11:10pm MST
The truth
won't change
just because
you got offended !
U.S. Army's Surveillance Blimp Now Operational Above Maryland
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 minutes ago

The 'JLENS' blimp, built by Raytheon, which can spot objects 340 miles away
using highly sensitive radio systems. The US Army has begun testing the
craft over Maryland, sparking privacy fears.
*US Army's Controversial 'All Seeing' Surveillance Blimps Lift Off Above
Maryland - And Can Spot* *Objects As Small As A Person 340 MILES Away --
Daily Mail*
* Blimps can offer '360 degree 24/7 surveillance for 30 days at a time'
* owerful radar allows them to spot objects 340 miles away
* Privacy advocates worry they will be fitted with cameras to track
individual people's movements
The US ... more »
U.S. Launches Airstrikes Against al-Shabaab Extremist Leader In Somalia
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 hour ago
US military airstrike conducted in Somalia today against senior al-Shabaab
leader. Still assessing results. No sign of civilian casualties.
— Rear Adm. John Kirby (@PentagonPresSec) December 29, 2014
*US Launches Airstrike On Somali Militant Leader – Pentagon -- RT*
The US military has conducted an airstrike targeting a senior al-Shabaab
leader in Somalia, according to Pentagon spokesman Rear Admiral John Kirby.
"The strike took place in the vicinity of Saakow, Somalia," the Defense
Department has announced.
The military is still assessing the results of the operation, but at this... more »
Many deadline writers, I hear, have days when an "Usher's penis"-like story seems like a godsend -- or at least like a "Hail Mary"-like game-puller-outer
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 hour ago

*(1) Question the writer hopes you'll ask: Is this Usher's dick? (2)
Question the writer hopes you won't ask: Ya think I can get away with this?
(For independent study: Compare this photo with the version below.)*
*"My inner monologue was just lamenting the lack of anything particularly
newsworthy today, even a damn celebrity sex tape, when lo and behold,
Usher’s maybe-dick popped up on my laptop screen."*
*-- The Frisky's Amelia McDonell-Parry,in the post* "Discuss: Is This
Usher's Dick?"
*by Ken*
It's never happened to me, of course, but I've heard tell that it does
happen to w... more »
Dec. 30: A reality check
Graeme Decarie at The Moncton Times@Transcript - Good and Bad - 1 hour ago
I was in my apartment building's laundry room yesterday. Time passes slowly
down there. So I wandered over to a stack of Maclean's magazines.
MacLean's was never a really good magazine; but it was, once, respectable
in a world of mediocre news magazines. But now, I was astonished by the
obvious propaganda and outright lying.
The cover story on the first one was about how evil Putin is, and how he
invaded Ukraine. Yes, I know the Irving press says the same things. But
there was a time when the Irving press was publicly denounced as dishonest
by real journalists across Canada. Today... more »
Stalemate In Syria's Civil War
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 hours ago

TORN BY WAR The view from a mosque in Homs, Syria, that has served as a
rallying point for insurgents. Credit Sergey Ponomarev for The New York
*As Syria’s Revolution Sputters, A Chaotic Stalemate -- Anne Barnard, New
York Times*
ANTAKYA, Turkey — It was a victory that President Bashar al-Assad’s
opponents had dreamed of: Insurgents seized a key army base in northern
Syria after more than a year of trying. But the mood in this Turkish border
town, flooded with Syrians who have fled both government bombings and
extremist insurgents, was more bitter than celebratory.
The ass... more »
Is The U.S. Military Spending Its Money On The Right Stuff?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 2 hours ago

The U.S. Air Force's "boneyard" of surplus warplanes at Davis-Monthan Air
Force Base, Arizona. US Air Force
*Keeping The Pentagon’s Challenges in Perspective -- Mark Thompson, Time*
Military stakeholders, including the press, are responsible for a pervasive
sense of fear
See the U.S. Military’s Last Days of Combat in AfghanistanU.S. Ends Its War
in Afghanistan'Bottom of the Sea': Hope Fades for Missing AirAsia Plane NBC
NewsSan Francisco Schools Transformed by the Power of Meditation NBC
NewsArctic Blast Bears Down on Plains, Central U.S. NBC News
Too often, that’s because parti... more »
Leslie Jacobs, Field Goals, and the Shotgun Wedding of Charters to Special Needs Students
deutsch29 at @ THE CHALK FACE - 3 hours ago
On December 26, 2014, I posted a rather extensive, 4500-word confrontation
to what is shaping up to be a ten-year-anniversary of the New Orleans
Recovery School District (RSD) as a now-all-charter “success.” In June
2015, there is to be a conference that will be leveraged to promote
all-charter RSD as a national model. At this point, […]
Energy 32: More on Expensive and Unstable Renewables, Germany Experience
Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 3 hours ago

Another compilation of news reports and charts here, about the costly and
unreliable electricity from renewables despite all the subsidies.
(1) From Spiegel International, September 4, 2013.
*Altmaier and others are on a mission to help people save money on their
electricity bills, because they're about to receive some bad news. The
government predicts that the renewable energy surcharge added to every
consumer's electricity bill will increase from 5.3 cents today to between
6.2 and 6.5 cents per kilowatt hour -- a 20-percent price hike.*
*German consumers already pay the highest el... more »
Kyle Smith-- New York Post Resident Crackpot
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 4 hours ago

The caricature on the lower left is Grimm, who the *Daily News* just
reported is announcing his resignation from Congress tomorrow or Wednesday
The *NY Post*'s right-wing film critic is an entertaining, witty writer--
but a crackpot lamed and blinkered by his own sick, twisted ideology. He
flies into rages when normal people point out that right-wing politics--
ultimately fascism-- can only be explained as pathology. Using the word
"crazy" to explain "rightists" drives him insane. Last summer, he vomited
it all up for his *Post* readers in a deranged screed attacking historian
Rick P... more »
Has The U.S. Military Become Disconnected From The American Public?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 4 hours ago

*The Tragedy Of The American Military -- James Fallows, The Atlantic*
The American public and its political leadership will do anything for the
military except take it seriously. The result is a chickenhawk nation in
which careless spending and strategic folly combine to lure America into
endless wars it can’t win.
In mid-September, while President Obama was fending off complaints that he
should have done more, done less, or done something different about the
overlapping crises in Iraq and Syria, he traveled to Central Command
headquarters, at MacDill Air Force Base in Florida. Th... more »
Musical Interlude: Yanni, "Magical Concluding Musical Performance"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 4 hours ago
Yanni, "Magical Concluding Musical Performance"
Kahlil Gibran, “Maxims”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
by Kahlil Gibran
“Friendship is always a sweet responsibility, never an opportunity.
Advance, and never halt, for advancing is perfection.
Advance and do not fear the thorns in the path, for they draw only corrupt
All that spirits desire, spirits attain.
An eye for an eye, and the whole world would be blind.
If the other person injures you, you may forget the injury;
but if you injure him you will always remember.
Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does
not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children. I wash my
ha... more »
"Illusions and Seagulls"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
"There is a family of us who have this yearning for a kind of excellence
that we can manifest every day of our lives, a family who wants to believe
we're not pawns, we're not victims on this planet, that knows we have the
power within us here and now to change the world we see around us!"
"The bond that links your true family is not one of blood, but of respect
and joy in
each other's life. Rarely do members of one family grow up under the same
- Richard Bach, "Illusions: The Adventures of A Reluctant Messiah"
"If our friendship depends on things like space and time, then wh... more »
Weed Oil with CBD Cures Epilepsy Seizures
Waking Times at Waking Times - 5 hours ago

*Video - *This video, taken from Discovery Channel's Weed Wars, shows the
effect that CBDs have shown to have on epilepsy.
The post Weed Oil with CBD Cures Epilepsy Seizures appeared first on Waking
"A Look to the Heavens"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
“NGC 7841 is probably known as the Smoke Nebula, found in the modern
constellation of Frustriaus, the frustrated astrophotographer. Only a few
light-nanoseconds from planet Earth, The Smoke Nebula is not an expanding
supernova remnant along the plane of our Milky Way galaxy, though it does
look a lot like one. Instead it was created by flash photography of rising
* Click image for larger size.*
The apparently rich starfield is actually composed of water droplets
sprayed from a plant mister by an astrophotographer grown restless during a
recent stretch of cloudy weather in Swe... more »
Greece Special Report - Paul Mason covers Greece as No One Else in the UK Does !
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 5 hours ago

*Paul Mason* @paulmasonnews · Dec 21
Greece for bond geeks - running the numbers on a #SYRIZA government: http://
Paul Mason retweeted
*Channel 4 News* @Channel4News · Dec 21
Greece's next government, whatever its political hue, will face a
devastating debt baggage - @paulmasonnews http://bit.ly/1HjGfGB
Paul Mason retweeted
*Piers Scholfield* @inglesi · 16h16 hours ago
Pro-Syriza Kontra newspaper: Alexis (Tsipras) is coming - end of Samaras.
(And blames the Troika for the shipwreck..)
[image: Embedded image permalink]
*Paul Mason*... more »
Chet Raymo, “We Are The Consciousness of the Universe”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
*“We Are The Consciousness of the Universe”*
by Chet Raymo
"The leaves are raked and bagged. The grass is mowed for the last time. The
geraniums smile weak goodbyes. Now, as if by some law of compensation, the
curtain opens on the sky. The great starless spaces of autumn fall like a
black velvet drape into the west. The show opens. The sky begins.
As the Sun sinks beneath the horizon, the Pleiades rise in the east,
heralding the arrival of the spectacular winter stars. Aldebaran, the red
eye of the Bull. Sirius, the Dog Star. Rigel and Betelgeuse in Orion.
Castor and Pollux, the T... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "The Summer Day"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
* "The Summer Day"*
by Mary Oliver
"Who made the world?
Who made the swan, and the black bear?
Who made the grasshopper?
This grasshopper, I mean-
the one who has flung herself out of the grass,
the one who is eating sugar out of my hand,
who is moving her jaws back and forth instead of up and down-
who is gazing around with her enormous and complicated eyes.
Now she lifts her pale forearms and thoroughly washes her face.
Now she snaps her wings open, and floats away.
I don't know exactly what a prayer is.
I do know how to pay attention, how to fall down
into the grass, how to kneel down ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
Brawley, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"We Learn Nothing..."
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
"We learn from history that we learn nothing from history."
- George Bernard Shaw
Why The U.S. - NATO Ceremony That Officially Ended The Afghan War Had To Be Held In Secret
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 5 hours ago

*One Sentence That Shows How Badly America Failed In Afghanistan -- Max
Fisher, VOX*
The US-led war in Afghanistan officially ended this week, after 13 long,
hard, and costly years. The war's end is largely a technicality — US and
other troops will remain, and the Afghan army is continuing to fight a
losing war against the Taliban — but this is a still a symbolically rich
moment in the winding down of Western involvement.
Few things sum up the bitterness of America's 13-year-effort in Afghanistan
like the single sentence beneath this Al Jazeera headline, about NATO's
ceremony off... more »
Geopolitics: "Report: U.S. Stockpiling Weapons In Kuwait Preparing For ISIS Battle"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 5 hours ago
*"Report: U.S. Stockpiling Weapons In Kuwait Preparing For ISIS Battle"*
by Peoplespunditdaily
"The U.S. has been stockpiling mass quantities of weapons and gear in
Kuwait to prepare for a possible coordinated attack against the terrorist
group ISIS, according to U.S. News & World Report. The military gear is
being stored near a busy commercial port, which is now the place where
roughly 3,100 vehicles — mostly ambush-protected vehicles known as MRAPs —
are parked, in addition to electronic equipment and other supplies, the
magazine reported, citing defense officials.
Earlier this m... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 29, 2014
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 6 hours ago

A U.S. soldier from the 3rd Cavalry Regiment waits for a CH-47 Chinook
helicopter after an advising mission at the Afghan National Army
headquarters for the 203rd Corps in the Paktia province of Afghanistan on
Dec. 21, 2014. Lucas Jackson—Reuters
*War In Afghanistan Officially Over. Does That Mean End Of Fighting For US?
-- Anna Mulrine, CSM*
Although combat operations ended Sunday, America will continue advisory and
counterterrorism missions in Afghanistan. The ongoing international
military campaign will have some 13,000 service members, most of them US
Washington — The... more »
World News Briefs -- December 29, 2014 (Evening Edition)
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 6 hours ago
*With No Trace Of Missing AirAsia Jet, Search Area Growing -- CNN*
(CNN) -- Ships, planes and helicopters have scoured waters off Indonesia's
coast in search of AirAsia Flight QZ8501, but so far they haven't spotted
any sign of the missing commercial jet.
Now the search area teams are combing is set to be expanded.
Four additional areas will be searched on Tuesday, in addition to the seven
zones teams patrolled on Monday, officials said.
They've been scanning the water's surface for signs of the plane, which
went missing on Sunday with 162 people aboard. But a top Indonesian
offi... more »
NPR Propagandizes Against Putin for Regime-Change in Russia (Knock US Over With Déjà Vu)
Cirze at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!) - 7 hours ago
NPR joins the militant elite at PBS? Gotta watch who keeps appointing those
unbiased media leaders. Or not. NPR Propagandizes Against Putin for
Regime-Change in Russia December 27, 2014 Eric Zuesse. On Friday, December
26th, National Public Radio aired two superbly done pieces of anti-Russia
propaganda, which could as well have been written by the U.S. CIA, or by
Voice of America, it
US, Japan, S. Korea Sign North Korean Intel Pact
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 7 hours ago
*US, Japan, S. Korea Sign Pyongyang Intel Pact -- Voice of America*
The United States, South Korea and Japan have agreed to share classified
information concerning nuclear threats from Pyongyang.
According to the Pentagon, under the trilateral pact that went into effect
Monday, the U.S. Defense Department will be the hub for that intelligence.
The pact will effectively link bilateral information-sharing agreements
that already exist between the countries.
A spokesman for South Korea's Defense Ministry said the countries won't
have to divulge all of their related classified informa... more »
Imágenes y Wallpapers de Año Nuevo 2015 para Celebrar
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FOTOFRONTERA - 7 hours ago

New York Times copycat journalism: Tex Hall and oil corruption
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 7 hours ago
top article above by The New York Times, published today, has a very
similar title,
and similar facts, to the Censored News article in February.
By Brenda Norrell
Censored News
The New York Times has finally covered Chairman Tex Hall and the
corruption in the oil and gas industry on the Mandan, Hidatsa and
Arikara Nation in North Dakota.
The New York Times article today has almost the
The Economy: "A Tale Of How It All Went Down"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
*"A Tale Of How It All Went Down"*
by Jeffrey Lewis
“Memory is fiction. So is the future…But there is some truth in fiction.”
"When they woke Thursday morning, the banks had been closed on the east
coast for 2 hours. Electronic payment systems worked select areas only,
government services, food, and energy distribution. In 24 hours those
remaining systems were overwhelmed with volume and confusion. Forty-eight
hours later a Federal state of emergency had been issued. All broadcasts
were official. The media now fully blackened. Hospitals closed. Panic had
taken over. In the lead up:... more »
The Economy: "Ave, Ave, Ave Janet"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 8 hours ago
*"Ave, Ave, Ave Janet"*
by Bill Bonner
"And so it came to pass that investors saw a bright star in the East...
directly over the Marriner S. Eccles Federal Reserve Board Building, at the
corner of 20th Street and Constitution Avenue in Washington, D.C. "What
comes after me goes before me," said Janet Yellen, so confusing investors
that they bid up the Dow over the 18,000 mark, a new milestone and a new
It is the season of miracles. Investors are convinced that Ms. Yellen can
perform a trick worthy of Christ Himself. It was He who multiplied the
loaves and the fishes... ma... more »
Al Jazeera Gives Up On Its Anti-Syria Propaganda Campaign, Assad's Army Is Dwindling Down, And Turkey's Erdogan Opens Door To Muslim Brotherhood Thugs
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 8 hours ago
*Al Jazeera is giving up on terror, Erdogan is doubling down on an error,
and Assad is hanging on by a hair.*
*1. An excerpt from, "Is Al Jazeera changing its tune on Syria?" by Wissam
Kanaan, Al Akhbar, December 27, 2014:*
It is no secret that Al Jazeera is the media arm of Qatari foreign policy,
which has suffered a successive series of setbacks, particularly in Syria.
But some time ago, signs that changes had taken place in the editorial line
of Al Jazeera began to emerge, as evident in the terminology the Qatari
satellite channel started using.
*For example, Al Jazeera no long... more »
Crackpot Utopia: The Year in Republican Crazy, Part 7
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 8 hours ago

*• And so it begins: The running of the buffoons• Crazyspeak of the Year
nominee No. 7:George Will has no idea what rape is• Crazyspeak of the Year
nominee No. 8: Rick Wiles calls for a coup*
*2016 GOP Buffoon No. 1 steps forward: He-e-ere's Booby!*
*Crackpot Utopia:* *A dream world as envisioned by republicans; a
manifestation or expression of the deranged, warped alternate universe
inhabited by republicans, at least in their minds. See also: Bachmannism,
*by Noah*
*1. And so it begins: The running of the buffoons*
The media will call it the Extended Republic... more »
April Bender: Higher Self Message - The Dweller within the Master's Temple
Obi-Wan Kabuki at AMERICAN KABUKI - 8 hours ago

*Higher Self Message - The Dweller within the Master's Temple *
Sunday, December 28, 2014
By April Bender (via Higher Self vision)
Curiously you step into the very heart of the colossal Crystalline Fire of
Ascension now ablaze within your portal / field / vessel. In an instant,
you are fully engulfed by its magnificent light. You allow yourself time to
simply stand and bathe in its brilliance.
After a few moments of stillness, you begin to acclimate - your
consciousness begins to slowly shift... more »
Anti-U.S. Sentiment Growing In Russia
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 8 hours ago
*Russians Rage Against America -- Mikhail Klikushin, New York Observer*
Enduring Sanctions, Anger Turns to Hate: Racist Names for Obama and Putin
Disses Coca-Cola
If you talk to a Russian about the international political situation,
sooner or later you will be informed that there is a country in North
America that you’ve never heard of. Its name is ‘Pindosia,’ ‘Pindostan’ or,
more officially, ‘United States of Pindostan,’ and you will be told that
one part of it, called Alaska, used to belong to Russia. Part of the
word—‘stan’—stands for underdeveloped state, as in ‘ Pakistan,’
‘... more »
WHO: 8,000 Have Died From Ebola
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago

Health workers carry the body of an Ebola victim for burial at a cemetery
in Freetown December 17, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Baz Ratner
*Ebola Case Numbers Top 20,000, Deaths Approach 8,000: WHO -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - The number of people infected by Ebola in the three countries
worst affected by the outbreak has passed 20,000, with more than 7,842
deaths in the epidemic so far, the World Health Organization said on Monday.
Cumulative case numbers in Sierra Leone, Liberia and Guinea stood at
20,081, the WHO said in a statement. More than a third are
laboratory-confirmed cases in Sierr... more »
Ebola Case Confirmed In Glasgow Hospital
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago
*Ebola Case Confirmed In Glasgow Hospital -- BBC*
A healthcare worker who has just returned from West Africa has been
diagnosed with Ebola and is being treated in hospital in Glasgow.
The woman, who arrived from Sierra Leone on Sunday night, is in isolation
at Glasgow's Gartnavel Hospital.
All possible contacts with the case are being investigated, including on
flights to Scotland via Heathrow.
The woman will be transferred to specialist high level isolation in London
as soon as possible.
At a news conference in Glasgow, First Minister Nicola Sturgeon stressed
that the risk to t... more »
Al-Qaeda's Inspire Magazine Urges ‘Lone Wolf’ Terror Attacks On Major Western Airlines
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 9 hours ago

Chilling: Al-Qaeda's house magazine (above) calls for high-profile airlines
British Airways, easyJet, AA, Delta, United and Air France to be targeted
by bombers to 'crush the enemy's economy'. Police are investigating. Daily
*Al-Qaeda Official Tells West To Prepare For 'Worst Nightmare' And Directs
'Lone Wolf' Attacks Towards easyJet And British Airways -- Independent*
An al-Qaeda official has warned that the West should prepare itself for
more ‘lone wolf’ attacks as the latest edition of the terrorist
organisation’s magazine singles out UK airliners British Airways and
easyJ... more »
Travel break
Kenneth Thomas at Middle Class Political Economist - 9 hours ago
I'm on the road for a few days, so no new posts for just a bit. Like Middle
Class Political Economist on Facebook for links to important articles
One People Round Table Show
D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 9 hours ago
One People Round Table
29 December 2014
9pm GMT
One People ONE TV
[image: The-One-Network_One_People_03]
Lisa Harrison, Brian Kelly and Dani Arnold McKenny invite you to join them
each week as they discuss, and at times, debate, world events, mainstream
headlines and this ongoing global shift.
This week we cover off the events of 2014 and have a good look at New Age
Please go to the LISTEN LIVE page at the scheduled show time in your time
Solar Update

Notice the solar tornados. Fascinating to observe...
Mohawk Nation News 'ONGWE’HON:WEH ORATION'
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 10 hours ago
Posted on December 29, 2014
Please post & distribute. Nia:wen.
MNN. Dec. 23, 2014. Britain and its colonies, US, Israel, Canada,
Australia and New Zealand, are partners in waging continual war against
world peace. Colonization will end:
1.WHEN public officials make oaths to local natural inhabitants of the
land and not to a foreign autocrat.
2.WHEN genocide
Where Is The Afghan - Taliban Leader Mullah Muhammad Omar?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago

*Photo*: A file photo of the man believed to be Mullah Omar.
*Around An Invisible Leader, Taliban Power Shifts -- New York Times*
WASHINGTON — If the Taliban’s reclusive leader, Mullah Muhammad Omar, were
ever to assert himself more publicly, this would have been the year to do
In a season of immense upheaval in the jihadist world, the Taliban gained
ground in new Afghan offensives, endured a bloody internal power struggle
and had to contend with the rise of the Islamic State militant group as an
ideological rival. Through it all, Mullah Omar has remained silent.
Further, thou... more »
Taliban Vow To Escalate The War In Afghanistan
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 11 hours ago
*U.S. And NATO End Combat Mission In Afghanistan As Taliban Attacks
Intensify -- IBTimes*
The U.S. and NATO officially ended their combat mission in Afghanistan
Sunday after more than 13 years. The war in Afghanistan, led by the U.S.
and NATO, started in December 2001 in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks and
ended with a ceremony in a basketball gym in Kabul.
"On this day we give thanks to our troops and intelligence personnel who
have been relentless against the terrorists responsible for
9/11--devastating the core al Qaeda leadership, delivering justice to Osama
bin Laden, disr... more »
The Wrap on Reproductive Justice 2014: In Canada, Looking Pretty Good
noreply@blogger.com (fern hill) at DAMMIT JANET! - 11 hours ago
DJ! is happy to report that on the reproductive justice front, at least,
2014 was not too bad. Well, depending on where you are, of course.
In Canada, I think we've turned a ginormous corner. In fact, 2014 was more
a year of what *did not* happen rather than what did.
First, there was not one single public opinion poll on abortion in 2014.
None. Nobody wanted to pony up to pay for what everybody knows. Abortion
rights are a done deal here. And we're sick to fuck death of talking about
Next, Justin Trudeau came right out and said that the Liberal Party of
Canada is pro-choice a... more »
Freedom of Speech
sue at Is the BBC biased? - 11 hours ago
If you haven’t already done so, I’d recommend spending some time (it’s
quite long) watching Tommy Robinson’s speech at the Oxford Union.
Although I’d already seen most of the clips he used to illustrate his talk,
they’re still powerful. The Stacey Dooley one stands the test of time. (I
wrote about that documentary “My Hometown Fanatics” on B-BBC. (Feb 28th
2012) ) Of course the clip that Tommy cherry picked was the bit where
Luton’s most objectionable Islamists were out in force, ignoring Stacey
Dooley’s annoying attempts at even-handedness, as well as a comedic -
perhaps uninte... more »
7 Signs You May be a Victim of Statism
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 11 hours ago
*Gary 'Z' McGee* - Why do you stay in prison when the door is wide open?
The post 7 Signs You May be a Victim of Statism appeared first on Waking
To Control The Huge Drug Trade In Afghanistan, U.S. Assassinated Uncoperative Drug Dealers
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 11 hours ago
*An excerpt from, "Obama's Lists: A Dubious History of Targeted Killings in
Afghanistan" Spiegel, December 28, 2014:*
The list, which included up to 750 people at times, proves for the first
time that NATO didn't just target the Taliban leadership, but also
eliminated mid- and lower-level members of the group on a large scale. *Some
Afghans were only on the list because, as drug dealers, they were allegedly
supporting the insurgents.*
The classified documents could now have legal repercussions. The human
rights organization Reprieve is weighing legal action against the British
gove... more »
Ten Signs (news items that indicate) We're In the End Times
greencrow at Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 11 hours ago

* Nose Cleaner*
10. Nose Cleaner on "Must Have" list for North Americans..."*Best
Invention Since Sliced Bread*".
Can you imagine how all this useless plastic will pile up forever in our
land fills?
9. Man kicked off a Plane for dissing Christmas. People respond to man
who bursts their imaginary festive bubble.
8. Dad's get to feel sensation of labour pains...at Chinese Maternity
Hospital And women will get to feel the sensation of not having any pain?
7. Movie "The Interview" shows how depraved America is--but nobody
mentions it in the M$M
Members of audience get the sensa... more »
The strangest extract from a news report that I've read in a long while
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 12 hours ago
The Scotsman's report on the Glasgow bin lorry incident contains these
*'THE identity of the driver of the bin lorry that killed six people when
it crashed in Glasgow city centre will be protected indefinitely, the local
authority has said.*
A spokesman for Glasgow City Council, which owns the bin lorry involved in
the George Square tragedy, said it would “never release the names” of the
driver or other two individuals who were in the cabin when it crashed.'
I don't ever recall such an action being taken before, can you? Is it
legal? What happens at an inquest? What is the... more »
No Longer Any Need To Ask Who's More Corrupt, Cuomo Or Christie
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 12 hours ago

When it comes to brazen public corruption there aren't many governors that
hold a candle to Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) and Chris Christie (R-NJ), who,
conveniently, scheme together on behalf of the same wealthy donor class who
fund their miserable, shameful careers. Over the weekend, Jess McKinley's
piece in the *NY Times*, Cuomo and Christie, Defying Legislatures, Reject
Bill to Overhaul Port Authority, generated a lot of buzz... at least for a
Christmas weekend news story. The two corrupt governors acted in tandem on
Saturday to veto unanimous votes of both their state legislatures "aim... more »
A Flap Overlooked: Argentina's 2002-2003 UFO Wave
Inexplicata (IHU) at Inexplicata-The Journal of Hispanic Ufology - 12 hours ago

*A Flap Overlooked: Argentina’s 2002-2003 UFO Wave*
*By Scott Corrales*
Few things can seize a reader (or viewer)’s attention like a carcass of an
animal mutilated in ways that challenge our understanding. In the summer of
2002, the Argentinean cattle mutilation epidemic – a question open to
debate to this day – cornered all publications on UFO/paranormal subjects
and set the conventional media ablaze as well with raging arguments of the
source of the slayings: was a non-human agency at work in the dark fields
of the Pampas and Patagonia, or was the red-muzzled mouse more powerful ... more »
Taliban Declares That It Has 'Defeated' The U.S And Nato
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*Taliban Declare 'Defeat' Of U.S., Allies In Afghanistan -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - Taliban insurgents in Afghanistan on Monday declared the
"defeat" of the U.S. and its allies in the 13-year-old war, a day after the
coalition officially marked the end of its combat mission.
The NATO-led International Security Assistance Force is shifting to a
support mission for Afghan army and police more than a decade after an
international alliance ousted the Taliban government for sheltering the
planners of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on American cities.
"ISAF rolled up its flag in an atmospher... more »
New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 12 hours ago
*Companies dependent on lower Mississippi River want bigger role in
Louisiana coastal restoration planning, better communication with planners
~Amy Wold, The Advocate *
*Jazz funeral held for comedian, disability advocate Jonah Bascle~Dan
Lawton, New Orleans Advocate*
*Three dogs possibly poisoned, three puppies abandoned in Washington Parish
*A New Orleans gun collection holds two hundred years of battlefield
history ~David Thier, Garden & Gun*
President Obama Does Not Rule Out Re-Opening The U.S. Embassy In Iran Sometime In The Future
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*Olive Branch To The Mullahs: Obama Won't Rule Out Embassy In TEHRAN But
Says The Iranian Capital Is A Country – Not A City -- Daily Mail*
* Interview was conducted in the Oval Office the day after Obama said he
would normalize relations with Cuba – but held back for 11 days
* Embassy in Tehran would be the first since 1979 hostage crisis, which
Iranians still celebrate as the 'Conquest of the American Spy Den'
* Obama said if Iran proves it's not seeking nuclear weapons, it would
become a 'very successful regional power'
* Claimed credit for isolating Tehran through economic sanctio... more »
AirAsia Flight 8501 News Updates -- December 29, 2014
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
*Hope Dims for Finding Survivors From Missing AirAsia Jet -- New York Times*
• A senior Indonesian aviation official says the aircraft is probably “at
the bottom of the sea.”
• Thirty ships and 15 aircraft from four countries are assisting in the
• Floating debris spotted by searchers on Monday turned out to be unrelated.
• Indonesia says it is not adequately equipped to search underwater.
JAKARTA, Indonesia – After a second day of searching without any confirmed
sighting of wreckage, the Indonesian authorities on Monday sought to lower
expectations about finding survivors f... more »
FOR THE NEW YEAR: All we want!
bob somerby at the daily howler - 12 hours ago
*MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 2014Part 1—Capehart’s dream:* Today, at the
Washington Post web site, Jonathan Capehart has a dream for the coming year:
CAPEHART (12/29/14): *All I want for the new year is the banishment of
“post-racial” anything from all social and political discourse.* From its
first utterance in 2008 to herald the rise of Barack Obama, the concept was
misguided and delusional. That giddy moment when Obama won the bitterly
fought South Carolina primary and the audience chanted “Race doesn’t
matter” is but a distant memory. *News, polls and studies that emerged in
the last... more »
Turkish FM: Russia & Iran should not be excluded from Syrian Peace Talks?
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 12 hours ago
I could have put this in the previous post-* Moscow Syria Peace Talks-
Cairo Colludes with NATO opposition etc., etc.,* but, I felt this news
deserves it's own special mention.
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu
*Is this a first for Turkey? *
Does this have anything to do with that recent deal made between Russia
and Turkey*- A very sweet deal for Turkey*. *Oil at $40 a barrel- Russia
and Turkey make an energy deal ???*
*Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu stated that Russia and Iran
should not be excluded from talks aiming to reach a political settlement in
the Syri... more »
Loneliness – The Dilemma of the Awakening Mind
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 13 hours ago
*Julian Wash* - Today I wish to address to you a certain brand of
loneliness, sometimes referred to as “isolation” or the sense of being
The post Loneliness – The Dilemma of the Awakening Mind appeared first on Waking
A DC Response on My Pearson-Saudi Arabia Post
deutsch29 at @ THE CHALK FACE - 13 hours ago
On December 28, 2014, I wrote a post about the Pearson ingratiation and
subsequent takeover of the Saudi Arabian education system. I also
cross-posted my piece on December 29, 2014, on my Huffington Post blog. On
December 29, 2014, I heard by email from The Gulf Institute Media,
Institute of Gulf Affairs, in Washington, DC. Someone […]
Majia's Blog at Majia's Blog - 13 hours ago
Yesterday's emissions from Fukushima Daiichi were higher than ordinary,
pink in color, and pixilated the cam view. Today emissions are, so far,
less and radiation readings on Netc are down for the most part. TEPCO must
have successfully, albeit temporarily, cooled the stewing melted fuel.
Meanwhile, other nuclear risks threaten us with radiation contamination. Michael
of the Allegedly Apparent Blog found an interesting story on the Zaporizhia
nuclear power plant, which may indeed have suffered an accident as a result
of substituting Russian reactor fuel with western reactor fuel:
... more »
Mile high transit over Bolivia
Carlos at Viva Bolivia - 13 hours ago

Bolivia Revolutionizes Urban Mass Transit: From the Streets to the Sky
How a spectacular urban cable car system and a new municipal bus program
are revolutionizing mass transit in La Paz and El Alto, with the help of
some political competition.
Emily Achtenberg
Rebel Currents
[image: (Emily Achtenberg)](Emily Achtenberg)
Those searching for revolution in Bolivia may find it in unexpected places.
On the streets and in the sky above La Paz, the nation’s capital, and the
neighboring indigenous city of El Alto, a genuine transformation of the
urban public transportation ... more »
Liberty Mastermind Webinar today at 9:30PM with David Morgan
Sherrie at Sherrie Questioning All - 13 hours ago
David Morgan of Silver-Investor.com is doing a webinar today with Liberty
Masterminds. David Morgan is an expert regarding metals and especially
Silver. We all know how silver has been smashed over and over. David will
be discussing how to go forward in the future and what is the real deal
with silver. The webinar starts at 9PM EST and goes until 10:30PM EST. I
hope everyone is
World News Briefs -- December 29, 2014
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
*Indonesia Search Chief: AirAsia Jet Likely 'on the Bottom of the Sea' --
Voice of America*
The head of Indonesia's search and rescue agency said the missing AirAsia
jet is likely on the "bottom of the sea."
Bambang Sulistyo told reporters in Jakarta Monday the Airbus 320 with 162
people on board is presumed to have crashed Sunday off the Indonesia coast
in the Java Sea.
"Based on the coordinates given to us and the evaluation that the estimated
crash position is in the sea, the hypothesis is that the plane is at the
bottom of the sea," Sulistyo said.
*Read more* ....
*MIDDLE E... more »
JR at GREENIE WATCH - 13 hours ago
*This seems amusing indeed*
*The report below seems to be about conversations rather than any written
report so it is a bit hard to zero in on what exactly is being claimed. But
it seems that the central England temperature record is being referred to
-- which goes back about 400 years. And if this year will be only a tenth
of a degree hotter out of 400 years of readings, that is surely a huge
affirmation of temperature STABILITY. There were indeed some big peaks in
that record about 1830 and 1920 so it seems likely that this year will be
little different from those years*
It m... more »
Moscow Syria Peace Talks- Cairo Colludes with NATO opposition etc., etc.,
Penny at Penny for your thoughts - 13 hours ago
Lots of attention on the Ukraine, but, the situation in Syria is still
ongoing. Russia is working on convening yet another peace conference. The
Syrian government has agreed to attend along with some of the Syrian
opposition groups- HOWEVER- Egypt is busily colluding with the Western
backed opposition who have already rejected the Moscow Peace Talks.
Earlier this year the National Coalition and other opposition groups met
Syrian government representatives in Geneva. But the talks collapsed as the
opposition demanded Assad’s resignation, while the elected government
insisted the main... more »
Fifth Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force Member Dies In Iraq
Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 13 hours ago

Iran is heavily involved in the fighting in Iraq. Tehran is largely behind
Baghdad’s defense strategy providing weapons, equipment, planning, air
power, and hundreds of advisers. This has cost it not only money, but also
lives. At the end of December a brigadier general in the Iranian
Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force (IRGC-QF) was killed in Salahaddin,
marking at least the fifth loss for Tehran in Iraq.
Gen Taqavi (*left*) advising Iraqi forces from Iranian video (via *The
On December 28, 2014 the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps Quds Force
(IRGC-QF) acknowled... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 29, 2014
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago

U.S. General John Campbell (C), commander of NATO-led International
Security Assistance Force (ISAF), folds the flag of the ISAF during the
change of mission ceremony in Kabul, December 28, 2014. The American-led
coalition in Afghanistan officially ended its combat mission on Sunday
after a more than 13 year war that ousted the Taliban government in 2001.
Credit: Reuters/Omar Sobhani
*U.S.-Led Mission In Afghanistan Ends Combat Role; Thousands Of Foreign
Troops Remain -- Reuters*
(Reuters) - The U.S.-led coalition in Afghanistan formally ended its combat
mission on Sunday, more th... more »
Ayahuasca – Natural Medicine for Brain Disease, Cancer and Wellness
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 14 hours ago
*Daniel Gustafsson* - The rainforests of the earth are known to be an
enormous resource and a necessity for upholding the ecosystem of the
The post Ayahuasca – Natural Medicine for Brain Disease, Cancer and Wellness
appeared first on Waking Times.
The U.S. Military Has A Serious Desertion Problem
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago

An American World War II firing squad, in this case executing a spy. YouTube/British
*Tens Of Thousands Of Troops Deserting, Army Barely Prosecutes -- Daily
Tens of thousands of soldiers have deserted the Army after long, drawn out
deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan in dangerous conditions, but the
military has proseuted just under 2,000 cases, Military.com reports.
Over 20,000 soldiers have dropped out from the ranks since 2006, but only
1,900 cases have been prosectued. In most cases, desertion is usually easy
to prove. Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl has been the main poster ... more »
Iran Is Testing 'Suicide Drones'
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
*Iran Tests 'Suicide Drone' -- Gizmodo*
Today Iranian military forces tested various unmanned aircraft that some
are calling "suicide drones." Because "suicide drone" sounded more
intimidating than "model airplane that we could fly into things nearby."
Iran has been conducting military exercises for the past week at the Strait
of Hormuz near the Persian Gulf. The show of force has involved air, land,
and sea maneuvers over 850,000 square miles.
According to the Associated Press it's unclear which of Iran's unmanned
aircraft are supposed to be the "suicide drone," but Iranian news ... more »
By 2025 Half of all US Children Will Have Autism and Monsanto is to Blame
WakingTimes at Waking Times - 15 hours ago
*Dave Mihalovic* - The overuse of Monsanto's Roundup herbicide on our food
is causing glyphosate toxicity and it is now being considered as the single
most important factor in development of autism and other chronic disease.
The post By 2025 Half of all US Children Will Have Autism and Monsanto is
to Blame appeared first on Waking Times.
Commas are simpler
The Arthurian at The Rules of Exposition - 15 hours ago
I use commas to set off phrases, like this one, that add a little something
to a sentence. But then (sometimes) I'll use parentheses instead, to place
less emphasis on the interrupting phrase. And sometimes -- more noticeably
-- I'll set a phrase off with dashes because I want more emphasis on it.
But if I have a sentence that I want to be very, very clear, I only use the
commas. The other forms add or subtract emphasis, and the change in
emphasis gives the reader something else to think about. I don't want that.
Even though the phrase in parentheses is least emphatic, it is the comm... more »
Advice From Sears
Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 15 hours ago

Robin Sears is a past master of political strategy. In this morning's *Toronto
Star*, he offers strategic advice about how each of our three main leaders
should approach the next election. Stephen Harper, he writes, will not be
able to get by on his economic credentials:
They are, as analysts would say, already “priced into his stock.” He is
facing real opponents for the first time in his life, apart from the late
Jack Layton explosion in 2011 that almost overwhelmed him. Trudeau may not
look like a stat... more »
Another Duncan-Gates Plan Aims to Undercut Its Own Initiatives
Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 15 hours ago
When Obama and Duncan came to Washington, they went throttle up on the
Bush-Spellings initiatives that had blown up public education in the U.S.
They embraced the worst kinds of alternative certification no-prep teacher
ed programs, gave a hundred million or so to the TFA fascist cult, attacked
legitimate university teacher ed programs, helped to make accreditation a
joke so that online diploma mills could get their stamps of approval,
initiated VAM based teacher evaluation that sent the best remaining
teachers in poor schools running for the leafy suburbs to survive the
corporate ... more »
Interstellar dreams telling me
Steve at Thinking Aboot - 15 hours ago

Gravity in which we all believe
thank goodness there is one thing
we can agree upon
as for the rest its
the planet open to
be exploited
by the best spokesman
not spokesperson
because when you
want real facts
science has proven
men never listen to a women
Keep up on your Morse code people
In Executive action it saved
us from a worse than 911 Event
In Interstellar it saves humanity
Just watch and learn about science
and why we live today
in relative modernity
How can a scientist explain ISIS
or so many jumbled similar forces
there is no math that applies
to mans irrational mind
a mind ... more »
The Hippo Dies
Michael Turton at The View from Taiwan - 15 hours ago

*Hippo lying in the street in Miaoli.*
No time for posting tonight... Straits Times on the hippo:
A hippo in Taiwan died on Monday after suffering two accidents last week,
once when it fell from a moving truck and again when its container was
dropped as it was being returned to its pond.
The animal, named "A Ho" after the Chinese word for hippo Ho Ma, was found
dead in its pond at a farm in central Taichung city.
Agriculture Minister Chen Bao-ji has slammed A Ho's owner, the head of a
private ranch, for what he said was carelessness in transporting the animal
and, while a post-mor... more »
Can you spot the missing word in this Daily Express headline? 'The majority of Brits now support an EU exit - so why no referendum?'
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 15 hours ago
'The majority of Brits now support an EU exit - so why no referendum?'
The missing word is "that's" and it should be placed between "so" and
"why". Thus the headline should properly read:
'The majority of Brits now support an EU exit - so that's why no
The Daily Express article is here.
A Slice (No, Roll) of Heaven: Pizza Egg Rolls
Seth R. Hawkins at Housewife Eclectic - 15 hours ago

What would happen if you took two legendarily unhealthy foods and combined
them? No, I'm not talking about the freak of nature turduken, or bacon
donuts, it's something even better: pizza egg rolls.
That's right, the deliciousness of pizza tucked inside a flavor-packed egg
roll wrapper. It was something I'd daydreamed about for weeks before
gathering up the courage to try it. After all, if it was horrible, would it
ruin pizza and/or egg rolls for me?
Thankfully, the pizza egg rolls turned out incredible! In fact, they are in
contention for one of the top three places among the ma... more »
Iran Is Flooding Iraq With Military Advisors. Senior Iranian General Killed In Iraq By IS Sniper
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago

Members of Iran's Revolutionary Guard (IRGC). Reuters
*Iranian Regime Expands Military Presence In Iraq: Report -- NCRI*
The Iranian regime’s military involvement has dramatically increased in
Iraq over the past year, the Washington Post reported citing U.S., Iraqi
and Iranian sources.
A senior Iranian cleric with close ties to Tehran’s leadership, who spoke
on the condition of anonymity to discuss security matters, said that since
the Islamic State’s capture of much of northern Iraq in June, Iran has sent
more than 1,000 military advisers to Iraq, as well as elite units, and has
... more »
Hamas prevents Gaza orphans visiting Israel - BBC News manage a not totally anti Israel piece!
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 15 hours ago
This BBC article on Gaza, Hamas and Israel manages some straight reporting,
but also the usual sly anti Israel line.
I haven't done a fisking of a piece for a while but since I have 5
'Thirty-seven children whose parents were killed in the recent Israel-Gaza
conflict have been prevented by Hamas from visiting Israel on a trip
organised by peace activists.
Hamas said they would have had to visit "settlements and occupied towns".'
No interest from the BBC as to what towns Hamas might consider 'occupied'.
This leaves the casual reader with the impression that occupied mea... more »
Iraqis Ponder What Comes Next
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago

A man walks past the site of a car bomb attack in Baghdad's Sadr City, in
this August 7, 2014 file photo. Credit: REUTERS/Wissm al-Okili/Files
*Special Report: Their Nation In Pieces, Iraqis Ponder What Comes Next --
Isabel Coles, Ahmed Rasheed and Ned Parker, Reuters*
(Reuters) - The machine gun poking out from between a framed portrait of a
Shi'ite imam and a stuffed toy Minnie Mouse was trained on anyone who
approached the checkpoint.
Like dozens of other communities in Iraq, this small Sunni settlement in
northern Salahuddin province’s Tuz Khurmatu district has been reduced to ... more »
Upgrade The U.S. Senate-- Carol Shea-Porter
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 16 hours ago

Very clear choice for 2016- Ayotte vs Shea-Porter
New Hampshire has two congressional districts-- a red-leaning one (NH-01
with a PVI of R+1) and a blue-leaning one (NH-02, with a PVI of D+3). Obama
won both districts in 2008 and 2012:
*•* 2008
• NH-01- Obama- 186,561 (53%)- McCain- 163,941 (46%)
• NH-02- Obama- 198,261 (56%)- McCain- 152,591 (43%)
*•* 2012
• NH-01- Obama- 179,148 (50%)- Romney- 173,419 (48%)
• NH-02- Obama- 190,413 (54%)- Romney- 156,499 (44%)
It's been somewhat ironic that the stalwart progressive and advocate for
New Hampshire's working families and middle class... more »
Iraq's Ghost Soldiers Continue To Exist
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 16 hours ago
*Not Fighting ISIS: How Iraq's 50,000 'Ghost Soldiers' Run Their Scam --
As a paid member of the Iraqi army, Mazin should be helping his country
fight ISIS. Instead, the father-of-three is battling traffic as a taxi
driver in Baghdad.
Mazin is one of the 50,000 "ghost soldiers" who pay a portion of their
monthly military salary to superior officers in exchange for not having to
turn up for duty. Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi has vowed to put an
end to the scam — which has weakened his U.S.-trained army in the face of
an ISIS insurgency.
"The reason behind doing this ... more »
Iraq / Syria Regional War Update ( December 29 , 2014 ) - Status of fighting at various fronts in both syria and Iraq ...... Status of political situations , cooperation to fight terrorism and peace talks for Iraq / Syria ....
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 17 hours ago

Links ....
*Iranian General Killed by Sniper Fire in Iraq*
Iranian General Among 292 Killed in Iraq
Iraqi PM Calls for Regional Cooperation to Defeat Terrorism
Syria to Discuss Russia Peace Plan Talks
ISIS Executed Nearly 2,000 People in Syria in Six Months: Monitor
Desperate for Soldiers, Assad's Government Imposes Harsh Recruitment
*Rudaw English* @RudawEnglish · 16m16 minutes ago
#Iraq — Five people killed and 21 injured in a suicide-bomb attack, which
targeted a funeral tent in #Baghdad.
*Rudaw English* @RudawEnglish · 43m43 minutes ago
Dozens of... more »
Police issues
Boris at The Galloping Beaver - 17 hours ago
How do you deal with mentally disturbed persons acting out with or
without a weapon if you don't have the police on hand? There is a chance
that today's police will kill the person by gunshot or some 'less
lethal' device on their tool belt. Behaviour perceived as violent and
the presence of a knife or some other weaponised object indicates
'threat' and the nature of threats are compared
jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 17 hours ago
*Top British universities 'ignoring final High School grades' in race to
sign up bright students*
Leading universities have been accused of undermining A-levels by accepting
students before they sit their final exams in a “desperate” rush to fill
Research by the Telegraph shows universities are preparing to make
increasing numbers of “unconditional offers” to sixth-formers next year.
Top research institutions including Birmingham, Lancaster, Nottingham,
Leicester, Sussex and Queen Mary, University of London, will admit students
en masse in some subjects without waiting fo... more »
Greece Political Update ( December 29 , 2014 ) Greek Parliament fails in third round voting to elect a President - Snap Elections set for January 25 , 2015 !
Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 17 hours ago

*Kathimerini English *@ekathimerini 8m
8 minutes ago
EU says Greece must commit to Europe, back reforms http://dlvr.it/7yMYYY
*Kathimerini English *@ekathimerini 8m
8 minutes ago
'Moment of truth has arrived," says deputy PM http://dlvr.it/7yMJMJ
*Yannis Koutsomitis* @YanniKouts · 12m12 minutes ago
#Greece FinMin Hardouvelis: Troika was supposed to return to Athens next
weekend. Now we'll see...
*Yannis Koutsomitis* @YanniKouts · 45m45 minutes ago
#Greece Athens market now at -7.47%, financials -12.33%. #euro
*Yannis Koutsomitis* @YanniKouts · 2h2 ... more »
Views my own
sue at Is the BBC biased? - 18 hours ago

*“This isn’t our Homeland say envoys angered by TV thriller”* says a
headline in the Times. (£) So Pakistani diplomats don’t like the portrayal
of Islamabad in channel 4’s drama Homeland.
*“A grimy hell-hole and war zone where shoot-outs and bombs go off with
dead bodies scattered around.”*
Okay. That is pretty much how I think of Islamabad, (though I’ve never been
there) I thought. Always willing to test an argument by turning it on its
head, I asked myself whether there was a parallel between this and the way
Israel and/or Jews are relentlessly maligned in TV dramas. ‘We don’t lik... more »
GAIA PORTAL: Movements of Light become the movements of Gaia collective
*Movements of Light become the movements of Gaia collective*
by ÉirePort
Traditionals are abandoned for all time.
New moments continue the line under Higher Guidance.
Gaia initiatives begin as support energetics are in place.
Movements of Light become the movements of Gaia collective.
ÉirePort | December 29, 2014 at 10:43 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:
Pakistan's Former Military Leader Blames Afghanistan And India For The Savage Attack In Peshawar
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 19 hours ago
The rot starts at the top in Pakistan.
*Check out, "Peshawar: As India mourns with Pakistan, Musharraf blames New
Delhi, Kabul" Dawn, December 18, 2014.*
*Also, check out, "Pakistan's Urdu Media Blames India For Peshawar Attack"
Open The Magazine, December 22, 2014.*
*An excerpt from, "After Peshawar, Expect Business As Usual In Pakistan" by
C. Christine Fair, War on The Rocks, December 22, 2014: *
LeT is an important ally of the Pakistani deep state. Unlike other militant
groups that fractured and gave way to the TTP, LeT has never attacked
within Pakistan. It has remained a loyal... more »
Transpicuous News Dec 28,2014: Planes, Ships, and the Bankmobile
D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 19 hours ago

Good evening and Welcome to Transpicuous News- our final show of 2014! This
week, while the public guzzled nog and loved and laughed with friends and
family, many things things rumbled down the tube to change the world. We're
going to discuss the missing Air Asia plane, the Sinking Ships, and who's
driving the gettaway car for the banking mafia. Hang tight my friends, the
road is really twisting and turning now!
Below is a list of links to stories that I have been following this past
week, I haven't put them in any particular order this time, but I will
highlight a few that I t... more »
End of Innocence
Grant G at The Straight Goods - 21 hours ago
*Written by Grant G*
This time of year, festivities, food, blissful blessings, giving thanks for
what he have while $dollaring our way to soothing our troubled souls, yes
it is that simple, fooling one`s own mind with platitudes and plankton..
Nothing to read this time of year, care nothing of the fate of the
millionaires Vancouver Canuck hockey team, won`t bow to the perceived
greatness of hockey, a child`s game stolen by corporations, media`s at the
ready distraction, look over there the Canucks won again, lost again,
dominated the front pages again and again to the point of n... more »
Viewing Russia From the Inside
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
Insightful as always and very helpful. The solution is simply to try to do
nothing. That really suits both parties. However, it does not make the
path of the Ukraine any easier.
Their best option would be to declare neutrality but then promote a
vigorous trade relationship with both the EU and Russia while postponing EU
membership until Russia itself is also ready to join. This even gives it
leadership options. The important thing is to announce these policies to
allow everyone to stand down.
Doing sometyhing may be to establish a boundary commission along with the
trad... more »
Russian Scientist Spies Mountain-sized Asteroid Heading our Way
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago

What this emphasizes is that any relatively small object that tracks an
orbit conforming to that of Earth itself and close enough at hand is a
prime candidate for an impact however distant that may be. Worse though
that same object is been constantly disturbed in ways that make orbital
prediction almost impossible.
It is not well understood that we need to monitor our own satelites
constantly to ensure they do not get lost and that is almost an easy
problem. Thus these objects all need to be located and placed inside a
probability equation that needs to be updated every centu... more »
New Evidence Suggests Stone Age Hunters from Europe Discovered America
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago
What is astonishing is that an ancient flint knife from Virginia came from
France. This seriously supports active trading then and there rather than
sporadic colonization. This happened 20,000 years ago when the Ice Age
left the continental shelf bare and also exposed two massive island in
Thus the trip distance to the islands would have been a few hundred miles
at best and easy enough in the summer time. Better, the explorers would
have been sailing into the wind. This allows a protracted advance in many
directions followed by a quick scoot home. That trick pop... more »
How To Improve Your Posture in One Simple Step
arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 21 hours ago

I will take this idea simply because it is a simple way to instill
consciousness regarding one's posture. Just trying to remember to rotate
one's palm upward kick starts your posture and practise will work.
Sometimes the best fixes are something as trivial as this.
Most of us have posture issues so i am sure this is welcome. Try it out.
*How To Improve Your Posture in One Simple Step*
*Sara Calabro*
*Acutake Health*
*Want to improve your posture quickly, for free, with almost zero eff... more »
The Pentagon Is Trying To Understand Why The Islamic State Is So Dangerous
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago

A masked man speaking in what is believed to be a North American accent in
a video that Islamic State militants released in September 2014 is pictured
in this still frame from video obtained by Reuters October 7, 2014.
*In Battle to Defang ISIS, U.S. Targets Its Psychology -- New York Times*
WASHINGTON — Maj. Gen. Michael K. Nagata, commander of American Special
Operations forces in the Middle East, sought help this summer in solving an
urgent problem for the American military: What makes the Islamic State so
Trying to decipher this complex enemy — a hybrid terrorist org... more »
Christmas in Herradura 2014
Lori Anne Haskell at Our Paradise--Life in Costa Rica - 23 hours ago
So, this was the first Christmas that Kurt and I were actually home!
Normally, we travelled on Christmas, as it was a down time at work and the
one time of the year we could get away for more than a few days at a time.
Now, I live in paradise and truthfully have no desire to leave. I would
like to see family for the holidays, but there is no way I am going back to
Michigan in the cold. Thus, I decided to invite over our neighbor, RJ (who
is also from the States) and make my first Christmas dinner ever!
I started preparing dinner the day before. I prepared the dough for the
roll... more »
U.K. Conducts Defense Review Of The Falklands After Learning That Russia Will Sell Long Range Bombers To Argentina
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Photo:* Russian-built Sukhoi Su-24 jets made available to Argentina.
*EXCLUSIVE: Falklands Defence Review After Military Deal Between Russia And
Argentina -- Express*
DEFENCES on the Falklands are being reviewed after it emerged Russia plans
to offer Argentina long-range bombers.
The aircraft, which Moscow will swap for beef and wheat, would be able to
mount air patrols over Port Stanley.
Ministry of Defence officials fear Buenos Aires would take delivery of the
planes well before the deployment in 2020 of the Navy’s 65,000-tonne
aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth and its F-3... more »
NATO's Buildup In The Black Sea Is Raising Concerns In Moscow
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

USS Donald Cook.(Reuters / Bogdan Cristel)
*Russia To Counteract NATO's Boosted Presence In Black Sea – Envoy -- RT*
Moscow is being forced to come up with countermeasures in response to
NATO's increased presence in the Black Sea, Russia’s envoy to the alliance
said following an announcement on the arrival of another US warship in the
“Unfortunately, the Black Sea is becoming a place where non-regional powers
have a permanent presence. What they are doing there is unclear,” Aleksandr
Grushko said.
“Of course, we will take the necessary countermeasures,” he continued.
Grushk... more »
Looks Like We Have A Police Problem-- Ask Frank Serpico... Or Jello Biafra
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
A few days ago we took a look back on the 1992 war between the police and
Body Count. They were hardly the only punk rock band to decry police racism
and violence-- just the band that the police felt most threatened by. MDC
never managed to sell the millions of records that Ice-T sold. Their music,
which you can hear in the video above, was less accessible... and those
initials stood, at least for a time when they moved from their native
Austin to San Francisco, for Millions of Dead Cops. They did a lot of songs
the police wouldn't have liked, like "I Remember" and "Dead Cops"-- a... more »
Videos: Iran Chat with Gary Sick + Amin Tarzi - What America Needs to Know about Iran
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
*America and Iran are two stupid lovers who have bad girlfriends. America
has Israel, who is abusing the kindness of America, and Iran has the Arabs,
who are ungrateful about what Iran has sacrificed for the Palestinian
cause. So they both deserve what they get for being stupid. *
*Wikipedia: *
Gary G. Sick (born 1935) is an American academic and analyst of Middle East
affairs, with special expertise on Iran, who served on the staff of the
U.S. National Security Council under Presidents Ford, Carter, and Reagan.
He has written two books on U.S.-Iran relations, in addition to a numb... more »
Pearson Overtakes Saudi Arabian Education System
deutsch29 at @ THE CHALK FACE - 1 day ago
This June 24, 2014, article is from Innovation Africa Kigali, Rwanda. It
seems that Pearson– which already “has a significant presence in Saudi
Arabia”– has “pledged its support for a new education initiative” in Saudi
Arabia. Saudi King Abdullah is adding an extra $21 billion to the Saudi
Arabian education budget. Pearson is there– already– to dip into those […]
Musical Interlude: Kevin Kern, “Another Realm”; Jim Valvano, "Three Things..."
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Kevin Kern, “Another Realm”
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4a2JtNQublQ
“To me, there are three things we all should do every day. We should do
this every day of our lives. Number one is laugh. You should laugh every
day. Number two is think. You should spend some time in thought. And number
three is, you should have your emotions moved to tears, could be happiness
or joy. But think about it. If you laugh, you think, and you cry, that's a
full day. That's a heck of a day. You do that seven days a week, you're
going to have something special.” - Jim Valvano
The Ride to Wounded Knee
brendanorrell@gmail.com at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago
Photos by Ken Marchionno
Dec 28, 2014
300 Miles, The Oomaka Tokatakiya Future Generations Ride by Ken
Marchionno and Students of the Future Generations Teen Photojournalism
Thank you for sharing with Censored News!
Béji Caïd Essebsi: "My three goals as Tunisia’s president"
KenInNY at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

*Earlier this week, Béji Caïd Essebsi became the first Tunisian freely
elected president of the country.*
*"While Tunisia's commitment to elections and other democratic processes
has been inspiring, building deep roots for the democratic institutions and
values that can stand the test of time will take years. Still, the country
offers more hope than any other Muslim country shaken by the 2011 political
upheavals and deserves as much political and economic support as the United
States and Europe can muster."*
*-- the conclusion of a NYT editorial,* "Tunisia Wins Again"
*by Ken*
The... more »
Musical Interlude: 2002, "An Ocean Apart"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
This video features sailing ships and dolphins as well as sun drenched
shores. The music is from the CD/DVD "Deep Still Blue" by the band 2002.
The title of the song is "An Ocean Apart". The software used is Apple's
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=BfPONyDT_WQ
Long playlist by 2002:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xqq5ELgfnYU
"A Look to the Heavens"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"Sometimes galaxies form groups. For example, our own Milky Way Galaxy is
part of the Local Group of Galaxies. Small, compact groups, like Hickson
Compact Group 87 (HCG 87) shown above, are interesting partly because they
slowly self-destruct. Indeed, the galaxies of HCG 87 are gravitationally
stretching each other during their 100-million year orbits around a common
center. The pulling creates colliding gas that causes bright bursts of star
formation and feeds matter into their active galaxy centers.
*Click image for larger size.*
HCG 87 is composed of a large edge-on spiral galaxy... more »
Chet Raymo, "How Things Are"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"How Things Are"*
by Chet Raymo
"Any global tradition needs to begin with a shared worldview - a
culture-independent, globally accepted consensus as to how things are. From
my perspective, this part is easy. How things are is, well, how things are:
our scientific account of Nature, an account that can be called The Epic of
Evolution. The Big Bang, the formation of stars and planets, the origin and
evolution of life on this planet, the advent of human consciousness and the
resultant evolution of cultures - this is the story, the one story, that
has the potential to unite us, becaus... more »
"A Good Fight..."
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"If fate means you to lose, give him a good fight anyhow."
~ William McFee
“A Dream Within A Dream”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Alan Parsons Project, “A Dream Within A Dream”
"For my own part, I have never had a thought
Which I could not set down in words
With even more distinctness that which I conceived it.
There is however a class of fancies of exquisite delicacy
Which are not thoughts and to which as yet
I have found it absolutely impossible to adapt to language.
These fancies arise in the soul,
Alas how rarely, only at epochs
Of most intense tranquillity
When the bodily and mental health are in perfection.
And those mere points of time
When the confines of the waking world
Blend with the world of dreams.
And ... more »
The Poet: David Wagoner, “Old Man, Old Man”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“Old Man, Old Man”*
"Young men, not knowing what to remember,
Come to this hiding place of the moons and years,
To this Old Man. Old Man, they say, where should we go?
Where did you find what you remember? Was it perched in a tree?
Did it hover deep in the white water? Was it covered over
With dead stalks in the grass? Will we taste it
If our mouths have long lain empty?
Will we feel it between our eyes if we face the wind
All night, and turn the color of earth?
If we lie down in the rain, can we remember sunlight?
He answers, I have become the best and worst I dreamed.
When I move my f... more »
"The Land Of Dreams..."
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“Father, O father! what do we here
In this land of unbelief and fear?
The Land of Dreams is better far,
Above the light of the morning star.”
- William Blake, “The Land of Dreams”
Free Download: Jiddu Krishnamurti, “The Book of Life”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
"You must understand the whole of life, not just one little part of it.
That is why you must read, that is why you must look at the skies, that is
why you must sing and dance, and write poems and suffer and understand, for
all that is life."
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
Freely download “The Book of Life” by Jiddu Krishnamurti, here:
- http://keychests.com/item.php?v=ucpoaaqjnwg
The United States Air Force vs. the UFO Witnesses
KRandle at A Different Perspective - 1 day ago
As I was completing my final UFO book, I ran into a number of things that
were somewhat disturbing. Some of those were the ongoing Air Force attitude
that these things weren’t alien in nature, those who saw them were somehow
deluded, and it was the Air Force mission to convince people that UFOs were
an illusion. It didn’t matter to them how honest the witnesses might be,
how carefully they had made their observations, or what their level of
education or expertise might be. The Air Force mission was to stop the UFO
reports. If they had to lie about it, misrepresent the situation, hid... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
Saint-genis-laval, Rhone-Alpes, France. Thanks for stopping by.
"Moving Through Darkness: The Places We Go"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"Moving Through Darkness: The Places We Go"*
by The DailyOM
"Often it takes something major to wake us up as we struggle to maintain an
illusion of control. In life, most of us want things to go to the places we
have envisioned ourselves going. We have plans and visions, some of them
divinely inspired, that we want to see through to completion. We want to be
happy, successful, and healthy, all of which are perfectly natural and
perfectly human. So when life takes us to places we didn’t consciously want
to go, we often feel as if something has gone wrong, or we must have made a
mis... more »
Ever Think About Converting To Catholicism?
DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago

I've always been a spiritually-inclined person, even-- or especially-- when
I was taking acid and wandering around the world from Sufi sites in Turkey,
Hindu sites in India, Buddhist sites in Thailand to Jesus' birthplace in
Bethlehem on Christmas Eve and a Jewish synagogue in Yangon. I worked in a
non-sectarian meditation center in Amsterdam for four years and experienced
all I could in the way of spirituality. Organized religion, on the other
hand, has never been for me. My father, a devout atheist, told me they were
all run by hucksters looking to enrich themselves with a minimu... more »
What's Wrong With The U.S. Secret Service?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

*Critical Decisions After 9/11 Led To Slow, Steady Decline In Quality For
Secret Service -- Washington Post*
The Secret Service began struggling to carry out its most basic duties
after Congress and the George W. Bush administration expanded the elite law
enforcement agency’s mission in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist
According to government documents and interviews with dozens of current and
former officials, the recent string of security lapses at the White House
resulted from a combination of tight budgets, bureaucratic battles and
rapidly growing demands on ... more »
(Former IMF Chief Economist: Break Up Citigroup!) Obamacare Spending All Dumped into the Third Quarter in Order to Maintain the Illusion of Economic Recovery . . . The Financial Media by Refusing to Ask Obvious Questions Have Left the American People Unprepared for Another Drop in Living Standards and Ability to Cope
Cirze at Welcome to Pottersville 2 (Blogging Against Fascism!) - 1 day ago
Sardonicky has the last word on our last words of the year. Don't miss
them. They are more than worth your time. The Game's Afoot! Dr. Pangloss
Amuck. Former IMF Chief Economist: Break Up Citigroup By Simon Johnson,
Project Syndicate 27 December 14 merica’s presidential campaign is already
well underway. The election is not until November 2016, and very few
candidates have formally
“The Old Man And the Sea”
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*“The Old Man And the Sea”*
by James Quinn
"Ernest Hemingway is one of the most renowned writers in American history,
with classics such as "A Farewell to Arms," "For Whom the Bell Tolls," and
"The Sun Also Rises" to his credit. He won the Nobel Prize for literature
in 1954. He constructed a new literary style characterized by lean, hard,
sparse dialogue. He influenced literature and young authors for decades. As
a teenager I was immediately drawn to his gritty realistic novels. There
was no nonsense to his novels. They always involved man’s struggle against
death and hardship. Mos... more »
Soldiers in UK need police protection, but the rest of us have none. Madness
Rufus News From Atlantis at News From Atlantis. - 1 day ago
The UK is a basket case. It is governed by people who despise the
indigenous population and who only see us in terms of how much money we can
make for them. Our safety, our opinions, our lives - these don't matter to
them one iota.
We 'plebs'; we factory-fodder; we ordinary people - we are hated by our
rulers. They insult us by daring to call our country a democracy, when it
is plain for all to see that if one doesn't play the 'soggy biscuit game'
at Harrow, Eton or similar degenerate's paradise, then one simply has no
chance of getting into parliament. Yes, their are women ther... more »
Pakistan Is Not A Fan Of The TV Series 'Homeland'
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Pakistani Officials Furious Over ‘Homeland’ -- New York Post*
Claire Danes is lucky no Emmy voters live in Islamabad.
Pakistani officials are furious with Showtime after watching the fourth
season of its hit show “Homeland,” which they say portrays their country as
an ugly, ignorant, terror-plagued “hellhole.”
The diplomats took copious notes of every slight while binge-watching all
12 episodes — including the lack of greenery in the depiction of the
nation’s capital, Islamabad.
They complained directly to producers of the Emmy-winning drama, but their
gripes fell on deaf ears, ... more »
Terror Victims Confront ISIS Detainees on Iraqi TV
Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 1 day ago
Title: Terror Victims Confront ISIS Detainees on Iraqi TV. Source: MEMRI
TV. Date Published: December 28, 2014. Description:
In an Al-Iraqiyya TV program, titled "In the Grip of the Law," ISIS
detainees are taken to the scene of a terror attack, where they are
confronted by members of their victims' families. The program aired on
December 24.
"For This Is What We Do..."
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“For this is what we do. Put one foot forward and then the other. Lift our
eyes to the snarl and smile of the world once more. Think. Act. Feel. Add
our little consequence to the tides of good and evil that flood and drain
the world. Drag our shadowed crosses into the hope of another night. Push
our brave hearts into the promise of a new day. With love: the passionate
search for truth other than our own. With longing: the pure, ineffable
yearning to be saved. For so long as fate keeps waiting, we live on. God
help us. God forgive us. We live on.”
- Gregory David Roberts, “Shantaram”
"How Are Things Going, Joe?"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
“You go up to a man, and you say, "How are things going, Joe?" and he says,
"Oh fine, fine — couldn't be better." And you look into his eyes, and you
see things really couldn't be much worse. When you get right down to it,
everybody's having a perfectly lousy time of it, and I mean everybody. And
the hell of it is, nothing seems to help much.”
- Kurt Vonnegut
"Argument: Stepping Back from Anger"
noreply@blogger.com (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
*"Argument: Stepping Back from Anger"*
by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM
"The emotional trigger than begins an argument may have little to do with
your present situation, but has dug up a wound. When we find ourselves in
an argument, we may feel like we are losing control of emotions that have
taken on lives of their own. When we can become aware that this is
happening, taking a deep breath can help us step back from the situation.
Once we can separate ourselves from the heat of the moment, we may find
that the emotional trigger that began the argument has little to do with
the presen... more »
2015 Feliz Año Nuevo - Happy New Year Free Wallpapers II
José Luis Ávila Herrera at FOTOFRONTERA - 1 day ago
Hola! Esta es la segunda parte de nuestra mega colección de *imágenes,
fondos y wallpapers de Año Nuevo 2015 con mensajes en Español y en Inglés*.
Se trata de una bonita serie que le ofrecemos a usted en exclusiva para que
los comparta en sitios web, foros, blogs y redes sociales. Son hermosas
*imágenes* coloridas con mensajes como *"Feliz Año Nuevo" y "Happy New
Year"*. Son diseños especiales en fondos y wallpapers coloridos y con un
gran número *2015* en ilustraciones listas para ser parte de nuestras
felicitaciones para este año venidero que seguramente será de mucho éxito y
ben... more »
Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 1 day ago

Various fleeting thoughts have been floating across my mind today, falling
like snowflakes...
Firstly, Maureen Lipman on *Broadcasting House *describing the British
media's coverage of the Syrian conflict:
I've seen no pictures. I've seen nothing on 24 hour news. I am well
accustomed to seeing every rooftop that descends in Gaza because that's
where all the reporters are, in the same hotel, all chatting away and all
swapping photos. But as far as Syria's concerned, they're all absolutely
petrified to do anything or report on anything.
That seems to me to be a pretty good d... more »
Does China Control Access To The Internet Within Its Borders?
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

*China’s Internet Is Freer Than You Think -- Brendon Hong, Daily Beast*
*China takes great pains to regulate Internet users within its border, but
civil unrest remains largely uncensored—and helps the government gauge
public sentiment.*
HONG KONG—Last year, I met a Chinese graduate student on a tour of the
northeastern United States before his first day at Harvard. At the time,
news about the purge of Bo Xilai, a princeling and member of China’s
Central Politburo, was still making waves in China. Over chilled beers, he
shared a few observations: “Everybody is talking about Bo Xila... more »
Tanker Enemy - Chemtrails - The Secret War
Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 1 day ago
so, we have to leave it to the Italians to come up with a decent chemtrails
The major contention of this documentary made by anti-War World group Tanker
Enemy is that The Weather or The Sky has been manipulated in various
chemical and electromagnetic ways to look like *NATURAL DISASTERS ARE
KILLING OFF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE* each event, and that this activity has
been UN-sponsored since 1966. The producers of this documentary suggest
that this is the role of these so-called chemtrails, "To evoke natural
slaughter and deterioration of the human species on a massive scale."... more »
Exploding Navy Budget Threatens Food Stamps
Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 1 day ago

I leave early Monday for St. Mary's, Georgia where I will join the annual
King's Bay nuclear submarine base protest vigil on New Year's Eve. This
alternative New Year event has been going on for something like 35 years.
While I lived in Florida I must have attended more than 20 of these. Folks
hold a retreat, share food, and review their activism at the Crooked River
State Park which is located next door to the nuclear sub base. I've missed
these events since we moved to Maine in 2003 and was excited to be invited
to come and speak during the retreat this year.
(President Jimm... more »
Miley Cyrus goes topless in sultry bedroom snap as she hits out at censorship on Instagram - Daily Mail obviously don't do irony
Not a sheep at Not a sheep - 1 day ago
This Daily Mail article includes this line:
'Free The Nipple is an equality movement that's meant to empower women
across the world, against female oppression and censorship, as many states
still have laws against public toplessness.'
The photos of Miley Cyrus that accompany the article have Miley Cyrus's
nipples obscured or airbrushed out... Hmmmm The Daily Mail obviously don't
do irony.
China Confirms That It Is Testing Missiles With MIRV Capabilities
War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago

*Photo:* China's DF-41 missile
*Chinese Military Confirms DF-41 Flight Test -- Bill gertz, Washington Free
*Beijing says new multi-warhead missile does not change nuclear policy*
China’s People’s Liberation Army on Thursday confirmed that its military
conducted a flight test of a new long-range missile that U.S. intelligence
agencies say involved the use of simulated multiple warheads.
“China has the legitimate right to conduct scientific tests within its
border and these scientific tests are not targeting any country or target,”
PLA Sr. Col. Yang Yujun told reporters at a... more »
american torture
Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 1 day ago

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