10 pm MDT
Small Dead Animals11 hours ago
Biden’s AmericaMigrants that are being rounded up, are fighting back. What a clown show. But I’m sure Justin would take them if asked. read more
Children's Health Defense11 hours ago
‘This Is Evil at the Highest Level,’ Says HHS WhistleblowerIn a video released Monday by Project Veritas, U.S. Health and Human Services insider, Jodi O’Malley, a registered nurse, shares recorded conversations between her and colleagues about the government’s failure to acknowledge COVID vaccine risks and lack of efficacy. The post ‘This Is Evil at the Highest Level,’ Says HHS Whistleblower appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Children's Health Defense11 hours ago
SpaceX Program Risks ‘Multiple Tragedies of the Commons,’ But FCC Turns Blind EyeThe Federal Communications Commission approved the deployment of 3,000 new Starlink satellites without conducting the legally required assessment of how the technology will negatively impact the environment. The post SpaceX Program Risks ‘Multiple Tragedies of the Commons,’ But FCC Turns Blind Eye appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Children's Health Defense11 hours ago
Documents Prove NIH Funded Coronavirus Research in Wuhan. Could That Be What Caused the Pandemic?A multimillion-dollar bat coronavirus research grant, funded by the National Institutes of Health, revealed that researchers in Wuhan, China manipulated coronaviruses in ways that led to increased severity of infection. The post Documents Prove NIH Funded Coronavirus Research in Wuhan. Could That Be What Caused the Pandemic? appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
Komando.com12 hours ago
Speed up your Android phone with this handy app
Slow Android phone? Check out this handy app to make your device run like new again. read more
Small Dead Animals12 hours ago
Showing Up To RiotThey’re starting to get the hang of this. Victoria police retreat as construction workers protesting vaccine passports & shutdowns throw projectiles & charge. pic.twitter.com/M3TXErfM7H — Rita Panahi (@RitaPanahi) September 21, 2021 For context: the jab has been mandated for the construction and trade industries, or these men are all faced with losing their jobs. The… Continue reading → read more
Waking Times12 hours ago
Nearly 15,000 Deaths, More Than 700,000 Injuries Reported to VAERS Since December 2020 Rollout of COVID Vaccines in U.S.
*Megan Redshaw* - VAERS data released Sept. 17 by the CDC showed a total of 701,561 reports of adverse events from all age groups following COVID vaccines, including 14,925 deaths and 91,523 serious injuries between Dec. 14, 2020 and Sept. 10, 2021. read more
21st Century Wire10 hours ago
Do We Live in a Sick Society?
*Academy of Ideas* | It should be painfully clear by now that the 'New Normal' is anything but normal. read more
naked capitalism10 hours ago
2:00PM Water Cooler 9/21/2021~ Today's Water Cooler ~ read more
War News Updates10 hours ago
Space Force Unveils its New Uniforms
Chief of Space Operations Gen. John W. "Jay" Raymond unveiled the Guardian Service Dress prototype during the Air Force Association’s Air, Space, and Cyber conference on Sept. 21, 2021. (Twitter) *Military.com:* *The Space Force Unveils its New, Sci-Fi Worthy Uniform* The Space Force finally has its own service dress uniform -- one worthy of the Starship Enterprise. The U.S. military's newest service unveiled its prototype dress uniform at the Air Force Association's Air Space & Cyber conference in National Harbor, Maryland, on Tuesday -- prompting commenters to share images a... read more
21st Century Wire10 hours ago
Manny Pacquiao Announces Run for Philippines President
*21WIRE* | One of the world's greatest boxing legends has decided to step into a brand new ring. read more
Accidental Deliberations10 hours ago
Tuesday Morning LinksThis and that for your Tuesday reading. - Alexander Quon reports on Alexander Wong's call for far more public health measures to alleviate COVID's unmanageable strain on Saskatchewan's health care system. And Libby Giesbrecht reports on the conditions in emergency rooms which are seeing patients wait for days (requiring the attention of paramedics the entire time) before being admitted. - Meanwhile, Andrea Germanos writes that the failure of rich countries to provide vaccines to less-wealthy ones is resulting both in gross inequality in vaccine access, and far more dangerous out... read more
Joe Martin's Ghost10 hours ago
How We Got A Generation Of Communist Morons Infecting SocietyMussolini himself described fascism as corporatism, harnessing corporate power to the servicing the needs of the state. Given that he was a longtime socialist, raised by radical socialists his fascism was but a modification/evolution of what up to then was pretty much standard European socialist thought.Rather than having complete state ownership of the means of production, it's owners were read more
The Rio Times10 hours ago
Chile and 10 countries protest in Germany over auction of 320 pre-Columbian art piecesRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Eleven Latin American countries, including Chile, protested today Tuesday in Munich over an auction that intends to sell more than 320 pieces of pre-Columbian art, some of them more than 2,000 years old. At a press conference, diplomatic representatives from Chile, Mexico, Venezuela, Cuba, Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Peru, Colombia, […] The post Chile and 10 countries protest in Germany over auction of 320 pre-Columbian art pieces appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education10 hours ago
Children's Rights Activist Marian Wright Edelman Receives 2022 Moynihan PrizeThe American Academy of Political and Social Science will award the 2022 Daniel Patrick Moynihan Prize to children's rights activist... read more
The Rio Times10 hours ago
Air traffic in Chile grows over 500% in August compared to 2020, but still not at pre-Covid-19 levelsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Little by little and after an intense 2020 in economic and industrial matters, Chile is returning to normal operations. But it is still far from reaching pre-pandemic levels. This was demonstrated by the latest air traffic balance published by the Civil Aeronautics Board (JAC), which revealed an increase of up […] The post Air traffic in Chile grows over 500% in August compared to 2020, but still not at pre-Covid-19 levels appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The National Interest10 hours ago
The Littoral Combat Ships are Broken. Here's How to Fix Them.*James Holmes* *Littoral Combat Ship, United States* The Navy once billed the LCS as essential to its inshore operations, but the ships haven't lived up to the hype. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Naval history is replete with examples of platforms being repurposed for new missions, oftentimes to good effect. The same could be done with the LCS. Is it time to admit the U.S. Navy’s littoral combat ships are a failure? Yes. And no—maybe. In 2004 President George W. Bush pronounced the overthrow of Saddam Hussein a “catastrophic success,” implying the invasion was an operation... read more
Global Issues News Headlines10 hours ago
US plan to increase refugee resettlement welcomed by UNHCRUnited States President Joe Biden’s proposal to raise the target for refugee resettlement there in the coming fiscal year to 125,000 people, has been welcomed by the UN refugee agency (UNHCR). Read the full story, “US plan to increase refugee resettlement welcomed by UNHCR”, on globalissues.org → read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 210 hours ago
"There Is Always The Hope..."
“What happens to people living in a society where everyone in power is lying, stealing, cheating and killing, and in our hearts we all know this, but the consequences of facing all these lies are so monstrous, we keep on hoping that maybe the corporate government administration and media are on the level with us this time. Americans remind me of survivors of domestic abuse. This is always the hope that this is the very, very, very last time one’s ribs get re-broken again.” - Inga Muscio read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education10 hours ago
AAMC Creates Center for Health JusticeThe Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) has created a Center for Health Justice, designed to address health inequities... read more
21st Century Wire10 hours ago
‘False Facts’ on COVID Hospitalizations with Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
*Megyn Kelly* | New study reveals massive exaggerations by public health officials about the actual number of people hospitalized 'with COVID'. read more
Snopes.com10 hours ago
Bronze Bust Unveiled at Burt Reynolds’ Hollywood GravesiteA plaque and a palm tree weren't enough to mark the swagger and star power of Burt Reynolds. read more
Medical Kidnap11 hours ago
REVOLUTION! Protesters Led by Construction Workers in Melbourne Shut Down Major Freeways Over COVID Tyranny and Mandatory Vaccines
It appears that we have a bona fide revolution unfolding in the city of Melbourne, Australia! Australia currently leads the world in medical tyranny as they have descended into a total medical police state in the past several weeks, with authorities desperately trying to keep the COVID narrative alive by trying to track every single movement of their citizens, force them to stay in their homes unless the government gives them permission to leave and go outside, and mandatory COVID-19 shots are being implemented for everyone to participate in society. Led by construction workers b... read more
The Rio Times11 hours ago
New conservation areas considered in Rio de Janeiro’s West ZoneRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The lowlands behind Barra de Tijuca, including parts of Vargem, Recreio, and Jacarepaguá neighborhoods, are undergoing analysis and consultation for the possible creation of two new conservation units (UCs) by the Municipal Secretariat for the Environment. Unlike the highlands nearby, where all lands above 100 meters are part of Pedra […] The post New conservation areas considered in Rio de Janeiro’s West Zone appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Viable Opposition11 hours ago
Project Dunbar - The Next Phase in the Development of Central Bank Digital Currencies.
It is becoming increasingly clear, at least to those of us who are trying to suss out the "big picture", that the current pandemic is being used as the catalyst for a complete rebuilding of society. One piece of the puzzle that fits well with the implementation of a vaccine passport is the introduction of central bank digital currencies or CBDCs. A recent announcement from the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) clearly shows the progress that is being made on this aspect of what will be a new normal. Here is the announcement from BIS, the central bank for central banks... read more
CFACT11 hours ago
San Nicolas Island fox faces brighter days ahead“The San Nicolas Island fox, a subspecies of the Channel Island Fox only found on the most remote of California’s eight Channel Islands, is at a low risk of extinction, new research published last week in Ecosphere shows. The post San Nicolas Island fox faces brighter days ahead appeared first on CFACT. read more
CFACT12 hours ago
Making the Great Outdoors inclusive for everyone (ft. Ashlee Lundvall & Chad Waligura of Able Outdoors)Ashlee and Chad from Able Outdoors discuss how to make the Great Outdoors inclusive for people of all abilities. Tune in! The post Making the Great Outdoors inclusive for everyone (ft. Ashlee Lundvall & Chad Waligura of Able Outdoors) appeared first on CFACT. read more
From the Trenches World Report10 hours ago
CONFIRMED: Gov. Inslee setting up covid concentration camps in Washington state, issuing job listings for “strike team” coordinatorsNatural News – by Ethan Huff A Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “isolation and quarantine” facility has been set up by Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington state.... The post CONFIRMED: Gov. Inslee setting up covid concentration camps in Washington state, issuing job listings for “strike team” coordinators appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Covert Geopolitics10 hours ago
The Claim that COVID Jabs Are Safe and Effective Has Fallen Apart“The rush to vaccinate first and research later has left you in a position whereby COVID-19 vaccination policy is now entirely divorced from the relevant evidence base.” OPEN LETTER AND NOTICE OF LIABILITY FROM DOCTORS AND SCIENTISTS TO THE EUROPEAN MEDICINES AUTHORITY AND THE MEMBERS OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT REGARDING COVID-19 VACCINATION The cohesiveness of … Continue reading The Claim that COVID Jabs Are Safe and Effective Has Fallen Apart → read more
From the Trenches World Report10 hours ago
White House: Illegal Aliens Do Not Need Proof of Vaccination Because ‘Not Intending to Stay’Breitbart – by Charlie Spiering The White House conceded Monday they were not requiring border crossers to show proof of vaccination, even though the government... The post White House: Illegal Aliens Do Not Need Proof of Vaccination Because ‘Not Intending to Stay’ appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report10 hours ago
CDC: Afghans Arriving in U.S. Infected with Measles, Malaria, TuberculosisBreitbart – by John Binder President Joe Biden’s administration is bringing Afghans to the United States who are carrying viruses such as measles, malaria, tuberculosis,... The post CDC: Afghans Arriving in U.S. Infected with Measles, Malaria, Tuberculosis appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report10 hours ago
German officials fear anti-mask radicalization after killingMail.com BERLIN (AP) — Senior politicians in Germany expressed shock over the weekend killing of a young gas station clerk who asked a customer to... The post German officials fear anti-mask radicalization after killing appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report10 hours ago
Biden Proposes Increase in Refugee Admissions to 125K Amid Border CrisisSputnik Thousands of Haitian migrants remain under the International Bridge in Del Rio, Texas, seeking asylum in the United States, as federal authorities have been... The post Biden Proposes Increase in Refugee Admissions to 125K Amid Border Crisis appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Covert Geopolitics11 hours ago
Workers Are Being Put in “The Line of Fire”: Organized Labour and Mandatory VaccinesThroughout the previous year, governments and corporations have crushed the exercise of our human rights, constitutional rights, and civil liberties on a massive scale. The scope of the violations integral to the assault on people’s rights is now being rapidly extended into the imposition of government-sanctioned vaccine mandates. Working people are now being put squarely … Continue reading Workers Are Being Put in “The Line of Fire”: Organized Labour and Mandatory Vaccines → read more
Arctic Sea Ice Recovers Strongly In 2021
By Paul Homewood https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2012/sep/17/arctic-collapse-sea-ice For years we were assured that the summer sea ice in the Arctic would be long gone by now. After all, even that expert Al Gore pronounced in 2009 that it would have all melted away within four years, and many other Arctic experts concurred. But when it comes […] read more
From the Trenches World Report12 hours ago
FBI Robs 800 Safety Deposit Boxes, Steal People’s Life Savings, Claiming Cash Smelled Like DrugsFree Thought Project – by Matt Agorist Los Angeles, CA — For decades now, federal government and their cohorts in law enforcement have been carrying... The post FBI Robs 800 Safety Deposit Boxes, Steal People’s Life Savings, Claiming Cash Smelled Like Drugs appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report12 hours ago
LA County Department of Public Health: Emmys were not in violation of the county’s mask mandateNew: LA County Department of Public Health tells me that the mask-less Emmys were not in violation of the county's mask mandate because "exceptions are... The post LA County Department of Public Health: Emmys were not in violation of the county’s mask mandate appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report12 hours ago
Sidelined? Hundreds of Navy SEALS told they won’t be deployed if they refuse COVID vaccineJust the News – by John Solomon Several hundred elite Navy SEALs are in danger of being blocked from deploying with their special operator teams... The post Sidelined? Hundreds of Navy SEALS told they won’t be deployed if they refuse COVID vaccine appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report12 hours ago
DEVIL’S KNOB COMPLEX IS UP BY 570 ACRESKQEN Radio The Devil’s Knob Complex has grown by 570 acres, and is listed at 69,871 acres. An update from the Pacific Northwest Team 2... The post DEVIL’S KNOB COMPLEX IS UP BY 570 ACRES appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report12 hours ago
“It’s Not The Same Thing”: Jen Psaki Asked Why Migrants Walking Across Border Don’t Have To Show Vaccine ProofZero Hedge – by Tyler Durden After the earlier Biden-mandated vaccine requirement for federal workers and all armed forces branches, and with the city of D.C.... The post “It’s Not The Same Thing”: Jen Psaki Asked Why Migrants Walking Across Border Don’t Have To Show Vaccine Proof appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report12 hours ago
Canada’s Trudeau ekes out narrow win in COVID-dominated electionAOL CALGARY, Alberta (Reuters) Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau narrowly won re-election on Monday but failed to secure a majority in parliament, after alienating some... The post Canada’s Trudeau ekes out narrow win in COVID-dominated election appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report12 hours ago
The Rise And Fall Of 9MM Ammo Prices During COVID; What’s Next?Zero Hedge – The Machine Gun Nest The Machine Gun Nest has been open since 2015, but we’ve been in the firearms industry since 2013.... The post The Rise And Fall Of 9MM Ammo Prices During COVID; What’s Next? appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report12 hours ago
City of Winlock approves proclamation demanding Governor Inslee submit to mental health evaluationWe the Governed – by Glen Morgan, Sept 14, 2021 Last night, in the City of Winlock, Washington with a unanimous city council vote, Mayor... The post City of Winlock approves proclamation demanding Governor Inslee submit to mental health evaluation appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report12 hours ago
From the Trenches World Report12 hours ago
Pennsylvania Rations Alcohol Due to Crippled Supply ChainEpoch Times – by Beth Brelje A shortage of certain alcohol brands is leaving some drinkers in low spirits; the Pennsylvania Liquor Control Board (PLCB)... The post Pennsylvania Rations Alcohol Due to Crippled Supply Chain appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report12 hours ago
Wildfires Hit Sequoia National Forest; ‘General Sherman’ Wrapped in FoilBreitbart – by Joel B Pollak Firefighters have wrapped the base of the giant sequoia tree known as “General Sherman” in a foil-like material to... The post Wildfires Hit Sequoia National Forest; ‘General Sherman’ Wrapped in Foil appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report13 hours ago
Armed Man Detained At ‘Justice For J6’ Rally ‘Exposed As Undercover Law Enforcement’Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan An armed man who was filmed being detained at the Capitol rally in support of Jan 6 suspects appears... The post Armed Man Detained At ‘Justice For J6’ Rally ‘Exposed As Undercover Law Enforcement’ appeared first on From the Trenches World Report . read more
Is the BBC biased?8 hours ago
Tim in the kittens' denI've just caught up on the whole of Tim Davie and Richard Sharp's appearance at the Commons Culture Select Committee today. If you missed it and want to give over 1h 20m of your life to watching it, please click here. Various things struck me: Firstly, just how far the BBC's tentacles reach. Four out of the very small committee of MPs attending - I counted six or seven at most [as one may have been a clerk] - declared their BBC affiliations at the start. All four had been BBC journalists in a past life, and one even publicly declared his continuing financial benefits from the B... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 210 hours ago
"No So Evergrande After All"
*"No So Evergrande After All"* By Bill Bonner BALTIMORE, MARYLAND – "We’re following a couple of different stories this morning. We tried to find a common storyline… but gave up. So we’ll report them separately. First, yesterday, we were reminded that there is no such thing as “Evergrande.” There is sometimes grande… occasionally not bad… and once-in-a-while fat and sassy. But Evergrande, it ain’t. At one point yesterday afternoon, the Dow was down about 950 points. The Wall Street Journal somehow managed to channel the anxiety of traders with this intriguing headline: "Stock Marke... read more
War News Updates10 hours ago
Will China Accelerate Its Military Efforts In Response To The U.S.-U.K.-Australia Submarine Deal?
A nuclear-powered Type 094A Jin-class ballistic missile submarine of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) Navy is seen during a military display in the South China Sea April 12, 2018. Picture taken April 12, 2018. (REUTERS) *CNBC:* *China could accelerate military efforts in response to U.S.-Australia submarine deal, analyst says* * As China’s military presence grows in the Indo-Pacific region, the U.S., U.K. and Australia last week announced a new security partnership that seeks to strengthen stability in that region. * As part of the deal, the U.S. and U.K. will assis... read more
The Duran10 hours ago
Elections in Canada deliver zero change and more Trudeau
Elections in Canada deliver zero change and more Trudeau The Duran: Episode 1093 “Tired, Divided, & Dejected” Canadians Give Trudeau Liberals Another Minority Government In Election “Tired, Divided, & Dejected” Canadians Give Trudeau Liberals Another Minority Government In Election Justin Trudeau’s Liberals won another minority government in Canada ‘s federal elections held amidst the pandemic. […] read more
War News Updates11 hours ago
Hundreds Of U.S. Navy SEALs Will Not Be Deployed If They Do Not Get The Covid Vaccine
U.S. Navy Hospital Corpsman 2nd Class Emily Pierce, left, from Bremerton, Washington, assigned to the aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74), administers the COVID-19 vaccine to Information Systems Technician 1st Class Correy Bushman, from Rochester, Minnesota, assigned to the John C. Stennis, during a Commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic led vaccination effort in conjunction with Naval Medical Center Portsmouth. US Navy Photo *Human Events*:* Navy SEALS Told They Won’t Be Deployed Without COVID Vaccine* Hundreds of Navy SEALS are risking being blocked from deployment aft... read more
Adrienne's Corner11 hours ago
Our Daily Dose of Poison...
* to be avoided if at all possible.* Do you realize (most) of us start our day with the horrific "news" spewing forth from blackened souls? I call that a real crappy way to begin each day. Only the most hardened will survive the onslaught of the damage this does to our psyches. I even admit to sometimes starting my day with hope and faith only to be driven into a state of anxiety by the time I've perused the "news." I put "news" in scare quotes because most of it is not really news, but propaganda to keep us in a state of fear. Fearful people are easily controllable people. So... read more
The National Interest11 hours ago
The Expiration of Enhanced Unemployment Has Not Led to More Applications *Stephen Silver* *Unemployment, Americas* The idea that the enhanced benefits were the reason for the labor shortage has been something of a controversial one. A recent survey, for instance, found that millions of people have not yet returned to work due to “COVID concerns.” For months, the United States has suffered a labor shortage, and much of the conventional wisdom has stated that the enhanced unemployment benefits were the reason for that shortage. The expanded benefits, which were signed into law as part of the American Rescue Plan Act in March as an extension of benefits... read more
The National Interest11 hours ago
The Ekranoplan Is Ready to ‘Fly’ Again*David Axe* *Ekranoplan, Russia, Arctic Ocean* Watch out for the Sea-Skimmer *Here's What You Need to Know*: It’s possible that the rusting hulks, leftover from the Soviet days, are the only ekranoplans anyone will see for the foreseeable future. Between the 1960s and the early 1990s, the Soviet and Russian navies flew a handful of huge, bizarre, sea-skimming hybrid aircraft they called *ekranoplan*s. Decades later the public got its first close look at one previously obscure example. Too big and heavy to fly high, the *ekranoplan*s rode a buoyant cushion of air fewer than 100... read more
War News Updates11 hours ago
A Jordan - Syria Rapprochement?
Syrian Gen. Ali Ayoub (L) and Jordanian Gen. Yousef Huneiti met in Amman on Sunday. (File/AFP) *Middle East Eye*: *Syrian defence chief makes rare visit to Jordan to discuss border issues* *During the meeting officials discussed mutual border concerns, the situation in Daraa, cross-border drug smuggling and terrorism * Syria's defence minister made a trip to Jordan on Sunday to discuss stability on their mutual border, the first such meeting since the Syrian conflict erupted a decade ago, officials said. The meeting comes after Syria's army reestablished control this month ov... read more
MintPress News11 hours ago
Eric Schmidt Cashes in on Artificial Intelligence Arms RaceAs the Pentagon drives a hi-tech arms race to maintain its global military superiority, ex-Google CEO Eric Schmidt is the man at the center. Behind The Headlines’ Dan Cohen investigates how the U.S. empire’s drive to control the world using Silicon Valley technology creates the possibility of a devastating war. The post Eric Schmidt Cashes in on Artificial Intelligence Arms Race appeared first on MintPress News. read more
Health Impact News11 hours ago
REVOLUTION! Protesters Led by Construction Workers in Melbourne Shut Down Major Freeways Over COVID Tyranny and Mandatory Vaccines
It appears that we have a bona fide revolution unfolding in the city of Melbourne, Australia! Australia currently leads the world in medical tyranny as they have descended into a total medical police state in the past several weeks, with authorities desperately trying to keep the COVID narrative alive by trying to track every single movement of their citizens, force them to stay in their homes unless the government gives them permission to leave and go outside, and mandatory COVID-19 shots are being implemented for everyone to participate in society. Led by construction workers b... read more
PopularResistance.Org12 hours ago
Why The Nuclear Sub Deal Will End Badly For The AustraliansUntil we see a text, if any, of the executive agreement for the AUKUS thing-a-ma-gig, the only real meat of it seems to be the Australian purchase of nuclear US or UK subs rather than the “conventionally” (not really) powered French design. The more I look over the submarine alternatives for the Australians, the less sense their decision to go nuclear makes. Australia has no nuclear power infrastructure; they will be dependent on the US or UK to provide same for any nuclear powered Australian attack subs. For Australia to develop same on their homeland just to support these sub... read more
Halifax Examiner12 hours ago
Black News File1. Twelve-year-old girl bitten by neighbour’s dog On Saturday, Sept. 11, 12-year-old Taizanah’zian Fletcher was bitten in the face and forearm by a neighbour’s dog outside of her house in the Greystone area of Spryfield. Last Thursday, Taizanah’zian’s mother, Francisca Fletcher, spoke with the Examiner about the incident. Fletcher said that not only was the […] read more
Snopes.com12 hours ago
Japanese Sisters Certified As World’s Oldest Twins at 107Umeno Sumiyama and Koume Kodama were born the third and fourth of 11 siblings on Shodoshima island in western Japan on Nov. 5, 1913. read more
ClimateRealism12 hours ago
Facts Debunk NPR Claim that Global Warming Is Causing Dying Tress, Power Outages
At the top of Google News search results this morning for “climate change,” National Public Radio (NPR) claims global warming is causing a mass die-off of trees in California and throughout the country, with the trees falling on power lines and causing power outages. In reality, objective facts show forests are becoming healthier during recent […] The post Facts Debunk NPR Claim that Global Warming Is Causing Dying Tress, Power Outages appeared first on ClimateRealism. read more
The New Dark Age12 hours ago
Afghanistan News Links 20-21 September 202121 September 2021 • 16:00 — The New Dark Age There may be some duplication due to cross-posting and may be updated throughout the day, so please check back A Shift In Militants’ Strategy Could Shine A More Positive Light On Failed US Policy Morrison’s Dangerous Fantasies Represent a Danger to Australia’s Future https://dissidentvoice.org/2021/09/morrisons-dangerous-fantasies-represent-a-danger-to-australias-future/ India … Continue reading Afghanistan News Links 20-21 September 2021 read more
Science 2.0 blogs12 hours ago
MRNA Vaccines Won’t Replace All Current Ones - Here's WhyThe rapid development of effective mRNA vaccines for COVID-19 has led some observers to suggest that mRNA will push other types of vaccines out of the market completely in the near future. But is that desirable? Is it even possible? read more read more
IER13 hours ago
Biden Energy Plans, House Reconciliation Bill Have a Reality Problem
President Biden’s climate policies and the House Democrats’ reconciliation bill will decimate U.S. energy industries along with millions of associated jobs… The post Biden Energy Plans, House Reconciliation Bill Have a Reality Problem appeared first on IER. read more
ClimateRealism13 hours ago
NBC Claims Seafood Climate Crisis – As Production Keeps Setting Records
Among the top Google News search results today for “climate change” is a story by NBC Nightly News claiming climate change is causing falling seafood production and rising seafood prices. NBC’s story is false. Objective data show fish and shellfish production have steadily increased, setting multiple new records for production. The NBC Nightly News story, […] The post NBC Claims Seafood Climate Crisis – As Production Keeps Setting Records appeared first on ClimateRealism. read more
Econlib14 hours ago
Backdoor to the IviesGuest post from EconLog reader Paul Fredenberg, reprinted with his permission. Enj0y – and possibly profit! Professor Caplan, I read your post about your homeschooling experience. Sounds like you’ve raised some awesome kids. Congratulations to you and your wife (and your twins too)! I am in utter amazement of your curriculum. I am a father of 10 […] The post Backdoor to the Ivies appeared first on Econlib. read more
War News Updates11 hours ago
Massive Heroin Haul From Afghanistan Seized At Indian Port*Daily Mail: **Enormous three-tonne haul of heroin from Afghanistan worth £2BILLION is seized at Indian port after it arrived via Iran* * Two Indians were arrested after the heroin was found by the Directorate of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) at Mundra Port in the western Indian state of Gujarat * The heroin was kept in two containers marked as carrying talc which originated from Afghanistan and was shipped from a port in Iran to Gujarat * The shipment of heroin was estimated to be worth 200 billion rupees (£2 billion) Nearly three tonnes of heroin with a street value of £2 b... read more
Joe Martin's Ghost11 hours ago
An Evil that Never Dies.I have been speculating for quite some time now that the so-called Delta varient is either delayed physiological damage resulting from vaccination or, given that the purpose of these mRNA vaccines is to modify the human genome, the result of the vaccines themselves modifying the genetic structure of the virus. Seems a logical explanation of why there are so many "breakthrough" infections among read more
CENSORED NEWS11 hours ago
Zapatistas 'Chiapas on the Verge of Civil War'Zapatistas Tour for Life delegation in Vienna, Austria, protests in front of Mexico's Embassy. Photos Radio Zapatisahttps://radiozapatista.org/?p=39527Chiapas on the Verge of Civil WarCommunique from the Indigenous Revolutionary Clandestine Committee-General Command of the Zapatista Army for National LiberationSeptember 19, 2021Tradução em portugês (Portuguese)Dansk oversættelse (Danish)Deutsch read more
The Rio Times11 hours ago
Dates and requirements for Argentina’s reopening of bordersRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Argentine government announced a relaxation of the Covid-19 pandemic restriction measures in force until Tuesday, as a result of the decrease in the number of cases and the progress of its vaccination plan. The "gradual and cautious" reopening of Argentina's borders, under the responsibility of each province bordering other […] The post Dates and requirements for Argentina’s reopening of borders appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
War News Updates12 hours ago
Sudanese Authorities Say Coup Attempt FailedBBC: *Sudan failed coup: Government blames pro-Bashir elements* Sudan says that "forces of darkness" linked to the ousted President Omar al-Bashir were behind Tuesday's failed coup attempt. "Remnants from the previous regime" were "intent on aborting the civilian democratic transition", said Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok in a separate message. He described it as an "orchestrated coup attempt". Bashir, who had been in power for three decades, was toppled two years ago. The current administration - involving the military, civilian representatives and protest groups - was th... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 212 hours ago
"Freedom from Fear: Stop Playing the Government’s Mind Games"
*"Freedom from Fear: * *Stop Playing the Government’s Mind Games"* By John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead “No one can terrorize a whole nation, unless we are all his accomplices.” - Edward R. Murrow, broadcast journalist "America is in the midst of an epidemic of historic proportions. The contagion being spread like wildfire is turning communities into battlegrounds and setting Americans one against the other. Normally mild-mannered individuals caught up in the throes of this disease have been transformed into belligerent zealots, while others inclined to pacifism have taken to stoc... read more
MJBizDaily12 hours ago
How to build a global marijuana flower brand: Q&A with Cookies co-founder BernerNational cannabis brands are common across most sectors -- edibles, vape pens, pre-rolls. But one sector is lacking in that regard: Flower. How to build a global marijuana flower brand: Q&A with Cookies co-founder Berner is a post from: MJBizDaily: Financial, Legal & Cannabusiness news for cannabis entrepreneurs read more
Politics + Society – The Conversation12 hours ago
Latest parliamentary win by Putin's United Russia has been years in the manufacturing
Russia’s Central Election Commission announced results that give a strong majority to United Russia. It was met with skepticism, if little surprise. read more
Children's Health Defense12 hours ago
80 Groups, 57 Doctors, 19 Scientists Join CHD in Urging Pennsylvania to Reject ‘Smart Meters’ MandateChildren’s Health Defense on Sept. 15 filed an amicus brief in the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania in support of a lawsuit challenging the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission’s interpretation of the state’s 2008 law mandating smart meters. The post 80 Groups, 57 Doctors, 19 Scientists Join CHD in Urging Pennsylvania to Reject ‘Smart Meters’ Mandate appeared first on Children's Health Defense. read more
The Duran12 hours ago
Never seen in real life Durham cracks Russiagate case wide open, indicting never heard before lawyer
Never seen in real life Durham cracks Russiagate case wide open, indicting never heard before lawyer The Duran: Episode 1092 Attorney charged in Durham investigation pleads not guilty Attorney charged in Durham investigation pleads not guilty Michael Sussman, the attorney charged this week by special counsel John Durham John Durham Barr-Durham investigation again fails to […] read more
The National Interest12 hours ago
Say Hello to Kalashnikov’s (Potentially) Epic AK-308*Mark Episkopos* *Guns, Eurasia* At first glance, the AK-308 appears to be a rebrand of Kalashnikov’s AK-12 with some design elements from the AK-103. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Kalashnikov’s recent push into the export market is distinguished not just by new technology, but by a different business model. Whereas the AK-101 was not produced for anyone in particular, the AK-308 is designed and marketed with a specific buyer in mind: India. Russian weapons manufacturer Kalashnikov Concern unveiled their new AK-308 assault rifle at the “Army 2018” expo in Moscow. At first... read more
The National Interest12 hours ago
Flying at Supersonic Speeds Is Causing the F-35 Big Problems*David Axe* *F-35, World* Has the U.S. lost air superiority to China and Russia? *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The structural damage that the Navy’s F-35C and the Marine Corps’s F-35B suffer when flying at supersonic speed reportedly is unfixable -- and potentially the most serious long-term problem for the stealth fighter. The F-35 stealth fighter continues to suffer serious “category one” design flaws, according to a trio of reports from trade publication *Defense News* on April 24, 2020. Some of those flaws might be permanent, the publication reported. In the summer of... read more
The Rio Times12 hours ago
Controversy in Bolivia over approval of law against legitimation of profitsRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The bill passed by the Chamber of Deputies last Friday, with the majority of the ruling Movimiento al Socialismo (MAS), has sparked criticisms from international trade associations and the media, although the Government has reiterated that the proposal which has now been sent to the Senate is within the Constitution […] The post Controversy in Bolivia over approval of law against legitimation of profits appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Duran12 hours ago
Protests spread. Melbourne, Paris, Lille, Tel Aviv, Amsterdam, Ljubljana, Zagreb
Protests spread. Melbourne, Paris, Lille, Tel Aviv, Amsterdam, Ljubljana, Zagreb ****News Topic 562***** read more
The Rio Times12 hours ago
Brazil close to top spot on list of countries with highest inflation in 2021 – OECD[image: Brazil,Brazil says it will meet the requirements to enter into OECD.] RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The consumer price index in Brazil should be among the highest globally, considering a list of countries selected by the entitiy of about 20 economies with projections released on Tuesday (21) by the OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). In 2021, only two countries among the 19 selected would […] The post Brazil close to top spot on list of countries with highest inflation in 2021 – OECD appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Duran13 hours ago
Moscow Leverages Iranian Fuel Supplies to Lebanon, Secures Daraa for Damascus, Reopens Syrian Ties with Jordan
Moscow Leverages Iranian Fuel Supplies to Lebanon, Secures Daraa for Damascus, Reopens Syrian Ties with Jordan News Topic 288 Tanker Trackers says third tanker carrying fuel to Lebanon underway TankerTrackers says third tanker carrying fuel to Lebanon underway DUBAI, Sept 19 (Reuters) – A third tanker has sailed from Iran carrying Iranian fuel for distribution […] read more
Lawfare13 hours ago
Western Sahara, the Biden Administration and Human RightsMembers of the U.N. Mission for the Referendum in Western Sahara (MINURSO) conduct a ceasefire monitoring patrol near Oum Dreyga in Western Sahara on June 15, 2010. Photo credit: UN Photo/Martine Perret via Flickr; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 For decades, the Sahrawi people of Western Sahara have mobilized toward the U.N.-backed goal of the right to express their choice of either independence from or integration with the Moroccan state. Despite international support, Sahrawis have been denied this freedom of expression and other human rights by a repressive Moroccan government and military r... read more
OrientalReview.org13 hours ago
AUKUS Is A Serious Threat To The RegionAUKUS is a new challenge. NATO and Quad were not strong enough to fulfill the American dreams. So that they created a new Alliance with Australia, and the UK, known as “AUKUS”. Furthermore, US president Joe Biden has indicated to equip Australia with Nuclear Submarines. Was there any need to […] read more
The Duck of Minerva15 hours ago
6+1 Questions: Finding Faith in Foreign PolicyWhat’s the name of the book? Gregorio Bettiza. 2019.Finding Faith in Foreign Policy: Religion and American Diplomacy in a Postsecular World (New York, Oxford University Press) What’s the argument? The book can be read on three levels: as an empirical investigation into the role of religion in post-Cold War U.S. foreign policy, as an intervention […] read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 212 hours ago
“Let Them Eat Kix”
*“Let Them Eat Kix”* by Tom Purcell "I never parted with a $20 bill faster It happened at one of my favorite diners. The Western omelet and Diet Coke I often get wasn’t the $11 it had been for as long as I remember. It was $16. That expense, with my tip for the excellent waiter, consumed my entire $20 bill. I feel bad for the diner’s owner. He told me that soaring food costs have been killing his profits for months. He’s been forced to raise his prices, yet he’s making half of what he used to. Why? First, his labor costs are up because there is a shortage of workers and he has to p... read more
The National Interest12 hours ago
Why Did The French Manufacture The Worst Gun Ever?*Kyle Mizokami* *Guns, Europe* The Allies were in a bind, and it was better than nothing *Here's What You Need to Remember*: At the start of World War I, France had not a single light machine gun in its inventory, and a crash program was created to acquire one. The result was the Chauchat. The Chauchat looked like bicycle parts because it was produced by the Gladiator Company, which made French bicycles, motorcycles and cars in peacetime. One day at the auction house, someone left a pile of guns on the ground. This was not at all unusual. At the very bottom, wrapped in moving bl... read more
War News Updates12 hours ago
U.S. President Biden Addresses The United Nations General Assembly*Daily Mail:* *Biden DOUBLES US climate change fund to $11BN a year and commits $10BN to feed poor people across the world as he assures China 'we're not seeking a new Cold War' in major speech to the United Nations* * President Joe Biden is set to deliver his first speech before the United Nations General Assembly as president on Tuesday * He arrived with an entourage of aides to the U.N. Tuesday morning and did not take questions President Joe Biden made his first major address before the United Nations General Assembly on Tuesday - announcing new financial commitments as ... read more
Global Issues News Headlines12 hours ago
The UN Food Systems Summit and Some Issues of ConcernLETHBRIDGE, Canada, Sep 21 (IPS) - Why is the UN holding a Food Systems Summit? Two issues that need discussion at the international leadership level are: Long before the Covid crisis was upon us, the number of hungry people in the world was increasing. Why? What is the cause of this disturbing trend? And, can a country really claim to be food secure, unless it produces or can buy enough food to feed its population and its people can access sufficient quantities to keep themselves fit and healthy? Disquietening questions as extreme weather begins to show the destructive power that... read more
Snopes.com12 hours ago
No, Special Forces Didn’t Arrest Chelsea Clinton for Child TraffickingWhat RealRawNews.com publishes is neither real nor news. read more
Virtual Mirage13 hours ago
Taco TuesdayI wasn’t going to do any more blogging today and then I was reminded that it’s Taco Tuesday. That plan was shot. Besides tacos, the only thing planned is to wheelbarrow some juniper logs from the upper log pile to the log rack under the covered deck by the house because “winter is […] The post Taco Tuesday appeared first on Virtual Mirage. read more
From the Trenches World Report13 hours ago
PART 1: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings “Vaccine is Full of Sh*t”Project Veritas Sep 20, 2021 The post PART 1: Federal Govt HHS Whistleblower Goes Public With Secret Recordings “Vaccine is Full of Sh*t” appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
The National Interest13 hours ago
The Story Behind the Legendary M16 Rifle*Kyle Mizokami* *M16, Americas* The M16 in automatic fire mode produced shot groups half the size of the bigger rifle. *Here's What You Need to Remember*:The obvious advantages of the M16 over the larger, heavier M14 in Vietnam, as well as the large number of U.S. troops deployed to Southeast Asia, led to further purchases and eventually the M16 overtook the M14 completely. The M16 rifle is one of the most iconic weapons of the post-World War II era. American fighting men have carried the M16 in one form or another into combat for more than fifty years, from Vietnam to the prese... read more
The National Interest13 hours ago
The Soviets Knew To Be Wary of the US Navy's Halibut*Kyle Mizokami* *Submarines, Eurasia* Halibut was the perfect ship for the task. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Halibut was a “spy sub,” and conducted some of the most classified missions of the entire Cold War. One of the most unusual submarines of the Cold War was named after one of the most unusual fish in the sea. Halibut are flatfish, bottom-dwelling predators that, unlike conventional fish, lie sideways with two eyes on the same side of the head and ambush passing prey. Like the halibut flatfish, USS *Halibut* was an unusual-looking submarine, and also spent a conside... read more
From the Trenches World Report13 hours ago
How the CIA hid their MKULTRA mind-control program – And yes, this has a COVID vaccine punchlineJon Rappoport Back in the early 1990s, I spoke with John Marks, author of Search for the Manchurian Candidate. This was the book (1979) that... The post How the CIA hid their MKULTRA mind-control program – And yes, this has a COVID vaccine punchline appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Science Matters13 hours ago
How Do We Know Humans Cause Climate Change?
Peter J. Wallison and Benjamin Zycher examine the evidence in their Law & Liberty article What We Really Know About Climate Change. Excerpts in italics with my bolds and added images. The assumption that humans are the single most significant cause of climate change is unsupported by the available science. The sixth Assessment Report (AR6) […] read more
Food & Water Watch13 hours ago
Broad Coalition of National & NY Groups Demand Sen. Schumer End Fossil Fuel SubsidiesEnvironmental, youth and justice organizations expect Sen. Schumer to be a champion on the issue read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Paraguay withdraws over 50% of energy produced by Yacyretá dam for first timeRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Paraguay's state electricity company on Monday (21) withdrew over 50% of the energy generated by the Yacyretá dam it shares with Argentina, the first time this level has been reached in the hydroelectric power plant's 26 years of production, The Binational entity's Paraguayan management reported that the operation was made […] The post Paraguay withdraws over 50% of energy produced by Yacyretá dam for first time appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Diverse: Issues In Higher Education13 hours ago
Telling a Filipino Story At Unity Weekend for Harvard Alumni of ColorIf higher ed stamps a student forever, it’s an institution’s alumni association that makes sure you never forget who birthed you... read more
The Rio Times14 hours ago
Brazil’s Bolsonaro at UN: We regret all deaths that occurred during the pandemicRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - In a speech at the United Nations (UN) General Assembly, President Jair Bolsonaro said on Tuesday that he regrets all the deaths that occurred during the Covid-19 pandemic, but that isolation and lockdown measures left a legacy in inflation, mainly, regarding food. He stressed that he has always been committed […] The post Brazil’s Bolsonaro at UN: We regret all deaths that occurred during the pandemic appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The New Dark Age15 hours ago
Iran’s SCO membership is a big dealLike in a Wagnerian music drama, there is an associated melodic theme that accompanies the situations behind the two big regional developments last week — the announcement of the AUKUS, security alliance of three “maritime democracies” on September 15 and Iran’s accession to the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation as full member on September 17. read more
The New Dark Age15 hours ago
The Fallout From The AUKUS DealThe AUKUS deal allowed Australia to cancel an order for diesel driven submarines from France by taking up a U.S. and British offer to eventually acquire nuclear driven submarines. read more
The New Dark Age15 hours ago
From Glorious Millennia to Death and Destruction: Zionists Rewrite Palestine’s StoryAfter three years of a fragile ceasefire and a campaign of assassinations of Syrian government ‘loyalists’ by embedded fundamentalist armed groups, the Syrian flag has once more been raised in Daraa Al Balad. read more
The New Dark Age15 hours ago
Syria’s so-called ‘cradle of the revolution’ has been liberated The West’s campaign to topple Bashar al Assad is all but overAfter three years of a fragile ceasefire and a campaign of assassinations of Syrian government ‘loyalists’ by embedded fundamentalist armed groups, the Syrian flag has once more been raised in Daraa Al Balad. read more
musingsofanoldfart16 hours ago
Letter to Editor on Wedge IssuesThe following letter I sent in to my local newspaper was published in its entirety, which is rare. Please feel free to modify and forward if you like the message. It amazes me how so much time can be spent … Continue reading → read more
Organizing Notes3 hours ago
History department: 1987 Cape Canaveral protest against first-strike attack planning
In January of 1987 I coordinated the biggest protest in my organizing career. The event was held at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station, Florida and I was working for the Florida Coalition for Peace & Justice. We called the protest 'Cancel the Countdown!'. More than 5,000 people turned out to protest the first test launch of the Trident II nuclear missile from the space center. Things actually began two weeks before the big rally. Our 'Peace Pilgrimage to Stop the Trident' began at the Kings Bay Trident submarine base (built by President Jimmy Carter) which is located just ove... read more
Bayou Renaissance Man10 hours ago
The more things change, the more they stay the same...
French journalist Jean-Baptiste Karr is known for his aphorism *"Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose"* ("The more things change, the more they stay the same"). I was reminded of his well-known saying when I read this article over at Didact's Reach (a blog I recommend highly to those who are willing to take a long, hard, objective, sometimes painful look at reality - which is often very uncomfortable to those who've cocooned themselves in false optimism). Very few generations, ever, can lay claim to having witnessed two different empires fall. Ours will be among that selec... read more
The National Interest13 hours ago
Russia's Newest Nuclear Submarine May Have a Secret Mission*Caleb Larson* *Russian Navy, Russia* Russia's K-329 Belgorod began sea trials in summer 2021. The modified Oscar-II submarine can carry a special payload of nuclear torpedoes or smaller submersibles. *Here's What You Need to Know:* Unlike most other kinds of submarines, the K-329 Belgorod is able to act as a mothership for a smaller submarine, also nuclear-powered. This smaller submarine is likely capable of very deep dives, which would allow it to conduct a variety of missions on the ocean floor — essentially deep seabed warfare. One of Russia’s largest and most complex submar... read more
The National Interest13 hours ago
Is an Understaffed IRS Leading to Lax Tax Enforcement?*Stephen Silver* *IRS, * The Treasury Department has issued a report, warning that an understaffed IRS is causing problems in enforcing tax collection. Like most things in America, the IRS has become politically contentious. In recent negotiations over spending packages, Democrats have called for greater IRS enforcement as a method for paying for the spending, while anti-tax Republicans have attacked the IRS itself. President Joe Biden, for instance, has called for a doubling in the amount of IRS employees over the next ten years, while also stepping up enforcement itself. “Fin... read more
The National Interest13 hours ago
Beating The Spanish Made The United States A Global Power*Kyle Mizokami* *Spanish-American War, * The Spanish-American War made the United States a global power. *Here's What You Need to Know*: The defeat of a continental European power, Spain, was a major military accomplishment. The handing over of Guam and Philippines would have greater repercussions down the road, as placed the United States on a collision course with another rising, expansionist country: Japan. The end of the Second World War is often considered the defining moment when the United States became a global power. In fact, it was another war forty years earlier, a wa... read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ13 hours ago
Voter Fraud Underway In Iraq Before October Election
(United Nations) Iraq’s elections are a month away and the political parties are ramping up not only their campaigns but attempts to cheat as well. There have been numerous reports of buying voter cards, and a campaign launched to destroy election material of rival candidates. Recently the head of Iraq’s Election Commission Judge Jalil Adnan Khalaf promisedthat the country would have free and fair elections. At the same time he noted that the commission had gotten reports of buying voter cards and intimidation of people by armed groups. The government is hard pressed to stop th... read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ13 hours ago
This Day In Iraqi History - Sep 211965 Coup plot by PM Razzaq discovered He fled to Egypt Pres Arif purged 3,000 Baathists from govt afterward 1965 Abdul al-Bazzaz became premier of Iraq 1966 PM Talib said he would follow through with ex-PM Bazzaz’s 12 point program with Kurds (Musings On Iraq review of *The Kurds, A Modern History*) (Musings On Iraq review *Kurds of Iraq, Tragedy and Hope*) (Musings On Iraq review *The Kurdish Revolt 1961-1970*) 1968 Provisional constitution drafted by three jurists and presented to Pres Bakr Included return of parliament 1980 Iraq letter to UN outlined steps it ... read more
War News Updates13 hours ago
CIA Director's Team Member Suffers Havana Syndrome Symptoms During India Trip*CNN:* *Member of CIA chief's team reported Havana syndrome symptoms on recent trip to India* Washington (CNN)When CIA Director Bill Burns traveled to India earlier this month a member of his team reported symptoms consistent with Havana syndrome and had to receive medical attention, according to three sources familiar with the matter. The incident set off alarm bells within the US government and left Burns "fuming" with anger, one source explained. Some officials at the CIA viewed the chilling episode as a direct message to Burns that no one is safe, including those working... read more
The Conservative Socrates13 hours ago
Columbus and the First Record of Love Making in the New WorldIn November 1493, a raiding party led by Christopher Columbus killed some natives and kidnapped some in the island of Guadalupe. Among the kidnapped natives, there was a beautiful young girl. Columbus gifted the girl to a conquistador called Michele da Cuneo. In a letter, dated Oct 28, 1495, da Cuneo has described his experience with the native girl. This excerpt from da Cuneo’s letter could be the first record of love making in the Americas: “When I was in the boat, I took a beautiful Cannibal girl and the admiral gave her to me. Having her in my room and she being naked as is their... read more
War News Updates13 hours ago
Tweets Of The DayVirus update: • J&J: Booster prompts strong immune response. • U.S. easing virus restrictions for foreign flights. • COVID has killed about as many in U.S as the 1918-19 flu. • China keeps virus at bay at big cost before Olympics. More @AP coverage: https://t.co/DjkDn3wprF — The Associated Press (@AP) September 21, 2021 BREAKING: The U.N. General Assembly convenes with leaders in attendance for the first time since the pandemic began. World leaders face a formidable agenda of escalating crises, including the still-raging pandemic and a relentlessly warming planet. https://t.co/Larm... read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Brazil’s urban bus companies accumulate over US$3 billion in losses during pandemicRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Bus operators in large and medium cities in the country have accumulated losses of R$16.7 (US$3.1) billion between March 2020 and June 2021, worsening the crisis already faced by the sector even before the pandemic, according to the National Association of Urban Transport Companies (NTU). The cash flow imbalance has […] The post Brazil’s urban bus companies accumulate over US$3 billion in losses during pandemic appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Rio Times13 hours ago
Covid-19: Bolivia reports 286 infections and 5 deaths (September 20)RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - On Monday (21) Bolivia reported 286 new cases and 5 deaths due to Covid-19, bringing the total number of infections to 497,386 and of deaths to 18,664 since March last year, when the disease was first detected in Bolivian territory. The regions with the highest number of new cases were […] The post Covid-19: Bolivia reports 286 infections and 5 deaths (September 20) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Snopes.com13 hours ago
Mayorkas Chief Says Images from Border ‘Horrified’ HimBut he stopped short of calling the new influx of migrants there a crisis. read more
The Free Thought Project13 hours ago
FBI Robs 800 Safety Deposit Boxes, Steal People’s Life Savings, Claiming Cash Smelled Like Drugs[image: FBI civil asset]The FBI is getting criminally good at stealing the assets, including the life savings of completely innocent people through civil asset forfeiture. read more
the daily howler13 hours ago
WE CALL IT READING A BOOK: What could be gained from reading this book?*TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2021* *Absolutely nothing:* Full and complete disclosure! Nothing will be gained, at this point, from anyone's attempt to read this (most important) book. It's much too late for some such outcome. The culture is too far gone at this point; most likely, it always was. Also, you have to consider the raw material out of which the culture was formed, or so anthropologists say. We refer to Philosophical Investigations, the 1953 book which was chosen as "the most important philosophy book of the 20th century" in a 1999 survey of philosophy professors. It was th... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 213 hours ago
Gregory Mannarino, AM 9/21/21: "Critical Updates: Evergrande, Markets, Stocks"Gregory Mannarino, AM 9/21/21: *"Critical Updates: Evergrande, Markets, Stocks"* - https://traderschoice.net/ ○ *Related:* "Evergrande Misses Debt Payments Due Monday As World's Richest Banker Says China's 'Lehman Moment' Has Arrived" read more
The Watchers » Latest articles13 hours ago
Strong and shallow M6.6 earthquake hits Biobio, ChileA strong and shallow earthquake registered by the CSN Chile as M6.6 hit the Biobio Region of Chile at 13:14 UTC on September 21, 2021, at a depth of 10 km (6.2 miles). The USGS is reporting M6.4 at a depth of 17.4 km (10.8 miles), EMSC M6.4 at a depth of 2 km (1.2...... Read more » read more
Science 2.0 blogs16 hours ago
Six-muon Events Probe Proton Collsion DynamicsWhen you collide particles made up of quarks and gluons, such as the protons accelerated by the Large Hadron Collider at CERN, you mostly expect particles made of quarks and gluons to emerge. That is because quarks and gluons most of the times interact by the strong interaction, which is itself mediated by the exchange of gluons; and the strong interaction knows nothing about all the other matter and interaction fields. So how do you get energetic electrons, muons, photons, and weak bosons from a LHC collision? Well, the electroweak interaction which may produce these particles does ... read more
Komando.com17 hours ago
True or false: Apple and Google slow down older phones when a new model is released
Does your old Android or iPhone get slowed down when new models are released? We'll answer this dilemma once and for all. read more
Northern Reflections13 hours ago
The Election -- Some Observations
There are still lots of mail-in ballots to be counted. But, as of this morning, we are almost exactly where we were when this all started. The Liberals gained three seats, the Dippers gained two, and the Conservatives kept the number of seats they won after the last election. I offer the following observations: 1. I expected the number of Green votes to fall. I did not expect them to virtually disappear. I make no predictions about the party's future. But, at the moment, it looks dark. 2. I thought the People's Party was a flash in the pan. I was wrong -- although Maxime Bernier... read more
naked capitalism14 hours ago
Rationing, Anyone?Why rationing might be part of the future. read more
The Free Thought Project14 hours ago
Podcast—Ryan Hartwig—Facebook Whistleblower Shares Just How Deep The Censorship Rabbit Hole Goes[image: facebook whistleblower]On this week's podcast Jason and Matt sit down with Facebook whistleblower, Ryan Hartwig who blew the lid open on Facebook's censorship regime. read more
Roscoe Reports14 hours ago
IER14 hours ago
House Reconciliation Bill Attacks Oil and Gas, Making Consumers Pay MoreThe House reconciliation bill would bar the sale of new oil and gas leases in Pacific and Atlantic waters as… The post House Reconciliation Bill Attacks Oil and Gas, Making Consumers Pay More appeared first on IER. read more
The Rio Times14 hours ago
Paraguay’s “Perpetual Dictator” revives 181 years after his deathRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – Cruel tyrant or benefactor of the people and father of the Paraguayan nation. These are the contrasting labels that have enveloped José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia (1766-1840), the “Supremo” novelized by writer Augusto Roa Bastos, and who is remembered in Asunción 181 years after his death. The “Week of the […] The post Paraguay’s “Perpetual Dictator” revives 181 years after his death appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
The Navy Loves Its Arleigh Burke Destroyers *Peter Suciu* *Arleigh Burke Destroyers , Americas* The Arleigh Burke-class vessels are larger, and with weaponry including more than ninety missiles, are also more heavily armed than most previous ships classified as guided missile cruisers. First entering service thirty years ago in 1991, the *Arleigh Burke*-class guided-missile destroyers (DDGs) have the distinction of having the longest production run for any post–World War II U.S. Navy surface combatant. Sixty-eight of the warships have been completed and are in active service while seven are currently under construction wit... read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
Is Russia Getting Ready to Buy Stealth Su-75 Checkmate Fighters?*Mark Episkopos* *Su-75, Eurasia* The Checkmate is based on a principally new aircraft design, with all of the first adopter risks that could entail. Russia’s new, fifth-generation “Checkmate” fighter jet was introduced in July as an export product, but there appears to have been a change of plans. Deputy prime minister Yuri Borisov told reporters at an economic forum in Siberia that Russia’s defense ministry could procure the Checkmate fighter under a future state armament program. “Under a future state program for armaments the Defense Ministry and the Aerospace Force may con... read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
How Much Does America's Win In The Gulf War Matter Now?*Robert Farley* *Gulf War, Middle East* Without question, the war taught us that winning the decisive battle does not necessarily lead to the political outcomes we’d like. *Here's What You Need to Remember*: And yet, we can overstate the degree to which the achievements of the war have dissipated. Few believe that the United States will fight anything like the Gulf War in the near future, and that’s in part because aggressors have become cagier about how they decide to fight. But it’s undoubtedly a good thing that most combatants struggle to keep their fights below the level that... read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
Climate Change Is Threatening The U.S. Navy's Largest Base*Robert Farley* *US Navy, Atlantic* It could happen. And it’s not an isolated problem, as climate change alters coastlines all over the world. *Here's What You Need to Know*: A report from the American Security Project identifies Naval Station Norfolk as America’s fifth most endangered military base. The report also lists Eglin in Florida, Diego Garcia, Bahrain and Guam as being particularly vulnerable to climate change. What if the U.S. Navy’s main base in Norfolk, Virginia sinks? It could happen. And it’s not an isolated problem, as climate change alters coastlines all over th... read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
China's South China Sea Military Installations Are Relevant, But For What?*Robert Farley* *China Navy, South China Sea* China’s islands in the SCS are not mobile, and are not large enough to hide much in the way of military equipment and material. *Here's What You Need to Remember*: The islands of the SCS have some military relevance, but are more important as a political claim to waterways and undersea resources. Militarily, they represent a thin crust on China’s A2/AD system. China has built some islands in the South China Sea. Can it protect them? During World War II Japan found that control of islands offered some strategic advantages, but not eno... read more
The National Interest14 hours ago
The 1962 Thirty-Day War Between China and Russia*Robert Farley* *China-India War, Asia* Beijing had no apparent interest in administering a significant portion of Indian territory. *Here's What You Need to Remember:*T he war did not settle the fundamental issues that divided India and China, as Delhi has never agreed to the basic justice of Beijing’s position. However, it did demonstrate Chinese power and military effectiveness, which essentially closed the question of the militarized border for more than a generation. In 1962, the world’s two most populous countries went to war against one another in a pair of remote, mounta... read more
The Free Thought Project14 hours ago
“F**K The Jab, Long Live Australia” – 20,000 Shut Down Melbourne Highway In Massive Lockdown Protest[image: australia]Melbourne authorities were forced to confront this blazing public anger as protesters executed an "extremely dangerous maneuver" by marching onto a busy freeway and blocking traffic... read more
The Free Thought Project14 hours ago
Cop Gets Insultingly Low ‘Manslaughter’ Charge for Killing Innocent Teen Holding a Plastic Bottle[image: justice for hunter]The family has been fighting for justice for over three months and have just learned that the justice may never come. read more
War News Updates14 hours ago
Picture Of The Day
Canada's Liberal Prime Minister Justin Trudeau greet supporters during the Liberal election night party in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, September 21, 2021. REUTERS/Christinne Muschi *WNU Editor:* The above picture came from this photo-gallery ....* Canada's Trudeau wins another minority in 'status quo' election* (Reuters). read more
Halifax Examiner15 hours ago
Grifters past and presentNews 1. Liberals Jordan, Zann lose seats to Conservatives Zane Woodford reports on the results of Monday’s federal election that saw the loss of two Liberal seats in Nova Scotia. Woodford writes: Two of the party’s now-former MPs won’t be part of that government. Cabinet minister Bernadette Jordan, who has faced criticism from both sides […] read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Lacalle Pou’s criticisms of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua generate division in UruguayRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL – The criticisms of the president of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, expressed at the CELAC Summit towards Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua, whose governments he labeled as totalitarian regimes, generated repercussions in Uruguay. The position expressed by the Uruguayan president during the meeting of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, […] The post Lacalle Pou’s criticisms of Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua generate division in Uruguay appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
War News Updates15 hours ago
Some Reflections On Canada's Election
Image from CBC News *WNU Editor: *Nothing has changed, but a lot has changed. The big winner in this election was Prime Minister Trudeau and the Liberal Party. Their vote is down but they won the parliamentary seats that counted. They did not get the majority government that they had hoped for, but after running a very bad campaign they find themselves to be the next government in Canada, albeit a minority government dependent on the support of the other parties. The big loser in this campaign was the leader of the Conservative Party. His hard shift to the left alienated a lo... read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
President Lacalle Pou emphasizes to U.S. investors that Uruguay seeks to “open up to the world”RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The President of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, reiterated this Monday (21) to representatives of investment funds and private capital in the United States that his country has "a vocation to open up to the world" both financially and commercially. According to the Uruguayan Presidency, the President participated in a working […] The post President Lacalle Pou emphasizes to U.S. investors that Uruguay seeks to “open up to the world” appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Snopes.com15 hours ago
K-Pop Stars BTS Dip into Global Diplomacy at UN GatheringIt was a United Nations speech that got attention like few others — a plug for vaccines, young people and the earth's well being from superstar K-pop band BTS. read more
Government and Taxes11 hours ago
Energy 154, Europe rising energy prices, blackout threats, 40 reports
See these stories and reports about the folly of ditching fossil fuels in favor of intermittent wind (and solar) power, case of Europe especially UK. Thanks to TWPF/Benny Peiser for their "Net Zero Samizdat" email service, where many of the stories below were taken. ----------- *(1) Europe’s ambitious net-zero pledges hit home—with eye-watering energy bills *BY SOPHIE MELLOR September 10, 2021 11:55 PM GMT+8 https://fortune.com/2021/09/10/europe-net-zero-energy-bills-nord-stream-2-russia/ *The continent's gas crunch is causing extreme volatility, with the U.K. on Thursday se... read more
From the Wilderness' Peak Oil Blog15 hours ago
UntitledFrom Jenna Orkin Texas restaurant kicks out couple who wore masks to protect their at-risk son Is the Australia-UK-USA Trilateral Security Partnership (AUKUS) a Gamechanger? Shooting at Russian university leaves at least 6 dead, 24 injuredDeportees land in Port-au-Prince: ‘Nobody told us we were going back to Haiti’ Thousands Evacuated as Canary Island Volcano Erupts Hillary Clinton Lawyer Indicted Taliban seize $12.4 million from former top Afghan officials 1. Hours after 9/11, the US military turned to Delta Force, and Delta Force scrambled to get operators back in uniform... read more
No More Mister Nice Blog15 hours ago
NO, MR. BOND, THEY EXPECT THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY TO DIEA large portion of the media can't grasp (or won't acknowledge) the extremism of the Republican Party, including its ongoing efforts to establish a one-party country -- and now even some observers who understand what the GOP is up to can't seem to comprehend what the worst corporatists in the Democratic Party appear to have in mind. In his latest column, Jamelle Bouie chastises Joe Manchin, Kysten Sinema, and other corporatist Democrats in the House and Senate for blocking major parts of the Biden administration's agenda. But I think his imagination fails him when he tries to unders... read more
Modern Tokyo Times15 hours ago
Tokyo Covid-19 infections drop: Three-day average is a pathetic 3,411 PCR testsTokyo Covid-19 infections drop: Three-day average is a pathetic 3,411 PCR tests Sawako Utsumi and Sawako Uchida Modern Tokyo Times The coronavirus (Covid-19) crisis in Japan, in terms of the highest number of daily and monthly infections, spiraled during the Olympic period. Tokyo hit dramatic new coronavirus infection highs during the Olympic timescale. However, the […] The post Tokyo Covid-19 infections drop: Three-day average is a pathetic 3,411 PCR tests first appeared on Modern Tokyo Times. read more
Small Dead Animals15 hours ago
I Told You SoWell, you can say we didn’t warn them. The PPC had just over five per cent of the popular vote at last count. The party has notably done better in Ontario, where it has so far garnered just under six per cent of the vote. And its stronger showing might have hurt the Conservatives. According… Continue reading → read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
Brazil’s increased IOF tax could prevent 7 million from falling into poverty – FGV SocialRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The new rates of the Tax on Financial Transactions (IOF), paid on transactions such as credit operations, foreign exchange, loans, insurance, or financial securities, started to be valid on Monday (20). Those who travel know it well because they pay the tax on transactions with credit card purchases abroad. The […] The post Brazil’s increased IOF tax could prevent 7 million from falling into poverty – FGV Social appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Duran15 hours ago
LOCALS EXCLUSIVE: West’s absurd take on Russian electionsLOCALS EXCLUSIVE: West’s absurd take on Russian elections Connect with theduran and other members of theduran community Facade falls away from Vladimir Putin’s fake democracy Facade falls away from Vladimir Putin’s fake democracy Newsletter: Europe Express Your essential guide to what matters in Europe today. Delivered every weekday. A couple of decades have passed since […] read more
The Rio Times15 hours ago
OECD raises to 5.2% forecast for Brazil’s GDP growth in 2021RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) has revised its projection for growth in Brazil's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in 2021 to 5.2% upward, according to a quarterly report released Tuesday, 21. In May, the Paris-based entity expected the Brazilian economy to grow 3.7% this year. By 2022, the […] The post OECD raises to 5.2% forecast for Brazil’s GDP growth in 2021 appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
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