Wisconsin Voters Overwhelmingly Prefer Russ Feingold To GOP Extremist Ron Johnson
I've been meaning to get around to this all week. It's another poll-- but not one about Trump or Hillary or Dr. Ben. Republicans have been trying to rile up their brain-dead base with horrible stories of terrorists coming to get them. How many times in their now boring debates have you heard talk about Christians being crucified and innocents being beheaded? But this is starting to wear thin, even to the poor deluded souls who admit that they're Republicans. The poll, by Marist for McClatchy, shows that "[w]hen it comes to danger, voters are far more afraid of gun violence than t... more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Sprawling across almost 200 light-years, emission nebula IC 1805 is a mix of glowing interstellar gas and dark dust clouds. Derived from its Valentine's-Day-approved shape, its nickname is the Heart Nebula. *Click image for larger size.* About 7,500 light-years away in the Perseus spiral arm of our galaxy, stars were born in IC 1805. In fact, near the cosmic heart's center are the massive hot stars of a newborn star cluster also known as Melotte 15, about 1.5 million years young. A little ironically, the Heart Nebula is located in the constellation Cassiopeia. From Greek mythology, ... more »
New Bloom Rocks
Just wanted to send out some good blog love to New Bloom (Twitter feed), which is slowly acquiring a stable of great writers, an excellent counterpoint to Thinking Taiwan and Ketagalan Media. Some of their stuff on the 馬習團 is excellent, but they also comment on things other than Taiwan, such as China (Singles Day) or Thailand (democracy) or arts and culture (Chinese landscape painting) -- links on the left sidebar. On the MaXiMess, they offer... - Shouldn't the international news fairly represent the range of opinions in Taiwan? - The sudden attack by PRC cyber warriors on... more »
MaXi Mess: Unintended Consequences in the Media
*A Taiwan ad on a trolley in San Francisco. Used by permission.* Although the real catalyst for change was the Sunflowers, the change in the media reporting on Taiwan was accelerated, expanded, and deepened by the Ma-Xi meeting. For the first time the media is reporting something like the actual situation on Taiwan, a situation obvious in polls since nearly the turn of the century... consider this from WSJ: *The people of Taiwan, writes the China scholar Donald Rodgers, a professor at Austin College, “have no desire to unify with China—ever.”* For them, relations with the mainland ... more »
BWorld 25, Feed in tariff means expensive electricity
* This is my article in BusinessWorld yesterday, November 13. Expensive electricity and unstable power supply are two big concerns for many sectors and businesses in the Philippines. These problems have adverse economic and social impact for the people. Electricity-intensive sectors like hotels, malls and manufacturing are forced to raise the prices of their products and services. Many local government units cut on the use of street lights. When many streets are dark at night, there are more crimes and road accidents that happen, and it is the poor who are likely to be victimized. ... more »
Rosebud Lakota host victory celebration for KXL defeat
Read article in Lakota Voice Celebrate on Sat. Nov. 14, 2015 /http://www.lakotavoice.com/2015/11/10/the-rosebud-sioux-tribe-to-host-victory-celebration-and-wacipi-for-the-defeat-of-the-kxl-pipeline/
Unprecedented Arctic Sea Ice extent highest for date since at least 2004
Image: Steve Goddard from Ocean and Ice Services | Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut DMI note: Current Sea Ice extent Total sea ice extent on the northern hemisphere since 2005. The ice extent values are calculated from the ice type data from the *Ocean and Sea Ice, Satellite Application Facility* (OSISAF), where areas with ice concentration higher than 30% are classified as ice. The total area of sea ice is the sum of First Year Ice (FYI), Multi Year Ice (MYI) and the area of ambiguous ice types, from the OSISAF ice type product. However, the total estimated ice area is underestimate... more »
NSW State Government - Scientific Approach to SLR - Not IPCC Propaganda
The Australian Newspaper reports Planning Minister Rob Stokes will announce: "what he says are world-first strategies that treat the 2007km NSW coast not as static fixed geography but as a constantly changing and evolving phenomenon." In an interview with *The Australian*, Mr Stokes said he would be announcing “a much more scientific and evidence-based approach … it reflects recognition that what is happening on the coast is a product of what is happening to the sand off the coast. We will be integrating coastal management and planning with what is happening in the adjacent seabe... more »
Paris Terror Attacks: Live Updates
[image: Paris terror attack map - 400] More than 100 people were killed and dozens were wounded in at least four apparently coordinated attacks, according to French police. President Obama pledged to support France, calling the attack "an attack on all of humanity." The French government closed... Continue reading *“Paris Terror Attacks: Live Updates”* at *nytimes.com*.
It Looks Like Vitter's Prostitution Scandal May Be Finally Coming Home To Roost
Gee, that took a while. Vitter has been chasing prostitutes since at least the mid-1990s when he was a member of the Louisiana legislature. He didn't stop when he was elected to Congress in 1999 or when he got into the U.S. Senate in 2004, two years *after* the first of his many prostitution scandals broke out into the open (and causing him to drop out of his first attempt to win the state's governorship). Vitter, a Family Values hypocrite and serial whore-monger for at least three decades, has managed to win elections by assuring Republican rubes that God has forgiven him and by ... more »
Flashback: Mossad And NATO Secret Services Were Behind The Last Paris Terror Attack In January
*Former French President Sarkozy and other Western leaders helped bring ISIS terrorists to power in Libya in 2011. They now want to do the same in Syria.* *An excerpt from, "Was Terrorist Attack False Flag on France?" by Dave Gahary, American Free Press, January 20, 2015: * *Suspicion is growing in the alternative media that the January 7, 2015 attacks on the Paris headquarters of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo did not unfold the way the mainstream media would like us all to believe. *Many knowledgeable sources are questioning whether or not France is being targeted by Israe... more »
The Paris Terror Attacks: Presidential Candidates Offer Their Prayers
[image: Flag of United States waving in the wind] America’s 2016 presidential candidates offered their “thoughts and prayers” for the people of France in the immediate aftermath of Friday’s deadly terror attacks across Paris. Read what each of them had to say. Continue reading *“The Paris Terror Attacks: Presidential Candidates Offer Their Prayers”* at *foxnews.com*.
I had hopes. The headline seemed to be about Moncton welcoming Syrian refugees. But it was really a pretty shallow story about all the things that have to be done. I went to school with Syrians. I played with Syrians. It was a good experience. They were from the first generation to be born in Canada. Most became quite successful. And, with friends who were Syrians, Italians, Poles, African-Canadian, Japanese, I learned it was great to grow up in a society with diversity, lots of diversity. It really shook up our human tendency to be all like each other, and to be afraid of being di... more »
Friday False Flag
*False Flag....Who Did It?!* I always say...most of these episodes happen on Fridays...Why? Because that's a big media day. People will be off work and will be able to watch TV 24/7 throughout the weekend. *Here is a report from the French Blog Strategika51* 14 *France: nearly 150 dead in attacks in Paris* Issued on November 14th, 2015 by Strategika51 The balance of attacks that targeted several points in Greater Paris is one of the worst ever recorded in the contemporary history of France. Our sources suggest nearly 150 killed, including nearly a hundred at the Bataclan,... more »
Rothschild Banks Have Their Eyes Set On Iran’s Central Bank
Iran’s banking system is under threat from the Rothschild empire. The reason that the Islamic Republic of Iran is constantly under threat by Western and Israeli powers could lie in their unique Islamic banking system, that is not comparable or related to the Western or Israeli usury based system. “The point is, ladies and gentleman, that greed, for lack of a better word, is good. Greed is right, greed works. Greed clarifies, cuts through, and captures the essence of the evolutionary spirit. Greed, in all of its forms; greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge has marked the upw... more »
Comedian Anthony Jeselnik Jokes About Paris Attack On Twitter
Amy Schumer’s ex-boyfriend and aspiring comedian Anthony Jeselnik took to Twitter on Friday, moments after the Paris attacks, to take full advantage of the media frenzy. At the time of his tweet, between 30-60 people had been reported dead, with a further 100 hostages being held at the Bataclan theater where the Eagles of Death Metal were scheduled to play. In true shock humour style, Jeselnik tweeted: “Speaking of tragedies, everyone should check out John Mulaney’s brand new Netflix special, The Comeback Kid.” Speaking of tragedies, everyone should check out John Mulaney's brand ne... more »
http://mohawknationnews.com/blog/ -- Kahntineta Bear
The Latest: The Paris Terror Attack
[image: RETRANSMISSION FOR ALTERNATIVE CROP - Victims lay on the pavement outside a Paris restaurant, Friday, Nov. 13, 2015. Police officials in France on Friday report multiple terror incidents, leaving many dead. It was unclear at this stage if the events are linked. (AP Photo/Thibault Camus)] PARIS (AP) -- The latest on shootings and explosions in Paris. (all times local): 3:17 a.m. Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, tells The Associated Press he was not aware of any... more »
Editor's Note
Because of prior commitments I have to go away from my computer this evening. I will be back in a few hours where I will be updating tonight's horrific events in Paris. Summarizing .... what we now know is the following .... - There were two suicide bombers. - Multiple and coordinated attacks in 7 different locations. - 5 to 6 explosions and mass murder at the concert hall. (Police are now storming this concert hall as I write this). - Gunmen were heard shouting "Allah Akbar" and that it is "all for Syria". - One suspect arrested. Claims that he is from Syria and that this is an ... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 13, 2015
*Adam Chandler, The Atlantic:* *What Is Happening in Paris?* Several outlets are reporting a series of shootings, an explosion, and possible hostage situation in the city center on Friday evening. At least 36 people have been killed. Several media outlets are reporting attacks that killed several people in central Paris on Friday evening. The event is still unfolding and the death toll is changing quickly with numbers as high as 36 being reported. While the reports have not been officially confirmed, the BBC and others have reported that at least one gunman “opened fire at the Ca... more »
Full Text of President Barack Obama’s Statement on the Paris Terrorist Attacks
[image: US hands holding French flag - 900] We’ve seen an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians, this is an attack not just on Paris, it is an attack not just on the people of France, but it is an attack on all of humanity and the universal... more »
“The Power of Not Knowing: Open Vessels”
*“The Power of Not Knowing: Open Vessels”* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM “There is freedom in admitting that you don’t know something as that allows for a new learning experience to emerge. There is wisdom in not knowing, and it is a wise person who can say, "I don't know." For no one knows everything. There are many types of wisdom - from intellectual to emotional to physical intelligence. Yet, even deemed experts in their fields do not know all there is to know about mathematics, yoga, literature, psychology, or art. It is a true master who professes ignorance, for only an empty ... more »
Navigating Our Divided PLP
Is the Labour Party divided? Of course it is. But divided doesn't necessarily mean at each others' throats, at least some of the time. As divisions have been the theme of the week, it's time to quickly cast one's eye over the Parliamentary Labour Party and discern what groups are emerging among this most august of bodies. 1. *The 4.5%ers* These aren't everyone who backed the blessed Liz, but rather the headbangers that outright refuse to reconcile themselves to the new regime. Caution was thrown to the wind long ago as all that matters is the removal of Jeremy and all his works. Th... more »
French President Closes Borders, Declares State Of Emergency
French president Francois Hollande has declared a state of emergency in France and said he is closing all borders. He has called on the people to stay “united and calm.” “There is much to fear, but we must face these fears as a nation that knows how to muster its forces and will confront the terrorists,” he said. French media are reporting that the Bataclan concert hall is being stormed by police while there are hostages still inside. * Update: Reports that two of the terrorists have been killed during the police raid. The exact number of people taken hostage remains unclear, with m... more »
“The Most Awful Gift You Could Give”
*“The Most Awful Gift You Could Give”* by Bill Bonner “Here’s something we wrote a few years ago. It not only looks at why we can never know the future… but also why we’re better off that way. *A Bedrock of Ignorance: *Rules are what we turn to when we don’t know what to do. Most often, we don’t know what to do. Hence, our investment approach – like our philosophy of life – is founded on a bedrock of ignorance. Sure. Constant. Unyielding. Ignorance is something you can count on. A man is wise (and here you may quote us) only to the extent that he is aware of his own ignorance. The... more »
A Rousing Midday Musical Interlude: Outlaws, “Green Grass and High Tides”
Outlaws, “Green Grass and High Tides” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R82OM5tzcrk Turn it *UP! *lol - CP
The Daily "Near You?"
San Luis Obispo, California, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Japan: Tsunami Warning Issued As 7.0 Earthquake Hits Southern Coast
A powerful 7.0 magnitude earthquake has struck off the South West coast of Japan. The Japanese meteorological agency have issued tsunami warnings for three regions Tsunami advisories issued for portions of southwestern #Japan, including the Tanegashima Yakushima areas: #tsunamipic.twitter.com/4J4987VKOA — The Weather Channel (@weatherchannel) November 13, 2015 Get out of the water and leave the coast immediately,” the JMA’s warning said. According to the USGS The quake struck 159 km (99 miles) south west of the city Makurazaki in the Kagoshima Prefecture. The quake’s epicenter was p... more »
News about the Paris terrorist attacks that The Telegraph are reporting but the BBC aren't
'Paris shooting: 40 dead and many injured after 'Kalashnikov and grenade attacks' in French capital Gunmen shouted 'Allahu Akbar' as they opened fire' Now why would the BBC not be reporting that piece of news?
Paris Attacks- Cui Bono? Think NATO's Secret Armies AKA Gladio!
*First thing that popped into my head-* *Not going to waste too much time on the Paris attack for the most obvious reason.* *When we consider the history of NATO's terror armies-* * Created after WW2- * *We should all realize that this organization has proved it's worth in terrorizing populations and there is NO reason what so ever to assume that this extremely effective & deadly force ever ceased to exist. But worse, as if the thought of this terror army in Europe was not horrific enough, we have to seriously consider that NATO had actually expanded their 'stay behinds', globally... more »
World News Briefs -- November 13, 2015 (Evening Edition)
A general view of the scene that shows the covered bodies outside a restaurant following a shooting incident in Paris, France, November 13, 2015. Reuters/Philippe Wojazer *Reuters:* *At least 30 dead in Paris shootings: French media* At least 30 people were killed in attacks in Paris and a hostage situation was under way at a concert hall in the French capital, French media reported on Friday. Several explosions were heard near a stadium where a friendly France-Germany soccer match was being held, attended by President Francois Hollande. Police helicopters circled the stadium nor... more »
Paris Attacks Kills 60, 100 Hostages Reported Near Football Stadium
At least 60 people have been killed and others wounded after a shooting and several explosions were heard near a football stadium in Paris on Friday night. Police have confirmed an ongoing hostage situation at a rock concert at the Bataclan theatre in the 11th arrondissement, as media also reports on a shooting several explosions occuring outside a restaurant nearby, not far from the Charlie Hebdo magazine offices. The concert hall is the latest of four locations targeted by attackers, in the neighboring 11 district. Sky News reports: Witnesses have described seeing bodies lying in... more »
Terrorist Attack in Paris Brought to you by the Religion of Peace...
*possibly up to a fifty dead.* *Hostages held - 100? * Do you understand yet? Obama wants to import hundreds of thousands of these third world savages to the United States. France needs to round up every Muslim and ship them back to where they came from.
U.S. Supreme Court Will Decide Texas Abortion Law
[image: Do Not Use] The United States Supreme Court decided on Friday that it will hear a lawsuit claiming that a Texas law unconstitutionally limits access to abortion in the state. The court granted certiorari review of a challenge to provisions of Texas House... Continue reading *“U.S. Supreme Court Will Decide Texas Abortion Law”* at *breitbart.com*.
New Paris attacks: a huge warning
My condolences go to the families and friends of the victims of the new, coordinated terror attacks in Paris. Things are getting worse; what happened tonight is more bloody and more widespread than the Charlie Hebdo attacks in January. After 9 pm, terror erupted at least at seven places (I will mention only the well-known four); the total number of gunmen is said to be 6 (which probably doesn't include at least 3 suicide bombers) and the number of casualties is probably over 120 at this point, mostly in a theater. Shooting at the "Little Cambodia" restaurant; at least 11 casualties... more »
At Least 60 Killed In Shootings & Explosions In Paris, France
The police and French media are reporting that at least 60 people have been killed inseveral attacks across Paris this evening Local media have reported that at least 18 people were killed in shooting at Cambodian restaurant in Central Paris after a gunman opened fired with a kalashnikov. There was a second shooting several minutes later near Bataclan, a theatre at the 50 Boulevard Voltaire in the 11th department of Paris. Police have urged everyone near the Voltaire boulevard to stay inside. URGENT : Fusillade à Paris dans le 10eme plusieurs morts selon la #police via @Vince66240 e... more »
Paris Terror Attacks: Death Toll Could Exceed 120
[image: French security moves people in the area of Rue Bichat in the 10th arrondissement of the French capital Paris following a string of attacks on November 13, 2015. At least 18 people were killed as multiple shootings and explosions hit Paris, police said. Police also said there was an ongoing hostage crisis in the Bataclan a concert hall in the French capital.] PARIS (AP) -- A series of attacks targeting young concert-goers and Parisians enjoying a Friday night out at popular nightspots killed as many as 120 people in the deadliest violence to strike France since World War II. ... more »
The Philosophy of Atheism by Emma Goldman (First published in February 1916 in the Mother Earth journal)
To give an adequate exposition of the Philosophy of Atheism, it would be necessary to go into the historical changes of the belief in a Deity, from its earliest beginning to the present day. But that is not within the scope of the present paper. However, it is not out of place to mention, in passing, that the concept God, Supernatural Power, Spirit, Deity, or in whatever other term the essence of Theism may have found expression, has become more indefinite and obscure in the course of time and progress. In other words, the God idea is growing more impersonal and nebulous in- propo... more »
Is it cos he is a Newsnight reporter?
One of the most significant recent stories involving the BBC - surprisingly little commented-upon I think - has been the seizure of *Newsnight *reporter Secunder Kermani's laptop by the police under the Terrorism Act. Secunder Kermani's *Newsnight *interviews with various British-born jihadists have proved highly controversial and we've discussed them on several occasions: Friday "We will continue to follow this story and report on all aspects in a sensitive way" Some extremists worth understanding, some extremists not worth understanding "OK, your point's well made" 'Newsnight' an... more »
In Politics, When Is Old Too Old?
The Democratic Party's congressional leadership looks like a geriatric home-- and, increasingly, has been acting like one. Steyn Hoyer wants Nancy Pelosi to retire already. She'll be 76 in March. A couple months later, though, Hoyer will turn 77. The #3 in the House Democratic Leadership, Clyburn turns 76 next July. The only youngster in top leadership is Xavier Becerra, a mere 57. A comparison with the Republican House leaders is startling. Ryan is 45. McCarthy is 50, same as Scalise and #4, Cathy McMorris Rodgers is just 46. California has the biggest House delegation-- 53 memb... more »
BREAKING NEWS IN PARIS: Multiple Bombings, Shootings, Casualties, And Hostages Taken
*WNU Editor: *This post will be on top of this blog for the rest of tonight. There was a shootout at a restaurant on the Rue Bichat, two explosions near the Stade de France sports stadium and another shooting at the Paris Bataclan concert hall tonight *Daily Mail*: *At least 60 dead in series of terror attacks: Kalashnikov-wielding gunman opens fire in restaurant. 100 hostages are taken at theatre. Two SUICIDE bombs detonate near the Stade de France. Gunfire at shopping centre* * At least 60 people have been killed and several wounded in a series of terror attacks in the heart ... more »
U.S. Holocaust Museum Report: Islamic State Committed Genocide Against Yazidi Christians In Iraq
*Washington Post:* *Yes, the Islamic State’s attacks on the Yazidis constitute genocide, new report says* The Islamic State militant group has been and is continuing to perpetrate a genocide against the Yazidi minority in northern Iraq, a U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum report says, citing a "preponderance of the evidence" found during a recent trip to the region. The report, released Wednesday, also details crimes against humanity by the Sunni extremist group involving other ethnic and religious minorities. The report is likely to renew the debate about the fate of the Yazidi peop... more »
The Collapse Of The Islamic State In The Iraqi City Of Sinjar Has Surprised Everyone
*Daily Beast:* *Kurds Retake Sinjar From ISIS, Almost Too Easily* *ISIS hardly put up any resistance, but now comes the hard part of holding the Iraqi mountain city and allowing its beleaguered Yazidi residents to return safely.* NEAR SINJAR, IRAQ — On the morning of the offensive to clear ISIS from Sinjar City, the thud of airstrikes shook the earth as the Kurdish peshmerga fighters headed into battle. The sky was clear and the bonfires that the men had huddled around the night before were dying down. At the sound of warplanes above, the soldiers cheered and were in high spirits.... more »
as we shift - 11 thoughts on filling the gap
To concern oneself with things, *things of this earth*, seems nonsensical. This is a reference to mundane things, everyday things and requirements. This is all illusion. It is perhaps the definition of insanity to do, over and over, a thing that is illusory. Yet, what is “reality”? With my focus elsewhere, it (“reality”) moves in impossible ways and shows me unusual sights. (This has been talked about in previous blog posts). So, if it is insanity to focus on what is *not* “real” and *what is* “real” shifts regularly – what’s a human to do? Is there an instruction manual? Aft... more »
Inside Iran’s Not So Secret War In Syria
Iran IRGC Quds Force leader Qasim Soleimani with Iraqi Shi'i militia commanders, reportedly in Aleppo yesterday: pic.twitter.com/fSZBjOHXJ3 — Christopher Anzalone (@IbnSiqilli) November 10, 2015 *Adam Rawnsley, Daily Beast:* *Inside Iran’s Secret War in Syria* *The Revolutionary Guards reach deep in their fight to save Assad.* Iran’s covert operations chief Qassem Soleimani is back in Syria and beaming for the cameras according to photos of the selfie-prone Quds Force commander released this week. But it’s not all smiles for the troops in Syria under his command. Iran has now bec... more »
The Dumest love of all
Why do so many humans participate that has always puzzeled me
Oh, SNAP! Fiorina Smacks Trump Down for Attack on Carson
[image: Carly Fiorina - Donald Trump -] Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina fired back at Donald Trump on Thursday, after the billionaire real estate mogul likened Ben Carson's "pathological" temper as a young man to the mental issues of a child molester. "Donald, sorry, I’ve got to... Continue reading *“Oh, SNAP! Fiorina Smacks Trump Down for Attack on Carson”* at *thehill.com*.
It Spreads: Another Campus Official Forced Out by Racial Protests
[image: Claremont McKenna College - 900] Protesters at California's Claremont McKenna College have forced out a dean they say hasn't helped enough with campus race issues, imitating protests at the University of Missouri that resulted in the resignation of the school's president. A CMC student embarked... more »
Emoting the news?
Here's another *Conservative Woman *post that caught my eye - and Sue's too: *Don’t mourn for the passing of Donaldson. Mourn for the BBC he represented* Kathy Gyngell's piece - which, incidentally, pays a lovely tribute to the late Radio 4 newsreader Peter Donaldson - raises a concern that both me and my friend and partner-in-blogging Sue have also raised before: You certainly know what Fiona Bruce is thinking when she reads the news. And we should not. For Kathy, Mr Donaldson belongs to a past BBC age. His successors belong to the BBC's present age: the age of emoting, as exe... more »
*The following is a rough draft of the introduction to my third book.* Welcome to *Understanding Sustainability!* On the following pages, you will find reviews of books that explore many facets of ecological sustainability, an extremely important subject that remains largely unknown in our society. You will meet authors with gifts for thinking outside the box, writers who can give us keys to treasure chests of vital knowledge. It’s sad to wreck the ecosystem for no good reason — or any reason at all. It’s especially sad that the masterminds of the great demolition are among the ... more »
Rolf Harris Admitted To Hospital After Eating Too Many Sweets Behind Bars
Rolf Harris, has been admitted to an infectious diseases unit after indulging himself on a diet of chocolate and sweets while in prison, despite being a diabetic. The 82 year old jigeridoo player and former entertainer was convicted as a paedophile after it was found that he had molested young children. The Mirror reports: According to sources, the 85-year-old paedophile scoffed so many chocolates at HMP Stafford that he became ill. He was secretly whisked to an Ebola ward at the nearby Royal Stoke University Hospital for emergency treatment, it emerged today. It is not yet known if... more »
"£415k (plus VAT)"
On the issue of BBC profligacy... According to David Keighley's calculations at *Conservative Woman *(which, as I always check such things, are absolutely spot on)... The BBC has used up 3422 licence fees - £498,000 - defending itself in an employment tribunal against a man "many" say (as they say at the BBC!) was scapegoated by the BBC over the costly failure of the corporation's disastrous digital archiving system. Such a calculation was only possible, however, because someone (Lee Manning) put in a Freedom of Information request to the BBC. The thing that made me smile (grimly... more »
Watch: Trump Mocks Carson, Wonders ‘How Stupid are the People of Iowa?’
[image: Donald Trump Mocks Ben Carson] (AP) Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says that rival Ben Carson has a “pathological temper” that can’t be cured any more than a child molester can be cured. Carson said in his book ‘Gifted Hands’ that in his youth,...more »
Submerged Car Visible On Google Maps Contained Body Of Missing Elderly Man
A car submerged in a pond that had been visible on Google Maps for years, contained the remains of an elderly man who had been reported missing a decade ago. The skeletal remains of Davie Lee Niles, 72, who disappeared in 2006, were found inside the car in a pond in Michigan when it was spotted by a man decorating a Christmas tree outside a funeral home in the Byron Township The Daily Mail reports: Davie Lee Niles disappeared on October 11, 2006 after he was seen leaving his regular watering hole, Jake’s Bar, in Byron Township, Michigan, WOOD-TV reported. At the time, his family sa... more »
New Mexico Boondoggle Threatens Gila River
. Contact: Camilla Feibelman, Sierra Club Rio Grande Chapter directorcamilla.feibelman@sierraclub.org Albuquerque's Poet Laureate Opposes Gila Diversion "Everywhere is a Gila," song and video, calls on the public to contact Sally Jewell Albuquerque, NM – Today, Albuquerque's Inaugural Poet Laureate (2012-2014), Hakim Bellamy, released his latest song, Everywhere is a Gila, to
Heart researcher who faked patient data gets 4th retraction
A heart researcher who fabricated patient records for her studies on the blood pressure medication ramipril has earned her fourth retraction, and more are apparently on the way. For readers who are new to this case: Things first unraveled for Anna Ahimastos when a subanalysis of a JAMA clinical trial revealed “anomalies,” triggering an investigation. After Ahimastos admitted to […] The post Heart researcher who faked patient data gets 4th retraction appeared first on Retraction Watch.
"Look, who drove me to jihad? Nigel Farage"
Nick Booth's *Conservative Woman *article *Nigel Farage responsible for jihadi brides? No, it’s another leftie fantasy promoted by the BBC *is well worth a read. It focuses on an interview that BBC Radio London chose to broadcast last week - on Remembrance Sunday of all days. The interviewee was satirist/playwright Henry Naylor of BBC Two's *Parsons and Naylor's Pull-Out Sections* fame (the 'Parsons' in question being Andy Parsons, the comedian best known for his catchphrase 'OH MY GOD, THE DAILY MAIL!!!'). Mr Naylor has written a play called *Echoes *which draws parallels betw... more »
Apologies again for yet another lean weak here at *Is the BBC biased? * Anyhow, the weekend's here and I've already unscrewed a bottle of Aldi's finest wine (£3.49) with my bare teeth, so it's high time for a few catch-up posts. I'm glad to see that Conservative Woman is continuing to do plenty of sterling work regarding BBC bias (among many other things) - and I'm not just saying that because they very kindly re-posted a piece of my own this week! So I'll begin with them first....
Cartoon: ‘The Days After Veterans Day’
[image: Ramirez - 111315 - Days after Veterans Day]
MAY LOOK LIKE PLUTOCRAT BIAS: CNBC really wasn't substantive!
*FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 2015Part 5—Our big liberal pundits won't tell:* We've now had four Republican debates. Have any of these sessions actually been "substantive?" Strongly, we would say no. In a front-page report in today's New York Times, Haberman and Flegenheimer allude to one of the problems. The reporters describe a familiar sequence from Tuesday evening's fourth debate. This is *precisely* the way "substantive" discourse dies: HABERMAN/FLEGENHEIMER (11/13/15): The immigration issue flared briefly during the Republican debate on Tuesday night in Milwaukee, with Jeb Bush, t... more »
How the Very Rich Are Misusing Miami Beach
*This painting sold in 2013 for $142 million (source). Are the very very wealthy driving an asset bubble? If so, how large a bubble?* *by Gaius Publius* This is a follow-up to this piece, "Can Miami Beach Survive Global Warming?" about Miami Beach, south Florida, and climate change. There we talked about the disconnect between the pace of development, high land valuations, and inevitable sea level rise. That disconnect flies in the face of an inevitable collapse. But I don't mean physical collapse (though at some point, that too is inevitable). I mean economic collapse, something... more »
Cameron Diaz topless Loaded photoshoot from 1999 - A Friday Night Rule 5 Post - NSFW
I have just discovered that Cameron Diaz did a nude photoshoot for Loaded in 1999. The pictures have just resurfaced and so here they are... There's more gratuitous Cameron Diaz nudity here and pubic hair talk here.
Are Belief in God and Christianity Really Dying in America?
[image: Abandoned Rural Church - 400] What's really happening to religion in America? Plainly stated: it's complicated. Perhaps the title of the latest Pew Research Center report -- "U.S. Public Becoming Less Religious" -- provides the most concise overview, though there's some debate over what, exactly,... Continue reading *“Are Belief in God and Christianity Really Dying in America?”* at *theblaze.com*.
René Girard, Church Father
[image: René Girard - 400] Rene Girard, one of the most influential Catholic philosophers in the world, died last week at the age of 91. Born in Avignon and a member of the illustrious Academie Francaise, Girard nevertheless made his academic reputation in the United States, as... Continue reading *“René Girard, Church Father”* at *wordonfire.org*.
Judging Chief Justice Roberts, Ten Years in
[image: John Roberts - 400] Is John Roberts a good judge? Ten years ago, President Bush appointed him chief justice of the United States. His anniversary, coinciding with the Supreme Court's reconvening last month, naturally caused lawyers, scholars, and politicians to reflect upon his legacy... Continue reading *“Judging Chief Justice Roberts, Ten Years in”* at *weeklystandard.com*.
Joanna Lumley uncovered - NSFW - A Rule 5 Friday post
Further to may last post I have also found some rather more revealing video of a young Joanna Lumley
A BBC documentary on quantum mechanics
*It starts OK but ends with almost all the pop-science delusions against quantum mechanics that you know* First, let me mention that I have embedded a YouTube video to the blog post about Coleman's lecture Quantum mechanics in your face. *Are you capable of watching the nominally 56-minute-long video at the speed 1.5 times normal as I did? ;-)* I have just watched the first of the two episodes of the 2014 BBC Four documentary The Secrets of Quantum Physics. This first episode is called "Einstein's Nightmare" (the YouTube video gives the wrong names and wrong dates, maybe to avoid...more »
U.S. Rejects Idea To Recognize Israeli Sovereignty in Golan Heights
According to the White House, President Obama has rejected a suggestion from the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to discuss Washington’s possible recognition of Israeli rule over the occupied Golan Heights. A senior White House official said that the US position, which objects to Israel annexing the Golan Heights remains unchanged. Press TV reports: The unnamed White House official said Netanyahu’s proposal was unjustified and could even harm US-backed militants fighting the Syrian government. “I think that it was clear the US is not going to change its position about the... more »
Yemen War News Updates -- November 13, 2015
*Hugh Naylor, Washington Post*: *Yemen is turning into Saudi Arabia’s Vietnam* BEIRUT — Eight months after launching a war in Yemen, Saudi Arabia appears trapped in a protracted and devastating conflict that is straining relations with its allies, intensifying internal power struggles and emboldening its regional rival, Iran, analysts say. Since March, the key U.S. ally has led a coalition of mostly Gulf Arab countries and Yemeni fighters in a military campaign to drive out Iranian-aligned rebels who seized the capital, Sanaa, and swaths of the Arabian Peninsula country. But the... more »
Moscow Bans Egyptian National Carrier from Flying to Russia
[image: Egypt Air - 900] MOSCOW (AP) -- Russia’s state aviation agency on Friday banned Egypt’s national carrier from flying to Russia, a move that follows the suspension of all Russian flights to Egypt after a deadly crash. Rosaviatsiya on Friday formally notified Moscow’s Domodedovo... more »
Why Do Wind Gusts Make Headlines?
By Paul Homewood As many have pointed out, the use of wind gust speeds seems to have become more prevalent recently, and can lead to an overinflated impression of the strength of a storm. The BBC has even built gusts into their forecasts, explaining: http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/features/34616316 Frankly, I find their […]
Afghanistan Erupts After Islamic State Beheads 9 Year Old In Zabul
Seven people including two women and a nine year old girl have been beheaded by suspected Islamic State militants in Afghanistan. The bodies of four men, two women and a child, all Hazara minority citizens, were found on Saturday in the rural town of Zabul. The Islamic State are now competing with the Taliban when it comes to cruelty against Afghan citizens. Protests and demonstrations broke out in cities across Afghanistan this week in the wake of the massacre with the capital, Kabul, seeing the biggest protest in 15 years. The Washington Post reports: Marchers in Kabul on Wednesda... more »
Chet Raymo, "Rules for Believing And Rational Thinking"
*"Seven Rules for Believing"* by Chet Raymo "I was reading again recently Richard Dawkins' letter to his daughter Juliet on her tenth birthday, urging her to avoid tradition, authority and revelation as reasons for believing. Ask for evidence, he writes - evidence that is at least potentially available to all. Good advice, and I wouldn't mind passing on Dawkins' letter to my own children or grandchildren. But there is further advice I would add. I previously proposed here Four Rules of Rational Thinking, and had some savvy comments by readers. Let me now propose Seven Rules of Beli... more »
EU Orders Evacuation As Burundi Violence Escalates
*CSM*: *EU orders evacuation in Burundi as fears of mass atrocities grow* *The decision follows a resolution passed Thursday by the UN Security Council that condemns the rising violence in the central African nation.* The European Union announced Friday it will begin evacuating staff families and non-essential employees from Burundi, the latest sign that escalating political violence in the Central African country has the international community worried. "We have decided to evacuate temporarily the families and part of the non-essential staff but the (EU) delegation will continue ... more »
The Poet: Rolf Jacobsen, "When They Sleep"
*"When They Sleep"* "All people are children when they sleep. There's no war in them then. They open their hands and breathe in that quiet rhythm heaven has given them. They pucker their lips like small children and open their hands halfway, soldiers and statesmen, servants and masters. The stars stand guard and a haze veils the sky, a few hours when no one will do anybody harm. If only we could speak to one another then when our hearts are half-open flowers. Words like golden bees would drift in. God, teach me the language of sleep." - Rolf Jacobsen, "The Roads Have Come to an End Now"
“Addicted! Internet Dependency Alters the Human Brain”
*“Addicted! Internet Dependency Alters the Human Brain”* by Jeremy Laurance “Internet addiction has for the first time been linked with changes in the brain similar to those seen in people addicted to alcohol, cocaine and cannabis. In a groundbreaking study, researchers used MRI scanners to reveal abnormalities in the brains of adolescents who spent many hours on the internet, to the detriment of their social and personal lives. The finding could throw light on other behavioral problems and lead to the development of new approaches to treatment, researchers said. An estimated 5 to ... more »
Star Wars™ Cheerio Treats
*This shop has been compensated by Collective Bias, Inc. and its advertiser. All opinions are mine alone. #**FoodAwakens**#CollectiveBias* If you saw any of my Halloween pictures, you know we are a Star Wars™ family. We have enjoyed the movies and toys so much and our girls love them. It has been so much fun to pass down something we have loved to the next generation. We are thrilled that the new movie looks amazing and we can't wait to share this experience with our kids. Every time we pass something Star Wars™ in the store, it somehow ends up in our cart. Some times because of the ... more »
Stop Hiring Yalies: A 5-Point Plan for Ending Campus Madness
[image: Muscle] America's “progressive” college students are throwing a temper tantrum, and there is method to their madness. Yes, many of the frothing sign-wavers are just so many clueless pawns, but lurking behind the campus insanity is a coldly calculated purpose. The goal... more »
Fear Gripping Beirut After Yesterday's Twin Bombings Claimed By The Islamic State.
*Hanin Ghaddar, Daily Beast:* *Sectarian Disaster Looms as ISIS Strikes at the Heart of Hezbollah* *If Hezbollah thought it would be protected after the Iran nuclear deal, it must think again after twin bomb strike in Beirut.* BEIRUT—While world leaders are travelling to Vienna to discuss a political solution in Syria, two explosions ripped through the Beirut’s southern Dahiyeh suburbs, leaving at least 43 people dead and over 239 others injured in the bloodiest terror attack to hit Lebanon's capital since the end of the civil war in 1990. Hours after the blast, an alleged ISIS c... more »
Invest in school libraries
Sent to the Philadelphia Inquirer, November 13 "Push to narrow the digital divide" (November 12) argues that we need to invest more in school libraries: There is strong research evidence supporting this argument. The importance of the school library has been confirmed in study after study: Better school libraries staffed with credentialed librarians mean higher reading scores. In our recent study, based on data from 40 countries, we found that access to a good school library was positively related to reading scores, and nearly offset the negative effect of poverty. In other words, ... more »
Kurdish Fighters Have Liberated The Iraqi City Of Sinjar From The Islamic State
*Al Jazeera*: *Kurdish fighters take control of Iraq's Sinjar* Iraqi Peshmerga forces walk into Sinjar after pushing ISIL rebels out of northern Iraqi town, sources tell Al Jazeera. Kurdish Peshmerga forces have entered the centre of Sinjar after pushing out Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) fighters from the northern Iraqi town, sources told Al Jazeera. Sporadic bursts of gunfire could be heard inside Sinjar on Friday as Kurdish fighters filed down the hill overlooking the town from the north - some with rocket-propelled grenades on their shoulders, a witness told Reut... more »
World News Briefs -- November 13, 2015
*BBC*: *Myanmar election: Suu Kyi's NLD wins landslide victory* Myanmar's opposition National League for Democracy has won a landslide election victory, officials say. With more than 80% of contested seats now declared, Aung San Suu Kyi's party has more than the two-thirds it needs to choose the president, ending decades of military-backed rule. A quarter of seats are automatically held by the military, meaning it remains hugely influential. Under the constitution, Ms Suu Kyi cannot become president herself. *MIDDLE EAST* "Sinjar is liberated," *U.S.-allied Kurds declare. * Isl... more »
The US Neocons have fricking lost their minds and seem hell bent on starting World War III. For background on the insane neocons see my book Governmentality, Biopower, and Everyday Life (here). The US neocons think they can take over the entire Middle East despite decades of failed policies in the region: Stephen F. Cohen. Washington Appears to Reject the Opportunity to End the New Cold War With Russia. The Nation. November 11, 2015, http://www.thenation.com/article/washington-appears-to-reject-the-opportunity-to-end-the-new-cold-war-with-russia/ The US is rejecting Putin’s proposa... more »
On the Brink of War and Economic Collapse | Bill Whittle and Stefan Molyneux...
*let's step away from the "red cup controversy" (which is one of the most ridiculous non-controversies, ever), the tiny minority of college students who are getting way more attention than they deserve, and spend some quality time with two people discussing really important matters.* Yes, I understand it's almost an hour and a half. What were you planning to do instead? Perhaps watch cat videos, cruise the pictures of celebrities at the Daily Mail, or any of the other myriad ways we have of wasting time? I know about this because I'm often guilty of just such behavior. Often, whe... more »
Sinjar: Creating a Crucial Supply Route for KurdIShIS & Annexing Iraqi Territory
*This is about redrawing the borders of the middle east- Weakening certain states. Strengthening others. This is about ethnic cleansing. Displacing persons. * *You want simple narratives? The war mongering media and plenty of other so called alt media sites will spoon feed you all the drivel you can stomache.* *I am way past believing there is any real fight between the alphabet Kurds and ISIS.* Both brands are getting their support, munitions, arms and everything else from NATO/US/Israel. Knowing that to be true, I cannot believe the bogus narrative, from the war mongering, perc... more »
Are we sitting on the Cure?
One thing is certian the TPP will not accelerate Star Trek medicine.
Carson’s Comeback to Trump’s Insults: ‘Pray for Him’
[image: Donald Trump and Ben Carson - 400] WASHINGTON (Reuters) -- U.S. presidential candidate Ben Carson recommended praying for rival Donald Trump after the real-estate mogul and television personality, in a 95-minute rant in Iowa, likened him to a child molester, Carson’s business manager said on Friday. “When I... Continue reading *“Carson’s Comeback to Trump’s Insults: ‘Pray for Him’”* at *ca.news.yahoo.com*.
Inconceivable! Ted Cruz Really Loves The Princess Bride
[image: Ted_Cruz_Princess_Bride] Senator Ted Cruz has a reputation for memorizing facts and being able to recall them at lightning speed -- a skill that made him a formidable debating opponent back at Princeton and Harvard Law. On Thursday Cruz displayed this skill in... more »
Florida Boy, 9, Threatened with Sexual Harassment Charges for Writing Love Note
[image: Love Note - 400] A 9-year-old Florida boy could face sexual harassment charges for penning love notes to a girl in his class, his furious mother said. The tiny admirer gushed about his crush, telling her she’s “pretty and cute” while boldly revealing his... Continue reading *“Florida Boy, 9, Threatened with Sexual Harassment Charges for Writing Love Note”* at *nydailynews.com*.
Citizen Blair To Campaign Yet Again For More Peace In The Middle East
Citizen Blair is set to shower the Middle East with more peace. Tony Blair, the universal peace giver to Muslims from all over the world, specially the Middle and Near East, announced a new peace initiative during his visit to Israel on Friday. Tony ‘Peace-giver’ Blair has tried it as a prime minister and as an official peace envoy; this time it’s more personal. The emissary of peace to the Middle East, is to try his hand at it yet again but this time as Citizen Tony. After his unsuccessful campaign to bring peace to Iraq, Afghanistan, Egypt, Libya, Palestine and other troubled Musli... more »
A bacterium may be anti-fungal, but it’s not anti-retraction
The authors of a paper on an anti-fungal bacterium couldn’t ward off a very common problem: plagiarism. The people credited on the paper, published in Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, apparently weren’t the original authors, according to the retraction note. We’re not sure who the original authors are. The retraction note doesn’t elaborate much: The Editor-in-Chief and the […] The post A bacterium may be anti-fungal, but it’s not anti-retraction appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 13, 2015
*Washington Post:* *Pentagon chief Ashton Carter just fired his top military aide over ‘misconduct’* Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter has fired his top military aide for allegations of “misconduct,” a highly unusual move prior to a formal investigation into possible misbehavior by the Army general. In a statement, Carter said that he had removed Lt. Gen. Ron Lewis from his position as senior military assistant. As his top military aide, Lewis was a right-hand advisor to Carter, providing him analysis on military issues, joining him at high-level meetings, and traveling with him ... more »
"It'll Do..."
*Deputy Wendell:* "It's a mess, ain't it, sheriff?" *Sheriff Bell:* "If it ain't, it'll do till the mess gets here." - "No Country For Old Men"
Toronto Island Airport Jets Departure
The little things mean so much. Had the Harper govermemt been elected they would be paving over the waterfront. Jets at the airport make no sense. In fact to meet 2017 DOT regulations almost two kilometers of additonal runway would have been needed. The whole Toronto Harbour commission needs to be abolished. The tunnel should be available to link people to the island, not just passangers. The runway could have a tunnel under it, and the pathway fully fenced in. I hope they do that. If we ever get High Speed Rail both the Pickering and Billy Bishop airport become moot projects. On ... more »
Canada's Judicial System Is Now A Joke! Guilty/Not Guilty By Arthur Topham
Yesterday marked a red letter date in the annals of Canada's so called judicial system... On November 12th, 2015, a courtroom in Quesnel, British Columbia, fully exposed itself as a farce and nothing more than a kangaroo court for the Jewish power elite in Canada, by ridiculously finding Arthur Topham "Guilty" on one count of the ludicrous charge of "inciting hate"..... It showed again that this once free nation of Canada is absolutely under the full control of Jewish power and tyranny! I said in my last article that I would bring forward any follow up information about Arthur Top... more »
Houston, We Have a Problem! Dallas City Council Sneaks in a Bathroom Bill
[image: Dallas City Hall - 900] The Advocate, a popular news source for a fringe element within the LGBTI community, recently reported a sleight of hand move by the Dallas City Council. By a vote held without any real public notice, the City Council of Dallas... more »
Pro-Islamic State Demonstration At Afghan University Raising Concerns
In a protest earlier this year at Afghanistan's Nangarhar University, students chant slogans critical of the satirical French weekly Charlie Hebdo, which had featured a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad on its cover, Jan. 18, 2015. *VOA*: *Pro-IS Rally at Afghan University Stirs Concern* JALALABAD, AFGHANISTAN — What began as an Afghan student protest against dormitory accommodations and meal policies this week turned into a pro-Islamic State demonstration, sparking fears of a spreading insurgency. Students raised IS and Taliban flags at Nangarhar University in eastern Jalalabad cit... more »
Is Donald Trump's Syrian Strategy A 'Monopoly Game'
Fox Business *The Hill: Bush:* *Trump plan ‘playing Monopoly’ in Syria* Donald Trump’s game plan for Syria is detached from reality, former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said during Tuesday evening’s Republican presidential debate in Milwaukee. “That’s like playing a board game,” Bush said in comments that appeared to get the better of the real estate mogul. “That’s like playing Monopoly. That’s now how the real world works,” Bush said. Trump has repeatedly said that the U.S. should stand aside and let Russia get bogged down the years-old Syrian civil war. The Kremlin is interested in b... more »
Leaked letter: Cameron wrote to his Oxfordshire council, questioning cuts to frontline services. Why didn't he just write to Osborne?!
KJ and Fee suspect he did... SOURCE TELEGRAPH: David Cameron complains to his local council about cuts to services David Cameron has become embroiled in a bizarre row with his local council after he complained about cuts to frontline services that it blames on the government slashing its budget. The Prime Minister wrote to Oxfordshire County Council leader Ian Hudspeth to say he is "
US Officials Believe Raqqa Drone Strike Killed Jihadi John
Mohammed Emwazi, the British militant better known as Jihadi John, has reportedly been killed by a US drone strike in Syria. The Pentagon is still accessing the results of the assault. Thanking the Unites States, British Prime Minister David Cameron welcomed the news calling it a “a strike at the heart” of terror group ISIS. In a statement outside Downing Street, Cameron said that Emwazi had remained a threat to innocent people, including in the UK. RT reports: The airstrike allegedly targeted Emwazi’s vehicle near the Syrian city of Raqqa – the self-proclaimed capital of Islamic St... more »
Rightwing Nuthouse: "This Week In Crazy: Come, Armageddon"
*"This Week In Crazy: Come, Armageddon"* by Sam Reisman "Despite prior warnings to this effect, which turned out to be premature, conservative right-wingers are quite sure that this time it really is the End Times. Welcome to “This Week In Crazy,” The National Memo’s weekly update on the loony, bigoted, and hateful behavior of the increasingly unhinged right wing. Starting with number five: *"5.* *Kevin Swanson:* So much has been made of pastor Kevin Swanson’s “kill-the-gays rally,” as Rachel Maddow aptly characterized it, that I almost hesitate to include him on this week’s list. ... more »
The REAL Reason That Stephen Harper DID NOT Resign His Seat When He Resigned as PM And Party Leader ...
*"Words don't mean much to Stephen."* Preston Manning Our outgoing Prime Minister does not want to testify at the criminal trial of Senator Mike Duffy. He wants to use his Parliamentary '*privilege'* to try and stay off the witness stand. If there is any justice in Canada, the courts will NOT allow him to flaunt parliamentary privilege in a criminal case. (*It just gets worse and worse with this weasel of a man*). iPolitics
Acton Institute’s Poverty, Inc. Wins Prestigious 2015 Templeton Freedom Award
[image: Atlas Network - Acton Institute - 400] Grand Rapids, Mich.-based Acton Institute was awarded Atlas Network's prestigious Templeton Freedom Award for its documentary film Poverty, Inc. "On issues of international development and foreign aid, our country is at a tipping point," said Acton Institute Executive Director Kris Mauren. "While entrenched interests remain,... Continue reading *“Acton Institute’s Poverty, Inc. Wins Prestigious 2015 Templeton Freedom Award”* at *atlasnetwork.org*.
Trump Says Carson’s ‘Pathological Temper’ Can’t be Cured
[image: MILWAUKEE, WI - NOVEMBER 10: Presidential candidates Donald Trump (L) speaks while Ben Carson looks on during the Republican Presidential Debate sponsored by Fox Business and the Wall Street Journal at the Milwaukee Theatre November 10, 2015 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The fourth Republican debate is held in two parts, one main debate for the top eight candidates, and another for four other candidates lower in the current polls.] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says political rival Ben Carson has a “pathological temper” that can’t be cured any ... more »
Hackers Allege Prisoners’ Privileged Phone Calls Are Being Recorded, Publish 14,000 Calls
[image: hackers phone conversations] The latest failure in cyber-awareness just left millions of people exposed and a company that provides prison telecommunications services company on the defensive. Concerns about civil liberty violations are spreading after an unidentified hacker recently breached Securus Technologies and released the... more »
Major Donors Consider Funding Black Lives Matter
[image: Black Lives Matter] Some of the biggest donors on the left plan to meet behind closed doors next week in Washington with leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement and their allies to discuss funding the burgeoning protest movement, POLITICO has learned. The... Continue reading *“Major Donors Consider Funding Black Lives Matter”* at *politico.com*.
Is Winning in NH Christie’s Last Hope?
[image: Christie] CONCORD, N.H. -- As Chris Christie arrived Friday at the New Hampshire statehouse to file his paperwork for the state's pivotal presidential primary, he and his underdog campaign seemed to have reached a major turning point. Whether that moment marked... Continue reading *“Is Winning in NH Christie’s Last Hope?”* at *realclearpolitics.com*.
U.S. Retail Sales Crawl Upward in Oct., Led by Online Shopping
[image: online shopping] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Americans ramped up their online shopping and restaurant spending in October, but barely-there inflation kept overall retail sales growth muted. The Commerce Department said Friday that retail sales rose a seasonally adjusted 0.1 percent last month, after... more »
Bank Of England Warns That Robots Will Steal Half Of Our Jobs
The chief economist for the bank of England has warned that approximately half of the workforce in the UK and the US are likely to lose their jobs to robots. Andy Haldane said that robots could take over up to 15 million British jobs as technological automation trends spread across all industries and service sectors. The warning follows a 300-page Bank of America Merrill Lynch report which also said that as artificial intelligence continues to rise, jobs across multiple industries would be wiped out. RT reports: Unveiling the Bank’s new statistics, based on the historic trends in th... more »
*Name: Student number: Course title: * Re: *The Maximum Time Limit on study in the UK with a Student or Tier 4 visa* In April 2012 the UK *Immigration Rules were amended *to limit the maximum length of time a person can stay in the UK with a Tier 4 Student or Student visa in order to study. For courses at below degree level the limit is 3 years; for courses at degree level and above the limit is 5 years. Therefore, it is not possible in most cases, to make a successful Tier 4 application to study a course, which will result in you spending more than the maximum time limit in the UK... more »
Ukraine Cease-Fire On The Verge Of Collapse (Again)
Pro-Russian separatists withdraw tanks from the front line in the Luhansk region in October -- have they since returned, as some reports suggest? *Radio Free Europe*: *Flurry Of Claims Spells Trouble For What's Left Of Ukraine Cease-Fire Regime* *Far from international front pages, the situation in eastern Ukraine is once again on the verge of open warfare.* While the situation around Donetsk, the capital of the Russian-backed fighters, has remained strained since the announcement of the newest cease-fire in September, with sporadic small-arms fire reported almost daily, it has de... more »
Libyan Peace Talks Threatened By Allegations That The U.A.E. Violated The U.N. Arms Embargo While Offering A Highly Paid Job To The U.N. Negotiator
Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Libya and Head of United Nations Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL) Bernardino Leon gestures during a news conference after a meeting at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, Switzerland, September 4, 2015. Reuters/Denis Balibouse *New York Times:* *Leaked Emirati Emails Could Threaten Peace Talks in Libya* CAIRO — The United Arab Emirates was shipping weapons to favored belligerents in Libya over the summer in violation of an international arms embargo while simultaneously offering a highly paid job to the United Nations diplomat dra... more »
How does gender influence publishing? A window into one journal
Male and female reviewers may rate papers the same way, regardless of whether the authors are male or female — but women are more likely to get the chance to review papers (and get their own papers reviewed) if other women are involved, according to studies of the review process at Functional Ecology. In their comprehensive […] The post How does gender influence publishing? A window into one journal appeared first on Retraction Watch.
The Gulf States Prefer To Fight War In The Air Than On The Ground
*Tobin Harshaw, Bloomberg:* *Fight Their Own Wars? The Gulf States Are Above It* U.S. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter thinks America's Arab allies have their heads in the clouds. He makes a good point: The monarchies of the Persian Gulf are going to have to get grounded if they hope to effectively counter Iran, Islamic State and other threats in the region. “If you look at where the Iranians are able to wield influence, they are in the game, on the ground,” Carter told the Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg. "There is a sense that some of the Gulf states are up there at 30,000 feet.”... more »
Sinjar Has Been Liberated from ISIS, Kurds Say
[image: Sinjar ISIS and Kruds] The leader of Iraqi Kurds declared Friday that the Iraqi town of Sinjar has been liberated from ISIS militants. The victory in Sinjar is a milestone that will contribute to an eventual liberation of the ISIS-occupied Iraqi city of Mosul,... Continue reading *“Sinjar Has Been Liberated from ISIS, Kurds Say”* at *cnn.com*.
Is There A Gun Violence Epidemic? The Numbers Say No
[image: gun control march Washington D.C.] The recent mass shooting in Oregon has brought the seemingly endless debate on gun control back into the national spotlight. Are we, as some insist, in the midst of a gun violence crisis? Gun control advocates would certainly have you... more »
U.S. Bishops to Consider Priorities and Pornography
[image: Pornography-keyboard] American bishops will gather in Baltimore next week for their fall General Assembly, where they will elect new committee chairmen, weigh minor changes to their Catholic voting guide, and consider taking action against pornography. The potential decision to dedicate resources to... Continue reading *“U.S. Bishops to Consider Priorities and Pornography”* at *cruxnow.com*.
FBI Opens Investigation into Idaho Rancher’s Fatal Shooting by Deputies
[image: 110315_edge_rancher_1280] The FBI has opened an investigation into the death of an Idaho rancher who was shot by sheriff’s deputies after one of his bulls was hit by a car and charged emergency crews. The Spokesman-Review of Spokane, Wash. reported late... Continue reading *“FBI Opens Investigation into Idaho Rancher’s Fatal Shooting by Deputies”* at *foxnews.com*.
The Base Is Coming Around To The Inevitable: Ted Cruz
Almost a year ago I told my political friends that Ted Cruz would be the GOP presidential nominee. They all thought I was joking-- or insane. Oh, look, even Rich Lowry agrees now. Clearly 2016 was not going to be a year the Fox/Hate Talk Radio Republican base was going to accept another establishment candidate-- not after Romney, McCain, the Bushes and Dole-- and it would be a good year for the establishment to let them have their way and get it out of their system since conventional wisdom seemed to be saying Hillary would win anyway, regardless of who they ran. (That's changed a... more »
What The President Should Do With The Pentagon’s $610 Billion Budget
Wikipedia *Larry Korb, FOX News:* *The Next U.S. President and the Pentagon’s $610 Billion Budget* The next woman or man to occupy the Oval Office will have to make hard choices about how to spend our defense dollars to deal with current and future defense challenges. First in defense dollars are policy. Not allocating sufficient funds to the Pentagon or allowing it to spend scarce resources on the wrong items will make it more difficult to protect our vital national security interests. On the other hand, spending too much will undermine our ability to fund other national securit... more »
They've Forgotten Their Audience
In 2011, Stephen Harper garnered the editorial support of 95% of Canada's newspapers. This time around, that number had dropped to 71%. A good portion of that 71% came from the Postmedia chain, whose chairman -- Paul Godfrey -- told his editors that he would brook no dissent from the chain's support of Harper. Michael Harris writes: Godfrey committed what the late senator and *Globe and Mail* editor Richard Doyle said was the unpardonable sin of the industry: he held up the newspapers he runs and got a reflection of himself. And remember how this was done. On the weekend before t... more »
Who’s Your Scarecrow?
*Zen Gardner* - The master's illusion is crahing down all aorund us. The post Who’s Your Scarecrow? appeared first on Waking Times.
House Freedom Caucus Drafting ‘Contract With America II’
[image: Religious Freedom Bible Rosary - 400] U.S. House Republican hard-liners who helped force out former Speaker John Boehner are readying their next act: a multi-point manifesto demanding quick action on long-time conservative priorities. Members of the House Freedom Caucus are preparing a “Contract With America II”... Continue reading *“House Freedom Caucus Drafting ‘Contract With America II’”* at *bloomberg.com*.
Internal CIA Investigations Reveal Child Porn, War Crimes & Fraud
The CIA have released documents revealing details of over a dozen investigations into serious allegations of misconduct by agency employees, including child pornography, torture and war crimes. The Justice Department decided not to prosecute many of the cases. RT reports: Redacted records of the investigations, part of the 111 probes conducted by the CIA Office of the Inspector General (OIG) between January 2013 and May 2014, were obtained by Vice News under a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. Among the OIG investigations were allegations that a “highly placed US official” ... more »
National Jewish Democratic Council Leader Attacks Christians, Other Jewish Leaders Respond
[image: American Israel flags] "I've always said, you've got Evangelical Republicans supporting Israel because they are building a stairway to heaven on the backs of the Jews in Israel," remarked the head of the National Jewish Democratic Council at the 2015 Jewish Federations of North America... Continue reading *“National Jewish Democratic Council Leader Attacks Christians, Other Jewish Leaders Respond”* at *observer.com*.
Donald Trump Begs Iowans Not to Believe Ben Carson: ‘Don’t Be Fools, Okay?’
[image: Donald Trump] FORT DODGE, Iowa -- As Donald Trump took the stage in a community college theater on Thursday night, something was off. The usually punctual executive was nearly 40 minutes late. His voice was hoarse, his hair mussed, his tone defensive. He... Continue reading *“Donald Trump Begs Iowans Not to Believe Ben Carson: ‘Don’t Be Fools, Okay?’”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
AP Delegate Count: Clinton Has Early, Commanding Edge
[image: Hillary Clinton] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hillary Rodham Clinton has locked up public support from half of the Democratic insiders who cast ballots at the party’s national convention, giving her a commanding advantage over her rivals for the party’s presidential nomination. Clinton’s margin... more »
Russians Offer ‘Broad Cooperation’ on Doping Reforms in Effort to Avoid Sports Ban
[image: Vladimir Putin Russian Athletes] MOSCOW (AP) -- In an effort to avoid a ban from track and field, Russia offered “broad cooperation” on doping reforms on Friday, including the creation of a new anti-doping agency. Track’s governing body is to decide later Friday on...more »
GMO Tomatoes May Soon Be Back on Supermarket Shelves
*Natasha Longo* - This new study aims to make GM tomatoes and other common crops more marketable. The post GMO Tomatoes May Soon Be Back on Supermarket Shelves appeared first on Waking Times.
Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 12th November)
Majority of top CBI companies do not pay living wage British Airways and BP International are among the 15 corporate members of the 21-strong president’s committee of the CBI that are not designated as living wage employers. The research is based on the work of the Living Wage Foundation. The chancellor’s national living wage, dismissed by critics as a rebranding of the national minimum wage,
Rubio, Cruz Compete to Reshape Their Records on Immigration
[image: Rubio, Cruz - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Republican presidential rivals Sens. Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are backpedaling furiously as they try to outmaneuver each other on immigration. Rubio co-wrote a massive 2013 immigration bill that passed the Senate. He disavows it now, but... more »
Sexting Arrest Latest Embarrassment for Secret Service
[image: Secret Service] DOVER, Del. (AP) -- The arrest of a uniformed Secret Service officer on charges of trying to solicit a teenage girl for sex and sending obscene images and texts online is the latest embarrassment for the agency charged with protecting... more »
Suu Kyi’s Party Wins Historic Majority in Myanmar (Burma) Polls
[image: Aung San Suu Kyi] YANGON, Myanmar (AP) -- Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi’s opposition party attained a historic majority in Myanmar’s Parliament on Friday, making it possible for them to form the Southeast Asian country’s first truly civilian government in more than half... more »
Snowflakes or Fascists?
[image: College Students - 900] There was a much-beloved quote circulated among leftists, often attributed to Sinclair Lewis, that “when fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross.” In light of recent episodes of mob action on American... more »
Why Consciousness “Must Be An Illusion”
*Jon Rappoport* - If we are made of particles that have no awareness, does consciousness even exist? The post Why Consciousness “Must Be An Illusion” appeared first on Waking Times.
87 Yr Old German Woman Imprisoned For Doubting Auschwitz Claims
An 87-year-old German woman has been sentenced to ten months in prison for doubting that people were “exterminated” by being gassed in the Nazi concentration camp in Auschwitz. Ursula Haverbeck was sentenced at the Hamburg District Court on Nov. 11, 2015. Arriving without a lawyer, Haverbeck defended herself and reiterated her doubts about the official holocaust story in the courtroom Revisionistreview reports: She was accused of giving an interview to the German magazine Panorama in which she stated that Auschwitz was not an extermination camp but a labor camp. The mass murder of J...more »
Storm Abigail
By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-34794583 So after a night with Abigail, our first named storm, what did it all really amount to? The BBC have this report: Gusts of up to 84mph and lightning strikes left 12,000 properties without power at the height of Storm Abigail. About 1,300 customers remain without electricity after […]
U.S. Drone Strike Targets ‘Jihadi John’ from ISIS Slaying Videos, Fate Unclear
[image: BRITAIN-IRAQ-SYRIA-CONFLICT] WASHINGTON (AP) -- A U.S. drone strike targeted a vehicle in Syria believed to be transporting the masked Islamic State militant known as “Jihadi John, according to American officials. Whether the strike killed the British man who appears in several... more »
Ben Carson Says Border With Mexico Can Be Secure in 1 Year
[image: Ben Carson - 900] PHOENIX (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson said Thursday that the U.S.-Mexico border can be secured in one year and promised to finish a job that has taken decades to come close to accomplishing. The political newcomer told a...more »
Wyoming GOP Congresswoman Retiring, Liz Cheney Considers Run
[image: Liz Cheney] CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) -- Wyoming Rep. Cynthia Lummis announced Thursday she will not seek re-election and former Vice President Dick Cheney’s elder daughter, Liz Cheney, said she was seriously considering running for the seat. Lummis is the only female member... more »
An appeal is not from the reasons but from the order
An appeal is not from the reasons but from the order. This basic point is often overlooked and is surprisingly hard to find explicitly in the caselaw. A recent Yukon Court of Appeal (BC CA) decision is helpful. *Ross River Dena Council v. Canada (Attorney General),* 2015 YKCA 16: [13] It is a fundamental principle of appellate jurisprudence that an appeal is taken from the order, and not the reasons expressed by the court granting the order. John Sopinka & Mark A. Gelowitz, *The* *Conduct of an Appeal*, 2d ed. (Vancouver: Butterworths, 2000) at 6; *R. v. Sheppard*, 2002 ... more »
Greg Hunter, "Weekly News Wrap-Up, 11/13/2015"
*"Weekly News Wrap-Up, 11/13/2015"* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com "It seems the world is preparing for war with threats of military action from around the globe. There is the recent incident of the U.S. Air Force flying a B-52 bomber close to man-made islands claimed by China in the South China Sea. Russia “leaked” plans for a nuclear torpedo that could be sent into a harbor and exploded. This is in response to the U.S. putting missile defense in Europe. Meanwhile, ISIS is threatening Russia in Syria and making a video saying “soon very soon Blood Will Spill Like Ocean.” Meanwhil... more »
Top Military Aide Removed From Job, Under Investigation
[image: Ash Carter, Ron Lewis] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Defense Secretary Ash Carter suddenly fired his top military aide Thursday citing allegations of misconduct, and referred the matter to the department’s inspector general. Defense officials would not provide any details about why Army Lt. Gen. Ron... more »
Are Secret U.S. Spy Planes Flying Over The Pacific?
*Joseph Trevithick, National Interest*:* Exposed: Are Secret U.S. Spy Planes Flying Over the Pacific?* The Pentagon is unflinchingly tight-lipped about any new, high tech planes it has in the works. But every so often, a bit of information manages to squeak out into the public domain. In 2013, the U.S. Air Force sent a secret spy plane out over the Pacific region. The unknown aircraft – possibly a drone – flew “national collection missions” – a euphemism for strategic intelligence against states like North Korea or China. It was one of five different types of aircraft flying thes... more »
Climate Tricks 45, On "vanishing" snow and "Godzilla" El Nino
On March 20, 2000 (15+ years ago), The Independent ran a story predicting that "within a few years winter snowfall will become 'a very rare and exciting event.'" No more ice because of deteriorating "man-made" global warming. Very funny headline. That story became "viral", circulated thousands of times as people panicked from that statement from a scientist at the Univ. of East Anglia. Now that story is gone. The newspaper is ashamed it ran that story? Here's from WUWT, One of the longest running climate prediction blundershas disappeared from the Internet, November 13, 2015. Mean... more »
The German Revolution of 1918
*A "Captured British Tank" on the Streets of Germany, 1918* *"There are rumors rife that we will go to Germany to do police and rioting duty. I'd rather go home but if your Uncle Samuel needs us in Germany, to Germany we'll go and be as happy as we can. We got in on the last drive and fired up to the last hour and I suppose that is the reason they'll send us if they do.* *Shall I bring you some German spoons and tableware or just some plain loot in the form of graft money? I hope they give me Coblenz or Cologne to hold down; there should be a good opportunity for a rising young cap... more »
Economic News , Data & Views ( November 13 , 2015 AKA Friday the 13th ) -- Europe Updates ( Refugee / Economic Migration Crisis Items For Today , German GDP dips to just 0.3 for Quarter 3 , France GDP grows to 0.3 For Quarter 3 , Finland GDP For Sept - Y/Y -2.6 vs -2.1 , Portugal GDP Disappoints , Greece GDP Data / Sept Import Prices In Industry , Netherlands GDP At Just 0.1 % Disappoints , Commodity Crunch Items , ECB / EZ Items , Spain Items , Poland Banking Item - MBank Swiss Franc Loan Worries Remain , Greece Items Of Note - Economic / Domestic & International Politics including Troika / Bailout Related Items ) ...... Asia In Focus For Friday the 13th ( Around The Horn In Asia - Mayanmar , China , Japan , Asia / EM Markets In Focus ! )
Europe..... *Open Europe* @OpenEurope 3m 3 minutes ago British PM David Cameron so far the only EU leader who's pledged for the EU-Turkey migration deal: http://openeurope.org.uk/daily-shakeup/ eu-leaders-rush-to-agree-e3bn-migration-deal-with-turkey-as-merkel-to-explain-herself-to-german-public/ … #*migrationcrisis* *Holger Zschaepitz* @Schuldensuehner 1h1 hour ago Merkel's Prickly Protector: Schäuble support means coup Is out. http:// bloom.bg/1NtDcyj *Boris Kálnoky* @bkalnoky 5m 5 minutes ago Austria to build mini-fence (3,7 kilometers) for 2 million... more »
ATLAS dijet events: mass up to \(8.8\TeV\)
The 2015 proton run at the LHC is over. (Some \(5\TeV\) playground proton collisions are gonna be made soon which will train the collider for the new lead-lead collisions in December.) At the center-of-mass energy of \(13\TeV\), ATLAS has performed 4.32 inverse femtobarns of collisions out of which 4.00 inverse femtobarns were recorded. (Maybe the number is round by accident, maybe the two zeroes are a bump suggesting some intelligent design.) CMS has collided 4.11/fb of proton-proton pairs. My estimate is that 3.8/fb of that was recorded but it's plausible that up to 1/2 of these ... more »
Military Photo of the Day: November 13, 2015
[image: Coast Guard in San Francisco-900] A U.S. Coast Guardsman performs his duties near San Francisco. Thank you to all the men and women of the U.S. Coast Guard for protecting our shores!
Step2 Busy Ball Play Set Giveaway
My Kids would love this! One lucky winner will win BOTH! Welcome to the Step2 Busy Ball Play Set Giveaway!If you've got a toddler at home, you're probably always looking for ways to keep them busy and entertained. Well, look no further than the Step2 Busy Ball Play Set! This play set pairs two fun Step2 toys into one awesome combination that your kiddos will love. Kim from Thrifty Nifty Mommy just had the chance to review this duo of toys and her daughter had a ball. Be sure to check out her full review to see this set in action! Courtney from Viva Veltoro also included the WonderB... more »
Disney on Ice in Salt Lake City
We just got back from Disney on Ice in Salt Lake City and it was amazing. The Tangled segment is by far my absolute favorite. Between the all of the tricks the skaters do in the air and the absolute beautiful lantern sequence, there isn't much you could do to top it. My 18-month-old actually gasped out loud when the lanterns came down from the ceiling, it was so pretty. Disney on Ice has kind of become our thing. My mom and I take the girls, my 13-year-old sister and my two daughters every time it comes. Disney on Ice has some of our absolute best memories rolled up in it. Last Th... more »
U.S. Drone Strike Targeted ‘Jihadi John In Syria
*New York Times: **Pentagon Says It Targeted ‘Jihadi John’* WASHINGTON — The Pentagon said late Thursday that it had targeted Mohammed Emwazi, a member of the Islamic State often referred to as Jihadi John, in an airstrike near Raqqa, Syria. Peter Cook, the Pentagon press secretary, said in a statement that the military was “assessing the results” of the strike to determine if Mr. Emwazi had been killed. Mr. Emwazi, considered the most prominent British member of the militant group, was shown in videos in late 2014 and early 2015 killing several American and other Western hostage... more »
Will Paul Ryan Make His Mark As Speaker By Instituting Impeachment Procedures Against President Obama?
Wisconsin Ayn Rand devotee Paul Ryan just started his new job as Speaker of the dysfunctional House Republicans. And he's already headed for a showdown with the White House. Remember how on his very first day in office President Obama signed an oder to shut down the torture prison at Guantánamo? Conservatives in Congress have been thwarting him ever since, most recently by passing a military budget that included language prohibiting the president from doing just that. It passed the Senate Tuesday 91-3, only Bernie, Jeff Merkley (D-OR) and Ron Wyden (D-OR) objecting. It had passed... more »
Bangkok's Pivot to Beijing
*November 13, 2015* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - Despite the common misconception that Thailand is one of Southeast Asia's staunchest US allies - the steady erosion of US-Thai relations has been underway for years. Cold War concessions Thailand made to the US during the Vietnam War have ingrained the myth of Bangkok's unquestioning loyalty to Washington in the minds of many. The past decade and a half of Washington-proxy Thaksin Shinawatra holding power has helped bolster this myth, with Shinawatra assigning Thai troops to the US occupation of Iraq, cooperating with the US in its globa... more »
Was Russian President Putin's Longtime Close Ally, Press Minister, And Friend Murdered In Washington D.C.?
Longstanding association: Mikhail Lesin had known Vladimir Putin before the Russian strongman took control of the Kremlin and was nicknamed 'the Bulldozer' for getting the media to dance to Putin's tune *Daily Mail:* *EXCLUSIVE: Vladimir Putin's media Svengali who was found dead in DC hotel was 'murdered for being an FBI informant' - or could even still be alive, claim Russians* * Millionaire Mikhail Lesin, 57, was found dead in $240-a-night in Washington DC last Friday and police are investigating * The pro-Putin 'propaganda channel' he set up, RT, claimed he 'had been suffering f... more »
More Details On Russia's 'Secret' Nuclear Torpedo Blueprint That Was 'Accidentally' Leaked Has Been Released
*Voice of America:* *Russian State Media Give More Details on 'Secret' Torpedo* The Kremlin has confirmed that two of Russia's main television channels broadcast details of a planned new nuclear torpedo, apparently accidentally, and said it hopes it will not happen again. However, in the wake of the incident, state media have prominently featured an interview with a defense expert giving more details about the "secret" weapon, fueling speculation that the original leak was no accident. On Tuesday evening, NTV television and Channel One state television, which are under strict Kre... more »
Musical Interlude: Gov't Mule, "Soulshine"
Gov't Mule, "Soulshine" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ijsritrkiAA
Did Israel-NATO Military Exercise Cause Russian Jet Crash?
Little media coverage has been given to the fact that during the time of the Russian plane crash over the Sinai, the skies were filled with planes, just a few miles away, from Israel, Poland, Greece, France, Germany and the United States, all taking part in a military war game named “Blue Flag“. The purpose of the military exercise, ‘coincidentally’ taking place at the same location and the same time as the crash, was to “simulate a defence of Israel from a Russian air attack”. Veteranstoday.com reports: One plane was lost, shot down, now clearly by an “external explosion,” meaning... more »
Is America Preparing For World War 3
Hillary Clinton shares a dream for America with every GOP candidate but one, Rand Paul. That dream is the nightmare scenario of a direct confrontation with Russia in order to stop them from attacking ISIS. Only Rand Paul pointed out that they are advocating shooting down Russian jets and starting World War 3. Ben Carson engraved a Bible verse on humility next to the shrine he created to himself, misspelling “Proverbs” as “poverbs”. Yet he would have us believe that he supports the trade & global governance treaty (TPP) crafted in secret by multinational corporations because he read ... more »
Chile Could Be Facing A Large Earthquake And Tsunami
Over the last few days dangerous seismic activity has been observed in Chile with two 6.9 earthquakes hitting the country. There have been no reports of major damage, as yet, and both quakes occurred within an hour of each other as the USGS reports: earthquake.usgs.gov earthquake.usgs.gov Normally when two or more quakes this large occur in the same area, with such a close magnicture, then the chances of them being “foreshocks” increase dramatically. A foreshock is an earthquake that occurs before a larger seismic event (the mainshock) and is related to it in both time and space. I... more »
Stephen Hawking: God Is Dead
Professor Stephen Hawking has always been fairly ambiguous on the question of God or an afterlife … until recently. In an interview with Spain’s El Mundo, the astrophysicist declared that there is no God. Reflecting on the advancement of science, Hawking said that there is no longer a need for a supreme being to explain the existence of things. “Before we understand science, it is natural to believe that God created the universe. But now science offers a more convincing explanation,” he told them. Cnet.com reports: I’m not sure whether there was a specific moment in which science o... more »
Russia Threatened With ‘Olympic Ban’ If They Expose Plane Crash
The Kremlin have said that the Obama administration have silenced three American mercenaries who are believed to have been behind the downing of the Russian plane that crashed over the Sinai. Furthermore the Foreign Intelligence Report says that the Obama administration have officially warned Russia that if they contradict the official explanation for the crash (that it was brought down by a bomb by ISIS), then Russia will be banned from participating in the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio. Whatdoesitmean.com reports: As we have previously exhaustively detailed in our previous reports on... more »
US Flies B-52 Bombers Over Disputed Islands Near China
The Pentagon have confirmed that B-52 bombers recently flew over the Chinese man-made islands in the South China Sea, and that China tried to contact the bombers but to no avail. The disputed waters have been a contentious subject between Washington and Beijing, with the US saying that they do not recognise China’s claim of sovereignty over the islands. So the recent sight of a U.S. bomber flying over Chinese territory will have rattled the Chinese government. Sputniknews.com reports: “We conduct B-52 flights in international air space in that part of the world all the time,” Penta... more »
Netanyahu’s Framing of Middle East Situation is Spot-On
[image: PM of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu - 900] Americans could learn a thing or two from Bibi Netanyahu. The Israeli prime minister was in Washington this week to receive the American Enterprise Institute’s Irving Kristol Award. He made some controversial remarks -- at least controversial at AEI, where I... more »
Putin: You Can't Scare Russia
April 16, 2015. Russian President Vladimir Putin, center, answers questions from the public during the annual Direct Line with Vladimir Putin special broadcast live on Russian television and radio. Left: Kirill Kleimenov, head of the Channel One News Directorate. Right: Rossiya TV journalist Maria Sittel (RIA Novosti / Michael Klimentyev) / RIA Novosti *Samuel Bendett, The Compass*: *Putin: You Can't Scare Russia* Russian President Vladimir Putin is feeling confident amid Russia's quick entry into the Syrian civil war and the continuing ground operations by the Russian air force. S... more »
Germany Warns That Europe Should Expect Avalanche Of Migrants
Germany’s finance minister has warned of an avalanche of migrants entering Europe, and says that Germany alone will have 100 million migrants by 2020. A member of Chancellor Angela Merkel’s grand coalition of parties has also warned that Europe should expect 10 times the amount of migrants than has been projected for this year alone over the next five years. Breitbart.com reports: Calculations by Heinz Buschkowsky, a member of the Social Democratic Party of Germany (SDP), who has written extensively on mass migration, the numbers reaching Germany by 2020 including family reunificati... more »
Japan's Troubled Monju Reactor
From my book, Fukushima and the Privatization of Risk: By global standards, Japan has a relatively extensive nuclear complex. It has a vast network of commercial nuclear power plants and it has uranium reprocessing capabilities at Tokai. It has two established breeder reactors, Joyo reactor, which began operation in 1977, and the Monju reactor, with troubled beginnings in 1994. As of early 2012, Japan calculated that it had invested $12 billion in its experimental ‘Monju’ sodium-cooled, fast-breeder reactor in Fukui Prefecture.[i]Designed to operate on plutonium from reprocessed... more »
We Get E-Mails
Oh, yes... we get so many of them. And this year, all the Republicans have started sending them too. Most I just delete before opening. But sometimes I get tricked into opening one... and that pisses me off. You too? Recently I got one from a Democratic candidate I like and the subject line said "personal." He usually calls me when it's personal but I opened it anyway. And it was just a stupid mass-messaging spam e-mail, almost identical to ones I had been getting all week from DCCC-advised candidates with empty platitudes about how we "are quickly approaching the one-year-out mark... more »
Better Dead Than Zed : Haganah, The Mauritius Plan and The Real Voyageof the Damned
*"I have a great surprise for you: His Majesty, Sovereign of the British Empire, is sending you a gift -- a gift called Uganda!" - Theodore Herzel, Sixth World Zionist Congress* *"We don't want it!" they shouted. "We don't want it!"* *The Russian Zionists began to explain:* '*We don't want just any country! We are Zionists! We want to return to our ancient, ancestral homeland.*'" - *Salome Levite, * *Swiss Delegate,* *Sixth World Zionist Congress* *Humanitarian Bombing : * *In 1940, The Zionist Resistance murdered over 200 Jewish refugees and more than 50 British civilian crew, ... more »
The Geopolitical Rules Are No Longer 'In Play'
*John Mclaughlin, Ozy*:* The Geopolitical Rules You Didn't Know About Are Under Siege* In the post–Cold War era, geopolitics can sometimes seem like the Wild West. But despite all appearances, an order governs there. Or rather it has. Throughout modern history, most countries have accepted a few simple rules to ward off total chaos: laws and conventions around land, sea and the air. These rules are not sexy — maritime law isn’t exactly known to quicken the pulse — but they’re as vital to the international order as a score is to an orchestra. But now, as we approach the 25th annive... more »
Democrats Scheduled Debates on Days When No One Will Watch
[image: democrats] The Democratic National Committee, which organizes the party’s primary debates, has faced accusations of scheduling them on dates that will receive poor viewership in an attempt to protect frontrunner Hillary Clinton. DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz has denied these claims. There... Continue reading *“Democrats Scheduled Debates on Days When No One Will Watch”* at *vox.com*.
Has College Jumped the Shark?
[image: University of Missouri, college] In Tuesday's Republican debate, Senator Marco Rubio offered one of the more memorable lines of the night: “For the life of me, I don't know why we have stigmatized vocational education," he said, discussing ways to boost American wages. "Welders... more »
7 Surprising Foods That Will Boost Your Immune System This Winter
[image: mixed beans] As temperatures start to drop, the chances of catching a cold start to rise. And as we enter the holiday season, illness is one thing we can certainly do without. Keeping our immune system in tip-top shape becomes even more... Continue reading *“7 Surprising Foods That Will Boost Your Immune System This Winter”* at *verilymag.com*.
Why Ted Cruz Gets No Respect
[image: Ted Cruz] Ted Cruz gets no respect. At least no respect in keeping with the impressiveness of the campaign he’s built and his increasing odds of winning the Republican nomination. The press and the political class are beginning to catch on to... more »
New Dallas Ordinance Welcomes Men into Women’s Bathrooms (Warning: Language)
[image: Dallas] The Dallas City Council voted unanimously to slip "gender identity" transgender specific language into an existing LGBT anti-discrimination ordinance on Tuesday. Councilman Philip Kingston insist the changes are not a "bathroom bill," even though the verbiage is alarmingly similar to the Houston equal rights ordinance that, less... Continue reading *“New Dallas Ordinance Welcomes Men into Women’s Bathrooms (Warning: Language)”* at *breitbart.com*.
Black Friday ramble, 13.11.15
And so it begins. Day 1, the WACA test, and… *The WACA Bingo Game* – Smokie, FOOTY ALMANAC Peter Dunne grows a spine we never knew he had, and tells Australians what the real issues are here. *Kiwis attack us over our Christmas Island "Guantanamo"* – THE AGE Yes, bike helmet laws are impervious to evidence. *The Latest Evidence That Helmet Laws Don't Help Bike Safety* – CITYLAB “Phil Twyford’s bill banning foreigners from buying existing New Zealand houses has been drawn from the ballot. I just have a hard time seeing the point.” *Ban foreign buyers?* – Eric Crampton, THE SAND P... more »
US Flies Two B-52 Bombers Near Disputed Islands Claimed By China In The South China Sea
*Reuters*: *U.S. bombers flew near China-built island in South China Sea: Pentagon* Two U.S. B52 strategic bombers flew near artificial Chinese-built islands in the South China Sea this week and were contacted by Chinese ground controllers but continued their mission undeterred, the Pentagon said on Thursday. The latest U.S. patrol in the disputed South China Sea occurred in advance of President Barack Obama's visit to the region next week to attend Asia-Pacific summits where he is expected the reassert Washington's commitment to freedom of navigation and overflight in the area. ... more »
"We are an army!"
Have a listen to Michelle R. Michelle at the Common Core session in Syracuse, NY on 11/10/15. You won't regret the 4 minutes spent!
Does Intelligent Design Stand Athwart the History of Science, Yelling ‘Stop?’
[image: Steam Locomotive 765] An emotionally powerful argument against recognizing intelligent design in nature is that it seems to place you in the position of standing athwart history yelling Stop! ID begins by acknowledging that in probing the origins of life and of the... Continue reading *“Does Intelligent Design Stand Athwart the History of Science, Yelling ‘Stop?’”* at *evolutionnews.org*.
Apple Boss: Next Generation of Children ‘Will Not Know What Money Is’
[image: death of cash] The next generation of children born in Britain “will not know what money is”, the boss of Apple has predicted. Tim Cook, the chief executive of technology giant Apple, forecast the death of cash by the time current university students... Continue reading *“Apple Boss: Next Generation of Children ‘Will Not Know What Money Is’”* at *telegraph.co.uk*.
Here Are the 26 Most ‘Faith-Friendly’ Companies to Shop This Christmas
[image: Faith Driven Consumer Logo - 900] A new Christian-based consumer organization that ranks companies based on their friendliness toward people of faith released a Christmas "Best in Class" list, hoping to have a major impact on where people spend their money this holiday season. Topping the... more »
Students at Minnesota College Fear 9/11 Remembrance Could Violate ‘Safe Spaces’
[image: America students - 400] On Tuesday, November 10, the Minnesota Student Association (MSA)-the undergraduate student government at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (UMN)- rejected a resolution for a moment of recognition on future anniversaries of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. Theo Menon, the... Continue reading *“Students at Minnesota College Fear 9/11 Remembrance Could Violate ‘Safe Spaces’”* at *campusreform.org*.
ISIS Releases Video Threatening to Attack Russia ‘Very Soon’
[image: ISIS video threatening russia - 400] ISIS on Thursday purportedly released a video and audio statement threatening to attack Russia “very soon.” In the nearly five-minute long video, a chant in Russian is heard over visual compilations of old ISIS propaganda and generic video of Russian... Continue reading *“ISIS Releases Video Threatening to Attack Russia ‘Very Soon’”* at *cnn.com*.
Nov.12: A very dangerous situation.
Why did Britain and the U.S. both announce very shortly after a Russian airliner crashed in Sinai that it was done by a bomb, and probably shipped aboard as luggage? Why do both say it was done by Muslim terrorists? At the time, no Americans or British had seen the wreck. Russians who did see it said they didn't know what caused it. Even today, they say it COULD have been a bomb. Others say it could have been rocket fired from the ground. Worse, it could have been a British rocket, one of many weapons supplied to terrorists by the U.S. and Britain. Putin has said little. But we can b... more »
"The Universe: A Journey from Earth to the Edge of the Cosmos"
"The Universe: A Journey from Earth to the Edge of the Cosmos" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EIxAPFYDsnQ
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Across the heart of the Virgo Cluster of Galaxies lies a striking string of galaxies known as Markarian's Chain. The chain, pictured below, is highlighted on the upper right with two large but featureless lenticular galaxies, M84 and M86. Prominent to their lower left is a pair of interacting galaxies known as The Eyes. *Click image for larger size.* The home Virgo Cluster is the nearest cluster of galaxies, contains over 2000 galaxies, and has a noticeable gravitational pull on the galaxies of the Local Group of Galaxies surrounding our Milky Way Galaxy. The center of the Virgo C... more »
Chet Raymo, “We Are Such Stuff...”
*“We Are Such Stuff...”* by Chet Raymo “Be not afeard; the isle is full of noises, Sounds and sweet airs, that give delight, and hurt not. Sometimes a thousand twangling instruments Will hum about mine ears, and sometimes voices, That, if I then had wak'd after long sleep, Will make me sleep again.” "Caliban is talking to Stephano and Trinculo in Shakespeare's “Tempest”, telling them not to be "afeard" of the mysterious place they find themselves, an island seemingly beset with magic, strangeness, ineffable presences. And you and I, and, yes, all of us, find ourselves inexplicably th... more »
Paulo Coelho, “May We All Be Forgotten”
*“May We All Be Forgotten”* by Paulo Coelho “In the monastery of Sceta, Abbot Lucas gathered the brothers together for a sermon. ‘May you all be forgotten,’ he said. ‘But why?’ one of the brothers asked. ‘Does that mean that our example can never serve to help someone in need?’ ‘In the days when everyone was just, no one paid any attention to people who behaved in an exemplary manner,’ replied the abbot. ‘Everyone did their best, never thinking that by behaving thus they were doing their duty by their brother. They loved their neighbor because they understood that this was part of ... more »
The Most Revealing Debate Yet
[image: MILWAUKEE, WI - NOVEMBER 10: Presidential candidate Donald Trump (4th L) speaks with Ohio Governor John Kasich (L-R), Jeb Bush, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Ben Carson, Ted Cruz (R-TX), Carly Fiorina, and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) take part in the Republican Presidential Debate sponsored by Fox Business and the Wall Street Journal at the Milwaukee Theatre November 10, 2015 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The fourth Republican debate is held in two parts, one main debate for the top eight candidates, and another for four other candidates lower in the current polls.] WASHINGTON -- The Republi... more »
The Poet: Octavio Paz, “Brotherhood"
*“Brotherhood"* "I am a man: little do I last and the night is enormous. But I look up: the stars write. Unknowing I understand: I too am written, and at this very moment someone spells me out." - Octavio Paz
Army Capt. Florent A. Groberg Receives Medal of Honor in White House Ceremony
*Department of Defense*: *Army Captain Receives Medal of Honor in White House Ceremony* Retired U.S. Army Capt. Florent "Flo" Groberg was born in Poissy, France, May 8, 1983. Groberg became a naturalized U.S. citizen, Feb. 27, 2001, and graduated from Walter Johnson High School in Bethesda, Md., in June of the same year. Groberg attended the University of Maryland, College Park (UMD) and competed in varsity track and cross country. In May 2006, Groberg graduated from UMD with a bachelor's degree in criminology and criminal justice. Groberg entered the Army in July 2008 and attend... more »
"The Chessboard"
"The chessboard is the world; the pieces are the phenomena of the universe; the rules of the game are what we call the laws of Nature. The player on the other side is hidden from us. We know that his play is always fair, and patient. But also we know, to our cost, that he never overlooks a mistake, or makes the smallest allowance for ignorance.
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