Sunday, September 01, 2013

1 September - The View

Description unavailableDescription unavailable (Photo credit: Climate Patrol)
English: Measurement of post glacial rebound o...English: Measurement of post glacial rebound of the Baltic shore in Vaasa (Finland). The stones with metal balls mark the rise of the land over the times. Česky: Měření postglaciálního vzestupu pobřeží Baltského moře ve Vaase (Finsko). Kameny s kovovými koulemi vyznačují postupný vzestup souše v čase. Deutsch: Das Messen von Postglazialer Landhebung an der Ostseeküste in Vaasa (Finnland). Die Steine mit Metallkugeln markieren die Hebung des Festlandes in der Zeit. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
English: An Andean man in traditional dress. P...English: An Andean man in traditional dress. Pisac, Peru. Français : Un homme des Andes en costume traditionnel. Písac, Pérou. Italiano: Un uomo delle Ande in costume tradizionale. Pisac, Perù. Português: Um homem dos Andes, num fato tradicional. Pisac, Peru. Basa Sunda: Lalaki Andés dina pakéan tradisional. Pisak, Péru 中文: 秘鲁比萨卡穿传统服饰的安达斯人。 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
A map of Post-Glacial Rebound effects on the B...A map of Post-Glacial Rebound effects on the British Isles, namely whether areas of land are rising, sinking or are stable. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

People in Columbia standing against bad agricultural policies.
[2] About 30,000 people marched in the Colombian capital of Bogota on Thursday to support a strike by small farmers who are protesting the government’s agricultural policies, which they say are driving them into bankruptcy.

The large protests have involved teachers, students and health workers.

Demonstrators chanted “Long live the farmers’ strike.” Some clashed with riot police, who responded with tear gas to disperse them.

An estimated 45,000 farmers, coffee growers and truck drivers have blocked highways and battled riot police since last week.
Wow, fascinating...a look inside big biotech's PR machinery; how spin is made and we are being played:
What did you do when you learned the truth? Or are you one of those in the "frankly I don't give a shit so long as it's cheap" camp?

“We can't plead ignorance, only indifference. Those alive today are the generations that came to know better. We have the burden and the opportunity of living in the moment when the critique of factory farming broke into the popular consciousness. We are the ones of whom it will be fairly asked, What did you do when you learned the truth?” ~
Jonathan Safran Foer
“We are not taught to be thinkers, but reflectors of our culture. Let's teach our children to be thinkers.” -Jacque Fresco @
See founder Sandy Rosenthal, on WGNO-TV. She talks to Jon Huffman on's quest to list the 17th Street Canal to the National Register.


We have a long way to go, but it would be a much grimmer world without the progress made by unions. Wishing everyone a good Labor Day weekend.


a link.


Anybody who remembers when Princess Diana died, will tell you that there was a LOT of strange coincidences and evidence which conflicted with the simple "car crash" story....

Now more clues have come out to further enhance the credibility of the 'conspiracy theory'.

It seems like everyday a new 'conspiracy theory' gets proven correct...I wonder how long it will be until even the sheep can begin to question the 'official theories' of important events...considering that most of them are never backed in actual evidence..

Christian OilMafia shared Boycott Rush Limbaugh's Sponsors to SHUT HIM DOWN.'s photo.
Petition Against Rush Limbaugh/Clear Channel Hate Radio:

For an extensive list of Limbaugh Sponsors:
As the machinery for a U.S.-led military intervention in Syria works hard to gather pace, we can hear the drums of war in the White House, the Congress, the Pentagon, the press, the think tanks, the war-profiteers… but we, the people, are not silent. Fifty years after the historic March on Washington, we continue the dream - of a world based on justice, solidarity, mutual aid, dialogue, peace.The struggle did not end in '63, and the spirit remains alive. International and national outrage is growing in the face of new war, our solidarity is slowing the imperialists… let's not stop now!

As Syrians wait to see if they will join the long list of nations the US war-machine has bombed over the years, we say that no longer will we tolerate more racist, imperialist wars. We reject the notion that bombing Syrians will make them safer.

Mobilize your community and take a stand against militarism and empire.


#Syrian President #Assad says that his country is capable of confronting any external attack.

Egypt Shuts Down Al Jazeera’s Egyptian Channel

From an outraged Reuters:
Its offices in Cairo have been closed since July 3, when they were raided by security forces hours after Mursi was toppled, although it has continued to broadcast from Qatar… 

Robert Parry on bizarre replay of Iraq invasion

Robert Parry deserves our attention on any issue he addresses.  He may well be onto a critical point with regard to the White House claims about the Syrian chemical weapons attack.  He notes that the delivery mechanism specified by the Obama administration is one used by “irregular troops.”  That would implicate the rebels and not the Syrian Army.  Any finding that contributes to stopping the rush to judgment needs to be investigated.  This is a great lead.
- See more at:

U.S. intelligence committees say they’re not properly consulted on Syria 

Marty Kaplan in today's Chimp: "As with the sequester, Congress may devise a vote that takes no responsibility and leaves no fingerprints. Most Republicans think that giving Obama a flat yes on anything puts a bulls eye on them for primary challenges. A flat no, like the one Prime Minister Cameron got from Parliament, risks their being blamed for kneejerk partisanship and the next horror out of Syria. So to fudge things and evade accountability, Congress could construct, as Amy Davidson wrote in her New Yorker blog, 'some legislative monstrosity, as it did during the debt-ceiling crisis, that relies on a complicated series of mechanisms that assure nothing -- except that whatever happens is Obama's fault.'"
The Daily Chimp for Sunday, 1 September 2013 | The Smirking Chimp
Minutes after President Obama's hot-potato toss from the Rose Garden to Capitol Hill, "put up or shut up" soared on
Unauthorized removal of nuclear weapons would be virtually impossible to accomplish unless the chain of command were bypassed.

".....60 percent of Americans, despite weeks of propaganda out of Washington, and cheerleading in the corporate media, oppose a US war in Syria. Only nine percent are in favor of the US launching an attack."

Robert Parry on bizarre replay of Iraq invasion

Robert Parry deserves our attention on any issue he addresses.  He may well be onto a critical point with regard to the White House claims about the Syrian chemical weapons attack.  He notes that the delivery mechanism specified by the Obama administration is one used by “irregular troops.”  That would implicate the rebels and not the Syrian Army.  Any finding that contributes to stopping the rush to judgment needs to be investigated.  This is a great lead.
- See more at:

I fear we're on the brink of a tragic decision to strike Syria, because, in the dubious logic of the President, "a lot of people think something should be done," and American "credibility" is at stake. He and his secretary of state assure us that the strike will be "limited" and "surgical." Yes, the use of chemical weapons against Syrian citizens is abominable, and if Assad's regime is responsible he should be treated as an international criminal and pariah. But have we learned nothing? Time and again over the last half century American presidents have justified so-called surgical strikes because the nation's credibility is at stake, and because we have to take some action to show our strength and resolve -- only to learn years later that our credibility has suffered more from our foolish and brazen bellicosity, that the surgical strikes have only intensified hostilities and made us captive to forces beyond our control, and that our resolve eventually disappears in the face of mounting casualties of Americans and innocent civilians. We and others have paid an incalculable price.

On Labor Day weekend we should rather be testing the nation's resolve to provide good jobs at good wages to all Americans who need them, and measuring our credibility by the ideal of equal opportunity. And we should strike (and join striking workers) against big employers who won't provide their employees with minimally-decent wages. We need to commit ourselves to a living wage, and to providing more economic security to the millions of Americans now working harder but getting nowhere. Yes, Mr. President, a lot of people think something should be done -- about these mounting problems at our doorstep, within America. We can have more influence on the rest of the world by showing the rest of the world that we live by our ideals, than by using brute force to make points.
John Farnham The rest of the world believes brute force is the American Way.  
Healthier Steps's photo.


The case of the poison potato

The Exciting Groundswell That's About to Topple Monsanto   
The evidence surrounds us, and according to Jeffrey Smith, it's about to reach the tipping point that we all have worked so hard to achieve. See the 5 telling signs that I'm thrilled about, and the next crucial stage happening now targeting 4 key groups...

In the US, we saw a tipping point against Monsanto’s genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (rBGH) when it got kicked out of Walmart, Starbucks, Yoplait, and Dannon.
This was not due to any action taken by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but occurred when mothers across the nation became aware of the cancer risks associated with milk from cows treated with bovine growth hormone.
Now, the tipping point of consumer rejection of genetically engineered foods in the US is almost here.
A clear sign of this occurred last year, when the president of Whole Foods confessed that when a product becomes verified as Non-GMO or GMO-free, sales leap by 15-30 percent. Of all the categories of health and wellness claims, such as “gluten-free,” etc, “GMO-free” products have the most rapid growth in sales.
“This shows an enormous desire and demand for non-GMO products,” Smith says. “There are now 10,000 products in our database that are verified as non-GMO, and that’s expanding every day.”
“It’s actually happening in a big way. The next stage of the tipping point was heralded by a New York Times article1 on the 27th of May. If you were to read it from the perspective of a food product manager, you would realize the absolute need to make a decision.

Results from Animal-Feeding Studies Correlate with Human Disease Patterns

According to Smith, there are definitive correlations between the results from animal-feeding studies and the patterns of human disease we’re now seeing. For example, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine has done a number of animal-feeding studies on GMO’s and specifically enumerated the particular categories of diseases and disorders found in these controlled environments:
Gastrointestinal problems Immune problems Reproductive problems
Organ damage Dysfunction and dysregulation of cholesterol Dysfunction and dysregulation of insulin

glyphosate may actually be the most important factor in the development of a wide variety of chronic diseases, specifically because your gut bacteria are a key component of glyphosate’s mechanism of harm. 

Monsanto has steadfastly claimed that Roundup is harmless to animals and humans because the mechanism of action it uses (which allows it to kill weeds), called the shikimate pathway, is absent in all animals. However, the shikimate pathway IS present in bacteria, and that’s the key to understanding how it causes such widespread systemic harm in both humans and animals. The bacteria in your body outnumber your cells by 10 to 1. For every cell in your body, you have 10 microbes of various kinds, and all of them have the shikimate pathway, so they will all respond to the presence of glyphosate!

 “Roundup is actually patented as a biocide. It’s an antibiotic, it kills bacteria. That affects not only the soil, killing the beneficial bacteria that provide the nutrients to the soil, but it also kills the beneficial bacteria in your gut... It kills the Bifidus. It kills the Lactobacillus. But it keeps alive the E.coli, salmonella, and botulism, which is not something we want to keep alive. When you kill the beneficial gut bacteria, it affects your immune system and digestive tract.”

Will Second Trial End in Jail for Peaceful Farmer?
Why are small farmers facing jail time for providing wholesome food to willing buyers?


  1.   Cached
    But it wasn’t Mr. Reagan (or his henchmen Mr. Bush) ... there really was an attempt at freeing the Iranian hostages as an ‘October Surprisein 1980 after all. ...

Obama says that he can strike against Syria before weapons inspectors report their findings from the investigation in Damascus and without a vote at the United Nations Security Council which he knows he would lose.

With the lapdog British government blocked from military action and with public opinion seriously against him he is seeking to cover his back and share the responsibility with the Fools and Tools on the Hill.

This was to avoid being seen as solely responsible for attacks which are aimed simply at taking out Assad military assets to make it easier for the 'rebels' to win the civil war and hand power in Syria to the US, Britain and Israel (the Rothschilds). All the rest is smokescreen.

He must be seriously confident of winning the vote when Congress reconvenes on September 9th, but since when did they have any backbone given that Israel has most of them in its back pocket? This delay is, however, indicative of how weak his position is compared with Bush in 2003.

By the way, another speech comes and goes and still no evidence produced that Assad ordered a chemical attack.

Click here to read and watch ...

. Robert Parry on bizarre replay of Iraq invasion
Robert Parry deserves our attention on any issue he addresses.  He may well be onto a critical point with regard to the White House claims about the Syrian chemical weapons attack.  He notes that the delivery mechanism specified by the Obama administration is one used by “irregular troops.”  That would implicate the rebels and not the Syrian Army.  Any finding that contributes to stopping the rush to judgment needs to be investigated.  This is a great lead.
Robert Parry, Consortium News, August 28 - See more at:
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