10 pm MDT
War News Updates2 minutes ago
Chaotic Scene In Oval Office When UK PM Boris Johnson Takes Questions While President Biden’s Handlers Shout Down US ReportersNOW: Pres. Biden participates in a bilateral meeting with British Prime Minister Boris Johnson. https://t.co/H9n7JJUntx pic.twitter.com/MSV8xaTpJA — CBS News (@CBSNews) September 21, 2021 *WNU Editor: *After the introductions were made and a few scripted remarks read out .... it the got crazy (see below). The White House Press Corp have issued a complaint that it is inappropriate for the British press be permitted to ask questions to the British PM, but US reporters were not allowed to ask questions to President Biden. Here is an easy prediction. The /White House is going to ignor... read more
The National Interest39 minutes ago
It's Too Late: China Has Already Won the South China Sea*James Holmes* *South China Sea, Asia-Pacific* A 2016 ruling over sovereignty in the South China Sea is unlikely to keep Beijing from asserting itself in the region. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Short of UN action, seafaring powers will have to band together to oppose Chinese overreach. Weeping, gnashing of teeth and *rending of garments!* Those were sounds emanating from Beijing following the July 2016 ruling from the *International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea*. International law has a way of accommodating realities of power—of deferring to the strong. Kudos go to the ju... read more
The National Interest39 minutes ago
Is Kalashnikov's New Modular Pistol to Finally Replace the Iconic Makarov?*Mark Episkopos* *Kalashnikov Modular Pistol, Eurasia* The new Lebedev modular pistol has passed state trials and is on the verge of entering service. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The Lebedev pistol entered development in 2017, followed by an extensive trial period that has now been completed with positive results. Provided its continued success in the National Guard, Kalashnikov is charting long-term plans to deliver the Lebedev pistol to other Russian law enforcement agencies and service branches. Kalashnikov Group—and, with it, Russia’s National Guard—is betting big on ... read more
Accidental Deliberations55 minutes ago
Tuesday Night Cat Blogging
Alert cats. read more
War News Updates1 hour ago
She Has Absolutely No ShamePsaki invokes Biden's dead son & daughter as proof he emphasizes w/the families of the Afghans that the U.S. government accidentally droned to death: "As a human being, as a President,. as somebody who has overseen loss...as a leader & personally, his reaction is it's a tragedy" pic.twitter.com/Co3N32s0yY — Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) September 20, 2021 *PJ Media: **Psaki Invokes Biden's 'Personal' Losses After Botched Airstrike Killed Seven Kids* Joe Biden was widely criticized for his repeatedly invoking his late son Beau in the aftermath of the Kabul airport bombing that resul... read more
What is sharia? | The EconomistWhat is sharia? | The Economist https://www.economist.com/the-economist-explains/2021/09/08/what-is-sharia-law?utm_campaign=editorial-social&utm_medium=social-organic&utm_source=facebook&fbclid=IwAR1nRbdGlEDfgiTyWq6jqhnIW7YmPYRRUWE5Y0ZB4az2Uh0R6sVzhNaJXDE read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
Control the Skies: How China Dominates the East China Sea*James Holmes* *China, Asia-Pacific* The Chinese strategy for the East China Sea is not the same as in the South China Sea because of geographical differences. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The East China Sea is simply a less hospitable theater for Chinese strategy compared to the South China Sea. The South China Sea is a long, distended body of water dotted with islands, atolls and reefs. *Chinese maritime strategy* is a misnomer, methinks. It should be *strategies*, plural. China may harbor the same goals in, say, the East China Sea that it does in the South China Sea. Namel... read more
The Last Refuge1 hour ago
New Zealand Police Arrest Three Citizens Attempting to Cross Into Auckland Level 4 Lockdown Zone With Kentucky Fried ChickenThe New Zealand Ministry of COVID compliance has been attempting to stop COVID-19 for almost two years. On August 17th, the extreme far-left New Zealand Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, announced a “level four” emergency shutdown. Auckland New Zealand was placed in a level-4 lockdown, meaning all restaurants are shut down even for takeout, and people […] The post New Zealand Police Arrest Three Citizens Attempting to Cross Into Auckland Level 4 Lockdown Zone With Kentucky Fried Chicken appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Assyrian International News Agency1 hour ago
Syriac Catholic Bishops Cite Challenges Christians Face in Middle EastSyriac Catholic bishops from around the world gathered for their synod Sept. 12-19, 2021, with Syriac Catholic Patriarch Ignace Joseph III Younan presiding at the patriarchal Monastery of Our Lady of Deliverance near Harissa, Our Lady of Lebanon near Beirut. read more
Social physics: Are we at a tipping point in world history? – Big ThinkSocial physics: Are we at a tipping point in world history? – Big Think https://bigthink.com/the-past/tipping-point-history-social-physics/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook#Echobox=1632264636 read more
War News Updates1 hour ago
Historian And Documentary Filmmaker Ken Burns Says Current Times ‘Equal’ To Civil War, Depression And World War IIThe SUN *Mediaite*:* Ken Burns Says Current Times ‘Equal’ to Civil War, Depression and World War II: ‘It’s Really Serious’* Historian and documentary filmmaker Ken Burns said that the present day is one of the worst times in American history. Burns made the remark while on the “SmartLess” podcast, hosted by Will Arnett, Jason Bateman, and Sean Hayes, comparing current events with the Civil War, the Depression, and World War II. “It’s really serious. There are three great crises before this: the Civil War, the Depression, and World War II. This is equal to it,” he said on Mon... read more
bilaterals.org1 hour ago
China wants to join the trade pact once designed to counter it22-Sep-2021 CPTPP members will have a robust discussion on China's application. It's hard to argue that Beijing's trade regime will be in line anytime soon with CPTPP disciplines on state-owned enterprises, labor, digital trade, and intellectual property protection, among other concerns. read more
Caitlin Johnstone1 hour ago
We Won’t Be Free Until Our Minds Are FreeListen to a reading of this article: ❖ There’s a quote from an ancient Buddhist text called the Dhammapada that’s often translated as, “We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world.” In other words […] read more
Robert Reich1 hour ago
Why Are House Democrats So Reluctant to Tax Wealth?I have to get...*Why Are House Democrats So Reluctant to Tax Wealth?* I have to get this off my chest. Last week, the House Ways and Means Committee released its proposed tax increases to fund President Biden’s $3.5 trillion social policy plan. Here’s the big thing that hit me: Democrats didn’t go after the huge accumulations of wealth at the top – representing the largest share of the economy in more than a century. You might have thought they’d be eager to tax America’s 660 billionaires whose fortunes have increased $1.8 trillion since the start of the pandemic – an amount that could fund half ... read more
The Rio Times1 hour ago
Is an undeclared war between the state and drug cartels taking place in Ecuador?RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Even though Guayaquil is part of a security plan, the wave of violence that manifests itself in sicario-like killings continues to grow. Security experts believe that in addition to turf wars between local gangs linked to Mexican drug cartels, the relentless crime and increased drug trafficking are also a sign […] The post Is an undeclared war between the state and drug cartels taking place in Ecuador? appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Real Climate Science2 hours ago
Tropics Destroyed By Climate Change In The Year 2020“Climate Catastrophe Will Hit Tropics Around 2020 climate-change deniers will have no professional credibility in attacking this study” Climate Catastrophe Will Hit Tropics Around 2020, Rest Of World Around 2047, Study Says | HuffPost And the Maldives drowned three years … Continue reading → read more
The Rio Times2 hours ago
Peru’s opposition rejects Peru Libre’s bill to control and censor media contentRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The parliamentary group of the opposition party Avanza País has stated that it "will not support any bill that seeks to censor or control media," rejecting Perú Libre's proposal to control media content in "emergencies." "The parliamentary group Avanza País categorically rejects the bill presented by Peru Libre, which seeks […] The post Peru’s opposition rejects Peru Libre’s bill to control and censor media content appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Real Climate Science3 hours ago
Six Months In Jail For Delivering KFCFifteen months ago New Zealand announced they had eliminated COVID-19. How did New Zealand become Covid-19 free? – BBC News Now people get six months in jail for delivering KFC. New Zealand Covid: Men caught smuggling KFC into lockdown-hit … Continue reading → read more
Small Dead Animals3 hours ago
The Colonel Goes Tony SopranoMen caught smuggling KFC into lockdown-hit Auckland The pair’s risky late night food run means they now face heavy punishments under New Zealand’s tough anti-Covid laws. Fines can reach up to NZ$4,000 and some offenders can even face prison sentences of up to six months. The men are not the first New Zealanders whose fast-food… Continue reading → read more
Komando.com4 hours ago
Got a text about your 3rd vaccine dose? It’s a front for spreading malware
Don't fall for this COVID vaccine scam. Criminals are sending text messages about booster shots hoping to infect your device with malware. read more
War News Updates1 hour ago
More Details Emerge On Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley Talks With China Behind Then-President Donald Trump's Back*Daily Mail: **Peril author Bob Woodward reveals Gen. Milley briefed top brass about China call and ordered Pacific region admiral to CANCEL operations that could be seen as 'provocative': Trump allies say he undermined President's orders* * Bob Woodward said Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley briefed four entities on his backchannel calls with China behind President Trump's back * 'There's nothing hidden about this,' Woodward assured * When asked if he knew he was reporting on 'treasonous behavior' by Milley in his new book, he replied: 'No, not at all' * ... read more
bilaterals.org1 hour ago
Senate approves draft laws on RCEP, bilateral FTA with China22-Sep-2021 The senate on September 20 unanimously passed (38-0) two draft laws authorising the ratification of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement and the bilateral Cambodia-China Free Trade Agreement (CCFTA). read more
Wrangel Island research team counted a record number of Chukchi Sea polar bears in 2020
Originally posted on polarbearscience: Many Chukchi Sea polar bears spend the summer on Wrangel Island and a survey there conducted by Russian researchers in 2020 reportedly collected data on a record 747 bears, well up from the 589 reportedly counted in 2017 by the same team (photo below is from 2015). Note the latest survey… read more
The National Interest2 hours ago
Strategy Isn't Just History and Policy; It's Salesmanship and Branding*James Holmes* *Military Strategy, United States* Having good ideas is one thing, but selling those ideas to the right people is what matters. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Strategic branding is about conveying ideas persuasively. So be choosy when sifting through history to help sell your ideas, and connect yourself with proven winners. “Branding,” or labeling, people, ideas, and things is a competitive sport in Washington, DC, and America has a president who delights in it. For two Harvard Business School professors branding means learning to “strategically craft powerful, r... read more
The National Interest2 hours ago
Meet the HMS Rodney Battleship That Took out the Bismarck*Peter Suciu* *HMS Rodney, * When the Bismark was built it was considered one of the most advanced warships in the world. *Here's what you need to remember:* On May 27, *Rodney* along with *King George V* took part in a naval duel against the German battleship, destroying *Bismarck*'s guns. *Rodney *then closed to point-blank range and continued to engage. Eventually and in combination with torpedo attacks, *Bismarck *was crippled, which was soon after scuttled by her crew. HMS *Hood *was avenged and it was a gallant end to the German warship. When she was commissioned in Augus... read more
The Decarie Report2 hours ago
game overToo late. This was probably our last chance. The election may well have been our last chance. And we blew it. Our elections have been fake from the start with the appearance of news media in the late 19th century. From the start, the owners of newspapers used their papers to lie. One of the pioneers of news lying was an American publisher called Kane. (There's an excellent movie about him and his lying. The movie is Citizen Kane.) Our newspapers, all of them, have always lied. Yes. Every damn one.The same is true of most radio and TV stations. So it was that it was impossible for Ca... read more
The National Interest2 hours ago
Reboot for Balance: How to Save the Royal Navy*James Holmes* *Queen Elizabeth-class, Europe* Britain's proud naval tradition is not coming to an end, but it needs to rethink how it allocates its resources. *Here's What You Need to Know:* Direct or indirect, British help with managing high-seas affairs would prove invaluable to the common cause. True to the fleet-unit approach, the Royal Navy should shape naval forces that are as interoperable with their U.S. Navy counterparts as possible. Talk about role reversal. A long century ago, starting in 1909, Great Britain entreated its Pacific dominions—Canada, New Zealand, Austral... read more
The National Interest2 hours ago
British Type 45 Destroyers are Getting an Epic Missile Upgrade*Mark Episkopos* *Type 45 Destroyers, Europe* The Common Anti-Air Modular Missile (CAMM) program is a family of next-generation surface-to-air missiles developed by British defense manufacturer MBDA UK. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *According to the Defence Ministry statement, these modifications will boost the vessels’ total munitions capacity to an impressive seventy-two anti-air missiles. The first destroyer will be fully equipped with the CAMM system by the Summer of 2026. Britain’s Type 45 destroyers will receive a new missile system as part of a larger weapons overha... read more
The National Interest2 hours ago
The Chinese Navy Doesn't Intend to Repeat Its History*James Holmes* *China, Asia-Pacific* A Chinese fleet was once defeated by a patchwork Japanese force. Beijing won't let it happen again. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Losing to imperial navies such Great Britain’s Royal Navy, as imperial China did time after time during the 19th century, was bad enough. Losing to upstart Japan—a lesser Asian competitor that had secluded itself from the region and the world for a quarter-millennium, emerging only in the 1860s—was worse in Chinese eyes. The Pentagon proclaims that an age of long-term strategic competition among great powers ... read more
How Do We Know Humans Cause Climate Change?

Originally posted on Science Matters: Peter J. Wallison and Benjamin Zycher examine the evidence in their Law & Liberty article What We Really Know About Climate Change. Excerpts in italics with my bolds and added images. The assumption that humans are the single most significant cause of climate change is unsupported by the available science.… read more
Arctic Sea Ice Recovers Strongly In 2021
Originally posted on NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT: By Paul Homewood ? ? https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2012/sep/17/arctic-collapse-sea-ice For years we were assured that the summer sea ice in the Arctic would be long gone by now. After all, even that expert Al Gore pronounced in 2009 that it would have all melted away within four years,… read more
BBC: Climate reporting reaches melting point
Originally posted on Tallbloke's Talkshop: Antarctica More meltdown than melting. The author reckons ‘Tackling global warming will be the central project of the 21st Century’, but the NSIDC graphic below doesn’t suggest anything alarming. No doubt the BBC will be offsetting all those supposedly wicked ‘carbon emissions’ from flying a reporter round the world.… read more
The Rio Times3 hours ago
Brazil records 11,455 new cases and 485 Covid deaths (September 21)RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil on Tuesday reported 485 new deaths from Covid-19, bringing the total number of fatalities from the disease in the country to 591,440, the Health Ministry said. The folder also reported that the total number of cases was revised downwards by 573, adding up to 21,247,094. The federal government still […] The post Brazil records 11,455 new cases and 485 Covid deaths (September 21) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Covert Geopolitics3 hours ago
FDA Allows Whistleblower Testimony that COVID-19 Vaccines Are Killing and Harming People!The FDA held a Vaccine Advisory Committee meeting yesterday (September 17, 2021) to discuss authorizing a third Pfizer COVID-19 “booster shot.” There were signs heading into the meeting this week that there could be some fireworks at this hearing, as two top vaccine research scientists at the FDA, Dr. Marion Gruber and Dr. Phillip Kause, … Continue reading FDA Allows Whistleblower Testimony that COVID-19 Vaccines Are Killing and Harming People! → read more
The Last Refuge3 hours ago
UPDATE, Livestream Links Added – Melbourne, Australia, COVID Compliance Minister Daniel Andrews Vows To Squash The Trade Union Rebellion and Puts More Armed Police in Place For Day Three ConfrontationIt started with a few hundred on Day One. Then Grew to several thousand on Day Two. In preparation for Day Three of the trade union revolt, Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews promises to punish the protestors and orders thousands more riot police into the city of Melbourne to crush the rebellion. Victorians will take their […] The post UPDATE, Livestream Links Added – Melbourne, Australia, COVID Compliance Minister Daniel Andrews Vows To Squash The Trade Union Rebellion and Puts More Armed Police in Place For Day Three Confrontation appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Duck of Minerva3 hours ago
Test PostIs my theory correct read more
The Rio Times3 hours ago
Whistleblower goes public, says U.S. Federal Gov’t hiding Covid vaccine side effects data -secret recordingsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Project Veritas released on September 20 what they call “the first video of its Covid vaccine investigative series” featuring an interview with the U.S. Health and Human Services [HHS] employee, Jodi O’Malley, who works as a registered nurse at the Phoenix Indian Medical Center for the U.S. Health and Human […] The post Whistleblower goes public, says U.S. Federal Gov’t hiding Covid vaccine side effects data -secret recordings appeared first on The Rio Times . read more
Michael West Media4 hours ago
Uppercut: KPMG cheating scandal mirrors Big Four rot, business leadership[image: KPMG cheating, Big Four, audit standards] Revelations of rampant cheating at KPMG echo the broader decay in culture at the top of business in Australia; at the Big Four firms which advise both our largest corporations and government, indeed the firms to which government itself is being outsourced. Michael West speaks with Jeffrey Knapp. read more
AltHealthWorks.com6 hours ago
Nearly Nine in Ten U.S. Adults Do Not Have a Healthy Metabolism, Study Finds
CHAPEL HILL, NC — A shockingly low 12 percent of American adults are metabolically health according to a new study from the University of North Carolina, a problem that is causing serious problems for public health, the university’s website said. In total only 1 in 8 Americans are achieving optimal metabolic health, which UNC researchers called “alarmingly low.” Those who suffer from poor metabolic health are at risk for developing Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other serious issues, they said. “The study fills a gap,” said Joana Araujo, a postdoctoral research associ... read more
Small Dead Animals6 hours ago
And Now Your Evening SmileA little bit of good news came out of the fake election. Three cabinet lapdogs will not be getting a pension. Bad news is they will probably get diplomatic posts. Meanwhile: Canadian universities continue to erase any traces of white men. read more
War News Updates4 hours ago
Taliban Wants To Address The UN General Assembly
Taliban had nominated their Doha-based spokesman Suhail Shaheen as Afghanistan's permanent representative to the UN.PHOTO: REUTERS *Reuters: **EXCLUSIVE-Taliban names Afghan U.N. envoy, asks to speak to world leaders* UNITED NATIONS, Sept 21 (Reuters) - The Taliban have asked to address world leaders at the United Nations in New York this week and nominated their Doha-based spokesman Suhail Shaheen as Afghanistan's U.N. ambassador, according to a letter seen by Reuters on Tuesday. Taliban Foreign Minister Amir Khan Muttaqi made the request in a letter to U.N. Secretary-General ... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 24 hours ago
"Chaos And Panic At Chinese Stocks As Markets Finally Freak Out About Evergrande Default Contagion"*Full screen recommended.* *"Chaos And Panic At Chinese Stocks As Markets * *Finally Freak Out About Evergrande Default Contagion"* by Epic Economist *"It has begun: The greatest financial meltdown in history is now underway.* The collapse of one of China's biggest property developers, Evergrande, has triggered a stock market crash in Hong Kong and it is still threatening to spark a major default crisis that can derail the Chinese economy and spill over global markets, creating a cascade of systemic failures that will result in nothing less than a financial disaster of epic proportio... read more
Welcome Back to Pottersville4 hours ago
The Judas DoorIn the nearly six decades since his death in 1963, President John F. Kennedy had been the subject of many stories, many of them detailing his immense humanity. One of them was an anecdote told by a former Secret Service agent who was part of the 35th president's security detail. On a bitter cold winter night, President Kennedy was working late in the Oval Office when he'd noticed the lonely Secret Service agent posted outside the only door in the Oval Office leading outside. So Kennedy got up, opened the door and asked the agent if he wanted to come in where it was war... read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
DR Congo President asks for materialization of ‘all the promises made to Africa’The President of Democratic Republic of Congo, Félix-Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo, asked for United Nations Member States to “materialize all the promises made to Africa in compensation for the sacrifices agreed to protect humanity against global warming.” Read the full story, “DR Congo President asks for materialization of ‘all the promises made to Africa’”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
World’s two largest economies commit to climate action – GuterresUN Secretary-General António Guterres on Tuesday welcomed important commitments made towards climate action by the world’s two largest economies, as the 76th High Level Debate began in New York. Read the full story, “World’s two largest economies commit to climate action – Guterres”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
Afghanistan: ‘Palpable’ fear of ‘brutal and systemic repression’ of women growsSince the Taliban seized power in Afghanistan last month, they have made some commitments to uphold human rights. However, their subsequent actions have “sadly contradicted” those promises, the UN rights chief told a side event of the General Assembly on Tuesday. Read the full story, “Afghanistan: ‘Palpable’ fear of ‘brutal and systemic repression’ of women grows”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
COVID ‘Shot for All’, not a luxury, but development priority: UNDPTop politicians joined award-winning African performers and others on Tuesday, in New York, to take part in a special event organized by the UN Development Programme (UNDP), to discuss how COVID-19 vaccines can be fairly distributed worldwide, as a key priority for development. Read the full story, “COVID ‘Shot for All’, not a luxury, but development priority: UNDP”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines4 hours ago
UN agencies shocked by deaths near Belarus-Poland borderThe UN refugee agency, UNHCR, and migration agency IOM, called on Tuesday for an immediate investigation into the deaths of four people near the border between Poland and Belarus, due to causes yet to be determined. Read the full story, “UN agencies shocked by deaths near Belarus-Poland border”, on globalissues.org → read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 24 hours ago
Gerald Celente, "Trends Journal: We're Losing Our Patience"*Full screen recommended.* *STRONG Language Alert!* *Gerald Celente,* *"Trends Journal: We're Losing Our Patience"* "The Trends Journal is a weekly magazine analyzing global current events forming future trends. Our mission is to present Facts and Truth over fear and propaganda to help subscribers prepare for What’s Next in these increasingly turbulent times." - https://trendsresearch.com/ read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 24 hours ago
Musical Interlude: Alan Parsons Project, "Eye In The Sky"*Full screen recommended.* *Alan Parsons Project, "Eye In The Sky"* read more
balance104 hours ago
Biden's anti-family plan costs $billions4-28-21 President Joe Biden released his American Families Plan on Wednesday, proposing that the U.S. provide universal preschool and ensure no household spend more than 7% of its income on child care. In the plan, which is set to cost $1.8 trillion over the course of 10 years, Biden proposes creating a partnership with states to provide “free, high-quality, accessible and inclusive preschool” to all 3- and 4-year-olds, according to a statement from the White House. The administration is calling on Congress to spend about $200 billion to implement the program but estimates that... read more
Snopes.com4 hours ago
Mexico Buses, Flies Haitians from Remote Area on US BorderMexico has begun busing and flying Haitian migrants away from the U.S. border, authorities said, signaling a new level of support for the United States as a giant refugee camp in a small Texas border town presented President Joe Biden with a humanitarian and increasingly political challenge. read more
The Rio Times4 hours ago
Covid-19: What do I need to present when entering Peru?RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The recent change in entry regulations in Peru has caused some doubt and uncertainty. Until last weekend, people who were not vaccinated with two doses of COVID-19 had to present a certificate of a negative covid test. However, the government has instituted new requirements that are effective Monday. Below are […] The post Covid-19: What do I need to present when entering Peru? appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Duran4 hours ago
How National Propaganda Radio (NPR) Reports About Covid and Ivermectin
Eric Zuesse On September 21st, NPR’s “All Things Considered” had a segment https://www.npr.org/2021/09/21/1039393874/how-ivermectin-ended-up-in-the-middle-of-a-covid-19-controversy titled “How Ivermectin Ended Up In The Middle Of A COVID-19 Controversy” and reported by Pien Huang. She totally ignored — didn’t mention at all — the actual scientific research studies that have been done comparing the disease-outcomes of covid patients who […] read more
The Rio Times4 hours ago
Ecuador moves forward with intention to extend continental shelf beyond 200 nautical milesRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Ecuador’s intention to extend the continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles is taking shape. Foreign Minister Mauricio Montalvo delivered to the United Nations (UN) Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf the note with preliminary information regarding the areas of interest for the extension. The meeting was held in […] The post Ecuador moves forward with intention to extend continental shelf beyond 200 nautical miles appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Snopes.com4 hours ago
FedEx Costs Rising Due to Tight Job MarketThe package delivery company said that its costs are up $450 million in the most recent quarter, as it paid higher wages as it got harder to find new workers and demand for shipping increased. read more
Snopes.com4 hours ago
Man Who Filmed Cops Beating Rodney King Dies from COVID ComplicationsGeorge Holliday filmed perhaps one of the most consequential videos in modern history. read more
Snopes.com4 hours ago
‘Soul-Crushing’: US COVID-19 Deaths Are Topping 1,900 a DayCOVID-19 deaths in the U.S. have climbed to an average of more than 1,900 a day for the first time since early March 2021, with experts saying the virus is preying largely on a distinct group: 71 million unvaccinated Americans. read more
Mining Awareness +6 hours ago
Louisiana RN Whistleblower on Failure to Report Serious Adverse Effects of Covid Vaccines; Letter to US Senator JohnsonBaton Rouge Louisiana RN Whistleblower on Underreporting of Serious Adverse Effects of Covid Vaccines; Letter to US Senator Johnson: “Dear … Continue reading → read more
Mining Awareness +6 hours ago
Acadiana Frontline Heroes Are Fighting Back Against Unconstitutional Covid-19 Vaccine MandatesAcadiana is Cajun Country and the heart of Francophone (French speaking) Louisiana (Cajun and non-Cajun dialects). Ochsner was founded by … Continue reading → read more
No More Mister Nice Blog4 hours ago
IT ISN'T JUST IOWAThis would be worrisome in isolation... Fewer than one third of Iowans approve of the job Joe Biden is doing as president, a steep drop from earlier this year. Thirty-one percent of Iowans approve of how Biden is handling his job, while 62% disapprove and 7% are not sure, according to the latest Des Moines Register/Mediacom Iowa Poll. That’s a 12 percentage point drop in approval from June, the last time the question was asked. Biden's disapproval numbers jumped by 10 points during the same period. In June, 43% approved and 52% disapproved. Biden’s job approval has not been in net... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 24 hours ago
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Is this giant orange ball about to roll down that tree-lined hill? No, because the giant orange ball is actually the Sun. Our Solar System's central star was captured rising beyond a hill on Earth twelve days ago complete with a delightfully detailed foreground. The Sun's disk showed five sunspots, quite a lot considering that during the solar minimum in solar activity of the past few years, most days showed no spots. A close look at the hill - Sierra del Cid in Perter, Spain - reveals not only silhouetted pine trees, but silhouetted people - by coincidence three brothers of the ph... read more
Egyptian Chronicles4 hours ago
Tiktok dispatch #1 Welcome to the JungleLately, I have been spending more and more time on Tiktok. I have become addicted to the short video-sharing Chinese media platform that took the world by storm. Tiktok has had its own storm in... [[ This is a content summary only. Visit my website for full links, other content, and more! ]] read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
A Symbol of the Royal Navy, HMS Vanguard Missed the Mark*Peter Suciu* *HMS Vanguard, * This battleship became famous not for its battle activities but for its role as a movie set and yacht for the royal family. *Here's what you need to remember: *Construction of the warship stopped and restarted during the war, and as a result to modifications being made to address wartime experience. HMS *Vanguard* wasn't completed until after the war ended, and by the time she entered service she was essentially a relic – time had already passed her by as the age of the massive battleship had come to an end. She never fired her guns in anger and ne... read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
Can Russia’s New Fighter Jet Perform Well at Such a Low Price?*Mark Episkopos* *Checkmate Stealth Fighter, Eurasia* It has a staggeringly low price of $25-30 million per model. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Versatile and affordable, Checkmate has the trappings of a successful export product. All that remains to be seen is whether or not the fighter can live up to Rostec’s ambitious performance and pricing claims. Russia’s Checkmate fighter jet is primarily an export product, with Rostec staking the plane’s success on a steady stream of market demand. But who would buy the new fighter, and why? Judging by its stated specifications and... read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
India Hates the Russian Su-57 Stealth Fighter*David Axe* *Su-57, India, Russia* Unreliable construction can get you killed. *Key Point to Remember: *The Indians’ complaints illustrated the yawning gulf between stealth-warplane design and the actual production of radar-evading jets. It’s one thing to sketch an advanced warplane on paper. It’s quite another to build one and get it to work. Ten years after Russia’s Su-57 stealth fighter flew for the first time, plane-maker Sukhoi finally is gearing up to deliver the first of up to 76 of the fighters for front-line use. Sukhoi originally planned to hand over the first producti... read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
HMS Canada: This Chilean Battleship Nearly Found for America*Peter Suciu* *HMS Canada, * This battleship nearly fought the U.S. Navy. *Here's what you need to know:* Few warships have as unique history as HMS *Canada*, a battleship built for Chile that saw action at Jutland and almost ended up in the service of the United States Navy after Pearl Harbor. Few warships have as unique history as HMS *Canada*, a battleship built for Chile that saw action at Jutland and almost ended up in the service of the United States Navy after Pearl Harbor. In the years leading up to the First World War, the United Kingdom built warships for sale to othe... read more
The National Interest4 hours ago
Why Brazil Is Looking to Expand Its Navy*James Holmes* *Brazilian Navy, South America* Surface groups in the South Atlantic are different creatures from those in the Western Pacific or Mediterranean Sea. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The lesson of the nineteenth-century United States for twenty-first-century Brazil is this: holidays don’t last forever. Use them well. “We have no concept of war,” confides a strategy professor at the Escola de Guerra Naval, or Brazilian Naval War College, in Rio de Janeiro—my home-away-from-home for part of 2018 and a place that unsucks, as the great Anthony Bourdain might say. Say wh... read more
Gangsters Out Blog4 hours ago
Fatal shooting in Vernon
The Vernon Morning Star is reporting that "One person is dead and one man is in custody after a shooting in Vernon Monday morning. Vernon North Okanagan RCMP was called around 11:30 a.m. on Sept. 20 with reports of a possible shooting and a vehicle fleeing the area." "Search for the vehicle resulted in the discovery of a dead person in the 4500 block of Enderby Road. The vehicle, a blue 2008 Kia Sportage was located near Armstrong through coordinated efforts between Vernon RCMP, a police helicopter and the emergency response team. A police vehicle was damaged by the suspect vehicl... read more
The Rio Times4 hours ago
Colombia registers 71 massacres in 2021, resulting in at least 250 deathsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Colombian Institute for Development and Peace Studies (Indepaz) has reported that 71 massacres have been registered in 2021, with at least 250 deaths so far. Authorities in the department of Valle del Cauca have confirmed that a new massacre has occurred in the municipality of Tuluá, where the lifeless […] The post Colombia registers 71 massacres in 2021, resulting in at least 250 deaths appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
MJBizDaily5 hours ago
Massachusetts mayor gets 6 years in prison for marijuana bribery schemeThe former mayor of a small Massachusetts town received a six-year prison term after his conviction earlier this year on charges including fraud and extortion tied to the licensing of local marijuana business. Massachusetts mayor gets 6 years in prison for marijuana bribery scheme is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
War News Updates5 hours ago
U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Orders Air Force IG To Probe Kabul Drone Strike That Killed 10 Civilians
U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Sami D. Said, Inspector General of the Air Force, visited members of the Air Force Inspection Agency at Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M., July 26, 2019. (Kimberly Nagle/U.S. Air Force) *Daily Mail*: *Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin orders Air Force IG to probe botched Kabul drone strike that killed seven children and three innocent adults - and gives him 45 days to report findings* * Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin directed the Air Force inspector general to review probe that found 10 innocent Afghans were killed in a U.S. drone strike * The strike on Au... read more
Snopes.com5 hours ago
Did an Anti-Vaccine Protester Liken Nurses to Nazi War Criminals?A photograph of a sign that promised a second "Nuremberg" for those who administer COVID-19 vaccines provoked consternation, in September 2021. read more
The Last Refuge5 hours ago
Biden Tells United Nations Assembly It Will Take “Collective Political Will” To Force The COVID Vaccine into Global PopulationSomething uniequely telling about these remarks today before the United Nations. Something transparently obvious that most will miss. While bragging about how the United States is the world’s leading provider of COVID-19 mRNA gene therapy, Biden notes it will take a “collective act of political will” to deal with a public health emergency. Think about […] The post Biden Tells United Nations Assembly It Will Take “Collective Political Will” To Force The COVID Vaccine into Global Population appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Bayou Renaissance Man5 hours ago
Well, well, well... FBI agents identified from gay pride parade photographs?
As we mentioned earlier, there were an unknown, but large number of FBI agents operating under cover at last Saturday's demonstration in Washington D.C. This photograph of what are presumed to be some of them was later memed by Lawdog. One of Michael Yon's legion of supporters has apparently done his homework. He found a photograph of very similar-looking people participating in what appears to be a gay pride parade, wearing FBI T-shirts. This morning, the following appeared on Yon's feed. Found this on Twitter - idk but it's kind of a coincidence. Click the image for a... read more
Snopes.com5 hours ago
Coroner IDs Remains, Says Gabby Petito Was Homicide VictimGabby Petito was killed by another person, a coroner concluded while also confirming that the human remains found recently at a Wyoming national park were those of the 22-year-old woman who disappeared months after she set out on a cross-country road trip with her boyfriend, the FBI said. read more
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