1:12am MST
The NSA Is In A State Of Crisis
*John R. Schindler, Observer News*: *An Agency in Crisis* When Edward Snowden went public nearly two-and-a-half years ago with his explosive revelations about the National Security Agency, his former employer, the mask of secrecy that NSA had worn since its birth in 1952 fell for good. For NSA, America’s biggest and most important intelligence agency, this was a deeply unwelcome and uncomfortable change. For decades, the agency had gone about its top secret business with little public scrutiny or fanfare. Out at its main base at Fort Meade, in the Maryland suburbs halfway between ... more »
What to Expect from the House Panel on Infant Lives and Planned Parenthood
[image: Planned Parenthood sit -in - 400] The abhorrent videos released over the last several months detailing abortion practices and treatment of infant lives have shaken and startled compassionate Americans across the country. These videos raise serious questions that deserve a thorough examination, as people have reacted... Continue reading *“What to Expect from the House Panel on Infant Lives and Planned Parenthood”* at *usnews.com*.
Graco Pack 'n Play Playard Sport Giveaway
I am so excited to be able to bring one lucky reader this playard! It would be perfect for camping! *Welcome to the Graco Pack 'n Play Playard Sport Giveaway, hosted by Thrifty Nifty Mommy & Viva Veltoro!* Graco's Pack 'n Play Playard Sport, in Parkside, is the portable playard designed for outdoor play and imagination. The baby playard sets up in mere seconds and gives your child a secure and comfortable spot, thanks to a UV 50 protection-lined canopy, roomy hexagon shape and durable base (to protect from the elements). This sporty playard features mesh for ventilation and a zip-o... more »
U.S. Appeals Court Halts A Lower Judge's Order That Would Have Shut Down The NSA's Phone Surveillance Program
*Washington Post:* *Appeals court stays U.S. judge’s ban on bulk collection of phone data* A U.S. appeals court Tuesday temporarily blocked the ruling of a federal judge who this week called the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of Americans’ telephone records almost certainly unconstitutional, just weeks before the program’s scheduled phase-out. The order by a three-judge panel of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit came one day after U.S. District Judge Richard J. Leon of the District granted a request for an injunction and barred the NSA from collecting tel... more »
Putin: Obama’s Secret Hasn’t Bombed A Single ISIS Target
A member of Russia’s parliament has accused President Obama of “bombing the Syrian desert” instead of hitting legitimate ISIS targets. Alexei Pushkov lashed out against the Obama administration on Twitter, saying “(Senator John) McCain accused us of striking out at US-trained insurgents… However, since they have either run away or joined al-Qaeda, hitting them is a mission impossible“. Conservativetribune.com reports: Pushkov evinced similar thoughts during an interview with France’s Europe 1 Radio, in which the Russian MP said, “The U.S.-led coalition spent a whole year pretending ... more »
Robert De Niro Tells America: “Quit The Bullshit” With Russia
Robert De Niro spoke to Russia Today about his views on the strained Russia-US relationship at a restaurant opening recently. Oscar award winning actor Robert De Niro opened his latest ‘Nobu’ restaurant in Moscow on Monday. Speaking at the opening alongside his business partner, Japanese chef Nobu Matsuhisa, De Niro said: “We all need to get past the bullshit and the nonsense, and make the world that’s best for all of us,” in reference to bettering relations between his native United States and Russia. Video: Robert De Niro: We all need to get past ‘bullsh*t & nonsense’ in US-Russia... more »
Video: Hillary Clinton Senator Confronted On Supporting ISIS
In this video Luke Rudkowski interviews U.S. Senator Kirsten Gillibrad, one of Hillary Clinton’s campaigners, about the fact that ISIS are a USA creation. As we have previously reported declassified documents exist proving that the U.S. Department of Defense and the State Department conspired to create ISIS with the aim of isolating the Syrian regime. Evidence also emerged earlier this year that ISIS members were initially trained by members and contractors of the CIA at facilities in Jordan in 2012. Kirsten Gillibrad does not deny that ISIS were created by the U.S. and explains tha... more »
Comedian Frankie Boyle Calls Out UK Snooper’s Charter
British comedian Frankie Boyle has spoken out about the Big Brother style investigatory powers bill, nicknamed The Snoopers Charter, warning people “all it takes is a misspelled search for ‘bong-making’ and suddenly you’ll be in an orange jumpsuit.” In an article written for The Guardian newspaper, the comedian joked that Theresa May’s “permanently appalled expression” is due to witnessing his internet browsing history. Huffingtonpost.co.uk reports: The home secretary launched her latest bid to pass the legislation, nicknamed the”snoopers’ charter”, after previous attempts failed to... more »
There are many more flux vacua in string theory than you were told
*From \(10^{500}\) to \(10^{272,000}\)* Around 2003, lots of string theorists were maximally excited about the multiverse and the anthropic principle. There were lots of vacua, a tiny portion of them has a small enough cosmological constant which is needed for life to exist, and we just happen to live in one of them. The estimate \(10^{500}\) semirealistic vacua – googol to the fifth power – became a part of the popular culture. The number has turned into the most popular rallying cry for the anti-science crackpots who loved to repeat (and some of the most retarded ones *still* lo... more »
For some, Soudelor still lingers....
An acquaintance sent this around Facebook, reminding that an area in Taiwan's steep mountains can take years to recover from a major typhoon... I went up to Wulai again to do a further survey of typhoon damage to hiking trails and swimming spots, and found that the situation was a lot worse even than the worst of my fears. My first goal was to check out the Neidong Forest Recreation Area (內洞國家森林遊樂區), and particularly the state of the stream there, while also hoping to have a swim if I could find one of my favourite pools in good enough condition for swimming. But to my tremendous d... more »
Government Contractor Buried Nuclear Waste Near Playground
Radioactive nuclear waste has been found near a playground in St. Louis, where a government contractor had dumped tens of thousands of waste barrels decades ago. Residents near the area have reported of unusually high cancer-deaths, and say they are a direct result of the nuclear waste buried there. Thedailysheeple.com reports: CBS News has interviewed many of the residents that lived and played in the area as kids, and found that a shocking number of them have all come down with cancer. These older residents discovered the pattern after they tried to reconnect with each other on s... more »
The Weather Experiment
*NZCLIMATE TRUTH NEWSLETTER * *NUMBER 345 NOVEMBER 9TH 2015* *by IPCC Expert Reviewer Dr Vincent Gray* Dear Folks I have just seen yet another climate survey 'Climate Models Part 1.' I have also studied Peter Moore’s 'The Weather Experiment.' He gives the series of scientific studies which established the current scientific study of the climate. He shows that they have established: - Every property of the climate is instantly variable. The properties are so skewed that no average can be measured - A forecast can cover ±2 degrees, with a bias of ±1 degree for onl... more »
President Obama To Sign Defense Bill
© James Lawler Duggan / Reuters *Reuters*:* Obama to sign defense bill with Guantanamo restrictions* The U.S. Senate overwhelmingly passed a sweeping defense policy bill on Tuesday and the White House said President Barack Obama will sign it, despite provisions making it more difficult to close the military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The Senate vote was 91-3 in favor of the measure, which authorizes $607 billion in defense spending and includes $5 billion in cuts excluded from an earlier version vetoed by Obama. The president had objected to the previous bill both because of ... more »
The Taliban Are Turning On Each Other
*Sami Yousafzai, Daily Beast:* *The Taliban Turn On Each Other, But That May Not Be Good News* *Open fighting reportedly has broken out between Taliban factions claiming the mantle of the late Mullah Omar—and that has Western diplomats in Kabul worried.* KABUL — Fierce fighting reportedly broke out over the weekend between rival Taliban groups, raising concerns that no faction will be strong enough to make a peace deal, even if it were inclined to do so, and possibly opening the way to more recruitment by the growing forces in Afghanistan of the so-called Islamic State. While th... more »
Campus Commotions Show We’re Raising Fragile Kids
[image: Fragile Kid Wrapped in Bubble Wrap - 900] It seems like every week there’s a new horror story of political correctness run amok at some college campus. A warning not to wear culturally insensitive Halloween costumes sparked an imbroglio at Yale, which went viral over the weekend. A lecturer asked... more »
Is The GOP's 15 Ring Circus Going To Become A 4 Ring Circus By March?
Poorly educated whites are both voting for Republicans and killing themselves in increasing numbers-- rising suicides, overuse of opioids and alcohol-poisoned livers according to Paul Krugman. Writing for *Salon* this morning, Digby, ventured a guess that these people, particularly the Trump and Carson voters, would like to end their miserable existences with an apocalypse. Their hatred of everything-- including the GOP-- is because they "feel betrayed and disillusioned because they voted for a Republican Congress and that Congress has failed to deliver the agenda on which they ra... more »
The Fox Business/WSJ Debate in Tweets
[image: Repub debaters] Here we are, the 4th main stage debate of the cycle! Here was the view from Twitter. The biggest shocker, before it even started, was that Kasich is still running. What hashtag are we using tonight? #GOPDebate or #WhenDoesKasichQuit? @93wibc...more »
Lest we forget
Today is Armistice Day—Remembrance day. On the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month in the year 1918, the guns of the Western Front finally fell silent and the human carnage of the First World War came to a close – in the West, anyway, if not in the Bolshevised East. Yet while the guns went silent, the results of the war would stay with us, like a bacillus, for decades to come. They are with us still. The world that emerged from World War I was vastly different to the benevolent, cultural milieu that entered it so optimistically four-and-a-half years before. ... more »
How Russia Does Business In The Putin Era
*Reuters:* *Putin’s daughter, a young billionaire and the president’s friends* *The Russian leader’s younger daughter Katerina is emerging as a woman of influence in the next generation of Moscow’s elite* LONDON/MOSCOW – Since Vladimir Putin began cementing his grip on Russia in the 1990s, many of his friends have grown famously rich. Not so the president himself, say his supporters, who insist Putin is above the money grab that has marked his reign. His public financial disclosures depict a man of modest means. In April, Putin declared an income for 2014 of 7.65 million roubles ... more »
Daily Fantasy Sports are Banned in New York
[image: daily fantasy sports] New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman issued cease and desist orders to DraftKings and FanDuel. He told the companies to quit accepting bets from New York residents, joining a similar move by Nevada last month. “FanDuel DFS contests are neither harmless nor... Continue reading *“Daily Fantasy Sports are Banned in New York”* at *money.cnn.com*.
Free trade is fair trade
A rare sight: an Australian making sense. An even rarer sight: that good point being made in a modern parliament: [Hat tip Catallaxy Files] Content is copyright PC.BlogSpot.Com © Please contact author for permission to republish: (organon at ihug.co.nz)
Putin: Russia Working On Penetrating Any Anti-Missile Shield
Vladimir Putin© Mikhail Metsel/TASS *Tass*: *Putin: Russia to develop strike systems capable of penetrating any missile defense shield* According to the Russian president, the true goal of the US missile defense shield is to neutralize Russia’s nuclear potential SOCHI, November 10. /TASS/. Russia will be developing strike systems capable of penetrating any missile defense shield, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday. "We’ll be working on the anti-missile defense system as well, but at the first stage, as we have said on many occasions, we’ll also be working on strike ... more »
How to Keep Your iPhone from Destroying Your Relationships
[image: Sherry Turkle] If you've ever watched a group of people glued to their smartphones and wondered how these devices are shaping our relationships, Sherry Turkle's research is for you. The MIT professor, known for her insightful books and TED talks, studies Americans’... Continue reading *“How to Keep Your iPhone from Destroying Your Relationships”* at *christianitytoday.com*.
Why a Friend is Suing Me: The Arlene’s Flowers Story
[image: Arlene's Flowers] MOST people, seeing that headline, might think: "Shouldn't it be 'My Ex-Friend Is Suing Me?' " But Rob Ingersoll will always be my friend. Recent events ["Why true marriage equality matters to us," Opinion, Nov. 1] have complicated -- but not changed... Continue reading *“Why a Friend is Suing Me: The Arlene’s Flowers Story”* at *seattletimes.com*.
Peggy Noonan’s Old-Fashioned Childhood: Nobody Killed Us
[image: Old-Fashioned America] (CNN)Regular readers of my column know I speak often of my concerns about modern America’s culture, by which I mean the America we see all around us each day and experience as human beings. I grew up in what in... Continue reading *“Peggy Noonan’s Old-Fashioned Childhood: Nobody Killed Us”* at *cnn.com*.
French MP: FSA and moderate rebels don't exist in Syria, but only in lobbies of European hotels
*Video Title: French MP: FSA and moderate rebels don't exist in Syria, but only in lobbies of European hotels. Source: Russia Insider. Date Published: November 10, 2015. Description: * Member of the National Assembly of France for UMP party, Jacques Myard: “Free Syrian Army is a very active opposition on the ground, and the so called “moderate” it doesn’t exist anymore. In fact, on the ground against the regime of Bashar we have the Islamic State and we have Al-Qaeda through Al-nusra, so this is the reality. And I think as I said to our government, the only place where you find free... more »
5 Questions You Need to Ask Before You Get Married
[image: wedding rings] We don't necessarily need every future detail precisely pinned down and organized when we walk down the aisle--in fact it's probably more helpful to accept the fact that some questions will never have answers. But perhaps we’d feel more ready... Continue reading *“5 Questions You Need to Ask Before You Get Married”* at *verilymag.com*.
Views from The Window, And The Stories behind Them
[image: Abu Dhabi window view] What do you see when you look out your window? In Abu Dhabi, you might get a dazzling display of the city's lights. By contrast, you might get an awe-inspiring view of a city's unique architecture in a nearly thousand-year-old... Continue reading *“Views from The Window, And The Stories behind Them”* at *citylab.com*.
Ben Carson’s Yale Classmate: We Did the Prank Test He’s Talking About
[image: Ben Carson7 - 400] A former staff member of the Yale Record says that he recalls many of the details of a prank that Dr. Ben Carson wrote about in an autobiography. The incident has been the subject of media coverage in recent days,... Continue reading *“Ben Carson’s Yale Classmate: We Did the Prank Test He’s Talking About”* at *buzzfeed.com*.
What If There Were No Prices?
[image: price-knowledge] To better appreciate the benefits of the price system, it's helpful to understand what would happen if it didn't exist. What if there were no prices? How would you use available resources? To appreciate why market prices are essential to human... Continue reading *“What If There Were No Prices?”* at *blog.acton.org*.
This image is approximate, his real appearance is perhaps a blend of this image and the ones traditional depicting him. I prefer this image as it is absent the new age and religious themes sometimes attached to him. By American Kabuki *THE PERSONAL SIDE OF ASHTAR SHERRAN* *This post is actually a continuation of the conversation in Sphere Alliance Message #113, but I broke it into two posts as the other data is of a different nature and includes some recent additional information that came in today about the Malibu California undersea base. There are many misconceptions of this ma... more »
The Fourth GOP Undercard Debate in Tweets
[image: Faith Freedom] Welcome to the seventh GOP debate (yes, seventh): the Fox Business/WSJ undercard debate. Right off the bat, this debate was notable in one particular arena: i'm not used to debate moderators asking questions i want to know the answer to....more »
Happy 240th Birthday US Marine Corps!
[image: Marines in Kuwait, Marine Corps] Tuesday, November 10, marks the 240th birthday of the United States Marine Corps. Its roots date all the way back to 1775 when it was established as the Continental Marines. The Second Continental Congress first commissioned Marines to man two... Continue reading *“Happy 240th Birthday US Marine Corps!”* at *marinecorpstimes.com*.
UPDATED: SPHERE ALLIANCE MESSAGE #113 The Clearing of the Secret Malibu Undersea Base, the origin of LA Missile Launch
*RELATED: * http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2015/nov/07/mystery-light-sky-military-navy-drill/ *RELATED:* http://timesofsandiego.com/military/2015/11/09/secrecy-around-saturdays-missile-launch-called-appropriate/ *Updated 2:52 GMT: Accidentally said Sherran was the Bloodline king... he was not. Fixed that. I knew those names would be an issue, turns out even for me! But then I am slightly dyslexic. Thanks Denice for catching that! My apologies Sherran!!!! (how embarrasing!)* By American Kabuki There are two individuals in this particular message with very similar name... more »
U.S. To Assist Iran In Redesigning Its Heavy Water Reactor In Arak
Arak heavy-water project 190 km (120 miles) southwest of Tehran. Wikipedia *Fars News Agency:* *Spokesman: 4 Members of G5+1 to Cooperate with Iran in Redesigning Arak Reactor* TEHRAN (FNA)- Spokesman of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran (AEOI) Behrouz Kamalvandi announced that four members of the Group 5+1 (the US, Russia, China, Britain and France plus Germany) are due to cooperate with Tehran in redesigning its heavy water reactor in Arak. "Four countries of the G5+1 members have accepted to cooperate with Iran in supplying advanced equipment for the (Arak) reactor and diff... more »
Your Tuesday Night Crackpot: Jim Ryun
The Madison Project is another Republican Party far-right extremist organization. It was founded in Virginia about a decade ago to help fanatic anti-Choice Republicans raise money and develop strategies. They are generally considered crackpots and the candidates they support tend to be crackpots as well, few of whom ever get elected. Two exceptions-- not as a crackpots, but as electoral success-- were homophobic bigot Marilyn Musgrave (CO) who served 3 terms-- and was voted the most conservative member of the House by the American Conservative Union-- before the voters dumped her ... more »
Missouri Professor Who Blocked Media at Protest Apologizes
[image: Media Professor Melissa Click] Melissa Click, an assistant professor of mass media at the university’s School of Communications, apologized Tuesday to the campus community and to “journalists at large” for hindering a photographer and cameraman who were trying to document the protests over racism... Continue reading *“Missouri Professor Who Blocked Media at Protest Apologizes”* at *money.cnn.com*.
The Global Islamic Caliphate: Brought To You By The CIA And The U.S. State Department
*IMDB - Killing Ed (2015): * KILLING ED is an exposé about the corruption, politics and anti-democratic efforts to privatize U.S. public schools. The documentary investigates the worst case scenario: a rapidly expanding, taxpayer-funded, Texas-based charter school network - America's largest - operated by a global Islamic organization known as the Gülen Movement. *An excerpt from, "Exclusive: FBI Whistleblower and Teacher Expose Islamic Gülen Movement Infiltrating U.S. Through Charter Schools" by Joshua Cook, Truth In Media, July 28, 2014: * In the United States, many of the Gü... more »
Nov.10: Let's not waste time on the Irving press today.
There's no news in Section A. The editorial gushes about our fishery's future under the Trans-Pacific trade deal, nicely ignoring some realities. 1. There are severe limits to the fishery, with much of it already under strain - or worse. 2. Under that same trade deal, there is every possiblity that Canadians will not long own our fishery. 3. The trade deal will also make it impossible to impose restrictions to save a dying fishery. What this editorial really tells us is that Mr. Irving supports the Trans-Pacific deal. Norbert is well worth reading. Alan Cochrane gives us a history... more »
Musical Interlude: Liquid Mind, “Night Light”
Liquid Mind, “Night Light” - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5VzYAPBVJc
"A Look to the Heavens"
“Galaxies of the NGC 7771 Group are featured in this intriguing skyscape. Some 200 million light-years distant toward the constellation Pegasus, NGC 7771 is the large, edge-on spiral near center, about 75,000 light-years across, with two smaller galaxies just below it. Large spiral NGC 7769 is seen face-on to the right. * Click image for larger size.* Galaxies of the NGC 7771 group are interacting, making repeated close passages that will ultimately result in galaxy-galaxy mergers on a cosmic timescale. The interactions can be traced by galaxy distortions and faint streams of stars ... more »
Iran Has Stopped Dismantling Its Nuclear Centrifuges
A Russian worker walks past the Bushehr nuclear power plant, 1,200 km (746 miles) south of Tehran October 26, 2010. REUTERS/MEHR NEWS AGENCY/MAJID ASGARIPOUR *Reuters:* *Iran has stopped dismantling nuclear centrifuges: senior official* Iran has stopped dismantling centrifuges in two uranium enrichment plants, state media reported on Tuesday, days after conservative lawmakers complained to President Hassan Rouhani that the process was too rushed. Last week, Iran announced it had begun shutting down inactive centrifuges at the Natanz and Fordow plants under the terms of a deal stru... more »
Chet Raymo, "Why Not?"
*"Why Not?"* by Chet Raymo "A reader asked: "If we are all one and made out of the same material- then the things that we make are made out of the same material. But they are not animate. Why not?" At first glance, this might seem like a naive question, one that we all know the answer to. On reflection, it turns out to be terribly profound. Or should I have said, "wonderfully profound"? Yes, everything, animate and inanimate, is made of the same stuff - the 92 naturally-occurring elements - but all of the animate things we know about are made mainly of carbon compounds - carbon in ... more »
“All of us have heard this term "preventive war" since the earliest days of Hitler. I recall that is about the first time I heard it. In this day and time, if we believe for one second that nuclear fission and fusion, that type of weapon, would be used in such a war- what is a preventive war? I would say a preventive war, if the words mean anything, is to wage some sort of quick police action in order that you might avoid a terrific cataclysm of destruction later. A preventive war, to my mind, is an impossibility today. How could you have one if one of its features would be several... more »
Happy 240th Birthday, United State Marine Corps!
*This year is the 240th Marine Corps Birthday.* *“2015 Marine Corps Birthday Message, The Legacy Within”* "Reflect on our history, remember those who have sacrificed and reaffirm your commitment to the strengthening of our Corps."- 37th Commandant of the Marine Corps Gen. Robert B. Neller - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sg5GPScSQHo ◆ *And to all veterans and active duty personnel, we honor your service!* ◆ *Once a Marine, always a Marine. Semper Fi!* I'm a USMC veteran, FYI... - CP
Watch tonight's debate live...
*at Fox News - and we thank them.* They have graciously made the debate available to everyone. Which, in my opinion, all the the networks should do. *Debate Link*
“Modern Educayhsun”
For anyone who’s been inside a classroom in the last decade … … or, alternatively, anyone who’s a fan of *The Wicker Man.* PS: Think it’s extreme? Then consider these Yale University students who sparked a row over freedom of speech, after clashing with a college master who refused to oppose "offensive" Halloween costumes. Yale students in freedom of speech row These Yale University students have sparked a row over freedom of speech, after clashing with a college master who refused to oppose "offensive" Halloween costumes.Yale's Intercultural Affairs Committee warned against "of...more »
Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- November 10, 2015
The US believes Putin’s military strategy in Syria will fail. Photograph: Ria Novosti/Reuters *Shaun Walker & Julian Borger, The Guardian:* *Syria and world await Putin's reaction to apparent bombing of Russian jet* Moscow’s conclusions about Egyptian air crash could significantly change the president’s endgame in Syria More than a month after Russia began airstrikes against targets in Syria, western capitals remain uncertain of Vladimir Putin’s endgame in the country, as the world waits to see what effect, if any, the apparent bombing of a Russian jet in Egypt last week has had. ... more »
Russia’s ‘Most Ruthless’ Special Forces Dispatched To Root Out ISIS
Russia has sent her ‘most ruthless’ and highly regarded special forces unit to Syria to track down and root out Islamic State (ISIS) militants. Russian Spetsnaz troopers have got a reputation for being ruthless with terrorists during their missions in the North Caucasus. They have a hatred of Jihadists and have experience in fighting dirty wars with them in Chechnya. Christian Today reports: Russia’s feared Spetsnaz unit—the elite of the elite in Russia’s army whose members have to undergo a gruelling training programme to earn their stripes—plus a covert paratroop battalion have ar... more »
Ben Carson Knocks Media With Series of ‘Breaking News’ Graphics
[image: Ben Carson] Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson poked fun at the media Tuesday, posting a series of graphics to his Facebook page mocking outlets for their reporting on him. Continue reading *“Ben Carson Knocks Media With Series of ‘Breaking News’ Graphics”* at *theblaze.com*.
Discovery News (And Katharine Hayhoe) Spread Old Misinformation About Polar Bears
By Paul Homewood http://polarbearscience.com/2015/11/04/discovery-news-spreads-old-misinformation-about-w-hudson-bay-polar-bears/ Dr Susan Crockford lays bare more misinformation about polar bears: In a just-released Discovery News piece, Kieran Mulvaney (4 November 2015, “In the polar bear capital, an uncertain future”) repeated three misleading statements about Western Hudson Bay polar bears that keep making the rounds, despite the fact they […]
“Bill Gate’s Solution to Climate Change Reveals His Misunderstanding of Capitalism and Free Markets”
[image: Cavemen Cause First Global Waming cartoon] Bill Gates argued in an interview recently that since capitalism is unable to solve the problem of global warming that there should instead be world-encompassing government-business “partnerships” to save Planet Earth. I commented here. Austrian economist Richard Ebeling responds today: *Let us assume for the sake of the argument that the dire predictions were to be true. And that the projected and feared increases in average temperature around the globe threaten to have some or many of the negative effects that are often warn... more »
Defending the Imperative for Real Food and Real Farmers
*Julian Rose* - Are you eating real food, grown by real farmers? Why not? The post Defending the Imperative for Real Food and Real Farmers appeared first on Waking Times.
Plane Crashes Into Residential Building In Akron Ohio
A small business plane crashed into a residential building near an airport in in Akron, Ohio before igniting in flames on Tuesday afternoon. Many local residents are currently without power’ It is believed that as many as nine people were killed Local officials said that no one was injured inside the apartment building, and all the residents had been accounted for. Plane crashes into Akron apartment building. https://t.co/0Lte6S1YqSpic.twitter.com/EUR1N5XrZ3 — Chris Flanagan (@ChrisFlanaganTV) November 10, 2015 BNO news reports: The accident happened at about 3 p.m. when a twin-engi...more »
Hillary Clinton Laughs at Carly Fiorina ‘Strangle’ Remark
[image: clinton laughing - 400] DERRY, NEW HAMPSHIRE (CNN) Hillary Clinton came under fire Tuesday when she laughed at a former Hewlett-Packard worker’s joking desire to “strangle” Carly Fiorina, the company’s former CEO. “She says she’s a great CEO. Every time I see her on... Continue reading *“Hillary Clinton Laughs at Carly Fiorina ‘Strangle’ Remark”* at *cnn.com*.
The Fox Business Debate Should Put the Focus on Growth, Jobs and Energy Independence
[image: MILWAUKEE, WI - NOVEMBER 09: Workers test the setup at the Milwaukee Theater for the Republican presidential debate sponsored by Fox Business News and the Wall Street Journal on November 9, 2015 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The debate, which is scheduled for tomorrow evening, will be the third for the Republicans seeking their party's nomination for president.] It's almost a guarantee that when the Fox Business Network's Neil Cavuto and Maria Bartiromo moderate tonight's GOP debate, the goofy, "gotcha" questions that were so much a part of the CNBC debate debacle will be ignored ... more »
World News Briefs -- November 10, 2015 (Evening Edition)
*CNN*: *Taliban infighting kills 100 in southern Afghanistan, official says* CNN)The Taliban don't only attack other people; factions of the Taliban sometimes battle each other. For the last four days, two Taliban groups have waged gun battles in Zabul province in southern Afghanistan, Ata Mohammad Haqbayan, the head of the Provincial Council in Zabul, said Tuesday. On one side are fighters loyal to Mullah Akhtar Mohammad Mansour, and on the other are fighters loyal to Mullah Mohammad Rasool, the leader of a Taliban splinter group. *MIDDLE EAST* Saudi Arabia pushes U.N. panel *t... more »
Putin: Russia Has Weapons That Can Penetrate US Missile Defences
Russian President Vladimir Putin has announced plans for Russia to develop strike systems capable of penetrating any missile defence shield, including the U.S. defence systems. “We’ll be working on the anti-missile defence system as well, but at the first stage, as we have said on many occasions, we’ll also be working on strike systems capable of penetrating any anti-missile defence shield,” he said, speaking at a meeting on the development of the Russian Armed Forces. Tass.ru reports: Putin said the meeting would discuss the development of such weapon systems that would determine ... more »
Intelligence On Russian Plane Crash Came From Israeli ‘War Games’
The Russian plane crash over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula has been widely reported as an ISIS-led terrorist attack in the media and by Western governments, just days after they say they ‘gathered intelligence’ about it. But it now appears that this intelligence primarily stemmed from Israel, as US diplomatic sources say Israel actually provided the US and UK with intelligence on the crash. Israel have refused to say where their intelligence has come from, which in light of the fact that they were conducting military war games over the exact location and exact same time the crash took pla... more »
The Real Reason Military Conducted Trident II Missile Tests
The two Trident II missile tests widely seen across California in the last few days were nothing more than a “secret government operation” according to the US Navy. The public have nothing to worry about, even though the Navy refuse to say why the tests were taking place and where/when the next ones may take place. But many are asking why such a “secret” operation was conducted openly in full view of millions of people and the media, when typically these kinds of tests are done privately and quietly? Why do they want the world talking about this? Thedailysheeple.com reports: The sun...more »
A3 Newsletter: Court Rules Albert Woodfox Can Be Retried a Third Time
*MEDIA COVERAGE:* *Esquire: "The Absurdity of Retrial"* *II* *Washington Post* *II* *NY Times* *II* *The Independent (UK)* *II* *The Guardian (UK)* *II* *Amnesty Intl. UK* *II* *Amnesty Intl. USA* *II* *The Advocate* *II* *teleSUR English* *II* *Boston Globe / AP* *PHOTO:* *A 'cardboard cutout' of Albert Woodfox is displayed in downtown London, England during a November 7 protest march organized by Amnesty International UK.* *If you have not yet done so, please take action by joining Amnesty's call to "Free Albert Woodfox!"* *US 5th Circuit Court Reverses Judge... more »
Catholicism, Evolution and Divine Revelation: A Second Look
[image: Creation of Adam Michelangelo - 400] “Can he who made the ear, not hear? Can he who made the eye, not see?" -- Psalm 94. “Unfortunately, a significant number of the most influential theologians treat the issue as if evolution were already an established 'dogma'. Meanwhile,... Continue reading *“Catholicism, Evolution and Divine Revelation: A Second Look”* at *catholicworldreport.com*.
Cartoon: ‘Pipelines’
[image: Ramirez - 111015 - pipelines]
Oscar-Winning Actor’s Powerful Message About Gratitude, Grace and God
[image: Denzel Washington - 400] Oscar-winning actor Denzel Washington spoke of the importance of gratitude, a good attitude and of faith during a charity banquet for the Church of God in Christ on Saturday in St. Louis, Missouri. Washington, the son of a pastor who... Continue reading *“Oscar-Winning Actor’s Powerful Message About Gratitude, Grace and God”* at *theblaze.com*.
Taniwha Tax: What you can do
Auckland council has an important vote tomorrow, and you can help sway it. As you may know, when the council’s Unitary Plan was first released, around 3,600 large purple blobs were smeared across the map—each representing a “site” (said the council) that they had deemed “important” to Mana Whenua, with whom property-owners would be required to “consult” before doing anything more aggressive than mowing their lawn. [image: image] Which came as a surprise to many of the local iwi said to be affected, even though this didn’t stop some of them hatching plans for large fees for the ne... more »
US Air Force Secretary: 'Boots On The Ground' Are Needed In The War Against The Islamic State
Secretary of the Air Force Deborah Lee James responds to questions during a joint press conference at the 2015 Dubai Airshow on Tuesday, November 10, 2015. *RTE News*: *US air force secretary says war on IS needs 'boots on ground'* The air campaign against the so-called Islamic State group has made progress in degrading the jihadist organisation but will not be enough without boots on the ground, the US air force secretary said this morning. The comments from Deborah Lee James come just days after Pentagon chief Ashton Carter raised the possibility of deploying additional US specia... more »
Do You Want To See One Of The Republicans Win In 2016? If So, Backing Hillary Is The Way To Go
Greg Sargent raised the warning signals, based on a new poll released yesterday by Stan Greenberg, that core Democratic voters-- particularly millennials (but also unmarried women and minorities-- are not as energized by the 2016 elections yet as core Republican voters. Perhaps that's because anti-establishment Democrats have come to the conclusion that their party's horribly flawed establishment candidate is inevitable, while Republicans have all but vanquished her equivalent (Jeb) and will probably pick an altogether anti-establishment candidate, if not "outsiders" Trump or Cars... more »
Portugal’s Government Ousted By Anti-Austerity Opposition
Portugal’s government has been bought down amid austerity backlash. Despite being sworn in only two weeks ago, the pro-austerity government has been forced to resign by a leftist anti-austerity block Backed by mass public anger, proposals to continue austerity policies were blocked in parliament, forcing the government to dissolve. #AltPt Thousands wait for the fall of government in #Portugal Lot of police deployed to Parliament #GovernoVaiAbaixo pic.twitter.com/OKyhtKwI5h — Guilhotina.info (@Guilhotinainfo) November 10, 2015 AP reports: The government*s dramatic collapse came less ... more »
USA: Aggression On The Rise Due To Antidepressants & Heavy Metals
A new study has shown that Americans now are more aggressive than ever before, due to the amount of dangerous chemicals consumed in antidepressants, and in the heavy metals contained within the water and air supply. Heavy metals, such as lead and mercury, can cause brain damage and psychotic disorders. Anti-depressants change the function of the brain, which has led to more acts of aggression and cruelty in the population than ever before. Pravdareport.com reports: According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, antidepressants are among the three most prescribed classe...more »
Africa To Become The Testing Ground For Biometric Credit Cards
Visa have begun testing new Big Brother style technology in Africa using biometric data stored in a microchip on EMV enabled credit cards. EMV cards are smart cards (also called chip cards or IC cards) which store their data on integrated circuits using RFID (microchip) technology. Patriottruther.com reports: Apparently they began testing September 15, 2015 exactly one month before the EMV credit card changeover here in the U.S. Now might be a good time to start looking into living off of the grid if you haven’t already done so. “There is increasing demand for biometrics as a more... more »
FBI: ‘Full Blown Inquiry’ Into Hillary Clinton’s Illegal Actions
The FBI have announced that they intend to step up their inquiries into the email scandal surrounding former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and her use of a home-made email system during her time in office. They have said that the inquiry has moved from a preliminary fact-finding mission, into a full blown inquiry. “This sounds to me like it’s more than a preliminary inquiry; it sounds like a full-blown investigation,” said former assistant FBI director Tom Fuentes, “When you have this amount of resources going into it …. I think it’s at the investigative level.” Politico.com ... more »
Donald Trump: Hillary Wants To Be President To Stay Out Of Jail
GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump has said that Hillary Clinton is running for president to avoid going to jail. Speaking at a Springfield, Illinois rally on Monday, Trump said: “People are in jail right now for doing five percent of what she did and the Democrats are not gonna to prosecute her, and it’s frankly a disgrace. And you know it and so do I and so do these people right here—they know it.” Breitbart.com reports: Regarding Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was Secretary of State and mishandling of classified information, Trump said that “and you bette... more »
Germany Migrant Crisis: “People Can’t Leave Their Homes”
The current migrant crisis in Germany is seeing many German citizens, who live in small towns and villages, fearful of leaving their own homes due to the violence and riots happening on their streets. As one German reader reports, small towns and villages are being looted, vandalised, people are being physically beaten up, and sexually attacked – yet none of the authorities or media are doing anything about it. Dcclothesline.com reports: Ellwangen is a small town in the eastern part of Baden-Wuerttemberg. Thecenter of the town counts about 12000; not considering neighboring village... more »
How Benjamin Netanyahu Looks At The Middle East
The Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu gave a frank interview at a gala award ceremony hosted by the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C. Sitting among friends and admirers, Prime Minister Netanyahu received the Irving Kristol award and went on to give an interesting response to a question by AEI’s Danielle Pletka on the merits of whether to spread dictatorship in the Middle East to oppose terrorist groups like ISIS, or to promote democracy, which could allow Islamists to gain power via the ballot box. What to do, what to do? Natanyahu went on to give a clear v... more »
Was the Poop Swastika Incident at Mizzou a Giant Hoax?
[image: poop swastika] Something stinks at the University of Missouri. A reported incident of vandalism at Mizzou sparked university-wide protests, a boycott by the school's 4-5 football team and eventually the resignation of the university's president and chancellor. There's only one problem: no... Continue reading *“Was the Poop Swastika Incident at Mizzou a Giant Hoax?”* at *thefederalist.com*.
Rand Paul is Missing Something Huge on Sentencing Reform
[image: Is Rand Paul Right on Sentencing Reform?] Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) is fond of saying that too many nonviolent offenders are serving time in prison for nonviolent drug crimes, especially minorities, and to fix this problem he and others in Congress want to eliminate mandatory minimum sentences. On Bill... more »
Campus Activists Weaponize ‘Safe Space’
[image: Tim Tai, safe space, University of Missouri, Mizzou] At the University of Missouri, student activists succeeded this week in forcing the resignation of President Timothy M. Wolfe, charging that he has not done enough to address persistent racism on campus. Tim Tai, a University of Missouri student, got a freelance... Continue reading *“Campus Activists Weaponize ‘Safe Space’”* at *theatlantic.com*.
Leaked Russian Document Proposes An 18-Month Syrian Reform Process
Russian President Vladimir Putin (R) shakes hands with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad during a meeting at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia, October 20, 2015. Reuters/Alexei Druzhinin/RIA Novosti/Kremlin *Reuters:* *Exclusive: Russia to propose Syrians launch 18-month reform process - document* Russia wants the Syrian government and opposition to agree on launching a constitutional reform process of up to 18 months, followed by early presidential elections, a draft document obtained by Reuters showed on Tuesday. The eight-point proposal, drawn up by Moscow before international talks... more »
This Article Is Not a Safe Space
[image: Freedom of Speech Thought - 900] College was supposed to be place for young adults to prepare for full-fledged adulthood, a stepping stone away from childhood and towards independence and responsibility. College was a place where one worked hard and earned a degree that would act as... more »
Missouri U Journalism Faculty Voting to Reconsider Click’s Courtesy Appointment
[image: Mizzou - 400] COLUMBIA -- Faculty in the Missouri School of Journalism were voting Tuesday to revoke a courtesy appointment for Melissa Click, an assistant professor in MU’s Department of Communication. The journalism school’s Executive Committee, including Dean David Kurpius, met Tuesday morning... Continue reading *“Missouri U Journalism Faculty Voting to Reconsider Click’s Courtesy Appointment”* at *columbiamissourian.com*.
Syrian Government Forces Break 2-Year ISIS Siege Of Key Airbase In Aleppo
Following weeks of intense fighting against ISIS and other jihadist forces, elite Syrian army units have broken the siege of Kweires airbase. The airbase, which opens up routes for offensives against Raqqa and Aleppo, had been under seige for nearly two years. Syrian troops have been supported by Iranian forces and Lebanese Hezbollah fighters in a push to regain territory that has been lost to insurgents, largely in the north. State television broadcast live footage from the airbase of an emotional as a reporter announced the news. RT reports: “We, the heroes of Kweires, are now cel... more »
Syrian army breaks two-year Daesh siege on Aleppo airbase!!!
Link And Link *More good news for Syria and her citizens! * Syrian government forces on Tuesday entered a major military airbase in the northern province of Aleppo, marking the *end of a two-year-long siege* by Daesh militants, agencies reported. An AFP photographer on the scene said a group of Syrian soldiers and their allies, including Lebanese and Iranian militiamen, broke through Daesh lines west of Kweiris airbase in Aleppo and reached besieged government troops inside. Pro-Syrian government forces have been trying to reach their comrades inside the base for two years. The ... more »
U.S. Spies Are Hoping For An Islamic State-Russia War
Russian President Vladimir Putin. © Alexei Druzhinin / RIA Novosti *Shane Harris & Nancy A. Youssef, Daily Beast:* *U.S. Spies Root for an ISIS-Russia War* *Six U.S. intelligence and military officials tell The Daily Beast that they hope an apparent ISIS attack on Metrojet Flight 9268 would force Putin to finally take the gloves off.* In the days following the crash of Russian Metrojet Flight 9268, which mounting evidence suggests was felled by an ISIS bomb, many U.S. intelligence and security officials weren’t panicking about the so-called Islamic State unleashing a new campaign ... more »
Response to Ed Week puff piece on competency-based instruction
I have posted two responses/comments to the Education Week article, “Personalized Learning, Competency Education Need Policy Support, Group Says” (http://blogs.edweek.org/edweek/marketplacek12/2015/11/personalized_learning_competency_education_need_policy_support_group_says.html) I quote from the article, then give my comments. FIRST POST Ed Week: The federal frameworks advise policymakers on moves that the organization said could close persistent learning gaps, improve equity, and "dramatically increase student achievement." SK: YES IT COULD. But there is no evidence that it does... more »
Largest Obamacare Co-Op Under Investigation by Regulators
[image: obamacare medicaid] New York insurance regulators have opened an "official investigation" into the nation's largest Obamacare health co-op for "substantial underreporting" of its financial condition, according to the New York Department of Financial Services. DFS also is seeking to appoint an independent... more »
Jeb Bush PAC Unveils Secret Weapon: Rubio is Too Pro-Life!
[image: Jeb Bush] Pushed to the brink by the rise of Marco Rubio as an alternative candidate of the establishment, backers of Jeb Bush are contemplating the use of a new secret weapon: Spending millions bashing Rubio for being too anti-abortion. As reported by... more »
Virtual Book Sale
At the risk of this sounding like whining, there's nothing more disspiriting than spending upwards of two and a half years on a single book then seeing it sell less than two dozen copies, hardly any of them to strangers, over a period of six months despite my ruthlessly pimping it on social media. Add to that a troll who constantly chimes in with one star reviews on Amazon and skewing the rating because it can't seem to attract more than four legitimate reviews. Then add to that it being ignored and disrespected by virtually every single fiction-repping literary agency in the ... more »
Supplemental: What is Carson proposing on taxes?
*TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2015Bartiromo, Cavuto should ask:* What sorts of "crazy" budget proposals will get examined tonight? Consider Chuck Todd's recent discussion with the Candidate Fiorina. Their brief discussion was shown, on tape, on Sunday's Meet the Press. Todd began with a small complaint. He noted that Fiorina doesn't have a full-blown budget proposal: TODD (11/8/15): We've already heard from three of the main outsider candidates for president today. Yesterday, I caught up with another, the former CEO of Hewlett-Packard, Carly Fiorina. And *I asked her why she is one of j... more »
Strange ‘UFO Clouds’ Appear Hovering Over Cape Town
Strange-shaped UFO clouds gathered over the skies of Cape Town, South Africa on Sunday. With more and more UFO sightings reported around the world, the people of South Africa’s capital could easily have mistaken the strange looking clouds for an imminent alien invasion. But it turned out that the clouds masquerading as UFO’s were not harboring any alien crafts within them, they were only water droplets condensed into the shape of lenticular clouds; so we’re told. LBC Radio reports: The lenticular clouds appeared over the South African city late on Sunday afternoon and photographer K... more »
Intellectual property issues sink cancer paper in JACS
The authors of a paper on a mechanism for potential cancer therapies are retracting it after realizing they published some proprietary findings “without permission and agreement from St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.” According to the retraction note in Journal of the American Chemical Society, the authors included an X-ray crystal structure and data that were […] The post Intellectual property issues sink cancer paper in JACS appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Asian lives matter... w/Update
*except in Missouri.* Watch these entitled ignorant little sh*ts intimidate, harass, and threaten Tim Tai, a photographer for ESPN, who also happens to be Asian. *Warning: *The following video will make your blood boil (around 100 degrees Celsius, or 212 degrees Fahrenheit, in case you're interested.) *A photographer was threatened with mob violence by a professor at Missouri University after he tried to assert his First Amendment rights against “safe space” authoritarians who used Maoist tactics to shut down free speech.* The incident happened in the aftermath of yesterday’s res... more »
The Daily "Near You?"
Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA. Thanks for stopping by.
"Is the 'Digital Hive' Turning Into A Soft Totalitarian State?"
*"Is the 'Digital Hive' Turning Into A Soft Totalitarian State?"* by Joe Bageant “Sitting in a trendy wine bar, one of those that brings out food to match your particular choice of wine, mystified by the table setting. What was that tiny baby spoon for? Cappuccino surely, at some point, but why no big spoon to go with the knife and fork? The things a redneck American does not know grow exponentially in Bella Italia, starting with the restaurants - not to mention several civilizations beneath one’s feet. Being in a house that has been continuously occupied for over 1000 years - resis... more »
Keystone XL: Not Dead Yet?
[image: Keystone XL] President Obama's rejection of the Keystone XL oil pipeline might not be the end of the road for the controversial project. TransCanada Corp. has pledged to explore its remaining options for building the Canada-to-Texas pipeline, including filing a new application... Continue reading *“Keystone XL: Not Dead Yet?”* at *thehill.com*.
DHS Panel Confronted: ‘Anybody Here Who Represents American Workers?’
[image: DHS Panel - 900] A representative for legal immigrants in the U.S. grilled the Department of Homeland Security for holding an immigration ombudsman event without representing the interests of displaced American workers or of legal immigrants already in the states. "All that you talked... more »
Countdown Champion Travels 500 Miles To Assault Woman Over Bad Book Review
A crazed former champion of the TV game show Countdown, where contestants perform mental gymnastics with words and numbers, drove 500 miles across the country in order to smash a bottle of wine over the head of a young woman who had dared to give his new book a bad review online. Richard Brittain traced his victim to an Asda store in Glenrothes, Scotland. He travelled from London to hunt down teenager, Paige Rolland, 19, who was employed by the store and was stacking shelves at the time of the assault and did not see a bottle of red wine as it came smashing down onto her head. She i...more »
Video Captures 2 Massive Bombs Falling From The Skies And Striking A Set Of buildings
*Daily Star*: *WATCH: Massive explosion captured on camera during intense air raid in Syria* *THIS the moment two huge bombs fall out of the sky and completely destroy a set of buildings below.* The amazing footage is believed to have been filmed in the Syrian capital city of Damascus. Mystery surrounds who filmed the clip which has been posted on social media. But since the camera was set up ready to film the strike it would suggest it was carried out by the Government forces of beleagured present Bashar al-Assad. The sound of a jet can be heard overhead before bombs are clearl... more »
Psychology: "What Is the 'Sleeper Effect'?"
* "What Is the 'Sleeper Effect'?"* by PsyBlog "In the 1940s during WWII, the US Department of War wanted to know if their propaganda films were really working. So they carried out a series of experimental studies into how they affected soldier's attitudes. The complacent assumption was that the films should easily influence the average GI. Producers and psychologists alike expected to see a huge shift in attitudes towards the war after they were viewed. What they found was nothing of the sort and the results came as a bitter blow to propagandists everywhere. While the films were i... more »
President Obama's New Syrian Strategy Is Being Met With Doubts
*New York Times:* *Obama Turns to Diplomacy and Military in Syria, and Is Met With Doubts* WASHINGTON — For the first time in the four-year Syrian civil war, President Obama is beginning to execute a combined diplomatic and military approach to force President Bashar al-Assad to leave office and end the carnage. As 50 Special Operations troops arrive in Syria to bolster the most effective opposition groups, the administration is gambling that Secretary of State John Kerry will have more leverage to push Russia, Iran and other players toward two objectives: a cease-fire to limit th... more »
Albanian Proverb
"When you have given nothing, ask for nothing." - Albanian Proverb
Help Resettle a Refugee Family
My Dear Friend Gary Gladstone asked me to post this and I am proud so to do! Like thousands of other Canadians, we were shocked and saddened by photographs of the body of little Alan Kurdi, who drowned while trying to flee Syria. On the news every day we watch refugees struggling to reach safety and freedom, often herded into inadequate camps or even inhumanely left exposed to the elements. As Canadians, we cannot sit passively and watch as other human beings suffer and children die. We cannot solve the world’s problems. But we can make a difference to individual lives. We have dec...more »
The War Has Now Reached The Syrian City And Government Stronghold At Latakia
*Reuters:* *Two blasts kill 23 people in Syrian city of Latakia, monitor says* At least 23 people were killed and 40 wounded in two explosions in the Syrian city of Latakia on Tuesday, a monitoring group said, in one of the bloodiest attacks on President Bashar al-Assad's coastal stronghold. The blasts hit two separate areas of the city, one from rocket fire and the other either from a rocket or a planted explosive device, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. With many of the wounded in serious condition, the death toll was expected to rise, said the Observ... more »
Syrian Army Claims To Have Broken The 2-Year Islamic State Siege Of The Airbase In Aleppo
BBC *Reuters*: *Syrian army breaks two-year siege at Aleppo airbase: state TV* Syrian soldiers fought their way into an airbase in northern Syria on Tuesday, state television said, breaking a nearly two-year siege by Islamic State insurgents at the facility and freeing military personnel holed up inside. A military source close to the government said the army was working to secure the Kweires airbase in Aleppo province, where soldiers and officers have been under attack since 2013. State television broadcast live footage from the airbase of an emotional, fatigue-clad reporter ann... more »
Vaccine Injury Compensation: Government’s Broken Social Contract with Parents
Posted 11/10/2015 By Barbara Loe Fisher *To activate and view hyperlinked references, please click here once and then click any superscripted number below to access a hyperlinked reference, or scroll down to the bottom of the article to view all hyperlinked references.* Three decades ago, Congress created a federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP) and gave the pharmaceutical and medical trade industries a partial product liability shield under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. The goal was simple: to restrict civil lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers ... more »
"Beyond Doubt..."
"Human beings are perhaps never more frightening than when they are convinced beyond doubt that they are right." ~ Laurens van der Post
The Universe
“Life is like a dance, and we're partners. Setbacks, delays, and detours? They're like steps in the mambo, tango, and cha-cha. If you dissected the movements and saw them without the rest of the dance, everyone would look to be in great pain. But when you see the big picture... poetry in motion. In life, setbacks, delays, and detours are often just my way of "keeping" you for something way better. Don't let them discourage you, don't see them out of context, and whatever you do, don't stop dancing. You choose the dance, the ballroom, or the disco, and let me write the steps, 'kay?” ... more »
“The Old Man And the Sea"”
*“The Old Man And the Sea"”* by James Quinn “Ernest Hemingway is one of the most renowned writers in American history, with classics such as "A Farewell to Arms," "For Whom the Bell Tolls," and "The Sun Also Rises" to his credit. He won the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954. He constructed a new literary style characterized by lean, hard, sparse dialogue. He influenced literature and young authors for decades. As a teenager I was immediately drawn to his gritty realistic novels. There was no nonsense to his novels. They always involved man’s struggle against death and hardship. Mo... more »
Congress OKs Bill Banning Guantanamo Detainees from US
[image: Guantanamo Bay; Guantanamo detainees; Camp Delta] WASHINGTON (AP) -- Congress sent President Barack Obama a $607 billion defense policy bill Tuesday that bans moving Guantanamo Bay detainees to the United States -- something Obama has been trying to do since he was sworn in as president.... more »
They Hate Us Because They Hate God
[image: Anti Christian Grafitti - 900] Although I've known this for decades, a couple of Facebook posts this week reminded me of the fact that the world hates us because it first hates God. As Jesus said to His disciples in John 15, "If the world... more »
FBI Stepping Up Interviews in Hillary Email Probe
[image: Former Secretary of State and Democratic Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton testifies before the House Select Committee on Benghazi on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC, October 22, 2015. Clinton took the stand Thursday to defend her role in responding to deadly attacks on the US mission in Libya, as Republicans forged ahead with an inquiry criticized as partisan anti-Clinton propaganda.] Even as Hillary Clinton tries to put questions about her private email server behind her, the FBI has stepped up inquiries into the security of the former secretary of state’s home-made email... more »
Obama Appeals Immigration Ruling to Supreme Court
[image: Before Skeptical Lawmakers, Officials Defend ‘Legality’ of Obama’s Immigration Actions] WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Obama administration will ask the Supreme Court to weigh in on the president’s plan to shield as many as 5 million immigrants living in the country illegally from deportation. The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals... Continue reading *“Obama Appeals Immigration Ruling to Supreme Court”* at *apnewsarchive.com*.
State Dept. Withheld Newly Released Clinton Classification Forms from Congress
[image: Hillary Clinton9 - 400] Hillary Clinton faces new questions about her treatment of classified information after the discovery of her signature on forms acknowledging the consequences of mishandling sensitive material. The “sensitive compartmented information nondisclosure agreement,” which was obtained by the Competitive Enterprise Institute... Continue reading *“State Dept. Withheld Newly Released Clinton Classification Forms from Congress”* at *washingtonexaminer.com*.
Meet the Privileged Yale Student Who Shrieked at Her Professor
[image: Yale Student Yelling - 900] The infamous "Shrieking Girl" at Yale University who now famously berated a professor for not making Yale a "safe space" is from a relatively privileged background and has been frantically moving to delete her online presence, an investigation by The... more »
Arthur Topham's Trial For Free Speech In Canada: Gilad Atzmon's Excellent Testimony, Part I
**NTS Note: I have again been very busy these last few days, and I do have some catching up to do...Again, thanks to everyone for their patience.... * As I stated in my Sunday rant, there is a trial taking place in Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada where a brave man, Arthur Topham, who writes the blog: Radical Press at www.radicalpress.com, has been charged with the fraud of "incitiing hate" .... The people who brought these ridiculous charges against Arthur were of course our "friends" in the tribe, who obviously do not want Canadians to ever have true freedom of speech... In fac... more »
The "Unpeople".....and the "Unnations"
*Breaking free of the chains of "non-personhood"* *First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.* Mahatma Gandhi When I first became an activist in the 80's....the above quote was accepted as inspirational and very true. Unfortunately, I've never got beyond the *"then they laugh at you", *stage. On most issues, I've been stuck in the *"ignore you"* stage for decades. Consequently, I've learned a lot about this stage and can recognize it in a heartbeat. It's pervasive in our western society and was never brought h...more »
Canadian Military Plane Transporting Weapons For Special Forces In Kurdistan Held By Iraq For Several Days
A CC-130J Hercules aircraft. The Canadian Press *National Post/Postmedia News*:* Paranoid Iraq seized Canadian military plane hauling weapons for special forces in Kurdistan* Iraqi officials temporarily seized a military aircraft carrying weapons for Canadian special forces in Kurdistan, amid a wave of anti-western conspiracy theories rife in Iraqi politics. The seizure and the reasons for it raise questions for Canada’s new Liberal government, which has vowed to do more military training in the country. The Iraqis said they held the Canadian Forces Hercules transport aircraft, ca... more »
America Has Built the Equivalent of 10 Keystone Pipelines Since 2010
*The blue lines show expansion since 2005. Note the expansions to Port Arthur and Corpus Christi, Texas. * *by Gaius Publius * As you may know, TransCanada Corporation, the owner and builder of the Keystone (KXL) Pipeline, has recently withdrawn its application for approval, hoping, most analysts say, for a more carbon-favorable next president. Obama didn't take the bait, didn't interrupt the approval process, and rejected the proposal anyway: "He announced on Friday that he would not approve the Keystone application, saying the project did not serve the nation’s interests." That... more »
Iraqi Army And Militias Preparing To Storm Ramadi
*Al-Bawaba/Press TV: **Iraqi army prepares for military operation in Ramadi* Iraq’s army and volunteer forces have surrounded the central city of Ramadi from four directions, preparing to fully liberate it from Daesh terrorists. The forces managed to close in on Ramadi, which is the capital of Anbar Province and is located some 110 kilometers (68 miles) west of Iraq’s capital, Baghdad, after flushing the terrorists out of five areas and clearing out a military camp and a base formerly belonging to the army’s 8th Division, all located in the western part of the city. *Update:* Iraqi... more »
UK Surveillance Bill Will Have ‘Dire’ Consequences Warns Apple CEO
Apple CEO Tim Cook has warned that surveillance powers proposed by the British government could have “very dire consequences”. The legal obligation for companies to help security services bypass encryption would hurt “the good people,” rather than stopping those with nefarious intentions, Tim Cook told the Telegraph RT reports: He added that communications companies need to have secure encryption services to protect their customers. “You can just look around and see all the data breaches that are going on. These things are becoming more frequent,” Cook told the paper. “They can not ... more »
Iran Has Stopped Dismantling Nuclear Centrifuges: Senior Official
[image: Natanz Nuclear Power Plant - 400] DUBAI (Reuters) – Iran has stopped dismantling centrifuges in two uranium enrichment plants, state media reported on Tuesday, days after conservative lawmakers complained to President Hassan Rouhani that the process was too rushed. Last week, Iran announced it had begun... Continue reading *“Iran Has Stopped Dismantling Nuclear Centrifuges: Senior Official”* at *ca.news.yahoo.com*.
A-10 Warthog Retirement May Be Delayed
Deadly force: A line up of A-10s at Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina. Planes of this type will arrive in Kuwait for combat operations next week *The Hill:* *Air Force may delay A-10 Warthog retirement* The Air Force is considering delaying the retirement of the A-10 Warthog attack aircraft for several years, a top Air Force commander said Tuesday — a move that Congress and troops would embrace. The Air Force has been trying for years to retire the A-10 — which provides troops on the ground with close air support — in favor of the newer F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, but new demands ... more »
C.I.A.’s Secret Prisons Report Is Still Classified
Senator Dianne Feinstein of California, then the Senate Intelligence Committee chairwoman, last December discussing a report by the committee on the C.I.A.’s antiterrorism tactics. Credit via Reuters *New York Times:* *Classified Report on the C.I.A.’s Secret Prisons Is Caught in Limbo* WASHINGTON — A Senate security officer stepped out of the December chill last year and delivered envelopes marked “Top Secret” to the Pentagon, the C.I.A., the State Department and the Justice Department. Inside each packet was a disc containing a 6,700-page classified report on the C.I.A.’s secret ... more »
Explaining Extreme Events Of 2014
By Paul Homewood https://www2.ametsoc.org/ams/index.cfm/publications/bulletin-of-the-american-meteorological-society-bams/explaining-extreme-events-from-a-climate-perspective/ In their annual attempt to convince us that global warming is causing extreme weather, the AMS, with the help of the Met Office’s Peter Stott, has published the latest propaganda. There is no mention, of course, of all the extreme weather events which did not happen […]
World News Briefs -- November 10, 2015
*Reuters*: *Myanmar's Suu Kyi vows to call shots after election landslide* Myanmar democracy champion Aung San Suu Kyi made it clear on Tuesday that she was ready to defy the powerful military's attempts to clip her wings, as fresh results from Sunday's historic election showed her party heading for a resounding win. As vote tallies trickled in, Suu Kyi's long-oppressed National League for Democracy (NLD) looked set to take control of most regional assemblies as well as forming the central government, a triumph that will reshape the political landscape. Under the constitution dra... more »
Thermal scans: Great Pyramid may be a silo, after all
I have wanted to write about 35 different lighter scientific and political topics but at the end, I decided that silence is sometimes superior. But I can't resist to share my amusement about the development of a story about the Great Pyramid of Giza. Every day, I am getting some semi-spam e-mail from Ben Carson's presidential campaign. I think that this former successful neurosurgeon is probably a good guy in some sense – like many people who have placed Christianity at the top of their lives. He's culturally much more black than Barack Obama is; despite the inconclusive skin colo... more »
Couple’s Adoption Offer After They Watched the Planned Parenthood Videos Goes Viral
[image: Abortion Adoption Couple - 400] Kevin and Nicole Cook lost a baby to miscarriage almost two years ago and have been struggling with infertility ever since. When the Kentucky couple saw the undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood profiting off aborted babies' body parts, they were... Continue reading *“Couple’s Adoption Offer After They Watched the Planned Parenthood Videos Goes Viral”* at *lifenews.com*.
Hillary Wants More Kids in Charter Schools
Hillary supporters who, at least, are not explicitly hostile to public schools have coughed and groaned for a long time when confronted with evidence the Clintons' unyielding support for Common Core, TFA, standardized tests, continued school resegregation, and corporate reform "no excuses" schools for the poor. Hillary's full embrace of her husband's new paternalism and "broken windows" social theory applied to schools, along with her lucrative support for the education industry and charter proliferation, have been the impetus for Hillary lovers to harrumph and change the political... more »
Moving The Goalposts
By Paul Homewood h/t Green Sand http://www.startribune.com/un-report-raises-ceiling-for-greenhouse-gas-pollution/341902681/ STOCKHOLM — The U.N.’s environmental authority has quietly raised its assessment of the level at which global greenhouse gas emissions must peak to avoid dangerous climate change, as governments seek a new accord to fight global warming. In its first four annual emissions reports in […]
“Most responsible course of action is to retract:” Duplicated images fell prostate cancer paper
A study on the cellular interactions underlying prostate cancer has been retracted after a whistleblower pointed out duplicated images in one of the paper’s figures that were “erroneously presented as unique.” The International Journal of Cancer posted the notice in June. The authors backed the paper’s conclusions but agreed, “the most responsible course of action is to retract.” […] The post “Most responsible course of action is to retract:” Duplicated images fell prostate cancer paper appeared first on Retraction Watch.
Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- November 10, 2015
*The Diplomat:* *China Displays New 5th Generation Stealth Fighter* *Beijing showcased its first stealth fighter jet at this year’s Dubai Air Show.* China’s first indigenously developed fifth-generation fighter jet had its international debut at this year’s Dubai Air Show, China Military Online reports. According to the website, this was the first time that the FC-31 “Gyrfalcon” (aka J-31) was exhibited overseas. At the air show the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) is trying to pitch the FC-31 as an alternative to Lockheed Martin’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, however,... more »
Why Bill O’Reilly Is Wrong about Reagan
[image: Bill O'Reilly Killing Reagan Book] Seemingly everyone who knows anything about our 40th president thinks the Fox News pundit's book is a disservice to history. There's a classic episode of Star Trek in which the normally responsible Chief Engineer Scotty punches a Klingon. Captain Kirk... Continue reading *“Why Bill O’Reilly Is Wrong about Reagan”* at *thedailybeast.com*.
Former West German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt Dies At The Age Of 96
*The Guardian:* *Helmut Schmidt, former West German chancellor, dies aged 96* Schmidt led West Germany from 1974 to 1982 as it rose to the ranks of a global economic powerhouse Helmut Schmidt, an elder statesman of German politics who led West Germany as it rose to become a global economic powerhouse, has died aged 96. Schmidt’s doctor, Heiner Greten, told the German news agency dpa that he died on Tuesday afternoon in Hamburg. He had been receiving treatment at home after suffering a downturn in health earlier this week. The docker’s grandson was the West German chancellor from ...more »
America's Allies Are Running Out Of 'Precision Weapons' In The Middle East
A U.S. Air Force F-16 drops a Joint Direct Attack Munition (JDAM). (U.S. Air Force) *Wall Street Journal*: *U.S. Military Working to Prevent Weapons Shortfall in Islamic State, Yemen Strikes* *Airstrikes currently focusing heavily against targets that generate funding sources for Islamic State.* DUBAI—The U.S. military is working with Middle East allies to head off a potential shortfall in precision weapons which are being heavily consumed in strikes on Islamic State targets and Yemen, senior U.S. Air Force officials said Tuesday. A key message regional allies have raised with U.... more »
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