The Islamic State's Propaganda Arm Is More Important Than Its Fighters
*Greg Miller and Souad Mekhennet, Washington Post:* *Inside the surreal world of the Islamic State’s propaganda machine* RABAT, MOROCCO — The assignments arrive on slips of paper, each bearing the black flag of the Islamic State, the seal of the terrorist group’s media emir, and the site of that day’s shoot. “The paper just gives you the location,” never the details, said Abu Hajer al Maghribi, who spent nearly a year as a cameraman for the Islamic State. Sometimes the job was to film prayers at a mosque, he said, or militants exchanging fire. But, inevitably, a slip would come wi... more »
Republicans Wasting Millions Of Dollars On Useless, Perhaps Counterproductive, TV Ads-- Poor Jeb
A few cycles ago the Blue America PAC used to spend money on TV and radio ads. It didn't take us long to figure what a useless scam that kind of advertising is, especially considering that the TV stations rarely even play the full ads they're charging so much for. But that isn't the only reason why we've come to the conclusion they're a colossal waste of our contributors' money and why we stopped making them years ago and instead have found more effective ways to support our candidates. Reporting yesterday for, ironically ABC-News, Matthew Dowd feels that the Republican candidates... more »
*100 Views of Life at Stony Run Farm * Photos from 1993 to 2015 in chronological order, showing the sweep and cycle of the seasons on a small exurban homestead. It's a little heavy on the last seven years, which is when I finally had what you might call a camera. Oh, well.
BBC's Error-ridden, pro-China backgrounder on the Taiwan-China issue
[image: LanyuDanno_2015_356] *Needed a Lanyu pic to stay calm for this blogpost.* Wow. Talk about failure. BBC produces a comprehensive failure of the kind rarely seen, at once totally incompetent and completely unethical. Those of you who wonder why I always say BBC is institutionally pro-China, need look no further. I thought we might expect this kind of thing when the UK became a Chinese State-Owned Enterprise... So brace for an all-points fisk, dear reader. Gonna be a long one... Let's start with the slanted title: *What's behind the China-Taiwan divide?* There is no "divide" be... more »
BWorld 27, The rich getting richer, the poor getting middle class
* This is my article in BusinessWorld last November 19, 2015. There are plenty of papers circulating and arguing that the increased integration of the Philippines into the regional and global economy will result in the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer. How true is this statement? Has the Philippines’ membership in the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) improved the lives of its ordinary citizens? Without going through the long and technical procedures in typical academic papers, this paper will check certain data and parameters to see if the above statement is... more »
Military Photo of the Day: November 22, 2015
[image: B2 Bomber initial rollout ceremony 1988 - 900] “In the presence of members of Congress and the media, the Northrop B-2 "stealth" bomber is shown publicly for the first time at Air Force Plant 42 in Palmdale, California. The aircraft, which was developed in great secrecy for nearly... more »
Is Ukraine Supplying Anti-Aircraft Missiles To The Islamic State?
© Photo: Youtube/PressTV News Videos *Mashable:* *Kuwait arrest raises specter of Ukraine black market as source of arms for ISIS* The arrest in Kuwait of a Lebanese man with ties to the Islamic State has raised the specter that Ukraine's notorious illicit arms market may be a source of weapons for the the militant group. One senior Ukrainian official with access to intelligence agency reports told Mashable on Friday that it is "plausible" the man, arrested by Kuwaiti authorities on Thursday, had obtained FN-6 surface-to-air missile systems he admitted to getting from a broker in ... more »
Energy 49, Malaysia's and Singapore's bright nights and nat gas power
I was in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, last Sunday-Tuesday, for the IPRI 2015 launching + other visits arranged by IDEAS and SEANET. It was my second visit in KL this year, I was there last April for another SEANET event. My 5+pm return MAS flight to Manila (arrival should have been 9:20pm) on Tuesday was cancelled, should be due to additional APEC security measures in Manila. I needed to go back home, so IDEAS got a new ticket for me, KL-SG-Mla via SG Air. Left KL Tuesday at 9:45pm, left SG at 12:20am, Manila by 4:30am. So, I was able to see KL and suburbs at night from the air as I took... more »
Elaine J. Cohen : METRO EVENT | Women, fair trade… and tamales
By Elaine J. Cohen | The Rag Blog | November 20, 2015 Event: Women and Fair Trade Festival Date: Saturday-Sunday, Nov. 21-22, 2015 Time: Saturday, 10-6 p.m.; Sunday, 1-6 p.m. Where: Howsen Hall, First Unitarian Universalist Church of Austin Address: … finish reading Elaine J. Cohen : *METRO EVENT* | Women, fair trade… and tamales
Iranian F-14 Tomcats Escort A Russian Tu-95 Bomber During An Air Strike In Syria (Video)
*The Aviationist*: *Watch this video of Iranian F-14 Tomcats escorting a Russian Tu-95 bomber during air strike in Syria* Something really interesting details have been exposed by the material released by Russia’s MoD lately. Indeed, as you can see in the video below, IRIAF (Islamic Republic of Iran Air Force) F-14 Tomcat interceptors escorted Russian Air Force Tu-95 Bear bombers flying in Iranian airspace during their 9h 30mins missions (from Engels airbase and back, along the Iraq-Iran-Caspian Sea 6,500 km-long corridor) against terrorist targets in Syria. *WNU Editor*: This is... more »
Russian President Putin: 'Russia's Isolation From The West Is Ending
*Wall Street Journal*: *Vladimir Putin Suggests Russia’s Isolation From the West Is Ending* *Russian president was center-stage at the G-20 summit following the Paris attacks.* MOSCOW—President Vladimir Putin was front and center at the Group of 20 summit in Turkey, where he made his case for deeper international partnerships in fighting Islamic State after the Paris terror attacks. “We proposed cooperation on antiterrorism; unfortunately our partners in the United States in the initial stage responded with a refusal,” Mr. Putin said. “But life indeed moves on, often very quickly... more »
Why I Stand For God, Canada, And Free Speech, NOT Israel! By Arthur Topham
Last week Canada suffered a major set back in its battle to have true free speech rights restored to the Canadian citizens when Arthur Topham, who has been fighting an uphill battle against Jewish tyrannical control over the Canadian nation, lost on one count of "inciting hate" in a kangaroo courtroom in Quesnel British Columbia.... Basically the entire trial that Arthur endured was a farce and the Jewish power elite that control Canada was never going to surrender their control... Meaning that Arthur was absolutely "guilty" no matter what defense he presented.... Now over a week af... more »
VIDEO: Women Speak for Climate Justice on Road to COP 21
Casey Camp, Ponca
Russia New Cruise Missile Gives It A Global And Stealthy Aerial Strike Capability
*David Axe, Daily Beast*: *Putin Blasts Syria With New Stealth Missile—and Shows the World He Can Strike From 1,700 Miles Away* It wasn’t that long ago that the U.S. Air Force seemed to be the only one capable of attacking from half a continent away. Then came Russia’s ‘anti-ISIS’ strikes. Russia apparently deployed for the first time a new, radar-evading cruise missile during its massive Nov. 17 heavy bomber raid on Syria. The Kh-101 long-range cruise missile, which reportedly packs an 800-pound warhead and can fly no less than 1,700 miles under satellite guidance, has been in d... more »
I guess It Sounds Better To Say Dr. Ben Is An Idiot Savant Than Pointing Out That He's Just Incredibly Dumb
But, man is this guy an idiot. And you thought Trump was a moron? Well, Trump is moron, of course, and just about as ignorant as Dr. Ben. They are both representin' though. This is exactly what the dumbed down, Foxified Republican Party base wants. Remember, according to a PPP survey released yesterday, 79% of Republican primary voters-- despite 9/11-- think George W. Bush kept us safe. And that is 79%, not 7.9%. But, if normal people aren't careful the Democrats will nominate a fatally flawed establishment shill that no one wants to vote for and we could actually wind up with som... more »
That Feathered Thing
This fall I finally visited the Storm King Art Center, an enormous rambling sculpture park north of New York City I have driven past many times, on my way to somewhere else, wishing I had time to stop. It is debatable whether some of the gigantic pieces enhance the landscape - or detract from the rolling hills and forest... ...but some were thought provoking, and powerful - conjuring thoughts about deep time and our place in the universe. It was the last day of a special exhibit of whimsical fountains. Even though these are made of petroleum-derived plastic, I admired the bright, gar... more »
Tarpley On The Paris Attacks: Not A False Flag
* Photo Source: ABC.* *An excerpt from, "ISIS Must Be Quickly Destroyed to Prevent Degenerate Elites from Using Its Terrorism to Impose Police-State Dictatorships in the Western World" Tarpley.net, November 20, 2015: * The French police have now gone three for three when it comes to eliminating suspects who might have become extremely effective witnesses in the dismantling of terrorist networks. *They may realize they are protecting Saudi Arabia and Turkey, or they may be trying to protect the mechanisms of state-sponsored terrorism.* *The ongoing attempts at analysis of this even... more »
Nov. 20: Brief explanation.
The real post for Nov. 20 is below this one. In the real November 20 post, I apoplogize for errors and for the tiny print in the post. For the last month or so, my computer has been giving me problems I've never had before. In writing the Nov. post, it was astonished at the miniature print and the meanningless letters scattered through it. But when I tried to correct them, the screen just turned pink. Thus, I tried publishing without taking out the garbage letters. So I decided to make no corrections, even to my errors, and to publish it with an apology at the start. To my amazement,... more »
`Nov. 20: Problems
Strange things have been happening to my computer in the last month. One of them is the tiny print on this page. All the problems are different, and all are problems I have never had before. I have no malware. This page has small print, and lots of garbage lettering. I am beginning to think I must be somebody's target. The major part of this blog is a look at the origins and financing of ISIL. There are surprises in it. On page A4, fearless Irving reporters dig deep to reveal the salaries of First Nations Chiefs, and how they're getting six-figure salaries. The story makes quite a f... more »
Tonight's Movie Is 'Home of the Brave' (2006 film)
From *Wikipedia*: Home of the Brave is a 2006 drama film following the lives of four Army National Guard soldiers in Iraq and their return to the United States. *WNU Editor:* This movie bombed in the theatres .... but here it is.
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 20, 2015
Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak and President Obama met Friday in Kuala Lumpur. Jonathan Ernst/Reuters *Howard LaFranchi, CSM:* *At summit, Obama to defend slow-and-steady strategy on Islamic State* *President Obama says the summit of Southeast Asian nations in Malaysia this weekend will focus on countering Islamic State extremists.* WASHINGTON — President Obama says the summit of Southeast Asian nations he’s attending in Malaysia this weekend will focus on countering Islamist extremism in the wake of the Islamic State’s attacks in Paris last week. But don’t expect announceme... more »
Abortion: Once and For All
My entire blogging career -- if you can call something that doesn't pay a "career" -- has been conducted during the Dark Ages. It started back at Birth Pangs, now sadly gone but snippets have been saved at the WayBack Machine (hours of fun!). Birth Pangs was focussed on reproductive rights just about exclusively. We created DJ! in 2009. Our birthday was yesterday. With DJ! we spread our focus, but I -- and deBeauxOs to a lesser extent -- stayed on the repro rights beat. I've been thinking about what I want to do now that the Dark Ages are over and we don't have to remain constant... more »
Send Us Free Solar Panels Says Super-rich Qatar
By Paul Homewood h/t Joe Public http://www.climatechangenews.com/2015/11/20/super-rich-qatar-delivers-target-free-un-climate-pledge/ Qatar has now submitted its climate plan for Paris! Climate Home don’t seem too impressed: Qatar said it is braced for sea-level rise as the planet overheats, but will not accept carbon-cutting policies as they would risk its oil-based wealth. That was the message […]
John Kerry Boasts: We ‘Neutralized’ al-Qaeda. Hours Later, al-Qaeda Attacks Mali
[image: John Kerry - 400] The poor timing of Obama administration declarations continues today. Last night, Secretary of State John Kerry tried bolstering confidence in Barack Obama’s ISIS strategy by drawing a parallel to the fight against al-Qaeda. Kerry said the terror group was “neutralized”... Continue reading *“John Kerry Boasts: We ‘Neutralized’ al-Qaeda. Hours Later, al-Qaeda Attacks Mali”* at *hotair.com*.
Hotel Removes Bibles from Hotel After Atheist Activists Complain
[image: Hotel Bible - 400] During a recent stay at the Holmes Student Center Hotel at Northern Illinois University in DeKalb, Illinois, atheist activists Annie Laurie Gaylor and Dan Barker "discovered" a Bible inside of their guest room -- something that they found both "inappropriate... Continue reading *“Hotel Removes Bibles from Hotel After Atheist Activists Complain”* at *theblaze.com*.
Philly Mayor: Single-Stall Bathrooms Can No Longer Say ‘Men’ or ‘Women’
[image: bathroom - 400] In the name of "equality," the mayor of Philadelphia approved a bill that rules out "men" and "women" as acceptable descriptors for single-stall bathrooms in both city-owned and privately owned facilities. The bill signed into law Thursday by Mayor Michael... Continue reading *“Philly Mayor: Single-Stall Bathrooms Can No Longer Say ‘Men’ or ‘Women’”* at *theblaze.com*.
Cartoon: ‘Refugee Roulette’
[image: Ramirez - 900 11-20-15]
What the terrorists want
When Craig and I first imagined this blog we envisaged a lively below-the-line commentariat, with brilliant ideas being batted back and forth good-humouredly. No we didn’t. We thought we’d be plagued by trolls, antisemites and fools. Maybe the absence of frantic and furious btl interactivity is a jolly good thing. I can’t remember why I started this, but I intended to apologise for the recent paucity of posts on this blog. Events seem to have prevented both of us from posting. While I was out of action someone stole my thoughts. Well, not just one person, several. I’m not the onl... more »
BBC’s Andrew Neil Explains French Culture To ISIS In A Few Words
Host of the BBC’s This Week program, Scotsman Andrew Neil, compares “Islamist Scumbags” (IS) with the French civilization. He calls ISIS “a bunch of loser jihadists” involved in “death cult barbarity” while crediting France with “Zizou Zidane,” and “crème brûlée.” The city of light will endure according to Andrew, and ISIS will loose, no mater what they throw at the French. The Mirror reports: In 1,000 years Paris will still be shining': Andrew Neil’s speech in full Welcome to This Week. The week in which a bunch of loser jihadists slaughtered 132 innocents in Paris to prove the fut... more »
men are pigs
men are pigs its an established fact there is not feast upon which they got a ticket for they will not eat and everyday in eveyway they are working on those points men are pigs and they want the trough and do not care because there are women in this world that never were underwere Find a pig an castrate him that should be every womens plan and how to to do that without chemical or the knife is your masterplan but I can testify its dooable I did it a lifetme with you
Pioneers get the arrows
Does your brain operate like mine with files and i cant take the time to update all the time Or are you OS direct and everything happens right now and for fossiles like me no time to react because the software and operating system is not Wsindow 10 and I love my pirate xP and it cost me a dollar teh So I am watching the world on Kodi and giving the finger to the man and still you want to come on my lawn and taunt me get t fuck off my lawn man I do not need your bullshit anymore you see I got solar panels and a rain recovry system so go fuck with the lizard brain of some pionere and let t... more »
Public Funding of Planned Parenthood Endorsed by AMA
[image: AMA - 400] The AMA meeting is now over. The delegates have left. The AMA has a clear message for America: "we are dead inside." By a 363-71 margin, the AMA physician leaders stood against life itself, rejecting a call to defund the... Continue reading *“Public Funding of Planned Parenthood Endorsed by AMA”* at *crisismagazine.com*.
Paris Marks One Week Since ISIS Attack With ‘Noise and Light’
[image: A heart shaped with candles is pictured during a homage to the victims of a series of deadly attacks in Paris, at a memorial set-up near the Bataclan theatre in Paris, on November 20, 2015. Gunmen and suicide bombers went on a killing spree in Paris on November 13, attacking the concert hall Bataclan as well as bars, restaurants and the Stade de France. Islamic State jihadists operating out of Iraq and Syria released a statement claiming responsibility for the coordinated attacks that killed 130 and injured over 350. AFP PHOTO / BERTRAND GUAY (Photo credit should read BERTRA... more »
dead peole in Pais and the world
No need to commetn unless I have the ont the solutin not
EU Ministers To Tighten Border Controls In Response To Paris Attacks
EU officials have responded to the Paris attacks by ordering immediate vetting of all EU nationals for potential terrorism or criminal connections. It was announced on Friday that control at external European Union borders will be strengthened for all nationals, including those who benefit from the freedom of movement. All EU citizens entering or leaving the free-travel area, known as Schengen, will undergo “systematic” screening against pan-European databases. Internal border checks can also be enhanced “at request.” French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve told journalists in Br... more »
LIVE AIM West Conference Nov 21 -- 22, 2015 San Francisco
. AIM West 2015 will be live here, Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 21 -- 22, 2015 Livestream by Govinda of Earthcycles Video archives will play until session begins Saturday morning. Watch live streaming video from earthcycles at livestream.com Schedule information http://www.aim-west.org/ Welcome to the annual AIM-WEST Coast Conference! This year’s conference held in San
World News Briefs -- November 20, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*Daily Mail:* *Bodies lay piled up in pools of blood in gore-spattered corridors of Mali hotel where at least 27 hostages were slaughtered by jihadi gunmen* * Radison Blu hotel under attack by jihadists armed with AK-47s and hand grenades in Malian capital of Bamako * Up to 10 gunmen have taken dozens of hostages inside the Radisson hotel while 80 people have escaped unharmed * Gunmen spoke in English and tested hostages' knowledge of the Koran before allowing Muslim hostages to leave * Pentagon confirms that all 22 American nationals were rescued and unhurt following the hotel cr... more »
Russian Tu-160 Bombers Take The Long Route On Syrian Bombing Mission
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* *Daily Mail:* *Typhoon fighters scrambled from RAF Lossiemouth to intercept two Russian Tu-160 bombers on Syrian bombing mission* * Typhoons scrambled from RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland last night after Russian aircraft flew close to UK airspace * UK jets met two Russian Tu-160s capable of carrying 16 nuclear missiles which took an unusual route to Syria * The Russians made an 8,000-mile trip past Norway, Britain and Gibraltar as they headed to the Mediterranean Sea * After launching missiles to their target in Idlib, they flew over the Syrian city befor... more »
Tarjetas de amor y amistad con nombres de mujeres (Pide tu nombre)
Abajo de estas líneas, verás la cajita de comentarios de Facebook donde podrás solicitar el nombre que deseas. Si no aparece el cuadrito para comentar al instante, deberás esperar unos segundos... Buena suerte a todos... ¡Empezamos! P.D. Una vez que dejes tu nombre, puedes ir a nuestra página de Facebook para ver los avances y otras promociones. *Aquí mismo aparecerán los nombres ganadores un poco más tarde. Recuerde nuestra dirección web; www.fotofrontera.com
Tarjetas de cumpleaños con nombres (Pide el tuyo en los comentarios)
Abajo de estas líneas, verás la cajita de comentarios de Facebook donde podrás solicitar el nombre que deseas. Si no aparece el cuadrito para comentar al instante, deberás esperar unos segundos... Buena suerte a todos... ¡Empezamos! P.D. Una vez que dejes tu nombre, puedes ir a nuestra página de Facebook para ver los avances y otras promociones. *Aquí mismo aparecerán los nombres ganadores un poco más tarde. Recuerde nuestra dirección web; www.fotofrontera.com
Tokyo Cancels Japan Visit by UN Expert on Freedom of Expression
The Mainichi reported that Japan's government canceled the visit by UN special rapporteur on free speech. Unbelievable: Tokyo cancels Japan visit by U.N. expert on freedom of expression, The Mainichi, November 20, 2015, http://mainichi.jp/english/english/newsselect/news/20151120p2g00m0dm063000c.html TOKYO (Kyodo) -- A U.N. expert in charge of freedom of expression said Thursday the Japanese government has canceled his visit to the country scheduled for next month. David Kaye, U.N. special rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expressio... more »
The President’s Sanctimony on Syrian Refugees
[image: President Obama Addresses Georgetown U. Summit On Poverty] President Barack Obama has seen the enemy, and it is the refusal to accept more Syrian refugees. From the tone of his post-Paris remarks, you’d think that a sophisticated terrorist assault on a major Western city is a setback; sentiment... more »
School District to Pay $30,000 over Ban on Student’s Pro-Life Club
[image: West Career & Technical Academy - 400] The Clark County School District agreed to pay $30,000 to a Chicago-based law firm representing a West Career and Technical Academy student who was forbidden from starting an anti-abortion club. The Thomas More Society filed a lawsuit in August against... Continue reading *“School District to Pay $30,000 over Ban on Student’s Pro-Life Club”* at *reviewjournal.com*.
China Urges Joint Anti-Terror Efforts, but Reveals Little About Attacks on Its Soil
[image: Chinese - 400] In September, a group of knife-wielding men laid siege to a coal mine in China's far west, killing at least 11 civilians, three policemen and two paramilitary police officers -- a death toll greater than January's assault by Islamic terrorists on... Continue reading *“China Urges Joint Anti-Terror Efforts, but Reveals Little About Attacks on Its Soil”* at *latimes.com*.
Musical Interlude: Yiruma, “Moonlight”
Yiruma, “Moonlight” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99GyFmnH59s
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Is this galaxy trapped in a web of dust? No- it is far in the background. However, spiky stars and spooky shapes are abound in this deep cosmic skyscape. Its well-composed field of view covers about a Full Moon on the sky toward the constellation Pegasus. Of course the brighter stars show diffraction spikes, the commonly seen effect of internal supports in reflecting telescopes, and lie well within our own Milky Way galaxy. *Click image for larger size.* The faint but pervasive clouds of interstellar dust ride above the galactic plane and dimly reflect the Milky Way's combined starl... more »
Democrats Are Taking An Unnecessarily Big Risk With Hillary-- And For What?
Hillary has two positive things working in her favor: 1- she's a woman and America is long past do to elect a woman president; and 2- the Republicans are worse than she is. There are no other reasons for a progressive to vote for her and for people who think the lesser-of-two-evils is still evil, the Democrats' strategy will flop badly. I'm old and in my lifetime, we've never had a candidate like Bernie before, an opportunity for the change some Democrats naively thought Obama stood for. Tulchin Research, presumably hired by Bernie's campaign to survey the lay of the land came up ... more »
Can U.S. Special Forces Defeat The Islamic State In Syria And Iraq?
*Mike Rogers, CNN:* *Can Special Forces defeat ISIS in Syria and Iraq?* (CNN)President Obama said his current strategy on ISIS is working and that the death of 129 people in Paris is a "setback." He also said ISIS is contained, despite ISIS claiming credit for the downing of a Russian airliner over Egypt, the death of dozens in a bombing in Beirut, and the other 31 successful global attacks by ISIS and its affiliates this year. The recent announcement by the White House that not more than 50 special operations forces will be dispatched to help coordinate the fight against ISIS was... more »
Another State Moves to Strip Planned Parenthood of Funds
[image: Planned Parenthood6 - 900] Oklahoma Republican Gov. Mary Fallin ordered the Oklahoma Health Care Authority to terminate contracts with two Planned Parenthood affiliates Thursday, citing billing problems. Fallin said she made the decision because of problems with the two affiliates overcharging Oklahoma residents for services by... more »
"12 Rules for Being a Human Being"
*"12 Rules for Being a Human Being"* by Marc "Don’t try to be perfect. Just be an excellent example of being human. Here are a few things to keep in mind: *1. Growth requires pain.* Be patient and tough, someday this pain will be useful to you. Those with the strength to succeed in the long run are the ones who lay a firm foundation of growth with the bricks that life has thrown at them. So don’t be afraid to fall apart for a little while. Because when it happens, the situation will open an opportunity for you to grow and rebuild yourself into the brilliant person you are capable ... more »
The 1949 Roswell UFO Crash
The other day, as I was looking over some of my old files and interviews I found an interview that I had done nothing with at the time. At the risk of offending all those who get annoyed if I mention Roswell and accuse me of being obsessed with it, I thought this might be of interest. I remember nothing about this interview. It took place in late 1995 with Colonel Claude N. Burcky, who, in 1947 was a major assigned to the 390th Air Service Squadron. Claude N. Burcky I confirmed that I was talking to the right man and that he had been in Roswell in 1947 (though the Yearbook confirmed... more »
Friday: Cleanup in aisle 4...
*the one that holds all the tabs.* I wanted to comment on each of these, which only represent about half of the tabs I have open. Thing is, I slept in until 9am when I am usually up at 5am. So, here it is at 1:31pm and other than breakfast have not accomplished much of anything. I'm not even dressed. Arrrrgh So comments will be limited to one sentence. *I've been saying this for years:* Soopermexican: Here’s THREE Simple Things You Can Do Every Day To Help DISMANTLE The Mainstream Media!! *Take your children out of public indoctrination centers otherwise known as "schools.... more »
“Being a Human in This World, A Personal Credo”
*“Being a Human in This World, A Personal Credo” * by John Robbins “I am someone who works and prays for world peace. Perhaps you are, too. But our society is spending a billion dollars a day for war. I believe that inner peace is found when you love the world as it is, rather than faulting it for not living up to your expectations. I believe in forgiveness. I believe in accepting others for who they are. But I am part of a society that is spending far more on weapons of mass destruction and producing far more toxic waste than any other in the history of the world. I believe in br... more »
Chet Raymo, “The Journey”
*“The Journey”* by Chet Raymo "Here's a deep-deep sky map of the universe from the March 9, 2006 issue of Nature. The horizontal scale is a 360 view right around the sky; the vertical gaps at 6 hours and 24 hours are the parts of the universe that are blocked to our view by the disk of our own Milky Way Galaxy. The vertical scale - distance from Earth - is logarithmic (10, 100, 1000, etc.) measured in megaparsecs (a parsec equals 3.26 light-years). Across the top is the Big Bang, and the oldest and most distant thing we can see, the cosmic microwave background, the radiation of the... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Vienna, Wien, Austria. Thanks for stopping by.
The Poet: Denise Levertov, "Variation On A Theme By Rilke"
*"Variation On A Theme By Rilke"* ("The Book of Hours, Book I, Poem 1, Stanza 1") "A certain day became a presence to me; there it was, confronting me- a sky, air, light: a being. And before it started to descend from the height of noon, it leaned over and struck my shoulder as if with the flat of a sword, granting me honor and a task. The day's blow rang out, metallic- or it was I, a bell awakened, and what I heard was my whole self saying and singing what it knew: I can." ~ Denise Levertov
"Just What Suits Our Purposes..."
"No experience is a cause of success or failure. We do not suffer from the shock of our experiences, so-called trauma- but we make out of them just what suits our purposes." - Alfred Adler
CIA Chief Accuses Edward Snowden Of Undermining US Security
CIA director John Brennan, has lashed out at renowned NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden for ‘undermining the nation’s security’. Press TV reports: Addressing the Overseas Security Advisory Council’s annual meeting on Wednesday, Brennan accused Snowden of undermining US security and making it harder for intelligence officials to curb terror acts. “I think any unauthorized disclosures made by individuals that have dishonored the oath of office that they have raised their hand and attested to undermines this nation’s security,” the CIA head said in response to a question about Snowden.... more »
Remembering Gettysburg: America Needs to be Moral to be Free
[image: Gettysburg Address Poster - 900] The words have been quoted by leaders around the world in numerous human rights movements. They are etched, not only in the memorial which bears the author's name, but in our collective national conscience. It was not that long ago... more »
Stem cell researcher who sued Harvard, Brigham & Women’s is leaving his post
A stem cell researcher who sued his employers, Harvard and Brigham & Women’s Hospital is headed to Switzerland. Piero Anversa‘s departure follows the dismissal of his suit last summer. Anversa filed the suit with colleague Annarosa Leri, claiming that an investigation into their work damaged their reputations: they lost a multimillion-dollar offer to purchase their company, Autologous/Progenital; and both […] The post Stem cell researcher who sued Harvard, Brigham & Women’s is leaving his post appeared first on Retraction Watch.
The Birth of Economic Theory
Source. Thanks to Laura M. for the pointer.
The Failure of Political Islam
*"The Failure of Political Islam"* *by Olivier Roy (1998, Harvard University Press).* *Video Title: Olivier Roy, Professor at the European University Institute in Florence. Source: France 24 English. Date Published: November 18, 2014. Description:* Olivier Roy is a French expert on political Islam. But he is also an original academic, who criss-crossed Afghanistan in the 1970s and later during its war against the Soviet Union, and who has also visited Iran and Central Asia numerous times. This unusual journey is recounted in a book-length interview, published in French and entitle... more »
"And I would not be dismissed with 'of course'"
To lighten the mood, here's a 'Twitter spat' between a couple of BBC reporters - Rory Cellan-Jones and Hugh Sykes. It all starts with Polly Toynbee criticising the BBC: The BBC's technology correspondent Rory Cellan-Jones then rushes to Huw Edwards's defence: Other Twitter users arrive to disagree with Rory Cellan-Jones, whose use of the phrase "of course" doesn't go down too well with one of them: Nor does Rory's use of "of course" go down with one of his BBC colleagues either, namely Hugh Sykes:
Waiver of Privilege
*R. v. Nuttall,*2015 BCSC 2102: [28] It is because solicitor/client privilege is fundamental to our justice system that the court must be vigilant in its defence and preservation. As Major J. says in*R. v. McClure*, 2001 SCC 14 (CanLII) at para. 2: Solicitor-client privilege describes the privilege that exists between a client and his or her lawyer. This privilege is fundamental to the justice system in Canada. The law is a complex web of interests, relationships and rules. The integrity of the administration of justice depends upon the unique role of the solicitor who prov... more »
Reliability not ensured by oath
Generally speaking reliability for purposes of the principled exception to the hearsay rule has been met by an oath. That is the concept behind the KGB Statement. In a surprising reversal the Court of Appeal has held, at least where error is in play, an oath is not helpful. This point may be relevant in many criminal cases. *Clayson-Martin v. Martin,* 2015 ONCA 596: [35] That Ms. Brydson's evidence was under oath does not speak to her reliability. It speaks only to her veracity and credibility as a witness. Since the concern here is not that Ms. Brydson may have been lying b... more »
WA Supreme Court Says Charters Are STILL Unconstitutional
from the News Tribune: The Washington State Supreme Court announced Thursday that it will not reconsider its September decision declaring the state’s voter-approved law establishing charter schools was unconstitutional. The high court had been asked to reconsider its decision by several parties, including the state charter school association, state Attorney General Bob Ferguson, a bipartisan group of 10 legislators and four former state attorneys general. A slim majority — five of the nine justices — said the court should deny the request for reconsideration. Three justices dissent... more »
Are Changes Coming To Argentina After This Sunday's Presidential Elections?
Bloomberg: *Change Coming to Argentina as Populist Policies Run Out of Steam* * Opposition's Macri has solid lead over ruling party's Scioli * Economic changes expected even if race goes in unpredicted way Four weeks ago, it was widely expected that the next president of Argentina would be the candidate of the ruling party. But in a first-round election that stunned the nation, opposition leader Mauricio Macri stole the momentum, and as voters return to the polls on Sunday the presidency looks like his to lose. Macri is the more market-friendly candidate and global companies are l... more »
Andrew Neil on Islamic State and Paris
Andrew Neil's introduction on last night's *This Week* has, rightly, been widely praised. As some of the transcriptions of it have been less than wholly accurate, here it is in full: Welcome to *This Week...* The week in which a bunch of loser jihadists slaughtered 132 innocents in Paris to 'prove' the future belongs to them rather than a civilisation like France. Well I can't say I fancy their chances. France, the country of Descartes, Boulez, Monet, Sartre, Rousseau, Camus, Renoir, Berlioz, Cézanne, Gauguin, Hugo, Voltaire, Matisse, Debussy, Ravel, Saint-Saëns, Bizet, Sati... more »
Dee Dee - Forever
Not feeling a blog post tonight. But I am in the mood for chrome and neon.
Rightwing Nuthouse: "This Week In Crazy: Jesus, Get Your Gun!"
*"This Week In Crazy: Jesus, Get Your Gun!"* by Sam Reisman "What would Jesus do? Oppose background checks, naturally. Welcome to “This Week In Crazy,” The National Memo’s weekly update on the loony, bigoted, and hateful behavior of the increasingly unhinged right wing. Starting with number five: *5. Sarah Palin: *Although it is my inclination not to feed the troglodytic troll that is former Alaska governor Sarah Palin by giving her a dram of attention, her latest post on Facebook — a cattle call to preorder her new e-book — is such a remarkably dense concentration of conservative ... more »
"How It Really Is"
“To forgive the terrorists is up to God, but to send them to him is up to me.” - Vladimir Putin
ADL Report: 30% Rise in Anti-Israeli Activity on U.S. Campuses
[image: Anti-Israeli Protesters at US Campus - 400] The Anti-Defamation League reported a 30 percent jump in anti-Israel activity on college campuses this year. According to a report released Wednesday, over 150 "explicitly anti-Israel programs" have either taken place or are scheduled to take place on American campuses. Last... Continue reading *“ADL Report: 30% Rise in Anti-Israeli Activity on U.S. Campuses”* at *haaretz.com*.
All you really need to know about Bernie Sanders
In an article in The Atlantic titled, "How Bernie Sanders Explains Democratic Socialism," all you really need to know about Sen. Sanders is found in this sentence: *"Again and again, Sanders returned to his core message: In America the rich are too rich and opportunities for the middle class are few and far between." * The basic idea is that the rich are not rich because they earned their money. Sanders's socialist ideology tells him they don't deserve it. The effectively stole it from those with less. And his message to those with less is just as clear: Elect me, and I will ste... more »
Supplemental: Post drops L-bombs on Candidate Trump!
*FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2015His crazy misstatements continue:* The Washington Post editorial board has done something quite unusual. On Wednesday, in an editorial, they dropped a series of L-bombs on the head of a major White House contender. The hopeful in question is Candidate Trump. Hard-copy headline included, the editorial started like this: WASHINGTON POST EDITORIAL (11/18/15): *Lying about refugees"Our president wants to take in 250,000 from Syria," says Donald Trump, falsely.* "Think of it, 250,000 people. And we all have heart, and we all want people taken care of and all ... more »
German Professor Uncovers Massive GISS Tampering
By Paul Homewood http://notrickszone.com/2015/11/20/german-professor-examines-nasa-giss-temperature-datasets-finds-they-have-been-massively-altered/#sthash.s3ePo02C.dpbs From No Tricks Zone: Veteran journalist Günter Ederer* writes a piece reporting that massive alterations have been found in the NASA GISS temperature data series, citing a comprehensive analysis conducted by a leading German scientist. These results are now available to the public. Professor Dr. Friedrich Karl […]
Obama Asks Supreme Court to Save the Immigration Plan He Himself Used to Call Unconstitutional
[image: WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 22: U.S. President Barack Obama signs a veto of ÊH.R. 1735ÊNational Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in the Oval Office October 22, 2015 in Washington, DC. President Obama and Congressional Democrats object to the measure because it uses some $90 billion meant for war spending to avoid automatic budget cuts to military programs.] President Barack Obama's administration moved quickly to seek a U.S. Supreme Court hearing on his plan to shield as many as 5 million undocumented immigrants from deportation, setting up the prospect of a politically charged... more »
Princeton Gives In, Will Consider Dropping Woodrow Wilson
[image: Woodrow_Wilson_President of Princeton - 900] After a sit-in lasting just two days, administrators at Princeton University agreed to consider erasing former President Woodrow Wilson's legacy at the school. Demonstrators calling themselves the Black Justice League (BJL) began an occupation of Nassau Hall Wednesday morning, demanding... more »
Oregon Judge Charged for Not Performing Same-Sex Marriages — When He Doesn’t Have To
[image: Judge Writing on Paper - 900] Even though he hasn’t performed any marriages since the Supreme Court declared same-sex marriage a constitutional right, and no same-sex couple has ever asked him to marry them, and judges don’t have to perform any weddings at all, an Oregon judge faces possible removal... more »
ABC’s Scandal Shows Abortion Set to ‘Silent Night,’ Planned Parenthood Praises
[image: From Breitbart, outbound] Thursday night's episode of Shonda Rhimes's ABC series Scandal was an hour-long advertisement for Planned Parenthood -- so much so that the organization released a statement praising Rhimes and the episode immediately after it aired. In the fifth-season episode, titled "Baby, It's... Continue reading *“ABC’s Scandal Shows Abortion Set to ‘Silent Night,’ Planned Parenthood Praises”* at *breitbart.com*.
Religious Children are Meaner and More Punitive than Secular Kids, Study Finds
*Alex Pietrowski* - This recent study shatters the myth that religion is essential to morality. The post Religious Children are Meaner and More Punitive than Secular Kids, Study Finds appeared first on Waking Times.
75 Percent of U.S. Airstrikes Against The Islamic State Strikes Have Been Blocked Due To White House Rules Of Engagement
A pair of U.S. Air Force F-15E Strike Eagles fly over northern Iraq after conducting airstrikes in Syria, in this U.S. Air Force handout photo taken early in the morning of September 23, 2014. (Reuters/U.S. Air Force/Senior Airman Matthew) *Washington Free Beacon:* *U.S. Pilots Confirm: Obama Admin Blocks 75 Percent of Islamic State Strikes* ‘We can’t get clearance even when we have a clear target in front of us’ U.S. military pilots who have returned from the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq are confirming that they were blocked from dropping 75 percent of their ordnance o... more »
US Military Probe Concludes Civilian Deaths in Iraq Air Strike
A U.S.-led coalition aircraft flying over Kobanii, as seen from near the Mursitpinar border crossing on the Turkish-Syrian border in the southeastern town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province October 15, 2014. REUTERS/Kai Pfaffenbach *Reuters:* *Iraq air strike likely killed four civilians, including child: U.S. military* A U.S. air strike that targeted an Islamic State checkpoint in Iraq in March likely killed four civilians, one of whom may have been a child, the U.S. military said on Friday in a rare statement acknowledging the death of civilians. U.S. Air Forces Central Command beg... more »
Islamic State In Afghanistan: Hostage Buries Head Of Fellow Captive
Mohammed Yousuf has endured the cruelty of the Islamic State In Afghanistan. His story sheds light on the rise of ISIS in Afghanistan and the inhuman tactics used by the terror group. The Taliban look like kittens compared to the foreign jihadists, who are now usurping the Taliban’s monopoly on terror. The prospect of ISIS gaining more power from a powerless, frightened and subdued Afghan public could follow as it did in Iraq and Syria The Asian Age reports: Yousuf, an ethnic Tajik engineering student, tells of how he held the head of another hostage in his hands. The government em... more »
MEMRI’s Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor Weekend Summary
[image: MEMRI - ISIS terrorist - 400] In the past year, the Islamic State (ISIS) has published six issues of its official French-language magazine Dar Al-Islam. The magazine, which is dedicated to recruiting Francophone fighters to ISIS, is also a platform for the organization to present and explain its... Continue reading *“MEMRI’s Jihad and Terrorism Threat Monitor Weekend Summary”* at *memri.org*.
DECC Admit Paris Will Not Cut GHG Emissions
By Paul Homewood You may recall I published my estimate of the effect on GHG emissions that the national submissions for Paris might have. I had already asked DECC, under FOI, for their judgement, and have just got their reply. These numbers include all GHG, not just CO2, hence the […]
Muslim Journalist Shuts Down Fox News Pundit Over ‘Arrogant’ Views
A Muslim journalist shut down a Fox News pundit over her “entitled and arrogant” view of the Syrian refugees. A Syrian refugee discussion on the Fox news sister channel got heated when Jessie Jane Duff, a regular Fox security pundit affiliated with the London Center for Police Research, clashed with Muslim journalist Noor Tagouri. Alternet reports: Tagouri began the discussion on WTTG’s “Unfiltered” segment by asserting that the federal government had been effective at resettling around 750,000 refugees since 2001, and pointing out that none of them had been charged with domestic te... more »
About Dave McGowan? News and an interview.
I know many readers here follow Dave's work. And I'm torn about doing this kind of an update. Meria Heller has been keeping all her listeners informed. The latest news, sad to write it here too, is that Dave McGowan has slipped into a coma. I'm going to leave it at that. Below you will find a link to the last interview, to my knowledge, Dave had done. *Dave McGowan & Vyzygoth "Nothing but the Truth"*
Afghan Taliban Approve Of Paris Terror Attacks
Image from Vocativ *Threat Matrix:* *The Taliban approves of Paris suicide assault* Just three days after an Islamic State suicide assault team killed 129 people in Paris, the Afghan Taliban released a statement approving of the mass murder and said France’s “colonial policy” and involvement in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Libya justified the attack. The statement was released on Nov. 16 on Voice of Jihad’s Pashto language section of its website, and is reproduced in full below. A translation of the statement was obtained by The Long War Journal. The Taliban’s statement of suppor... more »
The Border Dispute Between Venezuela And Guyana Is Heating Up (Again)
*Image:* The disputed region is two-third of Guyana's national territory. (Venezuela Analysis) *New York Times*: *In Guyana, a Land Dispute With Venezuela Escalates Over Oil* BARTICA, Guyana — At a little tin-roofed beer joint on the west bank of the Essequibo River, Rawle Huggins relaxed on a wooden bench and considered his tiny country’s escalating border spat with its much bigger neighbor, Venezuela. “Here is Guyana,” said Mr. Huggins, a sometime gold miner, referring to the land beneath him and everything around it. “I don’t live in Venezuela. I live in Guyana. They live,” he... more »
America 9-11, France 11-13, Israel 24-7
[image: America France Israel Flags - 900] In the aftermath of the massacre in Paris on November 13th, an Israeli friend posted on Facebook, "I hate to see this happen to anyone, but I hope that now the world will finally understand what Israel deals with 24/7."... more »
Are These 2 Reasons to Reform Islam Convincing Enough?
[image: Ayaan Hirsi Ali - 400] Author and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali says she doesn’t buy into worries about Islamophobia in the United States. Ali doesn’t think it’s as big a problem as it’s often lain out, and that the treatment of Muslims in America far... Continue reading *“Are These 2 Reasons to Reform Islam Convincing Enough?”* at *bigthink.com*.
First Your Schools, Now Your Healthcare: Obama Sidesteps Congress to Redefine ‘Sex’
[image: obamacare - 400] President Obama's administration insists on forcing boys and girls in our nation's public schools to share restrooms and locker rooms with each other. But instead of just targeting vulnerable children who must attend school, the administration seeks to expand its... Continue reading *“First Your Schools, Now Your Healthcare: Obama Sidesteps Congress to Redefine ‘Sex’”* at *redstate.com*.
Harry's Place » It’s the Maths, Stupid - The must read article of the week, month, maybe year
This article by Saul Freeman for Harry's Place http://hurryupharry.org/2015/10/16/its-the-maths-stupid/ is a must read. It says what many Jews in Britain think and fear. We have been abandoned and worse by the left of British politics and of course by the institutionally anti Israel BBC. Maybe there is no place for us in Britain any more, maybe we should all move to where we are still wanted, Israel or to where we won't be noticed or hated quite so much, but where...
"What Is Pashtunwali?"
*"What Is Pashtunwali?"* by Josh Alley *“I took my revenge after a hundred years,and I only regret that I acted in haste.”* - A Pashtun proverb. "I have had the privilege of getting to know more about my hosts here in Khost, Afghanistan. The Pashtun tribes are one of the oldest people-groups on earth, having lived in these mountains, the Hindu Kush, for about 6,000 years. I have undertaken (call me crazy) to learn to speak Pashto (also called Pashtu or Pakhto). Pashto is a pretty simple language, full of words for things like home, relatives, livestock, work, land, and seasons. On... more »
"Life As A Drone Operator: 'Ever Step on Ants and Never Give It Another Thought?'"
*"Life as a Drone Operator: * *'Ever Step on Ants and Never Give It Another Thought?'"* By Ed Pilkington "When Michael Haas, a former senior airman with the US air force, looks back on the missions he flew over Afghanistan and other conflict zones in a six-year career operating military drones, one of the things he remembers most vividly is the colorful language airmen would use to describe their targets. A team of three would be sitting, he recalls, in a ground control station in Creech air force base outside Las Vegas, staring at computer screens on to which images would be beamed... more »
The Economy: "The World's First Cashless Society Is Here - A Totalitarian's Dream Come True"
*"The World's First Cashless Society Is Here-* * A Totalitarian's Dream Come True"* By Nick Giambruno "Central planners around the world are waging a War on Cash. In just the last few years: • Italy made cash transactions over €1,000 illegal; • Switzerland proposed banning cash payments in excess of 100,000 francs; • Russia banned cash transactions over $10,000; • Spain banned cash transactions over €2,500; • Mexico made cash payments of more than 200,000 pesos illegal; • Uruguay banned cash transactions over $5,000; and • France made cash transactions over €1,000 illegal, down from the...more »
UnitedHealth May Quit Obamacare Market
*by Gaius Publius* Thanks to the Democratic primary, there's been a lot of discussion on the left about the benefits and ills of ACA, the Obamacare public health law, versus single-payer and "Medicare For All," which Bernie Sanders is advocating. Clinton is a strong defender of the ACA and a strong, if disingenuous, critic of Sanders' Medicare For All. From the second debate, here's Clinton defending Obamacare over Medicare For All (h/t Lambert Strether at Naked Capitalism for quotes and analysis): NANCY CORDES: Secretary Clinton, back in– (CHEERING) Secretary Clinton, back in 1... more »
France Can Now Search Whoever They Want & Shut Down Any Website
The state of emergency declared in France and extended for three months, will allow authorities to shut down websites and gives police sweeping new powers. In effect French citizens are being stripped of their civil liberties. French police have been given new powers including the ability to put people under house arrest without trial, search homes without a search warrant and to block social media accounts and ban websites that are deemed to be a ‘problem’. The Independent reports: Rights groups have worried that the decision could become permanent, allowing for the extension of au... more »
The Collapse In The Price Of Oil Continues
*The Telegraph:* *Goldman eyes $20 oil as glut overwhelms storage sites* “The world is floating in oil. The numbers we are facing now are dreadful," said David Hufton from PVM Group The world is running out of storage facilities for surging supplies of oil and may soon exhaust tanker space offshore, raising the chances of a violent plunge in crude prices over coming weeks, experts have warned. Goldman Sachs told clients that the increasing glut of oil on the global market has combined with mild weather from a freak El Nino this winter. The twin-effect could send prices plummeting t... more »
Occult Man
*Jon Rappoport* - Occult man is hiding his true nature from himself. The post Occult Man appeared first on Waking Times.
In New Video The Islamic State Vows To Destroy The White House
*Daily Mail:* *'The White House will turn black with our fire, Allah willing': ISIS warns of fresh attacks on Washington in the third video to threaten America in as many days* * Fanatics have released a new video threatening to attack the White House * Militant says ISIS will turn White House 'black with out fire, Allah willing' * Another extremist also threatens Barack Obama and Francois Hollande * Says ISIS will lead America, France and their allies 'like slaves, like dogs' * Previous videos threatened attacks on Washington DC and New York ISIS terrorists have threatened to destr... more »
Ben Carson Says Syrian “Mad Dog” Refugees Need To Be Vetted
Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson says Syrian refugees attempting to enter the U.S. are akin to rabid dogs entering your back yard where children could be playing. Carson seeks safety for himself and his family first, and asks the public not to give in to their human instincts of compassion. He compares the Syrian refugees to mad dogs and asks for their screening in order to separate the rabid ones from the rest. The former nut surgeon must be aware of UK’s NHS guidelines on Rabies: “You may also be at risk if a rabid animal spits in your face.” “…It’s almost always fata... more »
Hypertension, Mass Hysteria and the Imaginarium
*Zen Gardner* - Welcome to dystopia – where anything goes as long as it’s according to plan. Not a natural one, but a fabricated design. The post Hypertension, Mass Hysteria and the Imaginarium appeared first on Waking Times.
Yale doc loses 2 HuffPo blog posts after secretly promoting his novel
The Huffington Post has retracted two blog posts by prominent Yale nutritionist David Katz after learning he had posted incredibly favorable reviews of a new novel — and not revealed that he had written the novel himself, under a pseudonym. There’s no doubt Katz is a prolific writer — in addition to a couple hundred scientific articles […] The post Yale doc loses 2 HuffPo blog posts after secretly promoting his novel appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Adele Is Said to Reject Streaming for 25
[image: Adele] For Adele's legions of fans, as well as for the music industry at large, a big question has hung over the release of "25," her first album in nearly five years. The album is all but certain to be a... Continue reading *“Adele Is Said to Reject Streaming for 25”* at *nytimes.com*.
The Most Obscure, Yet Important, Chart That Could Decide the 2016 Election
[image: Inventories-sales ratio chart] Baker's estimate of 1 percent GDP growth lays right along the political-science dividing line, where Democrats shift from being favored to win the presidency to being slight underdogs. Despite the millions of jobs created in President Obama's second term, a... Continue reading *“The Most Obscure, Yet Important, Chart That Could Decide the 2016 Election”* at *newrepublic.com*.
Secularists Fighting Islamists Are Weaponless
[image: Islamist protesters - 400] All the analysts highlighted the failure of the French security services on that tragic day of November 13th. The primary cause of this failure, more than inefficiency, is related to the French political and administrative class’ cultural inability to go... Continue reading *“Secularists Fighting Islamists Are Weaponless”* at *rorate-caeli.blogspot.com*.
Convicted Spy Jonathan Pollard Released from Prison After 30 Years
[image: rotsim et pollard babayit ("[We] want Pollard at home".) Hebrew sign in support of Jonathan Pollard] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Convicted spy Jonathan Pollard was released from prison early Friday, culminating an extraordinary espionage case that complicated American-Israeli relations for 30 years and became a periodic bargaining chip between two allies. Within hours after his release, Pollard’s... more »
*FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 2015Part 5—Yale dean swings five-pound hammer:* When we read Wednesday's New York Times, we thought of our nation's Yale students. We were reading Eduardo Porter's weekly "Economic Scene" column. As we've noted in the past, Porter's weekly columns are longish and information-based. Presumably for those reasons, his columns are *never* discussed. This Wednesday, Porter wrote about the nation's treatment of "deep poverty." Early on, a bit histrionically, he explained what deep poverty is: PORTER (11/18/15): Even after accounting for every government assistance... more »
CNN Reporter Suspended Over Tweet On Syrian Refugees
CNN reporter Elise Labott was suspended for two weeks over a tweet where she expressed sympathy toward Syrian refugees. The global affairs correspondent had tweeted about the House voting on a bill that would make it harder for Syrian refugees to enter the United States. She wrote: “House passes bill that could limit Syrian refugees. Statue of Liberty bows head in anguish” House passes bill that could limit Syrian refugees. Statue of Liberty bows head in anguish @CNNPoliticshttps://t.co/5RvZwVftgD — Elise Labott (@eliselabottcnn) November 19, 2015 ThinkProgress reports: The tweet wa... more »
Why So Few Syrian Christian Refugees? For the Same Reason You Can’t Find Orphans in Haitian Orphanages
[image: Displaced Assyrians, who had fled their hometowns due to Islamic State Group (IS) attacks against their communities, take part in a prayer at the Ibrahim-al Khalil Melkite Greek Catholic church in the Jaramana district on the outskirts of the capital Damascus on March 1, 2015. IS jihadists in Syria recently abducted at least 220 Assyrians, one the world's oldest Christian groups. Some 30,000 Assyrians lived in Syria before the start of the civil war in 2011.] It seems bewildering that President Obama insists on opening the floodgates to Syrian Muslim immigrants even after the... more »
After Paris: A Christian View on Protecting the Innocent
[image: Paris - 400] Christians have rightly responded to the Paris terror attacks with prayer and empathy. But there have not been enough voices responding with thoughtful reflection rooted in historic Christian thought about God's purposes for government and war, and perpetuating a just... Continue reading *“After Paris: A Christian View on Protecting the Innocent”* at *nationalreview.com*.
Did U.S. Intelligence 'Cooked' The Afghan Intel?
Brigadier General Larry Nicholson addressed Marines before they conducted a helicopter assault into Marja, a Taliban stronghold in Helmand Province. Tyler Hicks/The New York Times *Dan De Luce, Foreign Policy:* *Did the Pentagon Cook the Books on Its Afghanistan Intel?* *The military has been accused of fudging the numbers in the fight against the Islamic State. Congress wants to know if it did with the Taliban too.* Lawmakers are probing whether senior U.S. military officers skewed intelligence reports about Afghanistan, raising new questions about whether policymakers can trust t... more »
World News Briefs -- November 20, 2015
*Reuters:* *World leaders arrive for summit amid heavy security* Malaysia deployed extraordinary security measures around Kuala Lumpur on Friday as world leaders arrived for a pair of weekend summits amid fresh attacks by Islamist militants. Malaysia's police chief cited unconfirmed reports of an "imminent terrorist threat" in the country, following last week's attacks in Paris and the downing of a Russian airliner over Egypt by Islamic State militants. Some 4,500 soldiers were deployed or on standby to secure the summit, in addition to thousands of police who have fanned out arou... more »
What Is A Terrorist Threat, And How Should One Respond To It?
The other day, following the recent horrid events in Paris, linked to several temporally closely aligned similar attacks, e.g., in Lebanon and Iraq, apparent intelligence on several other planned attacks throughout Europe, and specifically that a possible Daesh operative had entered Sweden to organise an attack of some sort, my country raised its official terrorist threat level from 3 to 4 on a scale that ends at 5. One named suspect of preparation of terrorist crime has now been apprehended, but the police and security organs apparently continue to search for others, and the gover... more »
Call Congress to Say NO to New Corporate ESEA
*This is a good, principled bill; it’s a notable conservative victory, and it’s the best deal to be had. It deserves conservative support.* — *Frederick M. Hess* is director of education policy at the American Enterprise Institute. *Max Eden* is program manager for education policy at AEI. *One may quibble with details, but the bottom line is that this bill defangs the U.S. Department of Education; it no longer will exert control over every school with mandates. . . .This is a far better bill than I had hoped or feared. *--*Diane Ravitch**,* conservative historian and leader of N... more »
Brooklyn Mothers Sue NYC Over Mandatory Flu Vaccinations
A group of Brooklyn mothers with children in preschool are suing the city over its policy of mandatory flu vaccinations. The five parents claim that a 2013 rule passed by the city’s Health Department is illegal because it was not voted on by state lawmakers. The NYP reports: The suit, filed in Manhattan Supreme Court Monday, notes that the state’s highest court struck down the ban on large sugary drinks because it was an administration rule and not a law. State legislatures have considered adding the flu shot to the list of 11 mandatory vaccines, but have repeatedly declined to do so... more »
President Assad Makes Unannounced Visit to Battlefield
Link Exclusive VIDEO: Syria President Assad Unannounced Visit of the Battlefields n an unannounced visit of the front line, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad caused surprise and boost of morale among Syrian soldiers in their fight against ISIS and Al-Nusra terrorists, Al-Alam News Network reports. According to Al-Alam News Network in an exclusive footage, the Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad is seen in the front line of the Battlefield among Syrian Army troops, shaking hands with the Syrian soldiers and exchanges congratulations with them. - See more at: http://en.alalam.ir/news... more »
Ancient Egypt - lost technologies - lathe turned stone
Ancient Egyptian Stone Technology is a site dedicated to showcasing several examples of Lost Technology from the Very Early Egyptian Empire, or possibly BEFORE. Lathe Turned Stone as hard as granite and friable as schist. Tube Drilled holes through stone blocks and Stone Saws for creating multi-tonne slabs of rock and limestone... Here's a great artistic example, a perfectly balanced granite bowl... *At least one piece is so flawlessly turned that the entire bowl (about 9" in diameter, fully hollowed out including an undercut of the 3in opening in the top) balances perfectly (the ... more »
Irish university strips student of PhD following investigation
Maynooth University has revoked a former student’s PhD following an investigation into the circumstances that led to two previous retractions in the Journal of Biological Chemistry. During the investigation, Aisha Qasim Butt admitted to some misconduct in the two papers and the research that made up her PhD, according to a university statement (which you […] The post Irish university strips student of PhD following investigation appeared first on Retraction Watch.
UK’s Fast Looming Power Crisis
By Paul Homewood Further to my post earlier this week on our fast disappearing power stations, the Centre for Policy Studies has published its own report on the situation this month. It covers a lot of ground, including impact on energy bills, but the section on generating capacity is particularly relevant. The […]
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 20, 2015
Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com *FOX News:* *Signs Pentagon moving to loosen 'rules' of ISIS war* The Defense Department may be moving to loosen the rules of engagement in the war against the Islamic State, following criticism that the military’s strict policies are undermining the 14-month air campaign over Iraq and Syria. Defense Secretary Ash Carter opened the door to the changes in an interview on Thursday, even as President Obama defends the current military strategy in the wake of the Paris terror attacks. “We're prepared to change the rules of engagement. We've c... more »
Arrested 22-Year-Old Suspected of Prepping Stockholm Attack
[image: arrest__1440935470_70.119.142.63] COPENHAGEN, Denmark (AP) -- A man arrested in Arctic Sweden and suspected of preparing “terrorist” crimes was planning to attack unknown targets in the Swedish capital of Stockholm, a prosecutor said Friday. Prosecutor Hans Ihrman demanded that the man, Moder... more »
ISIS Aims to Alienate and Radicalize. So Let’s Celebrate Christ the King
[image: Christ the King, Stained Glass, Melkite, Feast] JIM TONKOWICH -- Christmas, Easter and Pentecost (Please, don't forget Pentecost!) are the three big celebrations of the Christian year. But there's another feast that pulls them together and points us to the final and certain future. It couldn't arrive at... more »
Israeli Spy Jonathan Pollard Released After 30 Years In Prison
*New York Times*: *After 30 Years in Prison, Jonathan Pollard Is Freed, but Not to Israel* WASHINGTON — Jonathan J. Pollard, the American convicted of spying on behalf of Israel, walked out of prison early on Friday after 30 years, the Israeli prime minister said, but the Obama administration had no plans to let him leave the country and move to Israel as he requested. Mr. Pollard, who as a Navy intelligence analyst passed classified documents to Israeli handlers, was released from a federal prison in Butner, N.C., after receiving parole on a life sentence, ending a long imprisonm... more »
Mali Attack: Special Forces Storm Radisson Hotel To Free Hostages
Officials say that a least 27 people have been killed when a luxury hotel in Bamako, Mali was stormed by gunmen on Friday morning Update: A security source said the siege was over by around 4 p.m. local time (1630 GMT) and that two of the militants were dead. A United Nations official said U.N. peacekeepers were searching the hotel had made a preliminary count of 27 bodies. The government held an emergency cabinet meeting on Friday night and was expected to give an official death toll later. Malian special forces entered the US owned Radisson Blu hotel to end the siege by gunmen. Th...more »
Who Wants To Do That?
www.slideshare.net What happened in Paris a week ago was horrific. It can't be justified and it must be dealt with. But, for the last fifteen years, our response to what has been happening in the Middle East has been wrong headed. Since George W. Bush invaded Iraq, western policy has been all about eradication. Michael Harris writes: But the more relevant question is whether a strategy of “eradication” works. Fourteen years of boots on the ground in Afghanistan should have shown the United States that it doesn’t. Two superpow... more »
When Their Careers Are On The Line, Conservatives Vote With Progressives On The Environment
It's always funny-- or sad, depending on your perspective-- to see how conservatives back away from their principles eagerness to serve their corporate masters when their careers are in jeopardy. The Florida Senate race, for example, has Partrick Murphy suddenly calling himself a "champion of the middle class" and an "environmentalist," while his record paints an entirely different picture. He's even tending to vote more frequently with Democrats in Congress than he ever has before. His lifetime ProgressivePunch crucial vote score (50.95) has shot up because this year his score is... more »
The Big Issues of The 2016 Campaign
[image: 2016 campaign] With less than a year to go before the election, FiveThirtyEight's staff members took a detailed look at seven issues we cover regularly, examining the positions of the presidential candidates and suggesting developments likely to arise before the voting takes... Continue reading *“The Big Issues of The 2016 Campaign”* at *fivethirtyeight.com*.
Paris Attacks: Commando Captain Shares Details of Bataclan, Saint-Denis Raids
[image: French commando] When elite French commandos stormed the Bataclan concert hall last Friday night, they found hundreds of people laying on the floor, blood everywhere -- and an eerie silence. Jeremy, captain of the commandos, revealed details of how the operation played... Continue reading *“Paris Attacks: Commando Captain Shares Details of Bataclan, Saint-Denis Raids”* at *nbcnews.com*.
New ObamaCare Angst as Top Insurer Threatens to Bail
[image: Obama] A threat by the nation's largest health insurer to pull out of ObamaCare is a sign of the industry's growing angst about the viability of the federal exchanges, sources close to the industry say. UnitedHealthcare's warning sent new shockwaves across... Continue reading *“New ObamaCare Angst as Top Insurer Threatens to Bail”* at *thehill.com*.
How Ted Cruz is Locking Up the Evangelical Vote
[image: Ted Cruz] DES MOINES -- The hearts of many evangelical voters, polls suggest, are with Ben Carson. But increasingly, their leaders' heads are with Ted Cruz. While the Texas senator trails the retired pediatric neurosurgeon by double digits in national surveys, prominent... Continue reading *“How Ted Cruz is Locking Up the Evangelical Vote”* at *politico.com*.
Francis Gently Rebukes German Church, Commends Life, Marriage
[image: Vatican] (Vatican Radio) Pope Francis on Friday told the bishops of Germany the upcoming Jubilee of Mercy offers the opportunity to "rediscover the sacraments of Penance and the Eucharist." The bishops were meeting with the Holy Father during their ad limina... Continue reading *“Francis Gently Rebukes German Church, Commends Life, Marriage”* at *en.radiovaticana.va*.
3 Questioned in Murder of Indiana Pastor’s Wife, Report Says
[image: Indiana pastor] Indiana police reportedly questioned three men Thursday in connection with the shooting death of an Indianapolis pastor's pregnant wife. The three men were taken into custody Thursday morning after police served search warrants in different parts of the city, according... Continue reading *“3 Questioned in Murder of Indiana Pastor’s Wife, Report Says”* at *foxnews.com*.
France Seeks Partners’ Aid to Stanch Inflow of Extremists
[image: European Union flags] BRUSSELS (AP) -- France called Friday on its European Union partners to take immediate and decisive action to toughen the bloc’s borders and prevent the entry of more violent extremists. “We can’t take more time. This is urgent,” Interior Minister... more »
Clinton Opens 25-Point Lead on Sanders in Bloomberg Politics National Poll
[image: Hillary Clinton] Hillary Clinton has solidified her lead nationally in the Democratic presidential nominating contest, amassing a 25-point advantage over Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and earning higher scores than her closest competitor on a range of traits important to potential voters, including the ability to... Continue reading *“Clinton Opens 25-Point Lead on Sanders in Bloomberg Politics National Poll”* at *bloomberg.com*.
As It Combats ISIS, Pentagon Looks to Assemble the Force of the Future
[image: airstrikes] As it wrestles with how best to attack yet another unconventional enemy--one that is without a recognized state, driven by extreme ideology and willing to kill innocents on civilian territory--the Pentagon has largely stuck to a conventional strategy: bombs away.... Continue reading *“As It Combats ISIS, Pentagon Looks to Assemble the Force of the Future”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
European Central Bank Chief: ‘Won’t Hesitate’ to Expand Stimulus if Needed
[image: GERMANY-FINANCE-ECB] FRANKFURT, Germany (AP) -- European Central Bank head Mario Draghi said the chief monetary authority for the eurozone “will not hesitate” to expand its stimulus program at its next meeting if needed to support the economic recovery. Draghi’s speech at... more »
Gunmen Hold Hostages In Deadly Mali Hotel Attack.State TV Says 3 Killed But Commandos Have Freed 80 Hostages
*Reuters:** Gunmen attack luxury hotel in Mali capital, TV says commandos free 80 hostages* Malian special forces stormed a luxury hotel in Bamako on Friday after Islamist gunmen took 170 people including many foreigners hostage in the capital of the former French colony, which has been battling rebels allied to al Qaeda for several years. "They've penetrated inside the hotel. The operations are under way," a police source told Reuters. State television said 80 hostages had been freed but the French newspaper Le Monde quoted the Malian security ministry as saying at least three ... more »
Recovery Just Beginning for Many of the Wounded in Paris
[image: Eiffel Tower, Paris, France, Storm] PARIS (AP) -- One bullet tore into Amandine Andretto’s right leg, shattering her tibia. Another hit her in the arm. For three interminable hours, her parents didn’t know if she was among the dozens massacred at the Bataclan concert hall.... more »
Death Toll Still Murky in Islamist Attack on Mali Hotel
[image: Mali_sat] BAMAKO, Mali (AP) -- The latest on the attack on a hotel in the Malian capital of Bamako. (All times local): 8:24 p.m. The death toll in the Mali hotel siege remains murky with France’s defense minister Jean-Yves Le Drian... more »
A Fearless Nun’s Fight for the Families of the Disappeared in Mexico
[image: Sr Consuelo Morales] For 67-year-old Sister Consuelo Morales, an Augustinian nun and veteran human rights activist based in drug war-torn Monterrey, Mexico--and one of the main subjects of Bernardo Ruiz's new documentary film Kingdom of Shadows, opening Nov. 20--these are not options. As... Continue reading *“A Fearless Nun’s Fight for the Families of the Disappeared in Mexico”* at *takepart.com*.
Did the Snowden Leaks Allow the Paris Terrorists to Go Undetected?
[image: John Brennan] In a pair of public appearances this week, CIA Director John O. Brennan made clear that he blames leaks by former intelligence contractor Edward Snowden for enabling terrorists to evade detection. "Because of a number of unauthorized disclosures, and a... Continue reading *“Did the Snowden Leaks Allow the Paris Terrorists to Go Undetected?”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Germany Opens Another New Coal Plant
By Paul Homewood h/t Green Sand http://www.thegwpf.com/forget-paris-germany-opens-new-coal-power-plant/ From the GWPF: On Thursday in the Hamburg suburb of Moorburg, Hamburg’s mayor Olaf Scholz, a leading figure in Germany’s Social Democratic Party (SPD), stood alongside Magnus Hall, president of Swedish energy utility Vattenfall, and pushed a big button. The button-pushing symbolized Vattenfall’s ceremonial opening […]
Jewish Teacher Stabbed in Marseilles by Purported ISIS Supporters
[image: Jewish Teacher Stabbing] MARSEILLES – A teacher at a Jewish school in the southern French city of Marseilles was stabbed on Wednesday by three people professing support for Islamic State, but his life was not in danger, prosecutors said. The victim was identified... Continue reading *“Jewish Teacher Stabbed in Marseilles by Purported ISIS Supporters”* at *jpost.com*.
Gaia Portal: Evidentiaries come to assist hu-manity
*Evidentiaries come to assist hu-manity* by ÉirePort Evidentiaries come to assist hu-manity. Excessive permutations are circumvented. Essentials are recognized. Processes are enabled for the influx. ÉirePort | November 20, 2015 at 11:20 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-w7
Full Spectrum Resistance!
Dave Webb and I capped off our excellent visit to London last night with a nearly two-hour meeting with the largely Korean 'Save Jeju Island' student group at the University of London. We had a wide ranging discussion that included the history of the Global Network's efforts to support the Gangjeong village eight year campaign to oppose construction of the Navy base for US warships on Jeju. We also went wider and did an overview (with the help of Dave putting up various photos from the Internet onto the classroom screen as illustrations) of the Pentagon strategy to encircle and a... more »
This U.S. Defense Agency Is Massive, But Most People Have Never Heard Of It
*Jason Koebler, Motherboard:* *The Largest Military Agency You've Never Heard Of* The United States has so thoroughly industrialized war that we rarely think about the clothes, food, oil, and weapons necessary to fight a modern war. But, with somewhere in the neighborhood of 800 bases in 80 countries, logistics and supply chains are more important as they've ever been. So why don't we ever hear about the Defense Logistics Agency? The very large but rarely talked about agency has more than 26,000 employees and spends roughly $40 billion every year, working with 24,000 suppliers to ... more »
Greg Hunter, “Weekly News Wrap-Up 11/20/2015”
*“Weekly News Wrap-Up 11/20/2015”* By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com “The attack in France is a game changer, not just for France, but for the world. France is clamping down, and the President of France is now turning hard core. This is in part due to fear and outrage from the carnage, but President Hollande is also afraid that his number one political adversary is pointing out the attack happened on Hollande’s watch. There is no telling who is coming into Europe with the revelation that fake passports are being used by terrorists. Here in the U.S., the House has voted overwhelmingl... more »
AIM West Conference Nov. 21-- 22, 2015 Schedule Update
Photo Brenda Norrell AIM West 2014 Govinda's Earthcycles will livestream the 2015 AIM West Conference in San Francisco. Live on Censored News Saturday and Sunday. Welcome to the annual AIM-WEST Coast Conference! This year’s conference held in San Francisco November 21-22, 2015 is dedicated to the I Will Clemency Campaign for Leonard Peltier! The Conference Agenda provides a
Find global warming, win $100,000
Mmanu_F has pointed out that Douglas Keenan, a climate skeptic who has done statistical calculations as a trader in New York and London, earned lots of money, and wrote some articles, has declared his own Kaggle-like challenge Douglas Keenan's Contest 1000 whose winner will receive $100,000 (zero point one million dollars). The winner needs to be the fastest one; and send his entry before November 2016. An entry fee of $10 has to be paid so that non-serious contestants are suppressed. What do you have to do? Download this text file. It contains 1,000 temperature records. Each o... more »
15 F-22 Raptors Flying in Formation (Photo)
(*Click on Image to Enlarge*) Image credit: U.S. Air Force *The Aviationist*:* These photos show an unprecedented formation of 15 F-22 Raptors from Tyndall AFB over the Gulf of Mexico* Team Tyndall launched a formation of 15 95th Fighter Squadron F-22 Raptors from Tyndall Air Force Base during a local training mission. On Nov. 5, the 95th Fighter Squadron, belonging to the 325th Fighter Wing, based at Tyndall AFB, Florida, launched 15 F-22 Raptor stealth jets during a LFE (Large Force Employment) local training mission The air dominance fighters flew in formations of six, five, and ... more »
Poll Shows Muslims In 11 Countries Have An Overwhelmingly Negative View Of ISIS. But A Minimum Of 63 Million Muslims See Them Favourably
*American Thinker:* *Pew poll: Between 63 million and 287 million ISIS supporters in just 11 countries* A new poll by the Pew Research Center reveals significant levels of support for ISIS within the Muslim world. In 11 representative nation-states, up to 14 percent of the population has a favorable opinion of ISIS, and upwards of 62 percent "don't know" whether or not they have a favorable opinion of the Islamist group. In Pakistan, a nuclear weapons state, only 28 percent of the public view ISIS unfavorably. By this overwhelming degree of either tacit support or tolerance for I... more »
Hypnotized Subject Talks About Impending Shift Of Consciousness To 5D
This provides some insight into the mythical 'shift of consciousness' much talked about and been from a hypnotized subject we get the spiritual input. It informs us that Heaven on Earth is arriving. Curiously all suggested here consists of properly releasing our subconscious and improving our perceptions to see the second tier of matter. Mentally controling that tier opens the door to neutralizing gravity as well. My physics supports all this and that was a complete surprise. I do not like the use of the concept of dimension yet simply because it has never been rigorously e... more »
Astronomers Just Saw a monster Black Hole do Something Shocking
[image: black hole x-ray burst] What happens is that the event horizon is not stable in it's location vis a vis the center of mass and is pumping material into the so called black hole. All this leads to large masses of matter been reduced to photonic energy and been carried off along with the associated gravity. This photonic energy easily coalesses back into matter along the ejection pathway. This produces the corona effects and all else we observe. My own understanding of monster black holes predicted such flaring as a local piece of topography briefly inverts. Once again i... more »
Fossil Teeth Place Humans in Asia '20,000 Years Early'
[image: an array of human teeth from the cave site] I expect that we will eventually understand that modern humanity emerged 200,000 years ago likely after some nifty genetic intervention. Putting that aside though we know one other thing. Mankind used mind to mind communication until 45,000 years ago. This meant that he migrated into every corner of the globe easily and unchallenged quickly while subsisting from hunting and gathering. The bushmen and the Australian aboriginals are excellent examples of the life way and of its natural integrity. These guys used canoes as well.... more »
So . . . It Turns Out Cancer Can Be Killed After All
I am delighted to see proper devices available to apply thermal therapy somewhere in the world. This method has been available without tools for at least sixty years. The serious take home is that leading edge healing methodology is happening now all over the world and it is only in the USA that this criminal monopoly supporting Big Pharma is been sustained by government fiat. *Is cancer one hundred percent curable? *I am asking that question now because what is obvious is that we are achieving cures and we are achieving it across the board. I suspect that every single cance... more »
Andrew Neil with a message for the Paris attackers
https://youtu.be/Muuka8KBd7Y Nice words but unfortunately the modern France isn't what it was. I fear the "Islamist scum" could well win this one.
Military Photo of the Day: November 20, 2015
[image: Training in Kuwait-900] U.S. Army soldiers conduct sling load operations at Camp Buehring in Kuwait on Nov. 5, 2015. Thank you to all our brave service members stationed around the world. You and your families are always in our prayers!
French Commando Leader Describes Details Of The Paris Bataclan Raid
*NBC:* *Paris Attacks: Commando Captain Shares Details of Bataclan, Saint-Denis Raids* When elite French commandos stormed the Bataclan concert hall last Friday night, they found hundreds of people laying on the floor, blood everywhere — and an eerie silence. Jeremy, captain of the commandos, revealed details of how the operation played out in an exclusive interview with NBC News' Lester Holt — on condition that his last name not be used. Among the revelations: * Commandos had to ignore the moans of the wounded to find the terrorists. * The jihadis identified themselves as "soldi... more »
How to Make Herbal Tinctures
How to Make Herbal Tinctures by Wellness Mama I have several tincture recipes posted (including my two favorites: Chamomile Tinctureand Digestion Tincture) but I realized that a post with general instructions on how to make a tincture from any herbs would be helpful. A tincture is a concentrated liquid form of an herb that is easy to make and easy to take. Tinctures preserve and concentrate the properties of the herb, making them more effective and longer lasting. Alcohol based tinctures have a shelf life of several years and are easy to use when needed! I keep several tinctures on... more »
Will The U.S. Start Basing Its Aircraft Carriers Overseas?
The U.S. Navy Nimitz-class aircraft carriers USS George Washington (CVN-73) and USS Ronald Reagan (CVN-76) transit the Pacific Ocean prior to conducting a hull-swap. The force structure change allows George Washington to undergo its mid-life refueling complex overhaul and Ronald Reagan to support the security and stability of the Indo-Asia-Pacific region. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Chris Cavagnaro *The Diplomat:* *Will the United States Base 2 Aircraft Carriers in Japan?* A new study suggests that basing more ships overseas will help the overstretche... more »
Picture Of The Day
U.S. Marine Corps MV-22B Ospreys conduct flight operations aboard the USS Kearsarge in the Arabian Sea, Nov. 16, 2015. The Ospreys are assigned to Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 162. U.S Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Jalen D. Phillips
If The Economy Is Fine, Why Are So Many Hedge Funds, Energy Companies And Large Retailers Imploding? (Will The Matrix Prevail?)
The Dark Money Behind the Elizabeth Warren “Commie” Ad PoppyLeaks, Part 3 By Russ Baker Hey, are we living in the old USSR? It sure looks like it, judging from the way the media has closed ranks around a blatantly false account of George H.W. Bush’s life. This bothers us so much that we’re going to give you portions of his real biography — free. FDA Approves AquaBounty's Genetically
*Air BNB ad ~Karen Gadbois* *~Are you tired of Airbnb rental prices driving up rent in your neighborhood? Is the lip service your city pays to reigning in short-term rentals leaving a bad taste in your mouth (or on your lips)? If so, become part of the NEW OFFENSIVE and pledge to STEAL INDISCRIMINATELY from New Orleans Air BnBs. *
America’s Ridiculous Refugee Debate
[image: Angry Obama-900] If you've watched President Obama's various speeches and press conferences over the past few days, you can be forgiven for coming away with the distinct impression that he doesn't like you. First came the president's robotic, tone-deaf press conference in... more »
A Look At How North Korea Honours A Military Hero When He Dies
*Popular Mechanics:* *When a Military Hero Dies in North Korea, His Funeral Hearse Is an APC* North Korea's oddly compelling send off to an longtime Army officer. Marshal Ri Ul-sol, a long-serving military official in the North Korean People's Army, died earlier this month. His lavish, flower-adorned state funeral was attended by hundreds of politicians and military officials. Marshal Ri got quite a sendoff. His casket, slow-walked by pallbearers in a procession led by North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, was rolled to a waiting armored personnel carrier. The procession was accompanie... more »
Russia: ISIS Planning American ‘Thanksgiving Bloodbath’ Next Week
A Russian Foreign Intelligence Service report warns that America may face a potential “Thanksgiving bloodbath” during the holiday period network, at the hands of ISIS. Whatdoesitmean.com reports: According to SVR intelligence analysts, the Federation issued a 12 November warning bulletin to the French General Directorate for External Security (DGSE) that a terror attack was about to take place—a warning that was, shamefully, ignored. Causing this extraordinary warning to be issued to be issued by the SVR to the DGSE, this report explains, was the tracking of movement and communicat... more »
French Prime Minister Confirms Chemical Weapons A Real Threat
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has confirmed rumours of an impending chemical weapons attack on France, saying that the country “must not rule anything out“. As we reported yesterday, France have already made plans to release military grade stockpiles of anti neurotoxins to first responders in the event of a chemical attack. The Prime Minister’s announcement confirms the risk of chemical or bacterial agents being used against French citizens by ISIS. “I say it with all the precautions needed. But we know and bear in mind that there is also a risk of chemical or bacteriological ... more »
ISIS Threaten To ‘Blow Up’ Whitehouse
ISIS have released a new six-minute video on Thursday saying that they will blow up the Whitehouse in Washington D.C. In the video one of two fighters threaten both U.S. and French presidents Barack Obama and Francois Hollande with a similar attack to the ones in Paris, saying “We will fry you with [suicide] belts and explosives.“. Foxnews.com reports: The second fighter addressed France, saying, “You not prosper and you will not last long. We have started by you and we will end at the so-called White House which we will turn into black with our fires.” The video begins with 40 secon... more »
Paris Attack Foreknowledge Exposed
As the mainstream media refer to the Paris attacks as France’s 9/11 (which is apt considering that evidence is beginning to point to the attacks as being a false flag – much like the 9/11 attacks), little coverage has been given to the fact that certain groups in paris had foreknowledge of the attacks, which further confirm the idea that it was a false flag operation. Intellihub.com reports: This article also takes a look at the aftermath and repercussions of the attack – which of course benefit those who planned and orchestrated this horrific event in which over 150 innocent peopl... more »
Marine Arrested For Spreading 9/11 Truth On Facebook
Ex-Marine Brandon Raub was incarcerated and forced to undergo a psychological evaluation after he posted comments on social media which criticised the American government. “This case was about more than one Marine’s right to not be targeted for speaking out against the government,” said John W. Whitehead, president of the Rutherford Institute, who represented Raub in his fight over his 2012 detention. Wnd.com reports: “It was about whether Americans have the freedom to criticize the government without being labeled ‘domestic extremists’ and stripped of their rights,” he said. “Unf... more »
Obama’s Strategic Bumbling is Theater of the Absurd
[image: White House empty podium Obama - 900] “You’re all suckers.” That has to be what Barack Obama is thinking as the country falls for his head-fake. Let’s recap. George W. Bush’s surge reduced the Islamic State’s precursor, al-Qaida in Iraq, to a paltry 700 members, according to CIA Director John Brennan. Its... more »
Obama Drove Sunnis Into ISIS’ Arms
[image: Prime Minister of Iraq, Nuri al-Maliki, listens to an opening speech during the Sarafiya bridge opening in Kadhimiya, Iraq. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Jessica J. Wilkes)] Throughout the last third of George W. Bush’s presidency, opinion leaders were obsessed with the question of mistakes. Among most members of the press and among Democratic officeholders (even, or perhaps especially, those who voted to approve the Iraq War),... more »
How North Korea Got A Cell Network For Free
Kim Jong Un inspects North Korea's first smartphone, the Aririang phone. KCNA/ Reuters *Washington Post: **North Korea tells Egyptian company: Thanks for the cellphones. We’ll take the company, too.* Turns out it’s really hard for foreign investors to make money in North Korea. Who could have guessed? Well, pretty much everyone. But Orascom, a plucky Egyptian company, tried anyway, apparently hoping to gain a foothold in a country of 26 million potential customers. Orascom Telecom and Media Technology is the company behind the astonishing explosion of cell phone usage in hermetica... more »
As Usual, Conservatives Want The Election To Be About Anything But Economic Policies
Demagoguery, particularly when it comes to stirring up war fever, xenophobia and naked bigotry, have been tried and true methods conservatives use to get voters to think about something other than the economic agenda that's enslaving them and their families. It works well. Republicans and conservative Democrats would much prefer to demonize a tiny, pathetic handful of Syrian refugees than discuss... oh, say... reinstating Glass Steagall or raising the minimum wage or reforming a tax system that allows the wealthiest-- who just happen to be the funders of the politicians' SuperPAC... more »
Life As A Drone Operator
Drone operators at Holloman Air Force Base in the southwestern state of New Mexico: Modern warfare is as invisible as a thought, deprived of its meaning by distance. Gilles Mingasson/ DER SPIEGEL *The Guardian:* *Life as a drone operator: 'Ever step on ants and never give it another thought?'* *In a secluded room at an airbase in Nevada, young men hold the power of life and death over people thousands of miles away. Former servicemen tell their story.* When Michael Haas, a former senior airman with the US air force, looks back on the missions he flew over Afghanistan and other con... more »
Congressman Calls To Shut Down Websites And Social Media To Stop ISIS
Congressman Joe Barton plans to stop ISIS by shutting down websites, including social media networks. US Rep. Joe Barton asked the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler whether they would be able to shut down websites and social media networks used by ISIS and other terrorist groups. Arstechnica.com reports: “ISIS and the terrorist networks can’t beat us militarily, but they are really trying to use the Internet and all of the social media to try to intimidate and beat us psychologically,” Barton said. Addressing Wheeler during an FCC oversight hearing held b... more »
US Hands 19,000 Bombs Over To Saudis Who Pass Them To ISIS
Saudi Arabia are receiving billions of dollars worth of heavy ammunition from the United States, which is being used covertly to fight Russia in order to weaken their strategy against ISIS. To strengthen its air force, the Islamist monarchy are looking to purchase over 19,000 bombs, totalling 1.29 billion dollars, from the US government. Russia-insider.com reports: Saudi Arabia is one of the United States’ key allies in the Middle East. The agreement on Iran’s nuclear program has caused tension in the relationship. Saudi Arabia is engaged in a power struggle with Tehran for control... more »
Why Did The NSA Put Its Largest Surveillance Data Storehouse In The Middle Of A Desert?
The NSA Data Center in Utah. Wikimedia *Ingrid Burrington, The Atlantic*:* A Visit to the NSA's Data Center in Utah* Why would the intelligence agency put its largest surveillance storehouse in the middle of a desert? When I told friends that I'd be driving across America to find The Cloud, many of them brought up the NSA's Utah data center, assuming it was on my itinerary. Which was understandable—since 2013, it's become a monument to the anxieties of big data and mass surveillance, a black box just out of reach and far beyond comprehension. I tended to respond to these friends ... more »
Luck Appears To Play A Huge Role In NSA Surveillance Operations
A National Security Agency (NSA) data gathering facility is seen in Bluffdale, about 25 miles (40 km) south of Salt Lake City, Utah May 18, 2015. © Jim Urquhart / Reuters *RT:* *Leaked NSA doc reveals ‘sheer luck’ needed to find useful info in sea of surveillance data* *The NSA didn’t know it was already sitting on a “goldmine” of data on one of its targets until one of its analysts discovered it by “sheer luck,” according to an internal newsletter entry leaked by Edward Snowden.* The article, dated March 23, 2011, was written by a signals development analyst in SIDtoday, an NSA i... more »
Paris attack witness says black Mercedes pulled up and shooters fired rifles from the hip
*I am posting this not only because it is important, but I have a feeling that some of this text has already started to be "changed" in the original article. I hope that you can see why it might be.* *MIRROR* - 14 Nov 2015 - Updated 09:30, 15 Nov 2015 - ByMatthew Drake, Dan Warburton Shooters, brandishing assault rifles and dressed in black uniforms, were seen slowly pulling up in the Merc during a series of coordinated atrocities REUTERS/Philippe Wojazer[image: A French policeman assists a blood-covered victim near the Bataclan concert hall following attacks in Paris, F... more »
Why U.S. Efforts To Cut Off Islamic State's Funds Have Failed
(*Click on Image to Enlarge*) The location of oil fields are shown in green, and oil refineries and pipelines are in purple. (Congressional Research Service) *Bloomberg*: *Why ISIS Has All the Money It Needs* It’s more than just oil. Weeks before the attacks that killed 129 people in Paris, U.S. warplanes resumed sorties above Syria and Iraq, targeting anew oil fields and other parts of a vast petroleum infrastructure that fuels—and funds—Islamic State, one of the richest terrorist armies the world has known. These airstrikes were launched not because U.S. officials were prescient.... more »
The Islamic State Is Using Al Qaeda's Tactics To Plan Attacks Against The West
A man described as Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the suspected ringleader of the Paris attacks, in a photo published in the Islamic State's online magazine Dabiq. PHOTO: REUTERS *Wall Street Journal:* *Islamic State Tactics Shift, Borrowing From al Qaeda* *Extremists are engineering larger, more coordinated plots against the West* U.S. and European counterterrorism officials believe Islamic State has changed its operational tactics by borrowing from al Qaeda’s playbook, deploying trusted lieutenants to engineer larger, more coordinated plots against the West. The attacks in Paris were the ... more »
Researchers Fear Drug-Resistant Bacteria Could Spread Globally
[image: drug-resistant] ATLANTA (CBS Atlanta) -- Researchers are concerned that drug-resistant "superbugs" could spread across the globe. Chinese researchers say some meat sold in the country has been infected with E. coli that's resistant to antibiotics and capable of transferring its immunity,... Continue reading *“Researchers Fear Drug-Resistant Bacteria Could Spread Globally”* at *atlanta.cbslocal.com*.
Dozens Under Watch in the U.S. to Guard Against Paris Copycat Attack
[image: paris attack] Dozens of suspected radicals in the United States are under “tight surveillance” because law enforcement officials fear they might try to pull off a copycat version of the Paris attacks after being exposed to ISIS propaganda, according to FBI Director... Continue reading *“Dozens Under Watch in the U.S. to Guard Against Paris Copycat Attack”* at *abcnews.go.com*.
France prohibits climate march, plans updated
. By Payal Parekh - 350.org Friends, Yesterday, we got some disappointing news. Citing security concerns, the French government has prohibited many of the Paris mobilizations and events connected to the upcoming climate summit from going forward -- including the massive march being planned for November 29th. This is a heavy blow, especially for the many organizers who have been working
Amnesty Intl. USA's "Write for Rights" campaign focuses on Albert Woodfox, calling for his immediate release
* (Amnesty International artwork)* Today, in conjunction with the "Write for Rights" campaign, Amnesty International USA issued an email action alert focusing on Albert Woodfox, where Amnesty reiterated the organization's call for Albert's immediate release. Along with urging supporters to add their name to Amnesty's online petition to Louisiana Attorney General James Caldwell, Amnesty is also asking people to write letters to both AG Caldwell and to Albert, with a sample letter and other information available here. On November 7, a protest march in support of Albert was held in L... more »
Ex-Subway Pitchman Fogle Gets More Than 15 Years in Prison
[image: Jared Fogle] Warning: The testimonies and charges in this article are graphic. INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -- Jared Fogle emerged from obscurity to become the unlikely face of one of the nation’s biggest restaurant chains, earning a small fortune by touting the benefits of... more »
How Salt and a Car Battery Are Bringing Clean Water to the Developing World
[image: Community Chlorine Maker - 400] Though it looks and operates more like a kid's science-fair project than a solution to the global water crisis, a new device created through a partnership between an outdoor-equipment manufacturer and a nonprofit global-health organization could give remote communities around... Continue reading *“How Salt and a Car Battery Are Bringing Clean Water to the Developing World”* at *takepart.com*.
Economist Professor Suggests Chinese Men Should Share Wives
[image: Chinese woman - 400] By 2020, China will have an estimated 30 million more men than women as a result of the country's one-child population control policy established over 30 years ago. As a solution, a Chinese economist professor has proposed that men in China share... Continue reading *“Economist Professor Suggests Chinese Men Should Share Wives”* at *liveactionnews.org*.
Inside America’s Islamic State Air Strike Center In Iraq
(*Click on Image to Enlarge*) The Combined Air and Space Operations Center (CAOC) at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, provides command and control of air power throughout Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and 17 other nations. (Photo by Tech. Sgt. Joshua Strang/ Air Force) *Daily Beast*: *Exclusive: Inside America’s ISIS Air Strike Center in Iraq* *As many as 50 U.S. drone strikes directed by the Kurds helped to secure Sinjar—demonstrating how closely the two militaries are working together against ISIS.* ERBIL, Northern Iraq — The morning after the attacks in Paris that left 129 dead, the U.S. ... more »
A Look At What 100,000 U.S. Soldiers Could Do In Syria
U.S. Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles drive through Camp Adder before departing what is now known as Imam Ali Base near Nasiriyah, Iraq December 16, 2011. REUTERS/Mario Tama/Pool *Michael O'Hanlon, Reuters*: *What 100,000 U.S. boots on the ground get you in Syria* Speaking in Turkey after the terrible Paris murders of last Friday, President Barack Obama recently opposed any fundamental change in U.S. strategy towards Syria — the hotbed and home headquarters of Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, and apparently a key node in the planning and preparation of the... more »
How Much Does The Republican Base Absolutely Crave Being Lied To? And The Democrats?
Say NO to the anti-refugee assholes of both parties Reality is more difficult for Republicans than for normal people. Not *all* Republicans, but many Republicans-- the ones whose minds have been damaged by Hate Talk Radio hosts and by Fox News. And that's a lot of Republicans. It's why the "dumbest states," as we saw last night, are all deep red states. The Republican base is, unfortunately, incapable of dealing with abstracts, even the most simple abstracts. They can repeat what they hear on Limbaugh's show and can grunt approvingly when something sounds like its confirming the not... more »
MENA Report ( November 19 - 20 , 2015 ) - Around the MENA Horn ( Syria/ Iraq War Theater , ISIS Overlay - extending from Iraq/ Syria and into Europe , Iran nuclear agreement item of note , Israel , Paris Attacks and related items - investigations / Gov't reactions and potential over-reactions , Refugee Crisis - a wide look at some of the hot button issues of the day )
Links..... *27 Dead After al-Qaeda Faction Raids Mali Hotel* *Russian DM: 600 ISIS Killed in Missile Strikes* *5 Killed, Several Wounded in Tel Aviv, West Bank Attacks* *Air Strikes Will Have Little Effect on ISIS* *Obama Aide: US Can't Sustain Ground Forces in Syria* *Obama, Assad Put Kibosh on Hopes of Quick Syria Peace Deal* *French President Announces Further Escalation of Strikes on ISIS* *World Unites After ISIS Terror but Strikes May Backfire, Experts Say* *France Wants Grand Coalition, But US Still Seeks to Exclude Russia* *Arab Nations' Intel Tips Often... more »
Nov. 19: In Remembrance
http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/surveillance-state-neil-macdonald-1.3325327 During World War Two, Canadians were daily reminded they were fighting for the Five Freedoms. (Actually, these freedoms were from the US constitution, but we were assured they were for all of us.) They were freedom of religion, of speech, of the press, of the right to assemble peaceably, freedom to petition for redress of grievances. In the U.S., these freedoms came under attack immediately after the war when U.S. senator McCarthy destroyed lives and careers of at least hundreds by attacking some of these ... more »
Musical Interlude: Medwyn Goodall, “Invocation 2 and 3”
Medwyn Goodall, “Invocation 2” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UWVgYrS_X0 Medwyn Goodall, “Invocation 3” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ilsk2vkEWmA
Obama Prepares America for Refugee Influx with Tourniquets for Terror Attacks
[image: tourniquets] WASHINGTON -- The White House is pushing to make tourniquets as commonplace as heart defibrillators in U.S. schools, stadiums, airports, malls and other public places, to reduce fatalities from mass shootings and terror bombings. Applying lessons learned on the battlefields... Continue reading *“Obama Prepares America for Refugee Influx with Tourniquets for Terror Attacks”* at *google.com*.
Planned Parenthood Asks: What Word Describes Us? Responses Show Widespread Disgust
[image: Planned Parenthood] Planned Parenthood asked people on Twitter to describe the billion-dollar abortion provider in one word, and the response it got was not at all what it expected. A few months ago, undercover journalists began exposing what Planned Parenthood later admitted... Continue reading *“Planned Parenthood Asks: What Word Describes Us? Responses Show Widespread Disgust”* at *thefederalist.com*.
To Fight ISIS, America is Going to Need Another President
[image: Barack Obama] WASHINGTON -- Tell me: What’s a suicide bomber doing with a passport? He’s not going anywhere. And, though I’m not a religious scholar, I doubt that a passport is required in paradise for a martyr to access his 72 black-eyed... more »
Cartoon: ‘Border … Security’
[image: Ramirez - 111915 - Border Security - 900]
FBI: No Credible Terror Threats In The U.S.
*The Hill:* *FBI: No credible terror threat, despite ISIS videos* The FBI has not detected any “credible” threat to American national security, Director James Comey said on Thursday, days after the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) issued threats against Washington and as the country grapples with the terror group's reach. “We are not aware of any credible threat here of a Paris-type attack and we have seen no connection at all between the Paris attackers and the United States,” Comey told reporters on Thursday. “ISIL and its supporters put out all types of propaganda, like ... more »
There Aren’t as Many People as a Lot of Environmentalists Think: Some Elementary Calculations
[image: Big City Crowd Overpopulation - 900] The big global warming conference in Paris (COP21) is about to start, an event cheered by environmentalists everywhere. Now many environmentalists are not fond of people, thinking there are too many of them, which is why they're always calling for fewer. But... more »
Russian Airstrikes Destroy ISIS Oil Convoys
Russian airstrikes have hit more than 200 targets in 24 hours as Moscow aims to cut off the Islamic States income by taking out refinery and oil trucks. Moscow had announced last night that its warplanes would be hunting ISIS oil tanker trucks in Syria, a day after it was confirmed that a ‘terrorist attack’ had brought down a Russian passenger plane in October The General Staff said that around 500 fuel tanker vehicles transporting illegal oil from Syria to Iraq for processing had been destroyed by Russia’s Air Forces. RT reports: “In recent years, Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/I... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 19, 2015
Militant Islamist fighters wave flags as they take part in a military parade along the streets of Syria’s northern Raqqa province June 30, 2014. REUTERS/Stringer *John Lloyd, Reuters:* *Islamic State has become an existential threat to the West* The Europeans have — it’s not news — tended to be snooty about the Americans. Especially the French, but the attitude is ingrained even in the “special relationship” with the UK. In interviews with intelligence service people, mostly retired, for a project for the Reuters Institute, I often heard that senior British officers had thought t... more »
The Trouble with the ‘Nation of Immigrants’ Argument
[image: Immigrants - 400] Listen for a few minutes to the raging debate over the fate of the Syrian refugees, and you will hear a familiar phrase rear its weary head: "The United States is a nation of immigrants." This line has two purposes... Continue reading *“The Trouble with the ‘Nation of Immigrants’ Argument”* at *nationalreview.com*.
New Islamic State Video Threatens Attack on White House
[image: White House after dark - 400] Islamic State militants released a video on Thursday threatening the White House with suicide bombings and car blasts and vowing to conduct more attacks on France. The six-minute video released by Islamic State fighters in Iraq applauds last week’s Paris... Continue reading *“New Islamic State Video Threatens Attack on White House”* at *reuters.com*.
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