10:49om MST
"What Lies Beyond the Edge of the Universe?”
* "What Lies Beyond the Edge of the Universe?”*
by Andrew Moseman
“The visible edge of the universe is, by definition, the most distant thing
that we can see. That does not mean it is the most distant thing we can
feel, however. According to astrophysicist Alexander Kashlinsky of NASA’s
Goddard Space Flight Center, something from way beyond the edge seems to be
pulling powerfully on galaxies in our universe, yanking them along in a
motion he calls “dark flow.” Kashlinsky and his team noticed this
phenomenon while studying the cosmic microwave background, radiation left
over from ju... more »
Putin: Russia's Military Doctrine Remains Defensive

© Sputnik/ Alexei Druzhinin
*Putin: Russia's Military Doctrine Remains Defensive Despite NATO Buildup
-- Sputnik*
Russian President Putin said at a meeting with the top military brass in
Moscow that Russia's military doctrine, which has an absolutely defensive
nature, remains unchanged.
MOSCOW, December 19 (Sputnik) — The Russian military doctrine will remain
defensive despite NATO military buildup in eastern Europe, but Russia will
make consistent and determined efforts to safeguard its security, President
Vladimir Putin said Friday.
"Our military doctrine, which has an absolute... more »
Israel Launches Airstrikes Against Hamas

Israeli security forces stand next to the remains of a rocket that was
fired from the Gaza Strip towards Israel on Friday, on the Israeli side of
the border December 19, 2014. REUTERS/Ilan Assayag
*Israel Bombs Gaza Militant Base After Rocket Hits Southern Israel --
(Reuters) - Israeli aircraft bombed a Hamas militant base in the Gaza Strip
on Friday for the first time since the end of a war in the territory, in
response to a rocket that militants launched earlier in the day, the army
The bombs struck in the Khan Younis area in the southern Gaza Strip. Local
hospi... more »
Hollywood And Sony Criticized For 'Caving - In' To Cyber Threats
*George Clooney Criticizes Hollywood in Sony Cyberattack -- Voice of
NEW YORK - Oscar-winner George Clooney slammed Hollywood power players for
not supporting Sony Pictures following the cyberattack on the company over
the satirical comedy "The Interview" about North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
Sony on Wednesday pulled the Christmas Day release of the film depicting a
fictional assassination of Kim after major theater chains said they would
not show it because of unspecified threats made by the hackers.
Clooney, in an interview Friday with online trade publication ... more »
President Obama Responds To Sony Cyber Attack
*Obama Mocks Absurd Plot Twist Of Cyber Attack On Sony -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Faced with the most destructive cyber attack of a company on
U.S. soil, President Barack Obama resorted to humor to explain an absurd
plot that even Hollywood did not see coming.
In his rebuke of Sony Pictures' decision to shelve "The Interview," about a
fictitious plot to assassinate North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, Obama said
the public did not have to look farther than the film's stoner-comedy stars
to gauge its threat.
"I think it says something interesting about North Korea that they decided
to ha... more »
snippy the horse

On Sept. 7, 1967 - Snippy the horse, a 3-year-old Appaloosa, who’s actual
name was Lady, failed to show up for her usual morning drink in a pasture
on the Harry King ranch 20 miles northeast of Alamosa, at the foot of Mount
Blanca. Two days later, Snippy's body was found in the pasture, her death
cloaked in mystery. The skin and flesh had been cleanly cut away from the
shoulders to the ears.
There were no tracks near the body and no blood on the ground, but strange
markings were found on the ground around Snippy's body. The horse's owner,
Nellie Lewis, said she was positive that e... more »
Noted Tin-Foil Crazy Alex Jones and Infowars steps in it by going after Spokane Sheriff Ozzie Knezovich...
*a good man and a good sheriff.*
*As I keep saying, do not believe everything you read*
InfoWars is bashing the sheriff's department of Spokane County for taking a
Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) to a charity event where the
deputies take children shopping for Christmas.
Some unidentified woman films herself badgering some of the deputies about
the MRAP until she catches a deputy saying that there a lot of
"constitutionalists" in the area, and they are well armed. At first,
InfoWars shows only the few seconds where he makes that statement. Is it
taken out of context? You ... more »
Musical Interlude: 2002, "Starwalkers"
2002, "Starwalkers"
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SovcBYRFIxw
Ringing sleighbells and roasting chestnuts tell us it's that time of year: Be afraid for the holidays

*by Ken*
It's Friday, and I realize many of you were probably in such a hurry to get
wherever you were going for the weekend -- and possibly beyond, with those
two skeletal work weeks coming up surrounding the holidays -- that you
missed this news. So as a public service, *DWT* wants to be sure you've
heard the latest from your State Dept., courtesy of the *Washington Post*
"In the Loop" team:
*State Department warns travelers about worldwide terror threat*
By Colby Itkowitz | December 19 at 5:30 PM
It’s the Friday before Christmas, but the State Department is not spreading
holi... more »
Edwin Black : The Transfer Agreement
Edwin Black : Book Discussion on The Transfer Agreement from Spike EP on
*Book Discussion on The Transfer Agreement*
Edwin Black talked about his book The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic
Story of the Pact Between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine (Dialog
Press; 25th anniversary ed. August 25, 2009). He pieced together the story
of an agreement made between Hitler’s government and a group of Zionist
leaders in 1933. The agreement called for the transfer of 55,000 Jews and
$100 million to Palestine in exchange for calling off a planned economic
boycott of Nazi Germany by ... more »
With Apologies....
Good King Wenceslas went out,
for pizza he was craving.
Homemade fresh rolled dough
deep and crisp and even.
Brightly shone the oven light,
while the cheese did bubble.
Now his hunger it did bite,
and his stomach gru-um-bled.
O'er the menu he did pore
Meat and cheese and mushrooms
Marked his choices one by one
All his favourites lusting
Now his order's all but done
Gives to cashier waiting
Luxembourg charges a tax dodge accountant!.. but not for dodging any taxes
KJ learns how the world really works from Fee and Chris...
tax dodge whistleblower charged with theft, says he acted out of conviction
28-year-old Antoine Deltour has been charged in Luxembourg
with a string of criminal offences including theft, violation of professional
secrecy, violation of trade secrets and illegally accessing a database. Deltour
So much for substantial compliance
Canadian courts usually now waive technicalities and focus on substantive
rights. But not always. In High Tower Homes Corporation v. Stevens, 2014
ONCA 911 the Court insisted that a failure to make waiver precisely as set
out in a contract, despite dealings between counsel being accepted to that
point, made the waiver void. So what to do? Try to follow terms precisely
but recognize sometimes the Court will insist on precise compliance and
sometimes not:
[43] In *Technicore Underground Inc. v. Toronto (City)*, 2012 ONCA
597, 354 D.L.R. (4th) 516, at para. 63, Gillese J.A., w... more »
Churchill : Opertation Unthinkable and the Masonic Partitions of Europe and India

*Allied army positions in central Europe on 10 May 1945. *
*The Soviet numerical superiority in relation to the Western Allies was
roughly 4:1 in men and 2:1 in tanks at the end of hostilities in Europe.*
*"The overall political object is to impose upon Russia the will of the
United States and British Empire.*
*Even thought "the will" of these two countries may be defined as no more
than a square deal for Poland, that does not necessarily limit the military
commitment. a quick success might induce the Russians to submit to our will
at least for the time being; but it might not. *
... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Shiny NGC 253 is one of the brightest spiral galaxies visible, and also
one of the dustiest. Some call it the Silver Dollar Galaxy for its
appearance in small telescopes, or just the Sculptor Galaxy for its
location within the boundaries of the southern constellation Sculptor.
First swept up in 1783 by mathematician and astronomer Caroline Herschel,
the dusty island universe lies a mere 10 million light-years away.
*Click image for larger size.*
About 70 thousand light-years across, NGC 253 is the largest member of the
Sculptor Group of Galaxies, the nearest to our own Local Group ... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Eternal Silence of Infinite Spaces...”
*“The Eternal Silence of Infinite Spaces...”*
by Chet Raymo
“The little book, British psychologist Nicholas Humphrey's “Leaps of
Faith,” published in 1995, may have been the first (and best?) shot in the
current brouhaha of science and faith. I've been reading again my copy, and
recognize my debt to his trenchant analysis. I seem to recall quoting him
in my own “Skeptics and True Believers” (1998).
He poses his theme with this statement: "All great supernatural belief
systems- indeed, all philosophical systems, up till now- have catered to
two central human needs: the need for a ra... more »
"Tips For Dealing With Sadness and Depression"
"Tips For Dealing With Sadness and Depression"
by Vijai P. Sharma, Ph.D
“Depression with its characteristic sad face, stooped posture, and slow
movements is universal; it is found not only in humans in all cultures, but
even in animals, notably, monkeys, chimpanzees, and dogs. In the English
language, we have even invented a metaphor to describe a sad face, the
"hang dog" appearance. Everyone now and then feels sad, unhappy or
disappointed because of a thought, memory, behavior or spoken words. But
then such feelings are cleared up in just a few hours and we get back to
our normal ... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 19, 2014
*The Sony Hack and America’s Craven Capitulation To Terror -- David Keyes,
Daily Beast*
*Americans are giving in to North Korean blackmail—and it will only get
If the noble experiment of American democracy is to mean anything, it is
fidelity to the principle of freedom. It is to champion the idea that all
men and women are endowed with certain unalienable rights—free to think our
thoughts, speak our minds, associate with whom we want and express our
feelings without fear that a tyrant will silence us. Slavery is not only
the physical restraining of the body. It is also th... more »
Why Doctors Aren't Shocked that Mumps has hit the NHL
I was not intending on posting today, being a tad under the weather.
However, their are times when information calls out to me.... *"place me at
the blog"* it implores ! And so, it must be.
Fully realizing that some readers still here, or perhaps no longer here,
can't get past their cognitive dissonance when it comes to the fact t*hat
they hold a completely unsubstantiated and unrealistic belief in VACCINE.*
Their effectiveness. Their safety. The ethics of the pharmaceutical
manufacturers. An almost irrational belief that the first priority for big
pharma is something other th... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Vitrolles, Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur, France
Thanks for stopping by.
World News Briefs -- December 19, 2014 (Evenig Edition)
*Obama Defends Cuban Opening But Faults Sony Over Movie In Year-End Press
Conference -- New York Times*
WASHINGTON — President Obama on Friday rejected critics who say he should
not have opened American relations with Cuba because of that nation’s human
rights record, saying the historic thaw would give the United States more
sway with the Cuban government.
“I share the concerns of dissidents there and human rights activists that
this is still a regime that represses its people,” Mr. Obama said at a
wide-ranging news conference that ended a period of extraordinary domestic
and fo... more »
“The Day Einstein Feared Has Arrived”
*“The Day Einstein Feared Has Arrived”*
by Administrator
"The day Albert Einstein feared may finally have arrived..."
*Click image for larger size.*
- http://www.theburningplatform.com/
The Monopoly of Hydro Electricity

*Waking Times - *Can you imagine a world where electricity flows in an open
and free market?
The post The Monopoly of Hydro Electricity appeared first on Waking Times.
"We" Still Torture Some Folks
Uh-oh. Looks like President Obama goofed in the grammatical tense
department. Seriously, though, when he signed his executive order banning
torture on his first day in office in 2009, he didn't say anything about
not outsourcing torture to compliant friends, and allowing CIA and Special
Ops forces to still *threaten* to torture and sexually abuse prisoners in
black sites abroad.
No word whether these still-active "enhanced interrogators" were among the
anonymous patriots whose identities were redacted from the Senate torture
report, so that they may continue to work and thrive with ... more »
Is This Tesla Energy Generator a True Free Energy Device?
*Terence Newton* - The Quantum Energy Generator based on a patent of Nikola
Tesla is supposed to be the world's first free energy device, but does it
The post Is This Tesla Energy Generator a True Free Energy Device? appeared
first on Waking Times.
GAO Report: U.S. Not Prepared For Nuclear Terrorist Attack Ar A large-Scale Natural Catastrophe

*GAO Report Finds US Unprepared For Catastrophic Disaster -- FOX News*
The federal government is not fully prepared to handle a nuclear terrorist
attack or other sort of large-scale catastrophe and is years away from
ensuring the safety of Americans if an event should happen, a Government
Accountability Office finds.
The report obtained by the Associated Press finds that the Federal
Emergency Management Agency did not always keep track of safety efforts,
which affected the preparedness of states even after Superstorm Sandy
devastated the northeast.
"FEMA is not aware of the full ... more »
Crackpot Utopia: The Year in Republican Crazy, Part 1

*• Princess Liz Cheney -- 2014's Smoothie of the Year?• "Miss Beck regrets"
-- Crazyspeak of the Year nominee No. 1• And the Crackpot Party reacts to
President Obama's SOTU*
*The Curious Case of the Princess and the Senator (see No. 1)*
*Crackpot Utopia:* *A dream world as envisioned by republicans; a
manifestation or expression of the deranged, warped alternate universe
inhabited by republicans, at least in their minds. See also: Bachmannism,
*by Noah*
*1. Princess Liz Cheney tries for the Smoothie of the Year Award*
Since we're talkin' about crazy crackpot fol... more »
Russia Invites North Korean Leader To Moscow For 'Victory Day Celebration' In May

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un waves to workers during a visit to the
Pyongyang Children's Foodstuff Factory in this undated photo released by
North Korea's Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) in Pyongyang December 16,
*Russia Invites North Korean Leader To Moscow For May Visit -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin has invited North Korean
leader Kim Jong Un to Moscow next year to mark the 70th anniversary of the
Soviet defeat of Nazi Germany in World War Two, the Kremlin's spokesman
said on Friday.
It would be Kim's first foreign visit since ... more »
US tax dollars massacred Pakistani children

Most Americans are decent people. Naturally they are horrified by the
massacre of over 100 children at a school in Peshawar.
They would be even more horrified if they knew their tax dollars had paid
for it.
Full story: http://www.veteranstoday.com/2014/12/19/us-ttp/
Benjamin Fulford: Torture report paves way for arrest of top Nazionists - December 15, 2014

*Views expressed below are those of Benjamin Fulford - AK*
*Torture report paves way for arrest of top Nazionists*
*Benjamin Fulford*
December 15, 2014
The 500 page report of Bush era torture issued by the US Senate marks a
major turning point in US power. While much of what is in the report is old
news to most aware humans, the fact that it was issued by the US Senate
Intelligence Committee and the fact that it was widely reported on in the
corporate propaganda media is very important. For one thing it shows that
Nazi faction of the cabal no longer controls the corporate media. I... more »
The Holocaust Uniqueness Doctrine

The Open Mind - Lucy Dawidowicz and the Holocaust Uniqueness Doctrine
from Spike EP on Vimeo.
Host: Richard D. Heffner
Guest: Lucy Dawidowicz
Title: “The Holocaust and the Historians”
VTR: 6/16/82
I’m Richard Heffner, your host on THE OPEN MIND. When I first went to
Rutgers University nearly 35 years ago, it was as a young American
historian. And in preparing for today’s program, I came across some notes
for a talk I gave then, as only a very young academic could or would, on
the nature of history, on the confusion between history as the past, and
history as onl... more »
Stocking Full of Cynicism: Obama Sticks It to a Handful of Dying Nazis

President Barack Obama, the high priest of pandering was at it again on
Thursday to sign a bill stripping a handful of aging Nazis of their Social
Security benefits. The bill had originally gotten media play earlier this
month when McClatchy reported that the House of Representatives had voted
420-0 to waste millions of taxpayer dollars on getting payback against a
pack of fossilized rat bastard war criminals who will all be dead soon
For Obama, who seems to believe that this latest dog and pony show somehow
makes him into a darker complected version of Simon Wiesenthal o... more »
Ken Derstine Update on Philadelphia CorpEd Reform
No one does it better than Ken: Mark Gleason Turns 'Dump the Losers' Into a
FBI Confirms That North Korea Is Responsible For Sony Cyber Attack
*FBI: North Korea Responsible For Sony Hack -- CNN*
Washington (CNN) -- North Korea is officially responsible for the
cyberattack on Sony Pictures, the FBI announced Friday.
An FBI investigation linked the malware, infrastructure and techniques a
group of hackers called "Guardians of Peace" used in the Sony attack to
previous North Korean cyberattacks. The North Korean-backed hackers broke
into Sony's servers, published private emails and information and
threatened to attack movie theaters screening "The Interview," a comedy
film about an assassination plot on North Korean leader ... more »
Oncology Nurse Quits After 17 Years to Promote Natural Cures for Cancer

*Alex Pietrowski* - This cancer nurse had seen enough people lose their
fight with cancer after suffering terribly from the effects of conventional
The post Oncology Nurse Quits After 17 Years to Promote Natural Cures for
Cancer appeared first on Waking Times.

Report: The Islamic State Is Selling Human Organs From Hostages On The Black Market
ISIS Trafficking Human Organs From Bodies of Kidnapped Captives:
http://t.co/pZ591HBTgB pic.twitter.com/V3RXpZeZnH
— The Christian Post (@ChristianPost) December 8, 2014
*Blood Money: How ISIS Is Selling Human Organs Harvested From Living
Hostages And Its Own Dead Soldiers To Fund Terror Across The Middle East --
Daily Mail*
* IS is hiring foreign doctors to harvest organs in hospitals in Iraq and
* Doctor in Mosul says new doctors secretly flooding into his hospital
* They extract organs from dead IS militants as well as living captives
* Organs then fed into global organ t... more »
Enbridge Spills 56,700 Gallons of OIL, and Attempts To Conceal the Information From the Public?(breaking)
*Enbridge Line 4 spills 56,700-gallons of oil, causing closure of
pipeline to U.S.*
The Vancouver Observer has confirmed that Enbridge has spilled another huge
amount of crude oil..
The most disturbing part of this report is....It appears that Enbridge was
not going to report this massive oil spill in Saskatchewan as the spill was
within the confines of an Enbridge pumping station grounds...
Evidence is pointing to an Enbridge employee, a whistleblower who tipped
the Vancouver Observer to this oil spilling event..The spill has now been
confirmed by Enbridge..
_______________*The d... more »
Friday Pussy - depressed cat version

We wonder why the drug companies sell so many anti-depressants. Look no
further than any headline news. Note the words used on a daily basis. A
brief list from the BBC latest headlines:
Yes these were actual words taken from today's headline news. The list goes
on but you get the idea. It makes one wonder if there are any of life's
pleasures left. Maybe a little to eat would life a spirit? Oh think again.
Salt fat and sugar content are far too high, didn't you read t... more »
Why Are Voters So Unenthusiastic About Reelecting Run Of The Mill, Garden Variety Democrats?

You mean Crowley rocking out with Huckabee doesn't get Queens & Bronx
voters out to the polls?
Turnout for the midterms in California was a dismal 42% this year. Barbara
Lee (CA-13- Oakland) didn't have a real race, but her constituents turned
out for her in greater numbers than any other congressional candidate in
the whole state, more than any other Democrat and more than any Republican.
166,182 went to the polls to voice their gratitude for a congresswoman who
stands up for working families. (In 2012 she was reelected with 250,436
votes and Obama won the district with 268,093 in 2... more »
Iraq's Military Is Losing The Battle For Anbar
*Inside Iraqi Air Base As Islamic State Closes In -- BBC*
Ain al-Asad air base, the largest in Iraq's western province of Anbar, has
been encircled by militants from Islamic State (IS). The BBC's Quentin
Sommerville, the first Western journalist to make it to the facility since
IS launched a nationwide offensive in June, found soldiers on the defensive
as the militants close in.
At Ain al-Asad, soldiers and their armoured vehicles had departed. The camp
was quiet, almost peaceful. But we were in fact in the eye of a storm.
On multiple fronts, troops were out fighting - and losing ... more »
Coke, Drugs, Pickup Trucks & War

Despite the torture
by half
say CIA
cruelty is
How could
that be a surprise?
We are a war
addicted nation
our economy
runs off
blood money
the signs
are everywhere
We are proud
to plant flags
(made in China)
in cemeteries
those formerly
working class
their lives
on behalf
Mr. Big
We uncritically
salute the flag
Hitler would
have been
by how
our 'blitzkrieg'
has seeped
deeper into
our culture
'Sieg Heil'
did into his
We are
we fabricate
and then
deny it all
before god
and the... more »
Satire: "Rubio Vows to Block Twenty-First Century"
*"Rubio Vows to Block Twenty-First Century"*
by Andy Borowitz
WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)— "Seizing upon an issue that could become
the cornerstone of a possible 2016 Presidential campaign, Senator Marco
Rubio (R-Fla.) said on Thursday that he would do everything in his power to
block the twenty-first century. “A lot of folks in Washington believe that
the twenty-first century is a forgone conclusion, and that there’s nothing
we can do about it,” Rubio said. “I say, ‘Not on my watch.’ ”
Explaining his strategy, Rubio said that he and fellow Republicans were
exploring ways to s... more »
Colombia: The UFO Was a Balloon, Says Planetarium

*Source: La FM, Peru.com and Planeta UFODate: 12.19.2014*
*Colombia: The UFO Was a Balloon, Says Planetarium*
BOGOTA. Dozens of people looked skyward for several minutes watching an
object that flew around erratically in the vicinity of Bogotá, Colombia's
Zona Rosa.
Those who thought they were seeing an unidentified flying object (UFO), and
those who took an endless number of photographs of what they took to be an
unusual phenomenon were disappointed after the Bogotá Planetarium reported
its findings.
Given that the UFO subject became a trending topic on Twitter, the *Planetario... more »
Bill Whittle: Stories Liberals Tell: How Conservatives Can Win Back the Country and Rush on Liberalisim......
*according to Bill we need to start telling our own stories. *
*But first - Rush. *
*Yesterday, Rush Limbaugh opened his show by talking about how easy it was
to be a liberal. Luckily, I was able to find a transcript on his site so
you won't have to be subjected to what would, no doubt, be my tortured
*I realized that he was describing every single liberal I know.*
*From Rush: *
Do you remember the name John O'Sullivan? Used to be the editor at
National Review in the days shortly after -- well, Mr. Buckley was still
alive and running the place. And he also was a... more »
“Habitual Anger: Unblocking the Ally”
*“Habitual Anger: Unblocking the Ally”*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
“Anger can easily become our go-to emotion; to remedy, start noticing when
and why you get angry. Sometimes when we feel anger, it is coming from a
deep place that demands acknowledgment and expression. At these times, it
is important that we find healthy ways to honor our anger, remembering how
dangerous it is to repress it. However, anger can also become a habit, our
go-to emotion whenever things go wrong. Often this is because, for whatever
reason, we feel more comfortable expressing anger than we do other
em... more »
Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-Up, Friday 12.19.14”
* “Weekly News Wrap-Up, Friday 12.19.14”*
By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com
“My top story is the economy, and I think the Fed and Congress just
signaled that something is seriously wrong, and it’s going to get
worse. First off, the Federal Reserve just came out and said that it was
going to be “patient” when normalizing the monetary policy. I know Wall
Street is jubilant and the stock market spiked on the news, but I think
this is really ominous, and it is nothing to be celebrated. To me, that
means don’t expect the Fed to raise interest rates anytime soon because the
economy is much... more »
This Is Laughable: US Criminal Government Decides To Rebrand Their CIA/Mossad Operation Known As "ISIS" As "Daesh"

Recently I was sitting in a coffee shop where I go to unwind and mingle
with some local people, and I could not help but overhear some people
sitting at the table next to me discuss a few "current events"... Of course
one of them brought up the fraud CIA/Mossad scam known as "ISIS" and
started spewing exactly what the MSM has been brainwashing into people for
the last few years now, and that was the BS that this "ISIS" was somehow a
"threat" to everyone, and we "must do something to stop them".... I decided
not to say a word, knowing that my previous attempts to awaken people came
w... more »
Iraqi Kurds Claim To Have Broken The Islamic State Siege Of Mount Sinjar
*Iraqi Kurds Say Siege Of Mount Sinjar Broken -- Al Jazeera*
Peshmerga forces claim breakthrough against ISIL, reaching mountain where
hundreds of Yazidis are trapped.
Kurdish Peshmerga fighters have fought their way to Iraq's Sinjar Mountains
where hundreds of people have been trapped for months by fighters of the
Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) group, a Kurdish official said.
"Peshmerga forces have reached Mount Sinjar, the siege on the mountain has
been lifted," Masrour Barzani, head of the Iraqi Kurdish region's national
security council, told reporters from an ope... more »
After Tuesday's School Massacre, Pakistan Prepares To Execute The First Of 3,000 Terrorists Convicted Of Terrorism

Rescue team members go through debris inside the Army Public School, which
was attacked by Taliban gunmen, in Peshawar, December 17, 2014. Credit:
Reuters/Zohra Bensemra
*Pakistan’s Gallows Await 3,000 Convicted Terrorists; First Will Hang
‘Within Days’ -- McClatchy News*
ISLAMABAD — Pakistan’s government fast-tracked warrants of execution for
convicted terrorists Thursday, moving swiftly on its promise to crack down
on militants after a Taliban massacre of 132 schoolchildren Tuesday in the
northern city of Peshawar.
Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif had lifted a six-year moratorium on ... more »
The Easiest Snowflakes

My daughter loves to make snowflakes and I can't tell you how many times I
have looked up online how you are supposed to fold a pieces of paper to
make a snowflake. When I discovered this way of making snowflakes I was
floored! It is SO easy, all you need is a stack of coffee filters which you
can find at the dollar store and some scissors. These are so easy, my
6-year-old can make them all by herself. I have made a simple infographic
to help you out!
What are some of your favorite traditions to do with your children?
[image: post signature]
Sydney Shooting HOAX: Something To Seriously Consider Regarding The Fraud Shooting In Sydney Australia
I am seriously disgusted these days... In spite of the evidence that
clearly shows that the recent "shooting" in Sydney, Australia was indeed a
staged event using the usual terrible "crisis actors", we still have the
Jew spew media shills and the criminals in our own governments still trying
to spoon feed the general public with the notion that it was real.... These
same criminals are now doing what has happened after all previous fake
shootings, and that is to sell both "gun controls" and the false notion
that we must surrender more of our freedoms for the illusion of
"security"...... more »
Pakistan Launches Airstrikes Against Taliban Militants
*Pakistan Targets Militants After School Massacre -- Voice of America*
Pakistani officials say jets and ground forces have killed 58 militants
days after Taliban fighters attacked a school in the northwestern city of
Peshawar, killing 149 people, mostly children.
As Pakistan began a third day of mourning, the troops ambushed and killed
at least 50 militants in Khyber near the Afghan border. Another eight were
killed in southwestern Baluchistan province, including a senior Taliban
*Read more *....
*More News On Pakistan Launching Airstrikes Against Taliban Militants *
... more »
Depressing discourse watch: From the banana republic files!
*FRIDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2014The disintegration of the American discourse:* We
don’t know when the American discourse has ever been so depressing.
In fact, we don’t know when it was ever depressing at all. We’ve covered a
lot of journalistic misconduct since 1998, when this site began. Only now
has our national discourse struck us as truly depressing.
Why do we find the current discourse depressing? Because the liberal world
is playing an active role in its disintegration.
In 1998, the liberal world was largely asleep in the woods. A person could
imagine that we liberals might turn o... more »
A CE-2 from 2004? UFO Landing at Puerto Natales, Chile

Our friend and colleague *Liliana Núñez,* formerly with *Archivos Forteanos
Latinoamericanos*, reminds us of this intriguing video from 2004 allegedly
showing a "UFO landing at Puerto Natales" (in the commune of Natales,
Province of Ultima Esperanza, Chilean Patagonia). There is no narration
beyond random voices: at 00:29 someone asks "Where is Humberto?" and "It
has a weird shape" at 00:36. The video is credited to the C*entro de
Investigacion Ovnilógica de Natales* (Patricio Frias, Jose Loalza, Eladio
Godoy & Walter Vera).
*http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x93yrl_ate... more »
Quantum Physics and How We Affect Reality

*Video* - Are we about to unlock the secrets of the universe and understand
quantum entanglement and how we affect reality?
The post Quantum Physics and How We Affect Reality appeared first on Waking
Protesters Disrupt Seattle Housing Authority Hearing With Chants Of `Rent Hikes — No!'...
*not just any protesters, but what appears to be Somalians brought here and
given free stuff. *
Lots and *lots* of free stuff compliments of you, the taxpayer.
But they want more.
And guess what? They're bringing more of these angry demanding freeloaders
in all the time.
via: News You May Have Missed
Original Story: KPLU in Seattle
*Is your city on the list?*
From: Refugee Resettlement Watch:
* Handy directory for US Refugee Resettlement Offices in 180 cities*
stephen harper, the Laughable, Pathetic Coward, Part XXXIX
Is it CBC anchor Peter Mansbridge's job to suck all of the klingons off of
the hairs around stephen harper's asshole until they're as clean as if
they'd had a shampoo at the beauty salon?
I'm just asking a question here.
Reading Montreal Simon yesterday, I got to find out how the perpetually
fearful (of everything) stephen harper has decided to rationalize his
laughable, pathetic cowardice when a gunman entered the Parliament building
last October.
The CBC has helpfully (because there's no way in Hell that I would ever
listen to that jackass for even five minutes) provided a transc... more »
The Healing Power of Cannabis Has Barely Been Tapped
*Allan Badiner* - here are now legal medical cannabis programs in 23
states, but, Ironically, the actual healing power of the plant has barely
been tapped...
The post The Healing Power of Cannabis Has Barely Been Tapped appeared
first on Waking Times.
World News Briefs -- December 19, 2014
*Iraqi Kurds Claim Major Victory Over Islamic State -- Voice of America*
Kurdish forces in northern Iraq pressed forward Friday with their largest
offensive to date against the Islamic State group, moving to secure
territory reclaimed from IS fighters in a two-day offensive and to
capitalize on news of several IS leaders’ deaths.
Officials said roughly 8,000 Kurdish peshmerga troops, aided by U.S.-led
coalition airstrikes, on Thursday recaptured a large amount of territory
and broke a siege on Iraq's Mount Sinjar. Thousands of civilians and
soldiers from the Yazidi religious mino... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 19, 2014
*U.S. to Continue Push for Stronger Military Ties With China -- Wall Street
*Adm. Harry B. Harris Jr., the Next U.S. Pacific Commander, Says North
Korea Poses Biggest Threat to Security in Asia*
SINGAPORE—The next commander of U.S. military forces in the Pacific said
Thursday he wouldn’t deviate from his predecessor’s strategy of seeking
stronger military ties with China and other countries in the region despite
conflicting territorial claims in the South China Sea.
Adm. Harry B. Harris Jr., who currently commands U.S. Navy forces in the
Pacific and was confirmed last we... more »

*Hess was Hitler's interlocutor when he was writing Mein Kampf*
*"[Of Herzl and the Authorship of Juedenstatt] Yeah, there are real
problems... Herzl claims he wrote Judenstatt while he was in Paris... in...
1891... Even though he was not in Paris when he claimed he wrote the book
in Paris...*
*There are lots of problems. *
*He was not a very good writer before he wrote this book... But he was
known to be a pretty bad writer, a**nd the Judenstatt is brilliant...*
*So, we can guess, he was chosen because he as handsome and charismatic -
but that's all irrelevant.*
*So, without pr... more »
Seeing Through the Veil of Your Limitations
*Michael Forrester* - Humanity is very much like the elephants that are
tied to a rope from birth. As the elephant ages, it could easily break free
from that rope at any time, but it doesn't.
The post Seeing Through the Veil of Your Limitations appeared first on Waking
The ONE Network with Mel Ve: Transcription
Removing The Shackles - 14 hours ago
The ONE Network with Mel Ve of Freedom Central
November, 28, 2014
Present: Lisa Harrison, Brian Kelly, D of Removing the Shackles, Mel B, Mel
Note: The beginning of the recording is opening music with mostly small
talk among everyone to probably complete sound checks, until Mel Ve started
hosting the program proper.
Mel Ve: Before I'm going to get this officially started, I guess I'm
hosting this one. I'll be posting this one as well. I'm really grateful
that you guys have taken the time out to come together and talk to me about
some of the things which I guess need to be air... more »
A Look At The Global Conflicts That Matter To The U.S.

Center for Preventive Action/Council on Foreign Relations
*The Global Conflicts To Watch In 2015 -- Uri Friedman, The Atlantic*
A survey shows which countries matter more to U.S. policymakers—and which
matter less
Foreign policy often involves making difficult and debatable choices about
which parts of the world matter more to a given country—and which, by
extension, matter less. It's about defining national interests and
determining where those interests are most evident and endangered. This is
why the United States has done far more to stop ISIS in Syria and Iraq
than, say, sec... more »
The Curse of Petro-Politics

Stephen Harper has made no secret that it is his intention to transform
Canada into a petro-state. Stanford professor Terry Lynn Karl has devoted
her academic career to the study of petro-states. And she has concluded
that petro-politics lead to self immolation. In an interview with Andrew
Nikiforuk, she predicts that falling oil prices will have catasrophic
consequences for several petro-states:
"The effects of falling oil prices will be quickly felt in Venezuela, which
is extremely vulnerable. If oil ke... more »
So Much For The U.S. Rule Of Not Negotiating With Hostage Takers
*US Backed Talks Between Jihadi Clerics And Isis In Effort To Save
Hostage’s Life -- The Guardian*
Exclusive: Talks with leadership of Isis to secure release of Abdul-Rahman
(Peter) Kassig ran for several weeks with knowledge of FBI
• Long read: the full story behind the race to save Peter Kassig
• Revealed: the secret talks US hostage – video
US counter-terrorism officials backed a high-stakes negotiation involving
two of the world’s most prominent jihadi clerics as well as former
Guantánamo detainees in an attempt to save the life of an American hostage
held by Islamic State, the... more »
Today I am full on anti Muslim
The death toll of children is too much. The fact these warriors did it on
purpose reminds me of a horror movie. I got no problem with belief but when
its so fouced that you can double tap a six year old I ask for relief. Or
maybe a atomic strike, Nuke the fuckers in the wild Zone. Then say we will
nuke anyother outbreak of madness.
have no idea how to spell it and I know you just do not care
as long as the sentiment was genuine.
As a pastafrain Christmas to me is all commercial.
Yet some of my sorta Christian memories still exist.
I left the Christians cause they will never leave you.
IMHO there is nothing more silly
than growen men in dressess
speaking about the holy ghost.
I am not anti Christmas
its a time of joy
for children
but I am no longer
part of that compart
Right now Christmas is
a battleline between us
and Muslims with Madison
Ave fafouring Christmas
over the wonderful sales
of pyjamis during the H... more »
Can Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders And Sherrod Brown Stop The TPP?

Fox Business host Melissa Francis yesterday: "Without question, Elizabeth
Warren is the devil"
Last week we looked at the growing opposition within the Democratic Party
to the corporate trade policies-- particularly the Trans Pacific
Partnership-- Obama is teaming up with McConnell and Boehner to ram through
the Republican-controlled Congress next year. Alan Grayson called the TPP
"the final nail in the coffin of the middle class in this country." Rosa
DeLauro (D-CT), whose husband worked to pass NAFTA and whose tenant-- Rahm
Emanuel-- is credited with getting it through the House, ... more »
Special issue of Bioethics: Ethical Implications of New and Future Techniocal Developments in Prenatal Testing and Screening
One of my core research fields over the years has been reproductive
ethics, especially the ethics of genetic and reproductive technology. In my
postdoc period, I published a study on the moral roots of prenatal diagnosis,
followed by a number of further explorations of the ethics of reproductive
technology, genetic testing and medical screening programmes in general.
The last two years, this process has come full circle, due to new
revolutionary technical developments regarding prenatal testing and related
genetic analysis, and the last year or two, I have been busy presenting and ... more »
America F*CK YEAH! Team America Movie Pulled as Panic Grips Nation

The increasingly bizarre story of the terrorist threats against movie
theaters showing the now effectively banned film The Interview continues.
Shortly after the movie – which depicts the assassination of loony North
Korean leader Kim Jong Un - was pulled from distribution the 2004 flick Team
America: World Police was also yanked. The stomping on the latter, that a
few theaters chose to show in place of The Interview is notable because
the movie has been out for ten years now and is widely available on DVD and
streaming video. It is typical in the land of fear that is post Septemb... more »
Letter from Managua: A canal dividing a country
The proposal to build a trans-oceanic canal across Nicaragua seems mostly
like the scenario for a slightly implausible summer blockbuster movie.
The movie would have it all. Powerful business forces, environmental risks,
social upheaval and conflict and even global intrigue - Chinese interests
are behind the project. And lots and lots of mystery. I can see Matt Damon
and Angelina Jolie racing from Caribbean villages in Nicaragua to
skyscrapers in Hong Kong in a race to uncover the truth.
The canal would be about 280 kms long, more than twice as long as the
Panama canal. A short 24-k... more »
German researchers discover a flaw that could let anyone listen to your cell calls.

researchers discover a flaw that could let anyone listen to your
cell calls. *
By Craig Timberg December 18 at 2:10 PM
REUTERS/Kacper Pempel
German researchers have discovered security flaws that could let
spies and criminals listen to private phone calls and intercept text
messages on a potentially massive scale – even when cellular networks
using the most advanced encryption now available.
The... more »
Life Inside The Beehive

*Video -* A compilation of three summer months from inside the beehive.
The post Life Inside The Beehive appeared first on Waking Times.
Foraminifera Sculpture Park, China

*Foraminifera provide scientists with an invaluable fossil record. Their
exquisite outer shells, normally too small for the naked eye, inspired
sculptures in Zhongshan, China. (Bilal Haq)*
*Evolution World Tour: Foraminifera Sculpture Park, China **Some of the
world's oldest organisms left behind fossilized shells that, when
translated to a large sculpture, bring an artistic edge to evolution *
By Karen Larkins
Smithsonian Magazine
January 2012
Bilal Haq, a marine geologist at the National Science Foundation in
Arlington, Virginia, was visiting a lab in Qingdao, China, wher... more »
OK, cupboard
we had to know that at some point the man would have to account for his
cupboardliness in the face of danger. The excuses, sorry, reasons are
apparently as follows.
1. His MPs hustled him away and stashed him with the mops and things.
2. The RCMP trained him to hide.3. He's gets to see all the intelligence
that no one else does so he alone understands the nature of the threats
he faces and
GAIA PORTAL: Selectivities of Energetics at Gaia hu-man level has refined to enable those who have… resisted alternative pathways
*Selectivities of Energetics at Gaia hu-man level has refined to enable
those who have… resisted alternative pathways*
by ÉirePort
Selectivities of Energetics at Gaia hu-man level has refined to enable
those who have until this moment resisted alternative pathways.
All remaining un-cooperatives are being removed by the Light.
Eruptive planetary energetics come to fruition shortly, and catalyze
"massive" changes.
Hue-Beings are called at this moment to recognize and received Higher
capabilities and skill sets.
Alternatives to the concepts within this message are not supported.
É... more »
White House Is Open To A Castro Visit
*US-Cuba Ties Thaw, White House Open To Castro Visit -- AFP*
Washington (AFP) - A US visit by Cuban President Raul Castro is a
possibility, the White House said, a day after he and US President Barack
Obama announced a historic bilateral rapprochement.
With developments proceeding apace, a high-level US diplomat, Assistant
Secretary of State Roberta Jacobson, revealed she will travel to Havana in
late January for the first direct talks to "begin the process of
restoration of diplomatic relations."
But amid celebrations on Havana's streets and plaudits ringing out from
China to Ch... more »
Germany takes delivery of its first Airbus A400M
Airbus Defence and Space has formally delivered the first Airbus A400M
military transport ordered by Germany.
A total of nine aircraft have now been delivered and the aircraft is in
service with four nations.
The Bundeswehr accepted the aircraft at the A400M Final Assembly Line in
Seville, Spain on 18 December.
Read more
Top 100 Tweeting Politics Commentators 2014
This year I have bitten the bullet. Since 2009 (with a gap in 2011) I have
been tracking the one hundred most popular political bloggers on Twitter
(see here, here, here and here). All told, it's been jolly click bait. But
for the academic geek in me, these lists have recorded the progressive
professionalisation of what was once an amateur's market. Each year it has
become increasingly tenuous to hold on to a strict definition of blogging
as most mainstream news sites now integrate what were once considered the
accoutrements of blogs (comments, hyperlinks, etc.) as a matter of cours... more »
PLA's JH-7 fighter bomber modified for S China Sea conflict

[image: JH-7A Flying Leopard]Facing a potential conflict with Vietnam in
the South China Sea, China is continuing the modification of Xian Aircraft
Industry Corporation's two-seat JH-7 fighter bomber for the PLA Navy,
according to the Sina Military Network based in Beijing.
Photos released on the website indicate that a new version of the JH-7
attacker is under development, constructed with composite materials.
Internet users believe that the avionics and engine of the aircraft,
referred to as the JH-7B, have been upgraded as well, while the Communist
Party paper Global Times said t... more »
No C-17 delivered to Algeria, Boeing confirms

[image: C-17 Globemaster III]Algeria has not received into service a Boeing
C-17 Globemaster III strategic airlifter, the manufacturer confirmed to IHS
Jane's on 17 December.
A C-17 in Algerian Air Force (al Quwwat al Jawwiya al Jaza'eriya) markings
was reported to have landed at Algiers Houari Boumediene Airport on 10
December, the Secret Difa3 blog reported eyewitnesses as saying.
However, it has since emerged that this may have in fact been an aircraft
belonging to the Qatar Emiri Air Force, though it is unclear how the
roundels could have been confused.
Read more
AFM receives second twin-engine helicopter

[image: AFM AW139]The Armed Forces of Malta’s second AW139 twin-engine
helicopter landed at Luqa a few minutes ago.
The helicopter, which is to be registered AS1429, will be used to perform
border control tasks and SAR missions.
Together with the AFM’s first twin-engine helicopter, it will help
strengthen the AFM’s capabilities through the External Borders Fund
Read more
If the Public Prosecution Service of Canada is so concerned that Michael
Sona's nine month sentence for election fraud is "demonstrably unfit and
fails to reflect the gravity of the offence” - so concerned in fact that
they are appealing to have his sentence increased - why don't they direct
that same concern towards investigating the Pierre Poutine perps behind
Especially given both the judge and prosecutor in the case stated that Sona
didn't act alone.
So reasons the Council of Canadians in their new formal complaint to the
“PPSC is not an investigative agency,” respo... more »
Europe to begin testing of UAV-based maritime surveillance system

[image: Tekever AR5 Evolution]Tekever’s AR5 Life Ray Evolution unmanned air
vehicle has been selected to participate in the testing of Europe’s first
UAV maritime surveillance system, following a contract award from the
European Space Agency and European Maritime Safety Agency.
Through the Rapsody programme, the UAV will be involved in two years of
testing in two different scenarios – search and rescue and pollution and
oil spill monitoring – over the Atlantic and the North and Mediterranean
This is the first time UAVs will be introduced into maritime surveillance
missions in... more »
Alternative teaching of mathematics: three problems
*Mathematics is not just the mechanical elimination of a finite number of
Two days ago, I spent hours, literally, by discussions at aktualne.cz about
the Hejný alternative method to teach mathematics to the kids.
*Off-topic: A group of 100+ engineers is actually building Hyperloop, Elon
Musk's mach-one train that gets from San Francisco to L.A. in 30 minutes.*
If I try to summarize some key points really concisely (some exchanges
helped me to crystallize some of the points): mathematics is not just about
the lessons that a human derives from the experience, but about the ... more »
China Test Launches Deadly DF-41 Multi War Head Super Ballistic Missile: Threat Perceptions Up For USA

[image: DF-41 road mobile ICBM]Showing its missile prowess, China on
Saturday carried out a long-range missile flight test at a secret locaton.
The missile is significant for its use of advanced multiple, independently
targetable reentry, according to the U.S. defence officials.
The new DF-41 missile of China will use multiple warhead capabilities as
the longest-range intercontinental ballistic missile, reported Free Beacon.
The report also claimed that the multiple-warhead technology, originated
from the U.S and passed into the hands of China illegally, in the 1990s,
when the Cli... more »
China's Military Is On The Verge Of Having A Global Presence

Militia take part in a parade during an anti-terrorism drill in Taiyuan,
Shanxi province August 1, 2009. The drill was held to mark the 82nd
anniversary of the founding of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA). (
*China's Military Is About To Go Global -- Oriana Skylar Mastro, National
The burgeoning need to protect commercial assets and Chinese nationals
abroad will inevitably lead Beijing to develop new military capabilities
and take on missions further afield.
THE CHINESE armed forces are on the move—but to where? For over a decade,
academics, policy wo... more »
Taiwan publicize Hsiung Feng III supersonic anti-ship missile tests
Taiwan has recently released photos and videos of the latest generation
surface launched anti-ship and surface-to-air missiles.
The two include the supersonic surface launched Hsiung Feng III anti-ship
missile and Tien Kung III surface-to-air missiles.
Both were developed at the National Chung-Shan Institute of Science and
Read more
Five Navy helicopters sold to Peru

[image: SH-2G Super Seasprite]Five Royal New Zealand Navy Seasprite
helicopters have been sold to Peru, Defence Minister Gerry Brownlee
announced today.
"Our recent purchase of eight new, more sophisticated Seasprite helicopters
meant the older model Seasprites were available for sale and a deal has
been struck with the Peruvian Government for them to buy them for their
Navy," Mr Brownlee says.
As well as the helicopters, Peru is buying spares and the Maverick missiles
which are used with the helicopters.
Read more
India bids for building frigates for Manila
[image: CGS Barracuda]Even as India is now all set to export its first
warship to Mauritius, it is also bidding for an Rs 2,000 crore project to
build two frigates for Philippines amid stiff competition from European and
South Korean shipyards.
Kolkata-based defence shipyard Garden Reach Shipbuilders and Engineers
Limited (GRSE) is also gearing up to build four offshore patrol vessels
(OPVs) for Vietnam under the $100 million credit line extended to it.
India is helping Vietnam with submarine and fighter training as well as
military equipment, with both being wary of an assertive ... more »
Railguns: The Next Big Pentagon Boondoggle?

[image: Railgun test shot]For years now, Navy officials have been boosting
a new technology, the railgun, as an ideal next-generation piece of
artillery for America’s ships.
But there’s good reason to believe it won’t live up to the hype — and that
it may be the U.S. military’s next billion-dollar blunder that never pans
Conventional guns, like those fitted on Navy ships today, use explosive
propellants such as gunpowder to fire projectiles.
Read more
FIDO May Offer Smarter People Identification

Imagine an ATM system and internet services with no passwords that you have
to remember and sweat over when you get wrong. Imagine a simple biometric
device that authenticates who you are and lets you get straight to the
service you require. This reality took another step forward last week with
a group of some 150 companies releasing version 1.0 of its open
specifications for authentication on the Internet securely without the use
of usernames and passwords.
The FIDO Alliance is impressive and includes the likes of Microsoft,
PayPal, Google, Bank of America, Visa and MasterCard, ... more »
Putin Row Leaves France Holding Two Carriers It Doesn’t Need
[image: Vladivostok LHD]Two cranes loom over France’s Atlantic port of
Saint-Nazaire as workers build the “Sevastopol,” the second of two
helicopter carriers destined for Russia, unperturbed by the diplomatic row
that’s blocked their delivery.
Nearby, the first ship, the “Vladivostok” remains moored, way past its
October delivery date after President Vladimir Putin’s incursions in
Ukraine led to the contract’s suspension in line with U.S. and European
Union sanctions against Russia.
“A cease-fire won’t be enough, a more sustainable and solid solution will
be needed,” said Jean-Pier... more »
Russia and US Fight For Underwater Drone Supremacy; Moscow Builds More Warplanes Than US

[image: GhostSwimmer UUV]Russia's constant military expansion has led it to
surpass the United States in terms of manufacturining new war planes. News
of Russia's increased military activity to protect its interests has added
to the tension in Europe on top of the sanctions imposed by the West over
its meddling in Ukraine.
According to the Russian United Aircraft Corporation, Russia has built more
combat aircraft than the U.S. in 2014. Vladislav Goncharenko, deputy head
of the military aviation programme department of UAC, said in an interview
with radio station Ekho Moskvy, confirm... more »
UK female soldiers: Hurdles remain for combat action

[image: UK female soldiers]Women have already broken down barriers in the
British armed forces.
They're currently flying combat missions over Iraq with the RAF. Last year
the Royal Navy lifted its ban on women in submarines.
In Afghanistan they've already served on the front line too, albeit in
support roles as medics, bomb disposal experts and intelligence officers.
Read more
Comet Data Clears Up Debate on Earth’s Water

This is good news as it puts aside decades of speculation. Of course it
opens up other questions..Importantly all the data, scant as it is conforms
to the out of Jupiter conjecture. In that case. In that scenario, Jupiter
passed though its dynamic stability point a number of times to produce our
planets as the solar system shaped up. We also strongly suspect that
Venus is the late comer and may have been triggered deliberately as well.
Jupiter is a natural planet incubator and only needs a little additional
mass to pump out an earth sized planet.
At the same time water is inte... more »
9 Mind-Bending Epiphanies That Turned My World Upside-Down

This is a worthy review of human perception and orders one's approach to
living. It is fair to say that all can reach similar positions over enough
time and with enough experience. It is better though to have a list such
as this acting as a road map to guide one's thinking and general
It is one thing to study theory, but quite another to experience theory.
Thus if any of this gives you pause, set it aside but make sure you soon
revisit it to understand what you are missing. .
*9 Mind-Bending Epiphanies That Turned My World Upside-Down*
* http://www.rapti... more »
AIDS Pandemic Has Reached Tipping Point

This is great news. It has taken thirty five years to get here, but the
down slope should become much quicker. Most should have been eradicated
inside of twenty years or much sooner. Then we have a long decline caused
by waiting for stable victims to simply die of other causes.
There is still plenty of work to do, but one day the disease will actually
be extinct. That could take a very long time though because of specific
vulnerable populations who act as a reservoir.
Over 70,000,000 have been infected and half are still with us. It could
have been far far worse. Education ... more »
Precognition: How Our Body Reacts Up To 10 Seconds Before Events Happen

This works shows us that the body and surely the automatic response system
centered on our gut can react to upcoming events within a one through ten
second time window. that is enough time to dump adrenaline into ones
system and to then explode into activity. Thus we have an even better
understanding of instinctive threat avoidance.
The open problem there was that rational actions take place without
interrferance from the conscious mind. This is most dramatic regarding
bear avoidance in which the person shoots up a tree. For that to happen
properly, one must evaluate availa... more »
Defence secretary: Now is not the time to get rid of Trident

[image: Vanguard class SSBN]The defence secretary said "now is not the time
to start rethinking" the UK's nuclear deterrent, on his first visit to the
Clyde naval base where it is stationed.
The Trident system was a key issue in the Scottish referendum debate and
looks set to play a part in next year's general election.
The deterrent is up for renewal in 2016 and the SNP, which polls suggest
could win a majority of Scottish seats, has said it will not lend its
support to any party that favours renewal if there is a hung parliament.
Read more
FMS of MK 41 Vertical Launch Systems May Indicate Purchase of LCS or DDG by Saudi Arabia

[image: Mk 41 Missile Canisters]The recent (and very low profile)
announcement by the U.S. Department of Defense of a Foreign Military Sale
(FMS) of MK 41 Vertical Launching Systems (VLS) to Saudi Arabia could
possibly be an indication of the procurement of Littoral Combat Ships or
DDG-51 type (Burke class) Destroyers by the Royal Saudi Navy.
Here is Navy Recognition's take on it.
On December 12, 2014, the U.S. Department of Defense announced the
following contract award:
*Lockheed Martin Corp., Mission Systems and Training, Baltimore, Maryland,
is being awarded a $235,329,189 firm... more »
China Is Developing And Testing Multi-Warhead Nuclear Missiles

A Chinese media depiction of the potential destructive effect of a
MIRV-capable ICBM on Los Angeles. Defense News
*China Tests ICBM With Multiple Warheads -- Washington Free Beacon*
Clinton-era tech transfer aided multi-warhead program
China carried out a long-range missile flight test on Saturday using
multiple, independently targetable reentry vehicles, or MIRVs, according to
U.S. defense officials.
The flight test Saturday of a new DF-41 missile, China’s longest-range
intercontinental ballistic missile, marks the first test of multiple
warhead capabilities for China, officials ... more »
Are Fears Of Russia Losing Control Of It's Nuclear Arsenal In The Event Of An Economic Collapse Realistic?

*Photo: *Soviet/Russian tactical nuclear warhead being loaded in the field. Nuclear
Weapon Archive
*Could Russia's Economic Meltdown Lead To Loose Nukes? -- The Hill*
Senior lawmakers alarmed by Russia's collapsing economy fear some of the
nuclear power's atomic arsenal could fall into the wrong hands.
While officials say there's no immediate reason to think Russia's weapons
could be sold off to the highest bidder or stolen, Sen. John McCain
(R-Ariz.) intends to hold hearings next year on what Moscow is doing to
keep its nukes safe.
“We’re going to be taking on that whole issue in... more »
Putin Reveals He Is In A Relationship A Year After His Divorce

Russian President Vladimir Putin, left, wouldn’t say if he’s dating Russian
gymnast Alina Kabayeva, right, during his annual three-hour press
conference. ITAR-TASS/Reuters
*From Russia With Love: Putin Reveals He Is In A Relationship A Year After
His Divorce... But Refuses To Confirm Whether Former Olympic Gymnast Is
Lucky Lady -- Daily Mail*
* Putin was asked by journalist whether he 'had time for the opposite sex'
* Replied 'I tell you I do', before going on to say that he 'loves' and 'is
* Putin is rumoured to have a secret family with athlete Alina Kabayeva
Vladimir Put... more »
As The Russian Economic Meltdown Continues, Wealthy Russians Are Fleeing With Their Money

The home of Roman Ambrovich in Kensington Palace Gardens, London. Source: Neil
Hall / Rex Features
*Russian Economic Meltdown Sparks Wave Of Panic Buying London Homes -- The
Russians protect their wealth from currency crisis by sinking it into
London property
Wealthy Russians, desperate to get their money out of Moscow in the wake of
the Russian economic crisis, are panic-buying in London this week,
according to high-end estate agents.
Russia has lost control of its economy in the last few days after an
interest rate hike by the central bank failed to stem the collap... more »
Do Voters Across The Spectrum Really Hate Their Elected Officials? Keith Ellison Threatens Primaries Against Democrats Allied With Banks Against Working Families

A new poll from Marist for McClatchy indicates that conservative mistrust
for the Republican Party is very high-- as is progressive mistrust in the
Democratic Party. Both party bases are fed up with their representatives in
Congress. That's hardly newsworthy, since the two Party Establishments have
been relatively successful in painting themselves as the essential lesser
of two evils in a simplistic equation for voters.
By a 66-28% margin, U.S. voters disapprove of the job congressional
Republicans are doing-- and when you take Democrats and independents out of
the sample, approva... more »
Any American who has his or her money in the stock market should read – several times if necessary – Paul Craig Roberts’ seminal essay below. In short, the U.S. government and the too-big-to jail banks are playing games with our nest eggs such that when their house of cards finally falls – as it must – they will walk away with much of our savings …unless we (1) understand their casino games and (2) take advantage of the places where we can safely place our money. For the past 9 months I have been subscribing to various investment advisors, most of whom I’ve found to actually believe the government lie that the unemployment rate is 5.8% – a number that is largely due to not counting people who have tried to find a job for more than a year and finally gave up. In fact, when this and other factors were considered by John Williams (of Shadow Government Statistics) he found that the true unemployment rate is currently about 23% …and that most new jobs pay little more than Walmart. So those advisors who believe the big lie are doomed to lose their shirts together with their clients. Many of these same advisors are now making a big deal about Russia’s extreme devaluation of the ruble, whereas PCR points out below that “Unlike the US, which has a massive trade deficit, Russia has a trade surplus”! (emphasis added). According to the advisors who know the crash is coming, the best advice for American investors comes from a 40-year advisor to large corporations, Wall Street, and the CIA and author of the book The Death of Money, Jim Rickards (some of whose picks can be found in my immediately preceding post).

*Financial Market Manipulation Is The New Trend: Can It Continue?*
December 18, 2014 | Original Here
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*Financial Market Manipulation Is The New Trend: Can It Continue?*
*Financial Imperialists Attack Russia*
Paul Craig Roberts
A dangerous new trend is the successful manipulation of the financial
markets by the Federal Reserve, other central banks, private banks, and the
US Treasury. The Federal Reserve reduced real int... more »
NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo: Repulsive, But Not Stupid
Prior to his reelection as governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo promised to
“break” the public school “monopoly.” He stated that he “likes charter
schools” because he believes they introduce competition. Cuomo also
promised what he terms “a more rigorous [teacher] evaluation system.” Of
course, his real goal is to replace public schools with charter […]
After $28 Billion In Aid, The U.S. Is Still Unable To Get Pakistan To Confront Its Radical Militants

*Despite Billions In Aid, U.S. Unable To Get Pakistan To Confront Militants
-- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Since 2001 the United States has tried virtually every strategy
available to persuade Pakistan's army to take the threat of militancy more
seriously, but 12 years and $28 billion in aid later, all the American
approaches are widely viewed as having failed.
First, the Bush administration heaped praise on former Pakistani President
Pervez Musharraf, agreed to reimburse the Pakistani army for anti-Taliban
military operations and launched drone strikes that killed al Qaeda leaders
and m... more »
FFWN: Sydney, Pakistan, Sony false flags & much more!

This week's FFWN almost got pre-empted when Frontier internet service
collapsed in south central Wisconsin just minutes before the show. So I had
to broadcast from a local café, with the show beginning 45 minutes late.
(Then when I got home an unmarked black helicopter flew back and forth
overhead about a quarter-mile to the west.) Just another exciting day at
False Flag Weekly News!
Just to spite the bastards, we did a full hour show and reported on 40
stories, including 15 in the False Flag category..
Links to all the stories: http://noliesradio.org/archives/92976
Was North Korea Planning To Attack U.S. Nuclear Plants In The 1990s?

This photo of Kim Jong Un and his military advisors was released last week
as North Korea announced it was preparing strikes against mainland U.S.
*DIA: North Korea Planned Attacks on US Nuclear Plants -- Washington Free
Five commando units trained for strikes, sabotage
North Korea dispatched covert commando teams to the United States in the
1990s to attack nuclear power plants and major cities in a conflict,
according to a declassified Defense Intelligence Agency report.
The DIA report, dated Sept. 13, 2004, reveals that five units of covert
commandos were trained for the... more »
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