Winning Democrats.
A close look at military climate change strategies reveals that they are all about securing borders, protecting supply-routes for corporations, controlling conflicts around resources and instability caused by extreme weather, and repressing social unrest. They turn the victims of climate change into ‘threats’ to be controlled or combated. There is certainly no examination of the military’s own role in enforcing a corporate capitalism and fossil-fuel economy that has caused the climate crisis. There is evidence that many players in this corporate-military-security industrial nexus are already seeing climate change not just* as a threat but an opportunity.( *Not seen as a threat at all )
Michel Chossudovsky in Toronto, Who is Behind ISIS? The Globalization of War, November 17
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Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE)
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Winning Democrats.

Guns and Greenhouse Gases. Impacts of the War Economy on the Environment and Climate Change
As we witnessed in Iraq, the military, the arms corporations and their many powerful political supporters have consistently relied on (and aggressively pushed for) armed intervention to secure oil and energy supplies. The military is not just a prolific user of oil, it is one of the central pillars of the global fossil-fuel economy. Today whether it is in the Middle East, the Gulf, or the Pacific, modern-day military deployment is about controlling oil-rich regions and defending the key shipping supply routes that carry half the world’s oil and sustain our consumer economy.A close look at military climate change strategies reveals that they are all about securing borders, protecting supply-routes for corporations, controlling conflicts around resources and instability caused by extreme weather, and repressing social unrest. They turn the victims of climate change into ‘threats’ to be controlled or combated. There is certainly no examination of the military’s own role in enforcing a corporate capitalism and fossil-fuel economy that has caused the climate crisis. There is evidence that many players in this corporate-military-security industrial nexus are already seeing climate change not just* as a threat but an opportunity.( *Not seen as a threat at all )
- “Collective Self-Defense” against ISIS: Politicians in Washington Want NATO Article 5 Invoked for Total War
- America’s “Global War on Terror”, Al Qaeda and the Islamic State (ISIS)
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