In the USA, the GOP has a history of disenfranchising voters as a means to throw elections. When GW Bush's elction rigging crew started sharing with the Canadian Cons - who otherwise had a history of being religious bigots and Yahoos who would not be corralled ( remember when one week into Joe Clark's government foreign affairs was rambling on about the status of Jerusalem ? ... only a place sacred to 3 major religions ! ) Robocalling started in the USA as well. 'Turd Blossom' ( Rove ) was part of a crew running systematic corporate destruction of 'freedom' using think tanks to generate principles to be legislated into existence to further suppress people...needlessly gilding the lily of our system of government run by financiers using power politics since the year dot ( why else do you think they would be rolling in money ? ) .
Much as I despise the unfounded pseudoscientific AGW warmist alarmism promoted by Bradblog ( and Daily Kos ), they are not afraid to expose computer fraud at the polls, such as through the use of 'voting machines'; that are rigged to undetectably show false results. The Existentialist Cowboy ( Len Hart ) has long decried the insanity of giving corporations immunity to prosecution...and then the self - contradictory status of invulnerable 'persons.'
A campaign by the Council of Canadians caught my eye.
Link to
browser![]() Dear John, On the second and final day of hearings on our injunction to stop the so-called Fair Elections Act, Harper government lawyers presented an unconvincing rebuttal. They had a tough act to follow. On day one, supported by testimony from Elections Canada, elections experts and civil rights groups, our legal team presented powerful evidence that eliminating the voter identification card as valid ID stands to block tens of thousands of eligible voters – mostly students, seniors, aboriginals and the disabled – from casting their ballots in October. The cards were used by 400,000 voters in the 2011 election. Elections Canada was so pleased with the program that they planned to expand it to cover all 25 million voters in the 2015 federal election. The government’s defence relied on unfounded claims that stricter voter ID rules are needed to stop fraud at the polls – a claim that has been soundly debunked by election experts like Harry Neufeld, who served as B.C.'s chief electoral officer and a consultant with Elections Canada. As has been their legal strategy throughout this constitutional challenge, government lawyers once again attempted and failed to undermine the credibility of expert witnesses, rather than counter their testimony. They also used outdated reports and isolated irregularities to try to manufacture widespread problems with the program. At the end of the day, the Harper government’s defence boiled down to this: It’s not the government’s job to make voting easier. And that’s where they’re wrong. Not only does such a callous and disturbing statement reveal their contempt for true democracy, it misses the heart of the matter. This isn’t about making voting easier. It’s about making voting fair – truly fair. We expect the court to return with its ruling on whether an injunction will be granted by July 20. In the meantime, I want to thank you once again for your generous contribution to making this vital legal action possible. Stay tuned... With hope and resolve, ![]() Maude Barlow National Chairperson | ||||
and an aside on 'law enforcement'
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