U.S. Dem. Senator Does Not Believe President Obama's Syrian Strategy Will Work In The Long Term
*The Hill*: *Dem senator: Obama's Syria move won't work in 'long-term'* Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) said Sunday that she does not think President Obama's decision to send special operations forces to Syria is a strategy that will work in the long run. Obama recently announced plans to send fewer than 50 special operations troops to Syria in an advisory role. “I don't think it's a strategy that will work long-term,” Gillibrand said on CBS’s “Face the Nation.” She also noted that she is opposed to escalating military involvement and sending in more troops. Instead, she favors ... more »
Heat Anomalies Found In Great Giza Pyramid May Point To Secret Chamber
A ‘particularly impressive’ heat difference has been detected between the blocks at four of Egypt’s pyramids, including the famous Great Pyramid of Giza, Egypt’s antiquities minister said. The findings were uncovered in Egypt’s Khufu pyramid two weeks into a thermal scanning project aimed at penetrating the secrets of the pyramids. The Guardian reports: Operation Scan Pyramids began on 25 October to search for new chambers inside four pyramids including Khufu’s, the tallest, also known as the Great Pyramid of Giza. Two weeks on the team of architects and scientists from Egypt, Franc... more »
When Political Correctness toward Homosexuals Stops Doctors from Doing Their Jobs
[image: Silenced Doctor - 900] Imagine this scene if you will. A respected doctor and medical professor serving at a large hospital becomes concerned as he documents increasing health risks related to obesity. But as he is compiling data to document this, he is astonished... more »
America Has Betrayed Its Former Afghan Military Translators
Above — British troops plan an operation with Afghan troops through an interpreter. U.K. Ministry of Defense photo. At top — an Afghan interpreter gazes out a window before a patrol in Ghazni province. U.S. Army photo *Kevin Knodell, War Is Boring*: *The Long, Slow Betrayal of America’s Interpreters* Facing death, former military translators are walking to Europe with other refugees. U.S. Marine Aaron Fleming became fast friends with Sami Kazikhani during his deployment to Nimruz province in 2011. Fleming was a member of a team of advisers mentoring Afghan troops, and Kazikhani wa... more »
Developments In Hypersonic Technology Will Have A Huge Impact On Military Strike And Transport Capabilities
*CNN:* *Hypersonic rocket engine could 'revolutionize' air travel* (CNN)British aerospace giant BAE Systems is betting big on hypersonic travel -- something its potential new partner says could be a reality within two decades. BAE is planning to invest £20.6 million ($31.8 million) in a 20% stake of Reaction Engines, a UK-based engineering firm which has developed what it calls "breakthrough" aerospace engine technology, which could potentially be used for a new generation of reusable space vehicles and, as a commercial offshoot, could revolutionize air travel. An announcement on... more »
Trudeau-bama: Will he take his kids for a swim in the sewage filled St Lawrence River?
I personally think he should keep right on mimicking Obama... So Canadians *feel reassured *about the safety of this* billion litre sewage dump in the St Lawrence River.* After all perception is everything?! Recall? Obama's swim in the Gulf waters. Fact or Fiction? *RT: because Canada's Broadcast Corporation doesn't seem to be covering this news. * * Canada's new government has given the city of Montreal the go-ahead for its plans to dump billions of liters of untreated sewage into the St. Lawrence River. The city says it may damage the environment, but the government says the alt... more »
MAY LOOK LIKE PLUTOCRAT BIAS: Halloween monsters stood on the stage!
*TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2015Part 2—The GOP's "crazy" proposals:* This evening, the Fox Business Network and the Wall Street Journal will stage and air another Republican debate. The last debate was staged by CNBC. The debate took place on October 28. Halloween was three days away, and that seemed weirdly appropriate! Monsters and giants stood on the stage, confronting three to six moderators. We refer to the GOP budget proposals, which Candidate Kasich had assailed as "crazy" just one day before. What made those budget proposals seem monstrous, ghostly, gigantic or "crazy?" Let's ...more »
A Court In Belgium Gives Facebook 48 Hours To Stop Tracking Non-Users
A court In Belgium has given Facebook 48 hours to stop tracking non-users or they will have to pay a daily fine of €250,000 On Monday the Brussels court said: “Today the judge… ordered the social network Facebook to stop tracking and registering Internet usage by people who surf the Internet in Belgium in the 48 hours which follow this statement” Press TV reports: The ruling follows a case lodged in June by the Belgian Privacy Commission, which said Facebook indiscriminately tracks Internet users when they click “like” or “share” on the website, or when they visit Facebook pages even... more »
Russia's Portable Flame-Thrower 'The Bumblebee'
*Sputnik:* *Terrifying Bumblebee: Fires Incendiary Bombs, Barbecues Enemy Indoors* Military experts from Popular Mechanics, a US magazine of popular technology, are quite impressed with the capabilities of the Russian portable flamethrower system with a cute nickname Bumblebee, which nevertheless is capable of completely devastating enemy forces not only in the open but in bunkers, trenches, and even armored vehicles. Russian rocket-propelled flame thrower, the Bumblebee, was originally developed due to the need for more effective fire power against an enemy entrenched in fortifi... more »
Commentariat Central
The poobahs of the *New York Times* opinion section were up to their usual reality-altering tricks this past weekend. First, there was Maureen Dowd's pre-mortem elegy to George H.W."Poppy" Bush, which had the desired effect of plugging the new hagiography by Jon Meacham. The book has gleaned headlines because Poppy finally chastized W over Iraq at the same time he called Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld a couple of "iron asses." Dowd painted a picture of a principled elder statesman tortured in his dotage by the legacy of his idiot son. Riffing on Dylan Thomas, she mawkishly urged P... more »
Albu Ajeel Points To Tribal Disputes In Post-IS Iraq
Once the Islamic State is driven from a part of Iraq that doesn’t mean everything is resolved. The current war has increased tensions between communities and created new ones within them. That’s show in the case of Albu Ajeel just outside of Tikrit. The tribe there was accused not only of collaborating with the insurgents, but taking part in the now infamous Camp Speicher massacre, which took place last summer. After the town was cleared in March it was destroyed by both Shiite Hashd units and local Sunni tribesmen. Afterward Albu Ajeel was a ghost town with no locals being allowe... more »
Food article pulled when authors can’t serve up data
An article about a dietary plan to help people lose weight has been retracted after other researchers raised concerns, and the authors failed to provide the data that supported their findings. The retraction is accompanied by a Letter to the Editor by a group of outside researchers — including David Allison at the University of Alabama […] The post Food article pulled when authors can’t serve up data appeared first on Retraction Watch.
The College of Lost Arts
[image: building trades] When Hurricane Hugo hit Charleston, South Carolina, in 1989, its Category 4 winds carried off nearly every roof in town, leaving homes and businesses to be flooded by torrential rain. Not since the earthquake of 1886 had the city seen... Continue reading *“The College of Lost Arts”* at *citylab.com*.
Dennis Prager: Is the Jewish Future Bright?
[image: Dennis Prager] I thought that Jewish Journal readers would be interested in the "gloomiest" of the responses. I need to note that "gloomiest" does not mean that I foresee any Jewish tragedy, let alone the disappearance of the Jewish people. I have... Continue reading *“Dennis Prager: Is the Jewish Future Bright?”* at *jewishjournal.com*.
Charity Warns That Social Care For Disabled People Is At ‘Crisis Point’
New research published by the charity Scope warns that social care for disabled people is now at ‘crisis point’ due to being severely underfunded. The research which was published today found that chronic under funding has meant that disabled people, who rely on social care for their independence, are often left hungry and isolated from the rest of society. Some are forced to sleep in their clothes or left waiting up to fourteen hours to use a toilet. The charity is calling on the Chancellor George Osborne to invest in social care in the upcoming spending review, later this month M... more »
Is America's Military Running on 'Wishful Thinking'?
*Ed Feulner, Daily Signal:* *America’s Military Can’t Run on Wishful Thinking* It seems fitting that the Heritage Foundation released its latest Index of U.S. Military Strength just before Halloween. It makes for some scary reading. It’s easy to assume that our military will always be prepared to not only defend our shores, but protect our allies and interests worldwide. Indeed, to suggest otherwise might seem unnecessarily pessimistic. But wishful thinking doesn’t keep you safe—doing the hard work to remain prepared does. You can’t do that if you don’t examine our actual state o... more »
Pentagon Wants 'Thinking Machines' As Soldiers
*Photo*: Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work (left) speaks with New York Times editor Tom Shanker at the Reagan National Defense Forum *National Defense:* *Pentagon Will Develop ‘Thinking Machines’ to Defeat Future Enemies* SIMI VALLEY, Calif. — Ultra-smart computers and robots that crunch data at the speed of light will be key ingredients of the Pentagon’s strategy to deter and defeat future military adversaries. “We already started to make investments,” said Deputy Defense Secretary Robert Work. The specifics of how the Pentagon might use these advanced technologies and how... more »
Russian Tea Cookies
These shortbread cookies were an experiment a few years ago when we wanted to take cookies to a friend who lived in Russia for a few years. They were a delicious hit. They are different from most typical cookies, they are crumbly versus chewy, but they are delicious with a cup of herbal tea or hot cocoa. My kids LOVE to make these because they get to roll them in the sugar. I love them because they are so fast to make and don't require constant watching like other cookies. A win all around! You will need: - 1 Cup Softened Butter - 1/2 Cup Powdered Sugar - 1 teaspoon vanill... more »
My Fsther's Reactor but Not my Father's Reactor Industry: 2
In 1960, my father shifted his research focuse from Molten Salt Reactors to Light Water Reactor safety, Yet his previous research on Protactinium recovery from breeding salt fluid, was eventually to become a linch pin of a major ORNL focus, the Molten Salt Breeder Reactor. My father ve formed a partnership with George Parker, and very much enjoyed the success that the oRNL Reactor safety researchers were having which brought them International attention. But in 1964, Milton Shaw learned of ORNL safety Research, and pronouncing Light Water Reactors completely safe, he moved to shu... more »
Terrifying Video Shows How Tight A Blue Angels Formation Is
*Daily Mail:* *No room for manoeuvre: Heart-stopping footage shows US Navy Blue Angels pilots flying mere INCHES from each other as they swoop over the sea* * Cockpit video posted to social media shows the jets swooping over water * The footage has been shared tens of thousands of times on Facebook * Camera pans around the cockpit as the jets fly in an amazing formation This heart-stopping footage shows just how daring Blue Angels pilots really are. A cockpit video posted to social media shows the US Navy stunt pilots flying in formation mere inches away from each other. At these... more »
*Allen Toussaint has died* *New Orleans musicians remember the legendary artist~Gambit* *Allen Toussaint: The Lost Interview ~Rolling Stones*
China’s Underreporting on Carbon Dioxide Emissions Means Coal May Not Be in Decline
[image: China-Coal_Miner] Environmentalists are cheering a new Greenpeace study that says coal consumption is facing its biggest decline in history, but China's deception on pollution data may cast doubt on the new report. China accounts for half of global coal demand and... more »
Jesus Christ: Too Good Not To Be True
[image: The True Lord's Prayer] TOM GILSON -- The more I study the story of Jesus, the more the story itself convinces me it must be true. Skeptics will undoubtedly call that circular logic. It's irrational to say something is true because it's true. But... more »
Israel Provided US & UK With Intel On Suspected Bomb On Russian Plane
Initially there had been little or no intelligence commentary from the UK or the US regarding the Russian plane that crashed in the Sinai Peninsula. It was only a few days later that they started to suggest that ISIS, who had immediately claimed credit for the crash, were actually responsible. According to CNN, a US official said that Israel had provided them with intelligence of their own regarding the Russian plane crash, indicating that a bomb had detonated on board. The Times Of Israel reports: An unnamed US official and diplomatic source said that Jerusalem handed over informat... more »
EU Falling Well Short Of Renewable Energy Targets
By Paul Homewood As reported yesterday, various assorted greenies and lefties are up in arms. For instance, Greenpeace. Daisy Sands, head of energy at Greenpeace, said the leaked letter showed “the dark side of the government’s incoherent energy policy in full technicolour”. “For the first time, we learn that the government […]
Oh Yeah, other things are happening in Taiwan...
[image: DSC08362] *The 130 in Miaoli.* I was going to do a huge post gathering up all the commentary, but frankly I am tired of the whole Ma-Xi mess, which ended an era, not began one. But if you are going to read one thing on it, read Solidarity's, because it's the best. AmCham did a great piece on the nation's debt situation. Taiwan’s public finances are increasingly strained by debt, aggravating the island’s fiscal woes as it struggles with flagging exports and weak GDP growth. Last year, the central government’s debt reached NT$5.28 trillion (US$161 billion). At 35.85% of GDP,... more »
Netanyahu Demands $50 Billion From U.S. Taxpayers
Netanyahu and his Arkansas pal Tom Cotton Israel has a population of 8,157,300, of whom 1,688,600 (20.7%) are Arabs.The U.S. government gives Israel $2.9 billion annually in aid + another $1 billion to the West Bank and Gaza in economic assistance. Israel gets about $18 million in economic assistance and the bulk of the money is in military assistance-- just over $2.9 billion, the most, by far, to any country in the world. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu got to Washington Sunday for 3 days of meetings with Obama, congressional leaders, American Jewish groups, and think tanks-- the... more »
U.S. Air Force Officials: Airstrikes Alone Can’t Defeat ISIS
[image: Syria Map-400] The U.S.-led military coalition fighting Islamic State militants is weakening the group's hold in Iraq and Syria even after Gulf Arab allies scaled back airstrikes, though ground forces are needed to retake territory, senior U.S. Air Force officials said. The coalition's... Continue reading *“U.S. Air Force Officials: Airstrikes Alone Can’t Defeat ISIS”* at *bloomberg.com*.
Jeb Bush Allies Threaten Wave of Harsh Attacks on Marco Rubio
[image: Jeb Bush] The cash-rich group aiding Jeb Bush's White House run has filmed a provocative video casting his rival Marco Rubio as ultimately unelectable because of his hard-line stand against abortion. Seething with anger and alarmed over Mr. Rubio's rise, aides to... Continue reading *“Jeb Bush Allies Threaten Wave of Harsh Attacks on Marco Rubio”* at *nytimes.com*.
Myanmar (Burma) in Post-Election Limbo with Slow Official Results
[image: Aung Suu Kyi] YANGON, Myanmar (AP) -- Myanmar was trapped in a post-election limbo Tuesday with official results barely trickling in, although opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi’s party claimed a victory massive enough to give it the presidency and loosen the military’s... more »
Fatigue And Stress Is Taking Its Toll On U.S. Drone Pilots
*L.A. Times*: *Air Force struggles to add drone pilots and address fatigue and stress* Deep in the 60,000 acres of desert on this desolate air base, past a billboard that shows a Predator soaring in the sky, lies a high-security compound where America's drone pilots learn to hunt and kill from half a world away. But "the Farm," as the little-known Air Force boot camp is known, faces a crisis. Experienced pilots and crews complain of too much work, too much strain and too little chance for promotion operating the Predator and Reaper drones that provide surveillance and that fire ... more »
Christianity Facing Middle East Purge Within Decade
*FOX News:* On the brink: Christianity facing Middle East purge within decade, says group The dwindling Christian population of the Middle East could vanish completely within a decade unless the global community intervenes, say alarmed aid groups who say followers of the Bible are being killed, driven from their land or forced to renounce their faith at an unprecedented pace. The world has largely stood by as a dangerous tide of intolerance has washed over the region, according to a new study by the international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need. The study includes dis... more »
China Takes Another Step Forward To Replace The U.S. Dollar As The World's Reserve Currency
*Bloomberg*: *China to Allow Direct Conversion Between Yuan and Swiss Franc* China took another step to boost the yuan’s global usage, saying it will start direct trading with the Swiss franc, as the nation pushes its case for reserve-currency status at the International Monetary Fund. The link will start on Tuesday, the China Foreign Exchange Trade System said in a statement, making the franc the seventh major currency that can bypass a conversion into the U.S. dollar and be directly exchanged for yuan. The rate will be allowed to fluctuate a maximum 5 percent on either side of ... more »
Nice heir, though.
Conservative strategists recognized too late the obvious pitfall of crafting an election strategy around making fun of their main opponent's 'nice hair'. Turns out just about everyone likes nice hair. Last week the Cons sought to rectify that mistake by electing Rona Ambrosia as their own hair apparent and interim leader. "We're going to be nice hair all the way all the time from now on," promised the new leader, pledging to usher in a new era of 'sunny ways glaze' after a decade of apparently just getting the tone wrong. Fellow MP ShamWow Tony Gazebo best summed up this new dire... more »
SUCCESS! Bringing truth to mainstream academic conference - thank you for your support!
Here's a huge thank-you to everyone who contributed to my GoFundMe page "Send Blacklisted Prof to Paris." We raised over $2,000 in just a few days - an amazing outpouring of support for truth-in-academia! Along with attending the Islamophobia and Eroding Civil Society Conference, I will be promoting the book *We Are NOT Charlie Hebdo: Free Thinkers Question the French 9/11*...and working to translate the book into French. Once again, thank you! I couldn't do this work without you.
Resistance Is Crucial: Ted Cruz Suggests U.S. Supreme Court Justice Kennedy Resign
[image: Justice Anthony Kennedy] Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, busy running for president of the United States, is suggesting that U.S. Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy should consider seriously resigning his office. Currently the court’s swing vote, he often has the power to determine... Continue reading *“Resistance Is Crucial: Ted Cruz Suggests U.S. Supreme Court Justice Kennedy Resign”* at *usnews.com*.
*Irrational racial upheaval at University of Missouri* *Some white students allegedly yelled racial slurs at some black students late at night so the university president is responsible for that??* Just hours after University of Missouri (MU) president Tim Wolfe was driven from office over racial tensions at the school, the chancellor of the school’s flagship Columbia campus announced that he will be stepping down as well, increasing the body count in a gruesome day for the university. Meanwhile, activists at the school say their struggle is not over and that they plan to release ... more »
*World Bank foresees global warming as hurting the poor* *It probably would not, though Warmism certainly will. It would open up large parts of Siberia and Northern Canada to farming and thus increase world food supply. And on past form, food surpluses tend to be given away to needy nations. In the days of the Soviet Union, Europe used to give its food surpluses to Russia! And even if the food is not given away, its price would fall, thus making it easier for poor nations such as Egypt to buy it.And a warmer ocean would give off more evaporation, thus leading to ... more »
Appeals Court Delivers Setback to Obama’s Immigration Plan
[image: Obama - 900] NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- A federal appeals court has ruled against President Barack Obama’s plan to protect an estimated 5 million people living in the United States illegally from deportation. In a 2-1 decision Monday, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court... more »
China Says 2-Child Policy to Add 30 Million Workers by 2050
[image: China one-child policy] BEIJING (AP) -- Chinese authorities expect that easing the country’s one-child policy will add more than 30 million people to the country’s labor force by 2050, a senior official said Tuesday. Wang Pei’an, spokesman for the National Health and Family... more »
GOP Debate Viewers’ Guide: Substance vs. Personalities as Stakes Grow
[image: Fox:WSJ GOP Debate prep] MILWAUKEE (AP) -- Organizers are promising to focus on substance when eight Republicans face off on the main stage for the GOP’s fourth presidential debate. While that’s the plan, big personalities and rising tensions in the unsettled 2016 field could... more »
Fatal Jordan Police Compound Shooting Spree Took Place in Canteen
[image: Police officers and security forces stand guard outside a police training centre east of Amman on November 9, 2015, where a Jordanian officer shot dead two US soldiers and wounded two other Americans before killing himself. Government spokesman Mohammed Momani said the shooter also wounded two American instructors, four Jordanians and a Lebanese citizen in the attack. AFP PHOTO/STR (Photo credit should read STR/AFP/Getty Images)] AMMAN, Jordan (AP) -- The Jordanian government spokesman says a shooting spree at a police training center that killed five people, including two Am... more »
Putin Spokesman Says Russia Doping Charges ‘Unfounded’
[image: DAVOS-KLOSTERS/SWITZERLAND, 28JAN09 - Vladimir Putin, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation captured during the 'Opening Plenary of the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2009' at the Annual Meeting 2009 of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, January 28, 2009. Copyright by World Economic Forum swiss-image.ch/Photo by Remy Steinegger] MOSCOW (AP) -- The accusations of state-sponsored doping in Russian track and field appear to be unfounded, President Vladimir Putin’s spokesman said Tuesday. Dmitry Peskov told journalists that whenever any charges are made, they... more »
Not In My Name!
This is inspired by my colleague in mathematics, over at the Chalmers Institute of Technology, Olle Häggström (forthcoming with this book about existential risks, soon to be out on Oxford University Press), who writeson his blog: The flyer depicted below, containing slander against and blatant lies about the country of Sweden, is currently being distributed at a refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos and at many other places on the borders of the European Union. Representatives of the extreme and anti-immigrant right-wing Sweden Democrats party confirm that their party is behind... more »
Are They Better At Trade?
https://business.mercer.edu/ During the last election, Stephen Harper trumpeted the record number of trade deals he had signed. But, Gus Van Harten argues, if you look at the deals, it's clear that Mr. Harper has been selling us down the river: The right trade agreements can create opportunities for Canada. But the Harper government has seemed more interested in getting lots of deals than in making sure each is good for Canada’s economy. The three most important deals are:the Foreign Investment Promotion and Protection Agreement (FI... more »
100 Plus Studies Concur – Cannabis Beats Cancer, Yet It’s Still Not Legal
*Phillip Schneider* - The evidence that Cannabis cures cancer is mounting. Why is it still illegal? The post 100 Plus Studies Concur – Cannabis Beats Cancer, Yet It’s Still Not Legal appeared first on Waking Times.
‘Million Cancer Deaths From Fukushima Expected in Japan,’ New Report Reveals
*Sayer Ji* - Not just Japan, but the entire world will be affected by this ongoing disaster. The post ‘Million Cancer Deaths From Fukushima Expected in Japan,’ New Report Reveals appeared first on Waking Times.
Medal of Honor Recipient Tackled Suicide Bomber, Saved Lives
[image: Capt. Florent Groberg] ARLINGTON, Va. (AP) -- He tackled a suicide bomber while serving in Afghanistan, saving fellow soldiers’ lives while suffering a gruesome leg injury. During three years of recovery and more than 30 surgeries at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center,... more »
Economic News , Data & Views ( November 1o , 2015 ) UK In Focus ( David Cameron Gives EU Renegotiation speech , EU Reform Items / Brexit Items ) ...... Portugal Updates ( Left Bloc To Sign Deal / Portugal Gov't To Collapse Imminently ) ...... Spain Updates ( Catalan Independence And Related Matters ) ..... Greece Updates ( EU Hold Back Payment As Milestones Not Hit By Greece Gov't , Banks Stocks Suffer Suffer , Economic Data For Tuesday For Greece ) ....... Ukraine ( Rada Protest Today , Wrangling With Russia On Bond Due In December ) ....... Refugee Updates ( Greece , Germany In Focus ) ....... Germany In Focus ( Anti-Immigration Protests , Merkel's Swooning Popularity ) ...... Market Moving Item ( Italy Loans To Bank Sector Fall 0.5 % y/Y in Sept / German Bunds in news / NIRP Really In Focus today ) ...... Odds & Ends !
Evening wrap..... *Yannis Koutsomitis* @YanniKouts 3h 3 hours ago #*Greece* FinMin Tsakalotos says debt deal should include 15~20 year grace periods http://reut.rs/1WQ8bJM /via @*Reuters* #*ESM* #*debtreliefGR* Greek Finance Minister Euclid Tsakalotos said on Tuesday that any agreement on Greek debt relief should include grace periods of 15-20 years that would encourage long-term investment. ******* *zerohedge* @zerohedge 3h 3 hours ago Commodities new 16 year lows: at these prices two-thirds of Chinese commodity companies can't fund interest payment [imag... more »
Study: 2015’s Best and Worst Cities for Veterans
[image: Veterans, family] In advance of Veterans Day, a new study conducted by WalletHub lists the best and worst cities for veterans in 2015. Using 18 metrics, WalletHub ranked 100 cities in the United States for service member livability. As of October 2015, there are 21.1...more »
Nontoxic Virus Defense: Make Disinfectant Sprays with Essential Oils by Annie B. Bond
Nontoxic Virus Defense: Make Disinfectant Sprays with Essential Oils by Annie B. Bond Gaiam Life, 4 May 20 Especially when there are flu and virus outbreaks in your community, added protection against germs is often warranted. Try these homemade essential oil mists — an easy way to add antiviral and antibacterial yet natural scent to your home. They are proven allies in the fight against germs, and they don’t pose the health dangers of many store-bought disinfectants. *Recipes for Homemade Disinfecting Spray*Germ-Killing Essential Oil Mist This formula takes a few seconds ... more »
(TPP'd On Country Stunned) Grifters Need Another Country To Con? (How to Tell Good Guys from Bad Guys) Behind October's Sucker Rally - Economic Trends Continue To Head South (Do-Not-Track Tossed?) States' Integrity Ranked
We always get the full story from Chris Hedges. Although so few people want to hear it. The Most Brazen Corporate Power Grab in American History Posted on Nov. 6, 2015By Chris Hedges The release Thursday of the 5,544-page text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership—a trade and investment agreement involving 12 countries comprising nearly 40 percent of global output — confirms what even its most
"The Best and the Brightest" and "Honourable"
*Written by Grant G* *The best and the brightest and Honourable...* Gibberish, foreign tongue or words and phrases without meaning, if one substitutes the word(s) ....scoundrel, liar, felon, perjurer, and or thief for the word "honourable" would you be wrong? Think about it, in British Columbia`s 2001 provincial election, during the writ period Gordon Campbell made very specific promises, ah, first, let me remind that in BC`s 1996 provincial election campaign, ( Gordon Campbell`s 1996 campaign manager was David Maclean, the head man at CN Rail) ..Gordon Campbell had selling o... more »
China's Xinjiang Problem - Made in USA
*November 10, 2015 *(Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - China's western region of Xinjiang, a vast area home to some 21 million people, is one of several hubs of destabilization maintained by the US State Department and its vast network of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), covert programs, and overt political meddling. America's "Xinjiang game" is part of a larger, long-term goal of encircling, containing, and undermining China in a bid to maintain American hegemony across Asia. Were one to believe the rhetoric emanating from any of these NGOs or the US State Department itself, the majo... more »
Modern Educayshun
https://youtu.be/iKcWu0tsiZM A brilliant short film that satirises the modern education obsession with 'equality' and avoiding offence.
Military Photo of the Day: November 10, 2015
[image: Soldier in Training-900] A U.S. Army soldier assigned to the Vermont National Guard provides security during a training exercise in Jericho, Vt., on Oct. 31, 2015. As millions enjoyed Halloween, our military was staying prepared. Thank you to this brave soldier for his... more »
U.S. Navy Launches Another Trident Missile Over California
*Daily Mail*: *ANOTHER missile launch soars over California: The Navy launches a second nuclear-capable Trident on day two of dramatic war games that have sparked a host of conspiracy theories* * US Navy fired a second and final nuclear-capable Trident II (D5) missile off coast of California on Monday afternoon as part of a top-secret test * The missile comes after Saturday night's launch, which sparked a flurry of calls to police and posts on social media speculating that it might be a UFO * Photographer Abe Blair happened to be taking pictures of San Francisco when the mysteriou... more »
The Ben Carson Flaps Reveal the Media’s Bias and Desperation
[image: LAKEWOOD, CO - OCTOBER 29: Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson speaks during a news conference before a campaign event at Colorado Christian University on October 29, 2015 in Lakewood, Colorado. Ben Carson was back on the campaign trail a day after the third republican debate held at the University of Colorado Boulder.] Dr. Ben Carson’s whole life has been very unusual, so perhaps we should not be surprised to see the latest twist -- the media going ballistic over discrepancies in a few things he said. Years ago, when I was writing... more »
Musical Interlude: Josh Groban, “Gira Con Me”
Josh Groban, “Gira Con Me” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bYD38yomIw ◆ English Lyrics: *"Gira Con Me Questa Notte"* *"Turn With Me Tonight"* "The world turns with me tonight. Small steps that I make with you. I follow your heart, and I follow the moon So hidden far from me. The world turns with us tonight, Ah, if only far from here there existed A place where to discover my heart, To know if it can love you or not. And it will turn, and it will turn, My heart together with you, And the earth will turn, And my life will turn, And one day, yes, it will understand. It's you who turns ... more »
Carl Davidson : My two cents on the Democratic forum hosted by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow
Maddow did a good job of posing open questions and trying to get decent answers. By Carl Davidson | The Rag Blog | November 10, 2015 Listen to Thorne Dreyer’s Nov. 6, 2015 Rag Radio interview with Carl Davidson, who … finish reading Carl Davidson : My two cents on the Democratic forum hosted by MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow
Leaked Video Shows US Apache Helicopter Escorting ISIS Into Syria
A stunning video has emerged on Monday night which shows was appears to be a United States Apache Helicopter escorting a large convoy of ISIS terrorists across the border from Iraq into Syria. A user on a conspiracy forum posted the video, saying: In an utterly stunning development, a video has surfaced proving once and for all that the United States not only created the so-called “ISIS” terrorist group, but the US military is now actively PROTECTING them! Vehicles in the convoy clearly display the black ISIS flag . . . but the US attack helicopter never fires a shot. Does this vid... more »
Ben Carson: “The New World Order Will Destroy America!”
An old video has surfaced that shows Presidential candidate, Ben Carson, saying that he believes there is a New World Order (NWO) out to destroy America. In the video, Carson suggests that the NWO are seeking to destroy America via atheism and socialism. Alternet.org reports: This one’s been floating around online for a while, but resurfaced on social media yesterday: A video of Ben Carson going after the New World Order which vaguely has to do with atheists and socialists trying to destroy America. As an atheist and a socialist, I can assure Mr. Carson our goal is not to destroy A...more »
Scientist Offers $10M To Monsanto To Prove GMO Is Safe
Scientist Dr Shiva Ayyadurai has challenged Monsanto to prove him wrong on research that shows genetically modified (GM) soy to be dangerous. He is so confident that his research is solid, he is offering to hand over $10 million if Monsanto offer any proof that GMO is safe. Thefreethoughtproject.com reports: “If this is what it takes to bring the truth to the American people, then I am more than willing to do it,” Ayyadurai stated in a press release. Dr. Ayyadurai released a bombshell in July when his peer-reviewed study found that GMO soy accumulates formaldehyde, a carcinogen, and... more »
The Rise Of Fascism In India And In Myanmar Suffered Severe Blows At The Polls Sunday
*DWT* has a history of opposing Indian fascist leader Narendra Modi. We tend to oppose religious bigots and genocidal murderers like Modi anywhere in the world, but especially in places we love, like India. Writing from New Delhi in 2007, when Modi was the Chief Minister of Gujarat (not Prime Minister of India as he is today), we warned that his party, the BJP is a classic right-wing political party, representing the status quo interests of the exploitative/owner class. In a thriving democracy like India, how does a party concerned exclusively with the welfare and prerogatives of... more »
Navy Launches Second Secret Nuclear Missile In California
The U.S. Navy launched a second Trident II nuclear missile in California on Monday, from a submarine off the Southern California coast. This second launch is part of a highly secretive military operation currently taking place in California over the course of the next few days, and the Navy have indicated that they have no intention of warning the public when or where these tests will take place in the future. “It’s important that we test these missiles for our national security,” said John M. Daniels, spokesman for the secretive Strategic Systems Programs office. “We don’t announ... more »
What Happened at Subi Reef?
Following on my last point which tried to understand the logic of ISIS’s role (if indeed it is responsible) in the bombing of a Russian charter plane int he Sinai, let’s turn our attention to the confusion surrounding the recent activity in the South China Sea. In an (alleged…more on this later) effort to counter […]
Pentagon Trying to Create Real Life Master Chief to Defeat Russians and Chinese
[image: Halo Master Chief] The Pentagon is banking on a future where warfare is conducted with man and machine fighting as a single unbroken unit -- and an official decided to share a few specifics on their progress. Department of Defense Deputy Secretary Robert Work...more »
"A Look to the Heavens"
"Andromeda is the nearest major galaxy to our own Milky Way Galaxy. Our Galaxy is thought to look much like Andromeda. Together these two galaxies dominate the Local Group of galaxies. The diffuse light from Andromeda is caused by the hundreds of billions of stars that compose it. The several distinct stars that surround Andromeda's image are actually stars in our Galaxy that are well in front of the background object. *Click image for larger size.* Andromeda is frequently referred to as M31 since it is the 31st object on Messier's list of diffuse sky objects. M31 is so distant it t... more »
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Blaise Pascal
Chet Raymo, “Singing Beside Me In The Wilderness”
*“Singing Beside Me In The Wilderness”* by Chet Raymo “In one of those infuriating lapses that go with being a certain age, we could not remember the other evening the name of the poet who wrote "A loaf of bread, a jug of wine, and thou..." After scraping the tip of my tongue for a few minutes, I turned to the computer (Google is my browser's home page) and by typing "jug thou" brought Omar Khayyam back into consciousness. (Another click and I could have had the entire Rubaiyat.) And so it is that the Googlized internet arrives just in time to compensate for our withering brain ce... more »
Meet the Mizzou Media Professor Who’s Trying to Ban Media Coverage
[image: Media Professor Melissa Click] After desperately trying to gin up media coverage of student protests at the University of Missouri, once of the school's media professors is now furiously trying to "muscle" the press off campus to prevent them from covering student protests that rapidly... Continue reading *“Meet the Mizzou Media Professor Who’s Trying to Ban Media Coverage”* at *thefederalist.com*.
Paulo Coelho, “Why Do That?”
*“Why Do That?”* by Paulo Coelho “Nature is telling us: ‘Change!’ And those who do not fear the Angel of Good Fortune understand that they must go forward, despite their fear. Despite their doubts. Despite recriminations. Despite threats. They confront their values and prejudices. They hear the advice of their loved ones, who say: ‘Why do that? You have everything you need: the love of your parents, your wife and your children, the job it took you so long to get. Don’t run the risk of becoming a stranger in a strange land.’ Nevertheless, they risk taking a first step, sometimes out... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Mindelo, Cape Verde. Thanks for stopping by.
Guest Post: Who Is Behind the Philadelphia School Partnership?
by Deborah Grill *Research from a retired Philadelphia public school librarian who is part of the Alliance for Philadelphia Public School* November 9, 2015 The move to privatize public education has many players. Some attempt to move in giant steps. In Los Angeles, Eli Broad has raised $490 million in a bid to place half of Los Angeles public school students into charter schools. In New Orleans, city and state politicians took advantage of the chaos and destruction after Hurricane Katrina to fire public school teachers and convert all public schools into privately run charter school... more »
Letter from Managua: Bright lights, poor country
If you’re in a window seat, you probably see the giant yellow trees of life before you land in Managua. They’re hard to miss. About 21 metres tall - imagine a five-storey building - and 13 metres across, 17,000 bright yellow lights on each one. Some 134 and counting are scattered across Managua - in the centre of rotondas (roundabouts), in boulevards and in a dense array along Avenida Bolivar, the main street leading down to the lakefront. ‘Que bonita,’ we said to our taxi driver as we drove past the trees one night early in our stay a year ago. He grunted. A lot of people without e... more »
World's Foremost Egyptologist, Dr. Zahi Hawass, Says Ben Carson's Theory About The Pyramids Is "Completely Wrong"
The first I remember hearing about the pyramids was when I was just 10. "You Belong To Me," the song with the lyrics, "See the pyramids along the Nile," was first released in 1952 by Sue Thompson, Patti Page, Jo Stafford and Dean Martin. It's been covered by Patsy Cline, Bing Crosby, Gene Vincent and even Bob Dylan, but the 1958 version by The Duprees was the one that stuck in my mind and made me dream about the pyramids. I finally got to see them in 1997. A few years later I wrote about the experience for my travel blog. In Cairo the biggest deal is, of course, the Pyramids. And... more »
The Mizzou Meltdown
[image: University of Missouri] It was doubtful that the University of Missouri would stand up to a left-wing pressure campaign targeting its president, but when the football team joined the campaign, it was all over. Missouri is an SEC school, where even a mediocre... more »
Nov.9: Year-round reminder of our people who went to war...
....stands in Moncton's Centennial Park. It's Sherman tank, an American design, and the common tank of American, British and Canadian troops for most of World War Two. With all that armour and long gun, it looks like a powerful weapon. But it wasn't. New Brunswick's Eighth Hussars would discover that when they met the German King Tiger and the Panther in Italy. The first Tiger they met knocked out three Shermans. And they were helpless. "We kept hitting it," said Major Cliff McEwen, "but our shells just kept bouncing off." They would soon learn it took at least three Shermans worki... more »
Another Navajoland coal power plant is on the run: San Juan
. The following announcement comes at the same time that Peabody Coal is under probe in New York, for climate change lies and inflating its worth based on those lies. Similar to the tobacco lawsuits, the cases aim to prove that lies and coverups resulted in disease and death, long after the facts were known. Peabody Coal feeds the Navajo Generating Station, one of the dirtiest coal fired
AEI Award for Netanyahu Is Meant to Repair the US-Israel Split: Prof. Denis Rancourt -- Truth NGO
AEI Award for Netanyahu Is Meant to Repair the US-Israel Split: Prof. Denis Rancourt Truth NGO, 08 November 2015 06:08 The conservative Washington D.C.-based think tank American Enterprise Institute has announced that it would grant the Irving Kristol Award 2015 to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in recognition of his contributions to democratic leadership and the role
The Greatness of Margaret Thatcher
[image: Margaret Thatcher] Transcript of former prime minister Tony Abbott’s address to the Second Annual Margaret Thatcher Lecture in London on October 27, 2015. I am both honoured and humbled to give this lecture in memory of Margaret Thatcher, who revived the “great” in... Continue reading *“The Greatness of Margaret Thatcher”* at *smh.com.au*.
My Reaction to Interview with Relay's Dean
by Jim Horn A puffball questioner at Hechinger Report gave Relay dean, Mayme Hostetter, all the space she needed for a prime infomercial. This is my reaction, posted at Hechinger as the first comment: Just as charter schools are businesses aimed to supplant most public schools and to desensitize the public to inhumane corporate environments for all public schools, Relay is a business aimed to supplant legitimate college teacher preparation programs and to replace pedagogical theory and practice with an oppressive and rigid instructional catechism based largely on a single book by... more »
Report: Russia Involved In Massive Doping Conspiracy Involving Its Athletes
*Daily Mail:* *'Drug cheat' Russians sabotaged 2012 London Olympics and should be thrown out of athletics, say world doping chiefs in bombshell report* * Report says athletes competed in 2012 when they should've been banned * It suggests Russia was running a 'state-supported' doping programme * Lifetime bans now recommended for five Russian middle-distance runners * World athletics president, Briton Lord Coe, said findings were 'alarming' * Russia said report was 'political' on day Putin chose to stress commitment to sport Russia's doped athletes 'sabotaged' the 2012 Olympics and sho... more »
Fatal Flaws in that Religion and Generosity Study
[image: Cute child offering fruit - 900] A recent study, headed up by Jean Decety, has been used to suggest that secular individuals are more generous and moral than religious individuals. In fact, Decety argues that his research shows morality to basically be a part of our... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 9, 2015
*Nico Hines, Daily Beast*: *FSB Agents Disguised as Drug Testers ‘Sabotaged’ the Olympics, Blockbuster Report Says* *There’s a reason that Russian athletes did so well in the Sochi and London Olympic Games: they were pumped full of drugs—all under the watchful eye of the Kremlin.* LONDON — The Russian security forces were behind a massive drug-cheating program that “sabotaged” the London Olympics in 2012, according to a stunning report by the World Anti-Doping Agency. It has long been suspected that Russian athletes used performance-enhancing drugs. But the allegations published ... more »
WWE Diva Converts to Christianity, Confesses to a Life of Sin
[image: Taryn Terrell] Stunning wrestling diva Taryn Terrell has shared a dramatic knock-down testimony of conversion from life in the ring to life with Christ. In a ten-minute video on her YouTube channel, the blonde beauty describes a “profound feeling” she had when sitting in... Continue reading *“WWE Diva Converts to Christianity, Confesses to a Life of Sin”* at *christiantoday.com*.
The Daily "Near You?"
Gurgaon, Haryana, India. Thanks for stopping by. Thanks for stopping by!
"What Is Hope?"
"What Is Hope?" by Rubin Alves "What is hope? It is the pre-sentiment that imagination is more real and reality is less real than it looks. It is the hunch that the overwhelming brutality of facts that oppress and repress us is not the last word. It is the suspicion that reality is more complex than the realists want us to believe. That the frontiers of the possible are not determined by the limits of the actual; and in a miraculous and unexplained way, life is opening creative events which will light the way to freedom and resurrection. But the two - suffering and hope - must live... more »
"Time is a great teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its pupils." - Hector Berlioz
Lucid Dreaming: "Silent Lucidity"
"Silent Lucidity" by Jason Bellows "There was a time that I could fly. I jutted my right fist into the air, and launched into the sky. My stomach dropped with the sensation of breaking gravity’s bond, and the summer air cooled as I reached higher. When the roads were so far below as to be an indistinct ashen blur, I halted and curled my legs under me as I was pelted by icy crystals of clouds, and surveyed all below. There was a moment of idle indecision, but in the end it mattered not at all. I picked a direction and dove. The experience was one of my many brushes with Lucid Dreami... more »
Catalonia Makes It Official: They Want Out of Spain by 2017
[image: Barcelona, Spain - September 20, 2015: A large Catalan flag , a symbol of Calalonian independence, hangs below onlookers watching the the La Merce performances in Sant Jaume Square.] BARCELONA, Spain -- The regional parliament of Catalonia approved a plan Monday to set up a road map for independence from Spain by 2017, in defiance of the central government. The chamber, based in the northeastern city of Barcelona, passed the... Continue reading *“Catalonia Makes It Official: They Want Out of Spain by 2017”* at *cbsnews.com*.
Why the Public Gave Amnesty’s Pro-Abortion Video with Liam Neeson Such a Massive Thumbs Down
[image: Chains Screen Shot - 400] Well now, this is embarrassing. Amnesty's pro-abortion video, featuring a voiceover from megastar Liam Neeson, has got a massive thumbs down from the public. It's pretty much a wipe-out, with four times as many people disliking the video than liking... Continue reading *“Why the Public Gave Amnesty’s Pro-Abortion Video with Liam Neeson Such a Massive Thumbs Down”* at *thelifeinstitute.net*.
Burundi Grabbing Guns as a Prelude to Genocide
[image: Burundi] Things are about to go sideways in Burundi. And when things go sideways in a Central African republic, they REALLY go sideways. Burundi is a tiny country just east of Rwanda and things have gotten so bad there that the... Continue reading *“Burundi Grabbing Guns as a Prelude to Genocide”* at *redstate.com*.
Turkey hosting the G-20 Nov 15th & 16th/2015
Yup, Turkey. Hosting the G-20. In just a few days. Interesting & portentous location. Putin, Obama and Canada's own Justin Trudeau are all expected to attend. I notice this meeting is not getting much press. Odd? No alt media finds this news worthy considering the present day circumstances ISIS/L, PKK, the Syrian situation? I would expect to be hearing and reading about security concerns, endlessly in the main stream media. But that's not the case*. **If something goes wrong, it will be very bad for Turkey and the newly elected government*. Which makes the meeting at this locale & ...more »
Phantasy Star for the Sega Master System
It's fair to say Sega's humble 8-bit system didn't have many stand-out classics that have echoed down the decades in the same way as the Nintendo Entertainment System had, but here's one of them. Hitting the shelves way back in 1988, *Phantasy Star* was Sega's me too answer to a plethora of role-playing games released for Nintendo's machine. Save the *Zelda* franchise (which, in my opinion, is an action/arcade adventure rather than RPG), *Phantasy Star* was a real step over the likes of *Dragon Quest* and *Final Fantasy*, and laid the groundwork for the sub-genre now known as Japane... more »
Jeremy Corbyn May Have To Kiss The Queen As He Joins The Establishment
Jeremy Corbyn might soon be brushing his lips against Her Majesty The Queen’s hand when he is sworn in as a member of the centuries-old institution on Wednesday The Labour leader from north London would not be required to kneel before the Queen, as Her Majesty has allowed him to be at ease in her presence. Mr Corbyn, a one time rebel with revolutionary ideas, will soon be part of the British establishment as he is sworn into the Privy Council at Buckingham Palace on Wednesday. He will be given the title of Right Honourable gentleman, which should please the establishment. The Telegr... more »
Heroic Captain Stopped America Starting World War Three
Numerous stories of how the world came close to World War Three during the cold war have come to light over the last decades. Here is another one of those nightmare stories on how the people with their fingers on the nuke button came close to pressing it. It appears that a U.S. Captain working with nuclear missiles, during the cold war, saved humanity by not destroying it. He did not follow orders to shoot off his four nukes and awaited clarification, after realizing that his orders to start world war three just didn’t seem right. So the Captain sought verbal authorization from his ... more »
J. Bond Johnson's Statement on His Visit to General Ramey
Since it has been suggested that Ramey had invited reporters from the *Fort Worth Star-Telegram* to his office, and since some of the quoted material came from a web site that hosted an interview with J. Bond Johnson, the reporter, I thought I could clarify some of this by posting the following. This is from my second interview with Johnson, made about a month after he called me, left his telephone number on my answering machine asking me to return the call. I note here that Johnson claimed I had called him cold and he had no opportunity to review his notes or the Johnson's picture o... more »
World News Briefs -- November 9, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*Reuters*: *Myanmar ruling party concedes as Suu Kyi heads for poll landslide* Myanmar's ruling party conceded defeat on Monday in a general election as the opposition led by democracy figurehead Aung San Suu Kyi appeared on course for a landslide victory that could ensure it forms the next government. "We lost," Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) acting chairman Htay Oo told Reuters a day after the Southeast Asian country's first free nationwide election in a quarter of a century. By late afternoon on Monday, vendors outside the headquarters of the National League fo... more »
Donald Trump Questions Ben Carson’s Honesty, Despite Own Record
[image: Donald Trump, Ben Carson] Donald J. Trump, who has taken well-documented liberties with facts from his own life story and from his campaign for president, sought repeatedly on Sunday to cast doubt on the honesty of Ben Carson, his surging Republican rival. Mr. Trump... Continue reading *“Donald Trump Questions Ben Carson’s Honesty, Despite Own Record”* at *nytimes.com*.
Quote of the day: On Christmas Island
*“Men on Christmas Island are not ‘rioting.’ They're political prisoners protesting their indefinite unjust imprisonment.”* ~ Kon Karapanagiotidis on Twitter [Cartoon by Michael Leunig. Hat tip Julian Burnside] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
UK Will Miss Renewable Targets – Amber Rudd
By Paul Homewood h/t Wolsten http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/politics/conservative/11985050/Britain-will-miss-legally-binding-renewable-energy-target-Energy-Secretary-admits.html Britain will miss a major legally-binding renewable energy target, Amber Rudd, the Energy Secretary, has privately admitted in a letter to other cabinet ministers leaked to the press. In a candid private message to senior Tories, Ms Rudd downplayed the chances of the UK sourcing 15 […]
Emails: Clinton’s BlackBerry was Vulnerable to Hackers
[image: Clinton's BlackBerry] Hillary Clinton’s BlackBerry was vulnerable to hackers during her first visit abroad as secretary of state, according to internal State Department documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. State's top diplomatic security official warned Cheryl Mills, Clinton’s chief of staff,... Continue reading *“Emails: Clinton’s BlackBerry was Vulnerable to Hackers”* at *freebeacon.com*.
What Cut Extreme Poverty in Half in Past 20 Years? Capitalism.
[image: Business Man Graph Growth - 400] In his 2012 lectures at Gresham College, London, Professor Douglas McWilliams described the last two or three decades as the “greatest ever economic event” -- greater in consequence than both the industrial revolution and the "so-called discovery of the Americas." In the... Continue reading *“What Cut Extreme Poverty in Half in Past 20 Years? Capitalism.”* at *social.shorthand.com*.
Little thought given to Labour’s buy-local lunacy
*“In this lies almost the whole difference between good economics and bad. The bad economist sees only what immediately strikes the eye; the good economist also looks beyond. The bad economist sees only the direct consequences of a proposed course; the good economist looks also at the longer and indirect consequences. The bad economist sees only what the effect of a given policy has been or will be on one particular group; the good economist inquires also what the effect of the policy will be on all groups.” *~ Henry Hazlitt, ‘One Lesson’ Labour leader Andrew Little has achi... more »
Housing bubble is consuming our capital
AS YOU’VE PROBABLY NOTICED, we are in an asset bubble and have been for some time. With interest rates on the floor and investors desperate for yield, folk have been able to make risk-free profits using banks’ almost free money to buy bonds and shares and houses and flats…and sit back and marvel at their brilliance as their prices go up. So, oddly enough, as the free money has continued to pour out, the prices of bonds and shares and houses and flats have continued to go up, allowing more and more waves of risk-free profits to be taken, politicians and central bankers to claim the... more »
Judge Issues Narrow Ruling in Challenge to NSA Bulk Collections
[image: Patriot Act Rulling Phone Legal Gavel - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- A federal judge in Washington says the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of telephone data on hundreds of millions of Americans is likely unconstitutional, even as the program is set to expire at the end of November.... more »
Christianity Facing Middle East Purge within a Decade, Says Group
[image: Syrian Christian refugees - 400] The dwindling Christian population of the Middle East could vanish completely within a decade unless the global community intervenes, say alarmed aid groups who say followers of the Bible are being killed, driven from their land or forced to renounce... Continue reading *“Christianity Facing Middle East Purge within a Decade, Says Group”* at *foxnews.com*.
Rival Afghan Taliban Faction Stages A Massive Open-Air Rally To Challenge The Current Taliban Leadership
*RFE*: *Breakaway Faction Challenges New Taliban Leadership* An upstart challenger is adding some muscle to its claim that it is the legitimate leader of the Taliban. In the week following its announcement that it was splitting from the Taliban, the High Council of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has borrowed from the militant group's formal name, chosen a leader, and rallied support in Afghanistan's west. Now it is directly taking on Taliban fighters in Zabul Province, in the south of the country, in what are seen as the first major fighting between rival Taliban factions. ... more »
The Republican Wing Of The Democratic Party Is Still Alive And Kicking
Hillary's campaign team has been relentless-- even ruthless-- in getting endorsements (and commitments from Super-Delegates). One relatively high-up party official, currently running for office, told me his neutral stance turned into a Hillary endorsement and commitment because of the ceaseless barrage of annoying calls... and implicit threats. Another told me his decision to stay neutral had turned into an endorsement of Bernie when he got sick of the pressure. Yesterday Massachusetts freshman Congressman Seth Moulton endorsed Hillary. There's no reason to think he endorsed her f... more »
Human Evolution is Driven by Consciousness Say Researchers
*Leif Davenport* - More research into the power of consciousness. Where are our thoughts leading us? The post Human Evolution is Driven by Consciousness Say Researchers appeared first on Waking Times.
British Man Climbs Eiffel Tower Without Ropes -Video
A British man films himself on GoPro climbing to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris, after dark, without any climbing equipment, just for the sake of it. (Scroll down for video) James Kingston and his mate decided to climb the 300 meter tower so that they could take it off their list of things to do. They climbed up to near the top of the tower in Paris in the dead of night, and then climbed back down later in the morning. French Authorities have given the men a warning not to do it again, for at least three years. The 25-year old from Southampton and his friend both love adventur... more »
Horrific Footage Shows ISIS Slaying 200 Syrian Kids
A sickening ISIS video has emerged which shows 200 Syrian children being lined up and executed by militants, which is believed to have been filmed in late August 2014. WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT [SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO] The video was leaked by an anti-ISIS activist in Yemen, and quickly went viral across social media, with many users expressing their utter shock and condemnation for the horrors displayed in the video. The children are believed to be prisoners of war who were captured by ISIS in 2014, after the terrorist regime overran the Assad held Tabqa airbase in Syria. VIDEO: 200 Sy... more »
Heavy Fighting Between Taliban Factions Being Reported In Afghanistan
*Reuters:* *Rival Taliban factions clash in southern Afghanistan, dozens dead* Rival groups of Taliban militants have clashed in the southern Afghan province of Zabul, killing as many as 80 people in recent days, officials said on Monday, as brewing hostility between factions in the insurgency turned violent. Government officials and spokesmen for the two main Taliban groups said fierce fighting had been underway since the weekend, with each side blaming the other for starting the violence. Insurgents who have pledged allegiance to Islamic State may also have been involved. Seve... more »
Are Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Commanders Refusing To Fight In Syria?
Members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards take part in a military parade to commemorate the 1980-88 Iran-Iraq war in Tehran. (photo credit:REUTERS) *Asharq Al-Awsat*: *Mutiny within Iran’s Revolutionary Guard after it incurs heavy losses in Syria: source* *Several high-ranking generals killed in Aleppo since October* Tehran and London, Asharq Al-Awsat—A rising death toll within Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps in Syria is leading to a mutiny among some senior commanders, who have refused to obey orders to fight in the war-torn country, according to a source close to the Revolu... more »
Republican Claims of Media Bias Boosted by Scarcity of Right-Leaning Journalists
[image: A green two-way street sign pointing to Liberal and Conservative, representing the two dominant political parties and ideologies in national and global politics] A mere 7 percent of journalists identify as Republicans, and when they do give money to political campaigns they usually donate to Democrats, lending evidence to Republican presidential candidates’ claims that they are facing a hostile audience when they deal... Continue reading *“Republican Claims of Media Bias Boosted by Scarcity of Right-Leaning Journalists”* at *washingtontimes.com*.
U of Missouri Students and Faculty Force President's Resignation
Students at UNC should learn from the faculty and students experiences of U of Missouri:
College Professors Begin Revolt against Common Core
[image: professor - 400] It's been obvious from the beginning of the Common Core scheme that one of many weak links in the enterprise was college professors. What would happen when their classes were flooded with increasingly ill-prepared Common Core-"educated" students? That problem is... Continue reading *“College Professors Begin Revolt against Common Core”* at *thefederalist.com*.
Looming Shutdown May End Paul Ryan’s Honeymoon with Conservatives
[image: Paul Ryan - 400] WASHINGTON (CNN) -- After the tumultuous few weeks that led up to Paul Ryan taking over as the new House speaker, his first week on the job was a honeymoon from the Republican infighting that sidelined his predecessor, John Boehner.... Continue reading *“Looming Shutdown May End Paul Ryan’s Honeymoon with Conservatives”* at *cnn.com*.
U-Va. Fraternity Files $25 Million Lawsuit Against Rolling Stone
[image: lawsuit against Rolling Stone] The Phi Kappa Psi fraternity chapter at the University of Virginia filed a $25 million lawsuit Monday against Rolling Stone magazine, which published an article in 2014 that alleged a freshman was gang raped at the house during a party.... Continue reading *“U-Va. Fraternity Files $25 Million Lawsuit Against Rolling Stone”* at *washingtonpost.com
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