Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Power Play

There's no CANADA on this map; we've been merged into the USA and Mexico. And the map dates from 1941. And it's a real map by a communist sympathizer... and if you check the world today, this map IS BEING DONE, with minor variations.

  "The far-reaching impacts of this story being manufactured, and what entails the subtleness of the impacts on Indigenous People, interests me, and discernment is always my skill." -- I'm glad to hear it. Nobody but you and your own people can figure that out. But take for your baseline the criminal overthrow of Canada, our Constitution, Parliament and Legislatures from coast to coast, and that's what they've been doing for decades. Doing it as the Pied Piper, leading us, tootling away, to the brink. And we are almost there. 
There is one thing I have learned from all this research. There is absolutely no control in the arbitrary. But there is absolute control in real law, which is documented, and can be grasped and properly interpreted and applied.

If we allow ourselve
s to be dragged along by people who lie through their teeth amorally, immorally, and psychopathically to deceive us about where are going, we can never know where we are going, we can never control the outcome.

It's like getting into a car that pulls up to the kerb, with a driver you don't know who points a gun in your face. It's precisely like a kidnapping; and the advice in that case is always: never go to the second location, for you will not come home. That's what they are doing to all of us, and to Canada. It's a kidnapping. You cannot climb into that car and think you are in control. You cannot climb into that car and "negotiate". Climb in and you're done for. This is why it has to be stopped; we can't go. For example, since about 1996, in the USA, Homeland Security, under an Israeli-controlled government run by the CFR and "Jewish neocons", over 800 FEMA camps have been set up. These are concentration camps, staffed and waiting, and with no occupants. The pretext at the outset was that they would be used to round up millions of illegal immigrants. But apparently the USA has recently passed some kind of bill tantamount to an amnesty. So what are those camps for again?

Canada participated in 9/11, without a doubt. I mean the criminals controlling Canada. You cannot trust them. We are all in a very dangerous predicament, and last I heard, WW3 was brewing in the Middle East, and Russia is full battle ready. On that topic, I highly recommend this blog, it's by a Canadian, but I don't know who it is:

If you want to know what NAFTA was really about, read this. With NAFTA, U.S. Finally Creates a New World Order 18 July 1993 By Henry A. Kissinger. (And by the way, like Trudeau and Free Trade negotiator Reisman, Kissinger is a Soviet agent - more on that later):

The document next below is an OCR, this one is a SCAN of the original, a short extract to be used in evidence at the Federal Court of Canada:

An important article was published by American author, Allan Stang about Pierre Elliott Trudeau and his "ring". The article appeared in the magazine, American Opinion; and was then published by American Opinion as an offprint for 35c in the Spring of 1971.

I found the article a couple of years ago, and have built a web site around it named after the title of it: CANADA - How The Communists Took Control. I've made 3 videos, so far, in which I recite highlights from the article. You can find the VIDEOS tab at
, and are welcome to download "souvenir" copies of the videos from MediaFire, links provided at the site.“CANADA How The Communists Took Control” is a 5-part series of audio recordings of parts of the April 1971 article by Alan Stang of the same title, published in AMERICAN OPINION. Three of the five parts have been completed to date. This web site is dedicated to Alan Stang, in gratitude. 
Essential research tool on the Constitution of Canada! I scanned this Index myself at McGill and made an ebook out of it to share. You can download the PDF for free. The 1865 Debates cover 1,050 pages, so the Index was long overdue by the time it appeared in 1951. It was not online anywhere that I could find, either in google books, or, so maybe this should be called a "rare" book. Download and enjoy!

In 1995, Quebec's Justice Minister PAUL BEGIN declared the Constitution of Canada was illegal because it had never been translated into French. He lied. The first translation appeared in 1868, a few months after Confederation. It is bilingual with indexes. Other French versions also exist, including one in the appendixes to the 1939 Senate Report on the BNA Act. There has been NO EXCUSE for the government of Canada all these years since 1931 (legal nationhood), NOT to have finalized ONE French version based on known judicial interpretation -- except that all this time, they've been aiming at world government, so why bother!

Another excellent documentary from Eric Granger: fake "separatist" Gilles Duceppe admits he wants a North American Union: -- Un autre documentaire excellent d'Eric Granger : le faux « séparatiste » Gilles Duceppe admet qu'il veut une Union nord-Américaine. Cette vidéo est en français avec les sous-titres anglais, c'est pour tout le monde.( French with English subtitles )

As far back as 1991, JACQUES PARIZEAU (fake "separatist") and ROBERT BOURASSA (fake "Liberal") were both thinking of a common EU-style North American Parliament. I translated this french newspaper article into English:

Even if you have seen this, you should take another look to wake you up that they ARE annexing Canada. This video proves they conduct periodic telephone surveys to see how far they can push.
Self-appointed elites have been running Canada through front institutions of the Rhodes Secret Society in defiance of our Constitution since the late 19th Century. They are in full swing today. Their goal is world government. Here is an excellent introduction by Eric Granger, translated into English by me:

( Ignatieff was parachuted into Canada to take over as Liberal leader and break up a three party alliance which outnumbered the Harper government, before it could call a vote of non confidence and take power. The Governor General broke new ground in proroguing Parliament at Harper's request.  )

This blog explains the "secession" scam. Our elites are using Quebec to impose the European system on Canada in place of Confederation. The EU system is the basis of North American Union and World Government.
The contents of this 'white paper' were the true subject of the 1980 referendum to 'secede', whose real object was not the independence of Quebec, but the conversion of all of Canadahalf a continentto the European system. The 'secession' of an 'unhappy' Quebec was merely blackmail to

June 2011 post, "If 50% + 1 is binding, the "NO" won in 1995. Also important, my November 2011 post, "The Holy See, UN Reform & War for World Government".

NAU Resistance Canada "some are warning that the giant free trade deal could undermine Australia's sovereignty, and hand undue power to huge corporations."
"In the case of the planned Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement the negotiations have already been going since 2010. N
ot surprising, perhaps, when the participants are as varied as Australia, Brunei, Chile, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States, and Vietnam." could gain the right to challenge laws that threaten their ability to make future profits under a planned giant trade agreement spanning the Pacific and taking in Australia according to a l
No NAFTA Superhighway Here.. Because It's Referred To As A "Mid-Continental Trade Corridor" You Silly Conspiracy Theorists.. ;-)

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