10:10 pm MDT
War News Updates10 minutes ago
With Evergrande Collapsing, China Is Entering A Liquidity Crisis*The Guardian:* *‘China’s Lehman Brothers moment’: Evergrande crisis rattles economy* *President Xi Jinping faces serious test of his financial reforms as struggles of property giant send ripples through real-estate sector * The crisis engulfing Evergrande, China’s second-biggest property company, is the greatest test yet of President Xi Jinping’s effort to reform the debt-ridden behemoths of the Chinese economy. It could also be the most significant test that China’s financial system has faced in many years. As angry protesters occupied the headquarters of the troubled pro... read more
balance1014 minutes ago
In India’s recent deadly second pandemic surge Ivermectin obliterated their crisis.The combination of Ivermectin with Hydroxychloroquine, Doxycycline, and now Fluvoxamine has proven highly effective in observational trials. Dr. George Fareed and Dr. Brian Tyson treated and saved nearly 6,000 COVID-19 patients in California’s Imperial Valley using this approach. https://www.thedesertreview.com/health/local-frontline-doctors-modify-covid-treatment-based-on-results/article_9cdded9e-962f-11eb-a59a-f3e1151e98c3.html In India’s recent deadly second pandemic surge Ivermectin obliterated their crisis. Within weeks after the ICMR and AIIMS adopted Ivermectin, their case... read more
The National Interest19 minutes ago
China's Missiles are Making its Neighbors Nervous*Caleb Larson* *Chinese Military, Asia* Taiwan and Japan have cause for concern. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Although China’s intercontinental strike ability is somewhat limited when compared to heavyweights like the United States or Russia, Beijing’s capabilities are growing. China’s missile arsenal can threaten regional adversaries like Taiwan and Japan, or global competitors like the United States—on their own territory. *Marching Forward* China’s missile program is very secretive. This is partly because China has not entered arms control agreements as willingly as... read more
The Last Refuge31 minutes ago
Why Did The CDC Stop Recording Vaccine Breakthrough Cases in The U.S. on May 1st? – Today We Got The Obvious Answer, Vaccine Companies Want to Sell Booster ShotsA “breakthrough case” is the term for a person reinfecting with COVID-19 after they have been vaccinated. On May 1st the CDC changed the recording and record keeping of COVID-19 breakthrough cases, and stopped tracking them. The change was announced July 30th {Data Link}. […] The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) currently monitors […] The post Why Did The CDC Stop Recording Vaccine Breakthrough Cases in The U.S. on May 1st? – Today We Got The Obvious Answer, Vaccine Companies Want to Sell Booster Shots appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Accidental Deliberations45 minutes ago
Musical interludeSigrid - Mirror read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
Israel’s Iconic Uzi Fought Hard for Its Venerable Place in History*Kyle Mizokami* *Guns, Middle East* Although mostly out of service, the Uzi’s profile will be recognizable for decades to come. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The Uzi was a textbook example of a simple project successfully completed by a nascent arms industry. A well-designed, reliable submachine gun made of stamped parts, it was simple to build and had universal appeal. One of the most recognizable weapons of the postwar era came from one of the newest nation-states. The Uzi submachine gun was designed to be a simple, inexpensive weapon that would overcome the logistical p... read more
War News Updates1 hour ago
Australia Warns China It Will Block Its Bid To Join The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement For Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP)
*Daily Mail:* *Australia warns it will BLOCK China's bid to join global trading pact - after Beijing exploded at new nuclear submarine deal and AUKUS alliance* * China has applied to join global trading pact with Australia already a member * Aus Trade Minister said China would need to prove 'track record of compliance' * China's application comes after Australia announced historic AUKUS deal * For the first time in its history, Australia will build nuclear powered submarines Australia has threatened to block China's bid to join a global trading pact as tensions continue to... read more
Komando.com1 hour ago
What’s keeping you up at night? Fitbit can detect snores and other noise
Fitbit can now detect snoring and other noises keeping you awake at night. read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
USS Massachusetts Made History in Both World War II Theaters*Robert Farley* *Naval History, United States* USS Massachusetts served everywhere from Operation Torch to Okinawa. *Here's What You Need to Know*: USS *Massachusetts* returned to the United States after the war, and decommissioned in 1947. It would remain in reserve for fifteen years. Fortunately, a group of veterans raised enough money to preserve it as a museum ship. The U.S. Navy began construction of its first fast battleships in 1937, with the two ships of the North Carolina class. The restrictions of the Washington and London Naval Treaties had imposed a battleship “holida... read more
The National Interest1 hour ago
China Beware: The Air Force's Skyborg Program Is Getting Smarter*Caleb Larson* *Artificial Intelligence, * While the Air Force Skyborg autonomy core system is still in its infancy, the artificial intelligence piloting program is rapidly gaining experience, and could fly alongside manned pilots in the not-so-distant future. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The United States Air Force successfully conducted an unmanned test flight of a General Atomics Avenger drone—controlled not by a pilot on the ground, but rather by the Skyborg autonomy core system. The The artificial intelligence pilot is steadily gaining experience and expanding the nu... read more
The Last Refuge1 hour ago
Arizona Audit Update, Maricopa County and State Senate Enter Agreement – Wendy Rogers Confirms Audit Report and Hearing for Friday September 24thSome interesting developments in the ongoing Arizona Senate audit of the dubious Maricopa County election outcome. First, Arizona Senate President Karen Fann notes an agreement between the Senate and Maricopa County for information still outstanding. According to President Fann: “HUGE win for the Az Senate today! Maricopa settlement gives us all the data needed to […] The post Arizona Audit Update, Maricopa County and State Senate Enter Agreement – Wendy Rogers Confirms Audit Report and Hearing for Friday September 24th appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
Small Dead Animals2 hours ago
Age MattersA lot. read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch2 hours ago
Other HeadlinesKim Hampson Interview with Prof. Dr. Dolores Cahill Nicole Kidman Gets Personal Exemption From Quarantine Rules – Open Source Truth The BFD | EXCLUSIVE: Government and Police Lockdown Actions NOT Legally Supported The BFD | Barry Soper on the Government’s Spin on Illegal Lockdown The BFD | Public Needs to See Legal Advice on LockdownHealth … Continue reading Other Headlines → read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch2 hours ago
NZ’s latest Medsafe Report of Pfizer VX injuriesFrom Medsafe NZ posted by NZ Lawyer Sue Grey From https://www.medsafe.govt.nz/COVID-19/safety-report-25.asp Here is the latest Medsafe Report of Pfizer vax injuries. A new safety signal is reported: Thrombocytopenia (ie blood clots) I understand blood clots are what cause many heart attacks and strokes. Thrombocytopenia (THROM-bo-sigh-toe-PEE-ne-ah) occurs when your blood platelet count is low. Platelets are … Continue reading NZ’s latest Medsafe Report of Pfizer VX injuries → read more
From the Trenches World Report2 hours ago
‘Tragic mistake’: U.S. admits killing 10 civilians, including 7 children, in Kabul drone strikeYahoo News Calling it a “tragic mistake,” the U.S. Department of Defense admitted Friday that it had killed 10 people, including seven children, in a... The post ‘Tragic mistake’: U.S. admits killing 10 civilians, including 7 children, in Kabul drone strike appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
From the Trenches World Report2 hours ago
UN Diplomats Balk At Following NYC’s COVID Mandate DemandsReuters UNITED NATIONS, Sept 15 (Reuters) – U.N. chief Antonio Guterres stressed on Wednesday that he cannot ask world leaders to show they have been... The post UN Diplomats Balk At Following NYC’s COVID Mandate Demands appeared first on From the Trenches World Report. read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch3 hours ago
UK Holistic Health Adviser is threatened by MHRA (FDA) for promoting apricot & apple seeds for health – (sale of these was banned recently in NZ & Aus)Originally posted on Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch: An Holistic Health Adviser and cancer researcher, Amanda Mary Jewell, was asked to return to England and answer to the claims of the MHRA (FDA) for promoting the healthful properties of these two seeds. Just search Youtube & find the many folk whose cancer was indeed cured by… read more
Komando.com4 hours ago
Have you bought chicken in the past decade? You could get paid
Did you overpay for chicken in the past decade? Here's how you might be able to get some money back. read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch4 hours ago
Selling sickness: the pharmaceutical industry and disease mongeringOriginally posted on Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch: By Ray Moynihan, journalist,a Iona Heath, general practitioner,b and David Henry, professor of clinical pharmacologyc A lot of money can be made from healthy people who believe they are sick. Pharmaceutical companies sponsor diseases and promote them to prescribers and consumers. Ray Moynihan, Iona Heath, and David Henry give examples of “disease mongering” and… read more
Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch4 hours ago
After Unleashing Zika Bioweapon, Eugenicist CDC Retards its DetectionOriginally posted on Rangitikei Environmental Health Watch: Fishy goings on with the CDC mandated to protect the community and by all appearances not…. and here with that virus that is patented by the Rockefellers. This is from Myeclinik.com …EWR According to a CDC whistleblower, the US agency in charge of “controlling and preventing disease” is… read more
Gangsters Out Blog1 hour ago
More books about Justin Trudeau the fake femenist
Latest Liberal candidate caught in sex assault charges - Sabrina Maddeaux nails it. read more
War News Updates1 hour ago
Australia Admits War With China Is Possible Over Taiwan
Peter Dutton insisted that the aim of the new defence pact is to ensure peace in the region, but that the risk of fighting with China 'shouldn't be discounted' and was 'up to the Chinese' *Daily Mail: **Australia admits war with China IS possible over Taiwan amid warnings that Beijing could use nukes and fears that Britain could now be dragged into the conflict after signing AUKUS submarine pact* * Australian defence minister Peter Dutton warned war with China is possible and his country should prepare * Said China and US have made their positions over Taiwan 'clear' and risk ... read more
Turcopolier2 hours ago
Michael Sussmann’s Indictment Also Previews the Clinton Foundation Conspiracy Against TrumpSeveral pundits have focused on almost exclusively on Michael Sussmann, a lawyer for the DNC doing the bidding of Hillary Clinton, being charged with lying to the FBI and have ignored the more damning revelations contained in the indictment. John … Continue reading → read more
Socio-Economics History Blog2 hours ago
Alberta’s Health Minister Says Unvaccinated “Will Not Be Permitted to Attend Indoor Private Gatherings” read more
Socio-Economics History Blog2 hours ago
Dr. Stephen Guffanti: Big Corporations in Lock-Step to Deny People Access to Ivermectin read more
Socio-Economics History Blog2 hours ago
East Coast Governors Announcing Vaccine Passports For Their StatesSocio-Economics History Blog2 hours ago
COVID Vaccine Earthquake! Top FDA Scientists Write Letter to Lancet Warning Against Fauci’s Booster Shots COVID Vaccine Earthquake! Top FDA Scientists Write Letter to Lancet Warning Against Fauci’s Booster Shots by Jeffrey A. Tucker | Brownstone Institute, via https://www.infowars.com/ * FDA scientists overseeing vaccines resigned two weeks ago claiming dangerous booster shot rollout by Fauci and Biden “could discredit all vaccines for a generation or more.” * Letter to … read more
Caitlin Johnstone3 hours ago
Where Was All The Investigative Journalism On US Airstrikes The Last 20 Years?Listen to a reading of this article: ❖ The Pentagon has finally admitted to the long-obvious fact that it killed ten Afghan civilians, including seven children, in an airstrike in Kabul last month. In an article with the obscenely propagandistic title “Pentagon acknowledges Aug. 29 […] read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
New Study: Covid “Hospitalization” Data May Be Unreliable Gauge Of Pandemic Severity — Narrative Nuked: Nearly Half Of ‘COVID Hospitalizations’ This Year Have Been Mild Or Asymptomatic CasesNew Study: Covid “Hospitalization” Data May Be Unreliable Gauge Of Pandemic Severity by Quoth the Raven at QTR’s Fringe Finance, via https://www.zerohedge.com/ Well, well, well. No sooner do I take the time to ask which Covid narrative will come undone next than the universe hands us our answer in what only can be described as a total evisceration of the … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
Uranium & Silver: Sprott Raids The Market – Rick RuleWall Street Silver Rick Rule joins us to explain how Sprott is raiding the Uranium supply with the new Sprott Uranium Physical Trust. This is very similar to the PSLV Silver Physical Trust. PSLV is also still buying lots of Silver. end read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
China Injects Most Liquidity Since February To Stem Evergrande PanicChina Injects Most Liquidity Since February To Stem Evergrande Panic by Tyler Durden, https://www.zerohedge.com/ With China finally realizing that it has drunkenly staggered into its own Lehman moment, complacently ignoring the risks until now amid hopes that Beijing would step in and make everything wonderful and instead Evergrande management finding itself held hostage in company … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Are We Right Now Watching The Long Called For Global Depopulation Demanded By The New World Order Eugenicists?NTEB PROPHECY NEWS PODCAST: Are We Right Now Watching The Long Called For Global Depopulation Demanded By The New World Order Eugenicists? by Geoffrey Grider, https://www.nowtheendbegins.com/ On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, the New World Order for over a century has broadcast, in overt statements as well as through the arcane medium of … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
COVID-19 Vaccine Passport Mandatory In Italy For All Private Sector Workers: Officials
COVID-19 Vaccine Passport Mandatory In Italy For All Private Sector Workers: Officials by Jack Phillips via The Epoch Times, https://www.zerohedge.com/ The Italian government on Thursday approved among the strictest COVID-19 rules in the world by mandating that all private and public sector employees get the vaccine and show proof of vaccination, a negative test, or a recent recovery … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
Canary Island Official Warn of Major Volcanic Eruption — Major Landslide into Ocean to Trigger Massive Tsunami Threatening the Eastern Seaboard?
Spanish authorities warn of potential volcanic eruption on resort island after 4,222-tremor ‘earthquake swarm’ by https://www.rt.com/ Officials on the Spanish island La Palma have warned of a potential volcanic eruption, after an ‘earthquake swarm’ of 4,222 tremors was detected near the Teneguía volcano by the country’s National Geographic Institute (IGN). – The regional government … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
Did ‘Backstabbing’ Biden Just Deliver Mortal Wound to NATO? (Full Show)RT America President Biden’s foreign policy priorities remain consistent, with the current $275 million in support and equipment from the US to Ukraine seeing the addition of plans to arm the geopolitical hot spot with a new missile defense system, the formidable “Iron Dome.” Former Pentagon official Michael Maloof joins News.Views.Hughes to analyze the Biden … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
Is Biden Trying To Collapse The Dollar? (Shocking Intel Revealed)Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
Francis Hunt: Silver Will be The Shooting StarPalisades Gold Radio Tom welcomes Francis Hunt “The Market Sniper” back to the show. To subscribe to our newsletter and get notified of new shows, please visit http://palisadesradio.ca – Francis discusses the longer view on precious metals and why they should outperform again in the not too distant. The precious metals genie has been suppressed … read more
War News Updates1 hour ago
China Enters Taiwan Air Defence Zone With 10 Warplanes For The 15th Time This MonthTaiwan's air force scrambled on Friday to warn away 10 Chinese aircraft that entered its air defense zone, Taiwan's defense ministry said, the day after the island announced a $9 billion boost to military spending to counter the threat from Chinahttps://t.co/6ml01XMtXc — Peter Martin (@PeterMartin_PCM) September 17, 2021 *Reuters: **China enters Taiwan air defence zone a day after military budget boost* TAIPEI (Reuters) - Taiwan's air force scrambled on Friday to warn away 10 Chinese aircraft that entered its air defence zone, Taiwan's defence ministry said, the day after the isl... read more
War News Updates2 hours ago
Tonight's Movie Is 'Ardennes Fury'*From YouTube:* Ardennes Fury - As the Battle of the Bulge rages on, an American tank unit gets trapped behind enemy lines. With just hours before the bombs of Operation Ardennes Fury fall, the tank's commander makes the risky decision to rescue an orphanage. read more
The Decarie Report2 hours ago
Bad, Bad News.I hope this text does not get messed up as my last one did. _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Long, long ago us humans appeared on earth. But we were very different from most other animals. from the start a small number of us saw themselves as superior to all other humans. You may find examples of a few other species like that; but not many. The humans who saw themselves as superior wasted no time in ruling the others. They still do. Thousands of years later, we could see this in t... read more
War News Updates2 hours ago
France Recalls Ambassadors to US And Australia After AUKUS Agreement*Daily Mail:* *BREAKING NEWS: France RECALLS its ambassador to the US amid row over new US-UK-Australia pact citing 'unacceptable behavior' over nixed submarine contract* * France recalled its ambassador to the US on Friday amid the dispute * It comes amid growing fury at defense deal between US, UK and Australia French * French foreign minister cited 'exceptional seriousness of the announcements' * The deal resulted in cancellation of $90 billion Australia deal with fance to build submarines * Australia will instead use US nuclear sub technology * On Thursday the Fren... read more
The Rio Times2 hours ago
Credit Suisse sees Brazil’s Selic at 9.75% and reduces projection for 2022 GDP from 1.5% to 1.1%RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - At a time when inflation continues to surprise upward, and the scenario is more challenging, Credit Suisse raised its estimate for the IPCA this year from 8.1% to 8.5% and now expects inflation to end 2022 at 5.2%, and no longer at 5.0%, due to the effect of high inflationary […] The post Credit Suisse sees Brazil’s Selic at 9.75% and reduces projection for 2022 GDP from 1.5% to 1.1% appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The National Interest2 hours ago
Gentle Giants: How the F-22 Raptor Saved Honey Bees from Destruction*Stephen Silver* *F-22, Americas* The F-22 Raptor is one of the Air Force’s most vaunted planes. It’s been around since the late 1990s, and while the last one was delivered in 2012, the F-22’s have shifted over time to the “eyes in the sky” for the Air Force. *Here's what you need to remember: *To add to the F-22 Raptor's long list of accolades, it once shielded a large school of honey bees. The F-22 Raptor is one of the Air Force’s most vaunted planes. It’s been around since the late 1990s, and while the last one was delivered in 2012, the F-22’s have shifted over time to the... read more
The National Interest2 hours ago
Race to the 2030: Which Air Powers Will Be at the Top of Their Game?*Kyle Mizokami* *Air Power, * The People's Republic of China will be a new entrant on the list. *Here's What You Need to Remember:* In 2030, the United States, China, Russia, Israel, and the United Kingdom will field the top five air forces in the world. By 2030 the most powerful air forces in the world will be very familiar. The list will be dominated by traditional air powers, particularly the United States, Russia and the United Kingdom. These countries continue to hedge against a number of conflict scenarios, from modest air campaigns against non-state actors to full-blown w... read more
The National Interest2 hours ago
China's QBZ-95-1 Assault Rifle Is Still the ‘Queen of Battle’*Kyle Mizokami* *Guns, Asia* The QBZ-95-1 is issued with a bayonet and, along with six WY-91 hand grenades, forms the firepower of the average PLA soldier. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The QBZ-95-1 is a powerful and reliable, although slightly dated, weapon that was emblematic of the military revolution that began in China in the early 1990s and continues to this day. One of the most widely issued—but least known—infantry small arms is the QBZ-95-1 assault rifle. The QBZ-95-1 is the official rifle of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and its various sub-branches, includ... read more
The National Interest2 hours ago
These German Battleships Killed a British Aircraft Carrier*Michael Peck* *World War II, Europe* HMS Glorious was caught unprepared by Germany's Scharnhorst and Gneisenau in June 1940 and fell victim to their big guns. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The German battleships closed in at more than at thirty knots. The British destroyers attempted to lay smoke to cover the carrier’s withdrawal, but it was too late. If you are the captain of an aircraft carrier, these are the words you do not want to hear: “Enemy battleship in sight!” Yet on June 8, 1940, the British aircraft carrier HMS *Glorious* discovered why carriers should need to... read more
The Rio Times2 hours ago
Evangelicals in Bolivia are against forced vaccination; should be left to free willRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Evangelical churches are successfully obstructing Bolivian government plans as Covid-19 vaccination has stopped at less than 50% of the target population. Religious groups have demanded the government not force the population to be vaccinated but not for religious reasons but for their right to decide freely. Meanwhile, the government started […] The post Evangelicals in Bolivia are against forced vaccination; should be left to free will appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
balance102 hours ago
EXACTLY why Biden, Sullivan, Blinken, Milley and others are ARCH=traitors9-17-21 Through his charity, the Nazarene Fund, Beck had chartered planes to airlift 5,100 Christians out of Afghanistan and into neighboring nations. Before long, however, U.S. officials intervened...."And then I have pictures of blood and body parts and nothing but death in that same area [of the airport]. We believe that our State Department is directly responsible. ... I don't know how many [of the 500 Christians] survived... The State Department has blocked us every step of the way. The State Department and the White House have been the biggest problem. Everyone els... read more
The Rio Times2 hours ago
Moderna’s Covid vaccine guarantees protection longer than PfizerRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - CDC researchers analyzed nearly 3,689 adults who were hospitalized with severe covid-19 between March 11 and August 15, 2021. A new study published Friday, 17, by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is the latest to suggest that Moderna's Covid-19 vaccine confers greater long-term protection against hospitalization […] The post Moderna’s Covid vaccine guarantees protection longer than Pfizer appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
The Last Refuge2 hours ago
CENTCOM Commander General McKenzie Calls Drone Strike Killing 10 Innocents in Kabul, a Tragic Mistake – The Signals Intelligence Was WrongEarlier today General Kenneth Franklin McKenzie Jr. admitted a claimed U.S. drone strike against the ever evolving and mysterious ISIS-K, actually killed 7 children and three innocent adult civilians. General McKenzie calls it a “tragic mistake.” Four days after the August 29th strike Gen. Mark Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, called the […] The post CENTCOM Commander General McKenzie Calls Drone Strike Killing 10 Innocents in Kabul, a Tragic Mistake – The Signals Intelligence Was Wrong appeared first on The Last Refuge. read more
The Rio Times2 hours ago
Iron ore is in free fall – all eyes on ChinaRIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Good news for global inflation and bad news for mining company shareholders. The outlook for iron ore over the next 12 months is for greater supply and, therefore, further price declines. Since June, when it reached 220 dollars a ton, the commodity's price has lost strength, returning to the level […] The post Iron ore is in free fall – all eyes on China appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
Crumbling Global Economic House of Cards – Rob Kirby #5270Kerry Lutz’s Financial Survival Network Summary: Today we have Rob Kirby on the podcast, who talks about how one of the largest and most underreported issues is the volume of trade we’re experiencing in terms of dollar return in the crypto-verse. It seems that cryptos are eating off the dollar’s plate, which means that the … read more
Socio-Economics History Blog3 hours ago
IRS to Monitor EVERY Transaction in ALL Accounts over $600Heresy Financial In the latest move towards complete tyranny, the Treasury announced a proposal to have the IRS collect all transaction data from every single financial account with a balance exceeding $600. This includes bank accounts, investment accounts, and accounts with crypto exchanges. And the fact that this would be a direct violation of the … read more
Waking Times4 hours ago
Diamond Sharpens Diamond: From Tragedy to Transcendence*Gary ‘Z’ McGee* - We live in fear. We live desperately, building invulnerable walls in vain. Our souls curl up inside our egos—anxious, insecure, stuck. read more
AltHealthWorks.com4 hours ago
Rare Australian Tree Contains Cancer-Killing Properties, Used in the Aboriginal Medicine for CenturiesIt has been said that whatever disease plagues the Earth, there is always a plant nearby that treats it. Sometimes it is just waiting to be discovered – at least, by modern scientists. The traditional medicine men of the native cultures have known about these cures for centuries. And every place on Earth has a different plant that fits in with its environment. When it comes to cancer healing remedies, Native Americans have chokecherry pudding, the Chinese have artemisinin, and Aboriginal Australians make use of the rare gumby gumby (also spelled gumbi gumbi) tree, or Pittosporum phy... read more
Econlib4 hours ago
Wagner’s and Weitzman’s Bathtub Analogy
In a comment by Daniel Reeves on a recent post by my co-blogger Bryan Caplan, Reeves claims that I ignored the bathtub analogy in Gernot Wagner’s and Martin L. Wietzman’s Climate Shock in my review of the book. I didn’t mention it but I didn’t ignore it. It just struck me when reading the book […] The post Wagner’s and Weitzman’s Bathtub Analogy appeared first on Econlib. read more
Waking Times6 hours ago
Guest Appearance by Dylan Charles on The Shift Podcast
*Dylan Charles* - Recently I had the honor of being a guest on The Shift with Doug McKenty. read more
Gangsters Out Blog1 hour ago
BC Schools on lockdown after parents expressed concerns about vaccination of minors without parental consent
This is another example of media misrepresentation. A group of parents went to two shcools where they were having pop up vaccination clinics without parental consent. They went inside their children's school to talk to the principle. The media spins that to read schools on lockdown after crazed protesters enter school - Global's Postmedia News. Is a parent allowed to enter their child's school? Schools need parental consent for their children to go on a field trip but they are vaccinating children without their parents consent. That is a criminal offense. 100 young people were hos... read more
The Rio Times3 hours ago
Brazil registers 11,202 new cases and 333 Covid deaths (September 17)RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL - Brazil reported 333 new deaths from Covid-19, bringing the total number of fatalities from the disease in the country to 589,573, the Health Ministry said. There were also 11,202 new cases of coronavirus, with the total number of infections in the country advancing to The federal government still reports 310,540 […] The post Brazil registers 11,202 new cases and 333 Covid deaths (September 17) appeared first on The Rio Times. read more
Global Issues News Headlines3 hours ago
Bukele Speeds Up Moves Towards Authoritarianism in El SalvadorSAN SALVADOR, Sep 17 (IPS) - The president of El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, has been widely criticised for his authoritarian tendencies, but has said that the changes he plans will be long-term - which to his critics means a further undercutting of the weak democratic institutions that he has already begun to dismantle. Read the full story, “Bukele Speeds Up Moves Towards Authoritarianism in El Salvador”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines3 hours ago
UNICEF stresses Afghan girls must not be excluded from schoolThe UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) on Friday welcomed the news that secondary schools are due to reopen in Afghanistan on Saturday, after months of closure due to COVID-19, but stressed that girls must not be kept from the classroom. Read the full story, “UNICEF stresses Afghan girls must not be excluded from school”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines3 hours ago
Afghanistan: Security Council resolution calls for ‘equal and meaningful participation of women’The Security Council unanimously adopted a resolution renewing the mandate of the UN Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) on Friday, specifying the importance of “equal and meaningful participation” of women in public life. Read the full story, “Afghanistan: Security Council resolution calls for ‘equal and meaningful participation of women’”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines3 hours ago
Paris climate deal could go up in smoke without action: GuterresUnless wealthy nations commit to tackling emissions now, the world is on a “catastrophic pathway” to 2.7-degrees of heating by the end of the century, UN Secretary General António Guterres warned on Friday. Read the full story, “Paris climate deal could go up in smoke without action: Guterres”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines3 hours ago
Counting on youth, for an ‘equitable and sustainable world for all’At a virtual event on Friday commemorating the International Day of Peace, the UN chief saluted the “voices, vision and commitment of young people in shaping a more peaceful world”. Read the full story, “Counting on youth, for an ‘equitable and sustainable world for all’”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines3 hours ago
WHO asks for commitments on maternal and newborn healthEvery day, approximately 800 women and 6,700 babies lose their lives around the time of childbirth. In addition, nearly 5,400 babies are stillborn daily, with 40% of these deaths occurring in relation to labour and childbirth. Read the full story, “WHO asks for commitments on maternal and newborn health”, on globalissues.org → read more
Global Issues News Headlines3 hours ago
Lebanon crisis: More international assistance needed urgently - WHO chiefLebanon’s enduring economic crisis risks reversing decades of gains in people’s wellbeing, the head of the UN World Health Organization (WHO) said on Friday. Read the full story, “Lebanon crisis: More international assistance needed urgently - WHO chief”, on globalissues.org → read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 23 hours ago
"Container Shortage Pushes Freight Rates To "Stratospheric" Levels As Chaos Sweeps Across US Ports"*Full screen recommended.* *"Container Shortage Pushes Freight Rates To "Stratospheric"* * Levels As Chaos Sweeps Across US Ports"* by Epic Economist "Shipping costs have never been a small expense for manufacturers, but over the past 18 months, prices exploded to unprecedented levels as the global freight crisis spiraled out of control. The relentless rise in prices started in the autumn of 2020, but the first half of 2021 has seen another major price hike across different freight rates, such as dry bulk and containers, all along major trade routes. Up until this point, there's n... read more
Small Dead Animals5 hours ago
We Don’t Need No Flaming Sparky CarsNeil, is there anywhere you can safely park your Chevy Bolt without worrying it will start a fire? h/t Raymond read more
Medical Kidnap5 hours ago
“Thousands” of COVID-19 Vaccine Whistleblowers Contacting Project Veritas Wanting to Tell Their Stories
The U.S. Government and the corporate media's narrative regarding the COVID-19 vaccines is quickly falling apart. Truth is kind of like REAL cream in non-homogenized fresh milk: it rises to the top. We reported earlier this week how a local TV station in Detroit asked viewers on their Facebook Page to send them stories of loved ones who had refused the COVID-19 vaccines and had now died, but instead tens of thousands of comments came in about COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths (219K at the time of publication of this article). James O'Keefe of Project Veritas has just released ... read more
Small Dead Animals5 hours ago
The New Segregated EconomyI’m sure these things are completely unrelated. Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest tells anti-vaxxers they’re not welcome at Fortescue Andrew ‘Twiggy’ Forrest’s Fortescue Metals Group scrambles to fill key management positions after mass exodus read more
Small Dead Animals5 hours ago
The Liberals Admire Their Basic DictatorshipJustin’s buddy is upset that people would question China using Canadian resources to develop bio-weapon viruses. read more
Turcopolier5 hours ago
Sorry, but bad s–t happens in war situations.
“Head of the United States Central Command Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie Jr. announced Friday that it is unlikely any ISIS-K members were killed in a Kabul drone strike on August 29, which led to multiple civilian casualties. “We now assess that it … Continue reading → read more
Health Impact News5 hours ago
“Thousands” of COVID-19 Vaccine Whistleblowers Contacting Project Veritas Wanting to Tell Their Stories
The U.S. Government and the corporate media's narrative regarding the COVID-19 vaccines is quickly falling apart. Truth is kind of like REAL cream in non-homogenized fresh milk: it rises to the top. We reported earlier this week how a local TV station in Detroit asked viewers on their Facebook Page to send them stories of loved ones who had refused the COVID-19 vaccines and had now died, but instead tens of thousands of comments came in about COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths (219K at the time of publication of this article). James O'Keefe of Project Veritas has just released ... read more
Medical Kidnap5 hours ago
NCAA Student Golfer Has Heart Disease after COVID Shot – Offered Bribe to Silence Story
John Stokes is a Division 1 NCAA student golfer in Tennessee. He recently received the Pfizer COVID-19 shots as mandated by the NCAA. Now he has heart disease (myocarditis), and will not be able to compete in his senior year. He shot a video from his hospital bed that soon went viral, where he revealed that other student athletes were reporting the same thing, some even requiring heart surgery. He is trying to warn others, because he does not feel that he was informed of the risks prior to taking the shots. Because he has been vocal in social media relating his condition to the C... read more
Health Impact News5 hours ago
NCAA Student Golfer Has Heart Disease after COVID Shot – Offered Bribe to Silence Story
John Stokes is a Division 1 NCAA student golfer in Tennessee. He recently received the Pfizer COVID-19 shots as mandated by the NCAA. Now he has heart disease (myocarditis), and will not be able to compete in his senior year. He shot a video from his hospital bed that soon went viral, where he revealed that other student athletes were reporting the same thing, some even requiring heart surgery. He is trying to warn others, because he does not feel that he was informed of the risks prior to taking the shots. Because he has been vocal in social media relating his condition to the C... read more
Econlib6 hours ago
“Just Read the Instructions”Except perhaps for some psychopaths, everybody hopes that the four members of the Inspiration4 mission (watch a video) will safely return to earth. One remarkable thing is how, just a few years ago, most people would have not believed that a crew of civilians would soon orbit the earth in an adventure financed by a […] The post “Just Read the Instructions” appeared first on Econlib. read more
balance103 hours ago
Ivermectin in pill form statistically working better than mRNA vaccines so far
.......................................................... NEW LONDON--Connecticut College reported that 169 of its students tested positive for COVID-19 last week. According to the college website, the majority of students who tested positive were vaccinated. https://ctexaminer.com/2021/09/13/covid-cases-spike-at-conn-college-but-without-hospitalizations/ …………………............................................................................. Last week, students at James Madison University in Virginia were told to go back home, some just days after arriving, when it became clear tha... read more
Snopes.com4 hours ago
NY Millionaire Robert Durst Guilty of Best Friend’s MurderDurst, 78, was convicted of the first-degree murder of Susan Berman, who was shot at point-blank range in the back of the head in her Los Angeles home in December 2000. read more
Snopes.com4 hours ago
Elvis Presley’s Hair Auctioned for $72,500The hair was accompanied by "extensive" documentation. read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 24 hours ago
Musical Interlude: Foy Vance, Ed Sheeran, "Make it Rain"*Foy Vance, "Make it Rain"* The original, Ed Sheeran's version is the cover. ○ *Ed Sheeran, "Make it Rain"* read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
Does America Need New Land-Based ICBMs?*Michael Peck* *Nuclear Weapons, United States* The U.S. ICBM force was built decades ago, but skeptics believe billions of dollars may be better spent elsewhere. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *The Air Force says the Minuteman III force is becoming too vulnerable to attack. But if Russia were to contemplate launching a nuclear strike upon the United States, it seems unlikely that the age of U.S. ICBMs would make a difference. “If you go on with this nuclear arms race, all you are going to do is make the rubble bounce,” warned Winston Churchill. That was in 1952, just two ye... read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
Russia's Killer Helicopter Mirrors U.S. Technology*Kris Osborn* *Russian Military, Eurasia* Perhaps Russia is emulating or seeking to replicate U.S. strategic and tactical thinking. *Here's What You Need To Remember:* Also, perhaps of greatest significance, the Russian paper also makes vague references to the helicopter’s communications systems and “network-centric” capabilities and its ability to enable aircraft to “interact in a group.” A Russian newspaper claims the country’s new combat helicopter gunship contains breakthrough technology to the point wherein its weapons, drone connectivity, communications networking, sensors... read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
What the New Marine Corps Philosophy Tells Us About Its Capabilities*Kris Osborn* *US Marine Corps, Americas* "We recognize that war is ultimately a violent clash of human wills with an enduring nature characterized by friction, uncertainty, disorder, and complexity,” the Marine Corps philosophy paper explains. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *Taken by themselves, concepts of maneuver and precision firepower are both critical and expected to a large degree, yet a deliberate effort to synergize these kinds of approaches with information warfare, data analysis, and rapid sensor-to-shooter targeting time introduces new warfare paradigms. As k... read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
The U.S. Is Helping Australia Build Nuclear Submarines—and Cutting France Out*Trevor Filseth* *Australia, * France has objected to the pact primarily because it had intended to export its own nuclear submarines to Australia. The United States’ new “AUKUS” deal with Australia and Britain—establishing a separate security arrangement with those two nations in the Asia-Pacific region, with an emphasis on equipping Australia with nuclear submarine technology—has drawn expected condemnation from China, the clear target of the alliance. However, the partnership has also received backlash from a less likely source: France, a long-time U.S. regional ally with its... read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
Western Powers Unveiled Their Plan to Counter China. It Won't Work.*Christopher Cottle* *Indo-Pacific Region, * Military power alone cannot counter China. They say that the pen is mightier than the sword, but the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia must have missed the memo. Perhaps these countries would benefit from hearing the proverb in more modern terms: The checkbook is mightier than the nuclear submarine. This week, President Biden joined Prime Minister Johnson of the UK and Prime Minister Morris of Australia in announcing their new trilateral plans to expand the nuclear submarine fleet of Australia and share military intel... read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
MiG Alley: Inside the Air Force Dogfights of the Korean War*Michael Peck* *Korean War, Korean Peninsula* American F-86 Sabre pilots faced off against Soviet, Chinese, and North Korean pilots in MiG-15s. *Here's What You Need To Remember: *The first jet vs. jet battles in history most resembled World War I and its famed "knights of the air." Compared to the battlefields below, "Mig Alley" was an arena where duels with small numbers of fighter faced off. The Korean War was the first of the post-1945 small wars, those millstones that dragged the American eagle through Vietnam and then Afghanistan and Iraq. Communist and UN armies surged ba... read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
North Korea’s Massive Conventional Defense Yields Negligible Value*Mark Episkopos* *North Korea, Asia Pacific* The KPA's decrepit state follows a similarly grim pattern to that of North Korea's moribund air force and obsolete parts of its navy. *Here's What You Need to Remember: *Pyongyang has succeeded only in propping up a bloated and increasingly unviable military-industrial complex that cannot be meaningfully reformed without a comprehensive decommission and modernization effort. A closer look at North Korea’s current ground forces paints the picture of a bloated army, crippled by technical backwardness and severe logistical deficits. Des... read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
Meet the Virginia Class, one of America's Best Submarines*Peter Suciu* *U.S. Navy, Americas* Attacking warships, launching missiles, conducting reconnaissance: the Virginia-class does it all. *Key point: *These powerful boats have served long and well, with the ability to carry out a variety of missions. Throughout the history of submarine warfare, the main distinguishing feature of the vessels has been the ability to remain submerged. While modern military submarines can operate at greater depths than are survivable or practical for human divers, not every mission requires such deepwater operations. Over the years, purpose-built coas... read more
The Free Thought Project5 hours ago
Half of US Calls for Opposition to Vaccine Mandates on Sept 18—Here’s How to Join[image: mandates]Joe Biden told Americans when he was elected that he would not impose vaccine mandates. He lied. read more
Small Dead Animals5 hours ago
From Containers to TradesShortage on the left, shortage on the right… Shipping container volume may drop 75 percent Canada faces skilled labour crunch when 700,000 tradespeople retire this decade, warns RBC read more
Mining Awareness +5 hours ago
Kamala Harris, Mohammed Nuru, and London Breed: A Crime Tour of Corrupted LoveOriginally posted on Mining Awareness + : https://youtu.be/1bROtPPa47U “Kamala, Mohammed, and London Breed: A Crime Tour of Corrupted Love” https://youtu.be/1bROtPPa47U Related Background: “The… read more
Small Dead Animals6 hours ago
Todays Del Rio Texas Traffic ReportAnother angle. read more
Small Dead Animals6 hours ago
America Is BackAlex Salvi; All in the past hour: •FDA panel rejects Pfizer booster shots •U.S. says 10 civilians killed in drone strike •France pulls ambassadors from the U.S. And it’s not even 4:30pm. read more
PopularResistance.Org6 hours ago
The Sound Of His Approaching Step Wakes Me And I See My Land’s DeprivationOn Wednesday, 8 September, party workers of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), India’s ruling political party, attacked three buildings in the Melarmath area of Agartala (Tripura). These attacks targeted the offices of the Communist Party of India (Marxist), the communist newspaper Daily Deshar Katha, and two private media houses Pratibadi Kalam and PN-24. The violence took place in broad daylight as the police stood by and watched. Across Tripura, fifty-four other offices of the communists were attacked. The Communist Party – CPI(M) – and the media houses had been critical of the ... read more
PopularResistance.Org6 hours ago
Historic Africa/CARICOM SummitIt was an idea whose time had come. On Tuesday, September 5 this idea took material form at the first Africa/CARICOM Summit conducted virtually and broadcast to the world via the Web and social media. Participants at the historical event included heads of State and Government of the Caribbean Community and the African Union, chairs of Caricom and the African Union Commission, the Africa Regional Economic Communities, the Secretaries General of Caricom and the Organization of the African Caribbean and Pacific States (OACPS), and the president of the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)... read more
Science 2.0 blogs7 hours ago
Activist Reasons To Ban Pesticides Are Eerily Like Anti-Vax ClaimsImagine I mention that a small group of people not only distrust science and technology despite thorough testing by government scientists, they don’t trust it *because* it was tested by the government. read more read more
Pension Pulse1 hour ago
Inflation Uncertainty Weighing Down Markets?
Maggie Fitzgerald of CNBC reports the S&P 500 falls Friday, notches second straight week of losses in September slump: Stocks dipped on Friday as investors remain cautious due to a resurgent Covid virus, a Federal Reserve meeting next week and a historical tendency for September to be a weak month for equities. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 166.44 points or 0.5% to close at 34,584.88, dragged down by a nearly 2.9% drop in Dow Inc. The S&P 500 shed 0.9% to 4,432.99 and the Nasdaq Composite lost 0.9% to close at 15,043.97. Mega-cap technology stocks were mostly in the red, ... read more
The National Interest5 hours ago
LMXT Could Be the New Backbone of U.S. Airpower in the Pacific*Kris Osborn* *LMXT, Americas* [image: LMXT] This could lead to more capable tanker aircraft being strategically positioned in vital global hotspots having the ability to refuel and extend global missions. There may soon be more opportunities to refuel fighter jets, extend missions across continents, and increase dwell time over targets due to the Air Force’s new KC-Y Bridge Tanker program. This program was designed to supplement and fortify the ongoing KC-46 tanker program with a commercially designed system as new planes arrive through the remainder of the decade. The program ... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 25 hours ago
"A Look to the Heavens"
“In one of the brightest parts of Milky Way lies a nebula where some of the oddest things occur. NGC 3372, known as the Great Nebula in Carina, is home to massive stars and changing nebulas. The Keyhole Nebula (NGC 3324), the bright structure just above the image center, houses several of these massive stars and has itself changed its appearance. The entire Carina Nebula spans over 300 light years and lies about 7,500 light-years away in the constellation of Carina. Eta Carinae, the most energetic star in the nebula, was one of the brightest stars in the sky in the 1830s, but then fa... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 25 hours ago
Chet Raymo, “Living In The Little World”
*“Living In The Little World” * by Chet Raymo "My wisdom is simple," begins Gustav Adolph Ekdahl, at the final celebratory family gathering of Ingmar Bergman's crowning epic “Fanny and Alexander.” I saw the movie in the early 1980s when it had its U.S. theater release. Now I have just watched the five-hour-long original version made for Swedish television. Whew! But back to that speech by the gaily philandering Gustav, now the patriarch of the Ekdahl clan and uncle to Fanny and Alexander. The family has gathered for the double christening of Fanny and Alexander's new half-sister a... read more
All That Is Solid ...5 hours ago
Cock Up and Conspiracy
There are few things that can be described as coincidence in politics, and especially in the Labour Party. A bit more than a week has passed since Jess Barnard, the chair of Young Labour received a notice of investigation. A haphazard and pathetic effort sent at one in the morning, this implied solidarity *against* transphobia is something that has no place in Keir Starmer's Labour Party. If one was feeling generous it could be put down to a "tired and confused" staffer gone rogue and in no way reflects on the professional and neutral complaints process the current leadership have ... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 25 hours ago
“Where the Wealth Was All Along”
*“Where the Wealth Was All Along”* by David Cain “I keep having this idea, not that I think it’s true, that when you die you appear in a talk show studio, and everyone is clapping. A host shakes your hand and asks you to sit down, and the both of you go over how you think you did. On a large screen, they play a long montage containing some of the more significant moments in your life. You and the host, along with the audience, look on as you make pivotal choices, overcome dilemmas, and meet the people who would become your friends and partners. The film includes a lot of personalit... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 25 hours ago
"That life. This life. It looks as if you can have both. I mean, they're both right there, one on top of the other, and it looks as if they'll blend. But they never will. So, you take this thing. You take this thing you want, and you put it in a box and you close the lid. You can let your fingers trace the cracks, the places where the light gets in, the dark gets out, but the lid stays on. You don't look inside. You don't look at this thing you want so much, because you Can. Not. Have. It. So there's this box, you know, with the thing inside, and you could throw it away or shoot it... read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 25 hours ago
The Poet: Rainer Maria Rilke, "I Want A Lot"
*"I Want A Lot"* "You see, I want a lot. Perhaps I want everything: the darkness that comes with every infinite fall and the shivering blaze of every step up. So many live on and want nothing and are raised to the rank of prince by the slippery ease of their light judgments. But what you love to see are faces that so work and feel thirst... You have not grown old, and it is not too late to dive into your increasing depths where life calmly gives out its own secret." - Rainer Maria Rilke read more
Running 'Cause I Can't Fly 25 hours ago
Untitled"I Want A Lot" "You see, I want a lot. Perhaps I want everything: the darkness that comes with every infinite fall and the shivering blaze of every step up. So many live on and want nothing and are raised to the rank of prince by the slippery ease of their light judgments. But what you love to see are faces that so work and feel thirst... You have not grown old, and it is not too late to dive into your increasing depths where life calmly gives out its own secret." - Rainer Maria Rilke read more
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