From Opit's LinkFest!
The first sign came from a United Nations analysis in late October, which combed through INDCs from almost every country on Earth and found that most of them include plans to invest in renewable energy within their borders. Some of those plans include ...
Rick Kupchella's BringMeTheNews
A new program could be coming to Minnesota allowing Xcel Energy customers to get all of their electricity from renewablesources – namely solar and wind power. Xcel has applied to the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) for approval to launch ...
Amber Rudd admits the UK doesn't have the right policies to meet the UK's renewableenergy targets (Rudd criticised after leak reveals renewables failure, 10 November), but she is clutching at straws to try to transfer the burden on to transport and ...
Las Vegas Review-Journal (blog)
The country's political environmentalists find themselves in a quandary: Some members of Congress with pro-environment reputations appear to be downplaying the undeniable impact the "clean" renewable energy is having on their feathered friends.
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EurekAlert (press release)
But in the world of marine microbial ecology, there are very few model systems and associated tools that enable scientists to deeply explore the physiology, biochemistry, and ecology of marine microbes, which are key drivers of the ocean's elemental ...
Ecology Global Network
A sample of 23 common farmland birds and 24 common woodland birds monitored in 18 European countries show a decline in numbers by 71% between 1980 and 2002.Ecology Webinar Series. English French German Italian Spanish. Select Language ...
Capital Press
OLYMPIA — The Washington Department ofEcology has asked the state Supreme Court to reconsider a ruling that rebuked the agency for rearranging water rights based on what it considered to be an overriding public interest. DOE argues the 6-3 decision ...
EurekAlert (press release)
The Ecological Society of America turns 100 this year, with many reflections on the achievements of the discipline and the big questions for ecologists as we embark on a new century marked by great environmental upheaval. ESA's journal Frontiers in ...
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Detroit Free Press
The families claim they have suffered a range of medical conditions as a result of the toxicwater: skin lesions and hair loss, “brain fog” and convulsions, hypertension, autoimmune disorder, and high levels of lead and copper in their bloodstreams.
Scientific American
The origin of Earth's water has puzzled scientists for decades. Icy comets smashing into the planet seemed like natural donors, but many comets have water chemistry different from that of Earth's oceans. Rocky asteroids that contain water might have ...
Lujac Desautel is a young architect with an idea for all that wasted water. He calls the project Liquifying Aquifers. The concept calls for building some monolithic infrastructure along the Tujunga Wash, a 13-mile tributary of the L.A. river, that ...
IEEE Spectrum
When the World Economic Forum published its Global Risks Report this year, it identified the number one greatest risk facing the world as the looming water shortage. While there are both new and old technology solutions for desalinating water that ...
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