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Real Climate Science16 hours ago
“We finished in second place. The other team was next to last”“Nearly half of deaths over the past month are among unvaccinated” More Than 5.95 Billion Shots Given: Covid-19 Vaccine Tracker read more
Real Climate Science17 hours ago
“Two-shots Rock” Offers Medical AdviceChris Rock, Who Is Vaccinated, Says He Has Covid – The New York Times read more
MJBizDaily17 hours ago
Marijuana MSO debt costs fall, but capital issues linger for smaller firmsLarge marijuana multistate operators are enjoying lower loan interest rates these days, thanks to stronger balance sheets and the industry's increasing stability as more states legalize MJ and federal reform appears inevitable. Marijuana MSO debt costs fall, but capital issues linger for smaller firms is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
These Are the 5 Deadliest Weapons Ever Made in American History*TNI Staff* *U.S. Military, United States* It took generations to develop America’s military into the world-beating force it is today. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* While the American military is not the largest on Earth, it is by far the best-trained and best-equipped force on the planet. The United States is the most formidable military power the world has ever seen. Arguably, since the end of the Cold War, America has enjoyed a level of dominance unparalleled in history—neither Rome nor the British Empire enjoyed such a level of superiority over rival powers. While the ... read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
Russia’s SU-35 Is a Killing Machine without a Target*TNI Staff* *Military Affairs, Middle East* There are, unfortunately for eager Russian pilots, no enemy fighter planes over Syria. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* While other Russian jets such as the Su-30SM and the outstanding Sukhoi Su-34 Fullback bomber have had a chance to show off their capabilities in the air-to-ground realm in Syria, the Su-35 has not. Earlier this year, Russia’s potent Sukhoi Su-35 Flanker-E air superiority fighter entered service with the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). The PLAAF is the second major air arm after the Russian Aer... read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
These Five Weapon Systems Were Totally Overrated—and in Some Cases, Still Are*TNI Staff* *Military Affairs, Global* One very modern example of an overrated weapon is the fifth-generation fighter—perhaps a controversial choice. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *a Throughout history, mankind has developed new and often deadly weapons for waging war. Some systems have proven to be effective in battle and have justifiably developed fearsome reputations for their brutal efficiency. Other times, weapons acquire fearsome reputations that are not wholly justified due to their high cost and lack of effectiveness. And some weapons fall into a strange category—ho... read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
Few Worse Ways to Die: The 5 Worst Submarine Disasters of All Time*TNI Staff* *Military Affairs, Global* Even the highest technology nuclear submarines can end up on the ocean floor if the crew isn’t careful or the technology fails. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Operating submarines is a risky business under the best of circumstances—and will likely remain so. Since the Second World War, the United States, Russia, and China—and a host of other nations—have lost vessels and their crews to accidents. Operating submarines is a risky business under the best of circumstances—and will likely remain so. Even the highest technology nuclear submar... read more
PopularResistance.Org16 hours ago
25 Years Of Kerala’s ‘People’s Plan’The Left Democratic Front (LDF) of the south Indian State of Kerala, led by the Communist Party of India (Marxist), came to power for the second consecutive time in April this year, securing 99 out of 140 seats in the State Legislative Assembly. This victory broke a 40-year-old trend of incumbents losing the elections. One of the key factors behind this victory was the successful response of the government to natural disasters, such as floods, and the COVID-19 pandemic. The highlight of this response was a community-centered approach with thorough people’s participation. People’s ... read more
Snopes.com16 hours ago
Pfizer Says COVID-19 Vaccine Works in Kids Ages 5 to 11Pfizer said it will seek U.S. authorization for this age group soon -- a key step toward beginning vaccinations for youngsters. read more
PopularResistance.Org16 hours ago
Marxist Epidemiologist Calls Bullsh*t On AntivaxxersAnti-scientific conspiracy theories are spreading, not just among the right, but even even among some segments of the left. To address this issue from a Marxist perspective, Rania Khalek spoke with Rob Wallace, an evolutionary epidemiologist at the Agroecology and Rural Economics Research Corps in St. Paul and author of “Dead Epidemiologists: On the Origins of COVID-19.” Rania asks "How do we as leftists deal with the fact that the pharmaceutical industry is the one that has the infrastructure to really rapidly produce these vaccines even if they're motivated by profit and not pu... read more
The Duran16 hours ago
Mockery and funny memes from DC J6 rally
Mockery and funny memes from DC J6 rally ****News Topic 561***** J6 ‘Chaos’ Total Bust For Media As Cops, Journalists And FBI Appear To Outnumber Protesters J6 ‘Chaos’ Total Bust For Media As Cops, Journalists And FBI Appear To Outnumber Protesters Saturday’s “Justice for J6” rally appears to have been – in the words of […] read more
PopularResistance.Org16 hours ago
Amazon’s ‘Factory Towns’ Will Be Satanic Mills For The Working ClassAmazon and its hyper-neoliberal cheerleaders are polishing turds again. Jeff Bezos, the billionaire spaceman, and his company are about to ‘lift the working class’ by creating new ‘factory towns,’ Bloomberg writes. “Plentiful new jobs at higher wages in places with cheaper housing sounds like a solution to inequality,” investment adviser Conor Sen wrote in a piece for the news agency. Bloomberg and Amazon are putting such a shine on this idea, it reminds me of those Victorian texts where the working class living on the master’s land would bow and doff their caps every time his car... read more
PopularResistance.Org16 hours ago
Paulo Freire At 100Every critically-minded educator has at some point used Freire in their teaching ––either to gain some insight into the upside-down world of the oppressed, or as the inspiration that led them to view teaching as a way to overturn society’s asymmetries of power and privilege. Freire’s literacy programmes for empowering peasants are now used in countries all over the globe, and Pedagogy of the Oppressed is currently the third most cited work in the social sciences, and first in the field of education. The post Paulo Freire At 100 appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
PopularResistance.Org16 hours ago
Spoons Become A New Symbol Of Palestinian FreedomWhen the six Palestinians escaped through a tunnel on September 6 from the high security Gilboa prison, social networks shared images of a tunnel at the foot of a sink, and a hole dug outside. A hashtag, “the miraculous spoon”, suggested how the Hollywood-style feat might have occurred. The humble spoon has taken its place alongside traditional flags and banners as a Palestinian resistance symbol, after prisoners were said to have carried out one of Israel’s most spectacular jail breaks with the utensil. The post Spoons Become A New Symbol Of Palestinian Freedom appeared first on ... read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
Venezuela’s Maduro challenges presidents of Uruguay and Paraguay to debateRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On Sunday, Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro accused his Uruguayan and Paraguayan counterparts of attacking and provoking him during the 6th summit of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC) and challenged them to debate on democracy. From the international airport in Mexico City, where the summit took place […] The post Venezuela’s Maduro challenges presidents of Uruguay and Paraguay to debate appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
PopularResistance.Org16 hours ago
Treetop Activists Fear Removal After Trans Mountain Erects FencesActivists aiming to stop the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion in Burnaby say they fear being removed against their will after crews put up fencing and cut down trees in their vicinity on Tuesday and Wednesday. For more than a year, protesters have been occupying treetops in the Brunette River Conservation Area, which sits on the path of the planned expansion to the existing 1,150-kilometre pipeline. They say recent moves from Trans Mountain leave them worried their treetop vigil might be coming to an end. "They're sending a lot of workers on the ground to fence off these trees a... read more
Small Dead Animals16 hours ago
Biden’s AmericaDementia Joe is making great progress at turning the U.S. into a third world shit hole. No word yet on how many Justin will take in. read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
The perfect storm in Chile’s economyRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The pandemic is no longer the greatest risk to the Chilean economy, which over the past 3 decades has been among the most stable in the region. Economists from different political sectors agree that the problem lies in the disorderly emergence from the crisis, due to the great impact that […] The post The perfect storm in Chile’s economy appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Latin America, in search of a Marshall Plan at the UN Assembly?RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The seventy-sixth session of the United Nations General Assembly, to be held between September 21 and 27 in New York, will be the scenario in which Latin America will expose its complicated situation after the pandemic, both in economic terms and in terms of access to vaccines. The action of […] The post Latin America, in search of a Marshall Plan at the UN Assembly? appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Suspend climate policies and cancel COP26 to save Britain from looming energy disasterBy Paul Homewood The GWPF calls for suspension of climate policies: The GWPF has consistently warned that Britain’s unilateral climate policies under both Labour and Conservative administrations were creating an insecure and expensive energy sector that would ultimately fail due to consumer costs and collapsing security of supply. These warnings are now fully vindicated. […] read more
Electroverse18 hours ago
La Palma Update: Lava Swallowing Homes. Larger Eruption Imminent?
Plus, the ongoing Iceland eruption is now the longest in half a century+... The post La Palma Update: Lava Swallowing Homes. Larger Eruption Imminent? appeared first on Electroverse. read more
Next Grand Minimum Profit20 hours ago
The Debate About business idea Next
[image: business idea Next]THAT SEEMS LIKE THE OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME TO ME. Are you aware what? 9. To Acquire New Management: An attention-grabbing method to convey a powerful administration workforce on board is by shopping for up the corporate where the mangers are employed. At the start, copy is not crucial factor about your advertising. Sure, the copywriting market is flooded with individuals telling you it is, but this pro copywriter is telling you it’s not. Be careful, although. Should you commit your complete day to poring over gross sales charts and printouts, you’ll o... read more
Halifax Examiner3 days ago
18 new cases of COVID-19 announced in Nova Scotia on Friday, September 17Jump to sections in this article: Overview Vaccination Demographics Testing Potential exposure advisories Nova Scotia announced 18 new cases of COVID-19 today, Friday, September 17. Of the new cases: • 12 are in Nova Scotia Health’s Central Zone — 10 are close contacts of previously reported cases, 2 are under investigation • 5 are in […] read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
Links 9/20/2021[image: ” width] read more
Age of Autism The Rebel Alliance!17 hours ago
The Real Anthony Fauci Revealed in New Book from Robert Kennedy Jr
Note: Dr. Fauci was on the Sunday news after the FDA refused to approve Covid boosters for Americans under the age of 65. I'd say for "healthy" Americans, but as a rule we are not a healthy nation. Health left... Related Stories - Mmm, mmm, Good? - 20 Years and A Lifetime Ago - Kimmel: Rest in Peace, Wheezy. read more
The Watchers » Latest articles17 hours ago
Spectacular lava fountains at Cumbre Vieja volcano, La Palma, Canary IslandsCumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma island, Canary Islands finally erupted on September 19, 2021, after 8 days of intense seismicity. This is the first eruption at the volcano since 1971. Seismicity further increased during the UTC morning on September 19, leading to...... Read more » read more
The National Interest17 hours ago
Are the F-22 and F-35 “Paper Fiction” or the Real Deal?*TNI Staff* *Military Affairs, Global* Russia thinks the former. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* It would be very irresponsible to squander billions of dollars on a fool’s errand to develop a technology that one believes to be obsolete or “paper fiction,” as the case may be. Why is the Kremlin investing billions of dollars (rubles) into the *Sukhoi PAK-FA fifth-generation fighter* and *the PAK-DA stealth bomber* if Moscow considers stealth technology to be useless? Recently, in response to a column I wrote, Russian *media* denounced stealth technology as useless—asserting th... read more
The Rio Times17 hours ago
Ubirajara: The controversy over the Brazilian dinosaur displayed in a German museumRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Some 110 million years ago, a feathered dinosaur the size of a chicken inhabited the Araripe Basin, in the interior of Ceará. We know this because bones and other parts tell the story. Should you be interested in visiting them, or a researcher looking to study them, however, it will […] The post Ubirajara: The controversy over the Brazilian dinosaur displayed in a German museum appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
naked capitalism18 hours ago
Matt Stoller: #OccupyWallStreet Is a Church of Dissent, Not a ProtestTrying to clear up the rear-view-mirror takes on OccupyWallStreet, ten years later. read more
Retraction Watch18 hours ago
Authors of a case report on COVID-19 in a prisoner say they ‘are unsatisfied with the quality of [their] work’The authors of a 2020 case study of COVID-19 have retracted the work because they were “unsatisfied with the quality” of the work. Nor, judging from the retraction notice, should they — or the journal that published the report — be. The article was titled “Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) Infection Mimicking as … Continue reading Authors of a case report on COVID-19 in a prisoner say they ‘are unsatisfied with the quality of [their] work’ read more
Small Dead Animals18 hours ago
Canada’s FutureAs Climate Boris gets ready for the climate scam conference in Glasgow, citizens in the UK can look forward to freezing this winter with no Christmas presents in order to please Greta. Well at least Justin will stay warm when this happens to Canada. read more
The Watchers » Latest articles18 hours ago
Ash emissions at Semisopochnoi increase, Aviation Color Code raised to Red, AlaskaAsh emissions from the ongoing eruption at Semisopochnoi volcano, Alaska have increased in frequency and intensity, prompting the Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) to raise the Aviation Color Code to Red at 05:58 UTC on September 20, 2021. Satellite images show an...... Read more » read more
Global Issues News Headlines18 hours ago
Fundamental Changes Needed at UN Summit to Tackle Global Food InsecurityBRIGHTON, UK, Sep 20 (IPS) - COVID-19 has exposed numerous fractures in global food systems that leave millions at risk of food insecurity. Like the numerous political failures in dealing with COVID, the repercussions of food system failings are experienced by rich and poor countries alike, with the poorest and most marginalised paying the greatest price. Read the full story, “Fundamental Changes Needed at UN Summit to Tackle Global Food Insecurity”, on globalissues.org → read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
Why Is America a Carrier Superpower While Russia Is Not?*TNI Staff* *Military Affairs, Global* Hint: the importance of proper maintenance plays a key role. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Ultimately, it is not the age of its ships or the capabilities of its hardware that makes the U.S. Navy the globe-spanning titan that it is. It is the quality of its training and the soundness of its procedures that make the service what it is. Russia has long way to go before it ever comes close to matching American naval aviation prowess. The Russian Navy has lost two carrier-based fighters onboard its sole remaining carrier *Admiral Kuznetsov... read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
This One Trick Is How Iran Plans to Sink a U.S. Aircraft Carrier*TNI Staff* *Military Affairs, Middle East* It could cost a mere $25,000. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *“In February 1991, the U.S. Navy lost command of the northern Arabian Gulf to more than 1,300 mines that had been sown by Iraqi forces virtually under the ‘noses’ of multinational coalition naval forces constrained by their rules of engagement." The United States is accusing Iran of testing rockets near one of its aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf as it passed through the Straits of Hormuz. U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) denounced the Iranian actions as “highly provo... read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
How Did America Deliver a F-52 to Norway When No Such Thing Exists? Yet?*TNI Staff* *U.S. Military, United States* [image: https://www.reutersconnect.com/all?id=tag%3Areuters.com%2C2014%3Anewsml_GM1EA9400L401&share=true] Obviously, it didn't. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* The aircraft only exists in the context of a video game called “Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.” President Donald Trump last year told reporters that the United States had delivered the F-52 to Norway. The statement was obviously a mistake; there is no such thing as an F-52 yet. The aircraft only exists in the context of a video game called “Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare”—ho... read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
Who Would Win a Dogfight: An F-22 Or an F-35?*TNI Staff* *U.S. Military, United States* Its an interesting hypothetical. *Here's What You Need To Know: *The answer is that the F-35 cannot match the F-22 as an air superiority fighter—it was never designed as such. Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter—which is built in three versions—recently completed its developmental test phase and is operational with the U.S. Air Force and Marine Corps. Meanwhile, the U.S. Navy will soon join the ranks of JSF operators with the F-35C carrier variant, which is scheduled to become operational later this year or early 2019. The Navy—... read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Azul Airlines intends to fly Brazilians to the coast by air taxiRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The company has an agreement with German startup Lilium that foresees the delivery of 220 electric landing vehicles - popularly called flying cars - at a cost of US$1 billion. "How often have people taken 5 or 6 hours to reach the coast at the end of the year? If […] The post Azul Airlines intends to fly Brazilians to the coast by air taxi appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Climatism19 hours ago
Finally a Real Crisis: Shortage of Carbon DioxideOriginally posted on Tallbloke's Talkshop: The UK shut down cheap coal, refused to drill for its own gas, and failed to replace its old nuclear power stations then, when gas suddenly becomes expensive, is caught with its proverbial trousers down. So much for ‘world leading’ climate policies. – – – As energy prices in… read more
The Rio Times19 hours ago
Brazil’s industry seeks local production due to imported parts shortage; costs are obstacleRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The widespread shortage of imported products, mainly from Asia, has led Brazilian industry to agree on the need to produce locally part of the items that now come from abroad. However, this initiative, which would result in the development of local technologies and jobs, is proving difficult to achieve due […] The post Brazil’s industry seeks local production due to imported parts shortage; costs are obstacle appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
CFACT19 hours ago
Harry and Meghan – “influential” eco fraudsThat Harry and Meghan live in a 9-bedroom, 16-bathroom mansion in Santa Barbara, drive a Cadillac Escalade and fly on private jets are beside the point. The post Harry and Meghan – “influential” eco frauds appeared first on CFACT . read more
Small Dead Animals20 hours ago
I Find Your Competence DisturbingAt a time when, despite increases in school funding, almost 80% of black and Hispanic eighth graders have been deemed “not proficient” in maths or reading, it’s unclear how improvements might be made while simultaneously graduating high-school pupils regardless of their performance, or even their attendance, and while shying from the existence of such terribly… Continue reading → read more
ClimateCite22 hours ago
Green Britain faces food shortages as energy crisis shuts down factoriesThe GPWF 18/09/21 As energy prices in Europe go through the roof, factories are beginning to shut down and food is disappearing from the shelves. Welcome to green Britain, offering a foretaste of what life will be like under Net Zero conditions – poorer, colder, hungrier – unless Government changes course. Acute food shortages were feared last night after high gas prices … read more
naked capitalism19 hours ago
Can the Economy Afford NOT To Fight Climate Change?Yves here. If humans are fortunate enough merely to suffer a Jackpot rather than a full-bore collapse, perhaps future historians will try to make sense of why individuals and governments did pretty much squat to prevent climate change even when they recognized it really was well underway and would produce very bad outcomes. I imagine […] read more
Virtual Mirage19 hours ago
Tanks and AirplanesGhost Plane Stories from WW2 There are more of them than you’d think and often they were documented. I don’t believe or disbelieve, but they are interesting. On Dec. 8, 1942, American forces in Kienow, China, spotted an unidentified plane heading toward them on a beeline from Formosa. Pilots Bob Scott and Johnny […] The post Tanks and Airplanes appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Bayou Renaissance Man19 hours ago
Memes that made me laugh 76
Gathered from hither and yon over the past week. Click any image for a larger view. *(Car 54)* More next week. Peter read more
bilaterals.org19 hours ago
European Parliament voices support for EU-Taiwan investment agreement20-Sep-2021 The European Parliament adopted a resolution during a plenary session on Thursday in which it urged the European Union to negotiate a bilateral investment agreement (BIA) with Taiwan. read more
bilaterals.org19 hours ago
Multinational corporations and COVID-19: Intellectual property rights vs. human rights20-Sep-2021 Transnational companies today rely more than ever on IPR to structure their global value chains, writes Peter Rossman read more
Moray East Offshore Windfarm CostingsBy Paul Homewood Andrew Montford has updated his costings for Moray East offshore wind farm: A year ago, I looked at the acccounts of Moray East, the first of the (allegedly) very cheap offshore windfarms that are supposed to be saving us from the perils of global warming. My review suggested that far […] read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
China’s J-20 Stealth Fighter Can’t Beat an F-35—and Here’s Why*TNI Staff* *Military Affairs, Global* The U.S. Air Force's top uniformed officer—who was asked about the potential geopolitical implications of the introduction of the new Chinese warplane—has much to say. *Here's What You Need To Know: *One area that the Chinese are almost certainly lacking is what Air Combat Command commander Gen. Herbert “Hawk” Carlisle once described as “spike management.” The United States Air Force would maintain an “asymmetric” advantage over potential adversaries in the Western Pacific even after *the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force inducts t... read more
The National Interest20 hours ago
This Is Why the F-22 Is Still the Undisputed King of the Skies*TNI Staff* *U.S. Military, United States* In many ways, the Raptor is the U.S. Air Force’s insurance policy. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Ultimately, as the U.S. Air Force’s only dedicated fifth-generation air superiority fighter in an increasingly hostile world where the threat grows more challenging every day, it is in the service’s best interest to ensure the Raptor remains as capable as possible. With Russia and China deploying advanced new fighters and surface-to-air missiles (SAM), the task of gaining and maintaining air superiority over an increasingly more lethal... read more
Event Horizon Chronicle20 hours ago
The USSA Is Going Down Very, Very HardI've always dreamed a lot, and had visions from an early age. At the age of three years, in 1958, an entity visited me whom I spontaneously named *The Bone Lady*. She gave me a mind boggling, mental download, a sort of preview of upcoming, future attractions. The download had two parts that more or less correspond to the gist of the ancient Hopi prophecies: 1) live in harmony with Nature and treat others charitably, kindly, fairly and honestly, and all will be well, or 2) violate the Natural order and cruelly abuse others, and all will be ghastly, horrendous and horrific. Option 2 h... read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Brazil’s São Paulo surpassed 50% of the population fully vaccinated against Covid-19RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Also according to the state government, 97.7% of the adult population living in the state have been administered at least one vaccine dose. When considering the whole population, 80.9% have taken a vaccine dose. "The balance this afternoon shows over 36.3 million first dose shots, 21.9 million second doses, over […] The post Brazil’s São Paulo surpassed 50% of the population fully vaccinated against Covid-19 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Untitled* Scandal-hit Virginia school board faces calls to ditch member for 'woke-washing' 9/11 * A scandal hit Virginia school board is now facing calls to ditch a member who claimed a moment of silence to mark the anniversary of the terror attacks would cause harm to minorities who faced persecution as a result of the terror attack. On the 20th anniversary of the September 11 attacks members of the Fairfax County School Board entertained a resolution for a moment of silence. It was intended to honor the first responders who risked their lives to save countless lives, as well as the the ... read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Brazil partners with AIIB; expects US$350 million from the Asian bankRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The membership agreement was enacted by President Jair Bolsonaro on Friday, September 17. Brazil contributed US$1 million to the bank's capital, and in return expects loans of up to US$350 million. "Brazil has strengthened its partnership network and diversified financing sources for the national private sector," says the Ministry of […] read more
New Mandala20 hours ago
The Rajapaksa regime: navigating the victor’s peaceThe climate of increased repression is having a chilling effect on CSOs (civil society organisations), especially those with a human rights focus. The post The Rajapaksa regime: navigating the victor’s peace appeared first on New Mandala. read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
Myanmar, a violent tale of two governmentsThis form of governance is terribly common. The military is the only institution able to govern on the same scale as a putative civilian government. But rarely with a concensus. The civilian form spands a lot of time shaking out a national consensus or even losing it. Almost all countiries exhibit this dualism and we all find it uncomfortable. So business as usual and expect more noise and circumstance but also progress as it has become cultural as well. Standing still is barely an option any more. *A flash protest in Yangon on May 2. Opposition to Myanmar's military govern... read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
Scientists Find “Surprising” And “Statistically Significant” Cooling Trend Over Entire Continental Antarctica
Surprising NOT!. What makes this so important is that this massive climate zone is wonderfully isolated by the Circum Polar Current. A change is both measurable and important. Other zones all suffer from a propensity toward measurement drift caused by human activity. Or a tree growing by a thermometer. This is so important because it balso tells us excess heat not coming south must be going somewhere else. Thus we have a warming era in the Arctic. The only explanation that i have for this is a possible bulge in the current slowly working its way around the Pole over a thou... read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
2016 study by 32 authors from 24 institutions in 8 countries found a 14% increase in green vegetation over 30 years – 70% of this increase to the extra CO2 in the atmosphere
This is important. 14% is huge in relation to the real percentage improvement in CO2. We will surely gain anoher 14% before this is over. more if we get serious about releasing hte permafrost itself. Look at that map. The entirety of the Sahara and Middle East is due to human primative agriculture. We can and will fix that. It will all be fully greened. The take home is that increasing CO2 is our freind. My other comment is that CO2 should be steadily increasing long term in order to conform with long cycle CO2 behavior in the geologic record. It will all be good long ... read more
Terra Forming Terra21 hours ago
Graphene Concrete 30% Stronger in Commercial Project
This is a modest improvement so far. Understand that nanotube fibers would be like reinforcing hair tightly bound to the concrete molecules. The actual content can be under one percent. The result would be a super strong concrete construct that can thus be super light. think thin walled beams of concrete instead of monolithic beams we use today. It would be and would need to be imnmune to crack fracturing. My take home is that a ten fold increase is plausible and this will take over half of the mass out of modern building *Graphene Concrete 30% Stronger in Commercial Proj... read more
Mining Awareness +22 hours ago
Grand Jury Indicts D.C. Attorney with Making False Statements to the FBI in 2016 Regarding Alleged Communications Between Trump Organization and Russian Bank“Sussmann assembled and conveyed the allegations to the FBI on behalf of at least two clients, including a U.S. technology … Continue reading → read more
PA Pundits – International23 hours ago
Renewable Energy And Climate AlarmismTonyfromOz prefaces. This is another guest Post from Geoff Derrick, a retired Consultant Geologist from Australia. Lies, Myths and Legends Commentary by Geoff Derrick ~ Geoff Derrick is a now retired Consultant Geologist from Australia read more
GREENIE WATCH20 hours ago
Untitled* World will fall short of 2050 net zero emissions: DNV* A new forecast of the energy transition from Norway’s DNV has warned that even if all electricity was ‘green’ from this day forward, the world will still fall a long way short of achieving the 2050 net zero emissions ambitions of the COP21 Paris Agreement. Electrification might be on course to double in size within a generation and renewables are already the most competitive source of new power. However, DNV’s forecast shows global emissions will reduce only 9% by 2030, with the 1.5 degrees Celsius carbon budget agreed by g... read more
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