Saturday, November 07, 2015

7 Nov - Blogs I'm Following

Naked Conversations: How Blogs are Changing th...Naked Conversations: How Blogs are Changing the Way Businesses Talk with Customers (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

10:30pm MST

U.S. Secretary of Defense: Russia And China Are Threatening Global Order

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 36 minutes ago
*Stars And Stripes*: *Carter: U.S. must prepare for challenges from Russia, China* SIMI VALLEY, Calif. –The United States must develop new strategies and weapons to challenge aggression from China and Russia, Secretary of Defense Ash Carter said Saturday at the Reagan National Defense Forum. “That is a generational challenge, like it was in Reagan’s time,” Carter said during a speech at the forum held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library and Center for Public Affairs. “In the face of Russia’s provocations and China’s rise, we must embrace innovative approaches to protect the... more »

Pentagon: U.S. Will No Longer Conduct Military Operations Against The Taliban In Afghanistan. Sees Taliban As Reconciliation Partners

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 36 minutes ago
Reuters *DAWN:* *US sees Taliban as reconciliation partners: Pentagon* WASHINGTON: The US Department of Defence has said that it’s no longer conducting counter-terrorism operations against the Taliban in Afghanistan because it views the group as an important partner in its efforts for restoring peace in the war-ravaged country. “What we’re not doing (is) counter-terrorism operations against the Taliban,” Pentagon spokesman Navy Captain Jeff Davis told a Wednesday evening news briefing in Washington. “We actually view the Taliban as being an important partner in a peaceful Afghan-... more »

China's Military Has A Corruption Problem

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 36 minutes ago
*Richard Macauley, Quartz: **China accounts for 30% of the world’s secretive military spending* China is responsible for 30% of the world’s secretive defense spending, reports Transparency International (TI), a Berlin-based anti-corruption NGO. Secretive spending, defined by TI as “military expenditure where no meaningful details are released either to the public or parliament,” is leading to corruption at home and mistrust in the Asia-Pacific region that could destabilize the area, the organization says. “No information is available on acquisition planning, and only broad detail... more »


Steve at Thinking Aboot - 1 hour ago
For you love is like a once in a hundred year storm for me its like the weather report and I chase those storms because I fear to catch something real thats better than everything in my real deal women and me love diffeantly but in the end just the same its the path each takes to perfection that give love its time and finds so many dimes put their by the sprits who want to put in their ten cents worth about a situation so complicated its harder to chart by a lug degree than global warming.

How Badly Will The Lies That Ben Carson And Marco Rubio Have Told About Their Life Stories Hurt Them Politically?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 3 hours ago
OK, so everyone knows that the brainwashed Republican base, which has spent entirely too much time listening to psychopaths on Hate Talk radio and watching Fox "News," is not interested in facts or in objective truth. But what about when their candidates actually *admit* being liars? I guess we'll find out soon, since right-wing fave Ben Carson has started cracking up... and admitting to some of his lies. Recall that at the last GOP debate, PolitiFact checked 16 of Dr. Carson's statements and did not find *one* to be true or even mostly true. 3 were deemed half true, 4 were found ... more »

Restrictive Abortion Laws Saved Portuguese Football Star Ronaldo’s Life

Catholic Herald at The Stream - 3 hours ago
[image: ronaldo1-800x500__1446946675_173.71.16.53] … we read in both accounts that the [Christiano Ronaldo family has had something of a tough time: the father drank himself to death, the mother relies on tranquillisers, and Ronaldo Junior is being brought up without his mother. The... Continue reading *“Restrictive Abortion Laws Saved Portuguese Football Star Ronaldo’s Life”* at **.

Nov. 7: little - again - in the Irving press

Graeme Decarie at The Decarie Report - 3 hours ago
There's an interesting development in the fighting in Syria. Both the U.S. and Russia have assigned fighter jets to the region. And that's a little odd. Some fighter jets are equipped to carry bombs as well. Jets like that are called fighter bombers. But others are equipped to fight only other aircraft. Russia and the US are both sending pure fighters. Now, ISIS has no aircraft. Syria has an airforce equipped with fighters and, as they have been for decades, they are all Russian, though many are outdated. (Gee - could that relationship with Russia explain why the U.S. wants to get r... more »

Sorry, Media, You Won’t Destroy Ben Carson

National Review/David French at The Stream - 5 hours ago
[image: Ben Carson-1] Let's begin with two propositions: There is a difference between an admirable man and a perfect man, and there is a difference between "vetting" and viciousness. The collective goal of the liberal media is now clear -- to take one... Continue reading *“Sorry, Media, You Won’t Destroy Ben Carson”* at **.

Native Americans respond to Obama rejecting Keystone XL pipeline at CENSORED NEWS - 5 hours ago
Tribal, Grassroots, & Treaty Leaders Respond to President Obama Rejecting Keystone XL Pipeline By Indigenous Environmental Network WASHINGTON – President Obama has rejected the Keystone XL cross-border application filed by TransCanada to the U.S. State Department. This is a huge victory for the Tribal Nations and communities along its proposed route that have been fighting this dirty tar

State’s New GOP Gov Just Sent an EPIC Message to the EPA — Obama Will Hate It

Western Journalism at The Stream - 5 hours ago
[image: splitmattbevinbarackobama1107-913x512] Kentucky Gov.-elect Matt Bevin made a promise when he campaigned for office that when the Environmental Protection Agency bureaucrats came calling to interfere with Kentucky's coal economy, he'd tell them to keep on going or face a fight. Winning election... Continue reading *“State’s New GOP Gov Just Sent an EPIC Message to the EPA — Obama Will Hate It”* at **.

"Mirror Neurons: They Really ARE In Your Head" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 6 hours ago
*"They Really ARE In Your Head: * *Why Mirror Neurons In Your Brain Can Make You Feel"* by LiveScience “Empathy allows us to feel the emotions of others, to identify and understand their feelings and motives and see things from their perspective. How we generate empathy remains a subject of intense debate in cognitive science. Some scientists now believe they may have finally discovered its root. We're all essentially mind readers, they say. The idea has been slow to gain acceptance, but evidence is mounting. In 1996, three neuroscientists were probing the brain of a macaque monkey ...more »

Louisiana Police Officers Charged With Shooting Of Six Year Old Boy

Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 6 hours ago
Two Louisiana police officers are in jail following the police investigation into the fatal shooting of 6-year-old boy driving in a car with his dad. They came under a hail of bullets from law enforcement officers, Derrick Stafford, 32, of Mansura, and Norris Greenhouse Jr., 23, of Marksville on Tuesday while travelling in their car. The two officers are being held in Avoyelles Parish jail facing charges of second-degree murder, while other officers investigate the crime. The boys father was severely wounded with bullet fragments lodged in his brain and lungs. No weapons were recove... more »

Secret Military Ops In Los Angeles, LAX Airport Flights Diverted

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 6 hours ago
A mysterious and secretive military operation is currently taking place over the Pacific which is forcing flights landing at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) to take a different route to the airport. Planes have been told that airspace over the Pacific is closed to incoming flights for the next week ahead, and that they are not to fly at low altitudes to the west. The military have refused to disclose what is happening. ABC7 News reports: “We clearly understand that neighbors and communities east of the airport will experience noise and we apologize for that,” said Nancy Cas... more »

WW2 U-Boat Found In Argentina Proves Top Nazi’s Escaped Germany

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 6 hours ago
The wreck of a World War 2 Nazi submarine has been found washed up on the coast of Argentina this week which experts believe to be the remnants of a German U-boat. Many WW2 historians are hailing the find as proof that high ranking Nazi officials secretly escaped Germany after WW2, many of them fleeing to Argentina. It’s even possible that Hitler himself left Germany in one of these U-boats, as reports of Hitler fleeing to Argentina have recently surfaced on the FBI’s own website. reports: “This is very unexpected” admits WW2 historian and professor at Univ... more »

600 Earthquakes Shake California In Recent Weeks, Big One Coming?

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 6 hours ago
The US Geological Survey (USGS) shows that within the last three weeks almost 600 earthquakes have struck northern California, which is above fives time the record set 12 years ago. NBC Bay Area’s quake map highlights all earthquakes recorded near the San Francisco Bay Area in the last 24 hours. “It’s the swarm with the largest number of total earthquakes in San Ramon,” said USGS scientist David Schwartz, reports: Still, the number tops the previous record set in 2003, when 120 earthquakes hit over 31 days, with the largest clocking in at a magnitude of 4.2. The large... more »

Hillary Clinton: People Fleeing Syria Because Of Climate Change

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 6 hours ago
Hillary Clinton has sad that she believes that the Syrian refugee crisis is partly due to the horrors of climate change. The presidential candidate has called for the United Nations to hold a conference so that willing nations can take in the 4 million Syrian refugees who have fled their war-torn homeland, or provide them with clothing and food. reports: “Then we have to ask ourselves, ‘Why is this happening?’” Clinton said at a town hall event in Coralville. “Because of terrible governance, because of corruption, because of conflict, because of climate change.” In ... more »

Mandela Effect Just jumped to a New Level!!

D ... Breaking The Silence at Removing The Shackles - 6 hours ago
Mandela Effect Just jumped to a New Level!! Well folks, this whole "Mandela Effect" shit just jumped to a WHOLE new Level!! If you've been watching the One People's Roundtable Discussion on Monday nights, then you' know Lisa harrison and I have been discussing the so called "Mandela Effect" for months now. And over the past month or so, there was a decidedly new level seen in this mess, as we talked about on this weeks show- with us now seeing very blatant changes in modern history. Specifically, the Iraq War in 2003-07. In a completely different conversation in the UnFuck... more »

Previously Unseen 9/11 Footage – What Just Hit The Pentagon?

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 7 hours ago
This collection of 9/11 clips show previously unseen footage that raise some serious questions about the September 11th attacks. The close up of the plane flying into the WTC is incredible, as is the clip from the Pentagon showing what appears to be a cruise missile flying into it. According to the video’s description: How does one remove three buildings in the heart of the busiest city in the world, particularly when two of them are due for the removal of asbestos (both towers), without clearing the entire city (something ‘no one’ could afford), when it NEEDS to be done, ASAP? If ... more »

CDC: Tapeworms Can Transmit Cancer To Humans, First Death Reported

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 7 hours ago
Scientists from the CDC have discovered a worrying new cancer-like condition in a 41-year-old man who is believed to have contracted the disease via tapeworms. This is the world’s first cast of cancer transmission from a parasite to a human, and involved an HIV patient from Colombia who developed multiple large tumors all over his body. He died 72 hours after being diagnosed. reports: Local doctors biopsied those tumors and found that the cells acted like cancer cells in their destructiveness but were strange in other respects. For one, they were about 10 times s... more »

Declassified: The 1983 Nuclear War That Nearly Killed Us All

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 7 hours ago
A declassified report named “1983 War Scare” has disclosed just how close the world came to an all-out nuclear war which would almost have certainly killed us all. The National Security Archive published a 1990 report on the Soviet War Scare of 1983, which describes just how close the US and Soviet Union were to going to war. Missed warning signs “According to the President’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board (PFIAB), the United States “may have inadvertently placed its relations with the Soviet Union on a hair trigger” during the 1983 NATO nuclear release exercise, Able Archer 83... more »

Investigation Before Speculation

Saman Mohammadi at The Excavator - 7 hours ago
"While new theories on the Russian plane crash in Egypt emerge every day, the investigation should collect facts 1st, then draw conclusions" — the Lemniscat (@theLemniscat) November 7, 2015 "The Washington post editors peddle the crackpot idea that the CIA smuggled a bomb on board of the Russian airline that went down over the Sinai peninsula. Or something like that. No one else, as far as I can tell, has offered such an idiotic conspiracy theory. So far there is not even a shred of real evidence that a bomb took down the plane. All we know is that the black boxes on board of the p... more »

The Keystone XL Pipeline May Be Dead, But Corrupt Democrats Like Patrick Murphy Who Backed It Aren't

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 7 hours ago
Yesterday President Obama succumbed to the same pressure from serious activists that made Hillary Clinton switch positions on the Keystone XL Pipeline a month or so ago. Friday morning he announced that the 7-year "review" of the Keystone XL Pipeline project was over and that the controversial and dangerous Pipeline would not be built. “The pipeline would not make a meaningful long-term contribution to our economy,’’ the president said in remarks from the White House. The move was made ahead of a major United Nations summit meeting on climate change in Paris in December, when Mr... more »

The GOP’s Primary Rules Might Doom Carson, Cruz And Trump

FiveThirtyEight at The Stream - 7 hours ago
[image: republicans GOP] In a few months, after Iowa and New Hampshire begin to winnow the field, the GOP nomination race could boil down to an epic final between a candidate with a more pragmatic image, such as Marco Rubio, Carly Fiorina or... Continue reading *“The GOP’s Primary Rules Might Doom Carson, Cruz And Trump”* at **.

Putin’s Special Forces Thwart ISIS Terror Attack In Russia

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 7 hours ago
Putin’s Special Forces in Russia have prevented ISIS from committing a terror attack in the south of Russia, after discovering a large bomb hidden in plastic casks on the side of a road. The 3.5 tonne bomb was scheduled to explode in the village of Kantyshevo, in the south-western area of Ingusheitia. reports: Members of the crew that worked on the operation stated that all the terrorists that were behind the planting of the bomb have been killed. They named the terrorist leaders as Aslan Byutukaev and Beslan Mahauri, both ISIS militants. They said they had been fol... more »

Musings On Iraq In the News

Joel Wing at MUSINGS ON IRAQ - 8 hours ago
My article on the limits of Premier Abadi’s reforms was re-published in Al Mada.

Every UN Climate Summit Hailed as ‘Last Chance’ to Stop ‘Global Warming’ before It’s Too Late

Climate Depot at The Stream - 8 hours ago
[image: global warming] The countdown to the United Nation's Paris Climate summit is approaching and the public is once again being warned that this meeting will represent the "last chance" for nations to act on "global warming" before it's allegedly too late. Media reports... Continue reading *“Every UN Climate Summit Hailed as ‘Last Chance’ to Stop ‘Global Warming’ before It’s Too Late”* at **.

Alec Guinness’s Best Movies

Daily Telegraph at The Stream - 9 hours ago
[image: Guiness Kind hearts and coronets] In 1946, aged 32, Alec Guinness starred as Herbert Pocket in the David Lean adaptation of the Charles Dickens’s classic GREAT EXPECTATIONS. Guinness said: “The stage was my prime interest. I had no ambition to be a film actor, and... Continue reading *“Alec Guinness’s Best Movies”* at **.

How to Put Climate Alarmism on Ice

National Review/Ian Tuttle at The Stream - 9 hours ago
[image: Antarctica ice] When it comes to civilization's end, Al Gore's theory was simple and elegant: Increased heat (a product of the Greenhouse Effect, the Koch Brothers, the hole in the ozone layer, etc.) leads Earth's great swaths of ice to melt, which... Continue reading *“How to Put Climate Alarmism on Ice”* at **.

The Terror Attack That Bored America

Commentary Magazine at The Stream - 9 hours ago
[image: Russian aircraft debris] Increasingly, it appears that the worst terrorist attack on an aircraft since September 11th took place on October 31 over the skies of Egypt. Evidence has begun to mount that the crash of a Russian jet in the Sinai desert,... Continue reading *“The Terror Attack That Bored America”* at **.

Christian Workers Fired from Daycare for Refusing to Call A Little Girl A Boy

Breitbart at The Stream - 9 hours ago
[image: Children's Lighthouse Houston TX] HOUSTON, Texas -- Two daycare workers have been fired for refusing to go along with the center's transgender agenda. Madeline Kirksey, one of the workers who is an author of a Christian book, says her religious liberty rights have been violated. The... Continue reading *“Christian Workers Fired from Daycare for Refusing to Call A Little Girl A Boy”* at **.

U.S. Blames Weather For Lack Of Air Strikes On The Islamic State

Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 9 hours ago
The general heading the U.S. Air Forces Central Command said today that the reduction in U.S. and coalition air strikes on Islamic State targets in Syria should increase in the future. This follows a lull in September and October, which was blamed on “bad weather” and not Russia’s start of her own air campaign in the region with the support of the locals. Reuters reports: Lieutenant General Charles Brown told reporters at the Dubai International Air Chiefs Conference that the reduction in air strikes was due to weather and to a slowdown in activity on the ground and not due to the s... more »

Syrian Army And Hezbollah Get Closer To Besieged Airbase In Aleppo

Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 9 hours ago
The Syrian army together with the National Defense Forces (NDF) and Hezbollah fighters are closing in on the besieged Kuweires Airbase in the northern province of Aleppo, Syria. The strategic base looks to be on the verge of being liberated from ISIS after being under siege for two years. The joint forces have been conducting fierce battles with the terrorist over several days in Sheikh Ahmad in Eastern part of Aleppo. Fars News reports: The latest reports from the battlefield said that the government forces are very close to seize back full control over Sheikh Ahmad after killing t... more »

Manhunt Underway after Texas Judge Shot outside Her Home

USA Today at The Stream - 9 hours ago
[image: Texas District Judge Kocurek-400] A police manhunt was underway Saturday for a suspect who shot and seriously wounded the presiding state district judge of the Texas county that includes Austin. Travis County State District Judge Julie Kocurek, was gunned down in the driveway of... Continue reading *“Manhunt Underway after Texas Judge Shot outside Her Home”* at **.

Waltons Pump Another $50 Million into TFA Mission

Jim Horn at Schools Matter - 10 hours ago
Over the past three years, over a thousand teachers in Memphis have lost their jobs as public schools have been closed, charters opened, and TFA know-nothing temps hired to replace experienced faculty. The Walton Foundation has been an ongoing financial supporter of the Walmartization of teaching in Memphis, and this week they announced that Memphis would get another $4.5 million of the $50 million spent nationally to continue the endless teacher churn, as temps come and go in the nation's poorest school districts. As these non-teachers learn to control poor people's children, they... more »

Arriving in Milan

Bruce K. Gagnon at Organizing Notes - 10 hours ago
*The central rail station in Milan* I arrived in Milan, Italy today at 10:30 am and made the long ride from the airport to the central rail station on a crowded bus. From there I took a cab 10 minutes to my small hotel room which I found online weeks ago - a good price and it turns out to be a nice space, small and clean, perfect for me. My flight from Boston on Lufthansa was cancelled due to a strike in the airlines so I was switched to British Airlines (I had the worst meal ever on a plane as I crossed the Atlantic) and landed in London. From there I flew to Milan and by the tim... more »

Egypt Criticises UK & US For Failure to Share Russian Plane Crash Intel

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 10 hours ago
Egypt has criticised the UK & US for their failure to share intelligence on the Russian plane crash, as restrictions threaten to cripple the country’s tourism industry. The Egyptian government has refused to acknowledge that terrorists brought down the Russian passenger jet in the Sinai desert last week, despite America and Britain saying that their intelligence points strongly to the crash being caused by an Islamic State bomb. The Guardian reports: Egypt’s foreign minister, Sameh Shoukry, pushed back against international suspicions that the tragedy was an act of terrorism, as in...more »

Has Indonesia Fiddled Its CO2 Emissions Data?

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 10 hours ago
By Paul Homewood In my post on Indonesia’s Climate Plan yesterday, Kevin Marshall, from the manicbeancounter website. made an interesting comment, which is worth expanding on. Something else is remarkable about the figures. Indonesia’s 2005 emissions of 1800 MtCO2e. I have found four other estimates, ranging from 1171 to 2829 MtCO2e. Indonesia’s own […]

Is A Progressive/Conservative Political Realignment Inevitable?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 11 hours ago
In the House there are currently almost no Republicans voting more progressively than even the most right-wing Democrats and there aren't many Democrats voting as far to the right as even the most moderate Republican. According the ProgressivePunch's crucial vote scores for the current session, the most anti-progressive Democrat, Florida Blue Dog Gwen Graham, votes against progressive legislation more frequently than 8 Republicans-- Dana Rphrabacher (R-CA), Morgan Griffith (R-VA), Mick Mulvaney (R-SC), Mark Sanford (R-SC), Thomas Massie (R-KY), Justin Amash (R-MI), Chris Gibson (R... more »

Tech-Centric Football

Ozy at The Stream - 11 hours ago
[image: Jimmy Smith and Devin Hester, October 19, 2014. Facemask penalty on Jimmy Smith, Baltimore Ravens cornerback.] Sure, dressing the stars has always been a big business, but equipping sports studs with satellite technology is a relatively new concept. A decade ago, this corner of the sports-tech industry was tiny, with the entire market for "wearable computing... Continue reading *“Tech-Centric Football”* at **.

Fact vs. Fiction: Texas on the Dutch MH17 Coverup

greencrow at Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 11 hours ago
*Fact vs. Fiction: Russell "Texas" Bentley* *on the Dutch MH17 Coverup* American war hero *Russell "Texas" Bentley*, now living in Donbass, has just come out with a new video investigation of the *MH17 Passenger Jet shootdown over Donbass, Ukraine on July 17, 2014.*.over a year ago now. Here is his conclusion: .......I have been to Amsterdam many times, and have flown out of Schiphol Airport more than once myself. The people who boarded Malaysian Airlines Flight MH17 on that terrible day back in 2014 did not think the war in Donbass could ever effect them. It did. Those of us still...more »


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 12 hours ago
*Top bid for Leonard Fournette jersey soars to $20,000; proceeds go to South Carolina flood relief ~Advocate *

Picasso painting sells for over 67 million dollars...

Adrienne at Adrienne's Corner - 12 hours ago
*proving once again that a sucker is born every day.* The new owners *did* get a bonus ugly picture painted on the back. Celebrating the ugly. It's what our world has become. *Visit the Art Renewal Center*

"How It Really Is" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 12 hours ago

"Reality..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 12 hours ago
"Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, still exists." - Phillip K. Dick

Fukushima Update: "Your Radiation This Week, Oct 31 to Nov 7, 2015" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 12 hours ago
*"Your Radiation This Week, Oct 31 to Nov 7, 2015"* By Bob Nichols "I didn't say it would be easy. I just said it would be the truth." - Morpheus (San Francisco) November 7, 2015 – "Good Day, this is “Your Radiation This Week.” These are the recorded Radiation Highs that affected people this week around the United States and in your neighborhood. Thirty-three (33) cities exceeded 1,000 CPM this week. Another Eleven (9) cities are clustered between 900 and 999 CPM, ready to Break Out at any time. Stay Alert and take all appropriate precautions. The Rad poison has spread all over the ... more »

Police Officers Face 2nd Degree Murder Charges For Shooting 6 Yr Old Boy

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 12 hours ago
Two police officers in Louisiana have been arrested and face second-degree murder charges for allegedly killing a six year-old boy and seriously injuring his father during a shooting on Tuesday. The state’s police chief has called the incident the most disturbing thing he has ever seen.” RT reports: Six year-old Jeremy Mardis, who was autistic, was killed and his father Chris Few was wounded when marshals opened fire on the vehicle they were traveling in Tuesday evening in the central Louisiana town of Marksville. Rest in Peace #JeremyMardis. 6 years old. #KilledByPolice pic.twitte... more »

Moon Landing Was A Hoax Claims Filmmaker

Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 12 hours ago
Filmmaker Bart Sibrel believes the Moon landings were a hoax to hook the public’s imagination and divert it from the Vietnam War. People now believe the historic event to be true, and hold on to their belief with religious zeal. The controversial filmmaker has been promoting the idea of the fake moon landings for over 20 years and says he now has evidence to prove his claims. Sibrel claims he has raw and original NASA footage showing the Apollo 11 crew being directed from a third source, maybe CIA, as to what to say and when, while communicating with ground control. He claims the As...more »

Editor's Note

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 12 hours ago
Finishing up on a project right now. Blogging will return later tonight.

Iceland’s Bankers Face 74 Years in Prison While US Banks Profit After Your Bailout

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 12 hours ago
The problem is that they are totally right and have even proven it in the real world. Willfulness in the continuing application of wrong solutions is completely not understandable. The American bankers committed treason. No more and no less. At least here they chose to jail all responsible and they have already achieved full recovery. That is exactly what i preached in 2008. *Iceland’s Bankers Face 74 Years in Prison While US Banks Profit After Your Bailout* ** * You could ice skate in Hell sooner... more »

'Never Seen Anything Like This Before' as 2015 Set to Be Hottest Year on Record?

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 12 hours ago
These charts are unusual and do not particularly jive with what we have recieved from other sources over the past decades. However out of the blue we have a three degree F jump over the average Ocean temperature of the twentieth century. At the same time all measurements have been so compromised that we now have a built in bias that gas lasted for twenty years as the science has been cooked continuously to support a polit8ical agenda. It really feels like the boys have doubled down to get some attention. Right now we are not sure what is suddenly presented here and the potent... more »

Flowers Used in Chinese Herbal Medicine

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 12 hours ago
This introduces a handful of useful herbs gathered in the form of flowers. That TCM has investigated as many as over five thousand different substances is min boggling. More telling though is that the practitioner manages between two hundred to six hundred. Since most potions are concoctions of several ingredients we have potentially millions of concoctions needing testing and evaluation. Good luck on all that. Obviously we really need computerization to explore prospective options. We also need biochemical analysis to isolate prospects as well and to discover unique a... more »

Who Controls the Agreed Upon Reality Through the Mainstream Media

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 12 hours ago
There are two issues here of interest. The foremost is the complete lack of controversy regarding information that can be understood rationally but is not attended to. UFOs are one such but htere are many others and the amount of data is stagering. At the very least there should be dozens of independent efforts attempting to communicate. Yet press riducule long past its credibility stage actively suppresses call that. The second issue is that secrecy is making less and less sense and would have powerfully encouraged human development a long time ago. It may even lead direc... more »

Grassroots Revolution Towards a Holistic and Creative Educational System

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 12 hours ago
We all know we need to do much better, yet we all have been trained in the traditional ways and cannot easily imagine better. Worse, even if we had a better idea, making it happen will take a lot of experiment and effort.. Yet we can set the problem and chew around the edges. We can establish an understanding of each child's strength and weakness and at least address the whole picture. That needs to be the first priority. *Grassroots Revolution Towards a Holistic and Creative Educational System* *By Lance Schuttler* *Guest Writer for Wake Up World* * more »

Spacecraft Discovers Thousands of Doomed Comets

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 12 hours ago
It turns out that we have exactly one crushed comet passaging the sun. This is important. Earth was massively impacted by a crushed comet directly onto the Northern Ice Cap around 12900 years ago. Having only one prospect, it appears that we likely have our original comet in the Kreutz comet family observation. We really have no other choice and since incoming at speed all on much the same trajectory it appears this is it. We already understand that the comet mass was perfectly targeted and timed to produce the necessary result which was to end the northern Ice Age. Now ... more »

Can Beavers Really Save the World? Scientists Think So

arclein at Terra Forming Terra - 12 hours ago
Anything that succeeds in retaining water in a water shed is good. Our problem has been that the original land clearing efforts did not properly take all this into account and the majority of natural wetlands got drained and beavers got evicted or more correctly hunted out. Many excellent fields turn out to be former wetlands well nutrified by the action of beavers. In principal we need to wisely reforest huge areas of present waste lands and all riverine environments. By that i mean the natural flood zone at least. Many of those former wetlands are amenable to wetland cropp... more »

Additional Ramey Memo Scans

KRandle at A Different Perspective - 12 hours ago
While most of the new scans have been provided to a number of people including several skeptics (though some of them suggested they weren’t all that interested in pursuing the Ramey memo) we haven’t had a chance to learn of their results if there are any. I have a couple of other files that are small enough to put on this blog and they will follow. But I did one thing that I believe was an idea by Barry Greenwood. In his report, “Ramey Memo Redux – Line 5,” he wrote, “Getting a little weary I noticed a cardboard pair of 3-D red/blue glasses from some leftover movie I had once seen… ... more »

MAY LOOK LIKE LIBERAL BIAS: Rubio's evasion succeeds!

bob somerby at the daily howler - 12 hours ago
*SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2015Part 5—May look like plutocrat bias:* In the second hour of last Wednesday's debate, an embarrassing moment occurred. John Harwood asked a question about Candidate Rubio's tax plan. Rubio misunderstood the question. Either that, or he chose to dissemble: HARWOOD (10/28/15): Senator Rubio, 30 seconds to you. The Tax Foundation, which was alluded to earlier, scored your tax plan and concluded that *you give nearly twice as much of a gain in after-tax income to the top one percent as to people in the middle of the income scale.* Since you're the champion o...more »

Campus Stabber’s Manifesto Included ‘Praise for Allah,’ Plan for Beheading

Fox News at The Stream - 12 hours ago
[image: UC campus stabber] A handwritten manifesto carried by a California college student whose stabbing spree Wednesday left four wounded bore names of his targets, a vow "to cut someone's head off" and as many as five reminders to "praise Allah," law enforcement authorities... Continue reading *“Campus Stabber’s Manifesto Included ‘Praise for Allah,’ Plan for Beheading”* at **.

What Bill O’Reilly’s New Book on Ronald Reagan Gets Wrong about Ronald Reagan

The Washington Post at The Stream - 12 hours ago
[image: Bill O'Reilly Killing Reagan] "Killing Reagan," by Bill O'Reilly and Martin Dugard, is supposed to be a book of new scholarship on the Reagan presidency. Instead, it restates old claims and rumors, virtually all of which have been discredited by the historical record. In this... Continue reading *“What Bill O’Reilly’s New Book on Ronald Reagan Gets Wrong about Ronald Reagan”* at **.

Video: Ron Paul – The U.S. Is “Now Al-Qaeda’s Air Force”

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 13 hours ago
While many on the world stage are aware that America’s War on Terror is nothing but a farce, there are not many who are actually willing to say so. Presidential candidate and former congressman Ron Paul recently appeared on the Alex Jones Show to discuss the latest developments in Syria. Talking about the proxy war in Syria, he said that the United States was “now al Qaeda’s Air Force” The hypocrisy of American foreign policy has now become clearer than ever before Activist Post reports: It is a turning point in the drug out civil war in Syria that has Putin fighting under the banner... more »

Presidents of China And Taiwan Meet For First Time Since 1949 Split

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
*New York Times*: *Presidents of China and Taiwan Shake Hands in First Ever Meeting* SINGAPORE — President Xi Jinping of China met with President Ma Ying-jeou of Taiwan on Saturday in the first-ever encounter between leaders of the neighbors and longtime rivals, an act both sides described as a breakthrough gesture meant to promote peace and mutual prosperity. Mr. Xi and Mr. Ma began their brief talks with a handshake that went on for more than a minute, with both men smiling broadly and turning side to side so the hundreds of reporters in the meeting room at the Shangri-La Hotel ... more »

What Hath Jerusalem to Do With Johnny Cash?

Russell Moore at The Stream - 13 hours ago
[image: Grand Ole Opry] Country music is a narrative music. It tells a story, and in many ways, that story is a gospel story. Country music recognizes sin and redemption even from people who are lost. Whereas in some other genres of music you... Continue reading *“What Hath Jerusalem to Do With Johnny Cash?”* at **.

Big Union: Obama Threw Workers under the Bus with Keystone Decision

The Washington Free Beacon at The Stream - 13 hours ago
[image: Obama-1] Longtime Democratic ally could be big GOP booster in 2016. One of the nation's largest unions accused President Obama of betraying workers and the labor movement by blocking the Keystone Pipeline and is backing up its rhetoric with campaign donations... Continue reading *“Big Union: Obama Threw Workers under the Bus with Keystone Decision”* at **.

Tonight, Live from New York, Donald Trump Hosts SNL

FRAZIER MOORE at The Stream - 13 hours ago
[image: People protest in front of NBC studios while they are calling for the network to rescind the invitation to Donald Trump to host Saturday Night Live show on November 4, 2015 in New York. Trump host SNL on November 7.] NEW YORK (AP) -- Amid high anticipation and sharp criticism, Donald Trump is set to step onstage in Studio 8H tonight to host Saturday Night Live. Despite a 40-year history of lampooning politicians while inviting some to mock themselves as... more »

Canada Is Number One In Freedom And Social Tolerance

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
Spectators cheer during Canada Day celebrations on Parliament Hill in Ottawa, 2012. (REUTERS/Chris Wattie) *Yahoo News:* *Canada ranks first in world for personal freedom and social tolerance* O Canada: you might be the land of the free now. A new study reveals that the United States’ neighbor to the north has the “freest country in the world,” with the greatest tolerance for immigrants worldwide. Canada’s ranking as the top nation in the world for personal freedom can be found in the Legatum Institute’s 2015 Prosperity Index. The London-based international public policy think ta... more »

Iran's Growing Anti-Americanism

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 13 hours ago
A man leaving a Friday Prayer site in Tehran slapped an image of President Obama. Many in the capital scoff at proponents of the chant “Death to America.” Credit Kaveh Kazemi for The New York Times *Max Boot, Commentary: **Iran’s Intensifying Anti-Americanism* The nuclear deal with Iran, reached this summer, was supposed to auger a new age in Iranian-American relations. Advocates of the deal spoke optimistically of Iran moderating, opening up for business, and generally becoming a more constructive force in the region than it has been in the past. The deal really wouldn’t make a lo... more »

Using early warning systems in education

SPJ at @ THE CHALKFACE - 13 hours ago
Looks like we’re going to use “early warning” data, something new to me. Although, it’s a new title, but relatively old concept of trying to use BIG DATA to solve all of our problems. I’m looking some things up, but a very preliminary Google Scholar search was kind of funny to me. Searching for “early […]

"Without [free speech] we will never really know what we think"

Craig at Is the BBC biased? - 14 hours ago
Roger Scruton's second *A Point of View *in defence of free speech was as fine as his first. I strongly recommend it to you. It is also bound to be complained about to *Feedback* by the kind of people who object to hearing such views expressed on BBC Radio 4 - somewhere they are *not *used to hearing them; indeed, a station that's almost a ready-made 'safe space' for such people. If they *do* complain that such views are inappropriate for Radio 4, Prof. Scruton's case would be made for him. Anyhow, here are some extracts from his latest talk: We have to remember however than offe... more »

Clinton and Aides Signed Doc Warning against ‘Negligent Handling’ of Classified Info

The Washington Free Beacon at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: Hillary-Clinton1] As the nation's chief diplomat, Hillary Clinton was responsible for ascertaining whether information in her possession was classified and acknowledged that "negligent handling" of that information could jeopardize national security, according to a copy of an agreement she signed upon... Continue reading *“Clinton and Aides Signed Doc Warning against ‘Negligent Handling’ of Classified Info”* at **.

Police: Texas State Judge Shot at Her Austin Home

AP at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: Texas state judge shooting] AUSTIN, Texas (AP) -- A Texas state judge was shot and wounded in the driveway of her home in Austin late Friday as witnesses looked on, police said. District Judge Julie Kocurek was taken to a hospital and was in... more »

Obama’s Medicaid Expansion Proving a Bad Bargain for States

The Wall Street Journal at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: Utah Governor medicaid] Advocates in Washington of the Affordable Care Act have been fighting tooth and nail to preserve the president's signature health-care law--and they're fighting even harder to expand it in the states. Conservative lawmakers in our home states of Utah and... Continue reading *“Obama’s Medicaid Expansion Proving a Bad Bargain for States”* at **.

Students Tell Yale to Fire Staffers Who Upset Their Safe Space (Warning: Foul Language)

Reason at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: Yale Students Halloween Costumes] Students are demanding that Yale University fire two administrators who failed to speak out against offensive Halloween costumes. This is just one of the grievances of activist students--many of them people of color--who claim Yale is not a safe space... Continue reading *“Students Tell Yale to Fire Staffers Who Upset Their Safe Space (Warning: Foul Language)”* at **.

Israel's Kamikaze Micro-Drones Will Change Modern Warfare

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
uVision *Popular Mechanics:* *Israel Is Already Selling Kamikaze Micro-Drones That Will Change Modern Warfare* *The Hero-30 weighs less than 7 pounds, but can carry a one-pound warhead.* The tiny drone launches from its pneumatic carrying tube, extends its wings, and zooms at speed up to 115 mph, driven by an electric propeller. But the 7-lb. Hero 30 can also cruise at slow speeds, loitering over an area. A stabilized camera and a thermal imager in the nose beams back video to the operator. Hero can fly for 30 minutes, long enough for the operator to locate, identify, and confirm ... more »

Could Russia And Israel Clash In Syria?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu And Russian President Putin *Michael Peck, National Interest*: *A Horrific Thought: Could Russia and Israel Clash in Syria?* Moscow's intervention in Syria has put Russian forces on Israel's doorstep. Though Israel and Russia have set up a hotline to avoid any conflicts, there remains a possibility--however remote--that Israeli and Russian forces may clash. It won't be the first time. During the War of Attrition between Israel and Egypt in the early 1970s, Soviet pilots supporting Egypt engaged in dogfights with Israeli jets, only to see the vaunt... more »

Great Timing For The West If Russian Plane Crash Was Caused By ISIS Bomb

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 14 hours ago
With both the US and Britain suggesting that an ISIS bomb may have been the cause of the Russian plane crash over Sinai last week, an op-ed by political writer Dan Glazebrook looks at some of the reasons why this tragic event couldn’t have been better timed for the West In an article for Russia Today, he writes: “If the Sinai crash was terrorism, its timing was perfect for the West” A sketch by the late lamented US comedian Bill Hicks involved a US general at a press conference. “‘Iraq has incredible weapons. Incredible,’ the general said. ‘How do you know that?’ he was asked. “Oh,... more »

It’s official: Anil Potti faked cancer research data, say Feds

Ivan Oransky at Retraction Watch - 14 hours ago
Following five years of scrutiny, more than ten retractions, multiple settled lawsuits, and medical board reprimands, we may finally have some resolution on the case of Anil Potti, the once-rising cancer research star who resigned from Duke in 2010. While there have been numerous allegations of misconduct in Potti’s work, and strong comments to that effect by […] The post It’s official: Anil Potti faked cancer research data, say Feds appeared first on Retraction Watch.

Jessica Lovering on Making Nuclear Power Cheaper

Charles Barton at The Nuclear Green Revolution - 14 hours ago
*Jessica Lovering spoke yesterday at the White House Summit on Nuclear Energy, a summit which might be dubbed "the old fogies and a few revolutionaries summit on nuclear energy." Of there had been a panel that discussed what Jessica had to say, the would have discussed how it meant s bottom to top revolution in the way nuclear power technology is produced and delivered. Jessica has insight into the revolutionary potential. My evidence for this statement is her authorship of this Breakthrough Institute report on how to make Nuclear Power cheap. Here I offer my own review and crit... more »

Louisiana Police Arrest 2 Officers in Autistic Boy’s Death

REBECCA SANTANA at The Stream - 14 hours ago
[image: Louisiana State Police charged Derrick W. Stafford (left) of Mansura, LA and Norris J. Greenhouse Jr. (right) of Marksville, LA with second degree murder and attempted second degree murder. The second degree murder charge stems from the shooting death of six year old Jeremy Mardis and the attempted second degree murder charge stems from the shooting of Christopher Few.] NEW ORLEANS (AP) -- Louisiana investigators are combing through evidence in the shooting death earlier this week of a 6-year-old autistic boy after authorities charged two law enforcement officers in the shoot... more »

Boeing, Lockheed To Challenge US Bomber Contract Award To Northrop Grumman Corp

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 14 hours ago
*Reuters*:* Boeing, Lockheed protest U.S. Pentagon's bomber award to Northrop* Boeing Co (BA.N) and Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) on Friday filed a formal protest against the U.S. Air Force's contract with Northrop Grumman Corp (NOC.N) for a new long-range strike bomber, saying the selection process was "fundamentally flawed." The Pentagon's two largest suppliers, who worked as a team on the bid, said they believed the Air Force "did not properly reward the contractors’ proposals to break the upward-spiraling historical cost curves of defense acquisitions, or properly evaluate the... more »

Putin Confident And Former Russian Information/Press Minister Found Dead In Washington D.C. Hotel Room

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 15 hours ago
He was the man behind Putin's image. (Reuters/ITAR-TASS/Kremlin Press Service) *RT:* *Media tycoon & former Russian press minister Lesin dies from heart attack at 57* Mikhail Lesin, a prominent Russian political figure and mass media expert credited with inspiring the creation of Russia Today (now RT), has died in Washington, DC after a heart attack. Lesin, a former press minister and ex-head of Gazprom-Media, Russia’s largest media holding, died at the age of 57 on Wednesday, according to family members. “Mikhail Lesin died from a heart stroke,” a family member told RIA Novosti.... more »

After 6 Decades, China and Taiwan Shake Hands

CHRISTOPHER BODEEN at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: Chinese residents sit in front of the TV at home as they watch live TV coverage of the meeting in Singapore between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Taiwan President Ma Ying-jeou in Qingdao, east China's Shandong province on November 7, 2015. Chinese President Xi Jinping and Taiwan leader Ma Ying-jeou shook hands and smiled broadly as they opened a historic summit, the first since the two sides' traumatic 1949 split following a civil war.] SINGAPORE (AP) -- The leaders of China and Taiwan met Saturday for the first time since the formerly bitter Cold War foes split amid civil... more »

Economic News , Data & Views ( November 7 , 2015 ) - Saturday Morning Highlights ( Surveying Global Turmoil After Friday's Rip-Roaring Non Farm Payroll & Employment Situation Report - Globally Bonds / Currencies / Commodities Just " Whipping Their Hair " ) ........ Around the horn for Europe ( Greece In Focus , Madcap / Madhouse EU Refugee " Rube Goldberg Construct , Italy In Focus h /t to Mish , Parliamentary Election For Croatia , Belgium item of interest , VW hi-jinks , Turkey And Sultan Erdogan Looming On The Horizon For The EU !

Fred Walton at Catharsis Ours - 15 hours ago
Commodities / Currencies / Bonds - Turmoil after US Employment Report ( N.F.P ) *fred walton* ‏@fredwalton216 22m 22 minutes ago Credit Bubble Bulletin: Weekly Commentary: Irreversibly Broken and Dysfun... -commentary-irreversibly-broken.html?spref=tw … Another great Doug Noland Report Hair definitely was whipping around Friday ! What a day...... *MineForNothing* ‏@minefornothing 2m2 minutes ago Bloomberg's Commodity Index dropped to 84.9074 yesterday, the lowest since August 1999 *Holg... more »

TPP: Yeah, As Bad-- If Not Even Worse-- Than We Expected

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 15 hours ago
Wednesday, the White House finally released the full text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership dealand, as many of us expected, it's what we feared-- another crappy corporate trade deal like NAFTA. The first Member of Congress I heard from after the text came out was Maryland Congresswoman Donna Edwards, whose been fighting to make this monstrosity better for working families and better for the environment. "I remember," she wrote yesterday, "what happens when we don’t think of the American worker first. My North Carolina family grew up and survived working at the local mills-- makin... more »

Low-Polling GOP Candidates Mulling When to Pack It In

JULIE PACE at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: BOULDER, CO - OCTOBER 28: Presidential candidates Ohio Governor John Kasich (L-R), Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz (R-TX), New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) pose for a photo at the CNBC Republican Presidential Debate at University of Colorado's Coors Events Center October 28, 2015 in Boulder, Colorado. Fourteen Republican presidential candidates are participating in the third set of Republican presidential debates. (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)] WASHINGTON (AP) -- For month... more »

Pentagon Plan to Close Guantanamo Expected; Options Listed

LOLITA C. BALDOR & KATHLEEN HENNESSEY at The Stream - 15 hours ago
[image: 1guantanamo-bay] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Pentagon’s plan outlining the long-stalled effort to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center, expected next week, includes details suggesting that the Centennial Correctional Facility in Colorado is one suitable site to send detainees whom officials believe... more »

Obama Has Intel About Bomb That Caused Russian Plane Crash

Carol Adl at Your News Wire - 15 hours ago
The White House has said that Obama has intelligence about the bomb that caused the Russian plane crash. The Washington times reports: President Obama’s observation that a bomb may have downed a Russian plane in Egypt was based on specific information gathered by U.S. authorities, the White House said Friday. “Information that is known by the U.S. government led the president to make that statement,” White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters. In an interview, Mr. Obama said “there is a possibility that there was a bomb on board, and we are taking that very seriously.” ...more »

On going viral and feeling hope: My letter to the prime minister

Jody Paterson at A Closer Look: Jody Paterson - 15 hours ago
I have a Facebook post that is in the midst of going viral. You know, like that '70s commercial for Breck shampoo, where one woman tells two friends, and they tell two friends, and next thing you know the TV screen is full-up with people telling each other about shampoo. I have often fantasized of going viral for some of my posts around sex work, but this wasn't one of them. This was a post in which I shared my son's post about his feelings as a federal fisheries biologist at the news from his supervisors on Thursday that he was now free to talk to the media or anyone else, becaus... more »

They Don't Get It

Owen Gray at Northern Reflections - 16 hours ago The Harperites don't seem to understand why they lost the election. "We got the big things right," Jason Kenny says. "We got the tone wrong." Andrew Coyne disagrees. The Harperites lost because they got the big things wrong. They were always about power, not principle: With each about-face, broken promise or abandoned principle, from corporate subsidies to foreign investment to deficit spending, from the rights of MPs to the discussability of abortion to Quebec’s nationhood, it became harder and harder to ... more »

What in the fresh hell, another ‘viral’ teacher resignation?

SPJ at @ THE CHALKFACE - 16 hours ago
The viral Facebook post follows the same narrative. A teacher leaves her district by and large because of the following: Like many other teachers across the nation, I have become more and more disturbed by the misguided reforms taking place which are robbing my students of a developmentally appropriate education. Teachers like myself, especially those […]

Republicans Capitalize on Anti-Obama Fervor in Coal Country

BRUCE SCHREINER at The Stream - 16 hours ago
[image: In this photo taken November 9. 1998, a coal barge is in tow on the Ohio River in Louisville, Ky.] PIKEVILLE, Ky. (AP) -- In the heart of Kentucky’s coal country, where sons followed fathers and grandfathers into the mines, support for Democrats ran as deep as the coal seams that powered the region’s economy. But as the Appalachian coal... more »

Catholic High School Football Program Banned from Praying Plans to Defy Rule

Casey Harper at The Stream - 16 hours ago
[image: Shanley High School 50-yard line] A North Dakota Catholic High School football program has been prohibited from praying over the loud speaker at Saturday's playoff game, but they said Friday they intend to pray regardless of the consequences. The North Dakota High School Activities Association, a... more »

The Ideas that Inspired World War II Live on in Postmodernism

City Journal at The Stream - 16 hours ago
[image: Nazi rally] Confronted by mass murder, educated Germans retreated into the "inner" moral certainties of Friedrich Holderlin's nineteenth-century lyric poems on "fate," and the stirring literary depictions of battle found in Ernst Junger's post-World War I writings, including Struggle as Inner Experience.... Continue reading *“The Ideas that Inspired World War II Live on in Postmodernism”* at **.

Politico Changes Headline on Carson Story, Pretends It Didn’t

Blake Neff at The Stream - 16 hours ago
[image: Ben Carson] Politico has already begun to backtrack its explosive story accusing Ben Carson of lying about an acceptance to West Point, deleting its claim that Carson had confessed to "fabricating" his admission. When it first published its story Friday morning, the Virginia-based blog... more »

Kentucky Marks the End of the Democratic Party in the South

Observer at The Stream - 16 hours ago
[image: FOUNTAIN RUN, KY - MAY 17: Kentucky Republican senatorial candidate Matt Bevin greets voters at the Fountain Run BBQ Festival while campaigning for the Republican primary May 17, 2014 in Fountain Run, Kentucky. Bevin and Senate Minoriry Leader Mitch McConnell are campaigning heavily throughout the state during the final weekend before the Republican primary to be held May 20. (Photo by Win McNamee/Getty Images)] Over the last 60 years, Republicans began making inroads, to the point where Southern states became solidly red on the presidential level, but homegrown, conservative... more »

The Hollow Men’s Plan for Hollowing out the Church, and One Brave NYT Columnist’s Stand against Them

John Zmirak at The Stream - 16 hours ago
[image: same sex marriage] Christians of every variety -- from Anglicans to Methodists -- know the story from bitter experience: A faction arises within their church which finds some tenets of orthodox Christianity expendable. In fact, it turns out that these particular doctrines are... more »

Ayelet Shaked, Israel’s Firebrand Minister of Justice

Tablet at The Stream - 16 hours ago
[image: Ayelet Shaked] Shaked has used her position and her telegenic presence to promote a host of controversial measures, from advocating to revoke the citizenship of Israeli Arabs convicted of terrorism to scrutinizing left-wing nonprofit organizations that receive large sums of money from... Continue reading *“Ayelet Shaked, Israel’s Firebrand Minister of Justice”* at **.


jonjayray at EDUCATION WATCH INTERNATIONAL - 16 hours ago
*Headteachers are drafting in former pupils to plug teaching gaps amid fears of decade-long staff shortage in British classrooms * Schools are turning to former pupils to plug gaps in their staffing amid fears of a decade of teacher shortages. Heads are urging ex-students to train so they can draft them in to take lessons, while others use financial incentives to ‘poach’ staff. The increasingly desperate measures come as experts have warned of recruitment problems for another ten years. A new Department for Education teacher supply model shows that the net number of extra second... more »


JR at GREENIE WATCH - 16 hours ago
*Blackout fears as factories are paid NOT to use electricity in last resort bid to keep lights on across UK* National Grid was yesterday forced to use new ‘last resort’ measures to keep the lights on in homes across the country. Major industries were for the first time asked to down their tools to protect energy supplies. The problem was blamed on a combination of unexpectedly high demand, power plant breakdowns and very low wind power output. At one point yesterday, wind farms were meeting only 0.5 per cent of the nation’s electricity demand against the average 10 per cent. Under... more »

Sisters of Life: Helping Women Chose Life in Difficult Circumstances

Kathryn Jean Lopez at The Stream - 17 hours ago
[image: Lonely Pregnancy - 900] Sister Magdalene Teresa came to Washington, D.C., to attend an event sponsored by the National Review Institute and the Heritage Foundation highlighting alternatives to Planned Parenthood and abortion -- groups offering health care and help for pregnant women in need.... more »

Wrong turn right

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 17 hours ago
I took a wrong turn but it all turned out all right because I ran straight into you I have traveled millions of miles without a hitch but a simple mistake an life goes on the dipstick the invisible hand is always pushing me around making it hard to avoid the commonplace What is the purpose what am I supposed to do why give me the opportunites when you know exactly to the day when *i WILL be willing* give me weeds whites and wine and show me a sign and Ill be moving to kick tommorw you know I will always kick tommorow but today is all savour

Wrong Turn Right

Steve at GlobaLove Think Tank - 17 hours ago
I took a wrong turn but it all turned out all right because I ran straight into you I have traveled millions of miles without a hitch but a simple mistake an life goes on the dipstick the invisible hand is always pushing me around making it hard to avoid the commonplace at least it treats me better than the marketplace What is the purpose what am I supposed to do why give me the opportunities when you know exactly to the day when *i WILL be willing* give me weeds whites and wine and show me a sign and Ill be moving to kick tomorrow you know I will always kick tomorrow but today is all s... more »

Musical Interlude: Cusco, “Native American Ghost Dance: Power Drums, Spirit Pride” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
Cusco, “Native American Ghost Dance: Power Drums, Spirit Pride” -

"The Sum..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago

"Stubborn, Self-destructive Conformists..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
"Human beings never think for themselves, they find it too uncomfortable. For the most part, members of our species simply repeat what they are told- and become upset if they are exposed to any different view. The characteristic human trait is not awareness but conformity, and the characteristic result is religious warfare. Other animals fight for territory or food; but, uniquely in the animal kingdom, human beings fight for their 'beliefs.' The reason is that beliefs guide behavior, which has evolutionary importance among human beings. But at a time when our behavior may well lead ... more »

Free Download: Viktor Frankl, "Man's Search For Meaning" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
*"Man's Search For Meaning" (Excerpt)* by Viktor Frank "When a man finds that it is his destiny to suffer, he will have to accept his suffering as his task; his single and unique task. He will have to acknowledge the fact that even in suffering he is unique and alone in the universe. No one can relieve him of his suffering or suffer in his place. His unique opportunity lies in the way in which he bears his burden. For us, as prisoners, these thoughts were not speculations far removed from reality. They were the only thoughts that could be of help to us. They kept us from despair, e... more »

"The Roles That We Construct..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
"The roles that we construct are constructed because we feel that they will help us to survive and also, of course, because they fulfill something in our personalities; and one does not, therefore, cease playing a role simply because one has begun to understand it. All roles are dangerous. The world tends to trap you in the role you play and it is always extremely hard to maintain a watchful, mocking distance between oneself as one appears to be and oneself as one actually is." - James Baldwin

An affordable life is a better life duh?

Steve at Thinking Aboot - 17 hours ago
Make it so!

"The Door in the Wall..." (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
"The man who comes back through the Door in the Wall will never be quite the same as the man who went out. He will be wiser but less sure, happier but less self-satisfied, humbler in acknowledging his ignorance yet better equipped to understand the relationship of words to things, of systematic reasoning to the unfathomable mystery which it tries, forever vainly, to comprehend.” – Aldous Huxley

"Waiting For Someday: Why Not Now?" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 17 hours ago
*"Waiting For Someday: Why Not Now?"* by The DailyOm "All the joy and passion you can envision can be yours right now, rather than in a future point in time. The time we are blessed with is limited and tends to be used up all too quickly. How we utilize that time is consequently one of the most important decisions we make. Yet it is far too easy to put off until tomorrow what we are dreaming of today. The hectic pace of modern existence affords us an easy out; we shelve our aspirations so we can cope more effectively with the challenges of the present, ostensibly to have more time ... more »

Why The LA Times Did Not Publish Their “Smoking Gun” Against Exxon

Paul Homewood at NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT - 17 hours ago
By Paul Homewood Exxon respond to the LA Times hit piece: In its reportage on climate change research at ExxonMobil, the Los Angeles Times made a very telling editorial decision. The paper chose not to publish the document it cites as Exhibit A in its case against us: a […]

The Poet: Wendell Berry, "In Time" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago
*"In Time"* “In time a man disappears from his lifelong fields, from the streams he has walked beside, from the woods where he sat and waited. Thinking of this, he seems to miss himself in those places as if always he has been there. But first he must disappear, and this he foresees with hope, with thanks. Let others come.” - Wendell Berry, “Leavings”

"Combating Emotional Vampires" (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 18 hours ago
*"Combating Emotional Vampires"* by Dr. Judith Orloff "Relationships are always an energy exchange. To stay feeling our best, we must ask ourselves: Who gives us energy? Who saps it? It's important to be surrounded by supportive, heart-centered people who make us feel safe and secure. It's equally important to pinpoint the emotional vampires, who, whether they intend to or not, leech our energy. To protect your sensitivity, it's imperative to name and combat these emotional vampires. They're everywhere: coworkers, neighbors, family, and friends. In Energy Psychiatry I've treated a ... more »

Ams Bur - fishing visions - wonderful light

Mike Philbin at Mike Philbin's free planet blog - 19 hours ago
today's blogpost concerns Ams Bur's delightful acrylic paintings of the fishing lifestyle. This post is really just an affirmation, support for all the brave and talented artists out there, doing their best to show the world in a wonderful light.

6.8 Earthquake Hits Chile

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 20 hours ago
A 6.8 magnitude earthquake has hit the south-southwest cost of Coquimbo, Chile, USGS is reporting. As yet, no injuries or severe damage has yet been reported. Prelim M6.8 earthquake near the coast of Coquimbo, Chile Nov-7 07:31 UTC, updates — USGS Big Quakes (@USGSBigQuakes) November 7, 2015 According to, The quake came shortly after another one measuring 5.8 on the Richter scale. The earlier quake struck about 108 kilometres northeast of Coquimbo, according to the US Geological Survey. Chile has a long history of major quakes, including the strongest ... more »

The Awakening - A New Full Length Documentary from 2015

Stranger in a Strange Land at Stranger in a Strange Land - 21 hours ago
*Published on January 18, 2015* The Awakening NEW Documentary HD 2015 full

Military Photo of the Day: November 7, 2015

The Editors at The Stream - 21 hours ago
[image: American troops Champs Elysees, Paris - 900] “American troops of the 28th Infantry Division march down the Champs Elysees in Paris during the ‘Victory’ Parade on Aug. 29, 1944.” - National Archives

Commandos ‘Abduct’ Russian Army Choir Singing James Bond Spectre Theme

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 21 hours ago
RT: *Get Unlucky? Commandos ‘abduct’ Russian Army choir singing James Bond Spectre theme (VIDEO)* The Russian Army choristers are used to rave reviews for their renditions of pop classics such as “Get Lucky.” But a group of commandos took exception to their version of the new James Bond “Spectre” theme, it seems – and “abducted” them mid-song. Five members of the Russian Army choir were hitting the high notes in their performance of Sam Smith’s “Writing's On The Wall,” the latest Bond theme hit, when they were suddenly “attacked” in a St. Petersburg shopping center. *WNU Editor:*... more »

15 Czech L-159 aircraft will fight IS in Iraq soon

Luboš Motl at The Reference Frame - 21 hours ago
The transaction was delayed by some two years – some sources indicated that attempted corruption was the reason of the delay – but it's done. It's very obvious that combat aircraft are much more needed in Iraq etc. than they are needed in Central Europe now – so the deal had to occur, after all. *Khaled al-Obaidi, the Iraqi defense minister and Bibi Netanyahu's twin brother :-), has tried the machine.* Fifteen redundant Aero L-159 ALCA (or now al-Ca?) combat aircrafts have been sold to Iraq, for something like $30 million. See an Iraqi TV, NRTTV, lots of YouTube videos on the mode... more »

Is Ukraine Becoming A Failed State?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 22 hours ago
*Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg*: *Ukraine Is in Danger of Becoming a Failed State* The most effective thing Russian President Vladimir Putin did to destabilize Ukraine was the one thing the West was demanding: He leaned on pro-Russian separatists in the country's east to cease fire. Left without the much-used cover of a war, the internal divisions and dysfunctional core of the Ukrainian political elite didn't take long to reveal itself. Rather than the democratic hope it might have become after last year's "Revolution of Dignity," Ukraine now looks like just another incompetent and... more »

Massive Solar Flare Coming That Will Cost $2 Trillion In Damages

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 23 hours ago
The White House have announced a massive solar flare is scheduled to hit the Earth, and it has the potential to destroy satellites, spacecraft, and communication systems. The White House National Science and Technology Council have released plans on what they intend to do to protect vital systems from being destroyed. Scientists have warned that there is a 12 percent chance the solar flare will hit the Earth, and they say that if it does, it will wreak over $2 trillion dollars in damage. reports: “You can think of the sun as kind of like a volcano,” explained Thomas Ber... more »

Oops! Hillary Clinton Caught Committing Election Fraud

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 23 hours ago
The report below, compiled by somebody who has done a lot of Internet sleuthing, may provide the smoking gun evidence that Hillary Clinton and her campaign team have committed election fraud. Take a look at the article below, taken from, and let us know what you think: If you’ve been on the Internet recently, you’ve no doubt seen this website mentioned: EDIT: It has come to my attention that the site has been scrubbed of incriminating evidence. This archive shows the site as it was at the time I was looking around. If you’d like to follow along, load it up in another tab... more »

U.S. Office Workers Who Refused Flu Shots Suspended

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 23 hours ago
Three office workers from a social service agency have been suspended without pay for a week as they refused to take a flu shot. When the workers return to work, it is expected that they will be fired unless the agency change their policy. reports: Megan Duncan, Alanda Watson and Denise Mercurius — whose case was profiled by NJ Advance Media Thursday — said they were informed of the discipline during a meeting at their Burlington Township office building, the headquarters for Lutheran Social Ministries of New Jersey. The agency, which runs two nursing homes, an adoption agen... more »

China’s Military Promotes New ‘Masculine and Vigorous’ Aerobics Routine

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 23 hours ago
*Wall Street Journal*: *Watch: China’s Military Promotes New ‘Masculine and Vigorous’ Aerobics Routine* If you’re looking for your next exercise fix, skip the ab roller and yoga videos: The People’s Liberation Army has a new workout for you. The freshly released five-minute set of calisthenics—which involves a series of shoulder rolls, energetic arm pumps, fixed-place hopping and a move vaguely reminiscent of the ‘80s-style Running Man—came in for lavish praise from China’s state media on Friday. “It absorbs aspects of popular dance and Chinese tai-chi, as well as other factors. ... more »

Putin Associate Found Dead In Hotel Under Suspicious Circumstances

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 23 hours ago
A prominent Russian millionaire with ties to the Kremlin and Putin has been found dead inside a Washington hotel. Mikhail Lesin, former head of media affairs for the Russian government, was staying at the Hotel Dupont and was found dead on Thursday. ABC News reports: It’s unclear why the long-time adviser to Russian President Vladimir Putin was in Washington, but the Metropolitan Police Department is now investigating his death. On Thursday, U.S. authorities notified the Russian embassy in Washington that one of its citizens had died, and Russian officials are now working with Ameri... more »

Cancer Rates Continue To Soar In Post-Fukushima Japan

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 1 day ago
Fairewinds Energy Education organization has released new statistics that confirm the direct link between the Fukushima nuclear disaster and the growing number of cancer’s in Japan that have tripled since the meltdown. Chief Engineer, Arnie Gundersen, concludes that heavy radioactive discharges will be the cause of enormous spikes of cancer in Japan. reports: Based upon data from Japanese medical professionals and utility owner of the meltdown site, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), Arnie concludes that heavy radioactive discharges will be the cause of enormous s...more »

BBC Plans To Charge Extra For Shows Already Funded By License Fee

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 1 day ago
The BBC have come under fire after they announced plans to charge viewers an additional fee to watch TV shows a second time, even though the shows have been funded via the license fee. BBC Store allows the sale of digital versions of television shows which essentially allows viewers to watch, for a fee, shows on demand, much like Channel 4’s (free) 4oD service. reports: On the BBC website Marcus Arthur, MD, BBC Worldwide & ANZ, said: “We want BBC Store to do for digital ownership what BBC iPlayer did for catch up. BBC Store makes digital ownership really easy for ...more »


David L Griscom at Cherchez la Verite - 1 day ago
------------------------------ *The “War On Terror” Is The Hoax Foundation Of The Police/Spy State — Paul Craig Roberts * ------------------------------ November 5, 2015 | *Original Here* Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter *The “War On Terror” Is The Hoax Foundation Of The Police/Spy State* Paul Craig Roberts The “war on terror” was a hoax. Americans were deceived by policymakers, who are pursuing a hegemonic agenda. The American people were too trusting and too gullible and, consequently, Americans were easily bet... more »

US And Europe Announce Plans To Beef Up Airport Security … Again!

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 1 day ago
The US and Europe have announced plans to toughen up security at airports following the Russian plane crash in the Sinai. According to Bloomberg, Homeland Security are to announce additional security measures on all international flights, the details of which are as yet unknown. reports: Meanwhile, Italian airlines have already introduced additional inspections at airports. The UK and the Netherlands have canceled all flights to Egypt’s Sharm el-Sheikh for several days, whereas the French government recommended to temporarily refrain from trips to the resort. The largest a... more »

A Look At How Social Media Has Transformed The U.S. Military

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
U.S. soldiers take pictures of President Barack Obama at U.S. military base Yongsan Garrison in Seoul, South Korea, April 26, 2014. Photo by Lee Jin-man/Pool/Reuters John Spencer, NYT: From Army of One to Band of Tweeters IT was the end of a long combat patrol near a district called Adhamiyah, in northwest Baghdad, in the fall of 2008. It started like most daily missions but ended with a hidden enemy throwing a grenade at a vehicle convoy, missing it but hitting a young Iraqi child instead. As the company commander, I met the soldiers at the site and after a few hours followed the... more »

$43 Million Gas Station In A Remote Part Of Afghanistan-- Paid For With American Tax Dollars

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
I'm not in the least bit mechanically inclined. I came to terms with it before I even went to high school. Not too many years after high school, though, I was driving a brand new VW van down the Hippie Trail from Istanbul to Katmandu. A few days ago I mentioned how when my friends checked into the Kabul InterContinental just outside town-- I slept in the van nearby-- they were among the very first guests at the largely empty, just-completed, first luxury hotel in Afghanistan. Before we got there, though, there was, basically, the whole country to cross. There are no railroads in A... more »

Russian Sinai Metrojet Attack: What Is The British Press Trying To Pull With Their Latest Utter Bullshit?

Northerntruthseeker at Northerntruthseeker - 1 day ago
I have been following all the strange reports coming out from the Jew spew media concerning what actually took down that Russian Metrojet last week, killing some 224 passengers and crew... It is so astounding to watch the lies coming out that makes it nearly impossible for anyone to come to the full conclusion that it was (a) mechanical failure, or (b) a missile strike, or (c) a bomb placed on board the aircraft itself.... It seems that someone is desperately trying to make sure that everyone is kept off track in terms of what actually caused this disaster, and again I do smell a ... more »

Iranian Military Leader Is Demanding The U.S. Pay Reparations For The Killing Of 250,000 Iranians

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi *Fars News Agency*: *Basij Commander: US Should Pay Compensation for Complicity in Killing of 250,000 Iranians* TEHRAN (FNA)- Commander of Iran's Basij (volunteer) Force Brigadier General Mohammad Reza Naqdi said Washington should pay ransom for its substantiated back-up role in the killing of tens of thousands of Iranians in and after the 1979 Islamic Revolution. "In the days when the Islamic Revolution was underway and after that and during the holy defense (the Iraqi-imposed war against Iran 1980-1988), over 250,000 Iranians were massacred ... more »

Canada at High Risk for Fresh Bitchslap

greencrow at Greencrow As The Crow Flies - 1 day ago
*Newly Sworn In Canadian Prime Minster Justin Trudeau* A recent headline made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end: Canada’s New FM: Era of Special Relationship with Israel Is OverFollowing Stéphane Dion’s first meeting of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s new government, Canada’s new foreign minister announced that significant changes would be made in Canada’s approach to the Middle East. I was going to post about it next...but Mike Rivero at WHATREALLYHAPPENED.COM beat me to it: Webmaster's Commentary: And the false-flag terror attack on Canada will happen in five, four, t... more »

Exxon and Peabody Coal under probe for climate change lies and inflating worth at CENSORED NEWS - 1 day ago
By Brenda Norrell Censored News Exxon and Peabody Coal are under probe for lies about climate change, and inflating their worth based on those lies. The cases in New York are similar to the cases exposing the lies and coverups of the tobacco industry. Those lies also continued to cause disease and death after the facts were known. Read the article on the probes in The New York Times:

The Case For Why The Russians Will NOT Be Able To Defeat The U.S. Army

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Mark Adomanis, Forbes*: *Could The Russians Defeat The US Army?* Within very recent memory, the near-universal consensus on Russia’s military was that it was a hollow, empty shell of its former Soviet might. It was widely agreed that the Russian army had been fatally weakened by a combination of corruption, incompetence, greed, and the demographic crisis of the 1990′s (which greatly limited the number of healthy military-age males). Budgets were being stolen, there was an “absence of real reform,” and the head of the Russian defense ministry was personally implicated in theft and... more »

Egypt's High Rate of Population Growth

Hani Fakhouri at Middle East Today - 1 day ago
President El Sessi of Egypt has recently addressed the nation regarding the national and international accomplishments achieved in Egypt during the past 18 months. What was of interest to me as social scientist was his emphasis on population growth? He stated, “ Egypt is facing a ticking bomb.” He, of course, was referring to Egypt high population growth. “There are 2.5 million new babies per year”. According to the Egyptian census record, by the end of December 2015, the total population will be 90 million people. This figure excludes the 8 to 10 million Egyptians working outside ... more »

Figures reveal Tory promises of a "Low Tax, High Pay Economy" has actually meant higher taxes and lower pay

Jake at Ripped-off Britons - 1 day ago
Poverty is a matter of definition. Which means two of the ways of reducing poverty are: 1) Increase poor people's incomes 2) Change the definition of poverty  The Tories were quick to notice that one of these poverty alleviation strategies is easier, quicker, and cheaper than the other. And were quick to start fiddling around with definitions. In 2013 the UK government changed the definition

The Pentagon's Top Russian Expert Has Left Her Post

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
*Photo:* Evelyn Farkas, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia/Ukraine/Eurasia. Wikipedia *The Hill*: *Ex-Pentagon Russia official: Administration needs to do more to deter Putin* The United States needs to do more to deter Russian aggression, the Pentagon’s former top Russian policy expert said Wednesday. “We have to actually deter,” said Evelyn Farkas, who until Friday was the Pentagon’s deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia. “Some of that has to do with where we move our forces.” Speaking to a reporters roundtable hosted by the D... more »

So Is It Official? Is Marco The New GOP Establishment's "It" Boy?

DownWithTyranny at DownWithTyranny! - 1 day ago
This whole credit card scandal seems to have touched a raw nerve with Rubio (again). After studiously avoiding fights with Trump, who's been taunting him for weeks, as soon as Trump attacked on the credit card scandal, Rubio hit back. Regurgitating one of his carefully prepared statements, he told the New Hampshire media that he finds "it curious that Donald Trump, the only person in this race that’s filed for bankruptcy not once but four times, is attacking anybody’s finances." What credit card is Rubio freaking out about, you wonder? When they ran against each other for the Sena... more »

Musical Interlude: 2002, “A Year And A Day” (CoyotePrime) at Running 'Cause I Can't Fly - 1 day ago
2002, “A Year And A Day” -

Weekend Ramble, 07.11.15

Peter Cresswell at Not PC - 1 day ago
*“Faith in government is a religion.”* ~ Anonymous “Both xenophobic and stupid from a small man with small-man syndrome.” *On Ron Mark* – The Veteran, NO MINISTER “Primarily people want a state house because they are cheaper than private rentals. Social agencies and budgeting organisations know this and work with the client to facilitate acquisition of state rentals. There is an old adage "beggars can't be choosers" which means *people with no other options must be content with what is offered.* “They are not content because they have other options.” *State housing - it's about... more »

the zentai project

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 1 day ago
The Zentai Project is a group of people who go out in public wearing Zentai suits for the amusement of themselves and the public.

The Emmaus Code and the God-Void

David Limbaugh at The Stream - 1 day ago
[image: Ben-Carson_I Am a Christian_cropped 900 pix] Some of you, especially those on the left side of the political aisle, are scratching your heads over Ben Carson’s recent surge in the polls. I get why you’re surprised, but you shouldn’t be. This has definitely been the year...more »

Tonight's Movie Is 'Saints And Soldiers'

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
From *Wikipedia:* Saints and Soldiers is a 2003 religious-themed war drama film directed by Ryan Little and starring Corbin Allred, Alexander Niver, Kirby Heyborne, Lawrence Bagby, and Peter Asle Holden. It is based loosely around events taking place shortly after the Malmedy massacre during the Battle of the Bulge where four U.S. soldiers and a downed British airman need to reach Allied lines to pass on some vital intelligence. The film received mostly positive reviews.

Russia Captures Two CIA Assets Who ‘Planned’ Sinai Plane Crash

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 1 day ago
The Russian Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) have reported that two CIA assets have been captured and arrested due to their ‘masterminding’ of the Sinai plane crash of Flight 9268. The SVR believe that Flight 9268 was tricked into flying at an unusually low altitude by two CIA assets, and was then shot down by a British made surface-to-air missile provided by Saudi Arabia and given to ISIS. reports: After the capture of these two CIA “assets” and their “highly sophisticated” equipment, this report continues, a Ministry of Emergencies (EMERCOM) “special flight” w... more »

Waving Bear

James C Morton at Morton's Musings - 1 day ago
Of the Law Societies of Upper Canada and Nunavut

RIP Bill Cooper Who Predicted 9/11 Three Months Before Attacks

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 1 day ago
Bill Cooper died on this day 14 years ago on November 6th, 2001. It was just under two months since the 9/11 attacks which he had predicted three months before they had occurred. Coincidence? We think not. In this video you will hear Bill Cooper’s 9/11 prediction that was made in June 2001, as well as see rare 9/11 footage and audio taken from his book “Behold a Pale Horse”. According to the video’s description: Bill Cooper was one of the top conspiracy researchers, he was active on exposing the Illuminati (secret government) and most importantly the satanic agenda which is tied in ... more »

Putin Suspends All Flights To Egypt After Bomb Fears

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 1 day ago
Vladimir Putin has announced that all flights by Russian aircraft travelling to Egypt are to be immediately suspended pending the outcome of the investigation into what caused Metrojet Flight 9268 to crash last week. The head of Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, Aleksandr Bortnikov, said there was a need for “absolute objectivity” in finding out the cause of the crash. So far ISIS have claimed responsibility for the crash which killed all 224 people on board, but evidence has also emerged that the CIA and Israel had conducted ‘war games‘ at the time of the crash i... more »

Hungarian Prime Minister: European Elite Are Traitors

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 1 day ago
Hungary’s Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, has said this week that the European elite are “traitors” in regards to the ongoing migrant crisis in Europe. “Ladies and gentlemen, what we face is nothing loess than the challenge of finding ourselves at the gateway to the implementation of a deliberate conceptual project, which could be described as left-wing and which seeks to marginalise the nation states of Europe.“ “Where this project has failed to overcome Christianity and the identity of the nation state – in conventional political struggle, it will strive to eliminate it on ethnic g... more »

Are The US And Russia Preparing For War?

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 1 day ago
As the Syrian crisis continues, Russia and the US are finding each other in an increasingly likely confrontation due to the continual out-manoeuvring by Russia in Syria. In the last few days a number of announcements have been made by Russia and the US that suggests a build up to confrontation between the two superpowers. Is the world heading towards a World War 3 scenario? reports: Throughout most of the Syrian crisis, the situation was one of semi-covert proxy war. However, with recent developments the situation is now more of semi-open conflict between the United... more »

Mexico Supreme Court Rules Cannabis “A Human Right”

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 1 day ago
Mexico have ruled that outlawing possession and use of cannabis represents a fundamental violation of human rights for Mexican citizens. Mexico’s Supreme Court voted 4-to-1 in favour of the ruling, which now gives lawmakers a very promising political case to introduce marijuana reform bills at both the state and federal level in Mexico. reports: “It’s really a monumental case,” said Hannah Hetzer of the Drug Policy Alliance, a drug reform advocacy group, in an interview. “It was argued on human rights grounds, which is unusual, and it’s taking place in Mexico, th... more »


New Orleans Ladder at New Orleans Ladder - 1 day ago
*David Vitter - the Helis connection ~American Zombie **~Hat Tweet @skooks *

NASA: Something Has Exited A Black Hole For The First Time Ever

Sean Adl-Tabatabai at Your News Wire - 1 day ago
Two of NASA’s space telescopes have spotted something very unusual about supermassive black hole Markarian 335. NASA observed something it has never seen before – a black hole’s corona launching away from the supermassive black hole, followed by a massive pulse of X-ray energy being “spewed out”. reports: “This is the first time we have been able to link the launching of the corona to a flare,” Dan Wilkins, of Saint Mary’s University, said. “This will help us understand how supermassive black holes power some of the brightest objects in the universe.” NuSTAR’s principal ... more »

U.S. And Russia Prepare For World War Three In Syria

Edmondo Burr at Your News Wire - 1 day ago
According to the Centre for Research on Globalization, the United States and Russia are on the inevitable path towards world war three, over Syria. The U.S. has moved a dozen F-15C aircraft to the Incirlik Air Base, in Turkey. The F-15C’s could face Russian Su-30 combat jets. Neither type of aircraft can destroy ground-targets; they are both air-to-air attack aircrafts representing the West against the East. One wrong move by a pilot or an opportunist could trigger a Dr. Strangelove scenario turning the world into an inferno, the thought of which until a short while ago was the main... more »

BWorld 23, ASEAN trade bureaucracies and Doing Business 2016 Report

Nonoy Oplas at Government and Taxes - 1 day ago
* This is my article in BusinessWorld last Thursday, November 04, 2015. The most hard working, most efficient persons will not be able to produce all the goods and services that they need for themselves and their families. But there are always other people willing to produce these things or render these services in exchange for money, useful goods, and services. On the macro level, no country or economy can prosper quickly without trade. And that includes countries that incur frequent trade deficits (in which their imports exceed their exports). Imported machines, vehicles, and com... more »

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 6, 2015

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates - 1 day ago
U.S. President Barack Obama departs to travel to a town hall meeting with service members at Fort Meade, from the White House in Washington Sept. 11, 2015. (Reuters) *Fareed Zakaria, Washington Post*: *The dangers of Obama’s incrementalism* It is difficult to find anyone in the Obama administration who believes that putting up to 50 Special Operations soldiers on the ground in Syria will make much of a difference in the raging civil war there. And yet, the president has authorized this expansion of America’s military intervention for the same reasons that he has approved incrementa... more »

Ya Gotta Vote !

Oberon at GlobaLove Think Tank - 1 day ago

(Where the Tech Jobs Are)  More Fake Jobs Numbers - Easy to See Through  (Driftglass Gets Down)  Gay Male Hooker with Free Access to Bush White House Caused No MSM Comment Then? Still Doesn't!  (Bank Regulator/Bank Warn of Financial Risks for Future) Who's Leaving?

Where the Tech Jobs AreYou'll be surprised. Bet on it. November 6, 2015Another Phony Payroll Jobs Number Paul Craig Roberts The Bureau of Labor Statistics announced today that the US economy created 271,000 jobs in October, a number substantially in excess of the expected 175,000 to 190,000 jobs. The unexpected job gain has dropped the unemployment rate to 5 percent. These two numbers

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