TodayThe most popular stories in your feedly today
Dad and son dress as each other for Halloween, look exactly the same
This may be the ultimate father-son Halloween costume. Imgur user jschu2711 writes that a friend and the friend's father used Halloween as an excuse to demonstrate their uncanny resemblance. After snapping a photo of themselves in their normal dress, they switched clothes and applied some truly impressive face paint. See also: 21 dads who are still adjusting to parenthood The result: View post on
David Attenborough's narration massively improves Adele's 'Hello' video
There are few things in this world that can't be improved by the glorious voiceover narration of Sir David Attenborough, and music videos are certainly no exception. During an appearance on BBC Radio 1, host Greg James set Attenborough the challenge of narrating the opening 90 seconds of Adele's new track Hello. Obviously, being the legend he is, he rose to the occasion. See also: This is what
Man builds message-receiving 'time machine'
A physics professor is constructing a time machine capable of picking up messages from the future. When it comes to science fiction technologies, time...
Antarctica gaining more ice than it's losing
A new NASA study has called in to question what we know of global warming and rising sea levels. For many years scientists have been warning that the ...
Interview 1105 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
[audio mp3=""][/audio]This week on the New World Next Week: The placebo effect is increasing and scientists don't know why; the University of Washington's Center for Human Rights is burgled after they sue the CIA; and Iceland continues to jail the banksters who broke the law (imagine that!).
It’s Time to Phase Out Potent Greenhouse Gases in Our Air Conditioning Units
Chemicals in cooling and refrigeration systems can have a far greater climate impact than carbon dioxide
Protecting the Sacred Land and Water of the Everglades
In Conversation: Houston R. Cypress (Yahalétke)
EPA Slow to Halt Use of Toxic Pesticide Endosulfan
Subject to a gradual phase-out rather than an outright ban, "DDT's cousin" is still being used in the United States
Florida’s First Black Bear Hunt in Decades Wipes Out Nearly 300 Bears
Wildlife officials end the season after just two days as hunters exceed regional quotas
IS THE BBC BIASED? // actions
Bring back the wolves!
The extent to which the BBC is in hock to 'the Green Blob' is a fascinating question. I was thinking about that only last night in relation to the BBC's natural history unit. Watching Chris Packham's Autumnwatch Unsprung, there was an interview with environmentalist and Guardian columnist George Monbiot about re-wilding - i.e. bringing back cranes, storks, lynx and wolves (etc) into the UK. Chris
Citizen Khan
I really haven't watched BBC One's Citizen Khan very much - though I used to enjoy the character of Mr Khan on Bellamy's People (and on Radio 4's Down the Line), from which the show sprang. Though I have laughed at some of its jokes (especially after having downed a fair amount of non-halal wine to celebrate the end of {Friday prayers} the working week), I've unfortunately never quite found it fun
Blood on the floor
That ferocious bulldog on behalf of the licence fee paying public, Roger 'the Beeb-slayer' Bolton, viciously sunk his teeth into a BBC Middle East correspondent on this week's Feedback.The BBC's Kevin Connolly was left bleeding on the studio floor......or maybe not. Make that 'very much not' in fact. Typically for Feedback (unlike Samira Ahmed on Newswatch), Uncle Roger chose to vigorously lick th
Nick Cohen stands up for the BBC
Nick Cohen has written a passionate defence of the BBC in today's Observer. I will attempt to summarise it as fully and fairly as I can:The BBC is in trouble. Though it's one of the most trusted institutions in Britain, the BBC is becoming politically isolated. The Tories are after it. UKIP are after it. The SNP are after it. The Corbynistas are after it. They all want to see the BBC beaten into s
"Hardly anything is known of it except its fame"
Via Orange Crate Art, two wonderful paragraphs by Alberto Manguel at the New York Times.Plato, in the “Timaeus,” says that when one of the wisest men of Greece, the statesman Solon, visited Egypt, he was told by an old priest that the Greeks were like mere children because they possessed no truly ancient traditions or notions “gray with time.” In Egypt, the priest continued proudly, “there is noth
#Rolls4Strolls: Let's put an RV back on Victoria's sex-work strolls
Fundraising was never my thing in my journalist years, and I felt very awkward about it back in 2004 when I realized that as the new executive director of Peers Victoria, fundraising was going to be one of the most important parts of my job.But there quickly came a point in those early fundraising days where I realized that I didn't mind asking people for money, because I knew just how important t
Digital Image of the Ramey Memo
There has been some discussion that suggests our research into the Ramey memo has been accomplished behind closed doors in a manner similar to the way the Not Roswell Slides were investigated. While we certainly did arrange with those at the University of Texas – Arlington to make new scans of the negative, it was not for sinister purposes. Arrangements, which including several experts in forensic
Ramey Memo and Victims of the Wreck
We have been privileged to learn the importance of the Ramey memo based not on the research currently underway but on the opinion that there is no alien visitation so that there is nothing in the memo to lead in that direction. We’re told that even if it says, “Victims of the wreck,” as many UFO researchers suggest, it doesn’t mean that what fell was alien. It seems that we should just give up bec
Chasing More Footnotes
Richard DolanGiven that we have been discussing some of the testimony from Bill Brazel, and since most of that information came from interviews that Don Schmitt and I conducted on a number of occasion both in person and over the telephone, I thought we’ve make another run on chasing footnotes. In UFOs and the National Security State by Richard Dolan, he wrote, “Bill also claimed that sometime afte
Kepler's Discovery of an Alien Civilization?
Back around 1960 Frank Drake proposed an idea to search for alien civilizations by looking for their radio signals. He thought that any technological society would have developed some form of electromagnetic communication, and any technologically advanced society would realize that the best place to announce their existence was in a specific range of frequencies known then as “the waterhole.” Drak
There Is No Oldham West By-Election Purge
Appalling bad journalism is par the course for The Telegraph these days, and this idiocy from James Kirkup on the Oldham West Labour shortlist is no exception. Screaming, Daily Mail-stylee that "With an icepick in Oldham, Jeremy Corbyn's purge of Labour has begun", things must be very serious indeed. Except, of course, they're not.As was announced earlier, the four to make the Oldham Wes
Local Council By-Elections October 2015
PartyNumber of CandidatesTotal Vote%+/- SeptAverage/contest+/- Sept+/-SeatsConservative 3016,612 27.6% +2.4% 554 +23 0Labour 2614,137 23.5% -5.6% 544 -127 0LibDem 21 7,714 12.8% +4.1% 367 +129 0UKIP 17 3,117 5.2% -3.1% 183 -29 0Green 19 2,999 5.0% -2.2% 159 -130 0SNP* 811,524 19.1% +4.1% 1,441 -338 0PC** 1 780 1.3% -0.1% 780 +271 0
Germaine Greer and the Performance of Womanhood
Ah, Germaine Greer. When we last visited what she had become a couple of years ago, it was on the occasion of some ill-judged remarks about rape. That in mind, what are we to make of attempts to no platform her from giving a talk at Cardiff University because of her transphobic view of trans people, and transwomen in particular? Is it merely another sorry symptom of the censorious spectre stalking
Shadow of the Beast for the Commodore 64
It's the time of year YouTube video game channels jump on the Hallowe'en bandwagon, so there's no reason why this blog should be any different. As an all-round wuss when it comes to horror, there will be no latter day zombie games or their like here. Instead, I'm delving back to the past, to a time when scary games were ... not that scary, actually. One such game is Shadow of the Beast, a game tha
A WAY TO LIVE // actions
Almost nothing
While the garden mostly fallows, I have been broadening out my activities a bit. There are many new poems at Collected Poems and some new observations at Journal of a Zenista, but these are sit-down activities.The main effort has been to walk more, for which there are a lot of attractive opportunities close by. Every day, of course, there is walking the dog, and sometimes I take him with me to pla
Planned Parenthood TX Abortion Apprentice Taught Partial-Birth Abortion to "Strive For" Intact Heads...
what the hell happened to this young woman to make her so evil?She actually says, "I have so much respect for development" when referring to the bodies of aborted babies. Perhaps a hundred thousand dollars or more spent on an education so she can spend her time aborting babies? The videos in order:There are some other videos not listed here which are mainly discussions with various PP d
Removed: Photographer Removes Phones From His Photos To Show How Terribly Addicted We’ve Become
I find the sight of people walking around with their noses in their phones very dismaying. I think this photographer perfectly captures the idiocy of misused technology.American photographer Eric Pickersgill removed the smartphones and digital devices from his portraits of everyday life. The project “Removed” aims to show our addiction to technology and hyper-connectivity, and Pickersgill knows th
The British PM, the Middle East, and human rights
Who or what is stopping David Cameron from doing the 'right thing' in the Middle East?
UK: Bake-offs, hijabs, and attacks against Muslim women
Headscarves have become more prominent in the UK, and Islamophobic assaults on women wearing them are on the rise.
Deadly cyclone triggers heavy flooding in Yemen
Chapala makes landfall in southeastern provinces of Hadramawt and Shabwa, having killed three on the island of Socotra.
FBI website to prevent 'extremism' targets US Muslims
Rights groups say Islam-focused interactive website designed for schools amounts to racial and religious profiling.
As Greenland Melts / Gulf Stream Cools
Greenland Ice sheet melting downFor years, scientists have studied the impact of global warming on the Greenland Ice sheets but now on the ground researchers are documenting the full impact of the melting of Greenland's ice sheet, one of the biggest and fastest-melting chunks of ice on Earth ~ which could eventually increase sea levels by about 20 feet as well as permanently alter the Gulf
Trudeau'S Election A Shot Across The Neocon Bow
Justin Trudeau of the Liberal Party and his wife before giving his victory speech in Montreal, Canada.Connect the dots, Bernie Sanders in the U.S, Jeremy Corbyn in the UK and now Trudeau in Canada ~ a massive shot has been fired across the bow of the all-powerful global neo conservative corporate state and it's gaining momentum ~ for the people are tired of war, of being ignored and they
On Being In The Field
There is another source of awareness, it is the subtle awareness of an inner direction which is bigger than ourselves, our hopes and our fears ~ it is the inner call of a state of soul consciousness deepest within us all ~ a Unified Field of love and soul consciousness which calls us into service from an egoless place of joy, intention, purpose and delight: Allen L Roland, PhD“Out bey
Updated 11/2/2015: SPHERE ALLIANCE MESAGE #109 A New Large Wave of Energy Arrives
SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #112 Structure of the Earth, Argartha, Bali, Telos, and Germans living underground
[11/2/15, 11:47:07 PM] AK/Terran: AK: Can the data collectors describe the general structure of the earth? Is it hollow as some claim? Are there argathans inside? Is there an inner star? Why were the so called ascended masters said to reside there?[11/3/15, 1:15:04 AM] DEAR ONE/AK/TERRAN THE EARTH IS NOT COMPLETELY SPHERICAL BUT MORE OBLONGATED CAUSED BY THE SPIN. THE INTERIOR OF THE EARTH IS NOT
Carlos Santana: While My Guitar Gently Weeps... "I don't know why nobody told you how to unfold your love..."
Lyrics: While My Guitar Gently WeepsI look at you allsee the love there that's sleepingWhile my guitar gently weepsI look at the floorand I see it need sweepingStill my guitar gently weepsI don't know why nobody told youhow to unfold your loveI don't know how someone controlled youthey bought and sold youI look at the world and I notice it's turningWhile my guitar gently weepsWith every mistake we
SPHERE ALLIANCE MESAGE #107 WHO IS "WHITE SPIRITUAL BOY"? SASHA'S FRIEND GENERAL MICHAEL TSAO,Status of Neil Keenan, Condensation/Compression of the Cosmos/Realms Count of Merged/Anchored Spheres
The purported "Spiritual White Boy" 5 Star General of the Financial Systems and Sasha Stone NOTE: I have been unable to independently verify a retired General Tsao exists in Indoesia.[10/28/15, 9:39:17 AM] AK/Terran: [10/28/15, 1:31:59 AM] Terran: AK: Who is Whi
The Catholic Church and the Bomb
Note to ACW readers: This week, guest contributor Hannah Haegeland continues a series of posts on the morality of nuclear deterrence. Strategic modernization programs, which are proceeding on a significant scale in the United States, Russia, China, Pakistan, and India, are grounded in concepts of nuclear deterrence that are alien to all religious traditions. Periodic reminders appear warranted. Ha
Missile Defense Intercept Test at Korla?
Over the weekend many residents in Xinjiang Province posted pictures on Chinese social media sites of a mysterious event in the sky. Rather quickly online commentators began to speculate that this event was a missile defense test from the Korla Missile Test Complex. Over the past year Jeffrey and I have discussed this facility here and here, so a possible test (with pictures no less!) naturally
Russian Cruise Missiles Revisited
There have been two Russian cruise missiles in the news lately. One is a ground-launched cruise missile that apparently violates the 1987 Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, the other is a sea-launched cruise missile that Russia recently fired against targets in Syria. Both of these cruise missiles are made by the same firm, Novator. I have a sneaking suspicion that they are closely relate
Humanitarian Consequences (Cont.)
[See the previous post. -Ed.] Yes, every kind of weapon, if used against noncombatants, can violate the humanitarian laws of warfare. But nuclear detonations add a whole new scale to this problem. A single mushroom cloud, except under highly particular circumstances, will violate the humanitarian laws of warfare. And, if a single detonation triggers more detonations and all Hell breaks loose, even
BUCKDOG // actions
Saskatoon City Police Tell PM Trudeau To Shove His Pot Legalization Plans 'you know where' !!
Reasonable persons would look at the results of the recent federal election and determine that change is going to happen with Canada's existing marijuana laws. These same reasonable individuals would deduct that perhaps application of the old, about to change law, should be tempered with some relaxed enforcement. Not in Saskatoon. Nope. Mindless and ruthless adherence to heavy handed policing cont
Canada is going to throw a Right Wing Autocratic tyrant out of the Prime Minister's Office today !!!
"Canada is a Northern European welfare state in the worst sense of the term, and very proud of it. Canadians make no connection between the fact that they are a Northern European welfare state and the fact that we have very low economic growth, a standard of living substantially lower than yours, a massive brain drain of young professionals to your country, and double the unemployment rate o
Economic News , Data & Views ( November 3 , 2015 ) --- Quick Look S : Market Moving News Around The Horn in Europe And For China ! Overview And Odds & Ends At The Top Of the Post !
Overview .....Jonathan Ferro @FerroTV 4h4 hours agoMorning Note: 1. VW scandal spreading? 2. StanChart to cut 15k jobs + raise £3.3bln. 3. RBA does nothing #AUDUSD MacroTourist @Gloeschi 13m13 minutes ago#COMEX #gold futures open interest at 200x the amount of registered gold in warehouses The Telegraph @Telegraph 16m16 minutes agoSyrian rebels using caged pro-Assad captives as 'human shield
Economic News , Data & Views ( October 11, 2015 ) - Europe In Focus : Spain December Elections items - Ciudadanos on the rise , Podemos sinking ; Draghi on Greece debt relief - " Greece needs an element " ; Ankara bomb blast repercussions ; Refugee crisis items of the day ; Ukraine and Russia in focus ; Central Banks / ECB / EZ items of the morning ; Brexit news & views !
Broader Europe....The Local Spain @TheLocalSpain 9m9 minutes agoCiudadanos strives to occupy the political centre … Russian Market @russian_market 22m22 minutes agoGreece Needs Element of Debt Relief, Draghi Says: KathimeriniRussian Market @russian_market 29m29 minutes agoEU Officia
Economic News , Data & views ( October 9 , 2015 ) .... Europe Updates ( Greece Banks subsidiaries consolidation / disposal being examined by EC , Prior actions for Greece and related items of note , Refugee situation in Europe , Industrial production data - Greece / France / Italy / Finland , UK exports ) ...... Overnight Asia Updates ( China , Japan EM currencies trending stronger on dollar weakness , Standard Charter job cuts , TPP in focus , Odds & ends )
Morning Tweets......Manos Giakoumis @ManosGiakoumis 3m3 minutes ago#EC examines consolidation of #Greece bank subsidiaries in SEE by end-2015 and disposal by end-2016 (via @kathimerini_gr) #economy #bankingVincenzo Scarpetta @LondonerVince 10m10 minutes agoNew @ZDF poll confirms shift in German public sentiment on refugees. 51% now say Germany can't cope with influx. Jonathan Ferro @FerroTV
Economic News , Data & views ( October 8 , 2015 ) - Around The Horn Quickly In Europe ( ECB and BOE Minutes out , ECB Bond Buying Program failing so far to prop up inflation , Rome City Council Quits , Data & News of note from Greece / Sweden / Italy , France / Germany / Finland / Ukraine / Russia ) ..... Asia and Emerging Market News & Data ( China , Brazil , Japan , Brazil , Indonesia )
Morning Tweets !Europe.....RANsquawk @RANsquawk 26m26 minutes agoNothing massively ground breaking in the #ECB minutes - full statement here: …RANsquawk @RANsquawk 54m54 minutes ago#BoE leaves rates on hold as expected.... full minutes here: …Holger Zschaepit
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