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Komando.com17 hours ago
True or False: Your contacts know when you turn off location sharing
Want to keep contacts from knowing your location at all times? Here's how. read more
Komando.com18 hours ago
How to keep what you do online private with just one click
The best way to protect your critical digital data online. read more
Small Dead Animals18 hours ago
Stories You Won’t Find In The Canadian MediaWhile Dementia Joe was making nice to China at the UN, more stories keep appearing about the origins of the China virus. I’m sure the CBC will pick up on this story. And: The Joe and Boris show. Meanwhile on Turtle Island: Liberals like to cheat. read more
Sustainable Pulse18 hours ago
Bayer Forced to Change Roundup Label and Pay $39.5 Million for Misleading AdvertisingBaum Hedlund Aristei & Goldman class action attorneys announced Tuesday the resolution of the Monsanto class action litigation concerning the misleading label for the company’s Roundup weed killer. Bayer AG, which acquired Monsanto Company in 2018, agreed to settle the case of Lisa Jones et al. v. Monsanto Company for $39.5 million and will make changes to the Roundup product […] The post Bayer Forced to Change Roundup Label and Pay $39.5 Million for Misleading Advertising appeared on Sustainable Pulse. read more
Next Grand Minimum Profit18 hours ago
The Hidden Truth on Manufacturing Firm Next Exposed
[image: Manufacturing Companies Next]A conventional brick and mortar/franchise business at the moment is way too irritating and dangerous, additionally takes too much of your valuable time away from your loved ones. Most enterprise owners right now remorse spending all that point away from their families sacrificing priceless time for money. This simple approach is incredible for turning clients into raving fans and raving followers are your extended sales group. They happily advocate your business, products and services to their family and associates, which provides to your custo... read more
Komando.com19 hours ago
Deal alert! Get 6 months of HBO Max for 50% off if you hurry
Want to try HBO Max for 50% off the regular price? Now you can for six months if you act fast. read more
Komando.com20 hours ago
The big problem with the iPhone 13’s beautiful new video mode
Looking forward to iPhone 13's Cinematic mode? You're going to be disappointed with its limitations. read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
Which Tank Was World War II’s Best?*Michael Peck* *Tanks, Europe* It depends on the year. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Do historical rankings make a difference beyond mere curiosity? The answer is yes, for those wise enough to learn from history. It can be argued that the best tank is the one that destroys the enemy. Or, depending on your point of view, it's the one that isn't shooting at you. But otherwise, choosing the top tank is always a nightmare of technical and historical analysis. There are so many variables, and so many experts and history buffs that will argue those variables to the death. Yet into t... read more
The National Interest16 hours ago
You Have to See this Crazy Civil War Weapon to Believe It*Peter Suciu* *Railway Guns, Americas* Both the South and the North employed heavy railway guns during the war. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The Confederates were the first to deploy a railroad gun in combat. The most famous—even infamous—examples of large artillery pieces mounted on railway cars occurred during the Second World War when Germany employed these gigantic weapons in the sieges of Leningrad and Sevastopol. During the latter siege, the Germans had to build a special railway spur along with four semi-circular tracks for the gun’s car to transverse, while it took tw... read more
The Rio Times16 hours ago
What to expect from U.S. Fed and Brazil’s Copom monetary decisions on today’s Super Wednesday[image: Brazil,Brazil's Monetary Policy Committee (COPOM) decided to keep benchmark interest rates the same in February] RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - After the week started with the Evergrande crisis, investors now focus on important decisions about interest rates. This Wednesday, September 22, the central banks of the United States and Brazil will release their monetary policy decisions - when the dates coincide, the day is known in the market as "Super […] The post What to expect from U.S. Fed and Brazil’s Copom monetary decisions on today’s Super Wednesday appeared first on The Rio T... read more
The National Interest17 hours ago
To Stop the Soviets, Sweden Tried Building the Saab A-36 Nuclear Bomber*Peter Suciu* *Saab A-36, Europe* Even though Sweden did not go nuclear, it has always kept a powerful military to guard its neutrality. Here is how it seriously looking into an atomic bomber. *Key point: *Sweden feared the Soviet Union and so considered building an entire nuclear weapons program and bomber fleet to protect itself. During the 1950s Sweden may have maintained a policy of neutrality, yet it still sought to develop a rather well-stocked arsenal of domestically-produced military hardware. From 1952-57 the Scandinavian nation even conducted a feasibility study to ... read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
Untitled* The Post-COVID Classical-Education Boom* As students return to school this fall, classical education is experiencing an historic boom. The classical-education model has a tradition — steeped in the great books, the liberal arts, and the natural sciences — that extends back millennia. The appeal is obvious, even if it had, until recently, lain somewhat dormant. So why the sudden resurgence? Simple: It is an unexpected outcome of COVID-19’s disruption of the American education system. When COVID hit, many schools and teachers pivoted quickly to remote learning and worked to move t... read more
naked capitalism17 hours ago
Mexico’s AMLO Just Made Washington and Ottawa an Offer They’ll Probably RefuseThe plan: to build an alliance of states within Latin American and the Caribbean, and pursue the goal of economic integration with the United States and Canada. read more
21st Century Wire17 hours ago
AUKUS: One Step Closer Toward War with China
*Brian Berletic* | There is no doubt that the latest move, led by the US and Britain, is a signal to China that elevated tensions will be the new normal. read more
Modern Tokyo Times17 hours ago
Judiciary in Venezuela accused of assisting state oppression by UN fact-finding MissionJudiciary in Venezuela accused of assisting state oppression by UN fact-finding Mission Kanako Mita and Lee Jay Walker Modern Tokyo Times The government of Venezuela under President Nicolás Maduro is heavily focused on power concentration. Henceforth, the state apparatus – and all tools available to preserve power are utilized – just like in Nicaragua and […] The post Judiciary in Venezuela accused of assisting state oppression by UN fact-finding Mission first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
Electroverse17 hours ago
Arctic Sea Ice Recovery Continues, Scientists Find “Surprising” And “Statistically Significant” Cooling Trend Across Antarctica, La Palma Update, Australia Suffers one of its Largest Quakes in Recorded History, + Rare Spring Snow Forecast for Tasmania
The COLD TIMES are returning... The post Arctic Sea Ice Recovery Continues, Scientists Find “Surprising” And “Statistically Significant” Cooling Trend Across Antarctica, La Palma Update, Australia Suffers one of its Largest Quakes in Recorded History, + Rare Spring Snow Forecast for Tasmania appeared first on Electroverse. read more
MJBizDaily17 hours ago
The wheels of capitalism, not Congress, are driving marijuana legislationThe effort toward federal marijuana legalization appeared to make a major leap when senate Democrats introduced the Cannabis Administration & Opportunity Act (CAOA). The wheels of capitalism, not Congress, are driving marijuana legislation is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
The Watchers » Latest articles17 hours ago
Strong and shallow M6.5 earthquake hits near the coast of NicaraguaA strong earthquake registered by the USGS as M6.5 hit near the coast of Nicaragua at 09:57 UTC on September 22, 2021. The agency is reporting a depth of 30.7 km (19 miles) EMSC is reporting M6.5 at a depth of 60 km (37 miles). The epicenter was located 80 km (50...... Read more » read more
Greg Mankiw's Blog17 hours ago
Follow-up referencesIn my most recent *Times* column, I did not have the space to fully explain the body of work that follows up on the Prescott hypothesis that higher tax rates explain lower work effort and national incomes in Western Europe. For interested readers (that is, the more nerdy ones), here are a some relevant references together with brief excerpts (emphasis added): 1. Steven Davis and Magnus Henrekson "Lastly, let us return to the *recent studies by Prescott* (2002, 2003), which consider the output, employment and welfare consequences of personal taxes in an equilibrium model with one p... read more
Bayou Renaissance Man17 hours ago
America has lost one of its most incisive, insightful voices
Professor Angelo Codevilla, whom we've met in these pages many times before, has died of injuries he suffered from a vehicle accident. He was apparently knocked down by a drunk driver. It may be a measure of the cynicism and suspicion that dominate American politics today that not a few people - including myself - upon hearing the news, instantly harbored dark suspicions that the "establishment", the "ruling class" as he famously dubbed them, had finally had enough of him, and had taken steps to get rid of what they doubtless regarded as his pernicious influence. That's proba... read more
The New Dark Age18 hours ago
Afghanistan News Links 21-22 September 202122 September 2021 • 10:00 — The New Dark Age There may be some duplication due to cross-posting and may be updated throughout the day, so please check back Taliban Asks To Speak At UN General Assembly Instead Of Former Government’s Ambassador https://southfront.org/taliban-asks-to-speak-at-un-general-assembly-instead-of-former-governments-ambassador/ Mike Willacy’s Rogue Forces https://countercurrents.org/2021/09/mike-willacys-rogue-forces/ So You Go Deaf at a Protest: … Continue reading Afghanistan News Links 21-22 September 2021 read more
Retraction Watch18 hours ago
“[T]hese shit comments”: Author of a nonsense paper responds on PubPeerA conference proceedings for the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) has retracted a 2021 paper which appears to have been produced in part by the fake article generator SCIGen — an allegation the corresponding author denies. “Estimate The Efficiency Of Multiprocessor’s Cash Memory Work Algorithms” appeared earlier this year in the 2021 IEEE … Continue reading “[T]hese shit comments”: Author of a nonsense paper responds on PubPeer read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Latin America’s largest wine trade show confirms in-person event in BrazilRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Organized by Emme Brasil, the event will be the first major wine trade show to be held in person since the start of the pandemic. Over 350 brands from 15 countries will be exhibited. "ProWine São Paulo, whose environment is favorable for generating business and sharing professional knowledge, this year […] The post Latin America’s largest wine trade show confirms in-person event in Brazil appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times18 hours ago
Brasilia Soccer Federation closes deal with vaccine passport app developerRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Brasilia Soccer Federation this week joined Chronus i-Passport, an app developed by the French-Brazilian company Mooh!Tech, for access control and anti-covid-19 security in stadiums. The app was developed for presenting the Covid-19 vaccination certificates and negative tests and its model is similar to the one used to control fan […] The post Brasilia Soccer Federation closes deal with vaccine passport app developer appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
CFACT18 hours ago
Eliminating crude oil is like jumping out of a plane without a chuteEnergy and manufacturing depend on hydrocarbons. The post Eliminating crude oil is like jumping out of a plane without a chute appeared first on CFACT. read more
Age of Autism The Rebel Alliance!17 hours ago
An Atrium Provides Sunlight. NAA's Atrium Provides Hope.
Many of us have been in the autism world for a very long time. My oldest is almost 27. Plenty of AofA readers have adult children with autism. That said, we have many younger readers who may be early on... Related Stories - Sixteen, School and a Silver Lining - Sage Counsel from Chief White Eagle read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
Taurus’ G3 Pistol Is Easy on the Wallet, but How Does It Perform?*Mark Episkopos* *Taurus’ G3 Pistol, South America* The G3’s 6-pound trigger is a thorough improvement over its predecessor, with a crisper break and smoother take-up. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Taurus had large shoes to fill in designing the successor to the acclaimed G2c at the same low price point, but fill them it did. Those looking for a general-purpose, EDC, or home defense full-size 9mm handgun in the $400 or less category can do much worse than the G3. Brazilian gun manufacturer Taurus first muscled its way into the saturated everyday carry (EDC) 9mm handgun mar... read more
Power mad: This devastating audit lays bare the costly errorsBy Paul Homewood Matt Ridley has got this article in the Mail today: Had it not been so exceptionally calm in the run up to this autumn equinox, one could call the energy crisis a perfect storm. Wind farms stand idle for days on end, a fire interrupts a vital cable from […] read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
Gulf War Heroes: Meet the Bombcats*David Axe* *F-14 Tomcat, The Middle East, United States* A jack of all trades to the end. *Key Point to Remember: *The Navy would finally retire the 1970s-vintage fighters just three years later. But in its final days, the F-14 was at its peak. Early in the morning on March 19, 2003, U.S. Special Operations Forces infiltrated western Iraq to neutralize strategic radar and command installations. It was one of the first attacks of the American-led invasion — and it played out under the watchful gaze of a secretive detachment of aging but still very capable U.S. Navy F-14 Tomcat f... read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
Floating Aircraft Carriers are Overrated and Outdated, Let's Make Them Fly*Peter Suciu* *Aircraft Carriers, * A more realistic solution will likely involve drones. *Here's What You Need to Know*: In theory, it seems like a perfect solution, a carrier that can fly over land and water and become a floating base in the sky. Whether it is because of the Helicarrier from the "Marvel Universe" seen in such films as *The Avengers*, or the retro art deco-inspired mobile airstrip from *Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow*, sci-fi fans just can't seem to get enough of such flying aircraft carriers. In theory, it probably seems like a perfect solution, a carr... read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
America, Take Notes: Russian Interceptor Missiles are Freaky Fast*Mark Episkopos* *Russian Military, Eurasia* Russian experts maintain that it can reliably intercept hypersonic ballistic missiles. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Russian defense observers argue that the new interceptor missile will further widen what they believe to be the already considerable gap between Russian and U.S. missile defense capabilities. Russia’s Aerospaces Forces have tested a new interceptor missile, one of Moscow’s latest investments into its rapidly growing missile defense network. “The combat team of the Aerospace Force’s air and anti-ballistic missil... read more
The National Interest18 hours ago
Anchors Away: Five of History's Most Powerful Navies*Kyle Mizokami* *Navy, Asia* No Navy could stand up against the Americans at the conclusion of WWII. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The most powerful navy of each period of human history is always relative. There have been countless navies in the last three thousand years of human history. Built by seagoing nations or those wishing to expand into the realm of naval powers, multiple navies often compete to provide security and expand national influence. The most powerful navy of each period of human history is always relative. The Greek Navy recounted by Herodotus is nowhere... read more
Global Issues News Headlines18 hours ago
Philippines President urges world to ‘reverse course’ on inequalityPresident Rodrigo Duterte of the Philippines urged on Tuesday all United Nations Member States to reverse course on inequality, saying the issue will define humanity’s future. Read the full story, “Philippines President urges world to ‘reverse course’ on inequality”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines18 hours ago
Somali President underscores need for COVID-19 vaccines for allDespite the heavy impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, Somalia has continued on the path to economic reform, President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed said in a pre-recorded speech to the 76th session of the UN General Assembly on Tuesday. Read the full story, “Somali President underscores need for COVID-19 vaccines for all”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines18 hours ago
Sanctions are ‘US way of war’, Iranian President at UNIn his speech to the high-level General Debate at the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, Iranian President Seyyed Ebrahim Raisi called for an end to United States sanctions against his country, describing them as a method of waging war. Read the full story, “Sanctions are ‘US way of war’, Iranian President at UN”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines18 hours ago
China headed towards carbon neutrality by 2060; President Xi Jinping vows to halt new coal plants abroadChina is set to provide more COVID-19 vaccines to the world and achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, President Xi Jinping told the UN General Assembly on Tuesday, urging global leaders to strengthen solidarity, promote mutual respect while rejecting “forming small circles or zero-sum games.” Read the full story, “China headed towards carbon neutrality by 2060; President Xi Jinping vows to halt new coal plants abroad”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines18 hours ago
Republic of Korea calls for UN-led ‘era of global community’The UN needs to usher in and lead a new “era of global community”, and the Republic of Korea will do all it can to support a revived world order based on solidarity and cooperation, the nation’s President, Moon Jae-in, told the UN General Assembly on Tuesday. Read the full story, “Republic of Korea calls for UN-led ‘era of global community’”, on globalissues.org → read more
naked capitalism18 hours ago
Algorithmic ManagementExaminging how algorithmic management works and why it is likely to become even more widespread. read more
Dances With Bears18 hours ago
IT ISN’T OVER WHEN THE FAT LADY SINGS – THE FIRST RUSSIAN STRATEGIC ASSESSMENT OF THE AUSTRALIA-UK-US (AUKUS) SUBMARINE DEALBy John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with Following last week’s meeting in Washington of Australia’s Foreign Minister Marise Payne (lead image left), the Australian defence minister and their US counterparts, a strategic military and basing agreement was announced between Australia, the UK and US (AUKUS). This is being reinforced with summit meetings in Washington this week. The declared […] read more
Virtual Mirage19 hours ago
MonacoMonaco Intelligence Service It was in a bar—inside Hotel Columbus, owned by race-driver David Coulthard, in Monaco’s Fontvieille quarter—that Prince Albert retained Robert Eringer to be his spymaster. They sat in a booth by the window, his two bodyguards hovering nearby. It was June 16th, 2002, a Sunday, about seven in the evening. […] The post Monaco appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
naked capitalism19 hours ago
Record Level of American Men Foregoing CollegeWhy are so many young men giving up on college? read more
Dances With Bears19 hours ago
RUSSIA’S SILENT MAJORITY OUTPOINTS THE ROBOT VOTE (CANADIANS TOO)By John Helmer, Moscow @bears_with Robots can be easily programmed to correct their mistakes; robot voters can be programmed to re-vote. But robots are missing the intelligence to cover up their tracks. In the twenty-four hours since the Russian polls closed on Sunday at 8, the robot voters of Russia have exposed themselves to one of […] read more
The Rio Times20 hours ago
Chile to build wind farm in Atacama Desert with US$850 million investmentRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Horizonte Wind Farm will be built by Chilean company Colbún and will have a capacity of 778 MW, the Ministry of Energy said in a press release. The project contemplates the installation of 140 wind turbines on 8,000 hectares in the Atacama Desert in the region of Antofagasta (some […] The post Chile to build wind farm in Atacama Desert with US$850 million investment appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Michael West Media21 hours ago
MWM PODCAST – Craig Reucassel & Christiaan Van Vuuren: ‘BIG DEAL’To see the film go to https://www.makeitabigdeal.org Audio version of the podcast will be available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts... read more
Socio-Economics History Blog22 hours ago
China Expert Warns Australia of Nuclear Strikes; Recovered CCP Virus Patient Retests PositiveChina in Focus – NTD A Chinese expert is warning Australia that other countries may target the nation for nuclear attacks—all because Australia signed a new security pact with its allies. China’s neighbors are racing to purchase new weapons. They’re bolstering their defenses to counter China’s military expansion. The global stock markets respond to Chinese … read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch20 hours ago
Other headlinesVideo coverage of latest cv events from Tim Truth’s video channelhttps://odysee.com/@TimTruth:b/tyranny-9-21:c More Evidence of what is really happening About the “Unvaccinated : Prof Christian Perronne (Frances’ vaccine policy chief) Is this a possible road for New Zealand? Australian protests (Tim Truth) Important Note: most of our health related info is now at our sister site … Continue reading Other headlines → read more
Need To Know20 hours ago
Study Shows 1 in Every 1000 People who Take the Vax will Develop Heart DiseaseMales are at much greater risk than females. People who took the Moderna jab were 3x more likely to develop symptoms than those who took the Pfizer shot. Myocarditis and pericarditis both come with an extremely poor prognosis and end up killing over 50% within 3-10 years of their diagnosis. read more
Need To Know20 hours ago
A Chronicle of Vaccine Injuries and Deaths Inflicted on Third-World ChildrenThere are numerous examples of the United Nations, the World Bank, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the GAVI Vaccine Alliance running vaccine campaigns in third world countries that have killed, injured, and sterilized populations, mostly children. read more
Need To Know20 hours ago
Former FDA Commissioner Says 6-Foot Distancing was Arbitrary and not Based on ScienceScott Gottlieb, the former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), admitted during an interview on Face the Nation that the six foot social distancing rule by the CDC was the only reason why most schools remained shut. The six-foot rule was arbitrary.. read more
Need To Know20 hours ago
Nurse at Health and Human Services Hospital Reveals CoverUp of Vaccine InjuriesJodi O’Malley, RN, blew the whistle on the government for failing to collect data and report on vaccine injuries. O'Malley said that her co-worker was coerced into taking the jab and died from it in August. She said that fear of COVID is plaguing our country. read more
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