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War News Updates31 minutes ago
UN Secretary-General António Guterres Warns Humanity Is On The Brink Of Nuclear Annihilation With The Threat Now The Highest In 40 YearsNations continue to develop deadly nuclear weapons in a show of international force. The SUN *UN News:* *‘Humanity remains unacceptably close to nuclear annihilation, says UN chief on International Day* “Now is the time to eliminate nuclear weapons from our world , and usher in a new era of dialogue, trust and peace”, declared UN Secretary-General António Guterres on Sunday, marking the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons. Addressing the threat of nuclear weapons, said Mr, Guterres, has been central to the work of the United Nations since its incept... read more
The National Interest33 minutes ago
What Is Hidden within Biden's First Defense Budget?*Sebastien Roblin* *Defense Spending, * A look at Biden's defense spending priorities. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *But the 2022 budget shows the Biden administration is firmly behind full triad modernization, with $2.6 billion in funding for the GBSD intercontinental ballistic missile (an increase of $1.1 billion over 2020) and $609 million devoted to the moderately controversial air-launched LRSO stealth nuclear-tipped cruise missile. On May 28, the Department of Defense released its $752.9 billion defense budget request for 2022—a document which will almost certainly b... read more
The National Interest33 minutes ago
Can America Stop China's Anti-Ship Missile Forces?*Robert Farley* *Chinese Ballistic Missiles, Pacific* In case of war, the task of the U.S. military would be as much to blind the sensor’s that make China’s missiles lethal as to destroy the missiles themselves. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The recent U.S. deployment of two carrier battle groups in July confirmed U.S. interest in making a show of force in the region, just as rhetoric over China’s domestic policies and ongoing territorial assertiveness in the East and South China Seas has sharpened. An old adage of defense analysis is that a weapon system that has not bee... read more
Gangsters Out Blog45 minutes ago
Laura Lynn Tyler Thomson interviews a BC ParamedicLaura Lynn Tyler Thomson interviews Dr. Charles Hoffe from Lytton, BC who discusses the science behind micro blood clots that damage your capillaries from the Ccovid vaccine which causes myocarditis. She also shows a clip of Dr Robert Malone the inventor of mRNA vaccines before interviewing a paramedic who discusses his own observations of reactions. Previously, Post Media News lied and said Alberta ICUs were full of Covid patients when they were really filled with a backlog of surgeries. It's worse now because the vaccine mandate has amplified the nurse shortage and the number... read more
War News Updates1 hour ago
Russian Media Says Three Russian Fighter Jets Escorted A US B-52 Air Force Bomber As It Approached Russian Airspace
US strategic bomber B-52H © The National Defense Command Center/TASS *Daily Mail*: *U.S. Air Force bomber is escorted out of Russian air space by fighter jets, country's state TV claims* * Three Russian fighter jets reportedly escorted a United States Air Force bomber after it allegedly approached Russian air space * The Russian news agency TASS reported that air defense radars on duty spotted a 'target' over the Pacific Ocean that was approaching Russian air space * Three Sukhoi-35S fighter planes were then deployed and identified the 'target' as a United States Air Force B-... read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
After the Cold War, Soviet Planes Flew for America*Robert Beckhusen* *Cold War, * The U.S. wanted to keep Soviet military hardware from falling into the wrong hands. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Not only was purchasing the jets a good way of ensuring they did not end up in Tehran’s hands, it gave Washington an opportunity to inspect one of the most sophisticated Soviet jets ever built. When the Soviet Union collapsed in late 1991, the newly independent states within its former domain inherited enormous stockpiles of weapons the Red Army left behind. One of the most interesting cases involved the air force of the tiny fo... read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
China Is Arming to Sink an American Aircraft Carrier*James Holmes* *People's Liberation Army Navy, China* Despite Chinese boasting, sinking an American aircraft carrier is easier said than done. *Here's What You Need to Remember:* China’s military could launch its version of “Pearl Harbor” without incurring the operational dangers Tokyo incurred three-quarters of a century ago. For Beijing it would be a matter of giving the word to send missiles and warplanes skyward from sites on the mainland. Last year, firebrand People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) Admiral Luo Yang declared that sinking two U.S. Navy supercarriers and killing ... read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
Why Did Washington Drop a 5 Megaton Nuclear Weapon on Alaska?*Steve Weintz* *U.S. Military, United States* In the 1950s, the Atomic Energy Commission investigated Amchitka in Alaska as a potential nuclear test site but found it wanting. Later developments renewed government interest in the remote uninhabited island. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The test led to the establishment of Greenpeace, whose first major action was to protest the Cannikin nuclear test. On Nov. 6, 1971, the United States conducted its most powerful underground nuclear test to date. The massive, five-megaton blast detonated more than a mile below remote, windsw... read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
India's Navy is No Small Obstacle for the PLA Navy to Overcome*James Holmes* *Indian Navy, Indian Ocean* It's one thing for China to project power into its own region, but the Indian Ocean is a different challenge. *Here's What You Need to Know*: How to manage a great-power challenge to nautical freedom is a question of a higher order altogether than how to police the Indian Ocean. There are worse things than fleeing the bleak New England midwinter for warmer climes—such as Jaipur, India’s famed “Pink City.” So cold was it when I departed Providence in February 2016 that the nozzle on my plane’s fuel hose froze shut, grounding the plane un... read more
War News Updates1 hour ago
German Election: No Clear Winner To Form The Next Government
*Daily Mail:* *Angela Merkel set to stay on as Germany's leader for MONTHS as rival parties battle to lead country's government after her CDU-CSU alliance suffers worst-ever election result* * Germans have been deciding who will be governing them for the next four years * Chancellor Angela Merkel is stepping down after 16 years in power * Germany appears to be on course for lengthy haggling to form new government * Exit polls say race between Social Democrats and Mrs Merkel's CDU is very close * Partial count shows Social Democrats with a slender lead over the Union blo... read more
Susan on the Soapbox1 hour ago
On Liberty and Alberta’s Covid Crisis
This is for the woman who yelled “Do you feel safer now?” when my daughter stepped off the sidewalk to give the woman and her rambunctious dog room to pass. Do you feel safer now? My daughter stepped off the … Continue reading → read more
War News Updates1 hour ago
This Russian Officer Saved The World From Nuclear War 38 Years Ago TodayStanislav Petrov, a former Soviet military officer, poses at his home in 2015 near Moscow. In 1983, he was on duty when the Soviet Union's early warning satellite indicated the U.S. had fired nuclear weapons at his country. He suspected, correctly, it was a false alarm and did not immediately send the report up the chain of command. Petrov died at age 77. Pavel Golovkin/AP *WNU Editor: *For more information on what he did go here .... *1983 Soviet nuclear false alarm incident* (Wikipedia), and from this article ywo years ago .... *36 years ago today, one man saved us from world-... read more
War News Updates2 hours ago
Some U.S. Democrats Want To Abolish Space Force
*CBS: **Bill To Abolish U.S. Space Force Introduced By North Bay Rep. Jared Huffman* WASHINGTON (CBS SF/CNN) — A North Bay congressman has introduced a bill to abolish the U.S. Space Force, a day after the newest branch of the military unveiled new uniform prototypes. Rep. Jared Huffman (D-San Rafael) introduced the No Militarization of Space Act as Congress moves to pass the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), the annual bill that authorizes funding for the Pentagon. *Read more *.... *Update #1*: Space Force abolished? House bill would do just that (The Gazette) *... read more
The Last Refuge2 hours ago
Sunday Talks, Congressman Devin Nunes Discusses Indictment of Clinton Lawyer Michael SussmannCongressman Devin Nunes appears with Maria Bartiromo (Fox News and Council on Foreign Relations member) to discuss the recent indictment of Michael Sussmann, a Clinton lawyer who was identified as manipulating information to the FBI to fabricate an investigation against Clinton’s political opponent, Donald J Trump. Nunes outlines how the indictment shows Hillary Clinton and […] The post Sunday Talks, Congressman Devin Nunes Discusses Indictment of Clinton Lawyer Michael Sussmann appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Real Climate Science2 hours ago
The 1934 “Central Health Passport”The Nazi Census – Google Books read more
Small Dead Animals3 hours ago
How the Woke Left Destroyed Rotten TomatoesI just finished watching The Great Raid. It’s not a perfect movie but was enjoyable. I’d definitely give it a 7 to 7.5 out of 10. Yet according to the critics, it was only has a 38% rating. This low rating is definitively not true, so why did so many critics pan it? One reason:… Continue reading → read more
Small Dead Animals3 hours ago
Your Immune SystemThe great prophet George Carlin. read more
Michael West Media4 hours ago
What will the donors think? Liberal/Labor refuse to act without nod from Big GasLabor claims it’s a safety issue, Liberals say it’s a drafting issue. The bigger issue is how both major political parties have capitulated to the oil and gas industry again, this time voting to keep offshore petroleum production data secret read more
Econlib4 hours ago
Reply to Bob Murphy’s Query
Economist Bob Murphy writes: Dear David, I hope you’re doing well. I was puzzled by your “Angry Bears” post. (If you find your answer might interest EconLog readers, feel free to reprint my email.) I totally understand why certain libertarians would be upset at a busybody telling them to wear a mask on the plane, but […] The post Reply to Bob Murphy’s Query appeared first on Econlib. read more
Small Dead Animals5 hours ago
Opening The Barn DoorsGUNTER: Liberals to make immigration to Canada much easier read more
War News Updates2 hours ago
Is Russian President Putin Ill?
Putin - currently 'self-isolating' due to a Covid-19 'outbreak' in his entourage - is seen with his loyal defence minister Sergei Shoigu *Daily Mail:* *Cold front! Kremlin issues photos of Putin during his hunting break with loyal defence minister in Siberia in bid to 'play down fresh rumours over his health'* * Vladimir Putin went on a 72-hour camping trip with his loyal Defence Minister Sergey Shoigu this month * The strongman is seen hunting and fishing in the taiga amid rumours about the president's health * The photos were released as he continues self-isolation after a... read more
The Rio Times3 hours ago
Brazil registers 8,668 new cases and 243 Covid deaths (September 26)RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil on Sunday reported 243 new deaths from Covid-19, bringing the total number of fatalities from the disease in the country to 594,443, the Health Ministry said. The ministry added that there were also 8,668 new coronavirus cases, bringing the total number of infections in the country to 21,351,972. In […] The post Brazil registers 8,668 new cases and 243 Covid deaths (September 26) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 23 hours ago
Musical Interlude: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_dc-tRfKjuQ*Fill screen recommended.* *Adiemus, "In Caelum Fero"* read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 23 hours ago
"A Look to the Heavens"
“This shock wave plows through space at over 500,000 kilometers per hour. Moving toward to bottom of this beautifully detailed color composite, the thin, braided filaments are actually long ripples in a sheet of glowing gas seen almost edge on. Cataloged as NGC 2736, its narrow appearance suggests its popular name, the Pencil Nebula. About 5 light-years long and a mere 800 light-years away, the Pencil Nebula is only a small part of the Vela supernova remnant. The Vela remnant itself is around 100 light-years in diameter and is the expanding debris cloud of a star that was seen to ex... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 23 hours ago
"For Nothing Is Fixed..."
"For nothing is fixed, forever and forever and forever, it is not fixed; the earth is always shifting, the light is always changing, the sea does not cease to grind down rock. Generations do not cease to be born, and we are responsible to them because we are the only witnesses they have. The sea rises, the light fails, lovers cling to each other, and children cling to us. The moment we cease to hold each other, the sea engulfs us and the light goes out." - James Baldwin read more
The National Interest3 hours ago
Did This American Spy for Nazi Germany?*Warfare History Network* *World War II, Americas* U.S. embassy code clerk Tyler Kent funneled secrets to a pro-German organization during World War II. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Although the FBI investigated Kent regularly, it never produced any charges against him. On the morning of May 20, 1940, at Gloucester Place in central London a crowded sedan came to a screeching stop. A group of men exited the car in a hurry and rushed into a townhouse subdivided into private residences. The group included Captain Maxwell Knight from the British Security Service, U.S. Embassy Sec... read more
The National Interest3 hours ago
How Winston Churchill Almost Saved Antwerp in World War I*Warfare History Network* *World War I, Europe* Antwerp proved no match for the German Army’s Krupp guns in the autumn of 1914 despite the best efforts of Winston Churchill to bolster the city’s defenses. Joseph Mary Nagle Jefferies, a correspondent for Britain’s *Daily Mail*, was assigned to cover the opening phases of World War I in Belgium in October 1914. One day in early October and decades before Winston Churchill was to become Prime Minister of Great Britain, Jeffries was standing on the Lier Road, not far from the city proper. As the minutes passed, the scene quickly dis... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 23 hours ago
The Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke, "Book of Hours II, 16"
*"Book of Hours II, 16"* "How surely gravity's law, strong as an ocean current, takes hold of even the strongest thing and pulls it toward the heart of the world. Each thing- each stone, blossom, child- is held in place. Only we, in our arrogance, push out beyond what we belong to for some empty freedom. If we surrendered to earth's intelligence we could rise up rooted, like trees. Instead we entangle ourselves in knots of our own making and struggle, lonely and confused. So, like children, we begin again to learn from the things, because they are in God's heart; they have never left h... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 23 hours ago
Paulo Coelho, “Dreams: The 12 Steps”
*“Dreams: The 12 Steps”* by Paulo Coelho "When Joseph Campbell created the expression “follow your blessing,” he was reflecting an idea that seems to be very appropriate right now. In “The Alchemist,” this same idea is called “Personal Legend.” Alan Cohen, a therapist who lives in Hawaii, is also working on this theme. He says that in his lectures he asks those who are dissatisfied with their work and seventy-five percent of the audience raise their hands. Cohen has created a system of twelve steps to help people to rediscover their “blessing” (he is a follower of Campbell): *1. T... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 23 hours ago
"Yes there is a meaning; at least for me, there is one thing that matters- to set a chime of words tinkling in the minds of a few fastidious people." - Logan Pearsall Smith" read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 23 hours ago
The Daily "Near You?"
Munster, Indiana, USA. Thanks for stopping by! read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
Alasdair Macleod: 32,000 Billion Reasons For Gold To Explode! The Global Death of FIAT CurrencyAs Good As Gold Australia In this intriguing interview, Brian and Darryl Panes from As Good As Gold Australia interview Alasdair Macleod, Adviser to AGAGA. The question many are asking at the moment is “Why is gold not going to the moon?” Gold is a hedge against inflation, and we are experiencing inflation, right? The … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
The Cashless Society: ANOTHER War on Privacy — Vaccine Passports to Control What You Buy & Sell
RonPaulLibertyReport **We are sorry that today’s show was cut short. Our Internet connection went down. We think it may be related to the recent storm. We will leave the show up as is. Have a great weekend, and thank you for watching!** Just as “vaccine passports” are meant to control movement, so is a “cashless … read more
Medical Kidnap3 hours ago
U.S. Sovereignty? Largest Naval Base in the U.S. Now Operated by NATO – Norfolk Allied Joint Force Command
US sovereignty is threatened today at multiple levels. In what may be another chapter in the formation of a New World Government, the question remains how NATO asserted its omnipotent authority to establish a new Atlantic Command at the Norfolk Naval Base with the apparent acquiescence of the US military and Congressional leadership. Once the largest naval port in the world, significant questions persist about how the Pentagon allowed this travesty against the Republic to occur with what appears to have been a black-out of national media attention, no Congressional scrutiny and n... read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
Pastor Lindsey Williams: Global Currency Reset Within 90 Days? Dollar Dethrone, New World Reserve Currency Backed by Gold…Pastor Lindsey Williams: Global Currency Reset Within 90 Days? Dollar Dethrone, New World Reserve Currency … by https://www.lindseywilliams.net/ Pastor Lindsey Williams tells us about the greatest event in the financial world in the past 1,000 years is about to take place. Two hundred and four nations have agreed with the IMF (International Monetary Fund) to … read more
Medical Kidnap4 hours ago
Central Bank Digital Currencies – A Future of Surveillance and Control
One of the most potentially far-reaching trends in the financial landscape right now is the imminent roll-out of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), and the parallel attacks which central bankers are waging on private digital currencies and tokens as they tee up the launch of their CBDCs. First some clarifications. While the majority of central bank issued currencies (fiat currencies) in existence around the world are already in digital form, a fiat currency held in digital form is not the same as a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). A CBDC generally refers to electronic ... read more
LaRouchePAC.com - All Posts4 hours ago
Death By Globalization or A Renaissance of Our American System?LaRouchePAC is launching a crucial initiative to free our nation from the destructive policies of globalization and to launch an industrial and scientific renaissance. We are calling on you to circulate and organize around our new resolution "Re-Americanize the U.S. Economy," by reaching out to organizations and constituency leaders, and building the forces to take our economy back. read more
Mining Awareness +4 hours ago
US Congressman Roy on Border Crisis: “At Some Point the State of Texas is Going to Force a Constitutional Showdown”US Congressman Chip Roy speech of September 23 2021. Bitchute Link without Ads: https://www.bitchute.com/video/hOrwPxiMJ4EQ/ He discusses ranchers finding dead migrants … Continue reading → read more
Medical Kidnap4 hours ago
Top Tennis Player Forced to Stop Competing Due to COVID-19 Shot Side Effects – Other Top Tennis Stars Say “No” to Shots
Former 2017 Davis Cup winner tennis player Jeremy Chardy recently announced he could no longer compete in professional tennis this year due to the crippling effects of the Pfizer COVID-19 shot. "Suddenly I cannot train, I cannot play. In my head, it's difficult because I do not know how long it will last. For the moment, my season is stopped and I do not know when I will resume. It's frustrating because I started the year really well, I was playing really well. And then I went to the Games, where I felt great too. And now my season is at a standstill and I do not know when I will ... read more
Komando.com7 hours ago
This tactical wallet and locking case are designed for AirTags – Are they worth it?
News Director Ben reviews the Raptic Tactical Wallet and Link + Lock AirTags case. read more
AltHealthWorks.com4 hours ago
She Puts an Organic Apple and a Conventional Apple in Boiling Water. What Happens Next Just Might Surprise YouIn recent years, many videos have popped up online showing strange coating coming off produce such as apples, with everyone questioning: what is it? While it would be impossible to know what covers specific samples without testing them, there are many coatings that can be found on fruits and vegetables, some are natural, some are man-made and potentially harmful to human health. The man-made coatings are unfortunately becoming more popular, so chances are, if you have never bought a coated vegetable or fruit (even organic!) you might soon. Recently, one woman compared both organ... read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
Love or Hate It, You Have to Respect the Sherman Tank*Warfare History Network* *Sherman Tank, Europe* Sergeant Lafayette Pool wrought havoc on Nazi armor from the commander’s hatch of a Sherman tank. A column of American M-4 Sherman medium tanks moved through Dison, Belgium, in late summer 1944, near the city of Liege. The tankers belonged to Company I, 32nd Armored Regiment of the 3rd Armored Division, known by its moniker “Spearhead.” Leading the column, Staff Sergeant Lafayette Pool acted as platoon leader despite his rank as a non-commissioned officer. It didn’t matter; Pool was trusted, and his leadership made him as good as ... read more
Health Impact News4 hours ago
U.S. Sovereignty? Largest Naval Base in the U.S. Now Operated by NATO – Norfolk Allied Joint Force Command
US sovereignty is threatened today at multiple levels. In what may be another chapter in the formation of a New World Government, the question remains how NATO asserted its omnipotent authority to establish a new Atlantic Command at the Norfolk Naval Base with the apparent acquiescence of the US military and Congressional leadership. Once the largest naval port in the world, significant questions persist about how the Pentagon allowed this travesty against the Republic to occur with what appears to have been a black-out of national media attention, no Congressional scrutiny and n... read more
Not PC4 hours ago
That’s None of Your Business, Actually
*Today's political conflicts are dominated by one unspoken assumption on all sides -- one that that Joakim Book makes plain for us this guest post: Political arguments isn’t truly over specific policy proposals such as vaccine mandates, immigration or foreign policy -- about issues of health or eating habits, about sexuality or workout routines. Those are all downstream from the much bigger, and much deeper question: For what purposes may societies condone the use of violent force? The answer, says Book, is many fewer than most people presently believe. Because most things ar... read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
Erdogan's Post-Coup Purge Has Debilitated the Turkish Air Force*Michael Peck* *Turkish Coup, Middle East* Erdogan's efforts to root out the "deep state" have done serious harm to the Turkish Air Force. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Numerous senior and field-grade officers were purged. More than 300 F-16 pilots were dismissed. Fighter pilots aren't cheap. The U.S. Air Force estimates that training a new pilot to fly a plane like the F-35 costs $11 million. And that doesn't count the priceless experience of a veteran pilot who has been flying for years. That's why the U.S. Air Force is willing to offer half-million-dollar bonuses to ret... read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
Seven Striker-Fired Pistols that Are Worth the Money*Gun News Daily* *Firearms, * These guns are some of the best on the market. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Each of the above striker fired pistols that we have covered are truly excellent choices for self-defense or personal protection, and you can’t go wrong with any of them. If you’re looking for a pistol that you can use for personal protection, self-defense, and concealed carry, you’ve come to the right place. 9mm striker fired pistols as a whole are the simplest and most reliable handguns that you can own, assuming that you’re going to buy from a reputable manufactur... read more
Food Safety News5 hours ago
Cilantro identified as possible source behind mystery Salmonella Oranienburg outbreakA month into an investigation of a Salmonella Oranienburg outbreak investigators have a lead and it’s pointing to cilantro as a possible cause behind the illnesses. As of Sept 21, there were 279 confirmed patients across 29 states, according to the Centers For Disease and Prevention. The agency first identified the outbreak on Sept 2... Continue Reading read more
From the Trenches World Report5 hours ago
No Jail or Public Sex Offender Register for Officer Who Solicited a Child for Sex While On-DutyFree Thought Project – by Matt Agorist Genesee County, MI — Benjamin Reinhart, a disgraced officer with Genesee County received some great news this week.... The post No Jail or Public Sex Offender Register for Officer Who Solicited a Child for Sex While On-Duty appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Health Impact News5 hours ago
Central Bank Digital Currencies – A Future of Surveillance and Control
One of the most potentially far-reaching trends in the financial landscape right now is the imminent roll-out of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs), and the parallel attacks which central bankers are waging on private digital currencies and tokens as they tee up the launch of their CBDCs. First some clarifications. While the majority of central bank issued currencies (fiat currencies) in existence around the world are already in digital form, a fiat currency held in digital form is not the same as a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). A CBDC generally refers to electronic ... read more
From the Trenches World Report5 hours ago
Public Schools, the Fixation of Belief, and Social ControlAcademy of Ideas Dec 27, 2016 The post Public Schools, the Fixation of Belief, and Social Control appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Food Safety News5 hours ago
Consumer finds hard plastic in frozen chicken potstickers; recall initiatedAjinomoto Foods North America Inc. of Hayward, CA, is recalling more than 16 tons of pounds of raw, frozen chicken and vegetable potsticker products that may be contaminated with extraneous materials, specifically clear flexible and hard plastic, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced. “The problem was discovered after the... Continue Reading read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 25 hours ago
Greg Hunter, "Fight for Freedom or It’s Hell on Earth – Gerald Celente"
*"Fight for Freedom or It’s Hell on Earth – Gerald Celente"* by Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com "Gerald Celente, a renowned trends researcher, is back this time to talk about uniting for the fight for freedom. If we don’t, we will all be a “slave on the Slavelandia plantation” or worse. Whether it’s the economic repression or coerced vaccinations, the problem comes from the elite masters and corporations running the world. You are seeing this in the economy that, under the surface, is stalling out. Celente explains, “Drug store chains, grocery chains, stationery chains, hardware chain... read more
Health Impact News5 hours ago
Top Tennis Player Forced to Stop Competing Due to COVID-19 Shot Side Effects – Other Top Tennis Stars Say “No” to Shots
Former 2017 Davis Cup winner tennis player Jeremy Chardy recently announced he could no longer compete in professional tennis this year due to the crippling effects of the Pfizer COVID-19 shot. "Suddenly I cannot train, I cannot play. In my head, it's difficult because I do not know how long it will last. For the moment, my season is stopped and I do not know when I will resume. It's frustrating because I started the year really well, I was playing really well. And then I went to the Games, where I felt great too. And now my season is at a standstill and I do not know when I will ... read more
Food Safety News5 hours ago
Nestle recalls DiGiorno pizza nationwide following consumer complaintNestle USA Inc. of Schaumburg, IL, is recalling almost 14 tons of frozen DiGiorno Crispy Pan Crust pepperoni pizza because of misbranding and undeclared allergens, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced today. The product contains textured soy protein, a known allergen, which is not declared on the product label.... Continue Reading read more
The Rio Times5 hours ago
Ecuador will decorate Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa this MondayRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Peruvian-Spanish Mario Vargas Llosa will be decorated this Monday by the Government of Ecuador to contribute to the dissemination and promotion of literature, informed this Sunday by the Secretariat of Communication. The writer and 2010 Nobel Prize winner will be honored in a ceremony at the Carondelet Palace headed […] The post Ecuador will decorate Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa this Monday appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times6 hours ago
Argentina registers 562 new cases and 14 Covid deaths (September 26)RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Argentina registered Sunday 562 new cases of Covid-19, bringing the total number of positives to 5,250,402, while deaths rose to 114,862 after 14 deaths were reported in the last 24 hours. Compared to the positives this Saturday, the figures marked a decrease when 993 new infections were recorded. Read also: […] The post Argentina registers 562 new cases and 14 Covid deaths (September 26) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
21st Century Wire6 hours ago
Report: Hunter Biden Sought $2M in Libya Deal in 2015
*21WIRE* | It certainly would've been a nice payday for Biden & Sons Inc. read more
Cairns News6 hours ago
Message from Alexander Cooney to all Police Officers in AustraliaSenior Constable Cooney (now resigned) explains, on behalf of gagged NSW Police his open letter we published in November 2020 exposing corona virus deception and fear control expected of police. For the many readers of Cairns News who continue to ask what happen to the whistleblower police officer, you now can watch this video he […] read more
Small Dead Animals7 hours ago
Non-RespondersIs the word, or phrase of the day (help me grammar nazis) after going through some research papers this afternoon. Primary vaccine failure to routine vaccines: Why and what to do? A paper relevant to the one above focusing on cancer patients and covid vaccines. And to round things out a paper on how they… Continue reading → read more
Michael West Media2 days ago
“Voices Of” ignites 30 independent movements across Australia[image: Helen Haines] The "Voices Of" movement is gathering steam as more than 30 independent groups seek to field candidates at the next Federal election. Kim Wingerei reports on the new force for political disruption. read more
Greencrow As The Crow Flies4 hours ago
BREAKING NEWS: Tennis Ace ends season, admits he regrets taking Covid vaccine after feeling ‘violent pain’
*World ranked number 73 Jeremy Chardy* "Jeremy Chardy says he suffered a severe reaction after getting his Covid-19 vaccine: "I cannot practice, I cannot play. I started feeling a big pain on my entire body. I regret getting vaccinated" (Via RMC Sport)" ‘I cannot practice, I cannot play’: Tennis ace ends season, admits he regrets taking Covid vaccine after feeling ‘violent pain’ — RT Sport News "A tennis star has admitted he does not know when he will return to the sport and fears he may have to bring forward his retirement because of health problems he says he has suffered since ta... read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
How the 5th Generation Glock Improved on Perfection*Gun News Daily* *Glock, Americas* Thought the 4th-gen glock was impressive? The 5th gen is even better. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Regardless of what you personally think of the Glock Gen 5, one thing is undeniable: it is the future of Glock, at least for the time being. You may have though that the Glock Generation 4 represented the pinnacle of everything that Glock could do, but the Generation 5 that was released last year shows that Glock still has many tricks left up their sleeve. But really, was the Glock Generation 5 even necessary? Was the Generation 4 really e... read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
Want to Bring Your Gun on an Airplane? Here's How to Do It*Gun News Daily* *Firearms, Americas* If flying with a firearm is necessary, make sure to research guidelines carefully well before the day of your trip. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *If you need to travel with a weapon, don’t become a statistic. It’s not illegal to fly with a firearm, but there are a very specific set of rules and guidelines that need to be followed in order to do so. In 2019, the Transportation Security Administration confiscated more firearms than ever before. 4,432 guns were seized by TSA at 278 airports nationwide. The airport with the most gun confi... read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
Insane: Watch Gulf War Footage of an F-16 Dodging 6 Iraqi Missiles*James Clark* *F-16, Middle East* It's ten minutes of hair-raising combat footage. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The video is dated to January 1991. In ten minutes of hair-raising Gulf War combat footage, a U.S. F-16 pilot doggedly keeps his cool while under enemy fire. A recent Reddit upload shows a U.S. Air Force F-16 pilot going toe to toe with a host of Iraqi missile sites during the Gulf War. The black and white video is shot from the pilot’s flight camera, but it’s the gritty and tense audio that ensures viewers don’t forget that they’re watching actual pilots, in real c... read more
Accidental Deliberations5 hours ago
Sunday Afternoon LinksThis and that for your Sunday reading. - Ian Austen takes Alberta's shame to the international stage by pointing out how the UCP's "best summer ever" has given rise to the fourth wave of COVID-19. Adam Hunter points out how similarly disastrous pandemic mismanagement hasn't yet produced the same political consequences for Scott Moe as for Jason Kenney, while Doug Cuthand calls out Moe for putting politics over public health. And Zak Vescera reports on the Moe government's decision to start withholding modeling information which has demonstrated how reckless it's been. - Meanwhil... read more
The Last Refuge5 hours ago
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison Brags About Human Rights During U.N. Speech, While State Police Violently Beat Citizens in The Streets Protesting to Support Human RightsA remarkable contrast video showing the words Australian Prime Minister delivered during the United Nations General Assembly, while contrasting the brutality that Morrison’s various police units are unleashing in the streets all around Australia. The original version of this video is being throttled by Google [SEE HERE]. However, a Rumble Version has been uploaded. The […] The post Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison Brags About Human Rights During U.N. Speech, While State Police Violently Beat Citizens in The Streets Protesting to Support Human Rights appeared first on The... read more
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