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Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 26 hours ago
Gregory Mannarino, PM 9/26/21: "Markets, A Look Ahead"Gregory Mannarino, PM 9/26/21: *"Markets, A Look Ahead"* - https://traderschoice.net/ read more
The Last Refuge6 hours ago
Dr. Leana Wen Warns Americans That Vaccinated People Carry More Virus and are SuperspreadersScience has already reflected the evidence of this point being accurate; however, the media have been reluctant to admit it – and in most cases media and politicians are denying it. In a rare moment of clarity, Dr. Leana Wen admits vaccinated people are now more susceptible to the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, and carry […] The post Dr. Leana Wen Warns Americans That Vaccinated People Carry More Virus and are Superspreaders appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Rio Times6 hours ago
Economy and health, the main topics of the Chilean president’s visit to UruguayRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - The President of Chile, Sebastián Piñera, will pay an official visit to Uruguay on Monday, in which economy and health will be the main pillars of the conversations that the Chilean delegation will hold with its interlocutors. According to Efe, the Chilean president arrived in Montevideo this Sunday night (around […] The post Economy and health, the main topics of the Chilean president’s visit to Uruguay appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Last Refuge6 hours ago
DHS Secretary Mayorkas States At Least 12,000 Haitian Migrants Have Recently Been Released into The U.S, Some Carrying COVID-19 InfectionsDepartment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas appears on Fox News Sunday for a gentle discussion with DC gatekeeper of the swamp, Chris Wallace. In the first segment of the video below, Secretary Mayorkas admits at least 12,000 illegal aliens from Haiti have been disbursed into the U.S. mainland. The pontificating arrogance is remarkable, yet […] The post DHS Secretary Mayorkas States At Least 12,000 Haitian Migrants Have Recently Been Released into The U.S, Some Carrying COVID-19 Infections appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Rio Times6 hours ago
Peru’s Prime Minister threatens to nationalize vital Camisea gas fieldRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Peru's Prime Minister, Guido Bellido, threatened this Sunday to nationalize the Camisea gas field if the consortium formed by Argentina's Pluspetrol, Spain's Repsol, and U.S. Hunt Oil, among other companies, refuses to "renegotiate" the distribution of benefits in favor of the State. In a message published in the social network […] The post Peru’s Prime Minister threatens to nationalize vital Camisea gas field appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
naked capitalism7 hours ago
Jackpot Readiness: The (Literal) Pressure CookerA potted history of the pressure cooker, and the values immanent within the technology. read more
The National Interest7 hours ago
The Little-Known Role of Digital Engineering in America’s ICBMs*Kris Osborn* *ICBMs, * This digital blueprint allows for a significant reduction in operational maintenance costs. The Air Force’s emerging ground-based strategic deterrent (GBSD) next-generation intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) is on the production fast track. The service’s sixth-generation fighter is already airborne years ahead of schedule for a few key reasons. One of them is digital engineering, a fast-spreading technique showing progress across a wide range of weapons systems. Digital engineering relies on simulations and computer modeling to maintain development... read more
The National Interest7 hours ago
Confessions of an A-10 Warthog Pilot: What It’s Like Inside a Flying Cannon*James Clark* *A-10 Warthog, Americas* Air Force Maj. Vince Sherer spent three combat tours flying Warthogs out of Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan. *Here's What You Need to Know*: "The A-10, most definitely, is like first love." Ahh, the Warthog: A close air support death machine that looks like the energy drink and dip-fueled daydream of a grunt turned aeronautical engineer who decided to make a giant cannon — the GAU-8 Avenger — and then slap some wings on it. Few aircraft have as die hard a following as the A-10 Thunderbolt II — from those serving overseas in combat zones, to... read more
Miliband’s Plan To Destroy The Steel IndustryBy Paul Homewood The idiot Miliband wants to throw more of your money down the drain. Ed Miliband has unveiled Labour’s decade-long, £3bn to transform Britain’s steel industry. The shadow business secretary said a future Labour government would revive British manufacturing by supporting it to decarbonise. He pointed to similar plans unveiled by US president […] read more
The Duck of Minerva8 hours ago
The American Political Science Association Should Condemn the clarEmont Institute ConnectionAcademic freedom is a very important value. Professional integrity is another. Both values admit complexity, and are the subject of reasonable disagreement among colleagues and leaders of academic institutions. At the same time, the modern academy would not be what it is, or at least aspires to be, were it not for these values. A […] read more
Science Matters10 hours ago
3000+ Doctors Declaration for Medical Rights and Freedoms
By Debra Heine writes at American Greatness Over 3,000 Doctors and Scientists Sign Declaration Accusing COVID Policy-Makers of ‘Crimes Against Humanity’. Excerpts in italics with my bolds and images. A group of physicians and scientists met in Rome, Italy earlier this month for a three day Global Covid Summit to speak “truth to power about […] read more
BBC News: ‘Virginity-repair’ surgery set to be bannedBBC News – ‘Virginity-repair’ surgery set to be banned https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-57847010 read more
Is the BBC biased?7 hours ago
St Andrew and the DragonIt was fascinating watching Andrew Marr don shining armour and go into battle, lance raised, on behalf of damsel-in-distress Labour MP Rosie Duffield this morning. It was even more fascinating watching Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer KCB QC looking distinctly uncomfortable throughout his interview today, like a boring, pratfall-prone, flaccid dragon. Given that he's a barrister and former DPP, it's quite odd just how poor he is at defending himself. I'd even call it a 'car crash interview'. It got so bad that I even wondered if Sir Keir *must *had had coaching lesson on intervie... read more
balance108 hours ago
Chris Park: don't say anything that would point to the U.S. government’s own role in gain-of-function research
1) Daszak’s EcoHealth Alliance obscures its Pentagon funding. On its website EcoHealth Alliance states that “A copy of the EHA Grant Management Manual is available upon request to the EHA Chief Financial Officer at finance ( at ) ecohealthalliance.org”. But an email to that address and numerous others, including Peter Daszak’s, requesting that Manual, as well as other financial information, was not returned. Neither were repeated voicemails. Only buried under their “Privacy Policy,” under a section titled “EcoHealth Alliance Policy Regarding Conflict of Interest in Research,” d... read more
The National Interest8 hours ago
How Does the Mossberg MC1SC Compare to the Glock?*Gun News Daily* *Mossberg MC1SC, World* Can the Mossberg hold up against a legend? *Here's What You Need to Remember: *While it will take many more years for the MC1sc to develop a track record comparable to a Glock 43, Smith & Wesson Shield, or Walther PPS, so far it appear to be a very refined and ergonomic weapon that will be a solid concealed carry option. The weapon has already been tested thoroughly by the Gunsite Academy, where it ran more than one thousand rounds without any failures or issues whatsoever. Mossberg is a company most well known for their shotguns, includ... read more
The National Interest8 hours ago
Is ‘Hunter Killer’ the Ultimate Submarine Movie (Or a Giant Waste of Time)?*James Clark* *Submarines, Americas* Released in 2018, the film is based on the novel Firing Point, an actual military thriller by George Wallace, a retired Navy submarine commander, and author Don Keith. *Here's What You Need to Know*: Think of it as *Olympus Has Fallen*, but on a submarine. If you’ve been anxiously waiting for the next great brooding naval war flick, where the sonar pings from a glowing control panel are all the crew (and you the viewer) have to navigate the dangers ahead, then *Hunter Killer* will likely let you down. But if you are looking for a fast-moving... read more
The National Interest8 hours ago
Russia’s “Spiny Dogfish” Naval Attack Helicopters May Soon Launch From China’s Amphibious Carriers*Sebastien Roblin* *Attack Helicopters, Europe* If China does end up confirming a Ka-52K buy, it would signal serious intentions to round out gaps in its helicopter inventory, reinforce its relations with Russia, and sharpen its amphibious aviation capabilities for a hard fight over Taiwan or islands in the South China Sea. A flurry of recent reports suggests China is considering the purchase of thirty-six advanced Kamov Ka-52K naval attack helicopters from Russia. Though a sale has not been officially confirmed by Beijing or Moscow, rumors first circulated in lower-profile med... read more
Small Dead Animals8 hours ago
Conservatives That Tell Jokes Are Obviously NazisIt seems socialist snowflakes are outraged that conservatives have a sense of humour. The mainstream late night hosts are getting worried. Its a good thing we have Herr Trudeau to censor things up here. read more
Turcopolier9 hours ago
Landsat 9 Launch
https://spacelaunchnow.me/launch/atlas-v-401-landsat-9/?fbclid=IwAR3USLOa2DRKfcxRmGXiGTUFp2Ln1yjl8St-3a4vihTjIGna8P3shDiErmQ 48 total views, 48 views today read more
The Duran9 hours ago
Hillary Clinton heckled as she accepts Queen’s University Chancellorship
Hillary Clinton heckled as she accepts Queen’s University Chancellorship ****News Topic 570***** “Pure Evil!” , “War Criminal!”: Crowd Heckles Hillary During Installation As Chancellor Of Irish University “Pure Evil!” , “War Criminal!”: Crowd Heckles Hillary During Installation As Chancellor Of Irish University Hillary Clinton has finally been inaugurated… as the first female chancellor of Queen’s […] read more
Musings from the Chiefio9 hours ago
A Nod To The NodwellWhat's a Nodwell and how come I've never seen one before? Or maybe I did and just didn't know it... Continue reading → read more
The Last Refuge9 hours ago
Parseltongue – DHS Secretary Mayorkas Promises Independent Investigation of Mounted Border Patrol, Before They are “Made to Pay” For Doing Their JobsThe hubris and disconnect from the ideological manipulators within the Biden administration continues today with DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas discussing the ridiculous narrative about mounted border patrol agents attempting to stop the massive illegal influx and being accused by Joe Biden of “strapping” them. On Friday, with absolutely no accurate information to explain his position, […] The post Parseltongue – DHS Secretary Mayorkas Promises Independent Investigation of Mounted Border Patrol, Before They are “Made to Pay” For Doing Their Jobs appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Duran9 hours ago
The Meng Wanzhou Affair: For the US a Brief Geopolitical Victory, But a Long Term Moral Defeat
The Meng Wanzhou Affair: For the US a Brief Geopolitical Victory, But a Long Term Moral Defeat News Topic 293 Canada, China and US were all doomed to lose in Meng Wanzhou’s case Canada, China and US were all doomed to lose in Meng Wanzhou’s case The deal allowing Meng Wanzhou to return home to […] read more
The Duran9 hours ago
LOCAL EXCLUSIVE: Russian Elections. Even NYT now admits Russian Liberals are Bust
LOCAL EXCLUSIVE: Russian Elections. Even NYT now admits Russian Liberals are Bust Navalny to the Russian Opposition: ‘Be Discouraged, a Little Bit’ https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/23/world/europe/Russia-opposition-navalny-discouraged.html Navalny to the Russian Opposition: ‘Be Discouraged, a Little Bit’ Navalny to the Russian Opposition: ‘Be Discouraged, a Little Bit’ Emblematic of the beleaguered state of the opposition, a forlorn group of […] read more
Snopes.com10 hours ago
Does the National Park Service Own Gen. George Custer’s Jockstrap?George Armstrong Custer is known for many things ... including his underwear. read more
Small Dead Animals10 hours ago
Different Decade & Virus, Same Fear PlaybookTake your mind back to 1983. Does this guy look familiar? If not, listen carefully to the voice: More here read more
Small Dead Animals10 hours ago
Coal for the WinEurope’s energy crisis: A switch back to coal is on the cards read more
The Duran10 hours ago
Police in Australia making house calls to warn citizens over social media posts
Police in Australia making house calls to warn citizens over social media posts ****News Topic 569***** Police in Australia turn up on doorsteps to quiz citizens over social media posts Police in Australia turn up on doorsteps to quiz citizens over social media posts Citizens have posted the chilling footage. read more
From the Trenches World Report11 hours ago
New York Faces State of Emergency As Vaccine Mandate Creates Hospital Staff ShortagesBreitbart – by Paul Bois The state of New York faces a looming crisis as the vaccine mandate deadline threatens to create a shortage of... The post New York Faces State of Emergency As Vaccine Mandate Creates Hospital Staff Shortages appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report11 hours ago
Oregon Law Takes Effect Requiring Guns to Be Locked in the HomeBreitbart – by AWR Hawkins A new law took effect in Oregon Saturday requiring guns to be locked and/or securely stored when in the home.... The post Oregon Law Takes Effect Requiring Guns to Be Locked in the Home appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Lawfare14 hours ago
The Assad Regime’s Business Model for Supporting the Islamic StateISIS fighters appear in an undated photo posted online by ISIS propagandists. Photo credit: ISIS media/Twitter via al-Jazeera Editor’s Note: *The rise of the Islamic State (ISIS) had many sources, ranging from the Iraqi government**’s increased discrimination against Sunnis to the collapse of Syria into civil war. One vital factor, however, was the tolerance, and at times connivance, of the Syrian regime itself. The Washington Institute’s Matthew Levitt details how the Syrian regime cynically supported ISIS, using its rise as a way to discredit the broader Syrian opposition. Here ... read more
News – TOTT News4 days ago
Melbourne’s Siege at the Shrine: As it happenedFor the third straight day, protesters have descended upon Melbourne to exercise their fundamental right to have their voices heard, in a day that will go down in Australian history. The police rolled out the counter-terrorism unit early in the morning, chasing the group through the Melbourne CBD, before a standoff occurred at The Shrine Continue reading read more
Gangsters Out Blog8 hours ago
Rock Machine Drama
TBM, the definitive source for worldwide MC news has posted a disappointing update on the political drama within the Rock Machine Canada. It states the self-proclaimed national president doesn't have a motorcycle license. That's kind of my beef with the cub pack. Although they have licenses, they don't ride motorcycles they just ride around in SUVs and sell drugs. TBM has been following RM politics for quite some time. They saw the RM rise from the ashes in Canada, expand into Australia and break into Europe through Norway. They also saw the meltdowns that went along with it. Suat ... read more
Greencrow As The Crow Flies9 hours ago
All in the Name of Public HELLth - Girl wants to Play soccer - gets "exploding heart"/hospitalization instead - PLUS updates on Worldwide Resistance and, Finally, WHERE ARE THE INJUNCTIONS???!!!
*Halifax 13 Year Old's Heart Stops Beating* *after CovID Kill Shot* COVID 19 Side Effects 046 -This Just Happened To a CHILD Who was Vaccinated In Halifax, Nova Scotia (bitchute.com) YouTube removed the above video. Luckily someone copied it onto BitChute. Apparently, according to YouTube policy...Vax side effects in children are not allowed to be shown. They are implicitly condoned...just not allowed to be shown. Good morning, readers. Today's post will be yet another compendium/Update on the War on Humanity that is in progress all over the world...but particularly focused at t... read more
The National Interest9 hours ago
Your Nuclear Weapons Just Went Missing. Who Do You Call?*Steve Weintz* *Nuclear Weapons, Europe* This may be too big for the regular police to handle. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *With no witnesses, no debris and a search area in the least understood part of the world’s ocean, there’s little even mathematical wizards can do. But even then, few thought 50 years ago that the lost bomb of Palomares would ever turn up. When a routine Cold War operation went terribly wrong, two planes and seven men died, a village got contaminated and a hydrogen bomb disappeared. The search and cleanup required 1,400 American and Spanish personnel, ... read more
The National Interest9 hours ago
Congress to Navy: You Can’t Retire Those Ships Just Yet*Mark Episkopos* *U.S. Navy, United States* The new provision makes the Navy consider every possible option short of retirement. Congress is considering implementing measures that would make it more difficult for the U.S. Navy to retire many of its aging surface ships. The Fiscal Year 2022 National Defense Authorization Act, published earlier this week, contains sweeping language that would require the service to seek a waiver from the secretary of the Navy in order to retire its ships early. The waiver must certify that: ‘’(A) maintaining the battle force ship in a reduced oper... read more
The National Interest9 hours ago
Pakistan’s ‘America Problem’ Is Not Going Anywhere*Syed Ali Zia Jaffery* *Pakistan, Asia* Washington has been unable to address a series of troubles that it created for itself when it fractured its ties with Islamabad. This became a precursor to its shameful flight from Afghanistan. Months after President Joe Biden announced the complete, irreversible, and long-awaited withdrawal of U.S. forces from Afghanistan, the last contingent of U.S. troops left Kabul. This safe exit was facilitated through a cooperative arrangement between Washington and the Afghan Taliban, a group that the former had uprooted in 2001 and fought against ... read more
The National Interest9 hours ago
Decisive Defeat: Why the U.S. Strategy for Afghanistan Didn’t Work*Alireza Ahmadi* *Afghanistan, Asia* The basic models with which the United States has intervened militarily in the Middle East seem to have striking flaws for which there are no simple answers. The Afghan military and security forces collapsed so quickly in the face of the Taliban advance this summer that even the Taliban seem to have been surprised. But as the twenty-year nation-building project comes to a disastrous close, there are a set of implications regarding both the Global War of Terror and America’s interventions in the Middle East that must be considered. There is a ... read more
The National Interest9 hours ago
Watch an AR-15 Blast a Telephone Pole in Half*James Clark* *AR-15, Americas* There are definitely more efficient ways to cut a chunk of wood in half. *Here's What You Need to Know*: If you’re bored and have a surplus of ammo, going Rambo on a large log does look like fun. A YouTube video by Demolition Ranch shows just how many rounds it takes to cut a telephone pole in half. It takes a lot. There are some questions that plague people their entire lives: Why are we here? What’s our purpose? What’s actually at the center of a Tootsie Pop? And, just how many rounds does it take to blast a telephone pole in half? Alright, not ... read more
The National Interest9 hours ago
Is the Rock Island Armory 1911 a Viable Cheaper Alternative to the Colt 1911?*Gun News Daily* *Firearms, Americas* The RIA 1911 is a shockingly good gun given its price point. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Is the RIA G.I. 1911 the best 1911 on the market? Hardly, but for a budget priced 1911 in the $400 to $500 range, it’s about as nice of a 1911 that you can ask for. In another article, we talked about the Colt 1911 and the many different variants of the 1911 that Colt offers for sale. Colt has been manufacturing 1911 pistols longer than any other manufacturer, and to this day, they are one of the highest quality factory 1911s that money can buy.... read more
MUSINGS ON IRAQ10 hours ago
This Day In Iraqi History – Sep 261914 Gen Barrow at India Office said UK had to stop Turkish-Arab alliance and declaration of jihad which could spread to Afghanistan and threaten India UK should make show of force in Shatt al-Arab to deter Arabs from backing Ottomans and if war started should seize Basra vilayet (Musings On Iraq review *Iraq In World War I, From Ottoman Rule to British Conquest*) (Musings On Iraq review *When God Made Hell, The British Invasion of Mesopotamia and the Creation of Iraq, 1914-1921*) 1920 Ramadi fell to British during 1920 Revolt (Musings On Iraq review *Reclaiming Iraq, The ... read more
PopularResistance.Org10 hours ago
Rally To Save The Public Post Office: Dump DeJoy And Bounce BloomThursday, September 23, 2021, in front of Brookfield Asset Management's NYC office, 250 Vesey Street, the Rally to Save the Public Post Office: Dump DeJoy & Bounce Bloom was loud and strong. Ron A. Bloom is the Chair of the Postal Board of Governors & also the Vice Chair & Managing Partner of Brookfield where he heads up their $60 billion investment fund. Recently, the Washington Post had an expose that showed that Postmaster General Louis DeJoy has purchased $305,000 in bonds from his boss Ron A. Bloom's company: Brookfield. DeJoy also helped give a $125 million contract to his ... read more
PopularResistance.Org10 hours ago
Indigenous People Of Brazil Fight For Their FutureOne hundred and seventy-six different Indigenous groups from every region of the country arrived at the encampment of Luta pela Vida (the Struggle for Life movement) to protest against their own erasure. This Indigenous mobilisation, which is the largest in history, broke a spell of inviolability surrounding the institutions of power that have for centuries excluded Indigenous people or sought their demise. The post Indigenous People Of Brazil Fight For Their Future appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
PopularResistance.Org10 hours ago
United States Once Again Attacking Government Of NicaraguaAbove photo: El 19 Digital. The Excuse Since the house arrest of former president Violeta Barrios de Chamorro’s daughter Cristiana Chamorro for money laundering and other crimes, the US and international assault against the Sandinista government has grown. This is the continuation of an ongoing attack against Sandinismo that began long before the US and […] The post United States Once Again Attacking Government Of Nicaragua appeared first on PopularResistance.Org. read more
Robert Reich10 hours ago
When I was at law school with Clarence ThomasSign up at...*When I was at law school with Clarence Thomas* *Sign up at https://robertreich.substack.com/ for more articles and drawings, delivered straight to your inbox.* Just one year after Ruth Bader Ginsburg died, Republican nominees on the Supreme Court are on the way to overturning *Roe v. Wade*. But they’re going out of their way to speak out publicly against the partisanship they’re actively engaged in. Last week, Clarence Thomas told a crowd of more than 800 students and faculty at Notre Dame that the Court shouldn’t be viewed in partisan terms, and that justices don’t base their ... read more
PopularResistance.Org10 hours ago
Support For Nuclear Ban Treaty Is Rising. Nuclear Nations Are On The Defensive.Nuclear tensions and nuclear spending are on the rise, but the elevated danger of nuclear weapons is overshadowed as other urgent global threats from the COVID pandemic, climate and environmental emergencies, and other urgent crises dominate news headlines. The United Nations Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), which entered into force in January, receives scant media attention, even as the United Nations prepares to mark September 26 as the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons. The post Support For Nuclear Ban Treaty Is Rising. Nuclear N... read more
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