8:05am MST
Local Council By-Election Results 2014
Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 1 minute ago
Number of candidates
Total vote
+/- Seats
Plaid Cymru**
0... more »
President Obama: North Korea’s Cyber Attack Not An ‘Act Of War’
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 33 minutes ago
*Obama: We're Not At Cyber War With North Korea -- USA Today*
The United States is not at cyber war with North Korea, President Obama
said in an interview broadcast Sunday, and will "respond proportionately"
as he accused that nation of the hack attack on Sony Pictures.
"I don't think it was an act of war," Obama said on CNN's State of the
Union. "I think it was an act of cyber vandalism that was very costly, very
expensive. We take it very seriously. We will respond proportionately, as I
Obama also said the United States will look at returning North Korea to the
list of s... more »
UN Report: Afghan Civilian Casualties 'Hit Record High' For 2014
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 33 minutes ago

Afghans lower the coffin of Afghan cameraman Zubair Hatami, who died on
Saturday of injuries sustained in a Taliban attack at a French cultural
centre, in Kabul December 21, 2014. Credit: REUTERS/Omar Sobhani
*Record Number Of Afghan Civilians Killed In 2014, Says UN -- Deutschde
The UN mission in Afghanistan has released a new report saying that the
country has seen more than 3,100 civilians killed in conflict in 2014. The
number is up 19 percent from last year.
The number of civilians killed and injured in Afghanistan this year was the
highest ever recorded by the UN Ass... more »
Mossad Penetrated The Inner Circle Of Hezbollah Leader Hassan Nasrallah
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 33 minutes ago

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah in rare public appearance. Reuters
*Report: Mossad Agent Infiltrated Hezbollah's Upper Echelons -- Arutz Sheva*
*Mossad 'cell' reportedly managed to thwart a significant number of major
plots against Israeli targets; agent was dept. head of foreign ops.*
Hezbollah says it recently exposed a Mossad agent embedded among its "elite
operations unit", in what the Iranian-backed terror group says is "the most
serious [intelligence] breach in Hezbollah's history."
According to Lebanese media reports, "sources close to Hezbollah" claimed
an Israeli intelli... more »
Will Illinois Democrats Blow The Race Against Sitting Duck Mark Kirk By Nominating Someone From The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 hour ago

Mark Kirk, who lies about military decorations he never got, wants to teach
North Korea a lesson-- with a campaign fundraiser
In theory, Mark Kirk has one of the most vulnerable Republican-held seats
coming up in 2016. Illinois has tended to elect Democrats to the U.S.
Senate. Since Paul Douglas defeated GOP incumbent Charles Brooks in 1948,
only one Republican, anti-war liberal Chuck Percy, held that seat,
currently held by Dick Durbin, who won reelection last month 1,850,862
(53.1%) to 1,503,942 (43.1%).
The other Senate seat was won by the legendary Everett Dirksen in 1950
until ... more »
Editor's Note
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 hour ago
It has come to my attention that there is now a verification process
necessary for the comments section of this blog. If you want to comment,
you must* prove that you are "Not a Robot" by (checking the box if you're
not a robot), and then typing in a verification request. *
I am also getting hit with these requests, and even though I have disabled
the comment verification process for this blog, Google keeps on putting
them back.
I have sent a note to Google, and I hope that with time they will address
For the moment, I share in your frustration that we must spend an extra 20
s... more »
Rule of Law 25: Corruption in Europe
Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 1 hour ago

The Economist magazine's December 6th 2014 issue featured this chart with
this note,
*Much about the practice of bribery remains murky. The OECD’s first report
on the subject, published on December 2nd, sheds some light. Some findings
confirm what was known or suspected. But the report also undermines some
common beliefs. Bribery is not a sin of rogue employees or poor countries.*
Yes, as governments expand, the opportunities for corruption and bribery
also expands. The more restrictive, the more bureaucratic the government
processes, the more corruption and bribery that will take ... more »
Whose Terrorist?
Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 1 hour ago

The word "terrorist" is everywhere these days. But, Tom Walkom writes, the
definition of the word depends as much on domestic considerations as it
does on international considerations. And domestic considerations change --
Take the most basic question: Who are the terrorists? Until Wednesday, Cuba
was listed by the United States as a state sponsor of terrorism. Now U.S.
President Barack Obama says it is not.
Why? It’s not because Cuba has changed. It’s the same old place. Raul and
Fidel Castro a... more »
Video: Bill Gates, Expert On All That Matters
deutsch29 at @ THE CHALK FACE - 1 hour ago
Billionaire Bill Gates has been buying the Common Core State Standards
(CCSS) for years now. He started doing so after being asked to by former
Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) President Gene Wilhoit and
edupreneur, CCSS “lead architect” David Coleman in the summer of 2008.
Gates has spent at least hundreds of millions […]
jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 2 hours ago
*Profs Have Stopped Teaching Rape Law Now That Everything 'Triggers'
The influence of the "trigger warnings" movement is now so pervasive that
many law professors can't even teach a class on a delicate subject without
facing an onslaught of requests from students for feelings accommodation.
Harvard Law School Professor Jeannie Suk sheds light on the difficulty of
teaching students about rape law when the forecast for campus is always
persistent offendedness:
"Students seem more anxious about classroom discussion, and about
approaching the law of sexual violence in part... more »
An Open Letter to Tom Mulcair.
Rural at Democracy Under Fire - 2 hours ago
Dear Sir
I am in receipt of you self congratulatory email boasting of how you have
just signed the *Fair Vote Canada's Politicians' Pledge,*I congratulate you
on doing so and would hope that many other MPs from all parties join you in
doing so but have a number of concerns with the other issues raised in you
Firstly your “commitment to make 2015 the last unfair election — and 2019
the first election to use a truly democratic electoral system” is clearly
unobtainable...... unless you intend to either impose a new system upon
Canadians without public consultation and a ... more »
Sexual crimes in the military
Boris at The Galloping Beaver - 2 hours ago
I am completely unsurprised by the ordeal faced by this woman.
A former military corporal who said she faced reprisals after
accusing a superior of sexual assault feels vindicated after the
Canadian Armed Forces extended an apology and reparations to her. Stéphanie Raymond said the outcome will have positive
repercussions, particularly for women as well as for some men serving in
JR at GREENIE WATCH - 2 hours ago
*Exposed: The Merchants of Smear, Climate Edition*
by Russell Cook (Not John Cook)
*A low probability scientific speculation has become "settled science"*
For about two decades we’ve been told the science behind human-caused
global warming is settled, and to ignore skeptic scientists because they’ve
been paid by industry to manufacture doubt about the issue. The truth,
however, has every appearance of being exactly the opposite: A clumsy
effort to manufacture doubt about the credibility of skeptical climate
scientists arose in 1991 with roots in Al Gore’s Senate office.
The Merch... more »
Blast from the Past: Anping and Yangmingshan
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 2 hours ago

The top image of Sekkan Fortress (Anping Fort) I got from the East Asian
Image Collection at Lafayette, in their collection of Taiwan Photographic
Monthly imagery. The shot of the ruined fortress in the upper right inset
is taken from the land side. In the main image, shot from the harbor, you
can see that the fort has been restored, with the small white building
still there and housing the small museum, but without the silly observation
tower. The modern harbor is below, same angle but much farther away. The
area behind the fortress is now developed, of course, and a major touris... more »
The Miaoli 51
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 3 hours ago

Today Drew and I rode up the Miaoli 51 (苗51), a lovely little road that
starts just north of Houli, then climbs a set of switchbacks to the top of
the ridge, and rolls gently over the ridge through a national forest until
it hits the train station in Sanyi. The road network between Sanyi and
Jhoulan is wonderful, I highly recommend exploring it. Map below the READ
*ROUTE NOTES*: This very simple route just follows the Miaoli 51. Take the
13 out of Houli, but divert onto the smaller Yili bridge, which crosses the
river and then goes off towards some of the best roads in the... more »
Yard tea
risa bear at A Way to Live - 3 hours ago

The chickens and ducks have, as they do each year, leveled the piles of
grass clippings, leaves and barn waste we have dumped on the garden, and
return every day to sift through the sheet mulch for slugs, pill bugs and
the like.
They're also nipping off quite a lot of kale and collards, but I think
we've had all of two frost nights so far, so the stuff is not as appealing
to us as it might have been.
I don't feel deprived. The potatoes, of which we have about a third of what
we've harvested most years, are actually holding out well. Not as hungry
for them in all this relative war... more »
Madonna: New Illuminati publicist!
D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 4 hours ago

..... and speaking of occult.....
Madonna apparently wants to make sure everyone knows that the Illuminati
are actually the good guys.... you know, just in case you were confused by
all the bad publicity they've been getting recently. No, really! It's
true! Trust Madonna, she'd know, right?
*insert sarcasm warning*
[image: View image on Twitter]
Madonna *✔* @*Madonna*
6 songs for you now...http://smarturl.it/RebelHeart #*rebelheart* Happy
Early X-Mas! ! 13 more to come for album 13 !!!
8:25 AM - 20 Dec 2014
*2,376* Retweets *2,442* favorite
__... more »
Netherlands MoD resumes deliveries of NH90 helicopters
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 5 hours ago

[image: NH90 NFH]The Netherlands Ministry of Defence (MoD) has resumed
deliveries of the final seven NH90 helicopters, following a new agreement
with the manufacturer, Netherlands Defence Minister Jeanine
Hennis-Plasschaert has said.
NHIndustries has agreed to fix issues with wear and corrosion, which had
caused the suspension of deliveries in June.
As part of the deal, the aircraft manufacturer will pay for expenses
involved in the development of modifications, patch ups for corrosion
damage and scheming preventative measures, according to the Netherlands MoD.
Read more
European multirole tanker transport fleet takes shape
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 5 hours ago

[image: A330 MRTT aircraft]The Netherlands, Poland and Norway have decided
to prepare negotiations with Airbus Defence & Space for the acquisition of
a fleet of A330 MRTT multirole transport and air-to-air refuelling
aircraft. The participating nations would welcome other nations to join the
initiative either before an actual procurement or subsequently.
This initiative, facilitated by the European Defence Agency, consists of
the pooled acquisition and operation of a common fleet of aircraft by the
three nations. Other nations will also be able to contribute to the overall
programme... more »
Russian stealth jet technology surpassed by China: Global Times
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 5 hours ago

[image: J-20 Mighty Dragon]China's stealth fighter technology has overtaken
Russia based on newly-released photos of China's J-20 stealth fighter,
reports the Global Times, a tabloid under the auspices of the Communist
Party mouthpiece People's Daily.
Photos of the latest version of the J-20 — a stealth, twin-engine
fifth-generation fighter jet being developed by the Chengdu Aerospace
Corporation — bearing the serial number 2015, reveal that the aircraft has
commenced ground testing and may be conducting its first flight soon. This
appears to be another step in the right direction a... more »
Occult Meanings of Winter Solstice and Christmas
D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 5 hours ago

Thank you Justin and julien for posting this!
Occult Meanings of Winter Solstice and Christmas | AstroTheology, Alchemy,
Roman Solstice Practices, Occult Symbolism, Santa Claus, Reincarnation
The roots of Astrotheology date back to the times of Atlantis, and were
once used as an allegorical Science for Self Discovery. This became the
basis for Alchemy, Kabbalah, Astrology, Religion and the Ancient Mystery
schools. Later it was used to manipulate the masses, by hiding knowledge of
consciousness from the people; known today as Occultism either Light or
Dark. An entire host of ... more »
LCA naval version achieves milestone
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 6 hours ago
The first prototype of the light combat aircraft (LCA) Tejas' Naval version
— LCA NP-1 — completed its maiden flight as part of the carrier
compatibility tests at the shore-based test facility INS Hansa in Goa at
12.34pm on Saturday.
LCA-Navy is the second Ski Take Off But Arrested Recovery (STOBAR )
carrier-borne aircraft in the world, after a Russian deck based aircraft.
And, this will be the only Carrier borne Fighter aircraft in the Light
The flight in Goa comes more than two years after the aircraft completed
its maiden flight on April 27, 2012.
Read more
Discrete spacetimes contradict Unruh effect
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 6 hours ago
Two young Indian men, Golam Mortuza Hossain and Gopal Sardar, wrote a paper
about loop quantum gravity and similar "discrete" models of quantum gravity
whose mathematical argumentation seems vastly better than that of an
average paper about similar subjects:
Absence of Unruh effect in polymer quantization (gr-qc)
Yes, the Unruh effect isn't reproduced by those theories, they say.
Backreation sensibly asserted that if the paper is right, it's a way to
prove that these theories are dead. Well, it's about the 500th proof that
they are wrong, I would say.
These two guys' mathematical a... more »
Defense spending will grow despite economic problems
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 6 hours ago
Russia’s defense sector gets guarantees that expenses are confirmed despite
economic meltdown. On Friday, yet another brand new strategic missile
submarine joined the Northern fleet.
“The nuclear shield of our homeland is updated with this modern, worthy,
beautiful, powerful vessel.”
With these words, Russia’s Deputy chief of the Navy, Vice-Admiral Aleksandr
Vedotenkov honored the crew lined up on top of “Vladimir Monomakh” during
the solemn ceremony in Severodvinsk on Friday, the portal of the Sevmash
yard reports.
Read more
First Stan Patrol 3007 for Bahamas at Damen Shipyards Gorinchem
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 6 hours ago

[image: Damen Stan Patrol 3007]The first Damen Stan Patrol 3007 has arrived
at Damen Shipyards Gorinchem in the Netherlands for outfitting. The vessel
is one of nine that the Royal Bahamas Defence Force has ordered from Damen
The order features four Stan Patrol 4207 vessels, one RoRo 5612 and a
further three Stan Patrol 3007 vessels. Damen has designed the Stan Patrol
3007 with the client’s requirements in mind.
Robin van der Zon, Project Manager at Damen Shipyards Group explains:
“These patrol vessels will prevent smuggling and people trafficking, so
it’s vital they c... more »
U.S. Drone Strike Kills 6 Militants In North Waziristan
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago

*US Drones Strike In Jihadist Stronghold In North Waziristan -- Long War
The US launched a drone strike in the jihadist haven of Datta Khel in
Pakistan's tribal agency of North Waziristan earlier today. The Pakistani
military claimed it "cleared" Datta Khel in September as part of Operation
Zarb-e-Azb, which was launched in mid-June this year.
The CIA-operated, remotely piloted Predators or Reapers fired a pair of
missiles at a compound in the village of Mada Khel in the Datta Khel area
of North Waziristan during the early morning, killing six jihadists, The
News reported... more »
Dec 27 Jerome Keating Meet up with Will Tiao, Formosa Betrayed Producer
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 9 hours ago

Jerome put together a meet up with Will Tiao, Producer of *Formosa
Betrayed,* on Dec 27th. See below...
To all,
A Merry Christmas to you all,
We normally don't have a meeting over the holidays, but Will Tiao who both
produced and acted in the film *Formosa Betrayed* is in town.
And we have a chance to catch up and chat after Christmas on the 27th.
Topic: Lessons Learned: Formosa Betrayed and its implications for film and
politics in Taiwan.
Will had spoken to us before when the film came out, and a number of you
This is a chance to get some insights on shall we say, the... more »
"New York, New York, it's a helluva town"
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 10 hours ago

*In June 1992, lyricists Betty Comden and Adolph Green narrated a famous
London concert performance of On the Town at the Barbican Centre with the
London Symphony Orchestra conducted by Michael Tilson Thomas. (An audio
recording made at the same time is still available, but there doesn't seem
to be a DVD issue of the concert.) Here Comden and Green introduce the
opening number, as our three sailors, let loose for a single day on the
city, sing "New York, New York," with Thomas Hampson as Gabey, Kurt Ollman
as Chip, and David Garrison as Ozzie.*
*"On the Town was a landmark, the fir... more »
SAS Hit Squad Sent To Iraq To Hunt Down Islamic State Leaders
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago

The squadron, from Hereford, had been due to travel to Afghanistan to hunt
Taliban leaders before they were ordered to turn their attentions on Isis
(file picture)
*SAS Hit Squad Sent To Iraq To Hunt Down ISIS Jihadists After Militants
'Started Learning How To Avoid Air Strikes' -- Daily Mail*
* Squadron diverted from Afghanistan mission in a bid to target Isis
* Executioner Jihadi John believed to be a primary target for 60-strong team
* Troopers will also pinpoint targets within Iraq to assist with air strikes
* Comes amid reports Isis fanatics executed 100 of its own fore... more »
One more from today...
Majia's Blog - 10 hours ago
<img alt=""
src="... more »
Today's Insurgencies Are Changing The Market For Military Jets
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago
*How ISIS And Boko Haram Could Change The Way Countries Purchase Air Power
-- Clay Dillow, Fortune*
*Textron’s Scorpion recon and strike jet offers cash-strapped countries air
power on the cheap. Global events are making it more attractive.*
Like spaceships and sports stadiums, military strike jets typically aren’t
the kind of things that companies build—much less sell—off the shelf. Take
the Pentagon’s new F-35, for instance: Two decades and $400 billion in the
making, the F-35 had nine committed customers lined up to buy thousands of
aircraft (at between $80 million and $110 mil... more »
The U.S. Air Campaign Against The Islamic State Has Cost $1 Billion
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 10 hours ago

Smoke rises over Syrian town of Kobani after an airstrike, as seen from the
Mursitpinar border crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border in the town of
Suruc in this file photograph taken Oct. 18, 2014. Reuters
*U.S. Airstrikes In Iraq And Syria Have Cost $1 Billion -- ABC News*
The cost of U.S. military airstrikes against ISIS in Iraq and Syria has
topped $1 billion.
"As of Dec. 11, 2014, the total cost of operations related to ISIL since
kinetic operations started on August 8, 2014 is $1.02 billion and the
average daily cost is $8.1 million," said Commander Bill Urban, a Pentagon
s... more »
Kate Braun : On Winter Solstice, holly invites good fortune for the coming year
Thorne Dreyer at The Rag Blog - 10 hours ago
This is a time to celebrate newness: a new moon cycle, a new spiritual
cycle, a shift of energy. By Kate Braun | The Rag Blog | December 19, 2014
“Od Yavo Shalom Aleinu / Ve al kulam / Salaam … finish reading Kate Braun :
On Winter Solstice, holly invites good fortune
for the coming year
How One Indigenous Woman Took On a Multinational Mining Corporation... And Won
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 10 hours ago
Friday, December 19, 2014
Common Dreams
How One Indigenous Woman Took On a Multinational Mining Corporation...
And Won
Indigenous Peruvian farmworker Maxima Acuña de Chaupe withstood violent
eviction attempts, beatings, and a legal battle to protect her land from
being turned into an open-pit gold mine
Sarah Lazare, staff writer
Acuña de Chaupe at
CheBus y Contra Las Agresinones a la Caravana Climatica
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 10 hours ago
Contra la Represión: Libertad a Christian Rosendahl Guerrero y contra
las agresiones a la Caravana Climática
Network Against Repression: Freedom for Christian Rosendahl Guerrero and
against the attacks on Climate Caravan
Desde marzo de este año la iniciativa Caravana Climática, integrada por
distintos activistas ambientales comenzó su recorrido en el norte de
México, con destino a Lima,
Castro: Cuba Won The War And We Will Stay Communist
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
*Castro Thanks The U.S. In A Speech But Reaffirms Communist Rule in Cuba --
New York Times*
HAVANA — President Raúl Castro declared victory for the Cuban Revolution on
Saturday in a wide-ranging speech, thanking President Obama for “a new
chapter” while also reaffirming that restored relations with the United
States did not mean the end of Communist rule in Cuba.
In a televised speech before Parliament and a group of favored guests —
including Elián González, the center of a tug of war in 2000 between Cuban
exiles and Havana, and the three men convicted of spying in the United
St... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 11 hours ago
“Point your telescope toward the high flying constellation Pegasus and you
can find this expanse of Milky Way stars and distant galaxies. Centered on
NGC 7814, the pretty field of view would almost be covered by a full moon.
NGC 7814 is sometimes called the Little Sombrero for its resemblance to the
brighter more famous M104, the Sombrero Galaxy.
*Click image for larger size.*
Both Sombrero and Little Sombrero are spiral galaxies seen edge-on, and
both have extensive central bulges cut by a thinner disk with dust lanes in
silhouette. In fact, NGC 7814 is some 40 million light-ye... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Hands off our Russian Allies'
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 11 hours ago
Posted on December 20, 2014
Mohawk Nation News
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Dec. 20, 2014. We Ongwe’ho:ne, the true sovereigns of Ono’ware:geh,
thoroughly object to Canada’s sanctions against our wampum carrying
Russian allies. They, like us, are being targeted for genocide. Canada
is going after Russia’s banking, energy and defense sectors. The
The Right to Be Stupid
theozarker at The Conflicted Doomer - 12 hours ago

December 20, 2014 Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kim_Jong-un
So, am I the only person in America that thinks Sony and Seth Rogan kinda,
sorta deserved the bitch-slapping they got from North Korea last week? That
our much vaunted (and much whined about) Freedom … Continue reading →
The Daily "Near You?"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 12 hours ago
Fremont, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"You Are the One You Are Waiting for: Turn to Yourself"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 12 hours ago
*"You Are the One You Are Waiting for: Turn to Yourself"*
by The DailyOM
"Ultimately, you are the one. We spend a lot of our lives looking for role
models, mentors, teachers, and gurus to guide us on our path. There is
nothing wrong with this and, in fact, finding the right person at the right
time can really help. However, it is important to realize that in the
absence of such a figure, we can very safely rely upon ourselves. We carry
within us everything we need to know to make progress on our paths to
self-realization. The outer world serves as a mirror. Or to use another
metaph... more »
Will "Twerp" Stick To Marco Rubio Forever?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 13 hours ago

Marco Rubio was born in the U.S. Like many Americans, his parents were
economic refugees from Cuba, looking for better opportunities for their
family. Rubio has stopped, but he used to routinely lie and tell people
they were political refugees fleeing Castro. Eventually someone pointed out
that when they arrived, the political refugees were fleeing the U.S.-backed
right-wing dictatorship of Fulgencio Batista, whose fascist regime wasn't
toppled by Castro until 1959, years after the Rubios were settled in
Since President Obama's announcement of a very popular new path ... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Burden Of Thinking”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 13 hours ago
*“The Burden Of Thinking”*
by Chet Raymo
“Let me speak for gray. Not black or white. Good or evil. Truth or falsity.
Yes or no. Let me speak for maybe. Sort of. More or less. I think so.
I am reluctant to speak for gray for fear of being considered wishy-washy.
Indecisive. Unprincipled. But lately it seems as if we are surrounded on
every side by zealots, and it's not a pretty sight. We are surrounded by
people who are so certain of their Truth that they are willing to strap
bombs to their chests and walk into crowded pizza parlors. Or fly airplanes
into towers. Or bomb abortion c... more »
Dec. 20: child soldiers and other memorabilia....
Graeme Decarie at The Moncton Times@Transcript - Good and Bad - 13 hours ago
####Since over half of the readers of this blog are from outside Canada,
and so surely cannot be interested in New Brunwick's local affairs, I'm
experimenting with a new format. Foreign news will be treated separately
after New Brunswick news - with the division marked by
In World War 2, as his armies crumbled, Hitler signed up children to
fight. He called them 'werewolves'. It was, of course, widely condemned,
and understandably so, around the world. Now, in these closing days of 2014 ... more »
(CBS's Worst Decision Ever? Bye For Now Craig) Everyone An Inside Trader: Welcome to the USA USA USA!!! (Meet Your Newest Legislator: Citigroup)
Cirze at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!) - 13 hours ago
A Tribute to Craig Ferguson . . . something really good was happening after
midnight for the last decade, and it made drinking and partying look like a
waste of both time and human potential. Craig Ferguson — one of the
brightest, kindest and most sincerely original talents in late night
television — has been brilliantly rewriting the script for what it means to
be fun and funny since taking
"How It Really Is"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 15 hours ago
If I didn't know the game was so totally rigged I'd ask, "Is this *really*
the best we can do?"
But since it is totally rigged, there's no point...
But remember your basic mathematics, 2 X 0 still equals 0...
5 Ways To Keep Your Kids Learning During a School Break
Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 16 hours ago

Before my husband worked in public relations, he was a middle school
teacher. He always lamented going back to school after Christmas every year
because he was going to have reteach and reinforce things the students had
been taught before the break. He was always amazed how much information
they lost over the break. We didn't want this to happen to our daughter, so
we have set aside a small chunk of time, about a half hour a day, to
practice the skills she was working on before the break. Here are some of
the things we are doing.
1.* Reading out loud. *There is something magical a... more »
Dick Cheney's Nina Rees and the US Chamber of Charters wish you a White Christmas
Robert D. Skeels * rdsathene at Schools Matter - 16 hours ago

[image: Dick Cheney's Nina Rees and the US Chamber of Charters [aka The
National Alliance for Public [sic] Charter Schools] wish you a White
*"Public-sector employment, where there is less discrimination in hiring
and pay, has traditionally been an important venue for creating a black
middle class." — Professor Carol Anderson*
Arch-reactionary Nina Rees was a long-time deputy assistant to Dick "rectal
feeding" Cheney. Rees was tapped for the US Chamber of Charters (aka The
National Alliance for Public [sic] Charter Schools—NAPCS) a few years back,
when the lucrative cha... more »
Crackpot Utopia: The Year in Republican Crazy, Part 2
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago

*• Repugs wonder why normal people call them racists• Sean Hannity wants to
self-deport• And the First Annual Mr. Burns Award*
*Crazyspeak of the Year nominee No. 2 -- the Rockin' Racist, Ted Nugent*
*Crackpot Utopia:* *A dream world as envisioned by republicans; a
manifestation or expression of the deranged, warped alternate universe
inhabited by republicans, at least in their minds. See also: Bachmannism,
*by Noah*
*1. And Republicans claim to wonder why normal people call them racists
(featuring Crazyspeak of the Year nominee No. 2: the Rockin' Racist, Ted
N... more »
Solar Update December 20, 2014 - X2 Solar Flare
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 16 hours ago

A French Soldier's View of US Soldiers in Afghanistan
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 17 hours ago
U.S. Marines observe surrounding compounds during a security patrol in
Washir district in Helmand province, Afghanistan, Sept. 29, 2014. The
Marines are assigned to Bravo Company, 1st Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment.
The Marines patrolled to disrupt enemy operations against the
Bastion-Leatherneck Complex. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. John A.
Martinez Jr.
*A French Soldier's View of US Soldiers in Afghanistan -- Wes O'Donnell,
Warrior Lodge*
What follows is an account from a French ISAF soldier that was stationed
with American Warfighters in Afghanistan sometime in the past 4 ye... more »
Zapatistas: On Ayotzinapa, the Festival, and Hysteria
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 17 hours ago
On Ayotzinapa, the Festival, and Hysteria as a Method of Analysis and Guide for Action. Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés
Zapatista Army for National Liberation
December 2014
To the compas of the National and International Sixth:
To the National Indigenous Congress:
To the family members and compañeros of those killed and disappeared in Ayotzinapa:
Sisters and brothers:
Zapatistas 'On the Eve of the Festival'
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 17 hours ago
the Eve of the Festival
Zapatista Army for National Liberation
December 19, 2014
To the National Indigenous Congress:
To the National and International Sixth:
Greetings to all of you. We are writing to let you know how participant
registration is coming along for the First World Festival of Resistance
and Rebellion against Capitalism: “Where those
"I Am Always Tempted..."
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
“When I hear somebody sigh, ‘Life is hard,’
I am always tempted to ask, ‘Compared to what?'”
- Sydney J. Harris
The Peltzman Effect
Greg Mankiw at Greg Mankiw's Blog - 17 hours ago
My friend Allen Sanderson points out these headlines in today's *Wall
Street Journal*:
Safety Gear Helps Reduce U.S. Traffic Deaths
Cities Target Elevated Levels of Pedestrian Deaths
As Sam Peltzman pointed out years ago, when cars get safer, drivers are
less careful, increasing externalities on pedestrians.
Pentagon Has Concluded The Bowe Berghdahl Investigation.
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 18 hours ago

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl is pictured here in an undated photo provided to
reporters by the Army. If Bergdahl is cleared of desertion charges, he'll
receive $200,000 in back pay and stands to gain another $150,000 in
compensation for his ordeal
*Chuck Hagel Has Been Briefed On Bowe Bergdahl 'Deserter' Investigation
That could See The Sergeant Take $300k In Back Pay -- Daily Mail*
* The Pentagon, including Chuck Hagel, briefed on investigation to
determine is Sgt Bowe Bergdahl was 'absent without leave' or AWOL
* Bergdahl could get as much as $300k in compensation
* 'We explained exactly w... more »
'Why the Mountain' documentary film for Mauna Kea
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 18 hours ago
December 19, 2014
"Why The Mountain" is a documentary film for Mauna Kea
Mauna Kea is inundated with 13 telescopes. The Thirty-Meter Telescope
(TMT) will dwarf what's already on the summit.
Our goal is to produce a beautiful, powerful and evocative film to help
people everywhere understand why Mauna Kea is sacred to Hawaiians, a
fragile ecosystem that needs protection, and
You'd Better Not Pout, You'd Better Not Cry
Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 18 hours ago

You'd better not run and you'd better not hide. Because Stasi Claus has a
new helper, and his name is Little Big Brother.
To get American children (whom the Obama administration has creepily
designated the "Homeland Generation") ready for a whole lifetime of
surveillance, there's a grotesquely cute little plastic dude called *Elf on
the Shelf* that parents are being urged to buy in order to get their kids
used to a total lack of privacy.
It's up to Mom or Dad to place the Elf in a new spot every night after the
children go to sleep. The little ones will never know when or where the... more »
What Has Been The Role Of Diego Garcia Too The CIA's Rendition Program?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 19 hours ago

Negotiations Begin On Fate Of Strategic Jewel Diego Garcia -- Aol Defense
Diego Garcia Guards Its Secrets Even As The Truth On CIA Torture Emerges --
the Guardian
There have long been questions on the role of the British territory in the
rendition of US terror suspects. But not even the Senate’s damning report
on CIA black sites has answered them
It was July 2005 and Jack Straw was in combative mood. During a
parliamentary debate, the then foreign secretary insisted that there was no
need for a judicial inquiry into the UK’s role in extraordinary rendition –
“unless we all start t... more »
“The Four Styles of Control Dramas”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 19 hours ago
*“The Four Styles of Control Dramas”*
by Liz LaSaga
*“Tactics of Manipulation: *Everyone has a natural tendency to rely on a
form of control in their dealings with others. It’s within our nature to
have these styles and feel inclined to use them in response to real or
perceived threats. The ugliness of this mechanism becomes clear when
self-preservation stops being the motivation and a desire to shape another
person’s personal progress, compromise their free will or guarantee a
desired outcome, becomes the underlying reason for these manipulations.
There are three levels of person... more »
US Releases Four More Guantánamo Bay Prisoners
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 20 hours ago

Detainees sit in a holding area at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. File photograph:
Reuters/US Department of Defence
*US Releases Four Guantánamo Bay Prisoners To Afghanistan -- The Guardian*
* Official: ‘Repatriation reflects commitment to closing facility’
* Release follows six men sent to Uruguay earlier this month
The US announced on Saturday the release of four more prisoners from the
detention facility at Guantánamo Bay. The four men were repatriated to
Paul Lewis, the Defense Department’s special envoy for the closure of
Guantánamo, said: “This repatriation reflects the D... more »
The Impending "Russian Maidan"
Land Destroyer at Land Destroyer - 20 hours ago

*December 21, 2014 *(Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - The coordinated manipulation
of global energy prices, a NATO build-up in Eastern Europe, and the
rekindling of terrorism in Russia's southern Caucasus region all appear to
be ever-increasing crescendos toward a much larger event - a "Russian
The necessary components of a successful Western bid to overthrow the
Russian political order include a political front protesting in Russia's
major cities, as well as a full-spectrum economic war to put pressure on
Russia's population, increasing dissent as well as swelling the ranks of
... more »
Another Planet Five Miles Down the Road
Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 20 hours ago

Nikole Hannah-Jones has another terrific piece for ProPublica, and this one
takes a look at segregated schools in and around Ferguson, MO.
One chart below shows Michael Brown's school district compared to five
miles down the road where the grand jury was convened.
New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 20 hours ago
*State approves controversial drilling permit in St. Tammany ~Sara Pagones,
The Advocate*
*Environmental Groups Draw Recommendations from Louisiana's Coastal Master
Plan ~Amy Jeffries, WWNO*
*Emails show political interference for years in Civil Service system
~Charles Maldonado, The Lens*
*“Small Town Heroes” – Hurray For The Riff Raff [Official Full Album Stream
+ Zumic Review]*
Culture Warrior Neighbor States Declare War on Legalized Pot in Colorado
Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 20 hours ago

In what could be a blow to states’ rights Colorado voters face having their
will nullified by two bible thumper infested neighbor states as well as the
meddlesome federal government. In a lawsuit filed with the U.S. Supreme
Court on Thursday – States of Nebraska and Oklahoma v. State of Colorado –
the border states are seeking to overturn the amendment making marijuana
legal. Not all voters were a mile high when the first pot stores threw open
their doors for business on January 1, 2014 and the hardened culture
warriors are fighting back in the biggest clash between states since th... more »
Censored: One Woman's Journey
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 20 hours ago
you to Ann-erika White Bird and Lakota Voice!Brenda Norrell, One
Woman’s JourneyLakota Voice Lakota Voice contacted Brenda Norrell,
Censored News, last November requesting permission to reprint her story,
“Powers of deception, arm chair journalism and editorial scams”. After
Censored News published a highlight of Indigenous Resistance for 2014,
we again contacted Ms. Norell. This time,
A Look At The Russian - Ukraine Cyber War
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 21 hours ago

Flickr user: Kecko
*Ukraine Conflict: Hackers Take Sides In Virtual War -- BBC*
Throughout the bitter violence of the Ukrainian conflict, another hidden
war has been waged, involving several groups of computer hackers.
Little is beyond their reach. Official documents and private communications
are made public, and websites blocked. They hijack CCTV cameras, electronic
billboards and network printers.
The best known of the virtual warriors are the Ukrainian Cyber Troops, the
Cyber Berkut and Anonymous International.
All three present themselves as independent activists, separate fr... more »
ADL's "Advanced Training School" brainwashing top law enforcement executives
The Realist Report at The Realist Report - 21 hours ago

According to a recent press release from the Anti-Defamation League, one of
the most tyrannical, subversive, and quite frankly un-American
organizations operating in the United States today, 37 top executives
representing a variety of federal, state, and local law enforcement
agencies participated in the Advanced Training School course offered by the
ADL. I wonder if these law enforcement agencies actually pay the ADL for
these ridiculous courses?
The *press release* reads in part:
ADL held the 26th session of our Advanced Training School (ATS) course on
Extremist and Terrorist Thr... more »
Kerry Bentivolio Kicked Out Of The GOP Cult-- And Forced To Sell All His Reindeer
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 21 hours ago

"This is what happens," groused Kerry Bentivolio, "when a regular guy gets
an opportunity to come to Congress." He's feeling pretty aggrieved all
around. Not many Republicans lost their seats this year. But Bentivolio
did-- and he lost ugly to Michigan's foreclosure king, who unleashed a
torrent of cash-- over $4,000,000, including $3,623,402 from his own bank
account-- to smear him mercilessly from Canton, Livonia and Novi to Auburn
Hills and Washington, DC. In the end Trott and his Establishment allies
beat him 138,229 (56.1%) to 100,665 (40.8%). Bentivolio calls himself a "a
re... more »
“Protect Yourself from Control Dramas”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 21 hours ago
*“Protect Yourself from Control Dramas”*
by Dr. Jody Janati
“What is a Control Drama? A control drama, as coined by James Redfield in
his book, “The Celestine Prophecy,” is played by anyone who is feeling low
on power or energy, to manipulate and steal the energy of another. Control
dramas are unconscious strategies all people use to gain power or energy
from another person and to essentially, “get their way with others.” We get
our way with others by making them pay attention to us and then elicit a
certain reaction from them to make ourselves feel fulfilled. The positive
feelings... more »
Musings On Iraq In The News
Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 21 hours ago
My article on Iranian air power in Iraq was reprinted by Business Insider.
"24 Voices On The Unity of Iraq" was also mentioned in Tom Rick's Best
Defense Blog.
Quarter Four Local By-Election Results 2014
Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 21 hours ago
Number of candidates
Total vote
+/- Seats
Plaid Cymru**
... more »
UN: Situation Serious For 1.7 Million Ukrainian Children
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 22 hours ago
*Unicef: 1.7 Million Ukrainian Children Suffering Amid Conflict, Winter
Cold -- CNN*
(CNN) -- More than 1.7 million children in conflict-torn areas of eastern
Ukraine face an "extremely serious" situation, the U.N. children's agency
has warned, with their suffering exacerbated by harsh winter weather.
Many families have been forced from their homes and lack access to safe
water, sanitation and schooling.
"Children continue to bear the brunt of this conflict, with schooling
disrupted and access to basic services limited," said Marie-Pierre Poirier,
Unicef regional director for Cen... more »
Being Prepared is not Fear- do YOU have the power?
D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 22 hours ago
As I said in last nights Transpicuous News Report, I am not a negative
person, nor a pessimist- far from it in fact. But I am a Realist, and
right now, the Realist in me says "Be Prepared".
At this moment, the world of "Finance" "Economy" and Government idiocy is
collapsing all around the globe. I do not say this lightly. After posting
TN last night, I opened my skype to 5 more news articles that point a very
huge finger at just how close the collapse of the current financial system
I have written for years about the coming changes to the currently slavery
financial system a... more »
Leaked CIA Report Says Targeting Taliban Leaders For Assassination Had A Limited Effect
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago

*CIA Analysis: ‘High-Value Targeting’ Had Limited Effect Against Taliban --
Washington Post*
Raids, drone strikes and other military operations designed to capture or
kill “high-value targets” in the Taliban have had little overall effect in
part because of the militant group’s ability to replace leaders, according
to a 2009 CIA analysis newly released by WikiLeaks.
The document, titled “Making High-Value Targeting Operations an Effective
Counterinsurgency Tool,” is dated July 7, 2009, and was produced as the
Obama administration grappled with whether to send additional U.S. troops... more »
Local Council By-Elections December 2014
Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 23 hours ago
Number of Candidates
Total Vote
+/- Nov
Plaid Cymru**
... more »
All About Us
gail zawacki at Wit's End - 23 hours ago

In this post are screenshots and notes I made from a lecture by James White
of INSTAAR, U Colorado Boulder, given last week at the annual meeting of
the AGU (American Geophysical Union) in San Francisco. Anyone can see it,
for free, although it requires jumping through some hoops to register. Here
is the link I used to access it - you can try to login as me (email
witsendnj@yahoo.com, password agupass1) or register yourself and search for
James White in "Virtual Options" at the conference home site. It is well
worth persistence to see.
The title refers to his recent study, "Abrup... more »
Why The Legendary Region Of Khorasan Is Important To The Islamic State
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago

*ISIS Targets Afghanistan Just as the U.S. Quits -- Sami Yousafzai and
Christopher Dickey, Daily Beast *
As the United States moves out of Afghanistan, ISIS is moving in to compete
with al Qaeda and the Taliban in the legendary region of Khorasan, which
also includes Pakistan and Iran.
LONDON — Few sayings of the Prophet Mohammed have a stronger hold on the
imagination of the world’s jihadists than his prophecy about the flags: "If
you see the black banners coming from Khorasan, join that army, even if you
have to crawl over ice,” he is supposed to have admonished the fa... more »
What's The Conventional Wisdom?
Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 1 day ago

Parliamentary government is rooted in a series of conventions. The problem, Andrew
Coyne writes, is that our political parties are no longer paying attention
to those conventions. And if -- as seems likely -- we elect a minority
government the next time around, what, he wonders, will happen in the wake
of no political consensus:
We are notably lacking in consensus in this country on even the most basic
rules of the game. We flirted with an all-out constitutional crisis on more
than one occasion then. The... more »
PC revolution, Altair 8800: 40th anniversary
Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 1 day ago
Fourty years and one day ago, the PC revolution started when Micro
Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems (MITS) released its Altair 8800
personal computer.
In 1994, this guy, Bill Gates, said a few words about his and Paul Allen's
decision to write BASIC for that machine (which was released in early
1975). Note that BASIC was invented as a popular language at a New
Hampshire school in 1964.
I was just one year and two weeks old when the model was introduced. But
even for those of you who are older, it must feel like some mysterious
pre-history of the PCs because almost no one bou... more »
Is Morale Among Islamic State Fighters Falling?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

Photo Credit: Oleg Zabielin | shutterstock.com
*Isis Morale Falls As Momentum Slows And Casualties Mount -- Financial
Flagging morale, desertion and factionalism are starting to affect the
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, known as Isis, testing the cohesion
of the jihadi force as its military momentum slows.
Activists and fighters in parts of eastern Syria controlled by Isis said as
military progress slows and focus shifts to governing the area, frustration
has grown among militants who had been seen as the most disciplined and
effective fighting force in the country’s... more »
Truth In Settlements Act
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
In the video above, Elizabeth Warren explains why she introduced the Truth
in Settlements Act (S.1898) as soon as Congress got back to work last
January. She also explains why it was never sent to President Obama's desk
to be signed. It would help just about anyone understand why there is so
much grassroots support for electing a president like Warren instead of
just another tired political hack like Clinton or Bush who doesn't stand
for anything that means squat for the well-being of the 99%.
She introduced the bill, co-sponsored by "Senator No"-- AKA-Tom Coburn
(R-OK)-- and wha... more »
UKIP's quips
Boris at The Galloping Beaver - 1 day ago
I believe we're a familiar with this sort of problem with our
ReformatoryCons, who are basically now required to think only in
verbatim PMO talking points.
Nigel Farage is cracking down on Ukip supporters’ social media activity
after a series of scandals over racist comments. The party has changed
its constitution to prevent unauthorised use of the Ukip logo by
supporters, members and
More U.S. Troops Being Sent To Iraq
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*US To Send More Military Advisers to Iraq, Mainly Anbar Province -- Rudaw*
WASHINGTON DC—Outgoing US Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel authorized the
deployment of up to 1,300 American troops to Iraq early next year to assist
and advise Iraqi and Kurdish forces in the fight against the Islamic State
(ISIS), the Pentagon said on Friday.
“Their mission will be to train, advise and assist Iraqi security forces.
This deployment is part of the additional 1,500 troops that the president
authorized in November,” Press Secretary John Kirby told reporters at a
Pentagon briefing.
The annou... more »
VOCP - Voluntary One Child Policy - doing what's right for Free Planet
Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 1 day ago
*VOCP* or Voluntary One Child Policy.
*this is the basis of how we bring planet Earth back under our rightful
There are megalomaniacs and genetic engineers out there who suggest that we
should Logan's Run the future to avoid endemic Soylent Greenism, this means
agree to have our parents murdered by the state after a certain age and/or
turn certain parts of the Human Race into FOOD to feed *the unworthy
Free Planet says, "Leave the planet better than you found it."
Free Planet says, "Live within your means, for free."
Free Planet says, "Be your own man, do... more »
U.K. Defense Minister: Women May Serve In Close Combat Roles By 2016
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Women May Serve In Close Combat Roles By 2016, Says Fallon -- BBC*
Women may be allowed to fight in front line combat roles for the first time
- pending a further review by the Ministry of Defence.
A government-commissioned report on the ban on women serving in close
combat roles called for more research to assess the physical demands
Defence Secretary Michael Fallon said armed forces roles "should be
determined by ability and not gender".
And he added that he hoped to "open up combat roles to women" in 2016.
Currently women can serve on the front line, but not where t... more »
Crimea Hit With Wide Ranging Sanctions From Both The EU And The U.S.
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Obama Orders Trade Ban on Crimea for Russian 'Occupation' -- Voice of
President Barack Obama has imposed a wide-ranging trade ban on the
Russian-annexed Crimea peninsula, with an executive order that bars exports
of key U.S. goods and services and blocks Crimean imports.
A White House statement Friday said the order is "intended to provide U.S.
clarity to American corporations doing business in the region." It also
said it aimed to demonstrate that Washington "will not accept Russia's
occupation" of Crimea.
The ban includes sanctions on 24 individuals and companies ide... more »
JR at GREENIE WATCH - 1 day ago
*Climate skepticism is racist*
*The hysterical Naomi Klein says so. Too silly to be worth fisking. A
mountain of argument built entirely on false premises. Some background on
the brainless braying bimbo here. Her dream is to become a revolutionary
leader ("Fuehrer" in German) and her rhetoric matches that*
The annual United Nations climate summit is wrapping up in in Lima, Peru,
and on its penultimate day, something historic happened. No, not the empty
promises from powerful governments to finally get serious about climate
action—starting in 2020 or 2030 or any time other tha... more »
jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 1 day ago
*From just two hours a week to a relentless 14, after-school workloads
across the globe*
A new study reveals just how much time teenagers spend on their homework
across the globe.
According to a brief from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development, or OECD, homework varies drastically from country to country,
with the average 15-year-old American spending six hours a week on it in
2012 and those in Korea and Finland spending less than three.
In Shanghai, students tend to be burdened with the most time-consuming
assignments, with the average teen spending about 14... more »
Welcome to the Solstice Gathering around the Pond, Sunday December 21
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 1 day ago

*Welcome to the Solstice Gathering around the Pond, Sunday December 21 *
December 19, 2014 in Gatherings around the Pond
By Aisha North
Dear family of light! We are approaching a pivotal point of the year, and
the CCs have asked us to have a special Solstice Gathering around the Pond
this Sunday at 21:00 Oslo time. Here is what the CCs wanted to share about
“And so it is that we ask you once again to come together to pool your
resources the way that only you can do, and this time it is indeed for a
very special occasion. For this time, we ask you all to come together to
ma... more »
GDEB Awarded $36 Million for Development of Advanced Submarine Technologies
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago

[image: USS Minnesota]General Dynamics Electric Boat has been awarded a
$36.5 million contract modification from the U.S. Navy to develop advanced
submarine technologies for current and future undersea platforms.
Electric Boat is a wholly owned subsidiary of General Dynamics.
Under the terms of the modification, Electric Boat will perform advanced
submarine research and development studies in support of a wide range of
technology areas including manufacturability, maintainability,
survivability, hydrodynamics, acoustics and materials.
Read more
Brian Kelly's Story: A Journey to Discovering Purpose -- Part II
D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 1 day ago

*My Story -- A Journey to Discovering Purpose -- Part II*
December 18, 2014
This post is not just about a business idea, it's about "Inspiring a
Revolution of Change".... ~BK
In Part I, I told my personal journey of self discovery, which can be read
here. On my mission to find purpose, here's a quick recap from the last
article of the major lessons I learned along the way:
5. *GIVE, GIVE, GIVE & then GIVE some MORE*
Navy to take delivery of new stealth missile corvette next week
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago
The Navy is set to take delivery of its first locally designed stealth
missile corvette from a Taiwanese shipbuilder during a ceremony slated for
Dec. 23, the Ministry of National Defense said Friday.
During the ceremony in a commercial harbor in Suao, the 500-ton corvette --
the Tuo Jiang ("Tuo River") -- will be officially transferred from Lung Teh
Shipbuilding Co. to the Navy.
After receiving the corvette, the Navy will begin training personnel to
familiarize them with the craft, and Navy officials did not think it would
take long before the vessel is put into service.
Read more
Canister Launch of Agni-V Next Month
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago
[image: Agni V ICBM]Preparations are afoot at the defence base off Odisha
coast for the first canister launch of India’s longest range nuclear
capable missile Agni-V. The test is likely to be conducted on January 7 or
8 and Prime Minister Narendra Modi has been invited to witness the launch.
The motor, body and other sub-systems of the indigenously developed missile
having a strike range of 5,000-km have been brought to the Wheeler Island
test facility and DRDO scientists are busy assembling the weapon system.
Sources told this paper that the schedule of the missile test depends on
... more »
Pilots Died Because of Lack of Trainer Aircraft and Training Aid, Says Government Auditor
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago
[image: HJT-36 Sitara]Accidents involving fighter aircraft of the Indian
Air Force in 2012-13 were caused due to "technical defects" and "human
error", according to a report by the Comptroller and Auditor General. The
number of such mishaps were considerably higher than in the past, says the
government auditor.
The CAG report says there were as many as 33 accidents in which 27 pilots
lost their lives in the period that was audited.
These accidents happened, the report says, because the Air Force could no
longer train its pilots properly - it didn't have the full complement of
basic... more »
US Grants $3B Sale Of Tanks, Armored Vehicles To Iraq; Will Send 1,300 Troops To Assist Iraqi Forces
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago

[image: M1A1 Abrams MBT]The U.S. State Department has approved sales of
tanks and other armored vehicles to Iraq as part of a deal worth about $3
The latest development coincided with a statement from the Department of
Defence announcing the deployment of more than 1,000 U.S. troops in Iraq
next year.
“The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign
Military Sale to Iraq for M1A1 Abrams tanks and associated equipment, parts
and logistical support for an estimated cost of $2.4 billion,” the U.S.
Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) said in ... more »
Insitu lands $41M Navy drone order
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago

[image: RQ-21A Blackjack]Insitu, the Bingen-based manufacturer of drones,
has landed a $41.07 million Navy contract to supply three RQ-21A Blackjack
unmanned aircraft systems.
The company, a subsidiary of aerospace giant Boeing, will perform the
contract work in Bingen and is expected to complete it in January 2016, the
U.S. Department of Defense said Thursday.
The $41.07 million will pay for "the air vehicles, ground control stations,
launch and recovery equipment, initial spares, and system engineering and
program management," according to the Defense Department. Following federal... more »
Danny Vendramini - Planet of the Neanderthals - profile of a super predator
Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 1 day ago
here's a very interesting video concerning Danny Vendramini's book *Them
and Us* (how Neanderthal predation created Modern Humans). Danny's bold and
brave claim is that *Neanderthals were horrible nightmarish monsters that
hunted and devoured puny humans*. Their large eyes suggest that most of
this might have been done nocturnally i.e. at night, nightmarish indeed...
*Once the traditional anthropomorphic approach is put aside, and it is
acknowledged that human physiology and behaviour are a one-off case,
Neanderthal physiology can be seen in its correct evolutionary context.*
*Nean... more »
Canada commits $200 million to development of next generation of Seasparrow missile
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago

[image: Evolved Seasparrow Missile]The Department of National Defence has
announced that it is joining efforts to improve missile systems for naval
The upgrade process includes the recent signing of a Memorandum of
Understanding for the development of the Evolved Seasparrow Missile Block 2
– the next generation of that missile.
Canada’s contribution to participate in the development memorandum of
understanding is approximately $200 million, according to DND.
Read more
Canada sending HMCS Fredericton to Mediterranean Sea over Ukraine crisis
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago

[image: HMCS Fredericton]Canada is sending another one of its frigates to
help a NATO maritime force aiming to provide reassurance to eastern
European allies that are jittery over the crisis in Ukraine.
The Defence Department says HMCS Fredericton will deploy in the coming
weeks to replace HMCS Toronto in the Mediterranean Sea.
HMCS Toronto has been in the area since August.
Read more
Sale of US Warships to Taiwan Violates China-US Agreements: Beijing
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago

[image: USS Halyburton]The sale of four Perry-class guided missile frigates
by the United States to Taiwan violates joint communiques signed by China
and the United States, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said Friday.
"The Chinese side is firmly opposed to the arms sales by the US to Taiwan.
This position is steadfast, clear and consistent.
The aforementioned act constitutes a grave breach of the spirit of the
three joint communiqués between China and the US, especially that of the
August 17 Communiqué," Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang was
quoted as saying in a statemen... more »
Russian Nuclear Bombers Again Buzz Guam
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago

[image: Tu-95 Bear D & F-15 Eagle]Russian strategic bombers conducted a
third circumnavigation of the U.S. Pacific island of Guam last week as
other bombers flew close to Alaska and Europe, defense officials said.
Two Tu-95 Bear H bombers made the flight around Guam, a key U.S. military
hub in the western Pacific, on Dec. 13. No U.S. interceptor jets were
dispatched to shadow the bombers.
Separately, two Canadian F-18s intercepted two Bear bombers that intruded
into the Alaska air defense identification zone on Dec. 8 that a military
spokesman called “unwanted, provocative, and pote... more »
Russian military received 38 intercontinental missiles in 2014 — defense minister
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago

[image: Yuri Dolgoruky SSBN]Russia's Strategic Nuclear Forces added 38 new
intercontinental ballistic missiles to their tables of equipment this year,
including 22 submarine-based missiles, Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said
on Friday at an expanded session of the Defense Ministry's Board.
The percentage of upgraded armaments in the Armed Forces has thus reached
56%, he said. The Strategic Missile Troops now have three new regiments
operating Yars missile complexes.
By the end of December, the Navy will have three strategic nuclear-powered
submarines of the Borei class. The first o... more »
Repair of nuclear-powered submarine Yekaterinburg completed at Zvezdochka shipyard
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago

[image: Yekaterinburg SSBN]Zvezdochka shipyard has completed repair and
extension of the lifetime of the strategic nuclear-powered submarine
Yekaterinburg (project 667BDRM), the shipyard says in its press release.
The ship has been officially delivered to Russian Navy on December 19, 2014.
In June 2012, the ship was delivered to Zvezdochka (Severodvinsk) for
repair and extension of the ship’s lifetime by 3 years.
In early June 2014, the Yekaterinburg left the slip dock of Ship Repair
Center ‘Zvezdochka’, the outfitting work was completed in the first half of
November 2014 and the s... more »
CAG says submarines hit by delay in buying spares
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago

[image: INS Sindhurakshak]The comptroller and auditor general (CAG) on
Friday slammed the government for unreasonable delays in projects that
compromised the navy's ability to fully exploit its Russian-origin
Kilo-class submarines and also hit the training of air force pilots.
In a report tabled in Parliament, the national auditor condemned the
defence ministry over its failure to indigenise heavy-duty Tatra trucks
used for carrying missiles, a target that should have should have achieved
in 1991.
The trucks were at the centre of a controversy in 2012 when former army
chief Genera... more »
NSM Coastal Defence contract valued at NOK 1,3 Billions with Poland
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 1 day ago
[image: NSM (Naval Strike Missile) Coastal Defence System]Kongsberg Defence
& Aerospace (KONGSBERG) has signed a contract with the Polish Ministry of
National Defence for an NSM (Naval Strike Missile) Coastal Defence System
valued at NOK 1.3 Billion. The scope of delivery is a Squadron-size unit
similar to the contract won with Poland in 2008.
After a successful delivery and acceptance of the first Squadron, this
second Squadron will increase the cooperation with the Polish Government
and industry and further enhance security of supply by establishing the
capability to maintain the ... more »
Financial Services Regulators' heads and bonuses roll, punished for suggesting they might Regulate Financial Services.
Jake at Ripped-off Britons - 1 day ago
watch over the British Consumer
"No good deed ever goes unpunished": A cautionary tale from the
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) for Christmas and beyond.
In December 2014 FCA heads rolled and FCA bonuses were cancelled. Was it
due to a failure to show adequate Authority over a firms' Financial
Conduct? To find out, we travel ten months back in time.
In February 2014 the FCA
thelapine.ca - Talk to the Rabbit
greencrow at Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 1 day ago

*Scared Rabbit*
As my reader(s) might have noticed...I've added more than 80 "*Greencrow's
Recommended Blogs*" to my website lately. This is the latest one:
thelapine.ca "Lapine" is French for rabbit. Here's the item that caught
my eye:
Putin Calmly Told Harper to “Bugger Off You Gas Bag”
Posted on November 16, 2014 by The Lapine
[image: HarperPutin]
BRISBANE — Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper today repeated his
version of a “testy exchange” with Russian President Vladimir Putin at the
G20 meeti... more »
Are We Responding To The New Demands Of The Supply Chain?
Martyn Daniels at Brave New World - 1 day ago

A Supply Chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
The delays in internet deliveries has highlighted how the existing supply
chain is not capable of responding to spikes in volume and demand. So what
will be the future? Will we be any better at forecasting next year than we
were this year? Will the lack of responsiveness actually choke back
consumer demand to shop online? Will the cost of carriage rise sharply to
mitigate the risks to carriage companies?
The growth of internet transactions across all goods is heavily dependent
on an effective and responsive transport infrastru... more »
Transpicuous News Dec 19 2014: Tantrums and Financial Terrorism
D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 1 day ago

*Side note: Sorry everyone, apparently the first 2 minutes of the video
(of me ranting and having a tantrum) somehow got cut in the editing
process. .... yet another thing for me to rant about, no doubt. The
missing section contains me ranting about the ridiculousness of everything
in the past 72 hours or so, and that I felt I needed to bring this
information out today.... the remaining video contains the entire news
footage, so I guess you don't get to see D have a tantrum.... this time.*
Well my friends, I'm back again, even though I said I wouldn't be recording
any updates ti... more »
Israel launches Gaza air strike on 'Hamas target' per BBC News
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 1 day ago
This BBC article http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-30558922 is so
blatant in its anti Israel structure that I can't even be bothered to fisk
it. Have a look for yourself.
Cheryl Robbins' new guides in her series A Foreigner's Travel Guide To Taiwan's Indigenous Areas
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 1 day ago

[image: DSC03632]Cheryl Robbins, the well-known, longtime resident of the
island, is building a travel service that takes visitors to remote areas to
tour in aboriginal villages. Highly recommended! She's also put out a set
of guidebooks for traveling in Indigenous areas. I've blogged on them before,
but I'd like to remind readers that these bilingual texts are available
from her website. Recently she has released two more volumes in the series,
the Hualien and Taitung volume, and the Northern Taiwan volume.
These incredibly useful books, roughly 200 pages each, contain road
directi... more »
Did the Ancient Chinese Make Contact With Native Americans?
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 1 day ago
[image: Illustrations of a Chinese man and a Native American from the 18th
or 19th century, artist unknown. Background: Mention of Fusang (]
Of course they did, just as sporadic contact took place across the
Atlantic. The pro0blem was that no one had a good reason to establish a
long term trade system that would have sustained colonies and mutual
interest. That changed during the European Bronze Age between 2500 BC and
1159 BC and in 1492 when European military advantages was able to liberate
Indian gold and other valuable metals to support serious colonization.
after that it ev... more »
The Great Wall of Texas
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 1 day ago
Claiming that nature created a rectangular structure 3.5 miles by 5.6 miles
is rather curious and impossibly unconvincing. Then the blocks from which
it is made just turns out to be a porridge of clay, sand and calcite which
is just what we use to make a crude cement. size would then be determined
by its curing behavior. This is complete conformable to Bronze Age
The size suggests a large city needing serious defenses and able to protect
the surrounding population who were surely growing corn.
The building of this wall would use box frames to set up the blocks ... more »
Milkweed Touted as Oil-Spill Super-Sucker
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 1 day ago

Finally someone is making the milkweed market work for us. Once this
becomes properly established, i expect plenty of additional applications.
It may even replace feathers in bedding.
This was kapok during the Second world war and provided floatation then. I
suspect it could do it again. But you can see the problem. This is all
niche marketing and contract driven which discourages serious equipment
investment. Too bad we could not blend it with cotton to provide a superior
I posted several years ago so this chap is not the only player out there.
Let us hope someone ga... more »
How to Graft Fruit Trees
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 1 day ago

[image: featured image]
One thing that i have become aware of is that every farmer on Earth is
missing a serious contributor to farm revenue by not integrating trees into
all field crops. Most such needs to be single rows or perhaps staggered
double rows that still allow large root balls that then leave ample room
between for at least two combine sweeps or their equivalent on annual
crops. This also allows sufficient spacing to minimize the shade effect.
All this can produce a thriving crop as well as a healthy tree crop with
minimal losses in terms of the field ... more »
More Chu joy: Chu's Ancestral House Renovated by Taoyuan Culture Bureau
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 1 day ago

*My friend Iris shoots a mountain road.*
Business as usual: Solidarity.tw translates/writes on how the Taoyuan
County culture bureau hurriedly signed $NT 30 million in contracts to
renovate incoming KMT Chairman Eric Chu's ancestral home as a
cultural/historic site, before the DPP could get in and stop the silliness.
What a coincidence! It was declared to be a historic when Chu was the
County Chief. Chu is a reformer? This is business as usual, in which
high-ranking KMTers treat the government and the nation as a combination
ATM and game preserve. From the piece:
Councilor Huang C... more »
"Tell Them..."
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"Then tell them we've all got some meanness in us...
but tell them that we have some good in us, too.
And the only thing worth living for is the good.
That’s why we’ve got to make sure we pass it on."
- Billie Letts
Let's see how quickly Dwight has a submission picked for the New Yorker Cartoon Caption Contest
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

*by Ken*
"Got this e-mail the other day," writes *New Yorker* cartoon editor Bob
Mankoff, adding, "It’s not the first of its kind."
This reader is completely non-plussed by the premature deadlines for
your cartoon contest, in that they are dated one day before the cover
publication date of the magazine, which in my case is often not delivered
in the mail until too late to enter.
What exactly is the point of this kind of discouragement to your
enthusiastic subscribers? I hope and pray you will not ignore this
complaint in an all too common post-modern electronic game of passive
a... more »
Europe Prepares For A Long Confrontation With Russia
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

(L-R) Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy Brey, European Commission
President Jean-Claude Juncker, French President Francois Hollande and
Portuguese Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho meet European Union leaders
summit in Brussels, on December 18, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Emmanuel
*EU Leaders Prepare For Long Confrontation With Russia -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - European Union leaders warned Moscow they are ready to flex
their combined muscle and "stay the course" in a long confrontation with
Russia if President Vladimir Putin refuses to pull back from Ukraine.
"We must go b... more »
"3 Questions To Ask Before You Die"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"3 Questions To Ask Before You Die"*
by Yurianddinna
*"The unexamined life is not worth living: *Socrates once said that the
unexamined life is not worth living. I grieve at the grim reality that most
of us live such “unexamined” lives and then we die. Inside your head is one
of the most irreducibly complex wonders of the universe, and you are afraid
to use it for more than a game of Angry Birds. Around you is a world filled
to the brim with miracles, marvels, manifestations that shout questions at
you, but you prefer to focus all your attention onto the lives of the
Kardashians. ... more »
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"You have been given questions to which you cannot be given answers.
You will have to live them out - perhaps a little at a time."
*"And how long is that going to take?" *
"I don't know. As long as you live, perhaps."
*"That could be a long time."*
"I will tell you a further mystery," he said. "It may take longer."
— Wendell Berry, "Jayber Crow"
"What Lies Beyond the Edge of the Universe?”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
* "What Lies Beyond the Edge of the Universe?”*
by Andrew Moseman
“The visible edge of the universe is, by definition, the most distant thing
that we can see. That does not mean it is the most distant thing we can
feel, however. According to astrophysicist Alexander Kashlinsky of NASA’s
Goddard Space Flight Center, something from way beyond the edge seems to be
pulling powerfully on galaxies in our universe, yanking them along in a
motion he calls “dark flow.” Kashlinsky and his team noticed this
phenomenon while studying the cosmic microwave background, radiation left
over from ju... more »
Putin: Russia's Military Doctrine Remains Defensive
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

© Sputnik/ Alexei Druzhinin
*Putin: Russia's Military Doctrine Remains Defensive Despite NATO Buildup
-- Sputnik*
Russian President Putin said at a meeting with the top military brass in
Moscow that Russia's military doctrine, which has an absolutely defensive
nature, remains unchanged.
MOSCOW, December 19 (Sputnik) — The Russian military doctrine will remain
defensive despite NATO military buildup in eastern Europe, but Russia will
make consistent and determined efforts to safeguard its security, President
Vladimir Putin said Friday.
"Our military doctrine, which has an absolute... more »
Israel Launches Airstrikes Against Hamas
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

Israeli security forces stand next to the remains of a rocket that was
fired from the Gaza Strip towards Israel on Friday, on the Israeli side of
the border December 19, 2014. REUTERS/Ilan Assayag
*Israel Bombs Gaza Militant Base After Rocket Hits Southern Israel --
(Reuters) - Israeli aircraft bombed a Hamas militant base in the Gaza Strip
on Friday for the first time since the end of a war in the territory, in
response to a rocket that militants launched earlier in the day, the army
The bombs struck in the Khan Younis area in the southern Gaza Strip. Local
hospi... more »
Hollywood And Sony Criticized For 'Caving - In' To Cyber Threats
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*George Clooney Criticizes Hollywood in Sony Cyberattack -- Voice of
NEW YORK - Oscar-winner George Clooney slammed Hollywood power players for
not supporting Sony Pictures following the cyberattack on the company over
the satirical comedy "The Interview" about North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
Sony on Wednesday pulled the Christmas Day release of the film depicting a
fictional assassination of Kim after major theater chains said they would
not show it because of unspecified threats made by the hackers.
Clooney, in an interview Friday with online trade publication ... more »
President Obama Responds To Sony Cyber Attack
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Obama Mocks Absurd Plot Twist Of Cyber Attack On Sony -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Faced with the most destructive cyber attack of a company on
U.S. soil, President Barack Obama resorted to humor to explain an absurd
plot that even Hollywood did not see coming.
In his rebuke of Sony Pictures' decision to shelve "The Interview," about a
fictitious plot to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Obama said
the public did not have to look farther than the film's stoner-comedy stars
to gauge its threat.
"I think it says something interesting about North Korea that they decided
to ha... more »
snippy the horse
Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 1 day ago

On Sept. 7, 1967 - Snippy the horse, a 3-year-old Appaloosa, who’s actual
name was Lady, failed to show up for her usual morning drink in a pasture
on the Harry King ranch 20 miles northeast of Alamosa, at the foot of Mount
Blanca. Two days later, Snippy's body was found in the pasture, her death
cloaked in mystery. The skin and flesh had been cleanly cut away from the
shoulders to the ears.
There were no tracks near the body and no blood on the ground, but strange
markings were found on the ground around Snippy's body. The horse's owner,
Nellie Lewis, said she was positive that e... more »
Noted Tin-Foil Crazy Alex Jones and Infowars steps in it by going after Spokane Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich...w/Update
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 day ago
*a good man and a good sheriff.*
*As I keep saying, do not believe everything you read*
InfoWars is bashing the sheriff's department of Spokane County for taking a
Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) to a charity event where the
deputies take children shopping for Christmas.
Some unidentified woman films herself badgering some of the deputies about
the MRAP until she catches a deputy saying that there a lot of
"constitutionalists" in the area, and they are well armed. At first,
InfoWars shows only the few seconds where he makes that statement. Is it
taken out of context? You ... more »
Musical Interlude: 2002, "Starwalkers"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
2002, "Starwalkers"
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SovcBYRFIxw
Ringing sleighbells and roasting chestnuts tell us it's that time of year: Be afraid for the holidays
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

*by Ken*
It's Friday, and I realize many of you were probably in such a hurry to get
wherever you were going for the weekend -- and possibly beyond, with those
two skeletal work weeks coming up surrounding the holidays -- that you
missed this news. So as a public service, *DWT* wants to be sure you've
heard the latest from your State Dept., courtesy of the *Washington Post*
"In the Loop" team:
*State Department warns travelers about worldwide terror threat*
By Colby Itkowitz | December 19 at 5:30 PM
It’s the Friday before Christmas, but the State Department is not spreading
holi... more »
Edwin Black : The Transfer Agreement
Spike EP at News Spike - 1 day ago
Edwin Black : Book Discussion on The Transfer Agreement from Spike EP on
*Book Discussion on The Transfer Agreement*
Edwin Black talked about his book The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic
Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine (Dialog
Press; 25th anniversary ed. August 25, 2009). He pieced together the story
of an agreement made between Hitler’s government and a group of Zionist
leaders in 1933. The agreement called for the transfer of 55,000 Jews and
$100 million to Palestine in exchange for calling off a planned economic
boycott of Nazi Germany by ... more »
With Apologies....
Catelli at Not Quite Unhinged - 1 day ago
Good King Wenceslas went out,
for pizza he was craving.
Homemade fresh rolled dough
deep and crisp and even.
Brightly shone the oven light,
while the cheese did bubble.
Now his hunger it did bite,
and his stomach gru-um-bled.
O'er the menu he did pore
Meat and cheese and mushrooms
Marked his choices one by one
All his favourites lusting
Now his order's all but done
Gives to cashier waiting
Luxembourg to prosecute a tax dodge accountant!.. but not for dodging any taxes
Hari at Ripped-off Britons - 1 day ago
KJ learns how the world really works from Fee and Chris...
tax dodge whistleblower charged with theft, says he acted out of conviction
28-year-old Antoine Deltour has been charged in Luxembourg
with a string of criminal offences including theft, violation of professional
secrecy, violation of trade secrets and illegally accessing a database. Deltour
joined PwC
So much for substantial compliance
James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 1 day ago
Canadian courts usually now waive technicalities and focus on substantive
rights. But not always. In High Tower Homes Corporation v. Stevens, 2014
ONCA 911 the Court insisted that a failure to make waiver precisely as set
out in a contract, despite dealings between counsel being accepted to that
point, made the waiver void. So what to do? Try to follow terms precisely
but recognize sometimes the Court will insist on precise compliance and
sometimes not:
[43] In *Technicore Underground Inc. v. Toronto (City)*, 2012 ONCA
597, 354 D.L.R. (4th) 516, at para. 63, Gillese J.A., w... more »
Churchill : Opertation Unthinkable and the Masonic Partitions of Europe and India
Spike EP at News Spike - 1 day ago

*Allied army positions in central Europe on 10 May 1945. *
*The Soviet numerical superiority in relation to the Western Allies was
roughly 4:1 in men and 2:1 in tanks at the end of hostilities in Europe.*
*"The overall political object is to impose upon Russia the will of the
United States and British Empire.*
*Even thought "the will" of these two countries may be defined as no more
than a square deal for Poland, that does not necessarily limit the military
commitment. a quick success might induce the Russians to submit to our will
at least for the time being; but it might not. *
... more »
Tonight's Movie Is '1492 Conquest of Paradise' (1992)
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
"A Look to the Heavens"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“Shiny NGC 253 is one of the brightest spiral galaxies visible, and also
one of the dustiest. Some call it the Silver Dollar Galaxy for its
appearance in small telescopes, or just the Sculptor Galaxy for its
location within the boundaries of the southern constellation Sculptor.
First swept up in 1783 by mathematician and astronomer Caroline Herschel,
the dusty island universe lies a mere 10 million light-years away.
*Click image for larger size.*
About 70 thousand light-years across, NGC 253 is the largest member of the
Sculptor Group of Galaxies, the nearest to our own Local Group ... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Eternal Silence of Infinite Spaces...”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“The Eternal Silence of Infinite Spaces...”*
by Chet Raymo
“The little book, British psychologist Nicholas Humphrey's “Leaps of
Faith,” published in 1995, may have been the first (and best?) shot in the
current brouhaha of science and faith. I've been reading again my copy, and
recognize my debt to his trenchant analysis. I seem to recall quoting him
in my own “Skeptics and True Believers” (1998).
He poses his theme with this statement: "All great supernatural belief
systems- indeed, all philosophical systems, up till now- have catered to
two central human needs: the need for a ra... more »
"Tips For Dealing With Sadness and Depression"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"Tips For Dealing With Sadness and Depression"
by Vijai P. Sharma, Ph.D
“Depression with its characteristic sad face, stooped posture, and slow
movements is universal; it is found not only in humans in all cultures, but
even in animals, notably, monkeys, chimpanzees, and dogs. In the English
language, we have even invented a metaphor to describe a sad face, the
"hang dog" appearance. Everyone now and then feels sad, unhappy or
disappointed because of a thought, memory, behavior or spoken words. But
then such feelings are cleared up in just a few hours and we get back to
our normal ... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 19, 2014
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*The Sony Hack and America’s Craven Capitulation To Terror -- David Keyes,
Daily Beast*
*Americans are giving in to North Korean blackmail—and it will only get
If the noble experiment of American democracy is to mean anything, it is
fidelity to the principle of freedom. It is to champion the idea that all
men and women are endowed with certain unalienable rights—free to think our
thoughts, speak our minds, associate with whom we want and express our
feelings without fear that a tyrant will silence us. Slavery is not only
the physical restraining of the body. It is also th... more »
Why Doctors Aren't Shocked that Mumps has hit the NHL
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 1 day ago
I was not intending on posting today, being a tad under the weather.
However, their are times when information calls out to me.... *"place me at
the blog"* it implores ! And so, it must be.
Fully realizing that some readers still here, or perhaps no longer here,
can't get past their cognitive dissonance when it comes to the fact t*hat
they hold a completely unsubstantiated and unrealistic belief in VACCINE.*
Their effectiveness. Their safety. The ethics of the pharmaceutical
manufacturers. An almost irrational belief that the first priority for big
pharma is something other th... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Vitrolles, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Thanks for stopping by.
World News Briefs -- December 19, 2014 (Evenig Edition)
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Obama Defends Cuban Opening But Faults Sony Over Movie In Year-End Press
Conference -- New York Times*
WASHINGTON — President Obama on Friday rejected critics who say he should
not have opened American relations with Cuba because of that nation’s human
rights record, saying the historic thaw would give the United States more
sway with the Cuban government.
“I share the concerns of dissidents there and human rights activists that
this is still a regime that represses its people,” Mr. Obama said at a
wide-ranging news conference that ended a period of extraordinary domestic
and fo... more »
“The Day Einstein Feared Has Arrived”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“The Day Einstein Feared Has Arrived”*
by Administrator
"The day Albert Einstein feared may finally have arrived..."
*Click image for larger size.*
- http://www.theburningplatform.com/
The Monopoly of Hydro Electricity
Waking Times at Waking Times - 1 day ago
*Waking Times - *Can you imagine a world where electricity flows in an open
and free market?
The post The Monopoly of Hydro Electricity appeared first on Waking Times.
"We" Still Torture Some Folks
Karen Garcia at Sardonicky - 1 day ago
Uh-oh. Looks like President Obama goofed in the grammatical tense
department. Seriously, though, when he signed his executive order banning
torture on his first day in office in 2009, he didn't say anything about
not outsourcing torture to compliant friends, and allowing CIA and Special
Ops forces to still *threaten* to torture and sexually abuse prisoners in
black sites abroad.
No word whether these still-active "enhanced interrogators" were among the
anonymous patriots whose identities were redacted from the Senate torture
report, so that they may continue to work and thrive with ... more »
Is This Tesla Energy Generator a True Free Energy Device?
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 1 day ago
*Terence Newton* - The Quantum Energy Generator based on a patent of Nikola
Tesla is supposed to be the world's first free energy device, but does it
The post Is This Tesla Energy Generator a True Free Energy Device? appeared
first on Waking Times.
GAO Report: U.S. Not Prepared For Nuclear Terrorist Attack Ar A large-Scale Natural Catastrophe
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

*GAO Report Finds US Unprepared For Catastrophic Disaster -- FOX News*
The federal government is not fully prepared to handle a nuclear terrorist
attack or other sort of large-scale catastrophe and is years away from
ensuring the safety of Americans if an event should happen, a Government
Accountability Office finds.
The report obtained by the Associated Press finds that the Federal
Emergency Management Agency did not always keep track of safety efforts,
which affected the preparedness of states even after Superstorm Sandy
devastated the northeast.
"FEMA is not aware of the full ... more »
Crackpot Utopia: The Year in Republican Crazy, Part 1
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

*• Princess Liz Cheney -- 2014's Smoothie of the Year?• "Miss Beck regrets"
-- Crazyspeak of the Year nominee No. 1• And the Crackpot Party reacts to
President Obama's SOTU*
*The Curious Case of the Princess and the Senator (see No. 1)*
*Crackpot Utopia:* *A dream world as envisioned by republicans; a
manifestation or expression of the deranged, warped alternate universe
inhabited by republicans, at least in their minds. See also: Bachmannism,
*by Noah*
*1. Princess Liz Cheney tries for the Smoothie of the Year Award*
Since we're talkin' about crazy crackpot fol... more »
Russia Invites North Korean Leader To Moscow For 'Victory Day Celebration' In May
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un waves to workers during a visit to the
Pyongyang Children's Foodstuff Factory in this undated photo released by
North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang December 16,
*Russia Invites North Korean Leader To Moscow For May Visit -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has invited North Korean
leader Kim Jong Un to Moscow next year to mark the 70th anniversary of the
Soviet defeat of Nazi Germany in World War Two, the Kremlin's spokesman
said on Friday.
It would be Kim's first foreign visit since ... more »
US tax dollars massacred Pakistani children
Kevin Barrett at truthjihad.com blog - 1 day ago

Most Americans are decent people. Naturally they are horrified by the
massacre of over 100 children at a school in Peshawar.
They would be even more horrified if they knew their tax dollars had paid
for it.
Full story: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/12/19/us-ttp/
Benjamin Fulford: Torture report paves way for arrest of top Nazionists - December 15, 2014
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 1 day ago

*Views expressed below are those of Benjamin Fulford - AK*
*Torture report paves way for arrest of top Nazionists*
*Benjamin Fulford*
December 15, 2014
The 500 page report of Bush era torture issued by the US Senate marks a
major turning point in US power. While much of what is in the report is old
news to most aware humans, the fact that it was issued by the US Senate
Intelligence Committee and the fact that it was widely reported on in the
corporate propaganda media is very important. For one thing it shows that
Nazi faction of the cabal no longer controls the corporate media. I... more »
The Holocaust Uniqueness Doctrine
Spike EP at News Spike - 1 day ago

The Open Mind - Lucy Dawidowicz and the Holocaust Uniqueness Doctrine
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
Host: Richard D. Heffner
Guest: Lucy Dawidowicz
Title: “The Holocaust and the Historians”
VTR: 6/16/82
I’m Richard Heffner, your host on THE OPEN MIND. When I first went to
Rutgers University nearly 35 years ago, it was as a young American
historian. And in preparing for today’s program, I came across some notes
for a talk I gave then, as only a very young academic could or would, on
the nature of history, on the confusion between history as the past, and
history as onl... more »
Stocking Full of Cynicism: Obama Sticks It to a Handful of Dying Nazis
Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 1 day ago

President Barack Obama, the high priest of pandering was at it again on
Thursday to sign a bill stripping a handful of aging Nazis of their Social
Security benefits. The bill had originally gotten media play earlier this
month when McClatchy reported that the House of Representatives had voted
420-0 to waste millions of taxpayer dollars on getting payback against a
pack of fossilized rat bastard war criminals who will all be dead soon
For Obama, who seems to believe that this latest dog and pony show somehow
makes him into a darker complected version of Simon Wiesenthal o... more »
Ken Derstine Update on Philadelphia CorpEd Reform
Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 1 day ago
No one does it better than Ken: Mark Gleason Turns 'Dump the Losers' Into a
FBI Confirms That North Korea Is Responsible For Sony Cyber Attack
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*FBI: North Korea Responsible For Sony Hack -- CNN*
Washington (CNN) -- North Korea is officially responsible for the
cyberattack on Sony Pictures, the FBI announced Friday.
An FBI investigation linked the malware, infrastructure and techniques a
group of hackers called "Guardians of Peace" used in the Sony attack to
previous North Korean cyberattacks. The North Korean-backed hackers broke
into Sony's servers, published private emails and information and
threatened to attack movie theaters screening "The Interview," a comedy
film about an assassination plot on North Korean leader ... more »
Oncology Nurse Quits After 17 Years to Promote Natural Cures for Cancer
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 1 day ago

*Alex Pietrowski* - This cancer nurse had seen enough people lose their
fight with cancer after suffering terribly from the effects of conventional
The post Oncology Nurse Quits After 17 Years to Promote Natural Cures for
Cancer appeared first on Waking Times.
Barbara Diamond at American Scofflaw - 1 day ago

Report: The Islamic State Is Selling Human Organs From Hostages On The Black Market
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
ISIS Trafficking Human Organs From Bodies of Kidnapped Captives:
http://t.co/pZ591HBTgB pic.twitter.com/V3RXpZeZnH
— The Christian Post (@ChristianPost) December 8, 2014
*Blood Money: How ISIS Is Selling Human Organs Harvested From Living
Hostages And Its Own Dead Soldiers To Fund Terror Across The Middle East --
Daily Mail*
* IS is hiring foreign doctors to harvest organs in hospitals in Iraq and
* Doctor in Mosul says new doctors secretly flooding into his hospital
* They extract organs from dead IS militants as well as living captives
* Organs then fed into global organ t... more »
Enbridge Spills 56,700 Gallons of OIL, and Attempts To Conceal the Information From the Public?(breaking)
Grant G at The Straight Goods - 1 day ago
*Enbridge Line 4 spills 56,700-gallons of oil, causing closure of
pipeline to U.S.*
The Vancouver Observer has confirmed that Enbridge has spilled another huge
amount of crude oil..
The most disturbing part of this report is....It appears that Enbridge was
not going to report this massive oil spill in Saskatchewan as the spill was
within the confines of an Enbridge pumping station grounds...
Evidence is pointing to an Enbridge employee, a whistleblower who tipped
the Vancouver Observer to this oil spilling event..The spill has now been
confirmed by Enbridge..
_______________*The d... more »
President Obama Will Hold A Live News Conference At 13:30 EST
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Friday Pussy - depressed cat version
Demeur at Demeur - 1 day ago

We wonder why the drug companies sell so many anti-depressants. Look no
further than any headline news. Note the words used on a daily basis. A
brief list from the BBC latest headlines:
Yes these were actual words taken from today's headline news. The list goes
on but you get the idea. It makes one wonder if there are any of life's
pleasures left. Maybe a little to eat would life a spirit? Oh think again.
Salt fat and sugar content are far too high, didn't you read t... more »
Why Are Voters So Unenthusiastic About Reelecting Run Of The Mill, Garden Variety Democrats?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

You mean Crowley rocking out with Huckabee doesn't get Queens & Bronx
voters out to the polls?
Turnout for the midterms in California was a dismal 42% this year. Barbara
Lee (CA-13- Oakland) didn't have a real race, but her constituents turned
out for her in greater numbers than any other congressional candidate in
the whole state, more than any other Democrat and more than any Republican.
166,182 went to the polls to voice their gratitude for a congresswoman who
stands up for working families. (In 2012 she was reelected with 250,436
votes and Obama won the district with 268,093 in 2... more »
Iraq's Military Is Losing The Battle For Anbar
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Inside Iraqi Air Base As Islamic State Closes In -- BBC*
Ain al-Asad air base, the largest in Iraq's western province of Anbar, has
been encircled by militants from Islamic State (IS). The BBC's Quentin
Sommerville, the first Western journalist to make it to the facility since
IS launched a nationwide offensive in June, found soldiers on the defensive
as the militants close in.
At Ain al-Asad, soldiers and their armoured vehicles had departed. The camp
was quiet, almost peaceful. But we were in fact in the eye of a storm.
On multiple fronts, troops were out fighting - and losing ... more »
Coke, Drugs, Pickup Trucks & War
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago

Despite the torture
by half
say CIA
cruelty is
How could
that be a surprise?
We are a war
addicted nation
our economy
runs off
blood money
the signs
are everywhere
We are proud
to plant flags
(made in China)
in cemeteries
those formerly
working class
their lives
on behalf
Mr. Big
We uncritically
salute the flag
Hitler would
have been
by how
our 'blitzkrieg'
has seeped
deeper into
our culture
'Sieg Heil'
did into his
We are
we fabricate
and then
deny it all
before god
and the... more »
Satire: "Rubio Vows to Block Twenty-First Century"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"Rubio Vows to Block Twenty-First Century"*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— "Seizing upon an issue that could become
the cornerstone of a possible 2016 Presidential campaign, Senator Marco
Rubio (R-Fla.) said on Thursday that he would do everything in his power to
block the twenty-first century. “A lot of folks in Washington believe that
the twenty-first century is a forgone conclusion, and that there’s nothing
we can do about it,” Rubio said. “I say, ‘Not on my watch.’ ”
Explaining his strategy, Rubio said that he and fellow Republicans were
exploring ways to s... more »
Colombia: The UFO Was a Balloon, Says Planetarium
Inexplicata (IHU) at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - 1 day ago

*Source: La FM, Peru.com and Planeta UFODate: 12.19.2014*
*Colombia: The UFO Was a Balloon, Says Planetarium*
BOGOTA. Dozens of people looked skyward for several minutes watching an
object that flew around erratically in the vicinity of Bogotá, Colombia's
Zona Rosa.
Those who thought they were seeing an unidentified flying object (UFO), and
those who took an endless number of photographs of what they took to be an
unusual phenomenon were disappointed after the Bogotá Planetarium reported
its findings.
Given that the UFO subject became a trending topic on Twitter, the *Planetario... more »
Bill Whittle: Stories Liberals Tell: How Conservatives Can Win Back the Country and Rush on Liberalisim......
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 day ago
*according to Bill we need to start telling our own stories. *
*But first - Rush. *
*Yesterday, Rush Limbaugh opened his show by talking about how easy it was
to be a liberal. Luckily, I was able to find a transcript on his site so
you won't have to be subjected to what would, no doubt, be my tortured
*I realized that he was describing every single liberal I know.*
*From Rush: *
Do you remember the name John O'Sullivan? Used to be the editor at
National Review in the days shortly after -- well, Mr. Buckley was still
alive and running the place. And he also was a... more »
“Habitual Anger: Unblocking the Ally”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“Habitual Anger: Unblocking the Ally”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
“Anger can easily become our go-to emotion; to remedy, start noticing when
and why you get angry. Sometimes when we feel anger, it is coming from a
deep place that demands acknowledgment and expression. At these times, it
is important that we find healthy ways to honor our anger, remembering how
dangerous it is to repress it. However, anger can also become a habit, our
go-to emotion whenever things go wrong. Often this is because, for whatever
reason, we feel more comfortable expressing anger than we do other
em... more »
Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-Up, Friday 12.19.14”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
* “Weekly News Wrap-Up, Friday 12.19.14”*
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
“My top story is the economy, and I think the Fed and Congress just
signaled that something is seriously wrong, and it’s going to get
worse. First off, the Federal Reserve just came out and said that it was
going to be “patient” when normalizing the monetary policy. I know Wall
Street is jubilant and the stock market spiked on the news, but I think
this is really ominous, and it is nothing to be celebrated. To me, that
means don’t expect the Fed to raise interest rates anytime soon because the
economy is much... more »
This Is Laughable: US Criminal Government Decides To Rebrand Their CIA/Mossad Operation Known As "ISIS" As "Daesh"
Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 1 day ago

Recently I was sitting in a coffee shop where I go to unwind and mingle
with some local people, and I could not help but overhear some people
sitting at the table next to me discuss a few "current events"... Of course
one of them brought up the fraud CIA/Mossad scam known as "ISIS" and
started spewing exactly what the MSM has been brainwashing into people for
the last few years now, and that was the BS that this "ISIS" was somehow a
"threat" to everyone, and we "must do something to stop them".... I decided
not to say a word, knowing that my previous attempts to awaken people came
w... more »
Iraqi Kurds Claim To Have Broken The Islamic State Siege Of Mount Sinjar
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Iraqi Kurds Say Siege Of Mount Sinjar Broken -- Al Jazeera*
Peshmerga forces claim breakthrough against ISIL, reaching mountain where
hundreds of Yazidis are trapped.
Kurdish Peshmerga fighters have fought their way to Iraq's Sinjar Mountains
where hundreds of people have been trapped for months by fighters of the
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group, a Kurdish official said.
"Peshmerga forces have reached Mount Sinjar, the siege on the mountain has
been lifted," Masrour Barzani, head of the Iraqi Kurdish region's national
security council, told reporters from an ope... more »
After Tuesday's School Massacre, Pakistan Prepares To Execute The First Of 3,000 Terrorists Convicted Of Terrorism
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

Rescue team members go through debris inside the Army Public School, which
was attacked by Taliban gunmen, in Peshawar, December 17, 2014. Credit:
Reuters/Zohra Bensemra
*Pakistan’s Gallows Await 3,000 Convicted Terrorists; First Will Hang
‘Within Days’ -- McClatchy News*
ISLAMABAD — Pakistan’s government fast-tracked warrants of execution for
convicted terrorists Thursday, moving swiftly on its promise to crack down
on militants after a Taliban massacre of 132 schoolchildren Tuesday in the
northern city of Peshawar.
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had lifted a six-year moratorium on ... more »
The Easiest Snowflakes
Debra Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 1 day ago

My daughter loves to make snowflakes and I can't tell you how many times I
have looked up online how you are supposed to fold a pieces of paper to
make a snowflake. When I discovered this way of making snowflakes I was
floored! It is SO easy, all you need is a stack of coffee filters which you
can find at the dollar store and some scissors. These are so easy, my
6-year-old can make them all by herself. I have made a simple infographic
to help you out!
What are some of your favorite traditions to do with your children?
[image: post signature]
Sydney Shooting HOAX: Something To Seriously Consider Regarding The Fraud Shooting In Sydney Australia
Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 1 day ago
I am seriously disgusted these days... In spite of the evidence that
clearly shows that the recent "shooting" in Sydney, Australia was indeed a
staged event using the usual terrible "crisis actors", we still have the
Jew spew media shills and the criminals in our own governments still trying
to spoon feed the general public with the notion that it was real.... These
same criminals are now doing what has happened after all previous fake
shootings, and that is to sell both "gun controls" and the false notion
that we must surrender more of our freedoms for the illusion of
"security"...... more »
Pakistan Launches Airstrikes Against Taliban Militants
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Pakistan Targets Militants After School Massacre -- Voice of America*
Pakistani officials say jets and ground forces have killed 58 militants
days after Taliban fighters attacked a school in the northwestern city of
Peshawar, killing 149 people, mostly children.
As Pakistan began a third day of mourning, the troops ambushed and killed
at least 50 militants in Khyber near the Afghan border. Another eight were
killed in southwestern Baluchistan province, including a senior Taliban
*Read more *....
*More News On Pakistan Launching Airstrikes Against Taliban Militants *
... more »
Depressing discourse watch: From the banana republic files!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 1 day ago
*FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2014The disintegration of the American discourse:* We
don’t know when the American discourse has ever been so depressing.
In fact, we don’t know when it was ever depressing at all. We’ve covered a
lot of journalistic misconduct since 1998, when this site began. Only now
has our national discourse struck us as truly depressing.
Why do we find the current discourse depressing? Because the liberal world
is playing an active role in its disintegration.
In 1998, the liberal world was largely asleep in the woods. A person could
imagine that we liberals might turn o... more »
A CE-2 from 2004? UFO Landing at Puerto Natales, Chile
Inexplicata (IHU) at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - 1 day ago

Our friend and colleague *Liliana Núñez,* formerly with *Archivos Forteanos
Latinoamericanos*, reminds us of this intriguing video from 2004 allegedly
showing a "UFO landing at Puerto Natales" (in the commune of Natales,
Province of Ultima Esperanza, Chilean Patagonia). There is no narration
beyond random voices: at 00:29 someone asks "Where is Humberto?" and "It
has a weird shape" at 00:36. The video is credited to the C*entro de
Investigacion Ovnilógica de Natales* (Patricio Frias, Jose Loalza, Eladio
Godoy & Walter Vera).
*http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x93yrl_ate... more »
Quantum Physics and How We Affect Reality
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 1 day ago

*Video* - Are we about to unlock the secrets of the universe and understand
quantum entanglement and how we affect reality?
The post Quantum Physics and How We Affect Reality appeared first on Waking
Protesters Disrupt Seattle Housing Authority Hearing With Chants Of `Rent Hikes — No!'...
Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 1 day ago
*not just any protesters, but what appears to be Somalians brought here and
given free stuff. *
Lots and *lots* of free stuff compliments of you, the taxpayer.
But they want more.
And guess what? They're bringing more of these angry demanding freeloaders
in all the time.
via: News You May Have Missed
Original Story: KPLU in Seattle
*Is your city on the list?*
From: Refugee Resettlement Watch:
* Handy directory for US Refugee Resettlement Offices in 180 cities*
stephen harper, the Laughable, Pathetic Coward, Part XXXIX
thwap at thwap's schoolyard - 1 day ago
Is it CBC anchor Peter Mansbridge's job to suck all of the klingons off of
the hairs around stephen harper's asshole until they're as clean as if
they'd had a shampoo at the beauty salon?
I'm just asking a question here.
Reading Montreal Simon yesterday, I got to find out how the perpetually
fearful (of everything) stephen harper has decided to rationalize his
laughable, pathetic cowardice when a gunman entered the Parliament building
last October.
The CBC has helpfully (because there's no way in Hell that I would ever
listen to that jackass for even five minutes) provided a transc... more »
The Healing Power of Cannabis Has Barely Been Tapped
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 1 day ago
*Allan Badiner* - here are now legal medical cannabis programs in 23
states, but, Ironically, the actual healing power of the plant has barely
been tapped...
The post The Healing Power of Cannabis Has Barely Been Tapped appeared
first on Waking Times.
World News Briefs -- December 19, 2014
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Iraqi Kurds Claim Major Victory Over Islamic State -- Voice of America*
Kurdish forces in northern Iraq pressed forward Friday with their largest
offensive to date against the Islamic State group, moving to secure
territory reclaimed from IS fighters in a two-day offensive and to
capitalize on news of several IS leaders’ deaths.
Officials said roughly 8,000 Kurdish peshmerga troops, aided by U.S.-led
coalition airstrikes, on Thursday recaptured a large amount of territory
and broke a siege on Iraq's Mount Sinjar. Thousands of civilians and
soldiers from the Yazidi religious mino... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 19, 2014
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*U.S. to Continue Push for Stronger Military Ties With China -- Wall Street
*Adm. Harry B. Harris Jr., the Next U.S. Pacific Commander, Says North
Korea Poses Biggest Threat to Security in Asia*
SINGAPORE—The next commander of U.S. military forces in the Pacific said
Thursday he wouldn’t deviate from his predecessor’s strategy of seeking
stronger military ties with China and other countries in the region despite
conflicting territorial claims in the South China Sea.
Adm. Harry B. Harris Jr., who currently commands U.S. Navy forces in the
Pacific and was confirmed last we... more »
Spike EP at News Spike - 1 day ago

*Hess was Hitler's interlocutor when he was writing Mein Kampf*
*"[Of Herzl and the Authorship of Juedenstatt] Yeah, there are real
problems... Herzl claims he wrote Judenstatt while he was in Paris... in...
1891... Even though he was not in Paris when he claimed he wrote the book
in Paris...*
*There are lots of problems. *
*He was not a very good writer before he wrote this book... But he was
known to be a pretty bad writer, a**nd the Judenstatt is brilliant...*
*So, we can guess, he was chosen because he as handsome and charismatic -
but that's all irrelevant.*
*So, without pr... more »
Seeing Through the Veil of Your Limitations
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 1 day ago
*Michael Forrester* - Humanity is very much like the elephants that are
tied to a rope from birth. As the elephant ages, it could easily break free
from that rope at any time, but it doesn't.
The post Seeing Through the Veil of Your Limitations appeared first on Waking
A Look At The Global Conflicts That Matter To The U.S.
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 days ago

Center for Preventive Action/Council on Foreign Relations
*The Global Conflicts To Watch In 2015 -- Uri Friedman, The Atlantic*
A survey shows which countries matter more to U.S. policymakers—and which
matter less
Foreign policy often involves making difficult and debatable choices about
which parts of the world matter more to a given country—and which, by
extension, matter less. It's about defining national interests and
determining where those interests are most evident and endangered. This is
why the United States has done far more to stop ISIS in Syria and Iraq
than, say, sec... more »
The Curse of Petro-Politics
Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 2 days ago

Stephen Harper has made no secret that it is his intention to transform
Canada into a petro-state. Stanford professor Terry Lynn Karl has devoted
her academic career to the study of petro-states. And she has concluded
that petro-politics lead to self immolation. In an interview with Andrew
Nikiforuk, she predicts that falling oil prices will have catasrophic
consequences for several petro-states:
"The effects of falling oil prices will be quickly felt in Venezuela, which
is extremely vulnerable. If oil ke... more »
So Much For The U.S. Rule Of Not Negotiating With Hostage Takers
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 days ago
*US Backed Talks Between Jihadi Clerics And Isis In Effort To Save
Hostage’s Life -- The Guardian*
Exclusive: Talks with leadership of Isis to secure release of Abdul-Rahman
(Peter) Kassig ran for several weeks with knowledge of FBI
• Long read: the full story behind the race to save Peter Kassig
• Revealed: the secret talks US hostage – video
US counter-terrorism officials backed a high-stakes negotiation involving
two of the world’s most prominent jihadi clerics as well as former
Guantánamo detainees in an attempt to save the life of an American hostage
held by Islamic State, the... more »
Today I am full on anti Muslim
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 2 days ago
The death toll of children is too much. The fact these warriors did it on
purpose reminds me of a horror movie. I got no problem with belief but when
its so fouced that you can double tap a six year old I ask for relief. Or
maybe a atomic strike, Nuke the fuckers in the wild Zone. Then say we will
nuke anyother outbreak of madness.
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 2 days ago
have no idea how to spell it and I know you just do not care
as long as the sentiment was genuine.
As a pastafrain Christmas to me is all commercial.
Yet some of my sorta Christian memories still exist.
I left the Christians cause they will never leave you.
IMHO there is nothing more silly
than growen men in dressess
speaking about the holy ghost.
I am not anti Christmas
its a time of joy
for children
but I am no longer
part of that compart
Right now Christmas is
a battleline between us
and Muslims with Madison
Ave fafouring Christmas
over the wonderful sales
of pyjamis during the H... more »
Can Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders And Sherrod Brown Stop The TPP?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 2 days ago

Fox Business host Melissa Francis yesterday: "Without question, Elizabeth
Warren is the devil"
Last week we looked at the growing opposition within the Democratic Party
to the corporate trade policies-- particularly the Trans Pacific
Partnership-- Obama is teaming up with McConnell and Boehner to ram through
the Republican-controlled Congress next year. Alan Grayson called the TPP
"the final nail in the coffin of the middle class in this country." Rosa
DeLauro (D-CT), whose husband worked to pass NAFTA and whose tenant-- Rahm
Emanuel-- is credited with getting it through the House, ... more »
Special issue of Bioethics: Ethical Implications of New and Future Technical Developments in Prenatal Testing and Screening
noreply@blogger.com (Christian Munthe) at Philosophical Comment - 2 days ago
One of my core research fields over the years has been reproductive
ethics, especially the ethics of genetic and reproductive technology. In my
postdoc period, I published a study on the moral roots of prenatal diagnosis,
followed by a number of further explorations of the ethics of reproductive
technology, genetic testing and medical screening programmes in general.
The last two years, this process has come full circle, due to new
revolutionary technical developments regarding prenatal testing and related
genetic analysis, and the last year or two, I have been busy presenting and ... more »
All Paths Will Lead You To YourSelf
Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 2 days ago
America F*CK YEAH! Team America Movie Pulled as Panic Grips Nation
Donn Marten at Carrying a Flag - 2 days ago

The increasingly bizarre story of the terrorist threats against movie
theaters showing the now effectively banned film The Interview continues.
Shortly after the movie – which depicts the assassination of loony North
Korean leader Kim Jong Un - was pulled from distribution the 2004 flick Team
America: World Police was also yanked. The stomping on the latter, that a
few theaters chose to show in place of The Interview is notable because
the movie has been out for ten years now and is widely available on DVD and
streaming video. It is typical in the land of fear that is post Septemb... more »
Letter from Managua: A canal dividing a country
paul at Paying attention - 2 days ago
The proposal to build a trans-oceanic canal across Nicaragua seems mostly
like the scenario for a slightly implausible summer blockbuster movie.
The movie would have it all. Powerful business forces, environmental risks,
social upheaval and conflict and even global intrigue - Chinese interests
are behind the project. And lots and lots of mystery. I can see Matt Damon
and Angelina Jolie racing from Caribbean villages in Nicaragua to
skyscrapers in Hong Kong in a race to uncover the truth.
The canal would be about 280 kms long, more than twice as long as the
Panama canal. A short 24-k... more »
German researchers discover a flaw that could let anyone listen to your cell calls.
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 2 days ago

researchers discover a flaw that could let anyone listen to your
cell calls. *
By Craig Timberg December 18 at 2:10 PM
REUTERS/Kacper Pempel
German researchers have discovered security flaws that could let
spies and criminals listen to private phone calls and intercept text
messages on a potentially massive scale – even when cellular networks
using the most advanced encryption now available.
The... more »
Life Inside The Beehive
Waking Times at Waking Times - 2 days ago

*Video -* A compilation of three summer months from inside the beehive.
The post Life Inside The Beehive appeared first on Waking Times.
Foraminifera Sculpture Park, China
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 2 days ago

*Foraminifera provide scientists with an invaluable fossil record. Their
exquisite outer shells, normally too small for the naked eye, inspired
sculptures in Zhongshan, China. (Bilal Haq)*
*Evolution World Tour: Foraminifera Sculpture Park, China **Some of the
world's oldest organisms left behind fossilized shells that, when
translated to a large sculpture, bring an artistic edge to evolution *
By Karen Larkins
Smithsonian Magazine
January 2012
Bilal Haq, a marine geologist at the National Science Foundation in
Arlington, Virginia, was visiting a lab in Qingdao, China, wher... more »
OK, cupboard
Boris at The Galloping Beaver - 2 days ago
we had to know that at some point the man would have to account for his
cupboardliness in the face of danger. The excuses, sorry, reasons are
apparently as follows.
1. His MPs hustled him away and stashed him with the mops and things.
2. The RCMP trained him to hide.3. He's gets to see all the intelligence
that no one else does so he alone understands the nature of the threats
he faces and
GAIA PORTAL: Selectivities of Energetics at Gaia hu-man level has refined to enable those who have… resisted alternative pathways
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 2 days ago
*Selectivities of Energetics at Gaia hu-man level has refined to enable
those who have… resisted alternative pathways*
by ÉirePort
Selectivities of Energetics at Gaia hu-man level has refined to enable
those who have until this moment resisted alternative pathways.
All remaining un-cooperatives are being removed by the Light.
Eruptive planetary energetics come to fruition shortly, and catalyze
"massive" changes.
Hue-Beings are called at this moment to recognize and received Higher
capabilities and skill sets.
Alternatives to the concepts within this message are not supported.
É... more »
White House Is Open To A Castro Visit
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 days ago
*US-Cuba Ties Thaw, White House Open To Castro Visit -- AFP*
Washington (AFP) - A US visit by Cuban President Raul Castro is a
possibility, the White House said, a day after he and US President Barack
Obama announced a historic bilateral rapprochement.
With developments proceeding apace, a high-level US diplomat, Assistant
Secretary of State Roberta Jacobson, revealed she will travel to Havana in
late January for the first direct talks to "begin the process of
restoration of diplomatic relations."
But amid celebrations on Havana's streets and plaudits ringing out from
China to Ch... more »
Germany takes delivery of its first Airbus A400M
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 2 days ago
Airbus Defence and Space has formally delivered the first Airbus A400M
military transport ordered by Germany.
A total of nine aircraft have now been delivered and the aircraft is in
service with four nations.
The Bundeswehr accepted the aircraft at the A400M Final Assembly Line in
Seville, Spain on 18 December.
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Top 100 Tweeting Politics Commentators 2014
Phil at All That Is Solid ... - 2 days ago
This year I have bitten the bullet. Since 2009 (with a gap in 2011) I have
been tracking the one hundred most popular political bloggers on Twitter
(see here, here, here and here). All told, it's been jolly click bait. But
for the academic geek in me, these lists have recorded the progressive
professionalisation of what was once an amateur's market. Each year it has
become increasingly tenuous to hold on to a strict definition of blogging
as most mainstream news sites now integrate what were once considered the
accoutrements of blogs (comments, hyperlinks, etc.) as a matter of cours... more »
PLA's JH-7 fighter bomber modified for S China Sea conflict
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 2 days ago

[image: JH-7A Flying Leopard]Facing a potential conflict with Vietnam in
the South China Sea, China is continuing the modification of Xian Aircraft
Industry Corporation's two-seat JH-7 fighter bomber for the PLA Navy,
according to the Sina Military Network based in Beijing.
Photos released on the website indicate that a new version of the JH-7
attacker is under development, constructed with composite materials.
Internet users believe that the avionics and engine of the aircraft,
referred to as the JH-7B, have been upgraded as well, while the Communist
Party paper Global Times said t... more »
No C-17 delivered to Algeria, Boeing confirms
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 2 days ago

[image: C-17 Globemaster III]Algeria has not received into service a Boeing
C-17 Globemaster III strategic airlifter, the manufacturer confirmed to IHS
Jane's on 17 December.
A C-17 in Algerian Air Force (al Quwwat al Jawwiya al Jaza'eriya) markings
was reported to have landed at Algiers Houari Boumediene Airport on 10
December, the Secret Difa3 blog reported eyewitnesses as saying.
However, it has since emerged that this may have in fact been an aircraft
belonging to the Qatar Emiri Air Force, though it is unclear how the
roundels could have been confused.
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AFM receives second twin-engine helicopter
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 2 days ago

[image: AFM AW139]The Armed Forces of Malta’s second AW139 twin-engine
helicopter landed at Luqa a few minutes ago.
The helicopter, which is to be registered AS1429, will be used to perform
border control tasks and SAR missions.
Together with the AFM’s first twin-engine helicopter, it will help
strengthen the AFM’s capabilities through the External Borders Fund
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Alison at Creekside - 2 days ago
If the Public Prosecution Service of Canada is so concerned that Michael
Sona's nine month sentence for election fraud is "demonstrably unfit and
fails to reflect the gravity of the offence” - so concerned in fact that
they are appealing to have his sentence increased - why don't they direct
that same concern towards investigating the Pierre Poutine perps behind
Especially given both the judge and prosecutor in the case stated that Sona
didn't act alone.
So reasons the Council of Canadians in their new formal complaint to the
“PPSC is not an investigative agency,” respo... more »
Europe to begin testing of UAV-based maritime surveillance system
Ko Savonije at Naval Open Source INTelligence - 2 days ago

[image: Tekever AR5 Evolution]Tekever’s AR5 Life Ray Evolution unmanned air
vehicle has been selected to participate in the testing of Europe’s first
UAV maritime surveillance system, following a contract award from the
European Space Agency and European Maritime Safety Agency.
Through the Rapsody programme, the UAV will be involved in two years of
testing in two different scenarios – search and rescue and pollution and
oil spill monitoring – over the Atlantic and the North and Mediterranean
This is the first time UAVs will be introduced into maritime surveillance
missions in... more »
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