TodayThe most popular stories in your feedly today
See Serena Williams and Amy Schumer's stunning nude portraits shot by Annie Leibovitz
Amy Schumer got naked on camera the best way Amy knows how to — with an honest sense of humor The comedian posed topless for Pirelli's 2016 Calendar, shot by Annie Leibovitz. She posted the image to Twitter with this frank caption: "Beautiful, gross, strong, thin, fat, pretty, ugly, sexy, disgusting, flawless, woman." See also: Photographer's nude photo series with women of all sizes is
Behind the scenes on 'A Charlie Brown Christmas' — which almost had a different title
Good grief. It's been 50 years since CBS first aired A Charlie Brown Christmas, the classic Peanuts special that's become a staple of our holiday television-viewing experience. That's a half-century of exploring the true meaning of Christmas; five decades of wonderment at the synchronous dancing twins; generations of chills as the Peanuts come together to turn a sad little tree into the best tanne
Planetary Heroes meet in Paris to save Earth from bad weather
Never before has there been so many egos in the one room: It was the largest single-day gathering of heads of state or government in history, the UN said. “Never have the stakes of an international meeting been so high because it concerns the future of the planet, the future of life,” French President Francois Hollande said in an opening speech. “The hope of all of humanity rests on all of your sh
Green 'wormhole UFO' spotted over Cape Town
A strange green light was photographed over South Africa by numerous witnesses during the weekend. The mysterious phenomenon, which resembled a glowin...
THE ENVIRONMENTALIST27 unread articles // actions
Delay in Dungeness Crab Fishing Season Offers a Big Climate Lesson
Toxic algal bloom that’s poisoning sea life is linked to an incredibly persistent patch of warm water off the West Coast
Peddling a New Model of Urban Farming
Bike-riding farmers in Orlando, Florida are helping communities produce their own food – right on their own front lawns.
World’s Northern White Rhino Population Down to 3 After Death at San Diego Zoo
41-year-old Nola euthanized following long illness
Combating Blast Fishing in Malaysia
Protecting healthy reefs and restoring damaged ones in the Coral Triangle
YAYACANADA2 unread articles // actions
Kumpulan Modifikasi Nissan March Terbaru 2016
Kumpulan Modifikasi Nissan March Terbaru 2016, pada artikel kali ini kami akna memberikan contoh dari modifikasi mobil city car milik nissan, Nissan march adalah salah satu mobil city car yang terbilang cukup laris, dengan bentuk yang mugnkil dan memiliki gaya klasik ini, Nissan march ini hadir memenuhi pasaran indonesia , nah tidak usah berlama-lama lagi jika nada ingin melihat secara detail
Contoh Desain Meja Tamu Mewah Terbaru 2016
Contoh Desain Meja Tamu Mewah Terbaru 2016 | memiliki rumah idaman yang mewah pastinya juga harus didominasi dengan desain meja tamu yang mewah pula, tamu memang datang tak diduga dan tak disangka jadi anda juga harus mempersiapkannya sebelum anda memiliki rumah yang baik, ketika anda memiliki rumah yang baik anda juga harus memiliki meja yang baik agar rumah anda akan tampak lebih elegant
A CLOSER LOOK: JODY PATERSON2 unread articles // actions
Nicaraguans can grow their own food, but not without land
Who has the right to own land? In countries like Canada, we decided some time ago that it’s either government, aboriginals or people with enough money to buy their own piece of tierra firma, and many of us get by just fine without owning land. While almost 70 per cent of Canadians own their own homes, it’s not a prerequisite to happiness. But the issue is more complex in countries l
On going viral and feeling hope: My letter to the prime minister
I have a Facebook post that is in the midst of going viral. You know, like that '70s commercial for Breck shampoo, where one woman tells two friends, and they tell two friends, and next thing you know the TV screen is full-up with people telling each other about shampoo.Anyway, I have often fantasized of going viral for some of my posts around sex work, but this wasn't one of them. This was a post
WMTC7 unread articles // actions
what i'm reading: ghettoside: a true story of murder in america
When we think of gun violence in the United States, chances are we think of mass shootings. These horrific events which occur with such regularity seem, to much of the world, mostly preventable. The public nature of the shootings, and the often tragically young age of the victims, capture headlines and a good portion of the 24-hour news cycle. Yet murders occur every day in the US, and no one hear
call me lucky: a hilarious, heartbreaking, and inspiring movie
Barry Crimmins might be the most famous person you've never heard of.In "Call Me Lucky," a documentary tribute to Crimmins created by Bobcat Goldthwait, an A-list of comics talk about the influence Crimmins had on them and their community: Patton Oswalt, David Cross, Margaret Cho, Marc Maron, Steven Wright, among others. Crimmins toured with Billy Bragg. He won a peace award, handed to h
things i heard at the library: digital divide edition (#20)
In library school we talked a lot about the digital divide, the ever-increasing gap between those who have access to information and communication technology, and those who do not. Public libraries are one of the very few institutions that exist to bridge that gap, however imperfectly.What does the digital divide look like on the ground? In my library, located in one of the lowest-income communiti
has the whole world gone crazy? again?
Some facts.1. The likelihood that you will be killed in a terrorist attack is extremely small. You are much more likely to be hit by lightning, killed in a car crash, have a heart attack, or meet your death hundreds of other ways.2. Most documented terrorist attacks are perpetrated by people who are not Muslim. And this doesn't count anti-abortion violence or women being killed by abusive partners
A WAY TO LIVE5 unread articles // actions
Work for one another
I'm a bit of a Murray Bookchin bunny, as may be divined by perusing the link at the bottom of this rant. Please bear with me.In the 1970s and 1980s I was a member of a forestry services cooperative, The Hoedads, Inc., as recounted in my book, Iron Buddhas. While our initial contract bid bonding was put up by the founders by attaching liens on their real estate, we capitalized our bonds and other c
Planning? What planning?
When it's raining out or otherwise makes it difficult for us to appreciate the joys of getting out of our robes and into gum boots, there are other homestead-y things we can do, such as pottering about in the kitchen or sewing.Planning? What's that?Oh, actually we do have a plan. It has kind of settled in, though, and does not need much updating. Two posts ago, we talked about how the satellite vi
100 Views of Life at Stony Run Farm Photos from 1993 to 2015 in chronological order, showing the sweep and cycle of the seasons on a small exurban homestead. It's a little heavy on the last seven years, which is when I finally had what you might call a camera. Oh, well.
We haven't talked much about zones at Stony Run Farm. Basically, the farther you have to go to get up from your rock in the cave or easy chair in your house and do something to water, feed, clothe, shelter, or remunerate yourself and yours, the higher the zone number. If you are well organized your lower-numbered zones are those closer to where you get up, and are those more frequently visited. If
A.E.BRAIN2 unread articles // actions
It was 40 years ago today....
Updating a previous post. Did I always have that haunted expression? So obvious in hindsight, but so difficult to recognise at the time? Life hasn't been easy since transition. There have been issues, medical, legal and social. But none insurmountable, and I think my expression on the latest photo says it all.Photo from the "Class of 75" 40 year reunion, which I attended on the 21st
ACTIVIST TEACHER2 unread articles // actions
Paris -- Who made the terror?
By Denis G. Rancourt The US and its allies murdered one million civilians in Iraq, using indefinite sanctions and war, destroyed all public infrastructure, and gutted all institutions. Do you think that would cause some people to be pissed off and desperate? These “leaders of the free world” went on to inflict the same such “humanitarian” medicine on Afghanistan, Libya, and now Syria (
AEI Award for Netanyahu Is Meant to Repair the US-Israel Split: Prof. Denis Rancourt -- Truth NGO
AEI Award for Netanyahu Is Meant to Repair the US-Israel Split: Prof. Denis Rancourt Truth NGO, 08 November 2015 06:08 The conservative Washington D.C.-based think tank American Enterprise Institute has announced that it would grant the Irving Kristol Award 2015 to the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in recognition of his contributions to democratic leadership and the role
WIT'S END1 unread article // actions
That Feathered Thing
This fall I finally visited the Storm King Art Center, an enormous rambling sculpture park north of New York City I have driven past many times, on my way to somewhere else, wishing I had time to stop. It is debatable whether some of the gigantic pieces enhance the landscape - or detract from the rolling hills and forest......but some were thought provoking, and powerful - conjuring thoughts abou
WHAT IS SUSTAINABLE3 unread articles // actions
One-Straw Revolutionary
Long, long ago, hip folks in the Beatles era were jabbering about Masanobu Fukuoka’s book, The One-Straw Revolution. It explained how he grew healthy food via natural farming, a low budget, low impact approach. On his farm in Japan, Fukuoka was growing grain, fruit, and vegetables without plowing, cultivating, chemicals, compost, fertilizer, fossil energy, erosion, pruning, or regular weeding.
Grizzly Years
Doug Peacock grew up in rural northern Michigan. As a boy, he spent a lot of time alone outdoors, exploring the woods, swamps, and streams. Later, he fell in love with the West, especially the Rockies. He enjoyed fishing and rock climbing. His plan was to become a geologist, so he could wander around in the great outdoors and get paid for it. But one day he realized that his dream career woul
The following is a rough draft of the introduction to my third book.Welcome to Understanding Sustainability! On the following pages, you will find reviews of books that explore many facets of ecological sustainability, an extremely important subject that remains largely unknown in our society. You will meet authors with gifts for thinking outside the box, writers who can give us keys to treasure
ALLEN L ROLAND'S WEBLOG6 unread articles // actions
An Old Cherokee Tale Of Two Wolves
One evening an old Cherokee Indian told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people. He said, ‘My son, the battle is between two ‘wolves’ inside us all.One is Evil. It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other is good. It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, h
Concord Vet Center Paves Way For Needed Heart Centered Approach To Vet Rehabilitation.
A heart centered cause versus symptom rehabilitation approach, fueled by gratitude and forgiveness, for active duty veterans suffering from PTSD has been implemented at the Concord Vets Center with great success. Under the direction of Salvador Ueda, MSW, and the encouragement of team leader, Jeff Jewell ~ a total of 18 Band of Brother's transformation support groups have b
Russia, France, Britain, United States / In Isis Blowback Syrian Death Trap
The aftermath of a barrel bomb attack in a rebel-held area of Aleppo, Syria, earlier this month. Credit Karam Al-Masri/Agence France-Presse Syria is rapidly becoming a blowback death trap for all the major countries involved; Russia, France, Britain and the United States with Israel an active silent partner. ISIS is making it a death trap for each participant with the recent Russian Airline tra
Pthd / Post Traumatic Heart Disorder / An American Tragedy
In my over 45 years as a heart centered consultant with emotionally devastated civilians as well as veterans with PTSD, I have discovered that most have a common symptom ~ the psychic pain of being seemingly separated from love, either at birth or in childhood, which can cause us to emotionally check out and close our hearts thus PTHD (Post Traumatic Heart Disorder). At some dark point o
VAGABOND SCHOLAR2 unread articles // actions
Armistice Day 11/11/15
(Click on the comic strip for a larger view.) In 1959, Pogo creator Walt Kelly wrote: The eleventh day of the eleventh month has always seemed to me to be special. Even if the reason for it fell apart as the years went on, it was a symbol of something close to the high part of the heart. Perhaps a life that stretches through two or three wars takes its first war rather seriously, but I still
Sense and Insensibility
On Armistice Day (or Veterans Day, or Remembrance Day), it’s an especially good time to pause and reflect. Those most eager for war are rarely the ones who will fight or pay the costs. Requiring a high threshold for war is the position of basic sanity; it’s common sense. Yet saber-rattling and posturing bravado always sell well to certain crowds, and blithe imperialism will eternally be
ANGOLA 3 NEWS2 unread articles // actions
Amnesty Intl. USA's "Write for Rights" campaign focuses on Albert Woodfox, calling for his immediate release
(Amnesty International artwork)Today, in conjunction with the "Write for Rights" campaign, Amnesty International USA issued an email action alert focusing on Albert Woodfox, where Amnesty reiterated the organization's call for Albert's immediate release.Along with urging supporters to add their name to Amnesty's online petition to Louisiana Attorney General James Caldwell, Amnesty is al
A3 Newsletter: Court Rules Albert Can Be Retried a Third Time
PHOTO: A 'cardboard cutout' of Albert Woodfox is displayed in downtown London, England during a November 7 protest march organized by Amnesty International UK. If you have not yet done so, please take action by joining Amnesty's call to "Free Albert Woodfox!"MEDIA COVERAGE: Esquire: "The Absurdity of Retrial" II Washington Post II NY Times II The Independent (UK) II T
VACCINE AWAKENING2 unread articles // actions
Vaccine Injury Compensation: Government’s Broken Social Contract with Parents
Posted 11/10/2015By Barbara Loe Fisher To activate and view hyperlinked references, please click here once and then click any superscripted number below to access a hyperlinked reference, or scroll down to the bottom of the article to view all hyperlinked references. Three decades ago, Congress created a federal vaccine injury compensation program (VICP) and gave the pharmaceutical and medical tr
The Health Liberty Revolution to Save Our Children
Posted: 10/28/2015 By Barbara Loe FisherTo activate and view hyper-linked references, please click here once and then click any superscripted number below to access a hyperlinked reference, or scroll down to the bottom of the article to view all hyperlinked references. The non-profit charity, the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC was a co-sponsor of the Truth, Transparency and Freedom ra
BIG DAN'S BIG BLOG1 unread article // actions
Analyzing The Paris FALSE FLAG...YES, It Was Another FALSE FLAG...of course
Below: picture of Bataclan in Paris where suicide bombers exploded. Really???The point of this post is to acknowledge that people around the world are waking up to the fact that governments do FALSE FLAGS and blame Muslims to keep the "war on terror" going and to strip liberties from citizens in their countries in the name of keeping them safe from the Muslim terrorist FALSE FLAGS they'r
BUCKDOG4 unread articles // actions
"Credit where credit is due." - Oil Sands Companies Demonstrate Leadership On Climate Change
CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwired - Nov. 22, 2015) - Four of Canada's largest oil sands producers have come together to demonstrate leadership on climate change. Canadian Natural Resources Limited, Cenovus Energy Inc., Shell Canada Limited and Suncor Energy Inc., support the Government of Alberta's climate plan related to the oil and natural gas industry, which includes a carbon pricing regime couple
The REAL Reason That Stephen Harper DID NOT Resign His Seat When He Resigned as PM And Party Leader ...
"Words don't mean much to Stephen."Preston ManningOur outgoing Prime Minister does not want to testify at the criminal trial of Senator Mike Duffy. He wants to use his Parliamentary 'privilege' to try and stay off the witness stand. If there is any justice in Canada, the courts will NOT allow him to flaunt parliamentary privilege in a criminal case. (It just gets worse and worse with th
The Flotsam And Jetsam That Is The Conservative Federal Caucus ....
A defeated, yet still highly offensive group of political like minds will join together in Ottawa today. They are known as the Conservative Party of Canada Federal Caucus. While in power they raised the debt of Canada by tens of billions. They enriched their corporate sponsors with embarrassingly huge amounts of tax dollars. They badly dented the CDN Charter of Rights and Freedoms. They are, and
A huge burden has just been lifted from the shoulders of all decent Canadians ...
Fuck off Stephen Harper, you undemocratic, arrogant, evil, deluded prick !!!
TOWARD A BIOREGIONAL STATE1 unread article // actions
Ecological Reformation in Finance: Civil Freedoms, Checks, Balances and Sustainability Await in Having More Financial Medium Choices
If you base your money on debt, this is what inevitably happens. Reprise, or True Beginning?This is the last post of four on details toward the wider Ecological Reformation discussed previously. In this ongoing series of posts, we now discuss why we require an Ecological Reformation in finance. In other words, sustainability and better democratic checks and balances require better financial insti
THWAP'S SCHOOLYARD4 unread articles // actions
thwap's hooker stories ...
When I was a young man of thirty I worked at a place in a neighbourhood where street prostitutes were known to conduct their trade. (The tavern at the corner was supposedly a place where you could get a hooker at any time of the day or night. Irony of ironies, it is now a women's shelter.)One Saturday morning, when I went to open the place there was a tall, blonde woman in short shorts who looked
So, I Have This "Friend" ...
I was out walking my dog a couple of weeks ago when i saw someone I recognized from my home town. ......Sorry. He just called....Anyway, i stopped and he didn't recognize me. Then he did. Then I did. I remembered I didn't really like this guy. He wasn't a bad guy. I just remembered that he irritated me.He used to go to my high school. A couple of grades below me. I think his sister was in my grad
What's Their Story I Wonder?
Last summer I got on the Bloor Line at High Park Station with my bike. As the doors opened a cute red-head, in her early twenties, looked at me with what appeared to be a look of longing. Being 48 and grey (but hey, it's possible my bicycle hid my gut) I figured at least one of us misunderstands something. I'm not really interested in a young lady in her twenties anyway. People in their twenties a
Ugh! Ewwwww! I Saw Ezra Levant Today. Ugh! Ewwww!
It was at Bathurst Street, near St. Clair. He was sitting at a table outside a coffee shop talking with some other guy. Bigger than I thought he'd be. Fatter too. He was emphasizing some point about something that was obviously important to him at the moment.In all honesty, I felt worse than the time I discovered that I'd been inadvertently talking to Christie Belchforth. Being in the presence of
THE TRUTH IS WHERE?5 unread articles // actions
This snooper’s charter makes George Orwell look lacking in vision.
By Heather Brooke – Sunday 8th November 2015. Find Article Here:- When the Home Office and intelligence agencies began promoting the idea that the new investigatory powers bill was a “climbdown”, I grew suspicious. If the powerful are forced to compromise they don’t crow about it or send out press releases – or, in the case of intelligence agencies, make off-the-record briefings outlining how they
By inflating Islamic extremism, David Cameron has lost sight of what really threatens us.
By George Monbiot Tuesday 21st July 2015. Find Article Here:- The real ‘struggle of our generation’ is not terrorism – in fact, that’s way down on the list. Illustration by Ben Jennings Sir Winston Churchill’s statue in Parliament Square should be removed to a museum. All busts and portraits of the great man in parliament and the prime minister’s residence should be taken down and placed in stor
Sunscreen contributing to decline of coral reefs, study shows.
Posted Wednesday 21st October 2015. Find Article Here:- UV filtering chemical is killing off baby coral around tourist resorts, particularly in the Caribbean and Hawaii. Between 6,000 and 14,000 tonnes of sunscreen lotion ends up in coral reef areas each year. Photograph: Associated Press A common ingredient found in sunscreen is toxic to coral and contributing to the decline of reef
Indonesia is burning. So why is the world looking away?
By George Monbiot 30th October 2015. Find Article Here:- A great tract of Earth is on fire and threatened species are being driven out of their habitats. This is a crime against humanity and nature. ‘Children are being prepared for evacuation in warships already some have choked to death. Species are going up in smoke at an untold rate.’ Photograph: Ulet Ifansasti/Getty Images I’ve often wondere
THE STRAIGHT GOODS5 unread articles // actions
British Columbia Media, Inoculated!
Written by Grant G Full Definition of INOCULATEtransitive verb1 a : to introduce a microorganism into b : to introduce (as a microorganism) into a suitable situation for growth c : to introduce immunologically active material (as an antibody or antigen) into especially in order to treat or prevent a disease &
Justice In Chains. Jessica Ernst And Slick Water
Justice In Chains. Jessica Ernst And Slick Water. By Robin Mathews Nov. 2015“Slick Water”, of course, is the feel of good water when changed by Fracking poisons. It is good water invaded by (Corporation-imposed secret) human-and-plant-destroying poisons pumped underground during “Fracking” (hydraulic fracturing of natural underground strata) t
The best and the brightest and Honourable
Written by Grant G The best and the brightest and Honourable...Gibberish, foreign tongue or words and phrases without meaning, if one substitutes the word(s) ....scoundrel, liar, felon, perjurer, and or thief for the word "honourable" would you be wrong? Think about it, in British Columbia`s 2001 provincial election, during the writ period Gordon Campbell made very specific promises, ah,
Enemies of Democracy in Canada
The Enemies of Democracy in CanadaWritten by Robin Mathews Many, many Canadians weren’t wrong - on October 19, 2015 – to feel they were part of an important historical event happening before their eyes. They knew, too, that they, themselves, were actively making the historical event happen. That experience doesn’t happen frequently in most people’s lives and it might have a permanently empoweri
THE ORIGINAL BLOGGER TIPS AND TRICKS2 unread articles // actions
How to make Google Drive file private
If you want to make a file in your Google Drive and only invited people can view, there is a way to do it.1. Click the SHARE tab at the top right corner2. After clicking SHARE, you will get a pop-up. Click the down arrow and choose CAN VIEW, then type in the email addresses of those people you allow to view3. Click the tab DONE after you have type in the email addresses, and now if someone not inv
How to display image in blog title
Step 1: Upload image to the web, eg, using the Blogger post editorStep 2: Get the image url which if you use Blogger would be a long urlStep 3: Shorten the long image url using to get a short urlStep 4: Go to (Dashboard > Settings > Basic > Title: add this code
to the blog title, position as per your referenceStep 5: Click SAVE AR
CREEKSIDE8 unread articles // actions
James Moore, UNBC Chancellor
This is James Moore campaigning for Stephen Harper on October 18, the day before the last election :"... all that effort that you've poured into everything that we've fought for for so long, all of it is for naught if over the next 24 hours, we don't make sure that we get out that vote and re-elect Prime Minister Stephen Harper." This is University of Northern BC Board of Governors Chair
A closer look at the CRTC Voter Contact Registry
The Fair Elections Act mandated the first ever Voter Contact Registry. Phone-bank companies, candidates, political parties and third party groups hiring an outside company to make live and robo calls had 48 hours from the start of their use in a campaign to register with the CRTC. Parties and candidates making their own in house calls were not required to register. The DoNotCall list does not appl
Tony Clement, Deputy Chairman of the IDU
CBC reports on Con interim leader Rona Ambrosia's top shadow cabinet jobs yesterday,"Tony Clement, who has virtually no international experience, having served as minister of health and president of the Treasury Board under Harper, will be the critic for foreign affairs."No international experience. Really, CBC? Here's Tony a couple of weeks ago at the International Democrat Union Commi
Welcome back, Mr. Togneri
BC Premier Christie Clark's government ran into a spot of bother of late over the triple-deleting of emails and the BC Information and Privacy Commissioner's consequent report into their serious breaches of access-to-information laws. Additionally, as noted in May by Laila Yuile , two days before former executive assistant to BC's Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure Tim Duncan blew the w
DAMMIT JANET!2 unread articles // actions
Abortion: Once and For All
My entire blogging career -- if you can call something that doesn't pay a "career" -- has been conducted during the Dark Ages. It started back at Birth Pangs, now sadly gone but snippets have been saved at the WayBack Machine (hours of fun!). Birth Pangs was focussed on reproductive rights just about exclusively.We created DJ! in 2009. Our birthday was yesterday. With DJ! we spread our f
Olympic Cheating? Not us, mate.
Now that the dust has settled, we get a glimpse (courtesy of CP's Paola Loriggio) of what was going on in Mayor Dad's office over the limp musings on an Olympic bid after the Pan-Am track-meet.Toronto officials saw public resistance as the main threat to a possible Olympic bid and worried holding a referendum on the issue would “allow critics to overstate and inflate opposition” to hosting the 202
DEADBANKSTERSOCIETY4 unread articles // actions
Vladimir Putin, Jewish 'Hero' in a Staged Cold War
The Jewish origins of Putin and his overlords are the Zionists. Ask why he never hits Israel? The Russian church sells alcohol TAX FREE and makes tons of money from this. The Russians are being led by the nose to a slaughter worse than Hitler and WW2.
Putin and the Usurers formenting WW3.
The new paradigm and what most people don't realize that the WW3 set up is a play by all sides .This will result in the destruction of the USA and the rise of Russia. But Islam will throw a wrench in all this works very soon.
Red Ice Radio - Freeman - Hour 1 - Aliens From Hell, Rise of the Dark He...
The Trauma based programming is now in Hyperdrive to cause people to accept the AntiChrist as a beneficent being that is our NEW HOPE. Don't be fooled but awareness is important and protect your family from this malevolent group who are killers.
The Cell Phone Murders, DIAL M. The recent death of Russia Today’s Mikhail Leskin in a US hotel room begs the que...
The Cell Phone Murders, DIAL M. The recent death of Russia Today’s Mikhail Leskin in a US hotel room begs the question as to what exactly happened? This article will tie in with the Obama instruction to murder any opponents of his NWO system anywhere, anytime and anyone. You might be next, so please read on. As most are aware, the heart is a muscular as well as an electrical conductor. Th
THE HIGH-FAT HEP C DIET2 unread articles // actions
My rant about David Katz's double identity and the meaning of consensus.
(I posted the first part of this rant on this RetractionWatch post but the moderator seems to have decided that it doesn't meet their policy. Fair enough as I find it hard to be restrained about such nonsense.)I don’t care that David Katz wrote the fake review. Fiction about fiction, all very meta.What I do care about is the Big Lie he repeats in his defenses – that those criticizing the dietary g
Medium Chain Fatty Acids and Brain Metabolism
This post relates in some way to each of the three previous posts. The definition of MCFA is a little unclear. Wikipedia lists lauric acid as a MCFA, making the range C:6-12, whereas commercial MCTs are almost completely made from C:8 and C:10, as C:6 is not available in any significant amount from coconut oil, and about 32% of lauric acid is not deposited into to the hepatic portal vein, whereas
DR CINTLI4 unread articles // actions
When a Racist Restaurant Opens on the Edge of Campus, What Is a University's Responsibility?
A white-owned Mexican restaurant called "Illegal Pete's" will open in December at the doorstep of the University of Arizona. A growing debate surrounds the restaurant's opening - a debate that could ultimately touch every university in the country.In this case, the proposed restaurant is just one block from the main entrance to the university, and it is precisely where the campus pep ral
Tucson/Arizona Alternative 2016 Spring Break
March 11-13 Tucson Book FestivalMarch 14 Revolutionary Book (Banned books) Day:Several sites proposedMarch 15 Theater/Filmfest Day (Pima Community College proposed)March 16: proposed: all day immigration activities: Derechos Humanos and the Binational Migration InstituteOperation Streamline, the border, Eloy immigration detention centerMarch 17 = All day Indigenous Knowledges Gathering (Global Jus
BROWN PEOPLE MAKING NOISE: Dehumanization, denigration and wanton killings.
Police Abuse in Black & White V: Not Counting Mexicans & IndiansBROWN PEOPLE MAKING NOISE:Dehumanization, denigration and wanton killings. A censored story examining why media projects the world in black and white and why it is harmful, particularly when examining issues of violence. Please read story, share, post and also see this updated version of this 15-minute video that accentuates t
Illegal Pete’S Mexican Restaurant: Change Name Or Shut It Down
Please sign, share and post.
FOTOFRONTERA7 unread articles // actions
55 postales navideñas de la Sagrada Familia con mensaje de "Feliz Navidad" y nombres de mujeres y familias
IMAGEN ORIGINAL para personalizar
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Si estás buscando una hermosa postal navideña o de año nuevo 2016 con tu nombre, el de algún familiar o amigo, haz venido al lugar indicado. Sobre estas líneas verás una cajita de comentarios de Facebook donde podrás dejar el nombre que deseas. Nosotros tomaremos en consideración todos los nombres para incluirlos en nuestras futuras promociones que realizamos a diario en nuestra página oficial; ww
100 postales de Navidad con nombres personalizados (Busca el tuyo)
Aquí puede usted ver la lista completa de nombres ganadores de una de nuestras promociones frecuentes del Banco de Imágenes Gratis. Si usted no encuentra su nombre aquí, puede solicitarlo en la cajita de comentarios de Facebook para que nosotros lo tomemos en consideración en nuestras futuras promociones. En esta serie, se han incluido varios nombres de todos los que nos solicitaron y la elección
Tarjetas de amor y amistad con nombres de mujeres (Pide tu nombre)
Abajo de estas líneas, verás la cajita de comentarios de Facebook donde podrás solicitar el nombre que deseas. Si no aparece el cuadrito para comentar al instante, deberás esperar unos segundos... Buena suerte a todos... ¡Empezamos! P.D. Una vez que dejes tu nombre, puedes ir a nuestra página de Facebook para ver los avances y otras promociones. *Aquí mismo aparecerán los nombres ganadores un poco
THE GALLOPING BEAVER7 unread articles // actions
Problem kids on NATO's flanks
I'm not talking about Syrians or Russians. Hungary and Turkey are both NATO member states. Unlike most other NATO members, which are liberal democracies of some form or another, these two entities are now ruled by hardline nationalists. Perhaps in international realism, this would be OK for the alliance as there's not real requirement that your country's politics look like the UK, France, or the
What is it about Conservative politicians and airplanes?
Remember when Harper ordered (and the commander of the RCAF submitted to) the repainting of one of the RCAF CC-150 to better represent the "Harper Government"? Here ... this will remind you. Well, British prime minister, David Cameron, (often referred to as a spoiled brat from a better home), while announcing billions of pounds sterling in spending and program cuts, did this. The PM has
Turkey, NATO, and Russian Fencers
Quickly, in light of the Turkish downing of the Russian Su-24, consider: Turkey has been a lukewarm NATO "ally" against the Islamic State. It has spent more of its efforts attacking and checking the Kurds and its border remains porous. Turkey is still the entry route for foreigners intent on joining IS and the exit route for many refugees and defectors from IS. Turkey's internal politics
Pissing on the fear monkeys' BS
No one is so confident in their opinion as an ignorant person. The screams coming out of the right-wing about the horrors of resettling 25,000 refugees from the bloody Syrian-Iraqi corridor controlled by Daesh, (you may know the group as ISIS or ISIL), is an illuminating example. They even have their own petition to stop the rescue of refugees. (No, I'm not linking to it). Their greatest fear,
THE EXISTENTIALIST COWBOY2 unread articles // actions
The Future of Movies
NOVEMBER 19, 2015 by Len Hart, the Existentialist CowboyMovies were originally intended to be projected, seen by a group. A sense of "community", a "shared experience" were an important part of motion pictures even after the advent of television. TV was TV but movies were big screen, often spectacular, obviously more expensive per episode. TV stars were well-known but "Mov
911: A Final Summation
by Len Hart, The Existentialist CowboyAmerican Airlines itself is the source for information that AA Flights 11 (North Tower) and 77 (Pentagon) did not fly on 911. These flights are critical to the the government's crumbling cover up! Without those flights, Bush and his murderous co-conspirators will have to revise the big lie. They will have to concoct yet another cover story from the ground up!
OBSIDIAN WINGS6 unread articles // actions
Women in Professional Sports
by wj A few days ago, the Economist had a post on their Game Theory blog entitled Playing with Pink Balls. The thumbnail photo (and it really is that small) showed someone with some kind of bat. The teaser read, in full, "Why has it taken so long to play the first...." Having my own share of cultural mypoia, I figured this would be a story about the lack of women in Major League basebal
the persistence of culture
by russell For the long holiday weekend, I offer a post that (one hopes) is devoid of rancorous partisan political content. For a long time, I've been interested in (and made a sort of semi-desultory study of) the way in which certain elements of African music have found their way to, and found expression in, cultures and societies in other parts of the world. Most, but not all, of this has follow
Your Post-Antibiotic Era Open Thread of DOOM Open Thread!
by Ugh This is discouraging. The world is on the cusp of a "post-antibiotic era", scientists have warned after finding bacteria resistant to drugs used when all other treatments have failed. Eek. Also, too, it seems ISIS understands what al Qaeda generally doesn't - or probably, now, didn't - which is that it doesn't take attacks on a 9/11/2001 scale to induce mass panic and bring out
islamic state
by russell The Islamic State has claimed responsibility for last night's attacks in Paris. If they are responsible, that apparently represents an upping of the ante on their part, in terms both of the ambition of the attack and the effectiveness of its execution. The IS is kind of a strange beast. They don't appear to want to just be a state in the modern, post-Westphalian sense. Per (among oth
GREG MANKIW'S BLOG9 unread articles // actions
A Reading for the Pigou Club
Toward a Pigouvian State by Jonathan Masur and Eric Posner in the University of Pennsylvania Law Review.
Debating Introductory Econ
Noah Smith takes the standard course to task. David Henderson says, not so fast.
THE EARTH AND MAN: SETTING THE STAGE2 unread articles // actions
Climate Alarmism: Facing the Larger Problem
The bishop hill site has a post on one of the latest examples of sophistry (reasoning that is superficially plausible but actually fallacious) in public statements by climate alarmists. One commenter on the site likened his rejection of that sophistry to his quick rejection of "von Danniken's 'Worlds In Collision'". My response: Immanuel Velikovsky, not Erich von Dänniken, wrote "Wo
Climate Alarmists and Lukewarmers Are All Incompetent
The Climate Etc site of the tenured (snugly employed) academic Judith Curry has a post on "lukewarmers", those who are proud to call themselves reasonable (as opposed to the alarmists on one side, and the "skeptics" who are "deniers" on the other). Their "reasonableness" has been a drag on any effective criticism of current climate science for years, and it
THE RULES OF EXPOSITION4 unread articles // actions
That would be who
From Investopedia:The Employment Cost Index (ECI) is a quarterly report of compensation costs that is released in the final month of the quarter... All non-farm industries are covered, with the exception of federal government employees (which only make up 2-3% of the work force).Federal government employees are people. For people, we use the word "who". Therefore:... federal government e
From Chapter 17 ofZen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenanceby Robert M. PirsigTo reinforce the idea that they already knew what Quality was he developed a routine in which he read four student papers in class and had everyone rank them in estimated order of Quality on a slip of paper. He did the same himself. He collected the slips, tallied them on the blackboard and averaged the rankings for an o
Bernanke he will Rogoff, even weather if
I don't care what your name is and who your friends are; it is careless and inconsiderate to write like this:I cannot claim—we cannot claim—to know whether Bernanke he will Rogoff or Krugman and Summers are correct here, or even weather if Bernanke he and his committee had found the nerve, and rolled double-or-nothing one more time to boost the American high-powered money stock to $9 trillion, we
Blattman on Klein on Better Communication
Chris Blattman summarizes Ezra Klein's talk on how to popularize research.Key points:1. "Tell people what’s new and surprising right away, and tell them immediately what they should walk away thinking."2. "... start telling people why they should read in the title."3. "... it helps to link your work to the broader issues that people care about."4. "People like an
Honduras: Residents of Yoro Alarmed by Alleged UFO
Source: El Tiempo (Honduras) and Planeta UFO (Argentina)Date: 11.28.2015Honduras: Residents of Yoro Alarmed by Alleged UFOHONDURAS. Residents of the town of Victoria, Yoro, are alarmed by an alleged flying object that supposedly landed in the vicinity.According to reports, the area was completely destroyed, which could be due to the power of the "phenomenon."Following the event, local re
Passing Out of Sight: A Chronicle of Strange Disappearances
Passing Out of Sight: A Chronicle of Strange DisappearancesBy Scott Corrales © 2015 for INEXPLICATAMarcus Garvey, the renowned Jamaican political activist and journalist, once observed that a nation or community without any notion of its history and its past was equivalent to a rootless tree. Much the same can be said for the pursuit of the paranormal, where scholarship is relegated to a dusty met
Argentina: Crop Circles Appear in Santa Fe
Source: InfoNews 23 (Argentina)Date: Tuesday, November 10, 2015Argentina: UFOs? Strange Circles Appear in a Santa Fe FieldThere were no footsteps, there was no noise, but in the middle of a field of the town of Malabrigo, Province of Santa Fe, local residents were startled by imprints that appeared in the area, and logically, led them to think of an extraterrestrial phenomenon. A little over a yea
Argentina: UFO Recorded at El Challao, Mendoza
Source: El Tiempo de San JuanDate: 11.04.2015Argentina: UFO Recorded at El Challao, Mendoza (Argentina)A woman recorded an unidentified flying object at El Challao on Wednesday around 0400 hours, according to MendozaPost, a web portal in that city. The light that can be seen in the sky was over El Mirador, according to the casual correspondent. She was there with other people, and upon seeing the
TAMPLINS ENTIRE3 unread articles // actions
The Paris attacks were not a consequence of the invasion of IraqIf the rise of ISIS was a consequence of the invasion of...
The Paris attacks were not a consequence of the invasion of IraqIf the rise of ISIS was a consequence of the invasion of Iraq, it would be difficult not to conclude that the recent atrocities in Paris were, to some degree, a consequence of the invasion of Iraq. If that was the case, further uncomfortable conclusions would be unavoidable. Those who actioned and abetted the 2003 invasion would, in s
Why is Jeremy Corbyn Unelectable?
As our media and political establishment continue to impress upon us, the Labour Party has no hope of entering office with Jeremy Corbyn at the helm. Whatever the truth of this claim, it needs unpacking.It could mean that his politics are so intrinsically unattractive that even if they were presented dispassionately to the voting public he would remain unelectable. We might call this the democrati
SYRIA COMMENT3 unread articles // actions
“A Trip to the ‘Caliphate’: Oppressive Justice under ISIS,” By Omar al-Wardi
A Trip to the “Caliphate,” Oppressive Justice under ISIS By OMAR AL-WARDI (a pseudonym for a Syrian who was brought up in the Jazeera region of Syria, where ISIS now rules and who has visited the region many times since.) For Syria Comment, Nov 21, 2015 Translated by Richard Hanania, a political science PhD student at UCLA Many believe the subjects of the Islamic State (ISIS) live in a constant st
“Regime-Change without State Collapse is Impossible in Syria,” Landis Interviewed by RT’s Sophie&Co
Sophie Shevardnadze of RT interviews Joshua Landis on Russian TV Joshua Landis The following written version is a “cleaned” up “edited” version of my interview. I edited it for grammar, diction and clarity. None of the arguments made in the video (linked below) are missing or altered. Sophie Shevardnadze: Professor Joshua Landis, director of the Center for Middle East studies at the University of
Media Maskirovka: Russia and the Free Syrian Army
by Aron Lund, editor of Syria in Crisis “We are ready to support from the air the patriotic opposition, including the so-called Free Syrian Army,” Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov recently told Russian state television. But, he said, Moscow is currently unable to do so, since it cannot figure out who leads the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the United States won’t help identify them. Lavrov’s co
LEXICON DAILY5 unread articles // actions
Where does Kobe Bryant rank among the all-time greats?
ESPN reports that Kobe Bryant, who is in his 20th season with the Los Angeles Lakers, has announced his intention to retire at the end of the 2015-16 season:Kobe Bryant, who has helped the Lakers win five NBA championships over a 20-year career spent entirely in Los Angeles, announced Sunday on The Players' Tribune website that he will retire after this season, writing that "this season is al
Leading Figures in the Art World Support Palestinian Artist Sentenced to Death for Apostasy
In the wake of the Islamist terrorist attacks against civilians in Paris on November 13, various Muslim clerics and scholars have condemned that violence as “un-Islamic.”Yet more important than condemning acts of terrorism committed by Muslims is they condemn the aspects of Islamic culture which produce terrorists. No single component of that culture is more deserving of condemnation than its unen
"Outrage Mounts Over Trump’s Ridicule of Disabled Reporter"
From day one, political pundits have been predicting the demise of the Donald Trump presidential candidacy. Yet he not only seems to be doing well, leading in all of the polls of Republican primary voters, but each time he says or does something outrageous, he moves ahead of his GOP competitors even more.Donald Trump might quote Mark Twain: “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.”The Don
All you really need to know about Bernie Sanders
In an article in The Atlantic titled, "How Bernie Sanders Explains Democratic Socialism, all you really need to know about Sen. Sanders is found in this sentence:"Again and again, Sanders returned to his core message: In America the rich are too rich and opportunities for the middle class are few and far between." The basic idea is that the rich are not rich because they earned thei
SOUTHERN MAN1 unread article // actions
Top Comments
Southern Man has a new hobby, and that is to venture opinions that garner enough attention to rise to the "Top Comment" block of Instapundit. They will be added to this post as they occur.
SCREW YOU GUYS, I'M GOING HOME3 unread articles // actions
Florida Democrats Take Another Swing At Pro-Employee Legislation (That Won't Pass)
Another legislative session coming up, some more pro-employee legislation that will not pass. But here’s what some Florida Democrats (okay, I didn’t check them all, but c’mon, what are the odds that any of the co-sponsors of any pro-employee laws are Republicans?) are trying to pass in 2016 to help Florida employees:$15 minimum wage: SB 6 and HB 109 would raise Florida’s minimum wage to $15/hourER
Those Anti-Muslim Rants Are Going To Get You Sued
In light of the attacks in Paris and the end of Jihadi John, I'm guessing there will be lots of workplace cooler talk about Muslims and Middle Easterners in the news. Inevitably, someone will go on a rant about Muslims. That person will get you sued unless you shut them down speedy quick.A recent example is a lawsuit filed after a Muslim employee was taunted by coworkers with cries of, "Allah
Beware The Trojan Horse Of "Rewards" With Noncompetes
Your boss and HR deliver the great news: the company loves and appreciates you. It wants to reward you. Maybe they're "giving" you a retention bonus, stock, options, or some other reward that sounds like a heap of money for free. But beware. It may be a Trojan Horse. If it sounds too good to be true, it could be really, really bad.Lately, I'm seeing more and more so-called "rewards&
MANIFESTO JOE'S TEXAS BLUES1 unread article // actions
Even Though American Interference May Have Created It, ISIS Will Have To Be Destroyed
By Manifesto JoeThe Islamo-fascists of ISIS, I have no doubt, are essentially a creation of Western, and particularly American, interference in the Middle East. I confess to being somewhat "neo-isolationist" to the extent that I regard anti-U.S. "blowback" as the major cause of our troubles in that region now. I am thoroughly sympathetic with President Obama's reluctance to put
MIDDLE EAST TODAY2 unread articles // actions
Egypt's High Rate of Population Growth
President El Sessi of Egypt has recently addressed the nation regarding the national and international accomplishments achieved in Egypt during the past 18 months. What was of interest to me as social scientist was his emphasis on population growth? He stated, “ Egypt is facing a ticking bomb.”He, of course, was referring to Egypt high population growth. “There are 2.5 million new babies per yea
Egypt's High Rate of Population Growth
President El Sessi of Egypt has recently addressed the nation regarding the national and international accomplishments achieved in Egypt during the past 18 months. What was of interest to me as social scientist was his emphasis on population growth? He stated, “ Egypt is facing a ticking bomb.”He, of course, was referring to Egypt high population growth. “There are 2.5 million new babies per yea
PHILOSOPHICAL COMMENT5 unread articles // actions
On Using Physiological or Biomedical Method to Determine the Age of Unaccompanied Refugee Children
In my country, there has for some time been a lot of political debate around how to handle the rising number of refugees from, primarily, Syria/Iraq, Afghanistan and North Africa. This as the pressure on border EU member states, and the impossible situation of trying to hold back people on the run from intolerable circumstances that I blogged about not to far ago, has meant that much more people a
Addendum Re. Using Medical Methods to Determine the Age of Unaccompanied Refugee Children
After my post on this issue a few days ago, I've debated the issue with a number of people from within medicine and also bioethics in different fora.Due to the presence of significant uncertainties of the methods debated, my suggestion was that use of this methods should be amended by the following methodological rule (assuming 18 to be the age of adulthood, if it is different we may simply insert
New Cross-disciplinary Antiobiotic Resistance Research Centre at my Univeristy
Yesterday, I received the delightful news that a big bid, in which I have am one of several co-applicants, to establish a centre for research, education, innovation and change in the area of antibiotic resistance research, CARe at my university has been awarded a more than €5 million base funding for the coming 6-7 years in an internal university competition called the UGot Challenges, that's been
What Is A Terrorist Threat, And How Should One Respond To It?
The other day, following the recent horrid events in Paris, linked to several temporally closely aligned similar attacks, e.g., in Lebanon and Iraq, apparent intelligence on several other planned attacks throughout Europe, and specifically that a possible Daesh operative had entered Sweden to organise an attack of some sort, my country raised its official terrorist threat level from 3 to 4 on a sc
PESTICIDE ACTION NETWORK7 unread articles // actions
Victory! EPA pulls Dow’s Enlist Duo
Responding to legal pressure, EPA revokes registration for Dow's glyphosate and 2,4-D herbicide cocktail. Learn more Slideshow Category: Flex Slider
A win for bees
The California State Beekeepers Association was buzzing about pesticides at their annual convention in Sacramento last week. And with good reason. Just days before, EPA took the rare step of banning a bee-toxic insecticide. For an agency that has been really slow to take meaningful bee-protective action, dragging out both scientific analysis and much needed policy shifts, this was a very wel
Guest Blog: California school kids on the frontlines
I live in Santa Cruz, one of the capitals of the sustainable farming movement. It houses an organic-certifying agency, scores of non-profits that support sustainable agriculture, acres of organic production and one of the nation’s foremost organic research centers at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Yet, just 20 miles south and within the same county, the place where I teach nutriti
Hopeful harvests
Thanksgiving. More than any other, this holiday is about food — how it brings us together, the magic of the harvest and appreciation for the many hands that bring bounty to our table. And this year, I'm feeling especially hopeful about the future of food. Yes, I'm optimistic by nature. But having worked to promote sustainability and food justice for a couple of decades now (gulp!), I can hon
PAYING ATTENTION1 unread article // actions
Managua diary: Bright lights, poor country
If you’re in a window seat, you probably see the giant yellow trees of life before you land in Managua.They’re hard to miss. About 21 metres tall - imagine a five-storey building - and 13 metres across, 17,000 bright yellow lights on each one. Some 134 and counting are scattered across Managua - in the centre of rotondas (roundabouts), in boulevards and in a dense array along Avenida Bolivar, the
OUR MANMADE DISASTERS1 unread article // actions
who buys #ISIS stolen oil?
Who buys #ISIS's stolen oil? #Syria #Turkey— IN THE NOW (@INTHENOWRT) November 24, 2015
NORTHERNTRUTHSEEKER41 unread articles // actions
THIS Is NOT Good: Turkey Has Stupidly Blocked Russian Ships Passage Through The Dardenelles! An Act Of War!
I like everyone else have been watching the slow escalation of events since the Turkish air force stupidly shot down that Russian Su24M aircraft that was most definitely flying over Syrian airspace and absolutely not over Turkey over a week ago.... The Turkish leadership under Prime Minister Erdogan has been poking the Russian bear since with rhetoric that borders on insanity... Turkey wanting war
While The World Is Still Focused On The Phoney Paris Attacks, Russia Again Demonstrates Its Military Power By Launching A Cruise Missile Attack From A Submarine!
Yes, the world wide Jew spew media is still so focused in on the fraud Paris "terrorist" attacks that there has been a lot going on elsewhere around the planet that should make people take notice.... One such incident just occurred in Syria with a brand new Russian cruise missile strike against "ISIS" targets... But this is one that even the American military should stand up an
The Paris False Flag Attacks: Jewish Citizens Living In Paris Were Informed Of The Attacks BEFORE They Took Place!
Again, I have been under increasing attacks by certain "commentators" that are spewing their trash and insults and trying to flood my comment section with their usual antics... It does seem that I and others have definitely struck a nerve and are on the absolute right track in calling the "attacks" in Paris frauds and a false flag event...Well, just to piss off those Hasbara/JI
Northerntruthseeker Rant For Sunday, November 15th, 2015
Yes, it is Sunday again... And even as the world seems to be going to hell in a hand basket, I still find the time to tell it like I see it in my usual weekend rants....OK, What else does it take to convince people that the newest "Paris attacks" is indeed a false flag event? Heck, I was out yesterday, before I posted my own interpretation of that incident in my most recent articles, w