Best of 2014: Google's Secretive DeepMind Startup Unveils a "Neural Turing Machine"
In October, DeepMind unveiled a neural network that can access an
external memory like a conventional Turing machine. The result is a
computer that mimics the short-term memory of the human brain.
Russia to build 'Noah's Ark' DNA databank
Moscow State University will be storing the DNA of every living
creature on the planet. In a modern day equivalent to the biblical story
of Noah's Ark...
John Oliver's brilliant excuses for skipping your New Year's Eve plans
You may already believe that New Year's Eve is the worst. But if your
friends don't, John Oliver can help get you out of those pesky plans.
Though Last Week Tonight is on hiatus until 2015, Oliver surprised fans
with a web exclusive, featuring foolproof reasons to cancel your plans
for Dec. 31. The excuses are tailored, ranging from boring parties to a
dreaded night full of "guy stuff"
Hotel guest finds creepy note in a drawer
Amy Jones discovered a message warning her that there was something
sinister behind a locked door. The journalism student had been staying
at a hotel ...
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The Corbett Report // actions
The Net Is Mightier Than The Sword – James Corbett at TEDxGroningen
Since the rise of the internet people have changed from mere audiences
into authors and editors. With pieces of technology small enough to fit
the whole world into your pocket, a revolution might be on its way. The
net is now mightier than the sword. This presentation was delivered at
the TEDxGroningen conference in the Netherlands on November 20, 2014.
Interview 986 – Ellen Brown Explains the New G20 Bank Bail-in Rules
Today attorney, author and researcher Ellen Brown of
joins us to discuss her article on “The Global Bankers’ Coup: Bail-In
and the Shadowy Financial Stability Board.” We talk about the G20 and
their rubber-stamping of the FSB’s proposed bail-in rules, what this
shadowy body is and how it interlocks with the Bank for International
Settlements, and what this means for depositors in th
Interview 980 – Tim Ball Lets the Hot Air Out of the Lima Climate Deal
Dr. Tim Ball of joins us once again to discuss the latest
climate talks in Lima, Peru. We examine the foundations of the IPCC and
UNFCCC, their tie-in to Agenda 21 and the Club of Rome, the issue of
science vs. politics, and the agenda that is driving the climate change
The Global Warming War
People Starting To Ask About Motive For Massive IPCC Decep
China and the US: Frenemies with Benefits
by James Corbett
December 14, 2014
This article originally appeared in The Corbett Report Subscriber
newsletter on December 13, 2014. To subscribe to the newsletter and
become a member of The Corbett Report website, please sign up for a
monthly or annual membership here.
Depending on which columnist you follow or which headline writer you
trust, this month is either the month tha
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The EnvironmentaList // actions
Life on the American Prairie Reserve
Ranchers and researchers collide in an ambitious effort to convert Montana ranchland to 3 million-acre wildlife refuge
As Environmentalists, We Need to Make “Ananda” Central to Our Lives
This holiday season let’s embrace the joy without which the universe would cease to exist
Greed and Resistance in Sarawak’s Rainforest
In Review: Money Logging: On the Trail of the Asian Timber Mafia
In Celebration of John Muir
The American legend’s legacy is especially relevant to today’s environmental movement
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Is the BBC biased? // actions
Views my own
“This isn’t our Homeland say envoys angered by TV thriller” says a
headline in the Times. (£) So Pakistani diplomats don’t like the
portrayal of Islamabad in channel 4’s drama Homeland. “A grimy
hell-hole and war zone where shoot-outs and bombs go off with dead
bodies scattered around.”Okay. That is pretty much how I think of
Islamabad, (though I’ve never been there) I thought. Always willing to
Celebrating women bishops
This morning's edition of Sunday was a celebration of the Church of
England's historic decision to appoint woman bishops. It was
guest-hosted by the BBC's religious affairs correspondent Caroline
Wyatt. Her studio guests - two Anglican vicars, a Jewish Orthodox
feminist and the vice-president of the Islamic Society of Britain - were
all women too. There was also an interview with Justin Welby. Ev
And finally...
...before I go to bed......yet more examples of BBC reporters tweeting
from the Left, courtesy of the ever-diligent DB at Biased BBC.First,
here's BBC Senior Broadcast Journalist Megha Mohan:My aunt got me
@NaomiAKlein 's book on link between capitalism & climate change for
Xmas. Read it in 2 days. Buy it.— Megha
Mohan (@meghamohan) December 27, 2014And, second, here
'Dateline London' - the end of year edition
As I've spent many a year writing about Dateline London - proving its
past bias (if I say so myself) whilst conceding that it has got somewhat
less biased over time - I felt duty bound to tune in to
today's end-of-year edition and found, thankfully, that it was one of
those (increasingly common) episodes where people actually disagree with
each other. In the past, the programme's largely left-lean
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(title unknown) // actions
Cornel West on BBC HARDtalk
When I grow up, I want to be like Cornel West!
Mark above articles as read
@ the chalk face // actions
A DC Response on My Pearson-Saudi Arabia Post
On December 28, 2014, I wrote a post about the Pearson ingratiation and
subsequent takeover of the Saudi Arabian education system. I also
cross-posted my piece on December 29, 2014, on my Huffington Post blog.
On December 29, 2014, I heard by email from The Gulf Institute Media,
Institute of Gulf Affairs, in Washington, DC. Someone […]
Pearson Overtakes Saudi Arabian Education System
This June 24, 2014, article is from Innovation Africa Kigali, Rwanda.
It seems that Pearson– which already “has a significant presence in
Saudi Arabia”– has “pledged its support for a new education initiative”
in Saudi Arabia. Saudi King Abdullah is adding an extra $21 billion to
the Saudi Arabian education budget. Pearson is there– already– to dip
into those […]
To blend, or not to blend: that is the question
Originally posted on Blended Teaching DC:To blend, or not to blend:
that is the question: Whether it’s nobler in the mind to labor The time
and commitment to differentiate instruction, Or to take arms against the
antiquated system, And by opposing end them? To question: to innovate;
No more; and by a test score…
Celebrating Ten Years of Post-Katrina, New Orleans Charters– And You Are Not Invited
In modern America, when it comes to selling a product, the question of
whether the product actually works as promised becomes irrelevant. The
narrow concern for the profit-driven ends with effectively marketing the
product. Sales result from effective marketing– not the least of which
is repeatedly telling the consumer that the product works. Tell
consumers […]
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The Rules of Exposition // actions
Commas are simpler
I use commas to set off phrases, like this one, that add a little
something to a sentence. But then (sometimes) I'll use parentheses
instead, to place less emphasis on the interrupting phrase. And
sometimes -- more noticeably -- I'll set a phrase off with dashes
because I want more emphasis on it.But if I have a sentence that I want
to be very, very clear, I only use the commas. The other forms ad
Sometimes you need them; sometimes you don't
Oddly, I try to avoid colons and semicolons. They make sentences depend
on other sentences in a burdensome way. I think they create difficulty
for the reader. They create difficulty for me when I proofread.
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A Closer Look: Jody Paterson // actions
The good thing about traditions is that you can always remake them
Christmas Eve 2012, Utila, Honduras Today is my birthday, my third
one in a row celebrated outside Canada. I wouldn't dream of whining
about the lack of good birthday cake in Central America when I'm sitting
here on a balmy 32-degree day with a fan blowing on me to keep me cool,
but I do want to note that living away does require the reinvention of
how you celebrate. Christmas, for instance.
There's a million stories in the big city
Horse cart man and cotton candy vendorat the end of their day,
Managua Oh, for a good newspaper that had an appetite for
day-in-the-life stories from Nicaragua. I can't walk a block without
being intrigued by yet another person scratching out what passes for a
living in some unusual way, and would love an excuse to be talking to
each of them about what their work days are like. There are
Bad sex work law takes effect on the day of a massacre - "How horribly, enragingly appropriate"
On this day of mourning marking the anniversary of the Montreal
Massacre, another reason to mourn: Bill C36, Canada's flawed and tragic
anti-sex work law, takes effect on this very day. It will be struck
down eventually. It's so clearly unconstitutional, not to mention poorly
informed and misguided, and in direct contravention of the research
around what actually makes life better and safer fo
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A Different Perspective // actions
The United States Air Force vs. the UFO Witnesses
As I was completing my final UFO book, I ran into a number of things
that were somewhat disturbing. Some of those were the ongoing Air Force
attitude that these things weren’t alien in nature, those who saw them
were somehow deluded, and it was the Air Force mission to convince
people that UFOs were an illusion. It didn’t matter to them how honest
the witnesses might be, how carefully they had mad
America Unearthed: Son of the Custer Treasure
I couldn’t help myself and I got sucked into another episode of America
Unearthed. This one about the lost treasure of George Custer, yeah,
that guy who managed to get about half of the Seventh Cavalry killed in
June, 1876. Contrary to what the program said, he wasn’t that smart of a
guy and his problem at the Little Big Horn was that he didn’t have
another Union unit out there to come to his resc
The Roswell Slides and the Aztec UFO Crash
For a couple of decades I have been chasing stories of pictures of the
Roswell crash. I have been given the names of some of those who
supposedly had pictures, talked to others who thought they might have
seen pictures, and tried to find those who might have taken pictures as
part of the official investigation. In this I have failed, other than
finding lots of pictures of alien bodies, all of whic
A Litter Help
As you all know, I have been working on a new book and in the course of
that, I was looking at the November 3, 1957, sightings at White Sands
Proving Grounds, now White Sands Missile Range. According to the
information I have, one of the soldiers who saw the UFO (identified as
the Moon by Project Blue Book investigators) was unavailable for the Air
Force to interview a couple of days later. They w
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A Very Public Sociologist // actions
UKIP and the Perils of Professionalism
UKIP have the opposite problem to the Conservatives. The Tories are a
tuned machine being tested to destruction by the clods in the control
room. UKIP on the other hand have a leadership who, in the main, know
what they're doing but are cursed with a jerry-rig thrown together from
whatever rusty parts they find lying around. And so we've had a kipper
in a winnable seat resign after "chinky/po
The Tory Drive to Suicide
The Tory party is a peculiar beast. On the one hand, it's adept at
getting the wealthy to part with their cash by open and less transparent
methods. And all this money bankrolls a machine that has been and will
continue to flood the key marginals with glossy, high production value
literature. The troops are lacking so the Conservatives are trying to
buy the next election, and in this respect they'
Jim Murphy and Saving Scottish Labour
The victories of Jim Murphy and Kezia Dugdale in the Scottish Labour
leadership elections have invited much comment. Some of it warm and
friendly, but a great deal not. Indeed, soon after Saturday's results
were announced obituaries (like this) have been pouring in from the
left. True, many who are so minded wish Scottish Labour little other
than ill and can't wait for the party north of the borde
Man Haron Monis: It's Not About Islam
What a sad end to the Sydney cafe siege. The gunman, one Man Haron
Monis lies dead, but not before he murdered two others. Thankfully,
incidents like this are quite rare in Western societies and when hostage
taking does happen, it tends to either be a spur of the moment thing in
the commission of a crime or an awful episode in a pattern of
dysfunctional family relationships. When people are held t
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A Way to Live // actions
Yard tea
The chickens and ducks have, as they do each year, leveled the piles of
grass clippings, leaves and barn waste we have dumped on the garden,
and return every day to sift through the sheet mulch for slugs, pill
bugs and the like.They're also nipping off quite a lot of kale and
collards, but I think we've had all of two frost nights so far, so the
stuff is not as appealing to us as it might have bee
Nine days with Amtrak
I was away for awhile. It was sad -- selling my mom and dad's little
single-wide in the little retirement park by the river.The journeying
itself was good for me, though. I've been across the country on trains,
but these were epic coach-class marathons. This time, I could afford to
go sleepers all the way, so I did. Much time for reflection.
Turning inward
This is that time of year when, just to keep from falling in the mud and breaking something, one goes all domestic.
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A.E.Brain // actions
Twelve Years Ago
It's worth memorialising some of the trials and tribulations the FedSat
team underwent when it came to building that bird.Originally, the task
was contracted to SIL - Space Innovations Limited SIL is a space
engineering company that specializes in the design and manufacture of
satellite products, subsystems and complete small satellites, which
generally weigh between 50 and 500 kilograms. This ty
Why I haven't Blogged about Politics recently
First Dog On the Moon captures it exactly. Every Night Something Atrocious.
Satellite Separation
12 years ago... Australia had a Space Programme. The video shows
booster separation of the Japanese H2A at 12:15:40, the Japanese ADEOS-2
at 12:16:20, the Australian FedSat at 12:16:40, the Japanese
MicroLabSat at 12:17:00 and WEOS at 12:17:20That was 35 years since the
previous Australian Space Programme, and the previous Australian
Spacecraft, WRESAT in 1967. We were world leaders then, just as
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Activist Teacher // actions
Frederick Douglass explained the truth about social change
Frederick Douglass's "West India Emancipation" speech of 1857 is
possibly the most incisive description of the true mechanism of social
change ever written.
The speech is brilliant like only works resulting from liberation praxis
can be.
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Adrienne's Corner // actions
Shocking Police Harassment...
in Chula Vista, California styleMany thanks to Asylum Watch for
re-posting this from Geeez Blog. Recently, the Chula Vista, California
Police Department ran an e-mail forum with the local community (a
question and answer exchange) with the topic being, Community
Policing.” One of the civilian e-mail participants posed the following
question:”I would like to know how it is possible for police of
Noted Tin-Foil Crazy Alex Jones and Infowars steps in it by going after Spokane Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich...
a good man and a good sheriff.As I keep saying, do not believe
everything you readInfoWars is bashing the sheriff's department of
Spokane County for taking a Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) to a
charity event where the deputies take children shopping for
Christmas.Some unidentified woman films herself badgering some of the
deputies about the MRAP until she catches a deputy saying that there
Bitter whining flaming racist, Michelle Obama, recounts the horror of being asked for help at a Target store...
except it's a lie and she thinks we're so stupid we'll believe it.Sort
of like, "If you like your plan, you can keep your plan."via
Politico:Barack and Michelle Obama are sharing their own personal
experiences with racial prejudice, saying they’ve been mistaken for
valet drivers and Target employees — the latter even occurring during
their time at the White House.“The only person who cam
Bill Whittle: The New Barbarism...
dare to disagree and you will be destroyed.Rioting. Slander. The wanton
personal destruction of people known by their accusers to be innocent.
In his latest Firewall, Bill Whittle shows how events like the rioting
in Ferguson do not occur in a vacuum, and how Progressives not only
tolerate this lawlessness, this New Barbarism -- they teach it.
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Adventures with Kurt and Lori // actions
Christmas in Herradura 2014
So, this was the first Christmas that Kurt and I were actually home!
Normally, we travelled on Christmas, as it was a down time at work and
the one time of the year we could get away for more than a few days at a
time. Now, I live in paradise and truthfully have no desire to leave.
I would like to see family for the holidays, but there is no way I am
going back to Michigan in the cold. Thus, I
Happy Holidays!
So, I loved sending out holiday cards in the States. However, it is
not very cost effective here in Costa Rica, and mail takes weeks to the
States, so I have decided to do a holiday blog post instead!So, Kurt and
I had a pretty crazy year! One filled with the most changes I have
ever had in a year in our lives, I would say.Our nephew Kory passed the
bar exam and I did his swearing in with the he
TOPE Jaco, Solar Power and End of Rainy Season
I can slowly feel it getting busier in my little town, which
corresponds totally with the end of rainy season. From my reading, when
they said rainy season was from mid-May until mid-November, I think I
kinda thought on November 15, all rain would just STOP. Nope, still
rains SOME, but for very short periods. Anyway, going into town now,
especially on weekends, I can tell busy holiday season is
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Shia pilgrims die in Iraq suicide bombing
At least 21 people killed and 35 others injured in blast at tent in the Taji area north of Baghdad.
Evacuation of burning Italian ferry completed
Hundreds of passengers brought to safety after fire on vessel left seven people dead.
Palestinian shot dead by Israeli forces
A Palestinian man has been killed and another injured at the Zaatara checkpoint in the occupied West Bank.
Greece parliament fails to elect president
Parliament fails for third time to elect a president forcing early elections in the coming weeks.
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Allen L Roland's Weblog // actions
Year End Thoughts On 2014 / Allen L Roland
Here I am perched on this pale blue dot in space,
Earth. Our Sun, which is 4.7 billion years old, is located 26,000
light-years away from the galactic center on one of the spiral arms of
our galaxy ~ the Milky Way. The Sun makes one complete orbit around the
galaxy about once every 225 million years. In contrast, stars near the
galactic center complete a lap in a few million y
Merry Christmas / John Lennon / Donation Letter
Jesus was not a Christian and Buddha was not a Buddhist but their
religion was love. Can it really be this simple? That the ultimate
religion is love ! Perhaps we all need to see what we have settled for
in order to fully realize that there is another choice versus war and
injustice as well as the full meaning of Lennon's Merry Christmas ( War
is Over ) which was recorded in 1971~ nine years befo
Darth Vader Unmasked / Dick Cheney
In the fictional Star Wars trilogy, Darth Vader was depicted as a
ruthless cyborg who served the dark Galactic Empire whereas in real life
Dick Cheney is a ruthless human cyborg, fueled by a transplanted heart,
whose self-professed travels to the dark side served and greatly
influenced a darkening and morally corrupt American Empire. It is Cheney
who enthusiastically introduced torture as a means
Hawking'S Fear Of Human Extinction Is All About Programming
Renowned physicist Stephen Hawking fears that the rapid
development of artificial intelligence could lead to human extinction
but I feel that it all comes down to programming and the eternal
question ~ are we innately programed to love and cooperate with one
another or are we programed to hate and separate from one another?
Artificial intelligence without a soul is a garden without sunli
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GAIA PORTAL: Movements of Light become the movements of Gaia collective
Movements of Light become the movements of Gaia collectiveby
ÉirePortTraditionals are abandoned for all time.New moments continue the
line under Higher Guidance.Gaia initiatives begin as support energetics
are in place.Movements of Light become the movements of Gaia
collective.ÉirePort | December 29, 2014 at 10:43 | Categories:
Uncategorized | URL:
Irish: The Forgotten White Slaves
as slaves: human cargo transported on British ships bound for the
Americas. They were shipped by the hundreds of thousands and included
men, women, and even the youngest of children.Whenever they rebelled or
even disobeyed an order, they were punished in the harshest ways. Slave
owners would hang their human property by their h
UFO: Mothership Leaves Sun Causing Solar Explosion
Leaves Sun Causing Solar ExplosionDec 24, 2014UFO Sighting News.Date of
sighting: Dec 24, 2014Location of sighting: Earths SunSource: looking at the Helioviewer online and noticed
this giant triangle UFO leaving our sun. It exit caused a massive solar
explosion. I say in the video
Higher Self Message - The Solstice Fires of Ascension: A Message for the Masters,
December 23, 2014 HS Message - The Solstice Fires of Ascension: A
Message for the Masters by April Bender The flood gates are open, an
explosion of light dances it's way in, the unified heartbeat of Prime
Creator pulses forth. Anchored pillars of light ignite and blaze forth
colossal fires of shimm
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Angola 3 News // actions
A3 Newsletter: Give Albert Woodfox a Hug for the Holidays; Please Take Action!
(PHOTO: Albert Woodfox embraces Herman Wallace)In Homer Louisiana,
Albert Woodfox remains in his cell - 42 years in solitary and held under
increasingly severe restrictions. From the unnecessary and extensive
use of the black-box during transport, to the 'catch-22' system making
it impossible for Albert to have contact visits, it appears that the
response to his most recent court victory is to con
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