Top News - MIT Technology Review
2014 in Computing: Breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence
The past year saw new breakthroughs in making intelligent software and using it to solve problems in areas11 hrs ago -
2014 in Materials: Rhubarb Batteries, the Gigafactory, and Printing Body
In 2014, advanced materials let humans scale glass walls and helped clear the way for cheap, clean energy.December 27, 2014 -
2014 in Numbers: Huge Valuations, Shocking Security Stats, and a Big
From Facebook’s purchase of WhatsApp to the possibility of peak coal in China, the numbers told the taleDecember 26, 2014
Omnologos » English
The Mysterious Light Changing Motel One in Aldgate, London
Does it do it? Doesn’t it? Does it too? The mysterious Motel One in Aldgate, London (still unopened)November 19, 2014 -
Veteran’s Day: Story of Charles (and Anthony and Frank)
Since it’s Veteran’s Day in the USA, I am posting a recap of the story of Charles J MorabitoMay 26, 2014 -
Luttwak on Italy and the Euro
From the LRB‘s “Opportunity Costs” by Edward Luttwak, Vol. 35 No. 22 · 21 November 2013 [February 4, 2014
Project Censored
Robert McChesney
Co-hosts Peter Phillips and Mickey Huff spend the hour in conversation with media scholar Robert McChesney,December 22, 2014 -
Homeland Security and Corporate Sponsors Host Urban Shield Event
In September 2014, the Department of Homeland Security and approximately 100 corporate sponsors hosted theDecember 16, 2014 -
Turkey as “partner and target” of U.S. Surveillance
In August 2014, Der Spiegel and The Intercept reported “how deeply involved America has become inDecember 16, 2014
Facebook’s callous “Year in Review” highlights the inhumanity of algorithms
Facebook has apologized for the insensitivity of a feature which relied on algorithms to collect a year11 mins ago -
Let’s hope film studios emulate The Interview’s success (of sorts) with
Sony Pictures Entertainment isn’t happy about its secrets being made available to the world, but when44 mins ago -
Delhi amends transportation regulations, allows Uber to resume operations
Uber just got some good news in its ongoing battle with Indian regulators. The company will be able to2 hrs ago
super red-head …
Redhead with wings: The size of a large cicada or cockroach, this hairy critter is most unusual. Click toDecember 26, 2014 -
the barking gecko …
… at least that’s what I think it is, I hear them a lot, or was it a frog: treeDecember 26, 2014 -
art treasures from the West Kimberley …
Second part from Bigge Island in the Buccaneer Archipelago:December 25, 2014
National Review Online - Planet Gore
While Homeless in Detroit Freeze, White House Spends on Global Warming
Detroit - Area shelters are bursting at the seams thanks to record-low November temperatures. MeanwhileNovember 18, 2014 -
The Green Church Has Taken the Fun out of Formula One
Europe has a history of religious intolerance. Today’s Green Church fits the mold. In theirNovember 2, 2014 -
Planet-savior Ford F-150 Debuts (without a Peep about the Planet)
San Antonio – President Obama says we have a “moral obligation” to tackle global warming. It’s why theOctober 9, 2014
Project Syndicate RSS-Feed
No More Aleppo’s
Bringing the fighting in Syria to a halt will require the coordination and cooperation of regional and1 hr ago -
Five Reasons for Slow Growth
Since the beginning of the financial crisis, growth projections by governments, central banks, and2 hrs ago -
The Best Ways to Give
During this holiday season, we should use what we know about successful dieting to inform our charitableDecember 26, 2014
Science and technology
Up in smoke
THE conflagration that illuminated the night sky over Los Angeles a few weeks ago—reducing a huge, halfDecember 24, 2014 -
Looking back
December 15, 2014 -
Rickety old ship
PITY the poor sailors of the Mary Rose . In 1545, the lives of more than 400 men (and one dog) were lostDecember 18, 2014
Raw Story
‘Real Americans’ held hostage: Fox News blackout on Dish Network enters
Dish Network subscribers who are fans on Fox News’ “fair and balanced” reporting are7 mins ago -
Maryland’s first female Episcopalian bishop initially left the scene after
Maryland’s first female Episcopalian bishop was involved in a hit-and-run incident that took the life20 mins ago -
The unsavory motivations of the Shakespeare truthers
Newsweek has a surprisingly sympathetic piece about Shakespeare truthers, republished here at Raw Story23 mins ago
The Science of Doom
Natural Variability and Chaos – Six – El Nino
In (still) writing what was to be Part Six (Attribution in AR5 from the IPCC), I was working throughDecember 26, 2014 -
Natural Variability and Chaos – Five – Why Should Observations match Models
In Part Four – The Thirty Year Myth we looked at the idea of climate as the “long termDecember 19, 2014 -
Natural Variability and Chaos – Four – The Thirty Year Myth
In Part Three we looked at attribution in the early work on this topic by Hegerl et al 1996. I started toNovember 29, 2014
10 Post-Credits Plot Twists That Completely Change the Face of Movies
Think you know how the following movies finished? Think again, because sometimes the end isn’t actually theDecember 18, 2014 -
Beautiful Images of Seashores Lit By the Glow of Bioluminescence
For centuries, marine bioluminescence has inspired seafarers’ tales of mysteriously glowing oceans, andDecember 17, 2014 -
13 Savage Photos of Jackals and Vultures Fighting Tooth and Talon
Vultures and jackals are two of nature’s most notorious scavengers, and when these fearsomely armed animalsDecember 16, 2014
New Russian-Abkhaz Treaty Sets Georgia on Collision Course
On 24 November 2014, Russia and Abkhazia, a small self-declared republic on the Black Sea, signed a newDecember 13, 2014 -
One year in Ukraine
Exactly one year after the beginning of EuroMaidan, Ukraine is more than ever at a crossroads and theNovember 28, 2014 -
Xinjiang’s fractured harmonious society
In Urumqi, the capital of China’s far western province Xinjiang, I often walk past a propagandaNovember 20, 2014
2014′s sexual assault reckoning: Cosby, Ghomeshi & America’s exhausting
What can we say this year about sexual violence that couldn’t have been said before? Here's the good18 mins ago -
Anatomy of a 2014 villain: Bill Maher
Why BIll Maher's horrible campaign against Islam was one of the lowlights of 20142 hrs ago -
The 10 most outrageous reactions to police killings this year
Geraldo Rivera, Bill O'Reilly and Charles Barkley all took respectability politics to odious new lows3 hrs ago
Science Blog
U.S cities are many times brighter than German counterparts
German cities emit several times less light per capita than comparably sized American cities1 min ago -
Protein ID’d as possible universal therapeutic target for many infections,
A protein called GRP78 could be a universal therapeutic target for treating human diseases like3 mins ago -
Patient self-reporting version of ‘blood pressure cuff’ for dementia is
The patient self-reporting version of the Healthy Aging Brain Care Monitor — a primary-care4 mins ago
Scoop NZ - Sci-tech
Million-dollar upgrade of Hamner pools’ changing rooms
An innovative custom-made system that will recycle thermal water will ensure Hanmer Springs Thermal Pools17 hrs ago -
The Science Behind A Good Homebrew
The Science Behind A Good Homebrew Karl Safi is reluctant to say brewing beer is a science.17 hrs ago -
Digital Media Accelerating As Bookstore Closures Soar, Study
The rate at which Kiwis are moving away from books, and towards digital media, appears to be accelerating17 hrs ago
Seeing the Forest
Apple F’ed Up iTunes AGAIN
Why does Apple redesign the interface for iTunes every version? Every time I have to hunt around theDecember 26, 2014 -
Christmas Triumph
I didn’t hear “Little Drummer Boy” once this year. Not one time. Maybe retailers andDecember 26, 2014
The Slog.
CRASH2: The death of the Dollar + the demise of the euro…and other more
At the End of the Day
We live in complicated times. And complicated is almost always a very bad thing. I have the world’sDecember 26, 2014 -
At the End of The Day
The latest Polish beer donated to Sloggers’ Roost by my Polish co-workers is brewed at 5.9%. TheDecember 25, 2014
Slàinte mhor a h-uile là a chi 's nach fhaic!
Well, I didn't quite want to end the year this abruptly, lol, but my laptop really didn't cooperateDecember 24, 2014 -
Blog Note
Welp, my laptop just died. It started making a horrendous grinding sound, and then crashed, and won'tDecember 23, 2014 -
Socio-Economics History Blog
Did Mysterious Chinese Blogger Predict Disappearance of AirAsia Flight?
Published on Dec 28, 2014 As early as the end of the world community2 hrs ago -
DOJ Caught Running “Kill The Cops” Race War Group!
Published on Dec 28, 2014 As if the American people needed more evidence that the Obama administration’s3 hrs ago -
Gerald Celente: 2015 Forecast – Manipulation, Depression and War!
Gerald Celente: 2015 Forecast – Manipulation, Depression and War! by Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com11 hrs ago
Sunwarrior News
Excercises to Strengthen Your Core: TRX Squat with Rotation
Is it too cold to exercise outdoors where you live? Take your fitness indoors.December 24, 2014 -
8 Ways to Naturally Whiten Your Teeth at Home
Our smiles are precious. If your smile has seen better days, you can bring those not-so-pearly whites backDecember 24, 2014 -
Dazzling, Dip-filled, Holy Holiday Appetizers
Add some sparkle to your culinary creations by rethinking the standard veggies and dip or retro stuffedDecember 24, 2014
Technology - Google News
Gmail Access Is Blocked in China After Months of Disruption - New York
NDTV Gmail Access Is Blocked in China After Months of Disruption New York Times BEIJING — The Chinese1 hr ago -
Politician's fingerprint 'cloned from photos' by hacker - BBC
BBC News Politician's fingerprint 'cloned from photos' by hacker BBC News A member of the Chaos12 mins ago -
Tech Five: UK banks in talks to offer Apple Pay - USA TODAY
USA TODAY Tech Five: UK banks in talks to offer Apple Pay USA TODAY Apple's payments service may make2 hrs ago
Things I grab, motley collection
The Anatomy of a New Year’s Resolution
Originally posted on TIME : Many of us who have used this time of year to turn our bodies around have10 hrs ago -
Good Riddance To Social Search
Originally posted on TechCrunch : Remember how not too long ago the future of search — at least accordingDecember 28, 2014 -
The Scoreboards Where You Can’t See Your Score • ©[]
The characters in Gary Shteyngart’s novel “Super Sad True Love Story” inhabit a continuously surveilledDecember 27, 2014
This Can't Be Happening!
Americans See Selves as Freedom’s Heroes as They Flock to Watch a Lousy
Marketing Madness23 hrs ago -
'Gagged' by the Government: a Police State Story
I couldn't tell you about it and couldn't tell you whyDecember 24, 2014

Camera catches notorious player's cheap shot on QB
Detroit's Ndamukong Suh, who has a long history of dirty plays, looks like he's trying to injure Aaron Rodgers.
Rodgers's angry reaction »
Top Documentary Films
My Son the Pornographer
We want our parents - and by extension, the world - to see andDecember 27, 2014 -
The Age of Hubble
What we know about ourselves as humans in time and space, the originsDecember 25, 2014
The Total Collapse
EU In Total Horror As Russia Prepares New “Nazi Law”
A stunning report prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) circulating in the Kremlin todayDecember 24, 2014 -
Putin Orders Feared “Samson Defense” To Collapse US-EU Economies
A chilling report published today by the Ministry of Economic Development (MED) is warning of potentially “December 17, 2014 -
Terrified France Warns Russia Of Obama “Terror Spectacular”
An ominous report prepared by the General Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces (GRUDecember 8, 2014
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The Truth is Where?
Greenpeace apologises to people of Peru over Nazca lines stunt.
By Dan Collyns 11th December 2014. Find Article Here:-December 11, 2014 -
Rosetta discovers water on comet 67p like nothing on Earth.
By Ian Sample 11th December 2014. Find Article Here:-December 11, 2014 -
The coming nuclear crisis: All but one of Britain’s ageing reactors ‘will
By Steve Connor 1st December 2014. Find Article Here:- Nearly allDecember 11, 2014
More Accountable To The British People
Yesterday the Bank of England announced its plans for future transparency and accountablity over theDecember 12, 2014 -
Whatever Happened To Grand Juries?
During the First World War, in 1917, a decision was made by the Government to “suspend&rdquoDecember 10, 2014 -
Two Presidents Stress “Transatlantic Bond" to Seize Economic Power
Poland’s former Prime Minister has replaced Herman Van Rompuy as European Council President. However,December 5, 2014
Universe Today
Space-y Charity: Some Ideas To Respond To Astronaut Hadfield’s Challenge
While the world was enchanted with Chris Hadfield’s social media posts last year, a new video has9 mins ago -
Incredible Towering Structures Cast Shadows Across Saturn’s Rings
Vertical structures cause shadows on Saturn’s B ring in this July 2009 picture from the Cassini34 mins ago -
Half-Moon Makes Dramatic Pass at Uranus Tonight
The half-moon creeps up on the planet Uranus this evening. The two will be near one other all night in the20 hrs ago
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Veterans Today
Iran and the Bomb
Iran does not want the bomb, but the Neoconservatives want to bomb Iran anyway because Iran upsets their5 hrs ago -
Free will explained coherently in Salon…WTF?
When I turn to philosophy and pick up a new work, the technical stuff makes me think that perhaps the idea15 hrs ago -
Avnery – My Glorious Brothers
Jim W. Dean..."Amazingly, in this piece Uri seems to be advocating a celebration of terrorists -- the-15 hrs ago
Washington's Blog
Don’t Just Follow the Money–Follow the Income
Lies are no substitute for truth and fantasy is no substitute for reality. Follow the money is a good1 hr ago -
Renaming Afghan War, Renaming Murder
The U.S.-led NATO war on Afghanistan has lasted so long they’ve decided to rename it, declare the old9 hrs ago -
Amazing Video: Stone Age Tribe’s First Contact with Modern Man
Amazing Video: Stone Age Tribe’s First Contact with Modern Man was originally published on20 hrs ago
Viral History
A new Crimean War? Really?
0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style DefinitionsMarch 3, 2014 -
Yiddish Theater: Don't Forget Molly Picon
Yiddish is not beautiful. Harsh and gutteral, it makes you twist your face to get the sounds outFebruary 1, 2014 -
Guest Post: David Taylor on Anzia Yezierska, Part II
0 false 18 pt 18 pt 0 0 false false false /* Style DefinitionsJanuary 23, 2014
Andy Worthington
Four Insignificant Afghan Prisoners Released from Guantánamo
More good news regarding Guantánamo, as four Afghans have been released, and returned to Afghanistan inDecember 20, 2014 -
New Life in Uruguay for Six Former Guantánamo Prisoners
Good news from Uruguay, where five of the six men released from Guantánamo on December 7 and given newDecember 19, 2014 -
Why Guantánamo Mustn’t Be Forgotten in the Fallout from the CIA Torture
I wrote the following article for the “ Close Guantánamo ” website, which I established in January 2012December 17, 2014
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World Science
Study finds police body-cameras can prevent violence
Researchers are working to repeat the study with 30 police forces across the globe.December 26, 2014 -
Light human skeleton may have come after agriculture
The relatively light skeletons of modern humans arose late in our evolutionary history, researchers report.December 22, 2014 -
Quantum physics may have just gotten simpler
New research claims to unite two strange features of the quantum world, or nature at the smallest scales.December 20, 2014
Fuel Fix
The Politics of Distortion
As a candidate, President Obama made famous the phrase, “words have meaning”. And, propagandists know that52 mins ago -
Oil strengthens as Libya conflict offers relief from glut
Fires have been extinguished at three of six tanks at Es Sider, Libya’s largest oil port, which were set3 hrs ago -
Entergy: Louisiana needs more electricity for industry
That likely means building power plants for about $1 billion a piece, which the 1 million customers of3 hrs ago
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