10 pm MDT
The Last Refuge6 hours ago
Arizona Senate Announce Details of Audit Result Hearing – 4pm EST Friday September 24thThe Arizona Senate has announced the formal scheduling details for the upcoming hearing on Maricopa County audit result. The hearing will be live-streamed at 1:00pm local / 4:00pm EST on Friday, September 24th. Details Below: [ Livestream Link Here ] Posted in 1st Amendment, Big Government, Election 2020, Ground Reports, Joe Biden, media bias, President […] The post Arizona Senate Announce Details of Audit Result Hearing – 4pm EST Friday September 24th appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
OYE Alternative News6 hours ago
Pandemic of Propaganda – The Unvaccinated Are NOT Filling Up The Hospitals
The post Pandemic of Propaganda – The Unvaccinated Are NOT Filling Up The Hospitals appeared first on OYE Alternative News. read more
Food & Water Watch6 hours ago
Mark RuffaloActor & environmental advocate read more
Health Impact News6 hours ago
Pulmonary Nurse of 31 Years Testifies How he Unknowingly Killed Patients by Following COVID Protocols
Albert Spence is a pulmonary nurse with 31 years of experience. He recently gave public testimony before the South Carolina State Legislature on "therapeutic options" for COVID-19. Once again, we are finding that nurses who have been working on the frontlines treating COVID-19 patients are the most informed people in the U.S. right now who truly know what is going on in the hospitals, especially when it comes to COVID-19 protocols, and the experimental COVID-19 "vaccines." We absolutely need to be listening to these frontline workers right now instead of the talking head "doctors... read more
The Last Refuge6 hours ago
Corn Pop Slayer’s Forced mRNA Immune Therapy Treatment Creates Drop in Support Among Black Voters, Anticipated White House Response: “They Aint Black”“Take the jab boy,” he says… and then comes the blacklash. The forced mRNA gene therapy, aka “vaccine” mandate, is causing a significant drop in support for Joe Biden amid black populations. However, the White House is likely to deflect the polling outcomes by saying those are not really black people, because if you don’t […] The post Corn Pop Slayer’s Forced mRNA Immune Therapy Treatment Creates Drop in Support Among Black Voters, Anticipated White House Response: “They Aint Black” appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Last Refuge7 hours ago
White House Will Not Say How Many Illegal Haitian Migrants Have Been Deported and How Many Released into U.S.No one from the Biden administration has been willing to give any explanation about the status of the more than 16,000 Haitian migrants who illegally crossed into the U.S. at the Del Rio, Texas, border sector. For two days, Dept of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has refused to say how many have been deported […] The post White House Will Not Say How Many Illegal Haitian Migrants Have Been Deported and How Many Released into U.S. appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education18 hours ago
Research Discovers New Strategy in Boosting Vaccination Rate and Encouraging Mask WearingA new study discovered that instead of targeting anti-vaxxers, it might be wiser to focus on getting individuals who already agree... read more
War News Updates6 hours ago
Widespread Fraud Suspected In Last Week's Parliamentary Elections In Russia*RFE:* *Researcher Says Raw Voting Data Points To Massive Fraud In United Russia's Duma Victory * A Russian researcher known for detailed analyses of past elections says fraud was a major factor in the State Duma election victory of the ruling United Russia party. Sergei Shpilkin, who published his analysis on September 21, two days after the Duma election concluded, said that, without vote manipulation, the Kremlin-backed party would have likely received around 31-33 percent of ballots in the party-list voting -- not the nearly 50 percent reported by the Central Election Co... read more
Snopes.com6 hours ago
Flynn’s ‘Vaccine in Salad Dressing’ Comment Not as Crazy as It SoundsIn this case, the truth may actually be stranger than fiction. read more
The National Interest6 hours ago
The Hawker Siddeley Nimrod was an RAF Cold War Classic*Caleb Larson* *Cold War, Great Britain* The Nimrod was originally built as a civilian airliner but served in multiple roles for the Royal Air Force across a career that spanned decades. *Here's What You Need to Know:* One of the Nimrod’s particularly useful characteristics was the airframe’s large bomb bay that could hold a variety of munitions, including sonobuoys used to detect enemy submarines, a variety of torpedoes and anti-ship missiles, as well as survival packs and inflatable rafts to aid Sailors and Airmen stranded at sea. The airplane originally began life as the world... read more
The National Interest6 hours ago
The Tempest Has One Major Weakness*Mark Episkopos* *Tempest Stealth Fighter, * The Tempest’s project’s preoccupation with unorthodox prototype technologies extends to its weapons loadout. *Here's What You Need to Remember:* Even a stealth fighter can't hide from the price tag. London is doubling down on plans to indigenously produce its upcoming BAE Systems Tempest jet fighter, a next-generation successor to the United Kingdom’s Eurofighter Typhoon fleet. In a March 2021 Command Paper to Parliament, the British Ministry of Defense (MOD) reiterated that the Tempest fighter will be a major procurement priority in... read more
The National Interest6 hours ago
Senior Citizens League Calls for a Fourth Stimulus*Stephen Silver* *Stimulus, * The league calling for the additional check because of the inflation itself, which has made it harder for seniors to afford groceries and other necessary items. The Senior Citizens League is a nonpartisan organization that represents senior citizens and is possibly best known as the organization that releases estimates about the following year’s Social Security cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) will be. Back in July, the Senior Citizens League predicted that, due to inflation, the cost-of-living adjustment in 2022 will be the largest in decades. “Th... read more
The Rio Times6 hours ago
Panama’s financial stability attracts US investorsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In recent days, two U.S. giants have announced significant acquisitions in the Republic of Panama at a crucial time for the country's economy. On September 14, AES Corporation announced a 49.9% stake in AES Colon from Inversiones Bahia, Ltd. of the Motta Group, becoming 100% owner of the liquefied natural […] The post Panama’s financial stability attracts US investors appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times6 hours ago
Brazil’s Vale abandons all mining operations on indigenous landsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Vale mining company has dropped all mining operations on indigenous lands in Brazil, after recognizing that the activity in such regions could only occur with the Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) of the indigenous peoples and a legislation that allows and adequately regulates the activity, the company said in […] The post Brazil’s Vale abandons all mining operations on indigenous lands appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times6 hours ago
Sixty-six percent of Panama’s population has received a dose of Covid vaccineRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Sixty-six percent of Panama's population has received the first dose of the Covid 19 vaccine. This places the country fifth in Latin America with the highest percentage of people vaccinated against the disease, the Ministry of Health (Minsa) announced Monday. Citing data from the online publication Our World in Data, […] The post Sixty-six percent of Panama’s population has received a dose of Covid vaccine appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times6 hours ago
Uruguay denounces “supply deficit” of Covid vaccines before the United NationsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Uruguayan president stressed that it is important "to be clear" about the access issues, as the vaccination process "is essential to regain freedom" for every nation. "There was a race against time to develop vaccines, they were developed at record speed. I don't want to talk about patents or […] The post Uruguay denounces “supply deficit” of Covid vaccines before the United Nations appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Snopes.com6 hours ago
Can You Exchange Used Candles at Bath & Body Works?Such claims have been circulating on the internet since at least 2018. read more
The Rio Times6 hours ago
Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro sets new rules to authorize events in the cityRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In practice, the rules apply to the granting of permits for events in Rio, whenever the City Hall's Scientific Committee approves them - which advises on decision-making in the fight against Covid-19. The events decree was published today in the city's Official Gazette. The Under-Secretariat for the Promotion of Events […] The post Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro sets new rules to authorize events in the city appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Snopes.com6 hours ago
Yes, Rapper Lil Nas X Performed Dolly Parton’s Iconic ‘Jolene’And you can even watch it. read more
The Rio Times7 hours ago
Argentina is the Latin American country with the highest volume of digital assets transactionsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Research by the firm Atlantico stated that during 2020, Argentina was the Latin American country with the highest volume of transactions in digital assets, with a total of US$48 million. Meanwhile, globally, it ranked fourth behind the United States (US$1.52 billion), China (198 million), and India (64 million). Behind Argentina, […] The post Argentina is the Latin American country with the highest volume of digital assets transactions appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
MJBizDaily7 hours ago
OK agricultural groups call for pause in medical marijuana grow licensingA handful of Oklahoma agriculture associations and one law enforcement group sent a letter to the state’s medical marijuana regulators asking for a moratorium on new MMJ cultivation licenses. “On behalf of Oklahoma’s farmers, ranchers and rural citizens, the undersigned organizations write with great concern for the explosive growth in the number of marijuana grow […] OK agricultural groups call for pause in medical marijuana grow licensing is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Snopes.com7 hours ago
Did Winston Churchill Say ‘a Nation That Forgets Its Past Has No Future’?The quote was virally shared in a Facebook meme after Confederate statues were removed following the May 2020 murder of George Floyd. read more
Snopes.com7 hours ago
Met Season to Open with First-Ever Opera by Black ComposerIt will be the first operatic performance in the house since the pandemic shutdown 18 months ago. read more
Israel Palestine News9 hours ago
House Dems remove $1B in extra funding for Israel’s Iron Dome from budget billRepublican Congress members flip out over the removal of an extra $1 billion gift to Israel on a budget bill (that they weren't going to vote for anyway). Activists for justice for Palestinians hail the event as "an unprecedented moment for Palestinian rights." read more
Small Dead Animals7 hours ago
The “Unvaccinated”Grab a beverage. Because of mass vaccination, there is now a large part of the population that exerts increasing S-directed immune selection pressure that provides more infectious variants to gain a strong competitive advantage and reproduce more effectively on a background of highly S-specific neutralizing antibodies. One of the things about Geert Vanden Bossche is… Continue reading → read more
War News Updates7 hours ago
Top U.S. And Russian Generals Meet In FinlandU.S. Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley (left) poses with his Russian counterpart, Valery Gerasimov, during their meeting in Helsinki on September 22. *CNN:* *Top US general meets with his Russian counterpart in Finland* (CNN)Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley met his Russian counterpart for about six hours Wednesday in a "productive" meeting in Helsinki at a time of heightened tensions between the US and Russia. "When military leaders of great powers communicate, the world is a safer place," Milley said after his meeting with Valery ... read more
Collecting My Thoughts7 hours ago
An old, old storySocial media--e-mail and Facebook and Instagram--will never give you joy in memories 80 years later--those pixels will be long gone (unless you've printed them), and the next time I get a new computer, most of what I saved from my sister, cousin, and friends will be gone. But generations before this had the post office. I've seen the letters that my great-grandfather received from his parents in Pennsylvania after he settled in Illinois in 1848. And until recently when I repacked all my old letters, I had a birthday card from my mother written in 1995 that I would re-read. She die... read more
The Last Refuge7 hours ago
Jen Psaki Says UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Did Not Ask For White House Permission Before Talking to Media, That is Why He Was Cut OffThe diplomatic relations between the White House and foreign allies took another hit today The White House spokesperson Jennifer Psaki declared the reason why White House aides interrupted the U.K. Prime Minister yesterday mid-sentence was because Boris Johnson did not ask the White House in advance for permission to speak to the assembled media. This […] The post Jen Psaki Says UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Did Not Ask For White House Permission Before Talking to Media, That is Why He Was Cut Off appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Rio Times7 hours ago
Argentina pays US$1.9 billion to IMF amid political crisisRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - For the first payment, Alberto Fernández's government officially redeemed the US$4.33 billion in Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) issued by the IMF to inject liquidity into the global economy during the Covid-19 pandemic. Some of this money was used to pay off the debt installment, currently being renegotiated. In 2018, still […] The post Argentina pays US$1.9 billion to IMF amid political crisis appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The National Interest7 hours ago
Sorry, Schumer: Senate Parliamentarian Disqualifies Immigration Fixes from Reconciliation Bill*Trevor Filseth* *Immigration, * The parliamentarian's ruling that immigration reform must be left out of the bill represents a major blow to the Biden administration and its allies in the House and Senate, who will now most likely be unable to pass any such legislation due to Republican opposition and the threat of the filibuster. The Senate’s parliamentarian has ruled that the Democrats’ pending $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill cannot include provisions designed to provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and still be considered for reconciliation. The Se... read more
The National Interest7 hours ago
The MiG-25 Remains the Fastest Manned Serially Produced Aircraft *Peter Suciu* *MiG-25, Eurasia* The Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-25, known by NATO as Foxbat, was the last aircraft designed by Mikhail Gurevich before his retirement, and it was developed as a supersonic interceptor and reconnaissance aircraft. In 1982, Hollywood icon Clint Eastwood produced, directed and starred in the film adaptation of the Craig Thomas novel* Firefox*, which told the story of an effort to steal the advanced Soviet MiG-31 fighter aircraft—not to be confused with the real MiG-31 Foxhound. The fictional aircraft as described was capable of reaching speeds of Mach 6 and ... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 28 hours ago
The Daily "Near You?"
Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada. Thanks for stopping by! read more
Virtual Mirage8 hours ago
Late EditionRemember how when a black Capitol Police Lieutenant shot an unarmed white lady, a veteran, in the chest, and killed her, the media cheered? But a Border Patrol agent makes a mean face and rides a horse while apprehending an illegal alien and it’s a human rights violation? Patrolling Afghanistan RAAF Combat […] The post Late Edition appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
War News Updates8 hours ago
Israeli Foreign Minister Holds Crisis Talks With US After $1BN Removed For Israel's Iron Dome From US Spending Bill*Daily Mail*:* Israeli foreign minister holds crisis talks with US after AOC and 'The Squad' force Dems to REMOVE $1BN for Israel's Iron Dome from spending bill: Republicans say hold-up is 'technical' and Dems have 'capitulated to antisemitic influence'* * The stopgap spending bill was supposed to keep the government funded and running through 2022 with a provision to suspend the debt ceiling * The progressive lawmakers took issue with funds for Israel's defense * Republican lawmakers are already lambasting Democrats for the abrupt call * House Democrats are still aiming to... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 28 hours ago
"America’s Evergrande Economy"
*"America’s Evergrande Economy"* By Bill Bonner BALTIMORE, MARYLAND – "Evergrande it ain’t. What we are wondering today is what’s ahead for the U.S. economy – inflation or deflation? Maybe the Evergrande story will give us a clue. To fully understand the Evergrande story, you almost have to understand the whole story…of how, in 1971, the U.S. switched to a “flexible” dollar that it could print at will…and how the switch created a boom in China… and a bust in U.S. manufacturing (it’s easier to “print” money than to make refrigerators). In an honest economy, pre-1971, the U.S. had to... read more
Children's Health Defense8 hours ago
United Airlines Employees Sue Over COVID Vaccine Mandate + MoreThe Defender’s Big Brother NewsWatch brings you the latest headlines related to governments’ abuse of power, including attacks on democracy, civil liberties and use of mass surveillance. The post United Airlines Employees Sue Over COVID Vaccine Mandate + More appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
From the Trenches World Report9 hours ago
The Word From the Trenches – September 22, 2021Join in on the conversation. Call (712) 770-5597 then enter 220029#, press *6 to mute and unmute. (If you are unable to get through call... The post The Word From the Trenches – September 22, 2021 appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Children's Health Defense9 hours ago
Massachusetts Reports 4,568 New Breakthrough Cases for Last Week + MoreThe Defender’s COVID NewsWatch provides a roundup of the latest headlines related to the SARS CoV-2 virus, including its origins and COVID vaccines. The post Massachusetts Reports 4,568 New Breakthrough Cases for Last Week + More appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Children's Health Defense9 hours ago
CHD ‘Community Corner’: Legal Action Updates With Mary Holland“Community Corner,” hosted weekly by Children’s Health Defense, features the latest news from health freedom activists around the world. The post CHD ‘Community Corner’: Legal Action Updates With Mary Holland appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Turcopolier9 hours ago
“… vacuous platitudes …”
“US presidents rarely look to make waves with speeches to the annual United Nations General Assembly, but President Joe Biden’s nearly 40-minute talk Tuesday actually challenged global leaders … to stay awake. The world, Biden lectured, needs to “act together.” This … Continue reading → read more
Food Safety News9 hours ago
Georgetown University reports outbreak among students; source unknownAt least a dozen students at Georgetown University have reported being sick with symptoms that resemble foodborne illness and an official says they may be part of a nationwide outbreak of Salmonella infections. Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Ranit Mishori says the school is working to determine the cause of the illnesses. “At this time... Continue Reading read more
From the Trenches World Report9 hours ago
Grocery gains: Food prices are soaring, with little relief in sightYahoo News Sep. 19—TUPELO — Perusing the meat department at Palmer’s Shoppers Value Foods, Kendall Johnson was looking for deals. He found some, and at... The post Grocery gains: Food prices are soaring, with little relief in sight appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Komando.com12 hours ago
Your iPad just got its biggest upgrade in years – 7 new features try now
Apple just released iPadOS 15 and it comes with cool new features. Here are seven innovations you'll love. read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education19 hours ago
James Kvaal as Under Secretary: What to ExpectAs Under Secretary of Education, James Kvaal will lead the Biden administration’s postsecondary education reforms... read more
Greencrow As The Crow Flies5 hours ago
New Psy-Op Fear Porn Campaign against Internet Free Speech was Launched on the MZM the VERY night of the Federal Fraud Selection 2021 - Plus Selection Post Mortem
*House Hippo - Latest Fear Porn Terror* *TV Propaganda Ad - This time Aimed* *and Free Speech on the Internet* Why an old commercial for a house hippo still fascinates Canadians today (freshdaily.ca) Good morning readers. Just wanted to warn you about *the next Fear Porn Terror the PerpZ will be attacking Humanity with. *They launched this in Canada* on the very night of the Fraudulent Vanguard/Globalist Coup/Selection*. I watched it while enjoying one of my home reno shows and immediately recognized it for what it is. It's Yet Another brainwashing campaign--to divide and conque... read more
Collecting My Thoughts8 hours ago
Perhaps this is a charity that can help save NYCNew York City, spends $28,000 per student -- half-a-million dollars per classroom! Private charities step up to the challenge to send kids to charter schools. John Stossel features Student Sponsor Partners, or SSP, a nonprofit that helps low-income students go to Catholic schools. Not only scholarship money, but mentorship. Jeniffer Gutierrez, a parent in the Bronx, was ecstatic to get SSP's acceptance letter. "I cried so hard when I received that letter because I knew it was an opportunity for my son. ... High schools in the Bronx are violent. There's no discipline. There's no edu... read more
The National Interest8 hours ago
Background Checks for Gun Owners Have Hit 400 Million Since 1998*Stephen Silver* *Guns, * The pandemic, as well as social unrest around the country, are seen as major drivers of gun purchases, especially by new buyers, in the year 2020 and after. Since the FBI began keeping track of background checks for gun buyers in 1998, the number of total checks done has now reached 400 million, the *Washington Examiner* reported earlier this month. About 2.7 million of the checks were performed last month, bringing the total to over 400 million. The National Instant Criminal Background Check System, or NICS, is what is used to conduct the checks. Whil... read more
The National Interest8 hours ago
It’s Official: COVID is Now Deadlier than Spanish Flu (Sort Of)*Trevor Filseth* *Coronavirus, * More than 675,000 Americans have now died of the COVID-19 virus, surpassing the number of deaths in the United States during the 1918 pandemic. In 1918, the world experienced its last major pandemic: the outbreak of the “Spanish flu.” It was the deadliest pandemic in human history in terms of the per-capita mortality rate. As many as 50 million people died during that pandemic—around two percent of the world’s population, and five times more deaths than the entire First World War that had preceded it. By these metrics, the COVID-19 virus, which is... read more
Collecting My Thoughts8 hours ago
Who trusts government when Biden is in charge?I was reading through the comments of yet another expert, Dr. Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist and director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota. Virus Expert Just Issued This "Sobering" Warning (yahoo.com) He is baffled by 2 things--the fast increase in cases among children, and the distrust of the government mandates. I have no idea either why it is increasing among children, but have an opinion on the federal mandates. During the Trump administration, the media and "experts" were insulting and lying about him, and his supp... read more
Halifax Examiner9 hours ago
19 new cases of COVID-19 announced in Nova Scotia on Wednesday, September 22Jump to sections in this article: Overview Vaccination Demographics Testing Potential exposure advisories Nova Scotia has announced 19 new cases of COVID-19 today (Wednesday, September 22). Of the new cases: • 14 are in Nova Scotia Health’s Central Zone — 5 close contacts, 9 under investigation • 2 are in the Northern Zone — both close […] read more
War News Updates9 hours ago
Ukrainian President's Key Aide Targeted In Assassination AttemptSerhiy Shefir at the inauguration of Volodymyr Zelenskiy in Kyiv in 2019. Photograph: Valentyn Ogirenko/Reuters Shots were fired at a car carrying Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy's principal aide in what a senior official called an assassination attempt https://t.co/dfLTrhrG3w pic.twitter.com/6fbg5CN9nm — Reuters (@Reuters) September 22, 2021 *The Guardian: **Top aide to Ukrainian president survives assassination attempt* *At least 10 bullets hit car carrying Serhiy Shefir with driver in surgery after being struck three times * A top adviser to the Ukrainian president, V... read more
The Last Refuge9 hours ago
Melbourne Australia Police and Riot Squads Fire Upon Peaceful Protestors While Media Frame COVID Anti-Lockdown Protests as Domestic ExtremistsOn day three of the Melbourne labor union protests against the brutal COVID lock-downs and forced mRNA genetic experiments, the Victorian government decided to open fire upon the peaceful protestors. The police triggered a ‘no-fly zone’ in the Melbourne metropolitan area to stop media from using their helicopters to record the protests and violent police […] The post Melbourne Australia Police and Riot Squads Fire Upon Peaceful Protestors While Media Frame COVID Anti-Lockdown Protests as Domestic Extremists appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
All That Is Solid ...9 hours ago
A Tale of Two PodcastsAs readers know, the book is here and I've done a little bit of left media to push it. For your entertainment, here are the two shows I spoke to last week. In order of appearance, here's the conversation I had with Grace Blakeley at *A World to Win*. And here I am chatting with Phil Dore from *Unfashionably Internationalist*. Give them a listen while I spend my everning writing a module handbook! read more
The National Interest9 hours ago
Air Force Secretary Makes Clear China Is the Biggest Threat to America*Mark Episkopos* *Air Force, Americas* Kendall proposed sweeping investments in a wide array of new technologies, including the upcoming B-21 Raider strategic bomber, that will help the U.S. military prevail in a great-power conflict. An overriding sense of urgency pervaded Secretary of the Air Force Frank Kendall’s twenty-five-minute address to the Air Force Association Air, Space and Cyber Conference in National Harbor, Maryland. “While America is still the dominant military power on the planet today, we are being more effectively challenged militarily than at any—any—other ti... read more
The National Interest9 hours ago
Does Giving Australia Submarines that Use Highly Enriched Uranium Fuel Risk Proliferating Nuclear Weapons?*Sebastien Roblin* *Nuclear Proliferation, * Does the sale of nuclear-propulsion technology to Australia opens a Pandora’s box with far-reaching consequences? When the leaders of Australia, the United Kingdom, and the United States announced a new pact last week called AUKUS that would seek to transfer nuclear-powered submarine technology to Australia, it triggered a political firestorm with France, which only then learned Australia was withdrawing from a deal with French shipbuilder Naval Group worth tens of billions of dollars to build twelve diesel-electric submarines. But AU... read more
The National Interest9 hours ago
The Submarine Row Marks the Dawn of the Franco-British Rivalry*Ali Demirdas* *British-French Relations, Europe* Europe is increasingly resembling what it was before 1939. Whether AUKUS is going to trigger a wider conflict in Eurasia has yet to be seen. “It’s a stab in the back. We had established a trusting relationship with Australia, and this trust was betrayed,” French Foreign Affairs Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said upon the abrupt cancellation of the $66 billion submarine deal with Australia. Furious, Paris reciprocated by recalling its ambassadors from Canberra and Washington—a first in the history of the long alliance between France ... read more
Snopes.com9 hours ago
Did Kamala Harris Honor McCain’s Captors at Monument in Vietnam?The vice president allegedly dishonored McCain by laying a wreath at the monument, instead of honoring him. read more
Snopes.com9 hours ago
Did Bus Driver Shortage Force Mass. Gov. to Deploy National Guard?A lack of workers willing to shuttle K-12 students to and from school is impacting school districts nationwide. read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education10 hours ago
Washington University Names New Dean to Lead University College, Strengthen Continuing Education... read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education10 hours ago
UIC Awarded $5 Million for Latinx Humanity Scholar Program... read more
Lawfare13 hours ago
What’s Working and What Isn’t in Researching Influence Operations?All Eye Overlord by Aswin Behera. (Source: Cyber Visuals) The world first learned about Russian attempts to manipulate the information environment in 2013. Staff hired by the Internet Research Agency (IRA) posed as Americans online posting divisive comments to social media. Continued activities during the 2016 U.S. presidential election put influence operations on center stage globally. It’s been eight years since the initial IRA operation, but how far has the field working to understand and counter influence operations come in that time? The field has certainly grown apace produc... read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education20 hours ago
Duke Honors One Of Its 'First Five' Black Undergraduates By Renaming Sociology-Psychology Building... read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education20 hours ago
How Higher Ed Can Support Diverse Students and Their Rural CommunitiesPart of growing up rural in this country involves internalizing messages about living in sparse country, living in the middle... read more
No More Mister Nice Blog9 hours ago
YES, LET'S LET REPUBLICANS CHOOSE OUR HEROES AS WELL AS THEIR OWNThe new Bret Stephens column begins: Ritchie Torres, a congressman from America’s poorest district — New York’s 15th, in the Bronx — quietly bristles at the A.O.C. comparison. “There’s a sense in which the media narrative diminishes me,” he tells me over plates of pasta at a restaurant in the Bronx’s Little Italy when I raise the subject of his notorious fellow Democrat from an adjoining district, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. “I resist the temptation to fit into a preconceived narrative. My career in politics long predates the Squad.” Torres is too polite to say, *And you're the embod... read more
The Rio Times9 hours ago
The 10 most promising startups in Brazil, according to LinkedInRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The social network of professional connections LinkedIn announces this Wednesday, 22, the list of Top Startups 2021, a publication that brings the top 10 small companies in Brazil that stood out for their growth, commitment, and talent attraction. According to LinkedIn, the covid-19 pandemic has transformed the business model of […] The post The 10 most promising startups in Brazil, according to LinkedIn appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times9 hours ago
JPMorgan faces investigation into bribery in Brazil’s oil sectorRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazilian authorities are investigating whether JPMorgan Chase & Co had a hand in an alleged kickback and money laundering scheme dating back to 2011 involving state oil company Petrobras, according to documents reviewed by Reuters and two sources with knowledge of the matter. So far, police have focused their attention […] The post JPMorgan faces investigation into bribery in Brazil’s oil sector appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Children's Health Defense9 hours ago
30,000+ Women in UK Report Menstrual Problems After COVID Shots, But Menstrual Issues Not Listed as Side Effect“If we were to follow the scientific method, as it was taught in textbooks ... we would immediately see this observation of menstrual cycle changes in tens of thousands of women as a signal, for which necessary questions would need to be asked,” Dr. Lawrence Palevsky told The Defender. The post 30,000+ Women in UK Report Menstrual Problems After COVID Shots, But Menstrual Issues Not Listed as Side Effect appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
The Rio Times9 hours ago
Commodities cycle already causes more problems than benefits to Brazil, despite being an agro powerhouseRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The rise in raw material prices in the international market throughout this year, driven by the economic recovery worldwide and the shortage of primary products, benefits Brazil's exports in a period of tough recovery in the country. However, the domestic context of instability makes this scenario, which had everything to […] The post Commodities cycle already causes more problems than benefits to Brazil, despite being an agro powerhouse appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Children's Health Defense9 hours ago
Biden’s Vaccine Mandate — Who’s Fighting Back, and How?Backlash against Biden’s sweeping COVID vaccine mandate has been swift, and experts say the mandate is unlikely to hold up in court. The post Biden’s Vaccine Mandate — Who’s Fighting Back, and How? appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Children's Health Defense10 hours ago
Obesity in U.S. Children Increased at Unprecedented Rate During PandemicAccording to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, among a cohort of 432,302 people between the ages of 2 and 19 years old, children 6 to 11 showed the greatest increases in body mass index during the pandemic. The post Obesity in U.S. Children Increased at Unprecedented Rate During Pandemic appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
the daily howler10 hours ago
Did Pence call Quayle, or did Quayle call Pence?*WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 22, 2021* *As performed on Morning Joe:* Yesterday morning, we made a point of watching Morning Joe. Woodward and Costa were going to be there to discuss their under-sourced new book. Seven minutes into the segment, Woodward mentioned former Vice President Pence. Was he perhaps a bit too kind in what he said about Pence? WOODWARD (9/21/21): [As January 6 approaches], *Pence is really working hard to see if he can do something to stay on the good side of Trump.* At the same time, as Bob [Costa] pointed out, amidst Dan Quayle, who calls him and reads him the ... read more
Snopes.com10 hours ago
Trump Sues Niece, NY Times over Records Behind ’18 Tax StoryTrump’s lawsuit accuses Mary Trump of breaching a settlement agreement by disclosing tax records she received in a dispute over family patriarch Fred Trump’s estate. read more
Children's Health Defense10 hours ago
Bayer Forced to Change Roundup Label, Pay $39.5 Million for Misleading AdvertisingBayer, which acquired Monsanto in 2018, agreed to settle the case of Lisa Jones et al. v. Monsanto Company for $39.5 million, and will make changes to the Roundup product label. The post Bayer Forced to Change Roundup Label, Pay $39.5 Million for Misleading Advertising appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
naked capitalism10 hours ago
2:00PM Water Cooler 9/22/2021By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Patient readers, more soon in the overly dynamic Health arena. –lambert Bird Song of the Day Amazing jungle chorus! “[L]ow frequency explosive single note in minutes: 2.36, 2.43, 2.51, 2.54 (soft), 2.59 (soft), 3.06 (soft) 3.12. 3.18 3.24 (muy tenue) 3.28.” * * * * * * Readers, feel free […] read more
War News Updates10 hours ago
President Biden Holds First Call With French President Macron To Heal Rift Over Nuclear Submarine Deal With Australia*CNN:* *Biden holds first call with French President Macron since diplomatic crisis erupted* (CNN)President Joe Biden spoke for the first time Wednesday with French President Emmanuel Macron after a major diplomatic crisis exploded between the two longtime allies over a deal to equip Australia with nuclear-powered submarines. In the call, Biden appeared to acknowledge missteps in how the United States approached the talks. A joint statement between the United States and France afterward said Macron and Biden "agreed that the situation would have benefited from open consulta... read more
Small Dead Animals10 hours ago
Safe And Effective ®@Andrew Bostom, MD, MS: “Landmark” NEJM study affirming C19 vax safety in pregnancy admits major analysis flaw “No denominator was available to calculate a risk estimate for spontaneous abortions, because at the time of this report, follow-up through 20 weeks was not yet available for 905 of the 1224 participants vaccinated within 30 days before… Continue reading → read more
From the Trenches World Report10 hours ago
1 Teen Killed, 2 Wounded In Kentucky Bus Stop Shooting; Suspect Still At LargeZero Hedge – by Tyler Durden Three teens were shot and one was killed while waiting for the school bus in Louisville, Kentucky early Wednesday,... The post 1 Teen Killed, 2 Wounded In Kentucky Bus Stop Shooting; Suspect Still At Large appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Small Dead Animals10 hours ago
Wooing the Never-ConservativesI’ve cut this one in half an queued it up to the meat of the analysis. When you do worse than Andrew Scheer in Toronto… read more
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