10 pm MDT
Kangaroo Court of Australia7 hours ago
Christian Porter used taxpayers’ money to help facilitate his relationship with his girlfriend while Fortescue Metals likely paid his legal billPerth based MP Christian Porter used taxpayers’ money to help facilitate his relationship with his Sydney based girlfriend while on sick leave after rape allegations were made public and Andrew “Twiggy” Forest’s […] The post Christian Porter used taxpayers’ money to help facilitate his relationship with his girlfriend while Fortescue Metals likely paid his legal bill appeared first on Kangaroo Court of Australia. read more
Lawfare8 hours ago
Supreme Court to Hear State Secrets Case on FBI SurveillanceThe J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building (https://flic.kr/p/2aQ4Qis; CC BY-SA 2.0, https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/) In June, the Supreme Court announced that it would hear Federal Bureau of Investigation v. Fazaga, a case that arose from the covert surveillance of Muslim communities in Southern California as part of an FBI operation more than a decade ago. The suit was first brought by three men who claim they were targets of the operation and who seek evidence to support their claim that the probe violated the Constitution and federal law. In response to several of the cl... read more
LaRouchePAC.com - All Posts8 hours ago
While the Whole Story Remains to Be Told, It's Already Clear: California and the Nation Can Be SavedDuring the last two weeks the entire Democratic war machine and millions of dollars had to be brought into California to save Gavin Newsom. But the grassroots army which mobilized the recall battle against him has already begun to win the war, by uniting a force bridging all parties, races, and creeds against the divisive identity politics insanity which has characterized the state. This is despite what appears to be massive fraud in Tuesday’s recall vote. In attempting to rescue the vacant pretty boy Governor, who was losing as of two weeks ago, the enemy has showed its entire ... read more
New Research Shows That Time Travel Is Mathematically Possible.New Research Shows That Time Travel Is Mathematically Possible – Science And Nature https://www.sci-nature.vip/2021/09/new-research-shows-that-time-travel-is.html?m=1 read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 24 hours ago
“6 Steps to Release Your Fear and Feel Peaceful”
*“6 Steps to Release Your Fear and Feel Peaceful”* by Nicolas Perrin “We are not what we know but what we are willing to learn.” ~ Mary Catherine Bateson “It was a balmy spring morning and I started my day as per usual, but I soon realized that my mind was entertaining fearful thoughts about my financial insecurity. With many new ventures within the seedling stage, my income flow was erratic and unpredictable, while my financial responsibilities were consistent and guaranteed. At the time I ignored these thoughts as “petty,” like a parent dismissing a crying child after a mild fall... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 24 hours ago
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "Mysteries, Yes"
*"Mysteries, Yes"* "Truly, we live with mysteries too marvelous to be understood. How grass can be nourishing in the mouths of the lambs. How rivers and stones are forever in allegiance with gravity while we ourselves dream of rising. How two hands touch and the bonds will never be broken. How people come, from delight or the scars of damage, to the comfort of a poem. Let me keep my distance, always, from those who think they have the answers. Let me keep company always with those who say "Look!" and laugh in astonishment, and bow their heads." ~ Mary Oliver read more
Snopes.com5 hours ago
Did Tim Tebow Write Apocalyptic Facebook Post About ‘Cashless Society’?The former Denver Broncos tight end became a household name in the 2010s as an outspoken conservative Christian. read more
War News Updates5 hours ago
The Office Of General Mark Milley Defends Calls To China As Detailed In Woodward Book
*Mediate:* *Milley’s Office Defends China Calls Detailed in Woodward Book: Was ‘Conveying Reassurance’ to ‘Maintain Strategic Stability’ * The office of General Mark Milley has responded to the serious allegations in a new book about his actions during the final months of the Trump administration. The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, according to a new book from Bob Woodward and Robert Costa, was so worried about how unstable then-President Donald Trump was acting that he took steps to make sure Trump couldn’t launch nuclear weapons. Another significant revelation is Mil... read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
Tajikistan is Still Giving the Taliban the Cold Shoulder. Why?*Trevor Filseth* *Tajikistan, * Afghanistan’s neighbors have recognized in practice, if not in principle, that the group is now the de facto government of Afghanistan and must be treated as such for the foreseeable future. Except one. Following the Taliban’s overnight capture of Afghanistan, which largely concluded after the August 15 fall of Kabul, Afghanistan’s neighbors have recognized in practice, if not in principle, that the group is now the *de facto *government of Afghanistan and must be treated as such for the foreseeable future. Some of Afghanistan’s neighbors have ap... read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
America's Navy: Did We Build it Correctly?*James Holmes* *Navy, Americas* Would America's naval planners construct its fleets differently with the benefit of hindsight? *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Reinventing America's navy, in short, could involve reshuffling priorities for future acquisitions, tactics, and operations. A strategy premised on starting with sea denial, deploying unconventional techniques to incapacitate adversaries' sensors and weaponry, and relegating the surface navy to secondary status would have seismic impact not just on the navy's warmaking methods and force structure but on its very cultu... read more
The Last Refuge5 hours ago
Former Intelligence Branch Officials Do Not Want Big Tech Regulated – Duh, The Fourth Branch of Government is a Partnership With ThemThe Fourth Branch of Government is a public-private partnership; they work together. The U.S. intelligence agencies are collaborative partners with Big Tech {LINK}. That is why Google, Amazon (owns the cloud), Facebook, Twitter, Instagram are connected to the portals of the FiveEyes intelligence operations. Only those who understand the Fourth Branch – have a solid […] The post Former Intelligence Branch Officials Do Not Want Big Tech Regulated – Duh, The Fourth Branch of Government is a Partnership With Them appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Food Safety News5 hours ago
Ohio company recalls parsley from 6 states because of E. coli test result
Buurma Farms Inc. of Willard, OH, is recalling some of its plain parsley after testing showed possible contamination with Shiga-toxin producing E. coli. The product being recalled is Buurma plain (flat leaf) parsley with a harvest date of Aug. 30 from the company’s Gregory, MI, location. “A random, routine regulatory sample collected on Sept. 7... Continue Reading read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 25 hours ago
The Daily "Near You?"
Holly Springs, North Carolina, USA. Thanks for stopping by! read more
bilaterals.org5 hours ago
Oportunidades para desmantelar el sistema de demandas inversionista-Estado15-Sep-2021 A la vez de remover la estatua de Colón del Paseo de la Reforma como símbolo de dejar de exaltar visiones colonialistas, es menester para la 4T eliminar derechos corporativos entregados en el T-MEC. read more
War News Updates6 hours ago
Former CIA Director Under Obam Says The Afghan Disaster Has “Absolutely Inspired Jihadists All Over The World”Obama's Acting CIA Director Michael Morell: "The way our [Afghanistan] exit happened has absolutely inspired jihadists all over the world." pic.twitter.com/3ZHAzJXaLK — tomorraw.com (@tomorrawdotcom) September 12, 2021 *Summit News:* *Obama CIA Director Says Biden Afghanistan Calamity Has “Absolutely Inspired Jihadists All Over The World”* “There’s a celebration going on.” Appearing on CBS News Sunday, the former CIA Director under Obama, while Biden was Vice President, admitted that the contemptuous actions of the now president in Afghanistan has injected new inspiration into te... read more
Snopes.com6 hours ago
Yes, a Billboard Paired Trump’s Picture with a Bible Verse About JesusThe billboard prompted some disbelief online. read more
Health Impact News6 hours ago
Nurse Whistleblower Upset that Her Doctor and Nurse Colleagues Want Unvaccinated People to Die
It should be obvious to most people today that the medical system in the United States, incorrectly labeled the "healthcare" system, is radically being transformed where political agendas now rule hospital policies, with hospitals becoming the distribution centers for Big Pharma products and services, including drugs, vaccines, and other medical procedures, where patient outcomes only matter in terms of how much financial revenue hospitals can make, and not health outcomes. In fact, the system has so radically changed since COVID-19 started, that hospitals now benefit more from pa... read more
Cairns News7 hours ago
Anna De Buisseret: All The Law Is On Our Side… There Will Be A Second Nuremburg TrialAnna De Buisseret – a retired army officer and a senior lawyer – warns those in positions of responsibility that if they do not speak out, they will be held accountable in a second Nuremburg Trial. Anna assures people that “more lawyers than the public realise” are working behind the scenes; and stresses the importance […] read more
Food Safety News7 hours ago
Hundreds sick in two new Salmonella outbreaks; officials looking for sourcesThe FDA is investigating two new Salmonella outbreaks that have sickened more than 200 people. Officials have not identified a source yet. Traceback efforts on the Salmonella Oranienburg and Salmonella Thompson outbreaks have been initiated according to the Food and Drug Administration. The agency has not reported what specific foods it is investigating in relation... Continue Reading read more
MJBizDaily8 hours ago
Glass House closes $93M California marijuana greenhouse purchaseCalifornia marijuana and hemp company Glass House Brands finalized its acquisition of a Ventura County greenhouse facility for $93 million in cash – $25 million less cash than the original price – plus stock. The stock component of the deal includes 6.5 million Glass House shares issued to the unidentified original holder of an option […] Glass House closes $93M California marijuana greenhouse purchase is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Science 2.0 blogs8 hours ago
Coconut Products Are A Huge Fad But Trees Are Slow To Grow - Science Will Fix ThatThe coconut is the sixth most cultivated fruit on earth and thanks to fads around things like coconut oil and water, demand continues to rise. Growing products that rich people want is great for developing nations but they face challenges. Trees grow slowly and natural plagues Lethal Yellowing Disease put existing ones at risk. The answer may be what made bananas the staple they are now: cloning. "Coconut plants do not form side shoots. They put all their energy into one shoot that has to grow as fast and as tall as possible. This makes it very difficult to clone and store the plant... read more
Health Impact News8 hours ago
Local Detroit TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID – Gets over 180K Responses of Vaccine Injured and Dead Instead
The corporate media narrative that unvaccinated people are filling up the hospitals and dying from COVID is quickly falling apart, perhaps faster than they even expected. WXYZ TV Channel 7 in Detroit asked their viewers on their Facebook Page last Friday to direct message them if they lost a loved one due to COVID-19 if they refused to get one of the COVID-19 vaccines. This is a clear indication that they are getting desperate to find these stories, and are having a difficult time finding them. I don't know if they got any such stories through direct messaging, but the post on t... read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education17 hours ago
Report: Test-Optional Trends in Pandemic Year for College AdmissionsCommon App found a dramatic drop this past year in those who sent admissions offices scores... read more
Pension Pulse2 hours ago
A Conversation With Mike Wissell, HOOPP's New CIOThe Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP) just appointed Michael Wissell as the new CIO, effective immediately: The Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan (HOOPP) is pleased to announce the appointment of Michael Wissell as its new Chief Investment Officer (CIO), effective today. He takes over CIO responsibilities from HOOPP President and CEO Jeff Wendling, who has been serving both roles since becoming CEO in March 2020. *Michael has a long track record of market leadership and innovation in public and private markets, asset allocation and portfolio construction. Since joining ... read more
Balkinization6 hours ago
Is the U.S. Constitution Up to the Task of Preserving American Democracy?On September 9, I participated in a panel sponsored by the new Fair Elections and Free Speech Center at UC Irvine Law School discussing “Is the U.S. Constitution Up to the Task of Preserving American Democracy?” The speakers were Michele Goodwin (UCI), Michael Klarman (Harvard) and myself. Rick Hasen (UCI), the new Center's co-director, was the moderator. read more
The Rio Times6 hours ago
Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro vaccine passport requirement takes tourists by surpriseRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On the first day of the Rio de Janeiro City Hall decree requiring presentation of proof of vaccination against Covid-19 in collective use places, visitors experienced problems when accessing tourist attractions. The rule issued by Mayor Eduardo Paes, applicable to locals and tourists alike, demands the "vaccine passport," through a […] The post Brazil’s Rio de Janeiro vaccine passport requirement takes tourists by surprise appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The National Interest6 hours ago
America Proved Its Resoluteness in Afghanistan*John Allen, Michael O'Hanlon* *Afghanistan, * By fighting for twenty years, even in a difficult cause with an uncertain path to anything resembling true victory, the country has shown its resoluteness. For those American troops who question whether all the sacrifice in Afghanistan of the last twenty years was worth it, we would offer a simple message: Yes. Not only because the American homeland stayed generally safe over that time period. Not only because of the noble generosity and patriotism of that service. But for crucial strategic reasons as well. We disagreed strongly wi... read more
The National Interest6 hours ago
Russia and China: Are U.S. Enemies Aligning?*Jenna Biter* *Sino-Russian Alliance, * Sino-Russian ties are noticeably strengthening and will continue to strengthen so long as shared interests outweigh sticking points. Russia and China wrapped up the five-day bilateral military exercise Zapad/Interaction 2021 in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region of northwestern China over a month ago on August 13. Approximately 10,000 troops participated in the drills alongside defense systems, artillery, armored vehicles, and combat aircraft, which included the debut of China’s fifth-generation J-20 fighter jet in a joint exercise. The stat... read more
Shadowproof6 hours ago
Protest Song Of The Week: ‘Another Life Goes By’ By Christone ‘Kingfish’ IngramOn Christone 'Kingfish' Ingram's latest album, “662,” he recorded a track written about young Black Americans killed as a result of hatred and policing that was inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement. The post Protest Song Of The Week: ‘Another Life Goes By’ By Christone ‘Kingfish’ Ingram appeared first on Shadowproof. read more
The Rio Times6 hours ago
Latam Airlines to open 7 new destinations in Brazil in first quarter 2022RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The company is advancing in its financial restructuring process in the United States, expecting its conclusion still this year. With Latam's new wave of investment in Brazil, its number of destinations will increase from 44 to 56 by the first quarter 2022. The company also recently announced new routes to […] The post Latam Airlines to open 7 new destinations in Brazil in first quarter 2022 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Small Dead Animals7 hours ago
“Rare”As compared to what? ~20x more serious event incidence than flu vaccine ~4x more incidence than all other vaccines combined Chart Sources: One here and one here Now, are these cases over reported or under reported? h/t Kelly Brown read more
The Rio Times7 hours ago
Brazil’s São Paulo governor announces ICMS tax reduction for state’s bars and restaurantsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Governor João Doria on Wednesday, September 15, announced a reduction in the ICMS (value-added tax on circulation of goods) for bars and restaurants in the state. According to the governor, the rate, which is currently 3.69%, will drop to 3.2%. "The reduction will benefit some 250,000 companies and this was […] The post Brazil’s São Paulo governor announces ICMS tax reduction for state’s bars and restaurants appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times7 hours ago
Brazilian cheeses win 5 super gold medals in world competitionRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The 5th edition of the "Mondial du Fromage et des Produits Laitiers de Tours," a world cheese competition, had Brazil as one of the main countries on the medals table. Behind only France, Brazilian cheeses won 57 medals, 5 of which were super gold, the top award. According to the […] The post Brazilian cheeses win 5 super gold medals in world competition appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Last Refuge7 hours ago
COVID Politics Takes a Dark Turn, Biden Administration Takes Control of Monoclonal Antibody Drugs in Order to Block Treatments in Red States and Ration Equitable TreatmentWhen Joe Biden’s Health and Human Services made the announcement earlier this month (LINK) that they were taking full control over Monoclonal Antibody drugs (mAb) in order to begin rationing the highly effective treatment for COVID-19 infection, several people sounded alarm bells as there was the potential for rationing of COVID treatment based on political […] The post COVID Politics Takes a Dark Turn, Biden Administration Takes Control of Monoclonal Antibody Drugs in Order to Block Treatments in Red States and Ration Equitable Treatment appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Medical Kidnap7 hours ago
Local Detroit TV Asks for Stories of Unvaxxed Dying from COVID – Gets over 180K Responses of Vaccine Injured and Dead Instead
The corporate media narrative that unvaccinated people are filling up the hospitals and dying from COVID is quickly falling apart, perhaps faster than they even expected. WXYZ TV Channel 7 in Detroit asked their viewers on their Facebook Page last Friday to direct message them if they lost a loved one due to COVID-19 if they refused to get one of the COVID-19 vaccines. This is a clear indication that they are getting desperate to find these stories, and are having a difficult time finding them. I don't know if they got any such stories through direct messaging, but the post on t... read more
Small Dead Animals8 hours ago
Liberal Elites Want The Toronto Island Airport Shut DownFormer Liberal MP Vaughn and the Liberal replacing him, want the airport closed because their leftist buddies living on the island want it all to themselves. Justin will take care of it. read more
Children's Health Defense8 hours ago
Champion Show Jumper, 22, Who Suffered Reaction to Moderna Vaccine May Never Ride Again + MoreThe Defender’s COVID NewsWatch provides a roundup of the latest headlines related to the SARS CoV-2 virus, including its origins and COVID vaccines. The post Champion Show Jumper, 22, Who Suffered Reaction to Moderna Vaccine May Never Ride Again + More appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Children's Health Defense8 hours ago
Big Pharma: Lower Drug Prices for Americans ‘Too Good to Be True’With a key fight underway in Congress, industry is trying to leverage its role in coronavirus vaccine development to sink a "once-in-a-generation" chance to slash drug costs. The post Big Pharma: Lower Drug Prices for Americans ‘Too Good to Be True’ appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Small Dead Animals9 hours ago
The UnipartyIt’s settled then is it? Liberals, Conservatives suddenly agree on the need for EV sales quotas. How will they deliver post election? read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education19 hours ago
Georgetown Tennis Coach Pleads Guilty To Charges in College Admissions Scandal... read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education19 hours ago
Former Basketball Coach Sues a California College For Discrimination and Corruption... read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education20 hours ago
ASALH Kicks Off Virtual Conference With Focus on the Black Family... read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education20 hours ago
A Faculty Retreat Could Be What Scholars Need In These Challenging Times
This is a time for academics to begin a term with fresh possibilities in our work as teachers, researchers, and citizens. I experienced... read more
War News Updates6 hours ago
Reports Say The Taliban Is Tearing Itself Apart
Mullah Baradar, the Taliban's deputy leader and Afghanistan's deputy PM, is currently missing after reports of a punch-up with Khalil Haqqani, a leader in the fearsome Haqqani network that is vying for power in the new Afghan government with Baradar's more-moderate allies *Daily Mail:* *The Taliban tears itself apart: 'Terrorist faction' wins huge brawl at presidential palace and two sidelined 'moderates' are still MISSING as country faces economic meltdown and starvation* * Taliban descended into in-fighting, with more-moderate faction thought to be at war with terrorist hardl... read more
Not PC6 hours ago
"Social media has made it far too easy for people to rail against the latest political outrage without getting their feet wet."*"Every gesture of resistance which is void of either risk or impact is nothing but a cry for recognition."* ~ Stefan Zweig, from a 1941 interview Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Permission to republish is granted, with link and attribution. read more
The National Interest6 hours ago
Arrow-4: Israel Has a Plan for a Hypersonic Interceptor Missile*Mark Episkopos* *Arrow-4, Middle East* The upcoming Arrow-4 could provide a more efficient means of countering the growing threat of multiple independent re-entry vehicle missiles. Lockheed Martin and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) have teamed up to develop a hypersonic interceptor missile, auguring a new dawn for Israeli air defense capabilities. The Israeli Missile Defense Organization announced in February that Israel and the United States are moving forward with a joint project to develop the Arrow-4 missile defense system. That announcement was followed by a July press... read more
The National Interest6 hours ago
Drone-Refueled F-35C Jet Could Counter Chinese Anti-Ship Missiles*Kris Osborn* *military, Americas* For the first time, the emerging Navy MQ-25C Stingray carrier-launched tanker drone refueled an F-35 jet, effectively doubling its range of attack from the sea. The aerial refueling of an F-35 jet might not seem particularly consequential, as fighter jets have been refueled from the air for decades. But what if it were a carrier-launched Navy F-35C fighter jet that could be refueled over the ocean by a carrier-launched refueler drone? That does change things. For the first time, the emerging Navy MQ-25C Stingray carrier-launched tanker drone ... read more
The National Interest6 hours ago
Another Reason You Can't Stop the F-35: Drone Refueling Has Arrived*Kris Osborn* *military, Americas* The military service recently conducted its first-ever aerial refueling of the F-35C fighter jet using a test model of the emerging, first-of-its-kind carrier-launched refueler drone called the MQ-25 Stingray. What would it mean to the U.S. Navy’s ability to project power if its carrier-launched F-35C fighter jet could instantly double its combat radius and attack range, increase dwell time over targets and launch offensive operations from more survivable, distant maritime locations? The Navy is about to find out. The military service recently ... read more
Politics + Society – The Conversation7 hours ago
Capitol Police prepare for a return of insurrectionists to Washington – 5 essential reads on the symbols they carried on Jan. 6
Groups who share support for white supremacy say they are planning to return to the nation’s capital for a demonstration to support those arrested for their roles in the Jan. 6 insurrection. read more
The Aviationist7 hours ago
This Video Provides The Most Detailed View To The Officially Retired (But Still Flying) F-117s So Far[image: F-117 Fresno] Check out this cool clip showing F-117s operations at Fresno Airport, California. No, the one you can find below is not a video filmed some time in the past, when the F-117 Nighthawks were still [...] The post This Video Provides The Most Detailed View To The Officially Retired (But Still Flying) F-117s So Far appeared first on The Aviationist. read more
The National Interest7 hours ago
F-35: The Ultimate Stealth Fighter (Now At a Bargain Price)*Mark Episkopos* *F-35 Price, Americas* The cost per flight for the global F-35 Lightning II fifth-generation fighter fleet will drop from $36,100 in 2020 to $33,400 in 2023. Lockheed Martin and the Pentagon have inked a new agreement that will see the F-35 fighter jet’s sustainment costs drop precipitously in the coming years. *A Smart Deal * The contract, worth $6.6 billion with all its options included, encompasses a phased sustainment costs reduction plan: the cost per flight for the global F-35 Lightning II fifth-generation fighter fleet will drop from $36,100 in 2020 to... read more
The National Interest7 hours ago
Has an Arms Race Begun on the Korean Peninsula?*Mark Episkopos* *North Korea, Asia* The ejection test makes South Korea the first country without nuclear weapons to field SLBMs, which are typically designed for compatibility with nuclear warheads. Both Koreas test-fired ballistic missiles within hours of one another, reigniting long-running military tensions on the peninsula. The DPRK military fired two ballistic missiles into waters off its Eastern Coast on Wednesday, with South Korean defense officials announcing that the missiles were launched from Central North Korea. The ballistic missile launches follow North Korea’s e... read more
The National Interest7 hours ago
Japan Conducts Nationwide Military Exercise for First Time in 30 Years*Kris Osborn* *military, Asia* Japan has been making a visible and decided effort to massively increase its military strength to deter China in the region and embrace a stronger defensive military posture. For the first time in thirty years, the Japanese Ground Self-Defense Force has begun massive, nationwide military exercises involving “all units” in a clear effort to strengthen deterrence against China. Chinese government-backed newspaper the *Global Times* described the exercise as a counter to China to respond to “China’s ramped-up regional assertiveness.” The Chinese publi... read more
The National Interest7 hours ago
Plan Z: Nazi Germany's Plan to Build Aircraft Carriers*Robert Farley* *Naval History, Europe* Germany's plan to focus on battleships and aircraft carriers may have actually hurt its ability to prepare for war. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Plan Z would have resulted in a powerful fleet, but not one that could beat the world. In the mid-1930s, the Nazi government began to plan in detail for the reconstruction of German naval power. The destruction of the German High Seas Fleet at Scapa Flow remained central to the mythology of German betrayal and defeat in World War I; rebuilding the fleet would be a grand achievement worthy of th... read more
The National Interest7 hours ago
How Israel and Morocco Have Embraced the Abraham Accords*Maya Carlin* *Abraham Accords, Middle East* Morocco and Israel are on a mutually beneficial path that will likely be strengthened as long as the agreement is recognized by the Biden administration as a success. September 15, 2021, marks the first anniversary of the signing of the Abraham Accords, the series of historic peace deals brokered by the Trump administration that normalized Israeli relations with the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco. Named after the father of the monotheistic religions that were founded in the Middle East—Judaism, Christianity, and Isl... read more
Snopes.com7 hours ago
US Soccer Says It Has Offered Men, Women Identical ContractsThe unions for the men and women are separate. read more
The New Dark Age7 hours ago
Vaccine passports have already set us on a slippery slopeThe steady march towards medical ID cards is on, after the Scottish Parliament voted in favour of vaccine passports this week. In Westminster, the Government is set to follow suit but won’t even commit to giving MPs a vote on the matter – as though votes in the House of Commons are now gifts from ministers. Meanwhile, the Welsh government will make a decision on the matter next week. read more
The New Dark Age7 hours ago
How Covid passes urged a football fan to make a stand against his own sportMy name is Leon* and I work in the public sector. I would like to share my experience surrounding the use of Covid passports for entering sports venues, in particular Wembley Stadium for the FA Cup Final between Chelsea and Leicester City on 15th May 2021. read more
The New Dark Age7 hours ago
Reflections on Events in Afghanistan-18In England, they’d plan a park, build it but wouldn’t complete it until they could observe for a while the foot tracks of walkers, before deciding where to lay the pathways for optimal utility. The Blinken Administration and Modi Govt apparently think they don’t have that luxury when it comes to Afghanistan. That is the troubling signal out of the Congressional hearing on Monday in Washington with Secretary of State Antony Blinken. read more
The New Dark Age8 hours ago
Afghanistan News Links 14-15 September 202115 September 2021 — The New Dark Age Why the Taliban Had to Change. “Regime Change” Pre-negotiated with Washington? https://www.globalresearch.ca/why-taliban-had-change/5755879 Taliban Central Bank Seized $12,4 Million From Former Top Afghan Officials, Including Ex Vice President https://southfront.org/taliban-central-bank-seized-124-million-from-former-top-afghan-officials-including-ex-vice-president/ Taliban discovers cache of Soviet-made BALLISTIC MISSILES in Panjshir Valley (VIDEO) https://www.rt.com/news/534934-taliban-panjshir-ballistic-missiles/ Biden to launch NUCLEAR tech ... read more
The New Dark Age8 hours ago
Black Agenda Report 16 September 202116 September 2021 — Black Agenda Report Glen Ford Memorial Gathering The memorial service for Glen Ford will be held on Saturday, September 18, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. eastern time. The event will be live streamed on Youtube. 20 Years of Post-9/11 Amnesia Margaret Kimberley, BAR Executive Editor and Senior Columnist Memories of the last … Continue reading Black Agenda Report 16 September 2021 read more
The New Dark Age8 hours ago
UK: A threat to public safety: policing, racism and the Covid-19 pandemicToday, we publish a new report, A threat to public safety: policing, racism and the Covid-19 pandemic. read more
The New Dark Age8 hours ago
U.S. “human rights” propagandists cover tracks of Uyghur terrorFaced with the shift towards a multi-polar world, one where China is increasingly enabled to act as a benevolent facilitator of Global South economic development and international peace, the U.S. empire is seeking to sabotage the game of geopolitics. To throw ever more parts of the globe into anarchy, or at least a state of crisis, so that there isn’t a stable globe for the new multi-polar order to develop within. read more
The National Interest7 hours ago
Working After Retirement? Expect a Tax on Your Social Security.*Trevor Filseth* *Social Security, Americas* Seniors with additional income are often taxed up to fifty percent on their benefits once their total income exceeds $25,000 (or $32,000 for married couples). *Here's What You Need to Know*: For Americans still at work, there is a fairly easy way to avoid taxation while collecting Social Security. The Social Security system has proven to be one of the most popular government programs in the United States. By sending out a monthly cash payment to retired Americans, the program has served as a reliable source of income for seniors who w... read more
The National Interest7 hours ago
Crisis Coming Soon? U.S. Condemns North Korean Missile Launch*Stephen Silver* *North Korea, * The ballistic missile launch followed a cruise missile test earlier in the week. North Korea had also launched both types of missiles earlier in the year. Following North Korea’s ballistic missile launch earlier this week, the State Department has condemned the launch and pushed for a return to diplomacy. “The United States condemns the (Democratic People’s Republic of Korea) DPRK's missile launch,” a State Department spokesperson told the Yonhap News Agency. “This launch is in violation of multiple U.N. Security Council Resolutions and poses a ... read more
The National Interest7 hours ago
Could America's Competitors Replace Ships Faster than the U.S. in a Conflict?*James Holmes* *Security, Asia* Making maritime industry resilient means upgrading shipyards and other defense-related infrastructure—along with the affiliated workforce—so that stricken vessels can be repaired or replaced in a hurry. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *General Berger may sound like a Cassandra spinning lurid prophesies. But remember, the Greek god Apollo blessed Cassandra with the gift of foresight. Her prophesies were accurate. Her curse—also courtesy of Apollo, whose amorous overtures she had rebuffed—was that no one ever believed her words, no matter how pres... read more
The National Interest7 hours ago
Israel’s Support for Genocidal Regimes Undermines its Standing*Michael Rubin* *Israel, Middle East* For Israeli politicians, diplomats, and business leaders knowingly to assist regimes engaged in genocide risks all the good their predecessors have achieved. It is shortsighted. It is morally repugnant. And Israel will ultimately pay a huge long-term price for its immoral cynicism. Foreign officials who visit Israel often visit Yad Vashem, Israel’s Holocaust memorial and museum. While Zionism predates the Holocaust, the slaughter of Europe’s Jews casts a shadow over modern Israel. Israelis justified their military investment in the concept th... read more
The National Interest7 hours ago
Why the Army Is Upgrading Its Next-Generation Missiles*Kris Osborn* *military, Americas* A recent technology development deal between the U.S. Army and General Atomics Electromagnetic Systems will advance sensing and targeting technologies to a new level. Programmable air-burst fuses, point detonation missiles, fragmenting warheads and high-speed kinetic energy rounds can quickly exact lethal consequences on the battlefield, yet these effects of course rely upon the range, precision accuracy, guidance and long-range fidelity of sensors and targeting systems. Of course, newer projectiles such as hypersonic weapons and advanced ai... read more
The National Interest7 hours ago
The Research Behind Improving Stealth Fighter Capabilities*Kris Osborn* *U.S. Air Force, Americas* What might the end result of all of this be? Simply put: new air vehicles. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Yet, apart from the question of potentially enhancing stealth properties, there is another key reason why engineers succeed in creating more effective and higher-performing aircraft; designers continue to uncover new methods of directing, managing or controlling “airflow” surrounding an air vehicle, a phenomenon, of course, critical to flight stability. Certainly, a more horizontal-looking sixth-generation fighter jet, absent pr... read more
Michael West Media7 hours ago
High Court ruling on Facebook comments a high risk for publishers; high time for reform[image: High Court Ruling on Facebook comments] n its recent ruling the High Court decreed that commercial publishers have responsibility for comments made on their Facebook pages. In the absence of a 21st century legal framework covering this newfangled thing called the Internet, the Court's reasoning for the ruling refers in part to case-law dating back to the 19th century. read more
The Watchers » Latest articles7 hours ago
Magma intrusion at Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary IslandsSeismic activity under Cumbre Vieja, La Palma, Canary Islands continues to migrate slightly to the northwest, at depths of around 8 km (5 miles), with 20 shallow earthquakes at depths between 1 and 3 km (0.6 - 1.8 miles). The maximum accumulated deformation reached...... Read more » read more
War News Updates7 hours ago
U.S. Poll Says 68 Percent Consider It A Big Problem That The U.S. Military Left Behind Billions Of Dollars Of Military Hardware In Afghanistan*The Hill:* *Poll: 68 percent consider it a big problem that the U.S. military left behind billions of dollars of military hardware in Afghanistan* A majority of voters consider it a big problem that the U.S. military left behind billions of dollars of military hardware in Afghanistan, a new Hill-HarrisX poll finds. Sixty-eight percent of registered voters said they consider the left-behind military hardware a big problem, while 20 percent of voters said it's a small problem and 12 percent said it's not a problem at all. There was a significant variation in responses depending... read more
War News Updates8 hours ago
The Impending Bankruptcy Of Chinese Property Giant Evergrande Will Have Global Consequences*Radio Free Asia:* *Protests Spread As China's Real Estate Giant Evergrande Mired in Debt* The company has taken prepayments from thousands of ordinary families for properties not yet built. Protesters have been gathering outside the offices of Chinese property giant Evergrande in recent days to demand their money back, as the company struggles to repay debts of more than U.S.$300 billion amid a liquidity crisis. Chanting "Pay us back! Pay us back!", dozens of protesters gathered outside the company's headquarters in the southern city of Shenzhen on Wednesday, after the co... read more
Snopes.com8 hours ago
US Lawyers Ask British Courts to Tell Prince Andrew of SuitBritain’s High Court accepted the request from lawyers for Virginia Giuffre to formally contact Andrew about the lawsuit launched in America. read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 28 hours ago
"The U.S. Economy In a Nutshell: When Critical Parts Are On 'Indefinite Back Order,' the Machine Grinds to a Halt"
*"The U.S. Economy In a Nutshell: When Critical Parts * *Are On 'Indefinite Back Order,' the Machine Grinds to a Halt"* by Charles Hugh-Smith "Setting aside the “transitory inflation” parlor game for a moment, let’s look at what happens when critical parts are unavailable for whatever reason, for example, they’re on back order or indefinite back order, i.e. the supplier has no visibility on when the parts will be available. If the part that blew out is 0.1% of the entire machine, and the other 99.9% still works perfectly, the entire machine is still dead in the water without that cr... read more
The Duran8 hours ago
LOCALS EXCLUSIVE: The Insubordination of General Milley and the Danger to the USThis post is not available Connect with theduran and other members of theduran community Alexander S. Vindman on Twitter: “If this is true GEN Milley must resign. He usurped civilian authority, broke Chain of Command, and violated the sacrosanct principle of civilian control over the military. It’s an extremely dangerous precedent. You can’t simply walk […] read more
Halifax Examiner8 hours ago
Audit finds Halifax Fire’s building inspection program doesn’t pass the testHalifax Regional Fire and Emergency’s inspection program doesn’t hold up to scrutiny, and according to the city’s auditor general, the fire department has no documented plan to fix it. Auditor general Evangeline Colman-Sadd and audit lead Ashley Maxwell presented their Management of Fire Inspection Program Audit to a virtual meeting of regional council’s Audit and […] read more
War News Updates8 hours ago
Europe Is Now In A Full-Blown Energy Crisis*FOREX:* *Europe is in a full-blown energy crisis* *Power and natural gas prices are skyrocketing I've been warning about this for awhile. * Things have gotten out of hand quickly in Europe and this is going to be a political crisis in short order as people and companies get slammed with heating and energy bills that they can't afford to pay -- at least without digging into broader spending. In the UK, power prices are at critical levels. They rose after a series of low-wind days. That's been compounded by natural gas prices and there was a fire at a key electricity statio... read more
Climate Collections8 hours ago
PAGES 2019: 0-30N ProxiesOriginally posted on Climate Audit: Next, the PAGES2019 0-30N latband. Their CPS reconstruction (CPS) for the 0-30N latband (extracted from the global reconstruction) looks almost exactly the same as reconstructions for the 0-30S and 30-60S latbands. However, none of the actual proxies in this latband look remotely like the latband reconstruction, as I’ll show below.… read more
Food Safety News9 hours ago
Jumbo Stuffed Shells recalled after consumer complaints of foreign materialsSeviroli Foods Inc. of Bellmawr, NJ, is recalling H-E-B Jumbo Stuffed Shells because of the potential presence of metal in the product. The issue was discovered on Sept. 9 after H-E-B was notified of four customer complaints. Consumption of hard or sharp foreign material could cause physical injury. The affected products were distributed to H-E-B... Continue Reading read more
Halifax Examiner9 hours ago
6 new cases of COVID-19 announced in Nova Scotia on Wednesday, September 15Jump to sections in this article: Overview Vaccination Demographics Testing Potential exposure advisories Nova Scotia announced just six new cases of COVID-19 today, Wednesday, September 15 — a dramatic turnaround from the high case counts of recent days, signalling that perhaps the outbreak in the Northern Zone has been contained and most of the community […] read more
CFACT9 hours ago
No kids until Green New Deal is passed! Watch new Morano MinuteWill "billions" die from climate change? Or is overpopulation fueling climate change? It gets so confusing. The post No kids until Green New Deal is passed! Watch new Morano Minute appeared first on CFACT. read more
the daily howler8 hours ago
So what the heck is the book about?*WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2021* *As we start, we'll let Wittgenstein give you a list:* Philosophical Investigations was published in 1953, two years after Wittgenstein's death from cancer at age 62. Its preface was written in 1945, but Wittgenstein decided to withhold publication until after his death. At the start of the preface, he listed some of the topics he said he would investigate in the book. As you yourself can see, the preface starts like this: *PREFACE * *The thoughts which I publish in what follows* are the precipitate of philosophical investigations which have occup... read more
Collecting My Thoughts8 hours ago
Exercise and cognitive benefitsFNDC5, Fibronectin type III domain-containing protein 5, the precursor of irisin, is a type I transmembrane glycoprotein that is encoded by the FNDC5 gene. Irisin is a cleaved version of FNDC5, named after the Greek messenger goddess Iris. Researchers found that irisin, an exercise-induced hormone, improves cognitive performance in mice. The hormone, which is identical in people, could potentially be used to treat cognitive disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease. Hormone links exercise with cognitive benefits | National Institutes of Health (NIH) Related links: Exercise-Induced ... read more
All That Is Solid ...8 hours ago
Dannii Minogue - All I Wanna DoToo tired for blogging this evening, but not enough for this underrated gem. Props to Alex for reminding me of it. Pro-tip: check out the album. read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 28 hours ago
"Where Did All The People Go?"*"Where Did All The People Go?"* by Michael Snyder "Why are companies all over the world suddenly desperate for workers? In my entire life I have never seen anything like this. When the labor shortage started in the United States, a lot of people blamed overly generous government handouts, but that doesn’t explain why the exact same thing is happening in nation after nation all over the globe. There aren’t enough factory workers, there aren’t enough truck drivers, there aren’t enough port workers, there aren’t enough employees to properly staff our stores, and the shortage of docto... read more
The Rio Times8 hours ago
Covid-19: Updated count of reported injuries and deaths after vaccines in EU member states (September 11)RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – EudraVigilance, the European database for reporting adverse drug reactions, had collected, as of September 11, 24,526 reports of deaths and 2,317,495 reports of injuries (half of them serious) from people who received some of the four experimental injections currently licensed within the member countries of the European Union. Read also: […] The post Covid-19: Updated count of reported injuries and deaths after vaccines in EU member states (September 11) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Children's Health Defense8 hours ago
Arizona First State to Sue Biden Over Vaccine Mandates + MoreThe Defender’s Big Brother NewsWatch brings you the latest headlines related to governments’ abuse of power, including attacks on democracy, civil liberties and use of mass surveillance. The post Arizona First State to Sue Biden Over Vaccine Mandates + More appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
From the Trenches World Report9 hours ago
The Word From the Trenches – September 15, 2021Join in on the conversation. Call (712) 770-5597 then enter 220029#, press *6 to mute and unmute. (If you are unable to get through call... The post The Word From the Trenches – September 15, 2021 appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Children's Health Defense9 hours ago
COVID Vaccine Mandates Wreak Havoc on Healthcare System, WorkforceDraconian COVID policies and vaccine mandates are creating an uncertain future for a health care system that was already on shaky ground even before the terrible COVID policies took hold. The post COVID Vaccine Mandates Wreak Havoc on Healthcare System, Workforce appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
From the Trenches World Report9 hours ago
Report: Taliban Looking for Washington, D.C., Lobbyist to Gain Legitimacy from Biden AdministrationBreitbart – by Wendell Husebo The Taliban on Monday was reportedly looking for a Washington, D.C., lobbyist to gain legitimacy from President Joe Biden. “Sign... The post Report: Taliban Looking for Washington, D.C., Lobbyist to Gain Legitimacy from Biden Administration appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report9 hours ago
Fit Young Man Gets “Vaccine”- Camera Records His HEART ATTACK At GymLorettaJoy222 September 15th, 2021. Poor guy….got the shot, went to work out a few days later, and he was struck down from a heart attack.... The post Fit Young Man Gets “Vaccine”- Camera Records His HEART ATTACK At Gym appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report9 hours ago
Thousands flood ABC affiliate’s Facebook page with vaccination horror storiesWorld Tribune An ABC news fishing expedition on Facebook took a startling turn over the weekend, after a reporter asked readers to share stories of... The post Thousands flood ABC affiliate’s Facebook page with vaccination horror stories appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Shadowproof9 hours ago
Twenty Years In A Security State: After Failing To Stop 9/11 Attacks, FBI Invented Terrorists
Following the September 11th attacks, an FBI whistleblower accused FBI Headquarters of failing to urgently respond to intelligence that pointed to a terrorism threat. It brought embarrassment to the FBI, and in the months to follow, the FBI transformed into a “preventative crime” agency. The post Twenty Years In A Security State: After Failing To Stop 9/11 Attacks, FBI Invented Terrorists appeared first on Shadowproof. read more
From the Trenches World Report9 hours ago
Babies could be given Pfizer’s Covid vaccine in the US this winter: Company plans to seek approval for jabbing six-month-olds in NovemberDaily Mail Pfizer‘s Covid vaccine could be rolled out to babies as young as six months in the US this winter, under plans being drawn... The post Babies could be given Pfizer’s Covid vaccine in the US this winter: Company plans to seek approval for jabbing six-month-olds in November appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report9 hours ago
Warren to Amazon CEO: Stop COVID Misinformation, PleaseNational Interest – by Trevor Filseth In a letter to Andy Jassy, CEO of Amazon, Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) criticized the company for failing to... The post Warren to Amazon CEO: Stop COVID Misinformation, Please appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Children's Health Defense9 hours ago
Pandemic Triggered ‘Avalanche’ of Kids and Teens With Mental Health Problems — But They Have Nowhere to GoMedical experts across the country say the mental health of children deteriorated during the pandemic — with a large number of children taking up beds in emergency rooms due to a shortage of placements, providers and resources to combat the crisis. The post Pandemic Triggered ‘Avalanche’ of Kids and Teens With Mental Health Problems — But They Have Nowhere to Go appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
From the Trenches World Report9 hours ago
Nicki Minaj told she “should be ashamed” by Chris Whitty over vaccine impotence tweetNME – by Damian Jones Nicki Minaj has been criticised by the UK’s chief medical officer Chris Whitty after she tweeted that COVID vaccines are... The post Nicki Minaj told she “should be ashamed” by Chris Whitty over vaccine impotence tweet appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report10 hours ago
An open letter to police around the world; protect us!Dr. Trozzi The injections are bioweapons. PCR is a fraud. The entire “pandemic” has been complete and absolute deception, abuse, and “medical” violence against the... The post An open letter to police around the world; protect us! appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report10 hours ago
Over 260 inmates freed as raiders blow up Nigerian prison fence, killing police officer and soldierRT A Nigerian soldier and police officer have been killed after militants attacked a medium-security prison in Kogi State, destroying the perimeter fence and allowing... The post Over 260 inmates freed as raiders blow up Nigerian prison fence, killing police officer and soldier appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Children's Health Defense10 hours ago
‘We Know Enough About the Harm’ From Toxic PFAS Chemicals to Start Fixing the Problem Now, Researchers SayA team of international scientists said it’s time to regulate PFAS, or “forever,” chemicals, which are linked to a host of health issues, including testicular and kidney cancers, decreased birth weights, thyroid disease, decreased sperm quality, pregnancy-induced hypertension and more. The post ‘We Know Enough About the Harm’ From Toxic PFAS Chemicals to Start Fixing the Problem Now, Researchers Say appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Food & Water Watch10 hours ago
Federal Drilling and Fracking Update: Biden Promised a Ban – He’s Doing the OppositeWhite House has failed to use legal authority to halt new oil and gas extraction on public lands read more
balance103 hours ago
Gen. Milley case9-15-21 ”No matter what you are told, you do the procedure. You do the process. And I'm part of that procedure," Milley told the officers, in according to the book by Woodward. “General Li, you and I have known each other for now five years. If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time. It’s not going to be a surprise.” -Chairman JCS Milley https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/joint-staff-defends-milleys-call-to-china Milley acting COVERTLY either ON HIS OWN OR WITH HILLARY CLINTON, BIDEN, KISSINGER, BUT *NOT* WITH THE SERV... read more
MJBizDaily9 hours ago
Georgia seeks medical cannabis oversight from ag departmentGeorgia regulators are asking for help from the Department of Agriculture in overseeing the state's limited medical marijuana program. Georgia seeks medical cannabis oversight from ag department is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Snopes.com9 hours ago
Sand, Catan, Piñatas Lead Toy Hall of Fame FinalistsCabbage Patch Kids, the rosy-cheeked dolls that left store shelves picked clean during the first big holiday toy craze, are up for a spot in the National Toy Hall of Fame. read more
balance109 hours ago
Sars2 update: ivermectin, vaccine injury, NIH
5-12-21 the Uttar Pradesh government has claimed that it was the first state to have introduced a large-scale “prophylactic and therapeutic” use of Ivermectin and added that the drug helped the state to maintain a lower fatality and positivity rate as compared to other states. https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/lucknow/uttar-pradesh-government-says-ivermectin-helped-to-keep-deaths-low-7311786/ ……………………………………........................................ 9-15-21 Australian MP Craig Kelly, known for his strong anti-vaccine views, had commendending Uttar Pradesh for the use of iv... read more
The Duran9 hours ago
America in “PERIL”. General Milley and a warning call to China
America in “PERIL”. General Milley and a warning call to China The Duran: Episode 1088 ‘Treason If True’: Trump Lashes Out At Gen Milley Over Claims Of China Dealings “Behind The President’s Back” ‘Treason If True’: Trump Lashes Out At Gen Milley Over Claims Of China Dealings “Behind The President’s Back” Update (1906ET): President Trump […] read more
The Last Refuge9 hours ago
Rank and Vile Followup, FBI Director Chris Wray Says He’s Sorry For The FBI Systemic Corruption That Led to Sexual Abuse of Gymnast VictimsCTH had originally reported on this stunning story back in June [SEE HERE]. After previously refusing to fire the FBI agents involved in the case, today FBI Director Chris Wray finally said he fired the main FBI agent, Michael Langeman, responsible for facilitating the abuse of young female gymnasts. During his testimony before congress Wray […] The post Rank and Vile Followup, FBI Director Chris Wray Says He’s Sorry For The FBI Systemic Corruption That Led to Sexual Abuse of Gymnast Victims appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The National Interest9 hours ago
Rahm Emanuel is Slated to Be the Next Ambassador to Japan—And Some Progressives Are Furious*Trevor Filseth* *Diplomats, * The main point of contention against Emanuel has been that his administration attempted to suppress police dashboard camera video of the October 2014 killing of black Chicago teenager Laquan McDonald, who was shot sixteen times in the back by a white police officer. Rahm Emanuel, President Barack Obama’s former Chief of Staff and the Mayor of Chicago from 2011 to 2019, has been nominated by President Joe Biden to serve as the next U.S. ambassador to Japan. While Emanuel still needs confirmation from the Senate, his prospects have been aided by his ... read more
The National Interest9 hours ago
Technical Challenges are Forcing the Navy to Rethink Communications*Kris Osborn* *US Navy, Americas* As part of this manned-unmanned teaming equation, the Navy seeks to further harness its growing fleet of air, surface, and undersea drones. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The advent of new kinds of transport layer communications, coupled with emerging technologies woven into unmanned systems, are beginning to introduce potential new avenues of data processing and transmission intended to bring greater degrees of real-time undersea data transmission to fruition. As Navy innovators work intensely to pioneer new methods of undersea communicati... read more
The Duran9 hours ago
Facebook’s special database for privileged class. Prepares to launch video sunglasses
Facebook’s special database for privileged class. Prepares to launch video sunglasses ****News Topic 554***** Facebook’s Invisible Elite Rules Highlight Zuckerberg’s Blatant Lies Facebook’s Invisible Elite Rules Highlight Zuckerberg’s Blatant Lies Equal Footing Lie I have little use for Facebook. I don’t trust it and never did. Today the WSJ has an article on Facebook that […] read more
MJBizDaily10 hours ago
New York tribe opens applications for adult-use marijuana retail licensesA Native American tribe in upstate New York is taking applications for adult-use marijuana retail licenses and said it plans to respond to each application within two weeks of filing. The Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, which has a reservation near the Canadian border in Akwesasne, approved recreational marijuana in a community referendum in December 2019 and […] New York tribe opens applications for adult-use marijuana retail licenses is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
The Duran10 hours ago
Comparing Moderna v. Pfizer Covid-19 Vaccines:
Eric Zuesse The first study was published by medRxiv “The Preprint Server for Health Sciences” on August 9th, and compared (on 25,589 vaccinated v. 25,589 unvaccinated Minnesotans) “the effectiveness of two full-length Spike protein-encoding mRNA vaccines from Moderna (mRNA-1273) and Pfizer/BioNTech (BNT162b2) in the Mayo Clinic Health System in Minnesota over time from January to […] read more
Snopes.com10 hours ago
Did Biden Pull Down His Mask at 9/11 Ceremony?They say a picture is worth a thousand words. read more
The Duran10 hours ago
China to Strengthen its Nuclear Deterrent as US General Warns against Pacific War
China to Strengthen its Nuclear Deterrent as US General Warns against Pacific War News Topic 282 Why US is afraid to go to war with China Why US is afraid to go to war with China Illustration: Liu Rui/GT General John E. Hyten, vice chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, said on Monday, […] read more
The Duran10 hours ago
“Tax the Rich.” The elite class is not even hiding it anymore…
“Tax the Rich.” The elite class is not even hiding it anymore… ****News Topic 553***** The Masking Of The Servant Class: Ugly COVID Images From The Met Gala Are Now Commonplace The Masking Of The Servant Class: Ugly COVID Images From The Met Gala Are Now Commonplace From the start of the pandemic, political elites […] read more
MJBizDaily10 hours ago
Governor’s recall-election wins means status quo for California cannabis sectorCalifornia Gov. Gavin Newsom eased the concerns of some in the cannabis industry Tuesday night when he won in a landslide over conservative activists who had forced an off-year recall election. With roughly two-thirds of the ballots counted, the Associated Press reported, Newsom was winning easily by 30 points. His victory likely ensures things will not […] Governor’s recall-election wins means status quo for California cannabis sector is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Science 2.0 blogs11 hours ago
Like Western Civilization? Thank Dairy FarmingNot a lot is truly known about the cultural world of early mankind but one thing is settled; when food insecurity dropped and it became more affordable, in terms of time or money, culture flourished and expansion began. Domestication of animals and farming took humans out of foraging and secured our place as the dominant species. Becoming a farmer meant reliable food, then domestication of the ox took made it possible for a farmer to feed dozens, and the heavy plow and then later science boosted those to a point where in the developed world, we now only need 2 people to feed 98. re... read more
Lawfare11 hours ago
Introducing a New Podcast: Lawfare No BullSince early in the Trump administration, the Lawfare Podcast has run an occasional series we call the “No Bull” podcasts. These are typically the raw audio of congressional hearings in which some prominent official faces off against a congressional committee, stripped of the extraneous nonsense that tends to lard such proceedings. We take out the opening statements, the repetition, and the grandstanding speeches masquerading as questions as we leave only the actual exchanges of real questions and real answers. With the January 6 committee hearings coming up, we thought it was time ... read more
Small Dead Animals11 hours ago
Protecting the VulnerableTo quote Pete Townsend I hope I die before I get old. COVID-19 was repeatedly cited as a cause of death at the Herron nursing home to obscure the fact that dozens of elderly residents died from thirst, malnourishment and neglect, a Quebec coroner’s inquest heard Tuesday. In an emotional testimony, an auxiliary nurse recalled… Continue reading → read more
Science Matters12 hours ago
Editing Science Textbooks for Desired Public OpinionAn article at Science Daily is Uncertainty on climate change in textbooks linked to uncertainty in students. The author shows how important it is not to leave students in any doubt regarding politically correct opinions. Excepts in italics with my bold. A new study suggests textbook wording that portrays climate change information as uncertain […] read more
Science Matters14 hours ago
Deeply Political Vaccine Mandates
Charles Lipson offers rich insights into the current controversy over proposed federal vaccine mandates. Kudos for providing historical context and perspective in this confusing time. His article at Real Politics is The Deep Politics of Vaccine Mandates. Excerpts in italics with my bolds. The debate over President Biden’s vaccine mandates has focused, understandably, on the […] read more
No More Mister Nice Blog9 hours ago
FEDERALIST: IT CAN'T BE DEMOCRACY IF OUR SIDE LOSESCalifornia governor Gavin Newsom easily survived a recall effort yesterday, and The Federalist knows what that means: There is no democracy in California. Frustrated California voters may have lost the battle to recall Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom on Sept. 14, but the war to unseat him in 2022 is just beginning. Actually, California voters -- the vast majority of them, at least -- didn't want Newsom recalled, so they *won* the battle. That's how democracy works, or at least how it's supposed to work. But The Federalist doesn't consider pro-Newsom voters to be voters. Multiple outl... read more
The Rio Times9 hours ago
One in seven vaccinated Americans no longer talks to friends who disagree with Covid vaccines -surveyRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – According to polling firm OnePoll, vaccination has become one of the most divisive issues driving wedges between people. Fourteen percent cited vaccination as a reason for ending friendships, 16% blamed political differences, and 15% said their friend was dating their ex-partner. Other reasons included finding out their friends were liars […] The post One in seven vaccinated Americans no longer talks to friends who disagree with Covid vaccines -survey appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
bilaterals.org9 hours ago
Bangladesh, Australia sign trade, investment agreement15-Sep-2021 Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi and his counterpart Australian Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment, Dan Tehan signed a framework on trade and investment between Bangladesh and Australia on Wednesday. read more
bilaterals.org9 hours ago
S. Korea to expand FTAs with more emerging countries in S.E. Asia, Latin America15-Sep-2021 South Korea said it plans to implement or launch negotiations for a set of new FTAs with trading counterparts from Southeast Asia and Latin America this year, as part of efforts to reduce its reliance on major economies. read more
naked capitalism10 hours ago
2:00PM Water Cooler 9/15/2021By Lambert Strether of Corrente. Bird Song of the Day * * * * * * Readers, feel free to contact me at lambert [UNDERSCORE] strether [DOT] corrente [AT] yahoo [DOT] com, with (a) links, and even better (b) sources I should curate regularly, (c) how to send me a check if you are allergic […] read more
The Rio Times10 hours ago
The group of influential Chileans who support Argentina’s claims to the Falkland IslandsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - By tradition and links of all kinds, the Chilean Navy has always had a pro-British position regarding the Malvinas or Falkland Islands, which was evident during the conflict between Argentina and England over those islands. Also, because an Argentine dominion over the Malvinas could be a problem for Chile -in […] The post The group of influential Chileans who support Argentina’s claims to the Falkland Islands appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times10 hours ago
Luiza Trajano only Brazilian on Time Magazine’s 2021 list of 100 most influential peopleRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - What do gymnast Simone Biles, writer Shonda Rimes, American soccer player (and Gisele Bündchen's husband) Tom Brady, and Apple CEO Tim Cook, have in common with businesswoman Luiza Trajano? All of them were listed as one of the 100 most influential people globally by Time magazine, in the Titans category. […] The post Luiza Trajano only Brazilian on Time Magazine’s 2021 list of 100 most influential people appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Turcopolier10 hours ago
Did Gen. Milley Run a Coup Against Trump? Willy B
Hits: 23 The Washington Post ran an item yesterday on a new book by Bob Woodward and Post national political reporter Robert Costa which claims, among many other things, that Gen. Milley was so fearful that Trump’s actions might spark … Continue reading → read more
PopularResistance.Org10 hours ago
The Limits Of ‘Lived Experience’Online, the “left” continues to find itself in a never ending series of bad faith arguments around self-determination. Many terms/frameworks that may have had a subversive character within their original context when first articulated, have now been incorporated and distorted by liberalism encouraging radical individualism and anti-materialism. More and more, analyses that are dependent upon identity and “lived experience” are propped up, ultimately resulting in ad hominems, mud-slinging, intellectual dishonesty, and the inevitable tried-and-true anti-communism. Anti-communist rhe... read more
PopularResistance.Org10 hours ago
British Soldier Arrested For Protesting Against Yemen WarThe war in Afghanistan appears to be drawing to a close. But Western atrocities in the Middle East continue, with the 20-year-old War on Terror estimated to have displaced over 37 million people globally. One particularly noteworthy example is the onslaught in Yemen, driving the country to become “the world’s worst humanitarian crisis,” in the opinion of the United Nations. Currently, more than half the country — 14 million people — are considered to be at risk of starvation. While the Saudis may be doing the majority of the fighting, they are being armed, trained, aided and suppo... read more
PopularResistance.Org10 hours ago
The Only Way To Effectively Counter Terror Is To End WarOn the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, I was among a small group of U.S. citizens who sat on milk crates or stood holding signs across from the U.S. Mission to the United Nations in Manhattan. We had been fasting from solid foods for a month, calling for an end to brutal economic warfare waged against Iraq through the imposition of U.N. sanctions. Each Friday of our fast, we approached the entrance to the U.S. Mission to the United Nations carrying lentils and rice, asking the U.S. officials to break our fast with us, asking them to hear our reports, gathered after visiting destitute I... read more
PopularResistance.Org10 hours ago
Striking Cookie Workers Refuse To Crumble“We’re just tired!” April Flowers-Lewis told a rally in support of striking Mondelez workers*.* It’s not hard to see why the folks who make the nation’s cookies and crackers are exhausted and fed up. All through the pandemic, Flowers-Lewis, 48, and her co-workers, members of Bakery and Confectionary Workers Local 1, have been on their feet up to seven days a week, 16 hours a day baking and packing Wheat Thins, Chips Ahoy, Nutter Butter, Velveeta, and Animal Crackers here at what was the historic Nabisco plant on this city’s southwest side. The post Striking Cookie Workers Refuse T... read more
PopularResistance.Org11 hours ago
‘Finding Kendrick Johnson’ Reveals FBI’s Complicity In Coverup Of Black Child’s MurderMillions of people in the United States believe the justice system—from the cops in the street right on up to the judges in the courthouse—is fair and unbiased. Millions of people also believe systemic racial and class biases are relics of a bygone era washed away by progressivism, the election of the First Black President, and the great healer called Time. But those millions of people need to wake up and watch Jason Pollock’s documentary, “Finding Kendrick Johnson” (2021), for a healthy and horrifying dose of reality. The film begins with Kendrick Johnson, a 17-year-old Black stu... read more
PopularResistance.Org11 hours ago
Charges Dropped Against Activists Who Fought For Justice For Elijah McClainThe last remaining charges have been dropped against three activists in the US who were involved in organizing protests seeking justice for Elijah McClain. On September 13, Monday, John Kellner, the 18th Judicial District Attorney for the Arapahoe County in Colorado State, announced the dropping of all the 12 remaining charges against Joel Northam, Lillian House and Terrence Roberts, nearly a year after their arrest. Northam and House are members of the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL). While the decision to withdraw all charges against House and Roberts was taken on Monda... read more
MintPress News11 hours ago
Burned in Car Fire, Falsely Accused of Terrorism, Palestinian Mother Imprisoned without Medical Care
“This is all part of the deliberate medical neglect policy that the Israeli occupation uses. They don't feel like they have an obligation toward Palestinian detainees and prisoners regarding their health care.” -- Milena Ansari, Addameer The post Burned in Car Fire, Falsely Accused of Terrorism, Palestinian Mother Imprisoned without Medical Care appeared first on MintPress News. read more
PopularResistance.Org11 hours ago
No Justice? No Bourbon!Around 400 union distillery workers in Bardstown, Kentucky, hit the picket line yesterday after rejecting a contract offer from Heaven Hill Distilleries, which included healthcare price hikes that reduce take-home pay, cuts to overtime, and drastic scheduling changes. Heaven Hill produces some of the most popular bourbon brands in the world, including Evan Williams, Elijah Craig, and Old Fitzgerald. According to the website Inc. Fact, the company averages annual profits of over $500 million. In this mini-cast, we talk with Matt Aubrey, president of UFCW Local 23D, to get an update... read more
PopularResistance.Org11 hours ago
Congress Responded To 9/11 By Giving The White House A Blank CheckThe authorization for military use of force (AUMF), which gave President George W. Bush’s administration a blank check for war after the September 11th attacks, still has not been repealed. On September 14, 2001, Representative Barbara Lee cast the sole vote in the House of Representatives against the AUMF resolution. “However difficult this vote may be, some of us must urge the use of restraint,” Lee declared on the House floor. “Our country is in a state of mourning. Some of us must say, let us step back for a moment. Let us just pause for a minute and think through the implicat... read more
PopularResistance.Org11 hours ago
Segregation And The Case For School Funding ReparationsThe U.S. public school system is one of the most unequal in the industrialized world, and New Jersey is no exception, according to a new report by New Jersey Policy Perspective (NJPP). Due to racist housing practices such as “redlining” and “blockbusting,” many Black and Hispanic/Latinx students do not receive the resources they need to ensure equal educational opportunity in the Garden State. “We have long seen school funding and student outcome disparities that fall disparately by race, disadvantaging Black and Latinx communities in particular,” said Bruce Baker, Ed.D., report c... read more
IER11 hours ago
Both Regulation and Legislation Are Set to Increase Energy CostsThrough the reconciliation bill, Democrat lawmakers may soon impose taxes of up to $1,800 per ton on oil and gas… The post Both Regulation and Legislation Are Set to Increase Energy Costs appeared first on IER. read more
Econlib13 hours ago
Why It’s OK To Speak Your Mind and Exposure
Just finished Hrishikesh Joshi’s Why It’s OK To Speak Your Mind. Fun book, suitable for campus-wide adoption. My favorite passage: Now consider a person who conducts his mental life as wildebeest or sardines conduct their lives. He just moves with the popular opinion of the time… The thing to think now is X, the thing to […] The post Why It’s OK To Speak Your Mind and Exposure appeared first on Econlib. read more
The Rio Times10 hours ago
Study shows that 50% of workers in Chile earn below income poverty lineRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - "54.7% of the total number of employed people in Chile, could not lift an average family out of poverty (59.9% in the case of women and 51.2% for men), which accounts for the high levels of precariousness that exist in the world of work." This is one of the main […] The post Study shows that 50% of workers in Chile earn below income poverty line appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
War News Updates10 hours ago
Australia Scraps $90 Billion Program To Build 12 French-Designed Submarines. Will Build U.S.-U.K. Nuclear Configured Subs Instead
Australia will use American and British technology to configure its next submarine fleet in a bid to replace its existing Collins class subs.PHOTO: SUBMARINE GROUP 7/FACEBOOK *ABC News Australia:* *Australia to get nuclear-powered submarines, will scrap $90b program to build French-designed subs* Australia's next submarine fleet will be nuclear-powered under an audacious plan that will see a controversial $90 billion program to build up to 12 French-designed submarines scrapped. The ABC understands Australia will use American and British technology to configure its next subma... read more
Greg Mankiw's Blog10 hours ago
Biden's Leaky BucketClick here to read my new guest essay in *The New York Times*. read more
Global Issues News Headlines10 hours ago
Even as IUCN Congress Closes, Conservation Debate Hots UpMARSEILLE, France, Sep 15 (IPS) - One of the most hotly debated issues at the recently concluded IUCN Congress in Marseilles was about designating 30 percent of the planet's land and water surface as protected areas by 2030. Read the full story, “Even as IUCN Congress Closes, Conservation Debate Hots Up”, on globalissues.org → read more
The Rio Times10 hours ago
Bolivia’s indigenous peoples’ march to demand attention completes 21 daysRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Begun last August 25 in the city of Trinidad, in the department of Beni, the march has covered 348 of the 550 kilometers it plans to travel in order to draw the attention of the national government, which has repeatedly stated that it is unaware of the protest's list of […] The post Bolivia’s indigenous peoples’ march to demand attention completes 21 days appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times10 hours ago
Argentina under the microscope: the world takes a close look at the country’s import restriction systemRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - After eight years, the international community's eyes are again on Argentina's trade policy, which is under scrutiny by the World Trade Organization (WTO). In an extensive report of almost 300 pages, the main regulatory body of international flows of goods and services made a detailed report on Argentina's regulatory policy, […] The post Argentina under the microscope: the world takes a close look at the country’s import restriction system appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times10 hours ago
Bolsonaro announces measures to unlock popular housing with an eye on Brazil’s 2022 electionRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A little over a year before the elections, President Jair Bolsonaro, participated in a ceremony at the Palácio do Planalto, with the announcement of six measures that try to boost the Green and Yellow House program. The substitute for Minha Casa, Minha Vida, is still skating on contracts intended for […] The post Bolsonaro announces measures to unlock popular housing with an eye on Brazil’s 2022 election appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Bayou Renaissance Man10 hours ago
Yes, this is just like dealing with my health insurance provider!
Stephan Pastis does it again. Click the image to be taken to a larger version at the "Pearls Before Swine" Web page. Peter read more
From the Trenches World Report10 hours ago
FDA staff declines to take stance on Pfizer’s Covid booster shots, citing lack of verified dataCNBC The staff of the Food and Drug Administration on Wednesday declined to take a stance on whether to back booster shots of Pfizer’s Covid-19... The post FDA staff declines to take stance on Pfizer’s Covid booster shots, citing lack of verified data appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
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