10:41pm mST
PARCC Is Down to DC Plus Ten States, and Louisiana Isn’t One of Them
Louisiana State Superintendent John White insists that Louisiana students
in grades 3 through 8 will take the Partnership for Assessment of College
and Careers (PARCC) assessments in the spring of 2015. PARCC is one of two
federally-funded consortia that developed tests for the Common Core State
Standards (CCSS). Supposedly, in spring 2015, Louisiana students will […]
China Takes Russia's Side Over A Disputed Arms Buy With Ukraine
*Money Dispute With Kiev Threatens Future Chinese Arms Buys -- Washington
China is colluding with Russia to avoid paying $14 million to the Ukrainian
government for a second Zubr-class amphibious landing hovercraft — or
air-cushioned landing craft — that was delivered by Kiev to the Chinese
People’s Liberation Army in early March. The delivery came days before the
Russian annexation of Crimea, where the vessel was built. At issue is the
question of who gets the $14 million.
Since the contract was signed between China and Ukraine before Russia’s
intervention in Ukraine, Bei... more »
French Defense Minister: Russia May Never Receive Mistral Warships
*French Defense Minister Says Russia May Never Receive Mistral Warships --
New York Times*
PARIS — Two warships that France agreed to sell to Russia might never be
delivered, the French defense minister said on Friday, drawing an angry
response from Moscow, which said Paris must honor its contract in full.
The remarks by Defense Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian came a week after
President François Hollande said France would postpone the handover of the
first of the ships to the Russian Navy “until further notice.”
“It is possible that we never deliver them,” Mr. Le Drian said in an
in... more »
Are Empaths Actually Communicating Telepathically?
*Jocelyn Daher* - If science can harvest this technology of reading minds,
are we communicating with one another and dismissing it as purely an
individual experience?
The post Are Empaths Actually Communicating Telepathically? appeared first
on Waking Times.
Russia Unveils New Troop Carrier

With fuel consumption of 100 liters per 100 kilometers, the Punisher won’t
win any awards for fuel efficiency. facebook.com/toparsenal
*'Punisher' Vehicle Tested for Security Forces -- Moscow Times*
A prototype of an armored vehicle called the Punisher, being developed for
Russia's security forces, presented at a testing ground outside Moscow,
according to a Facebook community of weapons enthusiasts.
The test run of the "menacing" machine for the Federal Security Service
took place last week at the Dmitrovsky Testing Ground, a post on
facebook.com/toparsenal said.
Developed by ZiL... more »
Historically, the United States has been admired by the rest of the world because of its “freedom.” When I grew up in the 40s and early 50s there certainly was freedom …and the word “terrorism” was never heard. Nowadays virtually all terrorism in the U.S. is the work of the government. And in place of freedom, the present U.S. government has unleashed sociopath stormtrooper cops with license to terrorize and murder anybody they wish, including children, without punishment. I feel so bad for today’s children. It’s hard for me to picture myself growing up under these conditions. Would I have become a cop instead of a Ph.D. physicist? I certainly hope not. But one thing I’m sure of is that I would never murder anyone, even if ordered to do so and knowing that I wouldn’t be punished for it.

*Guest Column by John Whitehead — Growing Up in a Police State *
December 4, 2014 | Original Here Go
here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter
America’s Children: The Trials of Growing Up in a Police State
By John W. Whitehead
“It’s been three weeks since the flashbang exploded next to my sleeping
baby, and he’s still covered in burns. There’s still a hole in his chest
that exposes his ribs. After breaking down the door, throwing my husband to
the ground, and s... more »
Melatonin and the Pineal Gland
*Video -* Video about melatonin and the self-repairing process of the human
The post Melatonin and the Pineal Gland appeared first on Waking Times.
Cell (2015)
Download Cell Full StreamingFull Movie Cell Full Movie with duration 120
Min and broadcast on 2015-01-01 and MPAA rating is 0.
- *Original Title :* Cell
- *Movie title in your country :* Cell
- *Year of movie :* 2015
- *Genres of movie :* Horror, Science Fiction,
- *Status of movie :* In Production
- *Release date of movie :* 2015-01-01
- *Companies of movie :*
- *Countries of movie :*
- *Language of movie :* English,
- *Durationof movie :* 120 Min
- *Average vote of movie :* 0
- *Youtube ID of movie :*
- *Translation of movie :* IT,E... more »
Theory as thought
Recently a friend and colleague wrote me to say: “The SS piece is
actually really useful to me as a model for dealing with Political Science
post paradigm wars.” Which prompts me (as if academics ever need such a
prompt) to revisit an issue I raised almost a year ago: the role of
Continue reading
Odds and Ends

*A field prepared for planting.*
Friend observes: Ma probably won't be able to get anything controversial
through the legislature til the end of his term. Yep! This means that his
fury and frustration will be largely directed at his own party. I'm
thinking Taiwan might actually run out of hot dogs, popcorn, and beer by
the time I am through watching the KMT savage itself.
The new cabinet is out, and it is very similar to the old cabinet. Ma has
made former Premier Jiang Yi-hwa the Sec-Gen of the Presidential Office.
He's not just circling the wagons; he's turtling.
This Apple Dail... more »
'Tis the season for regifting: Presenting a cautionary tale

*by Ken*
My goodness, can it really be coming up on 19 years since the classic
*Seinfeld* "regifting" episode first aired? You can find the script for
"The Label Maker" here, on the SeinfeldScripts website.
*Again, the script of "The Label Maker" can be found here.*
I don't know that Mssrs Berg and Schaffer, who wrote the script for "The
Label Maker" (Season 6, Episode 11), *invented* the term "regifting," but
I'm pretty sure I'd never heard it before, and even Widipedia acknowledges,
"The term was popularized by an episode of the NBC sitcom *Seinfeld* ('The
Label Maker')," but... more »
A Look At North Korea's Secretive Elite Hacker Unit
*In North Korea, Hackers Are A Handpicked, Pampered Elite -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Despite its poverty and isolation, North Korea has poured
resources into a sophisticated cyber-warfare cell called Bureau 121,
defectors from the secretive state said as Pyongyang came under the
microscope for a crippling hack into computers at Sony Pictures
A North Korean diplomat has denied Pyongyang was behind the attack that was
launched last month but a U.S. national security source said it was a
Defectors from the North have said Bureau 121, staffed by some of the most ... more »
HOLY WAR AT HARRODS Vanity Fair, September 1995
News Spike - 3 hours ago

Vanity Fair, September 1995
Although Mohamed 'Al' Fayed's capacity for fantasy, vengefulness, and
thievery had all been aired in the DTI report of March 1990, Fayed's
heavily-publicized gifts to children's charities helped him prosper in
British society.
Five years later the American current affairs magazine, Vanity Fair,
sent its top investigative journalist, Maureen Orth, to England t... more »
Free Trade 41: David Ricardo, CPE, FPE and Consumer Surplus

Minimal Government Thinkers, Inc. has a joint project with SEANET, the
regional free market think tank based in Kuala Lumpur, to promote free
trade and market reforms in the ASEAN countries. This is the first of the
many public education activities that we will undertake.
The first known theoretician to articulate the theory and beauty of
comparative advantage was the British investor and later, political
economist, David Ricardo. After reading Adam Smith's "The Wealth of
Nations", he was enamored with classical economic theories and studied and
wrote on his own.
When good... more »
Terminator: Genisys Official International Trailer
*My Comment: *I have always loved the Terminator franchise. Looking forward
to this film.
CDC Upsells Vaccine with Antivirals!
So, changed my headline from "Problem- Flu vaccine not effect. Solution?
Ineffective but highly profitable antivirals" to the post heading *" CDC
Upsells Vaccine with Antivirals" Why?*
*Because that is exactly what the CDC is doing! This is a tried and true
sales technique!*
*A sales strategy where the seller will provide opportunities to purchase
related products or services, often for the sole purpose of making a larger
I will have much more to say about this big pharma scam. For now.
- Federal officials from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on
Thurs... more »
Fukushima Updates ( December 5-7 , 2014 Weekend Report ) - Parade of Horribles for your consideration.......
Energy News.....
04:48 PM EST on December 5th, 2014 | 8 comments
“Deadly strontium” spikes to record level outside Fukushima Reactor No. 2 —
Up nearly 50,000,000% in recent months (CHART)
10:09 AM EST on December 5th, 2014 | 65 comments
Japan Gov’t-funded Report: MOX fuel particles found over 100 km from
Fukushima — Plutonium-239 levels ‘significantly enhanced’ after Reactor 3
explosion — Nuclear fuel material transported in atmosphere across long
distances (MAP)
01:32 PM EST on December 2nd, 2014 | 208 comments
Official back from Fukushima: Invisible blanket of death covers... more »
Two Documentaries On The Battle For Stalingard
*My Comment:* Friday is usually movie night (I will post a movie for
tomorrow) .... but here are two good documentaries on the Battle for
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 5, 2104
*The Many Trials For Ashton Carter -- Russell Berman, The Atlantic*
The next defense secretary will inherit "no shortage of challenges to our
national security," President Obama said in his nomination.
Ashton Carter's stewardship of the Pentagon may only last for the final two
years of the Obama presidency, but the veteran of Washington's national
security establishment won't have the luxury of being a caretaker defense
"We face no shortage of challenges to our national security," President
Obama said while formally nominating Carter in a White House ceremony on
Frida... more »
And so to bed...

Running a small-scale, non-self-promoting blog like this between the two of
us - a quiet(ish), non-campaigning, personal place for Sue and me to pour
out our semi-organised thoughts about BBC bias and other matters (*pace* the
blog's name, and accompanying get-out clause) - it's inevitably hard to
keep up with the totality of BBC-bias-related matters...
...especially this week, when (unusually) BBC-bias-related matters have
returned to centre-stage after a relative lull (see elsewhere)...
...Family, friends, work, home repairs, *I'm a Celebrity *(for me)*, **The
Apprentice *(for S... more »
World News Briefs -- December 5, 2014 (Evening Edition)
*Orion Zooms Around Planet, Drops Into The Pacific; Recovery Underway --
L.A. Times*
The Orion spacecraft launched Friday morning from Cape Canaveral in Florida
and finished its first test flight by falling gently into the Pacific
Ocean, supported by a trio of parachutes.
The Orion blasted off at 4:05 a.m. PST, circled the globe twice, reached
3,600 miles above Earth, then placidly landed in the sea off Baja
California. The flight, lasting about 4 1/2 hours, tested various systems
of a spacecraft that scientists hope will one day carry humans to Mars.
Once Orion landed off the We... more »
The Truth About America Today: North Korea Calls The United States The Dirtiest Word Possible..
It should be no shock to anyone living in America that I and others are not
going to pull any strings and call America what it really is... An EMPIRE
that is now in its twilight and on the road to full collapse and
oblivion... It is so sad that during my lifetime that great Republic has
found itself ruined due to a criminal tribe of "chosen ones" who have
steered American policies both foreign and domestic and have turned the
American leadership into a group of soulless criminals that have been in
pursuit of power and domination...
Right now, I want to present the following importa... more »
Friday Nerd Blogging: Star Wes Awakens
The folks here are big, big fans of Star Wars, so we were most happy this
week with the new teaser. Many parodies have/will ensue. Here is the Wes
Anderson take:
Locked in a Sensory Deprivation Tank for 60 Minutes

*Video - *The humorous Rhett and Link from Good Mythical Morning share
their experiences of being locked in a sensory deprivation tank for 1 hour.
The post Locked in a Sensory Deprivation Tank for 60 Minutes appeared first
on Waking Times.
Ambrose Evans-Pritchard of MI6

"*Journalist Ambrose Evans-Pritchard* maintains that Foster had been "*drafting
a letter involving Waco" *on the very day of his death. Moreover
Evans-Pritchard says that Foster kept a Waco file in a locked cabinet that
was off limits to everyone, including his secretary. Prior to Waco, Foster
was *"dignified, decent, caring, smart"* says *Linda Tripp*; in its
aftermath though, she said: *"Vince was falling apart." * *She was with the
former White House deputy counsel when the news about Waco broke on
television. **"A special bulletin came on showing the atrocity at Waco and
the c... more »
And tonight's 'Is the BBC biased?' Trivial Post of the Day award goes to Craig for...
Just to keep Sue up to date...
Alas, the BBC's Michael Buerk went a couple of days ago, but...and bite on
this, Beeboids...a Tory...yes a Tory!...has been voted into the last four
of ITV's *I'm a Celebrity. *
If anyone spots a single BBC tweeter egging on Edwina to win, please let us
Professor Michael J Prichard of MI6

EIR has been well-known for our exhaustive coverage of the death of
Princess Diana, identifying otherwise unpublished leads, and pointing to
the involvement of British and other intelligence agencies, in the run-up
to the crash, and in the effort to cover up the evidence that Princess
Diana and Dodi Fayed were the targets of a murder plot.
Some of the information provided in the e-mail posting has been
independently verified by EIR. Indeed, three *MI6* officials, identified as
having been intimately involved in the events leading up to the fatal
crash, and the ensuing cover-up, hav... more »
Been AWOL for a week
Yes indeed, LNG is a colossal bust....unless the energy giants get
everything for free they won`t build..
Mr. Don F.....your comment about John Horgan is correct, ...I warned Mr.
Horgan personally about what just went down....It appears even the NDP
drank the LNG kool-aid..stupid asses..
So afraid the NDP were/are... Afraid to be labeled anti-business....Stupid
asses...After the cowardly NDP voted in favour of the LNG tax bill they
still got hammered in the press..by Palmer, By Gary Mason, by
Smyth...Christy Clark slammed them..
After all these years you would think the NDP would ... more »
The Pro-GMO Lobby: Anti-Science And A Politically Motivated Agenda

RINF 5/12/2014
The pro-GMO lobby claims that there is a scientific consensus on the safety
of GM food and therefore the GMO debate is over. It claims that GMOs
guarantee higher yields and less pesticide/herbicide use. The claim is also
made that GM agriculture has no adverse impact on soil, the nutritional
value and health of crops or biodiversity. The industry and its supporters
claim that the ‘scientific community’ believes GMOs can only have positive
effects and point to research to back this up.
These claims are bogus. Many analyses have highlighted the inadequacies of
the res... more »
Odd The Way The 1% Get Away With Their Crimes-- Even Murder Sprees. Are We In Russia?
I always knew him as "Bobby," another of Susan Berman's rich friends. Now
he's Robert Durst. I didn't know any rich people-- only poor people like
myself-- when I was hanging out with Susan, except for her and the rich
friends she introduced me to. Bobby Durst was someone she knew from
boarding school, after her parents were killed in Mob hits, if I remember
correctly. Her dad was a Vegas Jewish Mafia big shot-- not on a Sheldon
Adelson level-- but a real big shot nonetheless. David "Davie the Jew"
Berman. She wrote a book about it and got famous. I'm pretty sure I took
the insid... more »
Is This Iranian General The Real Leader Of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, And Yemen?

Qassem Suleimani celebrating with Hade Amre, chief of Shia militias, during
the liberation of Jawlala in Iraq from the Islamic State.
*Iran's Military Mastermind Is 'The Leader Of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, And
Yemen' -- Michael B Kelley, Business Insider*
As the US provides air coverfor Iranian-backed militias fighting ISIS (aka
the Islamic State, ISIL, and/or Daesh) in Iraq, the longest continuously
serving American official in the country has strong opinions about who is
in control.
Ali Khedery, who served as a special assistant to five US ambassadors and a
senior adviser to three h... more »
Factory Chicken Farmer Invites Activists to See the Horrors of his Farm
*Alex Pietrowski* - "Being invited into a corporate farm to observer this
is quite unique, as these farmers are under serious scrutiny by the
corporations they work for..."
The post Factory Chicken Farmer Invites Activists to See the Horrors of his
Farm appeared first on Waking Times.
U.S. Pushing War with Russia
The US House of Representatives has overwhelmingly passed a resolution
lashing out at Russia over its foreign policies. The language of the
non-binding document has been widely equated by critics to Cold War-style
rhetoric. RT's Gayane Chichakyan looks at the diplomatic falling out
between the US and Russia.
Rutgers University law professor (and blogger) Mark S. Weiner has been
awarded the 2015 Grawemeyer Award for Ideas Improving World Order for ideas
set forth in his 2013 book, The Rule of the Clan: What an Ancient Form of
Social Organization Reveals About the Future of Individual Freedom. The
award includes a $100,000 cash prize and is administered by
Continue reading
Socialized Medicine

Like air - at this point free, though not always clean - medical attention
should be free and abundant for all. But the free enterprise-niks got
their greedy hands on dispensing health care and turned it into a profit
machine. In fact many of those same interlocking corporate entities that
own the 'health insurance' gambit are doing alot of the polluting. They
have no real incentive to stop poisoning us.
Last Monday I made my first trip to the Veterans Administration (VA)
hospital complex at Togus here in Maine near Augusta. I had recently
applied for coverage and was accepte... more »
WHAM! You are there.

[image: Picture]
The thing about this trip is that no one can tell you exactly where it
leads. Google doesn't know. Siri doesn't know. The moment of arrival can't
be predicted or plotted.
Traveling this way is disconcerting at first. In a non-linear world
everything is sort of vague and non specific. Surprises are everywhere.
Times, deadlines and even destinations have little relevance. What matters
is the doing.
The Pando reminds me of what we'll find there. The Pando is an ancient
clonal colony of quaking Aspen, found in Utah, USA. Estimates of its age
start at 80,000 years but ... more »
Shiite Militias Are Committing War Crimes In Iraq

*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
*Shiite Militias Win Bloody Battles In Iraq, Show No Mercy -- Wall Street
*Fatwa-Inspired Fighters’ Take-No-Prisoners Tactics Deepen Worries About
Sectarian Tensions; ‘We Get Their Confessions, and Then We Kill Them’*
JURF AL-SAKHER, Iraq—In a makeshift barracks about 40 miles south of
Baghdad, Ahmed al-Zamili flipped through pictures on his mobile phone: an
Islamic State fighter’s corpse hanging from a crude noose, a dead man on
the ground clutching an AK-47 and a kneeling, blindfolded man uttering a
Mr. Zamili says the men were... more »
Senior Iranian Official Confirms That They Carried Out Air Strikes Against Islamic State Targets In Iraq

A picture taken on April 18, 2010 shows US-made F-4 Phantom fighter jets
flying during the Army Day parade in the Iranian capital Tehran. Iranian
fighter jets struck Islamic State militants in eastern Iraq in recent days,
the Pentagon said on December 2, 2014, signaling Tehran's determination to
confront the jihadists and Washington's tacit partnership with arch-foe
Iran. Iran acquired its F-4 fighters from the United States before the 1979
revolution that toppled the country's pro-US monarchy. Reuters
*Iran Confirms It Carried Out Air Strikes Against Islamic State Extremists
In Ir... more »
The Sun vs Russell Brand
"When I was poor and I complained about inequality, people said I was
bitter. Now I'm rich and I complain about inequality, they say I'm a
hypocrite. I'm beginning to think they just don't want inequality on the
agenda because it is a real problem that needs to be addressed." Normally
something to pin on your tumblr, this week it's become something of a
prophecy. Russell Brand was ambushed on Channel 4 news (two million views
and rising) for having the temerity to stand with New Era Estate residents
against the sale of their homes to American-based property sepculators.
Scenting an... more »
Great Progressive Moments: Right-Wing Liar Dinesh D'Souza Gets Demolished By Thom Hartmann
Dinesh D'Souza is a professional right-wing liar. Like Bill O'Reilly and
the rest of the right-wing noise machine, D'Souza loves to spew lies during
debates. He also constantly sets up absurd straw-man arguments to try to
undercut his opponents. Because of his relentless approach and because of
the nature of live on-air debates, D'Souza often sounds a lot more
authoritative and informed than he really is.
Lots of wingnut commentators do this sort of thing. But D'Souza has it down
to an art form. It basically means that D'Souza gets away with an awful lot
of ... more »
The BBC News website exposes its...bias
...and, in the light of the previous post, I've just clicked on the BBC
News website and found that the 'most read' and 'most shared' article is *Nigel
Farage defends breastfeeding comments amid row* in which our Nigel
"insists" on this and that, and is "criticised" by all and sundry - i.e
presisely the sort of piece those *YouGov* respondents might have had in
So (as we scientists say) what is all that 'reading' and 'sharing' about
Well, a clue might be provided by the Comments section beneath the BBC
Click on the 'Highest Rated' and you'll see all manner ... more »
The Population Explosion
Following the publication of *The Population Bomb* in 1968, the new
predicament of overpopulation was inducted into our gruesome mob of
predicaments. World leaders snapped to attention, contemplated their
options, realized that promoting population control was political suicide,
and chose to step around the messy issue. The house was not on fire today,
just some smoke.
The big exception was the Chinese, whose one-child program successfully
prevented 350 million births. It was sometimes heavy-handed, but ignoring
runaway growth would have guaranteed a super-heavy disaster. China... more »
Failure of Indian country news is crime against humanity
Brenda Norrell
Censored News
It should be considered a crime against humanity for salaried reporters,
supposedly covering national Indian news, to stay home and plagiarize
instead of being present in DC.
Those reporters are failing as watchdogs to prevent the theft of Indian
water rights, and Indian land rights. Real reporters in Indian country
could do a great deal to protect land and
Pesto Pita Pizza and Creamy Pesto Salad with Mezzetta Memories

Thanks to Mezzetta for sponsoring today's discussion.
I am a pizza junkie. There, I said it. I'm proud of it too. I've always
loved it and always will. But my husband isn't quite as big of a fan. He
likes the occasional pizza just fine, but since our oldest daughter will
only eat pepperoni pizza, he is really done with it. He wants something a
little more sophisticated, enter Mezzetta recipes.
Pita pizzas, using Mezzetta have been a lifesaver. Two of my husband's
biggest criticisms of pizza are the thickness of the crust and the taste of
the sauce. Pita pizzas resolve both problems... more »
Is the media (the BBC?) biased against UKIP? The public says, 'Yes'

The mob-like tendencies of social media outlets were well described by
Matthew Parris (boo!) in the *Spectator*, though (being an old media man)
he rather underplays the extent to which this is, in part, only a
quickening and democratisation of the old media's periodic hues-and-cries.
Another feature of social media outlets, not mentioned by Matthew (though
probably implied), is the way they gravitate towards being echo chambers.
Being part of a social media echo chamber can be very satisfying. It's a
friendly place - at least for those inside the echo chamber (though, like a
ma... more »
China's Former Top Security Chief Has Been Arrested For Corruption And Leaking State Secrets

Zhou Yongkang has been under investigation since July. Photograph: Jason
*China Arrests Ex-Security Chief Zhou Yongkang -- BBC*
*Ex-security chief Zhou Yongkang, the most senior Chinese official to be
investigated for corruption, has been arrested and expelled from the
Communist Party, state media report.*
The Supreme People's Procuratorate, China's top prosecuting body, said it
had opened a formal probe against him.
Before he retired two years ago, Mr Zhou was the head of China's vast
internal security apparatus.
Many of his former associates and relatives also face ... more »
Alberta Schools and GSA's
With the controversy and dialogue that has emerged recently with the debate
over the Alberta government's Bill 10 I thought I'd weigh in with some
thoughts of my own. Anytime you decide to mix politics and education
issues you are bound to get a storm it seems. I should start out by saying
that I believe strongly in GSA's and that the Bill in its current form is
utter garbage. (For a timeline of how exactly we got into this trainwreck, this
post here provides a good overview of events.) In its original form, Bill
10 would allow students who wanted to form a GSA, but whose school... more »
The Perils of a M/W/F Class
Greetings, fellow Duck readers. I realize I’ve been MIA this semester –
DGS duties and ISA-Midwest stuff took too much of my non-research time.
Another factor in my absence, however: a Monday Wednesday Friday schedule.
And, it sucked.[1] Like large-tornado-near-my-hometown sucked. Today
marks the last Friday class of the semester – thank god.[2] Even though I
Continue reading
Kp Message (Early as Hell on the Morning of) 12-5-14… “The Decepticons”

Kp Message (Early as Hell on the Morning of) 12-5-14… “The Decepticons”
Posted on 2014/12/05 by kauilapele
[image: 140411_kp_mauna_kea_P1010046_150_30]Why I feel the NEED to write
this now, I have no idea. But I had a 2:20:00 conversation with AK this
evening, and, after getting *him* completely straightened out, I left the
conversation. He is basically well.
It was clear, however, that the following statement applied: “We are our
own ‘Partners in Contrast'”. Bringing stuff up that needs to be cleared.
Etc., etc. And those “Partners in Contrast” may take a variety of forms.
The thin... more »
Not my circus...

[image: Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys]
President Obama Officially Nominates Ashton Carter To Be The Next U.S. Secretary Of Defense
*Obama Nominates Ash Carter To Lead Defense, Hagel Not At Ceremony -- CNN*
Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama will announce Friday that Ash
Carter is his pick to replace outgoing-Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, the
White House confirms.
"With a record of service that has spanned more than 30 years, Ash is
quietly regarded as one of our nation's foremost national security
leaders," Obama said Friday from the White House's Roosevelt Room, with
Carter standing by his side.
Carter himself said that it was an "honor and a privilege" to be nominated.
"If confirmed in this job, I... more »
Conservative Party Deserves a Slap Upside the Head
The harpercon party of Canada follow a revolting coward. In fact, they
tremble in fear of their craven, cowardly pathetic "leader." That leader's
name is stephen harper. he's a disgusting coward who thinks nothing of
sending Canadian soldiers to face death to make himself feel manly, but
when he himself faces danger, chooses to pee himself hiding in a closet.
These imbeciles believe (simultaneously) that global warming isn't
happening and that it is happening but it's got nothing to do with the
carbon gases that industrial civilization has pumped into the atmosphere.
Those scientist... more »
*we all know this is true.*
I remember before Odumbo was elected the first time listening to the
libtards crow, "This is history being made." There was no concern about
his qualifications. Not one thought was given to his background. All
these non-thinkers cared about was proving they weren't racists.
If you dared to bring up anything negative they tried to shame you into
submission by calling you a racist. And they're still doing it. And we're
still taking it.
Obama's handlers knew exactly what they were doing by dragging this
unqualified (except for his skin color) "man" i... more »
"Our" Nazis

*Fedden Mission*
*"The Mission had been told that Nordhausen was a large underground
factory, and that they would see extraordinary production methods, but they
had no idea that they would be brought face-to-face with such an
undertaking. The reaction of the Mission to this visit ... was one of the
utmost revulsion and disgust. This factory is the epitome of megalomaniac
production and robot efficiency and layout. Everything was ruthlessly
executed with utter disregard for humanitarian considerations. The record
of Nordhausen is a most unenviable one, and we were told that 250 of ... more »
Chicago Politics
Book Discussion: Shakedown - Exposing The Real Jesse Jackson from Spike EP
on Vimeo.
"It was a shotgun ordination..."
"Exposing the real Jesse Jackson is about one of the most Politically
Incorrect activities one can undertake in this country" - G. Gordon Liddy
Jesse Jackson and The Black Boule, Agents & Provocateurs
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*"It was a shotgun ordination"* *- G. Gordon Liddy*
* "Didn't he preach today...?"* *- The Hon. Minister Louis Farrakhan on
Jesse Jackson at the Million Man March, 1995.*
* "Jesse's position on ordination was that he needed to be a Reverend in ... more »
British Court: UK Mass Surveillance Laws Do Not Breach Human Rights

Satellite dishes at a GCHQ outpost in Cornwall, near where transatlantic
fibre-optic cables come ashore. Snowden revealed that GCHQ taps such cables
and shares vast quantities of personal information with the NSA.
Photograph: Kieran Doherty/Reuters
*UK Mass Surveillance Laws Do Not Breach Human Rights, Tribunal Rules --
The Guardian*
*Rights groups brought case against GCHQ after Snowden revelations on
extent of electronic surveillance in UK and US*
Britain’s legal regime governing mass surveillance of the internet by
intelligence agencies does not violate human rights, a tribunal... more »
Will Christie Officially Change New Jersey's State Motto From The Garden State To The Pay-To-Play State?

Constipation is a horrible afflication
It's hardly news a big priority for Republicans is to privatize whatever
they can while they have a hold on power. Last year New Jersey's
bribe-taking/Pay-to-play governor, Chris Christie, privatized sales and
marketing functions of the state's lottery-- despite the fact that New
Jersey had an award-winning lottery and sales had steadily increased when
sales and marketing functions were being done by state workers. Average
growth over the last decade was just about 3% annually. Only one bid was
received. No surprise: it was by a company that had... more »
Welfarism 30: Big Government and Corruption of People's Values

Last Thursday, I went to De La Salle University (DLSU) main campus in
Manila to speak at a class on Development Studies, handled by my wife.
I put here the IPN logo because looking back, IPN has greatly helped our
think tank in guiding us to some policy discussions and advocacies, plus
giving us some modest donations. Recognizing their support to us.
Welfarism in my presentation is defined as the political and social belief
that individual and parental responsibility should be subsumed or
substituted by more government responsibility in improving people’s
welfare. So, from educat... more »
Sen. McCain leads planned theft of Apache lands for copper mining
Congress gives Native American lands to foreign mining company with new NDAA
Published time: December 04, 2014 18:00Edited time: December 05, 2014 10:55
Get short URL
Reuters/Gary Cameron
Congress is poised to give a foreign mining company 2,400 acres of national forest in Arizona that is cherished
U.S. Preparing To Launch Airstrikes Against Islamic State Targets In Libya

Black smoke billows from a warehouse after an airstrike in Zawura, December
2, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Stringer
*US Mulls Airstrikes On Islamist Training Camp In Libya -- The
Australian/The Times*
*THE US is plotting to expand its military campaign to Libya after fighters
loyal to Islamic State were seen training in the east of the country.*
A US commander has acknowledged that discussions are under way in
Washington about broadening the anti-Islamic State campaign to Libya.
David Rodriguez, commander of US Africa Command, revealed at a Pentagon
briefing that Islamic State training ... more »
Friday Pussy - Us vs Them

Reality isn't always what it's cut out to be. Is there prejudice ? Of
course there is otherwise we'd all wear the exact same clothing and hair
styles. And note when working on a job site with multi racial folks when
lunchtime comes they all gravitate in groups to their own familiar cliques.
But that's not to say it's out of some underlying hate. It's just the way
we are as humans. May date back to survival of the group. It now seems the
police in this country have taken that to a whole new level. It's now an
"us against them mentality". If you aren't part of the police force then
y... more »
Paiute Leaders Statement to Congress on Pyramid Lake Water Rights
protest planned theft of
Pyramid Lake water rights
Photo by Bad Bear Sampson 2014
Paiutes fighting to protect their water rights to Pyramid Lake say this
document proves the current Paiute chairman has waived rights:
Libya's Civil War Continues To Escalate

Black smoke billows in the sky above areas where clashes are taking place
between pro-government forces, who are backed by the locals, and the Shura
Council of Libyan Revolutionaries, an alliance of former anti-Gaddafi
rebels, who have joined forces with the Islamist group Ansar al-Sharia, in
Benghazi November 26, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Esam Omran Al-Fetori
*Airstrike Targets Tripoli Outskirts as Libya's Rival Groups Battle --
Voice of America/Reuters*
TRIPOLI, LIBYA - Forces allied to one of two rival governments vying for
power in Libya conducted an airstrike near Tripoli on Thurs... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Feathered Economic Hit Men'
Posted on December 5, 2014
Please post & distribute.
MNN. Nov. 5, 2014. The economic hit men have now donned feathers to
corrupt the leader in Kahnawake. They tell the leader, “Here’s some
money. Don’t worry about the people. Take the money for yourself and
your family.” With the band council proposal to give us money for
Kahnawake and the Mohawk interest
Cure for insomnia

What are you supposed to do when you wake up in the middle of the night and
you just know that you’re going to stay awake. Make toast? Or watch Question
Time on the iPad.
If only Yvette Cooper would direct her not inconsiderable passion and
intelligence to less juvenile, more sophisticated political ideas she’d be
okay. Must be the old man.
As soon as that poor guy in the audience had finished asking his abominable
question, I knew that Yvette was about to say ‘diversity’.
It’s as if Yvette and co. are stuck in a time warp where landladies
automatically have ‘No blacks, No Iri... more »
KRISTOF VILLAGE: Nicholas Kristof, god of the whites!
*FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2014Part 4—Infallibly right like him:* This has been a
Week That Was in American news.
Gaps of imagination have surfaced in the wake of the decision by the Staten
Island grand jury:
In this morning’s New York Times, a letter writer from New York City calls
the decision “unfathomable.”
In the letter directly above that letter, another writer, from California,
fathoms their decision just fine.
Can you fathom the existence of people whose judgments about such a matter
may actually *differ* from yours? Or do you traffic in the ancient belief
that those who dif... more »
Jews extort Croatians for $4 million in "Holocaust" reparations

The organized Jewish community has successfully extorted the Croatian
government for roughly $4 million as a result of their endless promotion of *the
fake "Holocaust" narrative* of WWII. *The Jewish Daily Forward* reports:
Croatia will give land and an office building in Zagreb collectively valued
at about $4 million to the city’s Jewish community as restitution for
property expropriated during World War II.
According to the World Jewish Restitution Organization, the community will
receive a six-story building and a surrounding land parcel owned by the
government in the central par... more »
Multiple Attacks By Militants Reported In Kashmir
*20 Killed in Surge of Violence in Indian Kashmir -- Voice of America*
NEW DELHI - Indian officials say at least 20 people, including 11 security
personnel, were killed in a series of attacks blamed on militants in Indian
The worst attack took place when militants armed with AK 47 rifles hurled
rocket propelled grenades before dawn at an army camp in Uri, where there
is a large army base. The camp is located near the line of control that
divides Kashmir between India and Pakistan. Army officials called it a
suicide attack and said that six militants died in the exchange o... more »
China Conducts Another Flight Test Of Hypersonic Strike Vehicle

Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 (HTV-2), (AFP Photo / Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency DARPA)
*China Conducts Third Flight Test of Hypersonic Strike Vehicle --
Washington Free Beacon*
Missile-launched Wu-14 glide vehicle designed for nuclear strike against
U.S. through missile defenses
China conducted the third flight test of a new hypersonic missile this week
as part of its strategic nuclear program and efforts to develop delivery
vehicles capable of defeating U.S. countermeasures, defense officials said.
The flight test of the developmental Wu-14 hypersonic glide... more »
World News Briefs -- December 5, 2014
*NASA’s Unmanned Orion Capsule Blasts Off on Maiden Voyage -- Wall Street
Intended to Demonstrate Suitability for Human Exploration of the Solar
NASA successfully launched an initial, unmanned version of a capsule on a
test flight intended to demonstrate its suitability for human exploration
of the solar system in coming decades.
Following a flawless countdown at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in
Florida, a heavy-lift Delta IV rocket lifted the pear-shaped, 11-foot tall
Orion spacecraft on the start of its long-awaited inaugural voyage.
*Read more* ....
*MIDDL... more »
Media Blackout on Ukraine Nuclear Plant Conditions
I can find NO new information on the Zaporizhye nuclear plant event. Almost
all information I can find on the web is dated 12/3, or derives from news
reports made on 12/3.
I can find NO new information anywhere, even Twitter feed posts are dated.
I want to know why there has been NO UPDATES on the status on a nuclear
plant problem that hypothetically could cause cooling problems for the core
or spent fuel?
I'm not implying that events are not as reported. However, I find the
dearth of information significant. It reminds me of how ebola disappeared
from the headlines after Obama ... more »
The 50 Latest Coconut Oil Benefits Backed by Science
*Chantelle Zakariasen* - We should note that countries with an abundant
consumption of coconut are amongst some of the healthiest people on the
planet today...
The post The 50 Latest Coconut Oil Benefits Backed by Science appeared
first on Waking Times.
Medical Cannabis a Much Safer Alternative to Painkillers
*Marco Torres* - Many pain experts are now advising that physicians
recommend cannabis therapy in in lieu of opiate medications...
The post Medical Cannabis a Much Safer Alternative to Painkillers appeared
first on Waking Times.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 5, 2014
*Obama Set to Introduce Carter as Nominee for Defense Secretary --
The pick won’t bring the independent political power base of his three
immediate predecessors, reflecting the president's determination to
maintain tight White House control over military matters.
Dec. 5 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama plans to name today his fourth
defense secretary, who officials say will be Ashton Carter, a seasoned
Pentagon official expert in budgeting and weapons systems who would take
over as the military confronts Islamic State extremists amid spending
Carter, ... more »
Fear and Racism in the Matrix of Maximum Confusion
*Dylan Charles* - "Our struggle here is to awaken to the bigger issues at
play in the decay of our sacred world, and to navigate the tumultuous seas
of fear, triviality and distraction..."
The post Fear and Racism in the Matrix of Maximum Confusion appeared first
on Waking Times.
NYC Stands Up In Response To Eric Garner Grand Jury Decision [VIDEO] | News One
NYC Stands Up In Response To Eric Garner Grand Jury Decision [VIDEO] | News
Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-up, 12/5/14”
*“Weekly News Wrap-up, 12/5/14”*
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
“It seems the mainstream media (MSM) is determined to bombard us with the
“hands up, don’t shoot” lie. Michael Brown was not gunned down with his
hands up. Forensic evidence and eye witness testimony from a half dozen
African Americans has disproven this, and it is indeed not a fact. It
appears the MSM wants to develop a race problem in America. I guess that
saying from Joseph Goebbels (WWII Germany) about telling a lie big enough,
and to say it long enough, the people will believe it. I wonder if this is
why USA Tod... more »
There Are No Syrian Moderate Terrorists But 300 Members Of Congress Voted To Give "Them" Billions Of Our Taxpayer Dollars

We live in a political system where Congress shirks it's clear and
unambiguous responsibility to declare war. Instead we get military actions
of dubious legality and with superficial public support, which often
quickly sours. Thursday the House came as close as they do to debating and
voting for war. Disguised as H.R. 3979-- "The Protecting Volunteer
Firefighters and Emergency Responders Act of 2014"-- the 2015 National
Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was clearly meant to draw as little public
attention as possible. It passed by a big margin, as always, only 87
Democrats and 32 ... more »
Operation Auroragold: A Look At How The NSA Is Hacking Into Every Global Cell Phone Network

Zoran Milich, Reuters
*Operation Auroragold -- The Intercept*
*How the NSA Hacks Cellphone Networks Worldwide*
In March 2011, two weeks before the Western intervention in Libya, a secret
message was delivered to the National Security Agency. An intelligence unit
within the U.S. military’s Africa Command needed help to hack into Libya’s
cellphone networks and monitor text messages.
For the NSA, the task was easy. The agency had already obtained technical
information about the cellphone carriers’ internal systems by spying on
documents sent among company employees, and these details... more »
CIA 'Torture Report' To Be Released Next Week

*Inside the Battle Over the CIA Torture Report -- Josh Rogin & Eli Lake,
After months of internal wrangling, the Senate Intelligence Committee is
finally set to release its report on President George W. Bush-era CIA
practices, which among other details will contain information about foreign
countries that aided in the secret detention and interrogation of suspected
Several U.S. officials told us that the negotiations are nearly complete
between the Central Intelligence Agency and the committee's Democratic
staff, which prepared the classified 6,300-page repo... more »
Fact and Logic Checking Joel Klein’s Lessons of Hope
This is the first of two posts fact checking Joel Klein’s Lessons of Hope.
The first will focus on clearcut misrepresentations of the truth. A second
will focus on his overall spin. Klein proclaims the increase in test scores
from 2002 to 2010 on the reliable NAEP federal test as evidence that his
expensive and […]
States With Pro-Employee Laws: No Use-It-Or-Lose-It Vacation
You've probably seen the commercial. A kid says, in response to the study
that over 400 million vacation days go unused, "That's the stupidest thing
I ever heard." Yep. Stupid. Odds are, if you don't take those vacation
days, you lose them.
Employers that have policies saying vacation is paid out at the end of
employment must comply with those policies. In most states, employers can
refuse to pay out unused vacation at the end of employment by implementing
a use-it-or-lose-it vacation policy. Many employees are rudely surprised
when they find out the employer that wouldn't let them ... more »
The Real Villain Is Stephen Harper

The opposition parties are calling for Julian Fantino's resignation. It's
true that Fantino has bungled every cabinet position he's held. But he has
never run any ministry for which he has been held responsible. Michael
Harris writes:
*No* Harper cabinet minister runs his or her department. Fantino does what
every other cabinet minister does — exactly what he’s told to do by the
PMO. He did what he was told as minister of state for Seniors, as associate
minister of Defence, as minister for International Coop... more »
Goering vs. Churchill

*Halifax and Goering - Carinhall, 1937*
"You ask, what is our policy?
I will say: *It is to wage war*, by sea, land and air, with all our might
and with all the strength that God can give us..."
*- Winston Churchill, May 1940*
"The world is full of the most damnedable lies about me, and the damnedable
thing is that most of them are true..."
*- Sir Winston Churchill, date unknown*
Richard Burton vs. Churchill from Spike EP on Vimeo.
*O villain, villain, smiling, damnèd villain!*
*My tables—meet it is I set it down*
*That one may smile, and smile, and be a villain—*
*At least I ... more »
Freemasonry, Pirates and False Flags

*" ..*.[This calls for] *a Global concerted effort led by US, Europe, the
UK and Russia on all sources of terror; the same kind of struggle as our
Forefathers had against Piracy on the High-Seas"*
*- Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak,*
*11am EST, Sept. 11 2001*
*Amy* - A pirate?
*Will Bailey* - A pirate, a pirate, O yes, a pirate, he.
*C.J. Cregg - *A privateer, actually.
*Amy* - Isn't that just a hired pirate?
*Will Bailey *- Yeah.
Line breaks: pri¦vat|eer
Pronunciation: /ˌprʌɪvəˈtɪə /
Definition of privateer in English:
*1 historical An armed sh... more »

Tuesday, the YouTube account for the Middle East Media Research Institute,
or MEMRI, was indefinitely removed from the video sharing site.
MEMRI is a Middle East watchdog that uploads content revealing extremism,
but YouTube said the outlet was blocked due to “repeated or severe
violations” of their “Community Guidelines and/or claims of copyright
infringement.” According to Truth Revolt, speculations suggest that one
viewer possibly complained about MEMRITV sharing videos of Muslim
The hate speech policy on YouTube states: “There is a fine line between
what is and wh... more »
Bill Whittle: What happens if the lights go out?...
*are you ready?*
2015 Breakthrough Prize: videos
*Free Einstein*: Fred Singer has informed me about a wonderful birthday
gift, "Digital Einstein" to all the readers who have managed to have their birthday
on December 5th – e.g. Werner Heisenberg, Shelly Glashow, or your humble
correspondent. The Princeton+HUJI collection contains thousands of
(scanned...) Einstein's papers – for free. ;-) Info. It's amazing to see
how the 1896 papers' fonts look just like \(\rm\LaTeX\).
The 2015 Breakthrough Prize has gone to three experimental teams led by
Perlmutter, Riess, and Schmidt who discovered the accelerating expansion of
the Universe ... more »
Merkel against net neutrality
It is well-known that net neutrality is just another communist plot by
people who are detached from reality and who advocate egalitarianism at
every level and in every aspect of the human lives, being completely unable
to comprehend that differences are crucial for the system to work
efficiently and to make people happy, safe, and prosperous.
Their proposals – encapsulated in childish, pleasingly sounding propaganda
– threaten not only the further progress of the Internet but even the
efficiency and safety of the Internet as it has marvelously developed in
the recent decades. The... more »
Reopening criminal trial after verdict
R. v. Sheeller, 2014 ONCA 867:
[4] The trial judge applied the correct test in determining
whether to permit the defence to reopen the trial after a verdict. She
acknowledged that she had a discretion to reopen the trial and also
correctly indicated that the discretion should be exercised in limited
circumstances. The trial judge noted that the effect of the injuries on
the complainant was not an issue in the trial itself and it played no part
in her assessment of the evidence or her ultimate determination. She
concluded her reasons on the application to reopen with th... more »
Pentagon Worries That Russia Can Now Outshoot U.S. Stealth Jets

[image: F-22 Raptor]High flying and fast, the F-22 Raptor stealth jet is by
far the most lethal fighter America has ever built. But the Raptor—and
indeed all U.S. fighters—have a potential Achilles’ heel, according to a
half-dozen current and former Air Force officials. The F-22’s long-range
air-to-air missiles might not be able to hit an enemy aircraft, thanks to
new enemy radar-jamming techniques.
The issue has come to the fore as tensions continue to rise with Russia and
a potential conflict between the great powers is once again a
possibility—even if a remote one.
“We—the U.S. ... more »
The U.S. Army Wants A New Hand Gun

After 30 years with the Beretta M9, the U.S. Army is looking for a new
standard-issue sidearm.
*U.S. Army Wants A New Gun -- CNN*
After about 30 years of using the Beretta as the primary sidearm pistol for
the U.S. military, the Pentagon is seeking a new gun contract.
For gun manufacturers, this kind of a contract is a once-in-a-lifetime
While the Beretta lasted three decades, the U.S. military's first
semiautomatic standard-issue sidearm, the M1911 from Colt, lasted nearly 90
years. It was issued during the U.S. war in the Philippines through the
World Wars to Viet... more »
Kalashnikov Has A New Brand And A New Development Strategy For It's Famed Rifle
*The AK-47 Softens Its Image -- Jason Karaian, The Atlantic*
A rebranding promotes the world-famous killing machine as a "weapon of
One of the most recognizable instruments of war is getting a makeover.
Kalashnikov Concern, the company behind the ubiquitous AK-47 assault rife,
unveiled a new corporate identity at a high-profile event in Moscow
yesterday. A more stylized logo for the parent company was revealed, along
with a somewhat Orwellian new marketing slogan—"promoting peace."
In the original Russian, the new corporate catchphrase can translate to
"weapons of peace,"... more »
Russia’s fifth-generation fighter jet to make maiden flight in 2017

[image: Su T-50]First Russian fighter jet of the fifth-generation fitted
out with a second-stage engine is expected to make a maiden flight in 2017,
Vyacheslav Massalov, the Director General of the United Engine-Building
Corporation said on Thursday.
He said the second-stage engine will be 17% to 18% more efficient than the
engine of its predecessor, the G4 aircraft.
“The aircraft that’s known as Item 30 at present and that has a
second-stage engine is supposed to make its maiden flight in 2017,”
Massalov said. “The efficiency of the new engine is 17% to 18% higher than
that of the... more »
Fighter jet crashes near school outside Moscow
A MIG-29 fighter jet crashed during a test flight in a residential area
near a village school just outside Moscow. Both pilots ejected and were
taken to hospital.
The jet crashed near the village of Chemodurovo, southeast of Moscow,
during a test flight as the crew was returning to the Flight Testing
Institute’s airbase in Ramenskoye, local officials told Tass news agency.
Emergencies Services chief Radik Asulbaev, flying in a helicopter to the
crash site, transported one of the seriously injured pilots to the
Sklifosovsky hospital in Moscow, officials told RIA Novosti. The other
... more »
Canada’s decision to withdraw from AWACS program causes problems for NATO

[image: E-3A Sentry]Canada’s decision to withdraw from NATO’s AWACS program
has created quite a problem for NATO. Tony Osborne of Aviation Week has
some of the details. Here is some of what Osborne writes below:
Until the country’s flag was lowered at Geilenkirchen in July, Canada had
been the third-largest contributor to the program, providing four complete
flight crews. The last Canadian personnel left Geilenkirchen at the end of
By quitting both the AWACS and also the new Alliance Ground Surveillance
(AGS) operation, Canada aimed to save CAD$90 million ($79 million)
annu... more »
Mysterious NASA Plane Spotted

[image: NASA WB-57]A mysterious NASA plane has been spotted in eastern
Africa, leaving people curious whether it was on some secret mission.
The broad-winged white plane named WB-57 was photographed by the satellite
company Digital Globe in the Republic of Djibouti in September, ABC News
"I really cannot give you any of the details. You know the airplane was
there, you see it in the picture. But I really can't tell you what it was
for," Jim Alexander, a NASA official with the WB-57 High Altitude Research
Programme, told ABC News.
Read more
OEMs Challenged in Asia by New Providers of Maritime Surveillance

[image: Innovative maritime surveillance solutions]Traditional providers of
maritime surveillance aircraft and systems are being challenged by smaller
companies offering lower-cost solutions that are especially attractive to
smaller countries whose priorities are littoral protection.
At the recent Maritime Domain Awareness and Coastal Surveillance Conference
and Exhibition in Singapore, organized by IQPC, major OEMs such as Airbus
D&S, Dassault Aviation, Saab and Thales were outnumbered by a clutch of
lesser-known entities. Some of them have already achieved sales success in
... more »
The Navy's Smart New Stealth Anti-Ship Missile Can Plan Its Own Attack
America's primary anti-ship missile, the Harpoon, has been in service now
for close to 40 years and the Navy has been very reluctant to evolve when
it comes to its anti-ship capabilities.
Times are changing, with China's Navy on the rise and Russia flexing its
muscle, the Cold War staple just won't do. Enter Lockheed's ninja-like Long
Range Anti-Ship Missile to save the day.
The Harpoon was once the 'gold standard' of anti-ship cruise missiles, but
its subsonic flight profile, limited range, less than stealthy design, and
relatively simple targeting and navigation methodology have... more »
Boost development of modern weapons: Xi Jinping to China's PLA

[image: Xi Jinping]Chinese President Xi Jinping today called for
accelerating the development of military equipment to make the world's
largest army even stronger, as a massive programme for its modernisation
was launched.
Xi, who is also the chief of the military besides being head of the
communist Party, said advanced weaponry is the embodiment of a modern army
and a crucial support for national security and rejuvenation.
The equipment system building should be information-led, and pay great
attention to the weaponry's quality, Xi said addressing a conference of the
People's Li... more »
Coast Guard Admiral: LCS ‘an Incredible Ship’ for Drug Interdiction

[image: Freedom class LCS]The Coast Guard’s deputy commandant for
operations has high praise for the littoral combat ship (LCS) as a platform
for intercepting drug-running boats.
“What an incredible ship … tailor-made for that mission set,” said VADM
Charles D. Michel, speaking of the LCS Dec. 4 to an audience at the Defense
Forum, an event sponsored by the U.S. Naval Institute.
The LCS has performed drug interdiction operations in the Caribbean Sea
area in support of Joint Inter-Agency Task Force South (JIATF-South), the
drug-interdiction headquarters in Key West, Fla. The LCSs sup... more »
France shocked by anti-Semitic rape of teenager, the BBC not so much
The Times
reports that:
'A brutal rape of a Jewish teenager and burglary of her home by a
gang of
apparently Muslim youths is being seen as evidence of growing
in France.
The assault at gunpoint, in which the attackers demanded cash because
have money", sparked a wave of indignation and an upsurge of
fear in
France's 500,000 strong Jewish community.'
I look forward to the BBC's shocked coverage of this news
story........ more »
The BBC's latest attempt to minimise the effects of immigration on the UK
BBC Radio 5 live had a piece on rented accommodation this morning, just
after 07:30.
Factors in rising rents that could be mentioned were rapacious landlords
and too low a level of building new homes (low supply).
Oddly an important factor behind increased demand, immigration, was not
Do the BBC not consider demand to be as economically important as supply?
Do the BBC have an unwritten policy that the negative impacts of mass
immigration must not be mentioned if at all possible?
BBC News and the word 'controversial'
The BBC here http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-australia-30340579 report on a
restriction on immigration in Australia and use the word 'controversial' to
describe the policy:
' The Australian parliament has approved changes to immigration laws that
include reintroducing controversial temporary visas for refugees.'
Oddly Barack Hussein Obama's pro immigration policies are not described as
It seems that 'controversial' policies are ones that the BBC disapproves
The ABCs of Death 2 (2014)
Full Movie The ABCs of Death 2 Online StreamingFull Movie The ABCs of Death
2 Online Streaming with duration 125 Min and broadcast on 2014-10-02 with
MPAA rating is 4.
- *Original Title :* The ABCs of Death 2
- *Movie title in your country :* The ABCs of Death 2
- *Year of movie :* 2014
- *Genres of movie :* Horror,
- *Status of movie :* Released
- *Release date of movie :* 2014-10-02
- *Companies of movie :* Drafthouse Films, Magnet Releasing, Timpson
- *Countries of movie :* Canada, Israel, Japan, New Zealand, United
Sta... more »
The U.S. Air Force's New Advanced Stealth Fighters Will Be Armed With Old And Obsolete Weapons And Missiles
*Pentagon Worries That Russia Can Now Outshoot U.S. Stealth Jets -- Dave
Majumdar, Daily Beast*
American fighter planes are the fastest, most maneuverable jets in the
world. But their weapons are becomingly increasingly obsolete—and that has
some in the U.S. Air Force spooked.
High flying and fast, the F-22 Raptor stealth jet is by far the most lethal
fighter America has ever built. But the Raptor—and indeed all U.S.
fighters—have a potential Achilles’ heel, according to a half-dozen current
and former Air Force officials. The F-22’s long-range air-to-air missiles
might not be ab... more »
Iran’s Moudge Class Assembly at Bander Abbas

[image: Iran appears to be constructing another Moudge class frigate]Digital
Globe imagery shows Iran making progress assembling ship modules brought
out to the dry dock in January. According to measurements taken on imagery,
Iran appears to be constructing another Moudge class frigate.
The incomplete boat was located adjacent to the Sahand, another vessel in
the series, which is still in the process of being fitted out. The two
1,400 ton frigates will support Iran’s goal of projecting force beyond the
Sea of Oman.
Experience operating beyond Iranian waters was highlighted most rec... more »
Incheon warships South Korea’s coastal defense frigates

[image: Incheon class FFG]South Korea Navy currently has two reported
commissioned Incheon-class frigates built by Hyundai Heavy Industries,
world’s largest shipbuilding company based in Ulsan, South Korea.
While three frigates were launched by there respective shipbuilders, one by
Hyundai Heavy Industries and two by STX Offshore & Shipbuilding. Another
frigate is scheduled to be launched by STX.
Incheon-class frigates are developed to replace SoKor’s aged Pohang class
corvettes and Ulsan class frigates. There are 20 planned Incheons for Sokor
Read more
How to Control Magnetic Atoms on Graphene
[image: Scanning electron micrograph of cobalt atoms on graphene grown on a
ruthenium substrate]
Thus we will be able to mask the substrate to provide separate domains
which then determine the magnetic properties of the cobalt on top of the
Graphene. Step by step we are working up profoundly complex 3D structures
that can handle complex tasks. Remember the huge jewel given to Princess
Leia in Starwars. I suspect that we will make an even better tool.
Graphene is turning out to be tyhe actual keystone tool for fabrication of
electronic devices of the future. Its flexibility in te... more »
Mystery of Sea-Star Deaths on Pacific North Coast of North America Solved

This is a real die off just like many other die offs that occur
sporatically all over the world, often driven by infection, or at least
finished off by infection.
This will certainly disturb the biome for some time as other species also
explode and then collapse as the starfish come back.
At least there is no linkage to radioactivity as that group of cheerleaders
like to claim.
*Mystery of sea-star deaths on Pacific north coast of North America solved*
*By Camille Bains,*
*The Canadian Press - An ochre sea star with one leg disintegrating from
star wasting syndrome ... more »
Runaway Electron Theory at LPPFusion
This is about the ongoing efforts at LLPFusion. Here they are working at
eliminating so called run away electrons. These bleed power of course and
makes reactions just that more difficult to attain. It is also a reminder
that this is the nature of this type of work.
I find this configuration interesting because it has the potential to also
be a Star Ship Engine because it coverts fuel directly into electron flow
without a heat exchanger.
It is getting better and we may have more progress in a few months.
*Physics of Plasmas, the leading journal in the field of plasma ph... more »
Dead Hearts” Successfully Transplanted For The First Time
This new system effectively doubles the time available to transplant the
heart from four hours to eight hours. This is not perfect but it is still
a huge improvement. It is noteworthy that it may affect 30% of those on
waiting lists.
Now we can concentrate on extending the window much further as we now have
a working protocol that allows such a possibility.
All this remains a stop gap method. What i want to see is the insertion of
an artificial scaffold with stem cells to grow out a new heart. Itr is
becoming more and more possible and it will end human ... more »
Is The U.S. And Iran Coordinating Their Military Operations Against The Islamic State In Iraq?

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (L), EU envoy Catherine Ashton (C) and
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif meet in Muscat November 10,
2014. Credit: Reuters/Nicholas Kamm/Pool
*State Dept: U.S. Discussing Islamic State Fight With Iran -- Washington
Free Beacon*
The State Department confirmed on Wednesday that the United States has been
discussing with Iran its efforts to combat the Islamic State (IS) terror
group in Iraq.
The discussions have taken place in the past several weeks, most recently
on the sidelines of the latest round of nuclear negotiations in Vienna two... more »
The Islamic State Have A 10-Foot Sniper Rifle

Fearsome: An Isis terrorist has been photographed aiming a 10-foot long
sniper rifle out of a flat window in Kobane
*ISIS's Latest Killing Machine: The 10-Foot Sniper Rifle That Can Fire
Bullets Three Times The Size Of A Normal Gun -- Daily Mail*
* Isis terrorist photographed aiming a 10-foot rifle out of a window
* The fearsome weapon is thought to fire 23mm calibre bullets
* 'Gun could be effective against lightly armoured vehicles,' says expert
It's so big that it has to be supported on two tripods and fires ammunition
that's three times the size of standard rifle ammo.
An Isis t... more »
OK, If You Were Still Wondering, Teabaggers-- Like The Know Nothing Party They Are Descendents Of-- Hate Immigrants

Wednesday "at high noon," the Tea Party's motley true believers, Michele
Bachmann, who resigned from Congress as part of a deal to avoid fraud
charges, Steve King and Ted Cruz, called for a massive demonstration in
Washington against King Obama's amnesty argle bargle. Bachmann on the TV
channel of systemic racism, Fox News: "I'm calling on your viewers to come
to DC on Wednesday, December 3, at high noon on the west steps of the
Capitol. We need to have a rally, and we need to go visit our senators and
visit our congressman, because nothing frightens a congressman like the
whites ... more »
Profiting from Preschool
Comment posted in response to "Poll: Californians strongly in favor of
preschool" Education Week December 4, 2014 and in response to "Poll shows
support for high-quality preschool," EdSource, Dec, 2, 2014.
Preschool would be great if it were really preschool. But it is now
"school." Preschool is now "academic," filled with academic standards and
tests. Every test given, (excuse me, every "assessment") is profit for the
.001%. (Eager parents, in fact, can download preschool tests (see e.g. tests
available at the oddly named "have fun teaching" website:
http://www.havefuntea... more »
Inside The Battle For Kobane
*Inside Kobane: A City In Complete Ruins - And The One Secret Hospital Left
Standing Attempting To Put Back The Pieces Bit By Bit -- Daily Mail*
* The clinic is the only one left standing in the war-ravaged town that has
become a symbol for Syrian civil war
* The walls are splattered with blood as the small team of medics barely
have time to clean and sterilise
* Doctors are sometimes forced to operate by torchlight since power
generators regularly fail
Like much of this battered Syrian Kurdish border town on the front lines in
the battle against the Islamic State group, most of it... more »
Dirty Pictures from Creators of Ecstasy

*Film - *Documentary about Dr. Alexander "Sasha" Shulgin, the rogue chemist
who discovered Ecstasy and over 200 other mind-altering drugs.
The post Dirty Pictures from Creators of Ecstasy appeared first on Waking
Exxon CEO Just Knows Common Core Is the Answer
The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are advertised on the CCSS
website as “ensuring all students are ready for success after high school”:
Today’s students are preparing to enter a world in which colleges and
businesses are demanding more than ever before. To ensure all students are
ready for success after high school, the Common Core State […]
Islamic State Fighters Continue To Hold Their Ground After Months Of Air Strikes And Ground Assaults

*Islamic State Cedes Little Ground Despite Air Attacks -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - They have made enemies across the globe and endured three
months of U.S.-led air strikes, but Islamic State fighters have surrendered
little of their self-declared caliphate to the broad sweep of forces
arrayed against them.
Across thousands of square miles in Syria and Iraq, the radical Islamists
face an unlikely mix of Iraqi and Syrian soldiers, Shi'ite and Kurdish
militias and rival Syrian Sunni Muslim rebels.
While they have lost towns on the edges of their Iraqi realm, especially in
ethnically mix... more »
Oil Price Cascades Ripples Through Global Economy ( December 4- 5 , 2014 ) - News of the Day focusing on impacts of falling oil prices ( and Ukraine politics hitting EU and benefitting Turkey as Russia cancels South Stream pipeline ) .......... Venezuela , Russia , Saudis , Turkey and GCC Nations , US by way of Shale Oil in focus ............

*DAILY SABAH* @DailySabah 13m
13 minutes ago
#Russian switch to #Turkey forces #EU to reconsider pipeline stance http://
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*zerohedge* @zerohedge · 26m26 minutes ago
Could Falling Oil Prices Spark A Financial Crisis? http://www.
4/could-falling-oil-prices-spark-financial-crisis …
[image: View this content on zerohedge's website]
Could Falling Oil Prices Spark A Financial Crisis?
The oil and gas boom in the United States was made possible by the
extensive credit afforded to ... more »
War On the Horizon? (Don't Tell Anyone But Everyone Knows)
No Comment. (But you know me, so discreet!) (NSA Directive) Tomgram:
Engelhardt, War to the Horizon Posted by Tom Engelhardt December 4, 2014.
P.S. Today’s post is a companion piece to my previous essay, "Iraq 4.0?"
Tom Party On! The War Party Ascendant By Tom Engelhardt It was the end of
the road for Chuck Hagel last week and the Washington press corps couldn’t
have been more
U.S. Admits That It Failed In An Attempt To Rescue Luke Somers From His Al Qaeda Captors In Yemen
*Pentagon: Mission Failed To Rescue U.S. Hostage In Yemen -- USA Today*
WASHINGTON — U.S. commandos failed to rescue American journalist Luke
Somers in Yemen recently because he was not at the raid site, the Pentagon
acknowledged Thursday. Yemeni troops did rescue other hostages.
Rear Adm. John Kirby, the Pentagon spokesman, said in a statement that the
operation included air and ground forces, but that Somers was "not present
at the targeted location. Details about the mission remain classified."
Kirby said the Pentagon was announcing the raid only to "provide accurate
informatio... more »
The Road to Awareness/Agape

(3 days of Love notes...)
This is not an ordinary journey. It asks you to frequent places you'd
prefer to avoid. The awareness of who you are in every circumstance is not
comfortable at first.
There is only one thing to pack. It is called acceptance. There are at
least ten to leave behind:
-finger pointing
-reasons – *any*
You see, on this trip you'll confront yourself in every disguise. You'll
look like lovers, cheaters, liars, bosses, strangers, bullies, friends,
parents, siblings, ch... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Near the outskirts of the Small Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy some
200 thousand light-years distant, lies 5 million year young star cluster
NGC 602. Surrounded by natal gas and dust, NGC 602 is featured in this
stunning Hubble image of the region.
*Click image for larger size.*
Fantastic ridges and swept back shapes strongly suggest that energetic
radiation and shock waves from NGC 602's massive young stars have eroded
the dusty material and triggered a progression of star formation moving
away from the cluster's center. At the estimated distance of the Small
Magellanic C... more »
"A Brief Crack Of Light..."
"The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our
existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness."
- Vladimir Nabokov
A slow and much needed goodbye to the education reform opposition.
In what may come as a surprise to some, or simply seep into the ether with
nary a glance, I have decided to fold up, close up, and shut down At the
Chalk Face altogether in the next few days. It’s been an interesting, what,
almost five years. To be honest, I think I’m done. […]
The Poet: Bliss Carman, "Earth Voices"
*"Earth Voices"*
"I heard the spring light whisper
Above the dancing stream,
'The world is made forever
In likeness of a dream.
I am the law of planets,
I am the guide of man;
The evening and the morning
Are fashioned to my plan.
I tint the dawn with crimson,
I tinge the sea with blue;
My track is in the desert,
My trail is in the dew.
I paint the hills with color,
And in my magic dome
I light the star of evening
To steer the traveler home.
Within the house of being,
I feed the lamp of truth
With tales of ancient wisdom
And prophecies of youth.'"
Bliss Carman, "Earth Voices"
"I Can Pretend..."
“I like the stars. It's the illusion of permanence, I think. I mean,
they're always flaring up and caving in and going out. But from here I can
pretend... I can pretend that things last. I can pretend that lives last
longer than moments. Gods come and Gods go. Mortals flicker and flash and
fade. Worlds don't last; and stars and galaxies are transient, fleeting
things that twinkle like fireflies and vanish into cold and dust. But I can
- Olethros, in “Sandman”
The Daily "Near You?"
Willawarrin, New South Wales, Australia. Thanks for stopping by.
"Our Problem..."
“Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our
problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of
leaders, and millions have been killed because of this obedience. Our
problem is that people are obedient allover the world in the face of
poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is
that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves… and the
grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.”
- Howard Zinn
Yes, the grand thieves are running the country,
and *their* Masters live in ... more »
Islamic State Fighters Continue To Hold Their Ground After Months Of Air Strikes And Ground Assaults

*Islamic State Cedes Little Ground Despite Air Attacks -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - They have made enemies across the globe and endured three
months of U.S.-led air strikes, but Islamic State fighters have surrendered
little of their self-declared caliphate to the broad sweep of forces
arrayed against them.
Across thousands of square miles in Syria and Iraq, the radical Islamists
face an unlikely mix of Iraqi and Syrian soldiers, Shi'ite and Kurdish
militias and rival Syrian Sunni Muslim rebels.
While they have lost towns on the edges of their Iraqi realm, especially in
ethnically mix... more »
"One Day At A Time..."
"One day at a time - this is enough.
Do not look back and grieve over the past, for it is gone;
and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come.
Live in the present,
and make it so beautiful that it will be worth remembering."
- Ida Scott Taylor
“Jon Stewart On Eric Garner Grand Jury Decision: 'I Honestly Don't Know What To Say'”
*“Jon Stewart On Eric Garner Grand Jury Decision:*
* 'I Honestly Don't Know What To Say'”*
By Ed Mazza
“The decision by a New York grand jury not to indict New York City police
officer Daniel Pantaleo for the chokehold death of Eric Garner prompted
protests throughout the city and across the nation. On Wednesday night's
"Daily Show," it also left Jon Stewart momentarily speechless."I don't
know, I honestly don't know what to say," he stammered. "If comedy is
tragedy plus time, I need more f*****g time," Stewart said. "But I would
really settle for less f*****g tragedy to be honest wi... more »
U.S. And Britain Vow To Not Abandon Afghanistan After Troops Leave

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry (center) talks with Afghan President
Ashraf Ghani (right) and Chief Executive Abdullah Abdullah during a NATO
meeting in Brussels on December 2.
*U.S., Britain Pledge Not To Forsake Afghanistan After December Pullout --
Washington Post*
LONDON — The United States and Britain vowed Thursday that they will not
abandon Afghanistan even after international combat troops are withdrawn at
the end of the month, closing a chapter of a military engagement that began
in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.
Both U.S. Secretary of State John F. Kerry and... more »
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