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Designed by Phoenix Copwatch members. Posted by Phoenix Copwatch member with permission of organization. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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English: Placard protesting police brutality at a Shell to Sea protest, Bellanaboy, September 2007 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
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Al-Aqsa Mosque (Photo credit: Wikipedia) |
repression lies behind Jerusalem violence
by Nick Clark
Published Tue 18 Nov 2014
Issue No. 2430
The Al Aqsa mosque in East Jerusalem's Old City in October this year.
Israeli forces recently closed it (Pic: Michael Jones/flickr)
An attack on a
synagogue today, Tuesday, provoked outrage among politicians and in the
secretary of state John ...
protests and actions continue daily across the bay, police continue to
implement new tactics to quell mass mobilizations. As many may know,
undercover police officers brandished guns on demonstrators in Oakland
last night.
Photo by Noah Berger
While much is still unclear, reports have been coming in that these
officers were ...
Dave Hodges
Police brutality need not always involve the wrongful killing of a
suspect by a police officer, although it is increasingly the case. Since
the murder of Eric Garner, I have watched over 80 videos of alleged
police brutalityand they don't all involve wrongfully murdering a
suspect. Police brutality ...

Oh Canada, the land of maple syrup ..
being our neighbors to the north, some Americans are woefully
uninformed about the great country of Canada. Check these 20 true and
untrue statements to see how much you know about the Great White North.
From the Guatemalan STD study to the Tuskegee experiments, the U.S. government has committed unspeakable atrocities
My News
Society & Culture
- 1 hour
- mohawknationnews.com
Society & Culture
At the December 2 "negotiation" meeting
held by the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. we were informed that an
illegal settlement is being finalized between them and Ottawa. We would
get some of our own money and then be removed.
Republicans on Parade - 12/24/2014
US Politics & Gov't
See 1st comment.
Police Arming for War on Canadians Continues
Science & Tech
- 1 hour
- greatwhitenorthnews.com
Science & Tech
$17,186,615.74 That's the amount of
money the various police forces across Canada have spent so far on
heavily armoured vehicles that are essentially military personnel
carriers. Police forces of Canada have become increasingly militarized
i.e. killers
Private Prisons Are Totally Unaccountable. So How Can We Fix Them?
Society & Culture
- 2 hours
- attn.com
Society & Culture
Last week, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee
(D-Texas) introduced legislation called the Private Prison Information
Act, which could drastically change the way we obtain information about
the notoriously secretive private prison industry.
Military Counter-Intelligence Unit Monitored Elsipogtog Anti-Fracking Protests: Documents
- 1 day
- earthfirstjournal.org
Senior officers with Joint Task Force
Atlantic were trying to assess who was leading the protests locally and
the reaction protests planned across the country following the Oct. 17,
2013 raid, re blocking exploration of shale gas deposits near
How Some Really Smart NYS Fracktivists Beat Cuomo and Won the Fracking War
Health & Wellness
- 4 days
- dailykos.com
Health & Wellness
New York State will indefinitely extend
it's moratorium and essentially ban fracking. Local ant-fracking
organizers began doing something brilliant : they began pressuring their
local city governments to ban fracking within their city limits
Consensus Science = B.S.
Society & Culture
- 5 days
- oldephartte.blogspot.com
Society & Culture
Once again into the fray - noting the insane tactics of promoting false science under the rubric of 'consensus'
10 Reasons Not To Vaccinate
Health & Wellness
- 9 days
- vactruth.com
Health & Wellness
Vaccines have never been proven safe or
effective. Vaccine studies funded by pharmaceutical companies compare
vaccine "side-effects" from one vaccine to another. True, scientific,
double-blind placebo studies have never been conducted on vaccines to
The Unsung Secret Of Thanksgiving
Society & Culture
- 9 days
- thesacredscience.com
Society & Culture
In Native American communities, one of
the most fundamental teachings is that we must have unwavering respect
for all living things, including other human beings.
Sanction-Drunk West Forgets to Target ISIS Sponsors
US Politics & Gov't
- 12 days
- veteranstoday.com
US Politics & Gov't
The West and its Gulf allies have made a
major strategic move to use terror proxies to do their regime change
work for them. Diplomatic immunity has to be put squarely on the table
for a 21st-century review. State-sponsored terrorism is funded openly.
Hank Green explains.
attn.com|By Lindsay Haskell
already knew that solitary confinement was being cruelly misused by
Canadian prison officials who recklessly incarcerate mentally-ill
inmates in tiny...
than 30 patients lined up from 6.30am because it was their only hope of
a same-day appointment with their GP at the Sunbury Health Centre in
Surrey - one of the biggest in Britain.
Do you agree? Let us know: http://bit.ly/1xficZO
*heart touching fun
We spoke with an expert...
attn.com|By Alex Mierjeski
9 hrs ·
so true
This much is true with the laws that make up the war on drugs.
Republicans on Parade–12/24/2014
Today’s honoree is District Court Judge, Stephen P. Friot. He is so honored for approving death by slow torture.
Cop Block with Vickey L. Scott
Want to know the Origins of the Police? Bet its not what you thought:
"The authorities created the police in response to large, defiant crowds. That’s
— strikes in England,
— riots in the Northern US,
— and the threat of slave insurrections in the South.
So the police are a response to crowds, not to crime."
"The authorities created the police in response to large, defiant crowds. That’s
— strikes in England,
— riots in the Northern US,
— and the threat of slave insurrections in the South.
So the police are a response to crowds, not to crime."
Follow us We Copwatch & Bay Area Intifada <--- br=""> - Jabar
Read: https://bayareaintifada.wordpress.com/…/origins-of-the-pol…/
Read: https://bayareaintifada.wordpress.com/…/origins-of-the-pol…/
The new gift has been put to use by the NYPD this month.
attn.com|By Alex Mierjeski

WATCH: Police spray putrid water on Palestinian homes, schoolsTwo new videos catch a police ‘skunk’ truck spraying East Jerusalem neighborhoods with foul-smelling liquid. The smell was so bad that 4,500 students had to stay home from school.
The “skunk” trucks drives slowly through the neighborhood. It is
evening, and there is no evidence of clashes in the area. The truck
proceeds slowly, sprays putrid-smelling water on a nearby building,
continues on and shoots once again. When it’s all over, the truck has
tainted schools, homes, streets – entire neighborhoods – with its
unbearable stink. Just like that.
Lots More on 927 Mag http://972mag.com/watch-police-spray-putrid-water-on-pal…/…/
Lots More on 927 Mag http://972mag.com/watch-police-spray-putrid-water-on-pal…/…/
Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk’s recently unveiled economic program will
unleash an economic and social catastrophe in Ukraine.
wsws.org|By David Levine
An estimated £20 million – £250 each on average – is being withheld from unemployed and disabled...
pcs.org.uk|By michael laffan
The province met with VLT Terry last week to discuss child welfare..he only wanted to talk about his beloved pipelines.
The province met with VLT Terry last week to discuss child welfare..he only wanted to talk about his beloved pipelines.
Southern Chiefs leader Terry Nelson says First Nations should sue the province over child welfare in Manitoba.
'Normality' = Insanity
they can not own rain. , take it to court
of the freedoms we enjoy here in the U.S. are quickly eroding as the
nation transforms from the land of the free into the land of the
enslaved, but what I'm...
President Obama speak in front of hundreds of journalists for over
three hours, unscripted and without a teleprompter? Highly doubtful.How
HuffPost Politics shared a link.
information released by the Education Department this week shows that
in nearly every state, the neediest schools aren't getting the most
experienced and...
In Canadian politics it is painfully clear that the government of Stephen Harper is not interested in representing the well being of the majority of Canadians. Case in point: deplorably worsening conditions for Canada's women. Massively slashing the budget for Canada's Status of Women, the primary institution responsible for gender equality in Canada, was bad enough, but even removing the word 'equality' from the agency's list of stated goals altogether is incredibly backward and certainly doesn't represent the values Canadians hold. This has been part of a systematic erosion of women's rights in Canada under Harper.
It's not like we didn't see this trend early in the Harper reign, we just seemed to be focussed on other things, but how that failed to cost him at the polls is baffling; aren't women voters interested in a government that values their well being, or are they simply uninformed that this government doesn't want them to seek or expect equality?
And this of course is only part of a larger picture of how rights and conditions for women in Canada have consistently worsened since he took office.
Other policy decisions reveal more of a picture of how little Mr. Harper's government values roughly half of the population. Continued refusals to investigate into more than 1,100 aboriginal women murdered or gone missing since 1980 are baffling in the extreme, where they aren't aggravating and insulting as well.
But it's in the dangled carrot of tax cuts they hope will buy the support of voters with short memories and poor math skills that we really see the Harper government's view of a woman's 'place' in Canada. 87.7% of the benefits from proposed Income Splitting will benefit men, only 12.3% of it will support women (who are already getting the short end of the economic stick, remember),
and none of it will go to those who really need it, like single moms.
So the message in that policy is clearly that this government feels women should find a man and marry rich and stay home and thus expect to be rewarded, but single moms struggling to care for the next generation under the burden of all-too-common working poverty is somehow beneath notice, and certainly shouldn't get any support from the government that could go to wealthy men instead. It's deplorable. What decade do they think we're living in?
Women count. They matter. And surely, they're smart enough to vote for someone who isn't glad to sit back and systematically make their lives harder. I tried to remind women voters that the Harper regime didn't have their back in the last Federal election, among other things. At the time I was naive enough to think that this was as bad as the Harper impact on Canada could get:
Boy, was I wrong. Now all I want for Christmas is the luxury to dedicate myself full time to trying to bring his regime to an end while there's still bits of Canada I find recognizable.
It's not like we didn't see this trend early in the Harper reign, we just seemed to be focussed on other things, but how that failed to cost him at the polls is baffling; aren't women voters interested in a government that values their well being, or are they simply uninformed that this government doesn't want them to seek or expect equality?
And this of course is only part of a larger picture of how rights and conditions for women in Canada have consistently worsened since he took office.
Other policy decisions reveal more of a picture of how little Mr. Harper's government values roughly half of the population. Continued refusals to investigate into more than 1,100 aboriginal women murdered or gone missing since 1980 are baffling in the extreme, where they aren't aggravating and insulting as well.
But it's in the dangled carrot of tax cuts they hope will buy the support of voters with short memories and poor math skills that we really see the Harper government's view of a woman's 'place' in Canada. 87.7% of the benefits from proposed Income Splitting will benefit men, only 12.3% of it will support women (who are already getting the short end of the economic stick, remember),
and none of it will go to those who really need it, like single moms.
So the message in that policy is clearly that this government feels women should find a man and marry rich and stay home and thus expect to be rewarded, but single moms struggling to care for the next generation under the burden of all-too-common working poverty is somehow beneath notice, and certainly shouldn't get any support from the government that could go to wealthy men instead. It's deplorable. What decade do they think we're living in?
Women count. They matter. And surely, they're smart enough to vote for someone who isn't glad to sit back and systematically make their lives harder. I tried to remind women voters that the Harper regime didn't have their back in the last Federal election, among other things. At the time I was naive enough to think that this was as bad as the Harper impact on Canada could get:
Boy, was I wrong. Now all I want for Christmas is the luxury to dedicate myself full time to trying to bring his regime to an end while there's still bits of Canada I find recognizable.
21 hrs ·
Australia's vast child abuse network.."The ring included police officers, psychiatrists, biochemists, psychologists, actors, writers, politicians, university lecturers and
medical doctors, including a local Engadine GP named “Doctor Mark.” "
In the first part of a heartbreaking yet inspiring three...
Fort Chipewyan FirstNations last to hear about Cancer Report
Canada is trying to implement the disastrous US Indian Termination Policy of 1945 to 1965. At the December 2 “negotiation” meeting held by the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake Inc. we were informed that an illegal settlement is being finalized between them and Ottawa. We would get some of our own money and then be removed.
Anderson | The purpose of genetically engineered products is to lock up
income-generating patents and to create monopolies.
former French airline CEO Marc Dugain claims that the US may have shot
down Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 and then covered it up, adding to a
rash of...
Police Arming for War on Canadians Continues
The Police are not a private security force for the reigning political party, nor are they a domestic arm of the Armed Forces. This fact hasn't stopped police in Canada from acquiring Anti-Riot Weapon ENfield- Automatic rubber bullet and tear gas launchers, 'Long-Range Acoustic Device' sound cannons, stun grenades, stun guns, pepper spray, attack dogs, and truncheons. It hasn't stopped local police from carrying automatic carbine rifles and covering their faces to hide their cowardice and avoid prosecution.*
And to carry all these militarized personnel almost every police force in Canada now has at least one armoured military vehicle.
* Why - you would think they were 'terrorists' !
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