More Misery In Mali
When I worked at Warner Bros, I visited our French company as often as I could and I usually would go see a band at the now infamous Bataclan Theatre. I saw some of our French bands play there-- like Les Negresses Vertes-- but once to see the Queens of the Stone Age, who were the progenitor of the Eagles of Death Metal. I wanted to see them play live because they covered a Romeo Void song I had an interest in (above). Even when I went to Mali a few years ago there was a music component-- a trip out to Quizambougou to watch Bassekou Kouyate finish recording his second album. We we... more »
Last Call for Ethanol
[image: Corn field harvest-900] A federal program, once launched, is impossible to kill. It doesn’t matter if the scheme wastes money. It doesn’t matter if the program doesn’t work. It doesn’t even matter if the program does the very opposite of what it is... more »
U.K.'s Anti-War Movement Protests Against Proposed British Military Action In Syria
*The Guardian*: *Thousands attend protests against UK airstrikes on Syria* Stretch of Whitehall blocked by 4,000-strong protest outside Downing Street, and smaller rallies held in other cities Thousands of people gathered outside Downing Street and in cities around the UK on Saturday to protest against the government’s plans to bomb Islamic State targets in Syria. The protests, organised at short notice by the Stop the War Coalition, followed renewed calls for military action against the terror group in the wake of the attacks in Paris two weeks ago. *WNU Editor:* Only 4,000 prot... more »
Father of #AGWHoax, Maurice Strong dead.
TORONTO (AP) (LINK) — Maurice Strong, whose work helped lead to the landmark climate summit that begins in Paris on Monday, has died at age 86, the head of the U.N.'s environmental agency said Saturday. The Canadian-born Strong, the first U.N. Environment Program chief, organized the Rio Earth Summit in 1992, which led to the launch of the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change. Strong's Energy Fortune John Izzard wrote for Quadrant in 2010 Strong made his fortune in the oil and energy business running companies such as Petro Canada, Power Corporation, CalTex Africa, Hydro Canad... more »
Ukraine Remembers The Famine Of 1932 - !933
*AFP*: *Ukraine remembers victims of Stalin-era famine* Kiev (AFP) - Ukraine on Saturday held a day of mourning for the millions of victims of a Soviet-era famine, with President Petro Poroshenko describing it as an episode in the "war waged by Russia against Ukraine." Poroshenko, accompanied by Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and hundreds of Ukrainians, laid symbolic wheat ears and lit candles before the Holodomor -- or "death by hunger" -- monument in central Kiev. The 1932-33 famine happened as harvests dwindled and Josef Stalin's Soviet police enforced the brutal policy of co... more »
"InCONtrovertible" - The Movie
*"InCONtrovertible" - The Movie* *Watch this movie milestone in the ongoing investigation into the 9/11 atrocity*
North Korea's Submarine Launched Ballistic Missile Test Ends In Failure
*Reuters:* *North Korea tested submarine-launched missile, but launch failed: report* North Korea appeared to conduct a submarine-launched ballistic missile test on Saturday but it ended in failure with no indication that the missile successfully ejected from the vessel and took off, South Korea's Yonhap news agency reported. The test, if confirmed, follows a test-launch in May of a submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM), which Pyongyang boasted as a success but has not been independently verified. "There is no identification of a missile taking flight and only fragments of... more »
‘Deputies Heard A Baby’s Muffled Cry’: Newborn Rescued after Being Buried Next to Bike Path under Pieces of Asphalt And Rubble
[image: newborn] COMPTON, Calif. (AP) -- Sheriff's officials asked for the public's help Saturday in gaining information about a newborn baby deputies rescued after finding her buried beside a popular Compton bike path. The girl was believed to be only 36 to... Continue reading *“‘Deputies Heard A Baby’s Muffled Cry’: Newborn Rescued after Being Buried Next to Bike Path under Pieces of Asphalt And Rubble”* at *theblaze.com*.
Black Friday Store Sales Fall as Americans Buy More Online
[image: Black Friday online] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Black Friday shopping is shifting from hours spent in line to more time online. Sales at retail stores on Black Friday fell to $10.4 billion this year, down from $11.6 billion in 2014, according to preliminary figures... more »
After 15 Months Of U.S. Air Strikes Is The Islamic State Being 'Hurt'
*Jamie Tarabay, Vocativ*: *Have 15 months of U.S. airstrikes hurt ISIS at all?* The U.S. Department of Defense sends another of the emails almost every day. They are lists of air and artillery strikes conducted by the U.S. and coalition forces, ISIS assets targeted, damage and destruction accomplished. On a recent Monday, the tally included 116 ISIS fuel trucks, 11 ISIS tactical units, one large ISIS tactical unit, seven ISIS fighting positions, seven ISIS buildings, one ISIS storage depot, six ISIS vehicles, one ISIS tactical vehicle, one ISIS fighter (he was wounded, the Pentagon... more »
U.S. Soldiers Have Been Spotted On Tthe Ground In Kobane, Syria
BBC *The Australian/AFP:* *American boots on the ground in Kobane, Syria, to train Kurds* US soldiers are in Kobane, the town in northern Syria almost destroyed in fighting with Islamic State, to train Kurdish forces to battle the jihadists. Mustapha Abdi, an activist in the town on the Turkish border, said yesterday the American instructors had arrived “in recent hours”, in the first official deployment of US ground troops in Syria. A source with the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) said the Americans would help plan offensives against two Syrian cities held by Islami... more »
Musical Interlude: 2002, “Remember Now”
2002, “Remember Now” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bq4qjI8VVzg
"A Look to the Heavens"
"In 2003, the Hubble Space Telescope took the image of a millenium, an image that shows our place in the universe. Anyone who understands what this image represents, is forever changed by it."- YouTube/NASA "It helps to put things in perspective here on our frenetic little planet with a look at this extraordinarily powerful and moving video of the Hubble Space Telescope mapping of the Universe, whose known size is 78 billion light years across. The video of the images is the equivalent of using a "time machine" to look into the past to witness the early formation of galaxies, perha... more »
Chet Raymo, "Seeing"
*"Seeing"* by Chet Raymo "There was a moment yesterday evening when the elements conspired to evoke these few lines, spoken by Macbeth: "Light thickens, And the crow makes wing to the rooky woods, Good things of day begin to droop and drowse." The fading light. The crows gliding down the fields to the trees in Ballybeg: "Light thickens, And the crow makes wing to the rooky woods, Good things of day begin to droop and drowse." It's all there, in those few lines- the mysterious power of poetry to infuse the world with meaning, to anoint the worl... more »
Turkey - A Rogue State? (Why the CIA Is Smearing Edward Snowden After the Paris Attacks)
Turkey's a rogue state? Sorry, I thought it was pretty well controlled by NATO interests. What/whoever they are. Rogue State TurkeyNovember 28th, 2015by Stephen Lendman Turkey’s aggression against Russia complicit with Washington remains foremost on my mind - two rogue states posing major threats to world peace. Their actions speak for themselves. Ergodan would never attack Russia on his
Bill DeBlasio's Upcoming Political Demise
*by David Keith* I’ve been spending my time in New York City these days and while 2017 is well over a year away, voters (and political junkies) are beginning to smell blood in the water. A lot of people have been following Mayor Bill DeBlasio lately, particularly due to his horrific poll numbers, and have asked me my thoughts on his political future. Sure, it's no secret that he’s not popular, but people find it hard to understand how or even if he can be taken down. They see NYC as so Democratic that they just don't think its possible. (These are millennials who don't remember h... more »
Kenya Arrests Two With Links To Iran For Spying And Plotting Terror Attacks Against Western Targets
*Reuters*: *Two Kenyans with Iran links arrested for plotting attacks: ministry* Kenyan security forces have arrested two Kenyan men with links to Iran on suspicion of planning attacks in the East African nation, the Interior Ministry said on Saturday. The ministry originally identified both men as Iranians, but a spokesman later said it had issued that detail in error and the two men had links to Iran, not Iranian nationality. "The two men, Abubakar Sadiq Louw and Yassin Sambai Juma, have admitted to conspiring to mount terror attacks against Western targets in Kenya," the minis... more »
Russia Announces Sanctions Against Turkey
*The Guardian*: *Vladimir Putin announces Russian sanctions against Turkey* Kremlin decree issued to ‘ensure national security’ includes restrictions on imports and on Turkish staff working for Russian businesses Russia has announced a package of economic sanctions against Turkey in retaliation for the shooting down of a Russian jet four days ago on the Syrian-Turkish border. President Vladimir Putin signed a decree outlining the curbs and the details were posted on the Kremlin’s website. Among the measures announced were restrictions on imports of some Turkish goods, a ban on cha...more »
North Korea Threatens Turkey With Nuclear Missile Strike
North Korea have threatened Turkey with nuclear missile strikes if they dare to take action against Russia, Ad-Diyar reports. Kim Jong-un has said that if Turkey confronts Russia or continues its support of ISIS in Syria and Iraq, then Pyongyang will not hesitate to launch a nuclear attack against them. Mizan News agency reports that the North Korean leader has promised to “wipe Turkey off the map” if Ankara takes part in the Syrian war, cooperates with the US and helps ISIS any further. The threats show that North Korea fully support Russia’s fight against ISIS, sources say. We wi... more »
Israel Arrest Unprecedented 1,200 Palestinian Kids In One Month
Israeli authorities have arrested a staggering 1,200 Palestinian children in just over a month since the beginning of October. The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) say the total number of Palestinians arrested since the beginning of October is currently at 2,400 (with half of that number being children). The PLO are calling on the UN to provide more protection to the Palestinians, as an ever-increasing number of them end up disproportionately incarcerated by Israel. Presstv.com reports: The statement, which was released on the occasion of the International Day of Solidarity ... more »
Air Force Pilots Say Obama’s Drone Strikes Kill Indiscriminately
Four former Air Force drone pilots have gone public saying that Obama’s drone strikes kill people Indiscriminately, and that the strikes have nothing to do with fighting terrorism. The pilots have had their bank accounts and credit cards frozen by the Obama administration since blowing the whistle. Thewashingtonstandard.com reports: The four men, Michael Haas, 29, Brandon Bryant, 30, Cian Westmoreland, 28, and Stephen Lewis, 28, who served as drone operators in the US Air Force, blew the whistle on the corruption and indifference towards civilian casualties, which are a part of the... more »
Gruesome ‘Ghost Fleet’ With Dead Bodies Washes Ashore In Japan
A ghost fleet of 11 ships containing the decomposing bodies of sailors have mysteriously appeared on the Japanese coastline, leaving authorities spooked and baffled as they investigate the cause. As Japanese authorities struggle to identify the bodies, rumours are circulating that the bodies may belong to people trying to flee North Korea. Dailymail.co.uk reports: Four of the ships washed up in early November, and seven more have been spotted in recent weeks drifting in the Sea of Japan. The most recent, discovered on Tuesday, was found off the coast of Fukui, some 250 miles north o... more »
"The Lakotah Morning Prayer"
*"The Lakotah Morning Prayer"* by AWIP "In traditional Lakotah society, the husband wakes at first light, in the early pre-dawn. He doesn’t speak, he doesn’t wake his wife sleeping beside him. He goes outside, alone, and speaks the Lakotah Morning Prayer with the Morning Star when it is the only star left in the dawn sky. Speaking the Morning Prayer clears the mind of all worries and anxiety, and makes a person aware of his place in the mosaic of life. It humbles you. Ready to start the day, the husband turns back inside the Tipi, and goes and combs his wife’s hair. Neither one spe... more »
Kremlin: 'Fully Mobilized' To Tackle Threat From Turkey'
*Reuters:* *Kremlin says Putin 'fully mobilized' to tackle threat from Turkey* President Vladimir Putin is fully mobilized to tackle what the Kremlin regards as an unprecedented threat from Turkey following the shooting down of one of its warplanes by a Turkish F-16, the Russian leader's spokesman said on Saturday. In comments which underscore how angry the Kremlin still is over the incident, Dmitry Peskov, Putin's spokesman, called the behavior of the Turkish air force "absolute madness" and said Ankara's subsequent handling of the crisis had reminded him of the "theater of the ... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Savannah, Georgia, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
"Of Sound Mind..."
“A man who is "of sound mind" is one who keeps the inner madman under lock and key.” - Paul Valéry, “Mauvaises Pensées et Autres”, 1942
Kahlil Gibran, "The Madman"
* "The Madman"* by Kahlil Gibran "It was in the garden of a madhouse that I met a youth with a face pale and lovely and full of wonder. And I sat beside him upon the bench, and I said, “Why are you here?” And he looked at me in astonishment, and he said, “It is an unseemly question, yet I will answer you. My father would make of me a reproduction of himself; so also would my uncle. My mother would have me the image of her seafaring husband as the perfect example for me to follow. My brother thinks I should be like him, a fine athlete. And my teachers also, the doctor of philosophy,... more »
The Poet: Mary Oliver, "In Blackwater Woods"
* "In Blackwater Woods"* "Look, the trees are turning their own bodies into pillars of light, are giving off the rich fragrance of cinnamon and fulfillment, the long tapers of cattails are bursting and floating away over the blue shoulders of the ponds, and every pond, no matter what its name is, is nameless now. Every year everything I have ever learned in my lifetime leads back to this: the fires and the black river of loss whose other side is salvation, whose meaning none of us will ever know. To live in this world you must be able to do three things: to love what is mortal; to hol... more »
Putin Orders Sanctions against Turkey
[image: Vladimir Putin] ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -- Russian President Vladimir Putin on Saturday called for sanctions against Turkey, following the downing this week by Turkey of a Russian warplane. The decree published on the Kremlin’s website Saturday came hours after Turkish President Recep... more »
"Feeling Fed Up with Humanity, In the World and in Ourselves"
*"Feeling Fed Up with Humanity, In the World and in Ourselves"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "We are all capable of the best and the worst that humanity has to offer and knowing this allows us to find compassion. From time to time, we may all feel fed up with humanity, whether it’s from learning about what’s going on around the world, or what’s going on next door. There are always situations that leave us feeling as if people are simply not capable of behaving in a way that is coming from a place of awareness. Often it seems as if people are actually geared to handle things in th... more »
"Less Time And Inclination..."
“We have looked first at man with his vanities and greed and his problems of a day or a year; and then only, and from this biased point of view, we have looked outward at the earth he has inhabited so briefly and at the universe in which our earth is so minute a part. Yet these are the great realities, and against them we see our human problems in a different perspective. Perhaps if we reversed the telescope and looked at man down these long vistas, we should find less time and inclination to plan for our own destruction.” - Rachel Carson
US & UK Planned To Bomb Russia Into Stone Age Before World War 2 Ended
The United States and Great Britain had planned an invasion of eastern Europe and to bomb Russia into the stone age, using an all out Nuclear strike, a few months before the end of the Second World War. The planned nuclear strike on Soviet Russia was in place from 1945 till 1949 when the soviets acquired their own deterrence by detonating a nuclear device. The plan was never instigated because there were not enough bombs available to the western allies to make the enterprise ‘overwhelming’ enough. It appears President John F. Kennedy was against the idea of mass murder of Russian c... more »
Rude Behavior Shown to be as Contagious as an Infectious Disease
*Alex Pietrowski* - Behavioral research shows how one act of rudeness affects many people. The post Rude Behavior Shown to be as Contagious as an Infectious Disease appeared first on Waking Times.
Hillary Clinton, Underdog
[image: Hillary Clinton] For much of 2015, the political questions concerning former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have been whether or not she can hold the lead. She entered the year the clear favorite to win the Democratic nomination. She was, in fact,... Continue reading *“Hillary Clinton, Underdog”* at *realclearpolitics.com*.
Young Greek Women Selling Sex for The Price of A Sandwich, New Study Shows
[image: prostitution] Young Greek women are selling sex for the price of a sandwich as six years of painful austerity have pushed the European country to the financial brink, a new study showed Friday. The study, which compiled data on more than... Continue reading *“Young Greek Women Selling Sex for The Price of A Sandwich, New Study Shows”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Syria Accuses Turkey Of Stealing Oil And Artifacts Via Rebels
Turkey has been stealing Syrian and Iraqi oil and artifacts via rebels criss-crossing her porous border, in exchange for the flow of weapons and terrorists into Syria. Xinhuanet reports: The Syrian army said on Saturday it had information that Turkey increased its support to the militant groups in Syria in exchange for stolen Syrian and Iraqi oil and artifacts, according to the state news agency SANA. The military statement further charged that rebel convoys move freely through the Turkish borders, adding that what Turkey pretends to be humanitarian aid is nothing but weapon shipmen... more »
Russia Sends 7,000 Troops To Turkish Border As US Halt Air Operations
Russian President Vladimir Putin has issued orders to deploy nearly 7,000 troops, anti-aircraft, rocket launchers, and artillery forces to the Turkish border, and for them to be in readiness for full combat. The Ministry of Defense say the legal authorisation for this deployment comes from the joint Russian-Armenian missile air defense system agreement signed by Putin on 11th November. Whatdoesitmean.com reports: With Armenia now becoming a vital part of the Russian Joint Air Defense, this report continues, Federation military forces will now be able to counter threats from Turkey ... more »
Video: Turkish Border Guards Have Friendly Conversation With ISIS
A video has surfaced that shows ISIS militants having a very friendly chit-chat with Turkish border guards. The video was apparently filmed in October, and shows two jihadists lighting fires near a group of cars, which were abandoned by Kurdish families who fled Kobane when ISIS attacked their city. Russia-insider.com reports: After appearing to realise they are being filmed from inside Turkey, the pair start walking towards the border fence, stopping only to mockingly wave at the amateur filmmaker. As they reach the border fence, an armoured military vehicle belonging to Turkish bo... more »
New Tech Firm Will Transfer People’s Consciousness Into Robots
An Australian startup tech company have announced plans to work on a way of transferring a person’s consciousness into a robots body so that people can continue to live after their bodies have died. Tech firm Humai’s CEO Josh Bocanegra says the company wants to “bring you back to life after you die”, claiming that the company are: “using artificial intelligence and nanotechnology to store data of conversational styles, behavioral patterns, thought processes and information about how your body functions from the inside-out.” “This data will be coded into multiple sensor technologies,... more »
Turkey Fire Mortar Bombs At Syrian Army
A Syrian army spokeman has claimed that Turkey have fired a number of mortar bombs towards Syrian army positions on Saturday. Brigadier General Ali Mayhoub told a press briefing, “Last night, there was intense mortar fire on Syrian government forces’ positions fire from the Mount Jebel Aqra area, which is on the Turkish side“. Sputniknews.com reports: “Commander-in-chief of the Syrian Arab Army [President Bashar Assad] warns of the dangers of such behavior,” the spokesman added. Damascus urges the international community to force Turkey to stop supporting terrorists, directly and in... more »
Obama Remains Silent On Evidence That Turkey Buys Oil From ISIS
It has been widely reported and verified that ISIS is selling hundreds of millions of dollars worth of stolen oil in Turkey, yet the mainstream media and Obama have remained silent on the issue. Barack Obama is aware that Turkey is buying oil from ISIS, but an acknowledgement from the US president may spell the end of Turkey’s membership of NATO, and legal trouble for Obama. Endoftheamericandream.com reports: Do you want to know why the Turkish government ordered the shooting down of a Russian Su-24 bomber on Tuesday? It is because the Russians have been bombing the trucks that tra... more »
How to (Really) Engineer A Human Baby
[image: baby engineering] A global meeting in Washington, D.C., isn't just about whether or not we should alter our species with CRISPR. It's about how we can pull it off. How would you engineer a baby? I mean really, actually do it. Last... Continue reading *“How to (Really) Engineer A Human Baby”* at *technologyreview.com*.
Emmaus Code Shows Jesus is the Messiah
[image: Attorney David Limbaugh is the author ofThe Emmaus Code: Finding Jesus in the Old Testament.] One of my favorite C.S. Lewis quotes points out, as only Lewis could, that Jesus was either the Messiah (and the Son of God) as prophesied in the ancient Jewish scriptures, or He was a liar, a lunatic, or, worse,... more »
Europe’s biomass boom is destroying America’s forests
By Paul Homewood http://www.digitaljournal.com/news/environment/europe-s-biomass-boom-is-destroying-america-s-forests/article/450215 I’ve covered this issue in the past, but a new report from the US Natural Resources Defense Council provides yet more evidence of the damage being to done to natural forests there by European demand for biomass, fuelled by climate driven subsidies. The report describes how […]
The Wretched Of The Earth
Last night, meditating on a Facebook page that was peremptorily taken down by the Facebook censors, I started thinking about a book that impacted me when I was in high school, Frantz Fanon's now classic/then brand new The Wretched of The Earth. It was on the school's curriculum so I know Bernie Sanders, Chuck Schumer, Norm Coleman and Ruth Bader Ginsburg probably read it too. I'm guessing Bernie and RBG were affected by it as strongly as I was. The other two... I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they read the *Cliff Notes* version. The book is a powerful psychological analysis o... more »
The US Energy Market On Verge Of Massive Bankruptcy
The energy market in the U.S. could be on the verge of massive defaults and bankruptcies so huge that they pose a serious threat to the US economy. Forecasts suggest that by early 2016 the smaller energy companies will go bankrupt which may create a wave of further trouble for other heavily leveraged companies. Energyintel.com reports: “I could see a wave of defaults and bankruptcies on the scale of the telecoms, which triggered the 2001 recession,” Timothy Smith, president of consultancy Petro Lucrum, told a Platts energy conference in Houston last week. Much has been made about t... more »
Israel Caught Receiving Stolen Oil From ISIS Militants
Several sources have confirmed rumours that Israel have purchased most of its oil supplies from ISIS militants who stole it from Syria via tanker truck convoys. As reported by an earlier Financial Times report, Israel has bought as much as three-quarters of its oil from Iraqi Kurdistan, which accounts for 19 million barrels of oil over the course of three months. American Everyman reports: In a carefully detailed article, Al-Araby lays out the entire process from start to finish, showing how ISIS™ supposedly steals the oil from Conoco oil fields in Syria and then transports them d... more »
UK At Risk Of Prosecution Over Missiles Sold To Saudi Arabia
The UK is at risk of being prosecuted for war crimes due to its sales of missiles to Saudi Arabia that have been used to target civilians in Yemen’s civil war, Foreign Office lawyers have said. Advisers to the Foreign Secretary, Philip Hammond, have issued the legal warnings to the UK government following the controversial sale of missiles to the Saudi’s, saying that the sale of the weapons may breach international humanitarian law. The Times of India reports: Since March this year, bombing raids and a blockade of ports imposed by the Saudi-led coalition of Sunni Gulf states have c... more »
Suspect in Colorado Attack Called Loner Who Left Few Clues
[image: Colo Springs PP shooting] COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) -- A man from North Carolina described as a loner who avoided eye contact opened fire at a Colorado Planned Parenthood clinic and killed three people, including a police officer, authorities and neighbors said. Authorities weren’t... more »
Paris False Flag - Nov 14, 2015 - Ken OKeefe Press TV Commentary
[image: Ken O'Keefe] Ken O'Keefe *Published on Nov 17, 2015* Ken O'Keefe discusses "who is ISIS" and the absurdity of what the mainstream media is telling us in this latest false flag manipulation brought to you by the powers that be.
The United States is still a British Colony
*this is excellent PROOF that the title of this post is correct . . please refer to the links provided here at the top of the article when there is a subject brought up that you would like to see for yourself, as the "original" source link seems to have been removed from the internet. . . if you will take the time to read and think, I hope that you will agree that we have been lied to about some of the most important things that we were taught to "believe" about our country (the U.S.), but that it has been done with the truth being an open secret . . . I wonder, do ALL of the po... more »
Siberian Tiger Makes Friends With His Lunch
A few days ago a goat, since named Timur, was sent into the enclosure of a Siberian tiger called Amur, who lives in the Primorsky Safari Park in Russia. The park’s director said that Timur was meant to be food for the hungry predator. “Year-round, we feed the tigers live prey twice a week,” he told RIA Novosti, adding that the Amur tiger had killed many goats, including large ones, in the past. Remarkably, despite an initial confrontation between the two animals, the park says there seems to be no animosity between them. Timur even forced Amur out of its bed, forcing the tiger to s... more »
Nov. 27:http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/its-a-moral-issue-david-suzuki-compares-oilsands-defenders-to-slave-traders
The National Post was founded by Conrad Black - one of the few people in this world who, with the most expensive of lawyers, could be sentenced to years in prison - and come out insisting that it was all the fault of stupid judges. Black is a man of collosal ego who believes that anyone who disagrees with him is, by definition, wrong and probably ignorant. I can remember the joy of my few conversations with him. When he speaks to you, he closes his eyes. I thought it was because he was concentrating. Then I realized it was because he was listening only to himself. The National Post... more »
Work for one another
I'm a bit of a Murray Bookchin bunny, as may be divined by perusing the link at the bottom of this rant. Please bear with me. In the 1970s and 1980s I was a member of a forestry services cooperative, The Hoedads, Inc., as recounted in my book, Iron Buddhas. While our initial contract bid bonding was put up by the founders by attaching liens on their real estate, we capitalized our bonds and other costs after the first year by docking ourselves fifteen percent on our individual earnings, meaning that those who earned more were subsidizing those who earned less; but we did not mind ... more »
*Rob Ryan's tenure with the New Orleans Saints: From toast of the town, to roast of the town ~Katherine Terrell*
Top 5 Things ISIS Terrorists Should Be Thankful For On This Thanksgiving Holiday
1. U.S./NATO air cover and warnings prior to bombardments. 2. Turkey/U.S./NATO arms shipments and oil purchases. 3. Saudi/Qatari/Gulf financing and ideological support. 4. Israel's medical treatment. 5. Western media PR support and general political acquiescence from the Western political, academic, and media establishment.
Musings On Iraq In The News
My interview with Prof. Wayne Hsieh on Tuz Kharmato was republished by eKurd and The Daily Journalist.
"The leading questions in that report were quite outrageous"
Just as Sue is taken aback by the inexhaustible torrents of pro-Corbyn posts that she's seeing on Facebook, so I'm taken aback by the unending flow of accusations of anti-Corbyn BBC bias on Twitter. Some may have a point but most just sound ridiculous - like the guy who tweets *The World at One *pretty much every day to accuse them of being 'Tories'. (Even Mark Mardell got called "the voice of Tory #bbcbias" this week, though it's usually Martha Kearney who's on the receiving end of his "Tory" accusations). A flavour of the latter - the Twitter world of completely bogus claims of ... more »
call me lucky: a hilarious, heartbreaking, and inspiring movie
Barry Crimmins might be the most famous person you've never heard of. In "Call Me Lucky," a documentary tribute to Crimmins created by Bobcat Goldthwait, an A-list of comics talk about the influence Crimmins had on them and their community: Patton Oswalt, David Cross, Margaret Cho, Marc Maron, Steven Wright, among others. Crimmins toured with Billy Bragg. He won a peace award, handed to him by Howard Zinn; the other recipient sharing the stage: Maya Angelou. In his younger and wilder days, Crimmins was hugely influential in the rising stand-up comedy scene, although the word *influ... more »
The Climate Change Conference is a Bogus Talk-Shop
*Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Hadrien, Ella-Grace and Sophie Grégoire-Trudeau board a government plane on Saturday in Valletta, Malta, on the way to Paris for the UN climate change summit. (Adrian Wyld/Canadian Press) * From the CBC: Leaders and climate negotiators from almost 200 countries are meeting from Nov. 30 to Dec. 11 to try to work out the broadest and longest-lasting deal so far to *slow global warming.* .... *Concentrating on a plan* Trudeau will not provide a new greenhouse emissions target in Paris. He has committed to talking to the premiers within 90 days of the cl... more »
Wake Up Everyone! Obama (Soetoro) Knows That Turkey Is Buying Oil From (Fraudulent) ISIS And He Is Not Doing Anything To Stop It!
Since the Turkish air force downed that Russian Su24M aircraft last week in a blatant act of aggression, there have been so many articles across the alternative media that have speculated as to exactly WHY the Turks would have done an act that basically was a declaration of war against Russia... Many have been scratching their heads trying to figure out exactly what the Turkish Prime Minister, Erdogan, had in his twisted (and possibly insane) thinking that he would risk his country's very existence by pushing for a war against the far more powerful Russian Federation... It does boggl... more »
Thousands Protest Against Proposed UK Military Action In Syria
Protests have been taking place all around the UK against the imminent threat of bombing of Syria by British forces. Thousands of protesters took to the streets of London to make their voices heard, in a rally organized by the Stop the War coalition. RT reports: The demonstration in London started outside Prime Minister David Cameron’s residence at 10 Downing Street. The rally was against a planned vote in Parliament about whether to support a motion for the UK to starting bombing Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) militants in Syria. “We are very much opposed to David Cameron’s ... more »
Family Heartbroken After RSPCA Take Away Their Adopted Pet Fox
A family who run an exotic pet rescue centre were heartbroken after the RSPCA took possession of their pet fox, Scarlett. The 18-month old fox had been hand-reared since birth and was a member of the family for the last three months. The pup was living quite happily with Dave Robinson, his wife Paula, and their son Harry in Failsworth Greater Manchester together with a large number of different animals. Scarlett was housed in a 12ft by 12ft by 6ft enclosure at the family residence, until the RSPCA arrived and took her away to a so called fox sanctuary. Metro reports: Dave Robinson, f... more »
Putin To Send 150,000 Troops To Syria To Wipe Out ISIS
Russian president Vladimir Putin is preparing a ground offensive to wipe out ISIS in Syria He is reportedly planning a huge military mission using 150,000 troops to take control of the terror group’s stronghold of Raqqa. Experts say the mythical state could vanish in a matter of hours and the Islamic State terrorists might then hide in towns, and use the population as shields. The Daily Express reports: Putin is set to mobilise 150,000 reservists who he conscripted into the military in September. Yesterday, following the Paris attacks, Putin hinted he was ready to join forces with t... more »
Why does this Answer Sheet post make me want to stab my eyes out?
I’ve never really enjoyed the excessively sweet, sugary portrayals of teaching. I remember watching a Harry Wong video during my Masters program and there was some final scene with lighting a candle or something, like lighting the candle of imagination in a child. Stuff like that drives me insane. Maybe I lack sentimentality, or I’m […]
Editor's Note
Blogging will return later this evening.
Smug GOP Congressman, Adam Kinzinger, Stokes The Flames Of Hatred During Colorado Springs Terrorism
It wasn't Fox, but CNN thant invited Republican Congressman Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) to come on the air and denounce Planned Parenthood *while* Robert Dear was still inside a Colorado Planned Parenthood facility-- that has been targeted by right-wing extremists many times-- shooting people. Maybe Kinzinger, who had been rumored earlier this year to be having an affair with disgraced GOP ex-congressman and best-bud Aaron Schock, should learn to shut his pretty face. CNN didn't mention that it was patently false, self-serving political statements by anti-Choice extremists like Carly F... more »
Simulating War Against Islamic State
The sometimes mischievous French philosopher, Jean Baudrillard earned himself a bit of notoriety in the wake of Operation Desert Storm by declaring that the the Gulf War did not take place. Of course, he wasn't suggesting it didn't take place in the sense that conspiracy theorists maintain NASA didn't land men on the Moon. Baudrillard's observations noted instead the simulated character of the war. Simulated because it was less a war and more a massacre as the large but antiquated Iraqi military was bombed to bits by the very latest weapons technology the Western coalition had at t... more »
what i'm reading: ghettoside: a true story of murder in america
When we think of gun violence in the United States, chances are we think of mass shootings. These horrific events which occur with such regularity seem, to much of the world, mostly preventable. The public nature of the shootings, and the often tragically young age of the victims, capture headlines and a good portion of the 24-hour news cycle. Yet murders occur every day in the US, and no one hears about them, except the grief-stricken loved ones and those who fear they may be next. Jill Leovy's *Ghettoside: A True Story of Murder in America* is about those murders - both one spec... more »
"The Fourth Turning – Social & Cultural Distress Dividing The Nation"
*"The Fourth Turning– * *Social & Cultural Distress Dividing The Nation"* by James Quinn "I wrote the first three parts of this article back in September and planned to finish it in early October, but life intervened and truthfully I don’t think I was ready to confront how bad things will likely get as this Fourth Turning moves into the violent, chaotic war stage just over the horizon. The developments in the Middle East, Europe, U.S., China and across the globe in the last months have confirmed my belief war drums are beating louder, global war beckons, and much bloodshed will be t... more »
Carl Jung’s Archetypes – The 4 Stages of Life
*Luminita D. Saviuc *- According to the imminent Carl Gustav Jung, all of us go through these 4 stages of life. The post Carl Jung’s Archetypes – The 4 Stages of Life appeared first on Waking Times.
Only 1 TBSP of Coconut Oil Produces Powerful Health Changes, Study Confirms
*Sayer Ji*- A simple tablespoon daily of coconut oil could promote weight loss and improve cardiovascular health, reveals a new clinical study. The post Only 1 TBSP of Coconut Oil Produces Powerful Health Changes, Study Confirms appeared first on Waking Times.
Lord Stern’s Nice Little Earner At Renewables Company
By Paul Homewood h/t DennisA https://notalotofpeopleknowthat.wordpress.com/2015/11/27/solar-company-on-verge-of-spains-largest-bankruptcy/ I reported on the looming bankruptcy of Abengoa, the massive Spanish renewable energy company. A look at their international advisory board reveals some interesting names. Lord Stern Nicholas Stern needs little introduction, well known for his highly rewarded promoting of the warmist agenda for several […]
Czech Software Pirate Told To Promote Video Denouncing Piracy, Or Pay Fine
A convicted Czech software pirate was ordered by a court to rack up 200k YouTube hits denouncing piracy or face a huge fine. Jakub F. was found guilty of software piracy and costing companies such as Microsoft, 20th Century Fox, HBO Europe and Sony Music losses of $373,000 by uploading links to file-hosting sites. Microsoft alone sought damages of $223,000 for online copyright infringement. The court, in accord with the Business Software Alliance which represents the software giant, agreed that the pirate should cooperate in an anti piracy video denouncing his actions and deterring ... more »
More Censorship Around Ukrainian Nuclear Power Plants Cut-Off from Electricity?
I am still trying to follow the condition of the Ukraine nuclear power plants that were cut off from electricity by sabotage designed to cut off electrical supplies to Crimea, as reported November 23 and 24: Ukraine Nuclear Power Plants ‘Dangerously’ Without Power as Towers Feeding Eenrgy to Crimea Blow Up.” November 23, 2015, https://www.rt.com/news/323060-ukraine-nuclear-plants-danger/ Ivan Nechepurkeno and Neil MacFarquhar. As Sabotage Blacks Out Crimea, Tatars Prevent Repairs. the New York Times, November 23, 2015, accessed November 24, 2015, http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/24... more »
I wonder if @njleftbehind has actually looked at a contract
They say critique of charter schools is “tired.” Then I say it’s exhausting to see charter proponents cast some nebulous aspersions towards the nefarious “teachers’ contract.” This, from the NY Daily “News.” The author touts the flexibility of charters to lengthen school days and years, but then: While there is no direct correlation between increased learning […]
URGENT: US-Turkey Edging Up to Syrian Border
US demands Turkey to "seal" notorious 100 km border region with Syria, but may be pretext to invade and establish long-sought after "safe haven" for terrorists in Syria. *November 28, 2015* (Tony Cartalucci - LD) - In the most open admission yet that NATO-member Turkey has been allowing a torrent of supplies, weapons, fighters, and equipment to flow across its borders with impunity and into the hands of the self-proclaimed "Islamic State" (ISIS), the US has urged Ankara to seal the remaining 100 km border region yet to be closed by Syrian and Kurdish forces. The Wall Street Jour... more »
For The Battle Of Ramadi The Iraq Military Outnumbers ISIS 10 To 1
A military vehicle of the Iraqi security forces is pictured near the University of Anbar, in Anbar province July 28, 2015. Reuters/Stringer *Military Times:* *Iraqi troops gunning for Ramadi outnumber ISIS 10 to 1* Iraqi troops closing in on Ramadi outnumber Islamic State militants by as many as 10 to one, a U.S. official told Military Times on Friday. The offensive to wrest back control of the city involves between 8,000 and 10,000 Iraqi security forces, said Army Col. Steve Warren, a spokesman for the U.S.-led coalition overseeing the fight against the Islamic State group. No Ame... more »
Iran Admits That Many Of Its Soldiers Are Dying In Syria
*Washington Post*: *Iranian media is revealing that scores of the country’s fighters are dying in Syria* BEIRUT — An increasing number of Iranian soldiers and militiamen appear to be dying in Syria’s civil war, and observers credit media from an unexpected country for revealing the trend: Iran. A flurry of reports in Iran’s official and semiofficial news outlets about the deaths — including funerals and even a eulogy to a fallen general by Iran’s supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei — have surprised analysts who monitor the country’s tightly controlled media. The reports, they... more »
NPE Turns "Opposition" to ESEA into Fund-Raising Opp
For months now, Diane Ravitch has pretended that the new corporate ESEA is the "a far better bill" than she or anyone else might have hoped for. In April she said, One may quibble with details, but the bottom line is that this bill defangs the U.S. Department of Education; it no longer will exert control over every school with mandates. This bill strips the status quo of federal power to ruin schools and the lives of children and educators. . . .This is a far better bill than I had hoped or feared. Now that the passage is all but assured, Ravitch and NPE have turned their phony op... more »
Economic News & Views ( November 28 , 2015 ) -- Quick hits for Saturday ...... Turkey still trying to figure out how to quell the " Russian Storm " , while new controversy is raging at home presently ( Shooting death of a key Kurdish Opposition Leader roiling Turkey ) ..... Greece in focus ( economic and political news de jour ) ...... Aftermath of Paris attacks continues to be felt in Europe .... Russia and China also continue to make moves on the grand stages ..... Refugee Situation - ahead of EUCO meeting with Sultan Erdogan on Sunday ...... Central Bankers - ECB and FED loom / Shadow banking concerns remains a sticking point / OPEC looms ..... Many additional items of note to ponder !
Emerging Nations News..... User Actions Follow *Henry Makow*@HenryMakow Former MI5 agent: Russia ruins Western plan to build a pipeline from Qatar to Europe via Syria https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y5xuFStI78s … *fred walton* @fredwalton216 now fred walton Retweeted zerohedge More detail on todays sanction regime announcement.... fred walton added, *zerohedge* @zerohedge Russia Retaliates: Putin Reveals Sanctions Against Turkey http://www. zerohedge.com/news/2015-11-2 8/russia-retaliates-putin-reveals-sanctions-against-turkey … *Sputnik* @SputnikInt ... more »
Takeaway messages
This morning's *From Our Own Correspondent *on Radio 4 covered a good deal of familiar territory in the familiar BBC way. As discussed in the comments section of the previous post, the BBC's Tim Whewell presented a piece about Belgium's 'Jihad Central', the district of Brussels called Molenbeek: Anonymous28 November 2015 at 12:20 Another one for your collection - Tim Whewell's PC venture into Mollenbeek on From Our Own Correspondent on the BBC. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b06ppsp2 It's an interesting case study in how to use narrative form, selective quotation, tone of ... more »
HALLELUJA!!! The evil empire has been foiled by the United Nations Security Council, leaving Russia as the only country other than France that may legally bomb any and all terror groups (there are no such things as "moderate jihadis") in Syria and Iraq. "US bombing of the Islamic State in Syria was doubly illegal under international law because it was carried out without permission from either the UN Security Council or from the Syrian government."
------------------------------ UN Backs Russia’s War against ISIL / Da’esh UN Security Council resolution authorises 'all necessary means' to be used against grops associated with al Qaeda By Alexander Mercouris Region: Middle East & North Africa Global Research, November 25, 2015 Theme: 9/11 & 'War on Terrorism', United Nations, US NATO Russia Insider 23 November 2015 War Agenda ... more »
Honduras: Residents of Yoro Alarmed by Alleged UFO
*Source: El Tiempo (Honduras) and Planeta UFO (Argentina)Date: 11.28.2015* *Honduras: Residents of Yoro Alarmed by Alleged UFO* HONDURAS. Residents of the town of Victoria, Yoro, are alarmed by an alleged flying object that supposedly landed in the vicinity. According to reports, the area was completely destroyed, which could be due to the power of the "phenomenon." Following the event, local residents are on high alert to the presence of an alleged UFO, an event which -- according to them - had never occured in that area. At the moment, the nature of what could have caused su... more »
Do Men Need to Check Their Privilege?
[image: factual feminist] If you are willing to cherry pick, stretch the truth a bit, and suppress counterevidence, you can easily make it seem like women are the have-nots in our society. You point to the wage gap, the glass ceiling. You focus... Continue reading *“Do Men Need to Check Their Privilege?”* at *youtu.be*.
Top Kurdish Lawyer and Activist Shot Dead During Press Conference in Turkey
[image: Kurdish lawyer and President of the Diyarbakir Bar, Tahir Elci, speaks just moments before he is shot dead, on November 28, 2015 in Diyarbakir. The leading Kurdish lawyer was shot dead in southeast Turkey on November 28 after unknown attackers opened fire on a gathering in the mainly Kurdish province of Diyarbakir, triggering a shootout with police, hospital sources and witnesses said. Tahir Elci, head of the bar in Diyarbakir, who had been detained in October for alleged 'terrorist propaganda', died of gunshot wounds to the head, hospital sources told AFP. AFP PHOTO / ILYAS... more »
Mohawk Nation News 'Rogue State New York'
Saudi To Sue Twitter User Who Compared Its Death Penalty Policy To ISIS
Saudi Arabia has threatened to sue any Twitter user that compares the Kingdom’ decision to sentence a Palestinian poet to death, to the punishment meted out by ISIS. The country’s justice ministry announced that it will take legal action against an unnamed Tweeter, who was railing against the death sentence handed down to a poet for the medieval crime of “apostasy”. They claim that the Kingdom’s courts would not hesitate to put on trial “any media that slandered the religious judiciary of the Kingdom”. Ashraf Fayadh, a 35-year-old Palestinian poet, was sentenced to death for apostas... more »
Small Business Saturday: The Antithesis Of Black Friday
[image: Small Business] American consumers know all too much of the annual madness that is Black Friday. Door buster specials, limited-time offers, and the price-driven deals draw masses of people to big retailers. We have seen it on television for many years now:... Continue reading *“Small Business Saturday: The Antithesis Of Black Friday”* at *forbes.com*.
It Looks Like Crimea Will Be Cut-Off From Ukrainian Electricity For A Long Time
*Reuters: **Ukraine leaves sabotaged power lines to Russian-annexed Crimea in mud* Five days after saboteurs blew up power lines in southern Ukraine plunging Russian-annexed Crimea into an energy crisis, all four damaged pylons are out of action and engineers say they need a political decision to restore supplies. The stalemate has left some 2 million Crimeans reliant upon emergency generators and has caused severe disruption, exposing how dependent Crimea remains on Ukraine a year and a half after it broke away to join Russia. Some limited repair work has taken place, say Ukrain... more »
U.S. Officials: Russia Did Not Give Downed Jet's Flight Plan To U.S. As Claimed By Putin
*Reuters:* *Russia didn't give downed jet's flight plan to U.S.: U.S. officials* Russia did not inform the U.S. military of its jet's flight plan before Turkey shot it down on Tuesday, despite assertions to the contrary by Russian President Vladimir Putin, two U.S. officials told Reuters on Friday, speaking on condition of anonymity. Putin has suggested some degree of U.S. culpability in the aftermath of the incident, even hinting that the United States might have given detailed Russian operational plans to Turkey ahead of time. Addressing reporters in Moscow on Thursday, Putin s... more »
Polyamory is Not A Family Structure for Children
[image: Polyamory - 900] Polyamory is "the practice of having multiple romantic or sexual relationships at the same time with all partners' full knowledge and consent,” explains a Tedx speaker. Why would anyone choose it? In her book, The Polyamorists Next Door, polyamory expert and... more »
Your Complete Guide to the Climate Debate
[image: Climate Change - 400] At the Paris conference, expect an agreement that is sufficiently vague and noncommittal for all countries to claim victory. In February President Obama said, a little carelessly, that climate change is a greater threat than terrorism. Next week he will... Continue reading *“Your Complete Guide to the Climate Debate”* at *google.com*.
German Bishops’ Conference Says Church in Africa Growing Only Because of Ignorance and Poverty
[image: Cardinal Robert Sarah] Bjorn Odendahl, an editor at Katholisch.de, writes the following in the course of commenting on the Pope’s plans for Africa in a piece entitled "The Romantic, Poor Church": So also in Africa. Of course the Church is growing there. It grows because... Continue reading *“German Bishops’ Conference Says Church in Africa Growing Only Because of Ignorance and Poverty”* at *firstthings.com*.
It was Israelis, Not Muslims Who Celebrated In Jersey City On 9/11
Donald Trump’s claim that he saw thousands of Muslims celebrating the 9/11 attacks in Jersey City has been widely debunked in the media, but not many have bothered to point out the story on which Trump’s claim was most likely based. In making only a partial correction of Trump’s outrageous lie, the corporate media are in effect telling their own lie about what happened on 9/11. There was some shameless celebration in Jersey City on 9/11, but it was by five young Israelis not thousands of Muslims… and it was widely reported at the time. Trump himself has sought to back up his claim by... more »
Paris Climate Conference DOA As Capital Proves More Important than Life
Multi-national capitalists have banned together to protect their obscene wealth and to doom the planet at the same time. This comes even before the vaunted Paris Conference gets underway. Given the choice of a dead world or the neutralization of a few hundred oligarchs, we must wonder now which options humanity will choose. I know--it's a tough choice. From the NYTimes: They [negotiators] have pointedly declined to take up a recommendation from scientists, made several years ago, that they set a cap on total greenhouse gases as a way to achieve that goal, and then figure out how ...more »
A Film for Our Times
Yesterday MB and I went to see the new movie called *Trumbo*. I didn't know much about the life of Dalton Trumbo but this film is a work of art and I came away with my soul stirred. The story reminds us all in that these times of endless war and the destruction of our constitutional rights we each must draw upon our reservoir of courage and fierce determination - we are not the first to face the boot of the repressive forces in this country and surely won't be the last. Years ago I read the anti-war classic *Johnny Got His Gun* and it left a deep mark on me. MB reminded me this... more »
Man Asks Mike Rowe for “Life Advice”
Man Asks Mike Rowe for “Life Advice” by Top Right News on October 5, 2014 in Economy, Entertainment Seriously, this is awesome… *LETTER TO MIKE:* *Hey Mike! I’ve spent this last year trying to figure out the right career for myself and I still can’t figure out what to do. I have always been a hands on kind of guy and a go-getter. I could never be an office worker. I need change, excitement, and adventure in my life, but where the pay is steady. I grew up in construction and my first job was a restoration project. I love everything outdoors. I play music for extra money. I like ... more »
A Very Dark Place
http://www.spookyisles.com/ Things are starting to get crazy. Mohamad Jebara writes: Recent suggestions by some American and European officials that mosques should be closed, and Muslims rounded up and placed in camps, are not merely troubling. They’re reminiscent of past injustices which the civilized world vowed never to repeat. People do crazy things when they get scared. History provides us with plenty of examples: Due to the frenzy aroused in the indoctrinated, many innocent and law-abiding Canadian and American citizens of Germ...more »
Weekend reads: Criminal charges for plagiarism; NFL scientific interference; the authorship explosion
The week at Retraction Watch featured a move by the Journal of Biological Chemistry that we’re applauding, a retraction by a high-profile nutrition researcher, and an announcement about a new partnership to create a retraction database. Here’s what was happening elsewhere: 200 professors in South Korea will be charged Tuesday with copyright violations for “changing […] The post Weekend reads: Criminal charges for plagiarism; NFL scientific interference; the authorship explosion appeared first on Retraction Watch.
thwap's hooker stories ...
When I was a young man of thirty I worked at a place in a neighbourhood where street prostitutes were known to conduct their trade. (The tavern at the corner was supposedly a place where you could get a hooker at any time of the day or night. Irony of ironies, it is now a women's shelter.) One Saturday morning, when I went to open the place there was a tall, blonde woman in short shorts who looked about 50 standing by the front door. In the same way that I was cuter in my twenties than I am now, I'm sure she must have been quite striking when she was younger. Now she looked like a ... more »
Macedonian Army Starts Building Fence on Greek Border
[image: Macedonian fence] Soldiers in Macedonia began erecting a metal fence on Saturday on the country’s southern border with Greece, but the government said it had no plans to seal off access to refugees fleeing war and heading to western Europe. Soldiers drove... Continue reading *“Macedonian Army Starts Building Fence on Greek Border”* at *in.reuters.com*.
Climate Scientist Kicked Out of the Tribe for Discussing Uncertainties
[image: climate scientist] It is safe to predict that when 20,000 world leaders, officials, green activists and hangers-on convene in Paris next week for the 21st United Nations climate conference, one person you will not see much quoted is Professor Judith Curry. This... Continue reading *“Climate Scientist Kicked Out of the Tribe for Discussing Uncertainties”* at *new.spectator.co.uk*.
Turkish Newspaper Editors Arrested for Report on Arms Shipments to Syrian Rebels
[image: Turkey Syrian Rebels] The editor-in-chief of Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet, along with that newspaper's Ankara bureau chief, has been arrested for "divulging state secrets" after publishing a report claiming that Turkey's intelligence agency has been arming Syrian rebels against dictator Bashar al-Assad. Editor-in-chief Can Dundar... Continue reading *“Turkish Newspaper Editors Arrested for Report on Arms Shipments to Syrian Rebels”* at *breitbart.com*.
A Reading for the Pigou Club
Toward a Pigouvian State by Jonathan Masur and Eric Posner in the *University of Pennsylvania Law Review*.
Air Pollution In Beijing Reaches Hazardous Levels
Authorities are advising citizens to stay indoors as air pollution reaches hazardous levels in the Chinese capital, Beijing. According to the US Embassy’s monitoring station in Beijing, the level of poisonous, tiny particles of PM2.5 was at 391 micrograms per cubic meter on Saturday The World Health Organization’s (WHO) guideline for maximum healthy exposure is 25. They say that any level of harmful particles over that figure increases the risks of heart disease, strokes and lung ailments. Press TV reports: Beijing, which has an estimated population of over 21 million, has been blan... more »
Other Countries Aren't Waiting For Trumpf To Start A Fascist Resurgence-- Take Poland
Some people never learn-- not a Trumpf rally though Before 1918 Poland hadn't existed as a country since a series of partitions from 1764-1795 left it divided up between the Russian Empire, the Prussian Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire. After World War I, which saw the dissolution of the 3 empires, Poland emerged as a weak, chaotic democracy that lasted until warlord Józef Piłsudski seized power in 1926. Democracy never really caught on and Poland, pretty much a basket case, and it was partitioned again in 1939 by Nazi German and Soviet Russia. The Soviets eventually defeated G... more »
Egypt Says 90 Percent Chance of Hidden Rooms in Tut Tomb
[image: King Tut] CAIRO (AP) -- Egypt says there is a 90 percent chance that hidden chambers will be found within King Tutankhamun’s tomb, based on the preliminary results of a new exploration of the 3,300-year-old mausoleum. Speaking at a press conference in...more »
Officer Garrett Swasey, Who Died in Colo. Planned Parenthood Shooting, Was A Co-Pastor, Skating Champion
[image: Officer Garrett Swasey] The police officer who was killed during Friday's shooting standoff at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs has been identified as Garrett Swasey, 44, a co-pastor at his church and an ice-skating champion. Swasey, who was married and had two young... Continue reading *“Officer Garrett Swasey, Who Died in Colo. Planned Parenthood Shooting, Was A Co-Pastor, Skating Champion”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
New Poll: Global Support for Tough Climate Deal Declines
[image: Paris climate change] Public support for a strong global deal on climate change has declined, according to a poll carried out in 20 countries. Only four now have majorities in favour of their governments setting ambitious targets at a global conference in Paris.... Continue reading *“New Poll: Global Support for Tough Climate Deal Declines”* at *bbc.com*.
Carson after Refugee Camp Tour: Middle East Countries Should Absorb Syrian Refugees
[image: Ben Carson] AZRAQ REFUGEE CAMP, Jordan (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson has visited a camp for Syrian refugees and suggested they should be absorbed by neighboring Middle Eastern countries. More than 4 million Syrians have fled war since 2011. Most... more »
Oldest Hotel in Bermuda Bans Meeting Championing Natural Marriage
[image: Ryan Anderson] HAMILTON, Bermuda (CMC) -- The Hamilton Princess, Bermuda’s oldest hotel, has declined to host two talks by a prominent overseas same-sex marriage opponent. Same-sex marriages are not allowed in Bermuda but the topic has divided opinion in this British Overseas... Continue reading *“Oldest Hotel in Bermuda Bans Meeting Championing Natural Marriage”* at *jamaicaobserver.com*.
Houston Texans Cheerleaders Salute The Military (Photo Gallery)
Houston Texans cheerleaders perform before the Texans play the New York Jets on November 22, 2015 at NRG Stadium in Houston, Texas. Photo: Scott Halleran, Getty Images *Houston Chronicle*: *Texans cheerleaders salute the military* Sunday's win over the New York Jets was the Houston Texans' annual Salute to Service game. Each year, the Texans have a game where they host hundreds of service members. The Texans cheerleaders celebrated the occasion by dressing up in pseudo-military uniforms on the sidelines. *WNU Editor:* No comment necessary.
Is Low Oil Prices Aggravating Internal Conflicts And Civil Wars?
Soldiers guard an oil installation in South Sudan. Africa Arguments *Ryan Opsal, OilPrice.com*: *Will Low Oil Prices Increase Internal Instability In Conflict Countries?* With over 1.6 million internally displaced in South Sudan, and another 600,000 refugees in neighboring countries, are oil price declines exacerbating humanitarian crises in oil-producing African countries, and can we expect further deterioration as a result of the recent price depression? This is a worthwhile issue to explore given South Sudan’s overwhelming reliance on oil revenues to fill government coffers; a ... more »
US Urges Turkey to Deploy Troops To Syrian Border
The United States is urging Turkey to seal off a 100-kilometer stretch of its border with Syria to block the movement of ISIS. The borderline is currently used by the terrorist group for transportation of fighters and supplies into the Syrian war zone. According to the Wall Street Journal, Pentagon officials have estimated that the Turkey would need to deploy around 30,000 soldier to do this. Press TV reports: US officials say the border includes key transit routes that Daesh uses to move militants in and out of the war zone and into Europe. Turkish officials have said that the Pent... more »
Pope Francis Honors Ugandan Christian Martyrs Who Were Burned Alive
[image: A group of nuns prays at Namugongo Martyrs' Shrine during an open air mass held by Pope Francis on November 28, 2015. Pope Francis arrived in Uganda on November 27 on the second leg of a landmark trip to Africa which has seen him railing against corruption and poverty, with huge crowds celebrating his arrival. AFP PHOTO / GIUSEPPE CACACE / AFP / GIUSEPPE CACACE (Photo credit should read GIUSEPPE CACACE/AFP/Getty Images)] NAMUGONGO, Uganda (AP) -- Pope Francis on Saturday honored the Ugandan Christians who were burned alive rather than renounce their faith a century ago, urgin... more »
Turkish President Says He Wishes Plane Downing Had Not Happened
[image: Russian jet shot by Turkey- 900 000] ANKARA, Turkey (AP) -- Turkey’s president has told supporters that he was saddened by the downing of a Russian warplane by Turkish forces. Addressing supporters on Saturday, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan again defended Turkey’s action and criticized Russia for its... more »
Study: High-Potency Marijuana Linked to Neural Damage
[image: skunk marijuana- 400 000] LONDON, Nov. 27 (UPI) — In scanning the brains of drug users, researchers at Kings College London found smokers of high-potency pot had smaller amounts of white brain matter inside their corpus callosum, a neural pathway connecting the left and... Continue reading *“Study: High-Potency Marijuana Linked to Neural Damage”* at *upi.com*.
The AGW crisis as existential crisis.
"We must hang together, gentlemen...else, we shall most assuredly hang separately." - Benjamin Franklin Franklin posed the existential crisis that the American Revolution posed for the brave band of leaders during the American Revolution. It was not that all of the American people faced death, if the Americans lost the war. But many of their leaqders were likely too. For many of the American people, the Revolution was not an existential crisis. They were adverse to paying the taxes required to keep george Washington's army in the field, and some times that army went hungry, wen... more »
Free Planet's Sunday morning Facebook meme-art set five (the early edition)
fifth Free Planet's Sunday morning Facebook meme-art, or "slogan art" series, set five is going out early i.e. it's Saturday afternoon. But (truth be told) I can't wait one more day. Ready? Aim. Fire... PREVIOUS MEME-ART SUNDAYs, in case you missed them... Free Planet's Sunday morning Facebook meme-art set four Free Planet's Sunday morning Facebook meme-art set three Free Planet's Sunday morning Facebook meme-art set two Free Planet's Sunday morning Facebook meme-art set on
Most Snow Patches Survive In Scotland Since 1994
By Paul Homewood http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-highlands-islands-34941899 Hottest year update! From the BBC: Seventy-three patches of snow have survived on Scotland’s hills from last winter – the most for 21 years, according to a man who counts them. Iain Cameron writes about, photographs and measures snow. His records of the white stuff are published […]
Attack Kills 3 on UN Base in Mali, Islamic Militants Suspected
[image: Islamist fighters Mali] DAKAR, Senegal (AP) -- A mortar attack on a United Nations base in northern Mali’s Kidal early Saturday killed at least three people, including two U.N. peacekeepers and a contractor, said the mission spokesman. The attack also injured 20 people,... more »
Top Kurdish Lawyer Shot Dead In Turkey
A leading Kurdish lawyer was shot dead on Saturday in southeast Turkey after unknown gunmen opened fire on a gathering in the mainly Kurdish province of Diyarbakir. Tahir Elci, head of the bar in southeastern Diyarbakir province and a campaigner for Kurdish rights, died of gunshot wounds to the head. The unidentified assailants opened fire on Elci and 40 other activists as they were giving a press release in Diyarbakir’s Sur district. RT reports: A campaigner for Kurdish rights, Tahir Elci had been criticized for challenging Turkey’s official stance of calling the Kurdistan Workers ... more »
*Yet another claim that somebody is "behind" climate skeptics or has "bought" them* *Like all the skeptics I know, I am still waiting for my cheque!Warmists very commonly ascribe disagreement with their ideas to their opponent being "in the pay" of someone else, usually "Big Oil", without troubling themselves to provide any proof of that assertion. They are so certain that they are right that that seems to be the only reasonable explanation for opposition to them. They thus reveal themselves as classic bigots -- people with fixed and rigid ideas.The guy be... more »
HSBC whistleblower given five years’ jail over biggest leak in banking history
Hervé Falciani has sought refuge in France. Photograph: Denis Balibouse/Reuters *HSBC got the finest "justice" Chinese money could buy.... Stuff like this just makes you shake your head in disbelief at the absurdity of it all... -AK* http://www.theguardian.com/news/2015/nov/27/hsbc-whistleblower-jailed-five-years-herve-falciani *HSBC whistleblower given five years’ jail over biggest leak in banking history * *Hervé Falciani sentenced in his absence for financial espionage by federal court for exposing wrongdoing at HSBC’s private Swiss bank * Juliette Garside @JulietteGarside... more »
Poll: Trump Drops 12 Points in a Week
[image: NEW YORK, NY - OCTOBER 17: Presidential candidate Donald Trump attends the fight between Gennady Golovkin against David Lemieux for their WBA/WBC interim/IBF middleweight title unification bout at Madison Square Garden on October 17, 2015 in New York City.] A Reuters poll released Friday finds that GOP presidential front-runner Donald Trump has dropped 12 points in less than a week, his largest single poll-to-poll drop since he took the primary lead in July. Trump was still the favorite among... Continue reading *“Poll: Trump Drops 12 Points in a Week”* at *thehill.com*.
Tjalf Sparnaay - photorealist - par excellance
I found a single image of a white haired man in white painting an amazingly rendered vase of dutch flowers a while back and tried to source it, came up blank, suddenly someone finds it for me and Free Planet is delighted to feature the (you won't believe it) photo-realistic art of Tjalf Sparnaay. Be sure to check out Tjalf's whimsical EGG series, and his Dutch Masters-inspired early surrealist works, too...
How to make Google Drive file private
If you want to make a file in your Google Drive and only invited people can view, there is a way to do it. 1. Click the SHARE tab at the top right corner 2. After clicking SHARE, you will get a pop-up. Click the down arrow and choose CAN VIEW, then type in the email addresses of those people you allow to view 3. Click the tab DONE after you have type in the email addresses, and now if someone not invited try to open the file to view, he or she will see a YOU NEED PERMISSION message:
BWorld 28, Economic freedom in Asia
* This is my article in BusinessWorld last November 25, 2015. Humanity’s material progress and cultural development is made possible largely due to the freedom of people to initiate innovations that did not exist before and their freedom to buy and sell extra output and services produced by themselves and other people. In short, economic freedom and freedom to trade are among the cornerstones of human progress. Remove this freedom and innovation and ingenuity will largely be curtailed and human misery and underdevelopment will result. These are other related issues were tackled in ... more »
Living the Life of Freedom
[image: True Freedom] DUDLEY HALL -- “For the love of Christ controls us, because we have concluded this: that one has died for all, therefore all have died; and he died for all, that those who live might no longer live for themselves... more »
This Is What An $8 Billion Nuclear Bomb Upgrade Looks Like
B61 Thermonuclear Bomb. The B61 nuclear bomb is designed for carriage by aircraft at supersonic flight speeds and is the primary thermonuclear weapon in the U.S. stockpile since the end of the Cold War. The weapon was designed and built by the Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico beginning in 1961 and has been produced in several versions. Wikipedia *PBS:* *Photos: What an $8B nuclear bomb upgrade looks like* Designing and building nuclear bombs is one of the U.S. government’s most secretive activities. But the PBS NewsHour recently was granted unprecedented access to a num... more »
The Four Levels Of War
U.S. Navy and Chilean Air Force aircraft participate in a fly-by adjacent to the aircraft carrier USS George Washington during Exercise UNITAS 2105 in the Pacific Ocean, Oct. 20, 2015. UNITAS 2015 is the U.S. Navy's longest running annual multinational maritime exercise, and is part of Southern Seas 2015. U.S. Navy photo by Lt. j.g. David Babka *Robert Bateman, Esquire*: *Understanding Military Strategy and the Four Levels of War* When "strategy" gets thrown around by politicians and the media, you can bet it's being misused. In my sustained effort to help others understand the n... more »
Gorrem - Devon Cady-Lee - Dune series
I've always been a big fan of The World of Dune, as Frank Herbert wrote it, and these conceptual images from *Gorrem* aka Devon Cady-Lee are some of the more alluring and authentic interpretations this art-blogger's come across: great work Devon...
Evidence of Organized Pedophilia and Child-Trafficking Implicates Governments, Media, Churches and Charities
[image: Wake Up World] [image: Organized Pedophilia and Child-Trafficking Implicates Governments, Media, Churches and Charities] By Sonya Van Gelder Guest Writer for Wake Up World http://wakeup-world.com/2015/07/03/organized-pedophilia-and-child-trafficking-implicates-governments-media-churches-and-charities/ In my recent article, Suppressed Pedophilia Allegations Reveal Culture of Satanic Ritual Abuse, I discussed the story of the Hampstead child-abuse whistleblowers, 9 year old Hampstead girl Alisa and her 8 year old brother Gabriel, whose testimony of alleged abuse at the hands... more »
New Election Logo
What is really meant, though it hasn't been officially adopted yet.
Archers Of Old Were Deadly Warriors
*WNU Editor:* I am impressed. *Hat Tip:* *Theo Spark* for this link.
Military Photo of the Day: November 28, 2015
[image: US Army Vietnam Purple Smoke Bomb - 900] Companies B and C, 1st Bn, 8th Inf, 1st Bde, 4th Inf Div, assemble on top of Hill 742, located five miles northeast of Dak To, prior to moving out. A purple smoke bomb is ignited in the background to... more »
Air-To-Air Refueling Of The Tu-160 Over Caspian Sea
*Hat Tip*: Alert 5
Leptoquarks may arrive: LHC to prove \(E_6\) SUSY GUT?
*The most conservative stringy scenario to explain all the anomalies* The LHC has glimpsed numerous small anomalies. Some of them may be easily related to leptoquarks. For our purposes, we define a leptoquark as a new elementary spinless particle that is capable of decaying to a lepton and a quark. So it is not a bound state of a lepton and a quark, it is a genuinely new elementary particle, but it carries the same quantum numbers as such a bound state would carry. We want the decay to be allowed by statistics (and by all other possible constraints) – so the new particle has to be... more »
NASA: Black Holes Don’t Actually Exist
NASA are being forced to admit that black holes do not really exist, following the discovery of X-ray flares from a black hole. The discovery of the flares contradicts conventional theory that black holes are compact particles that have such a large gravity that light cannot escape. The flares were triggered by the eruption of a charged particle from the black hole, which according to conventional science, should not let anything escape out of it. Indiatimes.com reports: The latest findings are in accordance with the theory of Indian astrophysicist Abhas Mitra who had theorized th... more »
Shocking Admission: NATO ‘Okayed’ Turkey’s Downing Of Russian Jet
Lebanon’s Druze leader, Walid Jumblatt, has claimed that Turkey shot down the Russian jet on orders from NATO, and would never have done so on their own accord. Jumblatt, a member of parliament and leader of Lebanon’s Progressive Socialist Party, claims that “the Turks cannot afford to shoot down a Russian plane, being a member of NATO, without asking the permissoin of NATO. They have to ask NATO. It’s NATO“. His statement adds further weight to the claims that the downing of the Su-24 military aircraft was a deliberate act of war, perpetrated by the U.S./NATO. Breitbart.com reports...more »
Researchers Claim Early Humans Interbred With ‘Mystery Species’
Researchers at the Royal Society in London have claimed that ancient humans lived in a ‘Lord of the Rings’ type world, where a mystery species interbred with Neanderthals, Denisovans, and the forerunners of modern humans. The research, published in Nature, suggests that more interbreeding between species occurred than scientists originally believed, and that one of the participants in the interbreeding contains DNA which is, as yet, unidentified. Ibtimes.co.uk reports: Mark Thomas, an evolutionary geneticist at University College London, said: “What it begins to suggest is that we’... more »
Civilian Contractors Are Now being Hired By The Pentagon To Fly Drones For Combat Patrols
A Predator drone flies a training mission over Victorville last year. The robotic plane was controlled by a pilot on the ground at the U.S. Air Force 163d Reconnaissance Wing of the California National Guard at Southern California Logistics Airport. Credit: Don Bartletti / Los Angeles Times *L.A. Times:* *Air Force hires civilian drone pilots for combat patrols; critics question legality* The Air Force has hired civilian defense contractors to fly MQ-9 Reaper drones to help track suspected militants and other targets in global hot spots, a previously undisclosed expansion in the pri... more »
This Former Guantanamo Inmate Now Leads The Fight Against The Taliban And The Islamic State
Hajji Ghalib, the governor of Achin District in the province of Nangarhar in eastern Afghanistan, was once imprisoned in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba. Photo Credit Andrew Quilty for The New York Times *New York Times*: *Once in Guantánamo, Afghan Now Leads War Against Taliban and ISIS* KABUL, Afghanistan — Hajji Ghalib did just what the American military feared he would after his release from the Guantánamo Bay prison camp: He returned to the Afghan battlefield. But rather than worrying about Mr. Ghalib, the Americans might have considered encouraging him. Lean and weather-beaten, he is... more »
Picture Of The Day
The Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group steams in formation with Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force ships during a photo exercise in the Pacific Ocean, Nov. 23, 2015. The ships were participating in an annual training exercise aimed at increasing interoperability between Japanese and American forces. U.S. Navy photo by Petty Officer 3rd Class Nathan Burke
"What Can We Know? What Are We All?
"What can we know? What are we all? Poor silly half-brained things peering out at the infinite, with the aspirations of angels and the instincts of beasts." - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle ◆ “We need more understanding of human nature, because the only real danger that exists is man himself. He is the great danger. And we are pitifully unaware of it. We know nothing of man...far too little. His psyche should be studied - because we are the origin of all coming evil.” - C.G. Jung ◆ "The whole planet, the whole rock-grain, with its busy swarms, I now saw as an arena where two cosmical antagonis... more »
The 50 Most Powerful People In The World
*Business Insider:* *The 50 most powerful people in the world* It isn't just wealth. And it isn't just control over people or resources. No, true power is a potent combination of money and influence that enables people to help shape the world. But only a select group of people really possess the economic and political clout to effect global change. For better or worse, their decisions affect millions, shake industries, and change nations. Business Insider has compiled the following list of the world's most powerful people — heads of state, billionaires, CEOs, and entertainers. To ... more »
Cartoon: ‘And Suddenly, the President Realized … ‘
[image: And Suddenly, the President Realized - 900 000]
Is TPP Already Emboldening Outrageous Corporate Behavior And Encouraging Them To Trample On Accepted Community Standards?
This was a comment posted by Roua Naboulsi right after the attacks in Paris. Read it first and then let's think about why Facebook removed it... and then restored it. Sorry! What happened in Paris last night was awful. I stayed up late following the news in disbelief and I am so sorry to anyone who has been affected by these horrible attacks. The international community has responded, as predicted, by showing their unwavering solidarity with Paris. The night before that, a bomb went off in my country, Lebanon, killing 43 people. No one prayed for us. No one kept us in their tho... more »
A Photo Gallery Of President Obama's Past Seven Years
White House *Business Insider*: *44 iconic images of Barack Obama's tenure as president* On November 4, 2008, more than 69.4 million Americans voted for then-Sen. Barack Obama (D-Illinois) to become the 44th president of the United States — and the first African-American to hold the position. Obama, then 47, earned 365 electoral votes and nearly 53% of the popular vote in a wider-than-expected margin of victory. His Republican opponent, Sen. John McCain (R-Arizona), captured 173 electoral votes and a little more than 45% of the popular vote. In honor of the seventh anniversary of ... more »
Has The Russian Deployment Of The S-400 Air Defense System Stopped U.S.-Led Coalition Strikes In Syria?
*(Click on Image to Enlarge)* *Sputnik:* *Lack of US-Led Coalition Strikes in Syria 'Unrelated' to S-400 Deployment* *The absence of US-led coalition airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria is not related to Russia’s deployment of an advanced S-400 Triumf air defense system.* WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The absence of US-led coalition airstrikes against the Islamic State in Syria is not related to Russia’s deployment of an advanced S-400 Triumf air defense system at the Hmeimim airbase, a Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR) spokesperson told Sputnik o... more »
Kurdistan aka “Second Israel”- Ethnic Cleansing the Indigenous of the Middle East
In a nutshell- Kurds/Israel cojoined- Like cojoined twins?“twin babies born joined together at some point” Long term readers here KNOW that Kurdistan is simply Greater Israel *Notice the overlap?- Cojoined! This just ain’t that difficult folks..* * From "Jew News" October 2014 -GREATER ISRAEL and KURDISTAN: Now this is my kind of a Middle East* And Israeli kind of Middle East. Get the picture? *Consider this cojoinment of Israel/Kurdistan in the context of the so called ‘refugee crisis*” Instigated and encouraged by NATO/Israel. The so called “refugee crisis” is cover for *ethnic... more »
Putin in Crosshairs of NATO - IMO, best for him NOT to attend Climate Conf. in Paris
*Vladimir Putin in thought* Folks, *I have some very serious trepidation's concerning Vladimir Putin's personal welfare*--due to the implications of reports like the the one linked here where a Lebanese official says *NATO okayed Turkey's downing of the Russian jet.* The perps are getting truly desperate...*and desperate men do desperate things. * From the LA Times More than 100 heads of state and government, including Obama, have accepted invitations to attend the opening days of the conference. requested postponement of the summit, an event he called “crucial to the planet’s f... more »
Russia's S-400 Defense Missile System Has Been Deployed In Syria
*RT*: *Russia deploys cutting-edge S-400 air defense system to Syrian base after Su-24 downing* Moscow has deployed its newest S-400 air defense missile system to Khmeimim in Syria as part of a security boost following the downing of a Russian jet by Turkey earlier this week. “In accordance with the decision of the Supreme Commander of the Russian Armed Forces, today (on Monday) an S-400 air defense missile system has been promptly delivered, deployed and already began combat duty to provide cover for the area around the Russian Khmeimim air base in Syria,” General-Major Igor Kon... more »
Much Of The GOP Base Doesn't Mind Trumpf's Lies-- They Revel In Them
In my neighborhood there aren't many election campaign signs on peoples' lawns yet-- half a dozen for Bernie scattered around. One weirdo put up a Hillary sign up the block but only for one day. I don't know if she was embarrassed and took it down herself or if someone ripped it down-- although this isn't that kind of neighborhood. But what happens if some reclusive old bigot-- and I suspect someone up the hill of being that guy-- puts up a Trumpf sign? What happens then? Is Trumpf so beyond the pale with normal people-- we don't have Republicans here-- that even a campaign sign w... more »
Illogical Spins on the Logic of Diversity
[image: University of Missouri, college] “From whence shall we expect the approach of danger? Shall some trans-Atlantic military giant step the earth and crush us at a blow? Never. All the armies of Europe and Asia … could not by force take a drink from... more »
New Flu Shot Contains Adjuvant Linked To Gulf War Syndrome
The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have approved a new flu shot for the 2015 flu season, that contains an added adjuvant that has been criticized by experts as being very unsafe for humans. The oil-based adjuvant, known as Squalene, has been said to cause autoimmune disease, and has been linked to Gulf War Syndrome. Ernestdempsey.com reports: One fourth of the war vets in the Gulf wars experienced the illness characterized by chronic fatigue, muscle aches and pain, and a range of cardiovascular, neurologic, and respiratory problems as well as psychological issues like depres... more »
France Arrests Climate Change Deniers Under New Orwellian Powers
French authorities have arrested 24 climate change activists ahead of the UN climate change warming conference in Paris next week, citing the state of emergency powers and scrapping of the human rights convention as justification. The interior ministry said that the measures were taken to prevent the activists from demonstrating at the COP21 conference. About.hr reports: Three of those concerned, who are in their late 20s, are suspected of belonging to the “radical opposition movement”, according to information obtained by AFP. They are banned from leaving their home town in western... more »
France Scraps Human Rights In Wake Of Paris Attacks
France have decided to “opt out” of the European Human Rights Convention, citing the recent Paris attacks as justification for its extreme decision. France is still in a state of emergency, with police raids being conducted daily on mosques, Islamic charities, and “radical environmentalists”. With the government shutting down alternative news websites, it’s looking grim for the future of civil liberties in France right now. Rfi.fr reports: States are allowed to opt out in case of war or a danger “threatening the life of the nation”, although they cannot be exempted from certain pro... more »
The Spirit Moves Me: My 2015 Holiday Gift Suggestions
*Including Fantasy Gift Ideas For Republicans! By Noah* The ads! The ads! These retailers! It’s worse than the political ads! Then, there’s the usual endless local news coverage of the pillaging, people camping out in the cold just to be the first in the store. The Visigoths were better behaved. I’m already so sick of hearing “It’s that most wonderful time of the year”. I’m so sick of Kay Jewelers ads. "Every 'kiss' begins with Kay?" I’m so sick of hearing the word 'door-buster' and terms like Black Friday and Giving Tuesday, and all the rest. Mayhem Monday is only a matter of ti... more »
Tonight's Movie Is 'Pork Chop Hill' (1959)
From *Wikipedia**: *Pork Chop Hill is a 1959 American Korean War film starring Gregory Peck, Rip Torn and George Peppard. The film, which was the final war film directed by Lewis Milestone, is based upon the book by U.S. military historian Brigadier General S. L. A. Marshall. It depicts the first fierce Battle of Pork Chop Hill between the U.S. Army's 7th Infantry Division, and Chinese and North Korean forces in April 1953. *WNU Editor:* A classic film, my only beef with this copy is that it ends a few minutes before it is suppose to. As to the real battle itself, Wikipedia's entr... more »
Cover-up: Doctors Being Killed For Speaking Truth About Vaccines
Dr. Gonzalez and Dr. Bradstreet were doing incredible research in uncovering the truth about vaccines and their connection to autism. However, before they had a chance to widely publicise their findings, the FDA raided their offices and both doctors were found dead under suspicious circumstances. In this video, Dr. Ted Broer explains why doctors are being killed for discovering the truth about vaccines, and what you can do to stop the forced genocide on your children by our very own government. According to the video’s description: Dr. Ted Broer explains why doctors are being kille... more »
Deep anger at Ting Hsin Injustice
[image: DSC08410] *Another elaborate home for pigeons.* In retrospect it looks predictable and obvious: Ting Hsin got off in the toxic oil scandal. The China Post observes: Former Ting Hsin Oil and Fat Industrial Co. Chairman Wei Ying-chung (魏應充), suspected to be behind a series of food safety scandals starting in 2013, was found not guilty yesterday in a ruling by the Changhua District Court due to lack of evidence. * Five others involved in the case, including a former CEO, a current chairman and the head of its Vietnamese food company subsidiary, were also found not guilty. Outr... more »
Putin Plans To Bring Down Turkey’s Corrupt Government
Vladimir Putin has authorized Russia’s military to bring down the current Turkish government, which includes plans to rid Turkey of its leader President Recep Erdogan, in response to Turkey’s shooting down of the Russian Su-24 warplane. According to the Ministry of Defence, the shooting down of the plane was organised by the CIA and Turkey, as part of an oil-for-weapons scheme which involved ISIS militants operating in Syria run by Turkey’s President Erdogan’s son Bilal Erdogan. According to the MoD, Bilal Erdogan is the mastermind behind the lucrative crude oil smuggling by ISIS m... more »
Ex-CIA Agent: Get Ready For World War III
A ex-CIA agent, Bob Baer, has said the situation in the Middle East, including the mounting tension between Russia and Turkey, is looking like the beginning of World War III. “This mosaic in the Middle East of conflict is getting out of control,” the former CIA agent told CNN. “It’s not just Russia and Turkey, it’s Iran and Saudi Arabia. It is expanding rather than contracting, and nobody has a strategic plan.” Meanwhile, Vladimir Putin said that he suspects the United States leaked information about the flight path of the doomed Su-24 flight to Turkey – hinting that the downing of... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- August 27, 2015
*Steven A. Cook, Politico:* *Is Turkey Really at the Table?* It claims to be part of the solution in fighting ISIL, but often it’s been part of the problem. To Westerners, it might seem that Vladimir Putin was exaggerating in anger when, after a Turkish F-16 on Tuesday shot down a Russian fighter jet allegedly violating Turkish airspace, he referred to the government in Ankara as “terrorists’ accomplices.” Americans aren’t used to thinking of Turkey—our NATO ally and most powerful backstop in the Muslim world—in this way. And surely Putin is just engaging in some saber-rattling. ... more »
Ken Livingstone: Tony Blair Caused London 7/7 Bombings
Former London Major Ken Livingston accused Tony Blair of being responsible for the 7/7 London bombings in which 52 people died on 7th July 2005. Speaking on BBC’s Question Time program, the former mayor said the then prime minister ignored a security service warning that invading Iraq would make the UK a terror target, putting civilian lives at risk. Mr Livingstone said: “When Tony Blair was told by the security services, ‘If you go into Iraq, we will be a target for terrorism’, and he ignored that advice, and it killed 52 Londoners.” He went on: “If we had not invaded Iraq those fou... more »
Turkey Warns Putin: ‘Do Not Play With Fire’ As Tensions Heat Up
Turkey’s president Recep Erdogan has lashed out at Vladimir Putin, warning him not to “play with fire” in response to Putin’s accusation that the U.S. supplied Turkey with information about the flight path of its downed Su-24 jet. Erdogan said he hoped to meet Putin “face to face” in Paris next week, and hopes relations between Turkey and Russia are not irreparably harmed. Putin, who has so far refused to speak to Erdogan, says that Moscow is suspending its visa-free scheme with Turkey from the New Year as one of many measures aimed at addressing the harm Turkey have caused. Sky New... more »
Silicon Valley Workers Now Take LSD To Improve Productivity
Silicon Valley professionals have reported a growing trend that involves experimenting with “microdoses” of LSD to help them perform better at work and lead a happier life. According to Rolling Stone, a growing number of people are consuming small amounts of LSD and reporting high energy levels, clarity of the mind, and a renewed vigor. A microdose is around 10-15 micrograms of LSD, which is a tenth of the normal dose a recreational user would take to experience its psychedelic effects. Telegraph.co.uk reports: At that dosage, Rolling Stone describes the drug’s effects as “subpercep... more »
Russia More Determined Than Ever To Aggressively Pursue ISIS
Russia have said they have a renewed determination to completely obliterate ISIS in Syria, following the downing of Russian Su-24 jet by Turkey a few days ago. Ex-general Sabit Muhammad told Russian media sources that Russia feels compelled to defend its position in Syria by extending its range of S-400 missiles across the Mediterranean. “Russia’s response to Turkey following the aircraft incident will be a more determined action in Syria,” he told Sputnik International. Sputniknews.com reports: According to Sabit Muhammed, “this will allow Russia to substantially strengthen its pos... more »
Police Pepper Spray Supporters Of Turkish Journalists Arrested For Treason
Turkish police used pepper spray against activists who showed up to show support for the Turkish journalists who were arrested for treason following the publication of what Turkey deemed, “top secret” information about the transport of weapons via Turkish trucks to ISIS militants. Protesters gathered outside the Cumhuriyet newspaper offices in Ankara, Friday, to show solidarity with two journalists who have been jailed on terror and espionage charges for publishing reports that accuse the government of arms smuggling into Syria Several thousand people rallied in Istanbul and Ankara.... more »
Putin: Anti-ISIS Strikes To Focus On Crude Oil Smuggling In Turkey
Russian President Vladimir Putin and French President Francois Hollande have joined forced to stop the smuggling of crude oil into Turkey by ISIS militants. The duo have vowed to cripple the Islamic State, hitting them where it hurts most: the source of their financing. Putin described the lucrative ISIS operation to reporters, saying there were “vehicles, carrying oil, lined up in a chain going beyond the horizon,” and that his top priority is to now stop the commercial-scale oil smuggling into Turkey. Rt.com reports: The views resemble a “living oil pipe” stretched from ISIS and ... more »
Read this and then decide who are the good guys and by comparison who are the bad guys. Your choices are Bashar al-Assad and his loyal armed forces, Russia's bombing of ISIS and other jihadi forces such as ISIL (also known as Da’esh), al-Qaeda, and the al-Nusrah Front. Don't forget the CIA who smuggle arms to rebels. And then there is Turkey, which sees to it that ISIS and other murderous groups get arms, ammunition, and food daily. Finally think of the people who have had to flee Syria to keep their families from being killed by the jihadis.
------------------------------ Logistics 101: Where Does ISIS Get Its Guns? By Tony Cartalucci Region: Middle East & North Africa Global Research, November 26, 2015 Theme: Politics and Religion New Eastern Outlook 9 June 2015 *Note: **Article originally published in June 2015* *Since ancient times an army required significant logistical support to carry out any kind of sustained military campaign. In ancient Rome, an extensive network of roads was constructe... more »
The Ukraine Story
This video gives a review of the last two years in Ukraine. This backgrounder is a good intro for anyone who feels confused about the civil war going on. The US has been directing the puppet regime in Kiev's attack on their own citizens in the eastern regions of Ukraine - in the Donbass as it is called. The Kiev regime has been shelling homes, schools, hospitals, day care centers, churches, rail systems, power plants, airports and more. Those living in the east have formed self defense forces and have received some material aid from Russia although there is no evidence that R... more »
VIDEO: Expert Says China Will Continue Forced Abortions, Sterilizations
[image: China forced abortions - 400] IRONDALE, Alabama, November 25, 2015 (LifeSiteNews) -- An expert on China says the country’s move from the infamous “one-child per family” policy of forced abortion and sterilization to a “two-child” policy will leave the status quo largely intact. Human rights... Continue reading *“VIDEO: Expert Says China Will Continue Forced Abortions, Sterilizations”* at *lifesitenews.com*.
The Apprentice: Tea Party Activists Convinced Trump Eyeing Cruz for Ticket
[image: Cruz and Trump - 400] A group of tea party activists is convinced that Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump has struck a secret deal with rival Sen. Ted Cruz to guarantee the Texan the vice presidential spot on the ticket, and conservatives are raving that... Continue reading *“The Apprentice: Tea Party Activists Convinced Trump Eyeing Cruz for Ticket”* at *washingtontimes.com*.
Swedish Court Refuses To Ban Pirate Bay
A Swedish court has ruled that internet service providers cannot be forced to block file-sharing website The Pirate Bay, despite the music industry’s demands that Europe block them for alleged copyright violations. The District Court of Stockholm rules that copyright holders could not force Swedish ISP Bredbandsbolaget to block the Pirate Bay, as the file-sharing site did not commit any copyright infringements. Thelocal.se reports: The action was brought by Universal Music, Sony Music, Warner Music, Nordisk Film and the Swedish Film Industry, who teamed up in a lawsuit last year de... more »
World News Briefs -- November 27, 2015 (Evening Edition)
An S-400 air defence missile system is deployed for a combat duty at the Hmeymim airbase to provide security of the Russian air group's flights in Syria. © Dmitriy Vinogradov / Sputnik *Daily Mail:* *Turkish president warns Russia not to 'play with fire' after Putin suggested Su-24 jet was shot down after America passed on details of its flight path * * Tayyip Erdogan has warned Russia and Putin not to 'play with fire' * Putin has accused the U.S. of being complicit in the destruction of its jet * The Russian jet was downed by Turkey after it entered Turkish airspace * He claimed R... more »
Musical Interlude: Ludovico Einaudi, “Earth Prelude”
Ludovico Einaudi, “Earth Prelude” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9X6sGu8oTiQ And THIS, at our finest, is who we are...
Musical Interlude: Alan Parsons Project, “Ammonia Avenue”
Alan Parsons Project, “Ammonia Avenue” -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NK-_2G7MMgc
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Following an ancient galaxy-galaxy collision 200 million light-years from Earth, debris from a gas-rich galaxy, NGC 5291, was flung far into intergalactic space. NGC 5291 and the likely interloper, also known as the "Seashell" galaxy, are captured near the center of this spectacular scene. The sharp, ground-based telescopic image looks toward the galaxy cluster Abell 3574 in the southern constellation Centaurus. *Click image for larger size.* Stretched along the 100,000 light-year long tidal tails, are clumps resembling dwarf galaxies, but lacking old stars, apparently dominated by ... more »
*Miles tells booster group that Saturday’s game will be his last at LSU ~WWL*
The Poet: Mary Oliver, “Praying”
*“Praying”* “It doesn't have to be the blue iris, it could be weeds in a vacant lot, or a few small stones; just pay attention, then patch a few words together and don't try to make them elaborate, this isn't a contest but the doorway into thanks, and a silence in which another voice may speak.” - Mary Oliver, “Thirst”
Chet Raymo, “Learning”
*“Learning”* by Chet Raymo “In the Preface to his lovely book “The Island Within”, about a wilderness island near his home on the coast of Alaska, Rick Nelson writes; "I have recorded my experiences, not as a teacher, certainly not as a thinker, but as a learner who loves his subject as deeply as he loves life itself.” I spent most of my adult life as a "teacher," and I suppose I've done my share of "thinking," but I'd like to think that those activities were means to an end: learning. Certainly, now in retirement I don't consider myself a teacher, and I'd rather ponder someone els... more »
"Compulsive Apologies: The Feeling Underneath"
*"Compulsive Apologies: The Feeling Underneath"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "Apologizing chronically can be a sign that you are not feeling that you have much self worth. Many people suffer with the tendency to apologize all the time, chronically, for everything. On the one hand, apologizing is a social convention that keeps interactions between people polite, and in that way it can be very helpful. On the other hand, if we find ourselves apologizing for everything, it might be time to look at why we feel compelled to say “I’m sorry” so often. Ultimately, saying you’re sorry is ... more »
"Our Finest Moments...
“The truth is that our finest moments are most likely to occur when we are feeling deeply uncomfortable, unhappy, or unfulfilled. For it is only in such moments, propelled by our discomfort, that we are likely to step out of our ruts and start searching for different ways or truer answers.” - M. Scott Peck
The Economy: “Why Even a Modest Disruption Will Shatter the Status Quo”
*“Why Even a Modest Disruption Will Shatter the Status Quo”* by Charles Hugh Smith “Any modest reduction in debt, tax revenues, consumption or new borrowing will bring the entire Status Quo crashing down. Consider this clipping from the August 1932 San Francisco Chronicle newspaper: "Reduction of salaries of municipal employees and limitation of city positions to only one member of a household will be sought by (Supervisor) Adolph Uhl in two amendments to the San Francisco charter. The salary reductions would run from 2.5% for the lowest bracket to 25% on salaries of $500 a month or... more »
Nov. 27: Just a small town weekly...
There's nothing wrong with a small town weekly. Typically, they have just one reporter, maybe two, who covers very local events that are overlooked by daily papers. They have one or two opinion columns that are contracted to writers who live in the community or are known to it. I wrote a column for such a paper that provided an audience of, maybe, 10,000. There was no out-of-town news since people got that from the better-equipped daily, the Montreal Gazette, whose circulation was something over 100,000. I can't find the circulation figures for the English-language Irving papers in... more »
More Scholastic Madness: Swastika is a Symbol of Peace, Elite School Tells Sixth-Graders
[image: school - 400] Sixth-graders at an elite Bronx private school have been caught drawing swastikas in art class, so administrators met with the kids -- talking mainly about how the symbols represent peace in some cultures. One parent who wishes not to be... Continue reading *“More Scholastic Madness: Swastika is a Symbol of Peace, Elite School Tells Sixth-Graders”* at *nypost.com*.
The Daily "Near You?"
Thessaloníki, Thessaloniki, Greece. Thanks for stopping by.
"The Duty..."
God help them...
And THIS Is Who We Are: Karl Denninger, “How Many More?”
*“How Many More?”* by Karl Denninger "In Chicago there was a shooting of LaQuan McDonald over a year ago. 400 days later, there was a murder charge leveled in that shooting, even though the shooting itself was caught on video tape and the tape was known to exist and was in the custody of police within hours. That's because the recording was made on a cop dashcam. The dead guy was 17, had a 3" pocket knife and was on drugs. The latter, of course, was only known posthumously. However, he wasn't attacking anyone with said knife, the blade was folded into the handle and thus not capabl... more »
Global Landmine Casualties Continue To Increase
*Reuters:* *Global landmine casualties increase, Afghanistan largely to blame: study* LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) - Long-term progress in reducing the number of landmine casualties was reversed last year, and rebel groups used the mines in 10 countries, the largest number since 2006, researchers said on Thursday. Non-state groups were still using the deadly devices in the 12 months to October 2015 in Colombia, Libya, Myanmar, Pakistan, Syria and Yemen, and in Afghanistan, where there was a sharp increase in casualties from improvised explosive devices (IEDs). Landmines we... more »
A better investment
Sent to the Los Angeles Times, November 27, 2015 No Child Left Behind gets undeserved credit for making schools pay attention to students living in poverty ("Education's sweet spot,” November 27). Experienced educators have always been aware of the effects of poverty and know which schools and students are the most impacted. Also, educational research has confirmed the negative effects of poverty on learning for decades. Recommending more precise measurements to identify needy schools is like recommending that fire departments invest in expensive and highly accurate thermometers... more »
These Are The 5 Russian Weapons That Turkey Is Facing
Image: Creative Commons *Bleda Kurtdarcan & Barın Kayaoğlu, National Interest:* *5 Russian Weapons of War Turkey Should Fear* Given recent events, just like its counterpart discussing the five Turkish weapons that Russia should fear, this article covers the weapons that Russians could use in a limited engagement in Syria and the eastern Mediterranean. As such, Russia’s ballistic missile capabilities or U.S. tactical nukes based in Turkey will not be part of the analysis because they are virtually useless in a limited engagement. *WNU Editor: *The Russian military is already waging... more »
Turkish Press: Turkey's Military Has Suspended Flights Over Syria Because Of The Crisis With Russia
A Turkish Air Force F16 jet fighter prepares to take off from an air base during the Anatolian Eagle military exercise in the central Anatolian city of Konya April 28, 2010. UMIT BEKTAS/Reuters *Hurriyet Daily News*:* Turkey suspends Syria flights after crisis with Russia* The Turkish army has suspended flights over Syria as part of an ongoing joint military campaign with the United States against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) after it shot down a Russian jetfighter, sparking an unprecedented crisis between Ankara and Moscow. The decision was taken following the... more »
Don't Bother, They're Here
(Optional soothing musical accompaniment.) Isn't it rich? As the corporate press engages in a frenzy of hand-wringing over the potential Trump regime that they're doing their utmost to create, they're losing sight of the Big Picture. Because whether it's draped in the American flag or whether it's nesting inside Trump's comb-over like a plague of lice, fascism is already here. We're already living under a corporate police state: government of, by, and for the oligarchs. This status quo is just making it all that much easier for Donald Trump to rise to power and glory, for Donald ... more »
Local Council By-Elections November 2015
Party Number of Candidates Total Vote % +/- Oct Average/ contest +/- Oct +/- Seats Conservative 18 7,059 20.8% -6.8% 392 -162 +4 Labour 18 6,215 18.3% -5.2% 345 -199 0 LibDem 14 5,111 15.0% +2.2% 365 -2 -3 UKIP 12 1,531 4.5% -0.7% 127 -56 -1 Green 12 1,392 4.1% -0.9% 116 -43 +1 SNP* 3 3,703 11.0% -8.1% 1,234 -207 0 PC** 6 1,275 3.8% +2.5% 212 -568 +1 TUSC 0 0 Ind*** 15 6,841 20.1% +15.1% 456 +24 0 Other**** 5 830 2.... more »
Colorado Springs Planned Parenthood Gunman ID’d as Robert Lewis Dear, 3 Dead, 9 Wounded
[image: Planned Parenthood Gunman__1448711213_173.71.16.53] COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) -- A gunman burst into a Planned Parenthood clinic and opened fire, launching several gunbattles and an hourslong standoff with police as patients and staff took cover under furniture and inside locked rooms. By the time... more »
NOAA’s Climate Change Science Fiction
[image: NOAA2 - 400] The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is the nation's leading collector of climate data. Every day, NOAA analyzes vast amounts of data to predict changes to our climate, weather, oceans and coasts. The agency also publishes monthly temperature averages... Continue reading *“NOAA’s Climate Change Science Fiction”* at *washingtontimes.com*.
How to Prosecute Abusive Prosecutors
[image: gavel - 400] When it comes to poor people arrested for felonies in Scott County, Miss., Judge Marcus D. Gordon doesn't bother with the Constitution. He refuses to appoint counsel until arrestees have been formally charged by an indictment, which means they must... Continue reading *“How to Prosecute Abusive Prosecutors”* at *google.com*.
Intelligent Design: A Decade After the Dover Trial
[image: Dover - 400] This month marks the 10th anniversary of a trial LiveScience called "one of the biggest courtroom clashes between faith and evolution since the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trial." In 2005, a federal judge ruled the Dover Area School District in Pennsylvania... Continue reading *“Intelligent Design: A Decade After the Dover Trial”* at *worldmag.com*.
Staples, REI, and H&M are Going Against the Grain — and Now Thanksgiving is Becoming a Real Holiday Again
[image: Staples - 400] Staples, REI, and H&M are going against the grain -- and now Thanksgiving is becoming a real holiday again. In recent years, Black Friday sales have been creeping earlier and earlier with some starting as early as Thanksgiving evening. Many... Continue reading *“Staples, REI, and H&M are Going Against the Grain — and Now Thanksgiving is Becoming a Real Holiday Again”* at *businessinsider.com* .
"How It Really Is?
Proud of yourselves?
"Black Friday- THIS Is Who We Are?"
*"These People Got Way Too Aggressive On Black Friday"* Videos of the brawls that broke out in local stores this year. by Ryan Grenoble "If it's worth waking up for at 3 a.m., it's apparently also worth waking up for at 3 a.m. and then punching someone in the face. Welcome to Black Friday, the annual tradition where bargain-crazed shoppers gather at big box stores and reenact scenes from Lord of the Flies. At a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, bystander Adolfo E. Arzaga captured a chaotic scene as a scrum of shoppers scuffled over discounted flat-screen TVs: In Springfield, Virginia, a coll... more »
Town in Switzerland Bans Burqa, Women Face Fines up to $10,000
[image: burqa - 400] The town of Ticino in Switzerland approved a referendum to ban burqas, after the Swiss parliament decided a ban would not "violate the country's federal law." Women could receive a fine up to ?6,500 ($9,828.84) if caught wearing a burqa,... Continue reading *“Town in Switzerland Bans Burqa, Women Face Fines up to $10,000”* at *breitbart.com*.
God isn't.
^ ^ ^ “If religion were true, its followers would not try to bludgeon their young into an artificial conformity; but would merely insist on their unbending quest for truth, irrespective of artificial backgrounds or practical consequences.” "Religion is still useful among the herd - that it helps their orderly conduct as nothing else could. The crude human animal is in-eradicably superstitious, and there is every biological reason why they should be. Take away his Christian god and saints, and he will worship something else...” H.P. Lovecraft
Overbroad Legislation
R. *v.* Appulonappa, 2015 SCC 59: [26] A law is said to violate our basic values by being overbroad when "the law goes too far and interferes with some conduct that bears no connection to its objective": *Canada (Attorney General) v. Bedford*, 2013 SCC 72, [2013] 3 S.C.R. 1101, at para. 101. As stated in *Bedford*, "[o]verbreadth allows courts to recognize that the law is rational in some cases, but that it overreaches in its effect in others": at para. 113; see also *Carter v. Canada (Attorney General)*, 2015 SCC 5, [2015] 1 S.C.R. 331, at para. 85. [... more »
Chicago Shooting Protesters Disrupt Black Friday Shopping in Retail District
[image: Chicago police shooting protest- 900 000] CHICAGO (AP) -- Hundreds of protesters blocked store entrances and shut down four lanes of traffic in Chicago’s ritziest shopping district on Black Friday to draw attention to the 2014 police killing of a black teenager who was shot 16... more »
Is Rubio Risking McCain’s Fate by Calling on U.S. to Defend Turkey?
[image: U.S. Senator Marco Rubio speaking at the 2015 Presidential Family Family Forum hosted by the Family Leader at the Iowa Events Center in Des Moines, Iowa.] Much has been made of the foreign policy defects of leading Republican candidates. It's worrisome that Ben Carson can't nail down the details of which countries are meddling where in the Middle East, and that Donald Trump believes that his... more »
US Troops Arrive In Northern Syria, To Help Kurds
According to reports, US troops are in Kobane in northern Syria, to train Kurdish forces to battle ISIS. AFP was told that the American ‘instructors’ had arrived “in recent hours” in what is the first official deployment of U.S. ground troops in Syria. Press TV reports: The US has reportedly dispatched dozens of ground troops to Syria in a bid to shore up its ostensibly ineffective airstrikes against the Takfiri Daesh terrorists and assist Kurdish militants operating in Turkish-Syrian border regions. A Thursday report by the Lebanese TV al-Mayadeen said the US servicemen entered Syr... more »
Damages for injury to property to be based on restoration cost
Midwest Properties Ltd. v. Thordarson, 2015 ONCA 819: [61] At common law, the traditional view was that damages for any type of injury to property should be measured by the diminution in value caused by the injury: see *Hosking v. Phillips* (1848), 154 E.R. 801, 3 Exch. Rep. 168 (Eng. Ex. Ct.). More recently, courts have awarded damages based on restoration costs, even if those costs exceed the amount of the decrease in property value: see Katherine M. van Rensburg, "Deconstructing *Tridan*: A Litigator's Perspective" (2004) 15 J. Envtl. L. & Prac. 85, at p. 89; see e.g. *Jens... more »
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