#EducationReform #EducationForAll
a link.
Lakota People's Law Project has been featured in a national publication
for the second time the past week, demonstrating that our efforts to
direct attention to the plight of Native Americans i...
ColorOfChange.org shared Sandra Bland's video.
"Good afternoon my beautiful kings and queens," are the first words of Sandra Bland's inspiring video blog #SandraSpeaks.
Check out her wisdom on the importance of declaring #BlackLivesMatter and join the campaign calling for an federal investigation into her tragic death: http://act.colorofchange.org/sign/sandra-bland/
"What I need you to understand is that being a Black person is very very hard...For those who say #AllLivesMatter...show me a time in American history when all lives mattered? I can't help but get upset in cases where it's clear Black lives didn't matter."
Check out her wisdom on the importance of declaring #BlackLivesMatter and join the campaign calling for an federal investigation into her tragic death: http://act.colorofchange.org/sign/sandra-bland/
"What I need you to understand is that being a Black person is very very hard...For those who say #AllLivesMatter...show me a time in American history when all lives mattered? I can't help but get upset in cases where it's clear Black lives didn't matter."
Until Amerikkka can show me otherwise #BlackLivesMatter #SandySpeaks
Comment · · 945335767
Robert Greenwald shared Brave New Films's photo.
21 hrs ·
1993, prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu deceived the United States and
Clinton Administration by undercutting peace agreements in an attempt to
destroy the Oslo Accords. 22 years
later, Netanyahu pledged to Congress that he would do "everything he
can" to stop a deal with Iran -- a speech made behind Obama's back.
SHARE this to STOP Netanyahu's lies and SUPPORT the Iran Deal!
LIKE our page: Brave New Films
Sources: http://wapo.st/1J3p3d8
#ThrowbackThursday #TBT
( Or one could check out Transcend Media's outline of how Sanctions are predicated on systematic lying which demonizes anti nuclear arms nations as 'the real danger.' I repeat - those without weapons and delivery systems are dangerous...and those who have them in global overkill are not. That insane 'threat assessment' is promoted conventional wisdom )

Robert Greenwald shared Brave New Films's photo.
21 hrs ·
SHARE this to STOP Netanyahu's lies and SUPPORT the Iran Deal!
LIKE our page: Brave New Films
Sources: http://wapo.st/1J3p3d8
#ThrowbackThursday #TBT
LIKE our page: Brave New Films
Sources: http://wapo.st/1J3p3d8
#ThrowbackThursday #TBT
Goldman and its apologists are angry with me for my FB post about its
role in hiding part of Greece's debt, they'll be livid when they read
this fuller account I just wrote for the Nation magazine -- linking
Goldman's role in Greece to Goldman's role in selling bad loans before
Wall Street's near meltdown, and to Goldman's role in extorting money
from some of the poorest cities in America. Please share.
Greek debt crisis offers another illustration of Wall Street’s powers
of persuasion and predation, although the Street is missing from most
far, Hillary Clinton has raised more than $2 million from 40 bundlers
(people who bundle contributions from their contacts) who are also
registered lobbyists, according to financial forms released Wednesday by
the Federal Election Commission and reported today by Bloomberg News.
Clinton's bundlers include Jerry Crawford, who lobbies for Monsanto;
Fred Humphries, a lobbyist for Microsoft; Theresa Fariello, lobbyist for
Exxon Mobil; and Daphna Pelod, lobbyist for the National
Cable & Telecommunications Nearly all of the 40 lobbyists have also
worked for the fossil fuel industry. Scott Parven and Brian Pomper, for
example, have lobbied for Chevron since 2006.
In defense of Hillary Clinton, let me say I’m sympathetic to the
argument that since Republicans rely on lobbyist bundlers, Democratic
candidates shouldn’t have to campaign with one arm tied behind their
backs. But when Barack Obama ran for the presidency in 2008 and later
for reelection in 2012 he promised not to take money from registered
lobbyists, not even as bundlers. I think it would be a good idea for
Hillary Clinton to make the same commitment. Do you?
tell me this isn't a sustained removal of our human rights? It is time
we connected the dots and call this what it is becoming: Democide of
Disabled People. The most radical removal of disabled people's right in
Europe since the Nazi Aktion T4 programme.
Watchdog backs DWP refusal to release 49 benefit deaths reports
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has issued controversial new guidance on disability hate cri...
See More
Watchdog backs DWP refusal to release 49 benefit deaths reports
The Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) has issued controversial new guidance on disability hate cri...
See More
Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has been told by the information
watchdog that it does not need to release secret reviews it carried out
into the deaths of 49 benefit claimants.Campaigne...
Find out how we’re fighting to protect religious freedom without invoking religion to harm: https://www.aclu.org/…/using-r…/discrimination-against-women
Institute for Responsible Technology shared a link.
Destroys All Monsanto GMO Corn Fields Generalby admin - Jul 4, 2015
Hungary has taken a bold stand against biotech giant Monsanto and
Genetically modified (GMO)
If you agree help us stop the DARK act! http://www.justlabelit.org/action-cen…/take-action-congress/ #stoptheDARKact #justlabelit
a link.
article describes the nutrient and elemental composition, including
residues of herbicides and pesticides, of 31 soybean batches from Iowa,
USA. The soy samples were grouped into three different categories: (i)
genetically modified, glyphosate-tolerant soy (GM-soy); (ii) unmodified
soy cultivat…
Facebook Censors Post Revealing Secret Bill to Ban GMO Labeling
Social media giant suppresses spread of information on damning legislation
Danger Pay
a thorough debunking of the industry’s favorite talking point, US EPA
officially confirmed that hydraulic fracturing activities have directly
and irrefutably led to cases of water contamination...."
to the right: A map of existing fracking wells in Ohio. Source: Frac
Tracker Alliance The US Environmental Protection Agency’s (US EPA)
recently released...
Rainforest Action Network and InsideClimate News shared a link.
You've never seen Earth like this before.
mic.com|By Mic
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