10:45pm MST
Lamar W. Hankins : A problem with authority
By the age of 20, I was aware of the frequent exercise of authority in
illegitimate, violent, corrupt, and otherwise abusive ways. By Lamar W.
Hankins | The Rag Blog | December 9, 2014 The recent cases in both
Ferguson, … finish reading Lamar W. Hankins :
A problem with authority
The Order of the Golden Ratio in Space-Time
*Anna Hunt - *Researchers from South Africa claim that the golden ratio can
be seen in the topology of space-time, giving the argument that the ratio
keeps the entire Universe in order.
The post The Order of the Golden Ratio in Space-Time appeared first on Waking
Re. release of the "Senate Torture Report," what might Beethoven's Don Florestan and Donna Leonore have to say?

*"We need reliable intelligence," Young Johnny McCranky said today on the
Senate floor. And, he insisted, "Torture produces more misleading
information than actionable intelligence."*
*by Ken*
Earlier this evening Howie wrote about the
will-they-or-won't-they-release-it situation of the "executive summary" of
what I'm just going to call the Senate Torture Report. And he already had
me thinking about it yesterday when he passed along the above clip of Young
Johnny McCranky on the Senate floor.
As it happened, I took a half sick day this morning, and listened on the
radio on to ong... more »
You Can Keep Your Money, EU Jackasses, Just Stop Funding ISIS Terrorists
For ISIS's immoral and criminal leaders, money has no religious
significance, so they're more than willing to take Kafir (infidel) money if
the price is right.
An excerpt from, *"EU announces $12.3 million in aid for Syrian civilians
in Turkey, Syria"* Al-Akhbar, December 9, 2014:
The European Union on Tuesday announced 10 million euros ($12.3 million) in
new humanitarian aid for Syrian civilians in Turkey and Syria.
“Today, we are stepping up our assistance to the people of Syria and to the
Turkish communities hosting Syrian refugees,” EU foreign policy chief
Federica Mogherini... more »
Living in a Resource Based Economy

*Video - *We are intrinsically connected to the planet. How do we go about
living in a way that allows the human race to live well?
The post Living in a Resource Based Economy appeared first on Waking Times.
Vladimir Putin after many months of trying to make peace with the war-mongering U.S. and its European vassals: "We will protect the diversity of the world. We will tell the truth to people abroad, so that everyone can see the real and not distorted and false image of Russia. We will actively promote business and humanitarian relations, as well as scientific, education and cultural relations. We will do this even if some governments attempt to create a new iron curtain around Russia. We will never enter the path of self-isolation, xenophobia, suspicion and the search for enemies. All this is evidence of weakness, while we are strong and confident. "

Disgusted, Russia officially gives up any pretense of "dialog" with the
AngloZionist Empire
Dear friends,
The full address of President Putin to the Federal Assembly is now available
online and, since this is a very long text, I will not re-post it here.
What I propose to do here is to bring to your attention four verbatim
excerpts from his speech with some key segments bolded out.
Most of the speech was on economic and internal matters, but I think that
these four points and, especially, th... more »
Note first that THE CRUX is a western businessman's journal. It is not political. Thus, it does not take a position as to whether Russia deserves the sanctions hung on it, or whether the allegations are all lies originated by the U.S. (the actual truth). Rather, it provides strong data showing that the EU is severely, and irrevesibly, damaging their economies solely to please Washington. It is one thing for the EU countries to be vassals of Washington but quite another to sacrifice the well being of their citizens by acquiscing to Washinton's crushing demands without the slightest protest.

You might not believe who’s benefiting from the sanctions on Russia*From
Mike “Mish” Shedlock at Global Economic Trend Analysis:*
Image from bob via Flickr European sanctions on Russia have hurt the EU far
more than Russia. Moreover, Europe has lost key machinery contracts to
China, and those contracts will likely stay with China even after sanctions
are lifted.
Please consider Europe Feels Sting in the Tail of Russia Sanctions.
*At a technology fair in Moscow last month, European executives faced the
new reality of doing business in Russia since t... more »
Compromise: Pardon Bush, Execute Cheney And Let's Move On From This Whole Torture Thing
div dir="ltr" style="text-align: left;" trbidi="on">
Anthony Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union,
had an ironic idea this week-- Obama pardoning Bush and Cheney for torture,
making the point that what they did is illegal.
The Obama administration could still take measures to hold accountable the
officials who authorized torture. Some of the statutes of limitations have
run out, but not all of them have. And the release of the Senate's report
provides a blueprint for criminal investigations, even if that's not what
the intelligence committee set out to do.
Global taxpayers and honest businesses stump up to cover the countless billions lost to “industrial scale” tax dodging
SOURCE GUARDIAN: PriceWaterhouseCoopers chief Kevin Nicholson
denies lying over tax deals
Kevin Nicholson is PwC UK’s head of tax, and
worked as an HM Revenue and Customs tax inspector in the early 1990s. In January
2014 Nicholson told parliament’s Public Accounts Committee that PwC did not
“mass market” tax products or sell tax avoidance “schemes” to clients. But in
November this year,
Compromise: Pardon Bush, Execute Cheney And Let's Move On From This Whole Torture Thing
Anthony Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union,
had an ironic idea this week-- Obama pardoning Bush and Cheney for torture,
making the point that what they did is illegal.
The Obama administration could still take measures to hold accountable the
officials who authorized torture. Some of the statutes of limitations have
run out, but not all of them have. And the release of the Senate's report
provides a blueprint for criminal investigations, even if that's not what
the intelligence committee set out to do.
But let's face it: Mr. Obama is not inclined to... more »
Racism vs. Love, Compassion and Knowledge
*Daniel Dowling*
The post Racism vs. Love, Compassion and Knowledge appeared first on Waking
Chet Raymo, "The Red Tent"
*"The Red Tent"*
by Chet Raymo
“Looking back, I would have to say that the greatest scientific achievement
of my lifetime is the discovery of the secret of the DNA and the consequent
sequencing of the human genome. You will hear the latter compared to the
building of the atomic bomb, or putting a man on the moon. It is more, much
more. It is an end and a beginning. It is the end of the reign of the gods.
No one knows yet what is beginning.
Anita Diamant's “The Red Tent” comes to mind, a novelistic retelling of the
biblical story of Jacob and his wives and children from the point o... more »
Dangerous Murmurings Pulse from Hulse
*Guest post by Stephen Berry from **Affordable Auckland*
Anyone who reads between the lines of politician gobbledygook should be
very worried by comments about rental tenancy tenure made by Auckland’s
Deputy Mayor Penny Hulse .
Following the release of the ‘Residential Mobility’ report from the *Growing
Up in New Zealand* study, which shows high levels of residential movement
in young families, Ms. Hulse says she is “disturbed” by findings that “a
high proportion of our most vulnerable, being children, have unstable
accommodation in the first years of their lives.”
[image: _Quo... more »
World News Briefs -- December 9, 2014

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry testifies before a Senate Foreign
Relations Committee hearing on "Authorization for the Use of Military Force
Against ISIL" on Capitol Hill in Washington December 9, 2014. REUTERS/Yuri
*Kerry Urges Flexibility In U.S. War Powers Against Islamic State --
(Reuters) - Any congressional authorization of U.S. military force against
Islamic State should be flexible and not limit the fight to Iraq and Syria,
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Tuesday.
The authorization should also not restrict U.S. President Barack Obama in
depl... more »
Musical Interlude: Ed Van Fleet, “Children of the Clouds”
Ed Van Fleet, “Children of the Clouds”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlecWVGotEs
The Daily "Near You?"
Athens, Attiki, Greece. Thanks for stopping by.
Putin’s Failures Leave Russia Reeling
[image: Image: Vladimir Putin, Barack Obama]
The first price a nation pays for reckless aggression is the complete unity
of all potential enemies that it may face. Even talking a good war is
dangerous as the Kaiser learned a century ago. and this article is quite
right. All the begging in the world by the USA could not have produced a
more advantageous playing field for the USA and NATO. Putin has even given
them strategic options that they can morally take while blaming Putin.
One of those is a NATO deep sea fleet in Romania on the Black Sea. This
secures the Dardanelles... more »
Is Low Vitimin D Deadly?

This study is very welcome. we are now going from a strong suspicion that
vitamin D deficiency was deleterious to certainty. Better the next step is
to actually determine what is the best way to overcome this deficiency or
to establish if an excess is possibly good for us also. We are using
supplements blindly at the moment without real assurance that it is correct
or sufficient.
I personally take 2000 mgs every day based on anecdotal evidence.
Hopefully we will actually know soon.
*Posted by Stine Rasmussen-U. Copenhagen on November 19, 2014 *
*htt... more »
How to See an Aura

*Video - *This video walks you through how to see a person's aura.
The post How to See an Aura appeared first on Waking Times.
CIA Torture Report- Why not mention CIA doctors & Human Experimentation?
Not one mainstream media outlet is mentioning this important fact.
Skirting the issue. Talking around it. But, let's be honest here. The
'torture' gave the medical establishment a perfect opportunity to
experiment on human beings- It's heinous to think about. But let's not kid
ourselves. It happened!
And if you foolishly think it didn't.... because you are that naive? I am
going to relink a post from 2009.
CIA doctors face human experimentation claims The more things change the
more they stay the same.................
Medical ethics group says physicians monitored 'enhanced interroga... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 9, 2014
*U.S. Military On High Alert Over CIA Report -- The Hill*
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has ordered military commanders to be on high
alert to respond to any security threats over the release of a report
detailing the CIA's controversial interrogation practices.
“I’ve directed all of our combatant commanders to have all their commands
on alert because we want to be prepared, just in case,” Hagel said on CNN
But the outgoing Pentagon chief also said he knew of no “specific” threats
over the report. He added that the Defense Department had worked with
investigators to limi... more »
Malcolm Guite - The Great Dance: Love and the Virtues from Dante to Lewis
"priest, poet, rock'n'roller. I play in Mystery Train, and am chaplain at
glorious Girton College Cambridge and St. Edward's King and Martyr" - from
Malcolm Guite's Twitter bio.
Check out *Malcolm Guite's website* and *his Twitter account*.
*Video Title: Malcolm Guite - 2014 C.S. Lewis Summer Institute. Source:
CSLewisFoundation. Date Published: October 15, 2014. Description:*
This is a video of Malcolm Guite’s plenary address titled “The Great Dance:
Love and the Virtues from Dante to Lewis” from the 2014 C.S. Lewis Summer
Leo Buscaglia, “Loving Each Other”; "Risks"
* “Loving Each Other”*
by Leo Buscaglia
“Emotional detachment, maintaining our distance from others, is being
prescribed as a solution for avoiding pain. Neglect and abuse of children
and the aged is a growing problem. Social and religious institutions, which
in the past helped to set standards of behavior and brought people together
in companionship, are actively downgraded. Individualism, independence, and
personal freedom are valued above love, commitment, and cooperation.
Like everyone I know, my life, too, has been a long series of interwoven
relationships, both good and bad. ... more »
The Poet: Robert Graves, “Warning To Children”
*“Warning To Children”*
by Robert Graves
“Children, if you dare to think
Of the greatness, rareness, muchness
Fewness of this precious only
Endless world in which you say
You live, you think of things like this:
Blocks of slate enclosing dappled
Red and green, enclosing tawny
Yellow nets, enclosing white
And black acres of dominoes,
Where a neat brown paper parcel
Tempts you to untie the string.
In the parcel a small island,
On the island a large tree,
On the tree a husky fruit.
Strip the husk and pare the rind off:
In the kernel you will see
Blocks of slate enclosed by dappled
Red and gr... more »
My Take On The Release Of The U.S. Senate's CIA Torture Report
*My Comment:* A year and a half ago NSA leaker Edward Snowden released
documents that detailed America's surveillance and spy programs on our
enemies, allies, and even on U.S. citizens .... airing America's dirty
laundry for everyone to see .... and as a result got condemned as a traitor
by the same U.S. senators who are today praising and applauding themselves
for doing the same thing with the release of the CIA torture report.
And in the meantime .... the CIA's drone program that targets for
assassination enemy threats to the U.S. .... while usually killing scores
of civilians i... more »
A3 Newsletter: Give Albert Woodfox a Hug for the Holidays; Please Take Action!

*(PHOTO: Albert Woodfox embraces Herman Wallace)*
In Homer Louisiana, Albert Woodfox remains in his cell - 42 years in
solitary and held under increasingly severe restrictions. From the
unnecessary and extensive use of the black-box during transport, to the
'catch-22' system making it impossible for Albert to have contact visits,
it appears that the response to his most recent court victory is to
continue turning the screws ever tighter.
Not surprisingly, the Louisiana Attorney General has filed an appeal with
the Fifth Circuit Court asking them to review their recent ruling that ... more »
Reactions, Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials On The Release Of The CIA Torture Report
*Did Torture Yield Results? Expected Report On CIA Practices Sparks
Controversy -- Arthur Bright, CSM*
A five-year Senate investigation into the CIA's use of torture and other
practices that violate international law has US embassies on alert around
the world.
US embassies and military bases abroad are bracing for the expected release
today of the Senate's controversial report on the CIA's use of torture
during the Bush administration.
The 480-page document reveals the results of Senate investigation into the
CIA's use of torture and other techniques that violate international l... more »
Building regulation helps make homes unaffordable
Speaking of problems with innovative building – barriers to using the sort
of building techniques that makes homes affordable for first-time buyers,
and profitable for speculative builders to build for them – a recent NZIER
report into the barriers to innovation in housing found that the problem is
not builders or buyers, both of whom would be happy to innovate, but …
well, I’ll let the report speak for itself:
*The regulatory environment and building consent authorities are the top
barriers to innovation and productivity.*
I swear I did not write that sentence myself. But I did m... more »
Expect The Lawsuits To Start Coming In After The Release Of The U.S. Senate's CIA Torture Report

Senate Intelligence Committee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein discusses a newly
released Intelligence Committee report on the CIA's anti-terrorism tactics,
in the U.S. Senate in Washington, Dec. 9, 2014. Reuters
*Lawyers Believe Torture Report Will Help Prosecution of CIA Agents in
Europe -- Vivienne Walt, Time *
*The Senate Committee's explicit description of US torture may facilitate
legal action*
The lawyers of those who’ve spent years in U.S. detention centers like
Guantánamo Bay did not expect any surprises in the Senate’s torture report,
which described the CIA’s tactics as “br... more »
U.S. MIlitary And Diplomatic Outposts Overseas Prepare For Blow-Back After The Release Of The CIA Torture Report

U.S. Marines prepare to depart Helmand Province, Afghanistan on Oct. 27,
2014. Omar Sobhani—Reuters
*2,000 Marines on Alert Ahead of CIA Torture Report -- Time/NBC*
Troops in and around the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean Sea prepare to deal
with potential threats following the report's release
Around 2,000 U.S. Marines have been placed on alert in preparation for
Tuesday’s release of a report on CIA torture against terror suspects. The
personnel, who are based in and around the Persian Gulf and Mediterranean
Sea, were put on alert to deal with potential threats following the relea... more »
"The Game Is Rigged: Why Americans Keep Losing to the Police State"
*"The Game Is Rigged: *
*Why Americans Keep Losing to the Police State"*
By John W. Whitehead
“The truth is that the State is a conspiracy designed not only to exploit,
but above all to corrupt its citizens.” - Leo Tolstoy
"My 7-year-old granddaughter has suddenly developed a keen interest in card
games: Go Fish, Crazy Eights, Old Maid, Blackjack, and War. We’ve fallen
into a set pattern now: every time we play, she deals the cards, and I
pretend not to see her stacking the deck in her favor. And of course, I
always lose.
I don’t mind losing to my granddaughter at Old Maid, knowing... more »
Questioning the “warmest year” narrative
“The buzz is intensifying about 2014 possibly being the warmest year
globally in the historical temperature record,” notes climatologist Judith
Curry, pointing to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) press
release of 3 Dec: 2014 on course to be one of the hottest, possibly
hottest, on record.
Curry, scientist Roy Spencer (who gathers satellite temperature records)
and authors Matt Ridley and Ezra Levant all reckon that’s spin, not
science. Let’s ask them some questions…
Q: How can it be the warmest year on record when the year isn’t yet over?
Judith Curry:
*The year isn’t... more »
Republican Party Embraces The South's Knee-Jerk Racism

This was probably employed against your antecedents when they immigrated too
Last week the House passed Ted Yoho's Know Nothing bill, the Executive
Amnesty Prevention Act of 2014 (H.R. 5759) 219-197. There were 17
Republican co-sponsors, proud racists and bigots like Lou Barletta (R-PA),
Mo Brooks (R-AL), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Robert Pittinger (R-NC), Ann Wagner
(R-MO), David Jolly (R-FL) John Kline (R-MN), the last two of whom are in
swing districts a competent DCCC would have won last month.
Only 7 Republicans voted against the blatant racism of their party to
oppose Yoho's ugly bi... more »
Emailing MPs about BBC bias
In my campaigning salad days (in the run-up to the 2010 general election),
when I used to regularly email my concerns about BBC bias to potentially
susceptible shadow cabinet ministers, backbench MPs, MEPs, peers and
journalists, I'd often find myself in a difficult moral position when it
came to their replies.
Some of them were decidedly forthright about the BBC - and their staff,
answering on their behalf, could be even more indiscreet.
All of this would have made great 'copy' for my old blog but, as emails
are private conversations, it didn't feel right to share them with the... more »
The REAL Reason For The Ferguson Riots: Mom And Pop Small Businesses Refused To Sell!
With the "riots" in Ferguson winding down, thankfully, there should now be
some analysis of what the hell went wrong, and how the riots occurred in
the first place... Too many people have been roped by the criminals in our
media and the scumbags running our governments into the fraud of "race
wars", and there definitely must have been another reason for all these
riots, looting, and burning of businesses in Ferguson, Missouri... I
smelled a rat from the very beginning, simply because it did not make any
sense at all!
Well, lo and behold, there seems to be a definite ulterior motive ... more »
Findings of the CIA Torture Report
Here are the 20 key findings of the Senate report into the CIA. Black
armband day for the USA's democratic/human rights credentials.
The abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay have been documented well enough.
Papers have been littered with reports of the CIA's "advanced interrogation
techniques" for years. Complicity on the part of other Western governments
with the programme of extraordinary rendition is virtually common
knowledge. We may accept the banality of many everyday evils, but when the
veil is torn asunder it's funny how the CIA's sordid, brutal, mendacious
and downright ill... more »
U.S. Senate Releases Its CIA Torture Report (Full Coverage)
*Senate Torture Report Condemns C.I.A. Interrogation Program -- New York
WASHINGTON — A scathing report released by the Senate Intelligence
Committee on Tuesday found that the Central Intelligence Agency routinely
misled the White House and Congress about the information it obtained from
the detention and interrogation of terrorism suspects, and that its methods
were more brutal than the C.I.A. acknowledged either to Bush administration
officials or to the public.
The long-delayed report, which took five years to produce and is based on
more than six million internal agenc... more »
I am happy that I aand every one I know is not one!
Sometimes I need to know about love
and then I see her
and she does not even know me
and I have her face on every flower
that has every been plowed
I think to myself there is no
chance this city girl
with all her circumstance
will ever see me
or take a look
at a big hunk
of beef
raised on the farm
by the hook
Just when the segment is ending
all miss pretty and
a make up proof
gives me a little eye
and a smile
and I know that
despite the physics
of attraction
and my waiting for the
perfect formula
this hot girl has
eyes for me
and the horizon
becomes a dissonant,
They can not prevent
t... more »
I obey and anylize do not thinkbooot how happy I am
Look at me
I am happy
well you know
you are living
in reality motherfucker
but that is the way the world
as we know it
I grew up in the old west
it had its disavagates
and I would hope into
a modern system of govermernt
we could incorpatre
pistols and shotguns
where approriate.
If you really want to kill
a man
one shot of buckshot
will never fail in any
A shot from a 45 might
in many circumstace
make the perpertrator more
Now in every household
we know there is a 32
but do the owners know
that in extreme confict
on the front porch
that little dick
will... more »
The world spins without regard

I say nothing
but it does not mean
I do not care
I have an opinion
it may be bizarre
and non quotable
and should be put
with the other electronic
but every time someone flips
the switch should they not be
held accountable for why
they thought
the thought
they did think
was so objectionable
they put it in the whirlwind wonder
of blades that exist on
every high end sin.
There is a lot of garbage
in this world that has
not been blended
and every day
we work so hard
to make facts
not take that place
We are the guardians of the earth
not the native peoples
just citizens propelled ... more »
Breaking News: US setting up legal precedent for future mass torture

Folks...why is the US releasing this Report on Torture? Is it so they can
show the world what a 'free and open' society they are???? NAW.....what
they're doing here is "normalizing" and institutionalizing their
government's ongoing policy of torture.
*Step One: Torture a whole bunch of folks*
*Step Two: Write an Official Government Report about it and publish it
*Step Three: Have no legal recriminations...thereby allowing the top level
planners and systemic factotum torturers to go free... more »
10 Creative Ornament Displays

Hello, it's Lorene again! I wanted to share with you a recent project of
mine, plus some more creative ways to display ornaments. I work as a
virtual assistant with Cassity over at Remodelaholic and for the 12 Days of
Christmas series going on now, Amy from Hertoolbelt and I teamed up for the
plans and tutorial for this awesome ornament display tree, a knockoff of a
Crate and Barrel item that's no longer available:
It is seriously my new favorite thing about Christmas! The ornaments are
vintage glass ornaments from my husband's grandmother, so they weren't safe
on our tree with my... more »
Trey Gowdy to Jonathan Gruber: Did You Apologize Because You Said It Or Meant It?...
*Gowdy asks the squirming little worm what every American would like to
ask, and we thank him.*
Issa asks one of the most important questions at the 6:03 mark. YES!!!
No spoiler alert - you'll have to watch. It's an insight that I had from
day one of the Gruber tapes coming out about these "educated beyond their
intelligence" self-proclaimed elitists.
They hold you in contempt. They *do* think you, the American public, are
stupid. Stupid is their favorite word. And that applies to just about
every libtard who spends his time navel gazing over their soy lattes at the
... more »
Dec. 9: News that isn't
I'm afraid there's nothing to say about Section A in Monday's paper, not
even on the editorial and op ed pages. It's mostly boring and/or
irrelevant. Alec Bruce produces his usual argument that fracking is so good
and so safe that the very idea of having a moratorium on it boggles the
mind. He must have a mind that's easily boggled. (I'll return to this
Craig Babstock has a a column so self-righteous that he really should have
his own church. He criticizes protesters who interfered with reporters at
an anti-fracking demonstration, saying that papers have a right to speak
f... more »
More Claims That The Islamic State Now Has A ‘Radioactive Device’ In Europe

A member loyal to the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) waves an
ISIL flag in Raqqa June 29, 2014. Stringer/Reuters
*Report: Islamic State Claims ‘Radioactive Device’ Now In Europe --
Washington Free Beacon*
*Freelance jihadist weapons maker makes claim on Twitter*
An alleged weapons maker for the Islamic State (IS) claimed that a
“radioactive device” has been smuggled into an undisclosed location in
Europe, according to an intelligence brief released Monday by the SITE
Intelligence Group.
“A Radioactive Device has entered somewhere in Europe,” according Twitter
user Mu... more »
U.S. Commander: Iraqi Military Months Away From Offensive

*Photo:* Lieutenant General James L. Terry
*Iraqi Military Months Away From Offensive, U.S. Commander Says --
Bloomberg Businessweek*
Iraq’s security forces probably won’t be able to start retaking territory
from Islamic State for months, the top U.S. commander for Iraq and Syria
operations said.
While the Sunni extremists are “probably on the defensive” after more than
1,200 airstrikes by the U.S. and allies, Iraq’s army needs more time to
rebuild, Army Lieutenant General James Terry, commander of Joint Task Force
Operation Inherent Resolve, told reporters traveling with Defense ... more »
U.S. Led Coalition To Send 1,500 More Military Advisers To Iraq
*U.S. Allies To Send About 1,500 Troops To Iraq: Commander -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - U.S. allies have committed to send about 1,500 forces to Iraq
to help train and advise Iraqi and Kurdish soldiers battling the Islamic
State, which increasingly appears on the defensive, the top U.S. commander
guiding the coalition effort said on Monday.
Lieutenant General James Terry, commander of Operation Inherent Resolve
targeting the militants in Iraq and Syria, said the forces would come on
top of the up to 3,100 troops U.S. President Barack Obama has authorized to
deploy to Iraq.
The allies'... more »
Manufacturing the “Russian Threat”

The Rise of German Imperialism and the Phony “Russian Threat”By Prof. James
The principle Nazi ideological prop that secured massive financial and
political support from Germany’s leading industrialists was the Communist
and Soviet threat. The main Nazi military drive, absorbing two-thirds of
its best troops, was directed eastward at conquering and destroying
Russia. The ‘Russian Threat’ justified Nazi Germany’s conquest and
occupation of the Ukraine, the Balkans, Eastern Europe and the Baltic
states, with the aid of a substantial proportion of local Nazi
collaborators... more »
Never forget the NHL's six roots where owned by four people. The soul
crushing oppression (wage slavery at its worst) of ownership carried on
into the modern era. Harold Ballard epitomised cruel and unusual ownership.
He let his ego and need for attention destroy a great franchise and
eliminate any hope of winning a cup. My Evidence is the Lanny Mcdonald
trade. The proud Maple Leafs have never recovered and are now mired in a
swamp of stupid contracts.
I grew up in Ontario. My grandfather worshipped the leaf. My father and
uncle where both minor leaguers who might have made the s... more »
Mishal Husain pushes her favourite cause again

We've discussed before Mishal Husain's pushing of the 'We should be letting
more Syrian refugees in' angle on 'Today' and, in the wake of that, her
subsequent Twitter discussion with a highly appreciative Anna Musgrave of
the Refugee Council, who is campaigning on the issue.
Mishal expressed a hope during that Twitter exchange that her reporting of
the Syrian refugees' stories would "make [a] difference to what the world
is willing to do" and ended by asking for Anna's e-mail address.
Mishal was back pushing the same cause on this morning's edition.
The pretext (so to speak) was t... more »
The Economy: “Welcome to the Brave New World of Central Bank Tyranny”
*“Welcome to the Brave New World of Central Bank Tyranny”*
by Shah Gilani
"Remember when banks used to make it worth your while to deposit cash with
them? Heck, if you’re old enough you probably even remember such
inducements as free toasters. But in a reprehensible turn of events, now
you – the depositor – are about to get toasted.
Thanks to U.S. Federal Reserve policies that are holding market rates down
near zero, you’re getting just a few basis points in interest (a basis
point is one one-hundredth of a percentage point) on your cash deposits –
and haven’t been for several year... more »
Iraq Tells The U.S. That They Need More Airstrikes And Weapons

Iraqi Defense Minister Khaled al-Obeidi (left) meets with outgoing U.S.
Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel in Baghdad on December 9.
*Iraqis Tell Hagel They Need More U.S. Airstrikes, Military Equipment --
L.A. Times*
Iraq’s leaders told Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Tuesday that local
security forces want an increase in airstrikes and American-made weaponry
in their fight to defeat Islamic State militants.
The appeal by Iraqi Prime Minister Haider Abadi conveys the mounting
pressure from Baghdad to ramp up efforts against the Sunni Muslim
extremists as their campaign enters its fif... more »
Arcturian Ancient History Part 1 – Message to the Lemurians

Suzanne Lie: Arcturian Ancient History Part 1 – Message to the Lemurians
Channelled by Suzanne Lie.
December 9, 2014
*Dear Readers,*
*I am again posting some of the Arcturian messages that I added to my
fourth Pleiadian Perceptions on Ascension book. In this section, the
Arcturians are in Inner Earth speaking with the Lemurians.*
*Dearest August Members of Gaia’s Planet Earth,*
As many of you know, when the Galactics land on Gaia’s surface, you, the
members of Inner Earth, will send your emissaries topside to assist and
educate the many humans w... more »
A globalal Apology
I now understand how two ministreys fuck up. I wrote a great post for this
site but posted it on my movie site. Call me confused but fortunaltly not
in power.
Well now that I have made this great fuckup
and as the seasons go
it aint nothing
just a false breeze.
What I was trying to really say
is the Jean Beliveua
and I did not spell that right
but he would not care
cause he was that kind
of man
a one in a million or
as we see history unfold
one in billion
who are successful
and really beyond
the reach of reality TV
give a damm
Le Gross Bill
did not care
about where a fan
came from
ou... more »
The Mistral Naval Deal Is Not The Only Big Military Contract That France Has With Russia

Conquiste del Lavoro
*French Company Suspends Sale Of Spy Satellites To Russian Military --
Washington Free Beacon*
Satellite maker in past improperly re-sold U.S. space technology to China.
A French satellite company has suspended a deal with Moscow to build spy
satellites for the Russian military amid U.S. concerns the satellites will
contain U.S.-origin technology and violate sanctions and U.S. export
The plan by Thales Alenia Space to sell the reconnaissance satellites would
undermine newly imposed U.S. sanctions on Moscow for its annexation of
Ukraine’s Crimea earl... more »
The per incuriam exception to stare decisis
*Royal Bank of Canada v. Trang, *2014 ONCA 883
[38] Strictly applied, the principle of stare decisis – “stand by
things decided” – means we ought to follow Citi Cards even if we disagree
with it. Per incuriam is a well-recognized exception to stare decisis.
Literally, per incuriam means “through lack of care”; in law, it means a
decision made without regard to a statutory provision or earlier binding
[39] Under the per incuriam exception, the court may depart from one
of its previous decisions if two conditions are met:
· The panel deciding... more »
The Disposable World #2 - On Second Thought

*Pink Floyd Mutant*
Applying my standard "reverse engineering" strategy on the theory, posed in
the first part of this post, *I have come up with an interesting
supposition about why some "humans" are deliberately despoiling this planet
(the only one we have) with toxic substances, notably radiation.* There is
the systemic use of depleted radiation (which is the waste left over from
nuclear power plants) by the US military all over the world....but over and
above that....we also have deliberate radiation events like Fu*k YOU Shima.
In that instance, evil doers deliberately caus... more »
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov Talks About Russia-NATO Relations, Ukraine, And the Arms Race

Evgeny Biyatov. © Sputnik.
*Lavrov's Big Interview: Russia-NATO Relations, Arms Race and Ukraine --
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov shares his stance on everything that
has happened in the past year. He sat down with RIA Novosti to discuss the
subjects of Russian-NATO relations, the Ukrainian crisis, the Arctic race,
the ongoing conflict in Syria and the emergence of the eastern giant -
Russia is affected by Western sanctions imposed on Moscow, especially those
imposed by Europe. Our partners in the European Union are affected by the
countermeasures introdu... more »
Is The Ukraine Crisis Getting Less Tense?
*There Are Some Signs Ukraine Crisis Is Getting Less Intense -- Marcel
Michelson, Forbes*
Let’s be grateful for small mercies and welcome some signs that the crisis
about Ukraine is getting less intense.
That is not to say that “peace is at hand” and that perhaps there are some
cynical moves being played out but, still, the resumption of gas supplies
and the Day of Silence are small steps in the right direction.
Russian President Vladimir Putin said in a state of the union speech
earlier this week that his country wanted to continue cooperation with the
West and there was a brief... more »
Culture Of Corruption-- Oklahoma, The Bronx... Transpartisan

In Sunday's *NY Times* Eric Lipton exposed one of the most insidious
contemporary conspiracies in American politics: a secret alliance between
Republican Attorney Generals and Big Oil. The chart above may summarize one
of its key *raisons d'être*, but we'll come back and look at in in a
moment. Because I want to just make it perfectly clear that I'm not trying
to just demonize a bunch of Republican hacks in backward states that have
one-party control over-- like Texas, Alabama and Oklahoma. Before we get to
the corrupt Republicans taking big bucks from Big Oil, let's look at corrup... more »

*Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking fears that the rapid development of
artificial intelligence could lead to human extinction but I feel that it
all comes down to programming and the eternal question ~ are we innately
programed to love and cooperate with one another or are we programed to
hate and separate from one another? Artificial intelligence without a soul
is a garden without sunlight and is doomed to extinction and irrelevance:
Allen L Roland. Ph.D*
*"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our
humanity."* ~ Albert Einstein
Professor Stephen Ha... more »
The Economy: “The Next Phase of QE Will Shock You”
*“The Next Phase of QE Will Shock You”*
by Bill Bonner
“It's cold here in Manhattan. We've never lived in New York. And every
previous visit had left us unenthusiastic. The city is not pretty... at
least not compared to Paris. And Lower Manhattan always seemed gritty,
dirty and unkempt. Like a homely man or a homeless woman.
But a lot has changed. New York is now full of foreigners. Enter our hotel
lobby and you hear a din of strange and familiar accents: English, French,
Russian... and many we've never heard before. (We make a small contribution
to the cacophony by taking Portugu... more »
We Are In Lockdown - Can We See It?
A domestic Gladio fear-terror operation is underway throughout the nation
intended to make the public turn to the authority structure for
protection. The mob called it the 'protection racket' ... now- a-days its
called the Department of Homeland Security.
Can we see the links between militarized local cops and the armed
neo-fascist para-military forces heavily funded by corporate right-wing
cats? Can we see El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua all over again
right here at home?
We are in lockdown now here in the USA. Can we even see it? Can we
understand how Mr. Big wants t... more »
Wild Bill: Welfare Blood in Ferguson...
*wait until the blacks have a bunch of illegal aliens dipping into the
welfare bucket.*
A slight correction to what Bill is saying is in order here. Most of the
Bosnians live in St. Louis proper, not Ferguson. The highest concentration
of Bosnians in St. Louis is in the "Little Bosnia" neighborhood of Bevo
Mill. Ferguson is about 15 miles away. It doesn't, however, change the
main message.
And it's not just the blacks scamming the welfare system. I know of many
young white women with one, two, and sometimes three, illegitimate
children, who have a steady stream of different bo... more »
5 Ancient Interpretations for The Meaning of the Tree of Life
*Stephanie Lucas* - The essence and meaning of the Tree of Life in many
modern interpretations is believed to connect all forms of creation...
The post 5 Ancient Interpretations for The Meaning of the Tree of Life
appeared first on Waking Times.
Ukraine Ceasefire Takes Hold But Talks Are Delayed
*'Day of Silence' For Ukraine Army, Rebels; Russian Gas Flows Resume --
(Reuters) - Ukrainian government troops and separatists said their forces
were complying with an agreed "Day of Silence" in Ukraine's war-torn east
on Tuesday, marking an attempt to forge an effective ceasefire which may
lead to a new round of peace talks.
In a further step towards normalisation, Russia resumed shipments of
natural gas to Ukraine on Tuesday, shut off for six months under a dispute
over price and debt that ran parallel to the war waged by pro-Moscow
separatists in Ukraine's east.
*Re... more »
Imagine The Damage

When Mike Harris became premier of Ontario, he appointed John Snoblen as
his first Minister of Education. Ironically, Snoblen had dropped out of
high school in grade 11 and never returned. His record not withstanding, he
proclaimed that he was going to "reform" education. And the best way to do
that, he said, was to "create a crisis." He proceeded to do just that.
When Stephen Harper came to Ottawa, Scott Clark and Peter Devries write, he
followed in Snoblen's footsteps, even though he inherited a very heal... more »
Waiting for the Hundredth Monkey...

[image: Picture]
Interested in being the ONE?
Details on the Hundredth Monkey Project found here.
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It's about the embodiment of Pure Love.
We are the One's we've been waiting for.
[image: Picture]
Tired of waiting? Go right to the sign up form here!
10 Facts About Water Fluoridation That You Need to Know
*Dr. Mercola* - Mounting scientific evidence shows that fluoride is not
good for your teeth, and also has serious negative effects on overall
The post 10 Facts About Water Fluoridation That You Need to Know appeared
first on Waking Times.
This Is Ridiculous: Canadian Student Joining ISIS Is Complete And Utter Bull Crap!
I said on my weekly rant that I would put up some more articles here
concerning matters pertaining to my home country, Canada, and I from what I
have seen over the last few days, I have found something that I am calling
a complete fabrication and nothing more than pure propaganda.....
Well, according to this article from the CTV News online news service, at
www.ctvnews.ca, it appears that the criminal propagandists are at it in
trying to strike false fear into the Canadian people.... The article is
entitled: "Canadian Man Urges Attacks On Canadians In Purported ISIS
Video", and from... more »
THE AGE OF BELIEF: Do you believe in physics?
*TUESDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2014Part 2—Rolling Stone’s broken bottle:* Professor
Trefil thinks our human brain is a miraculous instrument.
(For yesterday's post, click here.)
On balance, we regard this familiar old claim as dangerous. It may tend to
keep us from seeing how weak our human brains actually are, especially
given the credulous ways we employ them.
Despite our magnificent brains, we humans are actually rather gullible.
We’re easily led to false belief. The recent debacle at Rolling Stone helps
illustrate this point.
Here’s what we mean by that:
In its 9000-word cover repo... more »
Democracy Now: Indigenous Women Frontline Earth Defenders: Climate Change Solutions
video: http://www.democracynow.org/2014/12/9/indigenous_women_on_the_front_lines
Women: Frontline Earth Defenders Share Their Climate Change Solutions
Today is “Gender Day” at the U.N. Climate Change Conference, a day that
acknowledges the disproportionate impact of climate change on women, who
make up 70 percent of the world’s poor. We hear from a panel of
Russia completes initial An-124 upgrade programme

[image: An-124 Condor]Russian company Aviastar-SP has finished the
modernisation of six An-124-100 Ruslan 'Condor' strategic transport
aircraft for the Russian Air Force, the firm has announced.
IHS Jane's was told by a company's official that the sixth An-124 flew to
its home base near Sescha on the 24 November. The final aircraft follows
the delivery of one upgraded An-124 in 2012, two in 2013 and three in 2014.
The Russian Ministry of Defence (MoD) awarded Aviastar-SP a contract to
upgrade six of Russia's Military Transport Aviation (MTA) An-124-100 and to
extend their service li... more »
Torture Watch
* (*Updated below)*
So here's my question: will we have to wait for the release of the Senate's
torture report until President Obama has finished his weekly vetting of new
targets of drone strikes, or does Kill List Tuesday not interfere with
Torture Tuesday?
I bring this up only because Anthony Romero, executive director of the
American Civil Liberties union, has also called upon Obama to devote some
of his busy Tuesday to pardoning the Bush administration's war criminals.
Theoretically, this would be a tacit admission that they are, in fact, war
criminals, which is better than j... more »
Zapatistas World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion against Capitalism
Schedule for the First World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion Against Capitalism
Schedule for the First World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion Against Capitalism
NOVEMBER 28, 2014
First World Festival of Resistance and Rebellion Against Capitalism
General Program
Inauguration: San Francisco Xochicuautla, Municipality of Lerma, Mexico State
Saturday December 20, 2014:
Cancerous US Militarization of the Asia-Pacific

- Irish TV reports on local opposition to the construction of a naval
base on Jeju Island off South Korea, and examines the effects of the arms
race on the world in general. US Navy warships including aircraft carriers,
nuclear subs, and Aegis destroyers (outfitted with so-called ‘missile
defense’ systems) would be ported at this base. I highly recommend watching
this excellent 25 minute documentary - find it *here*. Please share
with others.
- This Jeju Navy base, and other manifestations of Obama's "pivot" of
60% of US forces into the region, is ... more »
Gilad Atzmon- The Jewish "left" is not the solution. It's the problem.
Quite an interesting interview...Jewish Left Is Not The Solution, It Is
The Heart Of The Problem
*December 09, 2014 / Gilad Atzmon*
*(access the interview at link above) *
*Walid Darab & Gilad Atzmon *
*#Israel #Zionism #Palestine #Jewishness*
*We spoke about the deceitful nature of the Jewish Left (Chomsky,
Mondoweiss, JVP etc'), The Guardian of Zion, The corrosive impact of George
Soros, ID Politics and the damage it inflicts on society. Very interesting
Bank "Bail In" Theft Is Coming: Criminal Rothschild Bankers Lobby US Congress To Force Taxpayers To Insure $Trillions$ Of Fraudulent Bank Derivatives!

I really could see this coming... The world wide collapse of the price of
Petroleum is causing severe problems in all the world's fraudulent
financial markets... Major shareholders everywhere and especially in that
casino called 'Wall Street' have been offloading and selling off all of
their shares in Energy and Energy futures... On top of that, the collapse
of the price of a barrel of Oil is spelling the end to the Petro Dollar
scam and therefore the United States economy is finally (yes, after years
of warnings at this site) entering a period of full collapse.... The
general publi... more »
Understanding Anbar Pt XV The Generals’ Perspective
In 2009 the United States Marine Corps intervieweddozens of people from
Anbar about their perspective on the Awakening that occurred there. Among
them were several generals from the Saddam era. That included General Haqi
Ismael Ali Hameed, General Jassim Mohammed Salah Habib, General Khadim
Mohammed Faris Fahadawi Dulaimi, General Raad Hamdani, General Abdul Aziz
Abdul Rahman, General Ghazai Khudrilyas, and General Mohammed Azawi.
Together they explained how Anbar went from being relatively peaceful
following the 2003 invasion to being the heart of the insurgency, and then
eventu... more »
Heavenletter #5127 You Are Courting Life

*Heavenletter #5127 You Are Courting Life*
December 8, 2014
by Gloria Wendroff
God said:
You are the Wonder of the World. Now I have said it. Look how far you have
come! Aren’t you eons ahead from where you used to be?
You perhaps used to be selfish, and now you aren’t so much. Once upon a
time, you knew so little, and now you know more, much more. You have
doubled, tripled, quadrupled, and so forth, your growth. You are miles
ahead. Confess, isn’t this true? You are a changed person. I will go so far
as to say that you are a new person. Once you didn’t know anything that you
k... more »
Photos: Paiutes fight against theft of water rights to Pyramid Lake
"Today's meeting at Pyramid Lake, Nevada concerning all issues including
water issues. This is the Chairman Elwood Lowery with council
members."Ray Bones Lowery
Paiutes fight against water rights to Pyramid Lake
Article by Brenda Norrell
Photos by Ray Bones Lowery
Censored News
PYRAMID LAKE, Nevada -- Pyramid Lake Paiutes continued to fight for
their water rights to Pyramid Lake, one
Grinches in Ohio Attack Vaccine Exemptions
Posted 12/8/2014
*by Barbara Loe Fisher*
Here we are rushing to make last minute preparations for the holidays and
what is the Pharma-led forced vaccination lobby doing in Ohio? Well, they
have sweet-talked Ohio legislators into quietly ramming a new law through
the legislature to add more vaccine requirements for children in daycare.
*Plus,* the new law would force parents to get a doctor or other medical
worker to approve a religious or conscientious belief vaccine exemption.
*Act Today To Protect Religious and Conscience Exemptions*
That’s right, if you are an Ohio resident w... more »
Grinches in Ohio Attack Vaccine Exemptions
Posted 12/8/2014
by Barbara Loe Fisher
Here we are rushing to make last minute preparations for the holidays and
what is the Pharma-led forced vaccination lobby doing in Ohio? Well, they
have sweet-talked Ohio legislators into quietly ramming a new law through
the legislature to add more vaccine requirements for children in daycare.
*Plus,* the new law would force parents to get a doctor or other medical
worker to approve a religious or conscientious belief vaccine exemption.
*Act Today To Protect Religious and Conscience Exemptions*
That’s right, if you are an Ohio resident with ... more »
Grinches in Ohio Attack Vaccine Exemptions
Posted 12/9/2014
* By Barbara Loe Fisher *
[image: Act Now]Here we are rushing to make last minute preparations for
the holidays and what is the Pharma-led forced vaccination lobby doing in
Ohio? Well, they have sweet-talked Ohio legislators into quietly ramming a
new law through the legislature to add more vaccine requirements for
children in daycare. *Plus,* the new law would force parents to get a
doctor or other medical worker to approve a religious or conscientious
belief vaccine exemption.
*Act Today To Protect Religious and Conscience Exemptions*
That’s right, if you are an O... more »
ZOOM... ZOOM... "All children know it, some adults remember it...."

*Playfulness and resourcefulness are the fountains of creation..... *
*"Zoom zoom zoom... All children know it...*
*Some adults remember it...." -Mazda ad*
*...and some forget in the name of being "professional"...*
*verb\prə-ˈfes, prō-\*
: to say or declare (something) openly
: to say that you are, do, or feel something when other people doubt what
you say
: to believe in (a particular religion)
* and in the name of being "conventional"...*
con·ven·tion·al *adjective* \kən-ˈvench-nəl, -ˈven(t)-shə-nəl\
*: used and accepted by most people : usual or traditional*
*: of a... more »
Denial Reigns Supreme At The DCCC

The DCCC managed to lose 13 incumbents' seats and every single seat they
went after held by a Republican-- with two exceptions, both right-wing Blue
Dogs who are expected to vote fairly consistently with the GOP. And all
this-- along with a system riven with internal corruption-- ate up the tens
of millions of dollars Steve Israel never ceased bragging about-- plus
another $12 million he borrowed, putting the DCCC into serious debt. Worse
is that Pelosi picked a tepid placeholder as the new DCCC chair, Ben Ray
Luján, who has no vision for changing anything at the failed committee
... more »
*Emotions are what matter at universities now*
(See also today's postings on TONGUE-TIED)
Columbia Law School is permitting students claiming to be impaired due to
the emotional impact of recent non-indictments in the Michael Brown and
Eric Garner matters to postpone taking their final exams. Here is the text
of a message from interim dean Robert Scott to the law school community:
The grand juries’ determinations to return non-indictments in the Michael
Brown and Eric Garner cases have shaken the faith of some in the integrity
of the grand jury system and in the law more generall... more »
Gold: a 6000-year-old bubble
On November 30th, 2014, Switzerland held three referenda.
*Spoilers alert:* all of the results were "No".
It's funny I told you the results before I explained what the questions
were. One of the proposals demanded the Swiss National Bank to hold at
least 20% of its assets in gold, and demand Swiss gold to be returned from
New York. 77% were against the proposal; a "yes" result was capable of
increasing the gold price by 5%.
The Swiss gold repatriation may have been a reply to similar imminent plans
to repatriate the Dutch gold.
The current gold price is about $1,200 per [troy] o... more »
*Message from Lima*
*The China Climate Accord: A Bad Deal for the US *
By S. Fred Singer
The world is fascinated by the November 12 climate agreement between
President Obama and Chinese President Xi. Has China finally decided to
"fight climate change"? My personal opinion is that China is taking
advantage of White House science ignorance and anxiety about future climate
change, hoping thereby to gain commercial and strategic advantages against
the United States.
The bilateral US-China Climate Agreement, inked in Beijing on Nov 12, makes
virtually no demands on t... more »
Giles Coren disses chocolate
Giles Coren disses chocolate in his latest Time Out column
'... let's face it, chocolate is pointless, containing mere calories
without nutrition, coveted by fat idiots the world over thanks to a
centuries-old marketing campaign that has succeeded in linking it, quite
randomly, with sex.
... the sugar rush that passes for pleasure in people who are too fat to
have actual sex. And after the rush, the body's chemical response:
secretion. Chocolate doesn't make you sexy, it makes you obese. And it
makes all your teeth... more »
Erin O'Toole and "an insurance company like Veterans Affairs"
Evan Solomon spent much of Power and Politics two days ago trying to get
Con MP and ParlSec Erin O-Toole to respond to recently revealed records
showing nearly 900 job positions eliminated across Veterans Affairs with the
biggest cuts going to the Disability Awards branch.
60 senior VA managers were paid $360K in bonuses for making the cuts, spun
by Harper in the House last Wednesday as "taking resources out of backroom
administration and putting them into services".
"How are these backroom cuts", asked Solomon, "when some people might call
them front line services?"
O'Toole didn... more »
Con clumsiness
Oh for crying out loud.
Canada's Special Economic Measures Regulations
against Iran state that "it is prohibited for any person in Canada and
any Canadian outside Canada to … provide or acquire any financial
services to, from or for the benefit of, or on the direction or order of
Iran or any person in Iran." Shahrooz said it seems that some
banks are interpreting the sanctions harshly,
Raytheon-Built AMRAAM And NASAMS Missiles Tested During Thor's Hammer Exercise

[image: NASAMS High Mobility Launcher]Armed forces from Norway, Finland,
Switzerland and Turkey successfully fired five Raytheon-built Advanced
Medium Range Air-to-Air Missile (AMRAAM) AIM-120C7s as part of the Thor's
Hammer flight test campaign in September.
Launched from F-16 and F/A-18 fighter aircraft and the National Advanced
Surface-to-Air Missile System(NASAMS) ground launchers, the missiles
achieved five successful shots on a variety of profiles and targets.
Norway shot one AIM-120C7 from a NASAMS High Mobility Launcher and Finland
shot two from a NASAMS canister launcher, ... more »
Russia Develops US-Like Ballistic GMD, THAAD Missile Defense Systems; Fears US’ Cruise Missile Rearmament Program

[image: THAAD Interceptor]Russia has started to develop a line of defense
systems similar to the United States' Terminal High Altitude Area Defense
(THAAD) and Ground-based Midcourse Defense (GMD) systems, local media
reports announced.
The country has also come up with an early warning system it will put in
space that will enable it to detect ballistic missile launches. All will be
online before 2020.
Russia is fast tracking the deployment of such ballistic missile systems in
response to the U.S.' aggressive rearmament program of its cruise missiles.
President Vladimir Putin's ba... more »
Video: The V-22 Osprey aircraft can now be armed with rockets
The V-22 Osprey aircraft has been used by U.S. troops in combat situations
for years, including the failed effort Saturday to rescue two hostages from
militants in Yemen.
But the Osprey has always been considered lightly armed compared to most
other military helicopters, with a machine gun mounted to its rear door
typically its only heavy weapon.
The maker of the Osprey, Bell Boeing, just took a major step to change
that. The company said Monday it has successfully fired forward-facing
rockets from a pod mounted to the aircraft’s side.
Read more
Mini-BrahMos Pact Likely to be Inked during Putin Visit
[image: Su-30 with BrahMos]In a bid to further strengthen the bilateral
defence ties with Russia, the Centre is expected to sign an agreement for
the joint development of smaller version of BrahMos missile.
Official sources said the inking of the tripartite agreement in this regard
involving the DRDO, NPOM lab of Russia and BrahMos Aerospace is likely to
take place during Russian President Vladmir Putin day-long visit here on
Sources said that the new missile can carry a payload of 300kg up to a
range of 290km. And in terms of size, the mini missile will not be more
than 1... more »
Air Force identifies nickel-free material for F-35 aircraft systems
[image: F-35A Lightning II]Nickel-based materials are used in several
components of today’s fighter aircraft. However, working with these
materials can be dangerous for installers and requires special handling
Through a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) contract with the Air
Force, Triton Systems, Inc., located in Massachusetts, developed a
nickel-free material technology that is positioned for transition to
several F-35 Joint Strike Fighter aircraft applications.
Transition of this technology is anticipated to save $550 million across
the aircraft’s lifecycle.... more »
Bath Iron Works lands additional $8M for stealth destroyer deckhouse work

[image: USS Michael Monsoor deckhouse]The U.S. Navy has awarded Bath Iron
Works an additional $8 million to modify and complete work on the composite
deckhouse of the DDG 1001, the future USS Michael Monsoor.
The vessel is the second in a three-ship line of Zumwalt-class stealth
destroyers. The Navy truncated the line for cost reasons after committing
to three ships, reverting to contracting for less expensive Arleigh
Burke-class destroyers.
The deckhouse, built at Huntington Ingalls Industries in Gulfport,
Mississippi, arrived at the Bath shipyard by barge in September.
Read more
Taiwan receives four out of 60 ordered Black Hawks from US

[image: UH-60M Black Hawk]Taiwan (Republic of China) receives four out of
sixty ordered UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters from United States. Sixty Black
Hawk choppers from US cost approximately USD3.1 billion. This Foreign
Military Sale was approved by US government in 2010.
Delivery of all medium-lift utility helicopters is expected to be completed
in ten batches through 2019.
Taiwan Army will be replacing its aged UH-1H Huey utility helicopters with
the said choppers.
Read more
FM: China firmly opposes US arms sale to Taiwan
The Chinese foreign ministry spokesman has said China firmly opposes the US
arms sale to Taiwan.
He was speaking during Monday’s regular press briefing, when asked to
respond to the recent US bill authorizing the US president to sell Taiwan
four Perry-class frigates.
"The US arms sale to Taiwan violated US commitments made in the three
Sino-US joint communiques, especially the ’August 17th’ one.
Read more
Old Tricks, Old Dogs: Israeli Attacks on Syria

*December 9, 2014* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Israel has once again
conducted air strikes against the Syrian government and its people, in yet
another act of unprovoked aggression and international criminality. The New
York Times would report in their article, "Syria Reports New Strikes From
Israel Near Capital," that:
*Israeli warplanes struck at least two areas near Damascus on Sunday, the
Syrian Armed Forces General Command said in a statement, apparently ending
a months long hiatus in strikes attributed to Israel against sophisticated
weaponry destined for Hezbollah in Lebanon.... more »
Sonic Ashram

*Video - *Sonic Ashram by James Hood
The post Sonic Ashram appeared first on Waking Times.
Saab to supply new generation AT4 to the French armed forces

[image: Roquette NG]Defense and Security company Saab has been awarded a
contract by the French Ministry of Defence procurement branch, the DGA
(Direction Générale de l'Armement), to supply the Roquette Nouvelle
Generation, (Roquette NG) next-generation shoulder-launched weapon system
for the French armed forces.
The first fixed contract is for SEK 295 million. The total programme,
including all options, is valued at approx. MSEK 2 050.
The Roquette NG is a general purpose weapon system which will be employed
by all three branches of the French armed forces (Army, Air Force and
Na... more »
Tom Hayden : BOOKS | A Political Realignment Over Climate? A Reflection on Naomi Klein
If Klein is half-right, most Democrats may choose climate justice over
their irrational ties to corporate and confederate Democrats. By Tom Hayden
| The Rag Blog | December 8, 2014 Naomi Klein doesn’t say much about
California in her brilliant … finish reading Tom Hayden :
*BOOKS* | A Political Realignment Over Climate? A Reflection on Naomi Klein
The Irritant Foreign Policy + Links

*Had a great time banging around the hills of Miaoli on Sunday.Hope to get
pics up tomorrow, but swamped.*
I went to a conference on Saturday hosted by the Taiwan Brain Trust and
Project 2049. Bruce Jacobs spoke, and remarked on how the Ma
Administration's hysterical reaction to the Korean FTA was part of its
strategy to isolate Taiwan from neighbors which might otherwise be in
solidarity with it.
To that one could add so many other instances -- the Senkakus with Japan,
the entire South China Sea, whose nations otherwise might be in solidarity
with Taiwan, the poacher killed in th... more »
Maritime Patrol Aircraft: A Japanese Perspective

[image: Kawasaki P-1 MPA]In contrast to Britain's decision to cancel the
Nimrod MRA4 in 2010, Japan has developed her own maritime patrol aircraft
for the 21st century, the P-1.
As the UK looks to fill the gap in its maritime patrol aircraft (MPA)
capability created by the cancellation of the Nimrod MRA4 programme,
attention is focused on the United States and Boeing’s P8.
However, on the other side of the world, another island nation is still
pursuing a domestically developed MPA solution tailored to their specific
Read more
Russia's Military Will Get Bigger and Better in 2015

[image: Project 11356 frigate]Despite a looming recession, Russia will
increase military spending by 30 percent next year to a record post-Soviet
high of 3.3 trillion rubles ($62 billion), cash that will be used to buy
more aircraft, submarines, missiles and weapons for an ascendent armed
The increase, which takes Russia's spending on defense to 4.2 percent of
gross domestic product, comes amid an ongoing crisis in Ukraine that has
seen a return to Cold War-style rhetoric and the reinsertion of military
posturing into international politics.
Amid the muscle-flexing, the Rus... more »
Australia worst performer on climate change - report - BBC News
The BBC headline this report
'Australia worst performer on climate change'
Then there's a picture of Sydney under a polluted sky. You have to read the
caption to see that the pollution is because of 'raging fires'. Looks as
though the BBC's photos are chosen to set the agenda as well as ever.
You have to read on to discover that Australia was the worst performing
industrial country in terms of climate change and that the bottom country
on the list was in fact Saudi Arabia.
The BBC's hatred of governments that aren't of the ... more »
Saab Receives Order for A26 and Gotland-class Submarine Sensor Systems

[image: A26 class SSK]Defence and security company Saab has received an
order from the Swedish Defence Material Administration (FMV) to provide new
sensor systems for two A26-type submarines and two Gotland-class
The contract is valued at SEK 420 million. This order is one of the terms
included in the Letter of Intent covering Swedish armed forces’ underwater
capabilities that was signed on 9 June 2014 and refers to the period
Neither a production order for A26-type nor a modification order for
Gotland-class has been received for the submarines.
Read more
China Takes Nuclear Weapons Underwater Where Prying Eyes Can’t See

[image: Type 094 (Jin) class SSBN]China is preparing to arm its stealthiest
submarines with nuclear missiles that could reach the U.S., cloaking its
arsenal with the invisibility needed to retaliate in the event of an enemy
Fifty years after China carried out its first nuclear test, patrols by the
almost impossible-to-detect JIN class submarines armed with nuclear JL–2
ballistic missiles will give President Xi Jinping greater agility to
respond to an attack.
The nuclear-powered subs will probably conduct initial patrols with the
missiles by the end of this year, “giving Chi... more »
Royal Navy's nuclear submarines set for 'major catastrophe': Fleet has 44 fires in 4 years

[image: Astute class SSN (HMS Ambush)]Blazes aboard the 14-strong fleet of
subs have been reported on average every five weeks since 2009.
The statistic has led to calls for greater openness over what action is
being taken to prevent further fires from breaking out.
Major concerns have been raised after defence chiefs admitted one of the
most serious fires took place aboard a ballistic missile submarine while it
was in port.
Read more
Defence team given seven months to save air warfare destroyers
[image: Hobart class AWD]An expert defence team has until July next year to
reverse the fortunes of the beleaguered air warfare destroyers, as the
government reveals the $8.5 billion construction project is running three
years behind schedule.
As revealed in The Australian today, the government has released its
long-awaited rescue plan for the air warfare destroyer project, following
eight months of negotiation with defence contractors.
But exposing the challenge to salvage the nation’s largest ever defence
project, Finance Minister Mathias Cormann revealed that the first and
secon... more »
Sustainable Community Revolutionizes Housing for the Homeless

This happens to be rather close to much of my thinking and includes several
of the elements. At least they have created a community garden and that
alone can act as a nucleus for further innovation Basic tools exist here
and now we need to see if they can move forward successfully.
I hope they monitor both their successes and failures as what is important
is for the whole to become stronger and more enterprising. It is the net
result that matters. Get it to work and the model can be tweaked upward as
Again that will lead to serious imitation.
*Sustainable Community Re... more »
Confucius Doesn’t Live Here Anymore

Yes, it is all gone and mostly beyond meaningful recovery. Thus the
replacement ideology of communism is easily replaced by Christianity
without competition simply because that happens to be a Christian Heresy
and this is likely to happen for those so drawn. Maybe that is optimistic,
but the potential happens to be real. I am shocked to see that no living
practitioners are available to assist in restoring an old facility though
there is likely to be more to this story than what we see on the surface
* Confucius doesn’t live here anymore *
* October 28 2014, 5.36am... more »
Freedom Flame Awards 2014

Last week, December 04, 2014, I attended the Freedom Flame Awards 2014 and
Freedom Dinner sponsored by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom
(FNF) Philippine Office. It was held at Enderun Colleges, Mckinley Hill,
Taguig City.
There are eight awardees this year but only four came. From left: Peter
Perfecto of the Makati Business Club (MBC), Arpee Santiago of the Ateneo
Human Rights Center (AHRC), Vergel de Dios of the Center for Media Freedom
and Responsibility (CMFR) and Jess Lorenzo, taking the place of his
mom-awardee who passed away, former Mayor Sonia Lorenzo of Nueva Ec... more »
Philip L. Russell : A third of the way: Peña Nieto’s first two years
Sluggish economy, drug cartel crime, controversial reforms, student murders
and ensuing mass demonstrations mark Peña Nieto’s presidency. By Philip L.
Russell | The Rag Blog | December 8, 2014 Philip Russell will discuss the
state of Mexico and the Peña Nieto … finish reading Philip L. Russell :
A third of the way: Peña Nieto’s first two years
Musical Interlude: 2002, “Where The Stars And Moon Play”
“Pamela and Randy Copus are the duo known as 2002. Randy Copus plays piano,
electric cello, guitar, bass and keyboards. Pamela Copus plays flutes,
harp, keyboards and a wind instrument called a WX5. Both musicians also
provide all of the vocals on their albums, recording their voices many,
many times and layering them to create a "virtual choir" with a celestial,
angelic quality.”
2002, “Where The Stars And Moon Play”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMqLFemZOOg&feature=related
"A Look to the Heavens"
"These clouds of interstellar dust and gas have blossomed 1,300 light-years
away in the fertile star fields of the constellation Cepheus. Sometimes
called the Iris Nebula and dutifully cataloged as NGC 7023, this is not the
only nebula in the sky to evoke the imagery of flowers. Surrounding it,
obscuring clouds of dust and cold molecular gas are also present and can
suggest other convoluted and fantastic shapes. Within the Iris, dusty
nebular material surrounds a hot, young star.
*Click image for larger size*.
The dominant color of the brighter reflection nebula is blue,
characterist... more »
"What's the Significance of Life? Who Are We?"
"When I consider the short duration of my life, swallowed up in the
eternity before and after, the little space which I fill and even can see,
engulfed in the infinite immensity of spaces of which I am ignorant and
which know me not, I am frightened and am astonished at being here rather
than there; for there is no reason why here rather than there, why now
rather than then. Who has put me here? By whose order and direction have
this place and time been allotted to me? 'The remembrance of a guest that
tarries but a day.'”
- Blaise Pascal
"All day I think about it, then at night I sa... more »
"Black Elk's Vision"
"I was standing on the highest mountain of them all, and round about
beneath me was the whole hoop of the world. And while I stood there I saw
more than I can tell and I understood more than I saw; for I was seeing in
a sacred manner the shapes of all things in the spirit, and the shape of
all shapes as they must live together like one being. And I saw that the
sacred hoop of my people was one of many hoops that made one circle, wide
as daylight and as starlight, and in the center grew one mighty flowering
tree to shelter all children of one mother and one father. And I saw that
it ... more »
"16 Harsh Truths that Make Us Stronger"
* "16 Harsh Truths that Make Us Stronger"*
by Marc
“*1. Life is not easy.* Hard work makes people lucky – it’s the stuff that
brings dreams to reality. So start every morning ready to run farther than
you did yesterday and fight harder than you ever have before.
*2. You will fail sometimes.* The faster you accept this, the faster you
can get on with being brilliant. You’ll never be 100% sure it will work,
but you can always be 100% sure doing nothing won’t work. So get out there
and do something! Either you succeed or you learn a vital lesson. Win –
*3. Right now, t... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Calcutta, West Bengal, India. Thanks for stopping by.
"Everything has been figured out, except how to live."
- Jean-Paul Sartre
"Where the Soul Is: Finding the Place You Belong"
*"Where the Soul Is: Finding the Place You Belong"*
by The DailyOm
"There will likely be times in your life when your soul evolves more
quickly than your circumstances. There will likely be times in your life
when your soul evolves more quickly than your circumstances. Your
subconscious mind may be ready to move forward long before you recognize
that you are destined to embrace a new way of life. Your soul intuitively
understands that changing habitats can be a vital part of the growth
process and that there may be one part of you that is eager to move to
another home, another stat... more »
“12 Universal Truths That Will Change Your Life for the Better”
*“12 Universal Truths That Will Change Your Life for the Better”*
by Lamisha Serf-Walls
“I'm no Oprah and I certainly haven't learned all there is to learn about
life, but there are a few things that I know for sure. These universal
truths apply to you no matter where you are in life or what mistakes you've
made in the past. So read them, apply them, and watch the magic happen in
your life.
*1. Everything and I mean everything you want to achieve begins with a
thought...so allow yourself the time and space to daydream, visualize, and
use your imagination to craft the most amazing s... more »
An Homage... To Coco Chanel

What would you do if you saw someone flaunting this Camélia Ruban bow watch
by Chanel? The price, undercounted, is $233,000 at the Chanel store in
Beverly Hills. This is how it was described by *Modern Luxury*:
*The Bowed and Beautiful*
So mesmerizing, Chanel's dazzling Camélia Ruban bow watch is enough to stop
time. Feuturing more than 1,500 black and white diamonds set in 18K white
gold, this stunning sparkler dazzles. Bit don't let the silvery siren fool
you-- it is far more than just a pretty face, as was Coco Chanel herself.
As a symbol mademoiselle held most dear, the piece... more »
Chet Raymo, “Lessons”
by Chet Raymo
“There is a four-line poem by Yeats, called "Gratitude to the Unknown
"What they undertook to do
They brought to pass;
All things hang like a drop of dew
Upon a blade of grass."
Like so many of the short poems of Yeats, it is hard to know what the poet
had in mind, who exactly were the unknown instructors, and if unknown how
could they instruct. But as I opened my volume of The Poems this morning,
at random, as in the old days people opened the Bible and pointed a finger
at a random passage seeking advice or instruction, this ... more »
Israel Has Guts
"Israeli warplanes hit two separate areas near Syria’s capital of Damascus
yesterday, including a facility at the city’s international airport, and
reveals Tel Aviv’s role in the destabilzation of Syria and aiding Islamic
insurgents inside Syria." - *"Aiding ISIS: Israel bombs Syria for fifth
time in 18 months, gives arms, medical aid to militants"* 21st Century
Wire, December 8, 2014.
Israel's periodic attacks on Syria's military facilities, research centers,
high-tech weapons, is proof of its courage and military brazenness. And
this has to be respected.
Israel can attack Syria... more »
The Poet: Antonio Machado, "Wayfarer"
"Wayfarer, the only way
is your footsteps, there is no other.
Wayfarer, there is no way,
you make the way by walking.
As you go, you make the way
and stopping to look behind,
you see the path that your feet
will never travel again.
Wayfarer, there is no way -
Only foam trails to the sea."
~ Antonio Machado
Big Energy threatens climate talks in Peru
Please find the briefing paper published by Attac France and Aitec
in the framework of the Lima UNFCCC conference to highlight how
TTIP and CETA are jeopardizing climate and energy transformation
processes :
Here in English :
Climate or TTIP, make your choice!
Here in French :
Climat ou
Pineal Gland Activation – The Mechanics of Ascension

*Video -* It has been understood by ancient cultures for centuries that the
Pineal Gland is the seat of great power and potential.
The post Pineal Gland Activation – The Mechanics of Ascension appeared
first on Waking Times.
Absolutely no selfies to be taken with the rock-star-like Duke of Cambridge -- er, you know, Prince William, the bald guy

*"Sorry for the delay -- the royal couple are stayinghere because they
couldn't afford Brooklyn."*
*by Ken*
So Joe Dator has slid into newyorker.com's "Daily Cartoon" chair --
replacing David Sipress, who seemed to be doing it, like, forever -- just
in time to memorialize the great occasion of the royal visit of the Duke of
Cambridge. (I know, "Duke of Cambridge" still sounds like a made-up title
to me, but I assume it's what he's got printed on his business cards.) And
it turns out that there is great controversy surrounding the visit to the
White House of the man who stands sec... more »
Welcome Back Alberta
The Straight Goods
Cheers Eyes Wide Open
Cannabis Oil Unveiled
*Raluca Schachter* - "Over the last 20 years Cannabis has been at the
center of one of the most exciting and underreported developments in recent
modern science..."
The post Cannabis Oil Unveiled appeared first on Waking Times.
Controlled Opposition – The Hidden Hand of Misdirection
*Zen Gardner - *It’s all misdirection, controlled opposition for the mind.
This game of ruthless deception is endemic to the fabric of the entire
The post Controlled Opposition – The Hidden Hand of Misdirection appeared
first on Waking Times.
U.S. Empire Picking Up Speed, On Skids Or Just Going Off to War Again, Johnny? (Another Fabricated Jobs Report) Incurious/Vapid NeoLiberals
WHEN DO THE ANTI-OLIGARCHY RIOTS START? From Zero Hedge: “Riddles” Surround
36th Dead Banker Of The Year So reminiscent of the movie "Munich." No, not
the politics; the belief in assassinations being the answer: revenge. (Or
providing a vast evidentiary basis for what happens to the "bad"
examples.)* But I digress. One of my favorite scientists/thinkers echoes my
thoughts on what feminism
Tom Geoghegan's New Book: Only One Thing Can Save Us: Why America Needs A New Kind Of Labor Movement

In 2009 when Rahm Emanuel resigned from Congress, many of us who aren't
from Chicago got to know union activist Tom Geoghegan for the first time.
When he decided to run for Emanuel's seat, we did a series of posts about
him and his accomplishments here. The special election primary had 26
candidates, including 13 Democrats and 5 Greens-- a real clusterfuck. The
ultimate winner-- of both the primary and the general-- was Michael Quigley
who took 12,100 votes (22%). Tom was down in the middle of the pack with
3,336 votes (6%). Before and after that one foray into electoral politics, ... more »
the creator's glory
Should guilty seek asylum here,
Like one pardoned, he becomes free from sin.
Should a sinner make his way to this mansion,
All his past sins are to be washed away.
The sight of this mansion creates sorrowing sighs;
And the sun and the moon shed tears from their eyes.
In this world this edifice has been made;
To display thereby the creator's glory.
Canada offering Ukraine military aid outside of NATO?
Well that's what "Defence" Minister Rob Nicholson is claiming, from Kiev?
I don't believe the outside of NATO part- Ukraine has made no secret of
their intention to join NATO.
And Canada? Over the moon (happy/delighted/pleased) with NATO deceit, lies,
treachery and more!
In fact fully participating!
Defence Minister Rob Nicholson was in Kiev Monday for Canada’s
announcement, which will include sending Canadian soldiers to Ukraine to
train that country’s military police. It could also include training in
battlefield medicine and security measures
A group of Canadian military p... more »
Schools Matter Welcomes Kuhio Kane
I began my college education at the University of Hawaii. I had a rather
unique view of education. That is, I never considered a need for any
diplomas or any special recognition for what I did in college. Actually, I
chose UH over several other choices because I was and continue to be an
avid surfer. I eventually settled in as a dual major in pre-med and English
literature, Aldous Huxley being my hero at the time. I have also attended
several other universities: Simon Fraser University in British Columbia,
Canada; University of California, Santa Barbara; CSU San Luis Obispo; and
l... more »
Satire: “Fox: Obama Seeks Advice on Establishing Monarchy”
*“Fox: Obama Seeks Advice on Establishing Monarchy”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— "President Barack Obama spent several
hours on Monday in a closed-door Oval Office meeting seeking advice on how
to establish a monarchy, Fox News reports. According to Fox, the President
peppered his Oval Office guest with detailed questions about the mechanics
of setting up a monarchy and was curious about the perks and powers that go
along with it. Obama’s guest advised him that establishing a monarchy would
probably require rewriting or even replacing the Constitution, an opti... more »
Editor's Note
I have a personal emergency to attend to. Blogging will return tomorrow.
*Update:* Someone just emailed me if everything is OK with my family ....
yes .... everything is A-OK. It is just that one of my business partners
.... (yes I have other projects) .... called me that he needed to see me
because there is a crisis/emergency in his family .... and being loyal to
my friends and partners .... I just cannot say no.
*Update Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 10:00 EST*: They say that the worst
nightmare for any parent is to lose a child.
Sighhhh ....
My business partner and good friend learn... more »
U.S. Senate Torture Report To Be Released Tuesday. U.S. Beefs Up Security Abroad
*Impending CIA Interrogation Report Creates Fear of Violence -- ABC News*
U.S. embassies around the world are bracing for a potentially explosive
report about to be released that details what the CIA did to terror
suspects in the days after the Sept. 11 terror attacks, and the fear is
that its release could threaten American lives.
The report, due to be released Tuesday by the Senate, is described as
shocking in its very graphic descriptions of secret interrogations,
including some details that have never been heard before.
All U.S. facilities around the world are being urged to r... more »
New Earth Matrix – Why you feel the way you do – Arcturians

*I've just included the channeling here, the full commentary that preceded
it is quite long and can be seen at the link above... I find the channeling
itself self explanatory. But that's just me... the commentary may be
helpful to many... -AK *
*New Earth Matrix – Why you feel the way you do – Arcturians*
DECEMBER 8, 2014
“The creation of the new matrix earth has indeed been instituted into the
new reality structure of your being. For the new matrix of t... more »
The Economy: “What Do Central Banking and ‘Twerking’ Have in Common?”
*“What Do Central Banking and ‘Twerking’ Have in Common?”*
by Bill Bonner
“New York is filling up with holiday shoppers and tourists. On Saturday, we
went to the Broadway show 'Jersey Boys.' It was not an especially complex
or subtle storyline. But the music, of Frankie Valli and The Four Seasons,
was lively and agreeable. It took us back to the early 1960s. Those were
the days! Back then people had jobs... prices were fairly stable... and the
GDP was growing at twice or three times today's rates (and so were personal
How was it possible? Back then, under chairman Willia... more »
'Deep State' in Charge

Here are some interesting words from an activist I recently made contact
with after seeing him interviewed on RT:
These people [US ruling corporate oligarchy] are always looking to get
their mitts on resources (oil and gas in the Middle East, for instance) –
even less to use them ourselves than to control (or deny) others’ access.
(Likewise, as you point out, the militarization of everything from space,
to the Antarctic, to IT.) For example, Washington worries far less about
the canard “our dependence on Middle Eastern energy” (on which, relatively
we don’t much depend, getting m... more »
Market Socialism: Basic Ideas
Market socialism: oxymoronic or just plain moronic? These days the '99%'
and 'Another World is Possible' are slogans fluttering atop many a radical
social movement. Yet on those occasions activists' deliberations turn to
what a post-capitalist future might look like, there will be a lot of talk
about participatory democracy, community networks, the decentralisation of
power and so on. The state might (might!) occasionally get a look in as
something that can facilitate the building of the new society, but what
definitely *will not* are markets and market-type mechanisms. And it's
en... more »
We Hear from Hinton
Kathy Dawson got a response to her open letter to the Mayor of Hinton,
Alberta. Kathy wanted to know why the town gave $10K of its photo radar
bonanza (total available: $100K) to a fake pregnancy clinic.
[via email from:] Lil Wallace, Executive Assistant - Office of the Mayor;
Office of the Town Manager
Dear Ms. Dawson:
Thank you for your enquiry respecting the Quality of Life grant program
that Hinton offers. Hinton is a diverse community that works and builds
together. This includes improving several aspects of the quality of life
for our citizens through grants such as the Qu... more »
AISHA NORTH: A short update on the Gathering December 8, 2014

*A short update on the Gathering*
By Aisha North
December 8, 2014
And so it is with the greatest of pleasure that we can welcome you all to
the New, in every sense of the word. For as you once again came together to
pool your resources in the way that only you can, you once again managed to
establish yourselves on a very new level of existence, one that has been
unattainable for mankind up until now. But now, you have arrived, and
alongside you a whole new world has come into being. We know that thes... more »
Meet the The Mushroom Of Immortality & The King of All Herbs
*Alanna Ketler* - Chaga is extremely powerful because it contains within
it, the actual life force of trees - the most powerful living beings on
this Earth.
The post Meet the The Mushroom Of Immortality & The King of All Herbs
appeared first on Waking Times.
Top U.S. General Has Misgivings As The U.S. - NATO Afghanistan Mission Ends

*Photo: *Lieutenant General Joseph Anderson. ISAF
*U.S. General Has Misgivings as Afghanistan Mission Ends -- New York Times*
KABUL, Afghanistan — Shortly after the speeches concluded, the flags were
folded and the band silenced, the last American general to lead combat
operations in Afghanistan offered his candid assessment of the war.
“I don’t know if I’m pessimistic or optimistic,” said Lt. Gen. Joseph
Anderson, the departing commander, considering the United States military’s
reduced role next year. “The fact that we are in less places, the fact that
there are less of us as a c... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Binding the Arrows'
Posted on December 8, 2014
Please post and distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Dec. 8, 2014. A copy of this Objection was sent by registered mail to the Governor General of the Corporation of Canada:
Never ending Longhouse uniting all Ongwehonwe on Onowaregeh.
“To: Every Ongwehonwe in the Rotinoshonni Confederacy and to all our Friends and Allies on Onowaregeh:
The Law of Flaw

*Updated 12:25 GMT.. fixed a missing part of a sentence... don't cha just
love cut and paste when you leave out an entire sentence???? Should make a
bit more sense now.... -AK*
*AK Note: *
*I got a call from KP the other day. It was a long chat, hadn't really
spoke to him in over a year. I love that guy! He let me know of a few
other groups having a bit of drama, groups in Hawaii and Peru, the
situation here in Morocco is not at all unique. There seems to be general
letting go of illusions and judgements around the world as the energies
continue to rise while earth rejoins 5th ... more »
Coffee: It’s All Good
Ongoing research into the world’s favourite recreational drug continues to
suggest that coffee is nothing but god for us.
Not only have most of coffee's purported ill effects been disproven -- the
most recent review fails to link it the development of hypertension -- but
we have so, so much information about its benefits. We believe they extend
from preventing Alzheimer's disease to protecting the liver. What we know
goes beyond small-scale studies or limited observations. The past couple of
years have seen findings, that, taken together, suggest that we should
embrace coffee for ... more »
Today: Indigenous Women at UN Climate Summit Peru
Top photo by Robin Milam
Posted at Censored News
WECAN International is headed to Lima, Peru this December for the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) COP20
negotiations. Join WECAN and our allies for a series of events and
mobilizations in pursuit of climate justice, systemic change, and
equitable solutions that
Bishop Hill gets it right after all
Another strange one tonight relates to a piece today at *Bishop Hill*.
The tactics of the less reputable members of the environmental fraternity
has long been to prevent any sort of industrial activity by making the cost
of policing their protests so high as to wear public opinion into
submission. One has to say that this approach has not been entirely
It was interesting then to see the comments of Mr Justice Gilbart in
rejecting FrackFree Balcombe's application for judicial review of West
Sussex Council's decision to allow planning permission to the Cuadrilla
proje... more »
Neo-Nazi hoaxes on Twitter

Commenters at *Biased BBC* have picked up on a piece at *Jihad Watch *by
Robert Spencer with the disturbing headline *UK Labour Party: “UKIP has
evil money grabbing jews in their party”*, based on an earlier post by at
the same blog by Pamela Geller.
It highlighted a grossly antisemitic tweet by North London Labour,
"official branch of the North London Labour presence" attacking a member of
Robert Spencer wrote:
Labour is backpedaling furiously now, of course, and denying (in the teeth
of abundant evidence to the contrary), that this appeared on an official
Labour site... more »
Kenya's Counterterrorism Police Admit To Running Death Squads Targeting Militants That Have Been Identified By Western Intelligence
*Exclusive: Kenyan Counterterrorism Police Admit To Extrajudicial Killings
-- Al Jazeera*
Kenyan officers suggest program in which terrorism suspects were killed
without trial on basis of Western intelligence
Kenyan police have assassinated nearly 500 terrorism suspects as part of an
extrajudicial killing program supported by intelligence provided by Israel
and the United Kingdom, an Al Jazeera investigation has revealed.
Officers from four units of Kenya’s Anti-Terrorism Police Unit (ATPU) said
that police assassinated terrorist suspects on government orders.
The police killings... more »
U.N. Needs $16.4 Billion To Finance Humanitarian Assistance Programs In 2015

*U.N. Seeks $16.4 Billion to Address Crises in 2015 -- New York Times*
GENEVA — Struggling to cope with record numbers of victims of conflict, the
United Nations appealed on Monday for $16.4 billion to finance humanitarian
assistance programs in 2015, warning that the gap between needs and
available resources is widening.
The appeal, a barometer of the global impact of wars and disasters, calls
for 27 percent more funding in 2015 than the amount requested a year ago
for 2014 and is intended to aid more than 57 million people in 22 countries.
The number of people aff... more »
Ashton Carter - Warmonger

*Just sketch for me what the situation was in June 1994.*
In June 1994, North Korea was preparing to remove some fuel rods from a
research reactor which they'd been operating at Yongbyon. [The] fuel rods
contained five or six bombs' worth of weapons-grade plutonium. They were
going to take those fuel rods and extract the plutonium from them.
*That's reprocessing?*
So-called "reprocessing." We felt that that would bring a potentially
hostile nation to the United States across the nuclear finish line, and
that that wasn't acceptable to us. We were not, by any means, confident
tha... more »
Supplemental: Do you belong to a race?
*MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2014Letter writer makes good point:* On November 30,
Michael Eric Dyson wrote a piece in the Sunday New York Times about the
Ferguson grand jury.
Dyson started like this:
DYSON (11/29/14): When Ferguson flared up this week after a grand jury
failed to indict the white police officer Darren Wilson for killing the
unarmed black youth Michael Brown, two realities were illuminated: *Black
and white people rarely view race in the same way or agree about how to
resolve racial conflicts,* and black people have furious moral debates
among ourselves out of white earsh... more »
PERU Tribunal Denounces Violations to Rights of Nature
Camp, Ponca, speaks on fracking at Peru Tribunal
Tribunal Denounces Violations to Rights of Nature
By Global Alliance
Monday, December 8th, 2014
Censored News
Yasunidos caravan arrived at Rights of Nature Tribunal in LimaINSPITE of
Ecuador's customs to release the bus tocontinue their Caravan from
International Rights of Nature Tribunal Day 1
Lima, December 6th,
'Greater Israel' in Motion
Israel, with full US backing, wants to expand their control in the region.
A take down of Syria would give Israel a new base of operations as they
work with the Pentagon to make long-range plans for 'regime change' in
Iran. Watch this one as it develops. Very provocative program.
*BREAKING: The Supreme Court Just Refused BP’s Attempt To Skirt Settlement
Costs ~Ari Phillips, Think Progress*
Why most minority rights NGOs oppose net neutrality
*Zero rating: unlimited Facebook data for cell phones*
Yesterday, The New York Times wrote an insightful text about the minority
activists' opinions about the net neutrality meme.
Obama’s Net Neutrality Bid Divides Civil Rights Groups
The Grey Lady says that it is usually expected that net neutrality is
favored by the far left-wing fringe of the Democratic Party. However, the
real-world data suggest something else.
The conservative judge Antonin Scalia has supported this egalitarian
concept for a decade. But most of the "civil rights groups" that The New
York Times enumerates actua... more »
PERU TRIBUNAL: Verdicts on Violation of Rights of People and Nature
of the 4 river basin of Peru present their case for violations to
Rights if Nature and the peoples impacted by oil development in the
northern Amazon of Peru. Photo by Robin Milam
Tribunal verdicts on violation of rights of people and nature
By Global Alliance
Monday, December 8th, 2014
Censored News
International Rights of Nature Tribunal Day 2
Delegation of Saweto with
PERU Tribunal Denounces Violations to Rights of Nature
Casey Camp, Ponca, speaks on fracking at Peru Tribunal
Photo Robin Milam
Tribunal Denounces Violations to Rights of Nature
By Global Alliance
Monday, December 8th, 2014
Please go to updated link: http://bsnorrell.blogspot.com/2014/12/peru-tribunal-denounces-violations-to.html
UNICEF: 2014 'A Devastating Year For Millions Of Children'
*Unicef Calls 2014 One Of Worst Years On Record for World’s Children -- New
York Times*
The year 2014 has been one of the worst on record for the world’s children,
the United Nations said on Monday in a report that chronicled a litany of
war, violence, atrocities and disease, mostly in the Middle East and Africa.
Up to 15 million children are directly entangled in violent conflicts in
the Central African Republic, Iraq, the Palestinian territories, South
Sudan, Syria and Ukraine, said the report by the United Nations Children’s
Fund, or Unicef.
Globally, the report said, an estim... more »
CDC admits that the Flu Vaccine Does NOT work.
The CDC actually admits that the Flu vaccine doesn't work.... then tries to
sell you another drug to cure you when you actually get the Flu after all.
Seriously.... I can't make this crap up!!!
Contractual interpretation and headings
Neely v. MacDonald, 2014 ONCA 874:
The headings contained in a contract are part of the language chosen by the
parties and can properly be considered in interpreting the provisions that
follow, provided the wording of the contract is not inconsistent with such
an interpretation: Cathcart Inspection Services Ltd. v. Purolator Courier
Ltd. (1981), 34 O.R. (2d) 187 (S.C.), at para. 29, aff'd 39 O.R. (2d) 656
(C.A.); Toronto (City) v. Toronto Railway, [1907] A.C. 315 (P.C.). Failure
to read an agreement in accordance with its headings may lead a court to
misconstrue the contractual pr... more »
Posted on December 8, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Dec. 8, 2014. The Mohawks called the Jesuits “Ratisti’hen’sta:tsi,
which means “burnt to a crisp”. The people carry out the punishment for
three capital offences, treason, espionage and conspiracy, by burning
the criminal[s] at the stake. These crimes could lead to the
annihilation of
Right Wing Strategy: "Making Themselves Look Good To The Heritage Action/Purity-For-Profit Crowd"
Ted Cruz has a vision: President Ted Cruz, the first U.S. President born in
another country. From a family of Cuban fascists who found Texas compatible
with their authoritarian ideology, Cruz is eager to implement a plan to
force Obama to rescind his executive action delaying the deportation of
Hispanic and Asian immigrants whose children are U.S. citizens. Right wing
propaganda writer Byron York, writing for the *Washington Examiner*, a
Republican weekly owned by fascist Denver billionaire Philip Anschutz,
explained Cruz's seemly demented strategy in his column Friday.
York delve... more »
Russia Displays Air Defense Systems In The Middle Of Moscow

People walk past a launcher truck which is used as a part of the S-400 air
defence mobile missile launching systems in front of Russian Army Theatre
in Moscow, December 8, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Sergei Karpukhin
*Russia Displays Air Defense Systems Amid Ukraine Tensions -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Russia displayed its mobile air defense missile systems in
central Moscow on Monday, underlining its military might amid tensions with
the West over Ukraine.
President Vladimir Putin said last week that Russia would have enough
resources and resolve to protect it from what he described as enem... more »
The Roswell Slides and the Aztec UFO Crash
For a couple of decades I have been chasing stories of pictures of the
Roswell crash. I have been given the names of some of those who supposedly
had pictures, talked to others who thought they might have seen pictures,
and tried to find those who might have taken pictures as part of the
official investigation. In this I have failed, other than finding lots of
pictures of alien bodies, all of which seem to be traced to hoaxes, frauds
and science fiction movies.
I have not seen the Roswell slides but have heard descriptions of what they
show as many of us have. I know a little about... more »
Russian Foreign Ministry: US Seeks To Overthrow The Russian Government

Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov looks on at the start of two
days of closed-door nuclear talks at the United Nations offices in Geneva
October 15, 2013. Credit: Reuters/Fabrice Coffrini/Pool
*US Seeks To Overthrow Political Leadership In Russia - Foreign Ministry --
By imposing sanctions on Moscow, the US aims to change the political
leadership, says the Russian Foreign Ministry, adding that Washington is
“twisting the arms” of its allies so that they can continue an
“anti-Russian front.”
“Behind the formally-declared aim to make us alter our position towards
U... more »
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