10:34pm MST
Why Did Club For Growth Fire Chris Chocola?

In the last cycle Club for Growth Action spent $8,949,420. Their biggest
investments were $2,417,659 against Senator Thad Cochran (R) in
Mississippi, $815,420 against Senator Mark Pryor (D) in Arkansas, $758,501
against Rep. Ann Kuster (D) in New Hampshire, and $478,802 against Rep.
Mike Simpson (R) in Idaho. Its questionable whether they had much role in
defeating Pryor-- outside money that poured into that race against the
doomed Pryor amounted to nearly $25,000,000-- and Club for Growth Action's
other big investments were all busts. They candidates lost. And on top of
the top t... more »
The Next President of the United States
Runs less than 10 minutes--watch it:
Michael Hudson is believed by many to be the wisests of the U.S. economists who have not "gone over to the dark side of the force," i.e., the government in Washington. Washington has eradicated journalism in the U.S. as we used to know it, replacing the news with 100% government lies-cum-propaganda. So if you get your news from the "mainstream media", you are likely to believe that Russia attacked Ukraine and is suddenly threatening the western world, whereas the truth is the reverse of that. As Professor Hudson explains, the sanctions imposed upon Russia are (1) undeserved because Russia has attacked no one, (2) gravely damaging the economies of Washington's vassals in Europe, (3) driving Russia to make economic alliances with China, India, Iran, and Turkey and (4) not a problem because the ruble, though devalued against the dollar, is accepted without discount by the countries listed in (3).

*Russia Rejects South Steam Pipeline Through Europe*
Hudson Report: Europe effort to join the US in isolating Russia has
backfired, it makes no sense build an oil and gas pipeline for Russian
exports that would be owned and leased to them by US and Europe - *December
14, 14*
Original Here
Michael Hudson is a Distinguished Research Professo... more »
Bruno Ghibaudi

Around mid-day on April 27, 1961, Bruno Ghibaudi, a scientific journalist,
was driving the highway paralleling the beach at Montesilvano (Pescara),
felt a flat tire and pulled his car over and stopped. As he began changing
the bad tire, and as he was working at that task, he noticed an unusual
metallic-looking disc- shaped flying objectcoming in at a low level over
the ocean. It passed overhead, slowed, made a sharp turn towards the north
and flew away. (Case 16, Project Blue Book)
Above is the only known photo of the strange, almost organic multi-winged
craft Bruno photographe... more »
How NOT to Talk to the Police

*Video - *How do you talk to the police?
The post How NOT to Talk to the Police appeared first on Waking Times.
Giving Depth to the Astrology of the Four Elements

*Video -* An introduction to the astrology of the four elements and the
types of energies they emit.
The post Giving Depth to the Astrology of the Four Elements appeared first
on Waking Times.
Dog Day Afternoon Scenario ? Jihadists engage in siege in Sydney Australia - December 15 , 2014 -- Up to 40 hostages held in Cafe in Martins Place - Specific Perps / Actual alleged Jihadist Group , motivations , demands presently unknown.....

Just one hostage taker ?
NBC News and 1 other follow
*Shimon Prokupecz* @ShimonPro 51s52 seconds ago
Police negotiators have now had contact with gunman. We will take our time
police say. #*sydneysiege*
VICE News and 20 others follow
*Agence France-Presse* @AFP 10m
10 minutes ago
#BREAKING Three hostages run out of *Sydney* *siege* cafe: report
*Suzanne Geiger* @slvrfnx 3m
3 minutes ago
"@australian: This is the exclusion zone currently in place in *Sydney*'s
CBD. http://bit.ly/1zTmrJp #*SydneySiege* "
[image: Embedded image permalink]
... more »
Charter Closes: Two Louisiana Teachers Granted Back Pay
On December 10, 2014, two Lafayette, Louisiana, teachers won a lawsuit for
back pay due to their being reassigned from higher-paying teaching
positions to lower-paying positions beginning in the 2012-13 school year.
The two teachers, Jan Aillet and Marilyn Doucet, taught at Lafayette’s
Charter High School, which was closed in 2012. At that time, the […]
Best Sign of the Weekend

This sign from a protest this weekend in Boston is the best one I've seen
yet from the various events that were held across the nation.
See a good news round-up about the police militarization protests *here*
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, “Alpha”
Vangelis, “Alpha”
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKFh6VgnwFY
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The Milky Way was not created by an evaporating lake. The colorful pool of
water, about 10 meters across, is known as Silex Spring and is located in
Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, USA. Illuminated artificially, the
colors are caused by layers of bacteria that grow in the hot spring. Steam
rises off the spring, heated by a magma chamber deep underneath known as
the Yellowstone hotspot. Unrelated and far in the distance, the central
band of our Milky Way Galaxy arches high overhead, a band lit by billions
of stars.
*Click image for larger size.*
The above picture is a 16-image... more »
Chet Raymo, “On Winged Imagination”
*“On Winged Imagination”*
by Chet Raymo
“A sure test of dark skies is the ability to see with the naked eye the
nucleus of the Andromeda Galaxy, the nearest large spiral galaxy to our own
and the most distant thing - 2 million light-years - you are likely to see
without optical aid. On literally hundreds of nights I have stood with a
group of companions (of all ages) and unfolded the story illustrated by
constellations in that part of the sky. Cassiopeia. Cepheus. Andromeda.
Cetus. Perseus. Pegasus. The star Algol. It's a grand story that you can
find here, one that has been a theme... more »
"Native American Traditional Code of Ethics"
*"Native American Traditional Code of Ethics"*
Author Unknown
*1.* Each morning upon rising, and each evening before sleeping, give
thanks for the life within you and for all life, for the good things the
Creator has given you and for the opportunity to grow a little more each
day. Consider your thoughts and actions of the past day and seek for the
courage and strength to be a better person. Seek for the things that will
benefit others (everyone).
*2.* Respect. Respect means "To feel or show honor or esteem for someone or
something; to consider the well being of, or to treat someone... more »
The Victory to the Light Radio Show Robert Potter Interviews American Kabuki

*The Victory to the Light Radio Show *
*Robert Potter Interviews American Kabuki*
Robert Potter interviews guest American Kabuki on the The Victory of the
Light Radio Show on the Pyramid One Radio Network.
Robert Potter asks probing questions about American Kabuki's investigative
journey into the arcane world of international trade and finance banking,
how he came to meet Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf, what she and the other
trustees of the One People's Public Trust accomplished and the current
status of the banking systems. The show was recorded November 18, 2014.
Tune in at *7PM ES... more »
Canadian Politics: A Brief Overview - The Liberal Party

*Pierre Trudeau and son Justin canoeing*
I don’t think there is much hope from the American people. The American
people cannot tell genuine from fake leadership, and the ruling private
elites will not permit real leaders to emerge. Moreover, there is no
organized movement in opposition to the neoconservatives. Paul Craig
In today's world, ever since Canada has become a vassal state to the US, so
much of what is happening there politically also applies to us. The above
quote could just as easily apply to Canada. I want to continue my three
part (or maybe four--wit... more »
Thoughts, Not Environmental Conditions, Cause Criminal Behaviour
*Criminals are neither bon that way nor made that way – they chose to be
that way, say Kerry Kirkpatrick in this guest post.*
For over forty years, clinical psychologist Stanton Samenow has been
interviewing criminal offenders for the courts (1, 2, 3). His conclusion is
that criminals are not criminals because of their upbringing or
environment, or because of what they see on television or in movies.
Criminals are who they are because of the thoughts they hold, and have
held, in their minds from an early age.
When many people walk into a crowded room, they think about who they wou... more »
Dec. 15: Insanity in Ottawa
This is a hasty blog that I just had to slip into an already overcrowded
schedule. I can only hope I finish it by the posted date.
Harper is building an immense monument to the victims of communism around
the world. The reason appears to be his usual one. He wants to appeal to
the moron vote before the election by doing something that looks big but is
actually nothing. So let's look at the faults of this idea by the number.
1. He (like most people) has no idea what the word "communism" means. It
does not mean a dictator who owns all the industries and resources of a
country. Quite t... more »
I am historically pissed off at Dick Cheney
There is no content here. Just what I said!
Could we not hope for something better?
Jeez the people defeated King George
and were embraced by the French concept
of liberty
Americans died for liberty in unsustainable numbers
to defeat the Nazi surpise
So how much shame should come now
where Amrerica has become a
fascist dream.
Democrats and Republicans wrestle\
in a nation of 300 million
but the voting public
keeps electing over and over
this Kabuki
dream team
I do not no what to say
expect its hard to keep
facist from having their
Real peple just want to live
their life
they are anti polorized
and the most political they
may become is
when one of their kids
feel... more »
Me I torture you
however there is good news I an orver 60% right and all the infromation I
recieve prevents a drone attack on your home
now there is a comprimise even congress
could agree too
I mean seriouly we are killing thosands of people in the third world to
keep us safe from a third world attack. Where is the fucking logic behind
this assmyetircal clusterfuck of democray?
Puppets and Muppets what you going to do
Well we could vote. In Germany they learned this after defeat.
Whats your current Net Worth Dick Cheney
And do not ask a defferment from this essential question of how you never
served but now tell us what is a moral kill.
The world is challanged
Even Hitler would have never thought
the globe was ht hard by attacks
This is a new mindset
with lots of climate Nazi
on the attack
Is it true or not
well the Nazi
have me held
in a positon
where I can not say
one thing.
But the scientest
the ones we should all depend
upon to reveal the truth
have presented us
with some very
desturbing facts.
Facts that kill
well ingnoring them or
reforcing them
is a Nazi MO.
I do not believe in Godwins law
we should mention every time
when we run accross
a Nazi that pretends
to look like me
Hitler was unique and no
political figure before him
or a... more »
Complete dissifectant
Anyone anywhere linked to torture must be expondged, Crimal trials are one
thing, but continuing to recieve payment is just third world.
Torture built America
Come on people when Dick Cheney can
come on TV and tell you directly
he speaks for keeping America
what can you do?
Fucking Moslems
I believe it now and I will tell you later with reason your religion is all
Thats is a very high historical history ramp to ride above and I do so
with no wings just common sense to keep the people from burninng me alive.
Okay the first questioin I must ask is that anyone that disagrees with your
version of relality must be incinerated. Could you just have not posted a
notice at the library that this opion was stupid?
There is a big problem with heircach socity. Its in place to keep socity in
place. If there is some cut of new disovery like Tony Soprano they will
get the li... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
GMOs: Profit, Power And Geopolitics

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are not essential for feeding the
world [1,2], but if they were to lead to increased productivity, did not
harm the environment and did not negatively impact biodiversity and human
health, would we be wise to embrace them anyhow?
The fact would still remain that GMO technology is owned and controlled by
certain powerful interests. This technology is first and foremost an
instrument of corporate power. Beyond that, it is intended to serve US
global geopolitical interests. Indeed, agriculture has for a long time been
central to US foreign policy.... more »
Satire: “Cheney to Lead Torture-Pride March”
*“Cheney to Lead Torture-Pride March”*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— “In an appearance on NBC’s “Meet the
Press,” on Sunday, former Vice-President Dick Cheney told host Chuck Todd
that he was “sick and tired of Americans being ashamed of our beautiful
legacy of torture” and that he was organizing the first “National
Torture-Pride March” to take place in Washington in January.
“This is a chance for all of us torturers to say, ‘Look at us, this is who
we are,’” Cheney, who will be the Grand Marshall of the parade, said. The
former Vice-President said that he was ... more »
Buck up everyone
I lived my life north of the city. I can survieve to some extent
no matter what hits society. That does not make me proud
no mostly sorry. You listened to assholes and where supprise when you got
I have had a sewage system fully employed since Stephen Harper got employed
with fantaSTI BULLSHIT. I have often thought the bribe accepting PM that
was there was the worst CIA agent to destroy Canada I could image. Then
Harpre imerged from the misTimes are tough and they are going to get wAY
I know Canada and from the sweater to our universal truth, we will not turn
on each othe... more »
Mohawk Nation News: GETTING TO KNOW YOU
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen. MNN. Dec. 13, 2014. This
letter went to some of the cities on the Kahnawake tract called the
"Seigneury". "Dec. 13, 2014. To:...
View on mohawknationnews.com
Preview by Yahoo
I got tears real tears running down my face
when I here a former vice president say
torture isgoo with me
how about you
This in my opinon
is a guy that shoudl
be waterboared\
to reveal his secrects
but I would not go that way
i would rely on history
and the good people
that do not live their
lives in fear of terror
Do noT anyone who
knows a single thing
about human pycoligy
know one big thng
Humanas can be warm and fuzzy
and that is our natural thing
ask any parents who have
been blessed by one on
those totally annoyong things.
Children do everytyhing wrong
they fart when we speak
an... more »
Diick Cheney has made me crAZY
Is there a lawyer in the USA that can help me?
Lima Climate Conference: It Takes a Village to Demonstrate the Failure
The real failure of the Lima Climate Conference is encapsulated in the fine
print of one of the conference reports. I do not mean the failure by the
political agents of change to effect any substantive agreement limiting
carbon emissions – by which is meant an agreement to limit the use of
fossil fuels to produce energy – I do mean the utter failure to stop and
realise what an agreement to curtail fossil fuel use would have meant.
That failure is encapsulated in this short report describing the
conference’s set-up:
The talks are taking place in a vast temporary village constructe... more »
Grim Reaper Reaps Votes (Blue Dogs and Dims Rally To Pass Last Big Gifts (From Them Making Past Contributions Worthwhile) To Banksters! Happy Old Year?) Dims Shine Their Light (Blue Light Special?)
Democratic Senator John D. Rockefeller, IV, To Seek Vote Stopping EPA
Carbon Rules Pssst! American voters are stupid. - C., Dick * Sellouts?
Please. Did you watch the crush of Blue Dogs (in last Thursday's
Congressional voting frenzy) many of whom (but not enough) were voted out
in November and are taking a last long bow? (Wow!) This type of late-night
official behavior by their elected
Hi Mr Control
If I where to do my Masters of Law it would be on Godwins Law.
My thesis would be that it is a law invented to shelter fascist from being
linked to Nazi's.
Its very hard to have a serious debate about modern Nazi's. Stephen Harper
is the greatest friend Lukid has ever found in the G7, so no way he is a
Nazi. A supposition pretty well destroyed by the Grey Zone.
The Holocaust has horrible as it was, was not a central concern of the
Nazi. IMHO it would be like Stephen Harpers dealings with the first nations
over pipelines. It just was not top of mind for Nazi they had bi... more »
Gallimaufry for a Sunday evening

*noun - *a confused jumble or medley of things.
"a glorious gallimaufry of childhood perceptions"
mid 16th century: from archaic French *galimafrée* 'unappetizing dish',
perhaps from Old French *galer* 'have fun' + *Picard mafrer* 'eat copious
quantities'. (Not to be confused with Gallifrey, fictional home planet of
Alastair 'Shuttity-up' Campbell).
We had a curious work's Christmas party last night. For some strange reason
they chose to put on a barbecue for us. In December. At night. On a car
That's the "unappetizing dish" bit.
Still, I "had fun" and "ate d... more »
Dec. 14: Back to the Irving press, again....
The Friday, Dec. 12 issue has a front page story has its idea of big news
on the front page "Province's beer market continues to evolve". Yeah, I'd
been wondering about that. Nice to see a newspaper that tells it like it
is. It's actually a big story, if a pointless one, continued inside as one
about how New Brunswick could become a "future brewtopia". Sure. The world
will come rushing to our new hockey rink just to get a taste of the latest
NB brew.
It's a story that's really just a free ad for the brewing industry with no
research, no questioning by the reporter, just another exam... more »
Live Aid 1984 / Feed The World 2014: Why?
In 1984, the BBC broadcast harrowing images of Africans in Ethiopia dying
of starvation. The politicians were quick to jump into the fray, stating
that 'something had to be done' to alleviate the hunger, and then the
phenomenon of Live Aid sprang into action, with pop music celebrities
releasing the original 'Feed the World' single, followed by the massive
trans-global concerts to raise money ostensibly to feed those starving to
death in Africa. In 2014 we have a repeat of the 1984 Feed the World
single hitting the charts (albeit one with different 'celebrities' fronting
it and th... more »
The Ultimate Culprits On Behalf Of Wall Street Deregulation: Chuck Schumer (D) And Kevin McCarthy (R)-- And Who Are The New Dems?

Two rats: Kevin McCarthy and Chuck Schumer
Elizabeth Warren's clarion calls-- three on the Senate floor this week--
may have been derided by South Carolina closet queen Lindsay Graham (R) as
"immature" and "emotional," but they were having their intended effect on
their intended audience (which was *not* South Carolina closet queens on
the other side of the aisle). Centrist Jeanne Shaheen joined the
progressive stalwarts opposing the Antonio Weiss confirmation and both
Harry Reid and Barbara Milkulski started moving away from the deal Chuck
Schumer (D-NY) and Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) ha... more »
McCain's new mode of genocide
again, John McCain is the darling of the coyotes and snakes
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
Sen. John McCain's new mode of genocide is no where more obvious than in
the slick theft of Apache sacred lands for the benefit of a foreign
corporation for copper mining. Of course, McCain's theft of sacred lands
in Arizona is nothing new, nor is the complicity by the corrupt media
who are in
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, December 14th, 2014
[image: rant-jpeg-b]
Sunday again, and of course what many people wait for.. My weekly rant….
I am a bit late today in getting this report out, but again this is my site
and my rant, so patience is sometimes key…. It has been a long and hectic
week with family and personal business coming first and foremost, and
therefore this blog sometimes is put by the wayside….
First, I want to start out by talking about all the reports about America
and the revelations about its military and CIA conducting acts of torture
on their prisoners and prisoners of war…. Lets not kid ourselves here, f... more »
what i'm reading: lost memory of skin by russell banks

*Lost Memory of Skin*, Russell Banks' 2011 novel, begins with an impossible
A group of men are living in an encampment under a highway. It is, in fact,
the only place they *can* live.
Each of them has been convicted of some crime involving sex. The state, in
a moral panic over child pornography, has decreed that after serving time
in prison, a former sex offender cannot live within 2,500 feet of any place
where children may be present: schools, public parks, bus stops - and
homeless shelters. The men wear homing devices on their ankles to enforce
compliance, and they are... more »
Denying the Holocust, Denying Torture, same lie same liars

I saw Dick darkness on respect by the press today.
He said no doubt torture is okay
first of all when we do it its not torture
When asked if he had any concerns
about the one in five confirmed innocents
who where fed
buy rectal rape
he saw little wrong
because to paraphrase him
giving the wrong end food justified the means of delivery
Just like the man beating the drum
outside the classroom keeps the tigers
Dick knows that torture keeps
the terrorist away.
I was trying to thinkaboot a proper rebuttal
and found one in the trash
of polemic that passes for thought
these days.
If it... more »
Remembering The Terrors Of Stalin And Communism

Victims of Lenin’s 1921 Povolzhye famine in Russia
*Humble Memorials For Stalin’s Victims In Moscow -- Masha Lipman, New
On Wednesday afternoon, a group of Russia’s leading architects and graphic
designers gathered with civic activists, historians, and journalists for an
improvised party at the offices of Memorial, Russia’s leading human-rights
organization. Memorial, whose main cause is the commemoration of victims of
the Soviet Union’s Communist regime, has long been under pressure from
Putin’s government, but this crowd of about twenty people was cheerfully
celebrating ... more »
"The Budget Deal: This Is Who They Are"
*"The Budget Deal: This Is Who They Are"*
by Robert L. Borosage
"The first signs of the November election returns are apparent in the $1
trillion spending bill that the House of Representatives passed last night
in Washington. This spending bill was forged with resurgent Republicans on
their best behavior. They are still a minority in the Senate in the
lame-duck session. Their leaders exercised adult supervision over the
wingnuts, rejecting calls for a government shutdown over immigration
because Obama. They largely adhered to the budget deal cut last year on
spending limits, and a... more »
"Allowing Others to Walk Their Paths: Observing Evolution"
*"Allowing Others to Walk Their Paths: *
*Observing Evolution"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"Everyone is entitled to seek out their own path leading from the darkness
into the light. Watching a loved one or a peer traverse a path littered
with stumbling blocks can be immensely painful. We instinctively want to
guide them toward a safer track and share with them the wisdom we have
acquired through experience. Yet all human beings have the right to carve
their own paths without being unduly influenced by outside interference. To
deny them that right is to deny them enlightenment, a... more »
Yodel Ripples Will Continue

In the UK we have just seen the impact of an air traffic technology blimp
of less than 60 minutes on the control of international traffic airspace,
flight schedules and travel over a great area. Distribution logistics is no
different and can often appear very simple and straightforward when it
flows correctly, but can become complex and spiral out of control when
things go wrong. This week’s news that Yodel, one of the UK’s largest
package carriers, had suspended supplier collections due to an unforeseen
spike in traffic, is somewhat alarming and also begs the question on how
the... more »
A Shakeup For Afghanistan's Security Forces

Afghanistan's President Ashraf Ghani speaks to the media during an event in
Kabul December 10, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Omar Sobhani
*Angry Afghan President Vows Security Shake-Up After Taliban Attacks Surge
-- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Afghanistan's new President Ashraf Ghani vowed to shake up
security in the capital Kabul in an angry speech on Sunday and denounced a
recent surge in Taliban attacks on civilian and military targets as
"un-Islamic". In recent weeks, Afghanistan has seen waves of suicide
bombings and commando-style assaults by the Islamist insurgents, who are
seeking to mak... more »
Has The U.S. Abandoned Syrian Rebel Army?

Free Syrian Army fighters (Reuters/Muzaffar Salman)
*Syrian Rebels See U.S. Abandoning Them -- Josh Rogin, Bloomberg*
As Congress struggles to pass a bill to fund the government for the rest of
the year, one curious and significant item was left on the cutting room
floor: a request from the Barack Obama administration for $300 million to
expand the secret CIA program to arm the “moderate” Syrian rebels.
The request, which administration officials had been lobbying for in recent
weeks, was held up by the House Intelligence Committee, which has serious
doubts about the Free Syrian Ar... more »
"Jews created modern American mass culture"
*"Jews created most of modern American mass culture, from the movies, to
television, to the fashion business, cosmetics, the music industry,
mass-market paperbacks, all these ways of packaging and selling democratic
pleasures to the masses."*
I'll give you three guess who made the preceding statement about Jews
creating modern American mass culture. Was it an "anti-Semitic conspiracy
theorist"? A "racist, bigoted hater" of the Jews? An evil neo-Nazi who
blames the Jews for all the problems facing the world?
Actually, the quote was found in an article recently published by *Tablet ... more »
Harry and Paul on 'Question Time'
As it's a slow blogging day (so far), here's a reminder of Harry Enfield
and Paul Whitehouse's brilliant take-down of *Question Time, *transcribed
(as is the way of this blog) in order to educate, inform and entertain...
*David Dimbleby:* Er, if I could come to you sir, the gentleman in the red
*The gentleman in the red jumper*: Yes, well firstly, if the bankers, the
bonuses, the bankers, the bonuses, it's disgusting. And secondly, if the
Tories are really serious about it they'd tax the bankers, the bonuses to
*(Audience applause)*
*The gentleman in the red jumper*: I... more »
John Quincy Adams

*On July 4, 1821, Secretary of State John Quincy Adams delivered an
historic address on U.S. foreign policy. After reading the full text of the
Declaration of Independence, he continued:*
It is not, let me repeat, fellow citizens, it is not the long enumeration
of intolerable wrongs concentrated in this declaration; it is not the
melancholy catalogue of alternate oppression and entreaty, of reciprocated
indignity and remonstrance, upon which, in the celebration of this
anniversary, your memory delights to dwell.
Nor is it yet that the justice of your cause was vindicated by ... more »
Geldof in Africa
Geldof in Africa - Cocoa, Slaves and God from Spike EP on Vimeo.
Geldof's Left-Liberal, Humanitarian Bomber Manifesto on the
under-development of Africa.
Just like the Far-Right, he is at pains to emphasize that "Slavery had
always existed in Africa" - a Straw Man Argument dating back at least as
far as the Amistad Trial.
White Imperialism has always sought to blur the distinction (for it's own
purposes) between Indentured Servitude and Chattel Slavery - when slavery
was outlawed everywhere in the British Empire, it made little to no
difference; the Negro Slave labour was replace... more »
Infamous Assassinations: The Attempts on President DeGaulle (PERMINDEX)
Infamous Assassinations: The Attempts on President DeGaulle (PERMINDEX)
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*The Assassination Attempt on DeGaulle*
A group of Fascist French generals dedicated to keeping Algeria as a French
colony were the middle group in the 1961 and 1962 assassination attempts on
French General DeGaulle. A French colonel, Bastien Thiery, commanded the
1962 group of professional assassins who made the actual assassination
attempt on DeGaulle. Colonel Thiery set his group of assassins up at an
intersection in the suburbs of Paris in this final attempt in 1962 to kill
DeGaull... more »
The Most Important Phonecall in History

Oswald in Mexico :
How Lyndon Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover Blackmailed the Joint Chiefs and
Averted World War III
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
The Invasion Plan for Cuba, scheduled for December 1st 1963 was code-named
Had this other, parallel, much more immediate military U-Turn been
successfully rammed through the JCS and the NSC, Bundy's indiscretion would
have been far less incongruous with all that was going on;
Remember the Day Planner in the Pentagon Papers - *22/11/1963, 11am.*
*"The President approves the draft of the National Security Action Memo
summarising the n... more »
Amazing Screenshots of Fukushima Daiichi from Futaba Cam
Majia's Blog - 12 hours ago
Check out these rather alarming screenshots from yesterday. I'm
someone was able to capture and post the video, which is available here
<img alt="" height="286"
src="... more »
The Pentagon Has A Slush Fund

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
*The Pentagon’s Slush Fund -- Julia Harte, Politico*
How the military gets what it wants—even when it’s not in the budget.
What does an $810 million U.S. defense “initiative” to “reassure” Europe in
the wake of Vladimir Putin’s Crimean land grab have to do with emergency
war needs in Afghanistan and Iraq? Absolutely nothing. So why does that
hefty sum appear in the military’s budget, now pending on Capitol Hill,
meant to support operations in those two Middle Eastern countries?
This is not how America’s war budget—otherwise known as the Overseas
Conti... more »
Organic Is Good For Kids

[image: Foto: Just in case you're undecided, this great article by Dr. Alan
Greene, a pediatrician, and Anna Lappé, co-founder of the Small Planet
Institute and a nationally best-selling author, explains why organic is the
best choice we can make for our families. The tide is turning. A recent
poll from the Organic Trade Association found a sharp decrease in parents
who say price is a key factor limiting their organic purchases. “Parents in
charge of the household budget recognize the benefits of organic,” said the
trade group’s Laura Batcha. “And they’re willing to pay a little more... more »
Bill Whittle: The New Barbarism...
*dare to disagree and you will be destroyed.*
Rioting. Slander. The wanton personal destruction of people known by their
accusers to be innocent. In his latest Firewall, Bill Whittle shows how
events like the rioting in Ferguson do not occur in a vacuum, and how
Progressives not only tolerate this lawlessness, this New Barbarism -- they
teach it.
An Arms Buildup In The Baltics

*Baltic States Spend Big On Defense As Russia Buzzes Borders -- The
*Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania strike £240 million of arms deals as they
watch Vladimir Putin's Ukrainian adventure with alarm.*
Russia's meddling in Ukraine has delivered a wake-up call on defence
spending to small Baltic states which spent half a century under Soviet
occupation and now fear the Kremlin's territorial ambitions.
Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are on heightened alert as Russian military
planes and warships skirt their airspace and sea borders on a daily basis
in what they call "unpreced... more »
Ontario Liberal Corruption and Arrogance
It is a sign of the debased level of capitalist democracy that we are
constantly faced with a "choice" between idiot, retrograde racist asshole
thieves (the "Conservatives") and slightly less-idiotic, socially
progressive thieves (the Liberals). I pointedly left the insult "asshole"
in there because that's how the Ontario Liberals have been behaving with
their majority in the face of the Ontario Auditor General's damning report.
When the Auditor General says that Ontario wasted $8 billion on excess
costs brought about by private=sector thieves via
"Public-Private-Partnerships" the W... more »
Are Iranian Hackers Preparing To Attack The U.S.?

A magnifying glass is held in front of a computer screen in this picture
illustration taken in Berlin May 21, 2013. Credit: Reuters/Pawel Kopczynski
*Exclusive: Iran Hackers May Target U.S. Energy, Defense Firms, FBI Warns
-- Reuters*
(Reuters) - The Federal Bureau of Investigation has warned U.S. businesses
to be on the alert for a sophisticated Iranian hacking operation whose
targets include defense contractors, energy firms and educational
institutions, according to a confidential agency document.
The operation is the same as one flagged last week by cyber security firm
Cylance... more »
Questioning The Orthodoxy

Joe Oliver is meeting with his provincial counterparts today. Kevin Page
writes that, given Canada's and the world's economic outlook, it's time to
ask some tough questions:
Some of these issues cannot be ignored any longer. For instance, will any
provincial or territorial finance minister confront Joe Oliver, their
federal counterpart, about income stagnation? Data on Human Resources and
Social Development Canada’s site shows that median after-tax incomes for
all families (or real GDP per capita) has been... more »
The U.S. Army Is Building A Drone Only Airport At Fort Bliss

Grey Eagle unmanned aerial vehicles (AFP Photo/US Army/Sgt. Ken Scar)
*Army Building An Airport Just For Drones -- Defense Systems*
The Army’s ever-growing use of unmanned aerial systems has gotten to the
point where two of the most commonly used UAS are getting their own airport.
The service’s Corps of Engineers at Fort Worth, Texas, has awarded a $33
million contract to SGS to build a 150-acre unmanned aircraft launch and
recovery complex at Fort Bliss for Gray Eagle and Shadow UAS.
The complex will include a 50,000-square-foot unmanned aircraft maintenance
hangar and more than a... more »
Did Ukraine And Rebel Commanders Shake Hands Amidst The Ruins In Doentsk Airport?

A Ukrainian national flag flies at top of a badly damaged traffic control
tower as smoke rises after shelling at the Donetsk Sergey Prokofiev
International Airport in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine.(Reuters / Shamil
*Frontline Handshake: Kiev Army, Militia Meet Amid Donetsk Airport Ruins --
In the wake of the latest ceasefire in war-torn eastern Ukraine, commanders
from both sides of the conflict met and shook hands at the wrecked Donetsk
airport, agreeing that they do not want the “fraternal” conflict to
continue, according to a report.
The Ukrainian army, accompanied by... more »
Were British Agents Present At Secret CIA Torture Sites?

*Photo: *Admission: Former US Air Force psychologist Dr James Mitchell
*I Saw British Agents At Secret Torture Sites, Says Boss Of CIA's Brutal
Interrogation Programme -- Daily Mail*
* Dr James Mitchell was responsible for devising waterboarding methods
* Said: 'I would see (British) special operations people at sites I would
* Comes as other allegations point to British knowledge of CIA programme
* MI6 agent who reported abuse by Americans was ordered not to intervene
* Lord West also said British agents could have been present during torture
* Report by Senate Intelligence ... more »
Solid Wall Street Whores... From Solid Blue Districts

Joe Crowley, the most corrupt Democrat in Congress, is the vice chair of
the Party Caucus. Many members see his hand in the Wall Street deregulation
Sometimes the DCCC whines that their favorite right-wing incumbents and
candidates have to "change up" messaging because their districts lean red.
That "strategy" sure didn't help Republican-backing Blue Dogs like Nick
Rahall (WV), John Barrow (GA) and Pete Gallego (TX) last month. All of them
lost their seats. Barrow and Gallego were back in their seats on Thursday
evening for their last-ever votes in Congress-- backing the Wall St... more »
Man Sentenced to 30 Days for Catching Rain Water on Own Property Enters Jail

Gary Harrington reports to Jackson County (Oregon) Jail to begin serving a
30-day term for collecting rainwater on his property. (Photo: Gary
*This is not recent news, happened back in August, he should be released by
now... but amazing how petty things have become. Sustainable living is
becoming a crime... -AK*
*Man Sentenced to 30 Days for Catching Rain Water on Own Property Enters
August 8, 2012 - 6:03 PM
By Kendra Alleyne
Gary Harrington, the Oregon man convic... more »
This Is Not How A Returning Soldier Should Be Treated

Welcome home, now get out! Sergeant William Bolt who has returned home for
the holidays to see his wife, Lily, and newborn baby in South Carolina is
being kicked out of his wife’s apartment after the landlord said he cannot
stay for more than a week
*Returning Soldier Told He Can't Stay With Wife And Newborn In Her
Apartment Because Landlord Claims Lease Says 'No Visitors For Longer Than A
Week' -- Daily Mail*
* Sergeant William Bolt is stationed in Missouri, but his wife lives in
South Carolina with their newborn baby girl
* Lily Bolt has been told her husband cannot stay in her a... more »
Who Put Spy Equipment Near The Norwegian Government And The Homes Of Its Political Leaders?

Prime Minister Erna Solberg, shown here on a visit to Norway’s national
security authority NSM, has claimed she’s careful when using her mobile
(cell) phone. She also has criticized alleged spying among NATO allies.
PHOTO: Statsministerens kontor
*Revealed: Spy Equipment In Central Oslo -- The Local*
Spy equipment that can be used to eavesdrop on the mobile phones of
politicians and ordinary Norwegians has been discovered in several places
in the Oslo area, including close to the country’s parliament, newspaper
Aftenposten has revealed.
The equipment, hidden in fake mobile base st... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Collectives of Light are empowered
*Collectives of Light are empowered*
by ÉirePort
Standing waves of Cosmic-enabled energetics couple with Higher Realms via
Hue-manity partnership.
Shadow realms have dissolved and may not be reformed as Cosmics will not
Severance from prior pathways is near completion.
Entrustments are key at this moment.
Collectives of Light are empowered.
ÉirePort | December 14, 2014 at 09:56 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
Can We Have a Silent Night Please…
*Ida Lawrence* - "Has your experience shown you… what is best does come if
you let it, if you are welcoming to change, and you overcome fear or
determinedly move through it?"
The post Can We Have a Silent Night Please… appeared first on Waking Times.
Truth in Advertising.
As Susan Delacourt of the Star said this week if you are sick of political
advertising now wait until next year and she goes on to highlight a recent
blog post by former Conservative MP Brent Rathgeber wherein he says “It is
shameful how a supposedly conservative government wastes tax dollars on
blatant, self- serving, political advertising.”* In his scathing article*
Mr Rathgeber goes on to point out that the Harper Regime continues to boast
of programs that have not passed through the legislative process are are
not in fact in place and does so with half truths and outright lies.
... more »
*UK: Want to give your son a decent education? Get him locked up: Ofsted
report rates youth prison better than hundreds of schools*
Teenagers behind bars are getting a better education than thousands of
pupils in ordinary schools, according to official watchdogs.
Inmates at a Young Offenders’ Institution in the North-West received
‘outstanding’ teaching and English and maths scores were ‘above the
national average’, inspectors found. Behaviour was also described as ‘very
It is the first time a YOI has had such a glowing assessment. Ofsted and HM
Inspector of Prisons said t... more »
Microsoft, Christy Clark open foreign worker turnstile outpost in Vancouver
Back in May our media were pretty excited about the jobs jobs jobs angle to
Microsoft opening a Centre of Excellence in Vancouver :
*CBC : Microsoft Canada Excellence Centre to bring 400 jobs to Vancouver*
*Vancouver Sun : Microsoft to open new centre in Vancouver, 400 new jobs*
*HuffPo *: *Microsoft Canada Announces Vancouver Centre, 400 Jobs*
.... all of them pretty obviously based on the same Microsoft press release
Yesterday CBC was somewhat less buoyant about that whole 400 jobs angle,
given they will all be going to foreign IT workers :
*Foreign workers: Microsoft gets green l... more »
*Obama’s Possible Paris Climate Agreement End Run Around the Senate*
*Foreign negotiators, activists, and journalists are very worried about
Senate Republicans*
Lima, Peru – The United States Senate approved the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) by a rare division vote with
two-thirds concurring on October 7, 1993 and President Bill Clinton
ratified the treaty by signing it on October 13, 1993. By agreeing to that
treaty the United States committed to the "stabilization of greenhouse gas
concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent da... more »
'Question Time' audience selection
Just for the record - and in case you've never seen it before - this is the
online application form you have to fill in if you want to join the *Question
Time *studio audience. I've copied-and-pasted it exactly as it appeared
when I first clicked on it (in other words, the boxes with entries already
filled in are default settings).
As you can see, they get to know a lot of background about you in advance
(if you fill it in honestly, of course):
Thank you for your interest in taking part in Question Time.
- *If you would like to join the Question Time audience, *please
comp... more »
INS Kolkata to fire long range missile in 2015

[image: INS Kolkata]Stealth destroyer INS Kolkata, the largest warship
built in India, will fire a long-range surface-to-air missile (LR-SAM) for
the first time in 2015.
“The vertical launch units of the LR-SAM, also called Barak 8, have been
built into the vessel and the MF-STAR [multifunction surveillance and
threat alert radar] is in place for missile guidance. All you need to do is
take delivery of the missile, load it and fire. It is slated to take place
next year,” Captain Tarun Sobti, Commanding Officer of INS Kolkata, told
The Hindu during an exclusive tour of the ship.
The... more »
US to Raise Finance of Israeli "Iron Dome" Defense System

[image: Iron Dome]United States Congress will vote, in the next few days,
on a resolution to raise its financial contribution to the Israeli Iron
Dome system to 1.2 billion dollars.
Congressional negotiators agreed on a resolution to spend 1.1 trillion
dollars, including 351 million dollars to finance the Iron Dome in 2015,
according to the PNN.
The financial project reportedly covers a sum total of 619.8 million
dollars for the Israeli arms program, including an extra 172 million
dollars for missile defense systems.
Read more
Kids: most new methods to teach mathematics are dangerous pseudoscience
Czechia's most influential (?) news server iDNES.cz has been bombarding the
readers with hype about new revolutionary ways to teach mathematics to
This stuff is combined with constant calls to eliminate mathematics from
the mandatory subjects in the high school final exams. Folks from a
despicable Faculty of Humanities at the Charles University – a tumorous
department that shouldn't exist at all – are constantly involved. You can
imagine that I am terrified by all that and you haven't even heard any
Today, an 80-year-old chap called Milan Hejný is promoting hi... more »
South Korea to deliver 2 fighter jets next year

[image: FA-50 Golden Eagle]The Philippines expects delivery of two of the
12 lead-in fighter trainer jets it acquired from South Korea in December
next year.
“The projected schedule is December of next year for the first two (jets),”
President Aquino told reporters on the sidelines of the ASEAN-Republic of
Korea commemorative summit last Friday.
“We are getting 12 of them. (Delivery) will be finished by 2017,” he added.
Read more
The Rusting Sukhoi Dips India’s Fighting Fleet

[image: Su-30K Flanker]Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recent India
visit may have strengthened the ties between the two countries, but it’s
still a question if it can resurrect India’s weakened fleet of Sukhois.
You can avoid the servicing of your car, but you can’t afford to do that
with the country’s frontline Russian-made fighter jet fleet. The
government, however, has done exactly that. Consequence: four air crashes
and one death.
The last Sukhoi-30 crash happened in Pune, in October, which led to the
grounding of the entire fleet for a month, the longest ever it was induct... more »
Defense satellite launches from California coast
A U.S. defense satellite launched from California’s central coast after
weather delays caused by a major storm that drenched the state.
An unmanned Atlas V rocket carrying a classified payload for the National
Reconnaissance Office blasted from Vandenberg Air Force Base at 7:19 p.m.
Friday and lit the dark, cloudy sky.
A storm that brought rain, heavy clouds and gusty winds through California
delayed the launch on Thursday.
Read more
Russian Military Jet Nearly Collides With Passenger Plane

[image: Major General Igor Konashenkov]Swedish defense officials have said
a Russian military aircraft nearly collided south of Sweden with a
commercial passenger plane shortly after takeoff from Copenhagen, Denmark,
on December 12.
Sweden's air force chief, Major General Micael Byden, said the Russian
warplane's transponders -- which make the plane detectable to commercial
radar -- were shut off.
Swedish Defense Minister Peter Hultqvist called the incident "serious" and
"inappropriate," although he added the Russian plane had not violated
Swedish air space.
Read more
Third test of WU-14 confirmed by Chinese defense ministry

[image: Hypersonic strike vehicle]A spokesperson of the Chinese defense
ministry confirmed the People's Liberation Army's third test of the WU-14
hypersonic sonic strike vehicle on Dec. 10, Bill Gertz, the senior editor
of the Washington Free Beacon said in a recent article.
During the press conference, the spokesperson said China routinely conducts
scientific experiments inside its borders. He said that the exercise
involving the WU-14 was not carried out with any country in mind as a
potential target.
The confirmation was later reported by Chinese state media. Gertz said it
is u... more »
China Navy conducts drill near Miyakojima
Miyakojima Island
The Defense Ministry said Saturday the Chinese navy has conducted an
exercise using missile destroyers and other ships in the western Pacific.
According to the ministry’s Joint Staff Office, a Chinese missile destroyer
was refueled by a supply vessel on Monday, and another missile destroyer
conducted helicopter takeoff and landing drills on Thursday.
On Friday, at around 6 p.m., six of Chinese warships that joined the
western Pacific exercise—two missile destroyers, two frigate ships, one
supply vessel and one intelligence-gathering ship—headed north about 120
kil... more »
French Air Chief Confident on Rafale Exports

[image: Dassault Rafale]France has a good chance of winning export sales
for the Dassault Rafale fighter, which is needed to balance the defense
budget books, French air chief Gen. Denis Mercier said on Dec. 11.
“I am fairly confident there will be a good story,” he told the defense
journalists association, when asked about the export prospects for the
twin-engine fighter. “This is a high-quality plane.”
The French government has written an assumed sale of the Rafale to foreign
clients into the multiyear budget. The deals are needed to maintain annual
production of 11 aircraft from ... more »
What the Russian sub in Scottish waters really says about Putin's view of the West

[image: Vladimir Putin]Betrayed by its high-powered periscope, the vessel
then disappeared, triggering a fruitless search that sent all manner of
unwelcome messages to the Westminster Government.
Firstly, it is a reminder that the UK's armed forces lack a suitable
maritime patrol aircraft after scrapping the Nimrod equivalent in 2011 and,
secondly, the uncompromising message that Russia has the capacity to mount
aggressive Cold War-style reconnaissance missions unhindered against Nato
countries will have been noted in London.
The first issue was resolved by Nato allies sending their... more »
Credible Sport

Operation Credible Sport
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
"A man described as "one of Reagan's closest friends and a major financial
contributor to the campaign," who "kept referring to him as Ronnie,"
contacted Bassam Abu Sharif, who later became chief adviser for Palestine
Liberation Organization leader Yasir Arafat. According to Abu Sharif, they
met in Beirut in the period after the Republican convention. Reagan's
friend "said he wanted the PLO to use its influence to delay the release of
the American hostages from the embassy in Tehran until after the election,"
Abu Sharif recalled, a... more »
More British Troops To Be Deployed Next Month To Iraq

More British soldiers are expected to be deployed in Iraq (Reuters)
*'Hundreds' More UK Troops To Be Sent To Iraq - Michael Fallon -- BBC*
*Hundreds of British troops will be sent to Iraq in the New Year, Defence
Secretary Michael Fallon has said.*
The deployment - to help train local forces - will be in the "very low
hundreds" but could also include a small protection force of combat-ready
soldiers, he said.
About 50 UK troops are already training Iraqi and Kurdish forces fighting
Islamic State militants in Iraq.
The Ministry of Defence said the move had not yet been formally app... more »
Sweden: Russian Military Jet Nearly Collided With A Passenger Plane

Russian Su-34 Fullback strike aircraft (front) is seen escorted by a
Norwegian Air Force jet, October 31, 2014
*Russian Military Aircraft Nearly Collides Mid-Air With Passenger Jet Over
Sweden After 'Outright Dangerous' Decision To Switch Off Its Transponders
-- Daily Mail*
* The commercial flight was immediately ordered to change course
* Swedish fighter jets identified the plane as Russian intelligence plane
* In March a Russian plane came within 300 feet of an SAS plane
* And in October Sweden launched a hunt for a submarine in the Baltic Sea
For the second time this year, a Russi... more »
U.S.S. Wyoming Shower-Gate Scandal Now Involves More Sailors

The USS Wyoming transits the Saint Marys River after departing Naval
Submarine Base Kings Bay Jan. 18, 2012. A dozen sailors are suspected of
viewing secretly recorded videos of their female shipmates undressing in a
submarine shower over a period of 10 months, according to an investigative
report. James Kimber/U.S. Navy
*Report: 12 Sailors Implicated In Submarine Shower Scandal -- Stars and
A dozen sailors are suspected of viewing secretly recorded videos of their
female shipmates undressing in a submarine shower over a period of 10
months, according to a new investigati... more »
What Does Japan's Snap Election Tomorrow Mean? More Than You Probably Know If You Read The American Media

If you're a regular *DWT* reader, you already know we're not big fans of fascists
like Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, going all the way back to when he
was palling around with George W. Bush when the latter was President.
Tomorrow, sullen Japanese voters go to the polls, probably to reelect the unpopular
and failed Abe to another term. Abenomics, his right-wing economic agenda--
pretty much the Paul Ryan budget-- has been a complete bust for Japan--
except for Big Business and the very wealthy. Like I said, pretty much the
Paul Ryan budget.
Public opinion polls conducted ah... more »
Symposium: The Dynamics of Possible Nuclear Extinction l February 28-March 1, 2015 at The New York Academy of Medicine
▶ Helen's War: Portrait of a Dissident - YouTube
Symposium: The Dynamics of Possible Nuclear Extinction l February 28-March
1, 2015 at The New York Academy of Medicine
A unique, two-day symposium at which an international panel of leading
experts in disarmament, political science, existential risk, anthropology,
medicine, nuclear weapons and other nuclear issues will be held at The New
York Academy of Medicine on Feb 28- March 1, 2015. The public is welcome.
A project of *The Helen Caldicott Foundation*
*Watch this space for information on how to register in advance.
Regis... more »
Warren Christopher - "SPHINX"

*"He's not that much of a wuss"*
*- James Baker III*
*“I think a lot of the strategizing in the script that I saw was somebody’s
hindsight rather than what we had to deal with in the immediate aftermath
of the election,” *Mr. Daley said. He added: *“The perception that Warren
Christopher was some wuss who got hoodwinked by Jim Baker is absolute
fantasy in the mind of somebody who is trying to make themselves out to be
bigger than they were.”*
*"Mayor Daley is stupider than Bush" **- Bro. Steve Cokely*
*"Sphinx is indeed reported to have had many Riddles, but this offered to
O... more »
Sunday Classics diary: I love this theme, especially when it's played like this

*by Ken*
I love this theme. It's majestic, maybe even monumental, irresistibly
forward-moving, even swaggering, and at the same time tender and uplifting
-- if I could put it into words, I guess I wouldn't need the music.
Now, the theme can be played kinda fast:
And it can be played kinda slow:
And it can be played the way we just heard it:
It has the qualities I mentioned above, but with an inner drive and
unforced momentum and at the same time a concentrated songfulness that
struck me as so beautiful ... more »
Pol. Ideology 59: On PostModern Politics

Last October, a faculty member of DLSU Political Science Department,
Antonio "Tonton" Contreras, wrote an article on "Savings, errata and
postmodern politics" and made a lousy conclusion that
“*the kind of politics that we have right now is postmodern.”*
Philippine politics is already "postmodern"???
Tonton cited this as an example, *"our Constitution being openly challenged
and undermined, without even mounting a coup. We have a Visiting Forces
Agreement that subordinates our sovereignty to another country."*
Last time I checked, foreign investors still cannot invest in areas that ... more »
Winston Churchill : Patron Saint of NeoConservatives & Humanitarian Bombers
Winston Churchill : Patron Saint of NeoConservatives & Humanitarian Bombers
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
"You will ask - 'What is our policy?'
I will say - 'It is to wage WAR!!' "

December 13, 2014 Lies told often enough do not become truth.
Torture is still torture, no matter how many times we call it enhanced
interrogation. War is still war, no matter how many times we call it
bringing peace. Subjugation … Continue reading →
Whatever state you live in, here's a reason to be proud

*For a better view of what each of these Northeastern states is worst at,
click to enlaurge.*
*by Ken*
Here's the explanation provided by Kate Peregrina ("a writer and English
teacher living in Spain") for this fascinating list-with-maps published on
One thing that makes the US great: no two states are the same. That
diversity leads to distinct strengths and weaknesses, but how can you know
what makes North Dakota different from South Dakota, besides a made-up line
separating them?
Well, in the interest of showing that every state sucks in some way, we
picked out one ... more »
“We were too institutionally nervous of saying, isn’t immigration getting a little bit out of hand? And can we be critical of multiculturalism"?

Sometimes, especially in the Sunday papers, you find yourself reading one
of those long articles wrapped around interviews with someone interesting
but, instead of enjoying it, you seem to find yourself mostly whingeing
about the arrogant intrusiveness of the journalist behind the article.
You think: That journalist is only interested in using her subject to
appear more knowing, more intelligent, more interesting than her
interviewee, stamping her own ego on the interview like a giant 'LOOK AT
ME!' sign superimposed on a life-sized cardboard cutout of the chief
librarian of a pro... more »
Shocking Report: The CANADIAN Torture State!
I have been, like so many others, absolutely appalled by all the reports
that I have been reading about how the United States, a country that I used
to truly admire, has now become the very evil that it has always claimed to
be fighting against…. This is due to the fact that the United States has
openly been torturing its prisoners for decades and now has had to admit
that as fact to the entire world….
As a Canadian, I had always thought that Canada itself was never going to
sink as low as the United States, and torture or support torture of
prisoners…. However, according to this sh... more »
Musical Interlude: André Rieu, "Conquest of Paradise"
André Rieu, "Conquest of Paradise"
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2G2MCGmypaY&html5=1
"A Look to the Heavens"
“This remarkable synthetic color composite image was assembled from
archives of visible light and infrared astronomy image data. The field of
view spans the Andromeda Galaxy (M31), a massive spiral a mere 2.5 million
light-years away. In fact, with over twice the diameter of our own Milky
Way, Andromeda is the largest nearby galaxy.
*Click image for larger size.*
Andromeda's population of bright young blue stars lie along its sweeping
spiral arms, with the telltale reddish glow of star forming regions traced
in space- and ground-based visible light data. But infrared data from the
... more »
Chet Raymo, "The Sands of Time"
*"The Sands of Time"*
by Chet Raymo
“Here is a slab of 400-million-year-old Old Red Sandstone quarried from a
nearby hill and placed here by the Kerry County Council as part of a
seawall for Ventry Pier. On its face are beach ripples similar to those one
might see any day at low tide on the sand flats of Ventry Harbor.
Beach ripples inside a mountain! How did they get there? In a journal entry
for May 21, 1831, the fossilist Gideon Mantell recounts an expedition he
made with the great geologist Charles Lyell to a quarry at Horsham, in
southeastern England, where they observed slabs ... more »
"The Philosophy Of Being"
* "The Philosophy Of Being"*
By E D Detetcheverrie
"Outrageous to some, clarifying for others, a strange conversation meant to
provoke further thought. Now I know why they explain it in metaphors. The
truth seems surreal. We are inadequate to describe it concisely. Ask not if
you have strayed from the path; there is only one path, one way, and you
are always on it...
*Do they call it enlightenment because there is a light?*
It is not mere photons, and light is only one part of it.
*Who is in charge of it all?*
Yes, we are.
*Do the wicked receive their just reward?*
We shall all, u... more »
"Time is the substance from which I am made.
Time is a river which carries me along, but I am the river;
it is a tiger that devours me, but I am the tiger;
it is a fire that consumes me, but I am the fire."
- Jorge Luis Borges
"The Needs Of The Many..."
"The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few... or the one."
- Spock, "The Wrath of Khan"
The Daily "Near You?"
Pasco, Washington, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"He Ought To Have Spoken..."
"Qui tacet consentire videtur, ubi loqui debuit ac potuit."
("He who is silent is taken to agree; he ought to have spoken when he was
able to.")
- Latin proverb
"Fukushima Update, 12/13/14"
*"Fukushima Update, 12/13/14"*
“'Deadly' radioactive material up around 50,000,000%
at Fukushima plant in recent months-
Strontium-90 spikes to record level near ocean outside Reactor No. 2"
by ENE News
*"Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds..."*
- Shiva
*Click image for larger size.*
• TEPCO: “Detailed Analysis Results in the Port of Fukushima Daiichi NPS,
around Discharge Channel and Bank Protection, Nov. 27, 2014: "Most recent
report on Strontium-90 concentration in underground observation hole No.
1-17: 990,000 Bq/liter (Results published Nov. 27, 2014. Sample taken Oct... more »
U.S. House Approves Bill to Give Apache Lands to Foreign Corporation

Apache Warrior Geronimo
*House Approves Bill to Give Apache Lands to Foreign Corporation*
On December 4th, the House passed the National Defense Authorization Act
(NDAA) *which included a provision to transfer 2,400 acres of Apache
ancestral and ceremonial lands to a foreign mining company.*
“Since time immemorial people have gone there. That’s part of our ancestral
homeland. We’ve had dancers in that area forever – sunrise dancers – and
coming-of-age ceremonies for our young girls that bec... more »
“Hand to Mouth: Living in Bootstrap America’
*“Hand to Mouth: Living in Bootstrap America’*
by Linda Tirado
“I once lost a whole truck over a few hundred bucks. It had been towed, and
when I called the company they told me they’d need a few hundred dollars
for the fee. I didn’t have a few hundred dollars. So I told them when I got
paid next and that I’d call back then. It was a huge pain in the ass for
those days. It was the rainy season, and I wound up walking to work, adding
another six miles or so a day to my imaginary pedometer. It was my own
fault that I’d been towed, really, and I spent more than a couple hours
ruing my... more »

*In the fictional Star Wars trilogy, Darth Vader was **depicted as a
ruthless cyborg who served the dark Galactic Empire whereas in real life
Dick Cheney is a ruthless human cyborg, fueled by a transplanted heart,
whose self-professed travels to the dark side served and greatly influenced
a darkening and morally corrupt American Empire. It is Cheney who
enthusiastically introduced torture as a means to obtain confessions to
9/11 in order to both avoid responsibility for his own actions regarding
the planning and implementation of America's greatest act of treason ~ as
well as see... more »
Lack Of Intelligence Doesn't Hurt Conservative Candidates With Conservative Voters

"You don't have to pass an IQ test to be in the Senate, though," giggled
conservative Arkansas Senator Mark Pryor on the big screen. He was unseated
by an undistinguished right-wing extremist, Tom Cotton, 476,309 (56.5%) to
332,669 (39.5%). I don't know how much his remarks to Bill Maher played
into his defeat. I don't know how much Arkansas voters care about IQ test
results or intelligence in their elected officials at all for that matter.
And this week, a neighboring state's governor, Rick Perry, was playing up
on that sentiment in his "I'm back and I'm different this time" plea... more »
Satire: "Citigroup to Move Headquarters to U.S. Capitol Building"
*"Citigroup to Move Headquarters to U.S. Capitol Building"*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— "The banking giant Citigroup announced on
Friday that it would move its headquarters from New York to the U.S.
Capitol Building, in Washington, D.C., in early 2015. Tracy Klugian, a
spokesperson for Citi, said that the company had leased thirty thousand
square feet of prime real estate on the floor of the House of
Representatives and would be interviewing “world-class architects” to
redesign the space to suit its needs.
According to sources, Citi successfully outbid other ... more »
Ezra Levant And Brian Lilly, On Tour and Invisible
Ezra and Brian’s execrable adventure
Contributors to The Straight Goods send me articles, stories and a myriad
of varied data,...
Most stuff we`ve perused or seen already, other stuff is filed for possible
future use and sometimes the material is so funny, so interesting that an
instant post must be cobbled together..
Today is instant post cobbling day..
My contributing friend David B sent me this...
I watch Sunnews, Ezra Levant, Brian Lilly...Michael Coren..And the Sunnews
Skankettes with their sleeveless attire obsession...I don`t watch Sunnews
for news, or great reporting, not ... more »
Remembering The Battle Of The Bulge 70 Years Ago Today
*Americans And Belgians Mark 70th Anniversary Of Battle Of The Bulge -- The
* Participant: ‘We must never forget what happened in 1944’
* US lost 10,000 dead repelling German Ardennes offensive
Braving snowy weather, Americans and Belgians gathered in the Ardennes on
Saturday to mark the 70th anniversary of one of the biggest and bloodiest
US battles of the second world war, the Battle of the Bulge.
Jean-Claude Klepper, 62, of Virton, Belgium, and his 15-year-old daughter
Aurélie dressed up like US GIs to mark the occasion.
“We must never forget what happened in 1944,” t... more »
Christy Clark`s LNG Obsession Crashes Down In Economic Landslide(No Plan B)
When will the BC Liberal Government get their head out of the sand and move
on, when will Christy Clark shut her fat mouth and stop blathering about
The market on LNG has changed, there is a world glut of LNG at present,
that glut will only grow larger when a dozen actual under construction LNG
facilities come online in the next 2 years..
Christy Clark in New York blathering gibberish to Bloomberg, embarrassing
everyone, including blindsiding her own chosen cabinet ministers..
Leaving Bill Bennett and others having to invent excuses on the fly to
explain away Christy Cl... more »
What Plants Talk About
*What Plants Talk About - *Plants do behave and lead anything but solitary
and sedentary lives.
The post What Plants Talk About appeared first on Waking Times.
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen. MNN. 12 Dec. 2014. One day
in 1975 while I was sitting at my desk in Indian Affairs, Harry Chapman,
the Registrar, show...
View on mohawknationnews.com
Preview by Yahoo
The 5 Most Lethal Weapons Of War For The U.S. Air Force

A U.S. Air Force B-2 Spirit over the Pacific Ocean in May 2006. Wikipedia
*The U.S. Air Force's 5 Most Lethal Weapons of War -- National Interest*
*America's air force from the F-22 to ICBM's is unmatched. Here is five
reasons why. *
The U.S. Air Force is by far the most capable air arm on the planet. In
addition to proper training and rigorous doctrine, the Air Force needs
modern weapons to keep ahead of potential competitors. Over the past
decade, America’s lead in the air has started to erode as Russia has slowly
been recovering from the collapse of the Soviet Union and China ha... more »
After Obamacare
Republicans in Congress talk regularly about repealing the Affordable Care
Act, aka Obamacare. They have not, however, said much about what they will
replace it with. One possibility is the plan described here.
Suspected ‘LuxLeaks’ whistleblower hit with theft charges

© Emmanuel Dunand, AFP | A flag in the streets of Luxemburg.
*Don't you love how the first reaction of government is not protection of
the people from corruption but the protection of themselves? -AK*
Suspected ‘LuxLeaks’ whistleblower hit with theft charges
Text by FRANCE 24
Latest update : 2014-12-13
A Frenchman suspected of having leaked thousands of pages of documents that
could jeopardize multinational companies – and the new president of the
European Commission – over tax... more »

Two things for Greece voters to consider as they ponder the looming
Presidential vote (s)
1) Voting for the current Coalition - where has that road taken you ?
2) Red or blue pill , Greece ?
Tweets - 12 /14 /14
*Kathimerini English *@ekathimerini · 4m4 minutes ago
Heading toward the iceberg http://dlvr.it/7q43H0
*Kathimerini English *@ekathimerini · 5m5 minutes ago
Lessons not learnt http://dlvr.it/7q47Z3
Tweets - Saturday 12/13/14 ......
*Kathimerini English *@ekathimerini · 2h2 hours ago
Gap between SYRIZA and New Democracy closing, says poll htt... more »
The U.S. War Against The Islamic State Is Being Done In Secret
An F/A-18C Hornet from the Strike Fighter Squadron 94 makes an arrested
recovery on the flight deck of the aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson as the
ship conducts flight operations in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations
supporting Operation Inherent Resolve, Dec. 4, 2014. U.S. Navy photo by
Petty Officer 2nd Class Jacob G. Sisco
*US Providing Little Information To Judge Progress Against Islamic State --
Stars and Stripes/McClatchy News*
WASHINGTON — The American war against the Islamic State has become the most
opaque conflict the United States has undertaken in more than two decad... more »

*The Cydonian Hypothesis and Fermi’s Paradox*
J.E. Brandenburg
Abstract : The Fermi Paradox is the unexpected silence of the cosmos under
the Assumption of Mediocrity, in a cosmos known to have abundant planets
and life precursor chemicals. On Mars, the nearest Earthlike planet in the
cosmos, the concentration of 129Xe in the Martian atmosphere, the evidence
from 80Kr abundance of intense 1014/cm2 flux over the Northern young part
of Mars, an... more »
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