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Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
Food Systems Summits Scientistic ThreatKUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, Sep 14 (IPS) - Timely interventions by civil society, including concerned scientists, have prevented many likely abuses of next week’s UN Food Systems Summit (UNFSS). The Secretary General (UNSG) must now prevent UN endorsement of what remains of its prime movers’ corporate agenda. Read the full story, “Food Systems Summits Scientistic Threat”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
INTERVIEW: Amid disease and destruction, new UN Assembly president highlights hopeThe incoming President of the General Assembly says that hope is desperately needed for those billions around the world struggling with the COVID-19 pandemic, devastation, and strife. In his first major interview, he told UN News that the General Assembly, as the UN’s most representative body, is ideally placed to give shape to that hope. Read the full story, “INTERVIEW: Amid disease and destruction, new UN Assembly president highlights hope”, on globalissues.org → read more
The National Interest1 day ago
What Are Robot Soldiers Doing on the Gaza Border Wall?*Sebastien Roblin* *Israeli Defense Forces, Middle East* Israeli defense technology continues to improve. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *An IDF soldier also comments that the Jaguar “…can mount almost any weapon, rocket launchers, less [than] lethal weapons and crowd-dispersal means.” The latter two items suggest that beyond Gaza, Jaguars may be employed in confrontations with protesters or rioters. A photo posted last Saturday appears to confirm that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) has operationally deployed Jaguar robotic vehicles armed with machine guns to patrol the G... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
The Navy has Announced that Its Aircraft Carriers are Unsinkable*David Axe* *Aircraft Carrier, * We can believe them, they spent days trying to sink one themselves as a test. *Here's What You Need to Know*: To even try to sink an American flattop, you first must hit it. That's not easy, either. No carrier sails without an air wing with as many as 50 fighter aircraft plus several escorting destroyers, cruisers, and submarines. A virtual wall of defensive weaponry surrounds the flattop out to a distance of several hundred miles. A Chinese admiral and pundit told a trade-show audience that Beijing could resolve China's territorial disputes by ... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Robocalls: A Nuisance Americans Just Cannot Escape*Stephen Silver* *Telecommunications, * Some scam calls also target recipients of federal stimulus checks. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Americans received 4.2 billion robocalls in the month of July. That may be a lot, but it actually represented a 5 percent decrease from the month before. Everybody hates robocalls, and that’s because almost everyone gets them. YouMail, which tracks robocalls every month with the YouMail Robocall Index, reported this week that Americans received 4.2 billion robocalls in the month of July. That may be a lot, but it actually represented a 5 ... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
How To Get the Most Out of Social Security*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Social Security, Americas* Maximizing benefits is easier said than done. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The most prudent advice to follow is to wait as long as possible before collecting Social Security benefits. The ultimate goal of any American nearing retirement age should be to attain the maximum amount of Social Security benefits. In many cases, however, that is easier said than done. More often than not, recent retirees are shaken to the core when they eventually learn that Social Security benefits, much like other types of income, are taxable. “That ... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Brazil registers 14% energy produced by wind power, enough to supply the NortheastRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On that date, hydroelectric plants accounted for 46% of consumption, while thermoelectric plants represented 25.5%, according to the specialist. On the other hand, nuclear energy represented 2.8%, and solar energy, 1.5%. Rosa also stated that 15 years ago hydroelectric plants accounted for 95% of energy consumed in Brazil. "When you […] The post Brazil registers 14% energy produced by wind power, enough to supply the Northeast appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
naked capitalism1 day ago
Up to Half of the $14 Trillion Spent by Pentagon Since 9/11 Has Gone to War ProfiteersA new analysis shows that a "large portion" of Pentagon contracts in recent years have gone to just five companies: Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, Raytheon, and Northrop Grumman. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Saudi Arabia suspends purchases from 5 meatpacking plants in Brazil after “mad cow disease” casesRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The two atypical "mad cow" disease cases registered in Brazil this month led Saudi Arabia to suspend beef exports from 5 Brazilian meatpacking plants. Brazil was notified of the suspension by the agricultural attaché in Riyadh, capital of the Arab country, on September 9, with effect from September 6. "The […] The post Saudi Arabia suspends purchases from 5 meatpacking plants in Brazil after “mad cow disease” cases appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Duran1 day ago
Mistakes of Future PastMinsk was destroyed by the German military invasion of Belarus 1941-1944 and rebuilding began after August, 1944. Almost all people who lived in Minsk during the German occupation were killed, imprisoned, or deported. But some peasants and farmers from nearby villages – most very poor – did survive, plus a small cadre of Minsk city […] read more
The Duran1 day ago
Prof Michel Chossudovsky Analyzes The Covid Crisis
#Yes: It’s a “Killer Vaccine” An error has occurred whilst processing your request! source read more
The Duran1 day ago
New Chinese Ambassador, “Wolf Warrior”, Snarls at Biden Administration: ‘Please Shut Up’
By Human Events Staff | September 13, 2021 China’s new ambassador to the United States, Qin Gang, has an undiplomatic piece of advice for the Biden administration. “If we cannot resolve our differences, please shut up,” he said during a Zoom meeting last month held by the National Committee on United States-China Relations, a nonprofit […] read more
The Duran1 day ago
Blackburn Suggests Biden’s Afghan Exit Was Intentionally Botched to Aid China
Jonathan Davis OPINION: This article contains commentary which reflects the author’s opinion Tennesee Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn suggested Monday that President Joe Biden may have intentionally mishandled the chaotic, deadly pullout from Afghanistan as a means of “seeking to elevate China” amid rising calls for him to step down. Blackburn, a frequent critic of the […] read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Dirty Dan and Mary-Anne scheme to trick country folk into “more freedom”By TONY MOBILIFONITISDAN Andrews’ commie-fascist state regime seems to think people in country Victoria are not the sharpest pencils in the pack, so maybe they will will buy the message that they can be “more free” if they just get a shot and a vaccine passport to allow them to go places like a big […] read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 21 day ago
"Economy On Suicide Mission; America Is Entering A Historic Crisis; Apocalyptic Depression Is Next"Jeremiah Babe, PM 9/13/21: *"Economy On Suicide Mission; America Is Entering A Historic Crisis; * *Apocalyptic Depression Is Next"* read more
The Watchers » Latest articles1 day ago
Alert level for Cumbre Vieja volcano raised to Yellow, La Palma, Canary IslandsA strong swarm of shallow earthquakes started under Cumbre Vieja volcano1, La Palma island, the Canary Islands on September 11, 2021, leading authorities to raise the Alert Level from Green to Yellow on September 13. There have been 10 swarms in this area of the...... Read more » read more
Untitled* Climate change could force 216 million people out of their homes and into other parts of their country by 2050 to escape flooding, water scarcity and declining crop production* * This is so brain-dead as to be hardly worth talking about. Warmer oceans would give off MORE rain, leading to BIGGER foodcrops, not "water scarcity. CO2 is good for crops too* Without immediate action to combat climate change, 216 million people could be forced to migrate to other parts of their country by 2050. A new report from the World Bank modeled the impact of rising sea levels, water scarcity and... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
U.S. revises travel risk level to Brazil from ‘very high’ to ‘high’RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) on Monday, September 13, updated its risk rating for travel to Brazil. The country, which was classified as "very high risk" for U.S. residents who need to travel - the fourth and last stage - is now classified as "high risk," the third […] The post U.S. revises travel risk level to Brazil from ‘very high’ to ‘high’ appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Climatism1 day ago
COVID-19 : The Authoritarian Left’s Overt ‘Denial of Science’ In A Single Tweet“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerelyexercised for the good of its victimsmay be the most oppressive.”– C. S. Lewis “The urge to save humanity is almost always afalse-front for the urge to rule it.”– H.L. Mencken “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by […] read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Brazil’s UBS BB sees potential dispute between Bolsonaro and Lula in 2022 election runoff; projects market anxietyRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The UBS BB economists further point out that as the pandemic subsides, they see that the market's focus is shifting to the elections. "For the first time, Brazil may be faced with a choice between a sitting President and a former one," they point out. There is increased anxiety in […] The post Brazil’s UBS BB sees potential dispute between Bolsonaro and Lula in 2022 election runoff; projects market anxiety appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Survey: 48% of Brazilians believe Bitcoin should be adopted as legal tenderRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - A study commissioned by Sherlock Communications and conducted by the Toluna platform shows that 48% of respondents think Brazil should adopt Bitcoin as its currency, with 31% agreeing and 17% strongly agreeing. Another 30% neither agree nor disagree that the country should have the cryptocurrency, while 12% disagree and 9% […] The post Survey: 48% of Brazilians believe Bitcoin should be adopted as legal tender appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Terra Forming Terra1 day ago
The food wars
The big problem is that food choice has serious commercial value and that opens the door to directed exploitation. What makes it worse is that there is multiple variables to play with. Convincing the mass market has a finite price and can be used to oversell a benefit which we all recognize, but to also displace an inconvenient competator. I personally missed that manipulation until recently myself and also do not know at all just how bad it is. It is actually absurd that milk and eggs should be under such pressure. particularly when the touted replacements are much less viabl... read more
Terra Forming Terra1 day ago
Our Ancestral lineage pre Stone Age.
This is a seriously useful repost on our ancestral DNA. Understand that we had potentially a large number of clearly separate antecedents quite able to be bred. Humanity had a lifeway that actually encouraged exactly that. Hunting bands were surprised and over run. This meant that the males and children were killed and consumed outright, while the females were clearly bred. Then once our particular lineage began to truly expand, numbers naturally overwelmed all other types. Recall what has happened to first nations in the USA. Female absorption into the settler population ... read more
Terra Forming Terra1 day ago
'Upright Cryptid Canine' Observed Stalking Deer in Otter Tail County, MinnesotaThis is an important report. The hands conform to the long claw like fingers that may be retractible. Thye rear paws are now easily identified as similar to a large dog paw, but also may then have retractable claws not noted. This fine detail for our so called Dogman or Giant Sloth. It anything, it is even more comfortable than the Deer with humans in the woods. Think about that please. while the Sasquatch never actively harvests us for much the same reason we do not actively harvest them, This is not so for the Giant Sloth. At least our guides et al are now packing real firep... read more
Terra Forming Terra1 day ago
New Math Book Rescues Landmark Topology Proof
This is worth a read as it shares the beauty of math research. There is presently a number of mathematical programs that have been worked through to completion. Once that is done, it is hard to induce a modern effort. After all, just who is about to reconstruct Ptolomeaic Astronomy. In this case it seriously needed to be properly published in a complete form. This is also a problem with mathematical exposition. it is much too easy to omit obvious parts of the proof opening the door to narritive blocks.. My own work on the third and forth order Pythagorean saw me doing page... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
This Wargame of Russia Invading the Baltics Isn't Pretty*Michael Peck* *NATO, Baltics* Even nuclear deterrence may not be enough to prevent Russia from a conventional invasion. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Ultimately, NATO will need to muster sufficient conventional forces because tactical nuclear weapons are not a credible deterrent, RAND concluded. Even if NATO resorts to tactical nuclear weapons, it still can’t save the Baltic States from a Russian invasion. One reason? The Warsaw Pact—the Eastern European satellites of the Soviet empire—can’t be held hostage anymore. That’s the conclusion of a 2019 wargame by the RAND Corpora... read more
The Watchers » Latest articles1 day ago
Hurricane "Nicholas" makes landfall along the Texas coastNicholas reached hurricane strength at 03:00 UTC on September 14, 2021, and made landfall on the eastern part of the Matagorda Peninsula, about 15 km (10 miles) WSW of Sargent Beach, Texas at 05:30 UTC with maximum sustained winds of 120 km/h (75 mph) and a minimum...... Read more » read more
OrientalReview.org1 day ago
Bitcoin The Messiah: El Salvador Goes CryptoIn a particular deli store in South Melbourne, a tongue-and-cheek message is attached to the cash register. “Bitcoin accepted there,” it proclaims brightly. Naturally, it is nothing of the sort, a teasing ruse for the punters and those casting an eye in the direction of the store. Cold hard cash […] read more
21st Century Wire1 day ago
REPORT: Pentagon Paid Defense Contractors at Least $4.4 Trillion Since 9/11
*Antiwar.com* | War profiteers Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Dynamics, Raytheon, Northrop Grumman and Blackwater kept the 'blood money' flowing out of the Pentagon. read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
Your Moral And Intellectual SuperiorsNaming the media who secretly took Trudeau’s $61M pre-election pay-off I have in my hands the list of journalists who secretly took a $61-million pre-election pay-off from Justin Trudeau. Trudeau shovelled it out the door to them just before he called the election. And he kept the list a secret. Until now. The list is… Continue reading → read more
Cairns News1 day ago
Petition to remove NSW CHO Dr Kerry ChantJasmine Mufo started this petition to Scott Morrison (Prime Minister of Australia) and As Australians we can no longer stand by and watch Kerry Chant destroy our society, hurt our citizens and threaten our children under the guise of a Health Advisor to the Premier, while her actions favor installing a totalitarian ‘New World Order’, […] read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
September 14th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 238In an effort to keep the Daily Open Thread a little more open topic we are going to start a new daily thread for “Presidential Politics”. Please use this thread to post anything relating to the JoeBama Administration and Presidency. “This is no small thing, to restore a republic after it has fallen into corruption. […] The post September 14th – 2021 Presidential Politics – Resistance Day 238 appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Hot Mic Catches Israeli Health Minister Admitting Vaccine Passports Are About CoercionNEW – Israeli Ministry of Health (right) recorded saying to the Minister of Interior (left) "there is no medical or epidemiological justification for the Covid passport, it is only intended to pressure the unvaccinated to vaccinate".pic.twitter.com/c3oAOpZdEE — Disclose.tv (@disclosetv) September 13, 2021 Hot Mic Catches Israeli Health Minister Admitting Vaccine Passports Are About Coercion by … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: As Global Vaccine Mandates Rage Now You See What Build Back Better And The Great Reset Are Really All AboutNTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: As Global Vaccine Mandates Rage Now You See What Build Back Better And The Great Reset Are Really All About by Geoffrey Grider, https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/ On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the wheels are off the bus, the train is off the rails, and the entire world has gone vaccine … read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Vaccine Passports for Air Travel? One Expert Supports the Idea*Stephen Silver* *Coronavirus, * There are already restrictions in place for international flights, but one new magazine piece suggests the same for domestic travel within the United States. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The former Assistant Secretary for Homeland Security during the Obama Administration and now a Harvard professor, proposed that proof of vaccination be required for getting on a domestic flight in the United States Shortly after the arrival of coronavirus vaccines, American institutions appeared to resist the notion of requiring vaccination in order to ent... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
A Lack of Stealth Will Make Russia’s Hunter Drone Become the Hunted*David Axe* *Drones, Europe* The Hunter drone lacks one essential attribute. *Here's What You Need to Remember:* It’s unclear whether the new exhaust also will require Sukhoi to install a new engine on the Hunter. A change of powerplant could complicate Russia’s efforts to speed Hunter into front-line service. It appears the Russian warplane-make Sukhoi has a plan to fix the most obvious flaw in the design of its new Hunter drone. Photos from The War Zone editor Tylor Rogoway obtained last year from the Sukhoi pavilion at Russia's MAKS air show in Moscow oblast reveal what is ... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Social Security Pro Tip: Check Your Earnings Record Right Now*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Social Security, Americas* Mistakes in your data could have a profound impact on how much money you receive when it’s your turn to retire. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Checking your earnings record every year is essential. As most Americans already are aware that the days of sending out physical documents that take days or weeks to be delivered by the post office are gone. These days, almost everything can be done electronically—and this is also true for Social Security benefits. For those people who haven’t set up an account already, know that the So... read more
Event Horizon Chronicle1 day ago
It's Still September -- Just Wait For OctoberA few months back I wrote about the repeating dream that I had in June, in which God appeared to me with the message: "In four," accompanied by a vision of four, vertically arrayed, blue surgical masks, and which was exactly duplicated two hours later the same night, with one difference: the second time it was Moses who appeared to me with the message: "In four," accompanied by a vision of four, vertically arrayed, blue surgical masks. I intuited that the surgical masks logically alluded to the global Covid plandemic and the concomitant, frantic, v(@)xxeen campaign by governments ... read more
Virtual Mirage1 day ago
The Early Taliban – Part Two –Continued I personally don’t know when the plan was hatched, but Pakistani ISI clearly understands both their own people and the Afghans. Likely in the 1992-93 time frame they polished the plan and began to move pieces around the board. The time-tested way to uproot Muslims since the days of Mohammed. Declare a Jihad! […] The post The Early Taliban – Part Two – appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
What Would We Do Without Climate Funding?“Decade$ of Re$earch” – Fighting climate change with mammoths may seem crazy, but it has decades of research behind it … read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
Julie Ponesse – Please Watch and Listen CarefullyShame on the University of Western Ontario The people making these policies will forever have their names held in disgrace by historians. A future tribunal will most certainly judge them. It will have a name different than Nuremberg but appropriate punishments will be handed out. h/t Leper of Lotus Land read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
Australian Daily Wind Power Generation Data – Monday 13 September 2021By Anton Lang ~ This Post details the daily wind power generation data for the AEMO coverage area in Australia. For the background information, refer to the Introductory Post at this link. Each image is shown here at a smaller size to fit on the page alongside the data for that day. If you click […] read more
Mining Awareness +1 day ago
PG&E: Politics and Crime – Recall Gavin Newsom!“PG&E: Politics and crime | A FIRE – POWER – MONEY SPECIAL” Link: https://youtu.be/oeDLDD0z0hM https://web.archive.org/web/20210828104356/https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/abc10-originals/fire-power-money-california-wildfires-investigation-pge/103-c273fb35-1c43-4d9a-9bdc-3d7971e5540b https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/abc10-originals/fire-power-money-california-wildfires-investigation-pge/103-c273fb35-1c43-4d9a-9bdc-3d7971e5540b SF Political Machine: Cali … Continue reading → read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
EPA again working on yet another Navigable Waters Protection RuleBoth because it wants to and because a federal court wants it done, the EPA will be working on a new Navigable Waters Protection Rule. Such work has gone on now for almost 50 years. The Clean Water Act of 1972 says adding pollutants or dredge or fill material into a “water of the United... Continue Reading read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
Patriot Humor – We Will Never ForgetWe Will Never ForgetPatiencePuppet Joe‘Supposed to Stop and Walk Out’Ice CreamSkullsLiars and HypocritesHave You Seen Her?She’s MissingHypocritesHow Many?Fauci LiedFactsCensorshipFailGrasping at StrawsPurplePainting Over ItLeave Me AloneThanks, Joe!Cartoons Read more excellent articles at The Patriot Post read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Survey shows how U.S. and others view Danish food safetyA survey has reviewed the opinions on food safety for companies in the United States and two other countries to find out how they view Danish standards. The Food Nation report is based on a survey of decision-makers in the United States, China and Germany to get their views on food and agriculture in Denmark.... Continue Reading read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
Does Facebook Have Different Rules For VIPs? Report Of Leaked Documents Suggest It DoesBy Alexander Hall ~ Facebook reportedly has a specific set of elite users who don’t have to follow the same censorship rules applied to average users. There’s a club of elites who don’t have to follow the same rules, and Facebook has reportedly hidden it until now. “A program known as XCheck has given millions […] read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
September 14, 2021: Reader TipsTonight we present a fascinating mini-documenatary about Edward Hopper and his famous Nighthawks painting. Your most fascinating tips are encouraged. read more
PA Pundits – International1 day ago
The Drake Well: Not To Be ForgottenBy Dr. Jay Lehr ~ American oil history began for certain in a valley along a creek in a remote area of northwestern Pennsylvania on August 27, 1859. There a well drilled, with the intention of profiting from the extraction of oil, by Edwin Drake reached 69.5 feet into the ground and filled with oil […] read more
Mining Awareness +1 day ago
More Than a Bailout: How Governor Newsom Protected PG&E (Recall Newsom!)“More than a bailout | Fire – Power – Money” Link: https://youtu.be/F7g_5AI57Ng https://web.archive.org/web/20210828104356/https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/abc10-originals/fire-power-money-california-wildfires-investigation-pge/103-c273fb35-1c43-4d9a-9bdc-3d7971e5540b https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/abc10-originals/fire-power-money-california-wildfires-investigation-pge/103-c273fb35-1c43-4d9a-9bdc-3d7971e5540b SF Political Machine: Cali Gov Gavin … Continue reading → read more
Small Dead Animals1 day ago
Freedom from CovidMatt Walsh read more
Mining Awareness +1 day ago
The French Laundry Connection: Fire-Power-Money (Newsom & PG&E; Recall Newsom!)“The French Laundry Connection | Fire – Power – Money “ Link: https://youtu.be/W44JkLoiPKs https://web.archive.org/web/20210828104356/https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/abc10-originals/fire-power-money-california-wildfires-investigation-pge/103-c273fb35-1c43-4d9a-9bdc-3d7971e5540b https://www.abc10.com/article/news/local/abc10-originals/fire-power-money-california-wildfires-investigation-pge/103-c273fb35-1c43-4d9a-9bdc-3d7971e5540b SF Political Machine: Cali Gov … Continue reading → read more
Mining Awareness +1 day ago
State of Corruption: Recall Newsom!Gavin Newsom is heir to a powerful multigenerational San Francisco political machine, which has included the Gettys and Governors Pat … Continue reading → read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Not Being Upfront with the Social Security Administration Can Create Serious Headaches*Stephen Silver* *Social Security, * What should you do if you never informed the government that your relative has died? That was the subject of a recent advice column. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *“Debts to the United States government take priority over other debts of the estate and the interests of estate beneficiaries." There have been multiple reports in recent weeks about people arrested and indicted, or pleading guilty to, fraud crimes related to Social Security. One frequent occurrence is for people to continue to collect Social Security benefits of a deceased pa... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Why Stocking Up on the Coronavirus Vaccines Was Not Cheap*Stephen Silver* *Coronavirus Vaccine, * The only question remaining is how the government can convince people to use them. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *A major takeaway is that the United States has grabbed 41 percent of total vaccine sales, even though it only makes up about 5 percent of the world’s population. The coronavirus vaccines are, of course, free of charge for everyone, at least in the United States. However, that doesn’t mean they weren’t paid for somewhere along the way. In fact, billions of dollars have been spent on the vaccines to date, most of it by th... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Not Good: 7 in 10 Americans Think Social Security Will Go Bankrupt*Ethen Kim Lieser* *Social Security, Americas* The pandemic has prompted some Americans to reconsider their future plans for claiming Social Security benefits. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Social Security faces funding challenges. A recent survey has revealed that a majority of American workers have major doubts that Social Security will even be around when it is their turn to retire—and this sentiment has increased amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. Nationwide’s 8th Annual Social Security Consumer Survey, conducted by the Harris Poll on behalf of the Nationwide Retirem... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Russia's Airlift Capability is Overworked and Undersized*Michael Peck* *Airpower, Russia* A fleet of about 300 outdated aircraft may not be enough for Russia's current operations. *Key Point: *Revitalizing Russia’s airlift capability will be a challenge, but a necessary one if Putin wants to maintain Russia's overseas muscle. Even as President Vladimir Putin tasks the Russian air force with hauling supplies and personnel to support the Syrian government and the Russian expeditionary force keeping it in power, two recent articles in Russian defense media paint a picture of the Voyennaya Transportnaya Aviatsiya, or VTA—the military’s a... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Why Russia is Refurbishing this Supersonic Soviet Bomber*Michael Peck* *Russian Air Force, Russia* The Tu-160 is Russia's largest, most powerful, and most expensive bomber. *Key Point: *Russia has begun production of the upgraded version of the Tu-160 strategic bomber. However, while aircraft appear to be rolling off the assembly line, it isn’t clear whether the newest version of the giant bomber will enter full-scale production. “No doubt, the serial production will start in the immediate future,” said Deputy Defense Minister Alexei Krivoruchko. “We will wait until the debut flight, the fulfillment of experimental design work and af... read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Tuesday September 14th – Open ThreadOur Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name. Thy kingdom come. THY WILL BE DONE, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but DELIVER US FROM EVIL. […] The post Tuesday September 14th – Open Thread appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
National Organic Standards Board asks for public comments on variety of topicsThe National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) is inviting the public to submit written comments or provide oral comments at its Fall 2021 business meeting. In the United States, organic agriculture makes up less than 1 percent of total agriculture according to the USDA. The majority of those acres are owned by small farmers who are... Continue Reading read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Iraqi PM Kadhimi Becomes The First Foreign Leader To Meet Iranian President Raisi*Middle East Eye:* *Iraqi PM Kadhimi becomes first foreign leader to meet Iran's Raisi* *Iraq has been trying to mediate between Tehran and its Gulf Arab foes in the hope of stopping its neighbours settling scores on its territory * Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa al-Kadhimi on Sunday became the first foreign leader to visit and meet with Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi since the hardliner took office in August. The visit is the latest step in Iraq's efforts to mediate between Tehran and its Gulf Arab foes, including Saudi Arabia, in the hope of stopping its neighbours settling ... read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Imported pet treats, seafood and cheese subject to revised enforcement
The Food and Drug Administration uses import alerts to enforce U.S. food safety regulations for food from foreign countries. The agency updates and modifies the alerts as needed. Recent modifications to FDA’s import alerts, as posted by the agency, are listed below. Click here to go to the FDA page with links for specific details... Continue Reading read more
Turcopolier1 day ago
State Department F-77 reports and U.S. citizens in Afghanistan
Hits: 29By Robert Willmann Sitting over at the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), formerly known as the General Accounting Office, is a report from October 2007 entitled: “State Department Evacuation and Preparations for Overseas Posts Can Be Improved”. The 62-page … Continue reading → read more
Waking Times1 day ago
Battered Souls #32 – Spiritual Warriors Rise Up with Julian Rose
Dylan talks with activist, author and organic farmer, Sir Julian Rose. read more
War News Updates1 day ago
How Popular Is Putin In Russia?*WNU Editor:* Russia's parliamentary election is on September 19, but the results are already known .... *Russia election: Opposition crushed ahead of managed polls* (Steve Rosenberg, BBC). Needless to say the opposition parties are frustrated .... *Russia Heading for 'Least Free Elections' in 20 Years, Say Opposition Leaders* (VOA). read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Russian President Putin Oversees Huge Military Exercises*Daily Mail: **The bear roars: Vladimir Putin oversees huge military exercises within striking distance of Europe including beach invasion by the world's largest hovercraft and thousands of paratroopers* * Nine ranges across Russia are hosting the Zapad-2021 military exercise, which are due to end September 16 * The drills are joint exercises with Belarus, India, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Mongolia * The show of force has raised concerns in neighbouring Ukraine, which shares borders with Russia and Belarus Russian President Vladimir Putin was today overseeing hug... read more
War News Updates1 day ago
U.S. Allies In The Middle East Now Questioning Its Reliability
*Reuters: **Afghan withdrawal raises questions about United States, Gulf Arab official says* LONDON (Reuters) - The United States' chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan has raised questions for its Arab allies in the Middle East about whether or not they can continue to rely on Washington, a senior Gulf Arab official said on Monday. U.S. allies fear the Taliban's return and the vacuum left by the West's chaotic withdrawal will allow militants from al Qaeda to gain a foothold in Afghanistan 20 years after the Sept. 11, 2001 attacks on the United States. "Afghanistan is an earthq... read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
San Diego Could Lose Half Their Police Force From Vaccine Mandate, 45 Percent Are a Hard NO and Willing to Be FiredA rather remarkable situation in San Diego that we could see play out in the rest of the nation. The police union, The San Diego Police Officers Association (SDPOA), asked their members about the vaccination mandate. 65 percent of the respondents said they would consider quitting the force if the city were to impose a […] The post San Diego Could Lose Half Their Police Force From Vaccine Mandate, 45 Percent Are a Hard NO and Willing to Be Fired appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Situation Update, Sep 13th, 2021: Hospital Administrators CAUGHT ON CAMERA Scheming to Fabricate Covid Numbers And SCARE The PublicSocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Interview: Steve Quayle Warns of Imminent Catastrophic COLLAPSE of America as We Know ItFrom the Trenches World Report1 day ago
New pandemic rules for NYC restaurants, city workers, schools in effectFox 5 NY NEW YORK – From restaurants to schools and new requirements for city workers, big changes have started in New York City on... The post New pandemic rules for NYC restaurants, city workers, schools in effect appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Over 100 Million Workers Will Be Affected by Biden’s Vaccine Mandate — Business Owner Rips Biden’s Vaccine Mandate: “Unconscionable,” Biden’s Not On Small Businesses’ SideSocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Biden Faces Growing Outrage After Vaccine Mandate, Afghanistan WithdrawalSocio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
A Reckoning American Has Never Seen Before Is Coming! All Of Us Will Suffer Because Of Biden!Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
THEY WANT YOU BROKE! – Massive Economic Collapse IMMINENT As They Prepare For GREAT RESET!Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Shock Leaked Video: Top Doctors Discuss Need to Inflate the ‘Real Covid Numbers’ to be ‘More Scary to the Public’ read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
UK Government Says Vaccine Passports Integral to COVID Winter Plan Day After They Were Supposedly Scrapped read more
Komando.com1 day ago
Use an iPhone, iPad or Mac? You need to update NOW
You need to update your Apple devices immediately. Otherwise, you're in danger of a military-grade hack attack across all your Apple gadgets. read more
Gangsters Out Blog1 day ago
Ali's killers cop a plea
Dr Spin is reporting that "*Two Alberta men* who shot to death a popular local Hells Angel in a Surrey drive-thru two years ago have been sentenced to life in prison with no possibility of parole for 20 years. Crown spokesman Dan McLaughlin confirmed Monday that Calvin Junior Powery-Hooker, 22, and Nathan James De Jong, 23, pleaded guilty in June to second-degree murder, instead of the first-degree count with which they were originally charged." "The two young Albertans were hired as hitmen who travelled to B.C. in August 2019 to kill Suminder (Allie) Grewal - a full-patch member ... read more
balance101 day ago
Putin’s double-game in Islamic terrorism
Moscow. Putin says U.S. Afghan foray achieved nothing but tragedy and loss of life on all sides https://www.reuters.com/world/russias-putin-says-us-afghan-foray-achieved-nothing-tragedy-2021-09-01/ ……………………………………………………………… In the hours just before the Guryanova Street bombing the FSB had released a composite sketch of a suspect based on information provided by a building manager. But soon after and with no explanation, that sketch had been withdrawn and replaced with that of a completely different man….As a last resort Trepashkin started sifting through newspa... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Star Wars: The U.S. Army is Developing Laser Weapons*Sebastien Roblin* *Army Laser Weapons, * Welcome to the future of warfare. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *By 2022, the Army plans to deploy its first four-vehicle platoon of eight-wheel Stryker armored vehicles equipped with a turret-mounted 50-kilowatt laser. After decades of being confined to experimental prototypes and Star Wars movies, laser weapons today are on the verge of entering wide-scale service, whether in the hands of infantry, mounted on trucks, armored vehicles, warships and even Air Force fighters. Lasers focus beams of light to produce intense heat. They h... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Child Tax Credits: What Are Families Using Funds On?*Ethen Kim Lieser* *economy, Americas* Advocates have long argued that these monthly checks will greatly benefit the nation’s low-income families and their children. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The child tax credit payments are seen as a test case of sorts. *(This article first appeared in August.)* It only has been roughly a month since the first batch of expanded child tax credits reached the bank accounts of approximately thirty-five million American families, but initial reports are already indicating that the funds are being spent on basic necessities like groceries, ch... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
North Korea's Sneaky Strategy for Spying on the South*Stephen Silver* *Espionage, * Spies posing as defectors? *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Citing South Korea’s National Assembly, NK News also ran a chart listing the number of arrests each year on espionage charges. There have been four this year, after one each in 2019 and 2020, and none in 2017 or 2018. However, eleven spies were arrested in 2010, eight in 2011 and nine in 2012. North Korea and South Korea recently restored their bilateral hotline, a move that was made after an exchange of letters between the leaders of North Korea and South Korea. “The top leaders of th... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
University students issue an “SOS” for the health of imprisoned student leader in NicaraguaRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Nicaraguan University Alliance (AUN) issued this Monday an "SOS for the physical health and psychological condition" of youth opposition leader Lesther Alemán, known for having rebuked President Daniel Ortega in 2018, and who has been imprisoned since the beginning of last July. The student organization made this appeal after […] The post University students issue an “SOS” for the health of imprisoned student leader in Nicaragua appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Turcopolier1 day ago
Nothing to See in Israel with COVID, Please Move AlongHits: 23If you had to swivel your head to read the schizophrenic headlines populating Israel’s newspapers and websites, you will injure yourself and need a neck brace. Just look how the story is changing depending on the day: VaccineDeaths.com September … Continue reading → read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
At Least 70 Americans Die A Day From Covid Vax, Feds Admit – FULL SHOW! 9/13/21Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
SHOCK STUDY! Vaccinated 27 Times More Likely To Catch COVID read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Vows to Fine Any Entity, Including Government Offices, $5,000 Per Incident For Vaccine Discrimination in WorkplaceFlorida Governor Ron DeSantis is putting himself in a direct confrontation with the federal government in order to protect workers in his state. Earlier today Florida Governor Ron DeSantis repeated his threat to fine any entity, business, county, city or federal offices with a $5,000 fine -per incident- if they attempt to discriminate against unvaccinated […] The post Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Vows to Fine Any Entity, Including Government Offices, $5,000 Per Incident For Vaccine Discrimination in Workplace appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
“Economy In Free Fall” Here’s What’s Next | Greg MannarinoLiberty and Finance “Our economy here in the United States is in free fall.” Trading coach Greg Mannarino says people need to stay on the right side of the market. “People need to take action and be prepared for whatever comes down the pike.” Subscribe for our FREE newsletter – #1 place for gold & … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
America Being Taken Over by Communists – General Michael Flynn 9.11.21America Being Taken Over by Communists – General Michael Flynn 9.11.21 by Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Post) Retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, who was head of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), thinks evil communists are out to destroy America and your freedom. General Flynn explains, “Transitioning to all the noise that is bombarding the American psyche, it’s … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
MILLIONS At Risk As Mandates ROLL IN! – Children Are TARGETED! – Politicians EXEMPT! – Nurses QUIT!Socio-Economics History Blog1 day ago
Palantir Predicting Black Swan CRASH – They Know Something Is Happening!I LOVE PROSPERITY Palantir is now preparing for a Black Swan CRASH – so in this video, we break down what they may be referring to and some ways that it could play itself out. end read more
Medical Kidnap1 day ago
Parental Outrage as UK Approves COVID Shots for 12 to 15-Year-Olds Leaving Decision to Children NOT Parents
Fury has erupted tonight after ministers confirmed plans to vaccinate all children over 12 across the UK from next week - with experts and parents warning it may lead to unvaccinated pupils being 'bullied' and could even 'tear families apart'. Vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi confirmed the plans to offer a single Pfizer jab to healthy 12 to 15-year-olds during a speech to the House of Commons tonight. But he reiterated that the final decision whether to have the jab would be down to children - and not their parents. Angry parents fumed against the move to leave the decision with y... read more
Charles Frith1 day ago
Wooly Bully - Long Version - Vietnam BackgroundAs promised Although no trees were harmed during the creation of this post, a large number of electrons were greatly inconvenienced read more
Greencrow As The Crow Flies1 day ago
War on Humanity SITREP - A Prayer for Deliverance From Evil*Andrea Bocelli Sings The Lord's Prayer'* *with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir* My dear mother used to say: *"There are no atheists in foxholes."* read more
The National Interest1 day ago
A Blast From the Past, WWII-Style Naval Convoys are Making a Comeback*David Axe* *Great Power Conflict, * A recent simulation underscores the importance of sealift to U.S. war plans, as well as the shortage of naval escorts. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Adding more than 60 ships to the sealift fleet is a tall order and could cost billions of dollars. But experts’ warnings have not gone entirely unheeded. A convoy of five American cargo ships made a simulated run through hostile waters in September 2019 during a sprawling, short-notice test of the U.S. fleet’s ability to ship people and cargo during a major war. The simulated, World War II-styl... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
The Pentagon's Report Cleared Up Absolutely Nothing About UFOs*Trevor Filseth* *UFOs, Americas* The truth, whatever it is, is still out there. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *To a certain strand of believer, the Pentagon's conclusions mean that the only possible explanation for the UFOs is extraterrestrial activity—a conclusion that the Pentagon report does not support but does not explicitly rule out. In December 2020, Congress passed the “Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021”, a 5,500-page omnibus bill covering a variety of housekeeping issues. The bill is better remembered for approving the second round of $600 stimulus checks, but... read more
Caitlin Johnstone1 day ago
Our Gods Have No HeadsListen to a reading of this article: ❖ We’re on a planet-sized haunted hayride to Armageddon, and no one is driving. Sure at first glance it looks like someone’s driving. It appears that there are governments which are run by elected officials, and that […] read more
War News Updates1 day ago
Left-leaning Coalition Wins Norwegian General Election*Euronews:* *Norway's political left wins general election, early projections say* The left-wing opposition in Norway has won the country's general election, according to projections released as polls closed at 2100 CET on Monday. Early results indicate the end of the centre-right government's eight-year rule under Prime Minister Erna Solberg, following a campaign dominated by the future of the oil industry. If the results are accurate, she looks set to be ousted by a left-wing coalition headed by Jonas Gahr Støre, a millionaire ally of former prime minister and now NATO se... read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
President Trump Highlights The Pennsylvania ‘Trump Kids’ Trolling Joe Biden, They Tricked Him Like The TalibanPosted in Agitprop, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, JoeBama, Legislation, media bias, Press Secretary - Biden The post President Trump Highlights The Pennsylvania ‘Trump Kids’ Trolling Joe Biden, They Tricked Him Like The Taliban appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
Multiple reports of alleged human rights violations in TigrayUN human rights chief, Michelle Bachelet on Monday deplored “multiple and severe reports of alleged gross violations of human rights, humanitarian and refugee law” committed by all parties to the conflict in Tigray. Read the full story, “Multiple reports of alleged human rights violations in Tigray”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines1 day ago
Gender equality ‘champion’ Sima Sami Bahous to lead UN WomenSecretary-General António Guterres described Sima Sami Bahous of Jordan, as “a champion for women and girls”, announcing on Monday her appointment to lead the UN’s gender equality and empowerment entity, UN Women. Read the full story, “Gender equality ‘champion’ Sima Sami Bahous to lead UN Women”, on globalissues.org → read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
Yes, Tennis Player Grigor Dimitrov Helped an Ailing Ball KidThe incident occurred during near-100-degree temperatures. read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Vice-president rules out institutional rupture in Brazil despite strong rhetoricRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil's vice president, Army reserve general Hamilton Mourão, ruled out Monday the possibility of an institutional rupture or a coup d'état in Latin America's largest country despite the "strong rhetoric" of the president, conservative leader Jair Bolsonaro. "There is no room for a rupture in the 21st century. We cannot […] The post Vice-president rules out institutional rupture in Brazil despite strong rhetoric appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
Militia Leader Gets 53 Years in Minnesota Mosque BombingThe leader of an Illinois anti-government militia group who authorities say masterminded the 2017 bombing of a Minnesota mosque was sentenced to 53 years in prison for an attack that terrified the mosque's community. read more
The Last Refuge1 day ago
Another Study Shows Hospitalization Numbers of COVID Patients in U.S. are Overinflated, Not Drawing Distinction Between COVID Incidental To Admission or Treatment ThereofInteresting data on SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) being released and discussed today. The first is the release of a study [DATA HERE] indicating that half of all recorded hospitalization cases for COVID-19 are incorrectly being interpreted. The study of 50,000 VA patients recorded as hospitalized and testing positive for COVID-19, reflects that roughly half of the patients […] The post Another Study Shows Hospitalization Numbers of COVID Patients in U.S. are Overinflated, Not Drawing Distinction Between COVID Incidental To Admission or Treatment Thereof appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
Long-Running ‘COPS’ Show Revived for Fox Nation ServiceFox News Media is reviving the long-running TV series “COPS” for its Fox Nation streaming service as part of a pitch to entice police, firefighters and other first responders to sign up for the service. read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
Nicholas Gets Stronger, Threatens to Hit Texas As HurricaneTropical Storm Nicholas gathered strength and threatened to blow ashore in Texas as a hurricane that could bring up to 20 inches of rain to parts of the Gulf Coast, including the same area hit by Hurricane Harvey in 2017 and storm-battered Louisiana. read more
ClimateCite1 day ago
Balloons in the Air: Understanding weather and climateDr. Ronan Connolly & Dr. Michael Connolly Center for Environmental Research and Earth Sciences https://www.ceres-science.com/ Presentation from Doctors for Disaster Preparedness Meeting, July 20, 2019, Tucson, AZ read more
ClimateCite1 day ago
How much has the Sun influenced Northern Hemisphere temperature trends? An ongoing debateAbstract In order to evaluate how much Total Solar Irradiance (TSI) has influenced Northern Hemisphere surface air temperature trends, it is important to have reliable estimates of both quantities. Sixteen different estimates of the changes in TSI since at least the 19th century were compiled from the literature. Half of these estimates are “low variability” and half are “high variability”. … read more
Econlib1 day ago
The dreary 21st century
During the final two decades of the 20th century, readers of the financial press were treated to one positive news story after another. Tax reform, immigration reform, deregulation, free trade agreements, investment liberalization, the end of communism, welfare reform, etc., etc. The list goes on and on. I didn’t know it at the time, but […] The post The dreary 21st century appeared first on Econlib. read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Campylobacter infections lead Rhode Island to stop shellfish harvesting at pondThe Rhode Island Department of Health is currently investigating seven Campylobacter infections linked to the consumption of raw shellfish between Aug. 11 and 19. On Sept. 11, the department and Rhode Island of Environmental Management (DEM) announced the immediate closure of Potters Pond in South Kingstown, RI, to all shellfish harvesting — commercial and public.... Continue Reading read more
Food Safety News1 day ago
Anonymous tip leads to USDA recall of beef, chicken empanada productsSAS Foods Enterprises Inc. is recalling more than 3,700 pounds of beef and chicken empanada products that were produced without the benefit of federal inspection. They also have a false USDA mark of inspection, the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced today. “The problem was discovered after FSIS received an... Continue Reading read more
Science Matters1 day ago
Twitter an Unreliable Means of Discourse
Jack Butler writes an article The Myth of the Red Pill in the National Review. I won’t go into all the nuances and various meanings attached to being redpilled, blue- or blackpilled, but want to reblog his discussion about how cyberspace is now awash with tweets from people, left and right, who believe they and […] read more
Organizing Notes13 hours ago
History lesson: A policy coup in foreign affairs
General Wesley Clark commanded Operation Allied Force during the Kosovo War under his term as the Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO from 1997 to 2000. Clark joined the 2004 race for the Democratic Party presidential nomination as a candidate in 2003, but withdrew from the primary race after winning the Oklahoma state primary. He eventually endorsed and campaigned for the eventual Democratic nominee, John Kerry. (He had hoped the American people still loved to have generals become president. Didn't work out for him.) He tells the story about learning of a secret Pentagon ... read more
Perilous situation for Afghan allies left behind shows a refugee system that's not up to the job

The dangerous situation faced by Afghans who want to flee, but can’t, shows how unwilling or unprepared the US and other countries are to deal with refugees. read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Russia's 21st Century Flamethrower Could Destroy U.S. Tanks*Sebastien Roblin* *Russia, * Don't think for a second that they're just a relic from the days of trench warfare. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Unlike its predecessors, which were mounted on a tank chassis, the TOS-2 is mounted on the wheeled chassis of the Ural truck with the increased carrying and cross-country capability. While many nations, including *the United States*, have ceased using flamethrowers, Moscow has doubled down with its efforts to utilize fire on the modern battlefield. Rather than the backpack-and-nozzle systems that were employed with infantry through... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
Guided Munitions are in Huge Demand, this Report Says*Michael Peck* *Air Power, United States* Smart bombs and missiles can take out targets with a high success rate, but only if there are enough of them *Here's What You Need to Remember: *There is also the question of whether America can even produce the components it needs to build smart bombs. Like many American products, precision-guided munitions use some foreign-made parts that are vulnerable to embargo or being tampered with. Since the 1980s, smart bombs have become the wonder weapons of modern warfare. One laser- or GPS-guided bomb can hit a target where a dozen dumb bombs... read more
The National Interest1 day ago
2 Miles: The Distance Between One Canadian Sniper And His Target*Kyle Mizokami* *Snipers, Canada* While the JTF-2 shot will almost certainly be equalled, it seems unlikely it will be decisively beaten for the foreseeable future. *Here's What You Need to Know*: In taking their record-breaking shot, the Canadian sniper team had to consider all of these factors—merely misjudging one would have caused a clean miss—and it is an incredible testament to their skill that they were successful. In mid-2017, the sniping community was rocked by incredible news: a Canadian sniper team operating in the Middle East had made a successful kill at a distance ... read more
Health Impact News1 day ago
Parental Outrage as UK Approves COVID Shots for 12 to 15-Year-Olds Leaving Decision to Children NOT Parents
Fury has erupted tonight after ministers confirmed plans to vaccinate all children over 12 across the UK from next week - with experts and parents warning it may lead to unvaccinated pupils being 'bullied' and could even 'tear families apart'. Vaccines minister Nadhim Zahawi confirmed the plans to offer a single Pfizer jab to healthy 12 to 15-year-olds during a speech to the House of Commons tonight. But he reiterated that the final decision whether to have the jab would be down to children - and not their parents. Angry parents fumed against the move to leave the decision with y... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Brazil’s Ibovespa rises 1.85% with less political tension and positive external scenarioRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Ibovespa closed this Monday's trading session, 13, up 1.85%, at 116,404 points. The movement occurs amid the positive tone of the international market and the relief of tension in Brasilia after a week of political turbulence. The dollar followed its devaluation against other currencies in the foreign exchange market […] The post Brazil’s Ibovespa rises 1.85% with less political tension and positive external scenario appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 21 day ago
Musical Interlude: Neil H, “Candlelight Dreams”Neil H, “Candlelight Dreams” read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Brasil records 6,645 new cases and 215 Covid deaths (September 13)RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil on Monday surpassed the 21 million mark for confirmed cases of Covid-19 by registering 6,645 new infections in the last 24 hours, the Health Ministry said. The folder added that there were also 215 new deaths from Covid, bringing to 587,066 the total number of deaths from the disease […] The post Brasil records 6,645 new cases and 215 Covid deaths (September 13) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 21 day ago
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Braided, serpentine filaments of glowing gas suggest this nebula's popular name, The Medusa Nebula. Also known as Abell 21, this Medusa is an old planetary nebula some 1,500 light-years away in the constellation Gemini. Like its mythological namesake, the nebula is associated with a dramatic transformation. The planetary nebula phase represents a final stage in the evolution of low mass stars like the sun, as they transform themselves from red giants to hot white dwarf stars and in the process shrug off their outer layers. Ultraviolet radiation from the hot star powers the nebular g... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 21 day ago
The Poet: Mark Strand, "Dreams"*"Dreams"* "Trying to recall the plot And characters we dreamed, What life was like Before the morning came, We are seldom satisfied, And even then There is no way of knowing If what we know is true. Something nameless Hums us into sleep, Withdraws, and leaves us in A place that seems Always vaguely familiar. Perhaps it is because We take the props And fixtures of our days With us into the dark, Assuring ourselves We are still alive. And yet Nothing here is certain; Landscapes merge With one another, houses Are never where they should be, Doors and ... read more
Turcopolier1 day ago
Heathen bishops are sold out to wokism.
Hits: 25“It is not hard to believe that there is now such a thing [as canceled priests], as personally I’ve known many priests who have been canceled,” Gibson said. “But not for the reasons you’d think. It’s not like they … Continue reading → read more
Health Impact News1 day ago
Loyalty to Christ Must Surpass Loyalty to Family: “I Did not Come to Bring Peace, but a Sword” – Jesus
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law-- a man's enemies will be the members of his own household. Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me." - Jesus (Matthew 10:34-38) Loyalty to Jesus Christ must exceed loyalty to our ... read more
Children's Health Defense1 day ago
Science Doesn’t Support Third Shot, Say Officials Who Left FDA in Spat With Biden Over BoostersIn a paper published in the Lancet, experts warned there could be risks to boosters if they are widely introduced too soon, or too frequently, especially with vaccines that can have immune-mediated side-effects. The post Science Doesn’t Support Third Shot, Say Officials Who Left FDA in Spat With Biden Over Boosters appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education1 day ago
HBCU Presidents Discuss Campus Infrastructure NeedsAt Congressional Black Caucus legislative conference, presidents emphasized the importance of federal support for infrastructure... read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education1 day ago
Report Spotlights Public Opinion on the Value of a College EducationA research brief from the Association of American Colleges and Universities and the Bipartisan Policy Center compares employer... read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education1 day ago
Department of Defense Launches STEM Centers at Two HBCUs... read more
War News Updates1 day ago
It Is All About PrioritiesSo Navy fires offensive coordinator after losing to Air Force and starting season 0-2, meanwhile nobody has been fired over losing Afghanistan — Lucas Tomlinson (@LucasFoxNews) September 12, 2021 read more
Robert Reich1 day ago
The $3.5 Trillion Bill Corporate America is Terrified OfRight...*The $3.5 Trillion Bill Corporate America is Terrified Of*Right now, Democrats are working to pass a $3.5 trillion package that will provide long overdue help for working Americans. The final bill hasn’t yet been determined, so we don’t know the exact dollar amounts for all its policies. We’ll probably find that out in late September or early October. For now, the Democrats’ budget resolution frames what’s in the bill. *First, on families:* The bill would make permanent key benefits for working families, including the expanded child tax credit in the pandemic relief plan that s... read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
Is This the Full Transcript of a Call from Flight 93 on 9/11?The "transcript" purports to be a conversation between passenger Todd Beamer and phone operator Lisa Jefferson. read more
naked capitalism1 day ago
Biden’s Speech on Covid Vaccine Mandates, AnnotatedA very close reading of Biden's speech on vaccine mandates, and the plan on which he has staked his Presidency. read more
Medical Kidnap1 day ago
Loyalty to Christ Must Surpass Loyalty to Family: “I Did not Come to Bring Peace, but a Sword” – Jesus
"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. For I have come to turn a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law-- a man's enemies will be the members of his own household. Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me; and anyone who does not take his cross and follow me is not worthy of me." - Jesus (Matthew 10:34-38) Loyalty to Jesus Christ must exceed loyalty to our ... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Suicide-related excess mortality in Japan blamed on Covid restrictions – studyRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – A recent UK study already showed that there were 5 times as many children who died from suicide since the start of the pandemic as the number who died from COVID (almost no children, and no healthy children, have died from Covid in the US and UK). And the fact […] The post Suicide-related excess mortality in Japan blamed on Covid restrictions – study appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Science 2.0 blogs1 day ago
Epidemiology Paper Correlates Vaping To Anorexia - And Then We Wonder Why Anyone Is Skeptical About COVID-19 DataIn 2021, it is vital that the public trusts epidemiologists when it comes to disease transmission. The cultural obstacle is that epidemiology is such a large field, much of it populated by woo. Osteopaths hurt their own reputations by not demanding that hucksters like Joe Mercola have his license revoked, while epidemiologists who want to be trusted guides now need to recognize they have to overcome suspect claims about some new fad food *linked to* increasing longevity, trace chemicals *linked to* changes in hormones, and that particulate matter so small it takes an electron micros... read more
The Rio Times1 day ago
Brazil’s condos may compel employees to be vaccinated against Covid-19RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In São Paulo, the "vaccine passport" is mandatory in events with over 500 people and a number of establishments and services have also started to demand proof of immunization against Covid-19. In condominiums, the issue is still recent and specialists explain if it is legal or not to require the […] The post Brazil’s condos may compel employees to be vaccinated against Covid-19 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
Did House Democrats ‘Block’ GOP from Reading Names of US Troops Killed in Kabul?Republican Congress members and right-leaning websites failed to mention a significant piece of context about the Aug. 31 meeting of the House of Representatives. read more
ClimateRealism1 day ago
Sorry, World Bank and Mainstream Media, Climate Change Not Driving Immigration
A Google news search today of the term “climate change” turns up dozens of stories carried by the mainstream media claiming a study from the World Bank shows climate change could force more than 200 million people to migrate within the borders of their own countries from farms to cities. Like previous predictions made about […] The post Sorry, World Bank and Mainstream Media, Climate Change Not Driving Immigration appeared first on ClimateRealism. read more
Komando.com1 day ago
Private maps alternative when you don’t want Google or Apple tracking you
Check out DuckDuckGo Maps for a more private navigation experience than Google Maps. read more
Food & Water Watch1 day ago
Tampa Climate and Youth Activists Rally at Rep. Castor’s Office to End Fossil Fuel SubsidiesActivists delivered a sign-on letter from over two dozen Tampa Bay groups calling on Rep. Castor to champion the issue before the House infrastructure vote read more
Food & Water Watch1 day ago
Residents, Climate Advocates Win in Court Against Teaneck Over Rejected Petition SignaturesVictory means community renewable energy program will be on the ballot this November read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
Did Biden Order VA to Withhold Health Benefits From Unvaccinated Veterans?The president indeed unveiled sweeping requirements for vaccines and testing that could impact as many as 100 million Americans. read more
Waking Times1 day ago
Quantum Self: The Psychology of The Many Worlds Theory
*Gary ‘Z’ McGee* - Perceptually, an infinite circle is a straight line. Actually, an infinite circle is the capital-R Reality eating itself forever. Metaphysically, you are the infinite circle. read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
Did ‘The Simpsons’ Predict Dating Apps?The idea that "The Simpsons" regularly predict future events is a common meme but is often misleading. read more
Halifax Examiner1 day ago
73 new cases of COVID-19 over 3 days announced in Nova Scotia on Monday, September 14The Halifax Examiner is providing all COVID-19 coverage for free. Please help us continue this coverage by subscribing. Jump to sections in this article: Overview Vaccination Demographics Testing Potential exposure advisories Nova Scotia has announced 73 new cases of COVID-19 on Monday, September 13 Of the new cases: • 36 are in Nova Scotia Health’s […] read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
German Town Seeks Owner of Baby Ostrich Found in Local ParkIs anyone missing an ostrich? read more
Snopes.com1 day ago
What We Know About the Cancer-Detecting Blood TestThe “revolutionary” large-scale trial is a world first. read more
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