Fall Craft Ideas
Thanksgiving is coming up soon! Check out these ideas for decorating your house for the occasion. [image: post signature]
U.S. Gave Islamic State Oil Tankers A 45-Minute Warning Before They Were Destroyed By U.S. Warplanes
*PJ Media*: *ISIS Oil Tankers Hit for First Time – With 45-Minute Warning* The spokesman for Operation Inherent Resolve said coalition airstrikes targeted ISIS' oil tankers for the first time -- with a warning from the sky first. Briefing via teleconference from Baghdad to the Pentagon this morning, Col. Steve Warren told reporters that since Saturday "France has conducted numerous strikes against targets in Raqqa" -- the capital of the Islamic State. "Those targets include ISIL headquarters, training camps and storage depots. The French have been a robust partner and a robust me... more »
Picture Of The Day
Army Green Berets fire a mortar system at training targets during Southern Strike 16 on Camp Shelby Joint Forces Training Center, Miss., Nov. 4, 2015. The soldiers are assigned to Company C, 2nd Battalion, 20th Special Forces Group. New York Air National Guard photo by Staff Sgt. Christopher S. Muncy
TRIGGER WARNING: The Most Politically Incorrect Post I've Ever Written-- Apologies In Advance To Progressives in The South
A post on Sunday-- largely unread-- shows the correlation between premature death from things like cancer and diabetes with a tendency to not just eat badly, but to elect Republicans. Simplest way to understand that: corrupt Republican legislatures and governors pass laws to enable their billionaire buddies to pollute the air and water for their own profit and your kids get sick and die... so keep listening to Hate Talk Radio and Fox. Anyway, the states with the worst cancer outcomes are pretty predictable... and, politically, all blood red: *•* Kentucky *•* Mississippi *•* West ... more »
Islamic State Threatens New York City In A New Propaganda Video
*NBC New York:* *New Islamic State Propaganda Video Shows Shots of Times Square; Officials Say No New Threat* The Islamic State has released a new propaganda video celebrating the recent terror attacks in Paris and showing images of Times Square as fighters make vague threats against France and the U.S., which U.S. law enforcement officials say the threats are not new. The video contains images of Times Square, Herald Square and Central that were originally published in April. Senior law enforcement officials say there is no new specific threat information to New York, and one of... more »
Lamar W. Hankins : Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s unpatriotic view of Syrian refugees
The governor wants to bar the ‘golden door’ to freedom, rather than light the pathway for those who most need to find it. By Lamar W. Hankins | The Rag Blog | Nov. 19, 2015 I have always considered the … finish reading Lamar W. Hankins : Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s unpatriotic view of Syrian refugees
Islamic State Oil Facilities Are Now Priority Targets For Russian War Planes (Video)
Watch #Russia obliterate columns of trucks filled with fuel belonging to ISIS. pic.twitter.com/fq0hs5UWIS — Serge (@Zinvor) November 18, 2015 *WNU Editor*: Here is another video of Russian war planes bombing ISIS oil facilities (see below). According to Russian Armed Forces Colonel-General Andrei Kartapolov ... the priority for Russian war planes is to now strike targets involved in the extraction, processing and transportation of oil. Estimates are now coming out that Russian planes have destroyed more than 500 fuel tankers carrying oil from Syria to Iraq for processing.
Illinois Girl Sends Handmade Crosses to Cops Across the Country
[image: crosses] An 8-year-old girl is tapping into her creativity in trying to keep police officers safe across the country. Arianna Nichols, of Illinois, started making crosses out of Perler beads she received for her birthday in August and has since made... Continue reading *“Illinois Girl Sends Handmade Crosses to Cops Across the Country”* at *abcnews.go.com*.
Rip-off News round-up. Our pick of the last week's media (Thu 19th November)
The great smart meter rip-off: Energy giants will use devices to DOUBLE the cost of power when you need it most Britain’s leading power firms are expected to introduce tariffs that charge more at peak times when they roll out new electronic meters which monitor how much energy you use by the second. It means electricity and gas used in the evenings could cost 99 per cent more than at other
Five of the Paris Attackers Could Have Flown to US Without Restriction
[image: France, French Police, Paris attackers] U.S. officials say none of the Paris attackers identified so far were on U.S. watch lists, bolstering concerns about limits to U.S. intelligence that could handicap the refugee vetting process. The seven identified attackers were not on U.S. watch lists, multiple U.S.... more »
Miranda Mason : METRO | Women’s hygiene heartache in local homeless shelters
Underfunded and undersupplied feminine hygiene products cause serious health risk. By Miranda Mason | The Rag Blog | November 18, 2015 AUSTIN — While life on the streets is far from easy, most people in need know where to go … finish reading Miranda Mason : *METRO* | Women’s hygiene heartache in local homeless shelters
The Marcel Pictures
While I'm not sure why it is important in a discussion of the Ramey memo, there are those who wanted to see the scans of Marcel. These are the full negative scans and the copyright, as it has been defined, still resides with the University of Texas - Arlington Special Collections. If they ask that the pictures be removed, then I will comply. These scans allow us all to see the full photograph along with the edges of the negatives. I do not believe these have been published before in this form. And, for those who haven't seen the picture of Irving Newton, taken sometime after thos... more »
The End of Europe
[image: Europe Dying - 400] In his Memoires d'Espoir, the leader of Free France during World War II and the founder of the Fifth Republic, General Charles de Gaulle, wrote at length about a subject on many people's minds today -- Europe. Though often portrayed... Continue reading *“The End of Europe”* at *thepublicdiscourse.com*.
A Country is a Country
[image: Secretary Kerry Flying over Syrian Refugee Camp - 400] And that means that a country can't dispense with political leadership that balances particular concern for the safety and flourishing citizens with what can be called humanitarian or even Christian duties we have to all beings with rights. So, as... Continue reading *“A Country is a Country”* at *nationalreview.com*.
Jeremy Corbyn: I’m ‘Not Happy’ with Shoot-to-Kill Policy if Terrorists are Attacking Britain
[image: One Time Use Only – Outbound] Jeremy Corbyn has said he is “not happy” with letting Britain’s security services adopt a "shoot-to-kill policy" if terrorists were loose in the UK. The Labour leader said he thought the policy could be "quite dangerous” and "counterproductive," warning that it... Continue reading *“Jeremy Corbyn: I’m ‘Not Happy’ with Shoot-to-Kill Policy if Terrorists are Attacking Britain”* at *telegraph.co.uk*.
The University of York Doesn’t Care About Male Suicide
[image: University of York - 400] Under pressure from progressive activists, the University of York has canceled an event to address men's issues on International Men's Day this Thursday, on the grounds that women's inequality is more important. One needn't buy into 'manosphere' identity politics or support... Continue reading *“The University of York Doesn’t Care About Male Suicide”* at *breitbart.com*.
A Jubilee Year of Mercy
[image: God the Father] Pope Francis has announced a jubilee Year of Mercy, starting December 8. He is hardly the first pope to stress the importance of mercy. John Paul II spoke about it often and eloquently. But Francis has a special passion for... Continue reading *“A Jubilee Year of Mercy”* at *firstthings.com*.
The Gulf States Are Buying Massive Quantities Of American Smart bombs
*James Hasik, National Interest:* *Revealed: The Gulf States are Buying Tons of American Smart Bombs* The tragedy of Paris this past weekend may eventually prove to have been the beginning of the end for the Al-Baghdadi Gang in Al-Raqqah. Wantonly attacking the citizens of two UN Security Council members in a week wasn't just heinous, it was stupid. So if the Coalition air forces have been running through a lot of ordnance pummeling troops and infrastructure, the pace is only stepping up. Getting them the weapons, though, hasn’t been easy. As Air Force Secretary Debbie James stres... more »
They Walk Among You... And By "They," We Mean War Criminals
Ever hear of Kim Howells? His dad was a Communist lorry driver and young Kim was a good Welsh union man and a Communist himself, before joining the Labour Party in 1982. Seven years later he was elected to the House of Commons and gradually distanced himself from his communist roots, finally suggesting in 1996 that the word "socialism" ought to be "humanely phased out" of anything to do with the Labour Party. Pleased as punch, Tony Blair gave him a series of junior ministerial positions starting the following year, until, in 2005, Blair made him Minister of State for the Middle Eas... more »
State Of Emergency: France Expecting Chemical Attack
The French government have announced plans to release military grade stockpiles of anti neurotoxins to first responders in the event of a chemical attack in France. The emergency memo released on Wednesday says: “In consideration of the COP21 conference and the risk of exposure to neurotoxins and chemical agents it is necessary to implement new emergency measures.” “Military stockpiles of anti-toxin are to be made immediately available to the civilian sector, including pharmacies and first responders.” The memo goes on to detail how to treat exposure to organophosphates, specifical...more »
Report: Israel Warned Jews In Paris Before Attacks
A new Russian Foreign Intelligence Service report says that the French General Directorate for External Security (DGSE) was warned by Israel of the Friday 13th Paris attacks a day before they occurred. The report says the Joint Intelligence Centre (JIC) authorized the intelligence of the impending attack to be released to the Jewish peoples in Paris. Whatdoesitmean.com reports: According to this report, on 7 November, the Joint Intelligence Centre (JIC) in Baghdad (established and operated by Russia-Iraq-Iran-Syria to battle the Islamic State) received an “urgent request” from Isra...more »
ISIS Says Manhattan Will Be Attacked Very Soon
A new ISIS rap video has been released which threatens to deliver suicide bombers to both Germany and New York’s Times Square. In the video, subtitled in English, a terrorist is shown wearing a suicide belt, intercut with images of New York’s Times Square, followed by the bomber, dressed in Western attire, pulling the pin. The rapper says, “To the enemies of Allah, where are your troops? We can no longer wait, O Allah destroy them! Now listen you dogs of hell, this is a message and more are going to follow. This is just the beginning.” Pix11.com reports: The NYPD immediately rele... more »
Emergency ‘Drills’ Held Hours Before Paris Attack Confirmed
The recent Paris attacks on Friday 13th have shown an unsettling pattern that points to it being a false flag event, where governments kill their own citizens as part of a pursuing a bigger agenda. It has been confirmed that on the day of the attacks the French government held emergency drills involving doctors and EMTs for a large-scale terrorist attack, that conveniently allowed the very same first responders to deal with the real attacks as they took place. Take a look at the following: FEMA set up camp at Pier 92 on Sept. 10, 2001 On 7/7 in London they were holding drills for th... more »
Putin: We Will Capture ISIS, Even If They’re On The Toilet
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that he intends to relentlessly pursue ISIS everywhere they go, including the toilet. The Russian leader said to a reporter recently, “We are going to pursue terrorists everywhere. If they are in the airport, we will pursue them in the airport. And if we capture them in the toilet, then we will waste them in the outhouse. … The issue has been resolved once and for all.” Russia-insider.com reports: If you think this is empty talk, think again: Russia’s air force just used its nuclear bombers to lay waste to a major stronghold of the Islamic S... more »
Israel Cover-Up Of Paris Attack Intelligence Underway
It seems that some parts of the Jewish community in Paris were warned of a large terrorist attack before the Paris attacks took place, as insider Israeli intelligence was given to a select number of people. Redicecreations.com reports: Why did the Times of Israel change their story from being warned “Just Friday” to “For months?” Why did the Times of Israel change their story from being warned “Just Friday” to “For months?” They either do not want the world to know they are privileged having a direct line to government intel or they’re ashamed of hoarding the info and not sharing it... more »
Dalai Lama: “Stop Praying For Paris”
Following the Paris attacks on Friday, the Dalai Lama has given an interview with a German Broadcaster, saying that the world needs to “stop praying for Paris“. Speaking with Deutsche Welle, the Dalai Lama commented on the futility in praying to deities, saying, “We cannot solve this problem only through prayers,” he said, in reference to worldwide calls to #PrayForParis. “I am a Buddhist and I believe in praying. But humans have created this problem, and now we are asking God to solve it. It is illogical. God would say, solve it yourself because you created it in the first place.” ... more »
Paris Attacks: William Engdahl Explains the Past, Present and Future of the War in Syria
*Title: Paris Attacks: William Engdahl Explains the Past, Present and Future of the War in Syria. Source: corbettreport. Date Published: November 18, 2015. Description: * F. William Engdahl of WilliamEngdahl.com joins us today to give his perspective on the Paris attacks. We discuss the historical background to what is taking place now in Syria, how it plays into the current geopolitical agenda of the US/NATO military powers, and what it means for France, Syria and the world moving forward.
BWorld 26, IPRI 2015 in APEC economies
* This is my column in BusinessWorld last Monday, November 16, 2015. KUALA LUMPUR -- The protection of property rights and promulgation of the rule of law are the cornerstones of peace and order in society. When such property rights are removed and unprotected, society can quickly degenerate into chaos and disorder. For instance, your house or car is also somebody else’s house and car, and he/she can take and occupy it anytime, anywhere. Measuring property rights protection across many countries has been done by the Property Rights Alliance (PRA), a network of 74 independent, nong... more »
Nov. 18:I don't know where to start.....
Aha! I'm not the only crazy one. So is Pope Francis. Read his statement below. http://www.zenit.org/en/articles/pope-francis-a-pope-who-sees-a-wwiii-and-pleas-for-it-to-stop I could wish that the clowns who write sermonettes for the Irving press Faith Page had the intelligence and courage to say what Pope Francis has said. And, below, is an article I copied because it deals with Canadian-owned mining operations in Africa. (About a week or more ago, a mining engineer I knew as a student at Acadia wrote to the blog about how good and generous Canadian mining companies are around the ... more »
Chief Terrorist Responsible For Paris Attack Reported Dead
One of the suspected ringleaders of the Paris attacks, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, was killed on Wednesday during a predawn raid by French police commandos who were following leads that the fugitive militant was plotting another wave of violence in Paris. Over 100 police officers and soldiers stormed an apartment building in the northern suburb of Saint-Denis during a 7-hour siege, leaving two dead. Washingtonpost.com reports: Abaaoud, a Belgian extremist, had once boasted that he could slip easily between Europe and strongholds of the Islamic State militant group in Syria. Paris prosecutor... more »
Blue Dog Democrats Will Buck Obama and Back GOP Refugee Bill
[image: refugees at bus] Bucking President Obama and party leaders, Blue Dog Democrats will support GOP legislation to bolster security checks on Syrian and Iraqi refugees, the group announced Wednesday evening. “In the wake of the horrific attacks in Paris, we must step back and reassess... Continue reading *“Blue Dog Democrats Will Buck Obama and Back GOP Refugee Bill”* at *thehill.com*.
The Absurdity Of The Syrian War: U.S. Weapons Destroying U.S. Weapons
*Washington Post:* *This video shows the absurdity of the war in Syria in one single blown-up Humvee* The above video, reportedly recorded outside of Aleppo, Syria and posted online Tuesday, features rebels from the U.S.-backed Free Syrian Army firing a U.S.-supplied anti-tank guided missile at what it is clearly a U.S.-made Humvee. Rarely do the weapons and equipment of a conflict come together in a single video to highlight how America now fights its wars, but there it is. According to the caption on the video, the strike killed one occupant and the now-destroyed Humvee was mou... more »
TPP-Negotiating Process: Who’s "Us" And Who’s "Them?"
*-by emorej a Hong Kong* “China” is everybody’s ultimate answer to most questions about the TPP. Obama’s closing argument is: “the rulebook is up for grabs. And if we don’t pass this agreement-- if America doesn’t write those rules-- then countries like China will.” But what does *“China... write... rules”* really mean? And what does it obscure? Intended meaning of Obama and others who reference “China”: • A clear meaning is that: China is welcome to join a previously-established TPP, just not welcome to participate directly in negotiating its initial details. • A clearly inte... more »
El Nino 2015: Temperatures In Pacific Ocean Break 25 Year Record
This years monster El Nino is gathering strength in the Pacific. Sea surface temperature rising in the ocean indicate that a record breaking El Nino event is gathering strength. It could have devastating consequences for some time to come, even if it weakens as it soon should. This year has also been the hottest year on record and the developing El Nino is just making matters worse. Bloomberg reports: Last month was the hottest October in 136 years of data, according to U.S. figures released Wednesday, making it the eighth record-breaking month so far in this record-breaking year. T... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 18, 2015
Pascal Rossignol/Reuters *Dana Kennedy, Daily Beast*: *Paris Bombers Were Lost In Secret Files* All but one of the terrorists were in France’s high-security watchlist that contains more than 10,000 people. Just hours before a woman blew herself up during a seven-hour standoff with police in Paris early Wednesday, officials at the country’s Muslim organizations were dealing with their new normal: answering calls from anguished or angry French Muslims targeted by cops and confined to home for the next three months. They were among the approximately 104 people placed under house arre... more »
Honduras Detains Five Syrians Said Headed to U.S. With Stolen Greek Passports
[image: five Syrians] Honduran authorities have detained five Syrian nationals who were trying to reach the United States using stolen Greek passports, but there are no signs of any links to last week’s attacks in Paris, police said. Continue reading *“Honduras Detains Five Syrians Said Headed to U.S. With Stolen Greek Passports”* at *reuters.com*.
Nuns Who Rescue Sex Slaves Expand Efforts to 140 Countries
[image: sex slaves] LONDON (Reuters) - An army of religious sisters who rescue victims of human trafficking by posing as prostitutes to infiltrate brothels and buying children being sold into slavery, is expanding to 140 countries, its chairman said on Wednesday. John Studzinski,... Continue reading *“Nuns Who Rescue Sex Slaves Expand Efforts to 140 Countries”* at *religionnews.com*.
Quote of the Day: ‘Just the one?’
*“’Fancy a pint?’ … As invitations go, it’s one of the most appealing I can imagine that involves remaining fully dressed.” *~ Beer writer Pete Brown, from his book *Three Sheets to the Wind* via beer writer Neil Miller, from his post ‘Fancy a (sessionable) pint at the Session Beer Session?’ Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Ben Carson’s Terri Schiavo Comments Troubling, Pro-Lifers Say
[image: Ben Carson1 - 400] Pro-lifers criticized Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s comment that the Congressional intervention during the Terri Schiavo case was “much ado about nothing.” The Washington Post reported Friday that a reporter asked the retired neuro-surgeon his thoughts about the infamous legal dispute... Continue reading *“Ben Carson’s Terri Schiavo Comments Troubling, Pro-Lifers Say”* at *christianpost.com*.
John Zmirak Joins Eric Metaxas to Discuss ISIS, Immigration and Craziness at Yale
[image: Metaxas] Stream Senior Editor John Zmirak joined Eric Metaxas to discuss ISIS, Immigration and Craziness at Yale
Musical Interlude: Kevin Kern, “Another Realm”
Kevin Kern, “Another Realm” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4a2JtNQublQ
"A Look to the Heavens"
“This sharp telescopic field of view holds two bright galaxies. Barred spiral NGC 5101 (top right) and nearly edge-on system NGC 5078 are separated on the sky by about 0.5 degrees or about the apparent width of a full moon. Found within the boundaries of the serpentine constellation Hydra, both are estimated to be around 90 million light-years away and similar in size to our own large Milky Way galaxy. *Click image for larger size.* In fact, if they both lie at the same distance their projected separation would be only 800,000 light-years or so. That's easily less than half the dist... more »
Chet Raymo, “A Fear of Freedom?”
*“A Fear of Freedom?”* by Chet Raymo “It is almost a cliché to say that Western civilization was created by the Greeks. Our government, law, art, music, architecture, literature, drama, historiography, science, and mathematics are largely Greek inventions. The sublime refinement and sophistication of the Parthenon have been widely taken as reflecting qualities of the Athenians citizens who built the temple and adorned it with sculptures. No doubt something remarkable happened in the Greek world of the 6th to 3rd centuries B.C.E., with its epicenter first at Athens, then at Alexandr... more »
World News Briefs -- November 18, 2015 (Evening Edition)
Italian Carabinieri officers check a nun as she arrives to attend Pope Francis' Wednesday general audience in Saint Peter's square *Daily Mail:* *Europe on edge: Copenhagen airport is evacuated, London Tube security scare, Germany abandons its football match and the Vatican is even searching NUNS* * Copenhagen was evacuated when a suspicious package was discovered * Germany's game against Holland was called off 90 minutes before kick-off * Tooting Broadway tube station evacuated following a security alert today * Security was tightened ahead of the Pope's general audience at the Vati... more »
"We Are Here..."
We are here on Earth to do good to others. What the others are here for, I don't know." - W. H. Auden
"Stay Lost"
"The man with the clear head is the man who frees himself from those fantastic "ideas" [the characterological lie about reality] and looks life in the face, realizes that everything in it is problematic, and feels himself lost. And this is the simple truth—that to live is to feel oneself lost —he who accepts it has already begun to find himself, to be on firm ground. Instinctively, as do the shipwrecked, he will look round for something to which to cling, and that tragic, ruthless glance, absolutely sincere, because it is a question of his salvation, will cause him to bring order i... more »
Genocidal U.S. And Israeli Leaders Want A Bloody Stalemate In Syria, Or, Better Yet, A Total ISIS Victory
*The terrorists in ISIS have friends in the highest of places.* You want to stop terrorism in Damascus, Beirut, Washington, New York, and Paris? Then help bring the genocidal leaders of Israel and America to account in a global public court. They have to politically pay for their policies of chaos and destruction. It's foolish to take the anger and aggression out on refugees. If you're not willing to hold the highest political leaders accountable then save your tears for the victims of state terrorism and save your hatred for the scapegoats. Tears and hate don't solve anything. O... more »
"Stay Young"
"Youth is not a time of life, it is a state of mind. It is a temper of the will, a quality of the imagination, a vigor of the emotions, a predominance of courage over timidity, of the appetite for adventure over the love of ease. Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years. People grow old by deserting their ideals. Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul. Worry, doubt, self-distrust, fear and despair, these are the long, long years that bow the head and turn the growing spirit back to dust. Whether seventy or seventeen there is in every beings he... more »
‘Undetectable': The Impact a UN Treaty Will Have on Global Warming
[image: Ice, Melting, Global Warming] President Barack Obama and other world leaders will meet in Paris later this month for a highly anticipated conference expected to yield a global treaty to fight global warming. Obama wants a global climate deal to be a major part... more »
At Least 15 US ‘Citizen Terrorists’ are Also Legal Immigrants
[image: Terrorism Definition - 900] Dozens of the U.S. citizens arrested in recent years on terror-related charges are immigrants admitted to the United States legally who later obtained citizenship. More than 70 U.S. residents have been publicly arrested and charged with conspiring to help, attempting... more »
FBI Voices Concerns Of Islamic State Terror Attacks Over The Holiday Period
*Washington Times:* *Stretched FBI braces for Islamic State holiday terror attacks* In the wee hours of July 4, FBI counterterrorism agents in the Boston area scrambled to thwart the last of a string of Islamic State terror plots they feared could be conducted during the patriotic holiday or soon after. Just weeks earlier, an agent and Boston officers had shot and killed an ISIS sympathizer on the same streets, right before he boarded a bus armed with a military-style knife and plans to attack cops and behead a woman. Now, an undercover operative set up a weapons buy on the street... more »
London Couple Guilty Of Keeping Man As A Slave For 24 Years
A British doctor and his wife were found guilty on Tuesday of keeping a Nigerian immigrant as a slave in their home for more than two decades, forcing him to work without pay and threatening him with deportation if he tried to escape. The couple, Emmanuel and Antan Edet, from Perivale, north west London were found guilty at Harrow Crown Court on charges of child cruelty, slavery and assisting in illegal immigration. Ofonime Sunday Inuk was 14 when he was taken in by the couple, who told the teen when they brought him from Nigeria in 1989, that they would pay him and provide him with... more »
6 Painful Truths About the War on Terrorism
*Dylan Charles* - Nearly 15 years into the war on terror and the truth is too heavy to ignore any longer. The post 6 Painful Truths About the War on Terrorism appeared first on Waking Times.
Plane Grounded After Passenger Is Spotted Watching ‘Suspicious’ Video
A plane about to take off from Baltimore-Washington International Airport was grounded and the passengers evacuated after suspicious activity was reported by a passenger. A Muslim appearing female passenger was reported to the crew by another passenger, for watching what appeared to be an Islamic state video. Sputnik reports: Three men and a woman were removed from the Spirit Airlines plane, which was about to take off to Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport, when a female passenger was seen watching a video that another passenger deemed “suspicious.” “A passenger alerted a flight... more »
John Kerry: There Was A 'Legitimacy' Or 'Rationale' To The Charlie Hebdo Attack Unlike The Paris Attacks
*Daily Mail:* *John Kerry hit with a storm of criticism for saying there was a 'rationale' for the Charlie Hebdo killings - unlike the Paris terrorist attack which was 'absolutely indiscriminate'* * Jeb Bush said, 'There's no rationale for barbaric, Islamic terrorists who want to destroy Western civilization' * On Twitter, George Pataki, the 9/11 era governor of New York and a 2016 candidate for president, said Kerry should resign or be fired * Chris Christie said Kerry's comments 'were offensive' and truly stupid' - but removing him from his post wouldn't solve the problem Secreta... more »
Intelligence Officials: Suspected Ringleader Of The Paris Attacks Was Killed In A Predawn Raid By French Commandos
*Washington Post:* *Suspected architect of Paris attacks is dead, according to two senior intelligence officials* PARIS — The suspected ringleader of the Paris attacks was killed Wednesday in a massive predawn raid by French police commandos, two senior European intelligence officials said, after investigators followed leads that the fugitive militant was holed up north of the French capital and could be plotting another wave of violence. More than 100 police officers and soldiers stormed an apartment building in the suburb of Saint-Denis during a seven-hour siege that left at lea... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Suwanee, Georgia, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"A Deeper Truth"
"There's a truth deeper than experience. It's beyond what we see, or even what we feel. It's an order of truth that separates the profound from the merely clever, and the reality from the perception. We're helpless, usually, in the face of it; and the cost of knowing it, like the cost of knowing love, is sometimes greater than any heart would willingly pay. It doesn't always help us to love the world, but it does prevent us from hating the world. And the only way to know that truth is to share it, from heart to heart, just as Prabhakar told it to me, just as I'm telling it to you n... more »
"The Recipe For Greatness"
"Recipe for greatness- To bear up under loss, to fight the bitterness of defeat and the weakness of grief, to be victor over anger, to smile when tears are close, to resist evil men and base instincts, to hate hate and to love love, to go on when it would seem good to die, to seek ever after the glory and the dream, to look up with unquenchable faith in something evermore about to be, that is what any man or woman can do, and so be great." - Zane Grey
"Ignorance Is Bliss When It Comes to Challenging Social Issues"
*"Ignorance Is Bliss When It Comes to Challenging Social Issues"* by ScienceDaily "The less people know about important complex issues such as the economy, energy consumption and the environment, the more they want to avoid becoming well-informed, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. And the more urgent the issue, the more people want to remain unaware, according to a paper published online in APA's Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. "These studies were designed to help understand the so-called 'ignorance is bliss' approach to social ... more »
"5 Tips To Beat Negativity"
*"5 Tips To Beat Negativity" * by ineedmotivation.com "Nobody’s immune to feelings of negativity. No matter how optimistic you try to be, there are times in your life when you feel depressed or angry. Sometimes these negative feelings hang around and you just can’t shake off the sensation of gloom. You worry constantly and can’t find solutions to any of your problems, and there’s no end in sight to your difficulties. How can you go from seeing the glass as perpetually half empty to half full? Do Something Different: Many times people feel depressed or bored with life because they d... more »
Paris Attacks Likely Cost $10,000 or Less
Police patrol near the Eiffel Tower the day after a series of deadly attacks in Paris , November 14, 2015. REUTERS/Yves Herman *NBC:* *Terror on a Shoestring: Paris Attacks Likely Cost $10,000 or Less* The multi-pronged ISIS attack on Paris may have been sophisticated and shattering — but it wasn't expensive. The entire operation likely didn't cost more than $10,000 when weapons, explosives, housing and transportation are factored in, NBC News has learned. "I would note that although the attacks were coordinated, the actual method was basic bombs and guns," one senior counterterro... more »
Russia And France Continue Bombing Raids On The Islamic State Stronghold Of Raqqa
*The Independent*: *France air strikes in Syria: '33 Isis militants killed' in Raqqa in three days as Russia adds to onslaught* Russia has also unleashed cruise missiles on the de-facto Isis capital in retribution for last month’s downing of a civilian airliner Thirty three Isis militants have been killed in northern Syria by air strikes carried out by France and Russia in the past three days, it has been reported. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) monitoring group said the deaths were the result of the bombing campaign carried out on Raqqa – the de-facto Isis capita... more »
Why It’s Only Natural for Americans to Care More About Paris than Beirut
[image: Americans] In the days since the horrific terrorist attacks in Paris, a lot of people have said a lot of obtuse things. GOP presidential candidate Ted Cruz thinks Barack Obama “does not wish to protect this country.” Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders still believes that climate... Continue reading *“Why It’s Only Natural for Americans to Care More About Paris than Beirut”* at *theweek.com*.
Putin To Extinguish ISIS From The Planet
President Putin has ordered the total destruction of ISIS and related factions, wherever they may be on the planet. The order comes in response to the downing of the Russian passenger airliner, A321, last month over Sinai, Egypt. It has been determined by Russia that the flight was sabotaged and an ISIS bomb was planted on board killing all 224 passengers, who were mainly Russian holiday makers. The hatred of the Russian president for radical Islamic militants was well known in the past , and now it has ripened, ready to to be harvested. The first thing that the Russian president wa... more »
Disunion Now (A Plea for a Society based upon Small Autonomous Units) - Leopold Khor - 1941
We like to believe that the misery into which the world has come is due to the fact that humanity is split into too many countries. And we like to believe that all the evils of our globe would be eliminated by simply doing away with the variety of states through uniting - the democracies now, the continents later, the world in the end. The usually cited examples for the feasibility of such unions are the United States of America and Switzerland. As far as the United States is concerned, it is not a model after which Europe could be reshaped because it is not a union of differe... more »
Geopolitics, The Economy: "The West Sowed the Seeds of the Paris Attacks"
*"The West Sowed the Seeds of the Paris Attacks"* by Bill Bonner "They that sow the wind, shall reap the whirlwind." – Hosea, 8-7 PARIS – "We drove back into Paris last night… France is still in a state of emergency. A police blockade near Dreux stopped cars headed out of the city. There were about 20 gendarmes manning the barrier, some armed with machine guns. Police shined flashlights into passing cars, pulling over those they wanted to inspect more closely. *A City on Edge: *This morning, in our favorite café at the foot of Rue Poussin, in the 16th arrondissement, everyone drin... more »
Multiculturalism's Treachery
*Guest post by Olivia Pierson* What do North Korea, Russia, Iran, Syria – and the Zealots of Multiculturalism all have in common? Communism? No. Religion? No. Totalitarianism? Close. Answer: It is hatred of the West. Since 1776 America has stood as the great symbol of Western ideals; Reason, Freedom & Democracy. More specifically, these ideals have evolved into becoming the hallmarks of all modern democracies in the Anglosphere and Europe; separation of religion from state (religious tolerance), the emancipation of women and children, a commitment to scientific discovery, ... more »
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: We need to face problem of radical Islam
https://youtu.be/JLlwoc-jCZw Not a voice you'll hear on the BBC.
Have the BBC really forgotten 7/7
The BBC Paris: Could It Happen Here? Was 7/7 just a nightmare then?
Obama Comes under Criticism from Dems over Paris Rhetoric
[image: Obama Bored Tired Paris - 400] President Obama is coming under criticism from some in his own party over his comments Monday about last week’s terrorist attacks in Paris. Influential liberal columnists and Democratic strategists say Obama came off as condescending and scornful during his press... Continue reading *“Obama Comes under Criticism from Dems over Paris Rhetoric”* at *thehill.com*.
On Campus, A Dangerously Wrong Answer for Hate
[image: Erased Protests Not Politically Correct - 900] A few days ago, the student body vice president at the University of Missouri delivered an alarming perspective on campus controversy. “I personally am tired,” Brenda Smith-Lezama declared, of hearing that First Amendment rights protect students when they are creating a hostile... more »
Obama Disparages GOP for Syrian Migration Pushback, Cruz Responds: Insult Me to My Face
[image: Ted Cruz] GOP presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (Texas) challenged President Obama on Wednesday for attacking Republicans who oppose plans to admit thousands of Syrian refugees into the U.S. “It is utterly unbefitting of the president to be engaging in those kind... Continue reading *“Obama Disparages GOP for Syrian Migration Pushback, Cruz Responds: Insult Me to My Face”* at *thehill.com*.
Report: Mother Teresa Could Be Canonized in 2016
[image: Mother Teresa Pope Francis - 400] Mother Teresa will be proclaimed a saint next September: this is according to Italian news agency AGI, which also mentioned 5 September - the feast day of the Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta - as a possible date for the... Continue reading *“Report: Mother Teresa Could Be Canonized in 2016”* at *vaticaninsider.lastampa.it*.
France Mobilises 115,000 Security Personnel Across The Country
Security is high as museums reopen in the French capital *BBC:* *Paris attacks: France mobilises 115,000 security personnel * France has mobilised 115,000 security personnel in the wake of Friday's Paris attacks by Islamist militants, Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve has said. Mr Cazeneuve said 128 more raids on suspected militants were carried out. French air strikes also hit Islamic State in Syria overnight. IS has said it carried out the attacks on bars, restaurants, a concert hall and a stadium in which 129 people died. A huge manhunt is under way for one of the suspects, S... more »
The true face of Islam on 'Eastenders'
*Eastenders *has received praise from the *Independent, *the *Guardian *and people on Twitter for showing "the true face of Islam" on Monday night's episode. As the *Guardian *put it: It’s not often you turn to EastEnders for a little nuance – let alone a crumb of spiritual comfort. But in a particularly bleak week, when the news was filled with terrifying details of the Paris atrocity, the show offered a quiet moment of respite. In a short scene, one character, Tamwar Masood, gently tried to explain his religion to his girlfriend Nancy. Reciting a passage from the Qur’an, he tran... more »
Supplemental: Obama encounters the real JV team!
*WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2015They're known as the national press corps:* We haven't yet watched the full videotape of Obama's press conference in Turkey. That said, we've heard a lot about it. The caterwauling about Obama's tone has been general on Morning Joe, where the caterwaulin' tends to be good. Meanwhile, we'd heard remarks about the repetitive nature of the press corps' questions. To watch the full presser, click here. Today, we took a look at the transcript of the presser. We also watched the videotape of the journalists asking their questions. We thought it was worth r... more »
MD Anderson researcher Aggarwal up to six corrections
A highly cited cancer researcher at MD Anderson has notched three major corrections, all associated with problems in figures. One note cites “human error” as the cause. Bharat Aggarwal is the last author on all three papers. He is now up to six corrections, two unexplained withdrawals, and two Expressions of Concern. He’s also threatened to sue us in the past, […] The post MD Anderson researcher Aggarwal up to six corrections appeared first on Retraction Watch.
There Are Serious, Unbigoted Reasons to Be Wary of a Flood of Syrian Refugees
[image: Syrian Refugees] Among politicians and their clingers-on, journalists, nothing takes hold like a bad historical analogy. Thus as politicians -- 29 governors chief among them -- call for a halt to our Syrian-refugee-resettlement program on the grounds that it might be exploited as... Continue reading *“There Are Serious, Unbigoted Reasons to Be Wary of a Flood of Syrian Refugees”* at *nationalreview.com*.
The All-Black WWI Regiment Renowned for Courage Despite Prejudice
[image: One Time Use Only – Outbound] The 369th Infantry Regiment was the first African-American regiment to fight in World War I. First constituted on June 2, 1913 as the 15th New York Infantry Regiment of the New York Army National Guard, it was renamed in 1918. The... Continue reading *“The All-Black WWI Regiment Renowned for Courage Despite Prejudice”* at *mashable.com*.
US Successfully Tests Nuclear Gravity Bomb In Nevada Desert
The U.S. Air Force and the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Successfully launched a third flight test of the newly upgraded B61-12 nuclear gravity bomb. The USAF announced on Tuesday that the test showed the nation’s “continued commitment to security.” Red Orbit reports: While the announcement comes against the backdrop of the weekend’s terror attacks in Paris, the test itself was actually conducted on October 20 at Tonopah Test Range, according to officials at the NNSA and USAF. The test was used to assess the weapon’s non-nuclear components, but the bomb itself cont... more »
In this case PCR neither discusses nor opines anything. Instead he replays an English translation of an extremely astute German reporter for the German Economic News, who states that "In Paris Tragedy, It’s Necessary to Know Who’s Pulling the Strings." Is he a German PCR?
------------------------------ *Who Is Pulling The Terror Strings? * ------------------------------ November 17, 2015 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/paris-tragedy-its-necessary-know-whos-pulling-strings/ri11201 *In Paris Tragedy, It’s Necessary to Know Who’s Pulling the Strings* Putin demands a real investigation, but the Western establishment has already decided how to use the massacre (German Economic News) Originally appeared in German at German Economic News... more »
Legal loopholes - Bruce Carson, Nigel Wright, and Elections Canada
Elections Canada declined to recommend the RCMP investigate and prosecute electoral fraud cases in both 2008 and 2011 elections because, in the *opinion* of Elections Canada, the perps were unsuccessful in their attempt to sway the election results. They were crap at it so no harm no foul. Yesterday Bruce Carson was acquitted of influence peddling under Section 121 of the Criminal Code - which prohibits anyone from using their influence with the government to obtain benefits for themselves or someone else - because although he approached Indian and Northern Affairs government offici... more »
The Intractable, Insidious Conflict between Islamism and the West
[image: Muslims on a Subway - 400] When al Qaeda struck at the United States in 2001, its targets were hard symbols of American power and decision-making: the Pentagon, the Capitol, and the financial capital. When ISIS struck Paris on Friday, its targets were soft symbols of... Continue reading *“The Intractable, Insidious Conflict between Islamism and the West”* at *theweek.com*.
John Kerry Says He Could See the ‘Rationale’ of the Charlie Hebdo Shootings
[image: John Kerry] US conservatives are taking full advantage of awkward remarks made by secretary of state John Kerry about the Nov. 13 terrorist attacks in Paris. While speaking to the staff and families of the US embassy in Paris yesterday (Nov. 17),... Continue reading *“John Kerry Says He Could See the ‘Rationale’ of the Charlie Hebdo Shootings”* at *qz.com*.
Mark Levin’s New Book Will Get You Up to Date on Really Understanding the Latest Issues
[image: Mark Levin's new book, Plunder and Deceit] I recently finished reading Mark Levin’s new book, Plunder and Deceit: Big Government's Exploitation of Young People and the Future, which provides great insight into current events, explaining what’s really going on behind the hype. One of his best insights is into the cry... more »
Eagles of Death Metal is Home Safe, ‘Horrified’ by Paris Attacks
[image: Eagles of Death Metal] NEW YORK (AP) -- Members of Eagles of Death Metal say they’re home safe after the Paris attacks and “are horrified and still trying to come to terms with what happened in France.” The U.S. band was performing at the... more »
‘What a Hero': Meet the Brave Police Dog Killed Leading Tuesday Night’s Raid in Paris
[image: Diesel Paris Police Dog - 900] A French police dog was tragically killed leading the charge in a raid on the suspected mastermind of the Paris attacks Tuesday. French police sent the seven-year-old female Belgian Shepherd named Diesel in first in the raid, and she was... more »
Title IX is Now Being Used to Purge a Prof Who Championed the Natural Family
[image: Dr. Robert Oscar Lopez - 900] A small story with big consequences for academic freedom is in danger of being lost in the noise of campus protests for safe spaces and faculty quotas. Robert Oscar Lopez is a tenured humanities professor at California State University, Northridge.... more »
Bomb Threats Force Two Air France Planes To Land
Two Air France planes flying to Paris from Washington and Los Angeles were forced to divert to Halifax and Salt Lake City due to bomb threats. Air France confirmed in a statement that both flights AF055 and AF065 were diverted because they had received anonymous threats after take off. “As a precautionary measure and to conduct all necessary security checks, Air France, applying the safety regulations in force, decided to request the landings of both aircraft,” the statement said. “Local authorities are carrying out complete inspections of the aircraft, the passengers and their lugg... more »
Nicaraguans can grow their own food, but not without land
Who has the right to own land? In countries like Canada, we decided some time ago that it’s either government, aboriginals or people with enough money to buy a piece of *tierra firma*, and many of us get along just fine without owning land. While almost 70 per cent of Canadians own their own homes, it’s not a prerequisite to happiness. But the issue is more complex in countries like Nicaragua, where owning land can make the difference between being able to feed your family and going hungry. Subsistence farmers in Nicaragua can survive on the most minimal inco... more »
‘Hometown Glory': Adele Pays Touching Tribute to Paris During NYC Concert
[image: Adele Paris Tribute NYC - 400] Adele’s Tuesday concert at New York City’s Radio City Music Hall was bathed in red, white and blue at one point, as the singer offered a moving tribute to the city of Paris. Cheers went up from the crowd when... Continue reading *“‘Hometown Glory': Adele Pays Touching Tribute to Paris During NYC Concert”* at *mashable.com*.
Barney – The Storm That Was Not
By Paul Homewood http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/weather/12002488/Thousands-left-without-power-as-Storm-Barney-batters-UK.html The Met Office is rapidly becoming a laughing stock. Just days after the “will she/won’t she” farce of Abigail, we have now had the ridiculous overhyping of “Storm” Barney. This is how it has summarised the storm: http://blog.metoffice.gov.uk/2015/11/18/storm-barney-highest-wind-speeds/ It is this sort of information that allows […]
John Kerry Can See Rationale For Charlie Hebdo, But Not The Paris Attacks
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry has come under fire from critics for ‘understanding’ the rationale behind the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris, but not the latest terrorist atrocity. The Daily Caller reports: Kerry flew to France following the G20 talks in Turkey and delivered remarks at the U.S. embassy on the Paris attacks, which left 129 dead, CBS News reports. “There’s something different about what happened from Charlie Hebdo, and I think everybody would feel that,” Kerry said. “There was a sort of particularized focus and perhaps even a legitimacy in terms of – not a legitimac... more »
Paul Craig Roberts: "The Western media has avoided many interesting aspects of the Paris attacks. For example, what did the directors of the CIA and French intelligence discuss at their meeting a few days prior to the Paris attacks. Why were fake passports used to identify attackers? Why did the attacks occur on the same day as a multi-site simulation of a terrorist attack involving first responders, police, emergency services and medical personnel? Why has there been no media investigation of the report that French police were blinded by a sophisticated cyber attack on their mobile data tracking system? Does anyone really believe that ISIL has such capability?" The blogger: "I prefer the preceeding grim photo of PCR to the current cheerful one."
------------------------------ *Washington Refines Its False Flag Operations — Paul Craig Roberts * ------------------------------ November 16, 2015 | Original Here Go here to sign up to receive email notice of this news letter Washington Refines Its False Flag Operations Paul Craig Roberts Washington and its French vassal have refined how they conduct their false flag operations. With the Charlie Hebdo operation, they knew to immediately set the story in stone in order to avoid any questions from the print and TV media and in order to use ... more »
Anonymous Publishes Guide On How To Attack ISIS Online
Hacker group Anonymous have published a guide for people interested in waging an online war against ISIS. The guide will detail ways to identify and attack websites and social media assets belonging to the Islamic State or ISIS. International Business Times reports: In the wake of the terror attacks in Paris on Friday, Anonymous vowed to hunt down those responsible and expose them, calling Operation Paris (or OpParis) “the biggest operation ever” against the extremist group. Earlier this year, an offshoot of Anonymous called GhostSec began tracking Twitter accounts associated with I... more »
From Mark Naison re NPE/Fairtest Collusion
It has come to my attention that the Monty Neill, the head of Fair Test, in issuing a statement about the Opt- Out Movement's tremendous progress refused to list any leaders of United Opt Out as local contacts for the movement despite repeated requests by UOO leaders to do so. This comes several months after a leader of Network for Public Education produced a brief history of the Opt Out movement that tolally left out the contributions of United Opt Out and its leaders. I find this exclusion of United Opt Out from narratives of a movement they did so much to start and which they p... more »
The Shortest Distance Between Reader and Character is a Punchline
As a writer, I've always felt that the fastest way to achieve depth and dimension while delineating a fictional character is by giving them a good sense of humor. Not only that but giving them one all their own. As a reader, this is what I look for when I read a new book by a new author and most of the time I'm disappointed, Granted, humor in a work of dramatic or thrilling fiction isn't exactly a prerequisite *per se* but it certainly helps give a protagonist a dimensional heft that's often conspicuously missing. Which is unfortunate because reader preferences over the last tw... more »
Islamic State Carried Out Three Major Terrorist Attacks In 3 Weeks
*Time:* *ISIS Carried Out Three Major Terrorist Attacks in 3 Weeks* Russia's confirmation that its airliner was bombed shows that the Paris attacks were part of a larger strategy Russia’s security services said on Tuesday that that a homemade explosive device brought down the Russian passenger jet that crashed in Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula in October, belatedly confirming that the 224 passengers were the first in a series of victims of ISIS attacks. The pronouncement by the head of Russia’s FSB security service largely lays to rest speculation about the cause of the crash that killed... more »
Islamic State Posts Picture Of The Bomb That Destroyed Russian Jet Over Sinai
BREAKING: #ISIS shows off alleged ‘bomb’ that brought down Russian plane over Sinai https://t.co/XBdMG3DKp3 #7K9268 pic.twitter.com/mMtuYP6MCm — RT (@RT_com) November 18, 2015 *RT:* *ISIS says Russia targeted over Syria campaign, shows alleged Sinai jet 'bomb'* An image of alleged parts of a “bomb” used to take down a Russian passenger plane over Egypt's Sinai, killing all 224 people onboard, was posted by Islamic State’s magazine. A soft drink can and what appeared to be a detonator and switch allegedly made up the parts of an improvised homemade bomb, a photo published online o... more »
World News Briefs -- November 18, 2015
*VOA*:* Paris Raid Targeted Suspected Ringleader of Terror Attacks* PARIS—A police raid in a Paris suburb ended after seven hours Wednesday with two people dead, seven arrested and the fate of the suspected mastermind of last Friday's attack in the French capital unclear. Paris Prosecutor Francois Molins confirmed the officials were seeking Abdelhamid Abaaoud, a Belgian national of Moroccan descent, but did not immediately confirm if Abaaoud was at the site. Speaking shortly after the siege ended, President Francois Hollande said France is “at war” with terrorism, but warned again... more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 18, 2015
*USA Today/Military Times*: *After Paris attacks, Pentagon quietly shifts to new phase of ISIL war* The Islamic State group's ferocious attack on Paris will be met with "intensification" of the U.S.-led fight against the terror group, President Obama said Monday, but it will not fundamentally alter his strategy nor his reluctance to put more U.S. troops on the ground in Iraq and Syria. "We have the right strategy and we're seeing it through," Obama said during the close of the G20 summit in Antalya, Turkey. "There will be an intensification of the strategy we put forward, but the ... more »
Midday Musical Interlude: The Who, “Overture From Tommy”
The Who, “Overture From Tommy” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MKdusyjiuvY
"And Never, Never, To Forget..."
"To love. To be loved. To never forget your own insignificance. To never get used to the unspeakable violence and the vulgar disparity of life around you. To seek joy in the saddest places. To pursue beauty to its lair. To never simplify what is complicated or complicate what is simple. To respect strength, never power. Above all, to watch. To try and understand. To never look away. And never, never, to forget." - Arundhati Roy
Paul, Cruz Refugee Bills Reflect True Compassion and Tolerance
[image: One Time Use Only – Outbound] Obama and his leftist allies are incapable of answering one salient question: what is tolerant about importing an ideology that is stridently intolerant, incompatible with democracy, and promotes ethnic and religious supremacism? What is humanitarian about transforming America into Europe... Continue reading *“Paul, Cruz Refugee Bills Reflect True Compassion and Tolerance”* at *conservativereview.com*.
"The Right Time Will Never Come"
*"The Right Time Will Never Come"* by Paul Rosenberg "Lots of good people are frustrated with the world, and I understand that only too well. They are, furthermore, eager for the world to improve, and I respect that a great deal. Their problem arises, however, right on the heels of these desires, when they ask the question, “What should I do?” And that’s where the wheels fall off. *All the Popular Answers Are Wrong: *The world is full of people who are glad to tell you what to do. They have carefully thought out arguments as to why their plan is the right one and why everyone else... more »
Satire: “Trump’s Focus on Muslims Distracting Him from Campaign Against Mexicans, Supporters Fear"
*“Trump’s Focus on Muslims Distracting Him from * *Campaign Against Mexicans, Supporters Fear"* by Andy Borowitz NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report)— “There are growing fears among supporters of the Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump that his new focus on Muslims is distracting him from his campaign against Mexicans. After the billionaire said he would consider shutting down mosques if he were President, supporters expressed concern that such signature proposals as a wall with Mexico and mass deportations were being lost in the shuffle. Carol Foyler, who viewed a recent Trump... more »
Is Clinton Still a Carbon Candidate? The Data to Date
*Hillary Clinton's carbon-connected bundler network (source). Click to enlarge; click here to open the resizable interactive version.* *by Gaius Publius* I've been trying to get a handle on Hillary Clinton's climate and carbon policies. I know, for example, that in 2013 she looked for all the world like a "carbon candidate" based on these remarks in upstate New York: *In Oneida County, Hillary Clinton touts U.S. oil-and-gas production* ... Late into the lecture portion of Clinton’s Oneida County appearance, she referenced a report that the U.S. in on track to surpass Russia in dom... more »
Man Who Spent 29 Days In Jail For Possession Of Soap, Sues Police
A man has filed a federal civil rights lawsuit, following his wrongful arrest and incarceration for having in the trunk of his rental car, a bar of soap. The bar of home made soap was intended for his fellow passenger’s sister, but was mistaken for cocaine by Pennsylvania state police officers. The Morning Call reports: Alexander J. Bernstein, 32, alleges that troopers from the state police barracks at Fogelsville conspired to fabricate evidence that he was transporting drugs, and knew that the field test they used on the soap wasn’t reliable. He says in the suit that he was forced t... more »
Man Holding Protest Sign Removed from Clinton Event in Dallas
[image: One Time Use Only – Outbound] A man was removed from a rally where Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was speaking In Dallas Tuesday. The event was held at Mountain View College. The man was holding a sign that said "Yes Ms. Clinton, It does make a... Continue reading *“Man Holding Protest Sign Removed from Clinton Event in Dallas”* at *dfw.cbslocal.com*.
Inequality 28, IBON and sensational analysis
IBON Foundation maintains its sensational and not-so-deep research, nice on graphics but shallow on comparative numbers. I am referring to these 3 infographics they produced and sent to local media. A friend sent this to me to get my reaction, I said that I will blog my comments. *IBON naman, sana man lang utak agila or lawin, wag naman utak maya* :-) On point #1, decline in Agri/GDP ratio means more agri jobs lost. Weird. Even socialist Vietnam and China, more developed Thailand and Malaysia, have shrinking share of Agri/GDP ratio. It's the natural progression of societies. Overal... more »
REPORTING MISSOURI AND YALE: Inevitably, the Klan is seen!
*WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2015Part 3—The corps' standard list of events:* During times which are fraught and increasingly tribal, competing tribes will often accept the task of dumbing their own members down. Certain events will be broadcast to one tribe, often in inflammatory ways. Members of the other tribe will never hear about these events. Consider one such event. It concerns Payton Head, 21, the impressive, energetic student body president at the University of Missouri. Payton Head is black and gay; he grew up in Chicago. According to a news report in the September16 Washingt... more »
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Reform Islam to Save it from Extremists
[image: Ayaan Hirsi Ali Reform Islam - 400] Continue reading *“Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Reform Islam to Save it from Extremists”* at *youtube.com*.
At Least 15 Dead After Suicide Bombers Attack Kano Market In Nigeria
Two female suicide bombers are reported to be behind two explosions at a mobile phone market in Niegria’s main city, Kano . Two huge explosions were reported with witnesses saying the blasts went off just after 1500 GMT Police have said that 15 have been killed, though the death toll continues to rise. At least 50 have been wounded. This comes just one day after a blast at a market in the city of Yola left 32 people dead and 80 others injured The BBC reports: At least five people, including two female suicide bombers, have died in blasts at the mobile phone market in Kano, police in ... more »
Passing Out of Sight: A Chronicle of Strange Disappearances
*Passing Out of Sight: A Chronicle of Strange Disappearances* *By Scott Corrales © 2015 for INEXPLICATA* Marcus Garvey, the renowned Jamaican political activist and journalist, once observed that a nation or community without any notion of its history and its past was equivalent to a rootless tree. Much the same can be said for the pursuit of the paranormal, where scholarship is relegated to a dusty metaphorical shelf and only the new is cherished, perhaps for its immediate commercial appeal. But the silent books and periodicals in the stacks have much to tell us. So it is that in... more »
Case report on cyst surgery sliced by journal for plagiarism
A case report that detailed the removal of a cyst from the side of a young woman’s face has been retracted for plagiarizing text from a similar case report published two years earlier. Contemporary Clinical Dentistry posted the notice on July 31. Parts of the 2014 report were “directly copied” from a report published in […] The post Case report on cyst surgery sliced by journal for plagiarism appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Note To Readers From Northerntruthseeker
I have reluctantly decided to change my settings for this blog for commentators.... Due to the flooding of my comment section at this blog by nefarious "anonymous" commentators that in most cases are either being abusive and/or attempting to try to use my blog as a platform for their personal gain... I have decided for the next while to block all "anonymous" comments here.... Yes, anyone can still put up a comment.. But they will need to register with Blogger in doing so.... Again, this is being done to stop all the "hate" comments, those from my "favorite fan club" aka the Hasbara... more »
The Paris False Flag Attacks: Important List Of (At Least) 42 False Flag Attacks Officially Admitted To!
Yes, the Paris "terrorist" attacks were indeed a false flag operation.... It is so surprising that now almost a week after that event that the vast majority of people out there still believe the damn event was real! I personally have had an uphill battle with so many people in trying to convince them to take a closer look and see the fraud for themselves... Many are of course too far gone now, since the brainwashing is that intense in our societies and through our fraud media and crooked governments.... For this article, I want to present a fabulous listing that originally comes fr... more »
French Police Raid Paris Suburb: Two Killed, Seven Arrested
French police stormed the Paris suburb of Saint Denis in the early hours of the morning in their search for suspected terrorists who carried out last weeks Paris attacks. Their target Abdelhamid Abaaoud, the alleged ringleader was not found and is believed to be on the run. The terror raid resulted in the arrest of seven people and the deaths of two others, one of whom blew herself up, according to officials. Christian Science Monitor reports: Loud gunshots and occasional explosions rippled through the neighborhood of St. Denis, starting around 4:30 a.m. and lasting several hours. O... more »
Olympic Cheating? Not us, mate.
Now that the dust has settled, we get a glimpse (courtesy of CP's Paola Loriggio) of what was going on in Mayor Dad's office over the limp musings on an Olympic bid after the Pan-Am track-meet. Toronto officials saw public resistance as the main threat to a possible Olympic bid and worried holding a referendum on the issue would “allow critics to overstate and inflate opposition” to hosting the 2024 Games, documents reveal. Emails and briefing materials written by Toronto Mayor John Tory’s staff, obtained by The Canadian Press through access-to-information laws, suggest a lack of p... more »
Cartoon: ‘And I Say ISIS is Contained’
[image: Ramirez - 111815 - ISIS contained - 900]
A Profile On U.S. Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter
Defense Secretary Ash Carter, right, speaks during a moderated discussion on global security in the 21st century at the Wall Street Journal CEO Council annual meeting in Washington, D.C., Nov. 16, 2015. DoD photo by U.S. Army Sgt. 1st Class Clydell Kinchen *Wired:* *Department of Defense Head Ashton Carter Enlists Silicon Valley to Transform the Military* THE “DOOMSDAY PLANE” weighs 800,000 pounds when fully loaded and can withstand the effects of a nuclear bomb or asteroid blast while remaining aloft for 12 hours without refueling. First deployed in 1974, the Boeing E-4B has been... more »
4 Ways to Not Remain a Victim of Terrorism
*Gary ‘Z’ McGee* - Until we tap into our highest frequencies we can expect terrorism to reign. The post 4 Ways to Not Remain a Victim of Terrorism appeared first on Waking Times.
Swedish Security Service Raise Terror Threat Level
Sweden’s security service (SAPO) has raised the country’s terror threat level to four on a scale of five, saying there was “concrete information” of a possible attack. An investigation has been launched regarding the “preparation of terrorist offenses.” The Local.se reports: According to Säpo’s definition, this means that “the probability that players have the intent and ability to carry out attacks is high”. “One of the reasons for the increase is that the security service has received concrete information and concluded that we must act within the framework of our counter-terrorism... more »
David Hoppe ‘Leaning into the Storm’ as Speaker Ryan’s Top Aide
[image: David Hoppe and Paul Ryan] One day in 1989, David Hoppe explained to an audience how to pull the levers on Capitol Hill. His rising-star conservative credentials were impeccable, his advice was blunt and his description of the denizens of Congress was painful. "First, people do not read,"... Continue reading *“David Hoppe ‘Leaning into the Storm’ as Speaker Ryan’s Top Aide”* at *washingtonpost.com*.
What Role Do Iraqi Baathists Play In The Islamic State? Interview With Kyle Orton
In April 2015 Der Spiegel published “The Terror Strategist: Secret Files Reveal the Structure of Islamic State”about Samir Abdul Mohammed al-Khlifawi, also known as Haji Bakr a leading military strategist for the Islamic State (IS) and former intelligence officer under Saddam Hussein who helped plan the group’s surge into Syria. That set off a number of other articles speculating on the role of former Baathists and Saddam era military and intelligence men in IS. Some argued that the Baathists were still ideologically Iraqi nationalists who were simply using the organization to retu... more »
Cordially Yours, Jeb Bush
Flailing presidential candidate Jeb Bush has apologized for his odious suggestion that only Christian refugees be allowed sanctuary in his America. "This was a horribly insensitive gaffe on my part," the scion of one of the country's premier crime families was heard to sheepishly admit on Tuesday. "What I meant to say was, only conservative folks with money, dynastic connections, elite degrees and professions or trust funds have an absolute guarantee of asylum in these, my United States. It's just a plus if they're High Church Christians, is all I'm saying. I didn't mean *all* Christ... more »
My father's reactmy father's reactor Industry: 4
Back in 2008 when I was looking at the question of how nuclear manufacturing costs could be lowered. Nuclear costs could be lowered bu decreasing materials and labor costs in the initial manufacturing phase. Factory assembly of parts modules would lower initial manufacturing costs. The use of the cost lowering, highly efficient and safe Molten Salt Reactor would also help lower manufacturing costs. By building smaller reactors, investment costs could be lowered. Smaller cores meant that reactor construction modules would be easier to transport, and decreasing transportation di... more »
Russian President Putin On President Obama: 'He's A Child .... He's A Child'
The White House says the 35-minute meeting centered on talks to end Syria's civil war and that the two leaders agreed that the country needs a political transition led by Syrians *WNU Editors:* According to DC Whispers .... *Putin Laughs Off Obama At G20 Summit: “He’s A Child…He’s A Child.” *(DC Whispers). No major Western news outlet has picked up this story, but in Russia .... on Russian social media/a few blogs/and on a few news websites .... this story has been picked-up. But this is not the first time that both leaders have accused the other of being a child .... *Obama descri... more »
8 ISIS Suspects Posing as Refugees Arrested at Istanbul Airport
[image: Ataturk Airport Istanbul - 400] Eight people have been arrested at Istanbul’s main airport hub amid fears they are Islamic State (ISIS) terrorists posing as refugees on their way to Germany. Police sources said one of the suspects had a hand-drawn picture of a planned... Continue reading *“8 ISIS Suspects Posing as Refugees Arrested at Istanbul Airport”* at *express.co.uk*.
Stocks Edge Down as Investors Await Federal Reserve Minutes
[image: Fed Reserve Janet Yellen] Investors await fresh clues on timing of increase to U.S. interest rates. Global stocks edged lower Wednesday, ahead of the release of minutes from the latest meeting of the U.S. Federal Reserve. The Stoxx Europe 600 was down 0.4%. The... Continue reading *“Stocks Edge Down as Investors Await Federal Reserve Minutes”* at *wsj.com*.
Trump: ‘Absolutely No Choice’ But to Close Mosques
[image: Donald Trump] The United States will have “absolutely no choice” but to close down some mosques where “some bad things are happening,” Donald Trump said in a recent interview, explaining his rationale for doing so. “Nobody wants to say this and nobody... Continue reading *“Trump: ‘Absolutely No Choice’ But to Close Mosques”* at *politico.com*.
London Tube Station Evacuated By Armed Police
Following a security alert, armed police evacuated a South London underground station on Wednesday afternoon. Heavily-armed officers swarmed Tooting Broadway tube station after receiving reports of a man threatening passengers with scissors. Twitter users said there was a “massive police presence” as the station was closed Tooting right now… Anyone know what’s going on ? #tooting#policepic.twitter.com/RNRvjpdTnG — Georgee (@GeorgeF_9) November 18, 2015 A spokesman for the Metropolitan Police told the Wandsworth Guardian: “This is an incident regarding a man who is believed to be ma... more »
Is The U.S. Discriminating Against Christian Refugees?
*Washington Times:* *U.S. ‘discriminates’ against Christian refugees, accepts 96% Muslims, 3% Christians* Less than 3 percent of the Syrian refugees admitted to the United States so far are Christian and 96 percent are Muslim, the result of a referral system that Republican Sen. Tom Cotton says “unintentionally discriminates” against Christians. State Department figures released Monday showed that the current system overwhelmingly favors Muslim refugees. Of the 2,184 Syrian refugees admitted to the United States so far, only 53 are Christians while 2,098 are Muslim, the Christian... more »
There Are Many Reasons For The Rise Of The Islamic State
Al Arabiya *Ian Fisher, NYT:* *In Rise of ISIS, No Single Missed Key but Many Strands of Blame* By the time the United States withdrew from its long bloody encounter with Iraq in 2010, it thought it had declawed a once fearsome enemy: the Islamic State, which had many names and incarnations but at the time was neither fearsome nor a state. Beaten back by the American troop surge and Sunni tribal fighters, it was considered such a diminished threat that the bounty the United States put on one of its leaders had dropped from $5 million to $100,000. The group’s new chief was just 38... more »
Heart researcher gets 3rd retraction for copying images of rat hearts
When two papers include the same images of rat hearts, one of those papers gets retracted. The papers share a corresponding author, Zhi-Qing Zhao of Mercer University School of Medicine in Savannah, Georgia. This marks his third retraction; we reported on two others earlier this year. The papers examine the effect of curcumin, which has antinflammatory properties (in addition […] The post Heart researcher gets 3rd retraction for copying images of rat hearts appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Colorado Disputes Key Part of EPA Mine Spill Report
[image: The Animas River between Silverton and Durango in Colorado within 24 hours of 2015 Gold King Mine waste water spill.] DENVER (AP) -- Colorado officials say they didn’t endorse an Environmental Protection Agency cleanup operation that caused a massive spill of toxic wastewater from an inactive mine, disputing a key claim by federal agencies that state experts signed off on... more »
32 Dead, 80 Hurt in Nigeria Blast Blamed on Radical Islamic Group Boko Haram
[image: Boko Haram - 400] At least 32 people are dead and about 80 people are hurt after an explosion in the Nigerian city of Yola, according to various reports. The blast took place at a fruit and vegetable market near a main road, Al Jazeera... Continue reading *“32 Dead, 80 Hurt in Nigeria Blast Blamed on Radical Islamic Group Boko Haram”* at *usatoday.com*.
Anger And Wisdom Don't Go Together
http://www.wkyt.com/ Writing in yesterday's *Globe and Mail, *Bob Rae repeated some advice he once received from a good friend: It’s hard to be smart and angry at the same time. Justin Trudeau needs to take that advice to heart as he wrestles with the problem of ISIS. Rae writes: More than a decade ago, September 11 generated an angry response from the United States. The assumption was that eliminating the Taliban, which had without question aided and abetted al-Qaeda, would be a quick, surgical operation, to be followed by the ... more »
Chemtrails, ET’s & Alien Technology – The Covert Conquest of a Dying Planet
*V. Susan Ferguson* - The link between advanced technology, ET's and the black budget projects. The post Chemtrails, ET’s & Alien Technology – The Covert Conquest of a Dying Planet appeared first on Waking Times.
Nigeria's President Blames Corruption For Why The Fight Against Boko Haram Has Not Been Successful
Picture released by State House Photo on February 26, 2015 shows soldiers fighting Boko Haram Islamists cheering Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan on his arrival in Mubi, recently recaptured from insurgents (AFP Photo/Ho) *Forbes:** Corruption Probe Highlights Nigeria's Struggle Against 'World's Worst' Terrorist Group* Nigeria’s government has accused the country’s former National Security Adviser of misappropriating billions of dollars by awarding fictitious arms contracts. The investigation, part of a wider probe of corruption in the armed forces, underlines the challenges po... more »
Police Siege At A Paris Apartment Ends With 2 Killed And 7 Arrested. No Confirmation Yet If The ISIS Paris Attack Mastermind Was There
*Daily Mail:* *BREAKING NEWS: Police gun battle at Paris apartment 'where ISIS mastermind was holed up' ends with his 'wife' blowing herself up with a suicide vest, one jihadi shot dead and seven arrested * * French police and special forces launch operation to storm Saint-Denis flat containing seven Paris terrorists * Mastermind behind Friday's massacres, Abdelhamid Abaaoud, 27, was believed to be inside Saint-Denis apartment * Female suicide bomber who fired AK-47 at police believed to be his wife or cousin. Other suspect killed by grenade * Five people taken alive from flat and ... more »
Vetting Terrified Syrian Refugees
There's a sickening rush by cowardly/opportunistic politicians to demonize refugees-- fleeing for their lives from these ISIS monsters-- as, in Trump's words, "Trojan Horses" who will come here and murder us. Conservative governors-- mostly Republicans but putrid New Hampshire conservaDem Maggie Hassan as well-- have bravely barred refugees their states, which they have no power to do, while the presidential demagogues-- virtually all of them-- try to out-do each other on their ugly xenophobia. Dr. Ben claims it's impossible to vet them all, as false as any standard pronouncement... more »
Catarina Ascensão & Estas Tonne At The Festival Of Andances In Portugal 2014
*Published on 30 June 2015* Video of the workshop where two beautiful souls Estas and Catarina collaborate with the participants from the universe. It was filmed in Portugal the festival of Andanças. Thank you Leon from Soundpro Studios for mastering the sound. Mastermind of this workshop https://www.facebook.com/catarina.asc... Music by https://www.facebook.com/estastonnemu... Recorded and Mixed by https://www.facebook.com/Soundprostudios Editing http://www.abu2.com - Choreographer - Catarina Ascensão - Music - Estas Tonne - Category - Music - Licen... more »
We Serve the Warrior King — The King of Kings
[image: Warrior King] ALAN EASON -- Crisis brings fear and we humans invariably hunger for strong leadership and security. The recent attacks in Paris, Egypt, even in the United States, bring new terrors. They were designed to do just that. And they are... more »
Obama and Putin Move Closer, Entertain Cooperation in Syria
[image: NEW YORK, NY - SEPTEMBER 28: Russian President Vladimir Putin (L) and U.S. President Barack Obama walk out for a photo-op before the start of a bilateral meeting at the United Nations headquarters September 28, 2015 in New York City. Putin and Obama are in New York City to attend the 70th anniversary general assembly meetings.] MOSCOW (AP) -- In a striking shift, President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin are embarking on a tentative path toward closer ties and possible military cooperation, as the bitter rift over Ukraine gives way to common cause against... more »
How Michigan’s Welfare Population Declined by 70% in 4 Years
[image: Gov. Rick Snyder] Since Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder assumed office, the number of welfare recipients in the state has declined by a staggering 70 percent, according to a news report. A total of 64,492 individuals received cash assistance from the state this past August, down from... more »
First-quantized formulation of string theory is healthy
*...and enough to see strings' superiority...* As Kirill reminded us, two weeks ago, a notorious website attracting unpleasant and uintelligent people who just never want to learn string theory published an incoherent rant supplemented by misguided comments assaulting Witten's essay What every physicist should know about string theory in Physics Today. Witten presented the approach to string theory that is common in the contemporary textbooks on the subject, the first-quantized approach, and showed why strings eliminate the short-distance (ultraviolet) problems, automatically lead ... more »
TPP Activists Storm Washington’s Morgan Stanley Office
Activists demonstrating against the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), stormed the Morgan Stanley offices in Washington DC on Monday evening. RT reports: Protesters pushed by the company’s security as they charged their way into the building. Morgan Stanley is one of many US companies supporting the TPP and has spent almost $10m on lobbying over the past three years. The investment firm is also a big supporter of the Clinton family, even though presidential candidate Hillary Clinton flip-flopped her position and came out opposed to TPP last month. After activists left Morgan Stanley, ... more »
Turkey Soccer Fans Chant 'Allahu Akbar' During Moment Of Silence For Paris Attacks
*Today's Zaman*: *Turkish fans boo minute’s silence for Paris victims* Turkish fans booed during a minute's silence held for the victims of the Paris attacks before their national team drew 0-0 with Greece in a friendly international football game at İstanbul's Fatih Terim Stadium on Tuesday. The mark of respect was observed at matches across Europe, including at Wembley, where France played England, after radical terrorist Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militants struck Paris on Friday, killing 129 people. Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu and Greek Prime Minister Alexi... more »
Obama Says Gun Control to Be Top Issue of His Final Year, Trump Says Gun Control Made Paris Attacks Worse
[image: Paris Attacks] President Obama hopes to make gun control the top issue of his final year in office, saying Americans aren't more violent than other people but they "have more deadly weapons to act out their rage." In an interview published Tuesday... Continue reading *“Obama Says Gun Control to Be Top Issue of His Final Year, Trump Says Gun Control Made Paris Attacks Worse”* at *washingtontimes.com*.
The Empty-Headedness of the Million Student March
[image: Million Student March NY News - 900] Amidst the recent potpourri of petulant pouting on college campuses around the country, in "safe spaces" and elsewhere, you'll be forgiven if you missed the news of a Million Student March. On November 12, these student marchers took to their... more »
Two U.S. Flights to Paris Diverted after Threats
[image: Air France] SALT LAKE CITY (AP) -- Authorities cleared both Air France flights bound for Paris from the U.S. that had to be diverted Tuesday night because of anonymous threats received after they had taken off. Air France Flight 65 from Los... more »
In Turkey, Football Fans Boo Moment of Silence for Paris Attacks
[image: Turkey fans boo] A moment of silence for the victims of the Paris attacks was booed by Turkish fans Tuesday during a friendly game against Greece, Reuters reported. Reuters reporter Ece Toksabay tweeted that the fans booed the minute of silence before breaking... Continue reading *“In Turkey, Football Fans Boo Moment of Silence for Paris Attacks”* at *theblaze.com*.
Jeb Bush Using Paris Attacks to Pitch Broad Military Buildup
[image: Jeb Bush] CHARLESTON, S.C. (AP) -- Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush is calling for a broad military buildup and says the U.S. armed forces have been left ill-prepared to defeat the Islamic state militants whose attack on Paris killed at least 129... more »
*Obscene British Primary school BANS blind seven-year-old girl from using walking cane 'because it could trip up teachers'* *Typical British bureaucrsats. Give them an ounce of authority and they will find ways to hurt people with it. They're wavering under publicity, however* A primary school has banned a blind seven-year-old girl from using her walking cane at school for 'health and safety' reasons - in case she trips up teachers and pupils. Lily-Grace Hooper, from North Bristol, suffered a stroke when she was just four days old. It caused the little girl to lose her 3D visio... more »
Robocop: The New Face Of Police In Britain
Britain unveiled its new hi-tech ‘Robocop’ anti-terror police at Wembley during the England vs France football match. Armed to the teeth and sporting military fatigues and combat helmets the elite Scotland Yard squad arrived in huge armoured vehicles to throw a ring of steel around Wembley stadium. The heavily armed officers will raise fears of a move toward an increasingly paramilitary-style of law enforcement and of opening a gap between police and public, but police chiefs insist that they must counter increasingly highly trained attackers Armed to the teeth and sporting militar... more »
*A hot October* *If you believe the manipulated data put out by NASA, Yes. The worldwide average for October 2015 was a fifth of one degree above the equivalent figure last year. No news on the satellite data yet, strangely!Even the crooks at NASA have had to admit, however, that the El Nino oscillation is at least "partly" to blame for the uptick. How do we know that it was not WHOLLY to blame? We do not. There is no way of telling. Given that the usual temperature rises churned out regularly by NASA are in the hundreths of one degree, it seems likely that El Nino was re... more »
Paramountcy of Federal Legislation
Alberta (Attorney General) *v.* Moloney, 2015 SCC 51: [18] A conflict is said to arise in one of two situations, which form the two branches of the paramountcy test: (1) there is an operational conflict because it is impossible to comply with both laws, or (2) although it is possible to comply with both laws, the operation of the provincial law frustrates the purpose of the federal enactment. [19] What is considered to be the first branch of the test was described as follows in *Multiple Access*, the seminal decision of the Court ... more »
Remembering Happy Huckabee in an Age of Rage
[image: Mike Huckabee] "I'm a conservative, I'm just not mad about it." Mike Huckabee's go-to line from 2008 doesn't seem to fit the mood of a GOP in 2016. Except, maybe it does but not even Huckabee himself saw it coming. The conventional... more »
Islamic State Militants Dig In, Anticipating Assault on Syria’s Raqqa
[image: Damaged buildings and a minaret are seen in the central Syrian town of Talbiseh, in Homs province. One opposition leader in Syria claimed that the Russian airstrikes “targeted civilians, not ISIS,” killing at least 37 people in Talbiseh.] BEIRUT (AP) -- Islamic State militants are stiffening their defenses for a possible assault on their de facto capital of Raqqa, as international airstrikes intensify on the Syrian city in retaliation for the Paris attacks. IS fighters are hiding in... more »
Prosecutor: Mastermind of Paris Attacks Not Arrested in Raid
[image: Paris] SAINT-DENIS, France (AP) -- Heavily armed French SWAT teams swooped in Wednesday and neutralized a cell that was ready to launch new attacks, leaving at least two people dead after firing 5,000 rounds during an hourslong siege, a prosecutor said.... more »
Economic News , Data & Views ( November 18 , 2015 ) -- Europe In Focus ( Germany sells 2 year notes at new low of - 0.38 % yield - auction considered a failed auction as bids fail to meet notes on offer , Police raid in Saint Dennis for Paris Attack suspects this morning - 2 dead / 7 detained , Greece Prime Minister Tsipras set to meet Turkey's Prime Minister & President - refugee crisis on the agenda , Spain bad loans fall , Germany to hold special meeting on security after Tuesday terror attempt , Currency items / commodity related items ) ....... Asia In Focus ( Asia markets mixed as global terror causing uncertainty , China news dominating Asia this morning - commodity impacts rippling through economy , yuan falls to Sept low - yuan inclusion in SPD basket all but assured , Debt to GDP - 250 to 300 % )
Europe...... *Ian Traynor* @traynorbrussels 1m 1 minute ago #migration eu commission's proposed european border guard to cover spain to black sea - @Avramopoulos *El País in English* @elpaisinenglish 2m 2 minutes ago 24 migrants missing after boat capsizes en route to Canary Islands - 22 survivors taken to safety on La Palma http://cort.as/ZIwD *Holger Zschaepitz* @Schuldensuehner 2m 2 minutes ago Negative is the new normal: #Germany sells 2yr notes at yield -0.38%, lowest on record. [image: Embedded image permalink] *Holger Zschaepitz* @Sch... more »
Project Iron Bear - Campaign to return King Arthur to Wales - multiple supporters coming forward
*PROJECT IRON BEAR* many people might want to dispel the so-called findings of Khumric or Coelbren researchers Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett as *Arthurian Nonsense*, but I hadn't seen this one which shows many other Welsh Arthur advocates expressing how this 'mythical figure' was actually a real King of Glamorgan or South Wales. The general concensus seems to be that we need to return King Arthur to his rightful place as the King of the Ancient Bretons or Britons on this green isle, pronounce Britain as you will. The idea that the Eceni (of Boudica fame) might have been the last r... more »
Gene-Modified Tomatoes Churn Out Healthy Nutrients
Of course, this is exactly what is possible and incredibly safe as well. What i do find odd is the idea of clinical trials. Here we go again. It should be obvious now that we can design into a variety of plant foods a wide range of useful nutrients identified in many other plants. That is all we have to do. How about super squash and super protein corn? Both are hugely productive and store very well. By doing this we have two core staples that feed everyone easily. It is not about getting cute with low productivity foods. Why bother? They are also ri...more »
Diesel Befuddles Bees by Changing Flower Smells
I do not think that this is that much of a problem unless you are raising fruit trees beside a motor way with heavy truck traffic. The problem will be localized and easily handled by crop planning. Yet i have seen plenty of perennial commercial crops up close to the motorways and no effort to change them out. Thus it could but by and large it does not. If it is a concern, a robust fencerow should resolve it well enough.. *Diesel befuddles bees by changing flower smells* *University of Southampton rightOriginal Study* *Posted by Glenn Harris-Southampton on November 2, 201... more »
A Barren Chilean Desert Comes Alive
A beautiful piece of nature that needs to be told. It is a brief visitation but it is particularly unusual in that dormancy is for years. When we do irrigate deserts, we should first allow a natural emergence phase in order to catalogue the indigenous seed stock. We may be surprised at what emerges. Plants have gone extinct, but deserts have a way of preserving the impossible. . *A barren Chilean desert comes alive; covered in beautiful flowers* * By Lia Grainger | Daily Buzz – Sat, 31 Oct, 2015* *In what is usually one of the driest and most barren landscapes in the world... more »
Here's A Diet That Actually Works, and Has the Science to Prove It
There is nothing more bizarre than asking for a control group while testing a conjecture for the one hundredth time. One such reasonable standard should be ample to indicate and twenty such tests will even lock in a high confidence error range. The folks calling for such nonsense are all promoting delay in administrative action. After all there is more than enough direct evidence to ban sugar and trans fats in all processed foods. This forces the consumer to make his own trans fat and sugar laden foods if he likes them so much. More to the point many processed... more »
(More Paris Puzzles) All Support Government's Propaganda? Iraq: No History of Jihadism Before Bush and Blair Blew It To Bits and Albright Testified Price Is Worth It (From Pol Pot to ISIS: The Blood Never Dried)
Misguided Attempt to Somehow Blame Snowden for Paris - Same news outfits that reported terrorists know how to evade surveillance now argue for more surveillance to catch them — and hold Snowden responsible for making us less safe. WikiLeaks Alleges Massive US Government Fraud Scandal "High level officials in the Bush and Obama administrations have allegedly been involved in a multi-billion
The Earth Expands WITHOUT Gaining Mass - Peter Woodhead - Andrew Johnson
*EGA or Earth Gravitational Anomalies* Richard D Hall of Rich Planet TV presents a refutation of the Primordial Fireball idea of the formation of stellar planets, which ties into the Expanding Earth ideas of Neal Adams and James Maxlow *without the need for a gain in mass*. So, not a locked core of cooling metal or iron that is fed by some unknown mass-inventing mechanism, but an always venting core of liquid or ocean sheering the aglomerated plates of the Earth apart... some interesting NASA footage of a drop of water being 'contaminated' by heavier elements which move out to the ... more »
Military Photo of the Day: November 18, 2015
[image: Fighter Jet-900] An F-22 Raptor soars over the Hawaiian island of Oahu on Oct. 28, 2015. Thank you to Staff Sgt. Christopher Stoltz for capturing this gorgeous image!
West Leverages Paris Attacks for Syria Endgame
*November 18, 2015 *(Tony Cartalucci - NEO) - The terrorist attacks carried out in the heart of the French capital, either coincidentally or intentionally, have served as the perfect point of leverage for the West on the very eve of the so-called "Vienna talks" regarding Syria. With its serendipitously strengthened hand and with France taking a more prominent role, the West is attempting to reassert not only its narrative, but its agenda regarding the ongoing conflict in Syria, an agenda that has - as of late - been derailed by Russia's military intervention and recent gains made ... more »
The New Look Of Police In Britain
*Photo:* Armed to the teeth and sporting military fatigues and a combat helmet, the officer is part of a counter-terrorism unit unveiled at Wembley last night (Click on Image to Enlarge) *Daily Mail:* *Chilling new face of police in Britain: New counter terrorism 'robocops' dressed in military fatigues and armed with semi-automatic rifles deployed at Wembley * * Armed to the teeth and sporting military fatigues, the officers are part of a counter-terrorism unit * Elite Scotland Yard squad arrived in huge armoured vehicles to throw a ring of steel around Wembley Stadium * The mark... more »
Mark Steyn on Climate Change
Do watch it all,many serious points and some good gags!
Kerstin Johansson : METRO EVENT | Thousands expected for Global Climate March in Austin
By Kerstin Johansson | The Rag Blog | November 18, 2015 Event: Global Climate March What: Austin Rally and March Date: Sunday, November 29, 2015 Time: 1:00 p.m. Where: Texas State Capitol Address: 1100 Congress Ave., Austin, TX 78701 Admission: … finish reading Kerstin Johansson : *METRO EVENT* | Thousands expected for Global Climate March in Austin
Picture Of The Day
Army Lt. Col. Scott Nicholas and Chief Warrant Officer 3 Fred Heer fly a Texas Army National Guard AH-64D Apache helicopter while firing a 30 mm cannon during an aerial gunnery exercise on Fort Hood, Texas, Nov. 9th, 2015. U.S. Army photo by Major Randy Stillinger
Heavy Gunfire, Police Officers Reported Wounded in Paris Raid
[image: Paris terror raid - 400 000] Witnesses have reported gunfire amid a police raid in the northern Paris suburb of Saint-Denis as authorities hunt for two suspects from Friday’s deadly terrorist attacks who are believed to be at large. Police blocked off roads early Wednesday in... Continue reading *“Heavy Gunfire, Police Officers Reported Wounded in Paris Raid”* at *cnn.com*.
President Obama Arrives In Asia To Bolster Allies Against Chinese Territorial Ambitions
*New York Times*: *Obama Aims to Shore Up Asian Allies Against Chinese Might* ANTALYA, Turkey — President Obama’s arrival in the Philippines on Tuesday morning will kick off five days of presidential diplomacy aimed at bolstering America’s allies in the region against China’s economic and military might. White House officials said on Monday that Mr. Obama would continue consultations with world leaders about the terror attacks in and around Paris last week, which had already overshadowed the planned economic discussions at the Group of 20 meeting here. But Mr. Obama is eager to ... more »
Jonah Raskin : Vietnam postscript: Activists remember the cause that shook an empire
For baby boomers who watched the Vietnam War on the nightly news, the war has never really ended. By Jonah Raskin | The Rag Blog | November 17, 2015 BERKELEY — Remember the War in Vietnam? Indeed, how could anyone … finish reading Jonah Raskin : Vietnam postscript: Activists remember the cause that shook an empire
Obama Stubbornly Sticks to Script on Islamic Debate
[image: Obama Paris Attacks - 900] According to legend, if not actual historians, Harold Macmillan was once asked what he most feared could derail his agenda. The British prime minister allegedly said, “Events, my dear boy, events.” Macmillan may never have actually said it, but the... more »
China Claims To Be Showing 'Great Restraint' In the South China Sea
Chinese dredging vessels are purportedly seen in the waters around Mischief Reef in the disputed Spratly Islands in this still image from video taken by a P-8A Poseidon surveillance aircraft provided by the United States Navy May 21, 2015. Reuters/U.S. Navy/Handout via Reuters *Reuters*: *China says has shown 'great restraint' in South China Sea* China has shown "great restraint" in the South China Sea by not seizing islands occupied by other countries even though it could have, a senior Chinese diplomat said on Tuesday ahead of two regional summits where the disputed waterway is l... more »
Trumpian Inevitability Is The GOP Establishment's Worst Nightmare-- And The Democrats' Dream Scenario
Needless to say, all the Republicans have rushed to exploit the ISIS attacks in Paris. Lindsey Graham rounded up McCain and cranked up their old war mantra on Monday morning TV. Rubio, of course, was doing intense fundraising off the corpses of the victims. Huckabee and Cruz was invoking their xenophobia against the refugees fleeing the ISIS terrorists. And Trump was all about "I told you so?" None of this gives any new insights into the characters of any of these people, right? That said, see those new Trump polling numbers? The latest national Republican polling from Reuters sho... more »
U.S. Warship Docks In China
People's Liberation Army soldiers look on during the docking of the USS Stethem at Wusong port in northern Shanghai. Photographer: Gregory Turk/Bloomberg *WSJ:* *Destroyer Makes First China Port Call Since U.S. Sailed Near Spratlys* The destroyer USS Stethem docked in Shanghai on Monday in the first U.S. port call in China since Washington said last month it had sailed near territory in the South China Sea claimed by Beijing. The long-scheduled visit is billed as an opportunity to build communications and coordination between the nations’ navies. It got off to a shaky start: it r... more »
Two AC-130 Gunships And Four Low-Flying A-10s Were Used To Destroy 116 ISIS Crude Oil Trucks In Syria On Monday
U.S. Air Force ground support aircraft A-10 participates in the multinational NATO exercise Saber Strike in Adazi, Latvia, June 11, 2015. Reuters/Ints Kalnins *IBTimes*: *US Anti-ISIS Airstrikes In Syria: A-10 Warplanes Target Islamic State Group's Crude Oil Trucks* For the first time since the war against the Islamic State militant group began more than one year ago, U.S. warplanes launched strategic strikes on trucks carrying crude oil in Syria Monday, cutting off an important source of income for the terror group. The airstrikes were carried out by two AC-130 gunships and four ... more »
Israel Unveils Roman-Era Mosaic Found During Construction
[image: Israel mosaic, Roman-era mosaic] LOD, Israel (AP) -- Israel’s antiquities authority on Monday unveiled a 1,700-year-old mosaic floor that archaeologists found last year while building a visitors’ center meant to display another mosaic, discovered two decades earlier at the same location. The authority said... more »
Mark Zuckerberg on Philanthropy: Move Slow and Build Things
[image: Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook] SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- After making their fortunes from new software or social networks, some Silicon Valley entrepreneurs have vowed to apply their skills to “hacking” philanthropy and “disrupting” old models for funding charity. Not so Facebook CEO and co-founder... more »
U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee Leaders: Paris Attackers Used Encryption To Send Messages
*Washington Post*: *Senators want to give government access to encrypted communications to combat terrorism* Senate Intelligence Committee leaders are vowing to explore ways to grant more government access to secure communications, after intelligence outfits failed to pick up on direct chatter between the perpetrators of the Paris attacks. Lawmakers said it was time to intensify discussions over what technology companies such as Apple and Google could do to help unscramble key information on devices such as Iphones and apps like WhatsApp, where suspected terrorists have communica... more »
Islamic State Operates A 24-Hour Help Desk for Its Fighters And Supporters
*NBC News: **ISIS Has Help Desk for Terrorists Staffed Around the Clock* NBC News has learned that ISIS is using a web-savvy new tactic to expand its global operational footprint -- a 24-hour Jihadi Help Desk to help its foot soldiers spread its message worldwide, recruit followers and launch more attacks on foreign soil. Counterterrorism analysts affiliated with the U.S. Army tell NBC News that the ISIS help desk, manned by a half-dozen senior operatives around the clock, was established with the express purpose of helping would-be jihadists use encryption and other secure commun... more »
Poll: Americans Overwhelmingly Oppose Sending Ground Troops To The Middle East
General view of the scene with rescue service personnel working near covered bodies outside the Le Carillon restaurant following shooting incidents in Paris, France, November 13, 2015. Reuters/Philippe Wojazer *Reuters: **Exclusive: After Paris, Americans want U.S. to do more to attack Islamic State - poll* A majority of Americans want the United States to intensify its assault on the Islamic State following the Paris attacks, but most remain opposed to sending troops to Iraq or Syria, where the militant group is based, a Reuters/Ipsos poll found. That view runs counter to comment... more »
U.S. Democrat Sen. Feinsten Disagrees With President Obama: 'ISIS Is Not Contained'
*Politico: **Feinstein breaks with Obama: 'ISIL is not contained'* *Sen. Dianne Feinstein sharply contradicted President Barack Obama on Monday, disagreeing with his claim that the Islamic State is "contained."* “I’ve never been more concerned,” the California Democrat and Intelligence Committee ranking member told Andrea Mitchell on MSNBC Monday. “I read the intelligence faithfully. ISIL is not contained. ISIL is expanding.” “They just put out a video saying it is their intent to attack this country. I think we have to be prepared,” she continued. On Monday, ISIL warned it could ... more »
So, I Have This "Friend" ...
I was out walking my dog a couple of weeks ago when i saw someone I recognized from my home town. ... ... Sorry. He just called. ... Anyway, i stopped and he didn't recognize me. Then he did. Then I did. I remembered I didn't really like this guy. He wasn't a bad guy. I just remembered that he irritated me. He used to go to my high school. A couple of grades below me. I think his sister was in my grade. then we saw each other again at the gym. After a few years of that, he got fairly huge. (Though he's not tall ... 5'7 or 5'8.) But before I left Hamilton he'd let himself go. I r... more »
Jeb Bush Splits with Republicans Over Syrian Refugees
[image: Jeb Bush] Jeb Bush said he wouldn’t ban Syrian refugees from entering the U.S., separating himself from most Republican governors and his party’s presidential field as he pitched himself as the most experienced candidate running for the nomination. "The answer to this is not... Continue reading *“Jeb Bush Splits with Republicans Over Syrian Refugees”* at *bloomberg.com*.
French Hunt 2nd Fugitive, Launch New Airstrikes on ISIS
[image: French Air Force, France] ARIS (AP) -- French police hunted Tuesday for a second terrorist believed to have escaped after the bomb and gun massacres in Paris, while a U.S. official revealed that the suspected mastermind was part of an Islamic State cell that... more »
Ben Carson Struggling With Foreign Policy, Adviser Says
[image: Ben Carson] Some advisers to Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson say he is struggling to grasp the complexities of foreign policy, his closest confident said Monday, acknowledging their frustration while adding the political newcomer is making progress. “I’d say he’s 75 percent... more »
The Corbett Report: Paris Attacks Truth: ISIS is a False Flag
*Title: Paris Attacks Truth: ISIS is a False Flag. Source: corbettreport. Date Published: November 17, 2015. Description:* As The Corbett Report community continues to track the latest updates on the Paris attack investigation, let us not forget the essential underlying truth: ISIS is a creation of the US, Turkey, Israel and the Gulf States, and they are fostered, funded, equipped, armed, trained and protected by the NATO allies and the GCC, France included.
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials On The Paris Attacks
What we know so far on the 8 terrorists that carried out the Paris attacks https://t.co/4HF8P0zTXZ pic.twitter.com/qesDnKCw8T — Post Graphics (@PostGraphics) November 16, 2015 *Washington Post*: *What happened during the Paris attacks and how the world responded* At least 129 people were killed in a string of terrorist attacks in Paris on Friday night, the city's prosecutor said. More than 350 people, including some Americans, were wounded in the attacks, which rippled across a half-dozen locations in the city. *Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials On The Paris Attacks* How so... more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 17, 2015
Viktor Korotayev/Reuters *David Axe, Daily Beast*:* Russia Pounds ISIS With Biggest Bomber Raid in Decades* Putin’s air force just uses its nuclear bombers to lay waste to the captial of the “Islamic State.” The Russian air force just pulled off one of the biggest and most complex heavy bomber missions in modern history—sending no fewer than 25 Backfire, Bear, and Blackjack bombers on a coordinated, long-range air raid against alleged ISIS forces in Syria. The Tuesday mission, which launched under the cover of darkness from a base in Ossetia in southern Russia, signaled a signifi... more »
Ryan Dawson: Isis bites the hand that feeds in France
Title: Isis bites the hand that feeds in France. Source: Ryan Dawson. Date Published: November 16, 2015:
How Badly Will GOP Anti-Latino Presidential Campaigns Hurt Their Party In Congressional Races?
Latino Decisions released a new poll yesterday that sought to gage the reaction of Hispanic voters to the tenor of the Republican presidential campaign and how the GOP candidates talk about Hispanic-Americans. The survey included only registered voters and the short version os that "hostile rhetoric from Republican presidential candidates gives Latino voters a strong, negative impression of the Republican Party. The sense that Republicans are hostile to the Latino community has significantly increased since the 2012 election." Despite Trump's claims that he will "win the Hispanics... more »
Obama’s EPA to Apply Costly Downwind Air-Pollution Rule to 23 states
[image: Air Pollution, Smoke Stack, Downwind] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Environmental Protection Agency proposed tougher new limits on Tuesday on smokestack emissions from nearly two dozen states that burden downwind areas with air pollution from power plants they can’t control. At the same time, the EPA... more »
What if Cancer Simply Can’t Be Cured?
[image: Cancer drawing] A new study raises a sobering possibility: that cancer may simply be here to stay. Researchers at Kiel University, the Catholic University of Croatia and other institutions discovered that hydra -- tiny, coral-like polyps that emerged hundreds of millions of... Continue reading *“What if Cancer Simply Can’t Be Cured?”* at *ozy.com*.
U.S. Advised to Let Companies ‘Hack Back’ Against China
[image: Backlit Keyboard, Hacking, Hack Back] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The United States remains ill-prepared to combat state-backed cyber intrusions from China and lawmakers should look at whether U.S.-based companies be allowed to ‘hack back’ to recover or wipe stolen data, a congressional advisory body said Tuesday.... more »
Awkward Timing: After Paris, Academics Call Terror Threat Overblown
[image: armed guards] When it comes to terrorism, sometimes “the best counter-terrorism measure is not to overreact.” The warning came from political scientist John Mueller at a presentation in Washington, D.C., Monday, a few days after Paris was roiled by terror attacks. Mueller... Continue reading *“Awkward Timing: After Paris, Academics Call Terror Threat Overblown”* at *washingtonexaminer.com*.
Where Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria are to be Found
[image: Bacteria map US] Continue reading *“Where Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria are to be Found”* at *resistancemap.cddep.org*.
Killing the Illusion of Respectability
[image: illusion of respectability] It is very nearly four decades since, as a terribly callow graduate student with an interest in philosophy, I made a pilgrimage with a friend to the home of a professor of Christian apologetics. I was looking for direction, and... Continue reading *“Killing the Illusion of Respectability”* at *christianitytoday.com*.
Ex-Mossad Chief: Time for Armed Guards at Cafes, Malls and Clubs
[image: Ex-Mossad Chief] TEL AVIV, Israel - The U.S. and European countries should seriously consider adapting the Israeli model of combatting terrorism in order to fight an increasingly aggressive Islamic State, former Mossad chief Shabtai Shavit told Breitbart Jerusalem. These measures include deploying armed... Continue reading *“Ex-Mossad Chief: Time for Armed Guards at Cafes, Malls and Clubs”* at *breitbart.com*.
World News Briefs -- November 17, 2015
*BBC*: *Paris attacks: Video 'shows ninth attacker'* French security sources say that surveillance video shows a possible ninth assailant during Friday's attacks in which 129 people died. The video reportedly shows a third figure in the car carrying the group which attacked several bars and restaurants. It is not clear if this ninth attacker is one of two suspected accomplices detained in Belgium or is on the run. The so-called Islamic State (IS) group has said it carried out the attacks. *MIDDLE EAST* Russia says its jet was bombed over Egypt *and intensifies Syria airstrikes* .... more »
Kasich Urges Foreign Policy Backing Judeo-Christian Values
[image: Judeo-Christian values] WASHINGTON -- Republican presidential candidate John Kasich advocated today for an aggressive foreign policy that would unapologetically trumpet “Judeo-Christian values” to reassert the leadership of the West and stand with America's traditional allies, including Europe, Japan, and South Korea. Mr. Kasich,... Continue reading *“Kasich Urges Foreign Policy Backing Judeo-Christian Values”* at *toledoblade.com*.
Jindal Suspends Campaign: Twitter Reacts
[image: Bobby Jindal Microphone - 900] Today, Bobby Jindal announced that he is suspending his campaign for president. Here was the view from Twitter. #BreakingNews: @BobbyJindal on #SpecialReport I am suspending my campaign for president #FNPolitics @FoxNews — Bret Baier (@BretBaier) November 17, 2015 LA Gov... more »
Senate GOP Presses Ahead with Planned Parenthood Defunding
[image: Planned Parenthood] Senate Republicans are still planning to force Planned Parenthood defunding legislation through the chamber using a fast-track process -- despite concerns from some GOP moderates. GOP leadership briefly mulled dumping the defunding provision from a broader measure that dismantles key... Continue reading *“Senate GOP Presses Ahead with Planned Parenthood Defunding”* at *politico.com*.
Musical Interlude: Ludovico Einaudi, “Lady Labyrinth”
Ludovico Einaudi, “Lady Labyrinth” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqLKYhhfA_Q
Jonah Lomu, 1975-2015 [updated]
Terrible news of Jonah Lomu’s passing, at only 40 years of age! This was the moment [from 3:12 in the video], in a Rugby World Cup semi-final demolition of England, that he burst onto the world stage as somebody truly unique … What a fabulous few moments of joy that gave every New Zealander who saw it – especially if, as I was, you were in a rapidly-emptying room full of Englishmen at the time. Vale Jonah. *UPDATE*: Stu McKinlay from the great Yeastie Boys brewery just posted this “dry-eye challenge,” from the documentary 'Back to South Africa'—and filmed just a few weeks ago. ... more »
Musical Interlude: Deuter, “Enchanted Summer Night"
Deuter, “Enchanted Summer Night" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE6RFPfoB48
"A Look to the Heavens"
“You don't have to be at Monument Valley to see the Milky Way arch across the sky like this- but it helps. Only at Monument Valley USA would you see a picturesque foreground that includes these iconic rock peaks called buttes. Buttes are composed of hard rock left behind after water has eroded away the surrounding soft rock. *Click image for larger size.* In the featured image taken in 2012, the closest butte on the left and the butte to its right are known as the Mittens, while Merrick Butte can be seen just further to the right. High overhead stretches a band of diffuse light that... more »
Chet Raymo, “Augmented Reality”
*“Augmented Reality”* by Chet Raymo “’THE WORLD WLL NEVER LOOK THE SAME AGAIN’, shouted the headline in the Tech & Net section of the London Sunday Times. Then, slightly more subdued: "Augmented reality glasses take what you see and add what you want to see. Mark Harris has an exclusive trial - and can't believe his eyes." Apparently, these nifty new sunglasses have beamsplitters in the lenses that superimpose whatever you want on what you are seeing - Facebook info, tweets, shopping and dining options, GPS navigation, and so on. You can even engage in murderous gunplay with monste... more »
"Some Problems..."
"Some problems are so complex that you have to be highly intelligent and well-informed just to be undecided about them." - Laurence J. Peter
The Universe
“Next time you feel fear, either right after a major decision or just before one, it usually means you're exactly where you need to be.” "Nice," The Universe “Thoughts become things... choose the good ones!” - www.tut.com
Kahlil Gibran, "The Prophet: On Friendship"
*"On Friendship"* by Kahlil Gibran "Your friend is your needs answered. He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving. And he is your board and your fireside. For you come to him with your hunger, and you seek him for peace. When your friend speaks his mind you fear not the "nay" in your own mind, nor do you withhold the "ay." And when he is silent your heart ceases not to listen to his heart; For without words, in friendship, all thoughts, all desires, all expectations are born and shared, with joy that is unacclaimed. When you part from your friend, you grieve no... more »
What is a Contract?
I ask you to dinner and you stand me up. As a result I lose some money preparing extra food and I open a bottle of wine I might otherwise have kept for later. You hire me to cater a dinner at your house and I prepare a fancy meal but when I get to your house to deliver the food nobody is home. The food goes to waste. In one case I can sue for damages and in the other I cannot. If someone stands you up for dinner that is not very nice but it is not a matter for the courts. But if you are a cater and someone doesn't pay you then you are are quite entitled to sue. What's the diff... more »
Jindal Says He is Dropping Out of 2016 Race for President
[image: Bobby Jindal Unimpressed - 900] BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) -- Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal says he is dropping out of 2016 race for president, ending a campaign that failed to gain much support among Republicans. Jindal tells Fox News, “This is not my time.” He...more »
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 17, 2015
*The Guardian*:* Russian and US forces exchange military information over airstrikes against Isis* Intelligence services work to coordinate strikes on Isis stronghold of Raqqa as countries plan unified response after Paris terror attacks Russian and US forces have for the first time exchanged military information during airstrikes against Islamic State targets in Syria amid early signs of thawing relations between the two countries following the Paris terror attacks and the downing of a Russian airliner. The contacts came after Russia’s intelligence service, the FSB, confirmed tha... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA. Thanks for stopping by!
"To Know This Only..."
"The first and wisest of them all professed to know this only, that he nothing knew." - John Milton, "Paradise Regained"
The Poet: Robert Bly, "Things to Think"
*"Things to Think"* "Think in ways you've never thought before. If the phone rings, think of it as carrying a message Larger than anything you've ever heard, Vaster than a hundred lines of Yeats. Think that someone may bring a bear to your door, Maybe wounded and deranged; or think that a moose Has risen out of the lake, and he's carrying on his antlers A child of your own whom you've never seen. When someone knocks on the door, Think that he's about To give you something large: tell you you're forgiven, Or that it's not necessary to work all the time, Or that it's been decided that if ... more »
"Willingness to Feel: Opening to Understanding"
*"Willingness to Feel: Opening to Understanding"* by Madisyn Taylor, The DailyOM "When we are resisting something based on a limited understanding, we must then open ourselves to willingness. There are times when we may find ourselves struggling or even fighting with our thoughts and emotions. We may feel that something must be done in a certain way or not at all, or there may be some other situation that feels absolutely black and white. But life is not this way—it’s the way we are looking at our experiences that is causing the turmoil within us. When we become aware that the stru... more »
At Least 32 Dead Dozens Injured In Nigeria Market Bombing
At least thirty-two people were killed and eighty wounded after an explosive device went off at a market in the North Eastern city of Yola in Nigeria. The explosion occurred at a fruit and vegetable market beside a main road in the Jimeta area of Adamawa’s state capital around 1900 GMT. It is still not clear who was responsible for the blast, but the Boko Haram group have carried out attacks on Yola in the past, including suicide bomb attacks. Al Jazeera reports: The area, also housing a live stock market, was crowded with shoppers. “The ground near my shop was covered with dead bod... more »
WEDNESDAY NIGHT Screening in Denver Crying Earth Rise Up
Anonymous Just Took Down Thousands of ISIS Twitter Accounts
[image: Anonymous - 400] Since the weekend, Anonymous have been tracking down the Twitter accounts of ISIS supporters, compiling them in online documents, and reporting them to Twitter for suspension. While it is hard to verify the 5,500 figure, online lists seen by Breitbart Tech suggests... Continue reading *“Anonymous Just Took Down Thousands of ISIS Twitter Accounts”* at *breitbart.com*.
ISIS Digs In Raqqa Stronghold, Anticipating Assault After The Paris Attacks
ISIS fighters are strengthening their defenses in Raqqa, northern Syria. Following the Paris attacks on Friday, international air strikes have intensified in Raqqa, prompting the Islamic State fighters to hide in civilian neighborhoods. Activists report that the population is prevented from leaving their capital by the militants, who anticipate a ground assault. Associated Press reports: Activists from Raqqa say the northern Syrian city’s estimated 350,000 residents are gripped by fear, rattled by powerful Russian and French airstrikes that shake the city daily and worried they woul... more »
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