America’s Universities Begin to Implode
[image: University of Missouri] For over half a century, American universities, with few exceptions, have ceased teaching and begun indoctrinating. In the last few weeks, this downhill spiral has accelerated. The university is now a caricature of an educational institution. It is difficult to... more »
U.S. Military Finally Release Video Of Its Air-Strikes On Islamic State Oil Trucks
*Business Insider:* *US military has released video of its airstrikes pounding ISIS oil trucks* The US military has released new videos showcasing the anti-ISIS coalition's latest airstrikes against ISIS oil trucks. The airstrikes, which were conducted on over the weekend in eastern Syria, destroyed 283 oil trucks belonging to the militant organization. According to the Combined Joint Task Force (CJTF) responsible for anti-ISIS operations, the strikes are part of the broader Operation Tidal Wave II. The operation is aimed to completely shutter ISIS's production of oil in easter... more »
Stephen Colbert Sides with Bullies and Mocks the Weak
[image: Colbert] Stephen Colbert is occasionally funny. Sometimes he stands up for the truth, as when he demolished professional ex-Catholic gasbag Garry Wills. Sometimes Colbert is simply clueless, as when the Catholic Sunday school teacher welcomed a Satanist band on his show.... more »
"1 in 5 Brit Muslims' sympathy for jihadis"? Looks like The Sun will print anything to sell papers. Or worse
KJ and Fee do their own poll... SOURCE GUARDIAN: Sun criticised by pollster behind controversial 'jihadi sympathy' story The market research company Survation has distanced itself from how an opinion poll it carried out about British Muslims has been reported by the Sun. The newspaper is facing an increasing backlash against its front-page report of an opinion poll purporting to show that
White House Launches A Twitter Attack
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)*
Glenn Beck Says WWIII Begins With Downing Of Russian Jet
US radio host Glenn Beck has warned that one NATO allied country is likely to invoke Article Five of the treaty that will plunge the world into WWIII. Speaking on his radio program on Tuesday, Beck commented, “If anybody starts talking about Article [Five], that is the article in the NATO alliance that brings us all to war,” he said, referring to Article Five which “states that an attack on one ally shall be considered an attack on all allies.” Presstv.com reports: Article Four of the NATO treaty calls for consultation over military matters when “the territorial integrity, politica... more »
Turkey Threatened Russia Days Before Shooting Down Russian Jet
Turkey’s motivation for shooting down the Russian Su-24 fighter jet stem from a threat made to Russia just days ago, where they said Russia would suffer “serious consequences” if they continued their anti-ISIS campaign in Syria. Moments after the plane had been shot down U.S. President Barack Obama ‘urged’ Russia to re-think its strategy in Syria, whilst announcing his full support for Turkey’s actions. The downing of the Russian jet comes just says after Turkish officials warned Russia to cease and desist its operation against ISIS. Infowars.com reports: Charges that Russia is targ... more »
Mess In The Middle East
NATO has been plunged into a new Middle East crisis, following the shooting down of the Russian Su-24 warplane in disputed airspace by Turkey. The incident marks a serious escalation in tensions between NATO-allied countries and Russia amid differing strategies in the fight against ISIS that now seem to be coming to a head. Washingtonpost.com reports: The downing brings renewed attention to a scenario feared for months by the Pentagon and its partners: a potential conflict arising from overlapping air missions over Syria — with Russia backing the government of Syrian President Basha...more »
*CNN*: *5 things we learned from inside the U.S. intelligence war* Washington (CNN)In the wake of the attacks in Paris, the world's attention has refocused on terrorism, and in the U.S., conversations about national security have increased in both frequency and force. The U.S. intelligence apparatus is vast, spanning some 16 agencies, with a staff of more than 100,000 people, a budget above $66 billion and a staggering array of operations, many of which are necessarily secretive. CNN sought to shed some light on the United States' many intelligence agencies and what they say they ... more »
In Ohio And DC, Decrepit Democratic Bosses Are Locking Out The Guy Who Is Actually Their Best Senate Bet
Little Chucky Schucky hasn't even taken over as Senate Democratic Leader yet, but he's already calling the shots. And one of his first shots was to decree that Ohio's Democratic nominee against Republican incumbent Rob Portman shall be Ted Strickland, the other half of the conservative Bobbsey Twins. Strickland is a wretched conservative trying to pass himself off as a progressive for the sake of the primary. But anyone who has watched him amass his putrid record in the House and as Governor, know that Strickland is a Democrat of a couple of generations back, not a progressive. On... more »
David P. Hamilton : What is to be done in the Middle East (as soon as pigs fly)
Creating an actual anti-Islamic State alliance would require thinking entirely outside the currently existing conceptual boxes. By David P. Hamilton | The Rag Blog | November 25, 2015 “In the name of realism, men are quite mad, and precisely what … finish reading David P. Hamilton : What is to be done in the Middle East (as soon as pigs fly)
EXCLUSIVE: Islamic State Releases Kill List Of U.S. Officials
A group affiliated with ISIS previously released information about US soldiers in March (above) and called for attacks on them. Some of the information tweeted in the most recent 'hacks' was also available publicly *Vocativ*: *EXCLUSIVE: ISIS Releases Target Lists Of U.S. Officials* ISIS-affiliated hackers say they posted the lists in retaliation for an Anonymous attack that took down a main ISIS forum. ISIS-affiliated hackers posted “wanted to be killed” lists late on Saturday that included the names of current and former U.S. government officials, Vocativ discovered. The hackers... more »
Peppermint Cake Muddy Buddies
I love peppermint. Peppermint candy, peppermint ice cream, but especially cake with peppermint frosting. It is absolutely delicious way to celebrate the season. I have always wanted to create a cake flavored Muddy Buddy recipe and when I saw the crushed candy canes at Winco, I knew that the recipe needed to mimic one of my favorite holiday treat. This sweet and flavorful take on Muddy Buddies has all the taste of cake batter with just the perfect hint of peppermint and because I was in the mood for extra chocolate, I threw in some Christmas candy too! You will need: - 6 Cups of... more »
Obama Plans To Snub Putin At Paris Climate Change Conference
The White House have confirmed that US President Barack Obama has no plans on meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the climate change conference in Paris this year. White House National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes told reporters nothing formal has been planned with Putin, but that the snub doesn’t have anything to do with the latest Turkey-Russia crisis currently unfolding. Sputniknews.com reports: Rhodes told reporters that Russia can play an important role in the counter-IS coalition and to help support a political transition in Syria. “With respect to Russia, the ... more »
So, Here's What Happened This Time...
I was in the process of accessing Paypal to make a transfer to my bank account and the entire browser, and laptop, froze. So I got tired of waiting for what I thought was a routine disobedient script and shut the laptop down to reboot. It always works, right? Not this time. When I rebooted, that's when I began to get the neverending Black Screen of Death. Not even a fucking C prompt in DOS. Then an hour or so later, I started getting these stupid error messages, blaming me for unplugging an external storage device while it was still in use. Either that or my hard ... more »
Ann Lucas : UT-Austin confab addresses Eurozone austerity
Participants warned of dire economic, social, and political consequences from austerity policies. By Ann Lucas | The Rag Blog | November 24, 2015 The LBJ School of Public Affairs at the University of Texas at Austin hosted a two-day conference, … finish reading Ann Lucas : UT-Austin confab addresses Eurozone austerity
Marchers Protest in Chicago After Video Released of Police Shooting Suspect
[image: Chicago] Protesters began to gather at State and Jackson Tuesday evening after the news conference by Mayor Rahm Emanuel and Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy about the murder of 17-year-old Laquan McDonald. Chicago Police Officer Jason Van Dyke was charged Tuesday... Continue reading *“Marchers Protest in Chicago After Video Released of Police Shooting Suspect”* at *chicago.suntimes.com*.
4 Examples of Mainstream Media Fabricating News to Push for War
*Dylan Charles* - Sometimes the mainstream media gets caught fabricating the news. The post 4 Examples of Mainstream Media Fabricating News to Push for War appeared first on Waking Times.
British Columbia Media, Inoculated!
*Written by Grant G * *Full Definition of INOCULATE* *transitive verb* *1* * a : to introduce a microorganism into * *b : to introduce (as a microorganism) into a suitable situation for growth * *c : to introduce immunologically active material (as an antibody or antigen) into especially in order to treat or prevent a disease * *2* * : to introduce something into the mind of * *3* * : to protect as if by inoculation* *_____________* Don`t know exactly when it ... more »
who buys #ISIS stolen oil?
Who buys #ISIS's stolen oil? #Syria #Turkeyhttps://t.co/xzfYuPKhJj — IN THE NOW (@INTHENOWRT) November 24, 2015
Former U.S. Intelligence Officer: US Underestimating Islamic State Terror Threat
*The Independent*: *US underestimating Isis threat, former top intelligence official warns* 'This isn’t just lone wolves inspired by propaganda. This is coordinated.' The US is underestimating the threat posed by Isis, according to former top intelligence official. In an interview with the Daily Telegraph, Derek Harvey said the country’s intelligence services are failing to protect their citizens from future attacks because they are not coming to the right conclusions about the terror group. The former senior intelligence adviser and agent on Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, told ... more »
Obama Honors Spielberg, Streisand and More With Medal of Freedom
[image: Medal of Freedom] Filmmaker Steven Spielberg, composer Stephen Sondheim, violinist and conductor Itzhak Perlman and baseball great Willie Mays were among a number of notables presented with the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama on Tuesday. Singer and actress Barbra Streisand,... Continue reading *“Obama Honors Spielberg, Streisand and More With Medal of Freedom”* at *nbcnews.com*.
EPA Doesn’t Check to See if Its Expensive Regulations are Working
[image: regulations] Federal regulators write a lot of regulations -- over 500 just in October 2015 -- but they don't check to see if those regulations are working, researchers find. Sofie Miller of The George Washington University Regulatory Studies Center looked at 22 federal regulations costing... Continue reading *“EPA Doesn’t Check to See if Its Expensive Regulations are Working”* at *uschamber.com*.
Hillary Clinton’s Denialism is the Other Extreme of Trump’s Rhetoric on Islam
[image: Hillary Clinton Addresses Watermark Silicon Valley Conference For Women] The media are continuing their codependent obsession with Donald Trump by focusing, in this week's edition of media-fueled Trumpmania, on comments he made regarding Muslims. You can look anywhere for evidence of this, but the first five Google hits for... Continue reading *“Hillary Clinton’s Denialism is the Other Extreme of Trump’s Rhetoric on Islam”* at *thefederalist.com*.
The City of the Whited Sepulchres
[image: Brussels - 400] The city of the whited sepulchers is what Joseph Conrad called Brussels in his haunting novella, Heart of Darkness. The phrase comes from the New Testament: Jesus said that the hypocritical religious and community leaders of his time were like... Continue reading *“The City of the Whited Sepulchres”* at *the-american-interest.com*.
Princeton Students Fight Back Over Removing Woodrow Wilson References
[image: Princeton] A group of sensible Princeton students is standing up to the mob, and demanding that Princeton's president Eisgruber do the same. The whole statement deserves to be seen: The Legislative Committee of the Princeton Open Campus Coalition has sent the... Continue reading *“Princeton Students Fight Back Over Removing Woodrow Wilson References”* at *powerlineblog.com*.
ISIS Terror Threat ‘We Are Coming’ Spray Painted on Ohio College Campus
[image: Ohio college campus] As students at Youngstown State University walked to class Monday morning, they were shocked to find Islamic State terror messages painted on a well-known on-campus boulder, which promised “We Are Coming.” Between Sunday night and Monday morning, a large rock... Continue reading *“ISIS Terror Threat ‘We Are Coming’ Spray Painted on Ohio College Campus”* at *christianpost.com*.
Report: Mayor in NY Vowed to Block Jewish Developers
[image: Jewish Developers] A mayor in suburban New York's Rockland County secretly pledged to reject all building permit applications by Jewish developers, according to a newspaper report. The mayor, Demeza Delhomme of Spring Valley, was secretly recorded in March saying he would vote... Continue reading *“Report: Mayor in NY Vowed to Block Jewish Developers”* at *haaretz.com*.
Analyzing The Paris FALSE FLAG...YES, It Was Another FALSE FLAG...of course
Below: picture of Bataclan in Paris where suicide bombers exploded. Really??? The point of this post is to acknowledge that people around the world are waking up to the fact that governments do FALSE FLAGS and blame Muslims to keep the "war on terror" going and to strip liberties from citizens in their countries in the name of keeping them safe from the Muslim terrorist FALSE FLAGS they're doing. There is NO WAY at this point in 2015 that the U.S. and Israel and Britain and all the advanced countries like France DO NOT KNOW "TERRORISTS" ARE DOING THIS AHEAD OF TIME WITH ALL THE N... more »
Is The White House Responsible For Intelligence On The Islamic State Being 'Manipulated'?
*FOX News*: *Former head of Defense Intelligence Agency responds to claims over ISIS intelligence* The former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency said the White House can’t say it was not made aware of the growing threat ISIS posed in the region in an exclusive interview Monday with Fox News’ Megyn Kelly on “The Kelly File.” Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn said what President Obama has received from the national intelligence system on ISIS is “very accurate,” but may not have met a “narrative” out of the White House. “It is a cancer inside of the Islamic religion, and the White House ... more »
No One Has Figured Out How Cruz Gets Rid Of Trump Yet... Any Ideas?
Media types seemed shocked yesterday when the *Washington Post* reported the results of a poll showing Hillary Clinton-- who, in preparation for the general election, is already moving rapidly to the right, at least on terror-- to be significantly more trusted by American voters than any Republican on the issue of how to handle terrorism. These media types are more used to seeing a flood of absurd polling from the Republican primary base that represents nothing but morons brain-washed by Fox News and Hate Talk Radio hosts-- like this nonsense about how trusted Texas neo-fascist Te... more »
Outrage as Military Vehicles, Equipment Taken from Officers in Wake of Obama Order
[image: vehicles] Valuable vehicles and equipment are being yanked from law enforcement agencies across the country by the Obama administration in the wake of the president's post-Ferguson order -- as sheriffs and lawmakers tell FoxNews.com the equipment is needed, and losing it could... Continue reading *“Outrage as Military Vehicles, Equipment Taken from Officers in Wake of Obama Order”* at *foxnews.com*.
Memphis Neighborhood Terrorized: ‘It’s Like a Horror Movie. Never Seen Nothing Like This Before.’
[image: spiders - 400] It's not frost or morning dew -- but a finely woven spider web by millions of spiders stretching for nearly a half-mile. Residents of the Memphis neighborhood are trying their best to deal with the rare phenomena, but are quickly realizing they're... Continue reading *“Memphis Neighborhood Terrorized: ‘It’s Like a Horror Movie. Never Seen Nothing Like This Before.’”* at *theblaze.com*.
Einstein’s Niftiest Notion: General Relativity Turns 100
[image: General Relativity] It's Einstein Tuesday! In honor of the 100th anniversary of General Relativity (which is, technically, Wednesday, because that's the anniversary of the fourth in a series of lectures Einstein gave, and the one in which he finally got the dang... Continue reading *“Einstein’s Niftiest Notion: General Relativity Turns 100”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
My rant about David Katz's double identity and the meaning of consensus.
(I posted the first part of this rant on this RetractionWatch post but the moderator seems to have decided that it doesn't meet their policy. Fair enough as I find it hard to be restrained about such nonsense.) I don’t care that David Katz wrote the fake review. Fiction about fiction, all very meta. What I do care about is the Big Lie he repeats in his defenses – that those criticizing the dietary guidelines and the DGAC process “are the very group employing every means at their disposal to scuttle dietary guidance dedicated to public (and planetary) health to serve their own pecunia... more »
Crimea Is Still Without Electricity
On a street in Simferopol. Early on Sunday November 22, two electricity transmission lines from Ukraine were cut, causing a blackout on the entire peninsula. © Artem Kreminsky / Sputnik *Reuters*: *Russia prepares reprisals against Ukraine over Crimea blackout* Russia said on Tuesday it would cut off gas supplies to Ukraine and threatened to halt coal deliveries, ratcheting up a dispute over a power blackout in Crimea at a time when a ceasefire between Kiev and separatist rebels is fraying. Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak accused the Ukrainian authorities of deliberately r... more »
NATO's Responds to Russian Attempts to Maintain Syrian Territorial Integrity
*In light of the NATO shoot down of the Russian fighter jet, via NATO occupied Turkey, I'm re-linking the post from November 4/2015 that asked the question- What if Russia attacked Syria's Kurds on behalf of Assad?: Rudaw* *That question has been answered for us all! * *NATO will shoot down Russian planes operating in Syrian territory as requested by the Syrian government in order to support their Kurdish terrorists as they (NATO/ISRAEL/Kurds) create the terror state of Kurdistan aka Greater Israel.* Especially relevant when one considers the FACT that it was an F-15C that ente... more »
Cartoon: ‘Launching the Twitter Attack’
[image: Ramirez - 112415 - Twitter Attack 000]
Justice In Chains. Jessica Ernst And Slick Water
Justice In Chains. Jessica Ernst And Slick Water. *By Robin Mathews Nov. 2015* “*Slick Water*”, of course, is the feel of good water when changed by Fracking poisons. It is good water invaded by (Corporation-imposed secret) human-and-plant-destroying poisons pumped underground during “*Fracking*” (hydraulic fracturing of natural underground strata) to “*retrieve*” oil and/or natural gas. Those poisons then find their way into the agricultural and drinking water of unsuspecting people who reside (usually) not far from the ... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 24, 2015
*Justin Bronk, Al Jazeera*:* Analysis: Downing of Russian jet hardly a surprise* Russia should not be surprised that one of its jets was shot down by Turkey near the Syrian border, writes Justin Bronk. The shooting down of a Russian Air Force Sukhoi Su-24 jet by Turkish F-16 fighters after it reportedly violated Turkish airspace is a dangerous escalation in the context of Russia's continuing confrontation with NATO in Eastern Europe and Syria. However, it should not come as much of a surprise. Turkish authorities claim that the Su-24 fighter bomber ignored repeated warnings over... more »
We’re On The Brink World War III As NATO-Russia Tensions Escalate
World War III is trending on Twitter today following the shooting down of the Russian Su-24 warplane in Syria by Turkey today. As the world waits to see what Russia’s response will be to the “act of war” (as Russian President Vladimir Putin referred to it), NATO are holding an “extraordinary meeting” at the time of writing this to discuss the incident. Putin said Russia would not “tolerate such atrocities” and has asked for the international community to stand alongside Russia in its fight against terror. Meanwhile, U.S. president Barack Obama has said that the U.S. stands firmly b... more »
Russia: There Will Be “Inevitable Consequences” For Turkey
The Kremlin have issued a statement on the downing of their Su-24 combat jet in Syria, saying that there will be “inevitable consequences” for Turkey. Presidential spokesman, Dmitry Peskov, said, “…of course, I would not [speak about it] — and the president, in fact, was not talking about any military implications and we should proceed from that“. Tass.ru reports: “The president refrained from such statements, but at the same time, of course, he stressed inevitability of consequences after such unfriendly actions of the Turkish side,” he said. No decision yet on Erdogan’s visit to ... more »
Video: Kremlin Proves Russian Jet Never Entered Turkish Airspace
The Russian Defense Ministry have released a video that they say proves the Su-24 Russian jet did not enter Turkish airspace. While Turkey maintains that they shot down the plane due to it entering their airspace for 17 seconds, the Kremlin say that flight data contradicts their claims. Sputniknews.com reports: But flight data released by Russian Ministry of Defense shows that the Su-24s never entered Turkey, and were attacked while performing legitimate maneuvers over Syria. On Tuesday, Turkish F-16s shot down a Russian Su-24M Fencer bomber. One of the pilots has been confirmed de... more »
Paul Craig Roberts: Turkey And U.S. Are Provoking War With Russia
Economist Paul Craig Roberts has said that the unprovoked shooting down of a Russian military aircraft by the Turkish military is an act of war, planned by Washington, than can only lead to a deliberate war between Russia and the West. The Russian government relied on the agreement made with NATO allies to avoid engaging in conflict in the air. Now that Turkey has violated this agreement, its unlikely that Russia will have any trust in the West in the future. Paulcraigroberts.org reports: If the attack was cleared with Washington, was Obama bypassed by the neocons who control his g... more »
Russia To Suspend Air Traffic And Tourist Relations With Turkey
Russia are considering whether or not to put Turkey on the list of countries that Russia suspends its air traffic with. Igor Morozov, a member of the Federation Council Committee for International Affairs, says it is not safe for Russian tourists to stay in Turkey following the shooting down of a Russian jet over Turkey’s airspace on Tuesday. Pravdareport.com reports: “Air communication with Turkey must be suspended until the relations with Turkey are normalized,” the official said, Pravda.Ru reports with reference to RIA Novosti. Turkey has initiated a meeting of ambassadors of NAT... more »
Turkey Armed ISIS Months Before Shooting Down Russian Jet
In January of this year Turkey’s prime minister was caught shipping weapons to ISIS militants, which may go some way in explaining why the NATO ally shot down a Russian jet on Tuesday which had been targeting ISIS militants. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu censored the media from reporting on the Turkey-ISIS deal, after the military’s Gendarmerie General Command discovered around 50 rockets, 35 crates of ammunition, including mortar rounds, and Douchka anti-aircraft ammunition hidden inside Syria-bound trucks operated by Turkey’s intelligence agency. Infowars.com reports: “The truck...more »
National Emergency In Tunisia As Presidential Bus Blast Kills 12
A large explosion has occurred in a bus carrying presidential guards in Tunisia, which has killed at least 12 officers according to reports. Presidential spokesman Moez Sinaoui described the blast as an “attack”, which struck the capital’s Mohamed V Avenue on Tuesday. Yahoo News reports: President Beji Caid Essebsi, who cancelled a trip to Switzerland for Wednesday, declared a state of emergency throughout the country and curfew in the capital. “As a result of this painful event, this great tragedy… I proclaim a state of emergency for 30 days under the terms of law and a curfew in g... more »
Blind Woman Who Switched Personalities Can See Again
A 37-year-old German woman, who has been blind most of her adult life, was able to see again for the first time in years due to her switching personalities. The woman, named B.T., suffered from dissociative identity disorder, and whilst seeking treatment from a psychiatrist she realised she was able to regain her sight when she took on the personality of a teenage boy. Ndtv.com reports: With therapy, over the course of months, all but two of B.T.’s identities regained their sight. And as B.T. oscillated between identities, her vision flicked on and off like a light switch in her min... more »
Clinton: Saying ‘Illegal Immigrants’ was Poor Choice of Words
[image: Hillary Clinton] BOULDER, Colo. (AP) -- Hillary Rodham Clinton said Tuesday her use of the term “illegal immigrants” was a “poor choice of words” and she pledged not to use it anymore, responding to criticism from immigration activists. The Democratic presidential candidate... more »
VP Of Italian Senate Says Turkey Has Entered The War On The Side Of ISIS
Following Tuesday’s downing of a Russian Su-24 the Vice President of the Italian Senate Roberto Calderoli said that Turkey has entered the war on the side of the Islamic State. Sott.net reports: Ankara claims Turkish F-16s shot down the plane because it violated the country’s airspace. Contrary to Turkey’s accusations, Russian President Vladimir Putin said the aircraft was 0.6 miles away from Turkey when it was shot down. “Turkey has officially entered the war on the side of ISIL by downing at the order of [President Recep Tayyip] Erdogan a Russian aircraft which has participated in... more »
Cooking the Intel: A True Scandal
[image: Pentagon - 400] The word "scandal" is bandied about quite a bit when it comes to the conduct of Barack Obama's White House, and this administration has done more than its share to earn the designation "scandal-plagued." From the IRS, to the Department... Continue reading *“Cooking the Intel: A True Scandal”* at *commentarymagazine.com*.
19 People in Seven States Ill in E. Coli Outbreak Tied to Costco
[image: Chicken Salad Sandwich - 900] SEATTLE (AP) -- Nineteen people in seven states, including Washington and California, have contracted E. coli in an outbreak linked to chicken salad bought at Costco, federal health officials said Tuesday. People who bought chicken salad at any U.S. Costco... more »
World News Briefs -- November 24, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*Daily Mail*: *'Shot dead' as they parachuted to the ground: Militants claim to have gunned down two Russian pilots who ejected from their aircraft as video emerges of rebels chanting 'Allahu Akbar' over one body* * The Turkish army has shot down a Russian Sukhoi Su-24 war plane near its Syrian border, officials have confirmed * Syrian border rebels have now claimed to have shot dead the pilots as they parachuted from the destroyed aircraft * Alpaslan Celik, a brigade commander, boasted that his 'comrades opened fire into the air and they died in the air' * The Russian jet violated ... more »
Understanding Corbynmania
It's not the key factor explaining why Labour aren't doing spectacularly well at the moment, but the never ending tit-for-tat in the press, on the telly, on the internets isn't helping much. It is a truism that divided parties don't win elections, after all. Then there were these polling figures of Labour Party members. Some 65% of them think Jeremy is doing well as party leader, while only 38% of those polled believe he'll ever make Number 10, *and*, controversially, 56% say taking a principled line is the correct way to do politics, even if it means losing elections. You can ima... more »
Nov. 24: This may be late because......
..... I had prepared for a day of good news with the major players seemingly coming to an agreement to end the Syrian war. Then I read the news that Turkey had shot down a Russian aircraft. There isn't nearly enough news about this to offer any interpretation of what it means. We can, though, be almost certain this is a dangerous situation for the whole world. Turkey has been a main support for ISIS from the start. Turkey is the one that was accepting Syrian oil for export sales to fund ISIS. Turkey has also been a major supply route for weapons and other supplies to ISIS. Was the ... more »
Character Counts: Johnny Manziel Benched by Browns for Off-the-Field Behavior
[image: Johnny Manziel - 900 000] BEREA, Ohio (AP) -- Dropped from starter to third-stringer -- without playing a game. Johnny Manziel partied his way out of the lineup during Cleveland’s bye week. Browns coach Mike Pettine benched the polarizing quarterback on Monday for his off-field... more »
Watch Extreme Poverty Vanish, as Electricity Comes to Developing World
[image: animated electricity chart - 900] Watch Extreme Poverty Vanish, as Electricity Comes to Developing World. This animated graphic depicts electricity arriving at developing countries across the world and the resulting decline in extreme poverty. Continue reading *“Watch Extreme Poverty Vanish, as Electricity Comes to Developing World”* at *humanprogress.org*.
Blue Origin Successfully Lands Reusable Suborbital Rocket In Texas
Little known space-flight company, Blue Origin, announced on Tuesday that it had successfully launched and then landed a reusable rocket. Jeff Bezos’ private space transportation company, Blue Origin, landed a suborbital rocket back at its launch site eight minutes after launching it to an altitude of 62 miles – breaching Earth’s atmosphere and space. E-commerce entrepreneur and founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos, aims to make booster rockets reusable and cost effective, in order to take space transportation to a new level. Live Mint reports: “Rockets have always been expendable. Not any... more »
Israel Launches Air-Strikes Against Hezbollah Positions In Syria
An Israeli F-16 during an exercise on November 25, 2013. (Ofer Zidon/Flash90) *Times of Israel*:* Report: Israel strikes Hezbollah positions in Syria, killing 13* According to unconfirmed reports, eight fighters, five Syrian soldiers die in four IAF raids Monday; ‘dozens’ said injured Unconfirmed Syrian media reports said Tuesday that Israel carried out some four airstrikes on Syrian regime and Hezbollah positions in the area of Syria’s Qalamoun mountains on Monday night. A report by Al-Souria Net, a pro-opposition outlet, said eight Hezbollah fighters and five Syrian soldiers we... more »
Paulo Coelho, “Convention For Those Wounded In Love”
*“Convention For Those Wounded In Love”* by Paulo Coelho *“General Provisions:* *A* – Whereas the saying “all is fair in love and war” is absolutely correct; *B* – Whereas for war we have the Geneva Convention, approved on 22 August 1864, which provides for those wounded in the battlefield, but until now no convention has been signed concerning those wounded in love, who are far greater in number; *It is hereby decreed that:* *Article 1* – All lovers, of any sex, are alerted that love, besides being a blessing, is also something extremely dangerous, unpredictable and capable of ... more »
Fixing those fragile campus kids
“Safe spaces” on uni campuses where students’ delicate sensibilities are protected. Sensitive wee flowers so terrified of being “micro-aggressed” they bully anyone their feelings tell them might “trigger” them. Mob rule on campuses demanding “freedom” from ideas or even events that might challenge them. Self-infantilising students everywhere are finding ideas so scary they're demanding you check your privilege and check out of their personal and public spaces: - A Colorado University anti-racism rally was recently cancelled because the organisers are white. - Free yog... more »
"In The Face Of Life..."
"Maybe we accept the dream has become a nightmare. We tell ourselves that reality is better. We convince ourselves it's better that we never dream at all. But, the strongest of us, the most determined of us, holds on to the dream or we find ourselves faced with a fresh dream we never considered. We wake to find ourselves, against all odds... feeling hopeful. And, if we're lucky, we realize in the face of everything, in the face of life- the true dream is being able to dream at all." - "Dr. Meredith Grey", "Grey's Anatomy"
“Some Things You Need To Know”
*“Some Things You Need To Know”* by Marc “I know you’re reading this. And I want you to know I’m writing this for you. Others will be confused. They will think I’m writing this for them. But I’m not. This one’s for you. I want you to know that life is not easy. Every day is an unpredictable challenge. Some days it can be difficult to simply get out of bed in the morning. To face reality and put on that smile. But I want you to know, your smile has kept me going on more days than I can count. Never forget that, even through the toughest times, you are incredible. You really are. So... more »
"The Center Of The Universe..."
“When science discovers the center of the universe, a lot of people will be disappointed to find they are not it.” - Bernard Baily
"You Are the One You Are Waiting for: Turn to Yourself"
*"You Are the One You Are Waiting for: Turn to Yourself"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "Ultimately, you are the one. We spend a lot of our lives looking for role models, mentors, teachers, and gurus to guide us on our path. There is nothing wrong with this and, in fact, finding the right person at the right time can really help. However, it is important to realize that in the absence of such a figure, we can very safely rely upon ourselves. We carry within us everything we need to know to make progress on our paths to self-realization. The outer world serves as a mirror. Or to use... more »
"Energies Of Life..."
“Uncertainty and mystery are energies of life. Don't let them scare you unduly, for they keep boredom at bay and spark creativity.” - R. I. Fitzhenry
The Daily "Near You?"
Painesville, Ohio, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Chet Raymo, “Moments of Being”
*“Moments of Being”* by Chet Raymo “A passage from the "Pensees" of Teilhard de Chardin: "Though the phenomena of the lower world remain the same- the material determinisms, the vicissitudes of chance, the laws of labor, the agitations of men, the footfalls of death- he who dares to believe reaches a sphere of created reality in which things, while retaining their habitual texture, seem to be made out of a different substance. Everything remains the same so far as phenomena are concerned, but at the same time everything become luminous, animated, loving..." Whatever we think of Te... more »
Global Refugees Take Long Detours Through Latin America to Reach the US
[image: global refugees] When eight Syrians handed themselves in to immigration authorities on the Texas-Mexico border last week, the incident was held up by conservative politicians as a troubling reflection of the new threats facing the U.S. after the Paris terror attacks. Similarly,... Continue reading *“Global Refugees Take Long Detours Through Latin America to Reach the US”* at *theguardian.com*.
John F. Kennedy Assassination Film Missing, Government Sued For $10 Million
Rare footage of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy is apparently missing. The granddaughter of the man who shot the Grassy Knoll footage is suing the U.S. government for $10 Million its return. The assassination of the 35th President of the United States was a turning point in history and the result of which is apparent today in the global war of terror. The whole world of conspiracies and their theoretical assumptions was born on 22nd November 1963 in Dallas, starting with: “was that a coups d’état that we just witnessed by the elite who want to dominate America?” to la... more »
Living In The Promised Land
*This ugly sour puss is Blue Dog Brad Ashford, the only "Democrat" to co-sponsor the anti-refugee bill* In regard to last Thursday's ugly anti-immigrant vote in the House, we've mostly been concentrating on the 47 coward, craven Democrats who voted with the GOP on that shameful 289-137 roll call. The cowards from the Steve Israel wing of the party, your Patrick Murphys, Kathleen Rices, Pete Aguilars, and John Delaneys, many of them Republican-lite Dems that Israel helped recruit for just these kinds of votes. But that 289-137 wasn't always 289-137. At one point it was 288-138 and in... more »
Tunisian President Declares State Of Emergency After 12 Presidential Guards Killed In Bomb Attack
*Reuters*: *At Least 12 Dead in Attack on Tunisia Military Bus* TUNIS — At least 12 people were killed on Tuesday after an explosion tore through a bus full of Tunisian presidential guards in an attack one source said was probably carried out by a bomber detonating his explosives in the vehicle. Ambulances rushed wounded from the scene and security forces closed off streets around Mohamed V Avenue, one of the major streets in the capital Tunis and where the charred wreckage of the bus lay not far from the interior ministry. *More News On Today's Terror Attack In Tunisia* Blast t... more »
EFN Asia 53, Successful Conference 2015 has ended
Yesterday, the Economic Freedom Network (EFN) Asia Conference 2015 has ended. Reposting below some of the tweets under #efnasia2015, other tweets. @efnasia @meinardus giving Welcoming Address @QEDBhutan "Freedom is a condition for happiness..." H E Kwon Tae-shin delivering keynote at #efnasia2015 @rdieckhoff Kwon Tae-Shin's keynote stresses need for limited AND strong governments @parthjshah Discussion on Buddhism n econ freedom. And we judge morality of action by outcomes or intentions? @subodhtweet Speed Dating #efnasia2015. An innovative way to get to know each other ...more »
Tuesday before Thanksgiving...
*let the cooking commence.* Except here. We decided to eat out. Not only are we eating out, but we're going to do it at a *buffet*, because nothing screams "old people" like going to a buffet. I'm looking forward to no cooking, no leftovers, and no dirty dishes. Trump sounded pretty good yesterday in Ohio. He's dropped 15 lbs and looks good, too. He's right about the Muslims jumping for joy in New Jersey on 9/11. And remember the Muslim convenience store owners in Texas? It's on video. Off to work where I will be tempting people with delectable baked goods. See you all late... more »
Stung by Oil, Distressed-Debt Traders See Worst Losses Since '08
http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-11-24/stung-by-oil-distressed-debt-traders-see-worst-losses-since-08 *Stung by Oil, Distressed-Debt Traders See Worst Losses Since '08* Simone Foxman Jodi Xu Klein November 24, 2015 — 2:52 AM CET Updated on November 24, 2015 — 12:58 PM CET *Knighthead, Candlewood, Mudrick hedge funds under pressure `It wasn’t just energy,' one manager says as funds fall 5%* It’s mid-November, but for investors who trade in the debt of distressed companies, the year’s already done -- and they lost. Hedge funds that specialize in the debt are grappling w... more »
enemies of world peace
May we be saved from evil thoughts and deed of enemies of world peace who find pleasure in creating havoc and perpetrating all forms of carnage. Yahya Jammeh
China Is Likely To Be More Receptive To Obama's Climate Change Goals Than Ted Cruz Is
The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference starts next week, November 30 in Paris and will go through December 11. Most world leaders, including Obama, will be attending and it was the subject of Pope Francis' encyclical last May, *Laudato si'*, in which he wrote "There are certain environmental issues where it is not easy to achieve a broad consensus. Here I would state once more that the Church does not presume to settle scientific questions or to replace politics. But I am concerned to encourage an honest and open debate so that particular interests or ideologies will no... more »
U.S. Consumer Confidence Falls Hard in November
[image: Shopping mall - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Confidence in the economy eroded this month as Americans became more worried about the job market. A business research group said Tuesday that its consumer confidence index fell to 90.4 in November, down from 99.1 in October.... more »
NYPD Boosts Detectives to Track Terror Leads
[image: NYPD] (CNN) -- The New York Police Department is boosting the number of detectives assigned to its Leads unit, which is charged with investigating the flood of suspicious incident reports in the wake of the Paris terrorist attacks. NYPD officials say the... Continue reading *“NYPD Boosts Detectives to Track Terror Leads”* at *cnn.com*.
"How It Really Is"
*Click image for larger size.*
Jeff Bezos Beats Elon Musk’s SpaceX in the Reusable Rocket Race
[image: reusable rocket] Blue Origin, the private space firm owned by Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, has just dropped a huge, unexpected gauntlet in the race to develop a reusable rocket. It just launched its New Shepard space vehicle (video, below) consisting of a BE-3 rocket... Continue reading *“Jeff Bezos Beats Elon Musk’s SpaceX in the Reusable Rocket Race”* at *engadget.com*.
President Obama And French President Hollande Meet To Plan Islamic State Fight
*Wall Street Journal*: *Obama, France’s Hollande Vow to Step Up Fight Against Islamic State* *The two presidents set conditions on Russian involvement in coalition* WASHINGTON—President Barack Obama and French President François Hollande agreed Tuesday on the need for European nations and others to contribute more to the U.S.-led military campaign against Islamic State, but said they don’t believe Russia should yet be included in the coalition. Messrs. Obama and Hollande, appearing at the White House after meeting for the first time since the attacks in Paris, both said Syrian Pre...more »
Russian Marine Killed During Rescue Mission For Downed Pilots In Syria
© Sputnik/ Dmitriy Vinogradov *TASS:* *Contracted marine killed during Su-24 pilots search and rescue operation — General Staff* *One of the two Mi-8 helicopters involved in the operation was damaged by gunfire and made an emergency landing in a neutral area, one contracted marine was killed, Russian General Staff reports* MOSCOW, November 24. /TASS/. A search and rescue operation involving two Mi-8 helicopters was conducted on Tuesday to evacuate pilots who had ejected themselves from the downed Russian Su-24 bomber in Syria, chief of the main operations department of the Russian... more »
US Traffic Deaths Rise Sharply After Small Decline in 2014
[image: busy traffic, traffic deaths] DETROIT (AP) -- After declining for most of the past decade, traffic deaths spiked 8 percent in the first half of this year, prompting a call from the nation’s highway safety chief to find ways to reduce the human errors... more »
Trump Resurfaces Idea of Third-Party Run
[image: third-party] Donald Trump is again raising the possibility that he might run for president as a third-party candidate, suggesting that the Republican Party is not meeting its end of their loyalty “deal”. Responding to reports that independent super-PACs are planning attack... Continue reading *“Trump Resurfaces Idea of Third-Party Run”* at *thehill.com*.
Since ’01, Clintons Collected $35M from Financial Businesses
[image: Clintons - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Hillary Rodham Clinton wants voters to know she is no friend of Wall Street. But Wall Street has frequently been a friend to her. In the 18 months prior to announcing her second campaign for president, the... more »
Toxic Mud From Brazilian Dam Reaches The Atlantic Ocean
Toxic mud travelling down the Rio Doce river in Brazil from a collapsed dam has reached the Atlantic Ocean, amid concerns it will cause severe pollution. Since the dam at an iron mine collapsed two weeks ago the toxic waste has travelled more than 500km (310 miles) The environmental disaster occurred on November 5 when a Samarco iron mine dam collapsed, releasing sixty million cubic meters of toxic waste. Residue from the iron ore mine flooded downstream for a 100 kilometers, creating a river of toxic red mud that engulfed a nearby town. The contaminated mud, tested by the water ma... more »
Peronists Lose in Argentina after 12 Years of Populist Rule [update 2]
*After years of disastrous economic performance, Argentinian voters this week threw out the Peronistas who have had a political stranglehold on the country for decades—and some commentators are suggesting (or hoping) it might be a permanent expulsion, not least for the economic basket-case they’ve made of the place.* *Our guest poster Ryan McMaken explains below why the disastrous economic performance led to the ejection of the populist Kirchners, in favour of a relatively pro-market President to clean up the mess left by their 12-year rule. But if history is any indicator, he say... more »
Gaia Portal: Halifaxes are pressed into service as Hue-manity rises
*Halifaxes are pressed into service as Hue-manity rises* by ÉirePort Halifaxes are pressed into service as Hue-manity rises. Segregations are recognized no more. Unity of operation is employed. Maters of Light service come in assistance. ÉirePort | November 24, 2015 at 06:06 | Categories: Uncategorized | URL: http://wp.me/p2sFUY-w8
Geopolitics: “Somebody Will Do Something Stupid”
*Nov 24, 2015: **“Somebody Will Do Something Stupid”* Somebody just did... - CP *◆* *"POWDER KEG: TURKEY SHOOTS DOWN RUSSIAN FIGHTER"* - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/ *"Russian Fighter Plane Shot Down Close To Syrian Border"* - http://thenewsoracle.com/ ◆ *"Stock Market Fireworks at the Open"* by Anthony Cherniawski "Stocks are down after a Turkish F-16 downed a Russian warplane. ZeroHedge reports further, “Moments ago a big black geopolitical swan landed when newswires lit up with headlines that a Turkish F-16 shot down what was initially said to be an unidentified warplane near th... more »
Russia Responds to False Flag Act of War
*UPDATE: November 24, 2015* Crucial background reading...Turkey hid under the NATO umbrella. ...this analysis from the above link made my skin crawl....when I read that one of the major accomplishments resulting from this attack....could be *a declaration of war between Turkey and Russia...so that Turkey could close the entrance to the Black Sea via the Bosporus and, dispense with the Montreaux agreement preventing non regional forces from staying in those waters*...as is currently the case. Turkey could then prevent Russia from utilizing this important transportation artery and all... more »
Ted Cruz Makes a Big Leap in Iowa, Poll Says
[image: Ted Cruz] Ted Cruz’s long-anticipated Iowa surge came a step closer on Tuesday with a new poll showing him just behind Donald J. Trump and leaping ahead of Ben Carson, as terrorism and foreign policy now drive the 2016 nominating race. Mr.... Continue reading *“Ted Cruz Makes a Big Leap in Iowa, Poll Says”* at *nytimes.com*.
Jesus and the New Julia Roberts Movie Get Something Many Religious Leaders Don’t — Criminal Justice
[image: Secret in Their Eyes - 900] Secret in Their Eyes features Julia Roberts as an FBI agent on a post 9-11 anti-terrorism task force whose teenage daughter is raped and murdered. The presumed killer is an FBI informant, and there's official reluctance to act against him.... more »
Spellings Defends Toxic NCLB Policies
Even though national test performance gains were higher before NCLB than after, and even though the achievement gaps between black and white/rich and poor remain gaping, and even though ACT scores are flat and SAT scores are at a ten year low, and even though child poverty has risen steadily over the past 15 years, and even though millions of our best teachers have been run out of teaching by unethical testing and pressure cooker accountability practices, and even though tens of thousands of communities across the country have lost their schools to corporate welfare charter reform s... more »
Author withdraws entire issue after overseeing his own peer review
The editor and author of most of the papers in a special issue of a math journal told us he is withdrawing the entire issue following revelations that he had coordinated the peer-review process. The articles, published online earlier this year, recently received an expression of concern after the journal realized the guest editor David Gao, at the Federation University Australia, […] The post Author withdraws entire issue after overseeing his own peer review appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Pentagon Says US Military Not Involved In Downing Of Russian Su-24 In Syria
A Pentagon official has told Sputnik News that US military personnel were not involved in the shooting down of the Russian Su-24 military aircraft in Syria. According to the official Washington has a robust presence in Turkey and closely monitors all regional activities. Even though the U.S. and Russia are unwilling to cross swords at the moment, the possibility still remains considering that other parties involved in the incident are acting very foolishly; reminiscence of Stanley Kubrick’s 1964 film, Dr. Strangelove. Sputnik News reports: “Our Turkish Allies informed us that their ... more »
What Happens If A Russian Jet Shoots Down A U.S. Jet Over Syria?
Ints Kalnins/Reuters *Breitbart:* *What Happens if Russia Mistakenly Downs a U.S. Jet over Syria?* JERUSALEM – It was only a matter of time before Tuesday’s incident in which NATO member Turkey shot down a Russian-made warplane near the Syrian border. The skies in and around Syria are increasingly used by multiple countries with conflicting interests in the years-long insurgency targeting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Immediate questions need to be raised about the likelihood of another such incident occurring in the future. Next time, it could involve the U.S. a... more »
Russia Deploys Missile Cruiser Off Syrian Coast. Now Has Orders To Destroy Any Target Posing Danger
A missile cruiser "Moscow" firing anti-aircraft missiles during the joint sailing of various fleets' vessels for combat training. © Vitaliy Ankov / Sputnik *RT: **Russia deploys missile cruiser off Syria coast, ordered to destroy any target posing danger* Moscow plans to suspend military cooperation with Ankara after the downing of a Russian bomber by Turkish air forces, Russian General Staff representatives said on Tuesday. Further measures to beef up Russian air base security in Syria will also be taken. Sergey Rudskoy, a top official with the Russian General Staff, condemned t... more »
WaPo Fact Checker Dismisses Trump’s Claim about Some US Muslims Celebrating 9/11. The Fact Checker Should Read His Own Newspaper.
[image: Fact Checker] I have a strong dislike of the current fashion among American’s decrepit and unreadable newspapers for “fact-checker” columns, because the practice attempts to cloak run-of-the-mill hacks in an aura of dispassionate authority that they do not, in fact, possess. Case... Continue reading *“WaPo Fact Checker Dismisses Trump’s Claim about Some US Muslims Celebrating 9/11. The Fact Checker Should Read His Own Newspaper.”* at *steynonline.com*.
Russia Deploys Missile Cruiser Off Syrian Coast
Following today’s downing of a Russian bomber by Turkish air forces, Moscow plans to suspend military contact with Ankara. Further measures to beef up Russian air base security in Syria are also being implemented. The Russian missile cruiser will be deployed off Latakia province’s coast and orders have been given to destroy any target that poses a potential threat RT reports: Sergey Rudskoy, a top official with the Russian General Staff, condemned the attack on the Russian bomber in Syrian airspace by a Turkish fighter jet as “a severe violation of international law”. He stressed tha... more »
Putin Is Livid At Turkey
Vladimir Putin has warned Turkey that they will face 'serious consequences' Reuters *Reuters*: *Turkey downs Russian warplane near Syria border, Putin warns of "serious consequences"* Turkey shot down a Russian warplane near the Syrian border on Tuesday, saying the jet had repeatedly violated its air space, in one of the most serious publicly acknowledged clashes between a NATO member country and Russia for half a century. Russian President Vladimir Putin said the plane had been attacked when it was 1 km (0.62 mile) inside Syria and warned of "serious consequences" for what he te... more »
Mohawk Nation News OZ EFFECT
Groups Like Black Lives Matter are EXACTLY What Terrorists Want in America
[image: BLM - 400] This September, ISIS released its 14th issue of Inspire, their magazine dedicated to providing details about assassination operations, targets and methods. One article, "The Blacks in America," attempted to exploit racial tensions in the country, urging African Americans to assassinate... Continue reading *“Groups Like Black Lives Matter are EXACTLY What Terrorists Want in America”* at *glennbeck.com*.
Pentagon: US Military Operations In Syria And Iraq Are Continuing "As Planned"
Col. Steve Warren during a news conference at the US Embassy in the heavily fortified Green Zone in Baghdad, Iraq, on October 1. REUTERS/Khalid Mohammed *Business Insider/Reuters:* *Pentagon: This is between Turkey and Russia, and 'our focus is on ISIS'* US operations in Syria and Iraq are continuing "as planned," Army Col. Steve Warren said Tuesday, hours after Turkey reportedly shot down a Russian warplane. "This is an incident between the Russian and the Turkish governments. It is not an issue that involves the combined joint task force or Operation Inherent Resolve," Warren sa... more »
Reflections on a Trip and More.....
I got home last night after the long, but uneventful, trip from England to Maine. It took a train, two planes, a bus and a car to get me from Leeds back to Bath. I thought I'd share some reflections from the trip and also some thoughts about 'endless war' events currently in the news. - The people we met with in Sicily were top of the mark - good organizers, very kind and welcoming. We ate pasta two meals each day while there and I was in heaven. - Two of the No MUOS groups (in Ragusa and Niscemi) have joined the Global Network as affiliate members which is a gre... more »
U.S. Military Official Contradicts Turkish Claims On How Long The Russian Jet Was In Turkey's Space
#BREAKING Flight radar track on downed warplane issued by Turkish military pic.twitter.com/xREQbclVwK — CNN Türk ENG (@CNNTURK_ENG) November 24, 2015 *WNU Editor:* U.S. military officials are saying that the Russian plane was in Turkish airspace for a few seconds .... *Russian entry into Turkish airspace lasted 'seconds': U.S. official* (Reuters). Turkey is emphasizing the point that they warned these Russian jets repeatedly (10 times) that they were violating Turkish airspace .... *Turkey shoots down Russian fighter jet ‘near Syrian border’ after 10 warnings – videos* (Ya Liban).... more »
You Can Never Have Too Many Guitars
I received a Sweetwater gift card as part of my relationship with the Quality Blue Community. All opinions expressed are my own. There is just something about the guitar. The moment I saw my husband playing the guitar, I was sold. He could have proposed right then and I would have said yes. It is such a beautiful, swoon worthy instrument that I have fallen more and more in love with over the years. In the past 9 years, listening to my husband play his guitar almost daily has been one of my favorite things. While we were dating, he wrote and recorded a song for me, I listen to it oft... more »
Video: Turkey Shoots Down Russian Warplane
[image: Turkey Shoots Down Russian Jet] AP Video: Turkey confirmed that it shot down a Russian warplane Tuesday, claiming it had violated Turkish airspace and ignored repeated warnings. Russia denied that the plane crossed the Syrian border into Turkish skies. “We are looking into the circumstances... more »
Obama, Pentagon Support Turkey’s Shooting Down Of Russian Jet
U.S. President Barack Obama has said that Turkey has a fundamental right to “defend its own airspace”, saying that the U.S. fully supports Turkey in it’s “defence” against Russia just hours after Turkey shot down a Russian plane with a missile strike. Meanwhile the Pentagon have confirmed that the U.S. military view Russia’s presence in Turkey’s airspace as an “attack” or an incursion, and say that Turkey’s repeated warning to Russian SU-24 pilots to back off followed by their shooting down of the plane was completely justified. Army Col. Steve Warren said that the U.S. military is ... more »
President Obama: Turkey And Russia Must Talk After Plane Downing
U.S. President Barack Obama addresses a joint news conference with French President Francois Hollande in the East Room of the White House in Washington November 24, 2015. REUTERS/Carlos Barria *Reuters*: *Obama urges Turkey, Russia to talk after plane downing* WASHINGTON, Nov 24 (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande on Tuesday urged Russia and Turkey to avoid escalation over Turkey's downing of a Russian plane along the Turkish-Syrian border. The leaders said details are still emerging on the incident. "Turkey, like every country, has the r... more »
Important Headlines
Putin: Downing of Russian jet over Syria stab in the back by terrorist accomplices. RT, 24 Nov, 2015 12:58, accessed 24 Nov, 2015, https://www.rt.com/news/323262-putin-downing-plane-syria/ Ukraine Nuclear Power Plants ‘Dangerously’ Without Power as Towers Feeding Eenrgy to Crimea Blow Up.” November 23, 2015, https://www.rt.com/news/323060-ukraine-nuclear-plants-danger/ Ivan Nechepurkeno and Neil MacFarquhar. As Sabotage Blacks Out Crimea, Tatars Prevent Repairs. the New York Times, November 23, 2015, accessed November 24, 2015, http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/24/world/europe/cr... more »
Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov Has Cancelled His Visit To Turkey
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov © © Leonhard Foeger / Reuters *RT*: *Lavrov cancels Turkey visit over downing of Russian military jet* Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov has canceled his visit to Istanbul, due on Wednesday, after a Russian Su-24 jet was downed over Syria by a Turkish F-16 fighter. “A decision has been made to cancel the meeting at the level of Russian and Turkish foreign ministers, which was planned to be held tomorrow in Istanbul,” Lavrov told reporters. The minister also pointed out the increasing level of the terror threat in Turkey, which is “not lo... more »
World News Briefs -- November 24, 2015
*The Guardian*: *Putin condemns Turkey after Russian warplane downed near Syria border* Russian president calls Turkey ‘accomplices of terrorists’ and says it was ‘obvious’ that plane posed no threat Vladimir Putin has called Turkey “accomplices of terrorists” and warned of “serious consequences” after a Turkish F-16 jet shot down a Russian warplane on Tuesday morning, the first time a Nato country and Moscow have exchanged direct fire over the crisis in Syria. The Russian president, speaking before a meeting with King Abdullah II of Jordan in Sochi, said the plane had been shot ... more »
Australia Passes No Jab, No Pay law
Parents who don’t have their children immunised will stop receiving childcare benefits from next year in Australia. The federal government’s no-jab-no-pay laws will remove childcare benefits, rebates and the Family Tax Benefit The new rules are expected to save more than AUS$500 million (US$350 million) over four years. The legislation passed the Senate on Monday and the changes will start on January 1, 2016, with exemptions for medical reasons Yahoo news reports: Liberal Democrats Senator David Leyonhjelm, speaking in support of the measures, said childless families should not have... more »
As we shift - 5 ways to be actively awake
Where you fall along the “scale of fear” probably has little, if anything, to do with the current “terrorism threat” level. That is a good sign. It indicates how we are separating from the matrix. I heard a recording the other day from someone who watches trends online after large “expected events” (*think 12/21/12*) that fail to happen. He said he’d been doing it since Y2K. After this most recent expected “Ascension Event” last September, he saw a shift. Instead of anger, frustration and “why”?, people asked “what the “powers that were” were doing behind our backs, *while we ... more »
Goldman Eyes $20 Oil; Glut Overwhelms Storage Sites
*The price of two oil benchmarks, Brent Crude and West Texas Intermediate (WTI), in danger of collapse? (source)* *by Gaius Publius* Ever since the "Exxon Knew" story broke, and especially since NY AG Eric Schneiderman announced his Martin Act investigation of Exxon and other carbon companies for fraud, I've been watching to see how this disrupts the oil and gas markets. To be clear — I consider a disrupted carbon fuel market to be good, since the supply of fossil fuel does have to be interrupted, and forcefully. Consider that if they dig it, we will burn it. So we have to prevent... more »
St Andrews University Biomass Plant Not Economically Viable
By Paul Homewood http://www.thecourier.co.uk/news/local/fife/st-andrews-university-reveals-25m-guardbridge-biomass-plan-1.168283 In 2013, St Andrews University announced plans to build a biomass plant, as The Courier reported: St Andrews University hopes to slash its energy bills and create an “economic centre in Fife” by building a £25 million “green” centre. Rising fuel bills represent a “major threat” to […]
At Least 12 Killed in Blast Targeting Bus Carrying Tunisian Presidential Guards
[image: Tunisia - 900 000] An explosion struck a bus carrying members of Tunisia's presidential guard in the country's capital Tuesday, killing at least 12 people and wounding more than a dozen others in what the government described as a terrorist attack. The blast on... more »
Dozens of ‘White Student Unions’ Pop Up on Facebook: ‘Provide a Safe Space for White Students to Air Their True Feelings’
[image: WhiteStudentsUnion - 400] Within the last week nearly three dozen so-called “White Student Unions” claiming to be associated with universities across the country have cropped up on Facebook. In response to complaints from university administrators, the social networking site is shutting some of... Continue reading *“Dozens of ‘White Student Unions’ Pop Up on Facebook: ‘Provide a Safe Space for White Students to Air Their True Feelings’”* at *theblaze.com*.
Obama Pledges Solidarity with France
[image: Obama3 - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Pledging solidarity after the Paris attacks, President Barack Obama promised Tuesday to work with France and other allies to intensify the U.S.-led campaign against the Islamic State, saying America will not be cowed by the scourge of... more »
Kindergarten Teacher Bans LEGOS for Boys Citing ‘Gender Equity’
[image: Boy playing with LEGOS - 400 000] A kindergarten teacher in Washington state is banning the use of Legos among her male students in the name of "gender equity. Bainbridge Island Review reports that Captain Johnston Blakely Elementary teacher Karen Keller doesn't allow male students to play with... Continue reading *“Kindergarten Teacher Bans LEGOS for Boys Citing ‘Gender Equity’”* at *seattle.cbslocal.com*.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 24, 2015
*Daily Mail:* *Syrian rebels chant 'Allahu Akbar' over the body of dead Russian pilot after Turkey shoots down jet for violating its air-space... then rescue chopper is blasted out of the sky by anti-Assad troops* * Turkish army has shot down a Russian Sukhoi Su-24 war plane near its Syrian border, officials confirm * The Russian jet had violated Turkish air space and ignored ten warnings in five minutes, army says * Putin called Turkey's decision to shoot down the plane a 'stab in the back by the terrorists' accomplices' * Russia claims the jet, which crashed in Syria's Turkomen M... more »
Trump Card: GOP Donors, Operatives Teaming for New Anti-Trump Ad Campaign
[image: Donald Trump by Gage Skidmore - 400] Republican donors with links to several presidential candidates - as well as a prominent GOP operative - are pooling their resources in a new effort to go after Donald Trump and keep the party's presidential front-runner from winning the nomination.... Continue reading *“Trump Card: GOP Donors, Operatives Teaming for New Anti-Trump Ad Campaign”* at *foxnews.com*.
Iraq Sees 30% Drop In Violence In 2015
Since the start of the year attacks have steadily declined throughout Iraq. At the start of 2015, the Islamic State was making a major surge into Anbar, Baghdad, Kirkuk, and Ninewa. It was turned back by the Kurds in the latter two provinces and quickly gave up. It then began curtailing its operations in Anbar after it took Ramadi in May. Together that led to the decline. When looking back even farther IS has been reducing its operations since the start of 2014. It appears that overall, the group was looking to consolidate its hold upon the territory it seized after Mosul fell. Fr... more »
MSNBC’s Poster Boy for ‘Islamophobia’ Arrested in Turkey Trying to Join ISIS
[image: MSNBC Saadiq Long - 400 000] A man, who just two years ago was the poster boy for the far-Left media’s attacks against the U.S. government’s no-fly list for “unfairly” targeting Muslims, finds himself and several family members sitting in a Turkish prison — arrested earlier... Continue reading *“MSNBC’s Poster Boy for ‘Islamophobia’ Arrested in Turkey Trying to Join ISIS”* at *pjmedia.com*.
The Jacksonian Appeal Of Donald Trump
[image: Donald Trump Rally Dallas - 900] After the Paris attack, conventional wisdom held that Republican voters would finally turn away from political outsiders and reward candidates representing sobriety and experience. No one stopped to consider that, actually, voters might be drawn to the guy who memorably... more »
Syrian Rebels Destroy Russian Helicopter With US Anti-Tank Missile
A Russian search and rescue helicopter was shot down by Syrian rebels while searching for pilots who were missing after Turkey downed a Russian jet. The helicopter was forced to make an emergency landing in a government-held area in Syria’s Latakia province. The Syrian insurgent group said its fighters hit the helicopter using a US TOW anti-tank missile. The Telegraph reports: In what appears to be a separate incident, another Syrian rebel group – the Free Syrian Army’s First Coastal Division – says it has destroyed a Russia helicopter on Turkmen Mountain, using a TOW anti-tank miss... more »
UPDATE: American Jets were flying out of Turkish airbase when shoot-down occurred
*UPDATE: November 24, 2015 * *- Russia deploys battleship carrying cruise missiles off Syrian Coast. Vows to shoot down any threatening target against Russian jets...which will continue their mission against ISIS.* *- I'm going to re-post the link to my October/2015 post "The Dogs of Aksakal" travel notes on my trip to Turkey late last summer. I don't think any of my readers "got" that this story (although true) was also an allegory for what's going on in that part of the world. The dogs represented as follows:* *"Gray and Black" were the old (indigenous) inhabitants of the region... more »
New Retraction Watch partnership will create retraction database
As our readers know, one of the goals of our work at Retraction Watch is to create a free, comprehensive database of retractions. That effort is generously funded by The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation and The Laura and John Arnold Foundation. Today, we’re excited to announce that our parent organization, The Center For Scientific […] The post New Retraction Watch partnership will create retraction database appeared first on Retraction Watch.
THREE DAYS OF THE TURKEY: Candidate Clinton draws a pair!
*TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2015Part 2—Pinocchio script never dies:* Watching Lawrence O'Donnell last night, we learned two possible facts. The Washington Post's E.J. Dionne doesn't read the Washington Post. Neither does Lawrence O'Donnell! How did we learn these possible facts? We learned them when Dionne and O'Donnell discussed Candidate Trump's endless stream of misstatements and apparent misstatements. As you may know, Lawrence has always been a fan of shouting the forbidden term "lie." To see him doom Candidate Kerry's chances by doing this in 2004, you can just click here. For a... more »
Overcoming Sickly Inhibitions, the David Brooks Way
David Brooks As Doctor Pangloss (*graphic by Kat Garcia*) David Brooks, resident hack of the Neocon Thought Collective, echoed that granddaddy of all neocon hacks, Norman Podhoretz, in his column today. He attempted to put a cheery Panglossian spin -- with some truly creepy eugenic baseline undertones -- on war, suffering and death. It was Podhoretz who wrote that post-Vietnam, fed-up Americans needed a lot of guidance and prodding in order to "overcome the sickly inhibitions against the use of force." He actually cast aversion toward war as a disease rather than as a rational human ... more »
Obama, Hollande Talks Complicated by Shot-Down Russian Plane
[image: Turkey Map-900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Standing in solidarity after the Paris attacks, President Barack Obama and French President Francois Hollande opened talks Tuesday about expanding the international campaign against the Islamic State, an effort likely to be complicated by Turkey’s shootdown of... more »
Syrian Rebels Have Shot Down A Russian Helicopter In Search Of Russian Pilots Downed By Turkey (Video)
*Reuters*: *Syria insurgents destroy Russian helicopter with missile* Syrian fighters destroyed a Russian helicopter with a missile, shortly after they forced it to make an emergency landing in a nearby government-held area in Syria's Latakia province on Tuesday, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. A Syrian insurgent group, recipient of U.S. Tow missiles, said its fighters hit the helicopter with an anti-tank missile while it was in the air and put out a video showing the helicopter being blown up after one of its fighters struck it with another missile. Rami Abdulrahma... more »
Is ISIS an ‘Existential Threat’? Now, No. Later, Possibly.
[image: ISIS demonstrators] What is the greatest existential threat to world security? The Islamic State? This month, yes. But back in July, the incoming chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff told a Congressional committee that it was Russia. “If you want... more »
Impossible! Presidents Engaged in Sex Trafficking? / Secrets of the CIA's Global Sex Slave Industry
August 17, 2015 Left. President Reagan and Nancy Reagan posing for photo with Christie Brinkley, Cheryl Tiegs and Brooke Shields at a Tribute to Bob Hope's 80th birthday at the Kennedy Center. 5/20/83. Is this the key to their success? *WHITE HOUSE DINNERS - LUCRATIVE PROSTITUTION OF AMERICAN BOYS & GIRLS OF ANY AGE* A doctor who claims she was a mind controlled CIA sex slave says the CIA and yes, even Presidents make large profits from sex trafficking. By Dr. Sue Arrigo Secrets of the CIA's Global Sex Slave Industry (Excerpt by henrymakow.com) *Presidential models* m... more »
Satanic Depravity Imbedded In US Government
Beyond the Physical Realm Monday, November 23, 2015 *by Carolyn Hamlett * About Carolyn: I am a former "Illuminist" born and raised in the Luciferian organization responsible for implementing the plan for the NWO which is also Satan’s plan to instal his chosen one in global rule under the pretense of ushering in an era of global peace and spiritual harmony. Throughout my life I was used in various capacities and departments in "The Plan" on both the physical and non physical levels which yielded to me a wide range of experiences and gave me privy to classified information. My on goi... more »
Distorting history?
Yesterday's BBC One* News at Six *contained the following in its opening headlines: *Fiona Bruce*: And what bones from 20,000 skeletons dating back centuries tell us about our multicultural past. Midway through the programme came: *Fiona Bruce*: And still to come...Written in the bones. Ancient skeletons reveal how London has been a multicultural society since the very beginning. Shortly after came the report itself: *Fiona Bruce*: London is known for being a culturally diverse city and now a DNA study's confirmed that that's been the case since Roman times. Researchers at the ... more »
My Commentary On Today's Downing Of A Russian Military Jet by Turkey
Photo: Anadolu Agency *WNU Editor*: Warnings from Turkey that it would shoot down Russian military jets have been ongoing for the past two month. What has complicated the situation is that Turkey has also claimed airspace miles within Syria as their "buffer" against any violations of their airspace .... causing confusion and doubt on where exactly is the border. The dynamics on the ground in the Syrian war has also changed dramatically in favour of the Syrian government, and to the detriment of Turkey. Turkey's allies are under siege and/or are being defeated (see *previous post*),... more »
NASA: Astronauts' Exposure Technically Limited to 100 Millisieverts a Year to Avoid Central Nervous System Effects of Ionizing Radiation
Yesterday I was digging around for more information about ionizing radiation and I discovered that NASA technically limits astronauts' exposure to 100 millisieverts a year to avoid central nervous system effects. In practice, astronauts often receive more exposure than allowed, particularly during solar minimums. What is important though is that NASA acknowledges that ionizing radiation in excess of 100 millisieverts causes central nervous system damage in ADULTS: Sieffert, Alyssa. Megan. (2014). ASTRONAUT HEALTH & SAFETY REGULATIONS: IONIZING RADIATION. Scitech Lawyer, 10(4), ... more »
Russian Warplane Down: NATO's Act of War
Despite blatant provocation, Russia must continue toward the finish line. *November 24, 2015* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - With cameras rolling, Turkey has claimed it has shot down a Russian Sukhoi Su-24 attack aircraft. The New York Times in its article, "Turkey Shoots Down Russian Warplane Near Syria Border," reports that: *Turkish fighter jets on patrol near the Syrian border shot down a Russian warplane on Tuesday after it violated Turkey’s airspace, a long-feared escalation that could further strain relations between Russia and the West.* The escalation is "long feared" not bec... more »
Lord Ashdown: Cameron Must Investigate ISIS Funding By Gulf Allies
Lord Ashdown has accused the government of failing to put pressure on Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states which he said were funding jihadism. He said that David Cameron must examine financial links between UK-allied Gulf regimes and terror groups, or risk facing awkward questions about Conservative Party links to “rich Arab Gulf individuals” The former Liberal Democrat leader Paddy Ashdown said: “Who is arming ISIS, who is providing safe havens for ISIS? To get there you have to ask questions about the arms everyone’s sold in the region, the role of Saudi Arabia in this. I think the... more »
NATO Calls For An Emergency Meeting After Today's Downing Of A Russian Military Jet By NATO Member Turkey
Entrance to NATO Headquarters. ©AFP 2015/ JOHN THYS *AFP*: *NATO calls 'extraordinary meeting' after Turkey downs Russian jet* Brussels (AFP) - NATO allies will hold an "extraordinary" meeting Tuesday at Ankara's request to discuss Turkey's shooting down of a Russian fighter jet along the Syrian border, an alliance official said. "At the request of Turkey, the North Atlantic Council will hold an extraordinary meeting at (1600 GMT). The aim of this extraordinary NAC is for Turkey to inform Allies about the downing of a Russian airplane," the official told AFP. *WNU Editor:* I suspe... more »
Sowing the World with Salt
originally published on CounterPunch While the historicity of the practice of sowing a vanquished enemy’s fields with salt is the subject of considerable dispute, there is no disputing the fact that it exists as a symbol. Beyond the canonical examples (such as the biblical account of the Israelite judge Abimelech sowing the mutinous city of Shechem with salt in the second millennium BC, or the more well-known story of the Roman general Scipio Africanus’ sowing conquered Carthage with salt in the second century BC), spreading salt over the fields of a defeated adversary has come to ... more »
Turkey Shoots Down Russian Plane
Turkey shoots down Russian jet over Syria. Russia claims the plane was one mile away from Turkish border when it was destroyed. Turkey is a NATO member and some are speculating that they are trying to draw Russia into wider war on behalf of the west. It's been well known for a long time that Turkey helps fund, shelter, train, and fund ISIS along with the US, Israel, Saudia Arabia and Jordan.
Police Call Him An ISIS Recruiter. He Says He’s Just An Outspoken Preacher.
[image: ISIS recruiter] CONFRONTING THE 'CALIPHATE' | This is part of an occasional series about the rise of the Islamic State militant group, its implications for the Middle East, and efforts by the U.S. government and others to undermine it. Mizanur Rahman is... Continue reading *“Police Call Him An ISIS Recruiter. He Says He’s Just An Outspoken Preacher.”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Improving reproducibility: What can funders do? Guest post by Dorothy Bishop
We’re pleased to present a guest post from Dorothy Bishop, a researcher who focuses on neurodevelopmental disorders at Oxford University, and is also heavily involved in efforts to improve reproducibility in science, including chairing the steering committee of a recent symposium on the topic organised by the Academy of Medical Sciences. Here, she talks about […] The post Improving reproducibility: What can funders do? Guest post by Dorothy Bishop appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Why the West Won't Hit ISIS Where it Hurts
*November 24, 2015* (Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - In the wake of the Paris attacks, the West has sought to leverage what it had hoped would be a renewed public will for expanded war abroad. To this end, the US and Turkey have announced an operation which it claims will secure the last 98 kilometers of the Turkish-Syrian border - an area roughly between the west bank of the Euphrates river near Jarabulus, to Afrin and Ad Dana further West. *Repackaging NATO's 2012 "Safe Zone" * Those familiar with the Syrian conflict would recognize this section of the Syrian-Turkish border as precise... more »
Turkey Had Warned Russia Hours Before Shooting Down Its Jet To Not Support A Syrian Government Offensive On A Turkmen Village Near The Turkish Border
Clashes between Turkmens and forces loyal to the Syrian regime are continuing in the country’s northern Bayırbucak region, across from Turkey’s Yayladağı district. Photo taken from Turkmen social media accounts. DHA Photo *The Guardian:** Turkey caught between aiding Turkmen and economic dependence on Russia* Ankara has long history of tension with Moscow, but will not want shooting down of Russian Su-24 warplane to escalate into a wider confrontation The shooting down by Turkish forces of a Russian Su-24 warplane follows rising tension between the two countries over a continuing ... more »
Planned Parenthood Abortionist Prays Next to Pro-Life Sign and Thanks God She Can Kill Babies
[image: abortionist prayer - 400] The Pro-Life Action League caught a disturbing moment on video last Monday in Chicago outside a Planned Parenthood conference when an abortionist knelt down beside the photo of an aborted baby to thank God for her work. As LifeNews previously reported,... Continue reading *“Planned Parenthood Abortionist Prays Next to Pro-Life Sign and Thanks God She Can Kill Babies”* at *lifenews.com*.
U.S. Appeals Court Rules against Wisconsin Law Requiring Abortion Doctors to Have Hospital Admitting Privileges
[image: abortion] A Wisconsin law requiring doctors who perform abortions to have admitting privileges at a nearby hospital is unconstitutional, a U.S. appeals court ruled on Monday, addressing a topic the U.S. Supreme Court is considering during its current term. Abortion providers... Continue reading *“U.S. Appeals Court Rules against Wisconsin Law Requiring Abortion Doctors to Have Hospital Admitting Privileges”* at *reuters.com*.
ISIS Terrorists Already Have Infiltrated America Posing as Refugees
[image: ABCThiessen1-e1447955437162] President Obama is mocking Republicans for raising concerns about his ability to vet Syrian refugees for terrorists, declaring "they are scared of widows and orphans." It's not the widows and orphans Americans are scared of, Mr. President. It's the ISIS... Continue reading *“ISIS Terrorists Already Have Infiltrated America Posing as Refugees”* at *aei.org*.
Never were there such devoted sisters
I have to confess, with sincere regret, (barring an occasional glimpse of Alan Sugar) that I’ve squandered my entire allocation of trash-TV viewing on Gogglebox. I don’t watch Strictly, Bake-off, Voice thing, Celebrity or X factory. You name it, I don’t watch it. In fact I have watched Gogglebox a mere handful of times, but I like the bleakness, the inscrutability and the unconscious humour, the likes of which we’ve not seen since Mike Leigh’s early masterpieces, which he made before he got caught up in all that anti-Israel silliness. I suppose, in an ideal world, its association... more »
Who Turned Out the Lights?
*Zen Gardner* - We still have many freedoms, and we need to “make hay while the sun shines”. The post Who Turned Out the Lights? appeared first on Waking Times.
Actor Donald Sutherland Reveals The Truth About The Hunger Games
In the video clip below, actor Donald Sutherland confirms that the Hunger Games is indeed an allegory pertaining to the United States. In the Hunger game films, Sutherland plays the part of President Coriolanus Snow, a a native of the Capitol and the tyrannical President of Panem. Dollar Vigilante reports: Why would Hollywood make a movie about a dystopian future that is obviously critical of the US? Tinseltown does it all the time. The idea is to make people (and teenagers in this case) familiar with this sort of future. Robocop, many of the Schwarzenegger and Stallone movies and ... more »
This Is Not Good: Turkey Shoots Down Russian Su-24M Aircraft - The War In Syria Has Just Been Escalated!
Lets face the facts... The American/Israeli/NATO attempts to destroy Syria have failed miserably with their fake "terrorist" group called ISIS now on the run in Syria.... It would have been only a matter of time before the good guys, the Russian/Syrian/Iranian/Lebanese/Hezbollah allied forces, freed all of Syria from the criminal attempts to have that peaceful nation destroyed....Therefore the US/Israel/NATO criminal cabal have been desperately looking for anything that could further escalate the conflict.... And today it seems they may have done exactly that! I found out this morni... more »
Putin Warns After NATO Occupied Turkey Shot Down Russian Fighter Jet
I have long discerned between the goals/ agenda of *Turkey the nation state* versus *NATO occupied Turkey.* Apparently I am one of a few persons who recognize and understand this extremely important difference. *Make no mistake it is an important difference!* *NATO is working directly AGAINST the wishes of the Turkish state*, concerning the creation of Kurdistan. This topic has been written about repeatedly- *As recently as yesterday: A Sober Look at the West’s Kurdish Allies. As Opposed to the Alcohol Idiocy...* "Turkish leaders appear to be drawing a firm line against further ... more »
*Highway bill: Kicking the can down the road only part way ~Hembree Brandon, Delta Farm Press* *Tasty Oyster Dressing Complements Holiday Meals*
Turkey, NATO, and Russian Fencers
Quickly, in light of the Turkish downing of the Russian Su-24, consider: Turkey has been a lukewarm NATO "ally" against the Islamic State. It has spent more of its efforts attacking and checking the Kurds and its border remains porous. Turkey is still the entry route for foreigners intent on joining IS and the exit route for many refugees and defectors from IS. Turkey's internal politics have
Russian President Putin Responds To Today's Downing Of A Russian Jet By Turkey
*TASS:* *Putin: Russia will not tolerate such crimes as attack against its Sukhoi-24 plane* According to the president, the attack against Su-24 plane in Syria goes beyond normal struggle against terrorism, and it is "a stab in Russia’s back" delivered by "terrorism accomplices" SOCHI, November 24. /TASS/. Russia will not tolerate crimes like the attack on the Russian Su-24 fighter jet shot down by Turkish AA-forces in Syrian skies, President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday at a meeting with King of Jordan Abdullah II. "I understand each country has its own regional interests, and... more »
Russian Ministry Of Defense Responds To Today's Downing Of A Russian Jet by Turkey
*Sputnik:* *Downed Russian Su-24 Jet Was in Syrian Airspace - Kremlin* The Russian Su-24 jet downed over Syria was located in Syrian airspace, the Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said. "So far, we have not heard the reason for the crash of our attack aircraft from the Defense Ministry. We know for sure that the aircraft was in Syrian airspace, over the territory of Syria," Peskov said, noting that the ministry's first statement on the crash was based on preliminary information. The spokesman reaffirmed that the jet was in Syrian airspace ahead of the crash, as previously stated b... more »
Why Do So Many Republicans Crave Being Lied To?
Earlier in the campaign for the Republican nomination, did anyone feel another candidate could possibly eclipse Carly Fiorina as the most compulsive liar in American politics? After she was thoroughly outed as someone who just made shit up, her meteoric rise-- even among the Fox/Hate Talk Radio base of the GOP-- was halted and within weeks her aspirations to be anything more than Ted Cruz's running mate came crashing down to earth, voters left with two impressions: her lies about being a successful CEO at Hewlett Packard and her lies about personally seeing some Planned Parenthoo... more »
The Cause of Your Physical Pain And Disease is You
*Michael Forrester* - Yes, you. Not the environment, your mother's genes or your junk food diet. The post The Cause of Your Physical Pain And Disease is You appeared first on Waking Times.
Syrian Rebels Gloat And Chant 'Allahu Akbar' Over The Body Of Dead Russian Pilot After Turkey Shoots Down Russian Jet. Second Pilot Feared Captured
*Daily Mail*: *Turkey shoots down Russian jet after violating its air space: One pilot is feared captured in Syria as footage emerges of rebel group chanting 'Allahu Akbar' over the corpse of his co-pilot* * Turkish army has shot down a Russian Sukhoi Su-24 war plane near its Syrian border, officials confirm * The Russian jet had violated Turkish air space and ignored ten warnings in five minutes, army says * Russia claims the jet, which crashed in Syria's Turkomen Mountains, had been in Syrian airspace when it was hit * In response, Turkish army released flight tracking data showin... more »
Francis in Africa: Conquering Conflict with the Medicine of Mercy
[image: Pope Francis visit to Africa] [Dominic Burbidge] Pope Francis begins tomorrow a five-day, three-nation trip to east and central Africa, the first time a pope has set foot in an active war zone. Francis' journey (full itineraryhere) will cover the three countries of Kenya, Uganda and... Continue reading *“Francis in Africa: Conquering Conflict with the Medicine of Mercy”* at *cvcomment.org*.
Paris Attacks: Suspect Questioned, Brussels Still in Lockdown
[image: European Parliament] PARIS (AP) -- French authorities on Tuesday questioned a top suspect linked to attackers who terrorized Paris, while Belgium’s capital remained locked down under threat of a possible similar attack. Jawad Bendaoud, the only person in France facing potential terrorism... more »
Yellen Defends Seven Years of Low Interest Rates in Letter to Nader
[image: Janet Yellen-400] Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen, responding to a letter calling for higher interest rates on behalf of savers, said Americans would have been worse off had the central bank not kept rates near zero since 2008, and repeated that she... Continue reading *“Yellen Defends Seven Years of Low Interest Rates in Letter to Nader”* at *bloomberg.com*.
Florida Democrats Take Another Swing At Pro-Employee Legislation (That Won't Pass)
Another legislative session coming up, some more pro-employee legislation that will not pass. But here’s what some Florida Democrats (okay, I didn’t check them all, but c’mon, what are the odds that any of the co-sponsors of any pro-employee laws are Republicans?) are trying to pass in 2016 to help Florida employees: *$15 minimum wage*: SB 6 and HB 109 would raise Florida’s minimum wage to $15/hour *ERA*: SCR 74 and HCR 8001 would ratify the Equal Rights Amendment. Better late than never. *Sexual Orientation*: SB 120 and HB 45would add sexual orientation and gender identity to pro... more »
Empty Barrels
http://www.tceq.state.tx.us/ Just as they did before the American invasion of Iraq, most of our media -- particularly television -- are once again fanning the flames of fear. Andrew Mitrovica writes: In times of free-floating anxiety like these, the corporate media does not act as a brake on the state; quite the opposite. Rather than challenge the extraordinary and expanding security powers of Western states, corporate media outlets routinely urge them to exercise those powers more pervasively and ruthlessly. Rather than the questio... more »
Putin: Turkey Back-Stabbed Russia & Acted Like Accomplices Of Terrorists
Vladimir Putin said that Turkey had back stabbed Russia by downing a Russian warplane and acted as accomplices of the terrorists. The Russian president stated that the Su-24 incident in Syria had stepped over the boundary in the conventional war against terrorism, during a meeting with King of Jordan Abdullah II in Sochi. Putin said Russia respects the regional interests of other nations, but warned that the atrocity committed by Turkey would not go without an answer. Today’s incident comes just days after Turkey threatened Moscow with “serious consequences” if they continued bombi... more »
UKIP Slam Prince Charles Climate Scaremongering
By Paul Homewood http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/11/23/ukip-ludicrous-prince-charles-should-stop-climate-change-scaremongering-and-help-stop-terrorism/ Prince Charles’ latest foray on climate change has already been thoroughly mocked and debunked, by bloggers and a few others. However, there has always been a slavishly, reverential reluctance to criticise anything he says by mainstream media or other official sources. Well, no more! UKIP have now issued an […]
Minneapolis Police Say 5 Shot near Protest Scene
[image: Black Lives Matter protests] MINNEAPOLIS (AP) -- Five people were shot late Monday night near the site of an ongoing protest over the fatal shooting of a black man by a police officer, Minneapolis police said. None of the five suffered life-threatening injuries. The...more »
The Quiet Unraveling of ObamaCare
[image: President Obama] President Obama was hammered last week for his failure on ISIS. But there’s at least one bright spot for him in that criticism: At least it deflected the spotlight from the unfolding catastrophe that is ObamaCare. Indeed, last week brought... Continue reading *“The Quiet Unraveling of ObamaCare”* at *theweek.com*.
Clinton’s Iowa Dilemma
[image: E85 fuel] Obama's ethanol rule could make things awkward for the Democratic front-runner. The Obama administration is set to take sides in the titanic lobbying battle over ethanol between the corn and oil industries -- just eight weeks before the presidential caucuses... Continue reading *“Clinton’s Iowa Dilemma”* at *politico.com*.
Vatican Indicts Five for Leaks
[image: Vatican] ROME -- A Vatican judge has indicted a monsignor, two former members of an expired papal commission, and two Italian journalists for allegedly disseminating secret internal documents regarding the Holy See's finances. They will stand trial for "procuring and revealing"... Continue reading *“Vatican Indicts Five for Leaks”* at *cruxnow.com*.
British Freemasons Exposed: Secret Society Ruled Britain For 200 Years
The role of Freemasons in ruling British society for the last 200 years has been revealed. An archive containing the records of two million Freemasons is to be made public. The secret archive contains a list of names associated with the military top brass, bishops, statesmen, judges, police, royalty, engineers, scientists, explorers and others. Freemasonary is one of the few remaining men-only ventures, with around six million members worldwide; two million of whom reside in the U.S. The Daily Record reports: The names of royalty, statesmen, judges, military top brass, bishops and p... more »
NATO Calls Emergency Meeting After Downing Of Russian Su-24 Over Syria
NATO allies will hold an emergency meeting Tuesday at Ankara’s request to discuss Turkey’s shooting down of a Russian fighter jet along the Syrian border. A NATO representative said :”The meeting of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization will be held at 5 pm (4 pm GMT) at Turkey’s request” Russia said the Su-24 was downed by artillery fire, but Turkey claimed that its F-16s fired on the Russian plane after it ignored several warnings. Turkey shot down a Russian warplane Tuesday, claiming it had violated Turkish airspace and ignored repeated warnings. Russia has denied that the plane... more »
*Abolish "No Child Left Behind"* Today a House and Senate conference committee met to reauthorize the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), which was last reauthorized in 2002 as the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB). There are numerous problems with the proposed compromise being considered (see here, here and here, for example). But the bigger question we should be asking of Congress is why reauthorize the ESEA in the first place? We’ve endured 50 years of federal meddling in elementary and secondary education, and we have scant (if any) hard evidence that DC politicians—...more »
Hollande to Press Obama on Russia Cooperation in ISIS Fight
[image: François_Hollande_wikimedia] WASHINGTON (AP) -- President Barack Obama will stand in solidarity with French President Francois Hollande at the White House on Tuesday, 11 days after the Islamic State group launched a series of deadly attacks in Paris. But Hollande is likely... more »
Wooing Blacks, Sanders Says MLK’s Legacy More Than Fighting Racism and Segregation
[image: Bernie Sanders] ATLANTA (AP) -- Bernie Sanders acknowledges that he needs more support from black voters to have any chance of defeating Hillary Rodham Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination. And, also stating the obvious, Sanders is a longtime politician from Vermont,... more »
*Unscientific ecofascist, Alan Betts, just KNOWS the truth* *Elderly British-born and NOAA funded Vermonter, Dr. Alan Betts, has scientific credentials but a real scientist is always open to new evidence and argument. We see below however that Betts regards the global warming theory as beyond question and is unrepentant of his wish to use all methods to suppress scientific discussion of it. He is an ideological descendant of the Nazi book burners. He regards it as corruption to fund research that does not lead to Warmist conclusions. He just KNOWS the truth, indicating that it... more »
Toronto police urged to stop immigration 'status checks'
There's a disconnect here. Toronto pays for a police service but does not make the laws (or at least the major laws) that the police must follow. So calling Toronto a Sanctuary City does nothing. It's as if Toronto said "no drug prosecutions of any sort"; good idea or bad it's not within the City's power to decide. http://www.thestar.com/news/investigations/2015/11/24/toronto-police-urged-to-stop-immigration-status-checks.html Despite "Sanctuary City" status, Toronto Police made almost 3,300 calls to border officials in eight months — and 83.4 per cent were "status checks," say... more »
Turkey is a problematic ally of NATO, everyone else
For centuries, the Ottoman Empire was the key power attempting to Islamize Europe. It was the regime that our ancestors had to fight against to protect the "European" values on our continent. The Austrians, Hungarians, and others had to sacrifice their lives. Meanwhile, the interaction has led to a partial convergence of the Ottoman Empire and the European countries. We (at least in Bosnia, Czechia, and Greece) have learned to drink the Turkish coffee that almost no one drinks in Turkey. At the same moment, Turkey has imported tons of European civilization advances. It seems obv... more »
Turkey Downs Russian Jet it Says Violated its Airspace, Syrian Rebels Down Russian Search Helicopter
[image: Turkey Shoots Down Russian Jet] MOSCOW (AP) -- Turkey shot down a Russian warplane on Tuesday that it said ignored repeated warnings and crossed into its airspace from Syria, killing at least one of the two pilots in a long-feared escalation in tensions between Russia... more »
Breaking News from AP: Seth Borenstein, Michael Mann & Andrew Dessler think climate skeptics are wrong!
By Paul Homewood http://bigstory.ap.org/article/3e946f29fa534a0b9c1d064b16e06b61/ap-fact-check-most-gop-candidates-flunk-climate-science In true, unpartisan fashion, AP has allowed Seth Borenstein to rate the top presidential candidates for their views on climate change. And who might these “scientists” be? Amongst others, Michael Mann, Andy Dessler and James Elsner! Ryan Maue sums it up best: https://twitter.com/RyanMaue/status/668538592017412100 […]
The right to rant
Nick Cohen penned an article just t’other day, entitled: *Nobody will ever forgive the right if they destroy the BBC.* Cohen wasn’t writing primarily about bias. He was arguing on behalf of the BBC and telling us that it is a National Treasure and ‘ya won’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone’, but he did include the passage below. “And, yes, thank you for raising it, I know, there is BBC bias. I accept that Radio 4 will give us left- and extreme left-wing comedians but never their right- or far-right equivalents. You do not have to tell me either that you can find individual broad... more »
Turkey Shoots Down Russian Su-24 Fighter Jet On Syrian Border
Turkey shot down a Russian Su-24 fighter jet on the Syrian-Turkish border earlier today. The Russian Defense Ministry said that the plane had been shot down in Syria and had not violated Turkish airspace. They said the plane was flying at an altitude of 6,000 meters. The Ministry said: “During the flight, the aircraft was flying within the borders of Syria, which was registered by objective monitoring data,” and adding that the aircraft was supposedly shot down from the ground. #SYRIA Russian aircraft Su-24 crashed in Syria. According to the preliminary data, the pilots managed to e... more »
Economic News , Data & Views ( November 24 , 2015 ) - Russian Jet Shot Down Over Syria - Definitely the Lead Story for The Day ........ Europe In Focus ( Quicks Hits From Germany - Refugee Crisis Solutions Trump Balanced Budget For 2016 , Bomb Blast Outside Hellenic Federation Of Enterprises In Greece , State Aid Of 5.7 BN Needed For Piraeus And National Banks , Brexit item , Negative Interest Rate Bond News - Switzerland , Germany And Spain , German IFO Rises to 109 , Euro Moving In Direction Of Parity To Dollar , Commodities Items Of The Day , Asia Market Update And Look Forward To Tuesday ! )
Evening wrap.... Turkey & Russia Situation.... *fred walton* @fredwalton216 2h 2 hours ago fred walton Retweeted Nattie Roman Things to consider regarding Turkey & ISIS. Turkey's alleged support&cooperation w/ISIS will be under microscope ... fred walton added, *Nattie Roman* @TsarKastik @Joyce_Karam @lrozen The Defense One take: http://www. defenseone.com/threats/2015/1 1/putin-accusing-turkey-being-isis-allyand-hes-least-partly-right/123975/ … *fred walton* @fredwalton216 4h 4 hours ago fred walton Retweeted The Daily Star If you get past headline and dig into details ... more »
Dinosaurs in the Bible - ARC of Covenant - Cataclysmic Moments in Earth's history
*Jesus says, "Stroke that dragon,"*we all know the Creationists are that rare breed of Holy Book Reader who believe that, God created the Heavens and the Earth in a corporate week, then Adam from dirt and Eve from his rib. They also believe that if you count backwards through all the ages of the begat begat begat lists in Genesis, and add up the ages of the begatters, you get an Age of the Earth as young as 6,000 years. Whether you believe the nonsense of the Noah Flood story (about 4,000 years ago) where pairs of known animals (including penguins, obviously, and kangaroos) were gat... more »
Prometheus 2 - Alien: Covenant - due in 2017
so, Ridley Scott is finally making a sequel to Prometheus i.e. stealers of the Gods' fire... the supposed prequel to his seminal slasher-in-space film of 1979, Alien. Prometheus 2 has gone through a handful of rewriters and a series of pre-production renames (that we know of) it was first called *Prometheus 2: Paradise* then it was called *Alien: Paradise Lost* then recently got re-announced to *Alien: Covenant*. *(Alien: Covenant) will tie into the overall Alien movie universe, and is considered the second chapter in a prequel trilogy. In the film, the crew of the colony ship C... more »
New Cross-disciplinary Antiobiotic Resistance Research Centre at my Univeristy
Yesterday, I received the delightful news that a big bid, in which I am one of several co-applicants, to establish a centre for research, education, innovation and change in the area of antibiotic resistance research, *CARe* at my university has been awarded a more than €5 million base funding for the coming 6-7 years in an internal university competition called the *UGot Challenges,* that's been going on for about 2 years. The lead applicants of *CARe* are Joakim Larsson, professor of environmental biomedicine, and Fredrik Carlsson, professor of environmental and behavioural eco... more »
Florida Teacher Chris Ulmer Starts Each Day Complimenting Students One by One
*Published on November 17, 2015* In classrooms across the country, the school day almost always starts off with some kind of routine. Announcements, a run-through of the day's calendar or maybe the Pledge of Allegiance. But in Chris Ulmer's classroom, the day starts off with 10 minutes of compliments. In a video posted to Facebook that's been shared more than 8,000 times since it was posted on Sunday, Ulmer takes the time to pay several compliments to each and every one of the eight students in his special education classroom at Mainspring Academy in Jacksonville, Florida. Phot... more »
Musical Interlude: Vangelis, “Message”
Vangelis, “Message” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZpTTokiCrE
BREAKING NEWS: Turks retaliate for 1500+ oil smuggling tankers destroyed...shoot down Russian jet
Breaking News this morning. It would appear that Turkey has taken steps to re-establish its oil theft/smuggling route out of neighbouring Syria. This morning (Tuesday, November 24, 2015) Turkish jets shot down a Russian SU24 warplane over Syrian airspace. The pilots apparently ejected safely. *Russian Jet downed in Syria...fired on from ground according to Russians* Now there is a lot of tooing and frowing about whether it was in Syrian or Turkish airspace. NATO is getting involved. Yes, they will be bringing in the big guns. Russia better have China on its side. This is a V... more »
A Summary On The U.K. Defense Review
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* *Daily Mail:* *Trident bill rockets to £31BILLION: Four nuclear subs will cost £6bn more than the previous estimate and arrive five years late as naval chief warns the delay was a 'dangerous and huge risk'* * The price tag for replacing Trident has risen to at least £31billion, according to yesterday's defence spending review * Buying four new submarines to carry the nuclear deterrent will cost £31billion over 20 years, an increase of £6billion * The jump in costs was revealed amid yesterday's review setting out plans to spend £178billion over ten years... more »
Point-like QFTs in the bulk can't be a consistent theory of QG
*Dixon's research is impressive applied science using deep insights by others, mainly string theorists* Lance Dixon is a prominent particle theorist at SLAC. A few days ago, he gave an interview about quantum gravity. Q&A: SLAC Theorist Lance Dixon Explains Quantum Gravity He's been most tightly associated with multiloop calculations in quantum field theory (including some calculations at four loops, for example) and various tricks to climb over the seemingly "insurmountably difficult" technical obstacles that proliferate as you are adding loops to the Feynman diagrams. However, as... more »
How U.S. Intelligence Analysts Were Able To Figure Soviet Air-plane Capabilities With Just Graph Paper And A Calculator
Russian Tu-95 Bear Strategic Bomber. © Sputnik/ Jakutyn *Bill Sweetman, AIR & SPACE MAGAZINE:* *Spying on the Soviets, With Graph Paper and a Calculator* *Figuring out the specs of Cold War Soviet airplanes was educated guesswork, if you had the right tools.* Duuring the cold war, I worked for Flight International in London. Along with my colleague Doug Richardson—every aviation magazine needs a Leica-toting, Scottish, philhellene former-teenage-apprentice-in-a-radar-factory—I was frustrated about our coverage of Soviet technology. One of our competitors was friendly with U.S. Ai... more »
A Look At Russia's Colossal Three-Floor War Room In Moscow.
(*Click on Image to Enlarge*) Long rows of identical desks and computer terminals are crammed into the enormous space, filling up the room with analysts working tirelessly on three separate floors as they monitor activities in the conflict zone *Daily Mail: **Now that's a war room! Inside Russia's fortified triple-decker operations base sitting on a maze of secret tunnels where Putin masterminds strikes on ISIS * * The impressive war room is heavily fortified and is similar in size to the Pentagon's National Military Command Center * Vladimir Putin can be seen sitting on the first ... more »
The America-Basher in Chief Rolls On
[image: Barack Obama] How could America have twice elected a president who not only can’t stand America but also won’t perform his constitutional duty of defending it? Even some former administration officials and rank-and-file Democrats are finally recognizing that there is something strange... more »
Translating the Cant of Progressive Politicians
[image: Legacy of Slavery - 900] It is amazing how many different ways the same thing can be said, creating totally different impressions. For example, when President Barack Obama says that defeating ISIS is going to take a long time, how is that different from saying... more »
Terrorists as ‘Tourists’
[image: Barack Obama] President Obama has put a new twist on the Islamic invasion now taking place across Europe and the United States. Speaking to reporters last week during his visit to the Philippines, the president compared Syrian refugees to “tourists,” saying they are no bigger a... more »
Investigators Have Narrowed It Down To Where The Bomb Was Planted That Brought Down The Russian Passenger Jet In The Sinai
(*Click on Image to Enlarge*) Image From The Daily Mail *The Telegraph:* *Is this the teenager who was sitting on top of the bomb that crashed the Russian plane in the Sinai?* Investigators of the Metrojet disaster claim the bomb was stashed under seat 30A or 31A, where it is believed 15-year-old Maria Ivleva was sitting. It is believed that a 15-year-old schoolgirl was sitting on top of the bomb which blew up the Russian Metrojet plane, killing all 224 people onboard in the Sinai desert. Maria Ivleva, from the St Petersburg region, is thought to have been sitting near the bomb wh... more »
U.S. Special Forces Will Be Deployed Into Syria 'Very Soon'
*VOA:* *US Special Forces Going Into Syria 'Very Soon'* The special U.S. envoy to the global coalition to counter the Islamic State group (IS/ISIL) said dozens of U.S. special operations forces will be deployed "very soon" in Syria to work with Arab forces trying to isolate the group's self-proclaimed capital and end terrorist plots. Brett McGurk said on U.S. television Sunday these anti-IS forces in recent weeks already have retaken territory and killed hundreds of IS fighters. McGurk said he would not disclose the date, due to the sensitive nature of the U.S. deployment, but add... more »
Red Ice Radio - Freeman - Hour 1 - Aliens From Hell, Rise of the Dark He...
*The Trauma based programming is now in Hyperdrive to cause people to accept the AntiChrist as a beneficent being that is our NEW HOPE. Don't be fooled but awareness is important and protect your family from this malevolent group who are killers*.
The Disappearance of Governors from the GOP Presidential Race is Unfortunate
[image: governors2 - 900] There is a painful irony in a recent decision of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, on the side of Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana, whom the U.S. Department of Justice tried to stop from making charter schools widely... more »
Nuclear Waste In Lake Michigan? Ask Fred Upton
Five Republican U.S. Representatives from Michigan, and *all* Michigan’s Democratic Representatives and Senators just sent a letter to Justin Trudeau, the new Prime Minister of Canada. The letter urges the Canadian government to deny Ontario Power Generation permits to build a giant nuclear waste facility underground, less than a mile from Lake Huron. Nuclear waste remains toxic for tens of thousands of years. No matter how geologically secure they say the site may be, this is too close. Congressman Fred Upton, the shady chairman of the House Energy Committee (who just happens to ... more »
Reddington's Red Cherry Tarts
[image: Blacklist, Reddington] We are huge The Blacklist fans in our house. We started out watching it when it first started to air and expected it to be my like dramas. We watch a few episodes, get really bored and stop halfway through the first season. The Blacklist hasn't been like that at all for us. We can hardly wait until the next episode. These tarts remind me a little bit of Reddington because they are rich and delicious, but also a little sneaky with the ingredients. We love to mix up a batch before the show starts and there are rarely any afterward! You will need: - ... more »
Don’t Excuse Terrorism by Talking About ‘Root Causes’
[image: soldiers with guns] “In one sense, however, there is a need to return to basics in looking at the Islamic extremist terrorist threat,” writes Jonathan A. Greenblatt, national director of the Anti-Defamation League: That involves avoiding a tendency, which corrupts the effort to... Continue reading *“Don’t Excuse Terrorism by Talking About ‘Root Causes’”* at *forward.com*.
2014 Poll: 13% Of Syrian Refugees Are Islamic State Supporters
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* *American Enterprise Institute:* *Poll: 13% of Syrian refugees are ISIS sympathizers* Poll: A November 2014 study from the Arab Opinion Index team of the Doha-based Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies finds that the vast majority of Syrian refugees have a negative view of ISIS, with 83% saying their view the group is “negative” or “negative to some extent.” However, a disturbing subset of 13% of Syrian refugees say their view of ISIS is “positive” or “positive to some extent.” Here is the chart: *WNU Editor:* I spent some time reading the rep... more »
Decline of Medicare Subsidized Drug Plans Leaves Seniors with Less Choice
[image: drug plans] Even though health problems forced Denise Scott to retire several years ago, she feels “very blessed” because her medicine is still relatively inexpensive and a subsidy for low-income Medicare beneficiaries covers the full cost of her monthly drug plan premiums.... Continue reading *“Decline of Medicare Subsidized Drug Plans Leaves Seniors with Less Choice”* at *usatoday.com*.
The Joy of ISIS
[image: holding hands, joy, circle] I went to a matinee of The Book of Mormon over the weekend, and -- I promise these things are connected, read on -- when I came back from the city, late in the evening, I found just about everyone I... Continue reading *“The Joy of ISIS”* at *douthat.blogs.nytimes.com*.
Senior U.S. Democrat Senator To Pesident Obama: 'We´re Running Out Of Time To Beat Islamic State
*CBS*: *Top Democrat says Obama's ISIS strategy isn't "sufficient"* The top Democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee has critical words for President Obama's plan to fight the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS, or ISIL), saying the situation in the Middle East is only getting worse and the U.S. is running out of time. "This has gone on too long now. And it has not gotten better. It's gotten worse," Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-California, said on CBS' "Face the Nation" Sunday. "There may be some land held by ISIL in Iraq and Syria that's been taken back. But for all of that t... more »
Report: Single Male Syrian Refugees Not Welcome in Canada
[image: Syrian refugee] On Monday, the Canadian TV station CBC reported that newly-elected Prime Minister Justin Trudeau would only accept women, children, and families from the 25,000 Syrian refugees Canada plans to resettle. Single males looking to enter Canada are out of luck.... Continue reading *“Report: Single Male Syrian Refugees Not Welcome in Canada”* at *foreignpolicy.com*.
Facing Highest Threat Alert, Belgians Bring out Their Cats
[image: Belgians] BRUSSELS (AP) -- What police force would start playing along with a practical joke when the capital is facing its highest state of alert and its most-wanted fugitive is still on the run? Right! This is surreal Belgium. Late Sunday,... more »
Can Marco Rubio Have it All on Gay Marriage?
[image: gay marriage] Recent comments in Iowa plus a major recent hire signal that Marco Rubio will continue to try to straddle the line on marriage equality. "The debate is about how do you define an institution, the institution of marriage, which has... Continue reading *“Can Marco Rubio Have it All on Gay Marriage?”* at *thedailybeast.com*.
Emails Show DOD Analysts Were Told to ‘Cut it Out’ on ISIS Warnings; IG Probe Expands
[image: ISIS-held prisoners in Iraq being led to one of the executions.] Analysts at U.S. Central Command were pressured to ease off negative assessments about the Islamic State threat and were even told in an email to "cut it out," Fox News has learned -- as an investigation expands into whether intelligence... Continue reading *“Emails Show DOD Analysts Were Told to ‘Cut it Out’ on ISIS Warnings; IG Probe Expands”* at *foxnews.com*.
The Nokmim (Hebrew: הנוקמים), also referred to as The Avengers or the Jewish Avengers, were a Jewish partisan militia, formed by Abba Kovner and his lieutenants Vitka Kempner and Rozka Korczak from the surviving remnants of the United Partisan Organization, which operated in Lithuania under Soviet command. After World War II, elements of the Nokmim combined with veterans of the Jewish brigade in British Palestine to form a new organization called Nakam, a group of assassins that targeted Nazi war criminals with the aim of avenging the Holocaust. The name comes from the phrase (Da... more »
U.S. State Department Has Issued A Rare Worldwide Travel Alert
*Time*: *U.S. State Department Issues Worldwide Travel Alert* The U.S. State Department has issued rare a worldwide travel alert due to ongoing terrorist threats from the Islamic State of Iraq and Great Syria (ISIS) and other groups. The travel alert urges caution for any Americans traveling abroad, coming in the wake of a terrorist attack in Paris on Nov. 13 that killed 130 people. The alert, posted Monday, says, “Current information suggests that ISIL (aka Da’esh) [ISIS], al-Qa’ida, Boko Haram, and other terrorist groups continue to plan terrorist attacks in multiple regions… A... more »
Paris Attacks Gunmen And Suspects
#ParisAttacks gunmen and suspects pic.twitter.com/FfDdFveteQ — Agence France-Presse (@AFP) November 24, 2015 *WNU Editor:* Apparently the French police still do not have any information on two of the dead suspects. This is astounding in view of the massive police investigation that has been under-way since the terror attack.
RIP Dave McGowan
*Dave McGowan, Truth Movement pioneer passed away from cancer on Sunday November 22, 2015*...significantly on the yearly anniversary of the Assassination of JFK. This unsolved heinous assassination was the first modern False Flag attack--and spawned the truth movement in the West. Northerntruthseeker has a good eulogy to Dave here. I just want to say that I enjoyed the Laurel Canyon pieces...but McGowan's *"Wag the Moondoggie"* is my favourite expose of the biggest hoax of the 20th Century..*the Apollo "lunar landings". *I have referenced it in my own posts on this stupendous hoax... more »
Labor Department Throws Football Party, But Bans Redskins Jerseys
[image: Redskins, Kirk Cousins, Jay Gruden] When the U.S. Labor Department’s Center for Civil Rights wanted to celebrate its accomplishments last week, its managers threw the staff a football-themed tailgate party in the office parking lot. Continue reading *“Labor Department Throws Football Party, But Bans Redskins Jerseys”* at *washingtontimes.com*.
Greece Cleared to Get Next Batch of Bailout Loans
[image: Greece_bailout_euro] ATHENS, Greece (AP) -- Greece was formally cleared Monday to get the next batch of bailout loans due from its third financial rescue after the cash-strapped country implemented a series of economic reform measures that European creditors had demanded. The... more »
Carson Loses His Hold on Iowa’s Conservatives
[image: Iowa] SIOUX CITY, Iowa -- Hours after terrorists attacked a hotel in Mali and a week after Islamic State fighters struck Paris, Ted Cruz took the floor here to deliver a harsh critique of President Barack Obama's Middle East posture and... Continue reading *“Carson Loses His Hold on Iowa’s Conservatives”* at *politico.com*.
How To Learn What's In A Congressman's Heart And Soul-- Let's Take Rubio And Loebsack
That's Matrco Rubio's first national TV ad and it shows clearly he's not ceding any ground to Trump or Cruz when it comes to fascist bent the Republicans have been increasingly adopting in recent weeks. He's going all the out with a tried-and-true, simplistic scaremongering strategy in the slick 30-second spot, *A Civilizational Struggle*. "What happened in Paris could happen here. There is no middle ground. These aren't disgruntled or disempowered people. These are radical terrorists who want to kill us, because we let women drive, because we let girls go to school... There can... more »
A Sad Day For Everyone: Dave McGowan Has Passed Away
I am sad to report tonight that a fellow truth seeker, Dave McGowan, has passed away as of yesterday... Dave reported online months ago that he was suffering from the ravages of Cancer and was undergoing 'treatments' for the disease... However the disease continued to progress and he finally fell into a coma as of last Friday..... He passed away at 1247pm Pacific Standard Time Sunday... Dave did a lot of work on revealing the weird occurrences and secretive (MK Ultra) experiments during the 1960's at 'Laurel Canyon' just outside of Los Angeles California ... His findings about the s... more »
Nov. 23: Trying again. Will this have real paragraphs?
Let's deal quickly with the Irving press. There isn't much to it. A front page story is that Moncton drivers often don't stop for a funeral procession. That's not a front page news story. It's not a news story at all. It could be an editorial or a comment column. On p. 3, a big story says collecting hockey cards is coming back into favour. Well, that certainly changes my outlook on the world. And that's about it for local news. On the editorial page, Norbert Cunningham tells us our politicians always do only the expedient thing, avoiding useful and important decisions. So that's t... more »
Mohawk Nation News CLINTON BEHIND 1997 ATTACK
MNN. CLINTON BEHIND 1997 ATTACK http://mohawknationnews.com/blog/2015/11/23/clinton-behind-1997-onondaga-attack/
US Issues Travel Warning in Wake of Terror Attacks
[image: airport, travelers, people, travel warning] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Americans should be alert to the possible travel risks, especially during the holidays, following increased terrorist threats around the world, the State Department warned on Monday. A travel alert, which is to be in effect until Feb.... more »
U.S. Weaponry Continues To Fall Into The Hands Of Al Qaeda In Syria
An Islamist militant with the Nusra Front holds a US anti-tank TOW missile seized from moderate rebel group Harakat Hazm.Twitter *Sputnik*: *Gifts From Uncle Sam: Al-Qaeda Wages War in Syria With US Weaponry* The Al-Nusra Front, Al-Qaeda's affiliate in Syria, has released a grateful video, where they openly thank the Free Syrian Army (FSA), which the US has touted as a “moderate opposition group”, for supplying them with US-made anti-tank TOW missiles (“Tube-launched, Optically tracked, Wire-guided"). A recently released video shows an Al-Nusra Front field commander thanking the F... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 23, 2015
*Time:* *This Is Life Under a Terror Lockdown in Brussels* The headlines portray Brussels as a ghost town, with the streets in the historic center of this European capital eerily quiet, while the sight of soldiers and tanks instills fear in those who do venture outside. And maybe that’s true, but it’s difficult for me, a resident of Brussels for nearly three years, to even tell—I can’t even get to the center of town. As for most the city’s 1.2 million inhabitants, it’s not the army in the street or the threat of gunfire and explosions that’s really overshadowing my life—it’s the c... more »
World News Briefs -- November 23, 2015
*Voice of America*: *HRW: Turkey Closing Border for Syrian Refugees* ISTANBUL—Turkey has all but closed its borders to Syrian refugees, according to a report by U.S.-based Human Rights Watch. The group accuses Ankara of pushing refugees into the arms of smugglers as Russia intensifies its bombing campaign in Syria. Human Rights Watch says Turkey has ended its open door policy of admitting Syrian refugees, and during the past few months has intensified its monitoring of unofficial crossing points for refugees. *MIDDLE EAST* Syria conflict: *Army captures western towns from IS.* ... more »
Is this a good look for Ahmed?
Something just doesn’t feel right about this. $15 million? Really? A little opportunistic perhaps.
Yaqui Water Defenders in Tucson
. Yaqui Delegation from Sonora, with Mario Luna, falsely imprisoned for one year, address Pascua Yaqui in Arizona Yaqui have been defending their water rights to Rio Yaqui in Mexico, with a highway blockade since 2013 By Jose Matus Indigenous Alliance Without Borders PASCUA YAQUI -- For those who were on unable or unwilling to attend to meet and learn from our Rio Yaqui
New Books from Routledge, Latest Taiwan Communique Out!
*Some lovely fall days we've been having...* Click on READ MORE to see 'em! Taiwan and The ‘China Impact’ Challenges and OpportunitiesEdited by Gunter Schubert https://www.routledge.com/series/RRTAIWAN Yesterday we held the book launch at SOAS for: Language, Politics and Identity in TaiwanNaming ChinaBy Hui-Ching Chang, Richard Holt Hardback – 2014-11-18 Routledge *Routledge Research on Taiwan Series* In the next few weeks we will also hold book launches for the other two new volumes published in 2015. - Environmental Governance in TaiwanA New Generation of Activists and S... more »
Watch Live: Donald Trump Rally in Columbus, OH 11-23-15 - 7:00 PM EST...
Alternate LiveStream HERE 7:32 EST People still arriving Supposedly to start at 7:30 EST
US State Dept Issues World Wide Travel Alert To US Citizens
The US Department of State has issued a Worldwide Travel Alert, warning all US citizens of the increased risk of terrorist attacks. The warning states: “Current information suggests that ISIL (aka Da’esh), al-Qa’ida, Boko Haram, and other terrorist groups continue to plan terrorist attacks in multiple regions. These attacks may employ a wide variety of tactics, using conventional and non-conventional weapons and targeting both official and private interests.” The travel alert expires on February 24, 2016. RT reports: The alert references past threats made against “large sporting eve... more »
Iran’s Leader Claims US, Israel Behind Paris Attacks And ISIS
Iran’s Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has released a video entitled, “Who Was Behind the Paris Attacks”. In the video he blamed the US and Israel for the creation of ISIS in order to further their own interests. The Iranian leader and also accuses the US and Israel of perpetrating the Paris attacks. The video also points out how American politicians had previously admitted to the US government’s support of Al Qaeda years after the 9/11 attacks as well. Video: U.S. and Its Allies Were Behind Paris Attacks
Putin: “ISIS On Brink Of Total Defeat” Despite NATO Not Helping
The Russian Ministry of Defense have issued a statement on behalf of Vladimir Putin saying that ISIS militants operating the Levant War Zone are on the “brink of total defeat”, and that Western nations claims that they have been engaged in a battle against ISIS is a “total lie”. Putin says that 472 ISIS targets have been destroyed in the last 48 hours, with 1,000 oil tankers obliterated in the past 5 days, reducing ISIS to having a mere 34 operating bases, as confirmed by Iraq’s al-Nakhil news agency. Whatdoesitmean.com reports: Adding to the coming success in defeating Islamic Stat... more »
Russian Forces Begin Ground Operations In Syria
Russia have begun ground operations in Syria, according to the Jerusalem Post, and are hoping to hold recent territorial gains made by Syria’s army against the moderate rebels. Russia-insider.com reports: Russian military forces have been providing cover for T-90 tanks along with military air support which have attacked multiple strategic targets held by rebel forces in Idlib and Latakia. In September, multiple US officials claimed that Russia had positioned about a half dozen tanks at a Syrian airfield at the center of a military buildup. One US official said seven Russian T-90 tan... more »
India On High Alert After Warning About Impending Al Qaeda Strike
Various major cities across India are on high alert following intelligence reports that say Al Qaeda are going to commit terrorist attacks imminently. Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, Bengaluru, and Hyderabad have all been put on high alert, with police saying that public places, tourist spots, iconic buildings, and places of worship are most at risk. India.com reports: The report also said that that sates have been asked to take precautionary measures following the threat. Meanwhile, yesterday in Kuala Lumpur, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had warned that terrorism was the “biggest threat” ... more »
ISIS And 9/11 Are US Psyop Against US Citizens, Analyst
US Army veteran Scott Bennet has said that the recent ISIS videos in which they threaten to bomb various major U.S. cities are all part of a massive “Psyop” (psychological warfare) operation against the American people by the U.S. government. According to Bennet, American politicians are waging a psychological battle against their own people to advance the post-9/11 agenda. “Any claim to lead an attack against New York and the White House really is false, and it is really designed just to trigger a reaction among the American people,” he told Iranian television on Monday. Presstv.ir... more »
German Minister Says Syrian Passport In Paris Is A Fraud
German Interior Minister, Thomas de Maiziere, has said that the Syrian passport conveniently found next to a suicide bomber in the Paris terror attacks may have been planted – fueling rumours that the passport itself is a fake. The passport may have actually been registered in several countries along the Balkan route, and the planting of the passport may have been a deliberate attempt to make people feel unsafe, according to de Maiziere. Bloomberg.com reports: “There are indications that this was a planted lead, but it still can’t be ruled out that this was indeed an IS terrorist p... more »
Russia Bans The Church Of Scientology
Moscow are banning the Church of Scientology, as Russian church regulations contradict the federal law on the freedom of religion. The Moscow City Court ruled on Monday to shut down the Church at the demand of the Russian Justice Ministry. Tass.ru reports: The Moscow Church of Scientology registered in the capital in 1994 has been ordered to set up a commission to handle its liquidation within six months. The organization’s lawyers said the Justice Ministry gave no serious reasons which “could influence the liquidation.” “The organization violated no bans,” lawyers said.
In Kenyan Town, Christians Worship under Police Guard
[image: Garissa - 900] GARISSA, Kenya (AP) -- As song and prayer drifted from the open, ivy-lined doorways of a Catholic church in Garissa, several security officials, including Muslims, stood watch on the grounds nearby. Their presence was a reminder of the violence that... more »
Indigenous Delegation COP21 Paris
No War, No Warming - Build an Economy for People and Planet November 23, 2015 No War, No Warming - Build an Economy for People and Planet Despite the ban on Protest in Paris, we will be there to raise our voices against war, racism and pollution profiteering. We stand in
Bonus Quote of the Day: On Auckland house prices . . .
*"The average house price in New Zealand’s largest city is now higher than London’s. ‘It’s like the supermarket before it closes on Christmas Day — everyone thinks they’d better get in or they’ll miss out’."* ~ Emma O’Brien writing for BLOOMBERG: ‘London House Prices Have Nothing on Auckland’ [Hat tip Ziv Du] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
"A Look to the Heavens"
“The dark Horsehead Nebula and the glowing Orion Nebula are contrasting cosmic vistas. Adrift 1,500 light-years away in one of the night sky's most recognizable constellations, they appear in opposite corners of the above stunning mosaic. *Click image for larger size.* The familiar Horsehead nebula appears as a dark cloud, a small silhouette notched against the long red glow at the lower left. Alnitak is the easternmost star in Orion's belt and is seen as the brightest star to the left of the Horsehead. Below Alnitak is the Flame Nebula, with clouds of bright emission and dramatic... more »
"The Loss Of Two Men"
*"The Loss Of Two Men"* by Andy Alt Posted by mentaldimensions I am just going to let this speak for itself. It is a beautiful, heart breaking piece written by Andy Alt, about his father, who died by his own hand when Andy was just eight years old... “For every joke he tells, there is a sadness. Each sadness buried by one joke. Once he thought the joke transformed the sadness, but the joke merely blanketed the sadness to comfort it. It’s said that tears clean one’s eyes. If the the dam broke from all of the tears from his sadness — crying an ocean over the loss of his father, the l... more »
JAMA retracts second paper by heart researcher
A heart researcher who fabricated trial participants has notched a second JAMA retraction. The retraction comes at the request of her co-authors, after an investigation by her former employer wasn’t able to confirm that this study was valid. In September, we learned that Anna Ahimastos, who used to work at Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute in Melbourne, Australia, […] The post JAMA retracts second paper by heart researcher appeared first on Retraction Watch.
UK Police Found Guilty Of Infiltrating Activist Groups
Seven British women have been awarded substantial damages and an apology from the Metropolitan Police, after a court found the police service guilty of gross privacy violations. Details emerged during the case that several officers had infiltrated an activist group the women belonged to, and formed intimate relationships with them as part of their undercover operation. The apology, in which the Met admit they were “abusive, deceitful, manipulative and wrong”, comes four years after the women launched legal action against the force. Activistpost.com reports: Since the exposure of un... more »
Rugby Legend Jonah Lomu Probably Died From Blood Clot While Flying
New Zealand All Blacks legend Jonah Lomu most likely died from a blood clot which formed during a long-haul flight from Dubai to New Zealand, according to his medic John Mayhew. A long term kidney condition combined with the risk of blood clots developing during the long-haul flight to New Zealand, may have contributed to the rugby legend’s untimely death at the age of 40. Authorities have unveiled plans to honour the legendary winger with a public memorial service at the 50,000-capacity Eden Park stadium in Auckland. The Telegraph reports: Mayhew, a close family friend who announce... more »
Kahlil Gibran, "The Prophet, On Children"
"Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you yet they belong not to you. You may give them your love but not your thoughts, For they have their own thoughts. You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams. You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you. For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday. You are the bows from which your children as ... more »
"Laughter is the sound of hope. Hope is the seed of power. Power is the combined force of a multitude of voices joined together... that began as a mere whisper in the immense darkness and the ferocious cold and only kept alive by small, improbable notes of laughter." - Ricardo Levins Morales
Chet Raymo, "Tenderness and Silence"
*"Tenderness and Silence"* by Chet Raymo “It's been a long, long time since I read “Justine”, the first volume in Lawrence Durrell's “Alexandrian Quartet”, but one phrase sticks in my mind. As I recall, Justine, the woman with whom the narrator is having an affair, is questioning him as to why he doesn't take seriously their friends' philosophical conversations. You always sit there smiling, she chides, or something to that effect. He tells her that anyone who takes really seriously the inextricable tangle of human thought can only respond with "ironic tenderness and silence." W... more »
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