10:30pm MST
Hillary and The Left’s Impenetrable Bubble
[image: CORALVILLE, IA - NOVEMBER 03: Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks to guests at a campaign event on November 3, 2015 in Coralville, Iowa. A recently released poll has Clinton expanding her lead over rival Bernie Sanders in their quest for the Democratic nomination for president.] On Tuesday, Kentucky voters stunned the chattering classes by electing conservative Republican businessman Matt Bevin to be their next governor. While most polls had Democrat Jack Conway pegged to win the race, reality begged to differ: Bevin earned 53 percent... more »
Chris Christie’s Cheap Shot
[image: Chris Christie-900] “My mother was a smoker,” Chris Christie told a New Hampshire audience in a video that has gone viral. Though she tried everything -- gum, patches, hypnosis -- nothing worked. When she was diagnosed with cancer, he continued, “No one...more »
Being A Political Opportunist Isn't The Same As Being An Actual Leader
Hillary Clinton's team looked high and low for a position or policy where she was more "progressive" than Bernie Sanders. There isn't one. She's a moderate, poll-driven corporate-oriented politician who very carefully and methodically gets a sense of what positions will benefit her politically and then follows the herd. She never actually *leads*, not on anything. I shouldn't be singling Hillary out because that's pretty standard operating procedure for every politician in the country. But I'm bringing her up in this context because she finally cobbled together some bullshit about ... more »
ISIS Funded By US Federal Reserve As $13 Billion Goes Missing
Billions of American dollars are ending up in the hands of ISIS, directly from the federal reserve, according to a staggering report. The report says that the American government, contradictory to their “we do not support terrorists” rhetoric, is supplying ISIS with $13.2 billion dollars. Examiner.com reports: This discovery becomes even more chilling after the Washington Post’s release last week of some of the horrifying realities of ISIS. You can see some of Liz Sly’s coverage of that in the slideshow. Her grisly discoveries of an abandoned ISIS town include images where she came ... more »
United Nations Conference To Discuss Plans For New World Order
The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference has been orchestrated by the Obama administration as a major step forward towards forming a world government and a New World Order (NWO). Economicpolicyjournal.com reports: It will be the twenty-first yearly session of the Conference of the Parties to the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the eleventh session of the Meeting of the Parties to the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. The conference objective is to achieve a legally binding and universal agreement on climate, from all the countries, including the ... more »
Russia Say US Is Keeping ISIS Facilities A ‘State Secret’
The Russian Defense Ministry have strongly denied allegations that Russian Warplanes in Syria are bombing non-terrorist targets in Syria, and have alleged that the US are keeping the whereabouts of key ISIS facilities a “state secret”. Russian Defense Ministry Spokesperson, Igor Konashenkov, said on Thursday, “If we analyze what various US officials say, there is an impression that the location of terrorist-held facilities is the most classified state secret in the United States. Representatives of the Pentagon and the State Department keep mentioning them all the time without speci... more »
NATO Threatens To Deploy Military Units To Counter Russia
NATO have announced plans to potentially station permanent military units in member states that border Russia, in order to protect them from what it says are “Russian threats”. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced the plans on Thursday, in a move which will see NATO discard the previous policy it had with Russia since 1997, when both sides signed an agreement called Founding Act on Mutual Relations, Cooperation, and Security. The 1997 agreement meant that NATO would refrain from any “additional permanent stationing of substantial combat forces” that might upset the Krem... more »
Hillary Clinton Declares Her Undying Love For Netanyahu
Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has recently written a subservient, grovelling lover letter to Israel in which she declares her undying love for prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In the letter, Hillary says: “… We now hear of daily stabbings and shootings of innocent civilians — teenagers, parents and senior citizens. Israelis have to look over their shoulders during everyday tasks, like carrying groceries and waiting for the bus… … I have stood with Israel my entire career… … As secretary of state, I requested more assistance for Israel every year, and supported the lifesav... more »
Kim Dotcom Announces New Private Internet
Kim Dotcom has announced plans to build his own private internet, named MegaNet, which will be safe from government surveillance. The new form of browsing the internet will rely on its users’ unused processing power on their phones and laptops, which will be utilised to provide bandwidth to the service. Stuff.co.nz reports: “The more people that install the MegaNet app on their devices, the more powerful it will become,” Dotcom said via video link at Sydney’s SydStart conference last week. If 100 million smartphones joined up, the network would have more online storage capacity, ba...more »
British Bankers Get Convicted In US Courts For Fraud
Two bankers from Britain have been convicted in a US court of conspiring to manipulate a key interest rate in order to earn money for their bank and colleagues. Anthony Allen was found guilty on conspiracy to conduct wire fraud and bank fraud, along with 18 other charges which could see him locked up for decades in a US prison. Co-defendant Anthony Conti was convicted of conspiracy to commit wire fraud and bank fraud, along with 8 other charges. Nzherald.co.nz reports: “This is round one,” said Michael Schachter, Allen’s lawyer. Tor Ekeland, an attorney for Conti, said they would p... more »
Fox GOP Debate Lineup: Christie, Huckabee Relegated to Undercard
[image: BOULDER, CO - OCTOBER 28: Presidential candidate New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie speaks during the CNBC Republican Presidential Debate at University of Colorado's Coors Events Center October 28, 2015 in Boulder, Colorado. Fourteen Republican presidential candidates are participating in the third set of Republican presidential debates.] NEWARK, N.J. (AP) -- Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee have been bumped from the main stage at next week’s GOP presidential debate, while George Pataki and Lindsey Graham have been cut from the lineup altogether. Debate sponsor Fox Business Netwo... more »
How Do You Prevent Republican Majorities In The House And Senate From Cutting Social Security Benefits?
As we've been discussing for the last month or so-- and despite the indisputable fact that real costs the seniors have to spend (housing, medical, food...) have been rising-- next year will see no Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) for Social Security beneficiaries. Progressives in Congress-- as opposed to Republicans or Democrats from the Republican wing of the Democratic Party (the New Dems and Blue Dogs)-- are furious that seniors are being kicked to the curb. Elizabeth Warren in the Senate and Alan Grayson in the House are introducing legislation to *increase* income for seniors... more »
2014 Hottest Year Debunked by NASA; NOAA.
Cartoons by JoshIn order to support the man made global warming hoax, the shrill have to push the false idea that each year was hotter than the previous year and each year they say that year XXXX was the hottest on record. Last year, 2014 has been described as the hottest year: eg 2014 has taken the title of hottest year on record. How accurate are these claims? With the help of Marc Morano's CLIMATE DEPOT, these claims are debunked. *Should the COP21 delegates base billion contributions to the Green Climate Fund on "science" from these clowns? * Follow this trail: NASA:GISS and ... more »
Stephen Harper, Defeated, But Not Gone
Written by Robin Mathews Having led the odious Conservative Party and government to resounding defeat, Stephen Harper has (as might have been predicted) walked away from the mess, leaving it to someone else … anyone else … to clean up, if possible. But (also as might have been predicted) he retains his Calgary seat in the House of Commons – a necessary place to launch a comeback…. If Stephen Harper was aware (even just aware) of the 2006 election in-and-out scandal and attempted robbery of electors’ votes (four faced criminal charges – the Party made a plea-bargain, admitting ... more »
How Many Armoured Military Vehicles Are Used For Security When Transporting One U.S. Nuclear Warhead? (Video)
*RT: **Nuke rear-ender: Feds armored vehicle collides into truck with missile (VIDEO)* A YouTube video shows how a federal convoy allegedly transporting a nuclear warhead gets into trouble because an escort driver is unable to keep his distance from the main vehicle. A cavalcade of US federal marshals accompanied a truck that reportedly was carrying a nuclear missile. They appeared to be taking all possible safety precautions, including armored vehicles with machine guns on the ground and several helicopters in the air. *WNU Editor*: That is a lot of protection for transporting o... more »
Defending Obama’s Foreign Policy Part 3
So, this is third installment of my series on defending Obama’s foreign policy, part of an extended set of remarks for a debate with Colin Dueck that one day, weather permitting, we shall have. In part 1, I laid out the legacy of the Bush years and in part 2, I identified the Obama administration’s […]
Obama’s War Advisors Turn on Him
[image: Obama] Barack Obama remains a fortunate president, insofar as the press is still invested in his success. Or, at least, in muting outrage over his failures. Any other American president who, while prosecuting an unpopular war, saw a series of critical... Continue reading *“Obama’s War Advisors Turn on Him”* at *commentarymagazine.com*.
Even in Computer Animation, Peanuts Movie Retains Old-Fashioned Charm
[image: The Peanuts Movie] The Peanuts Movie comes billed as being "From the imagination of Charles Schulz," and, almost astonishingly, it pretty much is. You want a reboot like this to be like The Muppets, the sweetly sincere 2011 movie with Jason Segel; you fear that... Continue reading *“Even in Computer Animation, Peanuts Movie Retains Old-Fashioned Charm”* at *ncregister.com*.
Are The Experts Correct When They Say That The Russians Would ‘Annihilate’ The US Army On Battlefield? (Update)
*Sputnik*: *Pentagon Expert Says Russians Would ‘Annihilate’ US Army on Battlefield* *Despite the size of its military budget, the US Army isn’t as strong as one might think it is and it would certainly lose to the Russian Army in a direct confrontation on a battlefield, retired US Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor said, according to Politico Magazine.* The deployment of the US Army 2nd Cavalry Regiment from Germany to Hungary that was intended to scare Russia was a joke and it wouldn't help in a real-life fighting scenario, said Macgregor, who also holds a Ph.D. in international re... more »
Mixed Election Results In Virginia Actually Offer Some Hope For 2016
The headlines were that the Democrats didn't win back the Virginia state Senate. They needed a net of 1 vote to give Gov. Terry McAuliffe a working majority. In the House, though, the GOP's gigantic advantage was narrowed down-- to the point where they have lost their veto-proof majority-- with Democrats picking up 2 Northern Virginia seats where Republicans Tom Rust and David Ramadan retired Having one chamber on McAuliffe’s side could have, at least in theory, led to the sort of bipartisan deal-making that allowed then-Gov. Mark R. Warner (D) to pull off a record tax hike in 2... more »
New Flashing Lights at Fukushima Daiichi?
I have no idea whether the new flashing lights are indicative of changing conditions at the plant. I do believe they are on the cranes and I've noted in the past that flashing lights often coincide with reported problems at the plant and/or emission events. Lights in frame below are not ordinarily on. The light to the left is flashing. See that the light to the left is off (flashing on and off) Big light on top off now What I'm concerned about is rising radiation levels at the site. I find it interesting that Japan's former ambassador to Switzerland, Mitsuhei Murata, has come ou... more »
Marco Rubio’s Immigration Problem
[image: The Charming Youngest Candidate, Marco Rubio, Enters the Race for President] Marco Rubio has a dubious distinction among the top-tier Republican presidential candidates: He’s the only one who crafted and passed through the Senate a so-called comprehensive immigration reform that is anathema to the right. As Rubio has demonstrated considerable political... more »
City Responds after Council Members Vote to Move Veterans Memorial Featuring a Cross
[image: veterans memorial] It went down like this. In August, thousands of people rallied to keep a veterans memorial in a public park in Knoxville, Iowa -- despite a lawsuit threat from Americans United for Separation of Church and State, which said the memorial should... Continue reading *“City Responds after Council Members Vote to Move Veterans Memorial Featuring a Cross”* at *theblaze.com*.
Reform Judaism Embraces The Transgender Community In The U.S.
The largest Jewish movement in North America has overwhelmingly backed a motion on Thursday to stop discrimination against transgender people. The Biennial conference of the Union for Reform Judaism has taken a historical step by adopting a policy that embraces the transgender community and has detailed steps to be taken by synagogues and congregations in the United States. The Guardian reports: They include the adoption of gender-neutral language and the provision of gender-neutral restrooms, as well as training and education. “We’re very proud of taking this step and know it has gr... more »
GOP Candidates Should Take the Winnings and Run
[image: BOULDER, CO - OCTOBER 28: Presidential candidates Ohio Governor John Kasich (L-R), Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Ted Cruz (R-TX), New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) pose for a photo at the CNBC Republican Presidential Debate at University of Colorado's Coors Events Center October 28, 2015 in Boulder, Colorado. Fourteen Republican presidential candidates are participating in the third set of Republican presidential debates. (Photo by Andrew Burton/Getty Images)] WASHINGTON -- Where do Repub... more »
Israel Does Not Have An Iran Strategy
Image: Flickr/Prime Minister of Israel *Gabriel Scheinmann, National Interest*: *Israel Has No Iran Strategy* *How Netanyahu can face the Middle East after the nuclear deal… before it's too late*. After a week of meetings in Israel, one thing is clear to me: Israel has no Iran strategy. Seemingly spent from the losing public campaign against the Iranian nuclear deal, not even the passage of “Adoption Day” on October 18 roused Israeli officials from their post-deal slumber. Israelis reluctantly see themselves as bystanders to their fate—a position reinforced by Russia’s interventio... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 5, 2015
President Bush is seen here in 2008 with Democrat candidate Barack Obama. The Telegraph *Matthew C. Waxman, Time*: *Why Obama’s National Security Strategy Seems a Lot Like Bush’s* *'Obama will leave behind precedents that help entrench some of the very policies that many voters expected him to repudiate.'* “If the Bush years can be caricatured as government by cowboy, energetic but shooting from the hip, the Obama era was government by lawyer, methodical and precise —sometimes to a fault.” So observes New York Times investigative reporter Charlie Savage in Power Wars: Inside Obama... more »
Flight Attendant Quits Job Week Before Russian Airline Disaster
A flight attendant quit his job with the doomed Russian airliner a week before the crash, after his father had a premonition in a bad dream. Oleg Ermakov should have been on the flight which came down in Sinai killing all 224 people on board. Instead he was saved by his dad who had warned him to his job, after he had a vision of a catastrophe. Oleg resigned from the Russian airline Metrojet a week before the tragic incident. The Daily Star reports: Oleg was forced to watch on in horror on Saturday as he learned that Flight 9268 had crashed in the Sinai desert, killing all 224 on boar... more »
Syria: SAA advances in Aleppo! Western Media Talks Mustard Gas?
*The NATO backed rebels must have took a very big hit today! **Or should I say yesterday*? Because the road to Aleppo is cleared of explosives and ready for use! And the NATO mercs that survived, fled. *Sputnik - First the fleeing* * "The survivors fled toward Raqqa," Mayhoub said* * Six days ago YPG and friends were supposed to be moving on Raqqa* *AraNews- Then the reunion of terrorists* *“The battle for liberating Raqqa has been agreed upon by major forces in northern Syria, and the zero-hour is approaching,” the rebel commander Abu Issa said in a statement on Thursday.* * “W... more »
Fort Hood Victim Still Waiting for Injuries to Be Called ‘Combat-Related’
[image: Fort Hood victim] Six years after the Fort Hood massacre killed 13 and injured more than 30 others, at least one of the survivors says he is still fighting to have his gunshot wounds officially classified as “combat-related injuries,” despite a pledge from... Continue reading *“Fort Hood Victim Still Waiting for Injuries to Be Called ‘Combat-Related’”* at *foxnews.com*.
Ben Carson Doubles Down on Belief Joseph Built Egyptian Pyramids
[image: Ben Carson3 - 400] Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson on Thursday stood by his belief that Egypt’s great pyramids were built by the Biblical figure Joseph to store grain – not as tombs for pharaohs. Video posted online Wednesday by Buzzfeed News shows Carson... Continue reading *“Ben Carson Doubles Down on Belief Joseph Built Egyptian Pyramids”* at *washingtontimes.com*.
Arizona Will No Longer Facilitate State Employees’ Planned Parenthood Donations
[image: Defund Planned Parenthood Success - 900] Arizona has cut the umbilical cord off Planned Parenthood, no longer allowing the organization to receive donations from state employees on the government's dime. Republican Governor Doug Ducey, who serves as the chairman of the State Employee Charitable Campaign, "absolutely... more »
Million Mask March: A (Qualified) Defence
Poor Dan Hodges, his descent from professional politics blogger to all-round silly goose is almost complete. Having built a career with the Tory press writing about how ghastly the Labour Party is, a new low was reached today with his If people can't protest peacefully, they shouldn't be allowed to protest at all. His argument is that tonight's Million Mask March is bound to involve violence, so it should be banned outright. Extrapolating, it follows that if the organisers of any march can't guarantee peaceful behaviour, then tough. You can almost imagine a spokesperson for Vladimi... more »
Israeli Academic Shouted Down in Lecture at University of Minnesota
[image: Israeli academic] On Tuesday afternoon an Israeli academic was shouted down by two dozen protesters as he tried to begin a lecture before about 100 students and faculty at the University of Minnesota. The speaker was Moshe Halbertal, a professor at NYU... Continue reading *“Israeli Academic Shouted Down in Lecture at University of Minnesota”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Conservatives Fight to Save Thatcher Collection
[image: Thatcher] LONDON, United Kingdom - Senior Conservatives have intervened to prevent the largest collection of Margaret Thatcher’s possessions from being broken up and sold piece by piece. The collection of clothing and personal items was due to be auctioned after the... Continue reading *“Conservatives Fight to Save Thatcher Collection”* at *townhall.com*.
Ben Carson’s New Rap Ad Aims to Reach Young Black Voters ‘in a Language that They Prefer’
[image: Ben Carson Speaking - 400] Ben Carson released a new rap radio ad that’s schedule to appear on urban radio in 8 markets. Continue reading *“Ben Carson’s New Rap Ad Aims to Reach Young Black Voters ‘in a Language that They Prefer’”* at *businessinsider.com*.
World News Briefs -- November 5, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*Reuters:* *British PM says bomb likely caused Russian airliner crash* British Prime Minister David Cameron said on Thursday it was increasingly likely that a bomb brought down a Russian airliner over Egypt with the loss of 224 lives, setting him at odds with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Britain, Ireland, Germany and the Netherlands have suspended flights to and from Sharm al-Sheikh, leaving thousands of European tourists stranded in the Red Sea resort where the plane took off from. A spokesperson for Cameron later said flights from the resort destination to Britain would res... more »
Telescope Detects Planet Like Object That Has Clouds Made Of Molten Iron
Layers of clouds, made up of hot dust and droplets of molten iron, have been detected on a planet-like object found 75 light years away from Earth. The planet-like object named PSO J318.5-22, is about the same size as Jupiter but with six times the mass and floats freely out on its own in space in a cold sunless world. The Daily Mirror reports: The planet-like object, PSO J318.5-22, was already considered one of the strangest ever discovered. Around the same size as Jupiter, it floats freely out on its own in space and has no parent star. Scientists estimate that it is only around 2... more »
Sen. Bernie Sanders introduces Save Oak Flat bill
The Apache Stronghold continues efforts in Washington to undo the damage done by Arizona Sen. John McCain and his corporate partners. Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders also released a statement calling the former legislation, which would turn sacred Oak Flat into a massive copper mine, a 'backdoor deal.' The new bill to repeal Sen. John McCain's copper mine was introduced into the Senate
Nov. 5: Dominic Leblanc named House Leader! says Irving news.
Gee! Who woulda guessed. And what does Dominic Leblanc stand for? Who knows? But this almost certainly will make him the bagman for New Brunswick, the boy who picks up donations from you-know-who. I feel so reassured. The series on the salmon crisis continues. And, of course, the daily heart-pounder on the Oland trial. And bi-lingual busing of students remains a burning issue. ( In high school, I travelled every day on buses in which almost everybody else spoke French. It left no permanent scars.) _____________________________________________________________ Norbert tells us that som...more »
Musical Interlude: Mike Oldfield, "Ascension"
Mike Oldfield, "Ascension", from "Songs of Distant Earth" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iq1C1g8OQJs
"A Look to the Heavens"
"The strange-looking rock formations in the foreground of this skyscape are called hoodoos. Towers of weathered, eroded sedimentary rock, hoodoos are found in arid regions of planet Earth and are particularly abundant in an area known as Bryce Canyon National Park in southern Utah, USA. * Click image for larger size.* The more familiar night sky pictured here includes bright star Capella, alpha star of the constellation Auriga, left of center. On the far right, a very over exposed crescent Moon dominates the sky in close conjunction with the sister stars of the Pleiades cluster. The ... more »
"The Legend Of The Thornbird"
“There is a legend about a bird which sings just once in its life, more sweetly than any other creature on the face of the earth. From the moment it leaves the nest it searches for a thorn tree, and does not rest until it has found one. Then, singing among the savage branches, it impales itself upon the longest, sharpest spine. And, dying, it rises above its own agony to out-carol the lark and the nightingale. One superlative song, existence the price. But the whole world stills to listen, and God in His heaven smiles. For the best is only bought at the price of great pain… or so sa... more »
“Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens.” - Kahlil Gibran
Chet Raymo, "Nullius In Verba"
*"Nullius In Verba"* by Chet Raymo "Britain's Royal Society, established in 1660, was the first formal scientific association. It's early membership included such luminaries as Robert Hooke, Christopher Wren, Robert Boyle and Isaac Newton. They took as their motto Nullius in verba, which can be translated roughly as "Take no one's word for it." And thus ended, in that gathering at least, a millennium-and-a-half of a European intellectual tradition based on quoting authorities as proofs of arguments. It always helped, of course, to have Aristotle on your side. Or Augustine. Or Aquin... more »
"Shaya's Home Run"
"Shaya's Home Run" by Rabbi Paysach Krohn "In Brooklyn, New York, Chush is a school that caters to learning-disabled children. Some children remain in Chush for their entire school careers, while others can be mainstreamed into conventional yeshivos and Bais Yaakovs. There are a few children who attend Chush for most of the week and go to a regular school on Sundays. At a Chush fund-raising dinner, the father of a Chush child delivered a speech that would never be forgotten by all who attended. After extolling the school and its dedicated staff, he cried out, “Where is the perfecti... more »
Behind King Lear: The History Revealed
[image: King Lear - 400] Even by its own standards of extremity, King Lear ends on a note of extraordinary bleakness. The audience has just been through the most devastating scene in all of theater: Lear's entrance with his dead daughter Cordelia in his arms... Continue reading *“Behind King Lear: The History Revealed”* at *nybooks.com* .
EPA Official behind Pebble Mine Defeat Flees the Country amid Congressional Probe
[image: Pebble Mine - 900] A government ecologist who was instrumental in the Environmental Protection Agency's blocking of a major Alaska gold mine left the U.S. after congressional investigators found out he flouted federal records law. A report published by Republicans on the House science... more »
New Android Malware Infects Thousands Of Apps, Can’t Be Removed
Security researchers have found a new type of Android malware that has found its way into thousands of applications. It poses as an app for legitimate titles such as Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat and others. The adware is almost impossible to remove, forcing the user to replace their device. ZDNet reports: Lookout Security, a mobile security firm, discovered the new so-called “trojanized adware,” which puts a new twist on how cybercriminals are generating money. By taking legitimate apps from the Google Play store, malicious actors will repackage the app with baked-in adware, and serv... more »
THe Daily "Near You?"
Burke, Virginia, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
Chinese President Xi Visits Vietnam To Soothe Territorial Disputes
Chinese President Xi Jinping (R), who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, attends a welcoming ceremony held by General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong before their talks in Hanoi, Vietnam, Nov. 5, 2015.(Xinhua/Lan Hongguang) *Wall Street Journal:* *China’s Xi in Vietnam to Bridge Troubled Waters* The two sides share similar ideologies and culture, but have drifted because of territorial disputes HANOI—President Xi Jinping arrived in Vietnam Thursday for a two-day visit that will remind Ha... more »
Did You Think It Was Only Republicans Who Are Campaign Finance Sleazebags? Think Again
Chris Van Hollen, top Dem on the Budget Committee-- as slimy as any Republican As you may have seen yesterday, I was going through the campaign contributions of the Members of Congress Wall Street likes best. There were only two Democrats on the list: Patrick Murphy (FL), the worst shill for the banksters in the entire House Democratic conference, and Budget Committee Ranking Member Chris Van Hollen (MD). Murphy scooped up $659,600 from the Finance Sector so far this cycle and Van Hollen took in $340,807 so far. One of the shadowy organizations whose name I didn't recognize and whos... more »
NASA Announces There Was Life On Mars Years Ago
NASA announced today that Mars may have once been a warm and wet planet, with an atmosphere that could have easily supported life . It was the loss of the Martian atmosphere, due primarily to the harsh solar winds battering the planet from the Sun, that led to its cold and barren atmosphere today. Independent.co.uk reports: Measurements from Nasa’s Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution (Maven) mission show that the atmosphere was ripped away by a huge burst of gas and magnetism from the Sun. The results of the mission bring far more detail to scientists’ understanding of how the Ma... more »
CBS Spotlights Plight of Iraqi Christians Under Threat from ISIS; ‘Their Way of Life is Disappearing’
[image: monastery - 400] Tuesday's CBS Evening News provided viewers with a rare look at an issue that's often been ignored by the media in its coverage of ISIS gaining ground in the Middle East: Christians facing persecution. Fill-in anchor Charlie Rose set the... Continue reading *“CBS Spotlights Plight of Iraqi Christians Under Threat from ISIS; ‘Their Way of Life is Disappearing’”* at *newsbusters.org*.
GOP’s Trump, Carson Authorized for Secret Service Protection
[image: Secret Service] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The U.S. Secret Service has started to protect the presidential campaigns of Republicans Ben Carson and Donald Trump, the Homeland Security Department said Thursday. The department said Secretary Jeh Johnson authorized Secret Service agents to work on... more »
Elder Bush Criticizes Cheney, Rumsfeld in New Biography
[image: George H W Bush] WASHINGTON (AP) -- In a blistering critique, former President George H.W. Bush says onetime Pentagon chief Donald Rumsfeld “served the president badly” when George W. Bush was in the White House and that former Vice President Dick Cheney “built his... more »
Cardinal Pell’s Office: New Books about the Vatican Contain ‘False and Misleading Claims’
[image: Cardinal Pell] The Vatican Secretariat for the Economy has said two new books, each containing leaked Vatican financial information, have "included false and misleading claims" regarding "management of expenditure" and "expenditure incurred" by Cardinal George Pell, the Secretariat's prefect. In a statement... Continue reading *“Cardinal Pell’s Office: New Books about the Vatican Contain ‘False and Misleading Claims’”* at *ncregister.com*.
No global warming at all for 18 years 9 months – a new record
On Marc Morano's Climate Depot (LINK) *Christopher Monckton of Brenchley* writes: The Pause lengthens again – just in time for UN Summit in Paris As the faithful gather around their capering shamans in Paris for the New Superstition’s annual festival of worship, the Pause lengthens yet again. One-third of Man’s entire influence on climate since the Industrial Revolution has occurred since February 1997. Yet the 225 months since then show no global warming at all (Fig. 1). With this month’s RSS temperature record, the Pause beats last month’s record and now stands at 18 years 9 mon... more »
Jetman And Super Jumbo Jet Fly In Formation Over Dubai – Video
Daredevil Jetman, Yves Rossy and his apprentice Vince Reffet are seen in a video flying themselves alongside the world’s largest passenger airliner over the skies of Dubai. The two stuntmen flew at speeds of up to 120 mph, 4,000 feet off the ground with nothing but jet-packs, alongside an Emirates A380 airliner. The Daily Mail reports: The video starts off looking like an advertisement for the world’s largest passenger plane, however 20 seconds in – Rossy and Reffet appear above the jets wings. Rossy said: ‘I come from a background of piloting commercial aircraft and it was always a ... more »
EU Expects 3 Million Migrants By 2017
Reuters/Alessandro Bianchi / Reuters *BBC*: *Migrant crisis: Three million expected to reach EU by 2017* Three million migrants are likely to arrive in Europe by 2017 as the record influx via the Mediterranean continues, the European Commission says. The EU's executive arm said the influx would have a "small but positive" effect on EU economic output, raising GDP by 0.2-0.3%. The influx will raise the EU population by 0.4%, the Commission forecasts, taking account of failed asylum claims. The flow of Syrian refugees to Europe shows no sign of abating, the UN says. The weather in t... more »
Report: Rebels In Syria Using Chemical Weapons
Rebel fighters take positions at the frontline during what they said were clashes with Islamic State militants in the town of Marea in Aleppo's countryside October 3, 2014. Reuters/Rami Zayat *Reuters*: *Chemical weapons used by rebels in Syria: sources* Chemical weapons experts have determined that mustard gas was used in a Syrian town where Islamic State insurgents were battling another rebel group, according to a report by an international watchdog seen by Reuters. A confidential Oct. 29 report by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), a summary of whic... more »
Who Is Spending More In The War Against The Islamic State. Russia Or The U.S.?
Each warplane costs $12,000 per hour to fly, and each helicopter $3,000 per hour, according to IHS. Vitaly V. Kuzmin / Wikicommons *Sputnik*: *Washington Spends More on Anti-ISIL Efforts, Delivers Less Than Russia* One would assume that any country determined to fight ISIL wants to keep its counterterrorism campaign relatively cost-effective but not Washington, it seems. The US is spending $8 million a day on a mission that has so far failed to bring the US-led coalition any closer to its goal of degrading and ultimately destroying the brutal Sunni group in the Middle East. Meanw... more »
UPDATED: French NGO MSF Still Wondering Why Hospital was Target of US Bitchslapping
*UPDATED: November 5, 2015* see the major dot connection in the footnote below. *Destroyed MSF Hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan* A report has been released by Medecin Sans Frontieres regarding the Afghanistan hospital that was recently blown to smithereens by a US jet gunship--with the loss of 30+ patients and staff. In the report, Paris-based MSF wonders why the US military targeted the hospital. *“Patients burned in their beds, medical staff were decapitated and lost limbs, and others were shot by the circling AC-130 gunship while fleeing the burning building. At least 30 MSF sta... more »
Poll: GOP Nomination Race Shows Four Separating from the Pack
[image: Trump's Momentum Keeps Rolling] Is the race for the Republican nomination finally shaking out? Four candidates get double-digit backing -- and then there's a steep drop-off to the rest of the field. The latest Fox News national poll on the 2016 election finds that Donald... Continue reading *“Poll: GOP Nomination Race Shows Four Separating from the Pack”* at *foxnews.com*.
Is the Government Tinkering with Global Warming Data?
[image: global warming] The hottest topic in climate research is the observation that global average surface temperature, as well as satellite observations of temperatures in the atmosphere, has shown little or no warming during the 21st century. Now the political climate is heating... Continue reading *“Is the Government Tinkering with Global Warming Data?”* at *foxnews.com*.
DC Illegal Immigrants are Complaining It Takes Too Long to Get a Driver’s License
[image: DMV - 900] The District of Columbia started issuing drivers licenses to illegal immigrants in 2014, and now some are complaining because the process takes longer than they would like. The government in Washington, D.C., began issuing drivers licenses May 2014 to illegal immigrants who... more »
Supplemental: Worms are still eating the brains of elites!
*THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2015New York Times meets the public schools:* We've often asked if some sort of worm is eating the brains of our press corps elites. Today, we ask that question again. At issue are two recent reports in the New York Times concerning U.S. public schools. Each report describes the findings of a "new study." In each case, the studies have essentially revealed that the sky is blue, the ocean is wet and grass is occasionally green. At the Times, major journalists seem to be stunned by basic facts which have long been blindingly obvious. It's hard to grasp how ma... more »
Texas Attorney General: Police Can Display ‘In God We Trust’ on Patrol Vehicles
[image: Childress Police Department - 400] AUSTIN -- In an official opinion, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton said law enforcement agencies displaying "In God We Trust" on their patrol cars would likely win any court battles over the issue. "...Displaying 'In God We Trust' on police... Continue reading *“Texas Attorney General: Police Can Display ‘In God We Trust’ on Patrol Vehicles”* at *trailblazersblog.dallasnews.com*.
Some History of U.S. Anti-Russian Policies
Western Russia-bashing is not new, though it has never been so counter-productive. Unwilling to go along to get along, Russia’s political elite is self-confident when defining what is in the country’s interest. This makes the exceptionalists inside the beltway go mad! CrossTalking with Vladimir Golstein, Gilbert Doctorow, and Peter Kuznick.
Ken Wachsberger : Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the ’60s underground press. Part I: The ‘Barb’ reunion
That independent, noncorporate, grassroots outburst of countercultural participatory journalism is finally beginning to generate modern-day notice. By Ken Wachsberger | The Rag Blog | November 5, 2015 [This is the first of a three-part series written for The Rag Blog … finish reading Ken Wachsberger : Celebrating the 50th anniversary of the ’60s underground press. *Part I: The ‘Barb’ reunion*
Live Video: Million Mask March London 2015
Thousands of protesters are demonstrating in London against austerity, mass surveillance and government corruption in London as part of the Million Mask March. Anonymous promoted the global event which expects to see similar marches taking place in hundreds of cities worldwide Watch London March Live Below: The Metropolitan Police announced that Whitehall was now closed to all traffic. Protestors were heard shouting “Tory scum” outside Downing Street before heading south to Parliament Square. The transport for London also announced that road closures were in place around Parliament ...more »
Afghan Médecins Sans Frontières Afghan Hospital Was Treating 65 Wounded Taliban Fighters When it Was Bombed By U.S. Forces
*The Hill:** Bombed Afghan hospital had 65 Taliban patients* About 65 Taliban fighters were being treated at the Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), or Doctors Without Borders, hospital in Afghanistan bombed by the United States, according to an internal review released Thursday by the charitable group. Taliban members accounted for about half of the hospital's 130 patients on the Wednesday before the deadly bombing, which killed at least 30 people. Two Taliban members appeared to have had higher rank, the report said. The report also revealed that the next day, the hospital received... more »
Médecins Sans Frontières Releases Report On Kunduz Hospital Bombing By U.S. Forces
*The Guardian*: *New report reveals MSF staff's fruitless calls for help as hospital came under fire* Internal report offers details of medical staff’s frantic efforts to alert Kabul and Washington, only to receive a text 30 minutes later: ‘I’m sorry to hear that’ As an American gunship unleashed burst after burst of cannon fire on Doctors Without Borders’ (MSF) hospital in Kunduz, medical staff inside the building frantically tried to alert military headquarters in Kabul and Washington DC. When they finally received a reply, a massacre had already happened. At 2.52am – at least... more »
The Economy: “How the EZ Money Boom Ends…”
*“How the EZ Money Boom Ends…”* by Bill Bonner “Through the door there came familiar laughter I saw your face and heard you call my name Oh, my friend we're older but no wiser For in our hearts the dreams are still the same Those were the days...” – “Those Were the Days” by Gene Raskin POITOU, France – “Yes, they were good years… 1980-2015. We laughed. We cried. We got married. We raised children. We bought houses. We made money. Whose life has not been improved since the end of the 1970s? Reagan’s “Morning in America.” Then the Clinton Years. Finally, George W. Bush’s “Fin de B... more »
Fiorina Rips Rise of ‘Ideological Feminism’ in Politics
[image: Carly Fiorina 5 - 400] GOP presidential candidate Carly Fiorina said Thursday that feminism has become divisive force between men and women in politics. "Over the years, feminism has devolved into a left-leaning political ideology where women are pitted against men and used a political... Continue reading *“Fiorina Rips Rise of ‘Ideological Feminism’ in Politics”* at *thehill.com*.
Mexico Supreme Court Takes Step Toward Recreational Pot Use
[image: Mexico Marijuana - 900] MEXICO CITY (AP) -- Mexico’s Supreme Court has ruled that growing, possessing and smoking marijuana for recreation is legal under the right to freedom. The measure was approved on Wednesday in a 4-1 vote on the five-justice panel, backing the... more »
The Great Exorcism Boom
[image: Pope Francis Performing an Exorcism - 400] Exorcism has become so popular worldwide that now it's not only performed on tormented individuals but also on entire nations. A few months ago Mexico, the second largest Catholic country, was exorcised of its demons in an unprecedented rite of... Continue reading *“The Great Exorcism Boom”* at *catholicherald.co.uk*.
Russian Passenger Jet Crash News Updates --- November 5, 2015
*BBC:* *Sinai plane crash: Russia and Egypt urge caution on bomb theory* Russia and Egypt have urged caution over suggestions from the UK and US that a Russian airliner that crashed in Sinai on Saturday may have been bombed. The Russian foreign ministry said it was "shocking" that Britain had not shared the evidence. The UK has suspended all flights to and from the resort of Sharm el-Sheikh. Militants linked to Islamic State have claimed they brought the plane down. All 224 people on board, mostly Russian citizens, were killed. The Metrojet Airbus 321, bound for St Petersburg, cr... more »
Russian Deploys Anti-Aircraft Missile Systems To Syria
*RT*: *Russian air defense deployed to Syria along with warplanes – commander* Russia’s Air Force has secured Syrian airspace with air defense missile systems that were delivered and deployed into the war-torn country along with other military hardware, its chief has revealed in an interview. “We figured out all possible threats in advance, that’s why we brought not only fighter jets, strike-fighters and helicopters, but also air defense missile weapon systems,” Viktor Bondarev, the chief of Russia’s Air Force, told Komsomolskaya Pravda daily, adding that all kinds of force majeur... more »
Got the blues? You can still see blue: Popular paper on sadness, color perception retracted
A paper published in August that caught the media’s eye for concluding that feeling sad influences how you see colors has been retracted, after the authors identified problems that undermined their findings. The authors explain the problems in a detailed retraction note released today by Psychological Science. They note that they found sadness influenced how people see blues and yellows […] The post Got the blues? You can still see blue: Popular paper on sadness, color perception retracted appeared first on Retraction Watch.
A Better Vision for Humanity
*Richard Horrocks* - We should pause everything that is not necessary, organise our systems so that our basic needs are met. The post A Better Vision for Humanity appeared first on Waking Times.
World News Briefs -- November 5, 2015
*Reuters:* *Kurdish PKK militants end unilateral ceasefire in Turkey: agency* Kurdish militants scrapped a month-old ceasefire in Turkey on Thursday, a day after President Tayyip Erdogan vowed to "liquidate" them, dashing hopes of any let-up in violence in the wake of a national election. The Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) militant group said the ruling AK Party, which won back its parliamentary majority in Sunday's election, had shown it was on a war footing with attacks launched this week. *MIDDLE EAST* Russia says flew 81 sorties, *hit 263 targets in Syria in last two days.* ... more »
Merkley & Sanders Introduce Bill to End New and Non-Producing Oil and Gas Leases on Public Lands
*Source: Bureau of Land Management. Does not show area available for offshore drilling* *by Gaius Publius* The idea of ending the hypocritical role of the federal government in aiding and betting the warming of our planet is not a hard idea to hold, especially if you're a climate-aware citizen, or climate-aware president. Yet, for some reason, the federal government, the guardian of land owned by the public, is still in the coal, oil and gas business. Bernie Sanders and Jeff Merkley want to end that, with a bill called the "Keep It In The Ground" Act. Meteor Blades at Daily Kos (... more »
11 Times God Intervened Directly in Ben Carson’s Life
[image: ben carson6 - 400] In his various autobiographical and self-help books, Ben Carson writes of occasions in which God helps him, protects him and looks out for him, sometimes unsolicited, usually in direct response to prayer. Carson, a neurosurgeon and the current front-runner in... Continue reading *“11 Times God Intervened Directly in Ben Carson’s Life”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
*Living on the edge was a way of life for myself as a former Naval Aviator with 150 plus carrier landings and later as an investment banker who traded on Wall Street and finally a survivor of facing my deepest fears in surrendering to love ~ but former Commodity floor trader Dale Brandon's fast paced thriller Fear Runner touches all those fear bases and more in its electrifying 367 pages: Allen L Roland, PhD* *“If you're not living on the edge you're taking up too much space.” ~ Stephen Hunt* Living on the edge, means you are not rooted on the fi... more »
The Higher Mind, Nonlocal Intuition and Divine Synchronicities
*Keith Holden* - Your Higher Mind, as part of your Divine soul, only knows the truth. The post The Higher Mind, Nonlocal Intuition and Divine Synchronicities appeared first on Waking Times.
AMERICAN ELECTION UPDATE - Carson for President???
*Brother Nathanael Exposes Ben Carson's warmongering predilections* *Scary times indeed* I have a guilty secret to share. I like Brother Nathanael...a lot. Mostly, I admire his videos. I wish I could do videos like the Brother. Watch the above video and see how he uses clips from regular news sources to prove his point. This video above absolutely exposes Republican candidate Ben Carson as a *dimbulb warmonger. *It's scary to think Carson is a legitimate candidate....even for a puppet job. He makes Sara Palin seem like a genius by comparison. Another candidate that's bottoming ou... more »
No Global Warming for 18 Years 9 Months — Just in Time for UN Summit in Paris
[image: global warming2 - 447] As the faithful gather around their capering shamans in Paris for the New Superstition's annual festival of worship, the Pause lengthens yet again. One-third of Man's entire influence on climate since the Industrial Revolution has occurred since February 1997. Yet... Continue reading *“No Global Warming for 18 Years 9 Months — Just in Time for UN Summit in Paris”* at *climatedepot.com*.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 5, 2015
*Robert Farley, The Diplomat:* *How Will the US Air Force Pay For Its New Long Range Strike Bomber?* *How will the U.S. Air Force pay for its newest advanced bomber?* How will the Air Force pay for Northrup Grumman’s Long Range Strike Bomber? A recent article from Lara Seligman delved into the debate over paying for the bomber, which will eat up an enormous chunk of the USAF’s procurement funds, even if it remains on budget. Seligman suggests that the Air Force may seek to set aside funding for the bomber, outside the normal USAF procurement budget, just as the Navy has sought for...more »
Is The U.S. Getting More Serious In Their War Against The Islamic State In Syria?
Members of the 25th Fighter Squadron ready A-10 Thunderbolt IIs for night operations during the first night of the exercise Vigilant Ace 16 at Osan Air Base, Republic of Korea, Nov. 2, 2015. (U.S. Air Force photo by Amber Grimm) *Military.com*: *A-10 Gunship Attacks Critical to Taking Town from ISIS: Pentagon* A-10 Thunderbolt II attack aircraft operating out of Incirlik airbase in Turkey provided "devastating" close air support for U.S.-backed Syrian-Arab fighters in taking a town in northwestern Syria from the Islamic State, a U.S. military spokesman said Wednesday. The A-10s w... more »
Pentagon Has Suspended Its Radar-Carrying Blimp Program (Known As JLENS)
A 2012 report by the Pentagon’s operational testing office faulted the airborne radar system in four “critical performance areas” and rated its reliability as “poor.” (Raytheon) *L.A. Times*: *Pentagon suspends troubled missile defense system at center of 'runaway blimp'* The Pentagon has suspended indefinitely a trial run of the troubled missile defense system called JLENS, whose giant, radar-carrying blimps were intended to help safeguard the skies over Washington. The three-year “operational exercise” has been a financial lifeline for JLENS, arranged by supporters of the progra... more »
U.S. State Department: Oil Crash Spreading Political Strife Around The World
*Rhiannon Meyers, Fuel Fix:* *Oil crash spreading political strife around the world, State Department rep says* The collapse in oil and natural gas prices is creating an uneasy situation for producing nations that rely on that revenue to function, a U.S. State Department official said Tuesday at a conference in Houston. “How long can we go in an environment of $45 to $50 oil at 60 percent reduced revenues before that starts causing significant political instability?” said Amos Hochstein, special envoy and coordinator for international energy affairs for the State Department, told ... more »
The Cosmological News Channel
*Jon Rappoport* - Cosmology is a content provider. People want content. Cosmology is like the nightly news. The post The Cosmological News Channel appeared first on Waking Times.
Lefties Attack Ted Cruz for Lack of Gun Safety — But Were They Right?
[image: Lefties Attack Ted Cruz for Lack of Gun Safety — But Were They Right?] The left-leaning media site Talking Points Memo has an article ridiculing Ted Cruz for mishandling a gun during an interview with CNN. The article claims he is violating the first two rules of gun safety: (1) Treat all guns as... more »
How to Defeat a False and Destructive World View
[image: Worldview World in your eye - 900] "I have now seen everything," began the Facebook post from my friend Ryan Anderson of the Heritage Foundation. The Harvard Health Policy Review had invited him and Princeton professor Robert George to write an academic article about Planned Parenthood funding.... more »
Advice to the Koch Brothers: Invest in Media, not Politicians
[image: Charles Koch - 400] Earlier this week on MSNBC's Morning Joe, libertarian billionaire Charles Koch lamented that his campaign donations haven't accomplished all that much. Well, Charles Koch is a smart man, as multi-billionaires tend to be. But he shouldn't be surprised. Political contributions seldom accomplish much. If... Continue reading *“Advice to the Koch Brothers: Invest in Media, not Politicians”* at *usatoday.com*.
Monsanto Linked To Israel’s Use Of White Phosphorous In Gaza
The illegal use of White Phosphorous by Israel is linked to Monsanto The Monsanto Corporation, an agribusiness giant best known for its pesticides and genetically-modified crops, has also manufactured white phosphorous for the U.S. government for at least the past 20 years. Used in incendiary military weapons, the US sold white phosphorous-based weapons to Israel, who then used those weapons to commit war crimes against Palestinians living in Gaza in 2009. Sputnik news reports: The blog Current Events Inquiry dug into some heavily redacted documents posted in 2012 on the US Federal... more »
WECAN Indigenous Women Organizing for Paris COP 21
TODAY at 1:00 PST/4:00 EST - COP21 Update & Organizing Call Dear Women, This is a friendly reminder that we are holding a COP21 Organizing and Update Call for women for climate justice TODAY, THURSDAY NOVEMBER 5th at 1:00 pm PST/4:00 pm EST. Click here to review WECAN's
Hertzan Chimera - The Fountains Institute - three early novels by
*click cover to purchase Kindle*just released now in Kindle Exclusive, *three early novels by* Hertzan Chimera: 1) Jane's Game 2) Twilight's Last Gleaming 3) The Hoo-Hoo are Coming Mad, madder, maddest... these (surrealist (ranting (raving))) early works are (seriously) just for the Hertzan Chimera aficionado... you've been warned.
The Horrific And Very Secretive Trans Pacific Partnership "Agreement".... FULL Text Of Entire Agreement For All To See!
I will make this article short and sweet... I have been waiting for the last month for the full text of the entire "Trans Pacific Partnership" TPP Agreement for everyone to view for themselves... And thanks to the transparency of the New Zealand government, I have the link to that full text right here for all to see for themselves: http://www.tpp.mfat.govt.nz/text NTS Note: Read it and weep everyone... This deal is an abomination and definitely a freedom stripping agreement that will indeed make major corporations the lords and masters over the nations that are stupid enough to ... more »
"Fukushima News, 11/5/2015"
*"Fukushima News, 11/5/2015"* By ENENews • Fukushima nuclear waste now being found off all U.S. states on West Coast — Detected near shorelines of California, Oregon, Washington, and Alaska this summer — Highest radiation just miles from San Francisco (MAP) • TV: “Researchers say massive decline of fish is throwing off ecosystem” along California coast — Expert: “Population has truly collapsed”… They’re gone virtually everywhere — Whale numbers dropping significantly, squid disappearing, other major die-offs seen (VIDEO) • Headline: “Millions of salmon mysteriously just disappear” ... more »
"How It Really Is"
“Pentagon Spent $43 Million On Gas Station In Afghanistan” - http://www.cbsnews.com/
UC Merced Stabbing Suspect Identified as Faisal Mohammad, 18
[image: UC Merced Stabbing - 400] The UC Merced student who wounded four people in a stabbing spree at the campus has been identified as Faisal Mohammad, a freshman student from Santa Clara. Merced Couty Sheriff Vern Warnke confirmed the identity of the 18-year-old student to... Continue reading *“UC Merced Stabbing Suspect Identified as Faisal Mohammad, 18”* at *mercedsunstar.com*.
“Fusing” Conservatism and Libertarianism, Sixty Years Later
[image: flags - 400] “Who lost the libertarians?" It's a question you hear a lot from conservatives of late. The reason should be obvious to anyone who has followed the conservative movement's internecine intellectual frictions over the last decade -- or decades. Self-described libertarians... Continue reading *““Fusing” Conservatism and Libertarianism, Sixty Years Later”* at *nationalreview.com*.
Mega-correction to several images in gastric cancer study
A journal has issued a rather large correction — what we call “mega-correction” — to a 2014 paper on a gastric cancer biomarker that fixes problems with several of the study’s figures. The authors write that despite the corrections, “the results and conclusions put forth in the article remain unchanged.” The paper, “TMEFF2 Deregulation Contributes to Gastric Carcinogenesis […] The post Mega-correction to several images in gastric cancer study appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Inside the Demented CIA Mind
Author David Talbot’s latest book, Devil’s Chessboard, takes a first-time look at Allen Dulles, the head of the CIA during the 1950s, and a number of deeds and plots that included targeting allies like France. Talbot speaks with Alexey Yaroshevsky and sheds more on light on the book.
Traveling to Support Resistance to U.S. Empire
- I head to Boston early in the morning for Milan, Italy and then on to Sicily where I will be joined by Global Network board convener Dave Webb and our fellow GN member Jo McIntire (Jo who lived in Italy for many years will serve as our translator. His mother was one of our key leaders in the Florida Coalition for Peace & Justice when I worked there for many years.) We will speak twice in the coming days in Sicily with activists who have been waging the No MUOS campaign against a US space warfare communications base built in the middle of a nature preserve... more »
American Indian Film Festival Schedule San Francisco 2015
American Indian Film Festival Nov. 6 -- 13, 2015 San Francisco http://www.aifisf.com/filmschedule/ Please add your film info and trailer link below in the comment section.
Climate Alarmists and Lukewarmers Are All Incompetent
The Climate Etc site of the tenured (snugly employed) academic Judith Curry has a post on "lukewarmers", those who are proud to call themselves reasonable (as opposed to the alarmists on one side, and the "skeptics" who are "deniers" on the other). Their "reasonableness" has been a drag on any effective criticism of current climate science for years, and it is unfortunately the position of choice for many in the global warming debate. My response: *There is no haven in the lukewarmer position(s); climate science is totally wrong, because it is based upon the science of mere weather-... more »
"How Are Things Going, Joe?"
“You go up to a man, and you say, "How are things going, Joe?" and he says, "Oh fine, fine — couldn't be better." And you look into his eyes, and you see things really couldn't be much worse. When you get right down to it, everybody's having a perfectly lousy time of it, and I mean everybody. And the hell of it is, nothing seems to help much.” - Kurt Vonnegut
"The Dollar Store Expansion: Number Of Dollar Stores In The US Expected To Exceed 30,000 In 2016”
*"The Dollar Store Expansion: Number Of Dollar Stores* * In The US Expected To Exceed 30,000 In 2016”* by mybudget360 “Wal-Mart, the mega retailer has over 5,000 stores in the United States. We tend to think of Wal-Mart as the low price leader crushing prices to their rock bottom level by cutting costs at every corner. However, there is an even lower cost option and many working class Americans are turning to these stores. Dollar stores have seen a dramatic rise in numbers thanks to the ongoing effects of the recession. There are more than 11,500 Dollar General stores in the United...more »
“21 Facts About The Explosive Growth Of Poverty In America That Will Blow Your Mind”
*“21 Facts About The Explosive Growth Of Poverty* * In America That Will Blow Your Mind”* by Michael Snyder "What you are about to see is more evidence that the growth of poverty in the United States is wildly out of control. It turns out that there is a tremendous amount of suffering in “the wealthiest nation on the planet”, and it is getting worse with each passing year. During this election season, politicians of all stripes are running around telling all of us how great we are, but is that really true? As you will see below, poverty is reaching unprecedented levels in this count... more »
The Price Israel Demands For Its Acceptance Of The Iranian Nuclear Deal: An Aircraft Carrier? My Take...
With little Jew spew media hype over the last while, few people are even aware that the new Iranian 'nuclear deal' that was signed off several months back is now officially in place.... This deal has been hailed for months as being "good" for Iran itself, simply because it will release the hundreds of billions in US dollars in frozen assets that have been seized illegally by the United States and its "allies"... It will also open the doors for nations to finally make trade deals with Iran itself... But there has always been the fact that the psychotic state of Israel was never offic... more »
http://www.edweek.org/ew/articles/2015/01/28/differentiated-instruction-a-primer.html?cmp=eml-eb-diff110515 We shouldn’t be framing instruction around a pair of words. We frame instruction based on both the population of our classes and the subject matter we teach. Creativity not uniformity of instruction packets is the key. Those of us who have taught in urban districts, where diversity in the classroom is the norm have known this from “back in the day” when we were students. Differentiation is not an instructional model. It *is* instruction. Period. Kids aren’t test tubes with wh... more »
MAY LOOK LIKE LIBERAL BIAS: Opening questions to Candidate Trump!
*THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2015Part 3—Derision, snark and denial:* To conservative voters, many acts by the mainstream press may look like acts of liberal bias. In some cases, it would be hard to say that their perception is wrong. As one example, consider the ludicrous editorial which appeared in last Friday's New York Times. The editorial carried this headline: "Gov. Christie, Time to Go Home." The editors argued that Candidate Christie should quit the current White House campaign and return to his work in New Jersey. That wasn't the ludicrous part. The ludicrous part is shown belo... more »
Weekend Fun 59, Laglag bala extortion at PH airports
The "tanim bala", "laglag bala" or bullet-planting scandal, for harassment and extortion of departing passengers at the NAIA/Manila and some provincial airports in the country continues until this week. This and other photos and memes below are products of Filipinos' creativity to portray government inefficiency. All of these I got from friends' fb updates + those shown in the web. Shameful stories. The government should be very ashamed of this, but DOTC and airport officials appeared less worried, or not even ashamed. Kapal muks. From a friend, Aiken: *Bullets are not allowed on ... more »
US Detects Flurry of Iranian Hacking, Some Targeting White House Personnel
[image: Hands Typing in the Dark Hacker - 400] Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guard military force hacked email and social-media accounts of Obama administration officials in recent weeks in attacks believed to be tied to the arrest in Tehran of an Iranian-American businessman, U.S. officials said. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard... Continue reading *“US Detects Flurry of Iranian Hacking, Some Targeting White House Personnel”* at *finance.yahoo.com*.
Obama Administration Tries to Force Planned Parenthood on Texas Taxpayers
[image: defund Planned Parenthood - 400] File this under "should have seen it coming." Last week the Obama administration warned officials in Texas that excluding Planned Parenthood from the state's Medicaid program "may be in conflict with federal law." Texas announced last month it was kicking Planned... Continue reading *“Obama Administration Tries to Force Planned Parenthood on Texas Taxpayers”* at *thefederalist.com*.
US Productivity Slows in 3rd Quarter
[image: Unproductive Slow Bored Tired Productivity - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- U.S. productivity slowed in the summer, while labor costs rebounded yet stayed at a level suggesting only modest inflation pressures. Productivity rose at an annual rate of 1.6 percent in the July-September quarter, a slowdown from a... more »
The world has gone mad...
*and it's affecting your mental health.* I'm sure of it. Ladies and gentlemen, you're not crazy. Really. Even though the evil lefties would like you to believe that, it's not true. There is a lesbian mayor in Houston who is determined to pass a bill giving homosexuals, people who think they're something they're not, and other assorted mentally ill people an open sesame to sue the living daylights out of anyone who they deem to have "offended" them. They call it "rights." I call it insanity. Mayor Annise Parker, says the fight is not over after her crappy (yeah - it was intended... more »
what i'm reading: thoughts on "go set a watchman"
I wasn't planning on writing about *Go Set a Watchman*, the surprise second - or possibly first - novel by Harper Lee. I am among the legions of readers who were shocked, thrilled, and confused at the sudden appearance of this book, and I didn't think I'd have anything noteworthy to add to the conversation. And indeed I may not. But reading the book, I was so surprised, and so saddened, that I was moved to weigh in. Most media attention to *Watchman* focused on the mystery and doubt surrounding its origins and publication, and the revelation that Atticus Finch is, in this book, a ra... more »
Did The Recent Arrest Of An Iranian-American Businessman In Iran Occur Because Information Was Retrieved In An Iranian Cyber Attack?
After the nuclear deal, Iran’s hard-liners are asserting power. Analysis by @yarotrof https://t.co/gYqny4Iqfy pic.twitter.com/ubJuStxjHr — Wall Street Journal (@WSJ) November 5, 2015 *Wall Street Journal:* *U.S. Detects Flurry of Iranian Hacking* American officials say they believe cyberattacks tied to arrest in Tehran of Iranian-American businessman Iran’s powerful Revolutionary Guard military force hacked email and social-media accounts of Obama administration officials in recent weeks in attacks believed to be tied to the arrest in Tehran of an Iranian-American businessman, U.S... more »
Iran Responsible For Killing 196 U.S. Troops During The Occupation Of Iraq
Roadside bombs have caused the majority of US combat deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan. (US Army) *Washington Free Beacon:** Iran Responsible for Killing 14 Percent of U.S. Troops in Iraq* *Government report ties Iran to deaths of nearly 200 troops* Nearly 200 U.S. troops have been killed and nearly 1,000 injured by Iranian-made explosives in Iraq, according to new disclosures from a partially declassified report conducted by U.S. Central Command and described by sources to the Washington Free Beacon. The number of U.S. deaths resulting from Iranian terrorism were revealed for the f... more »
U.S. Senate Report: Pentagon Spends Millions To Sports Teams For 'Paid Patriotism'
Senator John McCain of Arizona released a report Wednesday on a Senate investigation into military marketing contracts with professional sports teams.Credit Zach Gibson/The New York Times *Politico*:* Report: Pentagon spent millions on 'paid patriotism' with pro sports leagues* Contracts between the Pentagon and pro sports teams intended to boost military recruiting and honor service members lack adequate oversight and cost the government more than $10 million over the past four years, according to a new report from Sens. John McCain and Jeff Flake. In the hopes of ending what the... more »
KY Governor-Elect Matt Bevin Defied Conventional Wisdom, Defended Kim Davis and Won in a Landslide
[image: Kentucky Republican Gov.-elect Matt Bevin, right, and his wife Glenna react to the cheers of supporters during his introduction at the Republican Party victory celebration, Tuesday, Nov. 3, 2015, in Louisville, Ky. Bevin has defeated Democrat Jack Conway to become only the second Republican governor in the state in four decades. (AP Photo/Timothy D. Easley)] On September 8, 2015, I drove eight hours to the Rally to Free Kim Davis, the Clerk of Court of Rowan County, Kentucky who has gone to jail rather than sign marriage licenses for same-sex couples. I did it for... more »
Why Vatileaks is an Italian Problem
[image: Trastevere Market Rome - 900] Everyone knows that Italy is a stunningly beautiful country. The art, the food and the landscape are second-to-none, the people are friendly and outgoing even if you don't speak the language, and Rome is, well, Rome in all its world-historical... more »
Violence In Iraq Levels Off
The security situation in Iraq has slightly improved since the spring. There are fewer attacks now then the start of the year. Casualties have also gone down, but because so many of those do not get reported or are suppressed by the authorities they are not a good measure for the country anymore. The change is largely the result of the Islamic State being thrown on the defensive. Security incidents have been going down in Iraq since the start of the year. There were 862 in January compared to 569 in October. The change is better shown with averages that went from over 20 a month ... more »
Victory For Texas Town Who Voted Against Adding Fluoride To Drinking Water
A Texas town have won their fight against fluoride. San Marcos a college town located 25 miles south of Austin, voted to stop adding the industrial toxin hydrofluorosilicic acid to their water supply on Tuesday. Natural News reports: The votes in favor of Proposition 1 to stop adding fluoride to the public water supply came in at about 61 percent, with 39 percent opposing the measure. The victorious outcome was made possible by committed voters and the efforts of grassroots groups who worked tirelessly to get the measure onto the November 2015 ballot, despite facing many obstacles a... more »
Yesterday In Perspective
http://ottawacitizen.com/ I like to read Andrew Cohen's column when I'm looking for perspective. Perhaps that's because, like me, Cohen -- who teaches journalism and international affairs at Carleton -- is an ex- Montrealer. He remembers what Quebec used to be and he understands what it has become. More importantly, he understands the complexity of this country. On Tuesday, he wrote: At 9 a.m. on Wednesday, Justin Trudeau and his new ministry arrive at Rideau Hall. They swear allegiance, they stand before the cameras, they look fr... more »
Authors object to duplication verdict by environmental journal
An environmental journal has pulled a 2011 paper following an investigation, which revealed it contained “extensive similarities” with another paper published two years earlier by some of the same authors. Two of the authors of the newly retracted paper — Zulfiqar Ahmad from Quaid-i-Azam University and Arshad Ashraf of the National Agricultural Research Center, both in […] The post Authors object to duplication verdict by environmental journal appeared first on Retraction Watch.
NATO Chief Sounds Alarm over Russian Buildup
[image: Portuguese Fuzileiros secure an area after disembarking from an amphibious transport during an exercise as part of the NATO's Trident Juncture 2015 in Troia, 100 kms south of Lisbon on November 5, 2015. AFP PHOTO/ FRANCISCO LEONG (Photo credit should read FRANCISCO LEONG/AFP/Getty Images)] TROIA, Portugal (AP) -- NATO’s secretary-general sounded the alarm Thursday over the build-up of Russian military forces from the Baltic Sea to the Mediterranean and called on the U.S.-led alliance to come up with a response. Jens Stoltenberg said the... more »
California Gov. Jerry Brown Used State Workers to Research Oil Potential of His Family Ranch
[image: Jerry Brown Oil Rig - 900] SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- Gov. Jerry Brown last year directed state oil and gas regulators to research, map and report back on any mining and oil drilling potential and history at the Brown family’s private land in Northern California. After...more »
The Flotsam And Jetsam That Is The Conservative Federal Caucus ....
A defeated, yet still highly offensive group of political like minds will join together in Ottawa today. They are known as the *Conservative Party of Canada Federal Caucus*. While in power they raised the debt of Canada by tens of billions. They enriched their corporate sponsors with embarrassingly huge amounts of tax dollars. They badly dented the CDN Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They are, and remain, a disgrace to the nation. I hope they wallow in their well deserved misery for a long time. If there was one ounce of political decency in the room, they would bounce Stephen... more »
Report: U.S. Aircraft Carriers Will Be Ineffective In Future Conflicts
*CNN: **Report: U.S. aircraft carriers could become ineffective* (CNN)Calling the U.S. aircraft carrier the "backbone" of America's global military presence, the Navy's top brass highlighted the risks of failing to maintain a big enough fleet during testimony before the House Armed Services Committee Tuesday. But a new report on the future of aircraft carriers suggests that the Navy's problems run deeper than the number of ships or planes on these mobile airfields. The Pentagon's focus on developing a "jack of all trades, master of none" aircraft, while rival countries build tech... more »
Amputee Told She’s Not ‘Disabled Enough’ For Motability Car
A young woman who lost a leg to cancer has been told she is not “disabled enough” for a Motability car. Olivia Cork, 19, had her right leg amputated above the knee almost five years ago and for the past two years she has been driving a specially adapted Ford Fiesta thanks to the Motability scheme. Now, following a DWP re-assessment it has been decided that Olivia is fit enough to manage without the vehicle. The Mirror reports: It was a bitter blow to the teenager who fears she will lose all her independence. “It is because they are making cuts” she said. “I know it is a privilege to ... more »
U.S. Carrier Fleet 'Numbers Don't Add Up'
The aircraft carriers USS George Washington (CVN 73), USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76), and USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) sit across from the USS Midway Museum in San Diego Bay. The presence of three carriers is a nod toward the historic hull and crew swap taking place between George Washington, which will now be home ported in San Diego, and Ronald Reagan, which will now be the forward-deployed carrier in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Chelsea D. Daily) *Hugh Lessig, Daily Press:* *Rep. Forbes says carrier fleet 'numbers don... more »
Chinese Attack Submarine Stalked The Aircraft Carrier USS Ronald Reagan (Updated)
*CNN*: *Chinese submarine tracked U.S. aircraft carrier off Japan* Washington (CNN)An American aircraft carrier was closely tracked by a Chinese submarine off the coast of Japan last month, a U.S. defense official said, in the latest example of the test of wills between the two countries in the waters of the Pacific. A submerged Chinese Kilo-class fast-attack submarine shadowed the USS Ronald Reagan for at least half a day on October 24, the official said. He did not say how close the two vessels came to each other, but he noted, "It was more than a brief encounter." There was no... more »
U.S. Defense Secretary Carter Visits Aircraft Carrier In Disputed South China Sea
The aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt crossing the South China Sea on Oct. 29. PHOTO: REUTERS *Reuters*: *Pentagon chief visits U.S. carrier in disputed South China Sea* U.S. Secretary of Defense Ash Carter flew to a U.S. aircraft carrier transiting the disputed South China Sea on Thursday and blamed China for rising tension in the region on a visit sure to infuriate Beijing. Carter's visit to the USS Theodore Roosevelt with Malaysian Defense Minister Hishammuddin Hussein came just over a week after the USS Lassen, a guided-missile destroyer, challenged territorial limits aro... more »
Who’s In Charge If A Massive Cyber Attack Strikes The U.S.?
U.S. soldiers on “virtual missions” (IMAGE – U.S. Army) *Patrick Tucker, Defense One:* *The U.S. Still Doesn't Know Who’s In Charge if Massive Cyber Attack Strikes Nation* Cyber physical attacks on infrastructure may be an unlikely sneak attack, but if it happens, the chain of command is far from clear. The threat of a massive cyber attack on civilian infrastructure, leading to loss of life and perhaps billions in damages, has kept lawmakers on edge since before former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta warned of it back in 2012 (or the fourth Die Hard movie in 2007). Many experts belie... more »
UK Grid Capacity
By Paul Homewood With news yesterday that the National Grid had to issue an urgent request for energy companies to make more power available after multiple breakdowns at UK power stations, I thought I would have a look at what capacity there is on the system. This is what DECC show […]
After Houston Election Defeat, LGBT Activists Begin Drawing Up Fresh Battle Plans
[image: A gender-neutral bathroom is seen at the University of California, Irvine in Irvine, California September 30, 2014. The University of California will designate gender-neutral restrooms at its 10 campuses to accommodate transgender students, in a move that may be the first of its kind for a system of colleges in the United States. REUTERS/Lucy Nicholson (UNITED STATES - Tags: EDUCATION SOCIETY POLITICS) (Newscom TagID: rtrlsix674661.jpg) [Photo via Newscom]] Failing to pass the Houston Equal Rights Protection Ordinance Tuesday night came as a blow to LGBT advocates, who have w... more »
‘VatiLeaks’ 2015: Books Claim Strong Resistance to Pope’s Finance Reform
[image: Vatican financial reform Cardinal Pell] VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Financial wrongdoing at the Vatican, leaked documents and arrests by the Vatican police may make it seem like 2012 all over again, but the situation — while serious — is not the breach of papal privacy... Continue reading *“‘VatiLeaks’ 2015: Books Claim Strong Resistance to Pope’s Finance Reform”* at *catholicnews.com*.
San Francisco Police Search for Hatchet-Wielding Transgender Shoplifter
[image: Colorful purses in the market.] SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- San Francisco police are looking for a male transgender who allegedly threatened a security guard with a hatchet after stealing a handbag from a department store. KCBS-Radio reports the robbery happened around Monday afternoon at a Bloomingdale’s... more »
Contractors Who Allegedly Let Russians Write Pentagon Code Pay Up, May Face Criminal Charges
[image: cybersecurity_hacking] The U.S. Department of Justice hit two contractors with multi-million dollar fines this week, after an investigation concluded Russian computer scientists were writing software code for U.S. military systems. Computer Sciences Corporation (CSC) and its subcontractor NetCracker agreed to pay... more »
Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 5th November)
Scotland introduces living wage for public contract bidders The new statutory guidance for the public sector is part of the Scottish government's commitment to fair work procurement practices. They will also ban the exploitative use of zero hours contracts, and require companies to commit to giving workers an "active voice" in the workplace. Infrastructure Secretary Keith Brown said the
There Is No Reasonable Case To Be Made For A Democratic Take Back Of The House, Not While Steve Israel Is Still There
As venal as Rahm-- but with fewer functioning brain cells-- DCCC wreckers, Israel and Van Hollen There is virtually no serious coverage of the colossal failure of the DCCC under Chris Van Hollen and Steve Israel, two incompetent Pelosi allies who have presided over the loss of dozens of Democratic House seats in 2010, 2012 and 2014-- and for countless missed opportunities. (Guided by the conservative "ex"-Blue Dog, Israel, Pelosi's latest disaster-in-the-making, Ben Ray Luján, looks like he won't do any better.) DCCC incompetence and fundamentally flawed recruitment strategy is compl... more »
The Five Ages of Modern Man - gradual Ice Age cooling - cataclysmic heating events
According to the above graph (read from right to left, from past to present) the global temperature of planet Earth tends towards current temperature minus eight degrees. The long-term average temperature of Earth is VERY COLD. Every 120,000 years or so, major-heating events are marked on the above graph at approximately 20,000 BC, 130,000 BC, 250,000 BC and 330,000 BC. Whatever heat-spike-event takes place, Earth eventually always cools down to this base temperature over the following 120,000 years. This needs saying again, *"Global temperatures on Earth tend towards THE ICE AG... more »
Michael Paulkovich - No Meek Messiah - The Fable of the Chrestianoi
*CHRESTIANOI?* In a recent article The Fable of the Christ, Kenneth Humphries invites researcher and historian Michael Paulkovich to discuss his new book No Meek Messiah. *“When I consider those 126 writers, all of whom should have heard of Jesus but did not — and Paul and Marcion and Athenagoras and Matthew with a tetralogy of opposing Christs, the silence from Qumran and Nazareth and Bethlehem, conflicting Bible stories, and so many other mysteries and omissions,”* Paulkovich writes, *“I must conclude that Christ is a mythical character.”* But *Chrestianoi* (yes, I did spell it... more »
Good(ale) karma
Mound of Sound picks up on something. Recall Guiliano Zaccardelli? Canada's newly minted Minister of Public Safety sure does. Zaccardelli was the infamous RCMP commissioner who made up spurious allegations about Goodale that were divulged to the NDP who used it to sabotage the Liberals in the 2006 election, helping Harper come to power and plunging Canada into the decade of darkness... more »
Lewes Bonfire To Burn Effigy Of Cameron Holding A Pig’s Head
In the wake of the #PigGate scandal, a town in Sussex have decided to mark Guy Fawkes night by burning an effigy of David Cameron….almost naked with a pig’s head in his lap. Pig fucker? #waterloobonfire #lewesbonfire #lewes pic.twitter.com/MK6t5mOmYT — Matty (@MattyJam92) November 5, 2015 The huge effigy of a near naked Cameron resting a decapitated pigs head in his lap is due to be burned on the Lewes bonfire, in East Sussex. The Guy, also features a small fox climbing up the prime ministers leg as he sits on a gold throne wearing nothing put his union flag underpants. David Cameron... more »
Military Contractor Hired Russian Programmers To Do Coding For The Pentagon
*Patrick Malone, Daily Beast/Center for Public Integrity*:* Pentagon Farmed Out Its Coding to Russia* The Pentagon was tipped off in 2011 by a longtime Army contractor that Russian computer programmers were helping to write computer software for sensitive U.S. military communications systems, setting in motion a four-year federal investigation that ended this week with a multimillion-dollar fine against two firms involved in the work. The contractor, John C. Kingsley, said in court documents filed in the case that he discovered the Russians’ role after he was appointed to run one o... more »
Easy Frozen Cake
In the past three years I have thrown my daughter a Frozen Birthday, a Doctor Who Birthday and a Angry Birds birthday, but you won't find any of them on the blog. Why? Here birthday is just a couple weeks before Christmas and I usually get so swept up in the holiday that I think I will post them after the new year and then I forget. Today I am going to start going back through all of the details and posting them because they are some of my absolute favorite parties. The ones I put so much sweat and tears into and yes, there were tears. Today I am sharing my daughter's Frozen cake.... more »
Enthusiastic Episcopalians Install Their New Leader
[image: Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop Michael Curry speaks during Mass at the Washington National Cathedral, Sunday, Nov. 1, 2015, in Washington. Curry, who comes to the job after nearly 15 years leading the Diocese of North Carolina, was elected last summer to succeed Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, the first woman leader of the church.] Amid pomp and pageantry, the Episcopal Church installed its 27th leader, Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, at a service in Washington, D.C.'s National Cathedral on Sunday. Much like the earthquake-damaged gothic cathedral itself, the d... more »
Does Ted Cruz Have a Chance to Win? Here’s the Path.
[image: Ted Cruz] When Ted Cruz announced his run for the presidency, the big question was whether he had only a small chance to win or no chance at all. Since then, a lot has gone right for him. Mr. Cruz still does not... Continue reading *“Does Ted Cruz Have a Chance to Win? Here’s the Path.”* at *nytimes.com*.
Bush Sticks with Basics but Steps Up Enthusiasm for Campaign
[image: Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush waves as he takes the stage to formally join the race for president, Monday, June 15, 2015, at Miami Dade College in Miami. (AP Photo/David Goldman)] WOLFEBORO, N.H. (AP) -- Jeb Bush has a new rasp in his voice, thanks to a little more shouting on the stump. And he’s punctuating his points a little more often with a well-placed, PG-rated curse word. The former Florida... more »
馬習團: Evening Media Round Up
*Fishing.* All the international media is entirely correct. This pony and dog show in Singapore does indeed herald a new era in China-Taiwan relations: *the Tsai Ing-wen era*, when China will have to adjust to dealing with a DPP administration which the US will, I expect, reluctantly come to support more and more as tensions grow between Beijing and Washington. Things are changing in Asia, and Xi is attempting to signal to neighboring states as well as to domestic audiences that he is flexible enough to change with them (see below). *NOTES FROM THE FIELD*: Today a couple of my stu... more »
*Sorry girls, you CAN'T have it all* * Top UK headmistress warns that women still need to decide between career or family because of their 'biological calendar'* A retiring headmistress claims that young girls need to choose between a career and a family in early life. Vivienne Durham, head of Francis Holland Regent's Park expressed her opinion to the Telegraph ahead of her retirement in January. Vivienne, who was awarded Tatler's Best Headteacher of a Public School last year, said she supports women who choose not to 'combine' motherhood and a career. In the interview with Ab... more »
Sen. Mike Lee: Obama’s Scheme to Sidestep Senate Approval of Intl. Climate Change Plan ‘Deeply Cynical’
[image: Mike Lee] Sen. Mike Lee warned the Obama administration on Wednesday that it should reconsider its plan to not submit for congressional approval an international climate change agreement that could be signed later next month. To avoid the inevitable objection of congressional... more »
EU Predicts 3 Million More Migrants Could Arrive by End of 2016
[image: migrants refugees media] BRUSSELS (AP) -- The European Union is predicting that 3 million more migrants could arrive in the 28-nation bloc by the end of next year, with the refugee emergency already providing a stern test of EU capacities to offer shelter... more »
Obama Administration Releases Text of Pacific Rim Trade Deal
[image: Cargo Ship in LA Harbor - Trade - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Details of a sweeping Pacific Rim trade deal released Thursday set the stage for a raucous debate in the U.S. Congress but also may provide reassurances to those who worried the agreement could gut protections for the... more »
Christian Philosopher Rene Girard Dies at 91
[image: Rene Girard] Rene Girard was one of the leading thinkers of our era -- a provocative sage who bypassed prevailing orthodoxies and “isms” to offer a bold, sweeping vision of human nature, human history and human destiny. The renowned Stanford French professor, one... Continue reading *“Christian Philosopher Rene Girard Dies at 91”* at *news.stanford.edu*.
Shift: Most States Now Evaluate Teachers Based on Student Performance Despite Resistance from Teachers’ Unions
[image: Montessori/Pre-School Class Listening to Teacher on Carpet] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Most states now require that teachers be evaluated, at least in part, on student test scores -- a move that’s drawn fierce criticism from teachers’ unions. A comprehensive state-by-state analysis by the National Council on Teacher Quality... more »
Defeated Kentucky Dem Gives One of the Strangest Concession Speeches Ever
[image: Kentucky] Deep thoughts, Kentucky Democrat-style. To be fair, it's not easy for a party leader to acknowledge defeat on Election Night while trying not to demoralize the rank and file, especially when the pollsters had leaders believing they were cruising to victory.... Continue reading *“Defeated Kentucky Dem Gives One of the Strangest Concession Speeches Ever”* at *hotair.com*.
*"Wired" is still holding fast to the Warmist faith* *Zwally (who is a Warmist but apparently an honest one) has stirred up a hornet's nest with his latest paper on Antarctic ice. Warmists are coming out of the woodwork all over to cry that ice gain in Antarctica does not mean the end of their hoped-for catastrophe. The article below from "Wired" seems typical so I thought I might insert some comments into it.* PERHAPS YOU’VE HEARD about the death of climate change. “Antarctica is actually gaining ice,” says NASA. “Is global warming over?” asks one headline writer. Not quite, goe... more »
*A New Orleans gun collection holds two hundred years of battlefield history ~David Thier, Garden & Gun*
Million Mask March: Global Day Of Action In Over 650 Cities
Tens of thousands of activists are expected to the flood streets of over 671 cities as the annual Anonymous-led Million Mask March sweeps the globe today. The hacktivist group and its followers will be protesting against austerity, increased state surveillance, worldwide government corruption, war and police brutality. The organisers of the demonstration urged supporters to descend on London in response to the “abuses and malpractice” of the government and the “profit and greed of the few”. Scotland Yard have said they are going to deploy thousands of extra police officers on Bonfire... more »
There is a Case for Interplanetary Saucers - LIFE Magazine April 7, 1952
LIFE article of April 7, 1952 [NICAP Comment: Although the Monroe picture no doubt attracted a lot of readers it also had the tendency to make the UFO subject seem somewhat frivolous.] *This is a scrupulously accurate eyewitness painting of a mysterious green fireball rushing through the night sky over New Mexico. It was done by Mrs. Lincoln LaPaz, wife of an authority on meteors. Both she and her husband have observed the fireballs at first hand.* [NICAP Comment: Although this claims to be "a scrupulously accurate eyewitness painting" the picture is a bright green wherea... more »
Americans Souring on Obama’s Islamic State Plan
[image: President Barack Obama_900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Americans are souring on President Barack Obama’s approach to fighting the Islamic State, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll that also found deep pessimism about U.S. prospects for success in Afghanistan and uncertainty about Obama’s plan to... more »
Met Office To Research Africa’s Changing Climate
By Paul Homewood http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/news/releases/archive/2015/africa-research Can anybody tell me why the Met Office would want to show a picture of floods as a headline to their report on research into Africa’s changing climate?
Invitation to an art exhibition
*Two top local artists I follow are exhibiting more new work out at Kings College this weekend.* *Here’s their news:* Dear friends and supporters, We hope you are well. Our recent exhibition, Ecdysis, was a great success and we thank you all for your support, interest and feedback. We are happy to announce that we will be taking part in this year's King's College Fine Art Exhibition again, alongside many other established New Zealand artists as well as emerging ones. Be sure to check it out if you get the chance. The cocktail party is on Friday November 6th, 6.30pm ... more »
November Is Epilepsy Awareness Month
For more information: *http://sostrenews.com/november-is-national-epilepsy-awareness-month/*
A book of photo-ops?
Ok, so Defence Watch is reporting that DND staff at public expense has put together a book of photos of ex-DefMin Jason Kenney doing troop-y things as gift to him. It's just a bit weird and oddly fitting that his going away gift is a book of staged pictures. There's a larger point. CF/DND and all the other public services haven't had the experience of a different government in a decade.
BWorld 22, WESM, PEMC and search for competitive electricity prices
* This is my column in BusinessWorld yesterday. *The search for affordable and competitive electricity prices in the Philippines and elsewhere remains a continuing adventure for consumers and many industry players.* In a previous column entitled “DoE’s new circular will raise, not lower, electricity prices” (Oct. 21), it was argued that the Department of Energy (DoE) order mandating competitive selection process (CSP) by distribution utilities (DUs) would have the potential of increasing, not lowering, electricity prices. There is an existing platform for CSP by electricity produc... more »
EFN Asia 51, Draft program, Day 1 of Conference 2015
The Economic Freedom Network (EFN) Asia Conference 2016 in Bhutan is fast approaching, more than two weeks away. Here is the provisional program and some speakers for Day 1. I start with the Master of Ceremonies (MCs). The MC for November 23 will be Ms. Tricia Yeoh, Chief Operating Officer, Institute of Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS), Malaysia. The MCs For November 24 will be Karma Choden, Program Coordinator, QED Group, and Pett Jarupaiboon, Program Manager of EFN Asia and Human Rights, FNF, Thailand. Tricia and Pett are my good friends. Welcoming remarks will be given b... more »
Why Saudi Arabia and Russia Cannot Be Partners
Riyadh's "deals" mostly disingenuous, habitually betrayed, futile to entertain. *November 5, 2015* (Dr. Petr Lvov - NEO) - One cannot help but notice the intensification of diplomatic contacts at the highest levels between Russia and Saudi Arabia. Deputy Crown Prince, Minister of Defense and the son of the king, Prince Mohammed bin Salman has recently visited Russia twice to meet with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin. There were also several phone discussions between the Russian leader and King Salman, primarily about the situation in Syria and Yemen. The Russian Foreign Ministe... more »
Military Photo of the Day: November 5, 2015
[image: Coast Guard Helicopter-900] An elementary school student from Alameda, Calif., gives a positive review to a U.S. Coast Guard helicopter crew after a demonstration. Thank you to this Coast Guard crew for their service and for taking the time to visit with local students!
Death of Cancer
This is a story that needs to be told. Our own systems are now inadvertently stalling the War on Cancer. It is still progressing but we now know enough to know that true healing is possible for the majority of victims. Yet it is not a one pill problem anymore. It is a multi-layered dynamic attack. That demands crucial decisions made on the fly somewhat as happens in surgery. Perhaps the treatment protocol needs to be renamed as dynamic surgery. You get my point. . *Death of cancer* * by Vincent DeVita and Elizabeth DeVita-Raeburn* *Radiation treatment for lung canc... more »
Romantic Regimes
Oh well. Mankind's most powerful obsession is famously too difficult to tame. Here we see our own evolved approach compared to a more traditional society in Russia. I use the word evolved advisedly but it is modified by rationalism. The hard truth is that the impulse of love is a hard wired biological system that is meant to drive swift copulation which is frowned upon in our ordered societies. We can at least mentally step back and observe the impulse at play and then act to tame it. I think it would be even better if we had a simple pill that ended the raging biochemistr... more »
Afghan Farmers Find Alternative to Opium: Pomegranate
*[image: During his first visit to Afghanistan in 2007, James Brett walked into a poppy field to convince a farmer to switch to pomegranates. (Courtesy of Plant For Peace)]* This is a wonderful story. Best it is placing tree cover on these fields, all of which will restore the soils over time. Most important it is obviously becoming successful and completely sustainable. The pomegranet has steadily shown up in the market over the past few years and it is no longer a rarity. I wonder it the whole fruit can be pulverized and powdered? The seed is quite soft and it is only the... more »
British Reception of Xi Jinping Sends Message of Submission, Analysts Say
This spin is hilarious. Last time i checked most of those little nations are all firmly paid up members of what we describe as western civilization. London remains the spiritual center of this global phenomena. however eclipsed by the USA who is also a direct and principal descendent of all that. Please observe that Xi came to London to be pomped to death. Why change a successful formula that has worked on everyone for centuries? You still go home, well fed and feeling that you have likely been conned but it was still worth it. China has been given a fee pass because ... more »
West Secretly Elated Over Downed Russian Airliner
*November 5, 2015* (Ulson Gunnar - NEO) - A Russian airliner bound for St. Petersburg crashed while flying over Egypt's Sinai Peninsula, killing all on board. With the peninsula seeing fierce fighting recently as the presence of foreign-backed terrorist organizations has grown, immediate suspicion was raised regarding a potential terror attack involving either a bomb brought on board or a missile fired from below. As Russia carries out its investigation of the disaster, the rest of the objective world waits for answers. For others, they have already begun drawing up narratives to ... more »
The ICC Test rankings
I've read this morning of the shock that England are going to drop to sixth in the ICC Test rankings. Look at the table at the link below and you'll see how easy it is to rise or fall between second and sixth place, only seven points separated these teams last week. http://www.espncricinfo.com/rankings/content/page/211271.html It's bad but not that bad. Unfortunately the one team that is clear of the rest in this table is South Africa and that's where England tour this winter...
Paul Ryan: Once More with ‘The Vision Thing’
[image: WASHINGTON, DC - OCTOBER 20: U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan walks to the U.S. Capitol for a series of votes and a meeting with House Republicans October 20, 2015 in Washington, DC. Ryan remains at the center of the House Republican search for a new Speaker of the House.] “Where there is no vision, the people perish…” (Proverbs 29:18, KJV) It was George H.W. Bush who reportedly dismissed an idea from a friend that he should spend time at Camp David thinking about what he might do should he become president. According to...more »
Defending the Obama Administration’s Foreign Policy – Part 2
Yesterday, I posted about my canceled debate with Colin Dueck on the Obama Administration’s foreign policy. In part 1, I reflected on the Bush administration’s legacy. Here is part 2 of what would have been my defense of the administration’s achievements. Again, it was a debate, where each of us were tasked to assume a […]
Put a DA-RT in it
If you have been living under a rock as I apparently have, then like me you may be unaware of the DA-RT controversy that is brewing in the American Political Science Association.* Turns out that some of our colleagues have been pushing for some time to write a new set of rules for qualitative scholarship […]
Hispanics Aren't The Only Group Turned Off By Right-wing Racism And Xenophobia-- Asian-Americans Have Given Up On The GOP
Tuesday night had some special significance for Asian-Americans. Philadelphians didn't just elect their first Asian-American woman to the City Council, they gave public education advocate Helen Gym the highest vote of the 7 at-large victors. I expect that in a few years she will be on the national stage. And in Lewiston, Maine, progressive activist Ben Chin came in first in the 5-way race for mayor. Chin was considerably ahead of conservative Republican incumbent Robert Macdonald, 44.08% to 37.29%, but because he didn't get 50%, there will be a run-off in December. Racist right-wi... more »
MENA Report ( November 4-5 , 2015 ) ..... Syria / Iraq Regional War And Political Developments ...... Libya Updates - Putting Aside Daily Battles And Political Crisis De Jour , Shocking Report Of The Day Involves Scandal Involving " Soon To Be Former UN Envoy" Leon Conflicts Of Interests - Simply Staggering account ( h/t twirp Rana Jawad And The Guardian ) And Perhaps Fatal Blow To Dialogue Talks ..... Additional Items Of Note On Turkey , Yemen , Refugee Situation And More !
Links...... *US Planes Shot Doctors Fleeing Kunduz Hospital* *Pentagon Vows More Arms Drops to Syria Rebels* *Pentagon Farmed Out Its Coding to Russia* *UN Libya Envoy Gets £1,000-A-Day From One Side in War* *Intel Points to ISIS Bomb on Russian Plane* *Russia: Rival Rebels Giving Details on ISIS Targets* *At Least 33 Killed as Fighting Escalates in Yemen's Taiz* *Russian FM: Negotiators Must Decide Which Rebels Are Legitimate* 56 Killed in Iraq as Fighting Continues Near Ramadi Kurdish Intelligence Chief Says Deadly Raid Freed Baathists Syrian Army Re... more »
Students Demand Gay Activist Movie Stonewall be Cancelled for Being Too White, and for Neglecting the L and T in LGBT
[image: Stonewall - 900] The showing of a film celebrating the gay activist movement has been delayed and possibly cancelled following severe protests from, ironically, gay rights activists who say the film somehow endangers their lives. Stonewall, directed by openly-gay director Roland Emmerich, portrays the events... more »
What Media Boosters Overlook about Hillary Clinton
[image: Hillary Clinton] After her first debate performance and her endurance test before the House Benghazi committee, the mainstream media were practically ecstatic. Hillary is back! Her best week yet! Inevitable again! In all of their hoopla, the media missed some key considerations.... Continue reading *“What Media Boosters Overlook about Hillary Clinton”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Yes, Russia Can Still Fight A War
Image: Flickr/Sergey Vladimirov *Michael Peck, National Interest:** Shock and Awed: Yes, Russia Can Still Fight a War* Newsflash: Russia is not some tinpot third-world basket case with a make-believe army, but rather the nation with the third-highest military spending on the planet. The world was astounded. Russian planes dropping smart bombs on Syrian rebels! Russian cruise missiles blasting rebel targets from hundreds of miles away! How could this be? Whatever happened to the hapless Russian military, the bumblers that embarrassed themselves in Chechnya and Georgia? Actually, ... more »
The Complicated Future of the Catholic Church
[image: Church of the Holy Sepulchre] Catholic journalist John L. Allen Jr., a CNN analyst and an associate editor at the Boston Globe, discussed the future of the Catholic Church -- describing what he called three "mega trends" in the church today -- during a gathering... Continue reading *“The Complicated Future of the Catholic Church”* at *therecordnewspaper.org*.
Running from Corporate Looting & US-NATO Wars
Today 60 million human beings are displaced by war and extreme poverty. Many European countries are responding to the crisis with racist hysteria and polices, backed by police measures. Abby Martin exposes the facts that are left out of the mainstream reporting: the role of criminal wars, disastrous neoliberal economics and why mass displacement is a permanent feature under this system.
Can The Syrian Conflict Get Even Worse?
*David Ignatius, Washington Post*: *How the Syrian conflict could get even bigger and bloodier* President Obama says he doesn't want to turn the Syria conflict into a proxy war. Unfortunately, that's already happening, as combatants join the battle against the Islamic State with radically differing agendas that could collide. Let's look at the confusing order of battle: The United States has decided that its strongest partner against the Islamic State is a Syrian Kurdish force known as the YPG. But Turkey, nominally our NATO ally, says the YPG has links with what it claims is a... more »
Peskin Election Restores Balance Of Power To Progressives On San Francisco Board of Supervisors
*photo by Linda Champagne* -by Denise Sullivan The mood was upbeat as the party thanking supporters and celebrating victory for District 3 Supervisor Aaron Peskin got under way Tuesday night at North Beach's historic Club Fugazi, otherwise known as the home of San Francisco's longest running show, *Beach Blanket Babylon*. Though the margin was slight in the early hours of reporting confidence was high that Peskin would handily defeat Mayor Ed Lee appointee Julie Christensen. Fellow Supervisor David Campos called it from across town, live at the Mission's El Rio and on Twitter when... more »
Members of Congress Blast Television Networks for Censoring Planned Parenthood Videos
[image: Planned Parenthood videos] Some mainstream news outlets seem to plug their ears and cover their eyes any time an abortion scandal comes along. A group of Congressmen say it's time for that to stop. Eight Congressmen recently signed a letter to the CBS,... Continue reading *“Members of Congress Blast Television Networks for Censoring Planned Parenthood Videos”* at *lifenews.com*.
The Higher Calling of ‘The Dismal Science’
[image: economists] Economist and theologian Paul Heyne once asked the question, "Are economists basically immoral?" He asked this because economists have a frustrating tendency to interrupt the high moral aspirations of others with complications about how, in the real world, life is... Continue reading *“The Higher Calling of ‘The Dismal Science’”* at *acton.org*.
Last Week's Joint U.S. - Kurdish Raid Of An ISIS Prison Actually Freed High Ranking Baathists Officers Loyal To Saddam Hussein
*Eli Lake, Bloomberg*: *Kurdish Intelligence Chief Says Deadly Raid Freed Baathists* Last month's raid on an Islamic State prison in Hawija, Iraq, conducted by a U.S. Delta Force Team and Kurdish special forces resulted not only in the death of the first American in the country since 2011 and the beheading of four Kurds by the jihadists. According to a Kurdish intelligence chief, it also ended up freeing scores of the former tormentors of his people: Iraqis still loyal to the Baathist ideology of Saddam Hussein. And it has exacerbated new political divisions among the Kurds, who h... more »
Will NHS doctors go on strike for the second time in 40 years? Both under Cameron
SOURCE BBC NEWS: BMA refuses to re-enter contract talks The British Medical Association said the contract was not safe or fair and accused ministers of putting out "misleading" claims. A ballot over industrial action is due to get under way on Thursday 5th November. Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt had made a last ditch attempt to persuade them not to push ahead with the ballot. This included
Gloria Steinem Blames Planned Parenthood ‘Attack’ on ‘Racism,’ ‘Patriarchy’
[image: Gloria Steinem] Gloria Steinem doesn't have her facts straight, but don't expect the media to call her out on it. On Tuesday, feminist activist Gloria Steinem appeared as a guest on PBS' Tavis Smiley. During the show, Steinem praised abortion for giving... Continue reading *“Gloria Steinem Blames Planned Parenthood ‘Attack’ on ‘Racism,’ ‘Patriarchy’”* at *newsbusters.org*.
馬習團 Morning Media Round Up
Apple Daily Poll out this morning has 53.1% against, 38% for the meeting. China Post: Details emerge on the meeting TAIPEI, Taiwan -- As more details emerge about the upcoming meeting between President Ma Ying-jeou and mainland Chinese leader Xi Jinping in Singapore this Saturday, the government spent yesterday justifying the timing, legitimacy and reasoning behind the most historic development in cross-strait relations since 1949. *Chinese officials confirmed that Ma and Xi will address each other as "mister" and that both were participating in their capacity as "leaders" of Taiwa... more »
COP21 and Australian Sovereignty
Email sent today. To Malcolm Turnbull, PM; Julie Bishop, Foreign Minister; Greg Hunt, Minister for the Environment. There is concern among many Australians that, against our wishes, you will sign Kyoto 2 at COP21 in Paris, abandoning Australia’s sovereignty. Are you aware that a French Science body has described the battle against global warming as an absurd, costly and pointless crusade? The French Scientific organisation *Société de Calcul Mathématique SA* (link) has described the battle against global warming as an absurd, costly and pointless crusade in their White Paper. In ... more »
What the Election Results Prove about Social Conservatism and Voters
[image: Election Results - 900] Kim Davis has confounded the pollsters and propelled an underdog candidate, Matt Bevin, to victory in the Kentucky governor's race. Nearly two-thirds of voters in Ohio have rejected marijuana. And citizens in Houston have vetoed their city council and rejected... more »
Iran Responsible for Killing 14 Percent of U.S. Troops in Iraq
[image: iran] Nearly 200 U.S. troops have been killed and nearly 1,000 injured by Iranian-made explosives in Iraq, according to new disclosures from a partially declassified report conducted by U.S. Central Command and described by sources to the Washington Free Beacon. The number... Continue reading *“Iran Responsible for Killing 14 Percent of U.S. Troops in Iraq”* at *freebeacon.com*.
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 4, 2015
*Howard LaFranchi, CSM*: *What message Obama is sending in Syria* President Obama’s decision to send up to 50 Special Operations Forces to Syria isn't a huge statement. But it's something. WASHINGTON — No military power, not even the United States, can change the course of a civil war in some distant land by putting 50 pairs of boots on the ground. But what such a small deployment can accomplish is to send messages. In that sense, President Obama’s decision to send up to 50 Special Operations Forces to northern Syria to work with Kurdish and Arab opposition groups in their 4-yea... more »
Leonard Peltier 'Cruel and Unusual Punishment'
. CRUEL AND UNUSUAL PUNISHMENTby Leonard PeltierAmendment VIII—Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.The Eighth Amendment is supposed to be about dignity, humanity and decency. It is intended to prohibit "deliberate indifference to serious infliction of unnecessary or wanton pain or physical torture or lingering death
UK Police Fear Anarchy On Streets Of London On November 5th
Scotland Yard have said they are going to deploy thousands of extra police officers on Bonfire night on Thursday, due to fears that organised protests will turn to anarchy on the streets of London amid the Million Mask march being planned. The protest, organised by Anonymous, is a global protest movement against austerity and increased state surveillance. The Guardian reports: In what has become an annual event, police fear a repeat of the unrest that occurred at last year’s demonstration, when scuffles broke out between riot police and protesters – many wearing Guy Fawkes masks. The... more »
World News Briefs -- November 4, 2015 (Evening Edition)
A woman lays flowers at a makeshift memorial for victims of a Russian airliner which crashed in Egypt, outside Pulkovo Airport in St. Petersburg, Russia, Nov. 4, 2015. *VOA:* *Britain: Bomb May Have Downed Russian Jetliner Over Sinai* Britain said Wednesday it is increasingly concerned that a bomb brought down the Russian jetliner that crashed last Saturday over the Sinai Peninsula, killing all 224 people aboard. British authorities dispatched a team of aviation experts to the airport at the Egyptian resort city of Sharm El-Sheikh, where the flight to St. Petersburg originated, to... more »
*Louisiana booksellers sue to block law that could make them verify ages online ~Colin Lecher, The Verge *
US Intel Suggests ISIS Bomb Brought Down Russian Jet
[image: Egyptian Army soldiers stand near luggage and personal effects of passengers a day after a passenger jet bound for St. Petersburg, Russia crashed in Hassana, Egypt, on Sunday, Nov. 1, 2015. The Metrojet plane, bound for St. Petersburg in Russia, crashed 23 minutes after it took off from Egypt's Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh on Saturday morning. The 224 people on board, all Russian except for four Ukrainians and one Belarusian, died.] U.S. intelligence suggests an Islamic State bomb brought down the Russian passenger jet in Egypt over the weekend. "There is a definite feel... more »
DEA Head Backs FBI on ‘Ferguson Effect’
[image: Comey - 400] The head of the Drug Enforcement Administration agrees with FBI Director James Comey that growing scrutiny of police is making officers less willing to do their jobs, he said on Wednesday. Acting Administrator Chuck Rosenberg's comments put him at odds... Continue reading *“DEA Head Backs FBI on ‘Ferguson Effect’”* at *thehill.com*.
Gaudi’s Basilica: Almost Finished After 132 Years
[image: Gaudi - 400] In August 1963, Merloyd Lawrence wrote a dispatch in The Atlantic from Barcelona, mentioning many of the city's cultural landmarks: the merchants on Las Ramblas, the food, and the buildings designed by Antoni Gaudi, the "architect laureate of Catalonia." After... Continue reading *“Gaudi’s Basilica: Almost Finished After 132 Years”* at *theatlantic.com*.
Time for a test series
Not sure it’s the *greatest* sport. But are there many better ways to spend summer than following a test-cricket series? *What a name for a contest – test match. It truly is a test of one’s character and stamina… Few things in sport matter than a well poised test match. [And after five days], all three results are possible – both sides win or a draw.* What other sport can do that? *One of the glories of cricket is the way the drama of a match develops, how the pace varies from the leisurely to the suddenly lethal, how the plot thickens, and the subplots are interlinked as the pla... more »
What if Russia attacked Syria's Kurds on behalf of Assad?: Rudaw
*Interesting and provocative read!* *btw: we aren't talking "Syria's Kurds" the militias are chock full of PKK aka Turkey's Kurds* *Atlantic Council- The Kurds and the future of Assad* * PKK fighters returned to Syria during the civil war. Jordi Tejel, an expert on Syrian Kurds says, “already in April 2011 the PKK sent one thousand armed fighters to establish the YPG in Syria.* *The PYD’s militia, the People’s Protection Units (YPG), created by former PKK fighters....* *Rudaw piece authored by: Paul Davis is a retired US Army military intelligence analyst and a consultant to the ... more »
Another Russian Plane Crash Kills 41 In South Sudan
Another Russian plane crash has occurred, killing at least 41 people in South Sudan’s capital of Juba today. The ‘overcrowded’ cargo plane crashed after taking off just one mile from the airport. According to initial reports, the Soviet-era plane was made in 1971 and had too many passengers on board. It is not yet clear how many were killed on the plane, or on the ground. This crash follows just days after the Russian Metrojet plane crashed over the Sinai Desert, killing all 224 on board. Dailystar.co.uk reports: The Civil Aviation Authority said the number of dead was still being ... more »
JK Rowling Says She’s Working on New Children’s Book
[image: JK Rowling] LONDON (AP) -- Good news, Harry Potter fans: J.K. Rowling says she is working on a new children’s book. There could be a bit of a wait for it, though. The boy wizard’s creator told t
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