverage lacks detail, depth, and implication as well as being curiously
We explain.
The research, by a team led by University of Cal-Irvine doctoral candidate
Tyler Sutterley, first appeared online at the journal *Geophysical Research
Letters* on November 15th, about two week... more »
Two from Youtube
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 1 day ago
Time Mapping Taiwan: Brilliant map of Taiwan over the centuries (Youtube).
Hitler discovers the KMT lost the election (Youtube).
[Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its
sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores
of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!
MEMRI TV: Iraqi Shiite Imam and Former MP Jalal Al-Din Al-Saghir: The Shiites Control the Entire Region
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
*Video Title: Iraqi Shiite Imam and Former MP Jalal Al-Din Al-Saghir: The
Shiites Control the Entire Region. Source: MEMRI TV. Date Published:
December 7, 2014. Description:*
Iraqi Shiite Imam and former MP Jalal Al-Din Al-Saghir said that even
though the Shiites are the minority in the numerical sense, "we are the
majority, strategically speaking." The Shiites control the oil reserves in
the region, as well as the straits controlling international maritime
traffic, he said. The address was posted on the Internet on April 28.
"Do you think that the Syrian army is behind the improved... more »
Garner, Brown and Rodney King
Jenna Orkin at From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog - 1 day ago
*By Jenna Orkin*
*December 5, 2014* As a friend and I were sitting in a coffee shop this
evening, a crowd of protesters passed outside, shouting their outrage on
the Eric Garner and Michael Brown verdicts. It took a moment to make
out the words of the spondaic chant but then all at once, the
meaning hit with the force of three punches: "I can't breathe! I can't
The police response to this: "If he was talking, then it means he *could
*breathe," is reminiscent of Elizabethan witch trials. They'd tie you up
and throw you in the river. If you drowned, you were innoc... more »
Perv hunting on the metro
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 1 day ago

Many people have noticed and commented on these signs in the Taipei metro
which assure riders that the restrooms are checked for hidden cameras
placed by pervs. h/t for the pic goes to John E.
[Taiwan] Don't miss the comments below! And check out my blog and its
sidebars for events, links to previous posts and picture posts, and scores
of links to other Taiwan blogs and forums!
"Claiming Our Feelings: Passive Aggressive Behavior"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
* "Claiming Our Feelings: Passive Aggressive Behavior"*
by The DailyOm
"The way to end passive aggressive behavior on your part or others’ is with
complete honesty and truth in any situation. If you’ve ever found yourself
repressing your anger and behaving in other ways to get your point across,
you may be someone who is adept at engaging in passive-aggressive behavior.
Although passive-aggressive behavior is recognized as a psychological
disorder, it also describes the behavior that many people use to cope with
confrontational situations. Such behavior has the outward appearance of... more »
Chet Raymo, "The Dark Cloths of Night"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"The Dark Cloths of Night"*
by Chet Raymo
"For years I taught a general studies astronomy course for liberal arts
students. And often, when we reached the home galaxy, I asked, "How many of
you have seen the Milky Way?" The answer was usually one or two at most out
of a class of thirty. Which is no surprise. I can't see the Milky Way from
my neighborhood, which is about half-way between Boston, Massachusetts, and
Providence, Rhode Island. You'd have to live somewhere pretty far out in
the country to see the Milky Way from the eastern United States.
We first came to this little isl... more »
"Only One Catch..."
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a
concern for one's own safety in the face of dangers that were real and
immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be
grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no
longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to
fly more missions and sane if he didn't, but if he was sane he had to fly
them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn't have to; but if he didn't
want to he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the
absolute ... more »
Paulo Coelho, “Each to His/Her Own Destiny”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“Each to His/Her Own Destiny”*
by Paulo Coelho
“A Samurai who was known for his nobility and honesty, went to visit a Zen
monk to ask him for his advice. When the monk had finished his prayers, the
Samurai asked, "Why do I feel so inferior? – I have faced death many times,
have defended those who are weak. Nevertheless, upon seeing you meditating,
I felt that my life had absolutely no importance whatsoever."
"Wait. Once I have attended to all those who come to see me today, I shall
answer you."
The samurai spent the whole day sitting in the temple gardens, watching the
people go ... more »
"If It Were Not So..."
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"We are all liars, because
The truth of yesterday
becomes a lie tomorrow,
Whereas letters are fixed,
and we live by the letter of truth.
The love I feel for my friend, this year,
is different from the love I felt last year.
If it were not so, it would be a lie.
Yet we reiterate love! love! love!
as if it were a coin with fixed value
instead of a flower that dies, and opens a different bud."
- D. H. Lawrence
Vince Foster
Spike EP at News Spike - 1 day ago
Vince Foster from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*by James R. Norman [Resigned from Forbes because this story was spiked.]*
*"Was White House Deputy Counsel Vince Foster selling US secrets to Israel?
The CIA suspects he was." *
TWO weeks before his death on July 20, 1993, White House Deputy Counsel
Vincent W. Foster went into a deep funk. The official cause of death, given
by former Independent Counsel Robert Fiske Jr. (who was later replaced
by Kenneth Starr), was suicide driven by depression over, among other
things, several newspaper editorials. But Vince Foster had a much b... more »
For newspapers now, “the search for profit [is] probably more important than it has ever been.”
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
Since the future of newspapers in the internet age is on ever the minds of
media mavens – not least how to get them making money in the new cyber age
– it struck me on reading some history recently that making money hasn’t
historically been the record of some the world’s great papers, and neither
have they always been the papers they’re now thought to have been.
Basically, newspapers haven’t always haven’t always provided news (so
nothing new there then) and have only in some periods been reliably
profitable. Many have always needed the backing of a wealthy enthusiast
either for ... more »
Israel attacks Syria aiding their takfiri (Kurds and others) Netanyahu hints in advance
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 1 day ago
*Lots of reading including, best for last, UNDOF confirming Israel
supporting terrorists in Syria*
Israel’s air force launched two raids inside Syria including the area of
Damascus airport, the Assad government claimed on Sunday.
“The Israeli enemy attacked Syria by targeting two safe areas in Damascus
province, namely the Dimas area and the area of Damascus International
Airport,” state television announced.
There was no confirmation from Israel.
[image: IDF attack on Dimas in Syria]Israel attack on Dimas
*Israel struck two areas*
-Damascus International Airport a... more »
Noah's Annual List Of Great Holiday Gift Ideas Is Here!
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

*By Noah*
(Bite me, O’Reilly. I said *holiday*, not Christmas)
It’s that most wonderful time of the year again, and that means you just
might be desperate for ideas on what to get for those special someones in
your life. So, every year, I take on the role of would be *Down With
Tyranny* personal shopper and try to come up with those perfect items that
really say just how you feel: gifts that will make sure that *you* are
always remembered.
*1. The White Castle Candle*
To me, nothin’ says Christmas Love better than a whole bag of White Castle
Burgers! Vegans be damned. They can... more »
Who cares about Len’s hidden room?
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
No, I don’t care about what’s going on behind Len Brown’s closed doors, or
hidden doors.
I care about how much ratepayers’ money he’s (over)spending, and what he’s
going to Auckland right out in public.
His grandomania and how much we’re forced to pay for it – in which he’s far
from unique in this country, just the most indebted -- is far more
important than what goes on behind locked or hidden doors in the mayoral
Monument building does not an affordable city make.
Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission
to republish: (organon at ih... more »
athletes in solidarity against unpunished police abuse crimes murder
laura k at wmtc - 1 day ago
Derrick Rose
Reggie Bush
Davin Joseph
Eric Garner
10 reasons you should participate in write for rights on wednesday, december 10
laura k at wmtc - 1 day ago
This Wednesday, December 10, is Human Rights Day. The date was chosen to
commemorate the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on
December 10, 1948, the first document of its kind.
Every year on December 10, Amnesty International holds a global
letter-writing event: Write For Rights (in Canada). Thousands of people
around the world write letters calling for action for victims of human
rights abuses, and offering comfort and support to political prisoners.
Here are 10 reasons you should participate in Write For Rights 2014.
*1. It's easy.* Amnesty makes it really easy... more »
The U.S. Air Force Promotes The A-10 While Calling For Its Demise
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Watch the A-10 Movie the U.S. Air Force Doesn’t Want You to See -- David
Axe, War Is Boring*
*Official film praises the same jet the flying branch wants to retire.*
The U.S. Air Force has practically begged Congress to allow it to retire
its roughly 300 A-10 Warthogs, those venerable twin-jet attackers that
saved countless soldiers’ lives in Iraq and Afghanistan—and which recently
returned to Iraq to help battle Islamic State.
The flying branch argues that the new F-35 stealth fighter is an adequate
replacement for the low- and slow-flying Warthog—and the Air Force should
spend ... more »
Jeremy Thorpe, The Silent Conspiracy
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 1 day ago

Former *Panorama *reporter [now freelance] Tom Mangold has presented the
most extraordinary documentary on Radio 4 this week: *Jeremy Thorpe, The
Silent Conspiracy*.
If you've not already heard it I would urge you to listen. It's quite
The phrase "The Jeremy Thorpe Affair" is one I've heard, on and off,
throughout most of my life but, strangely, I've never thought to find out
what it was all about. I knew it was a famous political scandal, had
something to do with homosexuality and that there were allegations of
murder attempts involved (somehow), and that Mr Thorpe g... more »
“Do you think I'll live to be 85?”
Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
Health advice from a recent email:
I recently picked a new G.P.
After two visits and exhaustive lab tests, he said I was doing 'fairly
well' for my age. (I've just reached 65).
A little concerned about that comment, I couldn't resist asking him, “Do
you think I'll live to be 85?”
He asked, “Do you smoke tobacco, drink beer, wine or hard liquor?”
“Oh not much grog these days and don't smoke” I replied. “I'm not doing
drugs either!”
Then he asked, “Do you eat rib-eye steaks, fatty roasts and barbecued
I said, “Not much.... my former doctor said that all red meat is very
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Getting Out From The Matrix
Waking Times at Waking Times - 1 day ago

*Video - *We become part of a designed society, a program, that we all
created and that is not unline the famous program from the film, The
The post Getting Out From The Matrix appeared first on Waking Times.
Kurd/ISIS Symbiosis: Maliki has evidence of Kurdish collusion when Mosul fell
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 1 day ago
For some unknown reason when I make posts about the Kurds and all the
machinations that surround that *situation. Kurdistan*. *Cooperation with
Israel*. Collusion with NATO. Reads and visits drop way, way down. To about
25 percent of what they usually are. It's as if the blog disappears?
So, I expect this post to do the same. It's almost as if certain search
engines are trying to steer people away from reading about this topic. *Too
bad.* I am just going to keep writing on the topic.* It's also a topic that
earned me some detractors. *Shrugs shoulders. Can't make everyone happy all
t... more »
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