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Halifax Examiner16 hours ago
Happy “Right to Know Week,” Canada!Last week, the Halifax Examiner delved into the current state of access to information in Nova Scotia in a two-part series — you can read part 1 here and part 2 here — in advance of “Right To Know Week,” which starts today in both the province and Canada. The first article looked at how […] read more
musingsofanoldfart16 hours ago
Five easy memory tricks – once again for emphasisThe following brief post has been repeated for emphasis, as we all could use a little help recalling names of actors, friends, places and events. Fortunately, my wife knows my shorthand and can ascertain whom or what I am speaking … Continue reading → read more
Socio-Economics History Blog16 hours ago
Planet 9(X): The History, Location & Orbit [2021 Update CalTech]See also: – Planet 9 may be closer and easier to find than thought—if it exists (1 Sep 2021) by NADIA DRAKE, https://www.nationalgeographic.com/ A new study’s “treasure map” suggests that a planet several times more massive than Earth could be hiding in our solar system, camouflaged by the bright strip of stars that make up … read more
Halifax Examiner16 hours ago
“An apology would be nice and I would like to know what happened”: people suffering from the Nova Scotia mass murders speak to commissionLast night about 50 people attended an open house hosted by staff members of the Mass Casualty Commission. The meeting was held just a few kilometres from the Plains Road in Debert where Kristin Beaton and Heather O’Brien were killed in April 2020. The rampage which began in Portapique claimed 22 lives before police caught […] read more
OYE Alternative News16 hours ago
UK To Add Fluoride To Drinking Water – What You Need To Know
The post UK To Add Fluoride To Drinking Water – What You Need To Know appeared first on OYE Alternative News. read more
Halifax Examiner17 hours ago
Code critical: patients waiting hours to be transferred from ambulances to emergency departmentsLast month nine out of 10 patients ambulanced to the QEII Health Sciences Centre Emergency Department waited more than six hours to be admitted. Six hours and 42 minutes, in fact. That disturbing information is contained in the Ambulance Offload Times report for last month prepared for Nova Scotia Health (NSH) and submitted to the […] read more
Komando.com18 hours ago
12 home renovations that will decrease the value of your home
If you aren't careful with your home renovations, you could lose money. Here are 12 of the worst home remodeling projects. Avoid them at all costs! read more
Global Issues News Headlines15 hours ago
When Love is Called as a Conspiracy: The 'Love Jihad' Bogey Targeting Interfaith Couples in IndiaNEW DELHI, India, Sep 27 (IPS) - When Ali (name changed) proposed to his best friend, little did he know that her parents would take six years to agree to their alliance because he was born into a Muslim family, and they were Hindus. Read the full story, “When Love is Called as a Conspiracy: The 'Love Jihad' Bogey Targeting Interfaith Couples in India”, on globalissues.org → read more
The National Interest15 hours ago
Nazi Germany made a Massive Mistake Attacking an A10*Paul Richard Huard* *A-10, * The Henschel Hs 129 was the perfect ground-attack airplane until the A-10 arrived. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The high command “underestimated the need for a dedicated ground-attack aircraft — and particularly a dedicated tank-killer — until it was far too late,” he said. “For example, prior to Operation Barbarossa, the German Abwehr had estimated that the Soviets had only about 10,000 main battle tanks. The actual number was about 24,000. By the time the Germans realized that they needed a dedicated tank-busting aircraft such as the Hs 12... read more
Gangsters Out Blog15 hours ago
What's her face on Bill GatesAs I previously pointed out, Bill Gates is a freak. He is a straight up Communist like George Sorrows who thinks the biggest problem the world faces is over population. Thankfully, Communists like Chairman Mao and the CCP have a solution for that- genocide. As I previously reported, Bill Gates' European Coronavirus patent was approved November 20th 2019 shortly before the pandemic was launched out of Wuhan. Him smirking about the next plandemic is somewhat concerning given the fact that Communist China stole Ebola samples from a Canadian lab and the scientist who invented the va... read more
bilaterals.org15 hours ago
Vietnam set to ratify RCEP by November27-Sep-2021 Vietnam is taking final steps and scheduled to complete the ratification of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) by November this year. read more
bilaterals.org15 hours ago
China will likely fail in its CPTPP bid — but it's a ‘smart' move against the US, say analysts27-Sep-2021 China will likely fail in its bid to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership — but its move to submit an application highlighted the lack of U.S. economic policy in Asia-Pacific, said analysts. read more
Prince of Hypocrites Strikes Again!By Paul Homewood Do they think we are all idiots? THE Duke and Duchess of Sussex went on stage at a gig that called for climate change action — then took a private jet home. The star-studded Global Citizen Live concert in New York — dubbed “Wokestock” — demanded tough new eco laws […] read more
Snopes.com16 hours ago
Investigators Seek Cause of Deadly Montana Train DerailmentThe westbound Empire Builder was traveling from Chicago to Seattle when it left the tracks about 4 p.m. Saturday near Joplin, a town of about 200. read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
The F-22 Is Awesome, but Would the F-23 Have Been Even Better?*TNI Staff* *F-23 Stealth Fighter, Americas* The Air Force would have a greater margin of superiority over potential threats like the Chinese J-20 or the Russian PAK-FA. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *Ultimately, the Air Force ended up with an excellent plane with the Raptor—but both the YF-22 and YF-23 were outstanding designs. Had Northrop won the competition, the F-23 might have been a better overall performer, but it would have likely been more expensive. In 1991, Lockheed won the Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) competition and went on to develop the stealthy world beat... read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
Europe’s Typhoon Wins: Russian Fighters Are Good but Not that Good*TNI Staff* *Eurofighter Typhoon, Eurasia* Smart money is on the Typhoon. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *There is no question that Russian jets have come a long way technologically since the end of the Cold War. But at the end of the day, the Russian machines still lag behind on in terms of sensors and pilot vehicle interfaces. As such, the smart money is on the Typhoon. With heightened tensions in Europe over Russia’s actions Ukraine, NATO countries have stepped up their air patrols over the *Baltic states* of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. While the U.S. Air Force often d... read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
The North Vietnamese Commando Raid that Sunk a U.S. Aircraft Carrier*Robert Beckhusen* *North Vietnam, Asia* The North Vietnamese government even commemorated the event by portraying the operation on a 1964 postage stamp. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The sinking of Card “provided a preview” of the attack on the USS Cole in 2000 — a textbook case of a low-tech assault taking out a prime example of U.S. naval might. It was shortly after midnight when two Viet Cong commandos emerged from a sewer tunnel that emptied into Saigon Port, each man carrying nearly 90 pounds of high explosives and the components needed to make two time bombs. Their ... read more
Untitled* The difficulty of balance in discussing America's racist past* History teacher Valanna White filed into the auditorium the first week of August for the customary back-to-school all-staff meeting at Walker Valley high school in Cleveland, Tennessee. What she heard shifted her outlook for the coming school year. On 1 July, a new law took effect banning the teaching of critical race theory in Tennessee public schools. White listened intently as a school district official gave a vague overview informing the group that critical race theory was prohibited, though without fully explain... read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Drought in Brazil: States start water rotation, rationing and demand fines for wastageRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil's rural and urban areas already suffer from dry taps due to the water crisis, leaving the country at risk of an electricity blackout. The prolonged drought already impacts the daily lives of many families across Brazil, who change their habits and even their means of production and income. The […] The post Drought in Brazil: States start water rotation, rationing and demand fines for wastage appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Watchers » Latest articles16 hours ago
Europe's crippling energy crisis presages trouble for the rest of the worldNatural gas prices have soared by almost 500% in 2021 and with another winter just around the corner gas is trading at near-record values. While European countries attempt to outbid one another for supplies from major exporters it's inevitable that utilities...... Read more » read more
GREENIE WATCH16 hours ago
Untitled* Costly Energy, Climate Policies in Democrats’ Spending Bill Lack Transparency* House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., are driving Congress to pass a $3.5 trillion spending package to go along with the more than $1 trillion infrastructure bill that passed the Senate in August. Transparency and debate are all but nonexistent. As far as energy and environment issues are concerned, the long and short of it is, these bills are the Green New Deal by another name and Congress’ bid to implement President Joe Biden’s Paris climate commitm... read more
Age of Autism The Rebel Alliance!16 hours ago
AMA 12 Page Playbook on How to Promote Flu and Covid Vaccines
Below is a link to the AMA Covid-19 vaccination playbook. We thought you might like to play Monday Morning Quarterback. It's only 12 pages long. How many ways can you write, "Forget your patients' priorities or wishes and plow ahead"?... Related Stories - WayBack: Nowhere left for Covid to go to mutate into a deadly variant, says Oxford vaccine creator - How We Outsmarted Mark Zuckerberg - The Real Anthony Fauci Revealed in New Book from Robert Kennedy Jr read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
Links 9/27/2021Electroverse17 hours ago
Record-Breaking Cold Sweeps Europe, More IPCC Fraud, Five Climbers Killed in “Unprecedented” September Snowstorm in Russia, + -75.7C (-104.3F) Logged at VostokSnowpack is building exceptionally early this season, just as a prolonged bout of low solar activity predicts -- IPCC claims of "decreasing snowstorms" are pure fantasy... The post Record-Breaking Cold Sweeps Europe, More IPCC Fraud, Five Climbers Killed in “Unprecedented” September Snowstorm in Russia, + -75.7C (-104.3F) Logged at Vostok appeared first on Electroverse. read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
Michael Hudson on Renegade Inc.: China’s Fortune Cookie CrumblesMichael Hudson discusses China's campaign to limit the influence of Western investors. read more
Real Climate Science17 hours ago
Pfizer Contract : “long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known”“Purchaser further acknowledges that the long-term effects and efficacy of the Vaccine are not currently known and that there may be adverse effects of the Vaccine that are not currently known.” LEXO-KONTRATEN-E-PLOTE.pdf LEXO-KONTRATEN-E-PLOTE.pdf read more
Virtual Mirage19 hours ago
Daily Time-WasterCIA SAD Operator Douglas A. Zembiec in Iraq. He served as an undercover embed with the US Marines until he was killed in Baghdad in 2007. Were Iraq, Afghanistan, and the other more recent US adventures abroad worth it? I leave it to you to judge, dear readers. There has been a lot […] The post Daily Time-Waster appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
The National Interest17 hours ago
A Nazi Almost Helped Argentina Develop Supersonic Cruise Missiles*Robert Beckhusen* *Cruise Missiles, Latin America* A Nazi helped Argentina come close to making a major technological advancement. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Undoubtedly, Horten’s missile was revolutionary. It also promised to be very, very expensive. Argentina was almost the first country to develop a small, supersonic cruise missile. Way back in 1960. On May 30 of that year, Dr. Reimar Horten — a former warplane designer for Nazi Germany — met with officials at the Aerotechnical Institute of Argentina’s Military Aircraft Factory, or FMA, to propose what he described... read more
The National Interest17 hours ago
World War I Saw A Wild German Spring in 1918*Warfare History Network* *WWI History, Europe* The Germans launched their spring offensive in 1918 spearheaded by elite stormtrooper units in a desperate bid to break the stalemate and win the war. German artillery officers watched as a white rocket streaked across the dark sky above the French village of St. Quentin. It was dawn on March 21, 1918, and these officers knew this was the signal to fire their guns. Elsewhere in other sectors, single heavy guns fired the signal round. The dark sky came alive with the horrendous roar of artillery fire as 6,473 guns opened up. Joining... read more
The National Interest17 hours ago
Churchill and Stalin Did Not like Each Other, but Still Had an Uneasy Alliance*Jon Diamond* *World War II, Europe* Historical revisionists have pondered just how much information Stalin received from the British in regard to a German invasion. In the Grand Alliance volume of Winston S. Churchill’s memoirs of World War II, the British prime minister lambasted Soviet Premier Josef Stalin and his inept government for failing to anticipate Operation Barbarossa, the Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union, which began on June 22, 1941. Churchill wrote, “We must now lay bare the error and vanity of cold-blooded calculation of the Soviet government and enormous Communi... read more
MJBizDaily17 hours ago
Extraction experts debunk 4 myths associated with marijuana processingCannabis extractors operate with scarce scientific resources or standards to consult, and much of their know-how is gained via word-of-mouth or from other industries. Extraction experts debunk 4 myths associated with marijuana processing is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
Folding Bridges: How the U.S. Army Crossed Chasms on the Battlefield*Peter Suciu* *Armored Vehicle Launching Bridge, United States* How the M60A1 AVLB advances a mission. *Here'sWhat You Need to Remember: *The folding bridge can support the Army’s M1A1 Abrams tank, but only using a cautionary crossing at a reduced gap length of fifteen meters and only at a reduced crossing speed. Whether the U.S. military could ever build a bridge to the future isn’t known, but when the Army comes across a section of trenches or water obstacles, the M60A1 AVLB was up to the task. Developed in the early 1960s and produced by General Dynamics Land Systems Division,... read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
Take China's Claims About its Military with a Grain of Salt*Robert Beckhusen* *People's Liberation Army, Asia* You should view claims about the prowess of the PLA with a healthy dose of skepticism. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The Chinese state media has a habit of exaggerating the PLA's technological advances. To hear Chinese state media tell it, the soldiers of the People’s Liberation Army will go into battle in the future wearing an array of high-tech gizmos. In their hands will be enormous weapons combining a rifle with a 20-millimeter grenade launcher akin to the old — and canceled — American OICW. On top of that, they will ... read more
Investors Lose £24 Million In Wind ScamBy Paul Homewood h/t Lez Beware green investments! Holders of "mini-bonds" issued by Future Renewables Eco, a wind farm investment company, are braced to lose more than half their investments after it collapsed into administration on Sept 17. It owned 10 wind turbines across Britain and was funded by 750 bondholders who […] read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Huge dust clouds hit cities in Brazil’s São Paulo interior on Sunday afternoonRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A thick dust cloud hit Ribeirão Preto, Franca, Barretos and other major cities in São Paulo's interior on Sunday afternoon, September 26. Strong gusts of wind were also reported. The cloud was later dispersed by heavy rainfall which reached 50 millimeters in some cities. According to MetSul meteorologist Estael Sias, […] The post Huge dust clouds hit cities in Brazil’s São Paulo interior on Sunday afternoon appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Covid-19: People over 70 may take 3rd vaccine dose in Brazil’s São Paulo starting MondayRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The city of São Paulo will start administering the third vaccine dose against Covid-19 in people over 70 on Monday, September 27. Mayor Ricardo Nunes also announced the advance of the Pfizer vaccine 2nd dose from 12 to 8 weeks from Friday, September 24, for people aged 28 to 41 […] The post Covid-19: People over 70 may take 3rd vaccine dose in Brazil’s São Paulo starting Monday appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Need To Know19 hours ago
Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Caught on CameraThe general public is not allowed to see banned videos such as these and, therefore, does not know these deaths are occurring or believes they are exceedingly rare. Here are just a few examples among thousands. Most tragedies of this kind are not recorded. Send this to everyone you care about. read more
Need To Know19 hours ago
TikTok Censored Testimony from Vaccine-Injured Student AthleteA member of TikTok’s Team Halo community, which is “organized by the United Nations and the Vaccine Confidence Project” to promote vaccines, said while the student athlete's video didn’t expressly discourage people from getting vaccinated, it may have sown doubt. read more
Need To Know19 hours ago
China Declares Virtual-Currency Transactions Illegal, Sends Crypto Prices TumblingChina has tried to ban cryptocurrencies before, ordering third-party payment providers to stop using bitcoin, banning token sales and crypto exchanges, and outlawing mining, but it has failed. China is aggressively clearing the runway for its own central bank digital currency that tracks all transactions. read more
Ben Pile Sums Up Ed MilibandBy Paul Homewood h/t stewgreen I needed a good laugh! read more
Need To Know19 hours ago
New York Times Says FBI Informant & Handler Were Involved in January-6 Violence at the CapitolThe New York Times admitted "the records, and information from two people familiar with the matter, suggest that federal law enforcement had a far greater visibility into the assault on the Capitol, even as it was taking place, than was previously known." read more
Need To Know19 hours ago
Hospital Whistleblower Reports that Doctors & Hospitals do not Report Vaccine Injuries & DeathsCDC data showed that between December 14, 2020 and September 10, 2021, a total of 701,561 adverse events following COVID vaccines, including 14,925 deaths, were reported to VAERS. A 2011 study by Harvard Pilgrim Health Care states "fewer than 1% of vaccine adverse events are reported.” read more
The New Dark Age20 hours ago
BBC submarine drama is the anti-Russian propaganda machine in actionThe scene: a British nuclear submarine. A detective has been sent to investigate the death of a sailor. When she asks the Naval Commander why there needs to be so much secrecy, as Britain is not at war, he responds ‘That is an illusion. We have always been at war’. read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch20 hours ago
Coconut Oil’s History in Destroying VirusesComments by Brian ShilhavyEditor, Health Impact News People living in the Philippines, a country of islands not very far off the coast of China, remember all too well the last time a deadly coronavirus epidemic broke out in China. It was 2003 when the SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) coronavirus broke out in China. It … Continue reading Coconut Oil’s History in Destroying Viruses → read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch20 hours ago
Largest US Retailers Refusing to Sell FDA-Approved GMO SalmonFrom healthimpactnews.com by Sustainable Pulse Walmart, Costco, Albertsons, Kroger, Ahold, Aldi, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, H-E-B, Hy-Vee, Sprouts, Giant Eagle, Meijer and Target have affirmed their commitment to not sell genetically engineered AquAdvantage® salmon ahead of AquaBounty Technologies planned first-ever harvest and commercial sales in the U.S., planned for this fall. The news comes following the … Continue reading Largest US Retailers Refusing to Sell FDA-Approved GMO Salmon → read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch20 hours ago
Other headlinesA young NZ woman magnetic after taking the CV jab Most Medical Professionals Giving Vs Do Not Know What Ingredients They Contain A useful CV information guide for Kiwis (and anybody else) The sheer hypocrisy of that ‘order’ – played out for you in Australia read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch20 hours ago
30 facts you NEED to knowFrom off-guardian.org We get a lot of e-mails and private messages along these lines “do you have a source for X?” or “can you point me to mask studies?” or “I know I saw a graph for mortality, but I can’t find it anymore”. And we understand, it’s been a long 18 months, and there … Continue reading 30 facts you NEED to know → read more
Bayou Renaissance Man19 hours ago
Memes that made me laugh 77
Gathered over the past week. Click any image for a larger view. *(For those too young to remember the 2003 invasion of Iraq - * *behold! The best of Baghdad Bob!)* More next week. Peter read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Declining consumer confidence reinforces negative outlook for business activity in BrazilRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - High and persistent inflation focused much attention on Friday (24), with the release of the IPCA-15's 1.14% rise in September, which brought the accumulated figure for the past 12 months to 10.05%. Another important indicator also made public the same day, albeit receiving less attention - the Consumer Confidence Index […] The post Declining consumer confidence reinforces negative outlook for business activity in Brazil appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The National Interest19 hours ago
The U.S. Army's Special Operations Forces Explained*Kyle Mizokami* *Special Forces, United States* Need to know the difference between Rangers, Green Berets, and Delta Force? We've got you covered here. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Members of special operations undergo extreme tests of physical and mental endurance as part of their training. Culturally, special ops units place greater emphasis on smarts and individual initiative. The United State’s Special Operation Command (SOCOM) counts over 70,000 personnel drawn from elite units in the Air Force, Army, Marine Corps and Navy. At times it virtually resembles a fifth ser... read more
naked capitalism19 hours ago
Nick Turse: Remembering America’s Civilian War DeadTime for the US to take a hard look at the magnitude of civilan deaths incurred as a by-product of our Middle East nation-breaking. read more
bilaterals.org19 hours ago
Pakistan seeks trade deals with Saudi, UAE, Oman - official says27-Sep-2021 Pakistan will pursue individual trade deals with Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Oman, a Pakistani official said on Sunday, as talks with the Gulf Cooperation Council remain stalled. read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro state intends to create a carbon credit trading exchangeRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The State of Rio de Janeiro intends to promote the creation of a carbon credit trading exchange, operating in both the voluntary market and in the market regulated by article 6 of the Paris Agreement, which should be the subject of debate at the United Nations Climate Conference, COP26, scheduled […] The post Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro state intends to create a carbon credit trading exchange appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Need To Know20 hours ago
NY Gov. Hochul: Unvaccinated Health Workers Will Be Fired, and Replaced with ForeignersNew York Gov. Hochul threatened to fire workers at hospitals and nursing homes and replace them with foreigners if they don't submit to being vaccinated by Monday. She plans to call a state of emergency due to an expected shortage of health care workers — a shortage that wouldn’t exist but for the state’s own policy. read more
Adrienne's Corner20 hours ago
Ever wonder, "What can I do?"
*here's your answer.* We keep harping on local, local, local. Listen to this lady eviscerate her local school board over masking the little kids. She's done the research and has all her little ducklings lined up in a neat little row. After you're roused up and shrieking, "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore", spend some time listening to Mike Adams interview Dr. Judy Mikovits since knowledge is power. Seriously - take time to watch - it's excellent. *More:* RedState: *That New CDC 'Study' Showing Masks Work in Schools Is Misleading Garbage* Deep Roots ... read more
Modern Tokyo Times21 hours ago
Anti-Russia and anti-China politicians in Japan says Russia: AUKUS to CybersecurityAnti-Russia and anti-China politicians in Japan says Russia: AUKUS to Cybersecurity Sawako Utsumi and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times Since Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga took power, the Japanese Foreign Ministry barely goes a week without upping the anti-China mantra. More recently, the anti-Russian Federation angle is emerging. Indeed, the next leader of Japan seems […] The post Anti-Russia and anti-China politicians in Japan says Russia: AUKUS to Cybersecurity first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
How Did the Perpetrators Do 9/11?
we have passing reports that prep work was underway in these buildings prior to the event on hte correct floors. that is really sas close as we get in terms of direct confirmation. This alone makes the lack of forensics curious. nothing to see here folks. Also too many key beneficiaries as well for a random event. It all looks like a CIA contractor project on a need to know basis. The plane scenario served as cover. They had to be still real enough or at least real enough. Where was that third plane headed? Building Seven seems likely. The Pentogon looks like a cruise mi... read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
Covid-19 Surpasses 1918 Flu to Become Deadliest Pandemic in American HistoryApples and oranges of course. They are still proping up hte narritive. We are now apparently going to see a sustained period of Vaccine induced deaths. This is now well hidden though. It is coming out through whistle blowers and massive medical resignations. Yet they launched this whole pandemic with high death rates in Italy. Yet a year later the numbers were corrected and nothing had actually happened. Excuse Me! *Covid-19 Surpasses 1918 Flu to Become Deadliest Pandemic in American History* *But national population numbers have tripled since then. Influenza killed one ... read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
How Artificial Intelligence Completed Beethoven’s Unfinished Tenth SymphonyI do not know where this goes, but it is clear that you are listening to Beethoven. Maybe this is also it. Yet we have many great composers of music and plenty of musical ideas that an AI even imitating Beethoven can use to generate fresh work that could be welcome. how about a Libretto after TS Elliot and the music after Bach on the matter of the divine Commedia by Dante. This could be so satisfying. We never get enough of the best and the best never had enough lifetimes. *How Artificial Intelligence Completed Beethoven’s Unfinished Tenth Symphony* *On October 9, the work... read more
Socio-Economics History Blog22 hours ago
Covid Data From Singapore – First Wave (0% Vaccinated) VS Second(Current) Wave (77% Vaccinated)Tony Lin Compare Confirmed Cases, Death, and Fully Vaccinated Rate From Singapore during First Wave and Second Wave(Current Wave) Data is From a research team based at the University of Oxford Our World in Data: https://ourworldindata.org/coronavirus Our World in Data Wiki Page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Our_Wor… end read more
Socio-Economics History Blog22 hours ago
We Are The Prey: Dr. Breggin Warns Of Australian Style Lockdowns WorldwideSocio-Economics History Blog22 hours ago
“This Is Completely Avoidable” – New York Hospitals Prepare For Staffing Crisis As Vaccination Mandate Forces Mass Firings“This Is Completely Avoidable” – New York Hospitals Prepare For Staffing Crisis As Vaccination Mandate Forces Mass Firings by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ With President Biden’s federal vaccine mandate set to take effect on Monday, health-care systems around the country are suspending elective in-patient surgeries and refusing to accept ICU patients from other hospitals as they … read more
The Duran22 hours ago
What should the UK’s immigration policy be?There are those for whom any limitation on immigration smacks of racialism. It is obtuse and dishonest to claim that wishing to control immigration is quintessentially racialist. The word ‘racist’ is so often used as a thought terminating cliché. It is perhaps the most overused word in the English language. The word is almost threadbare […] read more
Socio-Economics History Blog23 hours ago
$5,000 Gold Within 5 Years – Ted OakleyWall Street Silver Ted Oakley from Oxbow Advisors joins us to explains his thoughts on the markets, the debt ceiling, the Fed, inflation, China, digital currencies and his belief that Gold will reach $5,000 within the next 5 years. end read more
You Are Not Alone.You Are Not Alone – Purpose Fairy https://www.purposefairy.com/90409/you-are-not-alone/ read more
Expert says Humans are Aliens—and we were Brought to Earth Hundreds of Thousands of Years Ago.Expert says Humans are Aliens—and we were Brought to Earth Hundreds of Thousands of Years Ago – Science And Nature https://www.sci-nature.vip/2021/09/expert-says-humans-are-aliensand-we.html?m=1 read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
This British Destroyer Valiantly Rescued Sailors the World Over*Warfare History Network* *E-Class Destroyer, Europe* For Electra, it was the first but not the last time she would pluck survivors from the sea. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *As *Electra* turned over and went down by the bow, Japanese fire transferred to the survivors in lifeboats, adding to the long list of casualties. Advancing darkness spared the rest. That night, the American submarine *S-38* surfaced and rescued 42 survivors. Five more were picked up the next day by the Japanese. War clouds gathered rapidly once Germany invaded Poland on September 1, 1939. Allied de... read more
Global Issues News Headlines20 hours ago
Data Drought in the Global SouthHAMILTON, Ontario, Canada, Sep 27 (IPS) - In 2020, every human on Earth created an average of at least 1.7 megabytes of data per second, collectively amassing 2.5 quintillion data bytes. Some 90% of the world’s total data was created in the last two years alone. Read the full story, “Data Drought in the Global South”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines20 hours ago
Rural Water Boards Play Vital Role for Salvadoran FarmersLA LIBERTAD, El Salvador, Sep 27 2021 (IPS) - After climbing a steep hill along winding paths, you reach a huge water tank at the top that supplies peasant farmer families who had no water and instead set up their own community project on this coastal strip in central El Salvador. Read the full story, “Rural Water Boards Play Vital Role for Salvadoran Farmers”, on globalissues.org → read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
Sweden's Plans for a Nuclear Submarine Could Have Ended in Disaster*Robert Beckhusen* *Nuclear Submarines, Europe* It's a good thing this plan never came to fruition. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The idea never left the drawing board, but had it, the vessel would have been rather unsafe for the crew — and possibly anyone else who happened to stray too close to the submarine when the reactor was active. In terms of modern diesel-electric submarines, it’s hard to beat Sweden. In 2005, one of them — the 200-foot-long HMS Gotland — sneaked up and virtually destroyed the American Nimitz-class carrier USS Ronald Reagan in a simulated war game... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
Admiral Nimitz versus Admiral Yamamoto: Showdown at Midway*Warfare History Network* *Battle of Midway, Asia Pacific* The Battle of Midway, June 4 through 7,1942, proved to be the turning point of the Pacific War. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *Yamamoto did not live to see the eventual downfall of Japan. His plane was shot down by American fighters over the island of Bougainville in February 1943. Fleet Admiral Nimitz is revered today as one of the principal architects of the Allied victory in World War II. He died in 1966 at the age of 80. “Japan cannot defeat America; therefore, Japan should not go to war with America.” Admiral I... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
Here’s How Russia’s Ivan IV Put the Terrible in ‘Ivan the Terrible’*Warfare History Network* *Russian History, Eurasia* After decades of war and domestic upheaval, Ivan’s kingdom risked total collapse if it did not find some relief. *Here’s What You Need to Remember: *Twenty-five years and countless lives later, Ivan’s invasion of Livonia had achieved nothing. The war that was meant to open up the new Russian empire instead reinforced the isolation of old Muscovy. A year later, in 1584, Ivan died, leaving behind an exhausted state and ushering in a period of political turmoil that Russians would remember as “the Time of Troubles.” Ivan IV Vasil... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
How the First ever Aircraft Carrier Raid Went Down*Sebastien Roblin* *Aircraft Carriers, * This changed the nature of modern combat. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The plan of Operation F7 was to sail the force up to twelve miles off the German coast. From there, the Camels would take off in two waves and use the Danish Lyngvig Lighthouse as a navigational aid as they flew along the coast toward the zeppelin storage hangars in Tondern, which they would attack with two fifty-pound Cooper bombs. Nearly a century ago during World War I, the Royal Navy launched the first air strike from an aircraft carrier ever, targeting a ze... read more
The Watchers » Latest articles20 hours ago
Strong and shallow M6.0 earthquake hits Crete, GreeceA strong and shallow earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.0 hit Crete, Greece at 06:17 UTC on September 27, 2021. The agency is reporting a depth of 8.7 km (5.4 miles). EMSC is reporting M6.0 at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). The epicenter was located about 7.4 km...... Read more » read more
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