![]() |
NYPD(New York City Police Department) Piaggio Beverly Scooters (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
English: An NYPD Command Unit. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |

Happening NOW: The NYPD is holding a rally for officers right now dubbed #ThankyouNYPD, but there's one problem: not a single person showed up!!
Like our page US Uncut!
UPDATE: We posted this photo 15 minutes into the rally, but apparently the police supporters were able to gather a few dozen folks. However, they were vastly outnumbered by counter protesters decrying police violence.
Like our page US Uncut!
UPDATE: We posted this photo 15 minutes into the rally, but apparently the police supporters were able to gather a few dozen folks. However, they were vastly outnumbered by counter protesters decrying police violence.
Robert Kennedy was born 89 years ago last week. His words continue to inspire us today.
Friends of Bernie Sanders
Friends of Bernie Sanders
2015: arXiv identifiers get a new digit
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 33 minutes ago
Paul Ginsparg began to maintain xxx.lanl.gov – the server later renamed as
arXiv.org – in Summer 1991. Since that time, the number of papers submitted
each month would be growing.
You can see that despite the mild acceleration in recent 5 years, the
increase was much closer to a simple linear increse from 0 in Fall 1991 to
almost 9,000 in recent months (the latter number may be translated to 400+
papers on an average "live" day). Because 9,000 is rather close to 10,000
which is 10 to the fourth power, you may be worried about the identifiers
of the papers.
Since April 2007, the u... more »
Independent Test Results on EEStor Technology
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 33 minutes ago
This is an important benchmark mainly because we are seeing a production
unit perform as advertised. As i posted a couple of years back, optimism
was misplaced in terms of time frames to deliverables. Yet that day has
now arrived and a sense of getting over the hump has to be read into this
It is also clearly meeting expectations as a game changer.
I am no longer nearly as excited myself simply because i am past this
technology in terms of core commercial energy systems. Yet it will be
important as we need storage capacity to manage supply oscill... more »
Putin in a Dangerous Cash/Debt Spiral
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 33 minutes ago
The point is well made that sixty dollar oil and dropping demand is a
catastrophe for the Russian government which has not fostered a healthy
enough replacement economy. It is also fair to say that the Crimean
adventure has now been called off and that extracation is the order of the
day. There is scant to gain and runaway defense costs to incur.
The only good that may come out of this is that the looming crisis may well
focus the mind and we will see economic reform that we can respect and
support. Otherwise Putin will go down as another dabbler whose imagination
was seri... more »
World's Oldest Engravings Discovered on 500,000-Year-Old Shells
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 33 minutes ago
This is great news. This had to be true, but proving it was always be a
challenge. It is even from the place it should be.
I made the conjecture a decade ago that tribal humanity first arose as part
of a seaside culture in the Indonesian Islands. I had a lot of good
reasons not least that the seaside can support large populations here in
particular and still does by the way. I suspect this culture evolved there
over at least five millions of years and tool development evolved at the
same time. And yes, there would be a lot of shells, most of them deep
This is... more »
The BBC come close to an epiphany over the French attacks on pedestrians
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 1 hour ago
The BBC report http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-30583390 this morning
on the third recent vehicular attack on pedestrians in France includes this
'Also, even if it is established the car attacks were the work of
unbalanced individuals, might not Islamist propaganda have played some role
in pushing them to the act?'
The BBC get close to the truth but will not investigate what the source of
this Islamist propaganda might be...
U.S. Quietly Spending Billions On Cyber Weapons
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 hour ago

West Point students, from left, Lieut. Colonel Robert Fanelli and cadets
Nathan Larsen, Mark Evinger (seated) and Marc Abbott participate in
National Security Agency cyberwar games. Michael Falco / The New York Times
/ Redux
*Cyber Command Investment Ensures Hackers Targeting U.S. Face Retribution
-- Washington Times*
Pentagon budget documents detail growing military commitment to cyberwarfare
In the shadows of the Sony hacking incident and North Korea’s massive
Internet outage, the Pentagon has quietly built a multibillion-dollar
cyberwarfare capability and trained its commanders ... more »
Iranian Cyber Warfare - Modern Threats and Modern Defenses
Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 1 hour ago

*December 23, 2014 *(Vladimir Platov - NEO) - Today US intelligence
services seem to finally have become aware of the potential damage a
cyber-attack can inflict, therefore Washington is placing particular stress
on enhancing its “combat capabilities” in virtual space. Therefore, not
only the CIA, but the NSA and Pentagon have started getting substantial
resources on an annual basis in order to be able to create the most
advanced cyber-weapons conceivable. In 2013 alone Washington has allocated
one billion dollars to the NSA and 685 million dollars for the CIA for them
to carry out... more »
Here uber economist Paul Craig Roberts is interviewed for his views of Washington’s pressure on Russia and where it all may end. PCR responded that western financial institutions, e.g., the World Bank, IMF, and SWIFT currency transfer bank have been exploitive of the rest of the world, which therefore may soon abandon them. Asked what may happen to Russia, PCR explains that the “stupid” people running Washington have unknowingly invited all manners of “black swans,” i.e., unexpected events of large magnitude and grave consequences. For example Russia could retaliate for pressure on the ruble by delaying payment of its debts to European banks in 2015, which would promptly crash virtually all of them. Alternately, Russia may buy gold on the paper-gold COMEX and demand payment in bullion, as is anyone’s right. And if they are ever refused, COMEX (representing 80 times more paper gold than its supposed bullion bank) it would crash, whereupon the demand for (and dollar price of) gold bullion would sky rocket. Another thing Russia could do would be to use its dollar holdings to buy up all the western world’s (greatly devalued) rubles and subsequently demand that any one dealing with Russia must either buy revalued-in-dollars rubles or be members of the BRICS countries, which would pay with their own currency at mutually agreed exchange rates. Finally, although PCR doesn’t think he would do it, Putin could announce that Russia will no longer sell energy to NATO, which would result in its instant disintegration as a military threat.
David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 2 hours ago

Original Here
*Today Dr. Paul Craig Roberts warned King World News that the Russians are
going to unleash what he called the "ultimate black swan" against the West.
Dr. Roberts also discussed how a terrifying series of events would then
bring the Western financial system to it knees as the banking system
completely collapses.*
*Dr. Roberts: “I was listening to the news today and there were all these
self-righteous people just happy as all get out that they had finally
stomped Russia into the ground and ‘Russia is now finished,’ and Russia was
bro... more »
2015 And 2028 Will Be The Best Years To Invade The U.S.
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 hours ago

The ballistic-missile submarine USS West Virginia returns after routine
operations to Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay, Ga., Dec 18, 2014. U.S. Navy
photo by Petty Officer 1st Class Rex Nelson
*The Best Years To Invade America Are 2015 And 2028 -- War Is Boing*
*That’s when the U.S. Navy will be weakest*
If you’re a major world power, a megalomaniacal trillionaire with a private
navy or some seagoing alien race, the best years to invade the United
States will be 2015 and 2028.
Because those are the years the U.S. Navy—the main protector of America’s
sovereignty—wil... more »
Assigning Blame
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago

Never forget: conservatives tortured Jesus and then murdered him
Conservatives' infatuation with torture has a long sordid history. Sunday
when Kevin Drum wrote a column for *Mother Jones*, Let's Blame
Conservatives For All the Killings They're Responsible For, the first thing
I thought of was Jesus Christ. Conservatives didn't just murder Jesus, they
used "national security" as an excuse for first torturing him, in fact,
torturing him to death. How Christians can condone torture-- and many do--
has always been beyond my ken. Anyway, Drum was reacting to the divisive
and subversive p... more »
China's New Multi-Warhead Nuclear Missile Was Developed Using U.S. Technology
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 3 hours ago

*Photo:* The Long March rocket, shown here carrying a spacecraft, has
proved a reliable launch vehicle for the Chinese — thanks to U.S.
*China Tests DF-41 Missile Using U.S. Technology -- Investors.com*
Defense: China has just tested a new intercontinental ballistic missile
that can deliver up to 10 independently targeted nuclear warheads, using
technology given to them on President Clinton's watch to launch
communications satellites.
The Dec. 13 test of the DF-41 was the third for the new weapon. But it
marked the first test of a multiple independently targetable re-e... more »
Perfect Example of How to Approach Life
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 4 hours ago

*Video - *A short parable about life and nature narrated by Alan Watts.
The post Perfect Example of How to Approach Life appeared first on Waking
Hawaiian Mantra of the Kahuna Mystic Healers
Waking Times at Waking Times - 4 hours ago
*Meme - *The ancient Hawaiian mantra Ho'oponopono has been used by the
Kahuna, the mystic healers, for centuries.
The post Hawaiian Mantra of the Kahuna Mystic Healers appeared first on Waking
China Building Military Base Near Disputed Islands Claimed By Japan
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago

Land development is underway for building a heliport in the Nanji Islands
in China's Zhejiang province in November. KYODO
*China Building Base Near Isles Disputed With Japan, Kyodo Says --
China’s military is building a large military base on islands about 300
kilometers (190 miles) from an islet chain at the center of a territorial
row with Japan, Kyodo News reported today, citing unidentified Chinese
The base on the Nanji islands in Zhejiang Province is designed to enhance
China’s readiness to respond to a potential military crisis and strengthen
surveillanc... more »
We Will Not Be Silenced
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 4 hours ago

DECEMBER 22, 2014
New York, NY — Activists issued a scathing statement this afternoon in
response to recent attempts by the NYPD to silence the efforts of citizens
seeking justice for victims of police violence. The letter, drafted by
Ferguson Action, and cosigned by over a dozen grassroots organizations
takes aim at PBA president Patrick Lynch and Commissioner Bratton for their
reckless attempts to conflate constitutionally protected protest activities
with the tragic murders of officers Ramos and Liu:
“The events o... more »
China Pledges To Help The Russian Economy
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago

*China Pledges To Help Russia Overcome Economic Hardships -- RT*
China’s foreign minister has pledged support to Russia as it faces an
economic downturn due to sanctions and a drop in oil prices. Boosting trade
in yuan is a solution proposed by Beijing’s commerce minister.
“Russia has the capability and the wisdom to overcome the existing hardship
in the economic situation," Foreign Minister Wang Yi told journalists,
China Daily reported Monday. “If the Russian side needs it, we will provide
necessary assistance within our capacity."
The offer of help comes as Russians are still re... more »
Ravitch and Cody Announce the Imminent Demise of CorpEd With No Evidence to Back It Up
Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 5 hours ago

On December 16 Diane Ravitch reported, incorrectly as it turns out, that
Teach for America has closed its New York offices. The next day Anthony
Cody took that incorrect news to spin a tale about the impending collapse
of CorpEd's empire.
Apparently, Cody still believes the multi-billion CorpEd empire will
collapse as soon as he points out on his blog that none of the reforms do
what they said they would do. Really? Wonder if Bill Gates knows that.
Blog, blog, blog.
Is he serious, is he naive, is he stupid, or has he gotten a memo from
Randi Weingarten letting him know that th... more »
Amnesty International: Islamic State Has Forced 'Thousands' Of Kidnapped Girls Into Sexual Slavery
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago

Horrific: Details of the barbarity with which IS treats its captives are
only now beginning to trickle out thanks to the bravery of a minority of
girls who escaped their captors and fled to safety to tell their stories
*ISIS Has Forced 'Thousands' Of Kidnapped Girls Into Sexual Slavery In The
Last Five Months… With Many Traded Openly At markets -- Daily Mail*
* Girls as young as 12 being dragged by hair onto cattle trucks to be slaves
* They are mostly from minority Yazidi tribe, snatched from homes in Sinjar
* They are divided up according to age, education and marital status
* Then... more »
The CIA Analyst Who Spent Years Tracking Down Osama Bin Laden Has Been Outed
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 6 hours ago

*Photo:* Jessica Chastain as CIA officer Maya in Zero Dark Thirty. SMH
*CIA Analyst At The Center Of Torture Report Is Outed. She's Not 'Maya' --
*In the film 'Zero Dark Thirty' she was known as 'Maya,' the CIA analyst
who spent years tracking down Osama bin Laden. Her story is more
complicated with its ties to rendition and torture, and now several news
outlets have revealed her identity.*
In the film ‘Zero Dark Thirty’ she was known as ‘Maya,’ the CIA analyst who
spent years doggedly tracking down Osama bin Laden, then identifying his
body when US Navy Seal Team Six killed ... more »
"Jesus Christ: A Lust for Glory" -- now there's a movie I would have paid to see
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 6 hours ago
*Did you know that, "according to one study," "Always Look on the Bright
Side of Life" -- the weirdly infectious ditty Eric Idle cococted for the
climactic cluster crucifixion of Monty Python's Life of Brian, and which he
a-sings and a-whistles here in an attempt to cheer up the downhearted Brian
(Graham Chapman) -- is "the most requested song at British funerals, edging
out 'My Way'?"*
*by Ken*
If we must have our celebrities permanently in motion, on a rotating basis,
in an unstoppable international whirligig of media whoring, and apparently
we must, then we can at least cherish... more »
Then and Now: the old Japanese Coast Road
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 6 hours ago

[image: taitocoast]
I was trawling around the East Asia Image Collection again today, the
Taiwan Photographic Monthly, and found this image of the old Japanese coast
road. I stopped for a moment, thinking... *I've seen this spot*.
Sure enough, back in March of this year I came down for a weekend of riding
on the rift valley and the coast and got a shot of my man Drew Kerslake
riding the old Japanese coast road. The old Japanese coast road is now the
Baonon bike path on the coast in Chenggong township (it is designated the Dong
19). It's a slightly different angle, and the rock has fa... more »
Commentaries, Opinions, And Editorials -- December 22, 2014
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 7 hours ago

Kim must be feeling pretty pleased with himself.(ReutersS/KCNA)
*In North Korea, Kids Don’t Even Know The Internet Exists. So How Did The
Country Pull Off The Sony Hack? -- John McDuling, Quartz*
So the FBI has now formally accused North Korea of being behind the
gigantic cyber-attack that has brought Sony Pictures to its knees over the
past month—culminating in Sony’s decision yesterday to pull The Interview,
which is about a fictional plot to assassinate Kim Jong-un, from theaters.
In other words, arguably the most damaging cyber-attack against a company
ever, was, astonishingly,... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Awakening (Cosmic Sea)”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 7 hours ago
Liquid Mind, “Awakening (Cosmic Sea)”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NCa4dpKyzwo
Malaysian Flight 370 Update ( December 22 , 2014 ) --Former Airline CEO Marc Duguain Claims US Military Shot Down MH370 Near Diego Garcia ...
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 7 hours ago
Former Airline CEO Claims US Military Shot Down MH370 Near Diego Garcia
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/22/2014 19:30 -0500
- Australia
- Boeing
- headlines
- Testimony
*A second senior airline industry source has revealed his belief that there
is some sort of conspiracy behind the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines
flight MH370.* As The Herald Sun reports, Emirates president and CEO Sir
Tim Clark made world headlines in October when he revealed his doubts about
the fate of the missing plane, which disappeared early in t... more »
Cancer in East Asia, Health in Taiwan
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 7 hours ago

[image: DSC03673]
*A petting zoo near my house has an ostrich. Must be tough on the kids.*
Pfizer has a very interesting report on Cancer in Asia which a friend of
mine flipped me.
This report presents cancer statistics for fifteen South Asian and
Southeast Asian countries: Japan, Taiwan, Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia,
Thailand, China, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Vietnam, Indonesia, Mongolia,
India, Laos, and Cambodia. For purposes of comparison, statistics are also
presented for the United States.
Among its findings:
- Among the 15 Asian countries the highest incidence rates
... more »
World News Briefs -- December 22, 2014 (Evening Edition)
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 7 hours ago
*North Korea's Internet Is Being Disrupted -- CNN*
(CNN) -- North Korea's Internet is experiencing a major disruption and
could be the target of an attack, according to a company that monitors
Internet performance.
"After 24hrs of increasing instability, North Korean national Internet has
been down hard for more than 2hrs," Dyn Research posted on Twitter on
The reported outage comes amid an escalating war of words between the
United States and North Korea over a massive cyberattack on Sony Pictures.
*Read more* ....
Iraq says Jordan to begin *training Iraq... more »
Sony Hack Situation Escalates ( December 22 , 2014 ) - Suddenly , North Korea appears to have been hacked as internet access has been cutoff - and after all of the threats made , the ball is back in North Korea's Court ..... Like a Bad Hollywood Movie - AXIS OF EVIL - THE SEQUEL ( Russia / China and North Korea coming together to take on the US )
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 7 hours ago
Ball now in Court of North Korea.....
[image: Tyler Durden's picture]
"Costs": North Korean's Internet Is Under AttackSubmitted by Tyler Durden on
12/22/2014 - 13:20
*Coincidence? Maybe not.* Just hours after President Obama de-escalated
himself from war to vandalism on the alleged North korea hacking of Sony,
DYN Research reports North Korea's internet connectivity with the rest of
the world has been spotty all day. As North Korea Tech blogs reports, North
Korea’s Internet connection does suffer from periodic outages. but *“I
haven’t seen such a steady beat of routing instabilit... more »
Double Cross
Way Way Up at Fort McMurray Adventures - 8 hours ago
I've been wanting to blog about the recent changes to the political
landscape here but its so bizarre that I'm still trying to wrap my head
around it all. Of course I'm talking about a recent decision on the part
of Wildrose Party leader Danielle Smith, along with eight fellow MLA's to
quit the Opposition and join the government. I'm confident that on a per
capita basis at least, Alberta politicians must lead the country in terms
of "crossing the floor". Yes, you guess correctly. It's all left me
rather cynical.
Included in the group of defectors is Rob Anderson, who initially ... more »
Facing Ghosts of Christmas Past...
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 8 hours ago

*Facing Ghosts of Christmas Past...*
by American Kabuki
Its been a while since I have written an article for my blog. Its not that
I haven't written many as I worked through many weeks of emotions, but I
kept asking myself the same question, "what do you wish to create?" I've
gone through article after article and trashed them all. It wasn't the
energy I wish to put out into the world. And it certainly wouldn't change
the world for the better. But by expressing it in writing, and then
trashing it did serve as a way to quantify what was bothering me and the
act of trashing it ... more »
RIP, Joe Cocker: Musical Interlude: Joe Cocker, “Cry Me A River”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
Joe Cocker, “Cry Me A River”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKNJj6MsGfI
"Joe Cocker, Legendary Musician, Dead At 70"
- http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/12/22/joe-cocker-dead_n_6367648.html
Supplemental: The way we present important statistics!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 8 hours ago
*MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2014No one knows what this means:* Are we humans
really “the rational animal,” as Aristotle is said to have said?
Not exactly, no.
This morning, the New York Times ran an op-ed column about rates of rape
and sexual assault. Iconic statistics have been floating around in
discussions of this subject, each one a bit shakier than the rest.
Right at the start of her column, Callie Marie Rennison presents a
relatively new statistic. This new statistic has been getting some play.
We don't know what it means:
RENNISON (12/21/14): Lately, people have been bombarde... more »
911 False Flag - American Traitors & Mossad - Where are the Oath Keepers? - Ken O'Keefe
Mars Daniels at Global Political Awakening - 9 hours ago
*Ken O'Keefe*
*Get truth delivered to your inbox every week.*
"A Look to the Heavens"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
“This colorful skyscape features the dusty Sharpless catalog emission
region Sh2-155, the Cave Nebula. In the composite image, data taken through
narrowband filters tracks the glow of ionized sulfur, hydrogen, and oxygen
atoms in red, green, and blue hues. About 2,400 light-years away, the scene
lies along the plane of our Milky Way Galaxy toward the royal northern
constellation of Cepheus.
*Click image for larger size.*
Astronomical explorations of the region reveal that it has formed at the
boundary of the massive Cepheus B molecular cloud and the hot, young stars
of the Cepheus O... more »
Chet Raymo, “Morning Song”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
*“Morning Song”*
by Chet Raymo
“Let's be blunt. Death is final. Against the expectations of most people
everywhere since the dawn of time, there is no such thing as personal
immortality. Egyptian kings who built colossal pyramids to ensure their
comfortable passage to the afterlife wasted their treasure. Christians
martyrs found no Heaven, Viking pagans no Valhalla. The Chinese emperor who
filled his tomb with clay armies never met them on the other side.
Everything that can be counted part of a human self - soma, immune system,
consciousness, self-awareness, memory - has been show... more »
"To Believe"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
* "To Believe"*
"To believe is to know that
every day is a new beginning,
Is to trust that miracles happen,
and dreams really do come true.
To believe is to see angels
dancing among the clouds,
To know the wonder of a stardust sky,
and the wisdom of the man in the moon.
To believe is to know
the value of a nurturing heart,
The innocence of a child’s eyes,
and the beauty of an aging hand,
for it is through their teachings we learn to love.
To believe is to find the strength
and courage that lies within us
When it’s time to pick up
the pieces and begin again.
To believe is to know
we ar... more »
“MIT: Study Supports The Theory That Men Are Idiots”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
*“MIT: Study Supports The Theory That Men Are Idiots”*
by BMJ-British Medical Journal
“Sex differences in risk seeking behavior, emergency hospital admissions,
and mortality are well documented. Males are more likely to be admitted to
an emergency department after accidental injuries, more likely to be
admitted with a sporting injury, and more likely to be involved in a fatal
road traffic collision.
However, little is known about sex differences in idiotic risk-taking
behaviour. So researchers in north east England decided to test "male idiot
theory" (MIT) that many of the differen... more »
Mumps keep right on spreading amongst the vaccinated adult males in NHL.
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 9 hours ago
3 more down for the Pittsburgh Penguins- 1 Goalie and 2 Forwards
PITTSBURGH, Pa. - The Pittsburgh Penguins just can't seem to shake the
*The team sent backup goaltender Thomas Greiss and forwards Brandon Sutter
and Steve Downie *home from Florida on Monday to undergo testing for the
All three will remain in isolation until the test results are known.
Teammates Sidney Crosby, Beau Bennett and Olli Maatta have already dealt
with the illness, which has affected more than a dozen players across the
league over the past month.
The Penguins recalled goaltender Jeff Zatkoff... more »
Shocking Police Harassment...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 9 hours ago

*in Chula Vista, California style*
*Many thanks to Asylum Watch for re-posting this from Geeez Blog. *
Recently, the Chula Vista, California Police Department ran an e-mail forum
with the local community (a question and answer exchange) with the topic
being, Community Policing.” One of the civilian e-mail participants posed
the following question:”I would like to know how it is possible for police
officers to continually harass people and get away with it?”From the “other
side” (the law enforcement side) Sgt. Bennett, obviously a cop with a sense
of humor replied:
*First of all... more »
u.s. war resister corey glass speaks out from europe
laura k at wmtc - 9 hours ago
Corey Glass, war resister from Canada by way of Indiana, speaks out from
his travels in Europe in the current issue of *NOW*.
I'm not going to bother to tell you that the Iraq War was wrong or quote
the UN handbook on refugees, Geneva Conventions, Nuremberg principles or
Nor am I going to try to convince anyone that soldiers should have the
right to say no, that prosecution for a belief is persecution, or that
recruiters lie. There's no reason to talk about that, or about how Canada
didn't take part in the Iraq War. Or why Canadian troops are in Iraq now.
Everyone knows wh... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
Missoula, Montana, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
David Whyte, "The Sea"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 9 hours ago
*"The Sea"*
"The pull is so strong we will not believe
the drawing tide is meant for us,
I mean the gift, the sea,
the place where all the rivers meet.
Easy to forget,
how the great receiving depth
untamed by what we need
needs only what will flow its way.
Easy to feel so far away
and the body so old
it might not even stand the touch.
But what would that be like
feeling the tide rise
out of the numbness inside
toward the place to which we go
washing over our worries of money,
the illusion of being ahead,
the grief of being behind,
our limbs young
rising from such a depth?
What wou... more »
Russia's Economic Crisis Has Just Caused The Belarus Currency To Collapse. Hyperinflation Now Feared
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
Belarusian ruble falls off a cliff ... Good thing a number of my former
students put some of their savings in gold! pic.twitter.com/WHpDTRphpq
— L (@duediligenceguy) December 22, 2014
*Belarus Closes Currency Exchanges To Shield Against Crisis -- RT*
The National Bank of Belarus is closing all over-the-counter currency
exchanges in the country in an effort to keep its own currency strong and
avoid a domino effect from the ruble crisis.
The purchase and sale of foreign currency at bureau d’change will be put on
hold until 2017, except for transactions with the National Bank, the
r... more »
Nigeria Rocked By Bomb Blasts
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago

*Nigeria's Gombe And Bauchi Cities Hit By Blasts -- BBC*
At least 26 people have been killed in bombings in two major cities in
northern Nigeria, emergency workers and witnesses say.
The first blast at bus rank in Gombe killed at least 20 while another six
died in an explosion at a market in Bauchi, they added.
Militant Islamist group Boko Haram is waging an insurgency in the area.
Meanwhile, a video purportedly released by the group shows dozens of people
being executed at a school dormitory.
They were made to lay face down before being shot dead.
There is no independent confirma... more »
Crackpot Utopia: The Year in Republican Crazy, Part 4
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 10 hours ago

*• A celebration of Michele Bachmann: Pray away the crazy?• What "War on
Women"?• And the "Obama angle" on Malaysian Flight 370*
*Miss Michele: Praying away the crazy?*
*Crackpot Utopia:* *A dream world as envisioned by republicans; a
manifestation or expression of the deranged, warped alternate universe
inhabited by republicans, at least in their minds. See also: Bachmannism,
*by Noah*
*1. A celebration of Michele Bachmann:*
*Pray away the crazy? *
Ms. Bachmann has checked out -- of Congress. But we'll always have her
John Wayne was from Waterloo, Iowa. ... more »
The Battle For Libya's Oil Ports Is Escalating
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago

Libyan Army Forces belonging to Libya's rival government, that are part of
the Alshorooq (Libya Dawn) operation to free oil ports, fire a
vehicle-mounted weapon on the outskirts of Al Sidra oil port December 14
2014. REUTERS/Stringer
*Libya Fighting Spreads To Third Oil Port, 11 Killed In Benghazi -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Fighting between Libya's competing governments has spread to a
third oil port, curbing gas exports to Italy and cutting crude production
to less than needed to cover the North African country's own domestic
requirements, officials said.
The OPEC producer is strugg... more »
"Things That Annoy Us: The Upside of Irritation"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 10 hours ago
*"Things That Annoy Us: The Upside of Irritation"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"There will always be factors and people that we cannot control; how we
respond can determine the quality of our lives. There are many stories of
spiritual masters embracing the presence of an annoying student in their
community. There is even one story that documents a teacher paying an
irritating person to live among his students. From an everyday perspective,
this is difficult to comprehend. We generally work hard to avoid people and
things that we find annoying so they don’t bother us.
From a deep... more »
China To Send 700 Soldiers To South Sudan
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
*South Sudan Conflict: China To Deploy Troops For First Time In UN Mission
-- IBTimes*
Chinese troops are set to be deployed in South Sudan to help UN
peacekeepers in the war-torn region, marking the first time China's
infantry will have participated in a UK mission.
Previous peacekeeping efforts have been aided by Chinese engineers, doctors
and security guard corps, but this is the first for troops, the state-run
news agency Xinhua reported.
The 700-strong infantry battalion, comprising 121 officers and 579
soldiers, was approved by President Xi Kingpin and the Central Military... more »
Pakistan Plans To Execute 55 Convicted Taliban Militants In The Coming Days, 500 Later
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago

A supporter of political party Pakistan Awami Tehreek, holds a sign with
others to condemn the attack by Taliban gunmen on the Army Public School in
Peshawar, during a rally in Lahore, December 21, 2014. Taliban gunmen broke
into the school and opened fire on Tuesday, killing 132 students and nine
staff members, witnesses said, in the bloodiest massacre the country has
seen for years. Reuters/Mohsin Raza
*Pakistan Likely To Execute Dozens Of Convicts -- Al Jazeera*
At least 55 fighters on death-row likely to be executed soon, amid public
anger over Taliban attack on Peshawar school... more »
Obama: "I'm a SOUL Jew!"
Kevin Barrett at truthjihad.com blog - 11 hours ago

According to the Jewish Journal, President Obama says: "I am Jewish in my
They neglected to report the rest of the President's statement:
"…But not in my body - and if you think you're going to whack off the end
of my peepee with one of those rabbinical meat-cleavers, you've got another
think coming!"
But seriously, folks...Imagine what Fox would be if doing Obama had said "I
am Muslim in my soul." Yet a covertly *Jew*-souled President is OK. How
very odd.
Naturally, the Presidential coming-out-of-the-closet as a "soul Jew" did
not satisfy the neocons, who have been snea... more »
With A Little Help From Tehran Bureau, Bad Reporting and Nuclear Alarmism Returns to The Guardian
Nima Shirazi at Wide Asleep in America - 12 hours ago
Bureau/Digarban/The Guardian article from December 17, 2014
Last week, the Iran-focused blog, Tehran Bureau, housed online by The
Guardian, posted an alarming headline: "Senior cleric: Iran has
knowledge to build a nuclear bomb." The accompanying article,
co-authored by Tehran Bureau's new partner Digarban, was posted below a
guaranteed-to-scare image simultaneously containing three
A New Push For Ukraine Peace Talks
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko (R) and his Kazakh counterpart
Nursultan Nazarbayev attend a news conference in Kiev, December 22, 2014.
Credit: Reuters/Valentyn Ogirenko
*Ukraine Peace Talks May Be Held In Minsk On Dec. 24 And 26: Poroshenko --
(Reuters) - A fresh round of peace talks involving Russia, Ukraine and the
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe will be held in the
Belarussian capital on Dec. 24 and 26, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko
said in a statement on Monday.
The dates were discussed in a phone conversation between French President... more »
"The Pigmen Win Again"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 12 hours ago
*"The Pigmen Win Again"*
by James Quinn
“The real owners are the big wealthy business interests that control things
and make all the important decisions. Forget the politicians, they’re an
irrelevancy. The politicians are put there to give you the idea that you
have freedom of choice. You don’t. You have no choice. You have owners.
They own you. They own everything. They own all the important land. They
own and control the corporations. They’ve long since bought and paid for
the Senate, the Congress, the statehouses, the city halls. They’ve got the
judges in their back pockets. And... more »
Conservative Women (and Men) & BBC pro-immigration bias
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 12 hours ago
*Conservative Woman *continues to bash the Beeb with some abandon.
David Keighley (no woman he) has given John Humphrys both barrels today
over the *Today* presenter's latest 'confessions' about his corporation's
past pro-immigration bias - a 'confession' he rightly describes as "eerily
similar" to other such pronouncements from past and present BBC types, "as
if emanating from a common hand in the BBC equivalent of the Politburo".
The form is simple: A prominent BBC figure loftily admits that the BBC
skewed its coverage of immigration and failed to reflect the public's
concerns, ... more »
President Barack Obama's Approval Ratings Among Active-Duty U.S. Military Personnel Has Plummeted To 15%
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama visit Fort Stewart.
(White House photo)
*Obama's Popularity Plummets To All-Time New Low Among Active-Duty Military
Troops For Forcing 'Profound Change,' New Poll Shows -- HNGN*
President Barack Obama's approval ratings and popularity among active-duty
U.S. military personnel have taken a sharp downward turn, with the
commander-in-chief's numbers plummeting to a new all-time low, according to
a new poll.
The president's popularity rating has cratered to just 15 percent of
active-duty service members in 2014, with about 55 percen... more »
The Economy: “Grow Your Way Out of Debt? Don’t Make Us Laugh…”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 12 hours ago
*“Grow Your Way Out of Debt? Don’t Make Us Laugh…”*
by Bill Bonner
“Janet Yellen made headlines last week. She promised the Federal Reserve
would be ‘patient’ in raising interest rates. Investors must not have known
what she meant. With the Dow tearing more than 421 points — or 2.4% —
higher, half of investors must have thought she meant higher rates later
than expected. The other half must have thought she meant higher rates
sooner than expected. Treasury bond prices fell. And the yield on the
10-year T-note completed its biggest two-day move higher in 17 months.
Investors give Ms... more »
Planes Propeller Cookies
Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 12 hours ago

This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser.
All opinions are mine alone. #PlanesToTheRescue #CollectiveBias
There are few things we love in our house more than the Pixar movies and
Planes is no exception. My daughter is so excited to get the Planes Fire
and Rescue under the Christmas tree this year and so we decided to make
Planes themed cookies to leave for Santa with a big glass of milk.
These sugar cookies are so easy to make and the best part about them is
they don't need to be chilled! For the sugar cookies you will need:
Sugar Cookies
- 1 cup ... more »
Arcturian Message: The Stadium
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 12 hours ago

Saturday, December 20, 2014
Looking Back to Move Forward -- A 10 Year Journey
*As we come into the final days of the year 2014, I realize that I have
written a Newsletter almost every month since 11-24-03. Feeling nostalgic I
decided to find a representative writing for each year, preferable on a
month close to the end of the year. *
* Today, I begin the walk down memory lane toward January 1, 2015. *
* I send many thanks and unconditional love to my many wonderful friends
who walk this lane with me. **Arcturian Message - THE STADIUM*
as channeled by Suzanne Lie Ph.D. ... more »
North Korea's Internet Network Has Just Collapsed
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago

Image via DPRK
*Internet Outage In North Korea, Network Researcher Says -- Bloomberg*
North Korea’s access to the Internet has been hit with outages and is
offline today, according to a network-monitoring company, days after the
U.S. government accused the country of hacking into Sony Corp. (6758)’s
North Korea, which has four official networks connecting the country to the
Internet -- all of which route through China -- began experiencing
intermittent problems yesterday and today went completely black, according
to Doug Madory, director of Internet analysis at Dyn Research... more »
Joe Cocker R.I.P.
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 13 hours ago
Joe Cocker has died: what a man, what a voice, what a loss...
Here's his 1969 Woodstock performance of With A Little Help from My Friends
Since 9/11 The U.S. Has Spent $1.6 Trillion On Military Operations And Counterterrorism
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago

U.S. Air Force advisers, U.S. soldiers, and Afghan students descend the
mountain to a waiting Mi-17 helicopter after completing their final
scenario before graduating from Air Liaison Officer School on Forward
Operating Base Hunter range, Afghanistan, Nov. 25, 2014. U.S. Air Force
photo by Staff Sgt. Perry Aston
*Post-9/11 Military Costs Hit $1.6 Trillion -- The Hill*
The United States has spent $1.6 trillion on military operations and
counterterrorism, including the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, since the
Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, according to a newly released report by the
Congre... more »
Trust in Self
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 13 hours ago
*Ida Lawrence* - Meditation, physical disciplines, personal integrity and
reliability, inner balance… you can find great guidance on all of this...
The post Trust in Self appeared first on Waking Times.
Is Allen West Disappearing Down A Right Wing Rabbit Hole In Dallas?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 13 hours ago
Many Floridians were looking forward to inindicted war criminal and
torturer Allen West running for Marco Rubio's Senate seat if Rubio decided
to run for vice-president, something which has been looking increasingly
far-fetched as Rubio descended into the realm of national joke with his
childish, tantrum-like response to President Obama's decision to change the
course of U.S.-Cuba relations. No one really thinks Rubio is running for
anything-- except reelection. And West has decided to take a job as CEO of
a Koch-sponsored right-wing fringe think tank, the infamous Dallas-based
Na... more »
Cutting ties with Klaus: CATO jumps on the totalitarian PC bandwagon
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 14 hours ago
*...and the knee-jerk Russophobia...*
The Czech media informed us about the article
Vaclav Klaus, Libertarian Hero, Has His Wings Clipped by Cato Institute
(The Daily Beast)
by James Kirchick, a Berlin reporter of the Haaretz and a few other
left-wing news outlets. The text is dedicated to the divorce between Václav
Klaus and the CATO Institute, a libertarian think tank. Václav Klaus became
a Distinguished Senior Fellow in March 2013 and he was silently "fired"
sometime in September 2014, apparently mainly because CATO joined the new
wave of the mindless Russophobia that is crippli... more »
New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 14 hours ago
*NOLA Libre? What The Thaw With Cuba Means for NOLA **~Chris Romaguera,
Managing Our Collapse
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 14 hours ago

There is
no doubt
in decline
massive debt
violent driven
coming apart
at seams
South Africa
rival to
World Bank
US solution?
Stick a gun
into face
Dodge City
the OK corral
Boot Hill
it's what
we know
and how
we solve
here in
the Wild
The question
the US
the world
Or does
just pass
the night
a quiet
The world
Oil slide continues- below $56.00
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 14 hours ago
*Following up on this post:* *Saudi/Kuwait: No oil output reduction even if
others cut*
Immediately after Saudi Arabia and company, *the GCC,* announce they have
no intent to reduce output...............*The GCC- Its member states are
Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates*
* Oil continues it's slide. As does the Canadian dollar. *
Oil prices seemed to stabilize and the Fed reassured markets that it would
go slow on raising rates.
But by Monday, oil was on its way downwards again. The West Texas
Intermediate contract traded in New York had fallen ... more »
THE EMPATHY FILES: Giuliani feels sorry for the mayor!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 14 hours ago
*MONDAY, DECEMBER 22, 2014Part 3—Salon sells tribal hatred:* At highly
tribal times, we the humans are strongly inclined toward tribal hatred.
Among us the liberals, the new Salon is actively involved in selling this
righteous old brew. Consider what readers are being told about what Rudy
At the new, deeply tribal Salon, young Luke Brinker’s latest report appears
beneath these exciting tribal headlines:
*Conservatives’ sick reaction to NYPD officer killings: Blame Obama and de
Right-wingers politicize deaths of two officers to condemn liberals and
protesters against... more »
K noe You Selg gtyh=y vws noy vcomplain
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 14 hours ago
am very sure I know myself. I do not want to control or be responsible for
anyone. When you control there is a dark side of responsiblity.
Its the virus of impertance. If you want to be more than a bandit you have
to have some kind of control. I really believe and ECHELON upon reading
this may strike me dead, is that all the animals in the jungle hidden
behind the Calvin Kline adds where just cut outs for the prevaiing wind.
Allen i know you know I am full of piss and vingers leaking out on the
expessway like a tossed away salad that was not that tasty/
There is a thing going down a... more »
Israel Helping to Attack Syria
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 15 hours ago
Syrian military officials claim they've managed to take down an Israeli
drone in its airspace. It was downed while flying over the Druze village of
Hadar, which is one of the Assad-forces stronghold.
Best IR Blogging of 2014? Send us your nominations.
Jon Western at Duck of Minerva - 15 hours ago
Just a reminder that we accepting nominations for the best IR-related
blogging of 2014. The “Duckies” will be awarded at ISA-New Orleans on
Thursday, Feb. 20 at the third annual Duck of Minerva and Sage Blogging
Awards and Reception. We need your help and nominations for the best
blogging of 2014 in these categories: 1.
Continue reading
These 15 Arguments Will Destroy Chemtrails Deniers
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 15 hours ago

*Bernie Suarez* - Chemtrail spraying is this big a deal and as another year
goes by the globalists and their military industrial complex marches
forward with their insanity to control the weather...
The post These 15 Arguments Will Destroy Chemtrails Deniers appeared first
on Waking Times.
The Tory Drive to Suicide
Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 15 hours ago
The Tory party is a peculiar beast. On the one hand, it's adept at getting
the wealthy to part with their cash by open and less transparent methods.
And all this money bankrolls a machine that has been and will continue to
flood the key marginals with glossy, high production value literature. The
troops are lacking so the Conservatives are trying to buy the next
election, and in this respect they're doing a professional, determined job.
Shifting your gaze to the control room of this cash-hungry, money-eating
mechanism and you find pandemonium. The machinery's on autopilot, and it's ... more »
Do not tarp it
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 16 hours ago
When the wonderful free wind blows
do not trap it
because you do not know
where it might bellow
and in most case right up the ass
for local officals
who are candy assed
No shortage of heros
on the big plain
the people working
there are not of the
sane name
How many Mall cops
are now DEA
how many little dicks
are now working
for the CIA
World News Briefs -- December 22, 2014
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
*U.S. Leads 22 More Air Strikes Against Islamic State: Task Force --
(Reuters) - The U.S.-led coalition conducted 12 air strikes against Islamic
State militants in Syria on Monday and 10 strikes Iraq, the U.S. military
said in a statement.
In Iraq, the strikes hit near the strategic northern Iraqi town of Sinjar
as well as near Asad, Tal Afar, Ramdi, Mosul and Falluja, the Combined
Joint Task Force said. They destroyed six units of Islamic State fighters
as well as a weapons factory, numerous buildings and several vehicles, it
*Read more* ....
Kurd... more »
Anonymous: Hack didn't come from North Korea (no shit)
D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 16 hours ago
Sony. Hacked. North Korea. FBI. White house. Obama. "National Security".
Can YOU find the logic in any sentence that could be created from the words
listed above?
How about this: Sony was hacked in 2011. It was not considered a "National
Security" issue.
Sony Hacked 2011
Then Sony was hacked in 2012. It wasn't considered a "National Security"
issue either.
Sony Hacked 2012
Yet now, in 2014, when Sony gets Hacked, the US calls it a matter of
"National Security". And blame it on North Korea. Not just hackers *from *North
Korea, but on the North Korean government itself.
....... more »
Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 16 hours ago
I am terrified that such people exist:
The CIA Didn’t Just Torture, It Experimented on Human Beings: Reframing the
CIA’s interrogation techniques as a violation of scientific and medical
ethics may be the best way to achieve accountability. By Lisa Hajjar
December 16, 2014 | http://www.thenation.com/article/193185/cia-didnt-just-torture-it-experimented-human-beings
Human experimentation was a core feature of the CIA’s torture program. The
experimental nature of the interrogation and detention techniques is
clearly evident in the Senate Intelligence Committee’s executive summar... more »
Mounting Evidence Exposes Dangers of Energy Drinks
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 16 hours ago
*Natasha Longo* - Energy Drinks have previously been found to cause
irreversible damage to tooth enamel and detrimentally affect the
contraction of the heart. Now it gets worse...
The post Mounting Evidence Exposes Dangers of Energy Drinks appeared first
on Waking Times.
Instrument Of Iran’s Power In Iraq And Syria Kataib Hezbollah
Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 16 hours ago

As the insurgency grew at the beginning of 2014, many of Iraq’s militias
began mobilizing to face the threat. One of those was Kataib Hezbollah
(KH), the Hezbollah Brigades. In 2007 the Iranian Revolutionary Guards
Corps Quds Force (IRGC – QF) formed the group as a small elite unit to
attack U.S. forces in Iraq. Its leader was Abu Mahdi Muhandis, a former
member of Dawa and the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, who now acts as a
representative of Quds Force commander General Qasim Suleimani in Iraq. In
2012 KH was deployed to Syria by Tehran to support the government of Bashar
al-A... more »
PBS NEWSHOUR VIDEO: What's Behind Recent Retreat Of ISIS In Northern Iraq?
Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 16 hours ago
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 22, 2014
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
*The Pentagon Has A New Name For ISIS -- CNN*
Washington (CNN) -- There's yet another new name for ISIS among those
fighting against the terror group. Daesh.
There is already some confusion in Washington about what to call ISIS.
Barack Obama and other government leaders call the terror group operating
in Iraq and Syria ISIL -- short for Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant.
CNN takes a different tack, calling the group ISIS -- Islamic State in Iraq
and Syria.
But when Army L. Gen. James Terry, commander of the Combined Joint Task
Force was speaking Thursday to reporters at the Pe... more »
Trudeau -- Mythic Hero?
Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 17 hours ago

Michael den Tandt writes that the political narrative in Canada over the
next year will be all about what Justin Trudeau does. That's because -- for
better of for worse -- Trudeau has assumed the mantle of the mythic hero:
Trudeau’s popularity could be linked to the very fabric of how human beings
perceive political narrative. His brand has been crafted, deliberately it
seems to me, to tap into very old archetypes of heroism. These archetypes
are everywhere in our culture – in film, literature, myth and poli... more »
United Opt Out Declares "The #PublicEdRevolution will not be on FB"
Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 17 hours ago
From United Opt Out:
We, at UOO, have been saying for over a year now that the 2014-2015 school
year is the tipping point. With PARCC, SBAC and other common core tests
rearing their ugly heads this year we know that the time is prime for corp.
ed. reformers to push the business model of public education, as they
state once again, that our students, teachers, and public schools are
failing. We can anticipate a 70% failure rate on these common core tests –
one simply need look only to New York’s scores for the last two years.
The UOO conference is truly a working session for local... more »
New York Times Editorial Board Calls For Prosecution Of Bush, Cheney And Torturers !
leftdog at Buckdog - 17 hours ago
*"Since the day President Obama took office, he has failed to bring to
justice anyone responsible for the torture of terrorism suspects — an
official government program conceived and carried out in the years after
the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.*
*He did allow his Justice Department to investigate the C.I.A.'s
destruction of videotapes of torture sessions and those who may have gone
beyond the torture techniques authorized by President George W. Bush. But
the investigation **did not lead** to any charges being filed, or even any
accounting of why they were not filed.*
*Mr. Obama **h... more »
Chinese Foreign Minister: China Opposes to All Forms of Cyber Attacks. No Proof North Korea Involved In Sony Cyberattack
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 18 hours ago

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (L) and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi
meet on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)
meeting in Beijing Nov. 7, 2014. Reuters/Nicholas Kamm/Pool
*China Condemns 'Cyber Terrorism' -- VOA*
BEIJING — China condemned cyber terrorism, but said more proof is needed
that North Korea hacked Sony Pictures.
Its comments came a day after the United States asked China for help
blocking cyber attacks from the North.
China says it opposes cyber attacks on third parties through making use of
the facilities of another country. The comm... more »
Raw Video Of Sharyl Attkisson’s Interview With The Man Who Waterboarded 9/11 Mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 18 hours ago
*‘We Had to Do Our Duty’: Raw Video of Sharyl Attkisson’s Interview With
the Man Who Waterboarded the 9/11 Mastermind -- Daily Signal*
The man who waterboarded 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is standing
by the CIA’s controversial enhanced interrogation program, saying the
intelligence agency and its agents “had to do our duty.”
In an interview with Daily Signal senior independent contributor Sharyl
Attkisson, James Mitchell, a former Air Force psychologist, shared his
thoughts on the controversial Senate Intelligence Committee report on the
CIA’s enhanced interrogation pro... more »
Bertrand Russell,1953: "Diet, injections & injunctions".. to produce that which is desirable to authority
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 18 hours ago
*Hopefully the New Year will see more people rejecting their servitude?*
The Jews 1962 Blueprint For Taking Over America
Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 18 hours ago
I used to state here many times that America as a nation was finished...
Since that time I have found absolutely nothing to change that stance, and
in fact America is much much worse that I would have ever expected it to
become... That nation that once prided itself as the bastion of freedom in
the world has now become a brutal police state of tyranny where the
average American citizen no longer enjoys any form of freedom what so
ever... On top of that, the American economy is crumbling and facing
bankruptcy thanks to a fraudulent debt load created by a manipulative
Jewish controll... more »
Zapatistas Posters: Festival of Resistance and Rebellion against Capitalism
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 18 hours ago
Read more about the Festival of Resistance and Rebellion against Capitalism, happening now in Mexico:
The Democratic Party Has A Long And Proud Tradition Of Standing Up For Working Families-- What Happened To It?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 18 hours ago

Friday we took a look at why voters are increasingly turning off to the two
Establishment political parties. We looked particularly at why turnout
among Democratic base voters is so low. For example, the Queens Democratic
Party boss, Congressman Joe Crowley, the former New Dem chairman and a
House leader, only managed to persuade 47,370 of his constituents to bother
voting for him last month-- in one of the deepest blue districts in the
entire country, which Obama won 136,783 (81%) to 30,978 (18%) in 2012. The
Democratic Party of Joe Crowley isn't doing squat for people, predomina... more »
Saudi Arabia: We Will Never Cut Oil Production
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 18 hours ago
*Saudi Arabia: We'll Never Cut Oil Production -- CNN*
Saudi Arabia has a tough message for oil producers hurting from the price
crash: We'll never cut our output.
In an exclusive interview with CNN, Saudi oil minister Ali al-Naimi also
said he wasn't conspiring to take out rival producers by driving down the
"These rumors or whoever generated them, is completely mistaken," he said.
U.S. crude prices have slumped by nearly 50% in six months, the sharpest
fall for many years.
That has unsettled stock markets, accelerated a financial crisis in Russia,
raised the risk that V... more »
Wikileaks Publishes CIA Training Manual On How To Avoid Detection While Travelling
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 18 hours ago

The lobby of the CIA headquarters is shown in this 2008 file photo. Reuters
*WikiLeaks Releases Alleged CIA Documents Detailing Travel Tips For
Undercover Agents -- IBTimes*
WikiLeaks on Sunday released what it claimed were two classified documents
issued by the CIA to its operatives detailing measures to avoid having
their cover blown while crossing international borders. The documents also
list a number of tips for CIA agents to ensure that they are not singled
out for secondary screening at airports.
The documents, dated September 2011 and January 2012, were issued by the
CIA ... more »
How Did A Cuban Spy In A U.S. Prison Get His Wife Pregnant In Havana?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 18 hours ago
*Cuban Spy's Ultimate Mystery: How He Got His Wife Pregnant From A U.S.
Prison -- CNN*
Havana, Cuba (CNN) -- It might be the most bizarre of the closely guarded
secrets from last week's historic agreement between the United States and
Cuba: How did the leader of a Cuban spy ring serving life in a California
federal prison manage to impregnate his wife 2,245 miles away in Havana?
As part of the most significant diplomatic breakthrough between the United
States and Cuba in more than 50 years, a prisoner swap was made. To uphold
its part of the bargain, the U.S. released three Cuban ... more »
U.S. Imposes Sanctions On Putin's Favorite Motorcycle Club
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 18 hours ago

Russian Prime Minister Putin rides with motorcycle enthusiasts during his
visit to a bike festival in the southern Russian city of Novorossiisk in
2011 Photo: Reuters
*U.S. Blacklists Vladimir Putin’s Biker Gang Buddies, The Night Wolves, In
New Round Of Sanctions -- National post/The Telegraph*
MOSCOW — Vladimir Putin’s favourite biker has been targeted by new U.S.
sanctions over the Kremlin’s armed intervention in Ukraine.
Barack Obama, the U.S. president, issued an executive order this weekend
prohibiting trade with the Black Sea peninsula of Crimea, which Moscow
seized from Uk... more »
This Just In: harper Sent himself to the Closet!!!!
thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 19 hours ago
Some of you are finding out that the thwapster doesn't follow the daily
news too closely. I don't get a lot out of watching television news and I
don't have a newspaper subscription, so I wait for people I trust to
respond to it. (Plus, as some of you know, I think we're doomed because we
can't organize a break-out from a paper-bag. I don't follow anything that
closely anymore.)
So, when that gun-man stormed Parliament Hill, I first thought that harper
had been in the House of Commons and that his security people first put him
in a closet and then spirited him away after the gun-m... more »
Iran: Thaw With Cuba Is Proof That Sanctions Do Not Work
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 19 hours ago

Iranian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham
*Iran Says U.S.-Cuba Thaw Proves Sanctions Are Useless -- Bloomberg*
The normalizing of ties between the U.S. and Cuba after decades of
estrangement is proof sanctions don’t work, Iranian Foreign Ministry
spokeswoman Marzieh Afkham said.
“Policies of isolationism and sanctions do not yield results,” Afkham was
quoted as saying yesterday by the state-run Mehr news agency.
U.S. President Barack Obama and Cuban President Raul Castro’s announced a
thaw in relations on Dec. 17 after half a century. Some analysts have drawn
an analogy ... more »
jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 19 hours ago
*UK: Where are all the maths teachers? Two-thirds of secondary schools
struggle to recruit*
Two out of every three secondary schools have struggled to recruit enough
maths teachers in the past year, an alarming survey suggests.
They also had difficulty finding English and science teachers, with almost
half having problems in key subjects.
The findings will add to growing concerns over the supply of teachers,
which has been affected by the growing pupil population and the expansion
of the School Direct programme.
School Direct, which involves training on the job, has filled just 6... more »
JR at GREENIE WATCH - 19 hours ago

*Santa thinks the British parliament might need this*
*An oil conspiracy?*
*Conspiracy theories are resorted to by people who don't understand what is
going on. Hence the absurdity below. Oil is cheap now because increased
American production from shale has broken the back of the OPEC cartel. But
I guess that is a rather complex truth, too complex for a local politician*
Just as global warming gains international traction with treaties, targets
and timetables the price of oil miraculously drops. A coincidence? I think
Just as solar, wind, biofuel and electric technol... more »
Graham Hancock on Pleistocene Nonconformity
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 20 hours ago

shows the vast swathe of our planet that geologists call the Younger Dryas
Boundary Field. Across this huge "fingerprint" spanning North America,
Central America, parts of South America and most of Europe, the tell-tale
traces of multiple impacts by the fragments of a giant comet have been
found. Some of these fragments, were TWO KILOMETRES or more in diameter and
they hit the earth like a blast from a cosmic scatter-gun around 12,800
years ago. This was near the end of the last Ice Age, from which our world
... more »
Family statement: Lakota man shot by Rapid City police after Native Lives Matter Rally
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 21 hours ago
Locke, 30, shot by Rapid City
police five times after Native Lives
Matter Peaceful Protest Rally
Family of Native American Police Shooting Victim Releases Statement
Call for prayer gathering outside Rapid City Mayor's office Monday, 300
6th St. at 10am MST, Native leaders will meet with Rapid City Chief of
Police and Rapid City Mayor regarding shooting of Native American man by
Navy seeks US UAVs for ocean surveillance
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 21 hours ago

[image: MQ-4C Triton]The Indian Navy has earlier shown interest in
acquiring six to eight of the maritime variants of the US high altitude,
long endurance (HALE) Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) for extended ocean
The drones have been upgraded as the MQ-4C Triton maritime surveillance
platform for the U.S. Navy, providing real-time intelligence, surveillance
and reconnaissance over vast ocean and coastal regions.
The Global Hawk has been deployed by the U.S. in Japan, and the U.S. this
week approved the sale of four Global Hawks to South Korea.
Read more
Top 10 Worst U.N. Decisions Of 2014
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 21 hours ago
Words of Wisdom for Monday
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 22 hours ago

*A small lake up in Hsinshe.*
My father in law, 85 years old. Has been falling down in the bathroom
lately, but he is an indomitable soul, and despite two broken ribs from
this latest episode, went out to the park to work out. He comes back,
exhausted, and wants to go to the market with my mother in law. He gets
halfway and says he can't walk. "Why don't you use a cane?" she suggests,
in her exasperated wife-of-many-years voice. "Because then everyone will
think I'm old," he replies.
Great comment on the post below about Chu's house being renovated by the
Culture Bureau.
Thanks f... more »
Dazzling Images of the Brain Created by Neuroscientist-Artist
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 22 hours ago

of Spinal Cord*
Images of the Brain Created by Neuroscientist-Artist *
by Tanya Lewis, Staff Writer | December 10, 2014 10:20am ET
The brain has been called the most complex structure in the universe,
it may also be the most beautiful. One artist's work captures
both the
aesthetics and sophistication of this most enigmatic organ.
Greg Dunn earned a PhD in neuroscience before deciding to become a
professional artist. "I ha... more »
Iraq / Syria Regional War Report ( December 22 , 2014 ) ISIS seems to be on the defensive - more so in Iraq than Syria .... Syria peace plan gaining momentum as EU backs UN Plan for conflict freeze .....
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 22 hours ago

*US Ground Troops Fight ISIS in Western Iraq*
*20 ISIS Fighters Killed in Latest Failed Attack on East Syria Airbase*
ISIS Executing Deserters in Iraq; 190 Killed in Various Attacks
Syria Claims to Down Israeli Drone Over Quneitra
German Journalist Returns From ISIS Embed
Lebanon Says It Needs French Helicopters Quickly to Fight Jihadis
*Syria Pulse* @TheSyriaPulse 2m
2 minutes ago
Iran's diplomacy has tracked Russia's on Syria, as both push to jump start
political negotiations - http://almon.co/2bmv
[image: View this content on... more »
Air Force Leaders Admit Nuclear Problems, But Will Fixes Work?
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 22 hours ago

[image: Nuclear launch control simulator]Faced with one of its biggest
challenges in years — repairing a troubled nuclear missile corps — the Air
Force has taken an important first step by admitting, after years of
denial, that its problems run deep and wide.
Less certain is whether it will find all the right fixes, apply them fully
and convince a doubting force of launch officers, security guards and other
nuclear workers that their small and narrow career field is not a dead end.
The stakes are huge.
The nation's strategy for deterring nuclear war rests in part on the 450
Minutem... more »
Seizing the ASuW Initiative with Land Based Patrol Aircraft
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 23 hours ago

[image: P-8A Poseidon]Recent months have found uniformed officers and naval
strategists writing and speaking about regaining the ability of U.S. Navy
(USN) ships to conduct offensive anti-surface warfare (ASuW).
The discussion has been lively and featured many authors and many different
approaches. Some solutions are incremental, such as fielding more capable
long-range weapons in existing launch systems.
Others are more radical, such as trading large long-range missile defense
interceptors for small point defense missiles and building a new generation
of multi-role cruise missiles... more »
Pakistan Navy strengthens its relations with Oman
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 23 hours ago

[image: F-22P (Zulfiquar) class frigate]Strong ties between Oman and
Pakistan were highlighted at a reception held to welcome the Pakistani Navy
frigate, PNS Aslan, which docked at the Sultan Qaboos Port recently.
"We underwent a series of bilateral exercises with the Royal Navy of Oman
in conducting anti-piracy operations and other aspects," said Commodore
Suhail Hammad, Commanding Officer of PNS Aslat.
The exercises covered the regions of the Sea of Oman, the Gulf of Aden and
the Indian Ocean. Captain Jamal Alam said that the strong relationship
between Pakistan and the Sultanate... more »
Israeli Navy to Receive New Warships from Germany
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 23 hours ago

[image: IDF MEKO CSL]Four new corvette warships are on their way to the
Israeli Navy, courtesy of the German government.
According to a report by Reuters news agency and Israel Hayom, Germany
announced it would be funding the ships, made by German company
ThyssenKrupp, to the tune of €115 million ($143 million), pending approval
by German parliament’s budgetary committee.
The deal, which was formulated in November and could be approved by the end
of this month, is part of the country’s restitution for the Holocaust.
Read more
Reasons Why Russia’s Emerging Borei-Class Submarine Fleet is a Fearsome Nuclear Weapon at Vladimir Putin’s Disposal
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 23 hours ago

[image: Yuri Dolgorukiy SSBN]Russia plans to commission eight Borei-class
submarines that will be at the disposal of President Vladimir Putin by
2020. The Kremlin characterises the subs as "the backbone of Russia's naval
strategic forces for the coming decades."
The Borei subs, also known as Dolgorukiy-class, is being advertised by
Moscow as a strategic nuclear deterrent, according to a report by ITAR-TASS
news agency, in the same manner that Putin had described the 80 plus
intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBM) that his country will acquire by
2015 as potent weapons against agg... more »
PM: Two submarines to be added in navy
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 23 hours ago
[image: Ming (Romeo) class submarine]The process for induction of two
submarines in Bangladesh Navy has already been finalised, Prime Minister
Sheikh Hasina has said.
The premier made the disclosure while addressing the Winter President
Parade of Midshipman-2013/A Batch and Direct Entry Officers (DEO) 2014/B
Batch at Bangladesh Naval Academy in Chittagong on Sunday morning, reports
"We hope that theses submarines would be added to the force by 2016," she
Read more
Torture and the U.S. Intelligence Failure
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 1 day ago
Perhaps that is the true solution. The president or the field commander
can declare an emergency. Under this extraordinary rule any expedient can
be used including torture. Much better though is that it is immediately
referred to congressional oversight who can cancel this or put a time limit
on it.
This is even practical. In almost every instance, the useful intelligence
has a half life measured in hours. The exceptions to this lies with high
level commanders who also understand available assets and ongoing
planning. Sustained water boarding is then an option until ... more »
Can Mushrooms Treat Depression?
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 1 day ago
That last bit i highlighted strongly infers communication with the spirit
to alter an improper outlook. It is the best confirmation of the utility
of this drug. As well low doses are ample to facilitate healing from PTSD.
Plenty obviously needs to be done and we need to think out applying all
such drugs far more universally as part of a brain modification protocol
aimed at producing a superior life outcome for a huge portion of the
Would it not be neat to turn on the obsessive key in order to process a
body of work and to then turn it off. This would be h... more »
Evidence Of Dream Telepathy
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 1 day ago
[image: dream]
The effect is shown clearly enough, but it is hardly powerful or even
compelling. Thus we hardly know what to do with it.
We also know mind to mind communication is key to animal communication, but
our development of symbolic systems appears to have mostly eliminated our
talents. I think we can share thoughts with target individuals but it is
again presently uncompelling.
We also have spirit communications that are mind to mind that are pretty
compelling and without ambiguity. You know it.
Obviously this happens to be a putative talent that largely remain... more »
President Obama: Putin Hasn’t ‘Rolled Me’ And He Is No Chess Master
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Obama: Putin Is No Chess Master -- CNN*
Washington (CNN) -- Critics have pounded President Barack Obama for being
upstaged by the Russian President Vladimir Putin, but Russia's economy is
plunging into a recession and Obama's got more to back up his tack on the
world stage.
Obama pointed to the result of his sanctions tactic in Russia as proof he's
got a successful strategy, in an interview with CNN's Candy Crowley airing
"There was a spate of stories about how he is the chess master and
outmaneuvering the West and outmaneuvering Mr. Obama and this and that and
the othe... more »
Mike Kelly, Elitist Teabagger From Pennsylvania-- A Lump Of Coal
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
Mike Kelly?
PA-03, the northwest corner of Pennsylvania (Erie, Meadville, New Castle,
down to Pittsburgh's northern suburbs) has traditionally been a swing
district. When weak, worthless anti-Choice Blue Dog, Kathy Dahlkemper, beat
Phil English in 2008. the PVI was R+2. Dahlkemper beat him 52-48% after
running up a 14 point lead in mammoth Erie County while Obama was
pummelling McCain there 57-41%. The Republican state legislature
immediately redistricted, primarily by taking half of Erie County out of
the district and tossing it in the deep red GOP wasteland next door
(PA-05), wher... more »
Experts Are Critical On The FBI Evidence That Says That North Korea Is Responsible For The Cyber Attack Against Sony
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

Extreme Tech
*What Is FBI Evidence For North Korea Hack Attack? -- Dave Lee, BBC*
The FBI's analysis has concluded North Korea is to blame for the attack on
Sony Pictures - but how can it be sure?
As well as Pyongyang having a motive for taking serious issue with The
Interview, there's a couple of pieces of key evidence the US is now using
to pin the blame.
However, they're not without flaws.
As security researcher Brian Honan put it to me earlier: "I still don't see
anything that in a court would convict North Korea beyond reasonable doubt."
So let's take a look.
*Read more* ..... more »
North Korea Threatens To Attack The White House And The Pentagon
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*North Korea Threatens Attack On White House As US Mulls Returning Country
To Terror Sponsor List -- AOL.com*
North Korea is threatening attacks against the U.S. while adamantly denying
it had anything to do with the cyber assault that nearly brought down an
entire movie studio.
The threats come just as the Obama administration is considering putting
the reclusive regime back on the list of state sponsors of terrorism in the
wake of hackers infiltrating Sony Pictures, the president told CNN.
The North's fiery anti-American rhetoric has grown in recent days after the
U.S. apparent... more »
President Obama: I Will Do 'Everything I Can' To Close Guantanamo
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Obama To Do 'Everything I Can' To Close Gitmo -- CNN*
Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama says he plans to push to close
the Guantanamo Bay detention facility during his final two years in office
-- potentially fulfilling a major campaign promise that he hasn't yet
"I'm going to be doing everything I can to close it," Obama said in an
interview with CNN's Candy Crowley that aired Sunday on "State of the
"It is something that continues to inspire jihadists and extremists around
the world, the fact that these folks are being held," Obama said. "It is
... more »
Who's afraid of an Islamic caliphate?
Kevin Barrett at truthjihad.com blog - 1 day ago

Harun Yahya's version of the coming caliphate
I recently debated Osman Bakkash of the Hizb-ut-Tahrir Party, which is
working peacefully to restore an Islamic caliphate. It was a relatively
friendly discussion for the most part.
Watch the debate at Press TV
But I'm not in favor of creating just any-old-caliphate by any-old-means.
Take ISIS - please!
Anjum Chaudry and his ISIS friends are idiots. But there's nothing wrong,
in principle, with the idea of restoring a pan-Islamic caliphate. About
two-thirds of the world's Muslims support this concept. So if you support
democracy in Mu... more »
Question & Answer: You Decide......
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago

Russian President Putin had a three-hour news conference the other day
where he took alot of questions from what I'd call unfriendly (unscripted)
sources. Here is one from the BBC and Putin's response:
*JOHN SIMPSON, BBC:* Western countries almost universally now believe that
there’s a new Cold War and that you, frankly, have decided to create that.
We see, almost daily, Russian aircraft taking sometimes quite dangerous
manoeuvres towards western airspace. That must be done on your orders;
you’re the Commander-in-Chief. It must have been your orders that sent
Russian troops into ... more »
TV Watch: So this is what the dastardly N. Korean hackers were after -- Paul Reiser's cri du coeur about "Mad About You"
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

*Why so pensive, Murray?* *Paul and Jamie Buchman (Paul Reiser and Helen
Hunt) of Mad About You share the love seat with the greatest of all TV
dogs. (I didn't say the smartest, just the greatest. Go get the mouse,
*"As you know, for seven years I put every ounce of my life-blood into Mad
About You and remain enormously proud of what we all accomplished. I think
it more than stands the test of time, and still shines. Traveling the
country and hearing people's enthusiasm for the show only confirms for me
its huge impact of its legacy, and I'd like to think that it's a prou... more »
Musical Interlude: Bernward Koch, “Following Stars”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Bernward Koch, “Following Stars”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uoMMeWUbfx0
"A Look to the Heavens"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“It is bigger than a bread box. In fact, it is much bigger than all bread
boxes put together. Galaxy cluster ACT-CL J0102-4915 is one of the largest
and most massive objects known. Dubbed "El Gordo", the seven billion light
years (z = 0.87) distant galaxy cluster spans about seven million light
years and holds the mass of a million billion Suns.
*Click image for larger size.*
The above image of El Gordo is a composite of a visible light image from
the Hubble Space Telescope, an X-ray image from the Chandra Observatory
showing the hot gas in pink, and a computer generated map showing ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Swanzey, New Hampshire, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Chet Raymo, “Six Things”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“Six Things”*
by Chet Raymo
“My mother was part of the last generation of Americans who were welded
into a national cohesiveness by the classroom memorization of poems by
English language poets Longfellow, Whittier, Riley, Lowell, Field, and all
the rest. All her life, lines of verse were on her lips...
"All at once, and nothing first,/ Just as bubbles do when they burst."
(“The One Hoss Shay”, Oliver Wendell Holmes)
"Each morning sees some task begin,/ Each evening sees it close;/ Something
attempted, something done,/ Has earned a night's repose." (“The Village
Blacksmith”, Long... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Canada's Final Solution'
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago
Posted on December 21, 2014
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN, Dec. 21, 2014. Why negotiation tables, war department of Indian
Affairs and special military trained police and surveillance strategies?
Why does the corporation of Canada have to pass illegal laws to take
from and remove us? They, in effect, acknowledge that we are the
sovereigns of Ono’ware:geh
"The Chessboard"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"The chessboard is the world; the pieces are the phenomena of the universe;
the rules of the game are what we call the laws of Nature. The player on
the other side is hidden from us. We know that his play is always fair, and
patient. But also we know, to our cost, that he never overlooks a mistake,
or makes the smallest allowance for ignorance."
- Thomas Huxley
The Poet: Langston Hughes, "Life Is Fine"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"Life Is Fine"*
by Langston Hughes
"I went down to the river,
I set down on the bank.
I tried to think but couldn't,
So I jumped in and sank.
I came up once and hollered!
I came up twice and cried!
If that water hadn't a-been so cold
I might've sunk and died.
But it was Cold in that water! It was cold!
I took the elevator
Sixteen floors above the ground.
I thought about my baby
And thought I would jump down.
I stood there and I hollered!
I stood there and I cried!
If it hadn't a-been so high
I might've jumped and died.
But it was High up there! It was high!
So since I'm still here ... more »
Every Muslim Nutjob in the world will now try and kill us alone!
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 1 day ago

Its true
we got more lone wolves
than a fern bar in the nineties
on the perimeter
Does it really mean anything
I dont think so
but one thing you can say
about Islam
is that it unites
the crazys
in a way
that needs
a lot of study
But compared to the run of the mill
crazies who kill
they are nothing
but a bolt
of lightning
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 1 day ago

Never heard one myself
but as I understand
the others are overwhelmed
by a flood of them
It started in the new testament
when Jesus fed everyone and gave the whole beach
a drink from a single bottle of wine
the union person was there
to complain
about the cost to jobs
this miracle would cost
please do not do it again
Something we should teach in school
is how to complain
and what is really a complaint
because 90% of what we complain about
is unimportant
5% of what we complain about is Gods will
the last five percent
we never get around to in a big
like voting about it.
500 filter free channels
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 1 day ago
Yes I know they mostly clog
your interface with surprisingly
interesting shit
We humans will watch anything
that's on TV
some will pay money
and others will blog
about Honey BOO Bo
like she was Angelia Jolie
from a different mother
Big Steve saw this decades ago
in Japan on the hotel TV
in the age that you might be lucky
to get CNN
or the BBC
and watching them both for 12 hours
told me something true
the only purpose of this
interface was to deceive
the consumer
in between commercials
but as we know this
simple misdirection
was not enough
for Faux news
and the beauty pageant
of lie... more »
There Is Hope In Understanding: The Economic Collapse
D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 1 day ago
Michael Snyder has consistently written excellent articles on the current
global economic situation. I may not always agree with his conclusions,
but his facts are rarely off. Michael's article below is a cry to the
people to please "Be Prepared", because the collapse of this current
slavery system is in process RIGHT NOW.
*Since I started The Economic Collapse Blog back in 2009, there have always
been a few people that have accused me of spreading fear. That frustrates
me, because what I am actually doing is the exact opposite of that. When a
hurricane is approaching, is it “s... more »
Do you want to fight this Bull?
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 1 day ago

As I tell my children
I not expect you
to be saints
but if you go anywhere
know the the name
that will make
sure your shit
do not stink
A good lawyer will
make an average
procisction back down
and flee
from even a fee
a great lawyer
can guarentee that
in all but the most hopeless
And a team of great lawyers
facing twelve honest men
can do anything.
Crackpot Utopia: The Year in Republican Crazy, Part 3
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

*• Using fear, loathing, and paranoia to sell stuff• Arizona legalizes
crack!• Crazyspeak of the Year nominee No. 3: old reliable Bill O’Reilly*
*Noah worries, will 40 days and nights be enough?*
*Crackpot Utopia:* *A dream world as envisioned by republicans; a
manifestation or expression of the deranged, warped alternate universe
inhabited by republicans, at least in their minds. See also: Bachmannism,
*by Noah*
*1. Using fear, loathing, and paranoia to sell stuff*
I've long been suspicious of drug companies flogging all sorts of
medications on the teevee, spe... more »
Into the Suck
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 1 day ago

Do not know from which war
this term described combat first
could of been Korea and most certainly
was normal nomenclature by Vietnam
and repeated over and over
two times in Iraq
and for sure in Afganisian
If labels are truth
then we have been fighting
the suck
all of our life
there is no victory in sight
but should there not
be some kind of grand
committee filled with warriors
and sewage agents
looking for a process
to fuck the suck.
Marco Rubio Can Eat a Bag of Salsa-Flavored Dicks
Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 1 day ago

It was the most hilarious thing of all when prospective 2016 Republican
presidential candidate Rand Paul took to social media to call out Florida
Senator Marco Rubio for being an “isolationist”. Rubio, who must be
horrified to be watching his political career go up in smoke after Emperor
Obama’s shocking reversal of decades of U.S. policy towards Cuba can
probably be forgiven for being a little bitchy this past week. The
ambitious young Floridian had managed to perform the equivalent of the
splitting of the atom by becoming the self-anointed GOP authority on all
things Hispanic. N... more »
Russia Defies The West
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks during his annual end-of-year news
conference in Moscow, December 18, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Maxim Zmeyev
*Putin: Sanctions Won't Stop Russia's Support Of 'Compatriots' -- Voice of
Russian President Vladimir Putin said Saturday that his country would not
back down from "supporting compatriots" in Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula,
which was annexed by Moscow this year despite widespread Western protests.
The Russian Foreign Ministry, meanwhile, said Western sanctions would not
force Russia to give up Crimea because the peninsula is a "hist... more »
Obama no bed of Roses
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 1 day ago
take away the colour
take away the spin
and just look at the fact
although I know
they will not persuade
anyone to change direction
in any
Obama inherited a poison chalice
FDR would have sought\
imunity from
Sure FDR was shooting blind
but he was not
black in America
Obama may not go
down in history as
the writers will chip
away at him forever
because he looked
up the GOP skirts
Right now today
the patient is still
on the table
looking at 2015
with a smile
hoping to leave
qualified willing
and able
I interpert the volcanic noise
we are subjected to today
with some iron... more »
Great Powers Great Mistakes made Greater
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 1 day ago

No one really knows how
WW1 started
it was in every historians
book a mistake
today if we believe history
we are on the precipice of
an even greater
lack of self awareness
People left and right are
at the top of their
and some even using
unfronturnalty for humanity
its the Frank Lutz wordsmiths
for now that take the words
and make us all speak
I really do not know about 2015
we are hard people
looking at the failure
of our dreams
which way will we go
when the boss speaks
more into the path
that led us here
or something
for which our
wil... more »
The Zionist-WASP Split of 1991 : The Last Ever US-Soviet Summit
Spike EP at News Spike - 1 day ago

The Zionist-WASP Split of 1991 : Chicken Kiev for STARTers - The Last Ever
US-Soviet Summit
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*"First and foremost it is worth acknowledging that the demise of the
Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century." -
* August 1st, 1991 : Kiev, Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine - Trouble
Having "liberated" Kuwait (it's oil and it's Sultan, his wife and her
collection of shoes, if not it's people), and toppled the tyrant Saddaam
Hussain (kind of), the force of the New World Order US-Soviet Condominium
turn their atten... more »
"7 Demented Right-Wing Moments This Week: Fox Wants a Royalty Check From Colbert?"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"7 Demented Right-Wing Moments This Week: *
*Fox Wants a Royalty Check From Colbert?"*
By Janet Allon
*"1. Antonin Scalia: Torturing convicts is a no-go, but torturing suspects
is A-OK. *Supreme Court justice Antonin Scalia was asked this week by the
BBC about the CIA s fully exposed use of torture in the years after the
9/11 attacks, and he found, shall we say, some rather interesting hairs to
split. "We have laws against torture," Scalia said. (Whew.) But then he
added, "The Constitution says nothing whatever about torture. It speaks of
punishment; cruel and unusual punishments a... more »
Spike EP at News Spike - 1 day ago
The Maltese Double Cross - Lockerbie (1994) from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*"The local police force, Dumfries and Galloway, they were most concerned
at the SWARMS of Americans, fiddling with bodies, and shall we say
tampering with those things that the police were carefully checking
themselves. *
*I'm not pretending that they said they were from the FBI or the CIA - they
were just Americans, who seemed to have arrived extremely quickly, on the
scene..."** - Tam Dalyell MP*
*The Maltese Double Cross *discusses evidence and witnesses that would
eventually figure at the Pan Am Flight 103 ... more »
Does your playlist keep reapting is Apple at fault, and is there a damm thing to do about it?
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 1 day ago

Yes, yes, maybe and no. Thats my conclusion
when it comes to listening to music
who could mix it up well
enough anyway
would that not take
some kind of cosmic
beyond an althogram
which is math for
a forumula that
will control you
who do not know
the math behind it
and I tell you now
and believe me later
even the guy
who made the equation
is like a witch doctor
getting results
they really do not
In A Sign Of Improving Relations, U.S. Delivers 10 Apache Helicopters To Egypt
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

The US annually allocates some $1.5bn in aid to Egypt, including $1.3bn in
military assistance [REUTERS]
*US Delivers 10 Helicopters To Egypt In Sign Of Improving Relations -- The
* Apache helicopters arrived this week to support counter-terrorism
* Delivery had been on hold since coup against elected president last year
Egypt received 10 Apache helicopters from the US in the past week, security
sources said on Saturday, in a sign of easing tensions between the longtime
allies confronting Islamist extremism across north Africa and the Middle
The US announced in Apr... more »
Word Dancing Wonderful is the expression that truly wins
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 1 day ago

words dancing along the margins and then filling at some time the main
like this content was meant to be
creating wisdom for the new age
but its never like that
for authours
they have to wait at least a decade
for words to take effect
and for many its centuries
before an increalily diminishing
body of creative critism
comes to regognize they
really had something to say
to bad
it was not recognized in their
own day
when it could have made
a differance
and now it just makes us
as we pretend to believe
our current leader
knows the way.
UFO Sightings on November 3, 1957
KRandle at A Different Perspective - 1 day ago
In my quest to verify UFO information that has been reprinted and analyzed
for years, and as I was working on my last UFO book, I began looking at the
UFO sightings at White Sands Missile Range on November 3, 1957. To put this
into context, the Levelland sightings took place during the evening and
night of November 2. About the time the sightings were ending in Levelland,
they were beginning at White Sands some 250 miles away. Those who made the
first reports in New Mexico had not heard of the sightings in Texas and
were unaware of what was happening.
Two MPs on patrol out near the... more »
For 40+ Years I have been a Democratic sheeple, No More
2old2care at Because I Can - 1 day ago
For over 40 years I have pretty much voted a straight Democratic ticket -
even when the candidates did not reflect my values.
I am a liberal progressive.
I *am* a liberal progressive.
Being a liberal progressive - no longer makes me a Democrat.
Many of the values I hold are similar to those of the Democratic party.
In today's political arena the values of the Democratic party are becoming
more and more misaligned with my values.
For over 40 years, many times I have voted against my own values - just to
support the Democratic party.
Democratic pundits have warned me that not voting De... more »
Theatre and Cyber Security
Jarrod Hayes at Duck of Minerva - 1 day ago
By now I am sure many of you have seen the news that Sony has indefinitely
postponed/canceled the theatrical release of The Interview under threat
from hackers apparently connected to the regime in North Korea. It is not
clear whether the threat was explicitly against movie goers or against the
companies screening the film, and
Continue reading
Dad dies every Thrusday
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 1 day ago

I am your Dad
and no matter what
through and through
I would without question
die for you
I would take that bullet gladly
but life is not so black and white
there is no bullet
there is no smoking gun
only life
So your poppa
watches and hopes to never
that you fall down into
the inescapable by conventional
means rat hole
that now defines
my ways and means.
I have surrendered in a conventional way
no one no longer needs brilliance
they will just steam roller you
in the we control everything way
If you are not good at giving steam
to the steamroller
lay down flat in front of us
and ... more »
Tunisians Vote In Landmark Presidential Elections
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Tunisians Vote In Landmark Elections -- Al Jazeera*
Tunisia electing president in runoff that presents a stark choice between
the country's past and its post-uprising era.
Tunisians are going to the polls to freely elect their president for the
first time in the country's history, rounding off an at times bumpy
four-year transition from dictatorship.
The runoff on Sunday pits 88-year-old Beji Caid Essebsi, leader of the
Nidaa Tounes party, against incumbent Moncef Marzouki, who held the post
through an alliance with the moderate Islamist movement Ennahda.
*Read more* ....
*More... more »
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 21st, 2014
Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 1 day ago
[image: rant-jpeg-b]
Yes, it is Sunday again, and as usual time for my weekly rant…
I did no articles yesterday because I was out trying to finish some last
minute Christmas shopping… After a brutal day of having to put up with
people at the local mall, I was beat and bushed…. Yes, shopping in a
madhouse just before Christmas does indeed take a lot of energy out of a
One thing that I did notice, and I have noted it many times before, is the
absolute lack of Christmas spirit that I have noted in both businesses and
their customers…. The rampant consumerism has indeed wrecke... more »
Navy Liars & Thieves Want Entire Village
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago

*Protest banners are hung inside the village . This banner reads, “Navy!
you are the outside power that destroys our hometown, Gangjeong!*
An urgent cry from Gangjeong village on Jeju Island, South Korea: We should
not allow the navy swallow our village.
The below is the rough translation of a banner by the anti-naval base
committee of the Gangjeong village, hung inside the village.
The navy plans to station about 7,000 people in the Jeju naval base that is
currently being built. You may remember that the whole population of the
Gangjeong villagers is less than 2,000. The banner ex... more »
Anti Muslim anti Cahtolic of Anti Semntic
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 1 day ago

Is there a moral equivocally there? I do not think so because the world is
still powerd by Catholics or the excommunicated tribe. As a mere non
believer observer of all the religious folly
there is only one thing
I believe
and know for cretian
unlike democracy
these people really
believe in numbers
and use childbirth
to manufacture
what is not
there in reason.
Getting a Raise from Vladimir Putin
Greg Mankiw at Greg Mankiw's Blog - 1 day ago
An American expat reflects on the falling value of the ruble.
A cluster of explosive young talents explode in "On the Town"
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

*For the 1960 recording, Betty and Adolph reprised their1944 roles,
anthropologist Claire de Loon and sailor Ozzie*
*BERNSTEIN, COMDEN, and GREEN: On the Town:Act I, "Carried Away"*
*Betty Comden, Claire; Adolph Green, Ozzie; 1960 studio cast recording,
Leonard Bernstein, cond. Columbia-CBS-Sony*
*by Ken*
On a daily basis we're assaulted by so much slop and slime that I worry
about insufficient attention being paid when we're given worthwhile stuff.
So it has been on my mind to call your attention, as I mentioned last night,
to a really outstanding piece in the November issue of ... more »
Pakistan Hangs More Taliban Militants
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

People hold candles and signs to condemn the Taliban attack on the Army
Public School in Peshawar. Reuters/File
*Four Militants Hanged In Pakistan As Execution Campaign Widens -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Pakistan hanged four Islamist militants on Sunday in the second
set of executions since the government lifted a moratorium after the
Taliban massacred 132 children and nine others at a school last week.
None of those hanged has anything to do with Tuesday's school rampage in
Peshawar, and some Pakistani commentators have said the executions are
intended to divert attention from the fai... more »
Two Brooklyn Cops Shot down in the dark of Night
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 1 day ago

How off target the lunatic be
the men in blue they serve
you and me
the thin blue line
its no fucking joke
it the difference between shopping
and scavenging
an while doing that
meeting an ugly blok/
The world is not black or white
but best practises can tell
us the best methods
to handle the mixture
that is grey
We are all great apes
in our DNA
Everyone that every lived
wanted to be King
Or if the were more devious
in this male DNA oriented
Would the Brookly cops
be shoot if
one bad chokehold
went away
That's a supposition
with no way of finding
but one ... more »
How To End Suffering
Waking Times at Waking Times - 1 day ago

*Video - * Eckhart speaks about the ability to end suffering by being
The post How To End Suffering appeared first on Waking Times.
Homo eradicatus
gail zawacki at Wit's End - 1 day ago

Season's Greetings - Merry Christmas, Super Solstice, Happy New Year etc -
all fellow ruthless, insatiable members of our species *Homo eradicatus* who
are watching the approach of the gathering storm! As usual I have been
collecting links to emerging science about ozone poisoning forests, but
that topic will have to wait until after the family festivities.
After I hit "publish" it will be full-out baking and decorating. This post
will just note that massive tree declines have been detected by NASA in the
Amazon, and scientists are pointing to deforestation as a primary reason
that... more »
Islamic State Executing Foreigners Who No Longer Want To Fight
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

*Islamic State ‘Executed’ Deserters For Trying To Go Home -- The Australian*
ABOUT 100 foreign Islamic State fighters reportedly have been executed
after trying to flee the group, raising fears about Australians wanting to
leave the conflict.
Britain’s Financial Times quoted an unnamed Syrian activist saying 100
executions of foreign fighters trying to leave the group had been confirmed
in Islamic State’s proclaimed capital Raqqa.
Australian authorities declined to comment on whether any Australians may
have been among the dead.
The report comes months after former Sydney man Moha... more »
Is Living in a Tiny Home a Way to Curb Consumerism?
Waking Times at Waking Times - 1 day ago
*Alex Pietrowski - *Is living in a tiny home a great way to make a
statement against consumerism or an unhealthy trend towards more control
over the population.
The post Is Living in a Tiny Home a Way to Curb Consumerism? appeared first
on Waking Times.
Allen L Roland, Ph.D at Allen L Roland's Weblog - 1 day ago

*Jesus was not a Christian and Buddha was not a Buddhist but their
religion was love. Can it really be this simple? That the ultimate religion
is love ! Perhaps we all need to see what we have settled for in order to
fully realize that there is another choice versus war and injustice as well
as the full meaning of Lennon's Merry Christmas ( War is Over ) which was
recorded in 1971~ nine years before Lennon was shot down and killed in
December, 1980: Allen L Roland, Ph.D*
*"An eye for an eye will make us all blind" *~ Mahatma Gandhi
*The official 4 minute video for John Lennon's... more »
Saudi/Kuwait: No oil output reduction even if others cut
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 1 day ago
Gulf Times
The Saudi and Kuwaiti oil ministers said on Sunday that their countries
would not cut oil production even if non-OPEC members reduce their output
to shore up sagging oil prices.
"No... I think it's too late now," Saudi Oil Minister Ali al-Naimi told
reporters when asked whether OPEC would cut its output if non-OPEC
producers were to lower their own.
"If they (non-OPEC) want to cut production they are welcome. We are not
going to cut, certainly Saudi Arabia is not going to cut," Naimi said on
the sidelines of an energy conference in the United Arab Emirates.
*Kuwaiti Oil ... more »
Happy Saturnalia! For a Return to the Golden Age and an End to the Theft of our Traditions
Rufus News From Atlantis at News From Atlantis. - 1 day ago
Today is the 21st December in the Gregorian Calendar. The fact that we now
use the Gregorian Calendar and not the Julian one does have an impact upon
this date and indeed every date which has a significance in pre-Gregorian
times. Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar in 1582 to correct
discrepancies with the equinoxes which had been brought about by the
imperfections of the Julian system (which itself was finalised in the AD
8). To make the calendar more accurate, the 4th October 1582 was followed
by the 15th October. When the British Empire (including what is now the
USA) ado... more »
The Vagus Nerve and the Healing Promise of The Sudarshan Kriya
Waking Times at Waking Times - 1 day ago
*Frank Huguenard -*The Vagus Nerve is a most fascinating intersection
between our conscious and subconscious minds.
The post The Vagus Nerve and the Healing Promise of The Sudarshan Kriya
appeared first on Waking Times.
Iraqi Kurds Continue Their Assault Against The Islamic State
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Iraqi Kurds Push Farther Into Sinjar As Air Strikes Destroy Isis
Strongholds -- The Guardian*
* Thousands of Yazidis evacuated from Mt Sinjar but town ‘far from cleared’
* Other targets in Iraq include Tal Afar, Ramadi, Mosul and Baiji
US-led forces attacked Islamic State (Isis) targets on Sunday with 13 air
strikes in Iraq and three in Syria, using fighter, bomber and other
aircraft, the US military said.
Four of the Iraq strikes were near Sinjar in northern Iraq, which destroyed
Isis buildings, tactical units and vehicles. Other Iraqi cities targeted
included Tal Afar, Ramadi, ... more »
North Korea Denies Hacking Sony. Threatens Retailiation
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

North Korea has denied hacking Sony Pictures email to avenge the studio's
not-yet-released movie The Interview, about a plot to assassinate North
Korean leader Kim Jong-un. (KCNA/Reuters)
*North Korea Denies Hacking Sony -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - North Korea has said U.S. accusations that it was involved in a
cyberattack on Sony Pictures were "groundless slander," and that it wanted
a joint investigation into the incident with the United States.
The United States stands by its assertion that North Korea was to blame, a
White House National Security Council (NSC) spokesman said on Sa... more »
ETs and the Spiritual War in the Heavens
Waking Times at Waking Times - 1 day ago
* V. Susan Ferguson - *In a war in the heavens, through the farthest
reaches of inner and outer space, our sanctuary lies in consciousness.
The post ETs and the Spiritual War in the Heavens appeared first on Waking
Innovative Segregation at Menlo Park Charter School
Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 1 day ago
Story from Menlo Park, where white folks insist in their own cut of that
charter cash:
*Split vote gives Cleveland school levy dollars to charter school for
gifted - and mostly white - kids*
The Menlo Park Academy charter school for gifted children is now a partner
with the Cleveland school district, after a split vote Tuesday night.
Patrick O'Donnell, The Plain Dealer By Patrick O'Donnell, The Plain Dealer
on December 20, 2014 at 1:18 PM, updated December 20, 2014 at 1:19 PM
CLEVELAND, Ohio -- Cleveland taxpayers are now contributing some of their
property taxes to Menlo Park Aca... more »
Getting Radicalized
thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 1 day ago
I write this entry still in the firm belief that "Islamicism" is not a
genuine threat to the well-being of most Canadians, let alone to Canada's
continued existence. It's far less of a problem than misogyny.
I'll take it as a given that Michael Zehaf-Bibeau's murder of Corporal
Nathan Cirillo and his attack on Parliament Hill with a hunting rifle, was
the act of mentally-ill man who had been a heavy drug user and was not a
"false flag" operation. In the same spirit, I'll accept that he really did
convert to Islam and oppose US and Canadian foreign policy in the Middle
East and sup... more »
Solitude as Meditation – Entrance to the Psyche
Waking Times at Waking Times - 1 day ago
*Gary ‘Z’ McGee -* How is it possible to ascend the state of the human
psyche through the absence of energy or action?
The post Solitude as Meditation – Entrance to the Psyche appeared first on Waking
Heavenletter #5139 Love Wins the Day
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 1 day ago

*Heavenletter #5139 Love Wins the Day*
December 20, 2014
God said:
Inestimable is the value of love from your heart to Mine and from My heart
to yours. In this equation, love goes to and from everyone on Earth and
everyone no longer on Earth, and to everything ever thought of. Love is
all-inclusive. Love is no matter what. This is true whether you accept love
or not and whether you scoff at the idea of love or not. Oneness means
Oneness. No one is left out of Oneness, or Oneness would not be.
Whatever you may think of Me or yourself or anyone or anything, you are
deep in My he... more »
Local Council By-Election Results 2014
Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 1 day ago
Number of candidates
Total vote
+/- Seats
Plaid Cymru**
0... more »
New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 1 day ago
*Gameday! Falcons at Saints *
*The Lens criticizes Loyola head, loses offices*
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