10:24pm MST
Russia: ISIS Planning American ‘Thanksgiving Bloodbath’ Next Week
A Russian Foreign Intelligence Service report warns that America may face a potential “Thanksgiving bloodbath” during the holiday period network, at the hands of ISIS. Whatdoesitmean.com reports: According to SVR intelligence analysts, the Federation issued a 12 November warning bulletin to the French General Directorate for External Security (DGSE) that a terror attack was about to take place—a warning that was, shamefully, ignored. Causing this extraordinary warning to be issued to be issued by the SVR to the DGSE, this report explains, was the tracking of movement and communicat... more »
French Prime Minister Confirms Chemical Weapons A Real Threat
French Prime Minister Manuel Valls has confirmed rumours of an impending chemical weapons attack on France, saying that the country “must not rule anything out“. As we reported yesterday, France have already made plans to release military grade stockpiles of anti neurotoxins to first responders in the event of a chemical attack. The Prime Minister’s announcement confirms the risk of chemical or bacterial agents being used against French citizens by ISIS. “I say it with all the precautions needed. But we know and bear in mind that there is also a risk of chemical or bacteriological ... more »
ISIS Threaten To ‘Blow Up’ Whitehouse
ISIS have released a new six-minute video on Thursday saying that they will blow up the Whitehouse in Washington D.C. In the video one of two fighters threaten both U.S. and French presidents Barack Obama and Francois Hollande with a similar attack to the ones in Paris, saying “We will fry you with [suicide] belts and explosives.“. Foxnews.com reports: The second fighter addressed France, saying, “You not prosper and you will not last long. We have started by you and we will end at the so-called White House which we will turn into black with our fires.” The video begins with 40 secon... more »
Paris Attack Foreknowledge Exposed
As the mainstream media refer to the Paris attacks as France’s 9/11 (which is apt considering that evidence is beginning to point to the attacks as being a false flag – much like the 9/11 attacks), little coverage has been given to the fact that certain groups in paris had foreknowledge of the attacks, which further confirm the idea that it was a false flag operation. Intellihub.com reports: This article also takes a look at the aftermath and repercussions of the attack – which of course benefit those who planned and orchestrated this horrific event in which over 150 innocent peopl... more »
Marine Arrested For Spreading 9/11 Truth On Facebook
Ex-Marine Brandon Raub was incarcerated and forced to undergo a psychological evaluation after he posted comments on social media which criticised the American government. “This case was about more than one Marine’s right to not be targeted for speaking out against the government,” said John W. Whitehead, president of the Rutherford Institute, who represented Raub in his fight over his 2012 detention. Wnd.com reports: “It was about whether Americans have the freedom to criticize the government without being labeled ‘domestic extremists’ and stripped of their rights,” he said. “Unf... more »
Obama’s Strategic Bumbling is Theater of the Absurd
[image: White House empty podium Obama - 900] “You’re all suckers.” That has to be what Barack Obama is thinking as the country falls for his head-fake. Let’s recap. George W. Bush’s surge reduced the Islamic State’s precursor, al-Qaida in Iraq, to a paltry 700 members, according to CIA Director John Brennan. Its... more »
Obama Drove Sunnis Into ISIS’ Arms
[image: Prime Minister of Iraq, Nuri al-Maliki, listens to an opening speech during the Sarafiya bridge opening in Kadhimiya, Iraq. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Jessica J. Wilkes)] Throughout the last third of George W. Bush’s presidency, opinion leaders were obsessed with the question of mistakes. Among most members of the press and among Democratic officeholders (even, or perhaps especially, those who voted to approve the Iraq War),... more »
How North Korea Got A Cell Network For Free
Kim Jong Un inspects North Korea's first smartphone, the Aririang phone. KCNA/ Reuters *Washington Post: **North Korea tells Egyptian company: Thanks for the cellphones. We’ll take the company, too.* Turns out it’s really hard for foreign investors to make money in North Korea. Who could have guessed? Well, pretty much everyone. But Orascom, a plucky Egyptian company, tried anyway, apparently hoping to gain a foothold in a country of 26 million potential customers. Orascom Telecom and Media Technology is the company behind the astonishing explosion of cell phone usage in hermetica... more »
As Usual, Conservatives Want The Election To Be About Anything But Economic Policies
Demagoguery, particularly when it comes to stirring up war fever, xenophobia and naked bigotry, have been tried and true methods conservatives use to get voters to think about something other than the economic agenda that's enslaving them and their families. It works well. Republicans and conservative Democrats would much prefer to demonize a tiny, pathetic handful of Syrian refugees than discuss... oh, say... reinstating Glass Steagall or raising the minimum wage or reforming a tax system that allows the wealthiest-- who just happen to be the funders of the politicians' SuperPAC... more »
Life As A Drone Operator
Drone operators at Holloman Air Force Base in the southwestern state of New Mexico: Modern warfare is as invisible as a thought, deprived of its meaning by distance. Gilles Mingasson/ DER SPIEGEL *The Guardian:* *Life as a drone operator: 'Ever step on ants and never give it another thought?'* *In a secluded room at an airbase in Nevada, young men hold the power of life and death over people thousands of miles away. Former servicemen tell their story.* When Michael Haas, a former senior airman with the US air force, looks back on the missions he flew over Afghanistan and other con... more »
Congressman Calls To Shut Down Websites And Social Media To Stop ISIS
Congressman Joe Barton plans to stop ISIS by shutting down websites, including social media networks. US Rep. Joe Barton asked the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Tom Wheeler whether they would be able to shut down websites and social media networks used by ISIS and other terrorist groups. Arstechnica.com reports: “ISIS and the terrorist networks can’t beat us militarily, but they are really trying to use the Internet and all of the social media to try to intimidate and beat us psychologically,” Barton said. Addressing Wheeler during an FCC oversight hearing held b... more »
US Hands 19,000 Bombs Over To Saudis Who Pass Them To ISIS
Saudi Arabia are receiving billions of dollars worth of heavy ammunition from the United States, which is being used covertly to fight Russia in order to weaken their strategy against ISIS. To strengthen its air force, the Islamist monarchy are looking to purchase over 19,000 bombs, totalling 1.29 billion dollars, from the US government. Russia-insider.com reports: Saudi Arabia is one of the United States’ key allies in the Middle East. The agreement on Iran’s nuclear program has caused tension in the relationship. Saudi Arabia is engaged in a power struggle with Tehran for control... more »
Why Did The NSA Put Its Largest Surveillance Data Storehouse In The Middle Of A Desert?
The NSA Data Center in Utah. Wikimedia *Ingrid Burrington, The Atlantic*:* A Visit to the NSA's Data Center in Utah* Why would the intelligence agency put its largest surveillance storehouse in the middle of a desert? When I told friends that I'd be driving across America to find The Cloud, many of them brought up the NSA's Utah data center, assuming it was on my itinerary. Which was understandable—since 2013, it's become a monument to the anxieties of big data and mass surveillance, a black box just out of reach and far beyond comprehension. I tended to respond to these friends ... more »
Luck Appears To Play A Huge Role In NSA Surveillance Operations
A National Security Agency (NSA) data gathering facility is seen in Bluffdale, about 25 miles (40 km) south of Salt Lake City, Utah May 18, 2015. © Jim Urquhart / Reuters *RT:* *Leaked NSA doc reveals ‘sheer luck’ needed to find useful info in sea of surveillance data* *The NSA didn’t know it was already sitting on a “goldmine” of data on one of its targets until one of its analysts discovered it by “sheer luck,” according to an internal newsletter entry leaked by Edward Snowden.* The article, dated March 23, 2011, was written by a signals development analyst in SIDtoday, an NSA i... more »
Paris attack witness says black Mercedes pulled up and shooters fired rifles from the hip
*I am posting this not only because it is important, but I have a feeling that some of this text has already started to be "changed" in the original article. I hope that you can see why it might be.* *MIRROR* - 14 Nov 2015 - Updated 09:30, 15 Nov 2015 - ByMatthew Drake, Dan Warburton Shooters, brandishing assault rifles and dressed in black uniforms, were seen slowly pulling up in the Merc during a series of coordinated atrocities REUTERS/Philippe Wojazer[image: A French policeman assists a blood-covered victim near the Bataclan concert hall following attacks in Paris, F... more »
Why U.S. Efforts Tto Cut Off Islamic State's Funds Have Failed
(*Click on Image to Enlarge*) The location of oil fields are shown in green, and oil refineries and pipelines are in purple. (Congressional Research Service) *Bloomberg*: *Why ISIS Has All the Money It Needs* It’s more than just oil. Weeks before the attacks that killed 129 people in Paris, U.S. warplanes resumed sorties above Syria and Iraq, targeting anew oil fields and other parts of a vast petroleum infrastructure that fuels—and funds—Islamic State, one of the richest terrorist armies the world has known. These airstrikes were launched not because U.S. officials were prescient.... more »
The Islamic State Is Using Al Qaeda's Tactics To Plan Attacks Against The West
A man described as Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the suspected ringleader of the Paris attacks, in a photo published in the Islamic State's online magazine Dabiq. PHOTO: REUTERS *Wall Street Journal:* *Islamic State Tactics Shift, Borrowing From al Qaeda* *Extremists are engineering larger, more coordinated plots against the West* U.S. and European counterterrorism officials believe Islamic State has changed its operational tactics by borrowing from al Qaeda’s playbook, deploying trusted lieutenants to engineer larger, more coordinated plots against the West. The attacks in Paris were the ... more »
Researchers Fear Drug-Resistant Bacteria Could Spread Globally
[image: drug-resistant] ATLANTA (CBS Atlanta) -- Researchers are concerned that drug-resistant "superbugs" could spread across the globe. Chinese researchers say some meat sold in the country has been infected with E. coli that's resistant to antibiotics and capable of transferring its immunity,... Continue reading *“Researchers Fear Drug-Resistant Bacteria Could Spread Globally”* at *atlanta.cbslocal.com*.
Dozens Under Watch in the U.S. to Guard Against Paris Copycat Attack
[image: paris attack] Dozens of suspected radicals in the United States are under “tight surveillance” because law enforcement officials fear they might try to pull off a copycat version of the Paris attacks after being exposed to ISIS propaganda, according to FBI Director... Continue reading *“Dozens Under Watch in the U.S. to Guard Against Paris Copycat Attack”* at *abcnews.go.com*.
France prohibits climate march, plans updated
. By Payal Parekh - 350.org Friends, Yesterday, we got some disappointing news. Citing security concerns, the French government has prohibited many of the Paris mobilizations and events connected to the upcoming climate summit from going forward -- including the massive march being planned for November 29th. This is a heavy blow, especially for the many organizers who have been working
Amnesty Intl. USA's "Write for Rights" campaign focuses on Albert Woodfox, calling for his immediate release
* (Amnesty International artwork)* Today, in conjunction with the "Write for Rights" campaign, Amnesty International USA issued an email action alert focusing on Albert Woodfox, where Amnesty reiterated the organization's call for Albert's immediate release. Along with urging supporters to add their name to Amnesty's online petition to Louisiana Attorney General James Caldwell, Amnesty is also asking people to write letters to both AG Caldwell and to Albert, with a sample letter and other information available here. On November 7, a protest march in support of Albert was held in L... more »
Ex-Subway Pitchman Fogle Gets More Than 15 Years in Prison
[image: Jared Fogle] Warning: The testimonies and charges in this article are graphic. INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -- Jared Fogle emerged from obscurity to become the unlikely face of one of the nation’s biggest restaurant chains, earning a small fortune by touting the benefits of... more »
How Salt and a Car Battery Are Bringing Clean Water to the Developing World
[image: Community Chlorine Maker - 400] Though it looks and operates more like a kid's science-fair project than a solution to the global water crisis, a new device created through a partnership between an outdoor-equipment manufacturer and a nonprofit global-health organization could give remote communities around... Continue reading *“How Salt and a Car Battery Are Bringing Clean Water to the Developing World”* at *takepart.com*.
Economist Professor Suggests Chinese Men Should Share Wives
[image: Chinese woman - 400] By 2020, China will have an estimated 30 million more men than women as a result of the country's one-child population control policy established over 30 years ago. As a solution, a Chinese economist professor has proposed that men in China share... Continue reading *“Economist Professor Suggests Chinese Men Should Share Wives”* at *liveactionnews.org*.
Inside America’s Islamic State Air Strike Center In Iraq
(*Click on Image to Enlarge*) The Combined Air and Space Operations Center (CAOC) at Al Udeid Air Base, Qatar, provides command and control of air power throughout Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and 17 other nations. (Photo by Tech. Sgt. Joshua Strang/ Air Force) *Daily Beast*: *Exclusive: Inside America’s ISIS Air Strike Center in Iraq* *As many as 50 U.S. drone strikes directed by the Kurds helped to secure Sinjar—demonstrating how closely the two militaries are working together against ISIS.* ERBIL, Northern Iraq — The morning after the attacks in Paris that left 129 dead, the U.S. ... more »
A Look At What 100,000 U.S. Soldiers Could Do In Syria
U.S. Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles drive through Camp Adder before departing what is now known as Imam Ali Base near Nasiriyah, Iraq December 16, 2011. REUTERS/Mario Tama/Pool *Michael O'Hanlon, Reuters*: *What 100,000 U.S. boots on the ground get you in Syria* Speaking in Turkey after the terrible Paris murders of last Friday, President Barack Obama recently opposed any fundamental change in U.S. strategy towards Syria — the hotbed and home headquarters of Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, and apparently a key node in the planning and preparation of the... more »
How Much Does The Republican Base Absolutely Crave Being Lied To? And The Democrats?
Say NO to the anti-refugee assholes of both parties Reality is more difficult for Republicans than for normal people. Not *all* Republicans, but many Republicans-- the ones whose minds have been damaged by Hate Talk Radio hosts and by Fox News. And that's a lot of Republicans. It's why the "dumbest states," as we saw last night, are all deep red states. The Republican base is, unfortunately, incapable of dealing with abstracts, even the most simple abstracts. They can repeat what they hear on Limbaugh's show and can grunt approvingly when something sounds like its confirming the not... more »
MENA Report ( November 19 - 20 , 2015 ) - Around the MENA Horn ( Syria/ Iraq War Theater , ISIS Overlay - extending from Iraq/ Syria and into Europe , Iran nuclear agreement item of note , Israel , Paris Attacks and related items - investigations / Gov't reactions and potential over-reactions , Refugee Crisis - a wide look at some of the hot button issues of the day )
Links..... *5 Killed, Several Wounded in Tel Aviv, West Bank Attacks* *Air Strikes Will Have Little Effect on ISIS**World Unites After ISIS Terror but Strikes May Backfire, Experts Say* *France Wants Grand Coalition, But US Still Seeks to Exclude Russia* *Arab Nations' Intel Tips Often Go Unheeded in West* *House Votes to Block Syrian Refugees From US* *Turkey, US Carry Op to Hit ISIS Near Syria Border* *Report: Ceasefire in Damascus Suburb to Be Announced in Shortly* *Heavy Fighting Leaves 250 Dead Across Iraq* *White House Takes Credit for French Airstrikes... more »
Nov. 19: In Remembrance
http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/surveillance-state-neil-macdonald-1.3325327 During World War Two, Canadians were daily reminded they were fighting for the Five Freedoms. (Actually, these freedoms were from the US constitution, but we were assured they were for all of us.) They were freedom of religion, of speech, of the press, of the right to assemble peaceably, freedom to petition for redress of grievances. In the U.S., these freedoms came under attack immediately after the war when U.S. senator McCarthy destroyed lives and careers of at least hundreds by attacking some of these ... more »
Musical Interlude: Medwyn Goodall, “Invocation 2 and 3”
Medwyn Goodall, “Invocation 2” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_UWVgYrS_X0 Medwyn Goodall, “Invocation 3” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ilsk2vkEWmA
Obama Prepares America for Refugee Influx with Tourniquets for Terror Attacks
[image: tourniquets] WASHINGTON -- The White House is pushing to make tourniquets as commonplace as heart defibrillators in U.S. schools, stadiums, airports, malls and other public places, to reduce fatalities from mass shootings and terror bombings. Applying lessons learned on the battlefields... Continue reading *“Obama Prepares America for Refugee Influx with Tourniquets for Terror Attacks”* at *google.com*.
Planned Parenthood Asks: What Word Describes Us? Responses Show Widespread Disgust
[image: Planned Parenthood] Planned Parenthood asked people on Twitter to describe the billion-dollar abortion provider in one word, and the response it got was not at all what it expected. A few months ago, undercover journalists began exposing what Planned Parenthood later admitted... Continue reading *“Planned Parenthood Asks: What Word Describes Us? Responses Show Widespread Disgust”* at *thefederalist.com*.
To Fight ISIS, America is Going to Need Another President
[image: Barack Obama] WASHINGTON -- Tell me: What’s a suicide bomber doing with a passport? He’s not going anywhere. And, though I’m not a religious scholar, I doubt that a passport is required in paradise for a martyr to access his 72 black-eyed... more »
Cartoon: ‘Border … Security’
[image: Ramirez - 111915 - Border Security - 900]
FBI: No Credible Terror Threats In The U.S.
*The Hill:* *FBI: No credible terror threat, despite ISIS videos* The FBI has not detected any “credible” threat to American national security, Director James Comey said on Thursday, days after the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) issued threats against Washington and as the country grapples with the terror group's reach. “We are not aware of any credible threat here of a Paris-type attack and we have seen no connection at all between the Paris attackers and the United States,” Comey told reporters on Thursday. “ISIL and its supporters put out all types of propaganda, like ... more »
There Aren’t as Many People as a Lot of Environmentalists Think: Some Elementary Calculations
[image: Big City Crowd Overpopulation - 900] The big global warming conference in Paris (COP21) is about to start, an event cheered by environmentalists everywhere. Now many environmentalists are not fond of people, thinking there are too many of them, which is why they're always calling for fewer. But... more »
Russian Airstrikes Destroy ISIS Oil Convoys
Russian airstrikes have hit more than 200 targets in 24 hours as Moscow aims to cut off the Islamic States income by taking out refinery and oil trucks. Moscow had announced last night that its warplanes would be hunting ISIS oil tanker trucks in Syria, a day after it was confirmed that a ‘terrorist attack’ had brought down a Russian passenger plane in October The General Staff said that around 500 fuel tanker vehicles transporting illegal oil from Syria to Iraq for processing had been destroyed by Russia’s Air Forces. RT reports: “In recent years, Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/I... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 19, 2015
Militant Islamist fighters wave flags as they take part in a military parade along the streets of Syria’s northern Raqqa province June 30, 2014. REUTERS/Stringer *John Lloyd, Reuters:* *Islamic State has become an existential threat to the West* The Europeans have — it’s not news — tended to be snooty about the Americans. Especially the French, but the attitude is ingrained even in the “special relationship” with the UK. In interviews with intelligence service people, mostly retired, for a project for the Reuters Institute, I often heard that senior British officers had thought t... more »
The Trouble with the ‘Nation of Immigrants’ Argument
[image: Immigrants - 400] Listen for a few minutes to the raging debate over the fate of the Syrian refugees, and you will hear a familiar phrase rear its weary head: "The United States is a nation of immigrants." This line has two purposes... Continue reading *“The Trouble with the ‘Nation of Immigrants’ Argument”* at *nationalreview.com*.
New Islamic State Video Threatens Attack on White House
[image: White House after dark - 400] Islamic State militants released a video on Thursday threatening the White House with suicide bombings and car blasts and vowing to conduct more attacks on France. The six-minute video released by Islamic State fighters in Iraq applauds last week’s Paris... Continue reading *“New Islamic State Video Threatens Attack on White House”* at *reuters.com*.
Jindal’s Exit Underscores Tough Year for Governors
[image: Bobby Jindal_Governor Louisiana] Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal ended his presidential run Tuesday, five months into a campaign in which he struggled to gain traction against his less politically experienced rivals. "This is not my time," he conceded. Jindal announced on Fox News that... Continue reading *“Jindal’s Exit Underscores Tough Year for Governors”* at *realclearpolitics.com*.
World News Briefs -- November 19, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*AFP*: *Nerves fray across Europe after Paris carnage* Paris (AFP) - Panicky crowds, pop stars pulling out, planes diverted and football matches called off -- Europe is increasingly on edge after Islamic State jihadists staged a bloody attack on Paris, slaughtering 129 people. It doesn't take much to send panic jolting through a Paris crowd these days. Long ignored as the backdrop of sound in a big city, the wail of a police siren or the noise of a car backfiring now sets heads turning. "It's quite psychotic now. People are really jumpy. All it takes is for a door van to be slamme... more »
EFN Asia 52, The 5 fishbowls of economic freedom in Asia
The two-days Economic Freedom Network (EFN) Asia conference 2015 in Bhutan is just 3 days away. Among the important activities on Day 1 is the dynamic discussion on *Economic Freedom and Happiness: Five Fishbowls*. The term "fishbowl" is taken from the seating arrangement of participants: listeners form a circle in the centre of which sit the discussants. Each fishbowl will have six persons at the centre: 1 expert, 1 moderator, 1 rapporteur, and 3 “open” resource persons. The listeners form a circle. The first 3 persons never leave their positions while the 3 open resource persons... more »
Russian Bombers Destroy ISIS HQ In Syria
Russia claims they have destroyed ISIS headquarters in Syria. The Ministry of Defense said on Thursday that Russian strategic bombers had fired salvos of cruise missiles at command centers and several oil and weapons facilities of the so called Islamic State or ISIS in Syria. The ISIS de facto capital, Raqqa, and the largest city in eastern Syria, Deir-Ez-Zur, came under intensive bombing. The Moscow Times reports: The attack was the third major strike in Syria in recent days, and follows Russia’s announcement on Tuesday that a Russian airliner which crashed in Egypt last month kill... more »
Mainline Protestant Churches Are Warmer to Potential Members if They’re White
[image: churches - 400] Christians are called to welcome the stranger in their midst, but, according to a new academic study, some churches are much more likely to reply to an email from a potential new member with a white-sounding name than a black-,... Continue reading *“Mainline Protestant Churches Are Warmer to Potential Members if They’re White”* at *fivethirtyeight.com*.
Agents: Afghan and Pakistanis Caught Monday Trying to Cross Border into Arizona
[image: border patrol - 400] Agents with the U.S. Border Patrol are expressing frustration and anger after a group of men from Pakistan and Afghanistan was reportedly caught crossing the Mexican border into the U.S. this week. The agents say the incident was kept secret... Continue reading *“Agents: Afghan and Pakistanis Caught Monday Trying to Cross Border into Arizona”* at *sharylattkisson.com*.
Philanthropist Sees 400 US Troops Eating Bagged Lunches, Pays for Them to Eat Wherever They Want
[image: Navy, military, servicemen, soldiers, celebrating, celebrate] A group of 400 U.S. servicemen stationed in Ireland received an unexpected surprise while eating lunch at an airport. Los Angeles-based philanthropist Shlomo Rechnitz was on his way to Israel with his family when he spotted the servicemen eating standard... more »
Qatar's migrant workers say they are paid to fill stadiums before World Cup
SOURCE GUARDIAN: Qatar's migrant workers say they are paid to fill stadiums before World Cup At an evening match between Al Sadd and rivals Al Ahli last month, groups of “fans” told our reporter they had been paid about £5 to attend or had been given free tickets. They included several African security guards, who wore white robes they said helped them look more like Qataris. Indian
"A Look to the Heavens"
“What's the closest active galaxy to planet Earth? That would be Centaurus A, only 11 million light-years distant. Spanning over 60,000 light-years, the peculiar elliptical galaxy is also known as NGC 5128. Forged in a collision of two otherwise normal galaxies, Centaurus A's fantastic jumble of young blue star clusters, pinkish star forming regions, and imposing dark dust lanes are seen here in remarkable detail. *Click image for larger size.* The colorful galaxy portrait is a composite of image data from space- and ground-based telescopes large and small. Near the galaxy's center, ... more »
Chet Raymo, “A Sense Of Place”
*“A Sense Of Place”* by Chet Raymo “It would be hard to find two writers more different than Eudora Welty and Edward Abbey. Welty was a Pulitzer Prize-winning author of stories and novels who lived all her life in Jackson, Mississippi, in the house in which she was born, the beloved spinster aunt of American letters. Abbey was a hard-drinking, butt-kicking nature writer and conservationist best known for his books on the American Southwest. Both writers are favorites of mine. Both were great champions of place. I always wondered what it would have been like if they got together. As... more »
The Poet: Wendell Berry, "The Circles Of Our Lives"
*"The Circles Of Our Lives"* "Within the circles of our lives we dance the circles of the years, the circles of the seasons within the circles of the years, the cycles of the moon, within the circles of the seasons, the circles of our reasons within the cycles of the moon. Again, again we come and go, changed, changing. Hands join, unjoin in love and fear, grief and joy. The circles turn, each giving into each, into all. Only music keeps us here, each by all the others held. In the hold of hands and eyes we turn in pairs, that joining joining each to all again. And then we turn aside, a... more »
The Universe
"Actually, nobody "needs" to be corrected. They know when they're acting up, or will soon find out. Poor behavior within your proximity, however, is always a tip-off that someone else might correct what they're thinking, saying, and doing. Just as good behavior within your proximity is just one more cause to celebrate your savoir faire." "Advanced Metaphysics 101," The Universe "Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!" www.tut.com
US Approves Sale Of Genetically Modified Salmon For Human Consumption
Genetically modified salmon was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as safe for human consumption on Thursday. Environmental and food safety groups are disappointed with the FDA’s decision and have vowed to fight the agency in court. A senior scientist with the Consumers Union, said: “And it’s even more concerning that the FDA chose not to require any form of labeling, making it extremely difficult for consumers to know if the salmon is GE or not.” Consumers advocacy groups are concerned that the new genetically modified fish is not even labelled as such: “And it’s e... more »
Syrian Man Kills Islamic State Judge Who Beheaded His Family In Manbij
A man has shot dead an Islamic State Judge who had ordered the beheading of three of his family members in Syria. The Syrian man from ISIS held territory in Manbij, killed the Sharia Law interpreting judge and two of his guards and then went on to take his own life so as to avoid capture. Tensions are rising between the so called Islamic State fighters and the population under their rule. Protesters in the town of Manbij were fired upon and arrested by ISIS militants. The Telegraph reports: “The young man has shot dead a Tunisian national, who served as a judge at the Isil-linked Sh... more »
A Russian - Iran Split On Syria?
Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, met with Iran's President Hassan Rouhani on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly in September. PHOTO: MIKHAIL KLIMENTYEV/KREMLIN/REUTERS *Wall Street Journal:* *U.S. Eyes Russia-Iran Split in Bid to End Syria Conflict* *Washington’s Middle East allies aim to coax Putin to support limits on Tehran-backed Assad’s time in power.* WASHINGTON—The Obama administration and European and Arab allies are seeking to peel Russia away from its alliance with Iran, a partnership that has bolstered Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, said sen... more »
Friday Morning Ramble, after a bad week …
“The heartbreakingly simple front page of today's *Irish Examiner*” ~ Super Rugby “If this tax is really about levelling the playing field for local businesses, and not just another revenue grab, then National should have no problems offsetting the cost of this tax through tax cuts elsewhere.” ~ David Seymour *GST to go on digital goods* – STUFF The latest Dirty Politics stories in 140 words. *Shorter Ng/Rachinger/Slater/Key* – DIM POST “While ‘dirty politics’ Lusk style will never disappear altogether I think his influence is over-rated (by himself), and with increasing sunlig... more »
Kahlil Gibran, "The Prophet- On Laws"
*"The Prophet- On Laws"* "You delight in laying down laws, Yet you delight more in breaking them. Like children playing by the ocean who build sand-towers with constancy and then destroy them with laughter. But while you build your sand-towers the ocean brings more sand to the shore, And when you destroy them the ocean laughs with you. Verily the ocean laughs always with the innocent. But what of those to whom life is not an ocean, and man-made laws are not sandtowers, But to whom life is a rock, and the law a chisel with which they would carve it in their own likeness? What of the cripp... more »
Pastor Greg Laurie’s Harvest America Could Make History
[image: Harvest America] Pastor Greg Laurie has toured the nation and world with his popular Harvest Crusades events -- gatherings held over the past 25 years during which he has collectively shared the Christian gospel with millions and led hundreds of thousands to... Continue reading *“Pastor Greg Laurie’s Harvest America Could Make History”* at *theblaze.com*.
Planned Parenthood Asks a Question … Do They Want the Answer?
[image: One Time Use Only] Sometimes, one has to wonder if Planned Parenthood completely lacks awareness, or if they're just trolling. Take, for example, this tweet from earlier Thursday: What's one word you would use to describe PP? Add it here to be included in... more »
Seriously Beautiful
Seriously beautiful making the rounds picking up all the bonus points that establish the fact and the truth be known you are all part of the master plan the arm behind the invisible hand Taking a look at you I instantly knew you were seriously beautiful but when I did a background check it turns out you are not working for the man Despite the costume changes one day all glam the other so natrual the sun would hide so as not to give you a tan So seriously beautiful there is a sliver lining in this chaotic time when the Zombies come knocking on your door they will get nothing but kick... more »
Would It Be A Mistake For The U.S. To 'Team-Up' With Russia Over Syria?
Russian President Vladimir Putin and US President Barack Obama have discussed the situation in Syria and Ukraine in an informal meeting on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Turkey. RT *Washington Post editorial*: *Teaming up with Russia in Syria could be a dangerous false step for the U.S.* THE PARIS attacks created a tactical opportunity for Vladimir Putin. For two months the Russian ruler sought to persuade Arab and Western nations to join what he described as an alliance against the Islamic State, even as a Russian offensive in Syria targeted Western-backed Syrian rebel forces... more »
John van de Laarschot: A Political Obituary
A week ago one of the most controversial figures ever to have graced Stoke-on-Trent politics left the stage. I'm referring to John van de Laarschot, the now ex-chief executive of the six towns' beloved City Council. For a council officer supposed to remain in the shadows, he was certainly one of the best known unelected city servant ever to have graced his office. It almost got to the point where he was a household name. Rare are the occasions the chief executive of the local authority makes front page news of the local rag. In this one respect, Stoke was unique. JvdL, as he was o... more »
Seiously Beautiful
Seriously beautiful people making the rounds picking up all the bonus points that establish the fact and the truth be known you are all part of the master plan the arm behind the invisible hand Taking a look at you I instantly knew you were seriously beautiful but when I did a background check it turns out you are not working for the man So seriously beautiful there is a sliver lining in this chaotic time when the Zombies come knocking on your door they will get nothing but kick ass from your silver feet Seriously beautiful not good enough took the knife and carved plastic parts and ... more »
Urgent Support Needed: Apaches Oak Flat
. Photo Christine Prat URGENT SUPPORT NEEDED at Oak Flat Campers are needed this weekend, November 20, 21, 22, 23. November 20 and 21st are most needed! Please consider spending a few days at Oak Flat to help ensure a constant presence of people who care for the land. If you go, please come prepared to support yourself fully, including staying warm during chilly nights. After this weekend
Lou Reed: "Give me your hungry, your tired your poor; I'll piss on 'em"
Scaremongering xenphobia rarely hurts the scaremongers and xenophobes There's been plenty of talk, including on this blog, about how the U.S. turned away Jewish refugees in the late 1930s-- sending many to their deaths in Nazi concentration camps-- but nothing was going to slow down conservative fear-mongering. Today the House passed this deranged, idiot anti-immigrant bill 289-137 with 47 of the House's worst Democrats crossing the aisle and joining the GOP. Mostly the aisle crossers were the right-wing fake Dems who are *always* the aisle crossers, like Patrick Murphy (New Dem-FL),... more »
ISIS Pursuing Chemical Weapons According to Iraq & US Intel
Iraq and US intelligence officials have said that ISIS is aggressively pursuing the development of chemical weapons. The terrorist group have reportedly set up a special branch to experiment, research and develop chemical weapons using scientists from Iraq, Syria and other countries in the region. US officials say however, that they ate skeptical about the terrorists’ capabilities to produce sophisticated chemical weapons suited for a terrorist attack. That said the French Prime Minister warned on Thursday that ISIS could potentially use chemical or biological weapons in its attack... more »
"Riding the Wave of Life: Staying Afloat"
*"Riding the Wave of Life: Staying Afloat"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "While riding the wave of life you must also practice stillness so you can flow with, rather than resist the wave’s motion. Our lives are continually in motion, buoyed by the wave that is the universe’s flow. As the wave rises and falls, we are carried forward, through life’s high and low points. The universe’s flow may take us to a place in life where we would rather not be. As tempting as it can be to fight the direction and size of this wave that propels us, riding the wave is intended to make life easier.... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Hillsdale, Michigan, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
"The Most Important Question About ISIS That Nobody Is Asking"
*"The Most Important Question About ISIS That Nobody Is Asking"* by Tyler Durden "The question of how the Islamic State funds its sprawling caliphate has been discussed in the past: we first broke down the primary driver of ISIS revenue well over a year ago, in September 2014, when we explained that "ISIS uses oil wealth to help finance its terror operations." Daily Signal's Kelsey Harkness explained the breakdown as follows: "According to the Iraq Energy Institute, an independent, non-profit policy organization focused on Iraq's energy sector, the army of radical Islamists control... more »
Another Russian Intelligence Leak? Recent Putin Military Briefing Video Shows Russian Artillery Units Located In Syrian Combat Zones
*Reuters*: *Army map suggests presence of Russian artillery unit in central Syria* Military chiefs briefing Vladimir Putin on operations in Syria showed him a map with a reference to a unit in the center of the country that matches a Russian army artillery unit, suggesting the Kremlin's involvement may be deeper than previously thought. Moscow, which is conducting air strikes in Syria, has repeatedly said Russian troops are not taking part in ground operations. If the unit is part of the Russian military, it would mean Russian forces are operating well outside the zone where Mosc... more »
I would like to run a slightly modified version of PCR's next to the last paragraph. My version goes like this: I am a Muslim ready to die for Allah after murdering dozens of (why innocent?) unbelievers. Do I now rush out of sight to blow myself up, or do I look for some people to watch me do it? If I had done the later, I surely would have been caught in the act (or at least the in aftermath) by the cell phones of multiple witnesses. However, given that no such cell-phone photography of the alleged terrorists has been reported, one must suppose that the authorities very likely invented the story. So if only enough thinking individuals would finally dump their cognitive dissonance, the neocons' wars might finally be arrested.
------------------------------ *More Paris Puzzles — Paul Craig Roberts * ------------------------------ November 18, 2015 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter *More Paris Puzzles* Paul Craig Roberts Some people who are not inclined to believe the official story of the Paris attack are troubled by the question why Muslim suicide bombers would blow themselves up for a false flag attack. The answer to this question is very simple. But first we should dispose of the question whether suicide bombers di... more »
Russia’s Defense Ministry Has Released New Videos Of Its Military Air Campaign Against The Islamic State
*RT*: *Russian strategic bombers hit ISIS positions with cruise missiles, smart bombs (VIDEO)* Russia’s Defense Ministry has released new videos of retribution attacks on Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) with strategic bombers launching smart bombs and cruise missiles. Strategic aviation was scrambled shortly after confirmation that the Russian passenger plane that crashed in Egypt's Sinai Desert on October 31 was downed by a terrorist bomb. The footage was apparently recorded on the morning of November 19 and collected as technicians prepare the Russian long-range bombers t... more »
Russia Continues Its Heavy Bombing Campaign Against Islamic State Positions In Syria
*Daily Mail:* *ISIS on the run: Sun sets on another day of heavy losses for terror group as Russia's heavy bombing blitz enters its third day* * Russian jets flew more than 100 combat sorties in Syria on Thursday * Followed on from 126 sorties flown by Russian military on Wednesday * Bombs targeted headquarters in Idlib, fuel depot and a factory * Putin ordered an escalation of bombing against ISIS after it was confirmed Russian passenger plane was brought down by an affiliated group ISIS has suffered a third day of heavy losses as the Russians continued their bombing blitz agains... more »
U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter: U.S. Is Prepared To Change The Rules Of Engagement In The War Against The Islamic State
*Washington Times*: *Ash Carter: ‘We’re prepared to change rules of engagement’ in fight vs. ISIS* Defense Secretary Ashton Carter says the U.S. is prepared to change the “rules of engagement” in the fight against the Islamic State terrorist group, pointing to methods like targeting fuel trucks controlled by the terrorist group. “We’ve reviewed them — we review them all the time,” Mr. Carter said in an interview for MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “Actually, if you look at the data, the thing that most enhances the impact of the air campaign is better and better intelligence. We’re prepar... more »
The Future of Movies
NOVEMBER 19, 2015 *by Len Hart, the Existentialist Cowboy* Movies were originally intended to be projected, seen by a group. A sense of "community", a "shared experience" were an important part of motion pictures even after the advent of television. TV was TV but movies were big screen, often spectacular, obviously more expensive per episode. TV stars were well-known but "Movie Stars" were in another league. *Those days may be gone.* As spectacular as was Cameron's "Avatar", there was no single "star" indispensable to the telling of the tale as was, for example, Bogey in "Key Largo... more »
Officials: IS Determined to Produce Chemical Weapons
[image: FILE - This image made from an AP video posted on Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2013 shows shows Syrians in protective suits and gas masks conducting a drill on how to treat casualties of a chemical weapons attack in Aleppo, Syria. The Islamic State group is aggressively pursuing development of chemical weapons, setting up a branch dedicated to research and experiments with the help of scientists from Iraq, Syria and elsewhere in the region, according to Iraqi and U.S. intelligence officials. (AP Photo via AP video, File)] BAGHDAD (AP) -- The Islamic State group is aggressively pursui... more »
Rally for Leonard Peltier Washington DC Nov. 26, 2015
The Post-Capitalist Society is Already Emerging in Denmark
*Alex Pietrowski* - As the era of capitalism putters on, people are starting to realize the depth of its ineptitude. The post The Post-Capitalist Society is Already Emerging in Denmark appeared first on Waking Times.
'Thangs Taken' Natives Rethinking Thanksgiving Nov. 22, 2015 Berkeley
. Family and Friends, Do you have a child, niece or nephew, student or friend who would enjoy hearing an Ohlone Hummingbird Story or learning a traditional Wampanoag Duck Dance? Have you told them about the all new Thangs Taken for Kids and Families? Do you want to hear the latest from #apachestronghold about the movement to protect Oak Flat in Arizona or the newest
Is President Obama Refusing To Hear Or Read Intel On Islamic Terror Groups?
*Daily Caller:* *Attkisson: Obama Is Selectively Reading Intel Reports* Former CBS News reporter Sharyl Attkisson claimed that she has sources who say President Barack Obama has “closed his mind” to some intelligence reports with which he disagrees. Wednesday on NewsmaxTV’s “Steve Malzberg Show,” Attkisson asserted that Obama “does not necessarily listen to the people with whom they disagrees. He seems to dig in. … He is facing formidable opposition on this particular point.” Attkisson explained, “I have talked to people who have worked in the Obama administration who firmly beli... more »
Doug Martin and Hoosier School Heist at Purdue University
by Doug Martin Doug Martin speaks on his book *Hoosier School Heist* at the Purdue Social Justice Coalition's November 12, 2015 event entitled “Exposé: The Profit Motive Behind Public Education Reform in Indiana.” Introduction by Dr. Bill Mullen, a Purdue professor and writer for the *Socialist Worker*. Plus, the Purdue Social Justice Coalition's Tiffany Montoya gives an update on the many protests going on at Purdue.
Hollyhock House, by Frank Lloyd Wright
No, not my favourite Frank Lloyd Wright house, but the title says it all … Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Undercover Paedophile Rescues Under Age Girl From Thai Brothel
A brave dad posed as a paedophile to rescue victims of the under-age sex trade, entrapped in Thailand’s brothels. Tony Kirwin set up the Destiny Rescue group of volunteers to rescue under-age girls from brothels. The former electrician who has two daughters of his own set up the organisation 15 years ago after visiting Bangkok. He and his team have rescued over a 1,000 girls from seedy sex dens in five nations: Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Philippines, and India. Recently a Destiny Rescue group agent posed as a depraved Western tourist, as most punters are, and tried to rescue an unde... more »
Sharyl Attkisson: Obama Has “Closed His Mind” to Intelligence on US-Recognized Terrorist Groups
[image: Sharyl Attkisson] Several times in the past, we’ve heard President Barack Obama, and occasionally his press secretary, tell America that the nation’s commander-in-chief learned about certain events the same way many of the rest of us did: by seeing them on TV... Continue reading *“Sharyl Attkisson: Obama Has “Closed His Mind” to Intelligence on US-Recognized Terrorist Groups”* at *newsbusters.org*.
Kurds and Christians Fight Back against ISIS in Syria
[image: Christian Militia Syria ISIS] “ISIS asked us for a cease-fire two days ago,” Kino told me. “They asked us for a safe pass out of Hasakah. The forces here refused to do that, because we want to finish them.” My translator, an Assyrian American... Continue reading *“Kurds and Christians Fight Back against ISIS in Syria”* at *nationalreview.com*.
Objectivity, Subjectivity and the Nature of Matter
*Julian Rose* - The miracle of life as seen in the delicate magic of the butterfly or in the sheer power of the mighty oak – what is this? The post Objectivity, Subjectivity and the Nature of Matter appeared first on Waking Times.
Who Needs Bill Gates And Monsanto? Confronting Hunger, Poverty And Climate Change: "Tremendous Success" Of Agroecology In Africa
Global Research, CounterPunch, Countercurrents, RINF Support Colin's Work Here It is essential that we get off the chemical treadmill that the modern industrial urban-centric food and agriculture system is based on. It is essential in terms of our health, the environment and sustainability and not least in terms of food security and supporting rural economies and smallholder farmers, who comprise the backbone of global food production. Nevertheless, promoters of chemical-intensive agriculture and GMOs are fond of telling us all that traditional approaches to agriculture will not b... more »
Afghanistan Is Still Very Dangerous For Americans Even Though Their Leaders Are Claiming That 'Combat Operations' Have Ended
U.S. and Czech soldiers patrol north of Bagram Airfield on Oct. 20 looking for signs of Taliban fighters. (Photo by Dan Lamothe/ The Washington Post) *Washington Post*:* In Afghanistan, a series of attacks on Americans during ‘non-combat’ operations* BAGRAM, Afghanistan – When Krissie K. Davis deployed to Afghanistan this spring with the U.S. military, she was excited about her mission and told her family she’d be safe. A 54-year-old grandmother and civilian employee with the Air Force, she worked at sprawling Bagram Airfield preparing equipment for disposal as part of the base’s p... more »
Supplemental: Round 2 from the provocateur Drum!
*THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2015The way we humans function:* Have the Paris attacks changed the shape of the White House campaign? We have no way of knowing. Last Saturday, it was painful to watch Candidate Clinton walking the line this way: DICKERSON (11/14/15): Secretary Clinton, you mentioned radical jihadists. Marco Rubio, also running for president, said...the attack in Paris showed that we are at war with radical Islam. Do you agree with that characterization, "radical Islam?" CLINTON: *I don't think we're at war with Islam. I don't think we're at war with all Muslims.* I thin... more »
Kids Craft:Hand Print Wreath
This sweet and simple craft is one of our favorite things to make around Christmas time. My little ones love tracing their hands and this craft takes about 20 minutes, perfect for short attention spans. You will need: - red and green construction paper - a pencil - scissors - tape or glue - a large paper plate Trace your child's hands over and over again. I ended needed 7 of each color. If your child is smaller, you might need more. Cut out all of the hands. Cut out the center of the paper plate. I really like to use a sturdy plate, it helps the wreath hold up so m... more »
Growing Worries That The Islamic State Is Seeking To Produce Chemical Weapons
*RT:** ‘ISIS branch’ seeking to produce chemical weapons - Iraq and US intel* Islamic State has a branch devoted to creating chemical weapons, AP reports, citing Iraqi and US officials. Earlier, French Prime Minister Manuel Valls also warned that Islamic State could potentially use chemical or biological weapons in its attacks. A special branch has been set up by Islamic State to develop chemical weapon for the terrorist group using scientists from Iraq and Syria as well as other countries in the region, AP reported, citing Iraqi and US intelligence sources. Although Islamic Sta... more »
House Democrats Join GOP in Voting for Bill Slowing Down Syrian, Iraqi Refugee Flow
[image: United_States_Capitol_Dome_and_Flag[1] - 900] WASHINGTON (AP) -- In a stinging rebuke to President Barack Obama by Republicans as well as members of his own party, the House ignored a veto threat Thursday and overwhelmingly approved Republican legislation erecting fresh hurdles for Syrian and Iraqi... more »
Polish Government Want To Turn Syrian Refugees Into Liberation Army
Syrian refugees should train to become an army that could go back and “liberate their country” according to the Polish government. Polish Foreign Minister, Witold Waszczykowski, suggested the strategy as a means of gaining employment and a permanent solution to the Syrian refugee crisis and the civil war. The Daily Express reports: The suggestion came from the Polish Foreign Minister, Witold Waszczykowski, who told the country’s public broadcaster that it would be a useful way for Syrians to gain employment, instead of ‘sipping coffee’ in the streets of Berlin. He said:”Tens of thou... more »
First Video Of Paris Restaurant Shooting Posted Online
*Daily Mail:* *EXCLUSIVE: First footage of Paris attacks shows diners diving for cover as jihadist sprays café with bullets... and women he tried to kill at point-blank range but who escaped because his gun jammed* * The images show the merciless savagery of an Islamic State assassin and the extraordinary bravery of the victims * They also show the incredible luck of a young woman who would have died had the terrorist not misfired * Police believe her to be the luckiest person to escape with their life during Friday's psychopathic rampage * The Daily Mail can today reveal the ... more »
Geopolitics/The Economy: “ISIS Is a Monster of Our Own Creation”
*“ISIS Is a Monster of Our Own Creation”* by Bill Bonner PARIS – “Paris was calm last night. We walked across the River Seine… Pausing to take this photo of the Eiffel Tower along the way. We were living in Paris in 2003 when President George W. Bush and his team decided to attack Iraq. Our misgivings were recorded in the Daily Reckoning e-letter we were writing at the time. As we put it: “The U.S. invasion was arguably the best thing that ever happened to jihadists. It challenged them. It forced them to grow and adapt. Like an oversupply of antibiotics in a New Delhi hospital, U.... more »
"How It Really Is"
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.” - H. L. Mencken
California Indian Film Festival: Pechanga and San Marcos
. Program http://www.caiiff.com/#!program/c1vud In the news: PECHANGA: Film fest spotlights Native Americans California’s American Indian and Indigenous Film Festival caps off the three day event at Pechanga Resort & Casino on Saturday, Nov. 21. Riverside Press Enterprise By Stephanie Schulte With a name change to California’s American Indian and Indigenous Film Festival,
Vandals Attack Denver Book & Gift Store Called ISIS
A Denver bookstore named ISIS after the Egyptian goddess of health, marriage, and wisdom has been vandalized following the Paris attacks….and not for the first time Isis Books & Gifts on South Broadway has been in business for 35 years, but lately it has been threatened and targeted by vandals who associate it with the terrorist group commonly called and best known as ISIS. Over the weekend someone threw a brick through the “Isis Book & Gifts” sign outside the business. This Denver bookshop may want to consider a name change 😨#ParisAttacks#ISISpic.twitter.com/tg8NDxaszd — Jeffrey...more »
American Teen, at Least Four Others, Killed in Terror Attacks in Israel
[image: terror attacks] An 18-year-old American tourist has been identified as one of the victims shot and killed by a Palestinian terrorist Thursday in the West Bank, Israeli police tell Fox News. The shooting and a separate, earlier knife attack in Tel Aviv... Continue reading *“American Teen, at Least Four Others, Killed in Terror Attacks in Israel”* at *foxnews.com*.
Clinton Lays Out ISIS Strategy: No Troops in Syria, Even if Attack on US Soil
[image: Hillary Clinton] NEW YORK (AP) -- Hillary Rodham Clinton vowed to keep American troops out of Syria in a sweeping foreign policy address, saying she would resist sending forces to fight Islamic militants even if there’s another terrorist attack within the US.... more »
Playing Politics with Compassion after the Paris Attacks (and why humanitarianism is in trouble)
Photo Credit: ruimc77 on Flickr In response to the November 13, 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris that killed 129 people President Obama stated: Once again, we’ve seen an outrageous attempt to terrorize innocent civilians. This is an attack not just on Paris, it’s an attack not just on the people of France, but this is […]
ISIS and the Future of Counter-Terrorism
[I’ve been debating whether to post this…it’s a “transcript” of a talk I gave yesterday here at the University of Puget Sound. It’s a bit basic as it was intended for a general audience of, primarily, undergraduate students. I wrote this up for friends who wanted to hear the talk but were unable to attend. […]
Hillary Clinton Outlines Her Plan To Defeat The Islamic State
*CNN:* *Hillary Clinton calls for U.S. to 'intensify and broaden' efforts to fight ISIS* Hillary Clinton is calling for more allied planes, more airstrikes and a "broader target set" -- though no large-scale mobilization of U.S. ground troops -- to combat the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria. She urged Congress to approve a new authorization of the use of military force against ISIS, saying that doing so would signal "that the U.S. is committed to this fight. The time for delay is over. We should get this done." In the wake of the Paris attacks, for which ISIS has claimed respons... more »
Joseph Farah asks: Who is America's No 1 enemy?...
*is it?: * Is it ISIS? Is it, as Barack Obama seriously suggests, “climate change”? Is it Russia? Is it the potential for an electro-magnetic pulse that could take down the nation’s electrical grid and fry the circuit boards we depend on for virtually everything in this high-tech, interdependent society, resulting in the deaths of potentially hundreds of millions of Americans? Is it China? Is it the unwillingness of the Washington political establishment to secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws? Is it the potential for attack by rogue nations or other terrorist or... more »
Can journals get hijacked? Apparently, yes
Did you recently log onto your favorite journal’s website and see this? (For anyone who doesn’t want to bother clicking, it’s the video from Rick Astley’s “Never Gonna Give You Up.”) If so, your favorite journal was hijacked. In today’s issue of Science, John Bohannon (who recently published a bogus study about the benefits of chocolate) […] The post Can journals get hijacked? Apparently, yes appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Nirali Torres Photos Guatemala: Continental Meeting of Indigenous Women of the Americas
Winnemem Wintu Chief Caleen Sisk with Rigoberta Menchu Photos copyright Nirali Torres Continental Meeting of Indigenous Women of the AmericasNovember 15th-19th, 2015Guatemala Thank you Nirali Torres for sharing these incredible photos with Censored News!
Faith Leaders Urge Governor Jerry Brown to End Fracking in California
. Photo of Faith Leaders singing "We Shall Not Be Moved" at the State Capitol by Dan Bacher. Faith Leaders Urge Governor Jerry Brown to End Fracking in California by Dan Bacher Censored News As Governor Jerry Brown was getting ready to portray himself as a "climate leader" at the upcoming United Nations Climate Summit in Paris, faith leaders, environmental advocates,
Could America Survive without Religion?
[image: John Adams] John Adams famously said that our Constitution was made "only for a moral and religious people and is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." Was he right? Perhaps the first thing to note is that our Constitution is,... Continue reading *“Could America Survive without Religion?”* at *thepublicdiscourse.com*.
$3 Billion Over 41 Years: How the Clintons Methodically Cultivated Donors
[image: bill-hillary-clinton - 400] LITTLE ROCK -- Over four decades of public life, Bill and Hillary Clinton have built an unrivaled global network of donors while pioneering fundraising techniques that have transformed modern politics and paved the way for them to potentially become the... Continue reading *“$3 Billion Over 41 Years: How the Clintons Methodically Cultivated Donors”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
Syrian Refugees Don’t Pose a Serious Security Threat
[image: Syrian boy - 400] Of the 859,629 refugees admitted from 2001 onwards, only three have been convicted of planning terrorist attacks on targets outside of the United States and none was successfully carried out. That is one terrorism-planning conviction for a refugee for every... Continue reading *“Syrian Refugees Don’t Pose a Serious Security Threat”* at *cato.org*.
Mohawk Nation News 'Speech at McGill'
SPEECH AT MCGILL Posted on November 19, 2015 Please post and distribute. This is the speech made to “Demilitarize McGill” Conference at McGill University by kahentinetha, kanien’ke:haka Bear Clan, Nov. 19. MNN. Nov. 18, 2015. McGill is a fraudulent university built on our land with our money. We own McGill. As the legal directors, we will turn it into a university of peace. The
“On Campus at U.PE: The University of Practically Everywhere”
*“On Campus at U.PE: * *The University of Practically Everywhere”* by Fred Reed “In the fall of the year, as leaves turned red and gold on the campus of U.PE, an aging professor stood on the podium to give the welcoming address to the new class of freshmen. His hair was white, his mien one of resignation and cynicism. He looked as though he would rather be almost anywhere else. He spoke as follows: “Welcome to this…place. I trust, or fear, that you have settled in. You are now officially in college. You need to know several things about this condition. You will not like knowing th... more »
Nigerian President Says Troops Were ‘Denied Arms’ To Fight Boko Haram
The President of Nigeria has claimed that army troops were denied weapons to fight Boko Haram militants who have allegiances to the ISIS terror group. Muhammadu Buhari said that because of corrupt multi-billion dollar arms deals, military equipment was never procured for the soldiers. President of Nigeria, Muhammadu Buhari Press TV reports: President Buhari recently received a report from a 13-member committee set up to investigate the issue of arms procurement between 2007 and 2015. He ordered late Tuesday anyone involved in the multi-billion dollar deals for weapons and equipment ...more »
Quote of the Day: On alienation
*The proper answer to the question-- And how am I to face the odds of man’s bedevilment and God’s? I, a stranger and afraid in a world I never made --is: Why didn't you? * ~ Ayn Rand Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
McDonald's New Premium 'Signature' Burgers: Are They Good? Per Bloomberg Business
Hawksmoor's Richard Turner doesn't rate the new high end McDonald's burgers - http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2015-11-19/mcdonald-s-new-premium-signature-burgers-are-they-good- Why would anyone go to McDonald's and expect high quality tasty food?
How Oil Fuels ISIS
*ISIS acts like a state that owns an oil company. Notice, at the bottom right, that the non-ISIS market for ISIS oil is local, meaning civilians, and also includes anti-ISIS rebels in Syria and Iraq (click to enlarge; source).* *by Gaius Publius* ISIS is a complex entity, in part a state and in part a jihadist insurgency. To the extent that they're a state, they hold territory and govern (including, ironically, offering free government-provided health care). Here's a look at ISIS-held territory, including the location of oil fields and refineries within that territory. *ISIS-held...more »
Amber Rudd’s Speech
By Paul Homewood They say that what a politician does not say tells you more what he does. Amber Rudd’s well trailed speech to the Institution of Civil Engineers yesterday was certainly full of coded messages, but we will have to wait and see just what it all means. These are some […]
Pentagon Chief Eyes Rules of Engagement in Fight Against ISIS
[image: Ash Carter - 400] Defense Secretary Ashton Carter said Thursday that the U.S. is prepared to loosen the rules of engagement against the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS). “We’re prepared to change the rules of engagement,” Carter said on MSNBC’s Morning Joe,... Continue reading *“Pentagon Chief Eyes Rules of Engagement in Fight Against ISIS”* at *thehill.com*.
Mayor: NYC Won’t be Intimidated by New Islamic State video
[image: One Time Use Only] NEW YORK (AP) -- New York City will not be intimidated by a newly released Islamic State group video showing images of Times Square, Mayor Bill de Blasio said, urging residents to go to work and live normally. The video... more »
1,111 Carat Diamond Found In Southern Africa, Second Largest In History
Lucara Diamond Corp. has dug out a 1,111 Carat diamond, the largest in a hundred years, and the second largest gem quality stone ever, from their mine in southern Africa. Lucara (LUCRF) has mining assets in Botswana and is happy to announce the discovery of the 1,111 Carat Type IIa diamond. Market Wired reports: The magnificent stone, which originated from the south lobe of Lucara’s Karowe Mine, is the world’s second largest gem quality diamond ever recovered and the largest ever to be recovered through a modern processing facility. The stone was recovered by the newly installed Lar...more »
REPORTING MISSOURI AND YALE: And creating a novel!
*THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2015Part 4—The question which won't be asked:* Is John Eligon sharp enough to be a constructive journalist? Are his editors sharp enough to create an instructive discussion? Concerning Eligon, we can't answer your question. Since his editors work for the New York Times, we'll assume the answer to your second question may turn out to be no. Last Thursday, Eligon wrote a 1500-word, front page report about student life at the University of Missouri. For the fourth consecutive day, the Times had Missouri on its front page. Eligon's report dealt with an import... more »
BMJ Case Reports pulled three dental papers for plagiarism
We’ve stumbled upon a trio of retractions published in August, 2013 from BMJ Case Reports for “redundant publication” to a group of researchers based in India. Editors found that the reports, which were published between 2012 and 2013, had considerable “overlaps” with articles that had been published in other journals. Although one of the retracted authors was also an […] The post BMJ Case Reports pulled three dental papers for plagiarism appeared first on Retraction Watch.
World News Briefs -- November 19, 2015
*Washington Post:* *France confirms suspected leader of Paris attacks was killed in police raid* PARIS —French prosecutors confirmed Thursday that the ringleader of the deadly terrorist siege in Paris last week was killed in a massive pre-dawn police raid a day earlier, as nations across the region sought to enact countermeasures in view of new intelligence suggesting that terrorist cells may be planning more attacks against European targets, including Vatican City. Meanwhile, French lawmakers gave their backing to extend state-of-emergency powers for three months. And in neighbo... more »
Jeremy Corbyn Calls For Sanctions On Banks & Countries Funding ISIS
Jeremy Corbyn said that the UK should be more proactive about imposing economic sanctions on banks and countries suspected of funding or supporting ISIS. The leader of the Labour party told David Cameron to push for an economic crackdown with the rest of the European Union, claiming the terror group was being provided with “vital infrastructure”. Following the Paris attacks, Mr Corbyn had named Saudi Arabia as a country that was not doing all it could to fight ISIS. He said the UK should be asking questions about Saudi Arabia’s involvement. RT reports: Corbyn said one of the main wa...more »
Paris conference on hold; new book project underway
I have been informed by Professor Hatem Bazian that the Paris Conference is likely being cancelled and, in the event it does take place, my paper will no longer be accepted - all this due to the 11/13 attacks. Unfortunately I already purchased a plane ticket. So I will either: (1) (in the event I can get a refund, either from Hatem or from the airline) use the money raised for this project toward a new book (see above); and/or (2) go to Paris anyway and read the paper in front of cameras outside the venue as a protest. Meanwhile, I will be emailing donors to solicit their views... more »
Federica Mogherini, a personification of many evils of the EU
Ms Federica Mogherini, a would-be EU minister of foreign affairs, was supposed to arrive to Czechia yesterday or today. The visit was cancelled. For a while, people were led to believe that the reason was a leg injury of Mr Lubomír Zaorálek, our minister of foreign affairs. But today, all the fog has disappeared and we have learned a more realistic explanation: Mogherini shuns Prague also for its tying migrants to terror – Czech Public Radio Her spokesmen etc. were heard as saying that the atmosphere in the Czech Republic is not favourable for conducting a debate on foreign policy... more »
Processed Meats Join Tobacco and Asbestos as Top Cancer Risks
*Alex Pietrowski* - The World Health Organization has classified consumption of processed meat as carcinogenic to humans. The post Processed Meats Join Tobacco and Asbestos as Top Cancer Risks appeared first on Waking Times.
What’s the Real Goal of Islamic Terrorists?
[image: memorial in Paris] As we mourn the victims of Friday night’s terrorist attacks in Paris, we’re all wondering how--or if--such tragedies can be avoided in the future. One clear risk factor is a local Muslim population that feels marginalized, discriminated against, not really... Continue reading *“What’s the Real Goal of Islamic Terrorists?”* at *psmag.com*.
INTERVIEW: Christian Minority Group in Iraq Seeking U.S. Support to Battle ISIS
[image: Assyrian Christians - 400] The recent attack in Paris is a stark reminder that ISIS has not been contained. The horrific incident adds urgency to explore new ways of stopping this terrorist organization before it strikes the U.S. President Obama has made it clear... Continue reading *“INTERVIEW: Christian Minority Group in Iraq Seeking U.S. Support to Battle ISIS”* at *conservativereview.com*.
Slain Los Angeles County Officer Was Targeted
[image: Police_Line_Crime_Scene] DOWNEY, Calif. (AP) -- The latest on the shooting death of a Downey, California, police officer (all times local): 6:40 a.m. Los Angeles County authorities say a police officer shot to death in the parking lot of Downey police headquarters... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 19, 2015
*Daily Mail:* *Charles de Gaulle heads to war: France sends its biggest warship to the Middle East after it pummels ISIS’s Raqqa stronghold in joint bombing campaign with Russia * * Dramatic footage emerges of French bombers launching a series of raids on ISIS command units in Raqqa, Syria * There are reports that at least 33 ISIS terrorists have been killed during a 96-hour campaign of air strikes on the city * Russia yesterday launched cruise missile strikes over Raqqa, which is seen as the ISIS capital city in Syria * Russian president Vladimir Putin has ordered his warships to... more »
From The Kinks to Parliament in London
*Standing in the rain in front of Big Ben and the British Parliament * *Last night just before entering the theatre for the wonderful musical about the early years of my favorite rock-and-roll band The Kinks* Last night Dave Webb took his son and I to the Harold Pinter Theatre in London to see the award winning musical called Sunny Afternoon about the early years of my favorite band called The Kinks. The three-hour show frequently brought tears to my eyes as I watched actors playing band leader brothers Ray and Dave Davies go through their many struggles to make music their way - h... more »
Cameron ‘Vote Of No Confidence’ Debate Rejected
A petition demanding Parliament hold a vote of no confidence in Prime Minister David Cameron will not be debated by MPs, despite it exceeding the 100,000 signatures required. At the time of writing more than 190,000 people had signed the e-petition which accuses the British Prime Minister of causing “devastation for the poorest in society for the last five years.” The petition states: “The current Tory government has caused devastation for the poorest in society for the last 5 years. We cannot afford another 5 years of Tory rule, with the recent welfare reform that will cause nothin... more »
Clinton Goes After Laugh Factory Comedians for Making Fun of Her
[image: laugh factory - 900] Hillary Clinton and her campaign have done something they may very well regret. According to a report from Judicial Watch, they tried to force the fabled Laugh Factory comedy club in Los Angeles to take down a video from their... more »
Taxpayer-Funded College Holds ‘White Privilege’ Retreat
[image: College White Privilege Retreat - 900] The University of Vermont has just wrapped up a special three-day retreat for students who "identify as white" so they can confront their white privilege. "Examining White Privilege: A Retreat for Undergraduate Students Who Self-Identify as White" took place last... more »
Paris Aftermath, No Quick Fix
[image: daily_commentary_11_19_15_Breakpoint] JOHN STONESTREET (Breakpoint Radio) -- The recent terrorist attacks in Paris have captured the attention of the West like no event since, arguably, 9/11. Everywhere you go, especially on the internet, you see the French tri-color and the word solidarite. Which... more »
Obama is Importing Muslims, Deporting Christians
[image: Barack Obama] The nation was forced to endure yet more pious prattling from President Obama this week who spent time berating Americans who are worried about Islamic jihadists hell-bent on blowing us all to kingdom come. "When individuals say that we should... more »
Obama Vows Continued Gitmo Closure Push Despite Fresh Delay
[image: Guantanamo Bay; Guantanamo detainees; Camp Delta] MANILA, Philippines (AP) -- President Barack Obama vowed Thursday to work “meticulously” with Congress to try to close the Guantanamo Bay detention center, and said he saw no reason for the Paris attacks to derail his long-planned push to make... more »
Grey Lady Gossip Girls
Everything that is so, so wrong with national political coverage in just four paragraphs: *Carolyn Ryan, the Times political editor, says that one of the thrills and pleasures of her job is hearing from reporters about what they see on the campaign trail. * *The national political reporters Amy Chozick and Patrick Healy have been crisscrossing the country: Ms. Chozick’s reporting focuses on Hillary Rodham Clinton and her candidacy; Mr. Healy has covered the presidential campaign generally. In a lively, dishy conversation between campaign stops, the reporters chat with Ms. Ryan ab... more »
China Vows To Bring ISIS To Justice After Chinese Hostage Executed
The Chinese Foreign Ministry confirmed on Thursday that ISIS had executed a Chinese national in the Middle East and has vowed to bring the perpetrators “to justice.” China confirmed the identity of the victim as Fan Jinghui who was the only known Chinese hostage to have been held by the group. ISIS also killed a Norwegian captive, Ole Johan Grimsgaard-Ofstad. Both men appeared to have been executed by gunshot wounds to the head. RT reports: The man was apparently featured in the terrorist group’s magazine back in September, where he was mockingly put up for “sale” along with a Norweg... more »
IS Tries To Make Up For Battlefield Losses With Terrorist Attacks In Iraq
As the Islamic State has been thrown onto the defensive and is losing ground in Iraq it has attempted a new wave of mass casualty bombings. That was seen during the second week of November 2015. On the government’s side its forces continue to push into Ramadi, while the Kurds finally freed the Sinjar area, which was followed by destroying Arab homes. At the same time, the Tuz Kharmato district in Salahaddin exploded in fighting between the Peshmerga, Hashd and local Turkmen pointing to possible conflicts that might emerge when the insurgency is defeated. There were 120 attacks re... more »
Ryan Plotting ‘Meaningless Show Vote’ on Refugees: He Talks Tough But Won’t Pull Trigger on Crucial Weapon
[image: Paul Ryan] House Speaker Paul Ryan is lining up a showdown vote for Thursday on President Obama's plan to resettle 10,000 Syrian refugees in the United States. But conservatives on Capitol Hill who want to see the refugee program halted are warning... Continue reading *“Ryan Plotting ‘Meaningless Show Vote’ on Refugees: He Talks Tough But Won’t Pull Trigger on Crucial Weapon”* at *wnd.com*.
CIA Believes That Russia's Recent Leak Of A Nuclear-Armed Drone Sub Was Deliberate
Confidential: Two Kremlin-controlled channels, NTV and Channel One, showed a military official looking at drawings and details of a weapons system called Status-6 *Washington Free Beacon:* *CIA: Leak of Nuclear-Armed Drone Sub Was Intentional* *Timed with stepped-up Moscow opposition to U.S. missile defenses* U.S. intelligence agencies concluded that Russia’s recent disclosure of a nuclear-armed underwater drone submarine was a deliberate leak, according to analysis of Russian video news reports and official Moscow statements. The Russian government-aligned NTV television station ... more »
Donald Trump: Says heckler is "seriouly overweight"...
*"It's amazing. I mention food stamps and that guy who is seriously overweight went crazy"*
A Powerful New Film Links Holocaust with Today’s Genocides
[image: Benedict] A heart-rending new short created by Christian human rights activists, "Sing a Little Louder," was launched today on Youtube. We decided to interview its Executive Producer, Jason Scott Jones, about what the film means and what it calls on us... more »
Why U.S. Efforts to Cut Off Islamic State’s Funds Have Failed
[image: oil field] Weeks before the attacks that killed 129 people in Paris, U.S. warplanes resumed sorties above Syria and Iraq, targeting anew oil fields and other parts of a vast petroleum infrastructure that fuels--and funds--Islamic State, one of the richest terrorist armies the... Continue reading *“Why U.S. Efforts to Cut Off Islamic State’s Funds Have Failed”* at *bloomberg.com*.
Princeton Students Take Over President’s Office, Demand Erasure of Woodrow Wilson
[image: Woodrow Wilson] Black Lives Matter activists at Princeton University have taken over the president's office and say they won't leave until the school acknowledges former U.S. president Woodrow Wilson as a racist and renames all buildings currently honoring him on campus. Members... more »
Watch: 50th Anniversary of A Charlie Brown Christmas Celebrated by Macy’s
[image: Charlie Brown Macy's display -] Linus reciting the Gospel of Luke’s account of Christ’s birth. Lucy tormenting Charlie Brown and crushing on Schroeder. Adults neither seen nor understood. The Peanuts gang bopping and dancing around to the Vince Guaraldi Trio’s ebullient “Linus and Lucy.” Snoopy’s boffo decorating job on... more »
The Paris False Flag Attacks: Ken O'Keefe Exposes The Paris Attacks Hoax!
First, again my apologies to those who have wanted to comment here legitimately under the "anonymous" moniker and are now blocked from doing so... This site has come under increasing attacks by many nefarious individuals and of course my "greatest fan club" meaning those in the JIDF/Hasbara community.... It does appear that I have pissed off some groups with my truthful stance about the Paris attacks being a fraud and nothing more than another operation by the true criminals on our planet, meaning our own governments and of course the compliant Jew spew media..... For this article,... more »
Following Paris Attacks France Moves To Strip Civil Liberties From Citizens
In a move that will severely limit the civil liberties of French citizens, President Francois Hollande has proposed constitutional amendments along with a three month extension on the state of emergency measures. TruthInMedia reports: After a series of coordinated terrorist attacks left 129 dead in Paris Friday, Hollande immediately declared a state of emergency, based on a rarely used 1955 law that allows the state to conduct warrantless searches of private property, impose curfews, restrict public gatherings and movements of people, confiscate weapons at will and take over the pre...more »
Obama (Me) speaks for Trudeau-bama (Mini-Me) & all of Canada
Obama speaks for Canada, says both countries will soon sign the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement.Gee and here I thought we elected our own leader? Facetious*Obama checks for string placement* *Canada will soon sign onto the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement, U.S. President Barack Obama said,* going further than the country’s new prime minister has committed. Obama and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau spoke Thursday in Manila after their first bilateral meeting on the sidelines of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit. In his remarks, *Obama seemed to cast the Pacific ... more »
The Vicar of Baghdad: ‘I’ve Looked through The Quran Trying to Find Forgiveness … There Isn’t Any.’
[image: Vicar Baghdad] Canon Andrew White, the vicar of Baghdad, is not, in person, at all as I'd imagined him. His memoir, about life as first a medic, then a cleric, is chock-a-block with famous friends. Pope John Paul II was a pal,... Continue reading *“The Vicar of Baghdad: ‘I’ve Looked through The Quran Trying to Find Forgiveness … There Isn’t Any.’”* at *new.spectator.co.uk*.
U.S. Investigators Struggle to Track Homegrown Islamic State Suspects
[image: NYT outbound] WASHINGTON -- At least three dozen people in the United States suspected of ties to the Islamic State were under heavy electronic or physical surveillance even before the Paris attacks, senior American officials say. But unlike the attackers in France,... Continue reading *“U.S. Investigators Struggle to Track Homegrown Islamic State Suspects”* at *nytimes.com*.
Exclusive: 8 Syrians Caught at Texas Border in Laredo
[image: Border Patrol] Two federal agents operating under the umbrella of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) are claiming that eight Syrian illegal aliens attempted to enter Texas from Mexico in the Laredo Sector. The federal agents spoke with Breitbart Texas on the... Continue reading *“Exclusive: 8 Syrians Caught at Texas Border in Laredo”* at *breitbart.com*.
Societal Sickness: Official Palestinian Press Pins Paris Attacks on Israel
[image: Paris day after attack] The fact that the official Palestinian Authority newspaper has published an article accusing Israel of carrying out the Paris terror attacks is not just some curiosity. It speaks volumes about the mindset of the people whom some call Israel's "partners... Continue reading *“Societal Sickness: Official Palestinian Press Pins Paris Attacks on Israel”* at *algemeiner.com*.
Mol bio paper pulled by PLOS following investigation into figures
PLOS Biology has retracted a paper about the molecular details of β-catenin expression following an investigation by the first author’s institution in Italy. The investigation, by the Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, found that there were multiple “figure anomalies.” According to the note: An explanation of inadvertent error was given for some of the issues […] The post Mol bio paper pulled by PLOS following investigation into figures appeared first on Retraction Watch.
An Inside Look At An Islamic State Truck Bomb Factory
*Photo:* An astonishing cache of improvised explosives uncovered by Kurdish forces in Syria recently after they defeated Islamic State in the al-Hawl region in the north-east *Daily Mail:* *Revealed: The truck bombs ISIS fanatics are using to murder innocent civilians in Syria - which come packed with 10 TONNES of explosives and homemade armour-plating* * Ashley Dyball (Mitchell Scott) says Kurdish forces captured a suicide truck in north-east Syria carrying 10 tonnes of explosives * Images reveal ISIS armoured vehicle packed with barrels of 'improvised explosive devices' * It was ... more »
Report: Boko Haram Not The Islamic State Is The World's Deadliest Terror Group
*New York Times:* *Boko Haram Ranked Ahead of ISIS for Deadliest Terror Group* DAKAR, Senegal — As much of the world remains focused on the Islamic State and its horrific attacks in Paris, another radical band of extremists has, by one account, captured the infamous title of the world’s deadliest terrorist group: Boko Haram. Boko Haram, the militant group that has tortured Nigeria and its neighbors for years, was responsible for 6,664 deaths last year, more than any other terrorist group in the world, including the Islamic State, which killed 6,073 people in 2014, according to a ... more »
Inward Threat
The goverment should keep us up late at night with fusia theats Pleass fuck off you consutants
I just want to get my kicks untill the whole shithouse burns down
That was Jim Morrison of the Doors expressing his opinion on why he existed. Today it seems the whole shithouse is on fire. We have an ample supply of fire extingusers but like David Bowie said we seem to be pouring gasonline on the fire. Do i need to say again I am a history major maybe in all my studies which you have not done i learned something I have friends who have more degrees than a thermomter but still they can not spot a fever The world is in a crisis today and conflict breaks out when people can not feed on the world teat I am always the optomist I am always a believer i... more »
Afetr 31 Years Britain Finally Arrests A Libyan For The 1984 Murder Of Policewoman Yvonne Fletcher
*Reuters*: *Britain arrests Libyan for 1984 murder of policewoman Yvonne Fletcher* * Unarmed officer shot dead outside Libya's UK embassy * Police say arrest marks turning point of 31-year inquiry * Global appeal for help in tracing witnesses (Adds further details, statement from family) LONDON, Nov 19 British police said they had arrested a Libyan man on Thursday over his suspected role in the murder of unarmed policewoman Yvonne Fletcher, who was shot dead outside the Libyan embassy in London in 1984. Fletcher, who was 25 and had joined the police aged 19, was hit in the back b... more »
In The Florida Senate Race, Conservatives David Jolly And Patrick Murphy Are Wall Street's Two Peas In A Pod
We've said it before but others are catching on now too: if Florida Democrats vote to nominate conservative New Dem Patrick Murphy in March, they will have essentially no substantive choice in November. Murphy has far more in common politically with lkely GOP nominee, David Jolly, than he does with progressive Alan Grayson. And Murphy and Jolly are pals or, as the *National Journal* put it, "close friends and frequent legislative allies during their short time in Congress, sponsoring more than a dozen of piece of legislation together since Jolly was elected in early... more »
Paris Prosecutor: Suspected Paris Mastermind Killed in Raid
[image: This undated image taken from a Militant Website on Monday Nov. 16, 2015 showing Belgian Abdelhamid Abaaoud. A French official says Abdelhamid Abaaoud is the suspected mastermind of the Paris attacks was also linked to thwarted train and church attacks. (Militant video via AP)] PARIS (AP) -- The Belgian jihadi suspected of masterminding deadly attacks in Paris was killed in a police raid on a suburban apartment building, the city prosecutor’s office announced Thursday. Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins’ office said 27-year-old Abdelhamid Abaaoud was... more »
How India’s Christian ‘Untouchables’ Are Stirring a Spiritual Revolution
[image: Christianity-India] India’s economy is growing, and its population may soon overtake China as the world’s largest. But behind these trends is something much bigger: Christianity is growing faster than government leaders will admit, and the spiritual changes are reshaping a nation... Continue reading *“How India’s Christian ‘Untouchables’ Are Stirring a Spiritual Revolution”* at *charismanews.com*.
With Islamic State Targeted, What Happens to Syria’s Assad?
[image: Map of Syria] DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (AP) -- The tide of global rage against the Islamic State group lends greater urgency to ending the jihadis’ ability to operate at will from a base in war-torn Syria. That momentum could also force a... more »
He Won't Recognize Canada
http://frustratedboomers.com/ The Conservatives are already missing Stephen Harper. Susan Delacourt writes : A photo of Stephen Harper, emblazoned with the caption “Miss Me Yet?”, has popped up on the blogs and Facebook posts of some core Conservatives. A new website, strongandfree.org, has declared that Justin Trudeau “is already letting Canada down” and is vowing to “bring conservatism back to Ottawa.” That's because the mandate letters Trudeau sent to each of his ministers make clear that the Liberals' first order of business is to... more »
More Details Emerge On Europe's First Female Bomber
*Photo:* Two fingers: This is the first picture of Hasna Aitboulahcen, the female suicide bomber who blew herself up in yesterday morning's terror raid in Saint Denis, Paris *Daily Mail*: *Europe's first female suicide bomber: First picture of the 'booze-loving extrovert' called 'The Cowgirl' - who blew herself up in Paris gun siege * * Hasna Aitboulahcen, 26, became Europe's first female suicide bomber when she blew herself up in Saint Denis siege * She detonated her suicide vest packed with explosives after going to KFC * Screamed 'Help me!' before blast in which her head flew th... more »
Bond, James Bond
I saw this movie close to a week ago in a Cinema. I wanted to say something but then the Paris attacks happened. Bottom line the writers of this movie agree with me that ISIS is a security distraction, the threat comes from within. This is the best Bond movie ever. I can say this because I saw all the Bond movies in a theatre upon their release. I know Bond like Moneypenny. I thought Skyfall was a hot mess. I never cottoned to Daniel Craig as I am still shaken not stirred with Connery. In this movie IMHO Daniel Craig has become James Bond. No other actor has managed to do th... more »
Despite Heavy U.S. Airstrikes, ISIS Threat Persists
[image: U.S. airstrikes] WASHINGTON (AP) -- In measuring progress in the American-led air war against the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, numbers tell one story but results tell another. Fighter jets, bombers, attack planes and drones are dropping an average of 2,228... more »
Here’s What Will Not Be Discussed at the Upcoming U.N. Climate Conference in Paris
[image: United Nations Climate Change] As the Obama administration prepares to leave for the U.N. climate treaty negotiations in Paris on Nov. 30, Texas Public Policy Foundation's Kathleen Hartnett White outlines important climate questions: Q: What are some ideas missing in the global warming policy... more »
Judge Rules to Destroy Embryos over Mother’s Objections
[image: Nurse assisting with egg retrieval procedure.] SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- A California woman is evaluating her legal options after a judge ruled against her in her fight to keep five frozen embryos she created with her now ex-husband over his objections, her attorney said. Mimi Lee... more »
Harry Reid Pressed in Utah Pay-to-Play Probe
[image: WASHINGTON - FEBRUARY 03: Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) speaks to reporters about U.S. Sen. Tom Daschle (D-SD) withdrawing his name to be Secretary of Health and Human Services Department on February 3, 2009 in Washington, DC. Daschle withdrew his name because of the controversy over unpaid taxes. (Photo by Mark Wilson/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** Harry Reid] A Utah state prosecutor who has been investigating allegations of wrongdoing against Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid for more than a year on Wednesday night challenged the Senate minority leader to vo... more »
Trump Says Paris Attacks Could Have Been Different If Parisians Were Armed
Republican Presidential candidate, Donald Trump spoke about national security to a crowd of nearly 10,000. Days after the Paris attacks that shook the world, Trump captivated his audience at the Knoxville Convention Centre by his views on the tragedy and the 2nd Amendment. Trump said to a cheering crowd: “If you had 25 people in there who would have been [armed], it would have been a totally different story, folks. There would have been the shootout at the OK Corral.” CNN reports: Slamming President Barack Obama and Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton for not referr... more »
Suspected Mastermind Of Paris Attacks Confirmed Killed In Yesterday's Police Raid
*New York Times*: *Chief Suspect in Paris Attacks Died in Raid, France Says* BRUSSELS — Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the Belgian militant suspected of orchestrating the Paris terrorist attacks, was killed in a police raid in the northern Paris suburb of St.-Denis early Wednesday, the French authorities announced on Thursday. The confirmation of Mr. Abaaoud’s death followed forensic tests, the Paris prosecutor, François Molins, said in a statement. The death of the plot’s alleged ringleader ended one chapter of the intense criminal investigation that began on Friday night, when three teams ... more »
*Arizona State Offering Course Exploring 'Problem of Whiteness'* Could you imagine the uproar if a university thought that it could make money offering a course titled “The Problem of Blackness”? For the second time, Arizona State University will offer a course exploring the problem of whiteness. The course, titled U.S. Race Theory & the Problem of Whiteness, seeks to explore institutionalized racism. Equality, so often espoused on liberal college campuses, would call for Arizona State to offer a few more courses that, let’s just say, would be politically incorrect in this day and... more »
ISIS and the Holocaust
The true story of the Holocaust has never been written until I did it today I will make many factual errors and my math may not add up to the extent the deniers will add my truth to their stump of lies after the tree of knowledge and probity has been sacrificed to a cause which to this day befuddles me cause if you look at the 21st Century no one with any clued is going to say the Jews are in charge The tale really begins with the old Testament, or the Torah as the Jews call it. WHICH, brings up a salient point of identification that has long bugged me. The Torah is a very significant ... more »
*Bimbo gives scientific advice* *Only problem: It isn't scientific. She has no idea of the regulatory hurdles businesses have to get over in order to release a new product. And her usage "linked to" can mean anything. Let me do some of it: Christie Brinkley is a Communist. I have no idea if she is or not, but now I've said that other writers can accurately say: "Christie Brinkley has been linked to Communism". Easy, isn't it? How to prove nothing in one easy lesson* Supermodel Christie Brinkley is speaking up about Monsanto, genetically engineered foods, or GMOs, and the role... more »
French Leader: Extremists May Strike with Chemical, Bio Arms
[image: The historic courthouse in Paris is lit up in the colors of the French Republic after the attacks.] PARIS (AP) -- With France still reeling from last week’s deadly attacks in Paris, Prime Minister Manuel Valls warned Thursday that Islamic extremists might at some point use chemical or biological weapons, and urged lawmakers to extend a national state... more »
Canada’s New PM Pledges to Stay Strong in ISIS Fight but Will Pull Fighter Jets from Air Campaign
[image: Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks with U.S. President Barack Obama during the G20 Summit in Antalya, Turkey.] MANILA, Philippines (AP) -- Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says his country will remain a strong member of the campaign against the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria. Trudeau and President Barack Obama are speaking to reporters after their... more »
The Holy Bible - the Serpent electric - Tree of Knowledge
"Is *Electricity* (as depicted by the (Biblical-satanic) Serpent in the branches) the Real Danger in the Tree of Knowledge?" certainly if we consider this to be an Electric Universe, then knowledge of how to derive energy from seemingly dead materials would indeed be considered dangerous knowlege and potentially shrouded in secrecy. Maybe the pre-Egyptian rose-granite statues and obelisks were sculpted or carved or created with this Electric-water technology? Maybe the pre-Egyptian builders were saying, "Warning, electricity kills." *LATER RESEARCH VIEWING:* add this to th... more »
Hertzan Chimera - Free Planet vs War World - how the dual/duelling trilogies might have looked
We all know how the final covers for the dual/duelling trilogies Free Planet vs War World turned out and while I'm very happy with how they turned out (and the books themselves feel totally superb in weight and formatting etc) a small part of me still hankers for an earlier incarnation of the novel covers. Some time prior to the final edited versions of all six component novels (FP: custodian liberator reaper, WW: tandem watcher kumiko) I did a rough&ready mock-up of the prospective covers using the decadent artwork of Mike Dargas but couldn't secure the 'right to use' as I had... more »
Harrabin Attempts To Misrepresent Tol And Ridley
By Paul Homewood http://biasedbbc.org/blog/2015/11/17/manufacturing-consensus-2/ Biased BBC has a detailed account of how Roger Harrabin attempted to misrepresent Richard Tol, in his Changing Climate programme last week, and then went on to do the same with Matt Ridley:- ——————————————————————————————————————————————— Roger Harrabin has spun a few comments by professor Richard Tol into […]
Economic News , Data & Views ( November 19 , 2015 ) -- European Updates ( Russia and Ukraine debt issue coming to a head - Russia makes first move with offer to restructure / Russia and Ukraine still battling on other fronts as Russia maintains ban on Ukrainian produce , items of note related to border security / refugee crisis and EUCO / EZ efforts regarding same , Paris Attack updates - ongoing investigations / terror threats elsewhere , Greece updates - domestic & international politics / economic items , Spain political update , Economic and market data - EZ / Finland / France / Bunds ) ..... Asia In Focus ( China , Japan & South Korea Items Of Note )
Europe..... *TASS* @tassagency_en 1m 1 minute ago Russia will restructure Ukraine’s debt but Kiev should recognize its sovereign nature — PM http://tass.ru/en/economy/837748 … *Terrormonitor.org* @Terror_Monitor 4m 4 minutes ago #BELGIUMPolice Raids 6 Addresses In #ISIS Jihadi Breeding Ground Of # Molenbeek, #Brussels, 1 Detained - Report. [image: Embedded image permalink] *Fabrizio Goria* @FGoria 3m 3 minutes agoWashington, DC ISIS oil revenue 'damaged' by airstrikes, low price http://www. cnbc.com/2015/11/19/isis-oil-revenue-damaged-by-airstrikes-lo... more »
Flashback: 26 Percent of Young U.S. Muslims Okay With Suicide Bombings
[image: Muslim] The ongoing debate over the Obama administration's plan to welcome tens of thousands of Syrians into the U.S. has heavily revolved around the danger that Syrian refugees may end up turning to terrorism in the future. As such, it's worth... more »
Whistleblowers In NOAA
By Paul Homewood h/t Eliza https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/federal-eye/wp/2015/11/18/congressional-climate-change-skeptic-threatens-to-subpoena-commerce-secretary-to-get-noaa-documents/ An interesting new development in the Congress subpoena story, as the Washington Post reports: House Science Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Tex.) opened another front in his war with federal climate researchers on Wednesday, saying a groundbreaking global warming study was “rushed to publication” […]
*BREAKING: Louisiana put on high alert, warned of man attempting to regain entry into state ~Neutral Ground News*
Stop demonising Israel
Learn from Israel. Ayaan Hirsi Ali. H/T Notasheepmaybeagoat “Israel from the time it was founded has had to deal with this. Over time and in a painful way Israel developed an infrastructure. It is legal. It is counter-terrorism measures; it’s intelligence. They know what they’re doing. We should stop demonising Israel, we should start learning from them, and by my knowledge Israel hasn’t declared war on Islam. Israel collaborates with some of the Muslim countries when they want to collaborate with Israel, but Israel is in a place now where in terms of fighting domestic terroris... more »
Who Is Pulling The Terror Strings? Who Commissioned the Killers? (America's Empire of African Bases)
If you have a difficult time understanding why ISIS/ISIL/IS (the previous curse words for today's Daesh) is working at the behest of their Syrian frenemies (whichever exact faction they turn out to be), then you'll want to know who is working the puppet strings. Although, granted, many do not want you to know. Thus, this may prove to be an unpleasant read. You decide. But it's just full of
Intercontinental Wilson line as a proof of state dependence
Today, the hep-th arXiv offers us several noteworthy papers. First, six authors including Heckman, Morrison, and Vafa study the little string theories – non-gravitational but non-local theories describing decoupled dynamics on NS5-branes (not to mention other equivalent definitions) – using compactifications of (Vafa's) F-theory in various geometric phases. They conclude that little string theories (at least those with two or more tensor multiplets) may be rather easily obtained from a six-dimensional superconformal field theory. Also, all six-dimensional superconformal field theori... more »
For Washington, Defeating ISIS Would Mean Upsetting "Strategic Allies" Turkey And Israel
From Washington's tangled perspective, tolerating the existence of ISIS, and containing its territorial footprint to designated areas in Iraq and Syria, is preferable to upsetting strategic allies Turkey and Israel who depend on ISIS to fight their decades-long battles with Hezbollah and the PKK. Since the militaristic leaderships of Turkey and Israel don't want to reach a peace deal with the PKK and Hezbollah then why not go to war with them with their professional armies? We always hear how the Israeli army is the best in the region, and that the Turkish army is a disciplined jugg... more »
Military Photo of the Day: November 19, 2015
[image: Veterans Day Parade-900] U.S. Navy sailors hold the American flag while marching in New York City’s Veterans Day parade on Nov. 11, 2015. Thank you to all our nation’s service members, veterans and military families for sacrificing so much for our freedom!
Vitamin D Pill a Day May Improve Exercise Performance and Lower Risk of Heart Disease
This aspect of vitimin D deficiency has been overlooked and needs to be addressed. we are told here that vitimin D supports a healthier body generally and not just our bones. My present daily regimin of 1000 mg vit. D along with 4000 mg vit C is looking better all the time. I do know that my circulatory issues are well stabilized with no sign of inflammation. I also include lysine as per Linus Pauling. There are many other things indicated to support a healthy body, but I suspect a varied diet is plausibly sufficient to provide them. Yet it is not sufficient for these two. ... more »
SEC Opens Door for Equity Crowdfunding
[image: SEC Chairwoman Mary Jo White at The SEC Speaks conference in Washington, DC on Feb. 21, 2014. (Win McNamee/Getty Images)] This is effectively throwing the door open to anyone and allows proforma offerings to be little more than a plug for the deal. The key here is the dollar limit and it is fair to say that its time has come. The regulatory burden has always been a make work project for accountants and lawyers, whose remuneration has risen steadily as a result. Dumping the burden for under a half million will allow a huge improvement for start up funding.... more »
Explorers of Higher Dimensions:
I presently do not accept the need for a fourth spatial dimension. In fact my own conceptualization through the first action and all those successive actions are in three spatial dimensions and our passage through time is like flipping a page. Higher dimensions do not help except to push mental conflicts of the page. We may simply have run into our own limits. All Good. Enjoy this item. *Explorers of Higher Dimensions: * *The Power of Active Consciousness* *By Amy Lansky * *http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.ca/2015/11/explorers-of-higher-dimensions-power-of.h... more »
Your Polluted Office May Be Causing You to Feel Sleepy
Of course they are and it is not even about pollution, it is about oxygen content. Too little space for proper circulation and scant access to outside ionized air that approaches been fresh. All on which combined with a high carb coffee and lunch and you need a nap to recharge. Open offices have helped a bit, but attention to air flow remains a mystery. Sadly we have not found an effective way to have open windows in many cases or it is reserved for the lucky few. The good news is that the pending demise of the oil industry will allow external fresh air to become the standard a... more »
Former Salesman For Vaccine Maker Merck Would Never Vaccinate His Kid
*If you have difficulty reading the above, just click on the picture to enlarge the print.* Former Salesman For Vaccine Maker Merck Would Never Vaccinate His Kids by Gary Truth Kings, 17 November 2015 “If you believe what you are told by the AMA and the CDC and your doctor, you’re not doing enough research.” Those are Scott Cooper’s own words. The former Merck salesman says that vaccines are NOT safe and are NOT effective and pleads with the public to do more research. So then why, when people who have inside knowledge and nothing to gain, tell us these things do we not listen? ... more »
U.S. Counter-Intelligence Chief Sceptical That China Has Followed Through On Recent Promises To Curb Spying On The U.S.
Chinese and U.S. flags fly along Pennsylvania Avenue outside the White House in Washington January 18, 2011. Reuters/Kevin Lamarque *Reuters:* U.S. counterintelligence chief sceptical China has curbed spying on U.S. *U.S. counterintelligence chief Bill Evanina said on Wednesday he was sceptical China had followed through on recent promises to curb spying on the United States.* Evanina told a briefing that he had seen "no indication" from the U.S. private sector "that anything has changed" in the extent of Chinese espionage on the United States. He said 90 percent of private secto... more »
*Plaquemine Parish Council Votes to Kill Coastal Erosion Lawsuits Against Oil and Gas Industry ~Julie Dermansky, DESMOG *
Why Did The U.S. Not Bomb ISIS Targets That Were Known To Be Operated By The Islamic State?
This annotated image posted online by anti-ISIS activists Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently claims to show where Jihad John is believed to have been killed (circled), just yards from the group's headquarters in Raqqa (Daily Mail) *Russ Vaughn, American Thinker*: *One picture to sum up Obama's idiotic ISIS policy* Recently the Obama administration was crowing loudly about its success in vaporizing a single, notoriously vicious jihadist with a well-placed Hellfire missile. Mohammed Emwazi was a British citizen who not only joined the jihadist movement, but became one of its leadin... more »
Fall Craft Ideas
Thanksgiving is coming up soon! Check out these ideas for decorating your house for the occasion. [image: post signature]
U.S. Gave Islamic State Oil Tankers A 45-Minute Warning Before They Were Destroyed By U.S. Warplanes
*PJ Media*: *ISIS Oil Tankers Hit for First Time – With 45-Minute Warning* The spokesman for Operation Inherent Resolve said coalition airstrikes targeted ISIS' oil tankers for the first time -- with a warning from the sky first. Briefing via teleconference from Baghdad to the Pentagon this morning, Col. Steve Warren told reporters that since Saturday "France has conducted numerous strikes against targets in Raqqa" -- the capital of the Islamic State. "Those targets include ISIL headquarters, training camps and storage depots. The French have been a robust partner and a robust me... more »
Picture Of The Day
Army Green Berets fire a mortar system at training targets during Southern Strike 16 on Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center, Miss., Nov. 4, 2015. The soldiers are assigned to Company C, 2nd Battalion, 20th Special Forces Group. New York Air National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Christopher S. Muncy
TRIGGER WARNING: The Most Politically Incorrect Post I've Ever Written-- Apologies In Advance To Progressives in The South
A post on Sunday-- largely unread-- shows the correlation between premature death from things like cancer and diabetes with a tendency to not just eat badly, but to elect Republicans. Simplest way to understand that: corrupt Republican legislatures and governors pass laws to enable their billionaire buddies to pollute the air and water for their own profit and your kids get sick and die... so keep listening to Hate Talk Radio and Fox. Anyway, the states with the worst cancer outcomes are pretty predictable... and, politically, all blood red: *•* Kentucky *•* Mississippi *•* West ... more »
Islamic State Threatens New York City In A New Propaganda Video
*NBC New York:* *New Islamic State Propaganda Video Shows Shots of Times Square; Officials Say No New Threat* The Islamic State has released a new propaganda video celebrating the recent terror attacks in Paris and showing images of Times Square as fighters make vague threats against France and the U.S., which U.S. law enforcement officials say the threats are not new. The video contains images of Times Square, Herald Square and Central that were originally published in April. Senior law enforcement officials say there is no new specific threat information to New York, and one of... more »
Lamar W. Hankins : Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s unpatriotic view of Syrian refugees
The governor wants to bar the ‘golden door’ to freedom, rather than light the pathway for those who most need to find it. By Lamar W. Hankins | The Rag Blog | Nov. 19, 2015 I have always considered the … finish reading Lamar W. Hankins : Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s unpatriotic view of Syrian refugees
Islamic State Oil Facilities Are Now Priority Targets For Russian War Planes (Video)
Watch #Russia obliterate columns of trucks filled with fuel belonging to ISIS. pic.twitter.com/fq0hs5UWIS — Serge (@Zinvor) November 18, 2015 *WNU Editor*: Here is another video of Russian war planes bombing ISIS oil facilities (see below). According to Russian Armed Forces Colonel-General Andrei Kartapolov ... the priority for Russian war planes is to now strike targets involved in the extraction, processing and transportation of oil. Estimates are now coming out that Russian planes have destroyed more than 500 fuel tankers carrying oil from Syria to Iraq for processing.
Illinois Girl Sends Handmade Crosses to Cops Across the Country
[image: crosses] An 8-year-old girl is tapping into her creativity in trying to keep police officers safe across the country. Arianna Nichols, of Illinois, started making crosses out of Perler beads she received for her birthday in August and has since made... Continue reading *“Illinois Girl Sends Handmade Crosses to Cops Across the Country”* at *abcnews.go.com*.
Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 19th November)
Counterterrorism: Tory MPs urge May to resist pressure to cut police budgets Metropolitan Police commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe recently warned that planned cuts to the force’s budget risked undermining the country’s ability to foil terrorist attacks. The Met is responsible for counterterrorism policing as well as for its role in the capital. It is likely to face budget cuts of nearly £
Five of the Paris Attackers Could Have Flown to US Without Restriction
[image: France, French Police, Paris attackers] U.S. officials say none of the Paris attackers identified so far were on U.S. watch lists, bolstering concerns about limits to U.S. intelligence that could handicap the refugee vetting process. The seven identified attackers were not on U.S. watch lists, multiple U.S.... more »
Miranda Mason : METRO | Women’s hygiene heartache in local homeless shelters
Underfunded and undersupplied feminine hygiene products cause serious health risk. By Miranda Mason | The Rag Blog | November 18, 2015 AUSTIN — While life on the streets is far from easy, most people in need know where to go … finish reading Miranda Mason : *METRO* | Women’s hygiene heartache in local homeless shelters
The Marcel Pictures
While I'm not sure why it is important in a discussion of the Ramey memo, there are those who wanted to see the scans of Marcel. These are the full negative scans and the copyright, as it has been defined, still resides with the University of Texas - Arlington Special Collections. If they ask that the pictures be removed, then I will comply. These scans allow us all to see the full photograph along with the edges of the negatives. I do not believe these have been published before in this form. And, for those who haven't seen the picture of Irving Newton, taken sometime after thos... more »
The End of Europe
[image: Europe Dying - 400] In his Memoires d'Espoir, the leader of Free France during World War II and the founder of the Fifth Republic, General Charles de Gaulle, wrote at length about a subject on many people's minds today -- Europe. Though often portrayed... Continue reading *“The End of Europe”* at *thepublicdiscourse.com*.
A Country is a Country
[image: Secretary Kerry Flying over Syrian Refugee Camp - 400] And that means that a country can't dispense with political leadership that balances particular concern for the safety and flourishing citizens with what can be called humanitarian or even Christian duties we have to all beings with rights. So, as... Continue reading *“A Country is a Country”* at *nationalreview.com*.
Jeremy Corbyn: I’m ‘Not Happy’ with Shoot-to-Kill Policy if Terrorists are Attacking Britain
[image: One Time Use Only – Outbound] Jeremy Corbyn has said he is “not happy” with letting Britain’s security services adopt a "shoot-to-kill policy" if terrorists were loose in the UK. The Labour leader said he thought the policy could be "quite dangerous” and "counterproductive," warning that it... Continue reading *“Jeremy Corbyn: I’m ‘Not Happy’ with Shoot-to-Kill Policy if Terrorists are Attacking Britain”* at *telegraph.co.uk*.
The University of York Doesn’t Care About Male Suicide
[image: University of York - 400] Under pressure from progressive activists, the University of York has canceled an event to address men's issues on International Men's Day this Thursday, on the grounds that women's inequality is more important. One needn't buy into 'manosphere' identity politics or support... Continue reading *“The University of York Doesn’t Care About Male Suicide”* at *breitbart.com*.
A Jubilee Year of Mercy
[image: God the Father] Pope Francis has announced a jubilee Year of Mercy, starting December 8. He is hardly the first pope to stress the importance of mercy. John Paul II spoke about it often and eloquently. But Francis has a special passion for... Continue reading *“A Jubilee Year of Mercy”* at *firstthings.com*.
The Gulf States Are Buying Massive Quantities Of American Smart bombs
*James Hasik, National Interest:* *Revealed: The Gulf States are Buying Tons of American Smart Bombs* The tragedy of Paris this past weekend may eventually prove to have been the beginning of the end for the Al-Baghdadi Gang in Al-Raqqah. Wantonly attacking the citizens of two UN Security Council members in a week wasn't just heinous, it was stupid. So if the Coalition air forces have been running through a lot of ordnance pummeling troops and infrastructure, the pace is only stepping up. Getting them the weapons, though, hasn’t been easy. As Air Force Secretary Debbie James stres... more »
They Walk Among You... And By "They," We Mean War Criminals
Ever hear of Kim Howells? His dad was a Communist lorry driver and young Kim was a good Welsh union man and a Communist himself, before joining the Labour Party in 1982. Seven years later he was elected to the House of Commons and gradually distanced himself from his communist roots, finally suggesting in 1996 that the word "socialism" ought to be "humanely phased out" of anything to do with the Labour Party. Pleased as punch, Tony Blair gave him a series of junior ministerial positions starting the following year, until, in 2005, Blair made him Minister of State for the Middle Eas... more »
State Of Emergency: France Expecting Chemical Attack
The French government have announced plans to release military grade stockpiles of anti neurotoxins to first responders in the event of a chemical attack in France. The emergency memo released on Wednesday says: “In consideration of the COP21 conference and the risk of exposure to neurotoxins and chemical agents it is necessary to implement new emergency measures.” “Military stockpiles of anti-toxin are to be made immediately available to the civilian sector, including pharmacies and first responders.” The memo goes on to detail how to treat exposure to organophosphates, specifical...more »
Report: Israel Warned Jews In Paris Before Attacks
A new Russian Foreign Intelligence Service report says that the French General Directorate for External Security (DGSE) was warned by Israel of the Friday 13th Paris attacks a day before they occurred. The report says the Joint Intelligence Centre (JIC) authorized the intelligence of the impending attack to be released to the Jewish peoples in Paris. Whatdoesitmean.com reports: According to this report, on 7 November, the Joint Intelligence Centre (JIC) in Baghdad (established and operated by Russia-Iraq-Iran-Syria to battle the Islamic State) received an “urgent request” from Isra...more »
ISIS Says Manhattan Will Be Attacked Very Soon
A new ISIS rap video has been released which threatens to deliver suicide bombers to both Germany and New York’s Times Square. In the video, subtitled in English, a terrorist is shown wearing a suicide belt, intercut with images of New York’s Times Square, followed by the bomber, dressed in Western attire, pulling the pin. The rapper says, “To the enemies of Allah, where are your troops? We can no longer wait, O Allah destroy them! Now listen you dogs of hell, this is a message and more are going to follow. This is just the beginning.” Pix11.com reports: The NYPD immediately rele... more »
Emergency ‘Drills’ Held Hours Before Paris Attack Confirmed
The recent Paris attacks on Friday 13th have shown an unsettling pattern that points to it being a false flag event, where governments kill their own citizens as part of a pursuing a bigger agenda. It has been confirmed that on the day of the attacks the French government held emergency drills involving doctors and EMTs for a large-scale terrorist attack, that conveniently allowed the very same first responders to deal with the real attacks as they took place. Take a look at the following: FEMA set up camp at Pier 92 on Sept. 10, 2001 On 7/7 in London they were holding drills for th... more »
Putin: We Will Capture ISIS, Even If They’re On The Toilet
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that he intends to relentlessly pursue ISIS everywhere they go, including the toilet. The Russian leader said to a reporter recently, “We are going to pursue terrorists everywhere. If they are in the airport, we will pursue them in the airport. And if we capture them in the toilet, then we will waste them in the outhouse. … The issue has been resolved once and for all.” Russia-insider.com reports: If you think this is empty talk, think again: Russia’s air force just used its nuclear bombers to lay waste to a major stronghold of the Islamic S... more »
Israel Cover-Up Of Paris Attack Intelligence Underway
It seems that some parts of the Jewish community in Paris were warned of a large terrorist attack before the Paris attacks took place, as insider Israeli intelligence was given to a select number of people. Redicecreations.com reports: Why did the Times of Israel change their story from being warned “Just Friday” to “For months?” Why did the Times of Israel change their story from being warned “Just Friday” to “For months?” They either do not want the world to know they are privileged having a direct line to government intel or they’re ashamed of hoarding the info and not sharing it... more »
Dalai Lama: “Stop Praying For Paris”
Following the Paris attacks on Friday, the Dalai Lama has given an interview with a German Broadcaster, saying that the world needs to “stop praying for Paris“. Speaking with Deutsche Welle, the Dalai Lama commented on the futility in praying to deities, saying, “We cannot solve this problem only through prayers,” he said, in reference to worldwide calls to #PrayForParis. “I am a Buddhist and I believe in praying. But humans have created this problem, and now we are asking God to solve it. It is illogical. God would say, solve it yourself because you created it in the first place.” ... more »
Paris Attacks: William Engdahl Explains the Past, Present and Future of the War in Syria
*Title: Paris Attacks: William Engdahl Explains the Past, Present and Future of the War in Syria. Source: corbettreport. Date Published: November 18, 2015. Description: * F. William Engdahl of WilliamEngdahl.com joins us today to give his perspective on the Paris attacks. We discuss the historical background to what is taking place now in Syria, how it plays into the current geopolitical agenda of the US/NATO military powers, and what it means for France, Syria and the world moving forward.
BWorld 26, IPRI 2015 in APEC economies
* This is my column in BusinessWorld last Monday, November 16, 2015. KUALA LUMPUR -- The protection of property rights and promulgation of the rule of law are the cornerstones of peace and order in society. When such property rights are removed and unprotected, society can quickly degenerate into chaos and disorder. For instance, your house or car is also somebody else’s house and car, and he/she can take and occupy it anytime, anywhere. Measuring property rights protection across many countries has been done by the Property Rights Alliance (PRA), a network of 74 independent, nong... more »
Nov. 18:I don't know where to start.....
Aha! I'm not the only crazy one. So is Pope Francis. Read his statement below. http://www.zenit.org/en/articles/pope-francis-a-pope-who-sees-a-wwiii-and-pleas-for-it-to-stop I could wish that the clowns who write sermonettes for the Irving press Faith Page had the intelligence and courage to say what Pope Francis has said. And, below, is an article I copied because it deals with Canadian-owned mining operations in Africa. (About a week or more ago, a mining engineer I knew as a student at Acadia wrote to the blog about how good and generous Canadian mining companies are around the ... more »
Chief Terrorist Responsible For Paris Attack Reported Dead
One of the suspected ringleaders of the Paris attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, was killed on Wednesday during a predawn raid by French police commandos who were following leads that the fugitive militant was plotting another wave of violence in Paris. Over 100 police officers and soldiers stormed an apartment building in the northern suburb of Saint-Denis during a 7-hour siege, leaving two dead. Washingtonpost.com reports: Abaaoud, a Belgian extremist, had once boasted that he could slip easily between Europe and strongholds of the Islamic State militant group in Syria. Paris prosecutor... more »
Blue Dog Democrats Will Buck Obama and Back GOP Refugee Bill
[image: refugees at bus] Bucking President Obama and party leaders, Blue Dog Democrats will support GOP legislation to bolster security checks on Syrian and Iraqi refugees, the group announced Wednesday evening. “In the wake of the horrific attacks in Paris, we must step back and reassess... Continue reading *“Blue Dog Democrats Will Buck Obama and Back GOP Refugee Bill”* at *thehill.com*.
The Absurdity Of The Syrian War: U.S. Weapons Destroying U.S. Weapons
*Washington Post:* *This video shows the absurdity of the war in Syria in one single blown-up Humvee* The above video, reportedly recorded outside of Aleppo, Syria and posted online Tuesday, features rebels from the U.S.-backed Free Syrian Army firing a U.S.-supplied anti-tank guided missile at what it is clearly a U.S.-made Humvee. Rarely do the weapons and equipment of a conflict come together in a single video to highlight how America now fights its wars, but there it is. According to the caption on the video, the strike killed one occupant and the now-destroyed Humvee was mou... more »
TPP-Negotiating Process: Who’s "Us" And Who’s "Them?"
*-by emorej a Hong Kong* “China” is everybody’s ultimate answer to most questions about the TPP. Obama’s closing argument is: “the rulebook is up for grabs. And if we don’t pass this agreement-- if America doesn’t write those rules-- then countries like China will.” But what does *“China... write... rules”* really mean? And what does it obscure? Intended meaning of Obama and others who reference “China”: • A clear meaning is that: China is welcome to join a previously-established TPP, just not welcome to participate directly in negotiating its initial details. • A clearly inte... more »
El Nino 2015: Temperatures In Pacific Ocean Break 25 Year Record
This years monster El Nino is gathering strength in the Pacific. Sea surface temperature rising in the ocean indicate that a record breaking El Nino event is gathering strength. It could have devastating consequences for some time to come, even if it weakens as it soon should. This year has also been the hottest year on record and the developing El Nino is just making matters worse. Bloomberg reports: Last month was the hottest October in 136 years of data, according to U.S. figures released Wednesday, making it the eighth record-breaking month so far in this record-breaking year. T... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 18, 2015
Pascal Rossignol/Reuters *Dana Kennedy, Daily Beast*: *Paris Bombers Were Lost In Secret Files* All but one of the terrorists were in France’s high-security watchlist that contains more than 10,000 people. Just hours before a woman blew herself up during a seven-hour standoff with police in Paris early Wednesday, officials at the country’s Muslim organizations were dealing with their new normal: answering calls from anguished or angry French Muslims targeted by cops and confined to home for the next three months. They were among the approximately 104 people placed under house arre... more »
Honduras Detains Five Syrians Said Headed to U.S. With Stolen Greek Passports
[image: five Syrians] Honduran authorities have detained five Syrian nationals who were trying to reach the United States using stolen Greek passports, but there are no signs of any links to last week’s attacks in Paris, police said. Continue reading *“Honduras Detains Five Syrians Said Headed to U.S. With Stolen Greek Passports”* at *reuters.com*.
Nuns Who Rescue Sex Slaves Expand Efforts to 140 Countries
[image: sex slaves] LONDON (Reuters) - An army of religious sisters who rescue victims of human trafficking by posing as prostitutes to infiltrate brothels and buying children being sold into slavery, is expanding to 140 countries, its chairman said on Wednesday. John Studzinski,... Continue reading *“Nuns Who Rescue Sex Slaves Expand Efforts to 140 Countries”* at *religionnews.com*.
Quote of the Day: ‘Just the one?’
*“’Fancy a pint?’ … As invitations go, it’s one of the most appealing I can imagine that involves remaining fully dressed.” *~ Beer writer Pete Brown, from his book *Three Sheets to the Wind* via beer writer Neil Miller, from his post ‘Fancy a (sessionable) pint at the Session Beer Session?’ Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Ben Carson’s Terri Schiavo Comments Troubling, Pro-Lifers Say
[image: Ben Carson1 - 400] Pro-lifers criticized Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s comment that the Congressional intervention during the Terri Schiavo case was “much ado about nothing.” The Washington Post reported Friday that a reporter asked the retired neuro-surgeon his thoughts about the infamous legal dispute... Continue reading *“Ben Carson’s Terri Schiavo Comments Troubling, Pro-Lifers Say”* at *christianpost.com*.
John Zmirak Joins Eric Metaxas to Discuss ISIS, Immigration and Craziness at Yale
[image: Metaxas] Stream Senior Editor John Zmirak joined Eric Metaxas to discuss ISIS, Immigration and Craziness at Yale
Musical Interlude: Kevin Kern, “Another Realm”
Kevin Kern, “Another Realm” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4a2JtNQublQ
"A Look to the Heavens"
“This sharp telescopic field of view holds two bright galaxies. Barred spiral NGC 5101 (top right) and nearly edge-on system NGC 5078 are separated on the sky by about 0.5 degrees or about the apparent width of a full moon. Found within the boundaries of the serpentine constellation Hydra, both are estimated to be around 90 million light-years away and similar in size to our own large Milky Way galaxy. *Click image for larger size.* In fact, if they both lie at the same distance their projected separation would be only 800,000 light-years or so. That's easily less than half the dist... more »
Chet Raymo, “A Fear of Freedom?”
*“A Fear of Freedom?”* by Chet Raymo “It is almost a cliché to say that Western civilization was created by the Greeks. Our government, law, art, music, architecture, literature, drama, historiography, science, and mathematics are largely Greek inventions. The sublime refinement and sophistication of the Parthenon have been widely taken as reflecting qualities of the Athenians citizens who built the temple and adorned it with sculptures. No doubt something remarkable happened in the Greek world of the 6th to 3rd centuries B.C.E., with its epicenter first at Athens, then at Alexandr... more »
World News Briefs -- November 18, 2015 (Evening Edition)
Italian Carabinieri officers check a nun as she arrives to attend Pope Francis' Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's square *Daily Mail:* *Europe on edge: Copenhagen airport is evacuated, London Tube security scare, Germany abandons its football match and the Vatican is even searching NUNS* * Copenhagen was evacuated when a suspicious package was discovered * Germany's game against Holland was called off 90 minutes before kick-off * Tooting Broadway tube station evacuated following a security alert today * Security was tightened ahead of the Pope's general audience at the Vati... more »
"We Are Here..."
We are here on Earth to do good to others. What the others are here for, I don't know." - W. H. Auden
"Stay Lost"
"The man with the clear head is the man who frees himself from those fantastic "ideas" [the characterological lie about reality] and looks life in the face, realizes that everything in it is problematic, and feels himself lost. And this is the simple truth—that to live is to feel oneself lost —he who accepts it has already begun to find himself, to be on firm ground. Instinctively, as do the shipwrecked, he will look round for something to which to cling, and that tragic, ruthless glance, absolutely sincere, because it is a question of his salvation, will cause him to bring order i... more »
Genocidal U.S. And Israeli Leaders Want A Bloody Stalemate In Syria, Or, Better Yet, A Total ISIS Victory
*The terrorists in ISIS have friends in the highest of places.* You want to stop terrorism in Damascus, Beirut, Washington, New York, and Paris? Then help bring the genocidal leaders of Israel and America to account in a global public court. They have to politically pay for their policies of chaos and destruction. It's foolish to take the anger and aggression out on refugees. If you're not willing to hold the highest political leaders accountable then save your tears for the victims of state terrorism and save your hatred for the scapegoats. Tears and hate don't solve anything. O... more »
"Stay Young"
"Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind. It is a temper of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions, a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years. People grow old by deserting their ideals. Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, doubt, self-distrust, fear and despair, these are the long, long years that bow the head and turn the growing spirit back to dust. Whether seventy or seventeen there is in every beings he... more
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